Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1869)
f . t ur.cii, ritor. BROWNVILLH, THURSDAY, JAS-. 21.1SC9. Ptcwu-t, of Nevada, ha3 been urran Iincusly renominated in caucus as ten&tor from Nevada- "Within the past fortnight failures to the amount of $10,000,000 are t-aid to have occurred in New York. Carl Bhurz has been elected to the "U. 8.. Senate by the Missouri Igisla . Uire. Uy this step Missouri advances a half century in the cause of freedom. At a tacetinpr of the State Board of Agriculture held at Lincoln, on the " loth, it was decided to hold the next Mute Fair tt Nebraska City, and the time fixed the 2Sth, 2Hth and 30th pt September, and the let of October. The idea of postal telegraph under the supervision of the F. O. Depart ment, is rapidly growing in favor. It is proposed by this to telegraph letters of fifty-words or less nearly as cheap as they can now be sent by mail. - The act approved Dec. 22d, 180S, ex tends the time for stamping all smo king, fine cut, chewing tobacco and . enuff to the 15th of February, at which time all on hand' in the hands of " wholesale and retail dealers must be put up in packages and stamped. The resolution introduced into the .United States Senate asking for a - copy of the amnesty proclamation and by what authority it was issued,1 is likely to cause a "ratling of the dry bones" in the White House. It should bo examined Into and if no authority exists It should be censured as a prece dential warning. Ben. Butler Introduced a bill into the House of Representatives on the 12th, to abolish National Bank and is sue' $3,500,000 legal tender notes after June SOth. Also, to coin fractional .currenry so alloyed as to be worth fif ty per cent, less than the denomina tion thereof, and provides for the re demption of outstanding currency. Atchison county, Mo., according to assessors statistics just taken, contains 'a total population of 5,991. Contains horses 3,275 ; mules 509 ; cattle 9,501 ; sheep 7,811 ; hogs 23.5SS. Last year's products rTVheat32 bushels; corn 5G3,S10 bushels : oats 12,525 ; wool 19, 421 pounds ; 8,157 tons hay, etc. It is a live county and has proved a good neighbor. The Trnnk Railroad Seems just now in a critical condi tion. ,Tho Atchison and Nebraska City Company are negotiating for a construction c( their road up the Big Nemaha to Lincoln, and propose to . stop at "White Cloud until they ascer tain whether It is best to go that way -' or come up the Missouri river. If the citizens along the river desire this road they must be up and doing, al though both roads may be built, yet the preetage and backing of the Kan sas company will be with only one. A terrible double tradegy occurred in Fremont county, Iowa, on the 15th and ICth. Two noted ruian3 went .with the avowed intention of break ing up a dance that was going on at "Wni. II. Hollaway's, two miles north of Fremont City. They fired off a re volver In the room, and upon Mr. II. remonstrating with them they both attacked him, stabbing and beating him so that he died on the 15th. Orton was captured, Jackson niude his es cape, hut was retaken at Weeping Water in this State. On account of Some informality the Sheriff of Fre mont county refused to take charge of the prisoners, when it resting with citizens to tend to their safe keeping they took the prisoners about a mile from town and hung them. Senatorial Contests are now all the fashion, nearly as much so as Grecian Bends, more so, in fact, last Tuesday. In- Indiana the contest is between Cumback and Hendricks, Cumback being ahead on. the lth, but not elec ted. . Delaware elected James A. Bay-; ard to serve until JIarch 4th next, and Thomas Bayard for six years. Massachusetts re-elected Charles Sumner, " Maine elected Hannibal Hamlin. Minnesota elected Alexander Ramsey. New York elected Ruben E. Fen ton. Missouri elected Gen. Carl Sehurz. ca. Tipton Rc-Klecf cd. By editorial correspondence it will be seen how the caucus resulted Sat nrdr.y r.ight. From private source we learn that in caucus Monday night Tipton received 7 votes and ilar- quctte 15, with 6 scattering. This set tled the business, and by private des patch yesterday . morning we learn that Mr. Tipton had been re-elected cn Tuesday last. This places him in for six years from March 4th. Tho choice is one which every lover of freedom can endorse, as a truer and more fearless advocate of Republican principles dscs not live. His political . lifttlrao has been spent in the work cf battling for the principles of equal rights to all irrespective of color or caste. We congratulate Nebraska ; we con gratulate Nemaha county ; we con gratulate Brownville ; nnd, finally, as " the position was forced upon him against the wishes of a host of oppo sing candidates, we congratulate T. W. Tipton upon his glorious victory. . Hip! L!p!! hurrah!!! Frrra Hnya City, Jan. IS : A cour ier from 1-ortDodre brines a report from-Major fchcridan, that bands of Inc.ans Lave lately been seen nc;ir ilsS post, and that thev dn.