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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1867)
, V HATES OF ADTEUTISIXG f NEBRASKA ADVERTISER yCBLIJHID ET5VT TnrzSDIT ST innn, hill c: co ,0(jane ere (10 lines or leaf) HI insestloa $1 60 Ebcb iBbfcPquent lnfertion, 00 Pniineci Cards, one year, Ave lines or less fi 00 1 i- -vs v ' r! t cb additional line One Column, one year, One Column, fix months. One Column, three months, n''f Cu'unin, one year. Column, fcix ninths. Half Colcmn, thres inontUf, fourth Column, ene year, fourth Column, fix HKr.ths, fourth Column, three months, Eighth Colnma, one year, Eighth Column, six months. Eighth Column, three month, .Announcing CanUJte for cfflee Stry Notice fechLead) i oa y r '; .V!) ,a xi $S0 00 60 00 33 00' 60 00 S3 00 SI CO SO 00 21 00 1510 21 00 15 00 10 00 SCO 3 00 IV ! t f r f !l i ! .Advertiser Block, il am S t , beWeaalst & 2d 1 Copy, one yetr. In advaace , - 82 CS Sobsriptien, must inveiiably, bo paid In Alrance LIBERTY AND UNION, ONE AND INSEPARABLES NOW AND FOREVER.' 3 Book Work, and Plata sod accy Joh "VTort doc the heat style, aadoa short notice. VOL. XL BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, AUG. 29, 1867. NO. 48 l IT 6 M. P- HARLOT, 1.1 D, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OOce at Residence of S. I. TutUc, South Ea?t corner of Ctu and Slain Sts., 4ly .W.BIACKEURIT H.D. T V nrvsinv FT7!Ir?fi STTRfiF.fiV. "fnJer? his professional eervice to the citizens cf brcwnri.'.e and vicinity. orriCC AT CITY DRUG STORE. Wit cVl at Lis Uesidence south side of At'an ' between l.tenJ 2nd streets. aTsTholladay, m. d. Graduated In 1851,1 Located in Ilroivnvllle in XS55 . riTSKUiillEEie OBSTETRICIAiSr Di. II. has on baud complete sets of Amputat- Trcj.hining end Obstctricsil iiiPtrumenU. Oiicc: llcUutlsy & Co's Dreg Store Two Doors East of Posi Ojn.ce. Special Attention given to Obstetric and the diaewes of women acd children. x-44-ly i C. F. STEWRT. M. D. orpicu octh Eat corner cf llaiu and First Streets imowM iixtj, sccRisitA. OrncB Hems 7 to 9 a. M.acd I to 2 aoi to Br ?T)vi;ie,NcLrka,May Stt, Ltb No 34, ly. ATT0EI7EY AT LAW Xtxt Door to Canon's Bank. ' Si. MX STKEET Urownvillo XT oT-msZci T.Vv.Tij:ton O.B.Uewctt J:S. Church CUtorncns at- atu, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Ywch 1st, '6(5. ly. EDWARD Y7. THOMAS, ATTORNEY o AT. LAW, . SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, omc corner of Vain n4 First Streets. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. O. E. NYE, liarufi nl Caw, AND WAR CLAIM AGENT, PAVFXEC CITY, IVKBRASILA. fwkb. fcTEVXS0 D. O. CROSS, - i a. rv w i a rvi v m iwa v u.. . . On Levee 5t.,betwecn llain & Atlantic, This House is convenient to the Steam Uonl 'n4injr, and the l.uciuc.6; part of Town. The best "i'ouiiuidations in the City. No pain will be ipJund in inaking guesU comfortable. Good Stable aud Corral convenient io tbe House.vj AMERICAN HOUSE. li nod Fcca and Llvcrj EU!)Ie In connection with the House. L D. RQBMS0H. PKOPBIETOK. ;tror.t Street, between Main and Water, cnoiYxviLr.c, ivcnxiASiXA, May, 30ih 1SC6. 10 33 ly llitLMiTEIHS, AND JOSEPH S II U T Z v Dm jast receired and will constantly keep on ,?d 1e and well selected stock of genuine ar l0lCn is iine. ne Door ires of Granfs Store, Brow ville, JWbraska. Of Clocks; VTtctesad Jewelry 4oce on tbe fhorU tl0Uct.. WORK WARRANTED. 