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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1869)
R. V.r. FURNAS, EDITOR, To whom all Communications on Agriculture should be addressed. ' friendly Legislation. At the session of the 2sebr.-i.ska Leg islature just closed, f-everal acts were paed encouraging Agricultural de velopments of the fctate. "An Act to encourage the growth of Timber, Fruit Trees and Hedges, provides to exempt from taxation of the real or personal property of each taxpayer who shall plant, andsuitably cultivate, one or more acres of foreet trees for timber, the sum of one hundred dol lars annually for five years for eacn acre planted and cultivated ; the trees not to exceed twelve feet apart, ror each acre of fruit trees planted and cultivated, fifty dollars valuation is exem pt. The trees not to excec d thir- ty-three feet apart For each mile of hedge, fifty dollars valuation isexemp ThU will do, when no better can be had. Tour acres of timber planted on - i r .-r.ln,1 ot fnnr hurt- a dred dollars, will exempt it from tax- ation for five years. e are notmucn the mssaire of laws to induce men to do what their interest of itself requires them to do. A man who would not plant four acres of timber for the benefit he would derive from it, would not be likely to devote the expense and labor merely for the paltry.bonasthe law provides. The act in question was introduced and passed, prompted by the best of mo tives, and we wish may result in good. Quite an effort was made to pass a Herd Law. In fact a "Herd Law" was passed ; but nearly every county in'the Slate or at least one or more precincts in nearly every county were exempted from the operations of the act. It is, therefore, in our opinion, worse than none at all. We favor a genuine herd law ; and fully believe that the true interests of the .entire State demands the enactment of such a law." At our leisnre. and before an other session of the Xegislature, we intend to fully discuss this important question. In the meantime, we invite correspondents, and friends of agri cultural developement to do the same. Where fences are made, they should be made to fence in, not out. There is no justice is requiring one farmer to fence iniis species of product, while his neighbor's is allowed to roam over the broad acres without check or re straint. But enough for the present. Section one of chaptcrpne of an act now in existence,. entitled "Agricul ture," and which now provides that County Agricultural Societies shall have from the County Treasury, two cents on each inhabitant, but not to exceed the'sura of two hundred dol lars, was amended by increasing the gum to three cents on each inhabitant, and abolishing the restriction to two hundred dollars. The law in existence heretofore al lowed the State Board of Agriculture the sum of three hundred dollars au nuelly, out of the State Treasury, to be used in the payment of premiums nwftrded at the State Fair. This was amended by increasing the sum from three hundred dollars toone thousand in-eunerine winnowsor the bulk , Tr t,u M inhi on,i hd-bc so aranged that they can be uouara. utn . i i x . n(mnt. mm u 1 1 1 ra.u impofuiut auicuumtuw. - unit in r-ood. An pffiirt made to rmss an act Tirohibitintr. or rather reerulatin?: the X oi - w introduction of Texas aud Cherokee cattle into, or driving them through thia State. If we are correctly in formed, the Eill did not pass. An act was passed "to prevent the trespass of animals upon cultivated lands," in certain parts of the State only. If if had been general in its application, it would have been a very 4 7 . good Herd Law. The principal fea ture of thi3 act is, that animals are trespassers on unimproved lands hav ing trees of any kind planted thereon, or young hedge planted out. Good as far as it goes. February 1G, 18G3. ColR. W, Fcknas: 1 Dear Sir I still have a quantity of seed of the Indigo Shrvb and Striped Japance Corn, to efid gratuitously to any one sending a two cent stamp for return postage. Address J. Cochrane, Havana, Mason Co., IUinoU. The Central Union Agricul turist, for February, is on our table. This monthly, as we have before in formed our readers, is published at Omaha in our State, and edited by Jeremiah Behm, Esq. The present number is equal in all respects, to Its predecessor. . This being the only paper in the State devoted exclu sively to agriculture, we arc anxious to see it fostered and sustained. The Agriculturist is a large thirty-two paged paper, well filled with excellent matter, and i3 furnished at $2 per an nnm. Our post master, Mr. Marsh, is agent, and will fchow specimens of the paper. We call eppecial attention to the advertisement of Ordway & Tarker, cf Freport, 111., to be found in to-day's paper. They have an extensive stock of evergreens, and cfler them at prices within the reach of all. The ever green trade with them is specialty, and they are anxious to get up a trade with our western prairie farmers. They give some home references, it will be seen. T. T. South wick & Co., Commer cial Nurseries, Nanville, New York, it will bo seen advertises with us in this issue. This is, a reliable firm, which furnish the best of references; a long list of which can be seen at our office residents of Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and other States. See the advertisement. IIarkness & Andrews, Faribault, Minn., are believers in the "power of printer's ink," and accordingly come before our people with their advertise ment. They are anxious to cultivate the acquaintance of prairie farmers, and tie prepared to hold