-ve in the mall couriers Saturdav. He tiiinks unusual vigilance the 1 y tiscd ettle- by residents of rancwts. u mcnts alonrr the borJur. tp ttr-d Hers?, a rrcmincnt Chrycnne chief, J3 cne cf v c ; Live r.t I lii.s Miter j a :,ri J lays. John s-'milh, cr, thinks they will en- lure, along the Saline, i between Fort Ilarker t'-.aver Vj ;:1 Grove, a number of to exchange iyr the 53 Indian aud children now in our white wemes Editorial Correspondence. LINCOLN, Jan. 1G, 1SG9. The Committee on Privileges and Elections in the Houce to whom wrs referred the cass cf F.-;kcr, who' con tents the seat held by Bruh for the Cth District, composed cf Butler, Sewer J and Saunders counts, have deciJ.J that Parker is entitle ! to the scat, and have so reported. The testimony elicited in the case proves that Parker has a clear major it v of twenty-two votes. The County Clerk of Butler sent the returns of the canvas for that county to Omahn, with the returns for State oCiccrs in stead of the ceunty seat cf Saunders, the oldest organized county in the District, a3 by law required. And it further appears that there were at the I time of the election, two persons in Seward county claiming to act in the capacity of County Cleric Three pre cincts in the said county recognized one clerk and the other two recognized the other clerk. The clerk of Saun ders recognized the cne that contro'ed the county scat, and so canvassed the returns, of Saunders county aud two precincts in Seward county, and gave the certificate of election to Brush. The committee show conclusively if the legal votes of these counties were all compared it would give Parker a majority of twenty-two. The report of the majority of the committee was laid on the table until Monday, to give the minority time to report. Petitions and remonstrances on the subject of a General Herd law numer ously signed Mas presented and re ferred to thecommittee on Agriculture. This, shows the importance of the subject among farmers. Mr. Steinman will present a remon strance against a Herd Law for Ne maha county on next Monday. Mr. Foloek and Mr. Vandeventer of Nemaha county are officers in the Sen ate, and their ability, faithfulness and good conduct are alike creditable to the county they represent. They make good ofScers and are attentive to business. Saturday Evening. The caucus reassembled this evening and took thirteen ballots. They were all nearly the same. Tipton 15, Marquett 8, But ler 10, MeCann 9 and 3 scattering. Wo have adjourned until Monday evening. A few votes have been cast for Geo. F. Train ami as many for E. Cady Stanton. Richardson, Nemaha and Gage members support Tipton. We are promised a few votes from Otoe, Cass and Dougla3 when they drop their own candidates. I will send you fur ther particulars by Tuesday morning's mail. to 3 C a C r 00 cr a o r i. or- a a ? i S S tr 3 a a e : c o a St. c 5 9 a 10 1 9 9 7 14 10 11 Tipton 14 larriit'tt... 7 Butler 10 The other two ballots the same as the last. Sttindin g Comiiilllles Legislature. SENATE... la tlic Judiciary. Messrs. Reavis, Steven son, andhapin. Finance Ways and Means. Messrs. Chapin, Frost and Majors. Education. Messrs. Gere, Goodwill and Cunningham. lederal Relations. Messrs. Frost. Stevenson and Barnum. Military Allaire. Messrs. Majors, Hathaway aud Gere. Highways, Bridges and Ferries. Messrs. Ashton, Barnum and Hatha way. Expenditures. Mcrrsr. Porter, Ash ton and Maiors. Incorporations. Messrs. Stevenson, Goodwill and Frost. Public Buildinps and State Library. Messrs. Goodwill: Ilea vis and Porter. Elections. Messrs. Hathaway. Ma- jurs unu r rou I 1 "T A - Public and btate Lands. Messre. Majors, Frost and Reavi3. Counties. Messrs. Barnum, Porter ana .;unningnam. Printing.-Messrs. Hathaway, Good' will and Ashton. Agriculture. Messrs. Cunningham, J3arnum ana unapin. Enrolled and Engrossed Bills. Messrs. Gere. Stevenson and Hatha way. HOUSE. Privileges and Elections. -Messrs Griffin, tehook, Blakely, Hacrood and c-mun. Ways and Means. Messrs. Love- land, McCuaig, Talbot, Crow, Chase. Judiciary. Messrs. Gardener, Kcl- iy, unurcn, urusn, rrneice. Accounts and Expenditures. Messrs. Crow, Hoile, Furay, Blakely, Hunt. Agriculture. Messrs. Pannalee, Steinman, Brewer, Rathman, Naff ziger. Public Highways. Messrs. Tisdel, Evans, Fox, McKinnon, Seyboldt. Militia. Messrs. Ilagood, Stewart, Rhodes, Stout, Chase. Public Buildings and Grounds. Messrs. Rhodes, Brewester, Barnard, Parish, Smith. Internal Improvement, Messrs. Church, McCartney, Seyboldt, Furay, Nathdgcr. : Federal Relations. Messrs. Sey- 1 T 1 L T .. T- i r, . " uoiul, juul's, i armaiee, fcpeice, Ziin rnrer. Enros?ed and Enrolled Bills;. Messrs. Hoile, Talbot, Barnard, Stout, Stewart. 