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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1866)
i 1 1 j Lffsn CC1SD 6TMirEDK FROM. JOBS- v - r'-,,rft '! ! T.L .TShSbn qd tjie Stool ofRcpentaLCO. . " ni-monr' Confc'fslon of inl 7 v. y. ncrald Cstcs, Weakens, '.'! Mbroirs up the Sponge," rt.'etro. Septembers?. ",rr..i.' ni. xr wTii ' .. 1' .f vcumt Ilerild in-J f ; JieonLlJea ...I . ,...,-r 1 ! '-niMK-n. CifK-lt Bali . . .. , fcc. .rcni. row ! b.T. iwt . ;!.. ' violated tb , .. . ... . -:- :le .d-pli-in of Ibt , , , 1 n..-i.uittTinie!uw ,.r q.i., ,1 . B.4 npporl . . .. .,...u:ar m-.laof Raymond au4 a. ' . u ret-ton'a came and says tit j . it r. a rit.r4 t. :r" l.'r l'if iM-m'Cfita, by tbeir bad falih. . i wt-ibi f.f ratTe KepubUcapa U rw. tai lt rleciu u Ibia yi wi!Jcrhh U, twr-iatic ( b.-p. beyond rMorreUion. Tta H-ffal- CB.merclal idertiMr till. earria fc.fmafc'. uiui tol tia aJiUfiaU art lnifloant f a 'na C e awl Berald 7ritti lb rf folar Bepnbll- Ta Harlot rrapt lerpa allant. Tbft i Bl m'w i ,h -lfB Statea ainrl bfra ?vff "' inbUfM ppr Ibal iuppurU tbt rrcJaot'a rllC7. ' Tta ftW'i it tn' w ctl n of tb Dem ' ffacr tar Jr.dd ibia reanlt, at destroy ltb la.t - kue f y fd fn m ( rbllatSebia moTeinent. U tb alcna ar ibat tbt aVrpublicaB majorities will 1 erbelBil& beyotil prettBU V w jrork Berald eCi rlally aayi that Jubnaoa . ja niiuf ib SoBlfctiB ioTrri that they ahoald ntpi ike OkatitnUubal Ameudnient lt harder con dit.oa. be rped item by Cvttcreaa. Tbe Her !4 aaya ia ibat vay I&mi will checkmate ILe rad- ku;t'4J Miblibt lenjtty ramBinntcaUon ia re- t- be reiei iuaie by several perrf ibat te uu.-t-"a a cuJ die fur Caerei, in wbiaU be ' ' frii bit wi:re dunuj tUe pai tw ycara, aod de. .ji In!. t'j f xriitieand Cr(rea, . ! ' l'I litre Mf .1 irrruiw j " . i .i. . . e. u. :ena.nbiii in . j be i iii iri !iJ r' in the e j j nave .1 s for my , !,iidrw ! ;uf c. u .. ; a nm:ii- , Ul ike apO.Dl- . .1 . fr l. .l .; ii- .' ci: ..:ti . j .! .na-e Le nt ."!, tlicrc I -"-i rj 2 . i-i--.u u U kei ur prefe:.'. iu k Tiaita of So, . Si.b. . y: "Tierc -I e I Clilerea'r f il..iun, tj far as we . wi.d. r r.iM,,nB,.r ... ,. j . 1 ibe t'oK.ij jn;tr, a4 vorjr lit t -t- my s..riA.ilui4nip.-vP'- - Ui' Onirsib. I. r.. -u oU la the Uobss, and ia ; i. C ' t J iar bal throuitbuut tbe coonir.' Tlie auis Bdmeut Bw avaiia itimiuuU iiacf tbe aeveral States, li i ju.t in adoption, by TetnedyiuK injuatue and be tieblic safety, wnniJ J. unub uard . .ik. kenilnieut ami pt-i.iriu iLe wny -f-i.raii n .;fi uJ Laiuiutiy tui.i i:. . . t.. " i 'm . .. . -k 1 . : 1 !: . i a-' : a . 1 . . v e aj teai i me coutequeuces. I ! t. fc .... n;i. e e r bjertioudb'e in i uJu-i.t ..iu.iiij wtlch PreaiUfQt Julinnu i j r t ii-h ei wt time r aaotber, reconuuendctf SwuUiara a.