'ernTiilo, Keb.. lUrca 16tb. 1S6B. J0-251y nELMBeLU'S FLUID EXTRACT BCCHU i T""'nt In taste and odor, free Trcm til injuriou rrojniMies, and iomeiiate It its action. CEO. DOKSET. LUTEER EOIDLET. CHA3.G. DOEjSKT DOESEY. HOACLET & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS, and Dealers in Land warrants, and Agricultural College fccrip. Office, tn Land Office Building, XSroXTirxxxrillo, ZJCToTD- Boy and sell improved and unimproved Lands. Buy Sell, and locate Land Warrants, and agri cultural college Serip. liake careful selections of government Lands for location, Ilcntesteadf, and pre-emptions. , Attend to contested llomeeteud and pre-emption cac8,in the Land office. Letters of inquiry, promptly and . cheerfully an swered. foCoTTtspondence Solicited j25.t FRANZ HELMER, i -A K 4. Uhl. . 1. 9 OPPOSITE DEUSER'S TIN-SHOP, BROiriWILLU, IKED R ASK A. WA.OOIJS, BUGGIES. TLOWS, CULTI VIT O US, &c. , Repaired on short notice, at low rates, nd warranted to give satipfaction. x-13-fn,nn A. ROBINSON, BOOT 11 M Sill, Vain Between 1st & 2d Street Drownvillo 1ro"Soie3l5L. Takes this method of informing the public that he has on hand a splendid assortnent of Gent's end Lndio's Hisses' and ChiUirons's BOOTS AND SHOES. EJ'C'ustxD ort rioue vith aeatne5K anil 0ispatchJ liea-irir;; dui.-e on thort notice. 10-30 Innu CHARLES HELLMER, d Bht IE Jl. 3L E3 22L Main St t 2 doors below Brownville House, KOWNVLLXTJ JST. T. Hi son band a enpciior st-chof Boots and Shoe? jr.d the test roatrriul and ability for doing , CUSTOM WORK Repairing done with neatness end dispatch tiOly ay-r-e-iT r Casll. fn.nn GATES & B0USF1ELD, BBICHLA'YfiaS AND PLASTERERS, Brownville, Xcbraslta, TVHl take contracts for Bricklaying, l'la.tering, buildine; Cisterns, and do anything in their line in the most satisfactory and workmanliKe manner Aug. 30,1806. x-47-ty PIONEER PAINT SHOP LOUIS VALDTER, nous : CD 53 C3 CO 5 E X 3J !? S3 3 Grainer, Gilder, Glazitr, PAPER-HANGER White Washing and Kalceroining done. All work done in workmanlike manner on the shortest notice. TERMS CASH! SHCPjo Haia street over Mongan'f Plow Fo tj. (11-22-yly) JACOB MAROIIN' MER'OHAN"'T MAIN STREET, ER0WN7ILLE, NEBRASKA 23 TTtT UT Gr Ajlt. 23i 6G FAIRBANKS' .SCALES , OK ALL SIXDS. FAIRBAKKS, GREEXLEAF & CO. 223 Lake Street, unicac;o. 209 Market Street, St. Lottil. ti7"BS CAREFCX TO ECY OaLY TEK GZSVlVX.mFj HKLMluil.D'S EXIRACTBTCHU and Improved Rose Wash cures secret and delicate disorders in all their stages, at little erpenfe, little or no change in diet, no Ineonvenienro and no exposure. It if pieasani in trte ata ovior, immeaiaie iu i "-"""i and free from all injurious properties. SHATTERED CONSTITUTIONS RESTORED by Ilelxbcld's Extract puchu. t -r;. USr v tr if1 153 The undersigned keep on hand a large assortment SATTIHET&CASS!?.ERE SUITS FerMeaand Boy's wear. Also, a large atock cf EtATS AJSTD OAFS BIIWIOLISMS BOOTS AND SHOES, Rnftfcer Cots, Leggm3 & Blankets, UMBRELLAS AND CARPET BAGSv Gent's Fnrnis&ing Goods, Of all kinds which we will sell CHEAP FOR CASH. We purchased our goods since tbe d& cline in tbe Markets and will sell at lov figures. ATKINSON & CO. April 13th, 1865, fl-SO-ly itew miis. The Lafayette Mills situated four miles above On The Little Nemaha River, LAFAYETTE MILLS. Hi-best CasL Prico Paid For All kinda of Grain. Bread Stuff's of all kinds cen taury cn hands for sale or in eichasge for grain. SANDERS & HOX BY. NOTICE TC FARMERS- The undersigned having rented the Brownville FLOUBINGHFfiS, Takes this method of informing the pub- tic that he intends doing CUSTOM WORK for the accommodation of farmers and others the coming season . Tbe mill is now in operation and who have wheat to grind are respectfully invited to give me a trial, as I am conuent of giving gen era! satisfaction. , The highest cash price given for wheat. 