4 County Bou.ndraies. Messrs. Stew art, Barnard, Rhodes, Kathman, Hunt. Corporations. Messrs. Blakely, Shook, Brewer, MeKinni.TN NulIV.iger. Banks and Currency. Mcss 1 ox, Tisdel Zimmerer, Loveland. Crcw' PuL'lie Printing. Messre. Talbot, McCartney, Parish, McCuaig, Brew- ster. Mines and Minerals Messrs. Stout, Jones. Fitchre. Ivana, Smith. Immigration. Messrs. Steinman, Brewster, Zimmerer, Iiathmann, Manufacturer? and Commerce. Messrs. McKianoa, Fox, Shock, Grif lln, Hunt. Bchool LftU's. Messrs. McCartney, Parmaloe, Tulhs, Chase. Public Land.4.- (not school) Messrs. Brewster, Par is n, l-uc!uer lloue, Crow. Wc arc informed by one of the route ccrenta on the Council Blu'Isand St. Joseph Railroaii that a murder was committed on Thursday at at Tre mont City, abeut seventy miles north ci m. jos-rr r men engaged in a of car gsmo of caro. for money had a quar :i when one cf the party, a man amcd Hidlovay wr.i shct and killed istantly. Jo. Kerch!, 17th. rc n instantly. 6?. Jo. Kerch' 17M. i - Alaika will receive an Oiauia Act from this sesiden cf CocrtEs. Griffin, steinman, Gardner, .Biitsh. Library. Messrs. Tullis, Evans, Fitchie, Gardner, Brush. 1 Common Schools. Messrs. Furay, State Items. The Commissioners of Gage county have decided that a majority of the votes east on the court house question vn:re against. ' v '' The Pawnce'ccuTit.rd.rt House is to be of cut stone. ; "Tocums :h is badly in war t of a Ttilor." The Supreme Court has adjourned to the 11th of February. Una is in anticipation of the removal of the place of holding that court from Omaha to Lincoln. The ice only closed up at .Piatt mouth so as to become crossa'oie las week. - Mr. Stadter, of Plattsmouth, has invented a fuel savin cr stove drum The nine above the drum never be comes hotter than one can bear their hands upon, while the drum is hot a.s fire can make it. ., , Preparations are already being made on an extensive scale to com mence building the bridge across the river at Omaha early next spring. Rtto-rs now run recrularly from F.!k Hnrn Rtation on the U. P. R. R to Lineoln. W. J. Hair, a nassenrer on the U. F. R. R. fell dead as he got off the cars at Bitter Creek Station. : ; ( Judce Mason 13 at Omaha attend ing a session of the Supreme Court. A errand Masquerade was had on the Skating Rink at Omaha Last Mon day. ' '. " . . . Rich & Co.'s store at Lincoln caught fire on tho evening of the 10th but was extinguished without serious damage. Loss $175. r A man by the name of Olounsh was bruised to death by the falling in of a bank of earth near Tail's are house at the Nebraska City leyee. ; The Nebraska City News says that the demand for city property is not as gcod there as it was several days since. The uncertainty of securing the Burlington & Missouri River Rail road is said to be the cause. ' : " The Good Templars trf Nebraska City held a re-union and banquet on the night of the 12th. ; Omaha has a rronosition from Chicago capitalists to erect and build her a market house. A Mr. Smith of Omaha, proposes to skate 100 miles in 100. consecutive hours on the Rink of that city. A liquor saloon has been opened t a in lieatrice, ana came near Deing ues troyed by fire before it had run one week. . r A prospectus is out for a new pa per, tho Western' Sun, to be published either at Meridian, Camden or Fair- bury, Iseb. . ' The Fremont Tribune reports the seizure of the extensive distillery of J. C. McKoy & Cor, of Omaha, for at tempt to defraud the Revenue Depart ment, although the Omaha papers say nothing about It. Mr. Frank Fox, one of the oldest residents of Omaha, was found dead in his bed on the morning of the 14th As he retired in good health foul play is suspicioneu. Amount of land entered in the Land Office at Beatrice, Neb., during the month or Dec, lWW : Entered by the State of Nebraska:..82,407 Homestead entries........ 6,105 Pre-emptions.., 2,200 Oh entries 2,7fi0 Land Warrant entries I inal Homestead entries 8KI) Total B. V. Record. The Republican thus describes the mode to be adopted for constructing the foundations of the Bailroad bridge. The flatboats to be used during the progress of the work are now being built: The piles will consist of hollow iron tubes eight feet in diameter, cast m sections of eint feet m length These will be sunk into the earth un til they rest on solid rock, in some in stances to a depth of eighty feet be Icw the surface. The dirt is then taken eut of all of them, and they are filled np with stone and cement. There will be eijrbt or ten of these tubes in each pier. Their tops will be alove high water marks of the- river, On them will rest heavy iron col umns, ten to each pier, we believe : and on these columns will be built the spans of the bridge. Western News. Gen. Sherman has received the following telegram at St. Louis; from Fort Hayes, Kansas, dated January 12th: General Sheridan, command ing at Fort Dodge, reports that Lieut. Wharton, 3d infantry, has just arrived from camp and reports that Colonel Evans has captured a Camanche vil lage of-sixty lodges. The good people of Echo, Evans ton and Bryan, and other