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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1867)
f f V V "V "' V NT . . 'c:::; l-co li iapp. hd rrc Frcn Wettest en. Tte Kelratka bill haa beea retced by resident Jchmon. No action cn it by Ccrjrtzi. . The Senate bill rendition tenure cf certain civil cflces mhicb we published .ttrj tvstka ego wu passed in ihe Ilccsa ca ths 2nd, afier striking eat the except tica cf Ciliuei OCcera, by & tzsX rcte The JciiziiTj Ccrsmittes cf lbs Ilcuri -crs r? r:?t?i ti ccnsiierb? tha etlir - w elrciijr siJuced as sucient ta wtrnsi crticlea cf inpeacbtntnt against da Prexiient. Cr-;:rlittd f i pera iryla, lis f cIIokis j ,nU:h ctcnrad darin; the nijhl s esiion o iis3r tnU. S. Ksusacf Repres entors, a 'nation at dit jrace," we, ca tbe crstrary, thick the copperhead a licmin cast out ascond best in hi self ttrjbt ccrtttt cf wit. It it really a litzzX rJifrtrt" that suca aaaztnj Curs" bit beea exsreited. lit. Diria, Cop. Wculi it ba ia ci der fcr tba jectleoaa from Iowa (5Ir. Griarsll) ta eicj Xttf i U f$ mmrcltnf 9 - lit. Ikhencb Let ua hare it. tlr. Gritncil, Rtd.-I will do it if the CZZ'-liz:in frenj Wizcor.tia will tllownt u qocta a tene for hia ta eiuT. . tlr. Eidrtfre Wkatiait? Ilr. CnrzeU Tba rtrra I cr:tt urcdJ ba: areuli A4d0 v$$tiUrtMt '7m ldf IIMJtM fTttl Tk wt w 0S tjitU.- , lit. Ititlack TLat ia nrearir?. ' D-'a iatradoced a bill to 1.3 end thapter 46 cf the Uerxsed Sututee. Tta object ia t9 exempt neat cattle, cadar caa year eld frcta t&xatioa, Walter gate coiice of a bill to compel lit aueaiacce at school. Tba bill ia repeal tha law chacjin tba tin: cf St Derola to IltryiTill;. Ptt:td. " IIr.D;rn r-5 notice cf a bill for ta act to lodia tae Fcniteatiiry cf Nebraa Hocxa File No. 3 An act to aaead chapter 17, aectiV 2d, cf the rented et&tutee. C Head rst tine. Heuaa File No. 5 And act taakinj aa apprcpriitica to defray the expeaaea of tha Lesiilatura cf NebraaU cf July . Ccnziittsd to Ccsstttta ca Firisca, Vi'aya aad Ieaaa. Ilcusa File No. 9 Ao act to renora ths ditiiactiea ea accocat cf race cr color ia tha achocl lawa cf Kebratla. - Hcfcrrtd to ccznittee ca Judiciiry. AUa a bill for aa act to repeal tectica 2-3 cf chap. 23, cf tha crimicai cede. EttTxit tara notice cf n?craj and j:Iit re:c!cU:a tsiirj Ccr-res to caka tr::ry triJa tha Otsa aad Ifiuouri Ia iizzs tzt tha tala cf ths trtct ca which th?y now resiide. Haywood preisttd a bill to aaetd clip. l,tee. 1, Ilevited Stetatea. Tha cljsct cf tha aattdnsest ia to acthcrue C:rty Esuda cf Agriculture to make C":;r cwa regulaticaa reiatire to Ari clirtl Cc:irti?a and Faira. At pretest cecity aocietiea are depended ea tha ac lica cf tha Territorial B,jerd, aad that, if it tier hit net, ia cacertaia aa to erer c:s:r; aa, tf x Tha bill aho csatecplatea tha"creatiea cf a besaty fend, to rtimclxta eatrrpma ia tlit dircrtlca. Iu p!aa it, ta cfTer ta c pr:i3 to e:;!i cf the first threa cera tes tl:t trill Irilly erjaalio c:zz:y r i:u:a f;r agriculture cadcr ilia II:-:a iha t:ak tp tha bill U trtir.d til i:7 rtlitira to erideace. Tha object cl 1I3 bill ia to allow psrrcaa charged riii cr:. a and thcta iattrested ia ciril e:!;s, to gira erid enca whea parties to tha ei. Tha Ilcura bill creatics tha cCIce cf Trx Cclhctcr ia citiea indefinitely pott- Ilxywosd gtre notice of a bill to nsika cwntra cf alack, litble for the damage Ca etock may do upca culurated landa , Tha Ccancii bill to racate a part cf tha trratlla cf labia Rock carte cp, wia rtii third lirse and passed. mi to aphorize L'sntia Is, Knaeland calzlliadxa. Ftrtcd. Til till to acrnd tha hxt cf endcaca rr.a tilta and pined. Tha cVjsct cf tha bill ia to allow" cria 21 lit to testify ia their own cast, and ia trrrrttdfajtifa iadril tcita, except ad trii:::ritcrt r :r.'tcrtand represstatirea cf dr:;ir: i r :r:rr. s. C::t h'sz a t "i to tntnl tha rr:r:s hr, r.::r:y .iz: I a till to prr.iio f:r tj li:x:I:n cf tha hrt. I J .1 ... .Z - . v 4 la ITirrnilLlr l;ra ' r - - . - f : '! 