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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1869)
1 c .TO rRINTEItS! e fSr wi1, very cbeiro fhr ca..h, a Toster urn Ji'b l'rws, several p-xl funis ot wood Jol Tie from 6 to 12 l.nn I'ica: wvcral " Iotb : ! rarl anrj C-splrty fyje; a larr ,-ty of lira liul,C'niK. I iiniiture, wol , fcni a Joi Type tmri Galley Jlafc. W( t R Ictrt'iilrj. an we Live now an entire and iiel tlie room. -,t( 0f the ativtbtiskw for sale by , tU City Book f-om. ;AL MATTERS. 1 LLC, TUU1WDAY, JAN 21, 1SC9. , Full stock at Baur'a. &, at City Drcg'Stortf. it, Land Apcnt, Brownville. tiller' Harness Oil at IJnuffs. of Land for sale by J as, It. Dye. taklngFlovra 2T. A Tl.Smitn . for sale hy J. U. Deuser. molds is improving the front Kulldintt ao an to make it of a ruber of nulldlnjr contracts are f?r spring, and worlc will le J soirle to fpare lor new-comers. ! Ganuine Holine Plow. - baa Just completed a fine black corner Of Klxtn and Main street, new-coiner from Iowa, and we cetftS. rrrt on Sixth street, between A'ater, Is of Rton nguare built, .at xtone to cover it, and look.: as .ould viand. : 1 ye that loupht poor Boots that ut before the winter Is half pat, pair that will bust you one year., i. haa the best. pbtni, we learn, ha commenced lee. We hope that he or ot hers i enough, ho that we will not be latter part of this season us we raetra on Sixth t, between diehard, are putting the work - ilte the cold weather. This will th atreot one of the main thor ,to and out of town. f (Tom.monwiUh and thfl Dally .ot eorne to us from Lincoln. pubUalie l dally through the piaiatnre. Their apjKjarance Is id they are spicy sheets. atlou i having the cellar exca tore building, one lot east of the urnor of Main and Sixtlu Tbe t of our city In Just now plving tlona of improvement than any luino Uolino Flow. lall, at McPheraon Hall on Mon uiuary &lh, commencing imme- - concert given or the lye iirotli Invited to attend. Bill for the f Committee. rwtll Concert of the WcFtcm f this city, was well attended and 1 saUofae.tlon, The performance j. nd of a character new to such n present day. We wish them -ever t hey may go. 'bane Almanac for 15!) is re in lur abend of anyof it valuable -i. It Is the most complete publi ' kind in tlie world. No business ;iv other man," can rlbly do March hivt them for aale. -All thoe Indebted to W. II. Small i e, will plow come forward aud "ame Immediately, na my books -xed wiUiln thirty days. Come iitleraen, and peitle and coin w. V. II. HMALIi. aata is tlie name of Wm. II. Val- iple room, at his wholesale and re r and tobacco store, on Main trect. :iy" members usually hold their ) the rear end of the room, near the t'm. Is fixed up comfortable arid the Genuine Molina Plow. Vorld-The first number of this -r bu be-n handed us by our enlnr ew dealer at the 1. U., A. D. Maryii. iKhedhy Frank IjesUe, New York, ainiy ail t hat a story reader can de- kt fully lllnMraUd. and having eu Htdand tiinnler stoiies to keep one er heat for at least a week. St, nll. See the advertisement of liell, dlers in (iroeerlea, Queens ssware and all klnda of l'ine Luin--daya paper. The good management nmodation of Win. ismall i t ill in iant, and M'ltti a gixxl man to assist --ucce.- Is more aasured, and wlilsur pat We wish the new firm un (uccess. There will l a crand Conoert of 1 Instrumental Music, at Mcl'hcraon Mon-lay evening, January li'rth, the Dye Urothers, assisted by the ical talent in Hrownville. l.nter wtll consist of WJuartettR, Solos, . Trioa, Songs, vwntimental and "Ktrumerital, etc. Admission, faku; -'xi. Tickets for tlie Concei t for aale ett's lrug Store. eauino Molino Plow, nershlp NoliceI have this day, Jth, lotm sold half of the Red Store . liell, of si. Joseph, Mo. Hereafter of the firm will be Small & liell my numerous ctihtoinera for past 1 atk their continuance lor the , as we shall be more able to give vou . t of a large stock and the benefit of oes, as we Khali buy for cash aud :11 Yours truly, W. IL SMALL, Received tuts week and for Bale an can be bought elsewhere: iS Buck wheat Flour, Host Brown Sugar, Cotlee A Sugar, choice Coiree, is Beans. o Ited store and get your goods and ooeriea. SMALL & BELL. lied. More the Genuine lloline Plow. rrroR: Allow me, through thecol- your paper, to express my heartlelt :el..'ement to those friends who have piesented me M-ith a fuil a t of Ap ; New American Cyclopedia, with tlie -innal volumes making in all twen- volumes. The gilt is a mt useful uable one; and awakens in my mind i of the warmest gratitude towards the d generous donors. Yours respect fully, - - - JOHN T. BAIRD. I red per Small t Bell's exclusive ware House in this city : n Queens ware, heads tiUtsswarc, es Olaasware, . Lamp Chimneys of all sizes and Cifc paid for hlJ. s at 111 JJktoa'g. Osage Seed, frc.h, at City Drng Store. pay 40 cts. per buBhel for Corn Den goods. Ch frr Hides, TeHs Den's. , In and Fura, t.t W. T. City id County OriJers UiYen for gooda at Dea l store. Grtely's Almanac Ncwi Depot. for sale at 'Marsh' Lett has a new and Burners. stock of Coal Oil Lamps Rnta uniiiniT nt eTtremelT low prices at J. L. lcGee A Co.'