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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1866)
r -- t ; t! MM V4 f 4i LJ .3 vi -.. 1 ? to ctjurst rrcAc2 trrrtA, as fmm V VWM CWV 1 a4 .. kre itcic m4 IMsf-saurA rs.url. THrT neve ...- east. M Rto& f--f r. Ilo. V2.H aV&GMV,t:Isa were ' 1 y r.e lrrj-'; ntle i vl rti.e. If Is n.U I tnt ;.t. liJrUtJiH HTuMAiil HIT. ewrVdri- tb -rcpvie a a,st t r , an eZa'Kiat tu-l(i awt. arj Ca tost ijTwvli' k-.?vn ti a.r'.L UbtWCK'i MTTtH slic.U w u4 I y t't::tkWci-t.t in atrecgt )-. It p r..i "h !.;.U strja Cwi.v-s sue IIXW. allatrfrt ff II West and ftwwUi 4Uere, C-r n lor.- Unr, ln iiv , an art ! of HTuM.VCil BirTKKrf, wv:i-li, tf UUcti in prp-r Qaai kihI C the pre.rrtiine,.ro act pUTe U iUaawa i'rver. lr a4 Ap I.'eev CMrt4.-int. T- T A t iU tUUie rpN. Ihi mmg kw n nxlT. Now tu( A.', Wi r 4jr, hrr9 wi.l ttmMuia mik-g hmiton in lit A Mi. N nba liwM LIji i.fc fiiKL. J go tUi rm C IH'KTlF-rt of tU rt m l HoutH. mv .( Ihn MionixKipiii hii tit 4 irilli hu-h fiiiwikiiiil nrii ifticii4 Um.Ii is Um uri:t o( h tvunj iinfl Af feti, or m It ! mr rrJtal K4ir Hnntftch, iumI H 1 1 rwr ni rrtne ly (Turn Willi's StAOwh It.(tn. Tliry mc ill it itiin'inra to nrrcKt tli rot;rriit (nit VMh littin port-fn. A urr curt Mil VtHlT it to Uf (wuu4 IN tW f lr. IfrtWU-VH PTIKITINA. wn vmK IK ftiwl itiTtirorwtp itc l'-iw-r, ktUm Uood be Ihiu, the a wiin-r. I'cn o inr1riiJ rcmlr tlmuVJ l (n erjr fiuni'.y. KrpU iijln iaitiil !i(or U noiliinx it lo h nurtxl inMn Awm r rhlm. Till! Kr.I.UIU.K. tK bt U ilormri l.r fHifthsnf M2j ft qniwok oiniii) rHrrhiu iom mhor Nit Dr. KOHACK'S irOMACII I'-ITTKltS, wti h f Prtm. ml4 t4 t)t fvureit dmpi, m4 ia kl .b tk r&cwj cad nlj. ABB rZITOE, T7ALT01I & C31XPAHY, . . -. cois rsorxucTous. 1,jit ca and c i7kir frt ttrt Ct!i Iry til lvjjUCt tnd 0:!:rt In P!:r.t Msdislnes EVERYWHERE. GEO. A. PRINCE & COS a - S3 Vr!ftli. with. FatA&t D&sto Tannto aw Bob CCScbool Organs and Melodcons. EIrrsat Jleietrood, TTatnut or Oak Cases. V CAar e for Bo ting or Shipping. UT 53,CUQ fiOTT III 180.32 AIT tLLUSTSATED CATALOGUE, en UtC 'H mptioa of ity ! od let limoulatt of t eatat MlitBt, to tb mprrior exrtl. la ( mr Utrut be it en at this Oiflc GEO. W. HILL & CO V la k. m 7 rr at t'OTinn Ta-KarltlK ITalca. Ellen Allen, aad Uataaw AU. Tea htby otifiHl that Annie Wekh, Mru(4iiiM earaa J. nticMaa 'le4 retittion 1 la lruWat 9rt of Kcai4h CooDtr, N tbraf ka tia .fiaideort tax-Iltba Eatt bUf r tV - V tait jatrteraf hatin tftiwo in 7- tr,9rtkr Kup 1 j tlt, UaMi ! , Prn-tba Ctty, Ketaka Territory, bai a r i'iti wiU Va fr karif tb 13th dj f ' . ' O.W. FAIRBROTHFR,. 114 Tfil Frvbat Judge. TTtiiitxa! V7hisicis!! "T f. L. 0. l!0rrii' Cmli; tka raatat Himn r ia Ut arl, will force H hi,ktrr or Kottaek fTw a tk eaootkaet faee thin: aevrr raUfa4l. 8atBj4 for tril aant fr i Uf 4nroM of tactic r ita aieriu. Addrcw. 4 la. Emu A Co, 7 KtHBi t.f jf. y IIUEOSEN Cz GASS i A5D CCFITS tOlLERS.GLUS fOTS OIL, Atl tke CMUtirar faltr taar berj laaeariik lamtafHi. T Ga artia la-tl tramkl. as4 m taaa expeua ttaa fcr -4 i y.iaerrci. A7tU!t Bft8tatsr4 by tkle Coofaoy it 'rtataai t ferfora a,! tkat it eUias4 for it. Mibeai far Cirettlar.f X1rl PaeMal te tl JVrfa. ' "HOSE!! LAMP HEATER CO., rfc ITAr.L BTREETrK Y. Jf.r,I:l Ut8 mentbg s4l r:-A7C KOIICE. ! f ?t i ' to all reraaet !atrate4 . i : i cetard tka late Will ia s s;a amevsta lor final oiie t 3 Ust iSoBtir. He &a tiarof i.t. l..tatld'cick A. M.. ta toe time lr tsaBuaisf ana a'lowina ta aarna. 6XWS.&S W. rAt&aMLOIQCA. jlj 1 i ' 4 , ( J ' n -:iTmir-"iT 1-- """ AForiimciu.onc f)av. Great Excitement, HSOaO O O la Greenback . Real Eatate A Ooodj TO BE GIVEN AWAY1 Tickets selling very Fast, Unparallclled Success!!! Evejylodt Anxious Fcr AhanzcU Splendid Lixt of Premiums to be cUililbutcd Gratis Co me lloici ers ortbe Titkttx for I lie GRAND GIFT MATINEE! 1 prcBilBm ia Orccctaska J0,C0 t premium a Iloa -o ani Lt, rituteJ oa itarrj New York, al the mod ern in.prv.Tiuoti ; tuljirf et aod guar anteed. 40.G0J X j-retaiun, a Frzn nituateJ at Moniej, Rnck land Co.. 