Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1869)
- 1 . !' im m . IT. cqLITArr, T, O EACtlt. JHf CQLHAPP & CO., -.4 timers and rrorrietora. s ir2,oo per AN-rcM. . . ! ?Tc7lirrOB' Flock, m Stalra. r.UTlSINfi EATFS. , or le first 5erUoi,- 1 TO ll lllerlK'U.. ! nr Lues or less.. h head .. . -. I one year.. - month, - lj,US J ) ! Te:tr v -X month,.?-! ; I U three Biun.ii fi venr. .... . ."hi hi - x rnonw, n; three mourns i im if rmr... ..... Iw vm'intln.i'O; tl.ree month Si ) mtt lor a lets time than t;ree a us transient ; arid luust be paid n nd Drpnrtnrr f ibc Malta. I-tero arrives at 12 (trans at I jwteru arrive at 4 p. m.; tfeparts m at a. m.; ?.parts at a. m. Ht 1- m.: depart" at 2 p. m. r'vw Mondavi,, Wednewtsiya and de.uirlb Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 4 p. depart 1 from a. iu. m., to 7'.' p. m. Huu . 1). tAI.Sl,r. iJ. C IU It. 11 Time Table. ACCOM MOlMITf OX. . -fl" a. m- ie . .1.T p. m- i lllufls ; ;.Jtjji.w . hirt a. m. i" , , , ..iii;i p. n- luRt. :.. t IU MOITIOJ. : iifn....M....... . villp ...vna. m. .11:1! a. ra. uU!4 p. m. . r, (Tn vule. . -..;! ..11-n a. m. ,rc p. nt ttuu p. m. 'k' f imnihao leav nrowuvlllc for i. anil au, daily. business TTORKETS. TEU A liltOW.V, law and Land Apmti, ;iouKe, with ohate Jndge. ltd Couiinrlori at Law, ,i riifrson'! JUfK-k, ip titairs. S A P.KOADY. . Sollrttora In Chancery, Distru't Oiurt llfKjia. s. m. men Amr and Laud Agent. Jlouse, lirst door, wtaide. . n. McLENNAN. nd H'oanarlor at Law, -ua City, Nelirajika. K. PKKKINS, ud ConnxUr at Law, i ti. Johnson C-o., Neb. r. lrrm-intEY, ; r. V AT I- A YF, 4 :itr. Pawnee t)n., Nrt. C. K. fJKKiUS. v ICnU i:late Agtat, vno County, Njbiahka. 1ND AGENTS. Tl. V. 111'niIF.S, pcnt and Jnit ice of Peace, ri Hi him, first diKir, vest tide, .AliUCT A LinT. Land arrant Brokera. o. Jl Main Slr'et. jktii!7 Tares or .Xvn-rexidmt. mnn wren to tiuikiurf JjicatiimM. rrd aid unimproved, or sals on ms. VM. II. HOOVER, ie and Tax Paying Agent. c in iitr-i C'.ui t lioom. imijit atlruttini ti the sale of peal frumrnt o 2'urcs throughout the M JJutricJ.' JONAS HACKER, for the C ity of Brownrllle, I to the Jt.inient of 3 arts or Aon uid ( timers in Seinaha County, nee Sulicitcd. 0EK II. SVPFXIIAM. PI BLIC LASI) AGENT, Fort h'evirnry, Xebruska. e lands forinleiidinpaettlera, and iiioriiial ion rfjuirl concerning 1 voutli- Western Nehraska. 12-15 PHYSICIANS. II. C. TIIFKMAX. xiCIAN AMIS! UtJFlN, 1 Main Niwi. line tliior vil of Deo j. Ollicv lioun l'ruui 7 U 11 a. in. and ia-n-y H. I-. MATHEWS. ICIAN AM Sl'UGEON. No. 21 Main sm-et. S. HULI-ADAY. M. DM , Surgeon and )bet rlclan, floliaiiay A C's lime Siore. oi s.")l ;' Loeatt il in Jirotttiville in tariff rvim )tieje srt of Amputating, nd Oiixtrtncat JiuurumeiUs. il alteatum ifirrn to Obstetrics and f Women ami C'hitiiren. V. STEWART, M. P.. CI AX AND SI RGKOX, -e .No. xl Main Slivet. w to V A. M., ntid 1 to 2 and 6 to -:. J. T. KIMUERI.IX. M.D. CIAN ANDMRGEON, ubka Eye aud Eur Jnlirmary, uce jjraciiixj at BrowuviUe, lERCHAIOJISE. V'.L T. HEX, .lesaJe and llfi-dil Jteitler in ere lianaflae, and Comndiilon forwarding "lercUaut, No. 26 Main Sliwt, ers, J'um's, SUves, Furniture, c tnti. Jltgltrut market priee patdor . Furs aiat (vntr,u J'ntduce. i, M. HENDERSON, ler in Forcrm mirf trnnexie OODS AND GROCERIES, No. 53 Main KtreeL J. L. Men EE A CO. - in General Merchandise, Mcrtierson's Rloc,Main SU DRUG STORES. HORLADAY A CO.. Jrmtle and Jit'tait Dealers fn lediciuea. Paiutk, Oils, No. 41 Maiu (Sirtx-t, etc. KTIfKEUY A NICK ELL, ntne find Jirtml Jtenlrrs in K)lu, Wallpaper Stationery No. 3 Maiu Street. iOOTS AND SHOES. CHAKl.ns 1 1 ELMER, T AND MlOK MA1-ER, No. 64 Main Strect, Tid a superior stork of IlooLi and .'cr Work done with neatness and A. ROmKKON, T AND HlOE MAKER, No. SK Main Street. ind a ffd a-xnortm at of OenCt, ' and ( hildrtn's Jlirjis liiol blux. k don Willi a:alues and duiHitvh. ne on sliurt Kotice. IIARDWARE. XLENIIERGER RRO'S rr 4i, DraJrra In Ttuware- .Jain St Mcl'iierson'a Rlock. nttrtire, tiirjteiUer s 7oo lilack .ihinis, d:e., coHittuUy oa hajuL. JOHN C. DEl'SER. tovea. Tlaware.FaaM.iu. No, i Main SinvL. SADDLERY. UIN W. MIDDLFTON, s, BRIDLES, COLLARS, Etc. No. G4 MaiuStrm. . 1 Lculws Qf evert decrijit 'on, and ; jiT, k'j on liaiuL. CUj paui or J. TL BATTER, tunf'vtirer 1 v7 fer in KIDLK. OLLARS, Etc, No. I1 Mai" S!lyt. .QuetaxtrdiT. tjtijjittGh puaraniced. SALOONS. CHARLES I'.RTEGEU II ALL AND LINC1I ROOM, No. Hi Main .street. RFRGER ft ROP.FRTS, -AMBltA BILLIARD SALOON, . Wuiee tid I.itj'i'irs cHiiiiy on hand. No. 4 WLliliey'B liiocfc. -l-t JO.SLTII HI'DDARD A CO., SALOON, No. 47 Main street, best Wines and Liquors kept on hand. J. V. D. PATCH, Mannfaeturer anl liiler in rkj, Waicltea, Jewelry, eten ct. No. 3a Main street. it and tiJx er-riatt'd U'trrc, and all rarie f Spectacles constantly on Juind, Jiejxiiring in the tt'Ueft HyU, ut short tuAiCC, LiMTgca rate. Work unrranicd. r2; 'Ij ix i ! I VOL, 18; hotels. - peVxsyi.vama norsE. m.'vr'V lrfi.rirtor. lotions. lUmrdins by the dav or wk. The travt-Ung public are invi ti Uieivo him a ciilL STAR IIOTEL4 rrtnaa x- tiT!ATsllN. 