1 ' t ilslipL C3 and 47 cf :rirei Ctitctca waa patsed. Tha bill abora increated the tax ca had for read psrposex. A tnssna frcn ths Gcrerncrinfcna- bj tha Ccsncil cf hh sj-prcval cf an act to retire and ccatiaas ia feres the act to allow the Fundisj cf the indclj'.eiseas cf tha Territcryapp;-red ' Jitaaary'll 15U 1 The bill passed to aaihcrixa Lewit C. Elliott to cetabluhed and keep a ferry ncrcsatha ilioari River ar Aspiawall, Nerniha county. Haywood presented a petition from citizena cf Neaaha prayiaj for a law io cake ownera cf atak liable fcr damage contained by atock. - . t : The bill authorizicg the city of Brown tills to raita ccnty . to dear and gTade ua ttretts, &c Read third tints and patied in the Council. ' Crow reported in farcr cf a bill for a ferry at Pern. ; Vi'aldtcr introduced a bill to amend tha law ralxtirt to estrsyt. Read aecond tuna and refered. Tha bill to authorize the city of Brown tills to raiie taenty to improte atreeta, uc, trta taken np ia the Hease. Rules impended, bill read eecond time and re (trtti to a epecial committee 'conaiatiog cf tha delegatica ia the Hoasa from Te znahacocaty. . BxATaict, Gac t Co., Nib., Jan. 21th. 1867. Dtsr, Sir: Aa Gage' County, Neb, hat for the peat ten years teemed to ap pear little and unknown" iu th history cf the world, I take the liberty cf giring your rcaden, and, all whom it may con cern, a brief aketchof iu hiatory, with preaent and future prospecta. 1 In April, 1857, aa association waa or- janiied oa board the old Snamer Han- nib ai, hi!s ascendiegthe Missouri rirer, by partiet, atraserato each oiher, but who were ia resrch cf the the a unknown. to thta, rich and fertile localities cf the VrU Judge Kmney ?raa chosen th m President and the Iame,Lied John McCcaihe, Secretary, Xrg bsfere reachicj Browntille we rtrt thcrcnghly organized had letied and collected a tax for the orposee cf defraying , the expencea of two expedi liens censisting of four men each, whose doty it waa to trarel in different direc tion, to thoroughly examine choice to ealhiea and meet the assochtisnat Oma ii.p thr.'i'c 7," :Wing and r ..'" - rr: htereata The report of those who explored on the South aide of Platte riter was read and listened to with dc . ? interest, and waa ao eatisfaciory that expedition No. 2 had nothing to report ; but united with the association in toting unanimously for the adeption of report and recommend tion cf the South Platte Committee to make the settlement in Gage county. In oae weak thereafter the first little colony started for the detignated point ; a ahort time after colony No. 2 atarted. and, after finding "Jordan a hard road to trarel," in consequence of there being no roada at all for more than -half the diatance, armed ca the 6th day of June. Claima were taken the town of Be- atice located and anrteyed, and two or three cabins erected and but 1 must nn occupy too much of your taluable epace to rcherse all the yps and downs cf nrst tettlera in a new country ; how they aomatimea get cut cf prorisions. and are compelled net tot the tport of the thing, but from, necessity to hunt Coons, &c, on which to aubsist. Our progress haa been somewhat re tarded by the war for the rebellion, but there haa been a ateady and healthy in crease ia numbers to the inhabitants of thia county, competed generally cf naiu- duitrtoua intelligent elasa cf people hail iag from alscit all parts of the United Etatta. Th isrfac cf the land in thia county ia tr craftily undulating ; toil rich, with a csep nca ao-so;l ; not cne toere rod cf trhich ia nntilUbh, end ia wall adapt cl UtLa growth cf all kinds cf gram, and tegetabiea ; howerer, wheat i.nd oi are the most proStable and surest cropa cne year with another, . The past year the crop of wheat ateraged about twenty. astea bushels to the acre and cf