'ew Yotk, lj hun fnut Sevt York, 10 oiinatea walk truia the etatiun, eostaiairg 70 acre, (QV fruit bearing . trees, aplee , pan, aid acrea f large tin. bur, balance in graa aul enp good feacea, large fjriigf, FUljitig a ' caegaifioeBt fi-b wd1 aod aj loudiJ trut icg brook. ruBDia urvwt the whole prop erty ,Cllrd wiib Cnc tn ut, k-h1 drlli: r . koae, 10 roomi.l large barn, abe.l aiJ bay loft, 1 granary acJ carriage b uie Ivwer to,t Sited bp aiid ureupi d by farm er. Lea coup, pig p-n , ouro crio. Urtn iia plcneBtf, earngeregoa boraei,2 xea i cow, piga, cbukeii.-, do nAc; title per fect end ganraatreJ. 1 proojiuoa ia grccnbaeki, V 10 i U ID - Piaaoa (Stcinway'a and Uiiickrrin 5,t)U 43 u Kew.BgMachiata.f WbcelerA Wil- oo a Wriri;r k lUkers aud Singera) 20 p'eBiiuta Gold. American, l'atenl Lerer Huotiag Caae wolcbf, 50 premiama, Silver l'atect Lcrcr Hunting Cafe Wttcbea, Tbe baluBce to be tf Diam nd King, Al bumf , ftlurieal Inctruments Silk I) ewca of the letett ftunionnble putternn. Kid Ul-Tcf, Writing Caaen, Silfer Tea Sett, and other valuable article loo iiU'oer.u to meutioo, 2,10- 1J500 9,109 One Premium to each purchaser of Ticfot THE GIUM) 31 ATI A EC. ill ako pla n Monday MaroU -d. 1007 it.t itie tivo.i ti d-mu.v xvoonis.Nc.v x-n, At TlilcIi time and place the Ticket Holder Wilt appoint a Committee of liiilcr eated parlies lo dlslrib ut one hundred and fifth thousand dol laiNtvorth ol'ial uablc property A b t. ile crib d No Postponement to take place on any consideration Eack Ticket Holder' nam ill ba dule regii tered, and ahould the partiei not b able ta attend the distribution, they will be informed by mail ot the gift they are entitled to TICKETS ONE DOLLAR1 EACH. CLUB KA'IES. 5 Ticket to one addreva for $4.50 10 Tickets to one ad drew for 0t" 30 Ticket to one addrof for 17.5' 50 TiekeU to cae addra Tor 2, lb 49 Ticket te one addreie for 35.0' 51 Ticket to one addretsfor 43 50 100 Ticket to one ad lreu for - . 85 00 la erery eaae.rend tbe name of each rub-enber and their Poft Office Addrei. wi;h tbe Town Coaaty and Sate, in ful'. Money by : raft. P. O. rder. Eipresa.or in ltegitercd Letters, ma b. est at our ruk. ACENTS actlre and reliable agrnta wanted in erery towa of the Union, with whom liberal ar rangement will be made. Ltdie are invited to form clue and aend for t'u keU, for all tbe property irru'd be a uaeful to them as ike geutltmcn. The best reforence will be furnished on appli cation. All peoont wishing ticket or inform t tion will please add res , with full nam. Cvunty plai&l writtea to J . J . A I M M S , Manager and Ag-nt, 64 Kasu Street, New Yoik ' ' What the FieBa eay of us It bears on its fsee the atamp o' an honed bu- 'ines transaction, and we doubt not thai the lint latrons will speedily rsach tbe numb' r r-quir. d a secure an early d stribution, Emton j Journal, Aagaif, 1st IUVV. "The plan I a gnod one, and the induermenti unequalled Nodirtribution guarantees more jr' nial atifctioo than this on, and it is no wonder the proplepatronifs it. UaHmilU2i. Y)kdtrti r, Aug. i IEM. MThe proprietor of a Great Matinee in New York City t promises cash and other inducemen t enough to set every body ermy after a ticket for fortnne. Everybody, of curre, cannot win. but omebode must, and the lucky one will make f. r tuae. rRM (Uitb.) American. Aug. 3 166 S. Wl are not partial to so called Gift Enterprises. becaue many of them are gotten up on false or fallacious speculations; but when. na in the pres ent instance, there ap ears a souna basis. ard whn the ensrscter of tbe parties ensured and the lecnp Uon I pi lir pnn m Uisc'iTy iodicenen a to tbe public we rannat i'u-e to i h the dutiiou.lun fuil ucces Wrrt (Jbis) Comtitution. If wa can add to thorn a t no or 50 001 or a nice bona or farm, who'a har met br the expeudiluie. A furtnne in a nisat i worth riskiuf iU iiaaipi ror. WJfiinburg (4a) T'grap Faint Heart never won fair lar," snl a lockr hit win aei a nun up iu tia world, ti.i 1 u,t conniler- auon mat iitauce people to "trr their lock" and we bop tbe "o est man may win," The euterpriie sppeirs aoua i ana pr..mines atrici inteznty o ditntiuil m na ter ite anpervixion of a chorea c -mmi fee. C';y of ajj""" xrcicfni. au. II, iota. Sept 12 6uj 'MASTER'S SALE. Kotice IS hen bv riven, that, br virtu nfannr der of the District Court of Nim..ha Countr. N brrn-ka cb tint rr .f ,h Ituuir ft tr i n.t Antnn . . J - - . . U - J. .: m -- u uiuii. tuauv mug .Tpriii rm A. Um loOt. I will on Monday the 1st day of Oc toW.AD. 1866 at one o clock P. M.i.ftVr fo f ale, at l ublie