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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1869)
t I "rrrrr i i i ZXttenM'Mvtttlstt. Vj-Fitr copies of the AnvEKTiMca for sale by lodge dhu;cto3.t. ' t b. O.' r.-Brown rule Lodfre No. 5, X. O. O. F. tneu on Ti"-darveninirol ewcii 7 o'clock m., irf t" r,RaU la ibelir-j ioaaejer Brick, to iuue Erothfi's are lnv!?d. - - ? X. F. At A. PL-Nemaba Valley IvTeNo.4, A. v A M... iu-w on u.e Jt and d f. ,;-lay In fT, o'citck p.m., at their lxU la tbe in-vtinerer Brii It. on Main Mrwt, v .i,miu fcroiuer we invi JilM HiririLKWT. i Arrival ad Departure of lite Madia. PoaUiem and Eastern arrive at 12 ia; depart at !orUern and Eastern arrive at 4 p. tai depart ,u,a'wa arrive at 8 a. vut depart at 8 a. m. . ivru arrive at 12 dcpwts at 1 p. m. M&a arrive Monday. Wednetlav ana depart 1 uwxiuy. TUunaiay and KaLunitivK at 1 p. m. jnu)t wU arrive Friday at 4 p. m.; depart rhiirHdHii at 8 a. m. u.-t Alice liMir from 7 a. rru to TV p. m. Pun- ry frnin io to w4 a. m. A. D. KAilsil, P. M. Tint Taale fU Joe. a ad C B. R. K- On and afr Msy 23d, 1S09, Train will leave Iteip Station a follows: OrXONOKTH. OOTICoeOCTH. Pamenper )-eve. a. in. 2-27 p. m. J-reUjut Leave.- 4:p.uv. 11 a. In. Mn train Cii'ly except Sunday. tl Hilly excopt Monday. -. - iDaiiy eswit bauixduy. . -. tt jwob Kneert' Omnlbn leave Brownville for Ci" Ix-iiot at a. m.nd M daily. ; ; s CONPENSED TIME TABLE TU. Ml-soari Valley aa North 31a. II. Ka. ; , eoiwo kabt - WIGHT KXP. PAT IIP. Jirown v i . i c ..Leave. m. Joseph arrive-. 11:23 am 3 p m 6:JM p m p va ain kk) a m 830 a ra tipin inr p m IlfH"1" - - r rl Motierlv Arn Xaoon Arrive liloomfield, IaArrtve LOCAL, "MATTERS. J. L. Collierp, Editor. TntTvSDAY MORNING. JUNE . IBM. Cheap Satpajr tor preserving at Swan A Brothers. '- He Vi has Fplcndld lot cf Straw and I lata. , TBuggj WbJp Bauer bas Just received Cne asaortmenU- Thole Green and Browned at fiyan A Brothers. - - Pottac; Stamps at reduced prices, for sale t City Drug Store. Jtetk-Tle, Notions, and Gent's Furnish ing Good In abundance, at DeUel's. Soda Croaeker, Cracknels, Maccaronl, fin ps Aerated Crackers, tc Ac, at Swan 4 BroUiera. ' s For Soda and lea Cream, the season Is at hand, an4 Rossell, at the Buck Horn Bakery, gets it tip In the best style. , " The River Is'rlstng gradually and consid erably, and ia now in a very good boating fitage. Much drift wood Is floating. Farmer, catch your Gophers. What with ? Dan's Gopher Traps, Double Shovel and Double Diamond Plows, at Den's. Ilctte 1' Self-Regulation Collars are all the go among those who have tried them. They can't be boat. Need no regulation. . . Llcvt. Pollock now has full charge of the , Portofflcfl, and Is giving general satisfaction. ' Cy. Is also a good clerk, and accommodating. Ltanoa A, Hint on are now Ironing off tbe first Coneord Buggy ever Ironed In this !ty. They are doing a neat job, as they al ways do, having the moat Improved machin ery extant. Is th ITaather Warm 1 of course it is, and the only way to counteract its sudorific fleet 1 to go to the A 1 ham bra and get a gin cockta'l, brandy-smash. Ice-cold lemonade. beer or ale. It's sure, and the liquor pure. 4 Wentel Grant Is ever ready to serve the public; 'and to this end bas now on hand a splendid lot of Summer Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, iv, of all styles, which he will aeonnunodate you .with at the lowest rate for cash. BnUdera Attentlosu lam now prepared to do all kind of Plastering In this city or vicinity. Orders left at the American House will be promptly attended to. Prices reason able t Work first clas ! I no34-3m A. E. Bzxx. ( Tfca Tribunal It. 8. Ilanaford Is now ftiakinn ep a club f fifty subscribers for the i New York Ti &hm. persona taking it In the lcb ret It for f 1,10 per paper.' It is a good op portunity to get the best paper ever publish ed at very low rates. If yam are on, or desire to take a piece of Government Land, the first step should be to procure one. of Atkinson's pamphlets con taining all thq laws, ctrcuhirs and forms, showing the manner of acquiring a tltlo. It can be had at A, D. Marsh's News Depot. . We nave Jt reeetvod several hundred 'ioV.Th worth of New Style Type." which rreatTy irmtxiuw car facilities tor turning out arets-daea work. In riain or Fancy Work we defy competition from any source. Make a mote of this friends, and call around when yo want anythiag In our line. ; nrae Shop B. F. Souder has now In cperotloa. his new Ilarnesa shop," one i door east of the Express otnee, where he Is lTep.wd to do all kinds of work In his line In tip-top style, at reasonable rates. JTis ; stock Is No. 1, and we know him to be an cx ! etllent workman. Give him call. B. E. Englehart, Gen. Agent for the New England Mutual Life In. Orx, of Boston, , Mass, is &t present soliciting fot a company wldch has a standing f twenty-five years, i nd tt would be for the advantage of the cltl- m of JlrownvlUe to investigate the stand- Ing of his company, efipcclally the Mass. non- j ; tbrfenexe law passed