the tery best qnauty ; cats from fifty to aetenty- fits bushel to tha acre. Thia ccuaty ia watered by the Big Blue Rirer and its tributaries, tome cf whiih I will hero came: Cub Creek, Fatoura Creek, Slill Creek, Wild Cat, Mud Creek, Cedar Creek, Cear Creek, Indian Creek and Clatcnia Creek. These etrearaa are well timber id ani the hearietteeltlexnenta are along 1 heir banka. yet the prairie lands are beautiful and bein rapidly taken cp by actual seller. :g Hue Riter itesrenty-Sre yarda in width, a cerer failing supply cf clear water, running ctcr a bed cf atone and grarel. There ars cn'this etream many good mill ecata awaiting capitalists ; one tta dread y been improred ia Eettnce, and ia idz a gzz i business in tapply irgttnljrt with Cc-r, htr.ber, hth .and clin-ha; tt::dca tha institutica is'doicg vrcll by iu c:;:!m!y. prc;rictcr, F. H?per, who is a La rsan, and will cur mizt trciy el.;- ia aa ercrtjo ks:p t-3 ti 2 .x . jt tilg tn. rLvit f f Icra.-doa't-tcll -bt:t-cacer-There- are chances for others to make their pile in erecting Carding Machines, Woolen lactorts, Griat Milla and Saw Mills. Come, all ye. whose pocketa ars heaty ladea, end find relief improving- some cf the finest water powera in iljr - Stons about dj in sufficient c-anti-wt fcr bunding purposes, a aup;rierqaalH iiy. There are many eprings, and in the absence of eprings welh can be dug with the assurance of getting a bountiful sup ply of pure cold water. - r Beatrice it the County Seat, of Gage, county ; is situated on the East bank of Big Blue Riter, 120 miles from St. Jo seph, 60 miles from Brownvilie nd about the eame distance' from Nebraska- City, and directly on the thoroughfare leading from those places to Denver City, Vir ginta City, Austin, For: Phil Kearney, and all other notable, places ia the moun tain Territories. : The town contains at least 150 inhabitants, three, general Stores, one Drug and one Boot and Shoe Store, to Blacksmith and cne Wagon m tier's Shops, two Hotels ; also, a good School House and a School in fact there are six or sarfcn sub-districts organized within Beatrice Precinct, and substantial achool houses are being erected by the citizens. At -this writ 102 tnere are who- in this county not lets than 1.200 to 1.500 inhabtanti and room, for more. Farm era will find this an excellent stock growing country no milk-sick, murrian, or other diseases prevail in this locality. It is an exceedingly healthy country for every living' creature, how can it be othxrwise when there exists no local cause for disease ? . A Tinner, ifar ness maker. Cabinet maker and Brick maker could do well here aa there is a large scope of country to be supplied." - For the benefit of those who may per chance hate busineea with officials of Gage county; I will give you a list. County Commit tioners : Go. Grant, H. P. Freeman, W. H. Ticltnor. Prcbatt Judge : Albert Towle. County Clerk and Register i Oliver Townsend, : - . Sheriff: T. XV. Brown. Treasurer : A. Towle. Coroner'. Dan'i Freeman; P. M., class Jfo. 4 r A. Towle. The Land Odce Dimcnlty. Mr. Editor. . t In my communication that you printed last week, I tried to give a calm, fair statement of the Land thia place.1 ' I praised no man I was, therefore, greatly surprised at the waspish reply that appeared in the same paper. You say : "The fact that Jamison re m a n ji ji ruses to act wun uorsey, w w seems to our correspondent a grevious sin in Dorsey." I answer, you seem to think that it is a grevious sin in Jamison, be cause his superior officer baa ordered him not to do business with any one but Bedford. The Neb. City News bolsters up S R. Jamison with the same ptea. En Tour ero, about usurpation," and "rebel loving friends" is all wron?. No super-loyal Dorseyite condemns Andrew Johnson more than I do. - Still Andrew Johnson ia the President, and all Presi dent hate power to remote officera aa C. G. Dorsey. You deny