out induce ments. Road what they have to say. Head the advertisement of A. S. Hall, Vineland, N. J. He has a fine ttock. Send fur price list lVater and Wind Povrer at llie West. The Commissioners of Maine exhib it an immense grand total of water power, which the young frtate of e braska can leave far in the shade with a fiiwics of nower she possesses, ana which is succeptable of development to an almost unlimited extern. Unfortunately this ISL'ite. ."so far CS heard from," is not abundantly sup t.iii n-irh fnpl for steam, ana our streams are not well located for manu Turf urine numoses Fuel here will necessarily be dear until our planted forests have time for irrowth. or cheap transportation can bring us coals from the rich mines of our mountains wet. We have no lack which can be put wheels as it passes nlains. of wind force, to turning our over our broad "Wind mills are now constructed so as to govern themselves to a regulari- tv of speed, between a good running wind and a gale, not surpassed by the operations of the steam governor. With such mills pumping can be done at no expense of power, and no cost except oil and a lew minutes attention A. I UULM Ull lV ALW'I T iV AK. t lilt' uuiun i auuu liainua'j i nv are now better served wi in water at their lanre Ehons in this city, by a 5 - r- 111 a riAmi ttolltr tin iiv f ncn iiiu.ii.-iui f at a,jAui in j w L.auovt than they were oneyear ago by steam afc ft runrfin- expense of about fifteen dollars per day. This mill is but par- tially f elf-regulating, and cost about and one-half as much as diu the engine. For irrindinr irrain. and in fact for all machine work which can be done without much attention and hard la bor, wind power is both practicable and profitable ; but where artisans are employed it is important that the time of running should be controlled, and my object in writing is to call in ventors to this point, uive us a plan that will "bottle up" power to be used as we see proper, In good situations here a wind-mill will run upon an average of fifteen hours per daj' of twenty-four hours during the year, drive machinery is objectional from its scarcity, ereat evaporation, and ex- penseof reservoirs. Concentration o air is only limited in capacity by the strength of machinery and power used, and in it we may possibly hnd the proper -clement. Ot cour 11 V. 11 1 4 J V A JO ill CtrtlVSal machinery t-hould be driven by it di rect, thus avoiding the loss by fric uon, leakage, etc. lour correspon dent who discussed utilizing the sun's power, would find himself far in the 1 rear if he should attempt a race with some of our "gentle zephyrs." hile Holland is kept above water by very rude wind mills, why not u.e our ingenious Yankee devices to float us upon the tide of commercial pros perity? Omaha, Act'. Cor, Scientific American. . Tcntllatc the Cellar It is quite common in the fall to close all outside avenues to the cellar and not allow them to be open till the cold weather, is past. This is a bad practice bad for the vegetables stored within, and for the health of the fam ily above. - During moderate weather in winter when for a week or more the mercury scarcely falls below the freezing point, a cellar tnus eiosea will he very warm so warm as to hasten the decay of all kinds of vegetables, and especialy of iruus scoreu wuuin ; ana tuougii this decay may not be apparent at first, yet all that erispness, which characterizes tresa vegetables and fruits, are lost; in some cases the article hriveles and dries up, and in others it begins to de cay in Hpots. It often happens that this state of things exist as early as January, and in almost all such cases the closeness and heated condition of the cellar is a prominent cause of the evil. To avoid this, let some of the outside open- turown open at any time, and they iamI, l . i ..i ...i. i ruuuiu uit iiiu-u oniy w licit mere is dangerof freezing. This rule will hold in reference to vegetables, but is speci- ally important in keeping apples. They should be kept as cool as Dossi- ble and, not freeze, mid for this remon they should be kept m a seperate eel- Jar, as they will resist a much lower degree of cold than vegetables. ifthe cellar is not ventilated the ef fluvia of this decaying matter rises iiirough crevices in the lloor or trroujrh mu ujffu ceiiar uoor anu oecomes a iruitful scource of disease. There is no doubt that much of the sickness that prevail a in early sprint : : i i. . . y .. " I is owing to tins cause. Vontil.affl tho cellar, then, and remove all decaying uiauii .h i.n M 11 aijears. or. JjOuis Journal of Agriculture. Read the advertisement of F. K. Phoenix, that old, extensive and relia ble dealer of Bloomington, HI. Every boby in this county knows Mr. Thoe nix, and all that we may say of him will not increase his reputation as a iso. I nurseryman. J. F. Martin, of Mt. Sterling, Uino, is making a specialty of the Ice s Seedling Grape, and offers with the vines and cutting, at rates within the reach of all who desire to cultivate, all other varieties can be had of him. That noted Seedsman, J. J. II Gregory, of Marblehead, Mass., is be- e i a . . I , V y' "e..uave AFiantvv4 jl lata bvcu iur years past, alia . always with most gratifying success Blackwell IiitoTHERS, Titusville, New Jersey, offer a choice lot of Teach Trees at reduced prices. Their adver tisement wm be found in our present issue. -NO FREIGHT TO PAY.