auction to the high-st bidder tor eah, at the Iroiit doer oi McIW,n Hall, ia the Citv of lirownville. Ne maha Lt-inty, Nebraska Terriiorv, (tho plnce wuere ta last term of said Court for said Count was held ) tbe South East Quarter of Section len ill)ia Jwwnabipaix (6) North of Banj: fourteen 4) Eat. ia Nemaha County. Nebaask Territory in van under say hand ibis 30th day of August, A. S, 1509 CHAtt. U. IJvK!r.T. Master in Chanoery. GROVESTEEN & Co., PIANO FORTE MANUFACTURERS, 403 nroadiray, W. Y. TITS ATTKNTlOrTofthepnUio and the trade ia invited to oar JlVi Srat, S-rtn Oct art. Iiottwctd Piano FuH. which for volume and tu rity of Una are unrivalled by any hitherto offered ia this market. They eoataia all tho modern iin- proveoeaU, French grand action, harp pedal inn frame , ever-strung bass. etc.. ate., and each in strouant being made ader tbe personal supervi. ion of Mr. J. H.l'KOvrsTKEK who ha a practical erperimenee of over thirty jfar in their mnufao ture, i fully warranted in every particular. Ths Gravcctcca PIANO FORTE Received tke highest award of merit at the cele b'atad world' , whra were -xhibited instru meat from the bat maker of London. Paris, Uer- j maav. Pbiladalshia. ilosVim. liavltt York ; and also at the American Institute for five successive years, the Gou and Siltk Mshsls from both of which can beaeea at our ware-rt mi. ! . y tke iatrduotioa of improvements we mak a tti'l more parfeet Piaao forte, and by raaanlaot. arieg largely, with a strhtly cab syrteai, are eo a bled to o?or these instrument at a prioe which will preclude all rompetition. Our prices are fr,m ttJOto $230 cH taper thaa aay first alua 1 iany-forta. l iKJl.-n Cash in current fuad, Descript-va Ciretlar seat frea. J Ely in IZU b jar IU 4 Ce. WlllrtKElOand MUSTACHES forced t crow unon the smootkest fce ice in fr m 3 t ij uinj5 Uf. f E'S RES- y to 5 week by SE VI S ti TAUKATUEK CAVIL- LAKIB, tbe mt won 4 derful discovery iu modern science, awting upoa tbe Beard and hair in an almost mirsu-nlcus oaniier. , It bx been uaed by tbe delite of Pari and Luiid-n with the most entering rsoces, Kamca of all purchasers will b registered, and if entire satis faction i not given in every Instance, too rione will be cheerfully refunded Price by tnail, sealed nd postpaid, SI. Dicrriptive circular and tesri moo ia's ma! led tree. Adire KEKOEK SHUTTS & CO..Cberoifts, No 285 Kirer Street. Troy, N.Y Sole A;cnt for the united State. 34 oin. BEAUT Y. Auburn Golden, Flaxen, and Silken CCKLS produced r by the use of I'n-f. Die - 1 p L t) I J I'll I I 2,9 i wiLtr.1,4. uneappn T f cateon warr.mtrd to curl V th" mof-t straight and stubborn bhir of ruber rex inU wsvv ringlets r h-vv tnassiri? curl. t Ih been UM-1 by tho fashionables of Paris and Lundr. with the most gratifying results. Does no injur to the hair. Price by mail, sealed and pistpaidfi Discriptive cirrulnr unilcd fee. Addrs. UEU EK. SIICT & CO., No WK r r Street. Tr. N Y. H.'le Agents i.r i he United Staes FREE TO EVBRYBODT! GU DE TO HEALTH AND BEAUTY " ' Ju.' Published - ! 5 It facbe b'iw torn t- i veTnn. Fro Pimptri fj o eh-, Moth Ptcb , Sa!l nei, IJnj,.tioii, .nu all impurities t the skia : h iw to mu4 tuo rn.i lo-ivin 't w its lad oar a -1 nas er ; liw i rroduc the fullest dsvt-1 taunt f iliC . c u ilo I mu asprio csiby ttie ro c'i, ciu-dig ibo bin t gro ri.uj 1 full, .ud f ho mini on oojii lort br ad ling, lacing r u.aterni:y. .estoriu it t in re thu its original fuhiets, tiriunesjiiiU b"uty It teaches how to reduce the size of ihe hands at, feet : produce Ci rpulencv or the reverse: rcmiv superfluous hair . Cure Corns, Worts, and Mol renew ymr ce i curj D'onkiiLss, ( ar.irrt.. Iiyr ipjia N-rvou)ibi!i y. &. h w to t'"S uiite ai,d giiin the 1 v and affc'tin of a-iy pi r.oa tou nis h 'Jf tog ther with o!b r sef'i1 and taluable in fomttio i. .i younx L-idy .r ge.iti man rhoulii fail to litsnd ttier a idr t to the u lersigued and re Dive by return mail n. copy ol this valuable work ia Seal-d envol' pe free nfcliargo. Aldfdta. UKKUEK, SHTTI'SA CO . Chemirt. 