the power of the President to remove Dor aey. Thia reminds me of a little story ; A certain Colonel walking about the camp of bit regiment, one day, aw a man sitting on the ground bucked and gagged. Removing the gag from hia mouth he asked him: "Who served you in this manner?" Tin soldier replied. my captain did it " At which lite Col onel exclaimed. "My God ! your enptain can buck and gg you !" "Bg your paidun, Colonel," replied th man, "I know better, for be did do It." ? Aa some of our readers, unfortunate ly, may not have teen in the eirvice, let us apply thia martial story : Captain A. Johnson removes 1) Dorsey, fcr opinions rata; Colonel Radical exclaims C!y God !" Cap. Johnson can't do that ! tr,d eaya Dorsey, says he, h did try it J And W. A. P. says, says he, "he did do it." The Colonel can't perceive it, and will "remova the gag." E. Every President has removed oflicara; every President will remove officers, on leas lawa are enacted hereafter to prevent them. You ask, is it Radical Republicanism to urge a knuckeling to A. Johnson? advise no man to knuckle to anybody. A law abiding citizen will obey the officers appointed cr elected to execute the laws. Your ergo about Dorsey, patriots, Con gress and the President," is far fetched. Congress ia equal, and in some cases. superior io that President. Dorsey is a creature ct A. Jonnson- A. Jotcstfa breathed &s breath cf ccial life into him. fiurejy the creator has a right to do as b& pleases with his creature.- The easier with his sextant. It ia aaid that the true test cf com parison like the above, it to redact it to a picture. Kind reader imagine thia put to the text ; A. Johnson, creator," ia atanding eter the prostrate form cf Mr. Esd'crd tryia to 'breaihe the breath cf cSciallife" into hha; close by stand a Demy, fina i fa jliasci cpsj truihj , ceosafidma thhBedf ord ns XioVseyfth'dra w ivnprofJath'ttiaitelfzfo autiun 'givuv thttw 't n 1 1 W. A: PraaJ Jaraisoa cne on t "breath cT imagine t 'jjc try in' to suck the :!lI life" cut of him. Then picture instinct with life, Andy blows hiJ allies suck ; whichjwill ts sackednnder ia ,caly a question of ' 3; all Seward, w predict t! at bo'h V . S . f days." Es. You eay that Dorsey. nding that this course 'was -urged ' by the leading Radicalt of the . Disirict. Jqck hiaVreaent atarrf." he. Now. sir, I most .respectfully.' yet firmly, ask that'- these mA;n TiAr enme out oter their signatures and say so. I don't beliete that one of them has the im-moral cour- agt.tb do it, wlalso pledge myself to get the names of equally as many leading Radicala that condemn Dorsey!s course. Dare you take me up on that Issue ? Here we hate a chaUenfe, as ia a challenge. " Whether iia to the Radicals of the District, or cs inditidually, it ia iropoitibie to telL , Admitting that some m ay side with him, is not this a gl aring at tempt toil raw oJ.tho-e faw, form the nucleus of another party, of which W. A. P.'1 might become leader ! We are too old to be caught. by such chafl. We respectfully refer bin) tolhe Radicals of the District particularly and to theCon-. grets of the U. S.-Ed. . ' ; - ??:.r5: You deny that the LandCnlce is Vir tually closed,- and l in i proof st'gte that there was filed with Darsey Ust mjnth applications for entries of land u the nornberiof 9,400 ancres. Do you beliew that those men have secured (hat land, and that 'they feel "-secure cf'ihir homes"? v We are satisfied they are s-cure ! Also, that the blatant cry of W. A P. & Co., cf insecurity" is affecting th? District wore thau Djrey refusal to recognize Andy a thyfi '-creator." The right" of ah' applicant must depend upon Ait oxen acts, otherwise he would be at the mercy 1 of the officer'.' Dare Bed ford, 4,or auy other man," who might succeed I)orsey,' refuse to recognize as rafii the applications now en file, if the applicant has lived up to the law in other respects ? It seeras