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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1867)
St. JOe Eusines Houses i ko. S. Lrwos. Isaac T. Rosea. LEMON, HOSEA & CO WHOLESALE SEALERS III FOREIGN &DOLITSTIC TJ .rv f T O Notions, GMMong &c. NO. 5 FOURTH ST. . . .Ct Jcsepli, I Jo. . A Larjre Stock always cn band. Orders solicited Faliffaclion guaranteed, o-iy J,' A . flVZK. T. B KETKOLDS. SOITIERL'IOTM PINER & REYNOLDS, ''"'. P It O P HI E T O It S , Eigbt Street, two blocki from R. R. Depot, 11-45 C.u VICTOR B. BUOH, Wholesale BOOTS & SHOES ''North West Corner 4th & Felix Streets, ... ST. JOSEPH, MO. itrKctT cinch the Largest Stock West of St. Louis, and u prepared to ouur unusual inducements IMi-lj . . ui CS f 0 4-3 3 P o to a 0 CO i SG V. o V. W.M.WYETH&CO. Wholesale Dealers in iMilRE COTLBRY. SADDLERY GOODS, Harness, Skirting, and all kinds Saddler's Leather ana Hardware. SADDLES, BRIDLES, SC, Agents for Disstons Circular Saws, and Marvin's Safa. No.S South Third Struct, between Felix & Edmond ST. JOSEPH, MO. 451r. Jam fxkgeh. W. H. DOUGLAS. PINGER & DOUGLAS, Wholesale Dealers QUEENS WAKE , GLASS WARE., $-0 NO. 7 Fourth Ttreet. St JOSEPH, MO. 4 MACHINE SHOP .-J BUEXSIDE, CEOWTDER & ROGERS rnoi'itiETORS, Cor. 8th & Messanie Sts., , St. Joseph, 53o. CT.EAM nilGMES HADE U AXD U RCrAlHED ill , IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, MILL WORKS OF ALL KINDS AND IRON FRONTS Made to order cn thort cotice and satiffactory to 11 parties. Aim agon U for GARDNER & KOBE RT bON'S IMPROVED PATENT GOVEKNOR.-4i-ly LZ3 o Corner 61U and St. Charles Sts., Also Dealer la Lime, Cement, ji air . . . TZhitc-Gaiid, Firc-Ericlr, 1? 'y Ac, As., 4c, Ac. CO o P5 1 1 ! 2?.&:- ' .CtCi'Cttt v n h b St. Joe z.z' St. Louis Business Houses. Nave, McCord & Co., WHOLESALE GEO GEES And Dealers in V7incs, Liquors, Tobacco, Lc gt JOSEPH. 3IO. -i-iiy BAILY, KAY & YOOD, Dealers in fFff3(Q)D)9 AKD YANKEE NOTIONS, Exclusively at wholesale. Third Street, ST. JOSEPH, Mo. Stock in Extent, Variety, hni price Compares with bet St. Louis or Chioago Houses. 1ST Orders Solicited. 451y W00LW0RTH & COLT, AKD DEALERS IX 9 STATIONERY, Paper Hangings, And PiIlters, Stock, No- 12 Second Street, St, Joseph, Mo. Cash Paid for Rags. R. T. CKDEKfllLL A. N. Eatos.3 UNDERHILL &. EATON, ommissionivercliants, Ifo2. City Duilding ST. LOUIS, MO. REFERENCES: Second Katioml Bank, St Iuls Allen, Crp k. Klsbet, St. L-iaH. Brrnch SUte BDk of Iowa. Du-U'iue. JobDftoiie & Bacon, Baniers, Ft. Madison, la. Isaac Scarrltt & Co,, Ai.c, 1)1. Blair fit At wood. AUea, Til. GEO. A. PEINCE & COS 39 Varieties, with Patent asso Tenuto or bub ass. JCSTSchool Organs and Alclodcons Finished In elegant uosetvood, walnut or Oak Cases. JVo Charge for Boxing or Shipping. ST35,000 Now in Use. AN ILLUSTBATED CATALOGUE, con talnlne a fall description of style, and testimonials of the most eminent Musicians, as to the superior excel leuce of our instruments can be seen at tbis Offlce Address GEO. W. HILL & CO Brownville Nebraska. 1 ir t " i it i iiiinl Si mw3 III inlTil Lk' FOR Cliurclics. Schools, riaiilallcrcis Factories, &c, tST'All Prices within Ihz r?ach of all DAVIS & TOULMIN, Successors to J. B. Robinson, 38 Dev Street, New York. AMALGAM BELLS TbtLogt and cheapest erer manufactured, costing only 25 cents per pound, warrnnttd. Their ue tbrougbout tna United btatcs, Canada, JUexico South America, Ac, for the pat twelre Tears has prored taea te cnjubmo tlie Talutblo. qualities of TONE and DUIUBILITY. Experience ykas -i . i l 3 t t.. . . . Boowa iuc mo uu siitcicu vj com vr 001 cumateff. Old Bell-H aterial taken in eichsBce. or bcu-h1 forvaih. Seud for Disoriftire Circular In thematufaotur' ers. DAVIS & TOULMLV, 33 Dey St., New York. The following are among the many testimonials. receitea. Makato,JJixn., J!arch, ISth ISC7. 