ty the Leclslatura la ? ISO. I Fran Ilelmer has now his Blacksmith ad Wagon hop la lull operation, and Is turning out, as usuaLJlrst class work. One I rreat advantage In buying a wagon of him Is . j aie tact that he warrant his work, and If ' anything breaks because of bad timber ; which he never nacs If he knows It or cts , . of repair, hemends it free of charge. FTtterln;-The IL S. Turner has given j Cie Metropolis SUver Cornet Band of this . r an Invitation to take . pleasure trip l-om here to Qaaaha, then down to St. Louis &d back again to tUIs place, it would be a j TWT pleasant trip, and Is a flattering tostl- fconui to the Band. The oarers of the Tor : afe gentlemen In e ery sense of the word. Pae iterr, Stable and Stock CaraL ! "Trlmmerhis Jest opened up at the foot I t Main street a FJ Store, Stable and Coral. 1 t's buiines wt!l be to sell Feed of aa kinds, ) I i to Bovd all kinds of Stock by tLe sin Ck me&L day ox week, for which he Is cplcn 1 "Sly fixed op. This will be a gTeat conven J ioe to our citizens lri de matter of food, l and ilIso, to tu-mers or travelers. He is as S a hand with stock as we ever saw, and ;'-l do the f&lr thing ty alTVho patronize , Tht Pt OQei nas been removed to the ) ewaer of Third and MaXatreot. Tills has f,ied eousOderable,'C!-KRt! .faction in tbe j ZT Portion of the city. IU location Is now feet froia the centre of business. Wedo 'r toUdcs more In Us cnttr than to see .PubUe generally i,cconimodatcd, and are sed to note the fact that our buf J ness men t bUKT " not ordinri! to have time to ' thU dlstance-l,030 feet. In tbe winter n y laconvnlit, U the tide walks are U to ; bUt sUU the !o'?rrr-da,a'n tcwa It ,1J( th more Inconvenient It would be we ladles, dear creaitirs, who'l ave no -vhT"tr W oope thaithej MUon e Pot Master General wUl be nunicrous- U' W that tflenltary lo pala I0?' an Prewion of our dir. r ( t'-sS? P?rQlaUon M roaslble. Yet t:.e be i3 U now kcat "d If removal : v -Her,. S doOT for to wecptlon f fcuwn. 11 now stands, every other OS-. ia iae ciij has thisfldrobt of Tippecanoe, Ohio, has been ia our city for the pant two weeks, taking order for nursery etock. They oHcr No. I stock, and ieveral Tarlctlea of trees and ihraL net heretofore offered by dealers la thit sftctloa. We tare abundant erldenco for sojlrg that thla firm wJU do the fxdr thins by oar cltlscns. . . i)r.'tleeliQg,fonaeily ciln of IJciiith City, bat novr a resident of u! r her jrni, lad., called oa us last Thursday. He Is oa a visit to look after hie farm over the Nemaha, which we hope he will Cad prospering. The Doctor looks la a perfect state of preservatioo. W were pleased to hear him talk of coming back to Nebraska for good. Rev. D. llart, of Peru, called on ns last Tuesday morning. Rev. B. F. McNeaL of Beatrice, called last Tuesday mornlag. lie I soliciting subBcrip tion In aid of the erection of a Irotestant Church la that city, and Is meeting with good success. Ilia energy Is commendable. B. E. Englehart, Gen. Ant for the New England Mutual Life In. Co of Boston, KTass called yesterday. From a conversation with him we believe he understands the business thorouglily, and will be pleased at an opportu nlty of explaining Its advantages to our citl sens; which needs but to be understood to be appreciated. Alpaca. Coat, at Hetsel's. IMPROVEIIENTS. ' 1 B. F. tiushbaugh Is digging away for the foundation of a business house forty-five feet front. lie will undoubtedly put up good building. R. J. Whitney Is building an addition to his house on Atlantic street between Fourth and Fifth, making of It quite large building. Jonas ITacker has Just finished hWnew res Idence on Nebraska street, letjrfn First and Second. Several of our citizens on Main Street have treated themselves to bran new picket fences, and An. Gates Is bavins & stone wall built la front of his property. W. D. Blackburn, of the Falls City Journal, Is having the timbers framed for a neat let- tie cottage, to be put up beyond Jacob Ber gcr's, on water street, , ; i Duelc Coats and Vests welTm&do and cool atlletzel's. 1.1 quo rs. Having now thoroughly fitted np my sale Tfnd sample rooms, at No! 41 Main street, I In vtte the public of SOUTHERN NEBRASKA and NORTHERN MISSOURI to give' me' a ttf call, as I shall a! ti ways keep on hand ft I f in Wholesale qu j j antltles, WINES, If ii BRANDIES and 11 LIQUORS, of the! very best and purest quality, and of all brand Foreign and Domestic. I shall also have on hand, during the season. Chicago Ale, Beer, d:o. The public may rely opon my stock being pure, as physicians of this city recommend it for Medical uses. Full stock of Bitters, in cases or single bottle. I am also agent (or the best Billiard Tables mode. : i WL n. VALLEAU. JS'OTIOJS'S! DRY GOODS, QUEENSWARE, FRESH GROCERIES, best of CHEWING TOBACCO and choice CIGARS, at Marion's, foot of Mala street. I 99 "Lives there a man with soul so dead, ' Who never to himself hath said ' . : I love my own, my native land," And will by Marsh's News House stand r Same place where any books in the land can and will be Turchased at publisher's prices, and the very best of stationery at low er prices than ever struck this upper country: Wade Into Zlanh'i, Isn't deep. i i i & 'i i Hank & Armltag are receiving, by every boat, choice Staple and Fancy Groce ries. They keep none but the be, and soli low for cash. . GREAT ZEDUCnOX IS PRICES t ! t W-1-, T!M PRICE XKH L'It TOR, IS CLOSING OUT HIS 8PRING STOCK AT REDUCED PRICES, ID MAKE E002T FOE SUMMER GOODS NOW OJT THE WAY I UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS ARE ROW OFFERED t His shelves must be cleared, for the Snmm er Stock Is such as was never equaled In this county, both for the extent and quality of goods. 