-No charge for boxing, and the labor free, to those who buy our BmaU Fruits, Plants and Trees. Missouri Plants, grown on Missouri clay soils strong, thrifty and hardy. We iiKirront your stock to reach you at post office, express or freight office. When a number of you send your orders In one, will put up each separate mark the owners name plainly on each package, and pack lit one box. If you ever want fruits, now Is the time to get them, on the finest terms. Thompson, Mtkis fc Co., Brockfield, Mo. WD EVEnGREEUS ! LX)R ORNAMENT, Protection and JL Wind I'.reaks, for Honied on the Prairie, aud Stock in inclement season. Balaam, riiruce and Jorway Pine, to 10 Inches lu-ii f 10 per lixjo Arbor Vitae, Hemlock fc "hite Fine, t to 10 inohes hi'h 8 per 10TO American Um U, to 10 inches hih.. S per low) Auiericnti I.urcii. 2 to 3 feet . 30 per 1(100 Assorted, 'arioiw kinds 8 per l(w Kuropean Lairch, 6 to hi inches 8 to Li per lOW WC ARC mPORTIXG OUR SUIIOPEAIT LARCH DIRECT PR03I EUROPE. Our Small Fruits are from tfry, rlein, tiay land, in the(reen B:iy country. We liud trees from that section do much the lest with us. We miike ninetv rxr cent, prtiw. anuaremxid nhite. Will be secured ly one rf t tie p rm. pernonully. when taken up. niake EVER L, li LESS ft specialty. We NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR BOXING. tH One-foii rth cash to accompany the order; the balance CUD. Tiffffbf.xcfs. President or Caxhler of either of rLe bankn in t! i city: or, F. A. Tisdel or Charles bmiih. Sjilem, Nebriu-ka. Afidress OIU'WAY ft; PATtKFR. ft:jw-tiu Freepurt, IliiaoU. OF THE IMPORTANCE OP Evergreen Wind Brakes On our Western Prairies, every enterprising far mer is fully aware. The lullowing from uie uuraen- "We are orteri astonished at the great difference between shelter and exposure. In our own neigh borhood, us we write, balvia, Splewles, He.iotrope .......,,.,.., l.r. ar In full hl.tOT! i tl I'H T ( 1 (' 11 S K I ! (' 1 , l r- I I l U 1 !..-, 11V 111 ............ terei by trees on the northwest, while not a hundred yard from the one in our mind s eye, t lie same now r fin. hi.n-t mill hiive een lor nome weeks back : anrl in the iniddi of winter a il(ce surrounded with evergreen belts will be more like a spring scene than one of winter. All who have had experience also know how much ptiuNt the dilutee" of sucees are with TRAS- J'LASTEI XCRSERY GROWX EVERGREESS titan with Forest KverTeens, commonly desnated 'Native." The latter usually lail : and must, in or W to trow at all. have the closewt attention and all rirfiinistAiiceM favorable: while those crown In ,1 Ik1. and OSCEor TWICE TRASS LASTED need no more fare than any otiier tree. The old adduce Errrv Man to hit Trule" in no case was ever 'more applicable than in GROWISG EVER HUE ESS until they are established. Our prices are so low that no 1'rairie Farmer can afford to Ret alonir with less than one hundred or more. Thev wilL in.Uns vcara. make as e!li"lual a wind brake an a stone wk.11, and add hundreds of dollars to the selling value ot any form. PRICE LIST. - FEB 100 FEB 1000 JCorway Spruce, 8 to 12 Inches $ f jo an cio iz to !) ao iu do do 15 to 18 do 15 CO Austrian Pine. 6 to 12 do 8 Scotch do 6 to 12 do 8 White do 10 to 15 do 7 Am. Arborvitae 8 to fc! do 5 30 DECIDUOUS TREES. Kuropean Ash, 2 to 4 it . f !2 per ino dj Aloiinuja ash, e to 10 in .i jt iuj do do do lto3ft$iuperltJ 40 per.r do Linden, 1 to 2 ft 10 per liw do i-lnitood timber tree. 2 years strontr 10 per 100 EUJIOPEAS, OK Tl KO LaST LA H('Ji, the brut tivilfr trrr in thr iforW, t betntf imicrixlinhlr, and ne:rly as rapid a prower as the boft iluple, eight to 12 inches fl per 1(10 f-S per 1000 Same, 12 to IS Inches.. per 100 5 per 1000 TERMS PTRICTLY CASH. Am our low prices will not enable us to realize upon TIME SALES. On order of over 110 and under 5,ha1 ft he express charges will be prepayed. On order of $15 and over all express charges prepaid. Htock warranted in good condition. Our stock Is verv tine, and we think we cannot be undersold. Kemittanees.mav ne maae Dy postal oroer, nraii on New York or Chicago, by mail,- or U. H. and Ntv tional currency by express, prepaid. Currency if by mail at sender 8 risk though generally safe. HOOT ORAFTX. TRAXSCEXDF.XT AND Hl'SLOF CEAB, put tip to ftrder. . Circular containing many useful hints and a gen eral assortment ltrice List sent on receipt of stamp for postage. 1'ropoKitions lor anveniBing rrom esiern Agri cultural papers solicited. ; Address llAitt.i i-svs k Ai uur-ns. 20-6w Faribault, Minnesota. . : TITUSYILLE HUESEEY. MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. 20,000 IECII TREES 5 to 6 feet high. ..s....$loo per loon J.ft'fc SKmIIS " All the leading -varieties In good assortment, ed and delivered at ltailroad station without Tack- EXTRA CHARGE. U,VUU Peach Trees In dormant bud. $30per 1000 Packed. i,UUU Dahiuus. A fine collection, embracing Show, Fancy and Pompone varieties ; 30 cents each ; fx per dozen, sent by mail, postage paid ; f 3 per hundred by express or freight. Small Norway Spruce, and Other EVERGREENS, LOW. ALSO GENERAL SUItSERY STOCK. EARLY ROSE POTATOES, 1 per lb; per3Bs. HARRISON POTATOES, f 1 per 4 lbs by Mail. Landrelh's Garden Seeds. B LA CK WELL BROTHERS, TiturriUr., STrrcer Cb., y. J. fobiv: west avj: ;n xjiz HUES ERIES. GRAPES TESTES. I invite the attention IWlw. ar,A GRAP2 VINES, two years old, having been root pmned and Planted out last Snriiirr. ......i ESS,1" SprUlg- y have made a very I offer great Inducements to those wanting vines. iiKewise 1 nave on hand nrA t,.i, ..i.