2Utr: Davi$ & Toulrnin -Gentle:ncn : The Amal ram Bells, I pnrchafei from J. B. Robinson, am fcsirJtOMT riTes entire satisfaction. The lUt weighing 850 ponnds was for the lu. E.ia St, Liouis. ineLrst weirnm? S75 pounds is on the M waurca in Ausun.ana is frequently beard six miles. DA ID TICE. Taster Cemetery 21. . C. Beooiltk, Iowa, Feb. 15th ISC7. :itr. Davit A Toulrnin. Gkktlsmek :The The Ama! tram Bell Ireceired fnm Tour house in June, lbC4, for the uso of the M. E. Church in Brooklyn, is in rood condition, aci th citiiona are nigaiy fieaaal wiva its 'i one. AiiiONT,lIicn.Feh.7ta 1387. Messrs Daris & Toulrnin ; Gentlemen, The Amalgam Bell sent nsis an ex cellent one; giTes good satisfaction, and answers, well for which it was bouget. D, W. niCHARDSOX BECORjlixs'lIarch 11th 1387. Uos?r. Davis & Toulmia. Gents. The Amsjjm JBell we purchased gires os entire fatlsfaetion, we would recommond persons wactiias Btlla to buy cf you. L.r. HEREFORD. TUECLOSY OF MAN IS STRENGTH. TLere fore the norrous and deblUUted should icimeiiat ly use IleliiboU'i Extraet Bah. i I. . f ... P 0 n -Sh ff1" ins sSoHcJ Sin la 3 OS lip St Louis Advsrtisccccts. WHEELER & WILSON mm it-.- SEWING MACHINE, Awarded th e highest Premier) at tne Exhibition f the St. Louis and Mechanical fair, 1S6&. The World's Fair, London, AT THE Trench Exposition, Parte ETERY MACHINE IS Warranted for three years. Fkom the scientific American. We use the V,'IIEELE & WILSON, and pro " it without a riral. ' EST Send for Circular A. SUMNER, 415 InT- 5TH ST- ST. LOUIS - MISSOURI. Philip Philips & Co. Wholesale and retail dealers in PIANHS, ORGAKS, AND MELODEONS Western Azents for Decker Brothers, Patent plata Fiono-rourtes. These Pianos aro the only instauments mndo in this country or Lurope, with tbe full iron frame, in which Jill the Strings rest upon Wooden Bdar ings and in which none of the Tuninsr Pins ro through jhe Iron Plate. This arrangnant produces a More Kenned Tone, with combined Sweetness and srrea Power, and more purfect quality thovgh the entire scale, aud the capacity of Standing Loneer in tune and retaining its suporior quantity of tone, than any other instrument. General Agents for L. D. & II. W. Smith's AMERICAN ORGANS. I - The American Organs, are the only real reed Or gans now boforo the puhuo. lbe only Organ hay ing a Reverberating Sound Box, or Wind Chest. WEicn oas tne same important part to perlorm as the Sounding Board has in the Piano-Forte, (to give body and resonance of tone).md without which tbe urgan becomes merely a Aleloaoon in an Organ case. The American Onran? not only have the wind chest or sound box, but hare the large Organ bel lows, civine power and great steadiness of tone. These with their extreme fire voicing of the rccd and perfecting of the tone, make them the. Most Perfect Organ Known. The improvements, with superiority of tone and workmanship, place the American Organs in the front rank as the best, and tbey command a higher price than any other reed instrument in the market These Organs received the First Premium at the great St. Louis Fair in October. Publishers of tho "Singing Pilgrim" for Sutday Schools. Send for a Circular. Address, PHILIP PHILIPS h CO., 29 415 North 5th street, St. Louis Mo. From J. S. WILLIAM'S Advertising Agency, 97 Chamber Streets, Saint Louis, Mo Worlds Tonic and Blood Purifier, AND ROOT & PLANT PILLS, Are the greatest Preventive and Curative House hold Remedies of the age, and are wonderfully ef Ccacious in curing Dyspeptic and Consumptive fiymptoms, ucnerali;ebility, Languor, Uilious Dis eases, affections of tho Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys, Female Complaints, Scrofulous Affec tions, and all diseases arising from impure blood, and a suro preventive of Fever and Ague, Chol era, Yellow Fever, Bilious Fever, Ac. See circular around each battle and