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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1867)
1 t f C r -j ' " L, O s "s- rss fs , f- , ,-tl...-r..Af.-s--f-'r satt .t. . t. '-TrriLLiA:--., v. tit., - 1 (fieii rrtnts C.ty. f ..'re ate..'! u Ant"r tr.u p VJ;V.r Reverts., . . .- ir r Wy, Ttudy at J sturdy xJXlut il-A,r. Ueiigt!oi i 7,1, n. 7 5o iuc:;yi:rtr.M; llf --y lr-1 u;y fcr ri5 2a tr southing & wilcox acxe U U Suuva juai receid at j KANEVt LEWS Ga la IV. H. McCresry1. far your C C. Lttt, Lai Aged end Auc-..c-ecf. C:: LcTpcTH M2isr nan-; tr i1- Eo'uire ti litis u.i-cs. A tfrw Jt cr JUjLs just repeiVtd for .". I'u tiJ Lxlrory ai Mi rail ? IV JVJ,et Uiaryg ia yrr-tt vrn-ty aud " ; -. .'it i) ; i: ' J. . i . 1: . t - ! t : t .. IK i; . j t i I . t ! f t (, ; , ! : JL D AH f-f t', C -' . f t-f s' ' 7 r i t - -1 S!faru c ; Ret ; . ; . i. v.1 1; c- ...a V j a. .... . Ii i.r. I f ir.actrS Iglke Sf.ttt Jlrprtte - tafivt efl.$ Lnuti i.'a.'.-f t jTTic& in Con.rf.rj r-jH fir re'Cf '-irr - J-( 'l ' Vr i';l)'CrA, -'", !"!:'- c .lit vl Q i.r. rro tais.-iiari f liie E:ia Ceo 'e'f nco cf lit Ktbv;it Eti."fl Ciu'cii, lor tb 2etroctsa cf Cunii ti.i.d rt a-1 HTrj,fear toanJ ais- ir Haiti ni :i-S-.ia3 rrnjx'ii -f tip fa j tod.ue lDCin$ la tl.otttteof &4 t:at tie cm ter iy ri rop. i;el fc pil out cf my laoaey ia tL irtuu-j-..t otttrw.iie g; vrcprit'-cl.' ! Aiitut:, i jr lies ; : . v ' : - ::( ' "' -t a i f uch 1:- . , ,; -i 1 ' 1 ! ir , c . ? i!.' ii i 'U (; fed It (-.! wi tf tfce c-.-e, as t;. . t c ... If taerff ,r ir.'o t'- fci-e; u et t -t. : j Tj-i.-.r j iTtiettr ;('r . : '' Sjpr'Hf .it: t;a (jt-j tims ;.,e i; s c j'jrt as ; ust t j a ! bcr c?''- ti.isi .-8 :t .1 .. An! c-'M . I ; . .1 i u. if C-U.-jr j, -. i a 3 A b'l ill r?i t s tv."T tr r . c-r- i !;t d trt i'frf.l t fore-?;l in tl.e Ca:;?i ;s c l: t;-' '! - " cc-iJi a- -j .yn ; f .r ( n o.' t .e c . ' . it i j tv tbe an. for ;a aid eHe:t In ve-y r i , :l ; f-r orery pnrp.)e as t:e pieiin.;. ' wuiud u?s b ij bs tbe sua p-.tioe cf the courts of s-jcU ..;te if ibecucsebal tbe i'ute cotrtr Approroa, July 27, jSi. 1 . c Civi or crli:c-!. a-J st tt t:ne f ' in t: '. a'l sc:. i.L ; to c: r. : t! i f As lei to pra-'crli-e t: t J.:e:t cf f ettling tbt Aefouut cf ti Cieit of tbeSaarecse Cuart cf tbe titirict cf t't'.ut.t. ' i: -i I j the f s.tts anl LIou9 of II cp- rr-ist:;TC8 t-f Uiiitel SUtei cf America in C - rc? A. -.!! :i, Ttat tbn clerk cf its STrcrno ccn:rt of tbe District cf Cwiunibia sLU ?-r r o i 19 J.rtitury cf tt. l.'ui'iej J la' ail ti.t caf r t(i.n o"l e. cvr anS abcte tbe tfrfkkry xpijtes c. t' n toi til own cyaipca gpe. 9. At J t H f. rtbff cnt-tf i, Tbit lis 52. antu t,: at am. . js s t e ?.. .. ..r: taw i-e ty iae rnUr an.'.s r of Tie i 'li't, erby a'srrfiJiJ fcu. .ur to te aj P t&'.ri tr fcr tbe pBrrie.wi:u la Ibiriy tfy a'l' Hi Crai of Jijcry nj Jul.r .ijair:-t t-- t-s 1 :T, f I a.: . :-; t!Vta iLtra o as lootler t;:..J Lr. tvur ijy afir ibe aJJ&'ttuant rfpurjP-1, ii 1 H e wiih toe aui;tor &ect AJ be it f crtuar tnacifi. ibat ibe cart sbsil pronounce -i'-n decrta ep'-u l rpprt fij et : C;tiV- tii.v (--'.I IDI. J!-J ! Te 1 1 e ;ni.i. sr.; 1 -.jh.j ibe Ua.te-s Stales ui til t trk. I t:u cca .c. a balairce be fitiiKi i.:e Iroia tb ourkef tbt Va.teJ ta!, tbe court tail cruer ice p)Enn py me clerk into lit ireanuiy. aoi anfe-rce it eider by ie tution, pp-ce of ctoiicpt, or t;berwie, ai;l. it tbo ciet rrfuea to pay tbe taoory, kbali reuaore fcla; X.-unj cSce If a balane l e ie':d4 due treat tbe United Mate to tbe ciei t. tbe umt suaii be paid vpoa pre Mrn:f to tbe trsa.uier a cwpy of tbe decree. da:y c.r 'uaed. tfc. 4. AndbP Itenrrtel TT-t tbe clerk :in, as U t, er car t ; -ign- :. ar.ivjj tbe Uuitsa . tte U a va iT It1 4te auiotn i.i.4be uesry - cjpy oi ibe decree imtue liateiy aiief It i proovuoced. , 8 -e 6. AJ ba it ftmuei toiuttd, Tht all other b- dec of ao'Sutyw Kf t'e taro.ut v k1 ofJce are Lcrtby repeatea. Apprva, July iW, 1S66. Aa Act to Cf tbt Cor.i ni4tiO of certain Collectors cf Cuirus, aua .er iber Kuprosea 1U it ttiaittd lytt Sei mi ilome tf Ilrp retrntitint ojihe United iili(t o. Aaicrtca in Con jrti& atttmUfd, Tbat the reliectra f cutmi hereinafter rawed aball, from and af er tbe first diy vf Juty, eicbtevo buaUret t .r ' f-ti, tu Imu f tbe salarLe u wjtcb tuy are i ir by iaw .pectivly encitid. receive ike aaiaiie iwl vwioc. ie ii : Tbe col lectors of tbe dU tnrUuf Txa. at GIjr:ly'i, ,!(ria, CvrpQ C irl.u. ad ftrs a tie i"jni'F.. Teas', at tbe rte of one ibuuaoDit fire fcuntre do ir a year in adJitioM to tbe tr vf -R e i IJrv.TiJeJ, bt f-O tt'Ci-sQ aiioa sbal tu i-ca e exiee-i i-e -uia t-t tea y five buudred hua 4 el aiiar ie; a .mum 10 t is aggregate : tbe Cut ec t r- i tte of tVa4.'rt. Mil a Carviiua, and . bkvu, r.vcidt et-a at ibe rate uite iboLiao 1 d 1. tt a ear, ite ibilt-ciort uf tbe district of George ju ibe litfirM.- i t. '"rr-"f T$ t tbeistrtci u! Cbet'i Jilone. Viruii.ii. b,, iiui-;c tMrgia; aaiDt AuKO-i-e 2t!at Mtrt'l ai d Afwla bieala, loridi, ano Tebe. Lui-iaa. fire bin red dvllara a jaar eacii Set A..d be i inraer meted, 7u.t all tbaj lile Hi wa era ! hereof iu withtu t ei ltw uvcet, Starr, Iipita tuv; fcuciu nt.Wkbj L Jicitullet.. LireCk, tier lteitx:iuf ae-i Sau fairitv, aball Mi dtsiiicl col uviua ii .ic 10 tree til 1 ibe disiuct of Corpus Lbri u tbe tu of Corpus Cari.ti aball ut ap p IimI id eide at em t. And Aranus abail be a rvit JOiivrr aaid ui.ricl- , ... Sc. S an 1 be it luribe eaaneJ, Ttiat tie t.wa of lidiaitoia 'iai be.eafie. be me p .rt" of entry for tbe lilrirwt . SjMH, uald tte luatead wi i.a 8al:e." Av-1 atl boa ai.u (iaU oi act cvuEicimt llh iiie pru- ii us ! tint act ai e bereb ifveaicd ; auu ibis act b I a rllcil ea ai.d alter tbe Urv Jay vl Au t - ' ' f . r .1 p let lttf Tt(! :. ; ;. 1-5 Jr j .; pre I I y tit ae i -. '3 4 t " -" " . f "i i. : ' 1 s " t si i- -f t - t.t - ; : .1 " i ' : 1 ' J t 1 '. ; i ve i. ' : 3 .. i..- t :i i-f ,i..ris ij.e e eot tire tlerarm-.PBis, wiia Hicb accoiiipanyits aK-umenif as the beads of tbos e cepartaeius resp-ttreij eelect, batc:tto excel tbree btn ; .jcg tt ibe u e of said ieruuj..;j, aepecti rely. - ' Sec. 2 And be It further enacted, Thst Trtjnercr papers reUtt;5 to foreija t.'Xx rs sbail be coinatauxa ted to C-!i;resii, acejci)anyui2 tbe annaal tne.sisje of tbe JIresiiut, it .bail be she duty of the super-iate-j tctc pubhc prsntiug to cause tobe printed ts ; d ia alJ.lion to tbe otaal oumter, twj tbt)u."o 1 1 copies f;r the t kaof the nsuuiberi cf tbe Snate Jaw'.ser, tv. taastaar': copies for tbe t;-: or -tee. metnoer t-r tctj Serial, 'four ih"usnd copies far tuts T.-c uf i&i lijaae, end to ib.iuiand v- bu i-Jre.i c.rie for tbe oss of Ibe SUtS 3ipsrfMt;nu ra pi ace of Ibe mirber order- trjjy tii! f-i cf Jiad twealy-flre, eiiia'.'-ia tbDirii aiid nxtr . or. Stc. 3. And be it f-irtbor enWel. That in (be P'-b-licstiyn of tbe report of ibe i ecreiary of tbe Nary tbe Oiiiiied taie:neut 04 o cer f r supiies . anrt of ar io'es fir.binccd in eacb t!as usJcr contract be omitted cd ia lieu thereof tbe Seaeury of tbo Nary nbavi t pre I are a'd souiuit wita bis report a acbe in le embracing ibe cTcors cy classtr, ind.cjitics :b i e bsaa ac? eerte-1. " " 4. And bo it fTutbei eoaciel. Ttax It shall te tbe duty of tbe superntondeut of public p-intio?, at tiia oiurnp-'cement cf t .:a aessioii ;t Cosieti, 10 submit t-.!.e . 