. HtTTlrn Broadeat Seeders, for Paleby V. A, TLsdrl Co. ASrt 1 FonrTear Old Horse for Sale-- Enquire at this oicc Flow Spring and Fall "heat, atilcGee's, at reduced priefca. Persona Indebted to J. L. McGee A Co, will please call and sett.'r np Cloilisff out cs eokt, .Shawls, Dtrck Cloves, Hoops, ew. J, L. McOee & Co.1 Tea for sale at HW'IS fe FllOTIIER-S.- Vood-For Dry 8ycamorc and Elm (Vri ood, go to iujL.i.isyjiL.n rs. Fall and Spring Wheat Flottr, at aWAX & BUUTHLlt'S. Desks. Vardroles. and all kinds of Cabi net WorK made to order by A. J. McFall x Co, Xfw Arrlral at the Baiar. Wlieeler 4 Wilson Silent Feed Mewing Macbines. Call and see them. A larpelot of Fin n Tobacco, condemned for nonpayment of levenue, lor kbIc chap at 8V AH & tHi.VlLLli.l.!S. Boy's and Jtfcn's Clotbinc A general aixioi liiienl and well inmle. at UKAiN T 4 Headquarters. If von wish to eeejuet what is the roost faanionable gooda for Ladles' wear, go t A. May s Kegulator. Sl00 Dollars and Eipeniti I Ree ad vertisement of AmericaiiteUuttleSewing Ma chine in our advertising columns. r ICubn &, Halnc'a Premium Grain and Seed Drill, with W. H. Nanman's improve ment, lor aaie iy t . A.. JLisuei A uo. The Best Machine Extant, Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines for alxty-tive dol lars and npwaras, ottered at the Bazar. Jaa. K. Dye will sell and deliver first class riauos and organs lor intern ItetaU frices, and warrant tne Mimo lor live years. - 7y A full stock Tif Solo Leather, Boot and Shoo 1eather, Lats, and Shoemaker's Find- lngs, at GRANT'S neadqnartcrs, City Orders taken in exchange for sea soned ood or store goods. IL V. MUIR, Star, ZTo. , yicF-.ll ife Co. hare now on hand a full complete atsortmert of nil sizes of Metalic Csses and Caskets ; alio Walnut Cofflna with all kinds of trimmings. Lost- One Buck Skin Glove, on Main street, between Lett's Drug Store and the Bazar. A liberal reward will be given the finder. IL J. B AUG IS, "VVm. II. Hoover, Real Estate and Insu rance Agent, is prepared to make out all pa pers necessary to tlie conveyance of Ileal Es tate. Ottice Court Room, Brownville. George Hummel, a crazy man who is traveling around loose, was in our office last Thursday. Although not dangerous now. he is more so than lie used to be,' and should be taken care of. The attention of onr rendera is called to tlie advertisement of Coc's Dyspepsia Cure In another part of this paper. This truly valu able medicine is recommended by all who use it. Read the certlucates. McFalldt Co., arc making preparations to bring on a larger stock of l-'uiniture the com ing ea.son than has ever been brought to this Land Distrl'-U May they continue to flour ish, for fairer men never lived. The Industrial Flow was the same that took the premium at our latxCounty Fair, upon actual work. See the advertisement in to-day's issue, and then call on Teare & Co., Is'o. ()ti, Md'horson Block, who are authorized agents tor this plow. Personal. J. E. Chaffee has Just returned from ills old home, Tlpecanoe, Miami Co., Ohio. 1 le reports a great and growiry? desire uiKiii the part of tlio people in that section to come west ; the only drawback bcimr the ini- pobibiiity of realizing on real estate. R.. A. Hart ley, Dentlfct, Is now located at Abulia coniei iionery. ii is doing a big' business in extracting troublesome erinders. So far he has given general satislaction, and thoe having anytliint: in the Dental line they wish done, will secure an experienced: hand by calling on him. I Hannaford &, Hughes havfj this week made deiinlto arrangements for puUing up a laige three story brick lor their furniture salesroom, immediately opposite the block, where they will have a tremendous Ftock during the coming season. In the meantime tiieir assortment in the room west of our ollice is good. Y e hare Just enjoyed a visit to the new Lumber Yard ot Small, Lowell & Bell, corner of Water and First htreots. We say enjoyed, tor such piles of l'ine Lumber, of every des