34 r,a 2-S5 L'iver Si reel Tr.y. N.Y KNOW THY DESTINY! MADAME E F. Tmokxtos. ih great Englir stro..L'it. L'-trvoyn. and r.choinotrician.wlio hams'omshej thd scientific clause of the Old worl. hns now liK-xtcd tu-ttelt at Hudson, N. Y. Mn.iuia Thornton posvs. e" such wonderful powers of so- oiiil sivh'.as toiimbie h. r to iu)i:ri triitlid;' of the greatest imj- rtunce to :hu ringle i-r m.nrieo of either sex. hile in a tate ot trance, she oe lineateii tuo vTy lentores ol the person you a e ti- m irr,stnl by tbe aid of an instrument of inten- poW T. know n ns the Psrhotnotrope. j;unmntce? to prduwa lite-like p.orure ol I be fi.ture husband o wife ol the applicant, together wiih !arc o!" inr rriag. poritiwi in 4ile. Icinlini tmits ..f ch irictei Ac. Thi." !. n humbug, u tli., usiiiid- of te.-iiiu nia Is can assert She will re d, h n derird. oortiaod eertifiji'c, or wri'ten guarai.tce, thai tin pi iturc is what it purports to bo. liy enclosing sra in loeK o! bair. aii rtating plncp of birth, disi osit'on nod ci'Uiplexion ai.d cncloring 5 cm' anistamfie ei.relopi adlreisd to M.urelt.V" will receive tbe plctur-and d-sired information b return mail. All oommu iiosti. ns s.-icred eonfidc; tial. Address, in cOafidn, MADAME E r TAOU.NTON, P O. Hox m, Hudson, N.Y. CHASTELAR'a WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL. Fvr Improving and e tSeauiifyiug Coin;lxioi' ins roost valu.tbie and pertett irei.srti u in u. i'or giving the akin abenbtiiul pearl-like thst.tb i is on! v t'.unJ in youth. It quickly ri.uv.rc Ian trecklcs. I'iuiplei, Ulotthcs, Moth Patches. Sui lownes, Fruptions.acd a 11 impurities of the fk n kindly healing the same, leavinx the skin whtt e a t a . a ana clear as aiaoastrr. It uo cannot be dct c - cd by tbe closest scrutiny, and being a vcgeialb- preparation is perfectly burm'ess. It is the onh article of tho kind ustd by the Freio h, and -" nicred by the rarisian as ind.sncnilile ton ix rt.'. t oilw't Upward of 30.1 00 hot t leg Were soid .lur.. ihe past year, a sulScirnt jruiimntee .f its ffi. Price only 75 cent. Sent by mail, post-paid, ,-eoeipt of an order, bv UEIUifcU, SUUTTS A CO., Chenists. 34-6m 286 Itivcr St. Troy, N.V TO CONSUA1PTIVK. The advertiser, having tjeen leri- red ro health a few weeks by a very simple rem -dy, uter h.ivi suffered for several years with a severe Imig aff'?. tion.and that dread dl.ele, t'o'inuinfiti .n -N anv us to miko kuown io his Iclluw-.suflVerr: tK means of euro. To all who desire i . he wi I send a copy uf lh prescription urd (free if h;irge ). with the dire. tion for prepann ' and u-ing the snuif, whieb t- will find a tore cure f r Con-iimptioii.sihma, l!rot t.hitN, Cough', Cold , snd all Throat a..d Lun A 'e iion. ineoniy oojcci oi ine advetU'er in s i. ding the I'ri s-nption is to benefit the afil ctod, an rpread mfoimtinn which he conceives t be ;nva table, and he hopos every suQVicr ill try hi rum 4dy, as It will cost them nothing, and mny prove binding? Parties wishing the prescription, free by retu mail, will piease aJdre Hev. EDWARD A. WILSON. Williairibur, Kin! ('n.. New York. kuijohs of youth. A (icutlemnii who 8iiIToied for voirs in. in N rv A nn Deb lily, Premature !vni,nd all iho ff-ci. of youtbtul mai'deiion, will lor the sake f .uflr i ing humil ity, send free to all who need it, tho r reipe and direetii n- fT mMkinc the -iiuple rcmndj by which he whs cured. utfcrers wishing to prof it by the advertiser a xm rienee, ran d bv ad dressing JOHN H. tiiiDEN, No 13 Che.-nut St.. New York. STRANGE, BUT Tit UK Kvrv voouir ld khi ucuMt-iiiitn in t it e Liiiu-rt Status cn hear MiUieihii.K very uu li t their d vaut.ig- by return, mul tree f chHrge),by address in :r th r-iirtid. I ha Vine teapot bem hitinburt'd will oblige by but n ticm thist ard. All ..iftnrc will i. lease udd'os I heir nh-ilii-nt stvi. illOS. F. CHAPMAN. $31 Ur adw.iy, New Xork 3- M. P. 23-ly ' Hannibal & St. Joseph ON MliSSOUHI U IV Eli. iri-wetaiy nicKets ( HnniDai ana M. Joxrpi K. K. Uine) 'enve Uuina, Uouncil lfluQ-t nat Kuth, Aebraska City, Brownrihe and in term hJi- ate point for St. Jo.eph, ronnecUog at St Josr-i.l.- wnn r'ns on u mniai ami r;. Joseph it. u., Jeav inir Rt Joseph a 1 1.30 P. M., arriving M QPINCY, CIII04G0 & ST. LOUIS v,. ..iiu vr .j Km, u) a. u.i close lie t ion .frm .it Joseftb U Atchison. Wet..n. lvri l.. u..l !.. iu.v j , worth. Wyandotte, Kma City. Lawrence, Totk fc. via Platte Country li. li. and steamer Emli- in. m, ..fc. iv. ik. i,me' i,eav di -Joseph 0 3- A. M.. I.e:i ve.nw. rih 8.0" a X , Wyandstte IO.imi M- KanCit 10.30 t.M. Lwrnre at 5 00 r. u THaOUOH TICKETS EOR SALE hy Forter A Deuet.Om h. D. W. Hitehetk.Oiun- eil Bluffs, E.C. Lewis llattfmouth. E.