1 ,.at eoi tmiuee on printiitf exticittes of ibe quntaity of pap,--r of ail tlesc'tptiona whiet win, la kis opiuiiia. t a re n'-ire-l fir tee execution cf the p-nbhc pi intir.e dartni? tbe comsns year. The joint com riittee on iriuini? fball then Ox ujtJt) a standard of paper for tiidi"erent decrijnin. f coe?r siona I and exeatie printing, and it shall be tte duty or tbe supfrlntfi-ccnt of public prttj', ins. uader tbe direction cf tte ni o 'Uiiiiittce tin pria log vj a-lro.-tle ia only two ne wif3tprs pobU.-hJ in raca of the cities Sew and V". " .i r a it ; urj ro-a!e proposals to fyr:ii-h ' tb govf";-!f.: tf ilu.ea bUtw wilh.pnrer, of tbe jUaluy a :i 1 ta tbt 'Utility spejidjd (q the a3?ertiti laeuts. and it shall be tbe duty of tbe supcrintai leo t to f urnii h eatujl; of the stan larl pip jr 'adapted hy tbe cuai tiiitoe to applicant nhe.ef or ; the said sealed proposals to be t peed betore and the award of contract o be tun:? by the j -Jot fcooim.ttee n p inting totbe !cet a id bt bid lor for tbe interest of tb jrcrern neut-: Providet', That tbe alrertisruent for realed propis5for furotbing pper hhall dosirnte tbe uiiairauta portion ;f each p ir ioul t- quality of paper neqoiitd for either three roon rt it ntqatbs, or one year, ibe joitilcoracmied 03 pnoting mar deter trtii.e : bni wbea ibd miiiirrcni pjnion e ' specified aball ex:eodia any r(ve one tbousnr.d ream, ttys ad rertiseaen; t-"; itt'e that r"?j! wi'V b receirei for nut ibOusi.Mi ratq or in r; An I jrovjdel fur ther Tbit pj i,TopoIa shell b3 conllerel by tbe joiiil Cviamiitee on priDtin. unless aca.tnpanied by satisfactory eridoi;?? that tr.e ptrsoi or peras ma a:Q4 elJ -rup sal e ma mtnrers tt sr deg'e's ia the Ci. ltbjrj ur jtafC vt:i.'U ibey prope 1 1 inrnijh : Aud proviae I farther. Taat. ia awardin r c jfitfacti :i eauliabl eri id of uias r r f lit, ihe t . ,h hP. in deirnatd atid allied ly He 'juut cjmiiise ca printing, without wiio.e at-proiral c utiact sht!l be ralid : Aod prorided iBrtber, That it shall be thedn tr of the supsruitcrrJeai of pu'jita rioti!-. to liularJe inuisatnaal r(Ait 10 Coare m a detailed stateaoent if all prop nitde aul tjjlracu eutereJ io o fwr the porctae ofpaper., . - -ISftctt And be it farther fnacteJ, ThH it ibe duty of 1 1 8opell!teliJett. ' of pabiic priatioz 10 eouii'are every lot of paper dpjlrered by any vontract or with tbe ataudard of QaaU'y. ana al-eto sea that it is cf ibe wer.v.t coritractei for, and to rprne to ac ceptany paier pr. in "ony c- ru-ncior which doe? net wa frtn to the Ktandard cf quality and is not of the siip nlatcd sieittbt. And in casa f tSirTtfrence of opinioa bo tween the .uperinieniient of public printing an! any cntracur ftr riiper with re-srct to its c'ialify. the matter sf eiffoienie ih i be -l eierniinel by tee joint Cirv j nee uu pniitii? : . PmvuI d, That la defatiitof . ! t i. ii. ! e- Putlic No 237 An Act '.. fnrtber resalaia thrj Priritinjof Pntiic 3?--. utneiUi ad Purcbato cf Hipr for tbe pablic I": iuti: Eeitfrmtedbf tbe aoi IIoojo of it r s- --V"iT-H f tia Ul:.:1 ' itej of a rici f ' 1- i i; 1. -;.- - 5 t t-i ail -r 'ia "i ia .'1M s-:i re:- 'if- . ,s i-,-l p.- :s m: - ..;, " , . . . - .5: , ( " . . r, y. . : , -3, i ..' .. -.' ; jrrcrs atd procce Dj so rrel, t'-e H-..3 au;ion.y and jurisdiction as tbe? woe 14 bare 1 id if such action, suits and proceedonss taa boea comaieaced ia said courts: asd bo indictment, vrit, process, rfcc-?naaace,or ot-er proceeding returcaMe t ) tr to Le beal-1 tried, or conti lored la the said t')i5i;i era district cf Cakfornia er sai4 westun district ct Louisiar.4 tall be abatel, discontinued, or resiarei Toil ty tie transfer tbere l as aforesii l. i'co. 3. And be it further enacted,' Trs at tte clerfci cf t: 9 said sou tbsrn district of Caiiforcla end ibe said western district t.f Louisiana stall, as soon aa prxciic b!e afier the pauaaie of this act. da ivar Li ar.l 03. po-it with tbe clerts of the Paid district courts of Cal ifornia and Louisiana, respecureiy, all property, l-its, teziils. tlccnn - us, aal pft.-i reaainiu' lu t ..fir tepectiro .n;jt .. ana-tts ae i..iiiba received and kept by tbe said lst-i;ienticice4 c. erics, subject lo lii'i 1. r Jer and direction of such, court recactiTeiy . t ic 4. Aa4 teitfu'tUer enacted. Thas r-tecuUoa m.iy bo issued out of the district court of CtUfornia ths mid district court of Lou;iar-, resdeclively, to c;-' any judgraeut or Oe:rcs revere i Hi tiia ao'i'Lera disteict cf Caiifwrnu or said western district of Luu.eiana before tb pasitaje vg iui ac wita tbe race t : -:t as tte svr.!9 r" :bt no be iasusioatj of tfce toirt ta which such juvu.eut or decree was tendered ; 3i l"-c;o whica alall bare beeo lued out of said c'i-itni.t cr urt for t b e Southern uUtrsct of Ca!. for ma or m i wsiera t'intrict vf t. .visUna . anl shall nut 1 avt l - 1 rskarue f Lcfjre the passas 01 iig g ,-t shall Le remrnea o au 1 tlitd i;a toe ciers or iha pistrict courts' of Calitoraia and Louisiana respective Lee. 6. An Ibe itfurthar enacted, 1' tut ibe sal try cf ibe Uuited Staics Uiatrici. jade lor ta district of L ui.-iiii thai I bereafitr be four thousta 1 Ce iun 1. ted dollars per anaum. Approvedj Jul? ilt lsj'S : Fut!:c No. 231 An Act to antboriie tt.eCeeln Post Oacsaef TTeights tf tb? Len-jaiiuation or Grains L'e it ir.ictej by the Scnat sjod liodja cf Rep rectativtfj of the L'&iwi eutte of Auier'ica ia .CuDifres Assjuib!?.!. Tbl tbe Pcstaiaater-Generailbs. and bs is berebri aa- 'itorizcd Bid tifretied to luraiaa to to post otaiei. ex- thaugnig inaii wnb rorelch ejUDines, and to such f- her t.Cl -e'a 3 Li sball tbiaa expedtnt pw;4al bait aDcea deuomiuated is grauis of ' tbe metric system ; aud, unlit oMterwi.o pr'Vidtid bv U,uu8 calf ouuee avJirdui )i hait tsueaiuel and !-fcii fer postal pur pofe as the tq'Jivaietit vt fifteen grtm of tn& metric weights, and so adopted iu turessi on ; aud the rates pi poataijj aball be applied aeco.diflgly. CArPuiHc No.232.3 An Act toau.jVi ".a Rifundln? of ceriala Taxss. Be H eri.vtei ty 1.' "enate and IToure of Represcor tativet of the United "fe of dmtricn irr Congresi Assembled, j - That whero tbe license 'iiBpose-l t!?a Hi who!e sle i!(tr h.s been rac itated nra tba amount of such d;ler'a ao!e fjr toe previom 3 er, ia sxordanre with t'e terms of the seventy nin;ii section of aa act, apprvvf l June th irtlet.t, embteea bun ire 1 and sixty four and it shall be proved tq the satisfaction of the Ctraaiis-ioncr cf infernal rfveuue that ilia sales rr(adr tnier nch licence did net ea l la'ani itint the saiet of sch o eviuus it nha't ba Istviul f eatd .coni mi fioner ti reinaTto s'iih bi'.cjile deoter so uiach .if Ibe amount pas t for . ca l:cftie a may be in ex ct 8- f Ibe laz chargeable r.yv& t?e tfioant of saie.t ac tis illy taade ti"ier am-v. .11 "-9 during the- year lor which Hie ?auie wjt i- ,ed. Approved, July 27 lcoo - Publio No. 2S3.J An Act sm?ndatrr? of Section tbirteea f aa Act enti tled "an Act to smend an Act entitled An Act to provide Internal Revenue to support tbe Government to pay Interest on the Publis Debt, and for other Pury cs,' a pprovep Jne 23. 1SS4 " approved March - a, is5 - - ; ' - ' Ita it enacted by the Senate and ITcc5e of Iicp reeEtatirc? of the Upited btates of America in Corgaeg3 AHsemblei , That lh thirteenth section of an act entitled. "An act to atatnd an act entitled 4 An act tor provide Internal leveime la support the poverriraer.t, to pay Interest on the r-.biic l-p'T.. i f ir other rurDo?i.'arooved Jane " I . ; '-':. i c i ;' T i. 1 : t . .1 i i : -Cft : T ' . -: l rt . t - c a : - - . ' 5 ,::r..t w;:'a t J rov:. cf . a -.-3 I i-,:.r, yi 5 .1: ; ' 1 : '. 5 reii'.ms oi.fJi: :t ; ' . j law, or l acy pn i)i '::.! r-n t'' a.-.i.i'i cr i:'-. " - t. ;;a ti. r-' ' ci t .-' ta t .1 i 1 it t , ... I ty v. t ai, 1: : I ba c i.l;3:'i in ! 