1 DELATS ARE DA KG EH f US. Den sells the cheapest and best Stoves and Furniture In the market. Come and see me for bargains. . " W. T. DEN. Slesara. Oravtr dt Baker i GEBTLK3TES I have had the pleasure to use for several months one of your largest sized Family Sewing Machines. It has rendered In every respect the most perfect satisfaction, and consider it one of the moat valuable improve ments of the times. . It combines so many advantages with beauty of execution and economy in price, that It la a necessity In every household. Mrs. J. W. GEARY, j Executive Mansion, narrisburg. Traaki and Vallaea At Hetzel's. Champion No. 9 Improved Reaper and Mower, and Single Mower, with Hand- Raking attachment, Dropping attachment or Self-Raking. This Machine can trull y be said to be a complete combination; the mow lng qualities are not Impaired by any of the reaping attachments, and the reaping quali ties are not Injured In adapting the machine to cutting grass. This Is the only machine ever produced for cutting grain and grass, which Is equal to any single machine for either purpose. The change to Reaping or Mowing Is qnlckiy made, and In either ca paclty the Champion No, 2 is equal In every espect, either as a Reaper or Mower, to any single machine. ; , Peter' Slnslcal Monthly for May Is to hand, and well sustains the proud title It bears "The Prince of the Musical Month lies, for If there Is any one periodical ad apted to suit the wants of all lovers of Music, professional or amateur. It Is certainly this Magazine. Published by J. L. Teters, 133 Broadway, New York, (r. O. Box 5123.) South Brovrnvllle. Since our last visit to South Brownville some three weeks ago, we notice the erection of U.ree jjew recldenoe buildings, and the foundations being excava ted for two more. South Brownvillo has some beantlful locations which will be of considerable value so soon as the Trunk Railroad shall be completed. " Good Building S t on e We arc now pre pared to furnish good building stone, in any quantity. Also, Step Stones, Bases for Mon uments or Tomb Stones,- Water Tables, et, furnished oi short notice and reasonable terms Lobakce A Vakset. The New York Self-Raking Reaper and Mower. The test in ose. For sale ty W.T. Den, Arnt. CS3,C00,CCD Is the capltil of the tin trial Life Lnsuraaca Companyof New YorE.. Jar vis S. Church Is tlKjx agent at Brownrille. It Is the scle&l company la the world to insure In. . U Lannon A Illnton, Blacksmiths, foot of Main street, can set tires, shoe horses, iron wagons, in tha best style, with tixlr im proved machinery. Llnnen Dravrera If you want a good article, can be had of J. S. Hetzel, No. 72, Mc pherson Block. riArness Oil tlon ever mado- Ur.surpaESivl by no prcpara for sale at MUdleton'a. . If ur cne wants grading done on the dou Vie-quick. David Campbell will do it. Heltilngrer's Groceries ar nnsurpasKed, he s " s them very low for cash. i:! yl, at 72, McPherson Block, L. soa han i a tA line cf Gauze Shirts. Tence 'lre ia abundance at Shcllcnbcr Bct Bro's. . , . , ' V. W. Dust, of the firm of Dust A Co, TEMPERAJf CE. . ' . Erowsyille, May 31, ISO, According to notice a very large audience assembled this evening ia the M. E. Church to hear the Ijcture of Rev. T. B. Lemon. After preliminary religion exercises the assembly was organized Into a meeting, by the election of Mr. Isaac Black, Chairman F. 21. Boyd s ud Dr. A. a Eolladay, Vice Pres idents, and J. D. Calhoun, Secretary. The lecturer of the evening was Introduced by the Chairman, and delivered an Interest ing address of about an hour In length, closing with a beautiful and Impressive exhortation to the ladles. The speaker was listened to with marked attention and respect. - On motion, the Chairman directed to ap point a committee of five persons to draft and report a constitution for a Temperance Socie ty to be organized In the city. Dr. Blackburn, Dr. Holladay, Dr. Crane, Mlas Johnson and Miss Shurtz were appointed such committee. On motion. It was determined that the ad Journment of the meeting should be to reas semble la the Presbyterian Church, on the evening of Monday, Junellth, at which time the committee on constitution will report. A vote of thanks to Mr. Lemon was given and after Kinging and prayer the meeting ad Joumed to time and place previously spec! fled, on which occasion it is hoped that, as the movement Is