box. Pre pared only by tho Grafton Medicite Co., St. Louis, Missouri. i5oid by HOLLADAY & CO. Brownville, Neb. GET THE BEST .MRS. CHILDHEISr. Is now truly acknowledged a supcriar preparation for all diseases incident to infants and children. EVERYBODY SPEAKS In exalted terms of commendation of its truly won derful effects and medicinal virtues, and aro le litrhtcd with its use. 27" Price, Only 25 cents per Bottle.FJ by Sold bv all dealers inlmedicine. Prepared on I y the Grafton Medicine Company, St. uis, , Sold by HOLLADAY & CO., Jan. 1st. 6m Brownville, Neb. SOMETHING NEW, USEFUL & SALABLE niTYxnuRsi-s Soluble Clue anfl'-:.';- Dlcaclilngr Poirdcr. "TABLE MANNA." for FamiW Use. "NATION AL WASHING FLUID." Starch Polish." "Mar io Soldering Fluid," Indian Pain Annihilator." "Good Samaritan's Linement." "Silver Solu tion, Ae. Ac. FAMILY RIGHTS FOR SALE. 1000 Agents vtanted, Male and Eemale. A good reliable agent wanted in every town to take the entire control, for his neighborhood, of several of the teat, most saleable and profitable ar ticles cf every day life ever presented to the public irocu large sausiaction guaranteed. Tne ;nght man or woman can make from $10 to $29 per week easily. Enclose stamps for full description and illustrated catalogue, Satcploa lent free . Exclu sive control of territory giren. Adlreus, XiEVf YORK Manufacturing Co., . 37-8 xa 37 Paxk Row, New York. 0"- : New York Advertisements. HELLIB OLD'S FLUID EXTRADT ZEES TU G Sll uJT Is a certain cure for diseases of the Bladder Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsey, Organic Weakness Female Comblaiats, General Debility, And all diseases of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause originating and no inattor of HOW LONG STANDING. Diseases of these organs require the use cf a diuretic. If no treatment is submitted to Consumption or Insanity may ensue. Our Ffesh and Blood are supposed from thee source?, and the HEALTH HAPPINESS, and that of Posterity, depends udon prompt use of a re liable remedy. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCnU, Established vpward of 13 year, prepared by II. T. I3EOICOLU. DliUGGIST, 594 Broadway, Now York, and 104 South 10th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT BUCHU .Is tie Great Diuretie. nELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED EXTRACT SAKSAPABILLA I tAe Grnat Blood Purifier. Both are prepared according to rules of Phartna by and Chemistry, and are the most active that can e made. wssr l MO Bl Over GO, COO manufactured and now in use in this country and Euro e. These world rcnownod machines were awarded the first prize, Ten Pounds Steilirg,at the Great Quadricnnial Trial at Plymouth, Eng., July,1865 and at the Great National Field Trial, held at Auburt N. Y.. in Ju ly, ISC8, tho First Premium GRAND GOLD MEDAL. The PRIZE MOWER Whilu it rtilains all the advantages which has i . . . ... maaa it so uninerEal atavente. is areatiy lmnrov ed by tne addition of STEEL LINED GUARDS, NEW PITMAN CONNECTIONS, . STRONGER KNIVES, SPRING SEAT, ADJUSTABLE FOLDING SHOE .... .... - - w - Making it a perfect machine. The lightest draft, the most durable, and at the same time the Simple and test cutting maceine in the world. The Self-Raker Kepeatcr ! Is qustly called tke " Victor of every content," and is constructed on tne most scientific principles. The now Mowing Attachment gives general satia faction and makes one of tho most couvenicnt combined Self-Rake Reapers known, and we ful ly warrant it. The HAND RAKE REAPER, Is at the same time the cheapest and the best of its kink ever offered. It cuts a swarih five feet wido in Reaping, and four end a-balf in Mowing. As a Mowor it is the best Folding Bar Macbin in uso. The eaio with which it is managed, and ih changing from Mower to Reaper, or viee-veraa, will at once recommend it Manufactured by the WALTER A. WOOD Mowing & Reaping Machine Company Hoosick Falls IT. Y. GENERAL SALESROOMS,. 