1 f.rci , au 1 tLtttl.J actaiil i tiiHi'CU.i t J : ' -r " r- r . . .: . i-r,a i 1 L.--. .ii e 0. ' . . . 1 .. . . . . .'-.-.:. ' Sac. 9. ai X it ti farter euiael. Tiat if in? time, fr-.-n aa iccrsat-e of t;t riatioa, or frosa : ? ct'ier c.iji-, is.-- s'.;U teouitl c-u i':xsZ iora -f tue i 'Jll.c store t ia t .: c ty ct I, e'r Tvi i al accu4 1 ! iiiii.i cf nerd av.ii . aw..-;:.-; ;praue!rp::t, li t-ui I i -3 i: i doty of ta-s ar.-ai.-et, nader regulations etab UUtd by tte S rct ry cf t;e Trcasa'y. toO.rect tie a-s-Lii.-iS srr:-- j.i''it:! iv,a;4;r.ff5 tbTl 1 brx , ;j c; ; 9 r,;.c i i devote Hi 9 lyE.f - t--s'-l !..... hours, irj caca day, darjrg dayliiht to tbetrrc.'peaive dute. to tbe end taat tbe b-uaic t or f prai; - . --.j bi I ii'.lf ij'l.v a". 4 rors yrcmi i.: despf.tfb ii. 2-ic. io. And be it fanner enactel. That a?l i.'d tie reTesue era tl.ers verfrmic; tbe du".. ? of -n-f-ts c:i ' n-s I:.-. colie.tiva v.stiict, , i:. ; ; '- - t 2 i - - j '.r " c-;... pc: s;ioa cf c ... .to-. !. rUrLC-No. 231.. . Es it c -licit 1 ty the Senate and House of Repress n-tr-ivet or the United State cf Anerica ia Coa-jtosa That tb3 ?cjrct?.r cf tha Interior be, and bi ii hereby i,- V.. viz? 1 t.j a;!e:t rritable fUw oaUnj of the ft,1:';..: g-'.ijaif fcabnjis' to 1 1 5 verj:a jr t ia tha Cit ol Wa-jL invoa, ia the District osfCor Ij - .' 'i,f,r ml c-jrjj'fajt thercia, upja tazh p tit; ai -c ls; 1 c .ct, a. juil cf luJIciecl isapac'itj t-i iruTiJa fur r.jt less thaa threa haairei j';rit t.-) with tfuitabli yards, hospitals, an-i so fort.!, thd t a-ttr-ji cost cf -v'ch ta;i not esioai tha gaui of t ra hundrsJ tbo-tsinl dc'larj. See. 2. A:-. 1 be it farther ea.jta 1, That ai cr.a as sid ttittf,'t ibe pUa of a ji'.l aha.!! bj a gel ted and a$ren4 u joa,'th aaid Sirttr; of tajln terior shall eraplo aa artt;it9ot a ad h;va prepirod a da. ,f rn for.:l b'.u'in, and j.lAa driptiTa tbe?oi'. wit'i coaf-Set epecia'-jatipos .cf las work reqairsd and the taatorirla ta be ujei, and s'iiU publish notice of a. p'ib!:3 lcttiaj f tha coatruct for tho build ir-j: cf thasnao. ailoait th ?: dtys bafore Ijtt'rir, ia th pria-iiptl Bewptprt ia New York City lioston, I hiUilalphia.lJiajiaa at: : tt v'.ti more, Y'.a-ihintoa, which notice ah.tll direct a pia-cs w-jcra iw. ii i,wtn-jFj cm pj seaa, and a, ti-e r.: watch tbo contract i to be let ; an i- the sr.i i he-rretaty shall let said coatrict li the lowsjt responsible btddor, and the contractor therafor shaii euter into luZicient bond for the faitbfal ota- 'i ioa of tbo laid construct to tha afprorl of the tiecrstary. Sec. 3. Acd be it farther enactad, That the Secrstitry eh alt p.ty to the cod trautor or c a tractor icsta'mnrit on the on tract prica a the work prc.j resaeg, tu pa certi'iil ta by tbe architeot hafinj the direction thereof, but twenty p-;r centata o the estimates shiill I.3 rtstaicod untjr tha cciaIetioa cf thecoctrait. ' - Sec. 4. Arid be it further enacted, That tl.jre be, and is hereby approved, for thd parp)53 af ;s f;; i, out of any f.'osiey ia tha trea-jary rot otL;r-wi.-o apyropriatcd, the sura of tyro but) Irad ihouj-ii?i-i Jiili-tr. to be drawa on the ordar of sail Sue reUry of ti;o Interior. Sec. i. And ba it farther enacted, That tha Sic aeUry cf tha Interior ba, and iaaercbyauthorizid ta rtd at pa'vTa saJe,, oa proper notire ther.f , tae raatyrial cf the old now lecatad in Jdiicli ry Square, and proceed thereof to be paid tctj ;he tniiTa y t;f tas Uuiwid Suatet. Seo. 6 And bit it f arther enacted, That for the purpose of rti-ubarsio the United Statea itr a p.rr of the cost of sail jale, it shU bo the Cilj of the proper autboiitie of the city of Wh.-'hinton, and thy are harby roquirad, t'riUe, ty U or othernUe, aad p ty into the treasury of the Ua.lad States. at or before the titae of tha completion of said jail, tae fura of seventy thousand collars. And it shall be tae like daty ef th j proper aata ,r ities of the eity of Gjoiauro, and taars hire by re:airei, to rai'", ty tat or othervr .i3t sal piy ibto the tjatsury of tbe Uoitcd 'Statsj,! at or be fore the ootrnletioa of said jail, tae sain f twotty thoustai dollar. And it shah bo tha like cu y of the proper authoritios of tho county of Wadhia'toa oreaid District, and they are hereby required, ta raija, j trx cr ctberwie, and pay into the treas ury of the Uuited SUtoj Rt or beforo tho period afuresaib, the sum of taa thoKiad dollar, waioh raid several snm shiill be doomed the fair propor tion of the cost of -aid jail of ea:h of said cicisj and 1 ; -1 a 1 t i . : t C ., . I '-- I r , . . : ; 1 1 a r i . a. tr Li ' ' , ; 11. "'V f 1 f .ii t li 1 i'. is 1 by I ? -, . ti nt 1- 1 ... 1 - . r; . s . . , : i. - - - r ; J.L ; t 1 f ':s r 11 ...ri, f.:;;-..:: ."i a- 1 -. :' if :i Tti.) 11:. tf ,.:i r.': e-y 5';; :.. a tf yiV:. liti. 2.1 t d i 1 t ttcl by cci c-;:"i2rs to !:r..rh ty r ' 1 5 - ? j ?-:t:c i fn.'. s, (t"i -rt r '1 s-ii I . - : 3 ! i-J"? c - itfctlit t? ; r; i . . i -i-. beea -j'itt:j , . 5, -rf " t I ' " .' tr v '-' : f " cf. c :. .1:' :''' 3 T, r .' i E'i;:iI t; r :! . - r-M ii 11 ' ) V;- .. . r the d 'celija cf tha t' jcrti.ry cf tne Icurl.T, ii a!-.:rr.--9 icvthjs dr-::it:?l '7 n'.i r.-..-V- m e r r : i ; i... : : : .' t t ;' . i. t :e 1. J t f S . 1 Irit-n-tc:: .! alt :. f? tl;i ; f i i'.a 93 trs c-- '. cr e ' r cf tli s - 5 ' 1 1 e i tl -t 0 "1 .- of ll.- b ".:' cf lb k.'.r.-iar a ? t syrv-.-T cf a 1. I . : r zp thsii'c it-.-t U:i ta.ta t': : c . ;'::3r ti-crilajs,' tv - y V - IhtsrI :r si- all witaJfi'v tr;:'3 " J beriiti gri ttei cn etc'u aids of ; r .... -M ' . as betted tod w-thia the llir'-3 i tf.rj " The i--'.2s liereia jraat'd shjil! t 5 ;.llu t buildic; or sail r-oal e;;l.ia t- litm, rr;.M.t ivtlr. wherein thot t eit-iitii. Aa i t-e s-e- tion 3d 1 arts cf seati-ici cf ! ..-.! - ': d.ii la t'- 1 L' Stiti wi-: 'a t'.it 11 a f',ri i iid k "ii 1 1''. a 1 f-.t bs -o'. i fr l:s t ttj rtiaiaiaui r ?'. tf fiV.ia lii-is w 'M i"ro7j-li, J'ina Lj.1 atil 3,:ti!.l .Irj u t 3 ffe-et-'.lii Uw of tha Units'. Sut.M 1 dua p;-if tf jjitlcr-eat, imrrvj ail c.:.;; i tion, a. ct 1 e r-, iJid ty l.i. y - "t s t;s ..t at the pria 1 lisa4 f '.! laJi at tha i 5' .f -m'i gtt'.j-;eTt, iaproV8Xn, aad cccu; . ..a j A:i protridl, uiao, Xbatsauitrs ualar tha i-rat 1,1: a of the battitd ai, wa- eosapty rua taa H.-fj aci rcq-iir-v-j'-rrs of said act. i-hs.ll b' eat;;:i, witbia the l.ui.i3 af 4-ii g-aat, ta ;ats:.u l'r aa amount cu'i ea-ae.-Jtc eighty acfos of tha 1 it i t j rciervcl b.f tha Uutwl fc-.a'.3,njtiLij ia t. nr. to th sj-ii'-a-y nU'thiuaiic. Sic. 3. .Lad ba it fat ther . tu: e J, That tha riht of Wi.y shroaji the pablia laaii or, aul tha satna is ba.aby, g-aatsi 1 aatJl c - - ; .-i.t f.r tha couj-.ructica of s.til railroad aai isl-ajih llaa ; aad tha riht, power, and author ty : hereby gtrea ta wi coa.-anio r Uta :ra tha pablio laud adj- ;--:.t 19 tae liT4 of s'd rt 1, ir.h, atoae. tttnher, wai-sr, aai ouhir latts.-talt fur tha e jns;ra tiua tberetf. &1 r.l of way ii fTtatil ta id railroad ta tha ett?ct of ono haul:: i fjt ia w':d;a oa e;h si.U of tc 1 railroad wh-a.-o it p over the pub'.ia laais, iccluJ;; ; all' rrasiiry g-oar It f.r iU-l-jnt, t i.Ml.: ."J, w .r t J .';; ;., jai-aiae-ssops, swiichsi, aiiu-trackii, lara-utl-js, t?attr statioas, or aay oiaer structures re-ialrai ia tha caastriotioa and opera, ia of tail lotl. Sr:. i'. Anl t it fartbtr ci::. J , Taat fv.a:jT er tha sai:l coa;au.ies,cr either cf thaa, thill have twenty or rvora ooasc ativa fn'Ut t-f aay p;r:ja cf said r.'i;rci aai t; .. jh l:ca rati i'a.