embryo cities out on the Upper Pacific, still insist upon their right to the luxury of a fresh man for breakfast every morn ing. ..... . At Echo City, on Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, one man was shot and another perhaps fatally wounded. In Bryant City, about the same time, as we learn from a gentleman lately arrived from there; a gambler amused himself by blowing out the brains of a particular friend. Then again at Wasatch, on Wedn esday last, in a bar-room engagement, one man was shot and instantly killed by a ball from a small pocket pistol. At Hays City, on Tuesday night, three colored soldiers of the 3Sth U. S. Infantry, were hung by the vigilantes who "run the machine" thereabouts. They had shot a watchman of the Quartermaster's store, named Hays. From a irentleman who arrived last evening from the newly, located town of Blair, on the Siouz City and Pacific Railroad, we gather some in teresting particulars with regard , to Unit improvement. .' , The road isnow nnisnea uie wuwe distance between the Missouri river and the town of Fremont, with the exception of about1 nine miles, ana that will be completed very shortly. The depot at Blair was commenced a short time since, and tho first story is-al ready erected. It 13 50x156 feet, including the platforms, and will be readv for occupancy at an early day. The town of Blair has been laid out and divided otfinto lots, and we learn that they will be sold at a not very distant day ..Omaha Herald. From the Cheyenne Xeatfcr of the '7th : This morning Mnior Wells and Lie;.!- Fowler of the t'nd U. S. Caval ry witu fifty mcn under their com mand startcu for Cache a la Poudre, for the Purpose of seeking the Indians and the etock stolen them recently in that vicinity. The force carries three weeks rations, and arecorjident of accomplishing some good for the seti.ers in the vicinity spoken of. Colonel Bob Spottswood, who in cemmand pf forty men recently star ted from Laporte in pursuit of the In dians that captured Jim Moore's band of horses, returned last ni'ht after having followed the savages till their horses gave out and their rations be came exhausted. Bob and his com panions are pretty good Indian hun ters, but the red devils had the advan tages of a considerable start and the opportunity of changing horses as of ten as they choose. Joe Mason and his party from Fort Collins, were also cc mpelled to give up the chase. From the Star of the 8th :' A br,nd cf rovins: Indians came down to Laporte on Tuesday, pitching into stx-k generally, to what extent we cannot tell. A telegram for soldiers to look after them,-was answered-by despatching1 a cavalry -escort under Major Welles, on Thursday morning, in search of them. ';' , During the past ten days, says the New .Yrrk Times, failures to the ex tent of c. bout four milli n ; of doLirs have oc irred in that ci;y, among job- hirer a commission hr :ses in the dry Je. Business i i this line has r i i it O" V. t Uti l yt ? ULii lor nc -iy two years paid, The :cent failure of -, of the largest dry goods houses ? duo to heavy lo ses through cus : aers in the Northwestern ttr.tcs. .lere tre apprehensions i-Lat a. few other houses may be forced to succomb, but the leading dealers hope by rigid retrenchment to overcome present difficulties. . .' . . Rich placer 'diggings, have been discoverea in a canyon near Fillmore, Utah, 55 miles from Salt Lake City. - nuaaiED. January 12th, by Eld. Ira Moore, at the res idence of'the brides parents, Jolin L. Thelps, of Illinois, to Miss Iabcile Sioss.of this-cityi At tli Sherrriau IIoupo, Teoumsch, January 13th, 1SG9, hy Judire DoLon?, Opt. Frank Moore, of LftTrobe, Neb., and Miks Amazette K. McOorti, of thi city. .' . ' :' - DIED. ' '-T 1 -At Twio Memhris, New Kcxleo, on the 27th of PeremWr, iLouis Ilsonof M. vv , LIreinen, aged 8 years, 2 months and 7 days. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ., THE BEST F AHII IN NEMAHA COUNTY, EIGHT MILES FROM BBOWXTU.LB TAVO 5III.ES FROM SIIERIDAS. CONTAINING 1GO ACRES '! ' All-nn!er cultivation. A living ned;?? Fence all uroiind It. Cross hertKfs, throwing it in ) Jicre lot-s, with liTm? Mock water on eaclj 4ft. iredsra two years old tliis s;)nnsc- A ginid Uwellin? Hotine, con tnining seveti nvoiua ; a Kod celler, well wail wl wn2i utotie; eorxl nUme; iffKKl barn ana KTiiblin for eitrht liorsfs; eorn ctiba, etc Also a good tenant-hour-on the place, and a good BCaool bouse on tlie south-west Mi. . . , I will Hell the above Farm on rwoabV teims. Ftr particulars enquire of James aioNaugnton of Brownville, ur ' ; :-. 15-7w R. riXLON, on the Premises. $500 E3OTBD-!! ' FOR A PEN EQtJAL TO ' ' :;1 GOODSFEED'S GOLDEN FOTTSTAI3T, V IX FLEXIBILITY, D URAlilLJTY, Nonccrrosiveness and :Economy ! ! IT WRITES'100 LINESAT ONEDIP. . All who tre thpm will use -no other. Thpy ere equally well adapted to the wants of all writers, and never fail to ive perfect satisfaction. 