40 CortlanJt Street, N, Y. 206 Lake Street, Chicago. FOREIGN OFFICE 77 Upper Thames Street, London Descriptive Catalogues sent on application. 22-1 MONEY, FREE AS WATER. 10,000 ACTIVE LOCAL and Traveling Agents, Malo or Fe male, of all ages, are wanted to solicit trade in ev ery City. Town, Village; Hmiet, H'orkshop and Factory, throughout the entire world, for tho most saleable novelties ever known. 500 rr.14 u.M, PROFIT and READY SALE WHEREVER OF FERED !! Smart men and women can make from $5 to $5Q per day, and no risk of lors ! A small capital required of from $20 to $100 the more money invested the grater the prof t. JVo Money required in adcancc w first tend the arttclc onb receive pav afterward t If you ao lually wish to make money rapidly and easily, writo for full par icu lars and address MILNOR&CO., (From Paris,) 1 0 BROADWAY, New York City. Something Entirely New! Light for the Million! A VALUABLE DISOVTRY ! The EUREKA ILLUMINATING OIL! Costs only One Cent for three hours. Cheap,olean and Neat. No Smoke. No Affensive Smell. No Grease. No Chimney. Not Explosive. Costs only 25 CENTS PER GALON. No Family should be without it. Samples for tcs ting will be sent prepaid, on receipt of 50 cents. County and State Rights for sale on liberal terms, either for Cash, R:al Estate, or Personal Property, Address, EUREKA OIL Manufacturing CO. 33 6m " 37 Park Row, New York, ri 1 THE MOST RELIABLE CUSHION used on Billiard Tables is the CAT-GUT CUSHION, Manufactured by KAYANAGn fc DECKER, and Patanted Deo. 13.1SCC. See DcicntiCc American Vol. 16, No. 11) It is the only Cushion that possesses all the oual ities esential to a PERFECT Cushion. It is the most elastic and most durable Cushion ever offered to the biluard-pJayinz isabundantlv hro ven by the great demand for it since its introcue- tion. ine peculiarity which distinguishes the KiAL ubi cusnioa and renders it fupenor to all otoer?, 13 tee tightened cord of cat-gut which overlies the face and edge of the rubber and aun- ning the full length of the Cushion, which pre vents the ball from bedding mty the rubber and jumping from the table. Tbe addition of the cat gut cord also adds much to the' elasticity of the iushionn ... . A . The CAT-GUT Cushion has already been ap plied to over 1,000 tables which are in constant use. It can be applied to tables or any make, for seventy-five doilary per sot. KAVANAGU & DECKER'S aotory, at fee cor ner of Centre and Canal Streets, N. Yis the most complete of its kjnd in tho world. The machinery is of tne most improved cnaracter, me lumber ary inz room the largest in the United States, the matdrial use the best that oan be purchased, and the workmen thoroughly skilled. Billiard Cloth, lialls, Uues, ann lrimmiog3, all of the best make, constantly on hand. KAVANAGU & DEUKElt are the enly stents in this country for KAY'S CUE CEMENldjvdged bycompetent authorities to be the be the best ce ment ever usedr j-Full Sized Tables cut down tor $10023" Send for Illustrated Catalegue atd price List. . KAVANAGH&-DECKER. Corner of Centre & Canal St. Jv'ew York 02 TO f5 FOR EVERT HOUR'S SERVICE. Pleasant and honorable employment without risk : desirable for all ladies, clereymeD, teachers, students, farmers, merchants, mechanics, soldiers, every body. Please call on , or address; C. W. JACKS03 & CO., 5? Beaver Street , 3f. Y. ffil mi - Kiiiki iJJ TO C01ISUnPTIE3. j"The Undersigned having been restored to Health in a few weeks, by a very simple reined?, af ter having suffered several years wkh a severe long affection, and that dread disease, Cousumptionis anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. Tn n.H who desire will send a copy of tho pre- aireciions ill ASTn- MA, BRONCHITIS, Ac The on!y object of tbe advertiser in sending tho Prescription is tobeneCt the aQicted, and spread infonnaiou which he con seizes to be invalaabln, and he hopes every sufferer will try bis it will cost them nothing, ml nay prove a blessing. 