-taa use. rioa coatci;;I;jl by thr tec, tha 1'rosidiat cf tho Uaitei fStites shalt app-aiat threa coxijoner, whci coa rcniat.o'a b ptii by taJL carps up, ta eia:aiaa tha same, and if it shall a?p.;ar that ta.y coiiiir-cit re taiiiJ of raliraia a 1' ftlirrjph shall Liva tava cjat).stad aab epat jai ia a.l rs spocti aroquirad by this act, the eostralrnoa er sh.iU H r?pcfi un-itr oata to tha iV-snJiii of tha I'utid sum, aai thraip-aa f ttaa,ts shtil ii sa la ctr.; aatt, vf eiiher ti thi.a, ag the ct uf ii. tor tha laud hera'ahaiora grastsd, to tt 'i etunt vf aai e-jtenaiapas with thic- - !-' t j! a ::U'.. c riid fai Irr 1, 1 ai.i ti ;rrU 4.5 a ts afjrstaid; aai fruot tiiaa totiuia, waaasrer twen ty or ijaore Co niiecatiTa tnilas of tha said r 1 1 a r i taieraf a g..all be cojif telaa aai ;aipi a a.r '!, patecta shaii ia nUa ciiaaer i . -. 9 np-aa ths report of cojamii'aar, aai o oa cai.i th tatira riiiroad rnd tel?raph aath.ariEti by t ,13 actsh.iii hay bacjaitf uatairaal tha pattau ot tha Ian Is bareia grant! s'a til bsra b aan lsiaad . Su. i. And ba it furthar enrted, That the jrara ts afo "csaid are ra vde upaa the cod.ttoa tha; lae said CJta;aaie shall keep sail rai.'roai aad teieraph ia repair and usa, aai shall at all timts tran?rort tha tanil upoa said railroad, and trans mit tispa -cbes by iaiJ talantph liaa far tia gn erraeatvi' Ih L'ui-ed Stutei, waea required sa to by any de aartiaom thereof, aai that tha )rers-m.-t --i t ; ct a't t: ;.. hare the jre."" -r- s ii ta .la' 1- 1 t: ' --! , -ary la t cT C: j t " I i-'i - i t ....... ; t ' t v. ! t ' 1 tfcii:; f. - : -a r "' r V6, 5 r I.e. .a -i t t i 1- ' f ; -:rs, sz f t,. othr 1 . ; a, " at.:.. I::-Ti wl;h;a ths s:l "hl.'i st cr i-' ty b, at ;-. tha s :.sii b..;a f 1 j 7 ar heaihy err Jj'.r I f:' ... f a ti -l b wi'.hh! a..i if s-i..h!.'! p -iic,: is ra'.i, er sic'a r be p---,- h ty t n 1 shall ba:--r: s i .J.; t taa graetoehcrela, his b. t-a r . . 1 M.- I 1 -11 "i r ' I 4 I ' Sec. 3, Acd ba ii f .;:L-.r iu, ; .".),n.(..jic,viwini.j.:i CV:,- i e ciacs ca sail Con-jt::'i l,!j c r c "- ' draiael, benei'.ei, rr Jsr. p-i i ',; t" s'.-all bold tbo'r clatrj ' i j . r " V! ( ' '-i-h t'-sli i. j r i;r ; . i la a : - . -. 4 . - ber?ifter !!::' 1 f:?-i ta U:' ' 1 t" . -t.:t.I co-'r: .. : -. 3 arl rr : f 5 ,- T: 1 , ., B ihas-.Tss fits tf ta.a'"-$ f,f - c trreiu tarirad f.-c-sa sii t rr l cr ;.a ! h - i as tsaro Iztz, cr rr.iy tr? i'-r t, r. r.; r i i ' Eieat li'.Tra sara 8ts:j a3j i c-h . -rprste:t;rj a tRsjarity ct tha es;i-ashs V.'; r-? Aid Ccs..Uoi lada al the sl f f -1 at E'. thiJact. ... - AprnTsl.Jt'jJSi::!. Pcllil Aa A ta v ? chic.''. a! i v ii . . r . : s - . . 1 1 1 1 t r jreas cai1!. i a . . t That tha l?;'u.itar cfe.::,i flvtba tL'. . ' , chcr-33 si; prsesillaa' tha e::!ri;l -1 cf i' : j for which any setter w ! . -; t r- . said Stall ia tonsi,3hill, ca tht i . ; . j. afur tha csatiajaai cl-.'.l.a aeai ta e'ect ijaater Sa w ; -ms, ia tha t ' -..-" ;! scch seaatarsa raic oat cf tl, ia tha f...; 1 -naaar : Tach bo?i.e sai!3 eptaly, by a ri-i t:. cf each member prejjet. arrra cs pra f .r t-r atcr ia Corgzeu fra-a sili Suta 1 tha t a -J the persoa aa rotei for, ha sha.ll bar a r.- :,-;:y cf tha whole taraher cf Toii3 ca.:t la e:. t ?: shall be eatered oa tha jrari! cf a . .h ir ::? by the clerk or gecratary tbere-af ; bat if el.h-? h:a;j shall fail to give ?ach c.'rrity t a ; -a ci said day, tha fartshall bi : :.-fd ta t s j -lil. At tweira o'c!o.;'i rar: 1 tfth Jk ,' ' ' ' 1 - . . a. t a-L. ' ii. . . . kltll Uu'a. a, .v. -u pll kllVS Cl . y . t, -v i . i 'tt-iit aiucie jr:ij trial Tea bi u &. Ct', stt.d a Irttltt ciiftiptr ; Le tLtiPtal. 7r it I . . tl-rrtrjr kee;-e fi.v:u:Jy ca hand a ; :eie iu-x 0 rAisi, jL)ib, Varciibts, I-'S, To Myth L Co., we r M'.rJf.raUaktttf i.i f.icect Af trs.itiihti:r.eLf year. Ty f Vm for 81le tlrap, t:,.y c'3. . Tff- f!:e to f-n cheep resiin? is tt r h CtrnJciU Lilrary. 7 ci-w- ti! Kew Bouk, 51$ uk)!i a : u4 rpti ihera at uatanalle V'lirvaJtCo.. tr? rt v-fedto jciiie l't;t l--':J'ir.fJ3 ii-ed;aiel7 In f Cvra! A r -i t3 the wise U -r.L t'::lc.: Ki?nz vc D)w ! atr j in t!; :r.te ' J forsi;rf t. ;i-y cr rrK. 14 f' rj'J .v;7 a-rcr ' V -1 t . .1 is ! 41 1 r th" aiwr lilt, t.f t r , r Tw.JtS.. ' "'iv. ,Mru acJ 'l-arj 4 .ra 1 . itPprrrnftora. ti ' r '-. I rt r- r,rV,i.n,. xAx ' v-i,..: ..f 4 .ti-.j,,! St,(. jj"" ' 11 ".i l- lira-. i,ci. s " -arly j -rf-i as tV- J ' r"J.yi-, .n he -re'iin 4 X '.atr- r; ilia-,!,, of rf)-., l,7r,!,r"f,f' f CI . WV y c!jth !inc$ cf fr, r .n!a, R,..tin.. This U .Lt rcuy t!.;rir: cf . a T I..?.tJ t! ' .i i? i w f t a i . . . ?. - T-. .... Jf v.y uavai . car and :li oopuiy sui eys si J e Turk. tt..ruu fbua le;ibia. iialiiat .re, Stw UrlKaoa. Foi i lai'd. and Mu two li,ou-an I d a buidreJ del iars vcr auuuQt; arm to each of tbe ouatom-bouiia tia'hei at ibe pv,r.a u! Hoetoa, Philadelphia, Baiti taore. ew Uriea, Pertiacd, a d Sau ri'aucUco, two tbviisa4il do lara prr anount , oul of tbe ai.priiriatiou iui cxiiie f collecting the revenue fi otu customs : Prwvtded, That tbe soduioual couapeu.vatioii or tweuty Ca per ceuiam, as caw provide! Ly law, aball be roa tinued UoCiceis aurasaid at be Mori vf Sau Prsnciacc tec: 6. A vd be 11 turibar enacted. Tuai alt blank, books, blank, aud ttalloiiary or eve y kind re Quired by c 1 lecur aud other othcera of the ca.tom., khall,ao woo a luey ran be prepared for de.ivery. ty or under ibe direct too ol iba tSccrat.ry l the Trcaaiiry, be f arciaDed to to em for the tt of their respe Hive ofa ca. upon rejuii:Jju ma-la ny tham. aad tbe expeua l audi Uuk, Ul.uKr, aud ataiioiiary bai( be pa.d out of the approriatiu f. r ttafrayieg tbe ei8 ce ot coi itciug ibo revenue from ubIocjs. becS, At-d Weil fnnber enaeiel, 7rt tte fourth section cf tt t .fa? rib sec i m r u? act t Tebroary iauty-ei;-i., eiabteeu Liiiidred o4 stxty-Cve, auti t.el A6ci u revive ceruiu prvvition or tbe act e tuied 'Au aU fonber to yrot-iJe for the coiiectxia vf' d una on trupui ts and locate,' approved March Ih'ei, eighteen kuunredand Cftceo, aud f r other purposes,' aball mi be coiiau ue4 la tactea.e ike par d.eiu aiiow el lu app:ier by tueflr. t cuoit of the act ef April iwu,ejgkteeu bbtidied and frtj. tour, wbtta ilaoicud Appivk, Su.y i'i. laiiii. PUUL1C So 5S9 lit t trraent to t t Ttriito. ' l-! i: 1 1 lucerr t ta "! ....... - Aa Act artborisipj the K ry vt Xe-via vt terttui liJg Ifeuiao i,oUliU; t. lie it enacted ly ba Senate end llonse cf Rep r:atatives of the Uatttd States cf America ia t'onjrreii assembled. Tbal tbe Lecraiary of JTar bfr, gud ke lg fcer,by, in- air-K-e b-e-ani 11 e, art ut. ap a anow t.e cxpsaui lr. aaJ hbiii:e vf the Ttrntoiy vf Kebrrska.made aad tncerred in ita rear eiihttea bnndred ana sixty. .nr. for ibe ) tf, equpuieut, and uiainteoaace of lei- jltoiiai iroop u ihe pp ei"" 01 uwuuhm aud pr.deciioa ol tbe lvi? aoJ proptriy vf citizens of tbe United Sistea exDie I v tbe auatha of ibe ron federa'.ed tube ; and Ha aaiuoi.t a allowed, when approved t-y ibe prepw a ceaDimg otneer of the ireas- ry. batl be paia itiu iba tarrturial iretury ty a warrant .avabe ie f-e t J r vf tt:e governor of that Trtrrery, i,4 bill te ui lai' fi-r all cutis la tra petiiie-a tua pjr. ol i4 Te.-iiry tbe ir-p ikereor ; P.ivided, Tat 00 allowance ahall be mada lor treop. eyolid the o nij'aoifs called out by ihe kov. eroor uf ia TerriUHV I 1 iVaiyaar. atid pUcnd uikler lie rotnutaiid vf t' f "mC a I Vv i' c r d in j ib e li-oops of tte ta.