26if F. W. MORRIS. Beh. Rogers. b. w. FTJhuas. BEN. ROGERS, : CO., Livery, Feed,and Sale Stable, Main Street BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Dealers in all kindi of Stock Horses Bonght,Sold and Exckanged. Stock boarded by the day or week. The Proprietors have recently erected an entire new, large and coramodous Stable on iiain Street near the old Urownviue House. 1 neir orocK is an fresh and Vehicles new. The public eanbe accom modated at all or nicbt. A Stock corrall with an abundant supply of pure water atached to the b table. 4l-ly EVAN WORTHING, BILLIAED - BOOM AND SALOON South bide Mainbet. let and 2d Ilrotvnvllle, Nebraska, Wholesale & Retail Dealer in Wines, Liquors. Flemings ana Scotcn Ales, Lon don Porter, Doub lin Stout, Cigars Henry P. Sberbnrae, DEALER XX MUSIC Pianos &Helodeons Musical liistriieiits,Mttlcal Mcrch'andisc OF EVEUY DESCRIPTION. No.35 Market SUeet, betweea ilaia and Second, ST. LOUIS EiteblUhei in Lcsal Notice, Elizabeth Stevcnt bvaer neitt friend X. W Thomas : JicRba J. P. Kemaba Coo at y NbrJta On the 3d 1it of Ancact IS67. tbe said Justice Issued tin oroer of fttacbrcent in the above action for the sum of ore hundred dollar. 45 ? I fi. W. TEQaXSIorPlfUiUT. 1M mm 6: V v5 p I II mi In .1 II J - PEEniUHLIST Of the Second Annual Fair of the Nemaha County Agricultural Society, to be held at Brownville, Sept. 25th, 26th and 27th, 18G7; - Awarding Cmmitteea marled thu$ CLASS A FARMS est managed and cultivated Farm, not le?s tLaa 25 acres, Wm S Hughes, W II Denman. A Dodd. CLASS B GARDENS S25 Best Fruit and ornamental Garden $5 8 Best vegetable Garden Wm Swan, J B Hoover, G W Bratton. CLASS C HORSES Stallion for all work, 4 y'r and over, Uta, Diploma and $3 I do 3 year old and orer 6 3 do 2 year old and over 4 2 do with 5 best spring colta of hisgeUing8 4 do for draft 6 3 GELDING 8 Geldin g for all work 5 3 Ueldin for draft . Z Span matched horses (either sex) 6 3 1 nree year ; J colt 4 i Two year old colt 3 2 One year old colt 3 I spring colt (cither sex) & i MAKE3 Brood Mare, for all work , 4 y'r and over, 6 4 Owners of mares must produce evidence of a mare having bred a colt. Colt must be on foot before the premium is drawn.) Mare f. r draft 4 2 hree year old colt 4 2 wo year old colt 3 2 One year old colt 2 1 B0AESTES3 Stallion Diploma and 8 4 Sdoji of Roadsters C either sex) 5 2 Single Roadster, in harness, 4 2 single Koadser, in saddle, 4 z S P Majors, T W Bedford. D II Ellif, W 3 Clark A P Cogswell. CLASS D JACKS AND MULES Jacks Diploma and 6 Diploma and Jenneta 3 Mule 3 Pair of Mu'ei 4 Yearling mule 3 Mule coit 2 Alex D Skecn.Chas Gadie.Wm C Clary. CLASS E CATTLE, Thorough-Br eds Exhibitors must have pedigree. Bull 3 year old and over Diploma and $5 $3 Jull 2 vear old and over Hull, yearling and over Bull Calf 4 2 2 1 5 2 4 2 Cotv Iltifcr, 2 years and ver Heifer, yearling and over Heifi WA NATIVES AKD CKOSSE3. Bull. 3 venr old and over 4 2 Utt. venrlin and over 3 1 do Calf 2 1 Heifer, yuarlin 3 1 Heifer Calf - . 