-n nrwl k"itt..f :., oi,. ui n Il&OU BLACKBERRY, DAVIDSON'S THORN LESS. AND DOO- LITTLE BLACK CAP RASPBERRY. SESD EOS PRICE LIST. A. 8. HALL, febm Vineland, IT. J. SEEDS, ROOT GRAFTS. Osage yrnKf jmj. prime, new, 510 per basnet niT:,iwnniii, iron. KootUrarts, Ap p e. packed. lo,i, f a. Osage Hedge plants, 1st cl.. best Borts. Stocks Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherry,,a,:. jiuntm, evergreens, lirnpes, Jjowning rtwseherry, Charles downing Htrawberry, Black berries, Raspberries. (Jreen House Bedding Plants, ineo, oeuu nc. tor ttiree dialogues. febiVfim McLnn Illlnnls. T. T. SOUTHWICK & CO. COMMERCIAL. NURSERIES, DansriUc, N. Y. Standard orDwarfCherry, jyears, JTo. 1 , - JfllO per 1,000 Fine .. j.j per 100 mvarf Pear, 2 years, extra fi ne ;2,'i0 per 1.(0 Plum on Plum, 2 years, i to 7 ft ,V per lixt Plum on Plum. 2 vears, 4 to 6 it ; 30 per 100 Plum eedlinir, o. 1 , l per l.ono Cherry Currants, I year . f H) and 50 jier 1,000 irr v.uuuj -jj per 1,000 The above Btoclt is of the best possible quality, true to name, and will he carefully duir and packed in best style. Full particulars bv "letter on applica tion. T. T. SOUTHWICK & CO. GREGORY'S SEED CATALOGUE. - l nave over mxiy acres in sseeu on my Miree feeo I arms, in iinroieneafl, Mass., where I nave ruisea over one nunarea varieties the past perfrrtitfifnttited. I Import many choice feeds from the best F.uropean growers. As the or iginal Introducer of the Hubbard iSquash, Marble head Mammoth CVhbage, and manv new and rare veuetables, I invite the patronage of the public, tel vwrrantcd to I or rrjtretented. (1tnJ0ffuet prnit uu. J AJltO J. It. ti KAiJK I , febVfiru Marblehead, Mass. Fresh Garden, Flower and Tree Seeds, and SmalLJFrnits, Prepayed by r.lau. A complete and judicions as sortment. 25 sorts of either Seeds, $1.00. True Cape Cod Cranberry with directions for culture on Mq;b. or low land. New fragrant Everblooming Japan Honeysuckle, charming new hardy Vine. 50 cents each. $5 00 per doz. prepaid. New Early Rose Potato, 75 cents per lb. 5 lbs. 53.00, prepaid. Priced catalogues to any address, also trade lists, gratis. Seeds on commission. Agents Wanted. B. II. WATSON, Old Colony Nur series ana seed Establishment, Plym outh, Mass. Established 1S42. 20-2m T, . m RE AT Outlines TVES SEEDLING. TIIE G 1 PREMIUM GRAPH Vines and Cuttl of this and many otlieT Kinds, at lowest rates. Stock and satisfaction guaranteed. Ive Vines 1 and 2 years old. from to $70 per 10r, owing to ape and class. Cuttintrs.'y per 1ijo: f ur buds each, f'.S for .5m). Colored plate of the Ive's 50 cts., post paiit Send for its hbtory and price list of (ienern! N ursery bUick,frte. J Art. F. MARTIN, BOX 113 Mt. A'.'iii-bington, 20-Tr Haai..on Cq. Oiiio. MEW SEEDLING POTATOES. x Three new kinds, of great excellence, not to be found in any other catalogue; are engraved and fully described in in v new eed catalogue, tent trratti to alU JAME.5 J. 31. ORKiiOliV, febuV6m Marbiehead W PEAR GRAFTS Made from whole Roots, by the best workmen; and hints on the proper manner of planting and careing for, sent with the Grafts. $20 per T. T.hOCTIIWICK & CO., 30 Dansviile. . Y. ASAGE ORANGE SEED BY MAIL J On receiptor $1.00 wo willsend by mall, postage paid, one pound of Osage Orange Seed. Three Pounds for $3.00. Our seed la new and good. We can also supply it by the Bushel or Hundred EnslieL Address McCnllough, Drake &, Co, 19-ot Box 37, Sbarpsburg, Ohio. GENUINE IMPORTED NORWAY OATS. SAMPLES SENT rBC TO fAKMEKH. FROM 100 to 130 bushela grown to the acre. Weighs from 40 to 45 pounds to the bushel. This Oatsh&i been grown on every variety of soil, and in every ttate of the Union, with the most perfect success. Thegrain is very lurie,phimpnnd hfinrtxome, has m remarkably thin hunk, aud rijveiis earlier than the common varieties. The straw is bright, clear, , and not liable to lodge, is perfectly clear of ruM, and grows from 4 to S feet hign. We have both the White and Black Norway, both the same price, and equally produc tive. We will send one quart of the above Oats to any address, pxtpaii, for.... . . . fl W l wo ouurw, ixxt paia . 2 w One peck sent by express or freight 6 00 One bushel, 40 pounds 10 00 CAUTION. We wish It distinctly understood that this is not a li'ht oats. wei',rtilng2s to Xi pounds, raisetl in New Knglund, and sold under the name of Norway, but imported seed, every bushel guaran teed to weigh ) pounds, or the money refunded. Samples of both kinds tent free lor a three cent stamp. circulars and Testimonials free. Address all orders to A P. 350YEB A CO. 19-2t Parksburg, Chester Co.. Pa. CHERRY HILL HUR SERIES. Established la 1854. NUKSERYMEX, DEALERS AND PLANTERS, will find at these Nurseries a complete collection of TREES AUD PLANTS, In every department. Standard Fruit Trees, Dwarf Fruit Trees, ... . Small Fruits, Grape Vines, Fruit Stocks, - Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, &c. Evergreens, In great variety, Roses, a fine collection, . , Seedlings, for nurserymen, - Rare Plants, recently iin ; ported. Rhubarb & Asparagus, an Immense stock. NEWWIIOLESALE CATALOGUE JUST ISSUED. Hoopes, Bro. &. Thomas, WEST CHESTER, Penn. febl8-3ra THE KITTATIHHY. The LARGEST and most Productive, ft-'. SWEETEST and most Delicious, HARDIEST, and every way the beet Blackberry Known ! The above Is amply borne out by the testimony of" ull who have ! piven it a fair trial all orer the I lo,T-- country, and is tiieontv newtmit ATZEABX on Qf roeentintrotluctioii that conies up to the recommendations of Its friends. PLANTS OF THIS AND OTHER. KINDS. Also the Best Strawberries & Raspberries, EARLY ROSE, nd other Seed Potatoes, delivered at yonr nenrest Post Office as ctm as if you called at the nursery in person, and Warranted Genuine. PRICE LIST GRATIS. Addrefis E. WILLIAMS, Montrlatr, Xetfi Jrrnry. febll-3m HOME