-ted J.;a"iu mat -f?rt;tl)r ; nr ans s any rate 0 iv at 1 kpt u4a vf auy 4.t 4 be allow ti j er or pre. tar tbi i' u,e i;tf.ti ty law to !. tr j, r c ; n -aarif ai.fta tha ervr.'a' f tbe fiuiel f and the '.:t?i wf lur'j.a it,v u 1 d ! tara, or to (jutb taart-il a w y i,' a.t.ry, bereby j proprtatw ibmtfvr owl x a ly iu ej ia tte trean ry cot vttcr-aji-ro,.ri.. d Apofve.i, July Si?, f 'J. Pi' H Ll 0 J- J ta f Ifff'i.'-il if C -i5ta la . w..a. C ' tU it , t.ttt-J i ; .'a !' '; i. Hie f i i n- rril(,rr tie ttrtf ';cile rif' Amtfica t.i L ' - mnrmV.Jt T " t it 1 1 any r i jj 'rt-'r r. a"i nca I, er thtt rsiay its. fiia.-'b-e t i. r an-,; I t L'tte court a;-n-!t an a led. o ty a tit i..'t o lc il la wi t a t: ait l tirouclt acaitit a ctikt-a v a. I'ur S;a:f, 5 d i t n r in Ultima cq eed ti.a ewi vt c v bntd 1 r I dol U", et.!iv cw.a, i.i be uia. ie ar-pear to ii.e ;ic liuu of ibe cotirl atitteu of th State Iu wbiiU the Bil Is brug it .r aba. I be a vetrcdaiil. td of tbe anil ao far a relate i tbe alien defendant or to tbe utrriitti wiiu i ijja eiiiii-c ot a Staie othe than thAi a i Jc 1 ib a-iit is vrotiit, i vr ba tfca tuat tvi. ! r r. a.ctti r ibe pari aa ot re-traici-r .r ii n i.ii J'..n-Jr. hub ibera Can ti a f. aai f i . inatioii f b.'.ui.i'u.e ir.Hi ur .'fi. 1 -1 . wit .jjui lt. iir-nre .1 ibe t the uafrl.darilt a ,'a.e la ue to ti.a 1 aud every auc cat a His alieu defendant. or IbrtSe'fi dai t wiia r.U.rB t tlt 'vibe. ,tl.s I1 w .vb tbe ani ; is bro.f1 t, tiy time bifli' lh-a rtai or Ba'al t r';n; of tta coe. C le if'.i1-' ,,,r tv oi ii.e 1:1118 a 'iu!t 'tiira into 18 lixl c aa t..i.n tj ,if t u,i,Mi a. u la tit a ia tte cis Irict w.,fr ib tuit 1. i-ciidir.g and otie r g od aud ul Scirv: sn.ey fJr bi- fnie'irir ia auch t oarl. oa tbe arl cUy Ua,eaan.1tt.j'i.i.i p-e-a asiaiut b:ti and uf ail p, 3 f j. 11 n;i, ir-aaiotty, ani vtber td eat-i cauae ntjctii." v cowieinii'S f.ra ail aio mt lu there an e.rmi anl "'.- ape-.iai ball io tb cause, ir at-u 1 bail VI r,'i!.".ly oa t: a cu ty j, r. f r i no Tf t 9 0 lit - t ' f t. e re-itt-i.o iLerein ; and iiata.l La tb? i-f il .'. e rort lit tcc; t t-,e nfr,v !! - t-canae . i a !,, (' 4 c : u i f.r it re;n-va: ; ,;-.! r t,.; tl- it Uantiy utB fcU'tb4..a..-i,j; jtti 1 ! If ',' m t uitrcj ta a?or? (a u h tLitea atatet, tt ca-aa it j 1 !cre 1 -a:i a cantxraaitit bal tii-n trv ; . al l"'nii,4i!.n tta uffetiar.1 v to t'; 8 aUi!;j.,jui a 1 1- 4 j,., ,-.. j e t -(.. a. ta; ..tiaut cf ti.e : r.,'.j 1 1 t ty ite..tin.nas prtct -a aball t!.. t te r aoata 'Mi antw(r tha f.r.a! j. .:.: ; . t-a te; a to aacr Caal d?rri t te ev-ft la wit a ; -i -n r 1 If , 11 Srv 1 11 tf t; u j V-. t-. ' r:;i:::,i! r. j - XZ V . r " 1 ' t 1 -. a ii 1. ristf 1 : ...t - t ;iu ly t.i; .. t:-J. wr it cf 1 1 't tkt Ct t t i'i(, bt I I I I l 1H? I s ; .tt city ctae tta ' iri Trail4ir g j turta 11 ft'. .! ia . : .. It. In , r ,, f . '.il l. t ..r,. cr ' I 1 '.t : i e 1 1 1. .; in I t t . ia t-e .- r - f 1 ... ft - to I. Ail !' ih'.t e j t a ; a ?:ii( 1 I :. It '.i- -' ; d c a 1 i : i . -1. rf i 1 1 r t, i? - t - ta ttiiE.-tj iu : 11 . . '.It lli : I I t 1. a I f rt ai., i 1 t n.tir f P' t ? v ! - f . . -1- il iui i- ci .., ia c. j o u.. y : r , t .. k r i i.i a new contract w;m th ite-'. - aud. beM bidder r tue iiuerpsi of ihe govern aent. amonpst tboia hi.e prep sals Were arjectei at the lat npam is; of of ti J irr advertise for new rrr.poal, nnder tte resu Istiuna ?: .re e-.ubllbeJ ; au4 durlnj? the interval bich n.ay tha Le created, be ebi!. uader the direa -tion or -be j. tut cumnaittea oti wriuttcg r of the Sec retary tr tbe Interior, a above proviOJ. purchase ia open market, at tbe lowest market prioe, all aa:h papor nectbsary ror tbe public aerrlce. For aby m-cif-ar-e cf cost to tbe so'niaent in proenriag a sop C'y of pijer for th ueoftbo government, tbe oun tracUir ur contractor in derault and bi or their sac a ritirs shall be chanted wita acd held repn,ibla for tba t.'me. and baii be pio-ea..ied upu their bond by the aoliriUir vf tbo treasury, ia ibe naare of the United States, ju j.bO circuii court cf the Jailed State lathe ,d;itrk-t iif tue deraulttcg ooutraat r reit leu ; and to enabli taa avlicitor to do so. it aha 11 bathe duty ef tbe aopariutendent ot public prtntia; io repait to nlm tba defauld ou its bciaar, with a fall statement of ail tha facta ia tbe cafe: Aud provided, further, that the jorit coai aiit tea on public priiuiuj. or, durtns (be r ceas ot Congress, the Secretary or the I nterl r. be au thorized toemwower tue auperiateaieul or public prin ting to ruaks purchase vf paper, m vpeu ciarsej at the i ta est price, whacevr in thrir opinioa ibe qot'itny reuirel U so small, or the waat in so iimneaiate. a not to justify tor and award wf contract Iberetor. Sec 6. And be U turtber enacted, Taat all law or or part md law, joint-reMiiuti .a, or part of reoota tiiaos, coiiCictiug with tha aaove p-roviMons, be aud they are hereby repaalel; nor aball tbej.ujitrintetid ent or vutiic prlnuug any greater unmber of the re ports aantcd, caie other al. e directod by eitbbr bouse t r Coiifrrfs. ' . Approved, Ju'.y S7, " ' . IPulfc-jYo. 2SG la Aai to prevent the Wearing of the Sheath jjCnive by American Searaea Ee It erected by tb.e Senate and House of Reprea.'.n tative or ihe United Sute of America in Congress Asemiiled, T bat the txisting rpgnlatioa for the government vf the Davy 01 tbe United State . probibi'iug the wearing vf Sheath knives ou shipboard ia hereby I aud a:-; hca'j-e to ail . eamea in the marchaui service Ceca. And be It rarther rnactiHt, Tbal it ehaii be tbe duty r tb4 master or other tracer vl any thip or Tel registered, enrolled, or tiaea-iei a t ler t ie lawa of the United ttate, and cf tha owner or ether peroj atering mtp contract f.rj tb.o employment o a woamaa er oiuar aub..rainate up .ta auyaaca ahtv or veasfl, to Inform every peru-ofTeeisjg to Vhij biajseif of tha pn,vi, ,us or tbia law, and to require hi tbtrewita. under a peaxity of ar.y djltara r.a ea.u otaisui, io Le aued for aud recove.ei in tbe name ot ibe.Unnad S aies f America, uuoer iba direcuoit f tue S:ie:ary or tbe Treasury one Ualf tor tne beoctit ot tbe inroruier and tbe viber half tor toe be ie It r the fai.4 fcr tbe reiiei f attk and disabled aeamo'u. Appr.T(Jd, Jaly S7, ISCi. Puiic -Vo.279"j ,p Act ! Lsfarrxirate the Grnpra! Aosdital of Ibe " District ol Cvluiisbia. . H it tvuctrd hf t -r- ttn H J-iUte ttf Iirpr ti'n' i'l'.i i rf thr lfited y. tits juj 'Amtrit iti Cutt jrem irt mb!edt ', That Ja!f? ri Henry, Jjmes H Bail. Amos Kenaalf. T.iouiat X ilier V''al iacU . Oa-rg vV. Rl,'tii, arafun Tyler, Hen. y P. Cocje. Q W Vid-tletoa, Cba. Knaji, Hn tijamiti B rreth. Jania C iicG. ire. Cha II Niciois William p "ciI 'Uiiam Uarjt...n, Ed ward Jitarrn, .and fbtimss Yonaj'. and their iiucces...r in iKsa are beret-v ru!8.'darc'l. til ca H'icated a corpor.ti ion and b.H!y politic, is lawaui la fs?t, ender the rarjia ard atyieisr this O rmlr, cf the Geueral i llo-vital of Ihe Uistrict ot JO .iuoihia, and by that rum tt.ty fiian i.e. are riereny. riade capasle la law 10 sue ani be tue I, t tleit nd be iniyiet ie J, lu court wi.tun,y ui Washl-tgton iu He District of Col pmt is, to hara and 11 q a corr.moc aal. ar,. to al tnr',.iii sinni the f me atjie.ts.ire ,' to !.tve purchase tfvf ,,if ;?oitrsa. tlc:.j..y dry ejinV? ."a urN, teae t'ljnia. ti.iai. chstie's, nn.n.-'y 'crj-;.eiu. a: -I to rati ili-mi-i), aud ttij-,oe of the aaiae "111 each manner a (bey nay oeai mst for the interest tf tbe boi-pitsl ; p.-vHt,; Jbat t e a-rrjmtl ir.a tne forn fue irsj tel-i tr scat crpotation stall nwi ctccei ia raiae tae tara oftwei'.y oveuonsi,,! do.:ar. Sec. 2. Aai be It further: edacied, Thst the shaid ojrporail .n and body pjiittc shall have full power to app.