to us a Missouri Mud Cat could not doubt this proposition, and yet W. A. P. threatens to "beat at the polls" those who don't bow to Andy the creator" and master ; or. those who refuse to cry "the Land Office is closed!" -E?.J The unkind est cut of all comes as fol lows: "There jsJbuV, one palliation for W.A. r. 8 present course. and p?1 and give W. A. P the position." After my communication was in your a X a . nanas, l neara aometning. of that kind spoken of by two Republicans, but would probably never have, thought of it again had not your very unkind ' paragraph brought it to my memory. Since then I have spoken to several Democrats and they tell me that no such thing was ever talked of among them. That if a Dem ocrat can't have the office they don't care who has it. You also say. "we, tvith the loyal North save our Radical Republican correspondent " Do you pretend to say that your, or Dorsey'a loyalty or Rrputlicanistu is of a purer quality than mine? When the Democrat were in power Doriey was a bitter, sneering, pro-slavery Democrat while, at the same time 1 wa a dvpi?v$ by him Black Republican. V ht tfie Republicans came luto pwwr, aud the storm ot war burst over tbe laud, Djrsey became a tuper-loyal Republican, but took good care to stay at home, ought of harmes 'way, sought fur aud obtained, fat offices Mow, be- caue I will nut tbruw up my b4i aud shout, Great i Dursvy ! More wide iQau Soluiuuu! More vauam than David 1 You question my loyalty This intoleut thrust at jSlr. Dorsey is fbtirely uucrlled tor aud unwarranted ave by iheuiilice which breathes through the whole paragraph. Thia quarrel if jt may be so called was sought by W.A. J. Dorsey haa nothing to do with it. al. though W. JL. PT tucked Dorsey last ircek. The Republican party ia tuni made -up of ongiua! 'Xtepubn'cao," aud if ciphered down to those, would be, to day. in a greater minority than the copper heads. Dorsey, in 1661, stood wi;h the loyal pany, and his record is consistant from that time aa a Radical Republican. X" waa a Republican, several years be fore Dorsey was ; Judas Iscariot was al- so an apostle several years before panl waa converted. As to the fat oSce?,' Mr. Dorsey was Mayor of Brownvilie, and Prosecuting Attorney moat cf xhe time from 'j61 to the fall of '$1, elected to these "of ofcczs" by the people. Un solicited, "Jr. Hitchcock procured hin the office of Kegi&terof the Land OfSco. Not a charge jcao be brought against him, and yet this "Radicar (?) desires the cfSce fcr a Democrat ! . If Dora tj it no t sound uow what prerentti hia from go ing back to ihe Democracy and thus se curing the peskioa from Andy ? If W. A. P. is sound now, why does he pleaj so for Acdyj and shout "Andrew John son is the creator," "the master upon such slavish Repubhcaniso ; it is contemptibjtanj siincks; we want nsns cf it. Ea.J Yea further txYi "The tiers ha fcn ths f?y uhta ar cpVs tha pr:scip.'5, pn- , .a, OfBce difBcultyat- tbarsetfLfai DaraocraU bavf been' urging Mag iw own praise as- a Republican.; . . HU Lit baneful cnwi n- hv i-ni!-, t I , ' . ' J st!ey ,-se? thaTBerdford -Taimvta't Vlread jiui'flat.; . stale'ahd f weakened- a'r:! -"rficr.;-.! ' .. .- , tic: Dcrsey's "principles ! " That is rich ! Do you think he would hate dene, as ht has if the ofSce was worth lets thna fifty doll rs a year? ' We know he would, , Would W. A. P. hate entered th! ssrtics had ' th: ir been not cilices" init ? Eo.J The r.hc!? your articU is to I cast-uoubt upon my iojaliyani Republi canism or, in other words, t drite me out of the party. You can't drite me and my friend into the .Democratic par ty, but you may, perhaps, drite us and my friends into iVeparute organization; not quite as perfect as your auper-loyaJ party, still pure enough and strong enough to beavyou at-ihs polls; " ? ."Perhaps'!" Yes, dnd the newpar ty'a war cry adopted from its leader will, "perhaps, be ; Great It' Andy "the 'creator May he ; breathe ; the breath of official life," into us! We art his 'creatures ''-.Ed.1 ' . t God help the party whose leaders cpuarel resistance to the lawful authorities of the land. It is doomed to defeat, and cur party will surely be defeated if we fol low the lead of i.such men as Doney & Co.' Men, who, as a general thing staid at home during? the; but' urged' a Vigorous prosecution of it,"and like Ar temus .Ward were .willing : that th Utt drop pfiblood of their wites male rela tions should be hed-to supprei the re bellion.'