'arties wishing the prescription will plea3oaddres Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, 34-ly , Williamsburg.KingsCo.. Now York. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who suffered for years from Nerv ous Debility, Premature Decay , and all the effects of youthful indiscretion , wiil, for the sake of suf fering humanity, send free to all who need it, tbe receipt and directions' for making the sim- le rem ely by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing t profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so bj addressing, in perfect confidance, . - JOHN B, OGDEN, 341yP 42 Ceder Street, Ne York ! 1 11111, GEA2ID DISTEIBTJTIOH of $75jCC0 wortli of 1 REAL ESTATE And Personal Property, UItBANAt ILLINOIS. We have been Induced to offer to the public, tpoa tbe plan proposed below, our kstkxsiv diptfi.lert and otukh valuablk pkopkbtt named in tbe loliow iDg Fchedule of Premiums. TUere will oe lssned and disposed of Thirty-seven Thousand Hve Hundred ccrtltlcates, at TVO DOLLARS EACH, numberln!; from 1 to 87,500 Inclusive. Each certificate entitles the holder to im equal rlmnce of drawing an? one of the most valuable Premiums npon the litr, and to a splendid steel enp-avinc from the follow ins; selec tion : George "Washington, Martha Washington, Lin coln and Son, AbrafcHin Lincoln, Andrew Johnon. Geu. I'. Grant, Lieut. Gen. thernian, MsiJ. Gen. fcliorldan, Mut. Gen. OL'leby, Hon. Stephen A. Donglas. Enclose 10 cento for tubiue. which will guarwitee, a safe deliv ery of the engravings to any part of tho United states. LIST OP PREMIUMS. FrnsT PBEMinc. The lanre Urbana Distillery and sis acres of land on which it la situated, and all the ap purtenances thereunto belonging ; also, a larce brlcic ere proof, bonded Warehouse, the w hole valnodat It is oneof the best i)lVtVlIerfea"la"th"e State, nnd w ill be delivered to the drawer thereof la complete run ning order. Escokd PtiEirrcM. A line city residence.consisrllng ot a larere Frame House of ten rooms, and an acrre lot thlcklv set with fruit trees and sbrubberv; also a wood and coal house, barn, c, 10 000 Third Pkemicm. A fine two story store, and Jctlncrs, eituatcrt on Main bt-, la L rbuia, vtl -uo 5 Fourth Feekicm.-A small House and Lot, sit uated In Urbana, Fifth Pbemiim. One span of matched Horses, five years old, Sixth PKmrs.-Oft; span of large bay Marea, Harness and Wagon, worth..... vienth PaExim. One large new Coal Cart, worth 1 Piano Forte, 1 Melodeon, 1 Organ, ' 1 I Crtniinn Vf anVitnAfl oca 630 600 coo too 500 150 3M 910 2 5C0 1 875 1 608 1 7T0 1 000 1 0K) . 800 240 25 Ladled' Gold Watches, . 25 Ladies' Gold Watches, ... 25 Gents' Duplex Silver Wat 50 Gents' Lever Silver Watches,. 60 Gents' Cylinder Silver Watches, 60 Silver Water Pitchers, 60 Silver Water PlU-hers Cabinets of Sea Shells, &J5 Premiums. consib tine of Encravines. Paint ings, c, valued at 10 575 Total value of Premiums,.... $5 0(0 Dan. . Gardner, Eob. Peacock, nammlll a Satcbell, Gents At the request ot Messrs. kka a Hovrxo- vos, of-our city, we have made an examination of the property, contained in the foregoing schedule, and hare valued the same at the prices set opposite the respec tive articles. v ("err Iiespectfnllv. ELI IIALBEESTADT, DUDLEr Mct'LALV. Messrs. Rea a Bovingdon's Grand Distribution ot 'valuable real estate and personal Droperty. will l made at Urbana, on the 2d day of September, next when the holders of lucky numbers will draw someo f the most waanifleent pr'.zes ever offered In a slmili.r drawing. That the public may be assured that this en terprise is to beconducted is onlyneee