NURSERY. Apple, Pear, Flam, Cherry, Evergreen TREES, AND Ornamental Shrubbery. A LARGE VARIETY. Also, Grape Vines, Currants, Gooseberries, Kasp. berriesand strawbernts.Choice Roses, Creep ers, Vine. Tulips, Xallies, Peonies, lielyira, etc., AT I.01V RATES. Grounds 2d Block South of Court House HAVANA, ILLINOIS. SPRING OF 18GO. I desire to call the es Denial attention of mv former customers and the public generally, to my stock and prices, especially to tne quality or tnestocn now ollered, and I would solicit s continuance of your patronage and favors, to deserve which my best ef forts will be directed. A-Packing and tshlpplng done In a careful man ner. All goods deliverea at the tlx press utnee, Rail road or Steamboat Landing free of charge. PltintM and Seeds by .Mail. Grapevines, Straw berries, Currants, Raspberries, Gooseberries, Aspar agus, V ines and Climbers, Bedding Plants, Bulbous Kuots, uaraen, t tower ana i ree sseeus, win De sent bv mail an distance, securely packed in gutta-per- chti silk, damp moss, &c I send articles packed in this wny in perlect salety to the most distant parts of the 1 a uun-eu n I states. "lf articles sent out by me are not as represen ted, send theiu back at my expense and your money shall be refunded. Some of the leading articles will be furnished at the following prices. CalaloJes and eea Circular furnished on appli cation. Concord Orapes, ?l per do.; ffl per hundred. Ive s Seedliiisr, U"jO ner doz.: 10 m-r humlred. J)el:twure, two yeurs old, iic each, i Clinton, f 1 per doz- o per hundred. My list ot Lilies include the best nf th Janun - rieties, and our old native favorites at low rates. Summer Bulbs. Gladiolus, er Svrord I.ily. Therecent Improve- tineiien oi uns sptendia nower renders it one of the finest of all 45 Flora's" ffifts. My stock comprises over thirtv varieties, van'- TlCI'ida, or.Iexican Lilr.-An HDnrnnrintpenm. .ia iu i ' i v 1 1 1 aw lis. L . i . . i iu.r n n pamon to the above, of m easy cultivation. 10 o:nts each. Amarillis, or Jacobean Uly-Rare, 50 cents T ube K ose. A floe stock and cheap, 25 cents each. Herbaceous, &c, &c. Chinese Peonies.. ..each 25 cts 44 so t rmirton. Hollyhock... Herbiiceous SSpieras.. 4 50 t. nrysanthem jius... Yuca Filamentosa.. Aquilepia Ula nrtulos " . Alba . " Cerula. A urea Jtosea Pweet Pcented V'ioleta Folyanthus (Kn;rlish).r. Lychness Uranditiora... " Viisearia. " Scarlet . 23 25 i a 25 25 25 ) 50 25 25 Xicentra Alba. riilox (variety) . Ielphinium l'ormosum Feverfew Hunly. ,,, IManthns (variety ).. .r. 5 25 25 25 25 25 I v mum, uiue. Alba Mountain Daisies.. Fansies, lare Green-IIouse &.CcddIn?Plants . AIolfcflon of 8 most d-esirabte, which space ft,!' toenumefate: also, Plnnts for Vases, trns, ?rj5iLM:T!ie' liaara. Ivy Oerkniuta ic. vj-,-"'-"s" t"uwsr Aioneywort, tc, Also, nantfng Baskets and Flower Pots, with or without plan ts, a 1 ways on band. Address J. COCHKAXE, Havana, Mason County. III. Sc'Tit particular to order early. 14-ita J BL00MINGT0N r niir.EX houses 400 Acres 01 fill ROLLIilQ PRAIRIE. Covered with Apple. Tear, Cherry, a"?(lSi tw.."iM. inrrsnits. 'ti.ww-be'rrieK. btrawberries and limnns! (Jurden Kou!, I'lanhi, Root U rafts, btociLS, bcions. Seeds and CutUBiW ; aud Deciduous & Ornamenla tbess-aiid shkubs. snmvha'H. I-erbreens, Pjeonies, Phloxes rV..ii.: ir,...,.;ti,u ni uliiilnses. D.'ihlias, thrysan- thPmu'nw. and Hanly 1 lerbaceous. Flowering PlanU aud Greenhouse and Bidding Plants. OSAGE OEANGE PLANTS, First Class, 50 per 100a 150,000 Concord G rape Vi nes, t wo years old For sale by J. K. TEFT & Co., P. G. BOX 100. WXriLLE, NEB. ALSO AT NORTH STAR, MO. 17-2m ' ' OXE TOUNU WILL YIELD 3,000 POUNDS IN ONE SEASON, BY PLANTING THE GENUINE Early Hcsg Potato ! BUY TIIE GENUINE FROM GEO. A. OEITZ, (The Great Seed. Wheat Farmer.) , CII AM BEIlSBr IU3, T A 1 Pound Early Kose sent by Mail, postpaid, for f 1 00 4 Pounds of I jirly Rose, by Mail, ostpuid. for... 3 00 1 Peck Karly Jtose, delivered at C'hambersburg 6 00 1 Peck Karlv Kose, bv Mail, postpaid 7 00 4 Pounds of Surprise Oafs, by Mail, postpaid...... 1 00 4 Pounds New Brunswick Oats, by Mail lor.. 1 00 4 Pounds Swedish tats, sent by Mail l'or 1 00 4 Pounds Korwav Oats sent by Mail for 1 00 4 Pounds Spring "Hurley, sent by Mail for 1 (JO 4 Pounds Yellow Mammoth Corn, by Mail for. 1 oo 4 Pounds Yellow Gourd Seed Corn, by Mail lor. 1 00 4 Pounds best three varieties of Sweet Corn .- 1 00 4 Pounds China Tea SprinsrWheat by Mail, for. 1 00 4 Pounds Block Sea Spring Wheat by Mail, for. 1 00 4 Pounds Canada Club Snrinsr W heat by Mail,... 1 00 4 Pounds Hedgerow Spring Wheat by Mail, for 1 UJ 4 Pounds KioOraii'ieSpriiift Wheat by Mail, for 1 00 4 Pounds scotch Fi :e Spring Wheat by Mail for 1 00 4 Pounds Mammoth Bearded spring Wlieat, lor 1 00 4 Pounds Smooth-headed Spring W heat lor 1 UJ 4 Pounds White Hominy Corn for 1 00 4 Pounds of Harrison Potatoes, by Mail for 1 00 4 Pounds Early Goodrich Potatoes, by Mail ror, 1 08 4 Pourwls White Peach Blow Potatoes, by Mail, 1 00 4 Pounds of Blue Grass Seed for .... ... 1 00 4 Pounds of Italian Grass Seed for 1 00 4 Pounds of Orchard Grass Seed for.-... ..... 1 00 4 Pounds of Herd Grass Seed lor. 1 0 1 Pound of Alsike or Sweedish Clover Seed for. 1 00 2 Pounds oi'Cow Grass or tall Clover Seed for.- 1 00 4 Pounds of red Clover Seed for 1 00 1 Pound ot Egyptian seven-headed Wheat...... 