1-YnrtrirforB.- r... t jivoii mrxt ln'iwn n Main and Atlantic, Jloutr tx conretiijrnt to the Stmrn Jl'rU Ixindinq, and 1fbvinryar1 oft"- Ci)J. 1 he bent accomm'AlaiinnM in the CUy. o painsynU i.. .....1 ..L ,t.n enipxtx crtuifrrtihle. Oooa Stable and OyrrtiU etmrnuent to the JJovsc. A cent 1"T K. k St.-ipe Co. AairmcAX hoise. L. D. lLOLlso.V, . lToprlHor. il- , li iiuwn Min and w atcr. pood Feed and Livery bXuUe in connection with the Jhmse. CO KTXCTI 0 NEIUXS. gixjiigt: yat nky. 0akry and Cwui'f ctlonerj-, OfTV-n. to the public nt rlucU rnte a choice ;t.K-k of tinKt-ries, 1'rovihions, Confectioner ies, fte , etc. Wil l TIDSSKIL. Baltery Confectioner j- Md Ty Store. "o. 4 O Main Street. fireh Tlreail, O.fert, I ra.t, etc., on nana J. T DEUsr.Tl, Dealer tn Confer! lonertea, Toya, etc. -o. 4V4V Main Ktrwt. IIOTAUIES. E. E. Er.HTOHT, Knurr Public aud Conveyancer, And apent Jar lue liu'-abli' una American Tontine Liie lnsuraiicc nnnpmucb. jii FAIIim'OTIIEn A TIACKEU, Notary Public and Conveyancer, i iT.fP in Cnuiilv Clerk's Of! ice. -ati.w.thfR. JAM KS M. HACKEE, Sioiary l-ubiic. County Cierb. aMaaaasnBwaaMBaa GRAIN DEAEET-S. rri-n r: STATIT A T.TtO.. " DEALERS IX GRAIN, PROUICE, AatiuuritiL Xcbrikn. The highest market price id for auy thins tt.o Kaniwr ran raise. e win huj uwi :n everything kitown Ui the market. w-nnTiTlVfi VIIPOX Storage, Forwarding and Commiltiou jirrciiuii r7T- in o i-iMYx Grain, for which then iff e llttiltest Market J'rice in 0A. MRS. F. A. TISDFX, MILLIXEIl AND DRESS MAKER, rSbop on First KL, bet. Main and Atlantic, (over F-A.TiKdel's Agricultural Store.) TTa imtajit!v on baud a fuil assortment of all kind mid vanetie oi epnyrs teaitwr Braid jsuarUmid, (wam Jown. ltdis Molmir .Xila and Curls. ll:initnirfr ininmiiics, C'nih.h inadf'lii Hie litiest M.vle. 1 tie puluif areinviied Unatll. etc Ureases iuu 13-12-y MIs MARY A. SIMPSON. MILLINER AND DRESS MAKER, Firt Street, bet. Main and Water. W'Mie to iniorin tlie ldies oi JirownrUle and ricinitv. tuat tilie haH a lirst class Millinery Shop, wbere V ork w ill be done with (rreat care and neat !ies and alter Hie latest eastern styles. Uleatlnng duue' iu tiie very latest Myles. and ou short mitice. latest ntvlew ot' and Children' Hats and li n lietHCinstautiv ou lmnd. Also Jii-st jiatiern'! oi J dies' lresa OcmmIs, Clocks, aud Cluidi-en s CloUiiug cut on snort notice. CAREERS. J. L. ROY, BARBER AND II AIR DRESSER. No. 55 Main Ktrwt, fin a sjtlendirl suit of Jinth Rooms. Also a ehuice stork of Geidieiwin's Sot ions. McNEAL & DORSET, BARBERS AND HAIR DRESSERS, No. 2 Main Street, Are prepared to do all kinds of liainiressinp for Gents ami Xd;cs. As Barbers Uiev are .No. L. Also old clotlies renovated on rt-asinaOie terms; boots biat keci ai aii hours ; and miJuhi; and ironing done .hori mi! ie. l-Vi'J-y TAIE0RII7G. TT AT'ROIJiT ZECir. MERCHANT TAILORS, Am. 5S)-j J(J!'n JSlreet, Flave on hand a splendid stock of Gools, cud will make them up in the latest styles, on short notice and reasonable terms. ELACIISMITIIS. .T. II. REASON, Black-mi thing and Ilorae Shoeing, 11oj No. Main Street, Will do JUuci.xiitHhiufr of all kini. Makes Horse Shoeing, Inmatij of Wagons u:id tslei-g.'ia, and Machine' Work a fjecialily. j. v. a J. c. Gmsox, BLClisriITIlS, Shop on Firisl, bclwet-n Main and Atlantic. All work done to orucr, and tut UJ act ion guar ranterd. JOHN FI.ORA. BLACKSMITH, Shop on 'Water wt.. South of American Honse, Custom Work of all kinds solicited. nanuMmacoa WAGON -MAILERS. FRANZ I1ELMER, "IVepou Maker and Repairer. Siou-j- West of Court ll.iuse. Wato, Jiupiti, J'.ov , Cultivators, Ac, re tiaired on short vt!ir, at low rates, and war ranted to give tutisjaet on. MmatwBTsmmwm'sssi BOUNTY CEAIH AGENTS. ED. 1 SMITIL r. S. WAR CLAIM AGENT, WaxhiHftt-m Ct.u, 1. C. Will attend to the proset-ution of claims be fore the Iepartment in jorson. for Additional Rouutv, Rack Toy and Tensions, and all claims accruing ajtumst the Government mi ring tlie hite war. -u-u SMTTII. P. TTTTI.K, r. S. ASSISTANT ASSESSOR. Olnce in District Curt Room. Xotary J'liblic ami Catted States War Claim A rrent. Will attend t Vie prosecution of chiirns beiorethe lcpurtmtil, or Additional Jlonnty, Ji'iwk 1MU and l'ciutiu.. Also the collection oj' Senti-Annual Dues on J'ensions. ? MRS. ,T. M. GRAHAM, TEACHER OP M V S I C . Rooms, Main, bet itli A 5th Sis. Lettovs given on the Piano Organ, Melodeon Guitar and i'occlization Having And rtpAf years experience tracker of Music tn J e w I orli it loifidem aj jjiriru: sati'Jaciion. ' G. P. liERKLEY, House, Carriage and Sljn Painter. No. 66 ilain St up siairs. Graining, Uiiddhir,(i!aziHjaiid J'after Ilmq- 11; aone on tlxort notice, javorame lemis,ana warranted. A. D. MARSH, Bookseller and News Dealer. Cdu Jlixil: More, No. 50 Maiu Stml, I'ostollice Ruildin; A. STAFFORD, PHOTOGRAPHIC ARTIST, No. 4T Main street, upstairs. Persons wishinrj Pictures executed in tlie latest style of tlie Art, will call at thv A rt Gallery. A. V. MORGAN, Prokatr Judgre and Justice of the Peace Office iu Court House liuildiiu:. J. K. REAR. Agent for the 31. I". Express Co., W. V. Teleprapn C'. No. 73 Mcl'neis;jii s Rick. and C, W. W HEELER, BRIDGE BLILDER, S.Ve utrMit for R. W. Smith's Patent Truss Rrkiffc The strongest and best wooden bridge now in use. KEISWETTER ft EIRSMAN, BrowBTllU City Meat Market. No. 0 Main Street, Will pat the h iphesl market price or good Bee Ciittlc, Cuives, Sierp and Jlogs., RLIss ft HITiHrs. GENERAL AUCTIONEERS. WiU attend to Ute sale of Ileal and J'ersonal I'roprrty in Vie Xemaha Land District. 