cription, are truly pleasing to the eye. as well us profitable to the community. They have anything that could be desired in that line, and have only a little over half their stock on. -.. O WU.. w r Trail! if ey nn.iiar, : .. ... Lrowuvie, Jaa. o.a, Tlie year just closed has been to us an eventful One, for diirin iis'hricf cycle we made the attempt and have su cceeded in establishing in this city a first class Whole sale and Met ail Dry Goods and Clothing Establish' 77ient For this success we sincerely thank our many frjeiids, several of our ene- 1 J 7 1 X mzes ana i tie low prices- ui which we have been enabled to lay in our goods, which our patrons have always liadthe full beneiit of. Our House is now permanently established, and we promise in the future, as in thepast. to relax no effort to make the Regulator a blessing to the community in which it is established. Our stock now on hand.we will posi tively close out within the next sixty days at first cost mthecityofjVew York, and W J we nave on nana a targe stock of Clothing, cennpns in nearly everything new, desirable or fashionable in that line well made and of good material. Of Gent's Furnishing Goods our stock is unsurpassed in extent, excellence or town ess of . it Tr- rrr 17. . vnce in me wesv. 10 me Ladies we offer a full Line of Dry Goods of every descrip tion, comprising anything and everything they can de sire, especially do we invite ' v. .1 the attention to our stock of Chinchilla t Cloaking and other Winter and Spring Goods, the latest styles, which we offer absolutely at cost. Our reason for clos- in out our present stock is ? we are crampea jor room and must get this stock ou t of the way before receiving our spring supply, lumen shall exceed anyming ever opened in Southern A ebras- T m 1 f tea. 00m in exzenv ana varie ty of goods. Again thank ing a generous ana appre dative public for past Iwe - m -r rat vatronge. we nope oy a large stock, low cash prices and fair dealing to merit a continuance and increase of the same, and invite all to call an d -examine our Goods and Prices before purchasing elsewhere. JL. MAX $ CO., Price Regulator, 7 Slain St. Bell, ng Lamps for Churches, Ac., 'tsid fjimps, Hand Lamps, Stand rromjktos,Ou. Come and see us. -n't buy anything. SMALL A BELL, lint tHorc. leanine Uolino PIott. lv"ar Is able lobe around agnJn dls iteaipt to murder him last w.Vk I v wh waylnyed and rohtcd him of is ron.y Ho was shot through the hrou:h .oe n(!"fc, nenr the Jiular near that A hair's breadth cli.mgp ction of the muzzle of the revolver ve sent him into eternltv. This was the most drvfi.1? crime ever eom 1 this section. S'o far no arrests have '.f : nor, so far as can lenrn, has 1 fixed upon any one .definitely. Mr. the sympathy of community Talr, hs (ill concede h 'm to be the ntire Operator and Express Agent yet had in thin city, lie hasten under great difAdvactagcii in hav fe, whleu the com pan v" s.'m'J.'d fur '. On the day of the robly-Ty htO had i1."00 from the wesr. which .'t is su'r- thieves went for. but which he ha2 I in bank as soon as received. PHELPS CITT ITEMS. Vtchiwa CVunty Journal. . Wyatt & Co. have Jnst received a ply 0 Coal of excellent quality, .d be sold at a reasonable price for lacksmitlis should make a note of Fisher House has rpevntlv chrn-ed We are informed that Messrs. Ten d- ' succeed Mr. D. Fisher to the manage- ' the house. Jaoob Shandy ho. got hs new stoe n Wextatreet wcU under war. and M ill nieted and ready to be occupied la a Tayman has well under way a bulld- ; i5S5 llt-ilQh. 13 desisQed be a R!lroar Company is now selling i to East Nebraska City and Council t0iumcj"'CMca6(,'&t-Loland O'Pclt has opened a grocery and rro- store in connection with his restaur a W est rtrwt. vern are paying for corn in the ear J, 4c.; wheat, SI 5; oata, 4Uc.; wood, ti Lumber Rcclrcd this wetk) per Lowell & Small : 10 Car Loads Flooring, 6 " " Siding. 