entirely public, all who feel the least interested will be present. ' , ; ISAAC BLACK, Ch'n. J. D. Calhouk, Sec. Fish by the Barrel or Kit at Swan Brothers. Testimonial to Dr. J. Blake Having been, shown the following testimonial to Dr, John Blake, rocently located In this city, we hasten to lay It before our readers, endorsing. from our own knowledge of him, every word of the resolution : Tbot, Miaxi Co., Ohio,") ""'"'. May 20th, 18). Da, Johjt nAKs: Hear Friend: Just re turned from the meet lnsc of the Old Mad Hiv er Society. Had a good time, and the largest meetin? i ever attended, me toiiowine res olutionwith resrtirdto yourself, wasunanl monsiy passed, of which I eucloseyoua copy. it wih appear in me next negvuer. lourstruiy, B. F. ROSSON. T?m ii tio .fa1T?twiTVTitjil Am- Bociation, thrtt Dr. John Blake, an honorable Member oi tne society, wno lawiy movea from among ns, and located in the City of Brownville. Nebraska, has our best wishes for h la future rrosDeritv. and that we do hear tily commend him to the citizens where he is now locatea. as every way wormy oi tneir connaence. Oxiord, Ohio, May IS, ISflO. B. F. ROSSON, Pres. G eoeqb F. Paijt, Sec'y. XTJlbourn, Jenkins db Co. Mannfao- turers and Wholesale and Retail dealers tn all kinds of Pine Lumber, Lath, Shlnglw, Pickets, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Battens, etc, Office and Lumber Yard, corner 4th and Main streets. Branch Yard at Phelps City, Missouri, Wo manufacture our own material In the Pineries of Oshkosh, Wis where we have in operation one of the largest manufactories of everything made in ripe In the world, and obtaining our Lumber direct from the tree. as we do, we can sell at lower rates than any Lumber Yard In the West which pays one wholesale and one or two retail profits. We shall always keep on hand a full supply of everything In our line, so that those in want may always rely ppon getting what they de sire. WealmpIyaskalltoexximlaeourBtock and prices before purthaslcg elsewhere, as we can ensure satisfaction in both. ?2 H a n o- g sr g o rr p 5 8 K ? 2 o a .8 ft S er IF g" ! lo 3 2" ft o MeFaU d& Co. are supplying our citizens with as fine Furniture as can be had any where. We had the pleasure yesterday of seeing a set of chairs ordered of thera by Eli Wilcox, of this city, and for beauty and finish they cannot be excelled. McFall & Co. can furnish our citizens In their line with any thing that may be desired ; and whatever you may purchase of Jack yoa can bet on being a No. 1 article, as he is a tip-top work man, and takes pride In the business. They have,- also. Just received a new lot of bed-' steads, which can be relied upon as being Walnut throughout In fact a sham piece of furniture never went out of that house, and never will while it la run by its present man ager, A. J. McFall. x The Saraaparllla Digger of Vncatan. This singular set of people are descended from the ancient Aztecs of Southern Mexico, and still retain some of the peculiarities which Stephens and Prescott gave of their ancestors. Dr. J. C Ayer &. Co employ a small army of them la digging Sarsaparllla root. Provided, with narrow spades, a coll of rope, and a hag of water, they are ready for the forest where tha wild banana furnishes them food, and thick-leaved trees their only shelter. Few of those who find themselves rejuvenated by this product, know how much they are Indebted to tbe toil of these humble laborers, who dlz health for thousands of Doctor Ayer's patrons, while they sometimes lose their own. Botton Commercial. . LuVJDIESr Wishing to purchase millinery goods, will find It to their lenent to call on Mrs. T. F. Sc&ton, No. 19 Main street, who has Just re celved the best selected stock of Millinery Goods ever bronzht to Brownville, and Is compctant to do anything In that line, as she Is an old and experienced hand In the bus! ness, learned her trade in New York, and Is prepared to sell her goods as cheap as can be bought In any city. She would also Inform them that she is prepared to do dress making in any style they wish. ' 'Also agent for the great 'Empire Sewing Hats at Hetzel's. IXavlng Purchased Mills In the Pineries of Saginaw, Michigan, with one Million Feet Dry Pino Lumber on hand, it has compelled us to procure largr grounds for our Lumber Yard; therefore we have rented the lots on the corner of First and Water streets, where we shall put one of the largest stocks of Lumber, Doors, Blinds, Sa sh, etc., west of the Missis sippi, and every body knows, or shall know, that the Saginaw Lumber is for superior to any other Lumber. Call and Bee us before purchasing else where. One block from River.) 1 - . BELL A SMALL, 13-tf Red Store. Spring Gdod r-t netzel's. "We have this day rolved to quit the credit system. Those Indebted to us will please come forward and settle up. We would be pleased to sell you goods for cash ; by so dolag we can do txlter for you and ourselves. Hoping to see yon, we remain r Yonrs truly, . SMALL & BELL. EsowjrvrLtii, May Cth, 63L 33-21 Tohn P. Manny's Combined Machine Is stronge, durable and reliable ; cuts a wide swath, is light draft for two horses, and never clogs. Adjusts Itself to uneven surfaces, can Instantly be raised over obstructiona, and has no cn equal weight on the horses' necks. SlTElXEyBEKGER BRO'S, ... 