-srt froi t ihetr own ixulr a pre&ide-ru aa.! mcit oth ero.a. or as tbey may tcem . ecesary fir tha iatpoe .i ine.r creaiino I a:ij in cao tf . :'; -J j . i :.: .v "' t. . : . 1. tl t tati; i .. . t-r r ia- be riea'.h re. .:na- lioa, (f rwui-at to ?ere of auy of tbeir num'-er. ibe Tf-.c.iia it 2 caemtK-rs shall e -t and arpint otbr rr f' : " 1J lif a C.f .;,i,3 r fcan mpif. n- hivit htf-i r. citi- r, a-.d the cursor ai ion aa"!;- have ju;?'poTr ! at ! all f.e rlr-.t-s cf cpeuiag and keep in a Bpaal in j 1 1 ii .. y t f V.-a-,t..ujt..m, lor tbe care of ich , wvua- 1 1, at.-t tuvsii.j person aa -aiay place tiem:ve a li r the r ar cf Slid corporatioa , and tbe pr petty tti4 tyss ! f..rr.?rt:c.u shall be Ceraiel ej.cii.-ireiy 10 tbe J-D'jlKJ. . vl 0-U LO:.pitlll, y- c ? Ard be it farber ecactel. That the f.'i cr rt .-tn. iaa ataM a-Lave aad enjoy let! power at.d "U'W.t? t maV 8'iea ty laws, r le'i,-;:; t re.; iUt.oti m tiitr tin !iis.esary'for ttsa gesse'al ao.ti -.: iisn:n'it of the tt ,c-i ef euca ij'.rit I Proviecl, Ibat t-ey ha Lot Ittx: w.ih tie laws 1.1 force mi tbe I rirt t-f I'tHtin bia ; Aad provilei farther. Thai Tti act tl . ti 1 I l.abli to Ha am dn I; d. cr re;. a c ! at t e ; I i tira tt ttcg-rsf. . Ap; -cvj- i,,Ia'y p, i:ri i An A.. 5a i:.e!ati.-n to tba I I t r ! rt Cotrts f the " i- tcl Slate tu tbe Spates ot Call: -.r.l Lou;. le it t-nc.oUi ty t Strife ii llju;t cf r' cf the I'mud Smut ef Ant"; i. '- C j :"jr,i atrjfui.'e t, ., : - - Thatir l JrJ.-'al u..,:.r i.t c! t'i5 Sttia v. . if., t'l.a sii-1 ti.a western dia-nf tl Loaiataua shaii i e, ard t'laaame era koreoy, atoUahai, and tere.u-r trs Si.l I --ae shaii retpscita: eoati;a oaa jr.. -raj - PtELic Ko. 31 ' An Act to amend the Acts relating to Gfflcerf employ ed In the Examination vf imported llerchanJ:se ia tbe District of Kc1 Tork, aalfor other purpose. J?e it enacted the Senate and Home of Jlep retcntativei of thi United Viatel cf America in Cuh- greteat- eemtled, That in lieu ef the appraisers now authorized by law for the appraUament of pcods, ware, and tnerchan. due at tba pirtof New York, ibe President of the United jEtaie shall', by and with the advice and cod sect of the Senate, appo int for said port oj;e appraiser, who baa had espo.'ience aa an appraiser, vr who i-hall be practical ly acquanted with the quality and value or someone or more ur the their srti le of -mjaortaut sub jeat to appraLiemeut, and who, before ha emets epou the daiie of his otiice , shall take and subscribe aa ocath faiihtnily to direct and surperri-e tbe exaouina inapectlou, and appraisement aocordiag to law, of so.h good, wared, and mere bandise a the collector may direct, and a i qereiu a 'ler provided for, and to causa to be duly reported to the collector the true vaiue thereof, a reuuirel by law: Piovbted, Thtt tho col lector small tiot. under any circumstances, direct to in vjiceO. and one package aa least out t every ten pack a;es of good ware, and iuercuarii'!;, -ttl f reter uumber shoald be, or the' at.praia;r,'or "iny a.ssistant appral.-er, deem 111 uecesigry r Protidiid, aevertbeies that when t rout the cu a racier aa i descriptioa or tbe Kc-od, wai-M: uO'l tueicbatidiae, the secretary vf ta Treasury may bo of jheoptuioaf that the examination vi a le-a proportion of package will aaipiy pcoteai tne reveuue, ne may.t'jr suoliiI rf-.'Iauoti, fl eet a l iiuuiur f pacataeto ?3uiiii-,.'i. Aa -tb apprai v er, created ty ibis act, in case of his neceisary" ml ccaiouai Bb-euoe, may pprtorn ti fanctaoa -ad in terim, by depu y, dosigoatcd by him iu writing, .rota tue acsutau. avirauer iu be siaroiuied uuder the pro vtriotu of tbi- act. S'ec.i and be It f urtaer enocted. xnat in ilea of tbe asai-daat app-aisers cow authorized 0r law for tbe re port of New Sork, the Secretary of tne Treasury may appoiut uot exceepioK teu assi.ieui arpraUet a for aaid p,ru wno have b j expencuca a appraise f wua abail be practical!, w ta qtlity and rai ue ei wue one ui more or the chief articles of Impor tatlou tubjeci to aporaisemeut, 3nd iLciuled autoug the good, ware, or uierciiaudise, u tho ezamiaatiou and appraieuj-ut vf which they tre rerecUvely lobe aawgued, aud wbo hau be empioytvi in appral-in good, actvrdiug t 'aw, under tbj direction and P o visi .a or tbe aptraiser ; aud f-cb of whom aba! I. before euierin;! upon tti-j du1- r t'f. ,8lc' ,'uo" hcribe antatljiiiiigentiy auu f.ithtuSly to eatmina and inspect auct, r.j,, ware, anl uietxaaodtse as tee ap rraiaertmay direct, an'4 truly ts report to hiaa the true value iuer,of. acco'ietug to law : such pepo.-t to be sub ject ia rav-.i( n inn by ihe appraiter, an4 wheu appruv8 t ty Bim t0 be transmitted to the collec tor, aud to i,e ,i;n?d end takra to te the appraisement hy the Linjtej States local "M-iier of the district or saca gooJ, ware, or m?ichand;s required by law. Sot. 2 Anl be it further e.ttc el t'.itt'one of the a-; stant apiri-ri to be appala ai by rlctua vf this act.wHh gpe- iil ri-fi 9n- lo a. a ;ut:iflcaUiri- -f the dirties i i t'.M se:tt".n s-t f .rth. aya I. i-t al-hit-o t . Jiia dniia-. f.iat may v r -ris al f 'urn '.y Vba req-n-red .-f bi ly tbeappr l?r, perf rm 't-e doile and act ia the m e ant 1 of the examiner or drum. LxMicUe. cneii.iat- '4 s-t forti,..t tue JJ-rt cf ,ew Tot k . ta prjat.ic-d uy ne a at or Jitaa-nty six eUbteo.i bund et an-i i'-'r.y-eiaht, chapter ae-'oiy sttd one of the'fiSistaat t baaoiK.iatel by r.rma of it.: act ,baii li ue aiief b tn sppitu-er J..r tb'e'depat tment far ibe esanilnatian of nieroaoadts daq;a9loa the v-ya?e ot Imdoti-tuou, ami' a far a practicible to make extminauon a d appraiser ot ach or anv oilie marcbandie a the appraiser may direct, x'Kt" in all ctses traly U rep rt to htm the ex tent c tych ditau'r, or the trn vaiae of tha merch. andif.'e appraised, a ihecie way be, accoreing Ut law such report to be subject ta tht same reviioa correc tion, and aprvwal oy rprai$tr, tid for the same piirpot-e, frausttiiiud so the collector. Sec. 4. And bo it further enacted. That In liea of tae clerks now empl.yd lu ibe examination. Inspec tion . apt rai-cmeiu of good, ware--, atrd merchandise at ibe port or New Tork, the Secretary ot' ilia treasury may, cn the nomination of tbe appraiser, appoint such of examiners as sail Irecreury may iu writoog determine io me necessary! their compeosf lion to be limited and flxel by him, but Pot to exceed ihe rate of twenty-five bunJred doliars per year, to ai.j ccn 0 auid arEistant appiaiser in tho examitiatioa, inpec tion. arid wppraisement of goad-, wares, and mercnan disc. aca.-r.iinj to iaw; and no persoa stsJi be ap pointed such examiner wbo is nt, at the tune of hij aprjointmenl, praciciaiiy and thoroughly acquainted with tte cboraoter, quantity, and value of tfce article or articles in the exam.-attioa' and "appraisement of which he is to be employed ; nor shall any auca exam iner enter' nycti tte discharge of hi datiet. as auca, until I.? l haye Ukpa and subscribed aa oath faiThruily and di!i,,-?Qtiy to a.scarse auca dutie ac -..r a -S to law , and tbe Secretary vr tte stall also appotnt, on tae iica.iaaiioa'--; p!u til. pan Trasry ai-pra'ter :n : 3 Ca i t r at - t-r: ii . t '' a 1 u 1 :.- t . a. 1 1 of tbs veriJers, packers, a'ul ciej.- t yraiser' oKire, 01,1a any ,,, l cr .f, and shall limit aai 0a 1 ; e : tion bat their coaapon,; - ries tt compeoaatmu cs'it r tv.-rvi --."''" .See. 5 A:.d bs it fnrttfr gnacted, -Tiiat it aaall r.ot be lawru I for tte appraiser, tne ai.-tant appraiiers esarr-ir.ers, clerk, vender, a ampler a, me.