10 per tiay fruarranteed to a;;enLs to sell these peiiH and other useful articles we furniish. .Sample Boxes 23 c?nts by mail. Single samples, 10 cents. Circulars frer . Address It. II. YOU.TO OO.,- 15-3ui ' 119 CliaiuberB at.. Bstn, Afas "QUIT ;'VOICEL." The nse of Tobaeco prrxlnces disorders of cirenla tlon, indigestion, a marked taste for strong drink, inj potency, and finally Insanity. - . - . "quit quiCK.".:'...' cures all desire for TOBACCO. ' Prlce-SO cents. Sold by ' ' ' JSlcCREERY & XICKEI,,; . .: DRUGGISTS, . . ; tVSt Brownville, Nebraska. Eorsemcn, Talie Iloticc. I offer for sale for cash or yonng Stock, my - ' . FIXE EJLOOUEO STAL.L.50IV, PRINCE AJIJISTZTZTT. i . . He Is a Dark Bay, Black 5r-ne,;Tall and Bers, stands Sixteen Hands hieh, and well proportioned. Will be five years old next ppring. s warranted sound, well broke, pentle, and is considered by xood judges the best farm horse for all work in the coun ty. Address - K. A. STEWART. 1-t-Ct Sherman, Nemaha Co., Nebraska. 1 H. TBARE & ' CO., AGENTS, RROWWVILliE, 14-3m To Contractors. Sealed rronosals will be received up to February 1. l.stiS. for openiner no Main street to wostern limits of city, and to put the same tn a trnvelinecondition. l(Vt : flavor City of Brownville. - U. V. AlKliJUJI Ji r-K, FLOEENCE LOCK STITCH REVERSICLE FEED -M - SI fTn "n nr s o gy t AWARDED TIIK HIGHEST PESIHH i . . . . ' . WHERE'ER EXHIBITED., THE OXLY ONE Capable of Sewing In ?Iorc than one Direction, Fastening all Its own Seams, wirnorr KTopprxo tiie maciiixk vit j. viii u ilia CLOTH. It USF,S S and W'ASTKS LIXi THr.EAT) than any her. and will commence awain wilbout Oi. uoioing tne enas ol the taread. Warranted to Sew Heavy or Fine GOODS EQUALLY AS TFT.T. " !. OVER s5 0,0 0 0 MACniEIl SOLD SINCE 1351." . -3Send for Eeporte and Circular. ' . TTM. E. PLAIYT, General Aeat, 613 XOIiTII FOUItTII ST., &T. LOUIS, JO.. m.vy JOHN PISGER ; 'SV, H. DOCGIA.S Tiolesale Dealers la V w v. i . i &c, did. No. 7, Fourth street, ST. JOSEPH, MO. . 451y s-5 I iHi-r H -M ( I i i I a Wo5 11 It j t-, git jUa im 5j J i I til H h ft i!l 1 W V K 35 !!0. 68 tlSII! SlilfET, I . trt-ry I uahUliUiis) 1.1 lit i"H Rarsrest a: Hcst - - t -) ..,.... ""rv'rri "T r- ;t? - ever li . iit to lim city of consisting of Sofas, roldins Lotiiiscs, Sectaries and Book Cases OSco Desks. Tasli Stands, BEDSTEADS, .'07Jt CANE ROCKERS, Narse ttockers, Dining ind Breakfast Table? Office. Parlor and Dining Room CTialrs, and everything usually found In a FURNITURE STORE ! 12-4-ly j. a. pixek. ;-; - ; t; r. reykolds. souTHsmr hotel. PISE R & REYXO L.jySfPropHctor8 Eight Btreet, two blocks from II. R. Depot, ' ST.- JOSEril, MO. 451y Union Foundry an I SLachino Shop. Burnside, Crowther & Kogers, PROPRIETORS. Cor. 8th and Afessanie Sts., St. Josoph, Mo. i Steam EnginesMade &Repaired IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, MiU V7orIis of all Kinds, Iron Fronts made to order on short no tice, and satisfactory to all parties. Also np:ent for Gardener & Robertson's Im proved Patent Governor. 44-ly Shellenberger Bros Ho. 74, McPlierson's ElacXi, Dealers la Hardware; Stoves, Tinware, 1 ' : " Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, 50.000 Miles Fence Wire, 50,000 Miles Fence Wire, oU,UOU J""c 'ence Wire Pittsburg Iron aud Nail?, Pittsburg Iron and Nails, Pittxbury Iron and Nails, Mechanic's Tools, . Mechanic's loots, MecJianic'a loots Charter OaJc Stoves, fr ft Charter Oak Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Beiides aull assortment of everything kept in a iirst class IIDI'IE AUD STOVE STOEE ! WJiich will be sold as loio as the lowed FOR CASH ! To all who favor us with a call. At ilic Sin of the BIG' BED STEAD ! , Is the' place to bay . ' (. FURHITUREAND UPHOLSTERY McFALL & Co., Keep constantly on hand a complete assort ment of Sofas, Beadileadt, Wardrobtt, Bureau. Rockino f'Ait-. Spring Bedt, Wash Standi, W.tat Kott, Hat Rack Parlor ana - and Parlor, Chain, Marble Topped Center 1 ablet, Stands, Lounges i Settee. Kitthen ? Sajes. Plain 1j Stand ftadrtaet; Bed Sprinc Lounge i irtn7. i Swing trwi, OJlce Chair, Com for tt, Tete-tete, ChUdrtr.'i Cab nnd Giot. Gilt end Roxewood Moulding, oiieeit, ruiows, ftliow Slips, ete., etc SHOW GASES & OFFICE WOKE ITAPB TO OIIDER! And anytliing: and eTerythiu? required to set . up piiuu or uuicy nouseiieeplng All of tnclr ware is either manufactured or put np under their special superintendence. which enables them to sell sound articles at smaller prlcea than Eastern manufactured goods. Our Hearse 'V. V. (Vl i X ' , x p.. - si ' mmmm1 is at the service of the public at any lime It may be xif e le-i, aud U gotten vp ia as fine style as any farther east. AL CASES of sll bi&vs coiiataiitly ou l.aud, At EaHtorn Prices VTe are doin business on stuictly cash phetciples AT A Small Profit and by attention to buKTness and thetrantBot the community, expect in the future as in the last toreceiyj the Urrmase of the puhlia gc-rltrally. XIcrALI & CO, C v t. '7 :.t; -. : a ,-. .f i : .1 si . ; i .. - i - r - "'- ; OEM 000! DEPOT OF MUSIC! '"3 Z:o. 9 Foart, rxo. LIUSIC PUBLISHERS, ' vrholcsale and retail DerJers ih .