5 " " Finishing, '2 14 - Doors and Sash, 1 " Mouldings, 1 " 44 Ceiling, 4 " 44 Shingles, and for sal at wholesale or retail. BELL. LOWELL t SMALL, Cor. 1st and Water streets, Brownville, Neb. In olden times, when the farmers plowed wiiu a cnxmea piece 01 wood, they believed they had reached perfection, and they could not have leen persuaded that any better ever would be made. Some peoplestillthinkthat what they have is better than any thing of ice Kinu mat, can do muuo. me improve ment in the manufacture of Plows is in pro portion as the 1'Iom'b that have been sold here lor the past nve years Is to the wooden plow. so Is the Industrial Flow to the tdows that nave Deen soia neretoiore. i-jverr one can le convinced that this is true If they will call on i.eare & co., soie agents. : Having Mills In thoTlneries of Saginaw, Michigan, with one Million Feet Dry t me Junioertm liand. it has compelled me to procure larger grounds for my Lumlier 1 aril. 1 Here fore 1 have rented the lots on the corner of tirst and water streets, wbero shall put one of the largest stock, of Lumber, jxors, liiinas, ssasn. etc.. west of the Missis slrpi, and every body knows, or shall know. that the Saginaw Lumber Is far superior to any otner jLumoer. Call aud see ma before nurchaslnsr else where. (One block from River.) BELL. UnVKLL A SIVfAT.TV 13-tf lied Store. TV of Ir T l"ir(t f i f a ln-t iTor f Tnnnow . - . . . . ..... . .... V. U..U(.. .1 . lWJ, associated with myself, as partners. Bell and Lowell, of St. Joseph, Mo.,in the Lumber iracie. wiin a ciuitai 01 uno Jlundrel ana Twenty Thousand Dollars. We are able to compete with any Lumber Yard west of the .dissisKippi river. As we have Mills in the Fineries, and Planing Mills in Chicago, we propose to sell more. c! beiter. and drr er Lumber, than any ot her yard in the west. v e nave tlie onlv comt lete stock In Brown rille, and shall keep stall times afull assort ment or every tiling k"pt in a Lumber lard, Call and see us before purchasing elsewhere, Y'our trulv W. II. SMALL. Kilbourn, Jenkins &. C Mnnnfae- ,, au1 Whole-dfl and Retail dealers in f in,ls,of Pine Lumbfr, Lath, Shingles, iV ' ":u'. i).ins, Xrs, Jiattens etc, t'l.ieeand LuimIht Yard, corner 4th and Main streets. Branca Yard at Pheljis City, Missouri. e manuiacture onr own material in the I ineries of Oshkosh, Wis., where wo have in operation one of the largest manufactures K.i'Vlhln!r ,na,e lrl'I"e in the world, and ,e ol'rLumUr direct from the tree, ?1,i ' e ,an 8011 at ,owpr rates than any buL ar1 in thP'est which pays one h? I S e nn onefT twu r11 rrolits. We !r-tX? K ."kerp onhaml a full supply ot mi-nK in Vurline- Kothal 'e in want may alwaj s rely upon cettinff what, thev , e pimply alv all toexamine our tock THE InIARKETS. . . CLOTHIIVO MARKET. Corrected Wcekry Tor the Adrcrtlscr by MAY'S DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING REGULATOR. Business Coats from $1S12. Business Suits, 88. Overcoats, S3 50C5$20. Cassimere Pants, f 3 50(vS3b -' Casst net Pants, tAAi 50. Vests, from 75 cts. to J3. Overshirts, best, S3. Overshirts, second best, $2, Overshirts, from "5 cts. to $1 1 Vndershirts, from 50 cts. to i. Drawers, from 50 cts. to 82. Buckskin Gloves, best, $2 25. Slieepskln Gloves, 50 cts. Sheeiwaln Mitts, 50 cts. ire. , ...... ivy rati injur- - r I ririvo t f . ... 1. . - v ",,- j-'nrv we can ensure satisfaction in both. WEEKL7 REVIEW OP THE CAtiO JIAllIiETS. CHI- Moxev.-There ha been less strhigency since last week. OoM raled tiTngi?r ranging from 1M Vi IKS'. Bonds ruled higher and stronger than last week. 1 ixu a. rrring. extra. sfjs,75. Kprinar. super 's 4, w hue wiuttrr. H'ji.k.LM.w-.: Ked fine, Winter. ;.", . Yv'iiF.AT. No. 1 Pr-rirs tcat, fl,l,(TlJ9; Com mon to m.-diiim. f 1,1 e.U.R R.v.-)ia,iJc; iew 111 demand at5553c Oats. inc. Gutter. Choice, for table use, SOKc :08 frMh, a I fa .'!2c, Woi)i Joxl rieece in prood condilioa, quoted at 4V.7.4V, Xo. 1 Western nra .liio. 47(..)c. i'HFKSK. New York Factory. 1SC Cattjlf. Ciimmna kV K; ciuiIp, in decet flph, fvi-.",ij; nifi,uiii nccr lor city slaushttT, t'.,jO(2 5-o; la r Ki po id jv""' 7. itoiiK. Coiiirii..ii. f.-5.8,.j0; medium, $S,759,25; chmce to pood, '',. i Vry r(.n. I :w cott-fin 27Vc. or an advance of 2c- This win electa ccrresionding ri-ie la cotton goods. DRT GOODS MARKET. Corrected Weekly for tha Advertiser by MAY'S DRY OODS AND CLOTHING REGULATOR. Calico, best II ct. Second, 10 cts. Heary Y ard Wide Mnslins, 18c Muslin, sefindv 16c(ll2c. Bleached Muslins, yard wide, 2010. Cotton Delaine, 22c. All Wool sine, 40c. Shawls, 67-135, $.). riaid Flannels, 45c. Tlain Flannels, axV). Balmoral Skirts, H 60. , GROCERY AND PRODUCE MARKET Gced NewA t tie Aftlsted. Fire years ago, while traveling throueh Srr.fh America for my hpai tft, I discovered a remtHl r w Uich will permanenUvcure any case of Spermatorhea or SemiuKl meaicnesn, caused by fcell-abuse or sexual excess in mature venrs, in iroia two so nve weeKa. It can le u- witno'it the kiiowlel?a of any ones. snt Bc!irf iv aeiii.-il from observation, and warran ts! t,- j..i,-t a r;pmiiineit ctr- or money refunded. It ire. i ter lacktipe sui';k.