-ieuer. or other ierw.ii employe! itt the dtrptruea:e of a'poiais al, or st-y cf th?iu. to eniitf cr bo emptoyai cotn.rercta! er me'tbtattce buit;s vr act as ,-"itt far aLr te rson t"r r - 1 ia scch business, durm; sne t?rci vf it-i'.r sr'S:it.;at. i-fc. 5. 'iar ie it further ecacted. Thst tta sp V"1 ttr wha nay fce s: poitatel cujer tbe preris;1,r!t'i:f f : att ihail..receir y tvmpeaaatioa of four sboun4 : : trs ir oo uai, atid tbe asiftjrit sv-dntisar chill '-. h re-eivf aco!:ieaation v: ttree ti.ousarai diiars I 1' a' nun, io te raid oat of toe api'rprtaii-ins far de st".-. iaeesreues of colle.aiicg tte i c. 7. Ai.d te it f or-.ter onactfed, Ttat the corn j :-.-atioa C io' i, reypccurely, to taa sjra-asr aai 1; e 8'-. ..tu- t 8,-;T:sr, uader the pr-arisi-on eitbia a ..1, k. ...1 1.6 r4 .a ta t-e u la tiior.ltly paymenu, asd ia Cs pr.:cr ion far any parted let tbi caa gnonth f;r tha t;x thry rrsy tottiiiy rervs. to- a. . ..-a v.4 i articr taacui, 'Icit ci.on tho defj-cit of payment of tbe suta aforeaai i iato tho trear.sry tf tha United States at tho t. .9 be fore stV.e 1. ni l by er of said cities r by said county of Washington, tha said bi.ecretary of the Interior shall appoint a colleator for any such de linqueat city cqaottniy as shall have failed t a make ii payraacnt a aforesaid , and it shall be ths daty of said collector ta prqeeed with the collection of tho taxes as afor?aii, jn g!jch nanner and form as shaii be prescribed by tho Secretary of the late rior : or if either of sard cities or said cotiaty of Wa.yhiiigton shall nojloct, fail, or refaiai to a-ises sueb'tax, tae Secretary of tha Interior Is 'hereby authorised sal e spawcrod to uaaka sah lary aai proceed to its collection at aforesaid. Approved, July 23, 1355.. , - - (Public No.'239 An Act to inioiporate 'Tha. Soldiers' aad Sailors' ; UDtoo" f Washingtoa, L),' C' ' Ca it enacted by tha Senate and Iloaio of R?p resertatitss of the (Jcitad kjutfis of America ia Cooire.s Aa?enbled, . .". That 11. A. 1111, ViT. C. Porter, TfiU Shcrt, James Cross, J. II. Nitenjtl, D.'r. Curtis, L. Edaria Unpiey, 0. V. TVaa llaren, Wia, S. lcra, Lawrence Wilson, V'ua. L. lirAic'a ill," K, S Drtkia, U. P. Cuttar, Vf. II. 11. Uitcs, Ii. N. Rothery, S. U . Merrill, Cha. A. Apple, 0. A. Lskaabtna, J. S. r'airmtii, Jobn th oiuapaoa, Urf D Ciitt, L. J. iJryant, J. H, lray, Lmaa 6. Kmery, aad A, I. Dennatt, and their successors ia vSaa, ba and ibay aa hereby, inaorpcratei acd made st body po ints a cd corporate, by tha nam s of ta a "Soldiers' and sa iiors' Uaion ot tha City of Wasbingtoa, D. C. ," and by tsa: naaaa mar sua and ba ssd, plead aa d ba impleaded ia any court of law or eq uity, and uaay hare an d Be a common seal. and ex erci the power, rij bt. and pririiige incidea to suo'a corporations. ' jjeo. 2- And bait further enacted, That tha aiid lphoration ha!l be capable of cqairin, roceiria;"', uurirt!;r.ird conreyiaj 'real' ad perunal esiata, Iireice(jjn two huadnad thana dalUr in dopaa ; w hioa etate aiaall never ba led afca; atue txeaabars of the corporation but shall d:saind to tbsif succeors for the piouaattoa of tha 'ictor ests aad guDeral welfare of the aoldiara aud SAlor of thi oorpototion, who Ire serrod in the Uu.oa araay vr uary dunu tba Uta war for tha sappre aioti of the r'.bei'.ma, and tha roltcr and procaotioa ol tbtfj. jmJ a aa-d oroh in. boc. 3. Aa I bait farther eaactflJpThAt thi cor poration shall bvo power ta alter and amend tta constitution tad : l'rividel, Tnat taey di noicor.-.ct with tho it of the UaUad Stata, tr tha law of tha ajrparjtioa of lis city cf ff toh iajtoa ii. C. m. 4. And ba it fartaw eaaatsl, Thl stidi eorporatioa ahill n it tx-wou bsatta; ,pr.T;las, vr iai vr put i"u ciroaia-tivia any btai note, ptior, takea scrip, rt d -ri '-a, ta ba u-al av earransy. dc. 5. .ui t4 i;"i"iir ' aaacwd, '1ht Coa jrejg r::arreIb9 lihfJLa tltsf cr. repeal this, act at any time. . - ' AppoTed, July 25, 1S33. FUBL1C K. 2i2. . ' Aa Act trTa-atic Lani to ail la tha Coastruatiaa vf a Kailro-faad Telegraph ina fro a tha Caa tra.1 Piscio I.ailroaJ, ia Caiifarnia, ta Portlani, in Cretan. Be it enacted I f tte Senate and House cf ,Srpr entatK-et of the United Silatet of Amjiit int-on frrit tscruhled, That the -Califarcia aai Orcoa nailrcal ny." oraaiied unler aa act of tho State of Cl ilo'rni.tfto protect certatu parties ia and ta a rail road s-irre-r,"io connect Tor tiaal, ia Oregon, jtl llarjifillp', ia Califofaia,'- arprorei April sixth, eihrcea hundred sad sixty-thre?, ui saah 00m paTay or.tniiud calv the !iw cf U.-a;a? ag idia Ir-islatare af s .td Stais rhiir b3 jaaraafter Ueiti nate, be, aai thay a-e hereby, aatharir! aai ena towered to lay out,Jocate,. construct, fiaish, and kaiata'n a rsilraad a:i 1 lrafi lira btwe '-a tha ci ! tf i'wi i'. t i , ia Orejta. ini tha' Caatral i i.cif ic Ilaii'.ro? l,ia CaUicrnta. 5a the tr.aa fol'owia j to wit; Tta kisli ' Cai.'faraia'aai Orgoa nailrcad Company to co"V.ry-t fhhatprt tl- road aa d a. r -h v. t h ta t- a ..i d 0 i Ca.4jr&a b-s"!?alc a-1 s;aa poiat (ta be i!a:teJ by said eoatiysa .ha CaAl pAciaa l.ilroii ia ths Sacra-niicta valaey, ia tha Suta cf California, and ruania ther: a a .aorlharly, thraj;a the t' j:m::3 ta acd fth:..a vtileys, ta the aarthora b-aaliryaf tha Saato of CalifofiU ; aod ihe s.iii p-jca on f any to ctto'.ruct that part cf tha fill ra,,,;oal ar i t-rlo;n; b liaa wiihla tha State cf Cren, btl.a nlrj tt tia city tf fc-rtlacl, ia p.;-ra. anl tua B;r,j th-:a : athirly throo'i ti V'tl ttitis, Ctr.t-qaa.s 3 1 il: -aa i i ror Taiuy ths j.,- ,:;ra bauhiary ef yr " . a here tha r -r.-.a thill cansaot with f.'-.i ; .-.:t 5,".rci -:1 t It rr.aJ by tta Erst taraei cctrrar.y : If arid id, ThU tha con;-,r-y coutplallaj its i?.-;t'".r part cf taa sa-ii rai r.i aai taif'raf i troa tliher cf t s term ici lursha aarrtsl w tha 1:l betwesa Cs,l..jr.-.U ml Crr; .a befora tha :tf c-r-rrrsssy sh'l tara Sltawis: sr rived at the :aa line, shall baa tha riirht. an' tha sail rrpsty is baruby aatt-arigad, ta caai'.aaa ia ci.yu.i..aj tie satis bayoaJ tha Sina al";; liui i, fcith tba coasrat af tta State ia wtUa tta it.a j art ttaj Ls, ajea tta tarm r.t-:;;:!.i U jrts rf th Uiitii .,: sba.l cot aare re-'r; 1 a nt'rrily cf .; s t::.i la each becta, or if cl.h -,r ha-rr ?, shall have fj..'t I to tilta pr-veailn-i a rt-t -1 by th. ! s a .-., ; , joint s53Ti.bJy shaii t-n p tl ta chr r', r ' ia voce T!.;a cf ar cr.o'jri.r.l a p.v.. . , V tha purrcM afrrajaid, aai tha prtaa h,vi- j x jo-ity of all tha Totas of tha s-.ll jlt sj-'a.h'y, a rasjOT'.ty cf all tha raeatberi e.-rr-i ta t:u h?;r-i bate p;.etit aad ot;;r; stall ba dralaraj ti.lj elected ; ari ia case aa p-;:,a sti'l rr-lra s : x rasjcrlty en ita Erst . ty, the ; ;it a:-' -' ah t 1 neat at twl ra a'cloci, t , -r. l.Va,' cf s :-. -: : - 1 le day darijtha Sf;:i.ia tf tha . '- -. : v ' txha at ! tast oca rata' a a V. I a ser.iic-rs.Ali h 1 ' ; : 1 i. fcaa. 2. Ana ta n lartr-rr s-.-i, w ever, cn tte tseatiaT cf tta Is; .lat.ra cf Stata, a racaacy V.a'i ftht ta tha r-t, of saea. lenata ia ths s ita tf tha Uu.'.i said 1; !taaa stall p -r-'-d, ca thi ii). ;i day af;or Iha'corrr-rr ..: zl a-1 f".ali'.' its g!ss",c-8. ta eleri a per:. a IsZ. It v: - - tha tssaasr bereiahsfora p rivlScJ i.f'tta 1 . cf a ssi,.'