2ei tn reaxinuiltle. ALL ABOAKD I JlllJlti l(T Th9 BroTmville Tr; er. Line, Tudf r tie cia.naeiiieiit ot jacob bogbus, Is bow KuDoing Repalar Otuiiibssse. !rom Drown ville to tlie Railroad Terminus of the Council Bluffs and St. Jo?tk Kallroad, At ITorth C tar, I.IoM Two Mile from Browuville aad North iiirFeriy bonding. Good OmnibxiJiBes. Close Coxu-ectonf 50-tf Cliar;oi iiU-iyErY. lVAAQ hi rv rv, i n A' ii ,w-v , - VW6 r y i BROWNLLE, .NEBRASKA, CHARLKS G. BOSEY. CBOKGX W. I-05KT, Att'y at Law. C. O. & G. V7. EORSEY, REAL ESTATE AGENTS D calcrs in Land Warrants. r:nv and Sell Real Estate and JLajad Warrants. Select 2c Locate Government Lands ATTEND TO CONTESTED CASES IN TIIE U. & LAND OFFICE, AND PY TAXES Alarire nuantitv of First Class Lands for sale in Nemaha, Richardson, Pawnee, John aon And Giuro Coantles. Nebra&ka, to which the attenUon of purchasers ia special! invi ted. 05ceEE0mmLLE, UEB. iruft-tf ' ' J. II. SHOOK & BROS., Manufacturer and Dealers in Native Lumber of all kinds, lengths, breadths and UUcltness, AT II I SDALE, NE1IAILA. COUirrY, KEEK ft SKA. Thev own and run one of the best Saw Mills in the State, and will lurnisn " MECHANICS AXD CUILDESS with a liill of Lumber of nest Quality, oa short notice, at the Lowest ilartet rriee. Lath, and Pickets Alwaj's on Land for sale. Thev also sell cheap at their store in Hills dale all stanle lirv Goods and Groceries, and such article as lire in general use. Remember tur business, xne men, ana me place. . JOHN L. CARSON, BACKER, EBO WX VILLE:..- XEBRASKA Exchange Bought and Sold on all the prin cipal cities. Also dealer In Gold anafouver Coin, Gold Dust and GOV-ERl-XEIIT BONDS. Deposits received, payable at sight. Inter est paid on time deposits by Rpeco agree ment. Taxes paid for non-residenis. All kinds ot L. a. lionds waniea. CITY BAKERY AKD COXFECTIOIVERY 1 1 Ko. 31 Cor. Main 4. 1st SU. (opposite City DrinjStors. WILLIAM ALLEN, Proprietor. Pies, Cakes, Fresli Iiread, Confectionery, Llnt ana Fancj Grocerieai" Con stan tlv " on Hand 1 ! Fresh Bread Delivered Daily! ! First Class Family Hoar "W arrantod. WJI. H. VALLEAU, IMPORTER and Yholesale and Retail Dealer in Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of all kinds el Ilaiive and Foreign "Wines WHISKY, ALE, &c. ALSO, a full stock of i!D .TOBACCO All of which be offers to the trade at rates low enough to suit ail. , 3,o Hum: wisbtug Liquors and Saloon Pizrfcures Fie extends a special invitation to call and see him. knowing that he lias all they want of the best goods iu the West aud can Guarranty Entire Satisfaction ! ! ! A SAMPLE BOOM IN THE REAR, WITH A Supplied with the choicest brands of Wines, Liquors Ji'FE EE LUNCH AT ALL HOURi.- NO.' 99, Corner TiTain and 3d Streets, EROWXVILLE NEBRASKA. Ilrs. II. E. Barsis, Dealer In Fancy Goods and Notions, Which she will sell at reasonable prices. She is ci instantly in receipt ot New and Ele gant Patterns lor Dress and Cloak Making, to wliich Jie pays psu tlculaj attention. Flntins. Stamp in 5, Stitclrns,Enid- Inz done to order. WHEELER 8l WILSON LOCK STICH SEWING- UAGKINE! Awarded the FIKST rRE-illOI 1 at all the principle Fairs in the World. Ev-In- cry Machine warranted for three years. structions free. OFFICE AT THE BAZAR. 8-tf CL0CHS, WATCHES, AJND No. 59 llain Street, Dro t iville. A ; : . joEHJvrn siiTjTZ- , - - - Has Just opened and will constantly YS keep on hand a large and well sorVxl !.. stock of geuuine articles in his line, Repairing of Clocks, Watches, and Jew elry tione on short notice. ALL, WOUK F-4iVEEX c ie A, 7- A Ic'etr and roslilonable s tock. o CLOTHING, (SO BliOtJVY), Is now offered to the Public at J. S. HETZEL'S CX.OTIIING . STORE, - ; o- TO Hain Street,' who is a LIVE to the interest of the public; and having par chased my CLOTHING, (made nndermy own supervision) exclusively for cash. I can Mil as low, If not lower, than any i r . TJATf in the Town or County. I beg to call your attention to my LARGE Aim ( selected stock of HATS, CAPS, O O O T S,. SHOES, lent's Furnishing Goods, as can be ?otn .". . :tk the-west. ; .