- - mm pi n vm SMC 1 1 1 1 "SI r r Ciiickeririg Son's Pianos Wlilcli Trore awarded tho Cress of tha LEGION cf HONOB, a ad FIRST GOLD MEDAL AT PARIS EXPOSITION, 1S7. ALSO ILTV'AElE &, CO., BALLET, DATIS & CO., NEW YORK UNION GO. BURBSTT ti HatiGiial, Combination &Cahlnet ORGANS, 33asoji & Hamlin's Cabinet, Portable, aud Metropolitan Organs. All orders should be addressed to 7 n. J iw JLf i JCa. ilirent. BroAvuvillo, Web. 5-6nt '.' Peru Livery Stable. - CHARLES GEADE, . ; - Dealer in 11 TOntl- or Stoolc. Horss Uoug'h.t, Sold, or Hxc&aaged. Stock Boarded by the Day or Week. ' MY STATU. ES sre storked with jrood norsos and buecries. pernons wisiiii z fnvevtince to anv ror- tion of the Nemaha Land X)idtrict can t ftcconimo- dated. lhe Peru z Brownville Coacit leaves triv fttables every rnornincr at 10 o'clock A. M. PHcseneert or packHire-i saiViy conveyed. Or- ders le;l with the Postniii-sters will be proniptly at- tenaea to. i,(i-hra JACOB MAROIIN, Maiastreet, opposite HcPiorsoa's BLOCK, Brownville, Neb. Dealer In READY riADF CLOTIILC! Also Agent for . Singer Sewintr iiache:s THE APPETITE FOR TCDACCO DESTROYED ! Leave off Fsln?: fliat Poisenous Weed, Tobacco. One box of PetVTU's rir?paratlnn Is vnmitiut f a destroy tiie appetite for tobacco in any pej-son, no matter how strong the liabit m:iy be. If It fails in ii.. vwc iue immey mil oe rerunaea. ilunureLs have US-d it Who are willirxr to hrar n.-itnti m tK fact that DeWit s lYeparation completely destroy theappetite for tobuei'o ar d leaves the person aafri-e from uny desire for it a before he commenced its one. nrauniauysii.H and Harmless in I riwua T. preparations acts directly upon tliesameirlands and .secreuorf ai;eciei ny t,t!cco. and thromrh these u w:i i" oiooo. inoroiitrLir c ean n? the Unn nt ter using DeWiU's rieparation. Itecoliect it war- niiicuif iif i ill fiHrii n tiuiru tt.nL'u.iriw.r. riimeu. RECOJIJIEXDATIOXS. The fiillowins are a few iuae oi recommendations in our possession: From C. A. Hodger. St. touts, JIo.J St. Lot-is, Mo., April 21, 1 9M. I Iierery certify that I have used tobacco for twen ty years post, and for the last ten yeaas I have used two pounds j"r month. I hnve m:xte nttemjasto leave olfr.t did'orvnt times. I have left ort" one year at a time, but nhva-s continued to hanker after it until I ued lc itt s Preparation, wliicli has com pletely cjrd me o! tiie uppetife for tobacco. I would rf"onimend all who are lurected Willi this ter- riDle haoit to try the i rer.uration. C A. ROBERTS. From John Knipe, St. Louis, Mo. This is to cf-rtify that I have used tobacco (Vir mch. teen years; tried many times to leave off, bur have buiiiti-u .s iiiucu irom a dizziness m my bean and I nit; ai my siomacn mat l nave mxjii jciven up the trial. A irieud ad vise-1 me to use your prepara tion, and it completely cured me JOHN KXIPE. From V. A. Smith, Columbus, Ohio. f VtT I'xrti r-u Tnl. 1A oo I hereby certifv thnt one box "of your Preparation j . , w. .i use lii luoacco. . A. SMTTTT. From M'm. Espy, Springicld, T.... - SrRrtnnra.i, AainistS. istjj. me. x u.-truoue oox oi your Preparation, and it cured 1 WM. F.SPV. ce; 1 aw sen ev sent hr , i u, ,. Hwe. juun- in - - IF A i- , VIJlllCSU CHATIT.V'4 lit'U'TT ra COGSVSLL'S aillVT WESTEKN Livery, Sale, Feed and Exchange STABLES! Corner Main and Levee Streets, Brownville, Ifclbraslia. Uwys, Sells and Exchanges stock, cin pdopebh, ITa3 Itre Stock Corrall cIohp toKtenr.-i Vei-. ry linaing. btabie ac.-oiaiiiodutiona for Jr irev Pintle and Match Hordes, Buggies and Car riages id wayg on hand for sale. 40-om W. M. WYETII & CO., .v. "Wliolesale Denier ia HARDY ARE, CUTLERY, Karnes, Skirting and all kinds of SADDLERS LEATHER L HARDYARE, 4Agests for Dijon's Circrtr Saws and HAItVIxV3 8AFE3. . Ko. b, South Third, bet. Felix A EJmond Sta. . , , T.J08Ern,!IO. 4-3ly (Jit- i;;.V- Li'-j i I --Li V. ivmsr daily. Alllotters of i;.r.,;W ,.,.... i ' ' ered. Price of frenarnMon i t, k. ".'.T co::5 coi:j cc:;ciinAE3AZ2. coe'3 corcn uaesazi. A SURE REMEDY FOR Colli S, i. tro. j ' j "7 AND WILL RELIEVE COIIGUIIPTIVi: COUGH. T"rrears it hxa bppn hnnfhoM m?5c!a and DwihMn, anxious for tiie saietv of tt!ir childron. and ail who sailer from nv divfaseof the throat, chft nnd Uiiisr. cannot fl.r.l to be without it. In addition to ti.e ortim-vT f-'i-f oanc so Sonir In the markt-t, we row furniau oji mamrnoti (a-vn.iy size botttex. which wiii, in cotuuiun wiii Uie ouxxt sue, be found at a.l Urug Stores. Tor Croap, The Talsam will he found lnvainnhle. an.T may ways be reiied upon in the most e.ttmiie cas!. TTIiOopInsr Ccu?Lt. The testimony of all who have nsed It for this Tlhie rtiseswe durln? the lat ten years, is, taat it in variably relieves and cures it. Sore Tliroat. Keep yonr throat wet w!Mi the Balaam tek'ng little and oiten and you wul very soon hud rei;et. tlarl Colds and Coiihsr Yield at oce to a steady tis of this jrreat remedy. It wul succeed in giving relit; where ail other rem dies have foiled. Soreness cf trie Tllroct, Ciest I nr proenrinff end 1mmeditaly taiin Coe's t'oiitch K!i!