71 McPherson j Block The Eaxar has been removed to Jfo. 39 Mala street, (Mrs. Toft's old stand,) where Mrs. Eargia will be pleased to meet her many cus-tomers. She will have her nw establish ment CUod u p far business this week. The attention of our readers is called to tlie advertisement of Cbe's Py?rPfiia Cure In another part of thU raper. This truly valu able medicine Is rseommehdod by all who use it. read the cert ificate. Orysns Eurdett'e, from f HO to ; Ma son & IlaniUn's, $75 to S-500, . . Ja3ies K. Dye, Brownville. COCMCIL PROCEEDINGS. CorxciL Ch axbebs, May 25, 1SC9. Present Miiror Falrbrother; Aldermen Math ews, Grant and Roblson. Absent Sa an and TisdeL The Marshal made report of amount expended ln'flxin? Atlantic street, and the tunnel through the blu3V-fc ,25 which was found correct and filed. On motion the Marshal was instructed to have te; paired the sidewalk on Lot Z la Block 1. at the ex pense of the owner, and also to repair Mala street in front of said premises, ' . The matter of opening Alley In Block 17, ww re ferred to committee on street and alleys, with au thority to order the Marshal to open the same If said 1 Alley ho not been vacated by act of Legislature. The account of David Campbell, for filling dirt on Main street below Fourth, and on Main street above Levee-f4,0O was allowed, and an order ordered to i be drawn on Road fund. . ' . Charles Strong asked permission to take flag stone from Levee. Permission granted, provided he pays to the city the sum of one cent per foot Adjourned. J. CLMcNATJCfUTON, Clerk. : Special Mextixo, May 28, 18631 Present-Mayor Falrbrother; Aldermen TisdeL Mathews, Bobinson and Grant. Absent Swani Mr. Tlsdel offered the following : "Krsolvrd, That the City Engineer is bereby re quired to proceed Immediately to establish the (trade on Water stree, with the view of milking Raid street concave, and not to be less, than fifteen inches lower In the centre of said street than tha ontsidofthe sidewalks snid street, (wblch sidewalks shall be twelve feet ia width on eacti sida;) . froeictoJ, That said pTitfie ana estimate if; only in exiena on saia WatA-r street from the west side Of econd street to the Missouri river. The following proposition was submitted to the Council: -I propone to do whntever work on Water street, between the wet side second Rtreet and the Missouri River, the City Council decide to have done, under their direction, and take Street Improvement Bonds frr the same the work, after It ia done, shall be es timated by them, and the amount made shall be as in their Judgment it is worth. - Which, on motion, was accepted. , . Adjourned. . J. C McNAUG IITON, Clerk. Sore Eyes, almost without an exception can bo cured. Near-sighted persons and all needing glasses, should consult Dr.Klmber- lln.SS Main street. 31900 Dollars and Expense I See ad vertisement of American ShuttleSewlng Ma, chine in our advertising columns, ' - For Sale-A Cottage and two of the most desirable residence Lots In the city. Enquire at this office. i - - - iii i ' Highest market price paid for wheat, oats, corn, Ac., by Bedford & Hahdley. , . - Private medical aid,' read Dr Whittler's advertisement. - SPECIAL NOTICES. HELMBOLD'9 CONCENTBATKD FLUID EXTRCT 8ABSA- PARILIA eradicates Eruptive and Ulcerative Bi- etHS of the TAroo, Xote, Eyf-t, Eyelids, &cap find .-. - ,J . . . L . , , I' T 1 I IS4 theevU effects of mercurv and reniovimr all taints, the remnants of DiaEASR, hereditary or otherwise, and is. taken by ABUXTS tsjti CHIB- uko wun periect saiety. Two table-fipoonfuls of the extract of Saraaparil l. added to a pint of water, is equal to the LLtfroii let Brink, and one bottle In eoual to a gallon oi le Syrup of barsapariila, or the decoction as usual' ly made. An interwtinit letter Is published In tbe Medlco- Chirurtrical Review, on the subject of the Extract of I ursapRri!i in certain ejections, ny uenjamtn l ra vers. F. K. 8.. fe Co. breakine ot these diseases, I and duteasea arLsinsr from We excess of mercury, he states "thivt no remedy is equal to the Kxtract of I tsxirsapsniia ; its power 1 extraordinary, more no I man any oioer urag i ma ocquniniea wun. ii is, in the strictest sense, a tonic with this invaluable attribute, that it is applicable to a state ot the sys tem so sunKen, anu yet so imtaoie ss renaer oiner aubtdanc1 of the tonic cins unsvailnhle or injurious. IIKLM BO LD CO CESTRATED ilXTHACT SAU8AP AKIBBA. EsUibliahed upwards of-is: years. Prepared by XX. I. JLX.JULAjV Ail mayjnd 6M Brradway, Ji. Y. Ward cf Wisdom for ronner men. en Baling Fa-HSiun in Youth and Early Manhood, with HELfc II KLF lor the Krzwz ana uniorcuaate. argAddr Philadelphia, in sealed leLier envelopes, tree or cnai KG W ABB AaSOCIATION, BoxF. Philadelphia, Pa. . Mnnhoodt How Lost, How Restored. jtm