- Here is a chance for the best bargains, as I have no dead stock on hand, all being entirely new. in puDiic are invitee to call and ex amine for themselTse, SlcPfacrscma's Clock, 3B where everj'-hing in the Clothing line can be found. ' S.HETSEL. A V"vi. -I - THUIISPAY, FEBRUAEY 25, 1SG9. STATEMENT of the condition of the HOME INS TR AN C E COMPANT, of New Tork. on the Crn dav of Jannarr, a.h. licS, made to the Auditor of state "of Nebraska, pursuant to the btatute of that bLale, NA3IE AND LOCATION. The name of this Ccmpanv is the Honrs Ijrsc bance Company, incorporated in Ls-"a, aud located in the City of Is'ew York. CAPITAL. The Capital of said Company, actually The Surplus oa the 1st day of January. . loW . I J "Total amount of Capital and Surplus. ASSETS. Amount Cash in Continental National Bank, N. Y Amount Cash in hands of A if en u, and in course of tranmiviou p-MU u in is.. $.,000,000 00 1.3,414 82 $145,7tS 43 Kfil9 20 1,404,743 SO Amount l.s. lieeistered and Coupon Stock 11, mar ket value 197,630 00 Amount T imed States Bonds market value 14507433 SO Missouri State Bonds, 6 per cent market value.. North C&riilonn Bonds ,, Tennessee Bonds., -. 21.GH0 00 tt.tHi 00 M.z'to oo :m o oo S".7."iO 00 6...OO0 0) IKI.IJIIO ou (W.-U0 00 ;i.vo oo a,ilO 00 WLsconsin fcuie Illinois.. Khode liand Caliioxtiiauite liinU.. Oonne3ticut state Bond New York City and (Jo. Bond Queens County Bonds Richmond County Bonds Brooklyn City Water Bond.. 451J05 00 .;uu ouj Bank Stocks, market value 12S.97S 00 Loans oa Bond and Marlrasrex, being the first Jieu of record on L'nincum . bered Iteul Estate, worth ai least i.9.l. rfce of interest s 7 rir.rt- 1475,963 09 Losns on Stocks and Bonds, payable on demand, the market value of secu rities pledged, at least .V,ljtt! Ua 409.6S2 00 steamer Magnet and Wrecking appara tus M Other Pmiierty, Miscellaneous Items Due for Premiums on policies issued at S5.XM 81 6i.l-7 So &873 40 Uttice i r ire and Irihuidi Bill Receivahie for Preiuiums on Inland -Navigation Kisks. fcc 14.000 !M 36,i03 17 144 00 Interest due of 1st Jonuarv. 13 Government Stamps on haud , i LIABILITIES. X96GS 30 Amount of Losses adjusted, due and un- uaiu . .. . Losses incurred, and in procew of ad justment. 104.097 49 2.740 00 Dividends declared and due and unpaid Wvidends either of cash or scrip, de clared but not vet due Amount of all other eiisliiic claims -. against the Company Total amount of Losses. Claims and Liabilities fl.)C7 48 .Toe Greatest amount insured on any risk is s75.uuu. Dm win not as a general ruie exceea lu.uuu. 'I be company Imts no ecneral rule as to the amount allowed to be insured in any city, town, village or Diock, ocins governed in this matter, la each case. by the general character of buildings, width of streets, iHoiiities for putting out tires. Ac. A certified copy of the Cnarter or Act of Incorpo ration, as amended, accompanied a previous ttiate- ment. Statk of New Yokk. 1 tuy and County o Arw 1 or, ) Charles J. Martin. President, and John TL "Wash burn. Secretary of the Home Insurance Company. being sevendly and duly sworn, depose and say, and each himself says, that the foregoing is a true, full and correct statement of the affairs of said Corpo ration, anu tnat liiey are toe above a escribed om cers thereot Chaki.ks J. ILARTrv, President, J. H. Wash Bras. Secretary. Bubscrfbed and sworn before me, this sixteenth day oi January, a. d. l. Thomas F. Ooodhich. Notary Public. JNO. L. CARSON, Agent, lS-tt Browuville, Nebraska. STATEMENT 3 of the condition of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company, On the 31st dav of December. Made to the Auditor of the Htate of Nebraska, in couformity withtlte laws of said State. The name of this Companv Is The Hartford Flrr insurance Lomjxiny, anu is lucaieuai uaruuru, mu. CAPITAL. The amount of Capital Stock is ,.? 00 The amouut of Capital tstock paid up ia l.uuo.ouo 00 ASSETS. . Cash ou hand and in bank ?1.C01 79 Cash in hands of Agents, and in course of transmission.. 1-1, OS; 33 Bills receivahie tor Loans, Bonds and AlorUnures. ( lien.) .i-. .Vtf.ew 79 , 2.247308 72 Real Kstate unencumoered 12-.0UO 0U Rents and interest accrued. payable January 1st, latil 11,142 SJ Stocks and Bonds, as jer schedule hied with Aud. t- orol'Staie . .1.S0-.C82 82 J LIABILITIES. Liftbil i ties to Banks, or others, due or not due I. ..... Loeses adjusted and dje.., .... Tkosses either imudiustel or adjusted and not due 120.830 89 V 120,912 89 Losses in suspense, awaiting further proof. All other claims against the Co.. dividends unpaid 32 00 MISCELLANEOUS. , The greatest a moot insured in any one risk is 80,- 000 except tn special cases. The amount insured iu any one City. Town or Yil Lap depends r.ixin its size, and how builL The amount iiisurea in auy one bioi-k, uepenas as above. trtified Copy of the Charter or the company, as filed here colore- George 1 ciiask. rresiaem. Gkorue vL Coit, Secretary. STATE OF CONNECTICUT.) Hartford Corsrv. i Tammr-:ih is.;!) nersonallv anrieared George I. nmw Vresicient. and Georire AI. Coit, ecretary. of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company, and made oath that the foregoing statement by them sub scribed Ls a true, full and correct statement of the affairs of said Com nan r. aud exhibit so tarascan be ascertained at this date, its actual condition on the :tist day of December, I sua. Before me, GtOHGi- i Miit, Notary Public C JOHN L. CARSON. Affeut, lS-4t Browuville, xseurasta. ellenberger Bros Ho. 74, McPlierson's Block, Dealers in Hardware, Stovcn, Tinware, Hardware, Stoves, Tinwarv, Hardware, Stoves, 2'inware, 50 000 MH Fcncc Trre 50003 Miles fence Wire, 50 000 Miles Fence Wire PitUburg Iron aud Sctils, Pittsburg Iron and Nails, Pittsburg Iron and Nails, - Mechanic's Tools, ' Mechanic's Tools, MccJanUi''e Tools, Charier Oak Slovcs, Charter Oak Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Besides a.full assortment of everything kept in a nrsi class AODUARE 1E1D STOVE STORE! Which will be nold as low as tlte lowed FOll CASH! To all who favor vs with a call. $590 REABD!! FOR A PEN EQUAL TO GOODSPEED'S GOLDEX FOUNTAIN, IX FLEXIBILITY, D UR ABILITY, Nonccrrosiveness and Economy ! ! IT "WRITES 10 LINES AT ONE Dir. AH who them will use no other. They are equally well adapted to the want of all writers, and never fail to give perfect satistactkui. 