2 1 i oko of Oxen ( to be tried on tne rround) 4 A Herd of cattle owned hy one person, (not leos than 6 heud bull and four cows,) 10 o Cow. fur Dairv and Stock 4 2 r'at liullock, or Cow 4 H O Minnick, W S Reed, Frank Bedfern, J Q A Smith, Joan Argabright. CLASS F SHEEP. FtV.e Wool. Merino Bnck Diploma and 4 Yearling Buck 2 Back sod Latah 2 Pen r,f Kwrs, ( not le3f than foar)diploma& 4 .ir Ewe Lain 13 2 . LOXO WOOL. Long Wool Buck Diploma and 4 do do yearling 2 . o do Lamb 2 Pen of Ewes, (not lees than four) 4 FAT SHEEP. Fat Sheep 2 Buck, four Ewes. for Lambs and one Fat Sheep (to be snown in the ring) 4 John Miller, John Long, Wm McCIure CLASS G SWINE. Boar diploma and 3 Boar Pin Sow diploma and 3 Litter of Pigi 4 5 w 1 12 J Fat Iljg . 3 A Brown, W S Dawson. Henry Stcinman, Geo Meorer. Jf II D Hunt. . CLASS H SWEEPSTAKES (Open to the World. Premiums can b enlarged oy competitors.; For beet Stallion ' Diploma do Brood Mare da do Span Matched Horsef do do Gelding do do Saddle Horse or Mare do do Bull do do Cow do do Ewe do do Buck do Dr John McPherson, Nemaha County. Jude O P Mason, Otoe -Dr G Lowe, Douglass ' W D Scott, Richardson " Dr A S Stewart, Pawnee CLASS I FARM IMPLEMENTS. Best Prairio Plow do stirring plow Diploma do do do do do do do do do do 2 I 2 1 Diploma do do' do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do shovel plow farm wagon light wagon 2 horse family carriage) I horse family carriage Reaper Mower Lor?e power for general purposes ThrA.-Ling machine Harrow bomo mde fluid roller home made wheat horte rake Corn planter Cora cultivator Corn sheller for horse power do for hand power straw-cutter churn cheese-press bee hive wahicg-machina clothes-wringer sleigh frcn gate wind power for propelling machinery do ox-Ti-ke do farzntftrt do farm whcelborrow do portable Mill for grain do portable sugar Mill do sugar evaporator do Wine pre do display of Weoden Ware do One doien corn brooms do tight barrel do display of tin-war do display of eastings do dimlav of Edsre tools da do do display farm implements (by owner) do (It is only necessary that the article be owned in the county ; not material whether manufactured La iit count or cot. On Flows, the manner of construction, material, workmanship,' durability and pnee to be considered : also the capacity of lifting and turning over, in the most perfect i an ner. the gratest quantity of soil with the least re sistance, and leaving a proper surface for seed and after culture. Plows to be tried on the ground. John Barnes, Wm Tate,' Philip Starr, J S Lar- kin, John Bennet. CLASS K WORK IN LEATHER Set Carriage Harness made in the county 2 do plow harness do wajoD harness 2 2 2 o Saddle and bridle fot Gentlcmea do do Lady Traveling trunk Diploma do Carpet sac ao Side of sole leather do Calfskin do Fine boots 2 Coarse boots 2 Ladie'a Boots ." 2 J P Crother, F Knopple, Ben Rogers. CLASS L-DOMESTIC MANUFAC TURES. Pair woolen blankets Pair Coverlids Ten yards cloth Ten yards of satinet Diploma do do do len yards of Jeana 2 Ten yards of Linen Ten yards Woolen Carpet 2 2 2 Ten yards Kag Carpet Theo Hill, D7C. Cole, J. M. Paalin. CLASS M MISCELLANEOUS (To be made in the County.) Worsted Quilt 2 Bed Quilt 2 Pair Woolen Hose Pair Woolen Socks Pair Woolen Mittens Specimens of Embroidery 2 Display of Needle Work . 2 Display of Crochet Work 2 DisDlav NettiB Work 3 Display of shell Work 2 Dispiay of wax Work 3 Display of hair Work 2 Lamp Mat l Stand Cover A Mrs S.G. Daily, Mrs. D.Hart, Mrs. L. Hoadly ilrs. John MeFborson, Mrs. John iiarnes. CLASS N MECHANICAL. Dressing Bareaa 4 Dining Table f Lounge Centre Table 3 Bedstead r Set of Chairs 3 Rockinj Chair Work Stand 1 Writing Deek 3 Biok Casi 2 Wardrobe 3 Panael Poor 3 Set of Window blinds 3 Display of Brackets . 