?r f; fa'l tr-n ; ar ! if a r: - - , . , t:.S i or'iaii?i aa i tha - c -. , oa tret ta h 'i o'raa.iri aa 1 s .i tara z: ' Tar';:y: ' - i 2. Aa 1 ba it far.tsr e ba tha duty cf i -a javercorc art " r 1 . a .1 tare i ssa c ;er 1 1 "y I J c 1 :r. . a. s;ir i.i f :4 - ' il tha Prtjir.t tf tha adnata cf tha L'a: which eerfl'tata s": If ba c .'r giarataf7 cf iia cf to Sutr. ' Aprorod, J6ly25, 1233. Up. . - ' . i '. - - - - -r 1 of tuo Uai .rtd" ; a taa aata-t shall b tr.ta portai over said r. ai at the cost, cliarg?, and ex peases of tha corporatloai or eoaapaais ywataj o cpsratiaj the aarna. whea so repaifol by the gor ernmftnt f the Haifed rttatis. tea. 6. And bo ie fur'.her auactcd, That tha said cotapnaias hl! to vnair asstt.t ta thu aot ia tha Deptrsmont of tba interior withia one year ef ter tha rnssaara hereof, and ihU ca ap!r.a ihe Erst section of twe&!y mile of said rai'.rotd ad tele graph withia twa years, and at loast t-veaty ra'tles in each yoar there tfasr, aad the wnala on or bfar tha fratdsyof July , eras' taottwri I ;;ht fc;airai and soavnty-art; ftcd tha said railroad ahalt ba of the siuaa ;ju2 tha --Caatril Pactd? ls.l.oad', of Cali for-. ia, a-J becoa ieated tbarawittt. Sec. 7. And ba ii farther en acta I, Taat tha sail ccmpaaia nruiad ia tha actara hero J rapalred ta opontta and u9 tha portiaa or pft tf til rall-r..-ud and telsjraph raaation-rl ia iti'.'. : r 0-1 tf thi for a!i pa 'poe of tnansp-arttti-ja, triTal, and coa tnunicati.aa, ta far as she gore.-nta sr,t ani ' pablla are t - r-.rd, a ona roi;r-.a 1 1-S co-iila-:;-:! Jina ; 0 i ia such operatioa'aal U1I li athTj; 1 aai sec ure ta f ach oth - - - 1 1 1 v-a - - j - r i fo",3iiiea t: y'os, tlrr . .i. t.-a-. r4:a.-tii.-a, witaoat aay disci........ 1 .s naatercr, va p aia tf f.rfait;: ; tha fall amot-at of ditnaje tastaiaej ta t; ::---'e? such. ditcrimiBatiorj, to b srti f a 9- S rs : v'erad in any cenrt of tta Uraiu-J S:ati?, ti c ;a.;t.r.2t jariiitctitn. Se;. 8. And t it farther tr.aci :i, ia cjt. tba said campasieg shall tail ta ctrrp'y with the term and conditioas req'a' by c ; t E 1 ; ; j tboir asset $ tbareti aa proridsl vi ar:ti)i six cf this act, cr by not eompiatia; taa 1.431a ai p'aril j ia said saction, thi act sh i.U ea r.ajt aai ri I. a- ail the lands not eonreyud by pv.oi.t 0 alp co paay crCtrapaQ;cs. as tae ir,y my ba, a tia ofanysuth faiiara, shall fyrt ta tbe L'aitel rStato. Aaliacaia tba said road aai tolersri liaa shall nat ba kapt ia repair aad lit far aa, fi Ur tha saaa shall b baa catalutai, Con -;a,i raay pss an act to put tho saaa ia reptir aai'ma, aad may direct tbr, itojuaa of said raitrja 1 at i tl egraph bo ta b thereafter derut; to tha Ucital Matarf, ta repiy all axpeniitures caaaad by tha da faul aai re.-;.fct of s.tid cwmpsai or eitbrr of thoua, aa tltq casa miy ba, vr taar x pecasiary reponibiiity, tact axcoelm tha Aalaa of tha laaii" graur.ei by ta. aot. Sec, Cf. Aed be tt further en act 3. 1. Thtt thi said ''Califora aai OreSn ittilroad C-axaaay" a'ai tha said "Urajon Cvmpaoy" shall b g v.Qal by tha prwuior. of th gaaaral ra'ro li ij s'elejrap't jw of tb air rc.-pjctiro 'i'uu, a ta tha oanttrua tioa sal taaa-j .aaat vf ih said!. ersph iiso bexeiaociora aathontt'i,')? al! l. t - n . ! jtci s ;i i 1 a tr.s i ta t not p.-orihisd for in thi act. VVu-ireve- th unlrr the .luti ts aai -cx .1 poj" or " ss cei ia this act it stall be iantr.c'.u4 t aabra;a tha wrii thslr asitjoiavi , a iaatiJor, aa t .5ia;a,'? tha t r. at if tha wcrls ba.4 aa iriiM-vad', vf tr-i.o'.o snutil. S." 1). Aai od it furthar e-ttctal, Tlxtt til to'.acral Uali h tit b axaapt-! fraa th eparaiiea cf thi act; bat wbera tha raa ahih coa'.tio tiia ber, sa raiti :h of ths tiaibor ths e a as sh tli ba rs airei ta construct aaii road orer s;h 3s.iisr4 Uai i h.;rtihh g -an tod ta sid otiyir.'.ai ; Pfrj. ded , Thas the tarta "Eiiaaral laa !i" shall sat ia el'aJa Linda eaatatnirj coal aad ir n- Saa. Ii. Acibei; farthar enact!, T. i t-1 said corr parties Lata el la this act sha!i ehula the canscut of ths lei-.latures of th-iir rrsp'ir'.iva SUtes, aai bo rroverned by tha eutary rraU tiocs tbsraof ia all rpaUers, p?r' to th? riht cf "vay, wheravar the said read o-i tel.-rraph liaa stall ravt pi.; over or ttrhoh the public iar.Jl cf iba Cr.ited Siiws.. Sec. II. Aad bo i frrthir ensrtcd, Tat Cca--rres m&y at any tinsi, fca ricx das r-j tr 1 f.r tha ;at ii t: . -1 ' : a a cf ?.;- :: a i!..3 ct t.. i-r:' y afier tha 1 - - t a : ! .5 f: . - r , j- w f L., Pallic ir An et ta ftaltartga tta crrr'..-! -Ira ef rid 5?, aai ta .a.lll.h ttraai ih :; H. . X's it tnedd l-j ia of RtprescrJa'ivti cf it Unit: I lir.zTz ir. Cc."t::s h;;ir. Tht it stall ba lawful f r -y f -5 corapaay ereoryo a't-a. :n. State of I Mir i'.it ni ! bail i enJra acro'S thai:il:a cy, !''!"',:!, ard ta lay cn s-.i tvar railpay tracks, 'ar tta r era x -ar.y railroad that a.'s cr .. t I t J c tha said river at cr arpoir s.-il p:!; fibaa coacirua I all tralij cf all r:a ties at said river, st or c", .:?': said po;; --':' -t .lit ;-.-; , i I..rr : hi S elhawai to ?'. sail br; jroTi.'I- Aaitact'sc: f.-5 4 t f 6ts:?a::l -.3 cr a'.1 f ra tt? ' r. a cf i' 1 r'. .rid bt.'.ra t-a il. '-:'-. '.t e . cf S'i. In v. hi h - y ti:-t crl1 :.;'. h,;.' ' Sie. 2. Aai b it f a, -fry tha ? 1 ' tr IC" r : r-1 , f - I thai 1 ; rtsr.e- , shall ts brii at t ta '? ta; t ; . rs cf 'I, :h a : r- c r i eomrkuits, add to, A j prort i, July ; ter, a-Giaad, or-rep-sal tslj act. 1 l.vJ, Aa art tr chaoja tha ITa-a of lialdlr' Cv-rt ia tta 'cr:hirn Diitrict cf Ceor-ia. . ' Tit it nactei ly fie 5 r-r,'f cti J.'o-a- c f Iierreten far n.'- oj tit Un: i:::is cf A-z-.-.z; ha t'c"r: Ttii: th d;a..-i;t ercrt thi C X ti : j r- -. . rs all r.T It Lil 0" Ge-arpa .iiitU.r r Miria ti : s. is herf": 3 rpal ta 1 r-v.-orl fc : to Atlanta. . a - 1 r..i sr. i :rr - a t ? i cts t i J r-rtara.'vb'a ta tha caart he at ri-rr.itU fhall ba Uhei ari c -.. - : abls to tha court al Ailtr.ti. Ay;rars-, J a'y 23, la 5. .r.tia rac-.-.tara dlstrirt cf t ' 1 at Atlanta, i 3 s : ' t, i i I Jtcri : fr ;J. '.' F-rri -rn-.:ta ill r ra a t.-'i uw: a c'to: I ir:J' a lar- "il w t -1 J :. s ts a d.-ishr'-' draw, cr Hi. a t '; rr - spaas : Frit lis ', That if la sail t, maiawlih aatrtken aa i c-r.'.Iaa ;i not "0 a of la.'s e'aratian ia nay e-? t: aooTa extraaia ba-wa: .r f,:". tha poiat of location, ta th t , briJ, cor shall tte fa-j 'f i ttia two banir?! &al E.hy fSit pierscf sail briij bi r""' rsst vf the river, aai tha ,4 t thamnia ebannel of t'ra r ' a - three buairsJ frt ia h : .' i That if arty bri J ) ball; u a ,. . r t .. i eonstr'acted as a u-aw bri-, th coastra-rt; I as a rir-.t dr?"-Jrs ? tha Eaiachr-- - cf i .a nVer at aa tav.ihla p o;at, aai wl;'a sias cs caa taadredaal sixty ti ia Is?-; on f r-.-h f'la rf tta c -.'.rai tr 'ir, Jl--. is urair. a a a ai.r a it s. i. r: 1 a ; t . it all set b J U ti than tf a bar aad f?li 5; r ; all - j l..i abc-ra Ij-'n-a'. r r - h, aai - Ml si iv 1 i ' at I -:f il.a 1 li 1- a , a ; 1 tea 1 ths c :r , ta ct. h a ;, 1 V !- a a a . '-.rtr . a . -. 1 : . ; ;'a sa tr :l -:1 r t i l ;'. 9 -ai f.'.y rr r.a..- 1 . - tara chord tf tha t bri ths"! h s xi.' rir?r : r i prrvi i cvrtei p"a f t'Jt-i cf t- i ? :'1 as ta !ra . a 9 y cp--. r . : : r ' P 1 :" Yn f 1 , 11 la t j-tr.ti-,; ta A. Eittrr tr; ?: :V. rf ".'ay r.d g anti-"' tthe? Prir;': '--t u ali m. ths C-.a- $ re", : - el a vr ths Caaatcrlt L- .1 j a ! t; tr urfva rv f s eTi;rt vf f.i (,'- ui An iit S las?, fcr tta parpoaa cf tta ra-s:ra r.l -1 cf a 1 d;t iiirj aai err':-r;s tis::i ta t-d E a 1 ia r 1 . -' T f. J SUta cf r, iti icti -!' I' ; ,? .- ; . 5 :.y cr ! a c -a t :j 1. 1 9 c v c r ths i . A r.l : r - -. s i ;a os - ra a a ;i')r in!. . a..:.' . 4 . Arc f.lf fa-f ir tl: 3 all h a as . t r . -, L i . Z ti :is p 1 rrs c f "fat t! .IT :-t a t:vl z . ' I r t - . ' r ' 1 -. ,. :' :.. 1 I - it 4 -J - . a t a :ic; ft ' as: . a 1 s . f a..uAv i.ii -.jv 4,a -wte .. ; k y 0 . ... ..; 1 ' .' t . . .. '" rs " t r