10 per day jruarranteed to aarents to sell these pet" and other ugetul articles we iurnii. -.umpie impa-i j ih-s by mail, single samples. 10 cents. Circulars tree. Address K. I. YOUNG jfc CO., 13-3m 119 Chambers t., Boston, ilam. THE BZ3T FAIHI IN NEMAHA COCNTY, ., EIGIIT ItllLES FROM EROtVNVILLE TWO MILE .es from siiERiOANjJ XIXQ 1GO ACIiES! ( CQXTAIXIZ All under cultivation. A living pledge Fence all around it- Cross hedges, throwing it m acre lots, wlih living stock water on each 4o. Hedge two vears old this spring. A gfd Dwelling Honse, con taining (seven rooms : a e& celler, wed walled with stone; good stone smoke-house: good barn and stabling for eielit horses; corn criim, etc Also a good tenant-house on the place, and a good school bouse ob the south-west U I will sell the above farm on reasonable terms. For particular enquire of James .cS"aushton of Brow nvUie, or ii-7w IV. DILLON, on the Premises. T A i v i i "A COLLAR. IN HIS POUCH." BT tIIE3 O'KXLI-EY. Tis pleasant when our friends are rich. To meet them day by day. Or Rood or ill, no matter which. Provided they can pay; Dut is there one yon answer not Who would or could avouch Esteem for one who hadn't got A dollar in his pouch? Tis pleas-mt with onr friends to dine To see t.nem well arrayed. To bumper them in cosily wine -For which themselves have paid; To smoke with them, to drive about, Share cup, caress, and couch But conl J we know a mfui without A dolh-r In Lis pouch f Th bride will love the pleading swain "Who holds at his command A handsome house, a sroodly train Of oqatpnire and land; But should his fortune, ceoae to smile, Even love away will slouch "Why can't the creature show a pile Of dollars in his pouch ? On sea. orj shore, they seera to say He is rich, and cant be dull; The gold within hi port-mon nai, . . Theythlnk, can 11 his skull. Let mammon reitjn, let seniua rot. Let wit, love, valor crouch Poor devil. If hehasnt got A dollar in his pouch. If Christ asrain should visit earth- A man of toil and care, Ilowe'er divine, whate'er his worth. How. think you. would he fare? Hence with this vacrrant! thrust him oat! Some swindler. I dare vouch Think you God's son would come without A dollar In his pouch? TIT.ES OF Acts, Memorials and Joint Resolutions pasted at the Fifth lesion of tlte Legislature of the State of Nebraska. An act to provide for the apoint ment of Notaries Public and to define their duties. An act to provide for holding terms of the Supreme fjourt. Joint Resolution and Memorial to Gen. U. 8. Grant, President elect o; the United States. An act' for the relief of the State Normal School. An actrto exemdt from sale on execu' tion, property used and kept to ex tinguish fires. An act to define the duties of the Attorney of the State, and provide for las payment. An act to amend secticn9 sixty-two and sixty-three of chapter one, of title five of the Iteviseu .Statute entitled "Manner of Commencing Civi Actions." An act to amend section one or an act entitled "an act to provdie for the appointmet of Clerks of the district Court, approved June 22, 1SG7. An act incorporating subordinate Lodges of Masons. Odd Fellows and Good Templers. Memorial and Joint Resolution rela tive to a treaty for the purchase of the Otoe and Missouri Indian reservations. An act to prohibit the sale of intoxi cating liquors on days of election. Memorial and Joint resolution to Congress for the removal of the Paw nee Indians fiom their present reserva tion. An act to amend section ten of chap ter sixteen of part one of an act known as "the Revised Statutes of N ebraska,' approved February 12, 1SG6; subject, "JJivorce and alimony." An act to amend chapter fifty-three, Revised Statutes entitled "Towns." An act to amend section 50 of chap ter No. 2o of the Revised Statutes enti tled "Incorporations." An act giving eilects to Judgements and Decrees An act to amend the Code of Civil Procedure, (Section 6, Part 10.) An act to amend section five, chap ter nine ot the Revised Statutes enti tled "County CommisionersandCoun ty Cterks. An act to amend section eleven chapter one of the Revised Statutes entitled "Agricultural An act to provide for the publication of the decisions of the supreme Court, and for the payment of the Reporter. An act to locate a State Road from Loner's Rridere on the little Nemaha River, in .Nemaha County, to Ian coin, in Lancaster County. An act to encourage the growth of timber and fruit