-S. Uawley. Aebr-kka Citv. Buy tbrouuh tickets and rave money. r.x'ensive repairs on tbe TTakmbal A t. .lo SrPH iron.t?es and ad iitional roll ing suck enable them tn.ffT there irnmrtautchan ge to facilitate TKAVKL BT THIS BOfTK. C. W. MKAl.tJetierl Superinten int. P. B. tBAT. Oenera' Tickot Ajrent. D H. Cocktbight. Gen'l Freight Agent. Ilnuibal, Mo, Caft. Rcvr? Ford, Superintendent Packet Lines Sr. .Toenh, M. THEO HILL. AsY Brounrille. STRAY NOTICE. Taken up ny the undersigned, livinganoat 3 12 miles aSi-ve brown llie. in -maha t'oaaty. Ne brk Territ rv. i-u the 1.1 h day of Juue, fSftA. One b'a koi drk browu Eileen b.nd hrh, ab ui seaen year old, right hina fi-ot hifj opto the pasture joint: smali saddle mark on top of weathers, a few white bairs undej left Ey. heavy maac. JACOU CICfiWER. I V r a Ml OSAGE; ORANGE 2E 2E3 X C2r-2iSS:Gr The undcriigacdr baa located dm be Territory cf Vebrfc-ka,t.r toe purposaof riiag 0SA.6E Fl(t und ettingout And taakia iFaaca ; of the' am, I Jiall cultivate aud tend 'be same for three years, vtd gi e the .:me timetopiy for it. at a charge of fr..raONE XTWE TY FIVE nn to TWO dollars per Bod. I shall set out tha Plant next Spring, v minoing aeartha Kansas line and go a far up a Omahand probably some distanea beyond, takir.g a strip ot country 3 or 4'J mile wide, and teyood that If there will be enough to do to make it an bject for ma to go there. HOW TO PilEPARE THE GROUND. To all who wish me te do their Feminir prepare yoa xround iu the tollowlna: manner : If it Is Prairie pUw a t rip one rod wida leaviuic a dead furrow in the ceu ire, plow from one and a half t. two inches deep; in the Fall barr. wit, then back farr-iwlt; aoiniu the SpriDK harrow and vour jtronnd is ready fr the Plan:. In ld t runl back furrow la August before the weed to to red.- - i.r Anr lavine a large tract of land t, ,d would ratber jlsbon d take itof the laud f-r my pay, I w'ul do so to ihse who wi-h me to make them a fence, write to tin .t Urowi.viile. and let me know how much v a want m to t nctr for you. audi will call at jour reridence soiuetim- b tween now Htid thctisf of January' next, and m.ko a auecial contract with you. 1 sh all also, have ell kind of Fiuit Trees. Flow, rs Evergreens "hnib l ry f.-rsile 1 gtrwnin the Territ.ry ai d a cli mated. TnTlose wh arerai-i ig Pnt. pf their wn.and wuldlik- maio'tnik-i their h.def r ibem. I will take, their ': Plant in : jeiri jy, r I will t lliheib bow to make a god f. nce, aod the pediesi and tert way torn ke .l ; a .tbt bat way to a-e the P ant dur n iho firi and second win ' er. Thoe buying Plants of xoe will get the re- feil'tafrev ' '"I -f ." . J If there iaapy man . in the Teiritory, that can re better inrtrucnon. I will givehimonetbous-i md dollar ft it, 11 so ferni.-h a receipt for de f..rjing.ibfcGoiher, for fifty cents, eto. Agciii nled to eanxass in Kansas. Nebraska mws aud Miss, nrt, they tan easily make from one to three hundred dollars er nvn h.elar of ex pen . Addrc, ' MATHEW MoKEHSIlAN. ) : P.O. Box 12. Brownvdla, Nebraski. liefer by permission to i JCDClKKLU)0. j 0mfchm' JlHN PUKIKK 1 LrTFJKB IIOArLKY I -, I It. F. Uakhet, J Brownvillo V THE . SILVER SKIRT ! More Durable, More Elastic, More Gracejul. I And will Keep its Shajtt and retain Place than any other Zkirt. its This beautiful styly of Skirt (Patented March 7 865,was awarded by the UmaT AatKlBAK In srtrtTS Faib. held in New York, Octobar, 188 3, a SILVKR MEDAL! This Iliyheit Prtmium ectr given fa a loop Skirt T .e Meel Springs are w. unJ with a fine pla:e1, wire(in place ot a cotton covering) which will not wear off J- hii dm soiled. nl the whI S irt uiiiy bo wfhtd trithont imjerg or foar of rustitig, nd will be as got-d a new. Tie Ctrn'miatiun Silver Skirt! This invention combines wiih the ordinary o t ton Skirt ihe advantaga cf our SILVEB SKIRT ; the bottom h' ps are tho sum? ashie used in tie Silver Skirt, tbe covering of whi. h cannot Wearotf while the upper nes are with cutfon. No i id v, havini; nce 'orn one f.our Skirts, will be billing to wear anv nth r. us tho lower hoops cf all t.'