sary to refer to the long list of reference, all of whon have long been known and honored In this county, s men of strict probity and whose recommendation Is sutiictent to quell all doubt and satisfy every one in this community. Champaign Union and Gazette, May 1, 18C7. The drawing will take plnce at the Court Honse, In Urbana, Champaign Co., Illinois, September the 2nd, 186", nnder the supervision of a board of ninnagers, and by a disinterested committee selected for that pur pose. Good and Reliable Agents "Wanted ! In every county In this and adjoining States. Aswita allowed ten per cent, commission on all sales of Tlcx eU. All orders by Mail amounting to Ten Dollars or less, may be sent by Mail at our risk, larger snm Should be sent by Draft or P. O. ordfl. All orders for certificates and communications, should be addressed to REA & BOVIHGDOU, URBANA, Champaign Co, Illinois. D. Gri oer Co", Bankers, Chumjialjra. III., Jas. 8. Wrlff ht, Cash. IstN. Bask, Champaign 111., h.C. Unri, DepnitT Col. lector, Tth Dia., Daniel IlcKioii. IT. S. Gta. Imp. Tth District, Chandler a Donlon, DanTtUe. 111.. Phillip Bro. Cbiearo, W. . T. Cannlnirham, Collector Tth Dia., N. M. Clark, County Clerk, Champaign Co., II!., O. O. Alexander, Clk. Clr. Ct., Champaign, Co., 111., O. W. Kennard, Co. Trena. Champaign Co., 111., J. D. Johnson, Sheriff. Champalirn Co., 111., M. S. , Tarwood, Chicago, George A. Eellman. Chicago, Hon. J. X Cunningham. Champaign Co., III., Hon. C. R. Grigrs. Ren. Champati Co., 111., Col. R. H. Nodlne. Depat As... 7th Dia M- D. Codln, Esq., Homer III., Leek 1 5 a Sellers, Di.t lllera, Loda.HL, Thomp. Weber M. la Cha, Cbampalja Co., IU. The Great Cause ' . . OF JEITJjSIAJN misery . ust Published in a Sealed Envelope, Price tLocer.ts. A Lecture on the Xature, Treatment and Radical Cure of seminal "Weakness, or ppermator rhcea, induced by belf-Abac; Involuntary Lmissions, lm potency, Nervous Debility, . and Impediments to Marriage gencraly ; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits : Mental and hhysical Iccapacy. Ac, Dy ROB.J. CULVEUWELL,M v., Author of the 'Green cook, &c. Theworld-renouned anther, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experiance that the awful consequences of Self-Abaso miy te effectually removed without medicinend without dangerous.surgical operations, bogies, instruments, rings, or cordial3, pointing oat a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically.. This leeture will prove a boon to thousands and thous ands. Sent nuder seal, in a plain envelope, to any ad dress, on receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing the pub.' hhcrs. Abo Dr. CULVERWELL'3 "ilirriage .Gaide " price 25 cents. Address the Publishers. CXIAS, J. C. KL1.TC & Co., 127 IJowery. Sew York, P.o.iiox 45S3. it Llaniage and Celibacy. AnEssat or Wabsing and JxsTKrcTioJi for Yoxra llzs. Also. Diseases and Abuses waich permanently prostr&te the Vital Powers, with sure means of!reIief. Sent Free cf Charge, in sealed letter envelopes. AdJrc?s, Iloward Assoclaticn, Phibdclrhia, Pa,. January, lt 1SGJ. 1-y (free cf charge. ) witn tae fc.r rrpnrinand nin? the same, which they w BnA SURE CURE FOR CONSUMPTION, . ; ytt?S4i T.Trnn'K Tim $&$&&l?t THE GREAT FEMALE HEME- &$i-& DY F0R IK REGULARITIES. VVS' yK-f- "V.oi5 These Crops are a scientifically compounded fluid V vKi- S? Preparation, and better thai, any Pills, Powders, ot 'wrA- Nostrums. Being liquid, their action is direct and V-V'V- , positive, rendering theta a reliab'.e, speedy and cer- Vs' Z' ' Vv'c tain ppeclflc for tbe cur8 .f ' obstructions and snp- .,v j. slj- I v c3oiiia ui usiuiv. lueir popularity is inaiciea cy 'V'X' VoA ? J Ar - the fact that over 100.000 b. ttles are annually sold r ,a' Jv?.i.oSa -Ji&A.. . RJ consumed by the ladies of the United States, eve- .T.Z''-"',.'