r ' -r t f um ifuuiLiitu. m iivw ruuiiu oi ji. . b- v v. tv .. t . n A.iatA 9 TT" l radKAl cur (withont medicine) ' of t..uui .nva.nnta CAmtnal T ACuna Imnotency. jrentaland Physical Incanacity. dm- pediments to Marriage, etc. ; also. Consumption, Kp- 1 tepay, anu r ils, inauceu oy eu uamgence or sexu al extravagance, H " prtce in a sealed envelope, only S cents. clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that the alarming consequences of Belf- abusa may be radically cured without the dancer otsa nse of Internal medicine or the application of the knile: pointing ont a mode of cure at one sim ple, certain andeCectiuU, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be. mar core himself cheaply, privately and radically. i e j. nis lecture snouia De in tne nanus 01 every yonth and every man in the Und. Sent under seal, to any address, in plain envelope rwTfiiwiio, on tne rer?Hri or six cents, or two posag slainim. Alo, Dr. Culverwell's "Marriage Guide," price 25 cents. Address the publishers. UHAS.J.U KUMAU);, 1H0-T 127 Bowery, New York, P: O. "3a. A Clear. Smooth Skin and Beautiful Complexion follows tbe use of Jlelmltold's Concentrated Extract barsaparllla. It removes black spots, pimples, and an eruptions or tne sain. f n the firinr Month, the system naturally undergoes a change, andllelmbold highly concen trated Extract of SarsapariUa is an assistant of the greatest value. Tonne T-riiTIes. Bevmre ! Of the tnlnrlons ef fects of i"ace Powders and Washes. All such rem- dies close upttiiores of the skin, and In a short timeaeitroy tne complexion, ir yo wonia nave a rresh, healthy and youthrul appearance, use lleim- doiu s J.x tract ctarsaparuia. Not a few' of the worst diserders thatafflict man kind arise from corruption of theblood. Heimbold's mx tract Barsaparuia is a remedy or tne utmost value. Heimbold's Extract Snrnnanrilla cleanse ana renovates me oina, instills the vigor or ratlin lno the system, and purges out the humors that mite disease. Onnmltr r. Quality. Heimbold's Ex tract Sar saparllla. The dose is small. Those who desire a large quantity ana large oose or medicine err. Those who desire brilliancy of Complexion mast purny nn enricn tne niooa, wnicn JLielmboia Con centrated Extract of Karsaparilla Invariably doe. amiuiiunwuiui. iue no no oiner. Heimbold's Concentrated Extract Sarsaparllla, r f irr 1 't ris, n('il rrT7 UrT. HAUK d ARLilTAGE, Wholesale & Retail GROCER 24 Main street, J. Berry's old stand. Keep constantly on hand, in large quanti ties, the choicest staple and fancy Groceries and Provisions and are determined to THIS COIirJTJNITY - by sellins: lower than has been known since the Balmy Days of 1856 GIVE THEM A CALL. COUNTRY PRODUCE ALWAYS WANTED. CHOICE N. O. SUGAR. 0 21 iy Having just opened, at No, 54 Main street, Brown- . viae, .neurasaa, Stock of Millinery Goods, we wonld call public at- tuuon to uie tuct uuu every goou HTJSBAHX) mny, at reasonable prices, procure for his "better half, all she may wish in our line, of which every GffARRAIITJlCD TO be No. 1, and made up In the best cf style, and that ITwTSILiri YOTJIIG XAD1T y hre find Jnst what she wishes in the way Vf I W, Trimming, Pattcrne, etc Everyone - . mav Hats, T7HO THADH3 TUTU ns may rest apmred that we wl'l spare no naln in ptve entire satisr:ctkn, as we are In dally receipt of I MRS. J. I BE AIL. rr-tf Agents Wanted $10 a Day, TWO $10 MPS FOR. $4. . LLOYD'S PATEET REYOLYiriG DOUBLE HAPS Two Continent, A merirnnnd Evrope, and ABicnrasiig tnr i mica Mnif per . lion on en immense scale, Coloredin 40C0 Cc-nnties. ) TTHESE rnrat Maps, now just'eom- A pletel, At x 62 inches lnrtre, show every place of irr-TvortRK-e, all RiiroAtU to date, and the latent alter-tiors in tbd varumn i;nropean tat. These Jtaps nre neeled in every School and familr In the land thev oocnrr the snaceof one Man nH by means of the Keverser. either side can be thrown front, and any pnrt bronsbt level to the eye. Coun ty Kihta and Iarffl disCHint plven to so.i Aeents. Apply tor Circulars. Terms, and send nronv tr and see bample 2Ips first, if rot sold taken 'back on demand. J. T. LLOYD. - 13 Cortlandt fctrtet. N. Y. 18G9. SPRING. 18 G9. ' .THE0. HILLC; CO. I' Invite the attention of thecltlzonsof Brown ville and aurrouiK'ir'? pnmriniii'r tr thnir splendid stock of STAi'LE Al I FAN C Y - i ; ' . ' : LADIES' SEHQE, LACE, Congress Buitcn She rs? w3 j Sprino and Summer Hats, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, AND GROCERIES, ML FRESI GOODS I I fLiil01f!n i tTlVlT? F-r t ! f 1 I "M". Ten Thousand Yards. BroTTii tz. BrclidlluslirLs, Twelve Thousand Yards. "ft.. i Lancaster, uiascow, CjrinSliaZnS.t ScotchsandSeaslde, Three Thousand Yards. I I 3,500 Yards I ' Xatt7M, Jaconets, Fcrcals, Organ- aies ana urcncaincs. I i ttii.--v I X AXTaUa U2aU X.UX .ULL w J One Thousand Yards. Dross Goods, SC? Ttpo Thousand Yards. I 4,ooo "Sards Swiss Muslins, Plaid, Striped ana vneccca Jaconets, ian ooife, Victoria Lawns, Book Mulls, Birds Eye Linen, Cor- . ded Dimity, Irish Linens, 3,ooo Yards, Slriped Shirting, Check SJdrt- ing, Ticking, all graaes. 