1 00 Best fodder Cutter, at C'hambersburg S5 00 1 Pair of Chester White Hoes, not akin, deliv. ered at Chambersbunr. boxed - 20 00 Trio of Brahma Puotra l owls.delivered at Cham. bersburg, boxed 7 00 tosunscribe lor the e.vpi-j;i.uinxai. i ahu JOURNAL. Only 51. -0 per year. S'i'The money, iu all cases, to accompany the or- acr. A3A11 orders filld promptlv by GEO. A. DEITZ, Proprietor of the Great Seed Wheat Experimental Earm, CliamberKburr, Pa. farmers can rely tlait all Seed, Ktoclt and Fowls sent out oy Mr. Geo. A. Deitz, are true to name and pure of the kind. 17-lut TREE riArvTEns. " 4, If you wish to pl.v this coming spring, send In your orders early, and save Til EE PEDLEK'S MARGIN. A fine stock of two year old APPLE, PEAR, PLUM AND CHERRY. Also Shade Tree, Evergreens, Ornamental Shrubs, and a general Nursery Stock CONSTANTLY ON HAND, AT TIIE PKOSPECT HILL NUKSERIE3, Geneseo, Illinois, J. & E. RICH3IOND, Proprietor. Jt"5" Correspondence solicited. 14-4m onnr 30 Pare of PInin Directinnt for Plantin and cultivating, loriiimily as well as market garden, and marketing all Small Fruits. Written from li years experience, and gives alK-the information of the lawr and more!v wtirks. so as to put new beginners on equal footing With old fruit growers. We have hundreds of testimonials, of which the following from Kev. H. W. Beecher is a sum Die: "Your directions for growing Strawberries and Raspberries are the best I have ever seeu. ra"I'rice. 10 cents. ia AVholesale ami retail lists of our plants sent by man irve on application. Address PURDV IfAXCK. south Bend, Ind. 14-3m GHAPE VINES. COXCOSI) GRAPE 1TXEH. Two Yeart Old, COXCORD GRAPE VISES, Three Yean Old. DELAWARE GEAPE VIXES, Tico Yeart Old. DELAWARE GRAPE VIXES, Three Yeart Old. DIAXA GRAPE VIXES, Tim Yeart Old. DIAXA GRAPE VIXES, Three Yeart Old. CREVELIXG GRAPE VIXES, Tteo Yeirt Old. CREVELIXG GRAPE VIXES, Three Yeart Old. OPORTO VIXES, Tu-o Yeart Old. QPORTO VIXES, Three Yeart Oid. Two year old vines of tho fnllowinz kinds grown out of doors, from bearing vines and very healthy, with strong larjre roots, and warranted to make stronr jrrowtu If cronerlv , . . i . - - - HARTFORD PROITFW, IOXA. IS It A ELLA, NORTHERS MVSCA DISK. REBECCA, PERKISS. ISABELLA, CA TA WBA, IVES, BLACK FOX, DRACVT AMBER, CLIXTOX, MAXY OF ROGERS' HYBRIDS, ' te.f tc., &r These vines are on land cleared, and will bo sold which mast be VERY CHEAP. t or quality of Vines heretofore nent from mis nursery, rerer to Col. 11. IV. Furnas. All the lealing varieties of trees and plants to be found in a well appointed Nursery al- it a uu uaiiu. For list of very low prices, address E. WARE SYLVESTER, ' Ljoitt, Xew Tori. feblt-3m rilUIT TREES. Western Trees for Western ORCHARDS. TV . xue largest, stocK of one year old Apple ZVlKP the. Mississippi. We cultivate yantrutT, suneu toour western climate. Our trees, though only 1 year old, are very jkc anu ir:i!;,t.iTo-is roet h i-h ), the verv iar'er trees anU saretv tnan PEARS, Tv.-o years old, Very fine. ALSO, VIXES, PLANTS, &c, Ac. SEXD FOR CATALOGUE. s Address STARK, BARNETT, & CO., Louisiana, Mo. febll-3m pEACH TREES. Crawords. Hale, - and others, five feet $10 per 100 App ejrees in variety, if,' 3 feet & " Apple Grafts, at low rates; ftlU assortment of Nursery stock of nil a-JVm' wnt at wbolesaie prlceT ' febtl-tei0' 06 ii- OFFi COOPER, i ..-vrrt i nr r 4 vinriP1Tl !i and Foreign Sorlns V hcai-S " a' Lv u ley. Corn, ClovL-rste,.s, Gwf ?LV- "; Aimer ti.i Earm Journal, oniy- . tv. 17-lt't GSO. A. I'EITZ, Chmbejnrgi GRAPE VINES FOR SALE. Plants of Best Quality ! TRICES MODERATE. AU the Lea Hnjr Varieties, such as CONCORD, CT.INTON, DELAWARE. HART fOllD PllOLTKIf, IVtS, NOHTON-a VIROINIA, Jcc. and many jtew and rare varieties. ATinilUHlCK. CYXTIIINA, DI ANA. HAMBURG. MILES, MOTTLED. MARTHA, ROGER'S HYBRID, &c. ALSO, SMAILL FRUITS, Strawberrlcn, Haupberries, Blackberries, of the best Market Varieties; AND SEED POTATOES, Early Goodrich, Harrison am Early Hose. All the above of our own rrowlnz; warranted genuine ind of UKST lAL'ALlfV. Address I.SIDOR BUSTI W3N, Price list Gratia. Bushberg, Mo. i, -3ra Amateur Cultivator's Guide TO THK Kitchen and Flower Garden. TheTwentv-third Edition of this popular and use ful work, which has met with so jtreat favor in past, was iKsueu Jiinunry l.i, mucii eninnrea ana lm- Droved. conta.ninir flescriptlve nw ot uu r lower and Garden JSeed.s worthy of cultivation, embracing over twenty-h ve hunurea varieties; towhiJ-h wad ded all the novelties in Flowers and Vegetable lor also two hundrel varieties of the choiceist French Hybrid (Jlariiolus. The work comprises lo r(?es- Tastefully bound in cloth, with two beautiful Colored Plates. one steel, besides one hundred other Knsrravinc. Price 50 cents, post-rnid. Paper Cover,Tne Colored Plate, one iiunareu juigraving", post-pain, cents. Addres! w ash lit KN CO., Horticultural Hall, Boston, Ma8. The Unrivalled Prize Tomato "GEXISRAI GRAIJT." We take pleasure In announcinz to the public that vrv nuve iwjurcu iiictiuirvMiicKui tills juntiy cele brated Tomato. It originated ia the garden of an Amateur, who, after growing it for a number of years m connection with all the leading sorts, be came convinced that it was tar superior to any oth er, and that it should be widely disseminated; and or tnis pun)ose it wan nut into our bands. In con- BidraUon oi the many disappointments experienced u the introduction of new varieties, we have given it u thorough trial of two years : and it has fur ex ceeded our expecliitions, ever attracting great atten tion wnere exni-utea, taKinsj tne nrst prize aiove an omers hi me .iaxsacnusetLs Horticultural boci ety's Kxhihition the past two years. CAUTION. On account of the Immense popularity of this variety, we find that parties are ottering tor sale a spurious seed, desiring to obtain large prices for the comiriou nuriH. e wuum niereiore recommena parties purchasing only those sealed packets bear ing our nimie, as none omers can oe genuine. Price per packet. -i cts.: apackeu. tl. Prices to the trade on application. WASHBIRS 6 CO. 2m Horticultural Had, Boston, Mm 1869. 