-un, when trouble! with any of tiie abovenftmed- ptithcHities. They are all premonitory symptom f CoasumpUon, and. if not arrested, will sooner or later sweep you away into the vaiiey shadows from wluca uone can ever reture. Ja Consumptloirr f.inr a enre-wom sufTerer has fonnd relief and day rejolfes that her lire ha.s been mai'.p easy prolonged oy ttie use or Loe s cougu jitiLsam Among: tli e Many- Testimonials in oar Possession, wehsvt only room for tlie following i Xev Haven, Qmn, Ckt. 17, 13G5. Messrs. C. O. CijinTt ft Co.: Oknti.emen-, I feel it a dnty and pleasnre to 5lve you the benefit of my efiwriehee in the use of C')e's t'outrh B!sm. From takius? a heavy cold, I w;w taken down with the congestion of the lui.", nnd continued to fail, nnder tiie best carenntiiI wiw given up by the mist compliant medical aotTiority. to die. There seemed nothing but strangulation and deat'j before me. 1 was told thut further medical attendant- and medicine was usele-w, nnd I was re siuef! to death, w lien a friend, who had been rrently benefitted by usin the Ihtl im. broneh t me a bottle. This was alter I had done with the doctor and medi cine, and I continued to improve, until mycouh siopsed, and my lcmTS healed, and srotwell. I umii ten ti."-iies. I remain, geu-s, with creat TT't, I 1 Our OO t se! V t, JtlUA v t-i.IV, UU "Vaahlngton St, Sew Havea.Ct. I it Short, The peonI know the article, and It needs no com ment from ns. It la tot sale by every Iruggist and Dealers In Medicines txtue l uitea Mates. TIIE C. G. CLARK. CO., Sole Proprietors, Xew Haven, Ct. READ! REAE!! READ III THE ATTENTION OF TIIE PUIXIC 3S CALLED TO TTIS WORLD'S GREAT REMEDT COE'5 DYSPEPSIA CURE. This preparation Is prrnwirtced fc-vTvsnent!csa.i the only tnown remeuv that will siirefv cure that aggravating and fatal roalalv. 'or years it nwept on its feanul tide, carryinir before i U aa untimely :rave, iu miiuoiis oi sunerers.- Coe's DjspepsLi Cureliajtcnme to tiie llcscuc. Indigestion, Dypep.iia, Sick Ecadac7i, Sourness r JL cidity of Stomach, Rising of Food, Flatulency, Lassitude, Wea--rincss, finally termina ting in Death. Are as surelycured by thli potent remedv u fhm patient takes it. Altnontrh but Ave years before the !eople, what is the ver-lict of the masHes Ueax what Lester Sexton, of iliiwaukee, says : Fcom Lester Sexton, of Mllwackee. Muwackie. Jan. It lA'.s. Messrs. C. G. Clark A On - lioin mvseir ana wire hire d r,., -r., : remely. r have no hpsifarrnn in .h .", ,, , . ery resie.-tfu;!v, (Signed) LiiSTOl Svttt.v w t. "Tjiicit 1 1 1 tii i its A Great III ess in sr. From Ker. L. F. Ward, Avon, Lorain Co., 0.7 Messr. Strong Armttrfmg, Isrurjyuts, Cleveland: trFXTLKXiex It (rives me (rret wurnr. tv.t. that in v wife has derived irra.t le:itit frm t,.T,u I of Coe's Dyspesia fure. .sh been for a number of years greatly troubled with Dysperwia, accomn. raea wua violent Daroxvsma of ronnm!imi so prostrated her tiiat niie was all the while, for A.i'juiii:-!, uiiaui'; 11 n lf HMyLiirr'i;. ?ne toric at voi r GKKAT BKXF.KlT Fltoif IT. ami is n.,w ,.i-wii, v 1- , . i-iiiii i!re. ftnn tii,.. ! fitivelv weAl. Mi reirar(U tiiia medicine u a blewiner. -i . . .. - Jan. .Litis, 13. L. F. WARD. Clersrymen. The Rev. T.a kn . ttt t- . if i,..,h i. " .::',",..n,r"y. iinen lulled. - ---- wAA-rrva iiiiil. la I tvr k 1 ; lI h a j . vaa-c& lCUirUi .ee had Any tfrcc-iit In th take the tr"uble to enou re. u.t ov.- i k . k,. fit&m0!' r,PitHin.from them .-reika , UAuf u"iuaiuied praise of iu great meU.cmal Coe's Cyspeysia Cure VHl a, no be found invaTuah'e !n a!l ca.. oHMarrben iJysemery. ColU-. S.m,merC..nM!int. f; 1 sl'lfl ryrder-dc.i,.!,, of tielmai-h. Mflpe botue.orbyappcauoato . THE C. G. CL.1IIK CO., 13-M-Od si&Ie Trcr-Hef rtra. -Cii TTiTon r In tr.e t'i ;tr!rt C a. d. l - . CW1?, O 5;ite of NfbrsK fv, in !.h 3-..IA .i.:na, tii-1 oa t.'ia i ','i'-i'y nf '. ' t.i-o.Ii,,-1. 1 ti.e her r'':.::o i 'ourt in and fur u;. N'rj!ca, cftaria? sa.-J wr.ti er'- and v: triiti , " -r RP.d Uii'.t a.ihonrh dci-a-Unt m i l1 : to prov;;e u:taui miiit;nan f, -hM sci-xiy, wanun.y, ani crnf' ' . "i to do so; and a.-k;.i that jU' from ti.e aid KniwruiJiiiw. Jit You, K 'jti Coliiri.i ar tsnrprr r---H.iiJ r'tititi on or befl. th , n:v? 1). hJ). or U.e itixm w:.i l m . . "4y A X w L r J. N. r.eynolds, Atty. Xotlee of nard inn's .Sale of jTT In ptirxumr ni"n order of tJie tv , the county i NernaL-a. anl uite of' td at the .-r tTT!br um of me w it - " A. I, and cor.rirnie.1 at the i,r Jt""' t;on "X. 