3,5ooo VcrdSa , Cottonades Denims, Tweeds, j Kentucky, Maryland and Mis souri Jeans, and Fine Cassi- tncres. . - ' Tablo Linens, Bleached, Unbleached and CoU . . : ored, ; Crtisli, ; -' White and Brown, lb pieces. Towels, Linen and Turkish, 20 D;. Hoop Sliirta, Drop, Open Front and Bustle, . au sizes. 40 Dozen, v I Parasols and Pans, All Styles. Twenty-Jive Doz. Cloth and Silli CloaLs, . Latest Spring Styles. 10 Doz. Bed Spreads White and Colored, Linen and vouont 12 Dozen. - s C? "Tf ' OUtidlUJ jSo. 1 article'. 3 Dozen. Pus and CtraT? Hfdts, Kciff Styles. Ibriy Dczcn. - Chdi6o Crroccficlj ' ; FULL&T0CIT. CclcbratcdCIcHna PIoitj. t - . 1 f : FUZL STOCK A !7ew and Fasicnstle ctocU ci CLOTHING, (NO SHODDYX Is now offered to the Public at J. S. HETZEL'S CI-OXIIirGr STORE, ITo. 10 Il&ia Street, who Is a -LIVE ; to the Interest of the public; and having pur chased my CLOTHING, (made under my own supervision) exclusively for cash, I can sell as low, If not lower, th&a any .! MAI In tha Town or County. I beg to call yonr LARGE & WELL selected stock of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Gent's Furnishing Goods, asooaba FOUND IJT THE WEST. Here is a chance for the best bargains, as I have no dead stock on hand, all being entirely new. The publla are invited to call and ex amine for themselves, IN arher everythihs In the rTotriirnr line rah he found. . OROVER & . BAKER'S FH13T ntEMITM :Lustic gtitcii 493 Ermdic myy .Vrw I"erfc, Points of Xtxc6llenc. Beauty end Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Ma chinery. 1 Using both the spools. threads directly from No fastening of seama by hand and no waste of thread. Wide ranse of application without change of adjustment. The seam retains its beauty and firm ness after washing and Ironing. Besides doing all kim'3 of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Ma chines execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamen tal work. The nishest Premiums at all the fairs and exhibitions of tho United States and Europe, have been awarded tho G rover A Ba ker Sewing Machines, and the work dono by thera, wherever exhibited. In competition, y The very highest prize, Ths Crf ths Iteglon mf ITvuort was conferred on the representative of the Grovor & Bilker Sewing Machines, at tho Exposition . Untvcrselle, Paris, 13C7, thus attesting their great Huperi- orlty over all other Sewing Machines T7, A. FOLOCH, Ascnt, "31-y . .- . BROWNVILLE, NEB. Peru Xivcry Stable. . CHARLES GEADE, Pealer in AM IXlnas or Stoclc. Ilsrses' Coani, Soil, or Exchanged. Stock Boarded hy the Day or n'ecc. MY 8TABLE3 are stocked with stood Horse and busies. Perxons wistiincf conveyance to any por tion ot the Nemaha Land District can be accommo dated. The Peril z BroTnvillo Coach Ix?aves my Stables every morning at 10 o'clock A. it. pBssensrefs or nac-kaeea awfei v oonveved. Or der lett with the Postmasters will be promptlr at- NEW STEAM FEKRY 1 v. Tie DroTvnviHe rerrj Company have now running between AND North Star and Phelps City, Ho., tne new una vuuiuiuuioua oieum x vnj lilAUlT J. AIUJOLDt THIS BOAT is entirely new, with power and capacity to cross everything that may come, in any weather. For crossing Curtle into or out of this Land Dis trict, this Is the oest point. This boat is especially titted up to ensure surety in erosninstock, and lart-e rattle pens are already erected at the 8U Joe. AC. IS lM'P)t at Phelps Cltv. We can insure the traveliim public that all in our power shall be done to make this the most reliable crossing on the Missouri river. BROWNYILLE FERRY CO. 13-25-tf Clocks, Watches, Jewelry lio. 53 1-IaJn Street, ErowTiville. JOSEril SHUTZ, nas Just opened and will constantly lT , 1 irwnnn rami A Krffo nnrl wn ouuArfnl t . istock of genuine articles In his line. rXepairlns; of Clocks, Watchea, and Jew elry done on short notice. ALL WORK WARRANTED FLORENCE LOCK STITCH REVERSIBLE FEED I AWARDED THE HIGHEST PHEXIIUII ' WHEREVER EXHIBITED. THE OrLY OPfE Capable of Sewinar In More than One direction, A?rr Fastcsiu? all Its oivn Scams, wrrnox7T wrovrrxG tttv. tta ctleya XjR TVIiriiyO THE CLVTH. It USF and WATRs t"P9 TTTRE.t) than any esacr, ano win rommerH-! m wunout boliicg the ends of the thread. Warranted to Sew Heayy cr Fho GOODS EQUALLY AS WELL; OVER CO;Ob5 MACIIINEli SdLD SINCE 138L arySend for Reports an t Circulars. W3I.E.P)LAOT, General Aetif, di3 frdRTII FOCRTIl stm ST. Louis, 2iO. J. TV; nESDEESON, Brownville, Neb L0UI3 WALDTEER, THE PIOSBESj Is fully prepared to dd all kinds of :iOUSfi,SIGN,CARRIAGE, Ornanacntal PaintiiiT. Gnlldlnsr, Glazing-, Pi.yrhnSlng, &. llici, Feet! and Sale Stable'! Nos. 83 and 8i Mala Strtet BROWNNILLE, NEBRASKA." Dealer In ?11 kirn's of stock. Iloes !-,nh scldan.1exch;tnSi;i. .Stxick boarded by "the d;iy or wecfe. J Iherropritor h.xj recently erectct dii entire new, lnrjo and roinmo-1-us HU) le i,rth, old Krownvf lie Hon. His sr.vk All fresh rviTf 'MT' T,,e r,',-hli run bo accom mothiUxf at all hours. DAY on A stock' corral, wirh TVJ V TTm of pure waitr, attaviu1 u the i-rahic, "-i-ly ?H AtthcSIa ol the 4 i 1 ad r 1 TAt U tl.ep'acs to tar TIcJTAJIL, f Co., Ket-peoristAntly on Iind com fids a rrn cf ort- Sof.ts, Bttii'JetlJl, War lroh', 2Jtfrttt. Sprivq Betlt, TTA4 Xati, i, ash S: n . i:t hjrkt. Kitchen .