. Ve have on hand a large and well assorted stcci of Staple and Fancy sfizsri .'Tiy. TvN To which we are making constant additions, aj whicii we are selling at prices low as any establish ment west of the Mississippi river. . IM THE QUA1TY OF OUR GOODS VE CJIALLHIGE COM?ETITiC: JEST FLOUR OF THE JIOST APPROVED BRANDS. Tr, HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. " 53 t:if I pi WHO L E S -A. L E DEALERS L (r si ,- v em x3k U iJ Would call the attention of DEALERS to theirimmense'stock of Dni3 and Medicines, School Bjoks, Patent. Medicines, Blank Books. Glas3 and Glassware, Writing Paper, Paints and Oils, Envelops, Spices and Dye-Stuffs, Coal Oil Lamps, Pure Wines. Liqunrs," Sec. Which trero bongbt forca.h of llanafacturers, Importers and Publishers, an J will be sold at tbs n-4 favorable prieos. Buying ia lare quantities from first hands, thej are enabled to cfler extra hin:f ments to the trade. ; 1 r r - Tbey are the forth-western Wholesale Agents of Dr.D. Jayne 4 Son, aai of Dr. J. C. Ayre & Co., and can furnish their Medicines in any quantities. ( 13 I - ly r U ;:1 ST. JOSEPH, MO. Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Iron, STEEL and HEAVY HAEBWAEE. Wagon, Carriage, and Plow "Woodworks. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. VtiSZtg Springs, Axes, AxeN, Shovels and Sj)ades,Files and, Chains, Carriage and Tire LolU, Su'.U Washers, Kails, Horse nail?, IIor?e 3i Mnle Shoes, Saws, etc. etc. Cabtinga and Hollcw Ware, Suar Kittles Andirons, Skillets andlidi, Stew pots. Eake ovens, Fruit kettles and Sad Irons. BlackSmllllS' TCOlS. Anvils, Str cks and Dies, BsJIows.Sledge and Hand Hj mers, Vises, Fincers, Hasps, Farriers' Knives, Tuyere Irons, Wrenches, Ad. OuLtfitizs-gr Groods, Ox Tokes, Axle Grease, Ox chains, Wogon Jacks, Ox Shoe nail?, Shovels and Pick?,Gold ranj,;ete. TXxxts. e3polx.oi3 .X3.cI I3ont-tvifr. 1,000 CELEBBATED MOLIJSTEPLOWS! Hag!. Eloweo! Just patented, and sairior to any yet invented ; and McCormick's Slovrcrs antl Reapers, liallcrs llorso Corn Planlcn Sulky Corn Cultivators, Hand Corn Planter, Cora Shellers, Fay K, r Xts.eto esc. ISaiirtoctls-'o E2ti23.cltt3Lc2L Scales . Baying my goods direct from the iaan ers, I offer great inducements TO WHOLESALE PURCHASERS AT Constable's Iron and Steel "Warehouse ST. i j oue oi wnom ppeai in tne strongest terms or praise of their great merits. They are rapidly taking tbe place of every other Female Remedy, and are consid ered by ail who know au:,ht of tbem, as the surest, sa fest, and most infalliable preparation in the world, for th6 cure cf all female conipl lints, the removal ct all obstructions of nature, and the promotion of health regularity and strength. Explicit dir ections stating when they may be used, and expla ning -hen and why they should not, nor could not be ued without produ cing efiects contrary to nature's choen laws, will te fouiyl carefully folded around each bottle, with tbe written signature ot Jons L. Lvos, without which none are genuine. Trepared by Dr. JODX L. LTOK', 195 Cbapol Street, New Ilaven, Conn., who can be consulted either per 8onar.y, or by mail, (enclosins stamp.) concerning all private diseases and female weakness. Price $l,5o per bottle. Sold by Druggists everywhere C. O. CLARK &CO., Gen'l Agents for U. S. and Canada t O ilxns Bbos. St. Ijuis. Wholesale ' L LLEH, Fixck itfrtXEH, Chicago. J Asreuts A. S. HOLLADAY & CO., and VY. H. McCREERV, Brownville, Nebraska, General Agant3. DR. WHITTIEK, T-OXCERBY YEARS LOCATED IN ST. 1 J LOUIS than any other Private Disease Phy sician, is a reenter rraduate of medicine, cures Syphi!i3 in ailits forms,Gonorrhoea,GIeet, Strict ure, Orchitis, Diabetes, Bladder and Urinary , di36ascs, Syphilitic affections of the throat, skin or bones. Thousand ruffe rin self-abuse, excesses, cx- posnres and indiscretion i ia youth and ma turer years, producing some of tho fallowing ellccts : liictches. bodily weaknn?s, unmanlme.