2 Sample of Wood Graining 2 Sample of Plain Painting 2 Sample of Tailor'a Work 3 Sewing Machine (to be tried on the ground) 3 P. W. Straw,F. A.Tisdel, W. M. Hanniford. CLASS O FLORAL. Variety of Cut Flowers - Diploma Yarioty of Dahlias do Variety of Kofca v do Collection of Green House Plants (more than 12) d Boquot dlJ Mrs.G.W. Bratton Mrs. A.P.Cog?dell, Mrs. W.H. Uoovcr, Liixie Majors, Jennie Richa rson. CLASS P FRUITS. Variety of Apples, marked and named by exhibitor Be3t Variety of Winter ApjIes Greatest and be3t variety tf Pears Greatest and beat variety of Peaches Greatest and best variety of Plums Snotimens of Quinces 4 3 4 3 1 1 Greatest and best variety of Grapes 2 W S norn, Dr. L Rico, A T D Hughes. CLASS Q VEGETABLES. Twevle Slalks of Celery Six heads of Cabbage Sample of Sweet Potatoes Half-Buel of Irish Potatoes Specimen of Beets Peck of Onions Peck of Tomatoes Half-Peck of mango Peppers Half-Pock White Beans Half-Peck Lime Beans Twelve cars of S weet Corn Specimen of Pumpkins Specimen of Squashes Specimen of Watermelons Specimen of Pie Plant Display of Vegetables owned by one person (not to contain any aruc e snowea lor a second premium) 3 Giles R Reeder, Ben Y White, Jno Rowon, David Wilkie, B Oteas. CLASS R FIELD CROPS. One acre of Wheat 4 4 2 2 One acre of Corn One acre Oats One acre Barley One acre of Potatoes One acre of V lax-Seed and fiber One acre of Sugar Cano W.B Phillips,' Thos Higgings, SamT 2 3 3 Lceper A K Farnam, S W Kennedy CLASS S GRAIN. naif-Bushel of Corn 2 I Half-Bushel of White Corn 2 1 Half-Bushel of White Wheat 2 1 Ealf-Buabel Red Wheat 2 1 HsJf-Bushel Rye 2 I Half-Bu3hel of Barley 2 1 naif-Bushel of Spring Barley 2 .1 Half liushel of Oats 2 1 Half-Bushel of Bnckwheat 2 1 Haif-Bufhel of Clover Seed 2 1 Half-Bnshel of Ti tnothy Seed - 2 1 Ualf-Buahelof Flax Seed , 2 1 Greatest and best, variety of Grains an I Grass Seeds, grown by the exhibitor 6 2 Geo. Crow.C. E. Phippeney, John Delay, J. O. Skeen.N J Randall. CLASS T BUTTER, CHEESE, &c. Five nounds of Butter 2 1 Ten ruaJs.fMav Butter 3 2 Sauii la of Cheese 2 1 S.iniTjleof lluoev 2 1 Ten pour.!.! cf granulated Cane Sugar(mids in theSute 5 3 Ten pounds of granulated Beet Sugar 5 3 One gallon of Cane Syrup 2 1 Jar of Pickles I Jar of Preserves I Jar of Jam 1 Jar of Strawberries T Jar of Currants 1 Jar of Gooaberriea 1 Jar of Raspberries 1 Jar of Blackberries 1 Bottle of Grape Wine 1 Bottle of Currant Wiae I Jar of Plum Batter I Two loaves cf Family Wheat Bread 1 Two loaves r.f Family Corn Bread 1 One Cured 11am for family use 1 Greatest and best Tariety of Pickles 2 Great eft and beet variety of Canned Fruit I Specimen of Domestio Hard Soap ' 1 WmDagley, W.R.' Leach, W. E. Majors, Mrs. Dr. Holladay, Mrs. Thos. Green, Mrs. J. C. Denser . .CLASS U FLOUR AND MEAL. One sack of Wheat Flour 1 One sack of Bye Flour 1 Fifty pounds of Buckwheat Flonr I Half-bushel of Corn Meal 1 Haif-bosbel of Hominy I 5 R Jamison, T B Skeen.!D C Sanders. Saml Bennet,Dan1 CLASS V PLOWMAN AND PLOUGH TEAM Best Plowmia 4 iJest Plow Team 4 J W Coleman, A J Richardson, Jno Leahy. CLASS W FINE ARTS. Best Oil Painting - 2 Best collection of Photographic Pictcfts 1 Beat Geological Collection Diploma Best Botanical Collection 1 Best display of Dentist's Work 2 Best display of Fancy Goods 2 Beat display of Milliner Goods . 