'l'cwp,; down, the ha..i: tri p-r rfiu .' ir one, two ii IT f. K. al Administrator's Sale In pnrnance of an ordf r of i O-iinty of "emaji and St'a nnted on the i"thrtv of ,JL.VU at tl v city of Brownvs.iV, on tii I; ;i oi.t-r for Fai at ru'iiic Tues'Iay the itn d?r of Jar.tiar- V ocliiv p.m., srvn fie fpniw ti cribed r-.l Ti,Ate.f in tne . ha and Mare of Zebras a. t,vw;t- ?'?-: q;n!rter of the n-.rta evt q iar"i and eiitht t.-, cf the norm fnut tr-iL"". aectioil fifteen Li, townsii:p St " fiirTeen lt), east, con-a rcing tj vi The above d-sTiSed land has Ihr-r J"1 timber on it. forty acre broke nl i--go-Hl houses and "plenty of runn'rr. iT4 Terms made known on tiav of .... K'V. li; rT AfTvtiinit7!rtr of the Estate of V" ' ter- Canrd'.nn Sal f Kcal EUfc n pnruance cf an Order of the rC7 ! t oury of Nemaha and th jitasi-,' In' the( execitrd fn the b.i n tiay of bvr,, icec-.- v ot nrownv-,e. on tti d:u . I. o r - r t h I e u t p u o i ic a u ct io n r v l)u, 7-th--lt nay of J :i ry. a.d. W K diMir of tbe Court il-mne in w,1 i:ic lwnuv-;7 UT.i;'-!! nai etai v.onpiyor jemauriti rn or .'.-- i-ot ao. 11 in iiiccK . IH trr t- w?tn tne appurtenances thert x'. ihk Known on tne iu? of ai WILI.UXR, (iuart a"! r h, -Perorrext Porter. Attorney lort-iur., t. W-' IT . Ptray Xwice. Taken np fer r?:A nn.ler':re'l. lh , half ror't scn.Jh-weM- of Apiiiwvi' a h county bra.ka. on the "id.,r ni UJ. liirtit bay hore poney, dart mane and .a to be three year old ; star ia lore i , brtnda iat,reils. iijivi -j Stray .Notice. Tsitea np Vy the nndersied. liv nc m miles outa of i ;in P.-k, on tiie ll at wv b!ivic ponv. about five years old. w.m rm a little white on inside of rilit hind a round, no marnj or brands. 1-V"t CTI.nS Tl tT7 F ft. rs. I of 8rar Notice. Tnlcen rp by th nTu!r;;rred, south of P-ru, on Honey t reii. -i : cember,, one II a )t "Yeari.n iit, "i lert er and ucderbit in the right. V.G.GU. r W tl ah- 1 re I i rn m . tr- and Strxr Notice. Takrn tip fin my fi rm, in In pm':rt three in.t-t nonh-west of Pt-ni.onfilr.- red bull, witi soote white on beiv. brukMi I and cros on leit hip, leit horn s .-n; r i- Smy Notice. TaknTmtherreT'as. onen'Ht vi:, on ra.M;!,t the l.ji of rpeec.b-f. am Cow, sr.rne white sp-ii-i. r.iriJ ut u-rv crop od'leiTr ear, cliii in ri-r.t. tJcrrn or ninpyesrs oi. lU -"-'. LM. M ui f r Srray 'ic. One srrin iV'-nif. il enrs nd i ken up Noven.ber rh, I.-h--. on rr fxrr. t s qrecinct. ll-j-p: DAXIiLtXii t V "k - ... ti. wwpii mil i isosws SciestiSc ! Compound Extract: Kccomicon 'i.d Ly SCIKXTIFIC MFX ETFRYTZl Ai THE BEST w U av. tii hi Hcincdy yet Discoren roi: Diseases of the Ulood, LiTer, Z V. II t C'l at AND A3 A GCXERA L II EA L TII RESTCZZ B0SADALIS Purifies Ctc B7God, Imjiroves the Appetite, Aids Digestion, Correct ttie And Imparts Tone, Sircrnthrxid Vivacity f the Whole v T: I a lie t:i I- So that persons nsin? It fp.-T f .": thef S an en:i;o new K0SADALIS lo Is liccommcvdrd hy the Beat 1 'Ay .: urns Kir T'JTa' the 'yr.l IT, Tinw f t! Formerly V .r of I"hy..ey ir.i" olnL'ical Ar. ; -nv Ji tiie Midd ' Medical C-.; u-, C-ief sturzet)n state-' Carolina, ! ui.-l fee w.r. Vic-? Georgia Mc i-cul Assclc.U3 : Mr, Ldu-rmcr: I hv--ra.i'?Ty cxssJ your formula for the Uu.-vAI'Lls. and x. mendeil it to fevei':'-l of my combination is a lur r.v r"e' atl'' a potent roniiV.y i:i :uil:-faM- re-jSir-J-virtues of a refttalu-r.iUveinedic.iii. you success. ...r- f. or.iN D.y Baltimore, April lv. A r I- tn- tj t X T? A ltt m o n k, Mi., M irrM. -4 I believo Dr. Lawn-m-e "Kij2" to be the He-t Alrcratnc in Use. n-J fore cheerfully rv.nnnend It n ui-ft. . Tl LO M AS J. lit Y Kl', l r.LTi:.,.;tf:. Feeary rti r. J". J. Ixiurf"f- lieariir Ita'i'. ure in recommending your IUjAiiA a very power'ui alterative. , Yours tmiy, iu V. CAJL3. 3L J. "VVfckno-wPr. Lawrence n.!." A KAfn n Jiff rol -i! I! .t iLilu I - -. - . . v ..... 'ii .iir. . ' . . ., pleasare in rconuucud.ns It l-r fr ion and pal-Uc. J II Moore, M n F; Fame. M P. Ii A Smith, M l, K W Kmz. M U J I f V '..nteiv.!, f V, S Wfi.lwa.-i, J H If r.iirhnri ? I W T flrewer, M W r 1) i -,-M !, --v- , i:u: ., M V,"il. v, (., Jr.nn.--ir.-Tin. i-'" . uKor .f Kkmakkabi 1 S-ri "Ilijsaiai;.- A luianac" t.r tru. year- T t X r V " 1 Prejrfi.rtvl at the Lbcm ;ory of Dr. J. J. Lawrence & C 2Jb Lclluiwre Xre t, BALTIXOSi r 4 Ja t: ll n. r" m WHOLKS.ILK DI2UGGI& CHICAGO. General Arrcnu for the North lV Statf, to wliuui oi-d.-rs should be auuT1' nl-Mjin iary, Feed 0J, CI- t f 5 Nosi. 82 and 61 -Main Street Dealer In ail kin -!-! of stoolc. Hordes 5'. sold and eTf-;;e'i. mo 1; bard UJ drorvftrt. j llie Prri i'-' r hi? rent!verwte.lclit new, Uirffe and c -n in!.-.iu. stai-e. n.v l i.:rownvi:;. li -i --. ;; Kt-x-s i1 Ea and veh i.-;.- rw. lhe r -.L-iie caa be inodatetl at all V stock: com!!. -wir!i an -nndaa Of pure water, attached to the sialic :ne at )'; Ktion or vndue on s - tlav t( -i.niary. A. 1 . l- m, at 1 o c '."'" S.'nil licir. nr-it trie prmti in 4 t ounty. Lie t,t :.'!! (I-hsttm-i gf . In the !! nr 7 ( r-a-a and f '": wiu Tbe siii.'ii han'of tne Brr.u.. in if