-s, tosocicty.indigestion, constipation, dread offa--ture event, loss of memory, and final! impo tency, havingbeea cured. tic can re!ci to many old residents for past success and present position, also many rbvs- icianstcro and eliewbero. Occupying a whole house of twelve roora.?,wiili competent assistant physicuns; tho;e icqui ricgdailjf personal atttatioa may remain in the establishment. ; Medicine sent everywhere by mail or express, li s Theory an t Exposition of Disease.-?. c!ear!v deliucatins all the diseases conditions, mav be hadin sealed letter envelope for 6 cents. Ladie't Circular, embracing all chrcnis disea3es,a cents. Addro?3 St. Louis. Mc. A frier.dlj talk co?t3 Bnihic ; eharrni mod- crate ; cures guaranteed. OiT:ce.617 St. Charlej street, one square south ol the Lindoll Hotel, i fcb. 15 1y . ... Taken np by the unlcrs'sncd , living ia Glen Rock Precinct, oa the 7th day cf February, 1867 One red and white speckled Steir with endertit out cf left tar, aedcrep ff iiattesr.2 yean thia Snrin? 1 lit a U. iXiuAUSLii. TUIm Roan. Castile. Roila and L Roila and Dtcrsive Sor-p l thr Caltbratcd SilTer Gloss Starch at S WAN & ERO'3. i A ' LJLJU AND n r M ... b JOSEPH, MO. Poland's Magic Billious Powders. This preparation is the disctrcre cf the Kev. J. W. Poland, for-neriX the Pastor of the Baptist church ij Goffstown, N. II., and suits dm ly beloved by that denominatioa throughout ew England. He" obliged to Ieare the pulpit and :a dy medicine to save his own li-a and his ilaaric Powders aro od tho most wonderful discoveries of modern t a; It "u TH GREAT IIVER ASD BILIOUS which completely throws in thd shade ail oth discoveries in medicine; and it affords him m oca gratification that they receive the unanimous ap probation of all who have tested them. Thail ie P-iiious Powders are a . I'osili veCurc tortlver Complaial n its most ngnvated form, and aa immeJiatrjr" rector of all BILLIOTJS DEHANGEIiENTS, Excellent lor lleaJaeUe, Pimples, Blotches. A Shallow Siia. Drowsiness, Dizziness, tcartburn, pppin-"0 And a mo3t won lcrful Cure &FrcYCiUiTC orFcTcri A;sc (We ad vise ail who are troubled with thiif malady to always keep the Powiors oa hasd"1 for immediate U30.) Il3re are a few imporlact particulars? 1st They are the Great Specific fC bur- Affections. ... 2d They are the onIy known remedy that" cure Liver Complaint. ' . 3d They are the only known remedy that wi ea Constipation. . 4th. The Powders are so tho. on gh in theiroF ration that one package will be all that the raj '' ty cf thoso usirg them will require to o ffec t , a eo. . 5th They are a mild and pleasant jet "8 E' effective, cathaxtie known. 6th. They are the cheapest cathartic known. 6th. They are tho cheapest and best mediein tant, as they can be sent by mail to any part oi - globe, for the price, 5Q cent. Circular?, contaiBirgcertifieateSjinforsnitien, sent to any part of tha wnr! i free of charge. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIST cr ty mail on application to NEW HAVEN, CO- November 15, 15u3. . ADMINISTRATORS SJLE. Notice is hereby given that we will se'.I t lie auction. in front cf the Post Office in Peni, maha Coantv, Nebraska, at one o'clock p.- Saturday the 21st day cf September A-U 1337, the followirtj; Real EitaU, UlS '''t Tt I an.l 8 inBIk 135.1ot II ia Block Im T.At Q In mnrc lta. Lt t 1.2 and 3 in Ul Lotil acd3ia Elock.li3,all ia the To 1 01 la Gcunty of Nema iha,anl Lot 1 of Section i RaDKEAst,in-J 7i-IJd acres, anl tcl'3 ,i .1 in iownship 7 orta cf Tiialait r xrr-txA triP.l Will F" ia lots of five or ten acre to suit pursuer U M ed advisable. August 2Sih 1S57 . . . WILLIAM DAILY, A lilaistrato'.. , FARAU M. DAILY, Ada:nisfratrii. 131- cf the Estate of Saaiuel G. Daily v d) d) it A J rSZ hJSHX f