3 Best Display of Hats and Caps l 1 ProfMcKenzie.W H Hoover W n McCreery, Mrs J L Carson, Mrs H M Atkinson, Mrs Prof.Mc Eensie. CLASS X DISCRETIONARY. Arti cles manufactured wholly or chiefly ef Metal . Diploma Articles manufacturer whelly or chiefly of Wood ' do ' Articles manufactured from Wood Iron Ston a Inoluidng articles that do not come' under any spcoified list d Dr Tingley, Dr A R Phillips, J C Deanser.Saml Snyder, P. S Haniford, Mrs A W Morgan, Mrs Dr. Neal, Mrs W G Glasgow, Mrs RC Barrow, Mrs D C Saunders. CLASS Z-POULTRY Best Display of Brahams Best display of Game Fowls Best display of Shanghais Best display of Dork ins Best display of Black Spanish Best display of Geese Best display of Ducks D H McLaughlin ,S J Good, Rev D Hart. CLASS A A HEDGES & GROVES. Best Osazo Oranze Hodze Fence (not less than fortv rods . 5 2 Best present year's growth 5 3 Best and most valuable Grove of dooidaous trees, not less than one acre, three year' growth and under diploma and 10 5 2d beet 8 4 3d best 0 2 A Statement of the TarieOaa and numbers of trees planted, the area covered, and the growth and manner of cultivation, mas: accompany each entry. Entries to be made at least two weeks be fore the Crst dav of the Fair. Wesley Dundas, John Ashley.Dr Uawley,J U Drain, DrF GHolmss, Wesley Penny, Benj Chap man. CLASS B B. Best manasrment of horse under Saddle by a Lady 5 S Best manrzement of a span of Horses in bar ness by Lady 5 3 Preminms subject to increase by by-standers Bst trotting or pacing horse, mare or gelding over five years J 2d best " 3 Best trotting or pacing horse, mare or gelding nnder See years 5 2d beat 3 CaptJL Carson, TJ Majors, HC Lett,CF Stewart, Thomas M Green. Tbs committoe doubtless hive failed to provide for many worthy item. Any arables or bu-Cit ex hibited and not provided fr, will bo satisfactorily disposed of ty a Di."crotionary Committee app-iati l for that purpose. Those-rird or manufactured in the County with cash premiums ; Non-residents with Diplomas. R. W. FURNAS. J. S. MINICK, WM. DAIXY Committee. July, 11th, 186 T. REGULATIONS. Exhibitors mast see to the delivery of their article and arrangement npon tne Fair Grounds. The society cannot be to any expense for this purpose. The Executive Committee will u-e all diliisence to insure the safety of stuck an.ifriicUss after their arri val and arrangement upon tbe grounds, but will not be accountable for any lus or dame s tn t ny occur. It is particularly desired that exhibitor will five their personal attention to tnetr prupriy, am at iae cl.ise of the Fair remove tne same. Competitor for premiums must become members of the Society, All articles aniouls, &., mast be owned by the person entering the same to secure a premium. The Diploma of this Society shall ho considered the highest honorary reward, and if siven, only aa a first premium. Every worthyartVcle not enumerated In the Premi um list that may te presented, will be placed in their appropriate cla and a premium given. The Society especially desires the attention of he community to this, and hopes that ali worthy and appropriate arti cles will be exhibited. The Executive Committee wilt employ gate-keeper and assistants if required to Insure order. The Chief Marshal tiall have Control of the grannl during the Fair; and, with aflstant Marshals, will carry oat the rulei of the Society. Awarding committees are requested to he prompt., and all persons named as each, are requested o report to the Secretary on the Srst day of tbe Iftns. For pjlvlledse to keep Booth, and for the rale of anything npon the grounds, the Executive Committee will make special regulation, bat no splritaoa liq uors will, under any circumstances, he allowed to he told or kept upon the premises. FIRST DAY. Entries may he made at any time daring this day. All article and animl mast be upon tbe ground, and in