18G9. WM. II. LYMAN'S Illustrated Floral Guide ASD CATALOGUE OF SEEDS AND PLANTS, Isnow published, eontaininsr descriDtions of over ,) varieties of Flower Seeds and olants. It U splendi liy illustrated with about thirty elegant wood engravings and two beautiful colored plates, cue of which will be, the celebrated JIrs. POLLOCK'' Geranium; colored fron cture. In it will be found designs for nrniiigirtg thi flower garden; together with lull di rftions lor Sowing Seed. Transuiantine'. c This work will besentlreeto all mv Customers, and to all others, on receipt of ten ceuts, which is not hall tne actual cosr. I am also introducing to the. Public my new Tonia- iU, IUC LYJIAS MA.lLUOTn CLFSTER. Dr. D. Ttice, says: "Everybody should have it." This Tomato Is a enm between a French unknown variety and tiie Lester's Perfected, retaining the smoothness and solidity or the latter, growing in clusters; each stem bearing from six to twelve to matoes on it. It is perieciiy smooth and nearly round, about tne size ot a Ua;lwiii apple : color ol rosv pink, and keeps well ; solid, has out few seeds, and is no doubt one of the best early varieties we have. It Is uneiceiied for eating raw, and Is deli cious for cooking; being very high flavored. In earliness it excel is tlie fveyes tomato, and ripens its innt evenly, about ten days beiore the Karly Red. tf "Undoubtedly the best market variety of Tomato m existence. a This variety was obtained from seed in 1864. In lt. it ripened its lruit 1 luS DA a belore the Early wmootn lieu. PRICE IN SEALED PACKETS, 5c.EACH. For Illustrated circular, containing descriDtion. rei.uuiiiieiiu;ii iuhs, oil.., 1V3I. H. LYMAN, Importer of Seed, Bulbs, and Plants, Leverett, Mass. Fifth. Year. 200 Acres. GREAT WESTERN NURSERIES. LYONS, CLINTON CO., IOWA. Fruit & Ornamental Trees, Grape V iiicw, &c, FOR SPRINO 1869. n c cuer lor next snnnir r.lfinttno. a mentof nurserv storW it Vo,,. ' be fully as good as repre- sented. For full particulars, send for our Catalogue which ia EI AILED FREE. Apple seeds, warranted fresh, 13,00 per busheL Osage seeds, 13 00 Fine Osage Plants, fi.OO per 1,000. Dr. JIIO. E. EinilS z CO. lC-3m Grapevines for Sale. A few thousand Norton, mA eard Larrrs. raised in AI v Vinevani. fmm ri,J bearing wood. Norton's Seedllac .100 per 1000. Concard.. J560 per 1000. Also, a few thousand two-year old Plaats of thes varieties, i"ej 12,900 Gallons Jforton, Concord and Catawba Wines. THEO. ENGELMAXX. Mascoutaii p. o., flair County. AVLY 20 CENTS. Send to OLO. A. 0nriT7 ChamN-rb.irx. Fa., for tho "EX- GKAFE VINES! GKAPE V I 2T E S ! ! GEAPEyiISTES!! 250.C00 cf theChciccst GrapsYkcs 1,CO.GI)0 GRAPE VINE CTTTINGS. Alto a lar;e stock of Currant Plants and Cutting, GOOSEBEKRIES, ROSES, Ilaspbcrrics, Sluclibcrrics, X STRAWBEIUHES., - libenbarb, Etc FOR SALE CHEAP. Send stamp for Culture, to Price List and Jssays on ' Dr. II. liioouainyton, 11 Benton County Unrserics. Eatallislica in 1850. rnill Trees or all ILinds, ADAPTED TO OCR TRYING CLIilATE. ALSO SMALL FRUITS, EVERGREENS, of all sizes ; HARDY SHRUBS, HEDGE PLANTS, Ac' In large or small quantities, at LOTZST BATES. Shipments made at Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Address, for prices, JOS. L. BUDD fc CO., Shellsburg, Benton Co. Iowo. the 1G-Jm SIJALL, PRUIT3, ic., . BY MAIL. For the annexed prices I will send the following- packages, postpaid and securely packed, ia per, on receipt of amount: Two Dozen of either Agriculturist, Russell, Downer's Prolific. Jlammouth Ahiine, Fill more, suaker, crimson cone, Hooker, or Peabody Strawberries.............. Two dozen Cuttings ef either the Dwarf, Bhad- oerry, or uwart Mountain Cherry 100 Gray Willow Cuttings . (.One or the most beautiful, rapid growing Forrt Trees, It does best on dry land. One dozen either Victoria. Linnius. or Straw berry fie Piant, (strong i-yes,) Half dozen either Purple Cane. Miridian fyel- low), Beil D'Fontinuy. Piuialeiphia. iliiiml Or A. M. Yellow Ra-spherry , , Two dozen Privet for Iledges. amall plants, or iwvuuuigs ... A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Apple, Peach, Pear, Cherry, Plum A$D PERSIMMON TREES. Also Grape lues. Gooseberries. Cur. rants, Blackberries, and ORXAJIEXTAL SIJKLDCEIIY, AT MODERATE PRICES. Address W31. 3IAXWELL, Lanesfield. Johnson Conntv. Kansas. 16-t CATALOGUES FREE! 1,1. O'KESPE, SON l CO CATALOGUE ofSEEDS, l-YZ GUIDE TO TIIF. FLOWER AXD VEGETABLE GARDEX FOR 1SU9. (Published In January.) Every lover of flowers ishng this new work, free fr charge, siiouiil un dress immediately M. O KKKt E, Mi.V X CO., fcji- wM!igerjc ruirry s isiocK, liixiesier, i, v. ! - .L RSEUIE3 Or Y. F. ilEIKES, DAYTOX, OHIO. Ay OLD ESTABLISHMENT WITH A NEW FEATURE. Every Person can Procure Trees and Plant At Wholesale Prices, by ordering through our Club Department. For prices and other Information, address W-F. IIEIKES, Tlavtnn OMr Miama Raspberry Plants FOR SALE. The Largest, Best, and mast productrre CLACK CAP CROU'X, d as mnch superior to the DooIIttle FInek Cap the Budued Feach Ls to the common fceediimr. 