. ... , . . Here it a thrust at all who hate cot been in the sertice ; all are consigned to an ignominious grate because they hate not been soldiers. How. many! soldiers will be find ioihe ranks of the party in to wh.j?e arm fee is failing ? Ha'II find many who whiatT Ditie. His he nt bem hulBcif iitly hotwired as'a soldier ? Does hi tertice entitle Jiini u the privi lege of blowing' about ilia service and ruriug.those who?asd the foxJ fo'r fiis bonibasnc highness to feed on It is tirange that the war proceeded so fava rably while,! at different periods, he was at home oa'furlough; psaiog1' strange"! SomOrOf rtheaa msn afe now 'goin irbuod bloviating that W. A. P is a trni tor to the party. I car show a purer Re public; record than any of yon. I have always been a' Republican, never buled the ticket. Can any cf you say the same? W. A. P. We have partially replied to the above in brackets. In the start we supposed be intended to argue the questiou upon its merits, although be began by slurring Dorsey and favoring BJdfurd, tidsouu J- and we therefore give" him three-fourths cf a column next week to close in. His "record" is now before the peo pie, and his desire to "rule or ruin" are loo ' cohspicious" to be doubted." He threatens ruin .'if his Andy Johnson. Mis ihe creator" doctrine is not accepted by the Republican party, but wont leave the party ! ' It the above are his ssctimenti he is out as completely as Vallsndighani, To-day there :a no one who has done more to advance his claims, than we have; and to-day there ia no one ao pubficly forced to rrgret it. At tha death Vf an es teemed friend one may weep iq eorruw at trie loss, yet draw comfort frorn the hope that he i? in a better land, where party bickering and , time-serving is not. Bu how different is it with us; the friend with "whom we have delighted to follow ihe rh of the world's hop t f or true iiheny Radicalism of to-day sud denly dirergs from the right path and leaves us, a the cross-roads of truth aud error, to wep, without hope, as the biuff urdy form is lost iq the distance, upon ihe pnth where fat offices seev to grow and i-fficial niana fills to overflowing cop. per ve.s-ls, doing euterual homage to ihir -creator." A. J. E-quier. Ere it is yet too late, we implore him to re turn, fjot because his loss is irreparable --as truth is parent of countless thou sands who stand ready to fill up the tiny gap but as their js ft rouj left, a feel ing - of uneasiness felt, an nndficable dread of some great calamity, as, for in stanc?; whan .'a' hand-crgasist . goes off mad because you don't psy hlrn, or you irritate a inena by refusing to let bun file a saw on the bed-post wheu yuu sek rtpose. The vacuumMhe leave is great as that left by the post-augur in our rich soil. Av, mow ! gaoWK vill, N. T.. ) Feb. 5ih, 1867. J -Mr. Edilor.-e-K day or two since I dropped in to MPbersoo'a Hall, to see how Prof. Dye wa3 getting on with his SiDging Class, and I rausijay, that if the young songsters do at well at the concert, which they intend to give next week, on Thursday eremng.the parents and friends of the childreu, will be mere than paid iur ujc Knau ouuay . tney maae at'the beginning of the term. prof, pye is do ing a good work in our midst, wa hope he will continue so to do. for a good in- struciorwniunc.jrQcal, and insirumenisl is a fcjeasicg to any community. He who leacts ausic makes heads happier and wiser. a VisiTQT. We have received from Marsh II Cj., Newsdealers, No. 2 cf "TAs Riverside JJcgazine for Young People." It is a new publication, full cf excelLent read ing, and' a strong ctnipctitor for public farcr. LnziZ.V tiiud, iixtc::k, H-irmn fiSTl-T Tuillft WSS TtCXSTtl this, we leira, is fistake. It wa rrvnts we;j taad:. Tuttle itiivrcu u t ns effect.! ! B.i.