their appropriate place when the entries cloie. No article or animal to be removed before the close of the Flr, without permission of the Chief Mraal. At baif-past two o'clock P. X. the Fair will be for. mally opened. All committees will rendeivou at tbe Oncers' Stand. Vacancies will be filled and tickets distributed that will bo good durinj the Fair. SECOND DAY. Commlttle daring this day win make their exam inations and awards upon all the minor claaso of household and mechanical products, Ac. At 10 o'clock, cattle wiil he shown la the ring la onier. Exhibition and examination of cattle continued at 2 1-2 o'clock in order, as called for by the assistant Marshal, until all have been examined. Committee on sheep. hof, poultry. Ac., will pr cci to make examination. THIRD DAY. Ilorses. mnler Jacks. will be examined, com mencing at 10 o'clock, iu orier and la groapa, a may he directed by the assistant Marshal. All awards or Examlniag Committee sboald he hauded In to tbe Secretary' Cce ey 2 o'clock thl da? - immediately after which the Secretary will an nounce the ame at the officer stand. After which a rei-ort of the general condition of the Society will be made. At f jnr o'clock an addres will he iellvero. Any additional regulation that may be found aec ewary, will be published at the time of the Fair. PRICES OF ADMISSION. Any person paying One Dollar, thereby become e member of tue Society for one year and may enter aa nuny article for exhibition a he or she iuy own. A Certincate cf ileniber.iip from the T.eaarer, will admit all the family tothe Fair Grounds during the Fair. Single tickets will be fold at the cCce a: t-veaty-flve ceitt each, good tor one aimU5::n only. Returns of the late Keutucky eleciica, from all except eight counties, foot up: Helm, rebel Democrat, S7.IS2 ; Kinke ad, Ucioa Democrat, 13,121; Barnes' Republican, 30,831. The Pawnee Indians murdered a nan by the nsuae cf Henry Dorsey oa Grand Island Neb., not long since, hi3 body has not yet been found but the Pawnee's were found wearing his clotha. Preiv 20th. INDIAN DEPRIVATIONS 'ON THE LITLE SHE. Ma. Editor: I cannc; but vhli that the poor Pole, who has juitcome in frcut the Blue, leaving everything acd rein ed to me the following pitiful tale, have had the Congress cf the United States (in their late deliberations upca Indian anairs) for hi3 audience also. The craft used ly these lavaej ia sendirg only one of their number first to ensagre the attention of Ulberich and. keep him out doors talking ; failing ia this their endeavours to move his sympa thies by beating the poor children ; and still not succedin in getting him out where they could kill him; their adding a view of the begging .children holding out their hands pleading to be saved. shows their knowledge of human natura and reminds one of the practice cf tho Indians in the early settlements of Ken tucky, wherrthey used the captives they already had on the Ohio shore to decoy tlat boats of immigrants for Kentucky, passing down the river, to come near tha shore by placing the captives ia sight oa the river bank and forcing them to plead with the boats to come and take them ofT, pretendtng they had been wandring lost for a Ion? time. Peter Ulberich, a German Pole, who had taken a Homestead on the Littl Blue, in Jefferson County, Nebraska ; 103 miles South of West from Nebraska City, on the 24th of July sent his boy and girl, Peter aged 12 and Veronia agei 15, into his field, a short distance from his house to get grass and weeds for his hogs, A few minutes