.er kiuds sro S'M.n injured and soiled. Tbe l.ert muterials are ued in their construction ,.nd from their .lurabi ity and bctuiss they aro des t"uiod,to becota- A FAVOKITC SKIRT! Miinnfc'nr"d solely bv the Silcr Skirt and Yire Jftinujart nrittg Company. . 30 c 32 Hrtic!y Sir-, t, WhW YOHK. C. S SPERRY, Snp't nl Irt. ISt'ifi I year PIANOS! PIANOS! & $350 to $1,400. EI. H. SAXT0N & CO., OT. XaOT7IS3f 3VIO. I I AVE Con-tantly on hand the Largest A"sort; I inent of FIKST-C1.ASS PI UNOS kept by an oie House in the West. They keep tbe KELIAUL INSTKU' ENTS made bv Wm. B-Bradbury, Chambers & Q abler: New York Pianoforta Company' James w. Vase. Uason & Ilatnlln's Cabinet Organs, no to aieoEch. Also. n hand Second-liand Pianos, Melodeans, Ac. Ac. An Which are sold at liar ins. &n.for" Circulnr"andPric-Liit." Wrerooms: Cor- Fifth & Walnut (Under Southern Hotel) ' S.W 10-5-ly. ST.L0UI8 MO. I I yon's Periodical Drops. i it. i K V. AT t K M A l.Jv K K VI E DY FUR I R U KG ULA R 1TI ES. Lee Drops are a acientinal!y cmponnded flhid .reparation, and better thai, any Fills, Fowde's. or N'. diinais. Beii.R Uqnld. their action is direct an posit ve. rendering ibem a reliable, speedv aud cer- ain specific for the cure of all ohatrnciion and sao- pressions of naiure Their popularity is indicated bv ue fact that over too f(0 b tiles are annuailr sold nd coio'uuied by the adies of the United htates. eve ry one cr whom speak in the str .nitest terms f praNe .riiieir crest merits They are rai.iHy taking th ptace i.r every ottic Female RemiNty, and are consi., eted by a l who know auhtuf hem as thesurot sa leal and nioal infal lal.le preparation tn the w..r!d f-.r lb enre ol all female cupUints the removal f n ons'roct'.onsoi nature, and the promotion ot health evr.larnj and rtrenKtti. Kxp'kit di-ertiona nmni hen ihey may be nd, and exoia nrna when and whr 'hey Kh..ul.i u..t ur c.u! nvt beued writbout to'Odn; ','ii'4effcctsci.oray Una ure's chosen law will be fuundcaremliy folded around earb bottle with tbe written sUnatnre otJOH! L. t.'OH without which iK.neateeennine .- - Prepared bv Dr. JOHN L. l.TrtV I9S Phana.1 Rt.M(. New Haven. Conn, "wboran b eoisulled either ner. tomlly, ,r ,y mail (eacbwma stamo ) concern ing all private disease? ant femaie weaknei. Price per bolt!. - , 4 - - Sold by Druzslst es ywhere C. G. CI. ARK Ail'O., . Gen'l tireni- for U 8. tn.. Canada ', , tl.ll I ros ?t I. .Wholesale, J.LiB, rl.VfH Ai FWJ.UtRViien.. .Agents'' I re-n li- 7t. i86o"y lll.tfJS M nn isw , aj. WIL.L.iAt'd Advert iritf; "Acaney. 3U ii ifliinnfactii'irrs Depot No. S3Nnh 5 Street c-r. Si Cuarlei, ST laOl'IS, 31 o. Here will be fcur.d "cery Tarifty nf AMERICAN CLOCKS AM) CLOCK ;materiass, run au the advsarags o: the r. inter, market in fi?r( ta h-h select i-ms and pnee. ead for llla-tr.t'1-i '- at.ri's. lIESlilf W. EDE' Projrittor. m a. m. a. a. a. - ro 23 vol 10. V ' . a ayers Cherry Pectoral, S-rret t"'. Mi mi. A M - FLUID EXTRACT -OF jSTEJOjHETET; AT THE CAPE OF GOOD HOI K THE HOTTEiiTOTS Having lyn.uj-d, -in j. Cora Tarletr of Dlicasur. jt wa borrowed from those rude p'sctitiooen l THE ' i - - - - Efipallsh anU Dutch Pioslclrins. .'. . I . . :- . . ... ' - '.' ! ..... J .'.-.! '' :,; !.; j A : . T '' " v.: u On whose recriind;ion i. was-employed iu.Eu. ropa and baa now eomo int general use. IT IS GIVEN CHIEFLY IN Gravel, i Chronic ratarrh of Ihe Bladder, MORBID IRRITATION OF THE BLADDER AND URETHRA, FOR FEJIALE TfEalllVESS and DEBILITY, For Prolapsus and Bearing Down or Prolapsus Uteri, Diseases or The Postate Glakdv Rktkxtxon, ob Ikcostinci of Ubi.vx. AnJ all dtsetse rfquinn the aid of a diure' v arising from a loss t f ti ne in the part con cerned in it evacuation.. IT IS RECOMMENDED INCASES OK ( IiHO IU It KLTMAI'MI. Cutaneous Aflietlons and Dropsj, To run difeases we must bring iofo action ti . muscle which art engugi d in their various func tions. To neglect them. however rlight iny be tb attack, is sure to ancct in boldly nea lu and men ial powers. OX7R FLESH AND BLOOD, are upported from lh- .ree. PERSONS OF. EVERY PERIOD OF LIFE From Infancy to Old Age. ... i and in every itate if health, are liable to be ob ject of these dieae. . ' -' ' The Cause in Alany Instances etc Crkrc r Tha patict bas, however, an admirable remedy in HELMB OLD'S uiuid Extract of Euchn Philadelphia Evening Bulletin Editorial. ; Seft. 15. lS6f ; HELM B OLDS' Genuine Preparations. Hi Solid and, Fluid Extracts embody the full streneth of the ingredients of which they are named. They are left to the inspection of all. A ready and conclusive test of their properties will be a comparison with those set forth in the United Slate Dpenfatory These rem edies are: prepared by H. T Heltnbold.a dru2gi3t of mxtee , yeaes'. expeiience it til ii city, and v e belit-re them to be r liable ; in fact, we Iihth nerr known an article iai-Kii g mt-rit to m--t with n pt r luatieut .succes?, 'a lid' Mr. He-Inibuld.