-r .K..?t, .t; .t-' V . . , . ; Hr..f-. V. -L ,, , T. 1 e .wers coaauerUy a'jrpua-d atiuj . r Vi.;5tVY " " nGtic ofU rrefeGtiuiObv tnc Sruaie. . I k ' "r-i ' the nuuiiuatidii ct A.5. liuiliuay ai L S. Assessor lor ih Diatriaot NcOr;k.i ttf- L.J I 1 r and rfttired it mij. h i uml capable, and tne interest ol the Govern ment would be as well, if nat btsiwr. at tended to by hini than by an uthar man the- President is-lively to nnmiaate. He occupies th? incit advanced Radical plat form, and the Democrat caunot conceal their glee at hif rejection: " V'o hop if it can it will be reconsidered, and the Dr. be confirmed. 1 - final DWciiargtt paper of' Win. Duntar, private 7a Cipi.V. J. Barton's Ccfe -B 47ih .'Reginieqt cf Iissonrr-Ytilunteers, and ruade cut at Be ton Barracks, has been left with us' to await the cill of its owner. Anj cf hfs comnde seeing this will do him a favor by leitiog him knw where it is. -r. r;..: ... X1i i. We .LilJ. bean shown the-5sin of tha build ing:-Theo.' Hill Jt'Co. intend erecting in the Spring on the. north east corner of Main and 1st sis. The build ing is to be three nories, with a splendid ironfronL The design is by C.' W. Wheeler. Architect and Builder, and if completed up to the, design and we are aured it will b i will b? cne of the finest buildings in : Souths rn Nebraska. Theo.' Hill iufurmi us . that the whole third ttory 45 by 60 feet will be left for a-HalL Tbisii greatly needed in this city7'and will he', a public beurfit. "The weaiher. sinc our Iat, has been exjredingly plstnt oveiSad.-wJiile na d?rfobt, even. 've hve t?n, apft thing. Th3 snowis fasi v!i:?,"pe-:;f and the nHrural bri l. oTtir M'ddy" -I, getting rathr"" si yy.v On jut firt pag;vjll ha fi'.d two in teresting civmnu iiC ::" ! fr,-r.ii bH!.?T40wnii pur i.eiwt i'.ij- luvtliA.: tion. Dr. RenoVV.:.,Ma T-ii Purifier R a- i Pn. . 'i i ' i laKfu nu n ui .-y u disbarden thrmlves and throw off ibr cbstructions which are the cause of disease ; they are therefore regarded as an invaluable safeguard. . They can be found in all Dru? Stores. Nervous and sick hesdache are in duced by indigestion, cotivens;, foql atomaph, and a torpid state of the liver. Persons suQerjng from, these compUints should avoid, as much as possible, the too free yje of spimous and rqali liquors. cofTee and tobacco, and feep tb,e bowls cpn, by small Jul frequei doses of Rii back's Blood Pills, and pursuing a reg ular course of habits, wheu they wjl fjqd they never fail to rerjjove tb,e difficulty. Old Robclt,a is pow stopping t Hoi- laday &. Ca's. n .0 Immensely Popnlar- The proprjetqrs of Co's Concif IjtLSA hsre tycce(Jed in creating a demand iq pearly every village of the United States. Reasons why I Firsi, it ia effectual ; aecond. it is cheap; third, it is pleasant to take; fourth. 'they If now to let the abided know h. ; r- ' -A This old adaye bis proved tru ;p the case ol Best Chemical Salerat-u, bing al ways full weight aid perfect goods. At McCreery't yoti will find all kinds of School Jkxjksand Stationery." r l is antkipited th the Elish Min istry wtlldt3oIve P-irlia-n-sfst ra'hr 'ihin perrjjit t,vs ptu'ije i Jifo'.' bill. Tha t-ciliu i;f m 4i ;ra lib-Til .arju roent will be !iV?ly io b- ih result. It will be rc !l -i-iJ n- ai. 