trees. An act to amend section 571 of title 14 of the Code of Civil Procedure. An act to amend section 14 of "an act to locate, establish and endow a State Normal School," approved June 20, 1SCG. L- .Memorial ana Joint Kesoiution pray ing Congress for lands for Railroad purposes. Joint liesoiutiou accepting acts oi Congress. An act declaring tlie town of .Lin coln the County Scat of Lancaster County. - An act to authorize non-residence Railroad Companies tabuild Railroads to Nebraska. An act to provide the enumeration of the population and the registration of Births and Deaths in the State of Nebraska. An act to amend section 531 of title 4 of the Code of Civil Procedure. , An act to lease certain saline lands to Anson C. Tichenor, Jesse F. Green and others. An act to amend section two chapter 4 of the revised statues of the State of Nebraska, entitled precincts. An act to amend section 20 chapter four, of the criminal code. Joint Resolution relative to swamp ands. An act to amend section one chap ter one or the revised statutes oi .Ne braska, entitled agriculture. An act to expound the provisions of the general Incorpotation act relating to inebtedness. An act to amend section 11, chapter 27 revised statutes entitled jails. An act to pay Counsel assigned to defend indgeut prisoners. An act to dispose of the public lands granted to the State of Nebraska for works of public improvement. An act to provide for the registration of voters of the State. Joint Resolution authorizeing the electors to vote for or against a Consti- utional Convention at the next gen eral election. An act for the relief of persons who have improvements upon State lots in the town of Lincoln. An act to amend section 4 of an act entitled an act to define the boundaries of the Juicial districts and to assign Justices to the same. An act to provide for the eale of certain saline lands. An act to amend section 8, chapter 5, of the revised statutes. An act to restrain swine from run ning at large in the State of Nebraska. An act to provide for the sale of un sold lots, and blocks in the town site of Lincoin? and for' the location and erection of a State University and Ar- ri cultural College and State Luantic Asylum An act to amend section 973 of chap ter 7, of title GO of the Code of Civil Procedure, concerning the selection of Juries in the Justices Court. An act to provide for the appoint ment and payment of RailiCs for the Supreme CouxL :..-A S'1 ! A v v i. v J b An act to locate a Siate Road from Nebraska City in Otoe county Tecumseh in Johnson eounty. An act to establish boundary Iirses between the counties Dodge and Eurt. An act to require the Treasure to keep constantly on hand the identical funds received by him R3 such Treas urer, until the same shall be paid out on warrents drawn on such Treasurers. An act to amend section IS of chapter 8 and section 7 of chapter 13 of tlie re vised Statutes of Nebraska relative to coronors. An act making appropriation to aid in the construction of the National Lincoln Monument at or near Spring field in the State of Illinois. An act to provide for refunding to the tax payers of Fall City precinct of Richardson county, a special Bridge tax heaertofore levied and collected therein. An act to locate a State road from Hillsdale in Nemaha county to Paw nee City in -Pawnee county. " - An act to amend section 17 chapter 19 revised statutes. An act to restrain stock from run ning at large in the State of Nebraska. A n act to create tlie office of adjutant general. An act to provide a eystem of rev enue. An act to amend section seven, eighteen and fourteen of chapter for-ty-even of the revised statutes enti tled roads. An act respecting church lots in Lincoln. An act to amend section seventeen of the revised statutes entitled elec tions. An act in reference to executors, ad ministrators and probate judges. An act to amend an act to provide ror the registry of school lands ror the control and disposition thereof, and for the safe keeping of the funds de rived from the sale and lease of said lands. An act to amend chapter 34, part 1 of an act known as the Revised Stat utes, approved Feb. 12 1SGG, entitled "JUarriage." An act to provide for a State ceme tery at Lincoln. An act to give affect to the trans cript of judgment in the several dis trict court3. An act to prevent the importation of Texas or Cherokee cattle into the State of Nebraska, within certain specified dates. An act to restrain stock from run ning at large in Lancaster and Saline counties. An act to enable counties, cities and precincts to borrow monevs on their bonds or issue bonds to aid in the con struction and completion of works o internal improvement. An act to locate a State road from Blair in Washington county, to "West Point Cuming county. Memorial to the Senate and House of Representatives of the U. States. An act for an act to increase the school funds in Nebraska. An act to dispose of gold aud silver coin belonging to Nebraska. An act fixing the jurisdiction of Pro bate Judges in civil cases, and pro viding for holding regular terms of the Probrte court