- surceaL is certainly priiha tacie.eTident- Hi Drue arid Cbeu ival .arehotje,! in the cuy "f Nw York is not excfljed. if r-tjaald. ly. any in the country, a iid we Luu!d advie our readers, wfun Tisitiny that city, to girc him a fill, and jude fur theuias i?es. II elm hold's Est r act of Buchc HELMBOLD. JOHN Fa 5J0RBIS Agent for iht above pttparations, , . - BaOWHYILLX. Ni:aka. KnrmtcrI. n-MI-T cb ta. A i Inf 1 frowtaandseaujrycoooiuoiios aw - --- ----- --- tT7itr . "J mA .h. f-.llrt.ina- from wall SneWB CliistB - HV ' ' yxyurifwiM te-ied j.uf.Itlaab4. HAIR BALM, and it ha. tt.eaiIB4 of our bair toiur entire s.tUfaction. and we cau cbeertetiy recomaeud it to the pu&lic . , U (Signed,) 1 A J5JOU131, cauaei ? an J nic tnatitute; J3 C. BARLO " Prrprt only y J. MAGrlXK, Cheniist auc wrufgisis. soBiirwrae t.rir ua sua u.irtr. Sold by all Uruggixts Price 81 GO BvltL. Diarrhea, Dysentery,' Summer Complaint, c. die 2U4t;ill!E'5 Compound Extract of HLAC IJ,.4.T. WHTiaa KABITABT COMMIJIO. No. N. 6lh3t. St L. UI Nov is 5,4 Meitn J tC 3ecm're Xragoisf s ; Gennemen: Tbe AsearTsof the ConnaiMon have diit'ikwoi urT, in i b Army your bairaci of Beuue Flant. for the cura of Diarrhes and Djfeo.ery. and bei re.n ieMi u, its excellent qualities, aud tL aticcera wit wuicb ii has bee.i nsa i-i he : ' . u i . ' J.O.FOBJSaN Secretary It etlern Santtaty t'amm ,i9. wabRi itr j rsnor St Merr$ J 4-C Maguire Truigitt : We 1 ae thewldie's ta.ut ic U..n e, v H ' il l d in tb berl t'lar lc t i" in li i hi- e v 'Vie (sr'iiV mull! ft't ILL I. isiJi , Ha ; d. 1 Al . nm ! ... fi;-i t Aff itlovi1 Lull t t.nifiiot x ti. ti 7i j aid, oli '.fii. iifi ';,kv iAriK i ite e t-23"-' ' t.iir fi'Jx til ' T i '"X :h t if- uhiils antb Fwir., iJiiioa MAG CI T5ir !iievcin. iu; t..i ; '; IR.. It 1 bi b.-ei. t.'-'-"-';l'5 'V t..:.v-iti in .'i'.ibll.i- f.i'rit.A.-! Ko- w to nii a.'id s wr'iiM"! t . " I, fa IT " ' ' r Lk kj . 1.1 TV-' :w,y i. .1 -Ki t wr-rjj y ? ta im 11 a V w ii ax e. s:: - -DEALERS IX A Would cali the atten'ioo of DEAL EH 3 Dru nra Anil aar1IIttpa Sihnnl fja." avIJ V f t Kjm WVMI"I C .a . . . Patent xMeuicines, liiiiK uooks. Class and Glass van, rlllij: Ppci1 - " Paints and Oils, KnTrlopes' Spices and Dye-stuffs . ' Coal fill an Pure Wines. Llauors, &c.f etc., - .it- . Whi-n were bongri forrab of Msnnfctiire- Imtorters and Publisher, and w?W b- tavurable priires. Buyinir in l.rge qaantitis fi st hsa 1. ih.?y ar ecaied tr !f rnnt to'rhe trade. .1 They ar" the N-.rth-western Wh-des-! Ap-nts of lr. I). Jayr, - . . C. Ajre A C., snd can furninh their M dioinos in any qu . 0 " GOWSTABl T. JOSKPTI, MO. - mpcitei i nd v lLcksaIt aiid BetailtVuliu In rcn STEEL and HEAVY HARDY," ARE. V :.. t'.rr' AGIiUrUlHAI. prng her-. . Axe .N;.iN , Axe! , Sh !s ind 1 ! .t 1 II-r" 1 I . HTe A Vn ." Cat tin 2; s and 1 cUctv "W le, pni Hit U- vr i. r Mir ketth li llll kMrilllix' T lis Am.- .-.N.k- in r, Vits,l'inc r l , rrr-er-Ki ivsf Tuy Oiatati lag- C2t cod s Ox Yokes, Axle rea ,-; Ox co t n..Wo; .Uekr, x ho - na.I-, hvv.-Is and I k S3 -ul1cv0. poUris audi 'Oont-stxilT. 1,000 OKI..MB.I Vi;! ,MU1I:..K.1JL-0V! "f ' uial X Jf ' ' " -4jJ? iif W t that's .I ' ' v !- v - '. - -. . . '1 . - ; - i r n -:j 1 ... ; ' Iu-1 iMatrritpj; and ii' ern r to any er ir.ven'e.1 ; and Ic C orsiiltKN lovtria ntiij l; pri linllciJi Ilnrive Coin I'Ianl?r uik I wra I;ai tl t :..r.i I' lu'i t, t?..rn ltllers ta JOker. ett.v-.4.e esc. PiOii.8 my ftoyU direct fr m ttie m . tl I ..ffsr ir eai 1. .lacemen a - IO VMKiLKSALE . ( iU HASURS AT- n : :I' Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse ST JOSEPH, MO.. XX1. eT-CSZOOTNT'O BLOOD I HUEE0E Will p.iiively . ur CKOKHL V. KUYSII'ELaS UVSI'EPSIA. INDKiE'JT O.V UKAKTBUKN o nr HU"OK in theLOOIi.r .STOMACH, and f..V ITKIFV.NO the SYTEJI and EKAMCaTIN . nil TRACK. OFIMEAPK ibis remedy bun. qual. and for Hnihlitj p th' $ijtm. and giv nc n-w Strrnyth ovd 1'iyor. It iM.mralled lucee ince its lutn auction, and the w. nderfuf cure i ha and is daily performing are its best guarraute 4 nd we earnest l.v desire that every sufferer aha 1' tfive ita trial. Sold bv all Drugzists. Price 00 i'.llar a battle. coiaiai2s nnoi hf.r.s ST. LOUIS . JO. iTopriator. 