'h-'ai aessiou. th HJi Jjii; y Gu:u r made a partial rep jrt on ih$ cmnphcuy cf JeT. Davis to tn pi it li a-a-tnmt-President Iicoo. Tny i to r.q tinue their. iuMVines. and ta S'imiiim John H. Surratt bef..r thm the iu ) q he arrive in Wahin?ton. with ih- ne- of takin? his evdeiae in ibi jrei -It has been deemed bt idj mig b,:fv he is brought io tr4l . NiiW AUYfiRTISKlIBjJXS. Prcste Notice. Tkt Inal aceoaattf UrI Wen, AdmiaUtrator of tha Ettata of Gertart Vftr, will ba for aaarin Wora tha Probata Cart, at tot Court Rooa jn tha City of Erownri:ia,oa Moodaj tha llih dar of Jlareh ISS7. ErowBTiHa Fh. 7th 1557. 19-2t 30 8 lesaf.SpJU;"" John VT. Barga Plaiatil. Jniron FemrjUa Df f tap t. nmtarm Y. il. Enrar a Jaitiee of tha Paaea. Pavaa Caoat. JUbrajka Tmitory . Oa lha IStk day JaaaVT 1837. iaii Jasta ijwatd a aiar af aAtaehj&aat ia tha ahara action. ait sat txea4inf Ify dsllsrs, rortaanuaaraji""7"'7coan5,OB tha V A iUTji Tt? OI?XTm TvitTT' i,i..rorj.rTtw pLiNT rlv EL. tha 8th dTf ah lsS7,at !a a'dock A. It V V atkUofia,ahUh liaa an4 alaea, I tht! ! f311" f1Prof Carina will kc n iadgtaaatariaj.fortliaaaataf TtT4oi! : J,1? Jinss Carlla. s:t ear! ti 1. ..Y Jt.. OB tha laaa. aai ' Tthtett hair oa tha n,t arrlk-aUa without S i as, 1T'" ''U. ..ij. , . . al t.w w - . . "TT U - s 1' 1101 U.SQZZ r ... . . v . MS.9mmrwto m-W.M HFtjair. ... i If fro t ; tci hnUit! dti.i- lappojet l(m tae roane t. n4 ti " . I4EAL1U lyaHtPWSE libi rtmeJ. 5H tnlvxj,Sn V-rk.J ' 18 1 so. tb a.a st.'Mt, n- - HLiICOLD TLVID EXTRlcTr rlMJaal ia tjt tai odor, fr : J VJ froprit:u, ac4 iacujUt U iU uij kiiaj and dropioial fwellia, - TIOAb, of both mxoj. ms9 H2abJi', Extra. TAKE NO KOBE KPIlSlAfTrT diwaae. U. CeJmUU ixtrct 2b, prortd Rim Wab. ; tot- taa aerTow aad d.biliuud laoald ImjZ Ij Bit HeImU2J'i Extract Bacha. JIAKIIOOD ASD YUUlUFUt. 7IGCJ gajixd Vj hlmbulJ'i Extract Znchu. SaATTERED Cd.VSTITrTlOXS R5TCr by UcimboldUExtri Bocba. jfELMBOU) H7KACT EL'CIItf aad lm?n Cms W ath caa iorr.t aod dJwaudiHrrb tbeir itaal litla iimdii. litil .v " wrm mr"mtf. piata(t ia Ufa aod odor. mAitm 1- :.. . a. aaa ireairumall l -jnrH-aj prum'. - ..... iu lUteua - i?ia lCUm'Dfoa)niatjJt . JaJjoa Per.tTiij. I'ef-B'l.a'. Ua tba Hih ar 4 Jcarv 1. usawl aa dr r a Ueauit tci tu' . for tbaaam nf. fttj$t ,l.v.r ai -Ti- . ad 10 iktt aval I 0 I Ik j m , 4 . Jjrtuali.b. i, t c ;-. h. H . , Fa-eu f..t aaid Caj, .t i e t. tit i t ai uti tb at .. il t.. , ' - ,7 i " at 1-Tra t.'cI.H-k o' a 1 i,v. -.t:, pia: I -b1. U . j . i " r UK- o; t 1 liii C .ft J Western Lively , aud Sale Staliks, Corner Main and Levte Sretis, $n ft? Vhii4 ?.4 u now ,n together whaJFf,-rf, p.w Sloe of I ' I CjrICS Cad rai-r!-ri.-!,. ' ! male to o? and Fast Teams, Gsy Teams. Safe Teas, Teams Sot Ladies to drive all to hire at the ranephj "price. - XOQIC SHARP The Great Western, has hest atramAl tion for zfly Horses, and a good vtZ'f vaferin the Stable, also CarrUff IJaoM, Lara Corr? ant ShoJj for Suk rTall kindaUsapo! HU:k'fBlta Shp ia l3 OMratioa for fccoora 'no Utinn of SuKl.t TV . fWy, Cora. Q.ti, Kri its . ij Ur- niniiu t. a i . Sie kept t IU d'j w-'X Cr c:n:i. parr wif king la bLj or Mil iqj i n I of flock will wa alt lb air vn la.rej bj Cii!ia at Pcgnceirt livery,, Petti 'SjU end Ex cm gt Stables i. P. C0SWKLL - Proprietor sflUY NOTICES. Takaa a Ij th, $itcrhuhnt ia Caa Rk toirsih.p. I ba Ctaa7. th in J,. j Jt WJ. I7.o Uajwr ell .; r. tn9 .f k jr. Btbr V- '.e. ' ,t .-,, .K rr- lrwi'I"- J.3 E. MIL. Taaa m.l: , s t, ?:ia rnaha,tr. u. , Ur r 7.r.i. k Vfi.- Wi .are -p i .r.4.rWt aj..y :Lwr..;.r , . Vr . .' .j 't J O 4 e ! rnn taf.. 1, 17 mi. Tk' ffS 'hr Mil ..,., Xebrk. (Hi th- 4'h r., bark m iffU: t pi j 5-r ,ia-, w Jo Ki'M v;.: rP' J.,mb,W7. ij WILLIAM PESST. nea rtiirer. em . . . ... off of lrt ..' . 3 . wr.i rv rail t . ' 1 . oaa oi atua, an -aca ar. tha nth w t. .v t'. , - - ..-ij, ua iri ion ' Al Jar3;a aoft, Jaxoriant.feaatttual eur!. DELH DCLD-3 EXTIUCT liUCaTT aad U ts fr, bJ t-Ma u, ifc. JSJZ? Dbilu u aeconipaeied by mor Ur tion,t?aait7ore7U.tig u 3MVftntni ef Urine, irntauoa, ieni oa 'r.'c a - r ara, with itairp, r?of 11. 2.1.01:3 2?-It T,t