-;r.t to cure the most in veterate case. All letters of Inqtflry cheerfully an swered.' Adores - . . yjr4iy Joh W. "Wixto, St. Lootf, Jla To the Celored People.' I he-r discovered, a prr ration to strairbtn the hair. I can safely gjr;ritee my iireir.thn to stral Jtitefl the most km key hair on any person, so as It will he iwstraiclit as t;,ehair of n Indian. Kum bff tsvuiM-d tt with cjccpss. 'Warranted to give enure satLs, action, and to do hat it sets R-rth In the above in all cases. Sent-post paid with lnlldireo tionn for u-e to an v adJrewt on r?ceipt of price. One fr,rt nr two t .r r'JW. One bottle win an swer for a t'-rson. and kp the tair strs'iriit for ever. Addroas P. V. lUNi-R, Chemiit, 409 Olive 6t SU Louis, iio. lAiJ i ' - ' TVaated. Teachers, Student, end other Inte'l'pent Men and Womr n, in a business PHvins WO to $j per month, according to ability. For particulars, aovlrffw Zeio to. McCOrpy fc C0.1 Lombard Block, Chicasto, 111. -y Scientific Wonder. Toil a i.nW tn mate nil kinds of Patent Jfedictnes, rerfuroerr. Toilet Articles, Cosmetics, Wines, Cor- Hioi. um iinir rn-Ks Oils. Dcnulaterie. Pomafles, Curlinit nuids. Household Receipts, and hundreds of other articles in daily demand, easily made, and sold at larire profits. It contains all the latest dis- uwivw arts. Arc. A most wonderful dook Third edition, i'ittv thoasand already sold. Post paid to any address for 50 cents per copy, by 12-3y SULoais, Mo, Van Solon Papnlean Lotion. The greatest remedy ever discovered for the dis eases of the skin. It cures every kind of unsurhtly eruptions of the face. Removes, without mil, fim ples, Freckela, Moth Blotches, Comodines or Black worms. Tan. etc.. and as a beautifier it ba no equal. For gentlemen, after shaving, it Is invalua ble. Toadies, after trvinz it. will use no other. "Pa- miMn ixiinn" inthnnlv reliable remedy for dis eases and blemishes of the bkin. Price $1. Pre- nuredonlrbv B. L. Van So IX) ST. fct. Louis, Mo, For sale by Druggists generally. ta-oy . arperflnons Hair Removed from the Face, Forehend, or any other part of the body. In five minutes, without injury to the skin, bv the Oriental Rusnia. warranted Mailed for Jl by O, Drs ank, l-tSy St. Louis, Mo. it m Bride and Brldeerroom. Kssas for young men on the interesting relations f linuetrrooin 10 Jirioe in ioe iiisniuuiiu 01 l-jf.c. a ciuide to thp matrimonii! felicity, and true hapi- ness. (sent by mail in senied letter envelopes free of charsre. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P., Philadelphia, Penn. 12-uy Attention) Everybody! What Is neater than a smooth, clean face or arm T Then send lor Riner's Ini'allable Depilatory for re moving ad superfluous hair from the body without pain or mjury to the skin. . The moet obstinate cases cured in from ten to fifteen days. Thousands have usel it with success. Price per package $1.30, or two lor r-rt, seni poei paia 10 my jvjurcna, w iui ur rections ftr use, on receipt or price. Address P. V, VIIS'EIt, Chemist, W OUve SL.St. Ixiuis, Mo. 47y 11 Ictnr5 to Yoans Men. Just published in a Realed envelope. Price six cents. A Decture on the na ture, treatment, and radical cure of Rnprm utrirriup or Semi n al Weak ness. ttitf T,ivnlunli-v Emissions. Sexual Dehil- Ity. and Impedimenta to Marriage generally lsTer- rousness. Consumption. Epiletwy. and Fits; Mental Rnd .Physical Incapacity, resimogtrom t-n-aDuse, A-c Bv ROBKUT J. tTLVEK SVKtJj, M.JJ., Au thor ofrth'lreen HiTOk." Ac The world renowned author, m this admirable lec- ture. clearly nroves from his own experience that the awful conseauencesof Self-abuse may be effectu ally removed without medicine, and without dan gerous surgical operations, oougies, instruments, rines. or cordials, pointing out a mode of cureatonce certain and effectual, bv which every matter what his condition maybe, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically, ihm lkcture WILL i'KOVE A JiOOX TO THOUSANDS AND 1HOC- SAN1M. tsent unoer seal, to any address, in plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps. Alwo. ur. 1 uiverweii s "juarriage uuiaa, " price i cents. Address toe punuspers. LHAH.J. i;. JvT.I.VK V 1. O.,- 12-40-y ' 123 Bowery, Kew York, P.O. 4Z3& Dr. Whittler, Has been loncer eniraed In the treatment of Chronic, Hexual Hnd l'eujaleDkeases than any other i'liysician lafcu ixhiis. bvphiiis in all ltsiorms, uonorriiea.uieetsitnctnre. Orchiliis, Diabetes, and all affections oj the Urinary and sexual organs, ana treatea witu tue greatest success. Spermatorrhof. Sexnal Debility ana Impotencr. as the result ot self-sbuse in youth, or sexual excels in mnturer years, which produce some of the following effects, as