2TOEI! 217 CHI! SAZsT SALT ITCH RHEUMI KTUtgy RHEUM I WUt rwre IA JTCJJ or At1 ' RUEVSi, n..ewav .ean-.-iis. U .lJooureprairiaS:ra c esChilb ains LTl.-eriand all S' of the si wherr utbef rm d8 have een tr ed mvaiu.eur "4lj and 'borougaly. Pre 50 cent a b. x. Soi4 hy all dnijrits. Bv sending fit cent in a letter' I. COLLIN: IMofllERS. s. W. cor 2nd A ine Sts.. t. Louis, ilo., it will be sent by mail free of postage. X 30-ij rn,jn(.TSW afidniiii'stiatris ITctico. ii.- if. hereby givn that ihe Ppihtte Court 4 Nb e r.ny. ebnska Terrorv. bas ar iinleit he 14th dy of lano.ry Imh? ;,nl ihnll'h d 14 h lis ..f Kehrufy. M-17. t t-n -..ei.K-k A M ,at hrC. on rnm 1. lu v n il. i..rih-. he r ipg .f etein.s evai. at ihe estate . f -l( bn L. MeKav d'C-ed. Atlrsi.n hnvii.g agsjot sai.f estate are required I., file .hein ia ihe i.gj.;a flf the jiide il said iurt, n i-r belt re Febtuary Itth. 1817. or iby will bo frever barml. latd August 4rb IHftrt. 8KAll J MeKtT. dm'nistra'rix 45-4t 700 , il I st!e f J- h I . K raken up by 1 bt- ,u-- ,.i igta '.)... -e half ilo above Brownville. in .ui i' -niy 'braska Territiryn the 23d ay t Jait eae year cli Eilley , wllb Be white br ia ort- z s e (ajs-awtaa Ml IHI Mi iiajai . a il. k , ? jiiuhivk. ....... . riy v Vice Fresidsnt War.Kafset and Cmumiee. 1 B" LctiCoriTT. PntatvtiTtt' St. ajit M. . January a u TVCh. 180. li. C 9 -im i l.sel yor ri tnl Kx r t rm ii(im rs in. " t'i si q r i ' " . 7 ' A -i ra ill 7- . ,tt- Prie on iv; .k M I X t ( ! 'J ' li -i! 1 'V. i-.iotn r it a- 1. o ar?4 a : : A N D imui Rnnk. g'.anl Us W i... d writs. IJiFLI JIIMS. tii band ?id tr rrr' i n. r s i.g io in. -s and It .o-s 'iii'is, !r- a. I T It- Nu't- a s. Sit w.-, er. etc. . ' . , Suiiiit KirUe An-'irvi Si. If 1" d I ;iid a-1 lr oi.i and lh. Ut t u S tl.C- SJ ie Ir-n.-. Wr c-.A.t r id I' !., eP-. "'"" rmm - J osepli, o . t. inr-ir a Star ZYCL SCltrf. . f II'RqVE3Iif- SEWING MA CHILES. EMPIRE 'SHUTTLE MACr Iff 1 . 1 Patented February 14th. lfe SALESROO M. 538 BROAD V V- '25' WASU1XG TUX. Si. B ( V s THIS MACniNE is e,nstruct.d . n ea principles of mechani.-'ai, Kso-ssig mt valuable improvements, having b en n '.he most profound xi rts, and p'. i oum S mplicity aud FtifectioD Com 1 1 1 ia. : T . 1.. a-'f(. It hits a rrlkhl ueeilie. I-lttU'llCJ . u.kes the LOCK or SfiUI TLfc Sl'ITi U wu J srtll neither KIT 01 R.VEI., and isalilioa ndes ; performs jiertcct ewing on every ' r ' f materkl, from Letther to the fiost Nai duslin, with c.tK.n, linen or silk tbre d. from " r arest to tbe finest number. Having neither CAMou COU ffHWL asi pissiblo friction, it runs a ainooti '1 ' nd is f 1 Emphatically a Ve.i,aja jf::Ji It require FlrTY Pfctt vJNT le t ef ' r iiv it than any other Machine ii tbe c -1 ei. if I twelve years of age can wtra wiifi iLfatigue or injury tAbeallb. Its atrengtb ; and ,N"enderl'il impJit i;y if ' ruction renders it alo'inf injj OSfible t' jtel rtl 1 ler.and is (;CAKAXTE, by .bej-;' e en'ire satisfaction. ' Werespe.-tfailylnYifaalI tbwe who c uply th-rm-'vts with a uperi.r a m and exatEioe this Vurivalied ach: Cot it more especial manner do we 1 tron r ' 1 i'erchaoi Tailors, oich Maker. nna Skill MaaU'flC Costit Mala :.. Gaiter lititrs. "''hci' biade r. Vest ana a'. . a Alatera. -Drea Ilakers. . rurer8, ' r hitaadbo3oa Mk era. 1 Chmritallr - ll mul i-r if roll dfnlt with. rrlcr ofJacliIncCouiplt a : .No. 1. Family Maohitse, witn Hemmer, r andHraider, . ' No..S,ntll MwufA3tariag,'iiB txtcs oa ;. Table ' ar Maauiactariea'.""" fcijecsu n No. i. iMVtn xUmmfnetuntg. t,r U tiH-r. wi.h IMling f'-.n.J O l 'i. J 1 s !f am t if mutt tn .v nts V,ed lo' all town in the Uni e 1S'i, here AsTe-' ndJ etablisie.i. A' i-'uba,. wo"'. v.cinrai inq rw.aia. n I t, r.uv .... . whom noeri i"ni win ne guren,. Teruiov''iably fn-h oa delivorr.. Ta J 21cArtliur d' Cd MS iirtidaay. : ; I A A CW ".' 1 S&2.Wbii;toa.'S' TOtibastaut iit.I CEO. FTIANZ. Agent, luJtf. 4th. S.Lo?i, ifa.. - o Irs, rr I ! 1