for the trial of such civil cases. An act to provide for the election of an Attorney General for the State of Nebraska, and to prescribe his duties and fix his compensation. AI ACT C'- To protect the rights of Married Wo men, and in relation to the liabilities incident to the Marriage relations. Be it enacted b the Legislature of the State of JStbraska: toECTiox 1 The property, real or personal, which any woman in this Mate may own at the time of her marriage, and the rents, issues, profits or proceeds there of, and any real, personal or mixed property, which fehall come to her by descent, devise or bequest, or the gift of any person except her husband, hall remain her sole aud separate property, notwithstanding her mar nage, and shall not be subject to the disposal of the husband nor be liable for his debts. Skc 2. Am married woman, while married, may, bargain, sell and con vey her moneys, chattels, personal and real proierty, and enter into any contract in reference to the same, with any and all pesons whatsoever as if she were sole. Sec. 3. Any woman may, while married, or where the cause of action arose while married, sue and be sued in all matters having relation to her property, personal or real, in the same manner as if she were sole. when the action is brought, or when the cause of action arose. Sec. 4. Any woman may, while married, make a will, but shall not be queath away from her husband more than one-half of her property, both ersonaI and real, without his consent, n writing, either before or after mar riage. : Sec. 5. If any married woman die without will, one-half of her separate property shall become and remain the absolute property of her husband ; the other half shall descend to and be di vided euuallv between the children of such married woman. Sec. G. Anr married woman dying without will or issue, her whole prop erty shall decend to her surviving hus band during his lifetime, and after wards to her next of kin in fee simple. Sec. 7. Any married man dying without a will, one-half ot his prop erty, personal, real and mixed, shall descend to and become the absolute property of his surviving wife, the other half shall be equally divided among his children. Sec. S. Any married man dicg without a will or issue, his whole prop erty shall descend to his surviving wile during her lifetime and after wards to his next of kin in fee simple. Sec. 9. In case any married man shall hereafter deprive his wife of over one-half of his property" by will, it shall be optional with such married women, after the death of her hus band, to accept the conditions of such will, or one-half of his whole estate. real, personal and mixed. Sec. 10. Property of the wife be- onging to the husband after her de cease, and property or the husoand tx?loii!ring to the wife after his decease, according the provisions of this act, shall be assigned and setover to either, a3 dower is assigned and property set over to the wife out of the husbands estate, after his decease, according to the law3 which now are, or hereafter may be in force in this State. Sec. 11. Any married woman may carry on any trade or business, and perform any labor or services, on her real and separate account, and the ear nings of any married woman, from her trade, business, labor or services. shall be her sole and separate property, and may be used and invested by her in her own name, and she may sue and be sued as if sole, in regard to her trade, business, labor, services and earm:!, and her property, acquired J - ' i . .- . - , - aiidtii-j jrc :aliiL:v cn any t' :i z c against 1: r nt!" -' Sec. 12. Any ' have brer, rr.arr. 1 cut 1 siiail, if her hu-i u, 1 cor:s a rc?i.!e::t c f il.U all the rizhti as t- - r w.V. .0 -,""' 3 C. r c ; mny Lave u i which si ? r.:nr h;ve" 7, .. . A tuo cf sr.? sr.arr: c:r.:r... : cr merit mr. Ii cr.tcf ihii -.: SKC 13. No:h:-- in V. r- f talned shall le I.t-U to inv ,.; r.;.in1r:r, or ,.t! t' r r c v -.v ir.. ' , : '. :. - Snc. 11. i;i ir..rr:. '.-.- .. contracted. theh-:'....!;.!s.. ,31 e far the dtt.-ts cr.l i;au::t;c3 crtLs x contracted Lefore marrbr?, to theft tent of the reJand personal prr. . . . . , V . . . ' . k . . . ... - ..... cr receive from the sale cr rent cf lands and no farther and s u Hal i ity shall net be cxtingul-hci ty tha death of the wife. Six. 1"). When any womar), against whom liability cxi-:., shaJl tuarry, and have or acquire lanJ, judj-mctit on such l-e re:iJerJ against her and her jnthy, to be levied on such land only. Sf.c. 16. When nrty juument ll rendered against a huuland and wi'j for the tort of the wife, execution cq such judgment shall l rt levied ca tlie property cf the wi.V, if she Lava any. Sec. 17. The Feparate deed cf tha husband shall convey na interest la the wife's lands, nor shall the separata deed of the wife convey a-iy in ten-5 in the husband's lands. Skc. I. This act shall take and be in force from and aftwx lis ps sage. A!S ACT -to lc$rrau woes from i. uniting Lnrgt in the State cf NtbruXa. Section 1. Be it enacted lg ths Legislature cf the S!:f? cf Nibrakat That it shall be unlawful far