blotches, debility, dizziness, dimness of sight. coniusion ot lutMis, evil loreooding. aversion to society of females, loss of memory and sexual power, aud rendering marriaces improper can be enred. Persons sufTerinsr from consumption, dvsoersia. chronic diarrhea, liver complaint, hernia, rupture, or any other chronic all'ection. may rely upon re ceiving a radical cure. Particular attention elven tosil fcrnalcomplainb! Intiamution and Ulceration of the Womb, Len corrhea, Chlorisi, Sterility, tc. Most cases can be properly treated withoutniiinterview,and medicines sent by mail or express, secured free from observa tion. Consultation by letter or at oiHce 1HEK Charsw moderate and cures cnaranteed. Mg-tUhce, with hosoitul accommodations for pa tients, No. I7 St. Charles street, between Sixth and Seventh, St. Louis, Mo. everybody can get, m a sealed envelope, my the ory and treatment of Sexual and Urinary Diseases. containing full symptom lists, for 2 postage stamps; also my iiaper relating to Chronic and Female Com plaints, for a three cent stamp. 12-17-y i : FLOUR "Winter ? sack........., " Spring , CORN ia bushel, JMbAIj p ousuei BACON Hams " Shoulders fi fi " Sides f ft LARD Canned 3 tb 4 . . SYRUP Oolden V gal .... - Sugar House V gnl.i. COFFEE Java ? It Blo'f TU... .. CnEESE New York Factory lb country's 10 TE. Imperial .ta.i.... - JJlacUV!T) - Young Hyson m Tt, CANDLES star ft........ 1 allow r...... ............... ArPLES Dried " Green bhshal.. PEACHES Dried V lh POTATOES bushel.M.-.,....u. COAL OIL'p gallon-. ...... .......... . EO(rS doz . BUTTEIl f lb HONEY ft .... ONION bushel SA I,T per iwurrel.. .1. ( I.T 11 . ,. 1 . . 1 . w 1 ft UaK......M. " Walnut - Vine :. ..3 50 sniNCLES Cottonwood per loOO., Pine .-. 1. LATH Cottonwood per lOuO Pine.. ...........- "WOOD Dry Hard per cord HIDES Dry per ft " Clreen WHEAT Fall per bushel .... 44 Spring ......... WOOL per lh . n 00 .. 4 00 40(-50 20 lrt 'M .. 15 , 1 0 , 1 25 40 255)33 ii5 20 2 -i , 1 75 2 00 ..25 20 1 2 00 20 1 00 70 30 30 25 1 25 4 50 2 25 5 00 5 00 7 00 JJ 60(5-3 00 .5 00(au7 50 7 00 : 7 50 e 00 , 18 I;..... : b 1 50 ..801 OH Agents Wanted for NIGHT SCENES IN THE BIBLE, BY REV. DANIEL MARCH, D.D. For foil. free, f owine. clear, snarkllne. pure and gritceful st vie; for poetic renin : for beauty of Uonjrlit and rici plowing jmasmation ; for nice an alysis ot character, jrriphic delinentions and nie scholiirship : for liie-like ricuirea. glowing words and liannv illustrations, this work has no equal. Such commendations, as the above, have been re ceived from l'.:shop Simpson, Rev. Albert Rarnes, oah Porter. J.I., Lll., VV . A. Stearns. I)J. Heo. Dbji Frffirdman. D.D.. I. W. Wiley, D.D., Samuel W. Fisher, LII)., and leading Clersrmen and the Ptpms of ail Jlenouiinations. S-nd for Circulars containing the same. Aeents areeverywhere meet ing witn unparalleled u"ess. It is a most Deaun fuilv Illustrated and elegantly bound book, and pleases everjd)ody. COMMISSIONS J100 to (200 TEH MONTH. according to ability and energy. Address, ' r - ZI1TJLER. TT.'CrRCY & CO.. Philadelphia. Ta.. Cincinnati. O.. Chicago, 111., or St. Lous, Mo. ll-am 'ALL ABOARD r ' T "TV-s m il m r . "XX i- T-r-.y" The Brownvilla Transfer Line, Under the management of jacob itc Gnus, Is now Running Repnlsr Omnibusies from Erovrnville to tho 11.1 Iroai Terminus of tae Council Elcff and St. Joseph EaUrosd, At ITcrtli Gtar, Uo., Two Kile from Brownville and North S-arTeny Landing. " ' ' ' ; Good OmniLusses. Close Conskeotkosr 5tf Ciarces Ilof frcto. To Physicians. New Yoe k , August 15th, ISC. Allow me to call your attention to my PREPA RATION OF COMPOUND EXTRACT BIX'HU. The component parts are Buchu,Loug Leaf, Cuhebs, Juniper Berries. Mouk of Prkparation'. Buchu, in racuo. Ju niper Berries, by distilation, to form a tine gin. Cu belw extracted by displacement by liinior obtained from Juniper Berries, containing very little sufrar, a small proportion of spirit, and more palatable than any now In use. The active properties are by this mode extracted. Buchu, as prepared by Drnrclsts jrnerally. Is of a dark color. It is a pUmt that emits its frarr:ince; the action of a flame destroys this (its active j'rinci- piei, leavinsr a oaru and glutinous decoction, ittine Is the color of lnstredients. The Buchu in my prepa ration predominates; the smallest quantity of the other ingredients are added, to prevent fermenta tion ; upon inspection, 11 win ne luund not to oe a Tincture, as made rhnrmaenpfea, nor is it a Syrup and therefore can be used in cues where fever or ntlamation exists. In this, you have the knowledge of the ingredients and the mode of preparation. Hoping thnt you will favor it with trial, and that upon ini",tifjn it will meet with your approbation, iia a teenng or conndence, 1 am, vervrespeett uiiv, if. t. HVT.M'urvr.Ti. CliemLst and Druggist of IB Years' Exnerience In Fhiladeliihia, and now located at his Drue and Chemical Warehouse. W4 Broadway, New York. From the largest Manufacturing Chemist in the world.! 