43Send for circular. W. S. C0.1IB.S, COLLINSVILLE, Madison Co., 111. "Warranted Garden Scads. orrt sew Descriptive Price Catalogue, Contslnlmr desorintiona r,f cit ty, rrrnrcreTi VEOKTAJiLl'ii. including the mst desirable .iKiruir nuiigesiions rearuinif culture, u now being iuw, and win be duly mled, to our custoiuer,! Kit; tootherson receipt of lu cent. SEEDf BY MAIL. We furnish Garden Seeds In nar-turp. Frv:k. to any rsint oilii-e in th t'mti w.Jf. ordered, at our reguirr pnees, to any amount of 1 or ED. J. EVAS A CO., YnrV Pann lV3m ehie GCMMErCIAL HUr.SERIES, ERIE, EH IE CO-, PE N. I. A. Plattinan iSprasue, I'roprictorM. uniu .iijje rincs For sale, of tha hflt mail at luo rates. i .V ,..i' jcaruiu. oainpies sent bv I.OOO.ono Concord, 1-year, So. 1 Zl'm jO.ww Concord. 3-year. 'o. l.stronscnZl'uo l'),i) Hartford Proln l-v,.r . i'TZ PerKfl Per l.ono 70,rl 9H.U0 lO.inw l)eliiw are, l-yejr, o. 1 ., XI i'ianaj 1-;rar- m 'JO. HI 60.!) WJ.OO IW.ijO j i , c 9 oeeiumif. t-year, Xo, l no Io.ikm lona, 1-year, o. l.. to ! :V) Israel la. L... ...... : , jM Isabella, Catawba andciintoTT'7' ana :t-year, stronsr .- S.OO so kind, together with r,7.:n . f',r OK,H- of all the above a lanre lot of AflirfHidac, V Uta, liebecca, balem, Gorton s VirS,m. Lnion otherx a usmi, aau 5,trawbTry Plants strong of aU the best sorts. ). Kaspherries and lilac k tarries. m i".ii i-urrants and (ioosterries a),0LO Fine S-year old Apple frees. ht leadins 10,. Cherry Trees, 1-year old, at fx per 1,000. ALbO PEACH TP. EES. PI.CM TRtT-y I 'i ,'l'Li a - r . , . . . APBI- Together with a large stock of An.Jl1 1ft PlumandCherrvBeediings: Apple .-eed and Pear peeds-nriri- ;n.,J' ' cuttings, with Apple (rraJt.turniahed to order. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Parties ordering nf t. ... Mi&rt&fYt Sn x5!t from any reaaoie es.ablishment in the c nited stales." baTinXonht'"11 T-or one-third cash, and uu.aute on delivery, or C. O. D to-ate-infuii. Irade Ust sent on aD jlictiou. Address, Icac:, Trees- Pearh Trees lt . . . r. XVilson's Earir ' P'.T ! Kitli.t";nnv, ALSO A LVKC-E RasTberrr.r!!-.T , berry, and 0ij;rejr. AT L0Wr.r H ninu- lae ."Mjrv. k rat-n or mv life 'r reraole sou rcess. th. r thei, oniers may Hej to name, and first o-ia?., ' lrees n,i j,;:lU piM.k ' any d:.staire. r,i riuifvp , "J 'i 1 cuarge, atTer wtucn thev r 1. Cusn, or satiSiactory r... :m oHers. 3 -"eacw oraje niiyonrorai rsenr'r rrf.v ly attends! to. For Pr.cV i,.' t Audress " Ifl-.Tin i, v K r rn"T Illi' FAR3I NUBSr. QCINCT, ILLI x. c. i5E.vro.f rr,?. Eab!is!ied & All the most deiirsy., GR APES AND SMALL F2rs COXSTATLT 03 H ... Of superior 1'ialitios. wiv. prices us low, if not lower. ihn 5' ty can bepurchied.eieMi(Tt Fruit and Ornaat- wh'ch my extensive n"arr.iii.iT ing nurserymen eniib:(-i m. , vl tomers on the most irrc' During an experience otTV7z.r oilpa STOCKING LARGE run?-, fi.oo I have tested many vir great extent which iiuc-trvaifa .! 1,00 1,00 . . ..v. . ...... l.-TTIl.IT f w rely on receiving ail art ol sni 2 vexation altnuani ia thepuntawa" in.rsTa.TEi Arn rsji-Eaf. with brief hut comprehensive :n-va vaiion. mailed Ire to ail afcpli 1,00 Address. ' 1,00 1,00 I IZ-3TTI EDGAR S.LXLZ.'a, FLOMS! ESTABLISHED IX ' Begs leave to mf'.rii his freaks m is belter prepared than ever , fMr.s planus. iitier to make tiie ijai-iwm p. t or to furnish flowers tortiie UUEE.Nii' l"SK. WINDOWS nr In winter. Devoting ten larr f;rj business alone, be trels wtrriitxl the largest sloe Is west of r W i VEr.ENAS. UEltAMlr.i, . DAHLIAS, PINKS, iitr.roTr.np3L FD'HIAr S IIAKI.t hlA... Grown epec'al!y foe shipninc. h si itocic. liis tweive ymrs eiperew i gives unrivalled 0ifrt;in!;;rs to t " vvesiern peopie want, and hew tuiwiKt CATALOGIT, Descriptive, with rices. s tun Hie tirtof February, wb:h un applicatiuu. jld ire-a 13-Jm 56 S. W.urii mm. ir RIVERSIDE NUH Davenport, Iowi If you -want a good article of 5 auch Grape Tines, Currant. ( Raspberries, Ulaekbcrr Slrawhtrrlti, Cherry Inn 1 trtfi, l.Ttr;rrrii,ia Dltclduout Trri, Send your orders to j. vr. rE.t?.t or R W. FUP.NAS, PrownvUIe. Catalogue free. OAIkLAO MR JET ST. LOUIS CO.. M l 1 00.000 riox Eld. r sHln 1 to l loot in heiifkt, ii per M. d.OX S,!Kar (;pi, J- . Miami JUcIt t ap iUtipberry 1'),ua) Apara'oa itoou : Grape Viue of ail the i'a.; v i--t KH 11 I Bi- K.-tV 18--tm K'.rard.vr.Ie P. P.. t Uq, PEOPJLE'S IJTJIlSn We have a Ursesti-clc of the with manv others, which weoTerV biivrs. Wurr-iiiut true Ui naoe, tVHV K-toFiXT. Apple. Peart, f'berrir. PrarW taiiice. ;mte, livofn" Strawberries, l.t-.n- U errir. lir1 Ornamental Tree. r Flowern, k lYreria hr' We want a uood reliable man. WV recommended, to act a.s SKeut ixrii' '" n Nebraska, Kaixsos, Jlivwiiri aad ia ; ' CotumUsion or Salx P- L. EOB3 t ' ll-4m-tf jj.jil- THE BEST I'LL HAVE 1 COSTS A FARM!! F.;iHv & Aniericnii and Furei'i Snm 'hi- Corn, L.verseed. ,,;ks.i reK il'-'' t uUder (.ltter. Smi.) ii.r th - EioTJ Journal," only '.Sut-nts. Ad''tv 1. G EO. A. D LTi'2, Cluir .r T. C. IIAXWZLL & & OLD CASTLE HUHSC GENEVA, ONTARIO CO-V Invite Ui atteotx'a af TTcstcra Xnrserjmeo, Dealers an & & to their esteusivt and rel-ia'e CHOICE iilffllS AT WHOLESALE includ!iig Fruit Tree Standard and Err: Ornament! Tree rhJ "!ir kuij iivi,rsrtfii; . 8maII Fruit-t;raev5-'' Ko4e, Creca II" Plants, Bulb, Ac. Parties wishing SELECT MMi-E1" either for their own plantin:? cr to . quested to give us a call or wr.: nr r enclosing stamps for cata:ogues is Descriptive Catalosrue of Fruir--',rf Descriptive Catalogue of trui"D stami. Wholesale Trade List one red AJiIres, T. . 31 AX WELL , Geneva, OuU 11-y flDnTliVESTER'i Mb'"--. r.otIiforI, Illlao- Do !arr wbntHn' hu!nes In k and dXALL. TK, and iUK-t i-m - anJ in iv. tt.i.. is..,-,. j.wa rvil A tui, iinri ; 4 1 111 1 . . ma a sp'i- i . i y. : .r any Infcna.: to J. ?. s;iir.iK--"' i. A. PI4.TTiXAN A PPSAGCE: Ez :, Lxi Co., Peniu .0 jj. ii-Cm