catt:, horses, mules, sheep, Bwlne and cth;r stock to run at large at any season cf the year in the State of Nebnvhk r ex cept in Peru, Benton, Brownvi', Ne maha City, Aspinwall and SL Deroia precincts in Nemaha county. Sec. 2. That when any such stoci shall be found on the premises of an other, it shall be lawful for the o-ner or person in poses.inn of said prt mi to impound said stock, and if the own er, of said stock can be found and ii known to the taker up, It shall b tha duty of said taker up to notify hha within two days by personal fcervic or bv leaving a written notice at his usual place, of residence, with aoma person of hi3 family over the nd c fourteen years, of the taking of Bald stock, describing it aud requiring hint to forthwith take the said stock after making full payment of the da-nrujn and cost to tlie taker up. Sec. 3. In case the parties cannot agree as to the amount ot" damages an 1 costs, each party may choose a man, and in case cither party refuse to choose a man, then the near est Justice of the Peace of tha county shall choose a man instead, and in case the two men chooser. cannot agree, they hall chrxa A third man, who after beicgduiy sworn for the purpose, the thrive or a majority of them shall proceed to assess tha damages, possessing for that purpose the general power of arbitrators, and the said arbitrators shall make an award in writing and their decLsioa shall be final, from which there shall be no appeal from cither party, a cory of which award shall be filed with tha nearest Justice of the Peace in uaii county, and shall operate as a judg ment at law and execution shall issue at the request of the party la whosa favor said award was found, for tha collection of damages and ecsia as la other cases. Sec. 4. And if the owner fall to ap pear" and pay all damages and cosia aforesaid to the taker up after two days notice of such decision, the taker up shall have the full power and au thority to sell such tresspassing ani mal or animals by giving fifteen days notice by josting up three writtea notices in three of the most public places in the precinct, of the time and place of sale of the auimal or animal, or so many thereof as 6hall be suf ficient, to pay all damages and cosU arising by virtue of such taking up and sale, and the surplus, if any, to bo C aid to the said justice, to be held by lm subject to the order of the owner of the stock so sold. Sec, 5. No assessment or collectioa shall ie made under the provisions of this act for damages done on unculti vated lands unless said lands be sur rounded bv a strin of breakinsr or ploughed ground at least one rod wide. Sec. 6. This act shall take efrect and be in force from and ufter Its pas sage. A Lady In the XTronz ZJaiii. A newly married couple recently arrived in New Orleans. Jaded ani tired, they would each have a bath before retiring. They found the Laths in their hotel so situated that a lady and gentleman (especially wber tha lady is the gent.emuii s wife) can tal-e the baths in adjoining apartments. But unfortunatly for the happiness of our couple, baths at the same time were ordered for other guests who had just arived and by the most natural mistake in the wond, our Lnue got into the wrong bath. It was that moment of euprema enjoyment, when the warm genial water was coqueting with the beauti ful form: when like the maiden on tha banks of the Ganges, the bride waa admiring the loveliness the water re flected, that the door was pushed gen tly open, and a tall bearded masculine entered. i Of course the lady screamed indeed did she. Such a succession of Khrie kg. have rarely echoed through that build ing, numberless as may have been its experience in screams. Oh hush; for God's sake be quiet; j you'll alarm the city." 1 "Uh you ureaatui man I ' ana tho shrit-ks waxed more loud and piercing and the angry little hands beat tha water around her into a foaming cas cade, like a minature Niagara. By this time the whole house was alarmed, and the patter of mnuin; feet was heard throe rh all the corri dors. The man couldn't get out be cause he was net dressed. He coul J not remain because it was immodest. The husband by this time was thun dering at the door, and inquiring in j accents far from calm what the d 1 ' was the matter. 1 "Help me ! help me !" screamed tha j bride. i The horiiled husband heard in re- ply : j Wait till 1 get my cioincs oa U 4 I'" go!" . . .. He could endure no more, turstm,- - open the door rusubed like a demon nto the room, crying frantically Icj. 'Mary, Mary; my God, what's the matter?" But at the sam tima n:s eye lighted on the stranger, turning. madly in incllctual cllorts to resurn his apparel. Un him he seued, ana with Lis fist raised aeiuanaeu ue meaning of this intrusion. t It was afforded in a trembhrg ton, ! which disposed his sense of the peril "The lady had got Into tte wron- bath ; he was not aware of her pre en cr until he hr.d undressed ; hi meant nc offence. For mercy's sake 1st Lizx out!" The explanation proving satisfac tory, the unfortunate stranger f. ' and the bride was left to the ccuse lo tions of her lord. 3 t