afterward, about 9 o'clock in the morning, ha saw an In dian riding up to the house, .who endeav ored to attract his attention by tna usual Indian salutation of ,tHoW'how," and evidently wished to engage him in con versation. Upon locking foward and beyond this Indian, he saw twelve or fifteen others.fourof whom were engigad in leading off a horse and mule belong-1 ing to .him. From this he instantly knew they intended mischief ; and hur rying into the house busied himself in preparing his arms and barricading the windows and doors with means already provided for such emergenci33, calling t3 his wife to get the children ia frcm the field. On looking towards the field they saw the childaen running for the house pursued by two Indians who caught them and took them into thebu;he3 out of their sight. After he bad made the house as defensible as possible he reconnoitered from the crack3 in the window shutters and saw them stealing a third hone f rom the stable, which they dare not take ojt by the gate of the yard near the housj but took down the fccj at the back of the yard. They then commenced wliippicg"tLy' children to make them cry, hoping to move his sympathies sufficient to Lrir.g hi:a out. Knowing he could not save the children a single pang and would only sacrifice the mother and other three children, he resisted his own impulses and the mother's entreaties and remain ed in the house. 'After 20 or30minutes, tney brought the pleaamg children into sight and the chief called to him. "Father come out and we will give vo'jl your Papoose." He replied,' You have my three horses and mo3t of our clothes," (they had se cured the weeks washing hanging out) "lake them and leave my children alone.". After persuading him to coma out, till they saw it was no uso trying. They laughed at him and' went olf tying the children on to the horses before them He then, by watching, saw them form aa ambush for him nearly out off sight of the house hoping-he would follow probably. The most off these Indians had on good, new looking, dark cloth pants; and white shirts with common bread brimmed black ha!3. They had pfobably robbed some train. Only two or three were dressed-ia Indiaa costume. Mr. Ulbberich thinks the hair aad skin sho w- ea they were unmistakably Indians. Does their knowledge of English and their tajte for white-mans dress, lead to wards the suspicion that they may be some of the Ocages who have left their 1 CSVI I 411 JU I - Mr. Ulberich fears hij children will forget their language and begs that the Lnowledge of hi3 loss may be spread far and wide. The girl is tall, slim, yellowish hair, light complexion blue eyes. Boy medi um sixe, light hair and eyes. If any one thi&ks this a manufactured tale and will come to my house ia Kear ney Ward, I will take them to see the family what there is left of it.and I think they will be convinced. As sooa as Mr. Ulberich can.get his family into a hou33 he asks for work from our citizens. A. Bowzs. Kansas, Colorado and Omaha papeas please copy Since putting the above ia learn that the boy mentioned, type we or sufii- cieutto indentify him wa3 found a few mil's from where he was captured, ter ribly mutilated. Of the girl nothing has been. learned sinse her capture. During the week that these were caputred fourteen psrs murdered b that vicinity, all less mangled and raiulated. chilJre a were id cr Fr; gentleman just in from Bt-atrice,e It-arri that no Indians have been seea ia that vicinity for some two weeks previous t3 last Saturday. En. Adv. fi n