1 am acquainted with Mr. II. T. Helmbold ; he uu.-ujieu iuv Liru? store opposite my residence, and was subcessful in conducting the "business where otners naa not been equally so before him. I have been favorably impressed with hischarcterand en- icrjirisc. WIX.LIAM WEIOHTJA.1C, Firm of Powers A Weightman, Manufacturing .- w mm 1 u n 11 Oil r-T-US, X UliStUeiPflltt, "'"-7 ti act isucnu, tor weak ness arislnK from Indiscretion. The exhaust ort nnn ers of Nature which are accompanied bv so many alarming symptons, among which which will be :.. '."'.""" i"1""" w ii-vemon, loss or Memory .. "i jwib, or r oreooainea of i 1 h'i ? , ' l ni.vprsftl I-ssitudo, Prostration, and V.'il iiicnjnyiufiii 01 society. I he Constitution once aff ected with ( (ranic Weak- mqmresme aid ot .Medicine to strcmrthen and liivitroratw th- system, which Helmbold's Extract jj!ii;iiu ifivunnuiy uoes. 11 no treatment is submit ted to. Consumption and insn!tv nm IlKLsiROLns r.i iD Extract Bi-chc, ln affec tions peculiar to Females, is uneoualed bvanv other preparation, as in Chlorosis, or Retention, Painfnl ness, or Suppression of Customary Evacuations Ul cerated or Sehirnw State of Hie Uterus, and all com- i..n.Vu, inciuriii. m iue sex, wnetner artsing from habits of dissipation, imprudence In, or thedeclinc or chanjreof hie. . ilKi.MBoi.n's Fluid Extract r.cciru ajtd Im raovKi) Rose Wash will radically exterminate nviix uicfl.tmciu uiswiws nriiii irom. nablts of dis sipation, at little expense, little or no change in diet no inconvenience or exposure; completely sepe-sed-Ing those unpleasant and dangerous remedies Conor via and Mercury, in all these diseases. Cse Helmboid s Fluid Extract Buchu In all diseas es of these organs, whether existing in malenrfe- iiiBitr, iitiiii Bwra-irrmtt'? originating, and no mat ter of how Ions standing. It la pleasant intasteand uuuicuiolc in uu, mm more strensMen ing than any of the preparations of Bark or Iron 1 nose Kunennir irom Droken-rinwn nr ,ta,at ......I . , . . ..v.l.v. iimH:iuiin, I'nuure uie reinwy Rt onrf, - iioa reauer aiusi oe aware that, however elitrht may be tiie attack of the above diseases, it Is certain to afreet the bodily health and mental powers. All me aoove diseases renn r tlm oil nf 1 Ic. Helmbold's Excrw Buchu Is the nwt m...ti Sold br Drticirist fvpn-nhmo Ti-a. 1 tw.ttio now K..,,i. r i;.;,. , .r drews. IHwcnbe vrrnumma In all Himmini,-in. ddress H. T. ltlXMBOLD. Drji.r ,i t l ,"?; Warehojse, 5fM Broadwav.N7Y. "-"""" a Anne ar- Vieimme nnlews rtrain nn ?n graved- wrapper, with fuc-eimile f my Cliemlcal t-m U. T. IIELMBOD, To Contnmpttres. i. no anveriiscr. narimr twn ucaitii in u icw weeaa oy a very simple rem edy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread dis ease, consumption is anxious to make Known to ma leliow sufierers the means of core. : .. .1 will Reit the prescription used (free of charge ) with the directions for preparing and usinr the same, which they will find a, ntre r-ure f,- Consumption. A tthmtx.Bronchilix .- Th object of the advertiser in -sending the Pres cription Is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be Invalu able; aud he hopes every suffererer will trr bis remedy, as it will cost them nothing and may rrore a blesslncr. ' Parties wishing the proscription will please address KKV. EDWARD A. WIiWn m r t v -3 v HO mm mmm m mmso WILL WIN THE (?nr'yr:::, I., ir-T"'i 1 :t ,'V'-"vr-v,n r':n,i -J inn ?" 4 mi J ti, -11 -in V , Js-J W '- f " 1 JANUARY 1st 1869, TE OITEIi OVIi EXTHIC itocs or ciorame a TT 1 i J Li 2r It il m( ? f f. i V' lJ f r - W ted 1 i J 1 1 ? I E O lu T staple ;.:;o a No. 107 ror'JiSsif Cou ImTyTrr c f 0"i - Fr'n.t o ,r ex "-r; i 'i r-ss,au-.i 1 v v .. c- r'"; ' 5 rirro.;.. WO Ii l CO;; . tercet- r f ?.-.'ii,t. iy s to rm r- ... -. u-, t-. 11 T-..4. o j rcr re liui " J r. r "y bit.) its natural r V ) 13 U el cr:3 r hcallhr, zz I t i::zl for rrecrrh Lair. Fel l cr rrcy hair 9 by its feci rr:'ortd end;s r; izx. faTiiZz Lair '1 ret hair1 vrh 3 tha or But snca ft3 rcrr.aiu etirti V, p!anJ.j ftiropli usefulness by ct louun ti;c rair Tf;:.t meat, it will keep it clcaa It3 occasional rill rr: vli re J, . 