--- A and 'en I Pertor A P ttlot t Chuin, f" . Til' Marbls rJ I-' Cfiler Torptdy- ,-'";- TibUti Standi, i . i Lewtgt LoHn.jet, t 1 Sprin t, Settees, Sj?inj Kitchen , m , Cr'.J.', Sajes, cflc ri-iin , t t-" CAl:t, Slimdt, " Cam; jrt$t Mnttret, Ttf-tetti, Red Spring. ChilJm's Call siJ i, CUt n4 Rosewood ?.ju'J Sheeti, i'i.'.'jr, PiUaio ' Slyt, te., etc SH0T7 CASES 6 OFFICE TT02H iiadi: to onDzm And anything and rverylhin'jr njr-lrdt? w up pluiu er faucy -1-4 All of their wnro is elUier mannfictnrl or put np under tlsclr sie-l;il sn3crlntoti,l..nct. wlirclt enables theia to sell Rotund arM-' ni smnller prices tlian Eastern iaftuu.-.c;are4 goods. Our Hear: :0: L at the service of the pv.Uic at any time It may be nettled, nnd Isgfjttcurp lana fitvstyie as any farther east Hetalic Bnrial Cases ( of all sizes constantly on h.tnd, A.t Eastern Price.ii We arc dolni? bnsinosi on smicTLY cash pni::ciPLir . AT A . .". Small Profit and by attention to business and the wntso! the community, expect in U.e future a in tha last to receive tho patronao of the publla generally. UcXALT. & CO. CHAXLsa o. noasxY. siuMKW.noaiT Att'yatLaw, . C, G. & O. V. DOFJSLY, REAL ESTATE AGEIiTS AD Dealcr3 in Land TTarrants. Buy and Sell Heal Estate and Land TTarrants. Select 6 Lccata GoYemnent Lanii. ATTEND TO CONTESTED C.VSE3 IN THE U. a L.VND OFFICE. AND A large quantity of First Class Land tr sale In Nemaha, Richardson, Paw hoc, John son and Gago Counties, Nebraska, to which the attentlon'of purchnsers ki specially Invi ted. . osco-BEOYnrraiLE, Eranei Oace-I3ILa.THICI IIEU. lt--tf Th3 Bromvillo Transfer Line, Coder the management ot .TAccra hogziis, it now Aanning Itcgular O.-nnibMie from Brownville to the Railroad Terminus of the Council Bin ft and StJose;ii Ksilrosd, At irorth Star, HoM Two liile ftoni Brownville nd Kortb 6tr Ferry Landing. Good Omniiuses. Close) Connection Caorses Uoderate 3S-tf . J. II. SHOOK & BEOS., Manufacturers and Dealers in Native Jnmlr of nil kind, lengths, breadths arid tUlcine, . AT . tilLLSD ALE rmiAiiA courmr, wxsnASirjL, They own and run rVfteof the Cost Saw Mills In the State, and will f urnish. with n bill of Lumber CT U,t ni t'lir. oa short notice, at tho Lowest Mirket I'rlce. Latli rind Pie!ict3 Always on hand for sale. They also roll chepp at their -re in Hills dale all staple pry (f-vuls anil irocerlc, and such articles ivs fire In q-nenil nje. Remember tfio business, tho men. and tho place. 1-ly Ayers Sarsaparilla, roil PtT.LTlLTO Till: 232.00E. ; Tha rerr:t.i.l9-a tx ecllcnt Die;s:jn9 cr-joys, lm derived Iro-n Ua cures, many of which, arc trnly marvcliors. Inrf.ert rases cf f-T-'Jons di-.e.-we, where Ue jysUt SCCHied saturated w;u corription, hare ben pur. d aid eure i by it. t-Tofr.lom aTct;) n. tliooricrs, wi.;i !i were j- pavaie.i cy ti o crorii- they were pa'njl!y aSietinr, f3ve bett n':-;'y en red m ruth preat numbers ii a.':no.t every s tion ef tlie rwntry.tnat t2ic r-uLJe scar-ir r,t t.-. be infonacri of H.t rtnecs or a c - cir-f'4n3 poison ia oc of t-'t rr-e-t r-"'' enemies or our race. Oilea, Ecnand n'4 tenant el theT?nnj.raundenr.i''C9 1: - oo 7n Irnvites the attackef cnfceli-aror f. ,enI WithcrutractUna; a tispkicm f it3 rrif. a nh.! itseems to breed inf.'cv.on throront tb.. ? o.T.nd then, on some favonblo crcap;oa,rari'i HVej-, bto one Or other of ila hi-leoua form s, e; r on V urace er &mor the vitals, la V e l-it;er, tabcr eies. may be fadleniy ricpou;.i La ta birr or heart, or turners fcrnied ia the Lver, or it s.rwa us presence tyeropt;oni cn 3 tat , cr fo-d vie? ations oa sope rart of the body. Hence the sioral nse of a T-otUc cf thfs Sunniri::t U a j. visaolo, even when r- active rvrr-t, rr, 0f cUsa. ar-Par. Terse- afliictc 1 wii.i t e fc :-riE4 ccm rj.unu penerajir ad ixrrr' r -;.f 8n t. I nr.h, cure, ty tha uJ cf L' i SAT. trj::iL ItAf be. Anthfmv'm '. Tetter, Bait Hheun,. i areeurei by it tho;-t ior? time la ft Bat Un conunncd Use cf v.: r- :. w-:i enra Llcrralions, and lemni 2iiei. are eotn mor.lj eoon relieved nMu'--:ar n r'rh ?7i?t,Si 2!?"ti3'n and Unst.vbK lrL-l'i,)0j Vcld''7 ftio Xire tpattonnf the Hirer, (in iJauffirr, when ariir-T. f? weyonndov front tho rrtr.'i.P ooiaens ia ta I'.ood. lliis SAllSAVAJlIILA is a great re lorer op t3 ftrtn;Ui and Vii.'..r of ihe system. 1 nose who arc Lnmiuvt nnl x'. Drpnt . e-nf , birrpt?, and tmuLiL-d w.ii Vrr t j 'preftrttsiftna Or J-'i-ars. or an? of t.'- affection fyniptOnntio of WeaJcns. will Ti4 iaim-iiMH relief and convincing evidence cf lis rcat'jraUT power .Uioa trial. PEEP ABED ST Or. 7. C. Al'Cl & COIaweil, T1is Practical and Analytical CIwihIsIs. sold by all DsuccisTi evl:;ywrxte. Sold by tdTY nuro sror. S S-ll JLJJ -.'"r err' .r rr rrore concealed fcr-S, 11 '"r disease, 2 its, Zxir-S - lar and nervous systirn.. fc-uav-a-