1 ::Ii- v" 1 LsIt from turci: consequently frevent Car T: t ?rrv? tzl It wentel r iron tiiosa m'aka sorr.3" prcparatlcns injurious to the hair, tls only benefit bat net Lara it. merely for a HAIR DR2SSI riotliin; cbo can bo found desirab. Containincr neither oil r;cr djref it docs not soil whito cambric, an i yet UjIs long oa tlie Lair, ir it a rich h zzj fiistre and a rcrfi:n:2. PrtpirscT by Dr. J. C. Aj:r 6 D., PKACTICAt ANt AXALTTTCAL Cl.lllZm, Sold by - ircjLZEEsvsr incn:: 137-y r.rownvSn. I i " n UtUUI tJ 3UJ 1? nrt i ri F"Si r I1 " r-s ; rs j ii .) i f a- ii i M J A cos. c:::dago O0111 rsesslft F'--Hii duced ti to est N tiio pit tlv" yKii5, .' vrj bllsh a Eranc .; ' v? i.i i csgo, rendering it more necf-sMi,: to "i Western ppie, aiftl a.'o spring a l.irr :r prepase. Our gooils are all newsnd r- vl vf direct from tha Manafietotvrs, cor..-?' r nearly every article d!re-l f-,r fm.:r t., such as Dry and Fany Goo!'. iio!j Shoes, Jewelry, Plated Ware, etc., etc AlJ articles sold fur 6 no Dollar Zaeiu and net to be raid fornntil voi innw Ut you aro to receive. CHFCKS, Wor.l-lr.5 fc'rr?!, sent at the m'.o of 1') cents cvh, to i- for rxi5aKe, printing, ect. Irp'n:i ir- i I too ?100 sent Freo to "Aeent. V, are A for all the lst MAnufaetorjo In tf c 'r-c. Circuhtrs sent free. An' wan'--! In erry town. Address FAtlli t CO , li- In-arru fet. Chicrso, III. I". U. Vox 5J-J0. S-l.t ion) Sua mm4 f fc. J A. - m Ilflll J o 7 -2 1jD T33 r-i il DEALER IX i : i 0 3 L2 ALLABOAED FOR Till! liEO STORE 13-0-y 183 South Second Stf Williamsbnrh Kings County, N. y. Errori of Youtli. A gentleman who Rnff-rr.,t r Nervous Debility, lYemature Fcarand all the effects of youthful lndiwrction, will for thepnkeof sutferins huronif- t,- all who need It. the recipe and dl mtirg the simple remedy by which lie wn suing to profit br the nrl. hi l4 GENERAL TlZM C-roceries 2Vo. 43, 3Jxiiix Gti'ckU BO s "We hare on hand rt larger TA?I2 AUD p3 m 2 ! To Tshlch tra are Ealxir-r co V70 aro Eollin-r at Prices as la tto Quality cf cur Goods t?3 DEALERS rovisions o o d o a w X g LI o r- f4 "J I Hi FLOUR OF-TilE HIGHEST ZIAIilLET 12-40 and well assorted itoek ot PAI7CTY CHOC: nstaat additions, and rrhici 10T7 as 8217 UCTi:3 V7C3 cf we defy coPEnno -i APntOVEI EUAKD3. Pities paid ror: swa?; & rsTio. st. JOSErn, uo. I.MrOIlTEn AND WHOtESALE AND RETAIL DE.VLET. l:f BEOWKYILLE. NEB, ROBT JEEAIEUE & CO., Ui n Oil ilea?? DILVLEUS IN DRY GOODS & GROCERIES - Y A ii Iv li 'l X 0 T I 0 K s lame i HOSIERY AND WHITE GOODS. And every other kind of (ioods kept in a Western Store, which we will "Wagoa, Carriage aud PIoty Woodworks. bpnnn. Axes, Axels, Shovels, Spades, Fi!--;, Ra?ps, Chains, Carrb-o an.l Tire liolts, rutts And ashers, Jfaila, IIore Naili, Horse and Mule hr-s. Saws, etc;. Castings antl Ilollow-warc, uar Kettles And irons, Skillets arid Lids. Stew rot3. Bake ovens. Fmit fcotti or. a T,nn, nLACILSIITII Hand Hainraera Mm, 12. 1UUL3, Anviw, btock3 and Dies, Bellows, S-lpd-o&jv! , icra, rmwrs, iiaps, xarriers' ivnivcs, Tuyr& Irtra, Lr. OUTFITING GOODS. Ot Yrfcp AvVA flm,.. n.t , . T.. Ox Mioe nails, Shovels and Picks, Gold Pans. etc. Hubs. S-kcs nrv.l ivitl Midline PIoavh. i stuff. 1,000 celelrrated ill VI I IV TxtrU T.Trtin. ??. Kallers Horse Corn Planters, ' Hay Rakes, etc.. etc p?rior to any invenieo. .Mowen. Com Shellers. Sulkv Corn ( r alrbanU's Staudara Scales. Edyin? my goods direct from manufacturers I offer ercat Inducements to Wholesale Hvvrr fit. CrtnitnlJfl i -as M 1 1 1 1 St. cured. sutffTers wisl vertise'r's exp-rience can do sobynOdressinir In perfect con fidence. JOHN II. OGDEN l js-y 42 Cellar btreet,New York. HOUSEiSIGN.CARRIAGE, Umanental Paintln-. Cull din-, GlaztngPaVverlianglas, &c. " - t No. 15 Uain Street, (One door east of ITauk & HoltEin"er'g Queen&ware and Grocery store?) BROyiLLE, NEBRASKA. tIMf LOUIS T7ALBTSR. J I W&eneyer yoa are in Town Call and Sea Us! Corner lain and Second Sited H' r ' A JlcPIierson-s Hlocli, UNDERIIILL & EATON. No. 2 City Euildin-s, Lihf JIo. REFKEKENCEr Second National Eanlc ....St. tjOuiR; ro. Alien, Corp & N isbet ...St. I-ou m,ilo. Prancb &wte Eank of lowi:. Dubuque Johnston A '.ron, Banken Ft Mad ison ; V.C Itac Hcarrl t & Ox, . A 1 ton. 111. biair A AtwocKi, ,.. .Vlton, III. "WOOLYOKTII i COLT, Boon rjiiiDimn, Ana Dealers in Stationery, Parser UANGnGS, AND I'ziTtrrzzTzzj' otocil No. 1 Zl EU Et Joseph. 21 X ' CASH PAID rOH 2S1 GS? J. rfeiffers' UaiiJlG Iris, CORKER Gift and ST. CHARLES Sts. T. JOSEPH, MO. -Also Dealer frs li;,ie, hair, ce:.:z;;t, BROW.VTILLL:, NEBHAS2IA.