(e ur o CnKra, and nolbinf t. ibere ..uM bate been a disagreement." i at of men ever stood squarer on p iple than cor county ticket. ' G it "'i'ht. and copperheads and rebels bite .sr.tcn as a rclltlml Trickster. at t J ue inrormal ballot, io the Plattsmouth Dfixrttic Onvntion, showed Morton shade. The desire of the Pop fr on seemed to be portor. of Cass, for & :te . At this juncture, ' Morton had i ' i-pred about that fie had a Jett? r I'; : .s :. l-t.from Gen. pix. promising .,.ltroi of the Executive pa- N b.a.ka. if he (Morton) .. i:"'0' cumpVifly I . ' - J ' i-'ii s- , .to se. re ' :ii.' n i j u; C. jfi. i,.. d f ' c- tri- ll llrMJ( .'I ' J(M- . U i ::. tfl th- r-piy tUt ti-i: ,t. itia in W Moi ;t t.r-v. holts " . 3 ItCTrarU For thr retutn to ' or the city Marshal, of tuy picket 'jd contents, lost in Brownv.lle last v . GEO, L. JOHNS TUN l- ' . PadJock is a juiet, unaaniniiig 'lnl, a 'eraI tant in all erT-"'- of fblic benefit, and a consis t! .urchoian. Statesman. ' ; "n th wri fcushw hacker speaks ! P. is a gentleman." Yes. gen "i turn from it,-;-j inDas. ara com . j ; . . - ' i::s!. t . . f . . c.O'''' N.'f Oa!c""FKnce ; -7 .I:'... Client Wanfrd! i ! . -xm-A; w- moian.: I i ,ri-. :.r ti.e iecii- I , .-. rrfk . . , , .... . I ul-JiUiJU-S Will if iFC I O'-yt the Tfci j 5 - "I r - "': ,M . " - ---"'.'' I : . " ceiit ouirag- rommstied" by i? ' Johnson! TT .int r Uv,,, r3,t tne U.U j souhtrnrtt' van I 0.. for hih they Will ray the j ' . I H-jlf S.-fw U-(Cyi. hav known no rest , - highest met nrice in ca'Jh. ' ' f. 1 ?! V, " -V 7,?r;,M I amce their new store has betn in opera- (Successors ,um , 1 ia ,ome,,na iai vttn i ' ' ' CIVK.g tHS' cerVinca(t! 6f elPC.lon "rtS Of I- . t . u 1 ,.1, Aetnana ... . .. l . I i . . . ... j . i i t- o I 1.10:1. I iitiir iie'.v rouus tiiie. I a . .my :r, .1 rui raim wj inrm ai I - - - - . i-iTf -- . . . i,.;.r,eiof r,mt u cf 0,r Ti.b., i, ;n, ,l p, egate to the Johnson zeil ,Li C. Hutit.; n We res . rV.' un wb" heerate agents to spread 'yellow, 'fever in" '. , .:::'; t.. V,. 'h- N ,nii by sf-u.hp u-.f.-c:'ed- tbtiVet;. -Uu. ut t.U wi0.i lUJicti! H- . . ,r ' J - . frth; but Bfild himself f(;'r..K, A,' ; V:" . ' !" ' rrV ,''een-uaM:; Wul:yvu etidorse him tiow:' ; ,,'""" I ', ' ' ?: t - .. . t i ' r i .it-' I .? -m,:t.f the.Coumy buildmg .i-.-i on in linrlirnrlr n ; I Mrni.-.onerfiredoing - 'r- id conducting: a sell in the ' 4 irf i.,.U . ,, - ia"', ' COmforlaLle r"ideDfe j. " ' . - ' ' ,-?r:: ' - Hill' New Goodj bare come ! a,L -.' Thinly, "stsnd-li '.the '".Democracy., of Nemaha county hare, is W. C.,CIeary. He takts to defent tike , a young pup to new milk. Hit skinning-in June proba bly" got him used to it. AVe learn he is rourd privately convincing : people that Johnion is right ; bis "strong: holt" was the Comtitutional Amendment, burr he don't read that to . ia. anymore again, it ilnn't m r f ! 0h, Willie, I it yn. dear ' ' !,d:t.n-; Hi.,iIf ynur mlty ' intellect j "hy don't you iuWq Ao the stump, ar.d f "lioraie ?" . .. i . . . i - , - 1 Mnj. Major's name is used in the Na- . . jj couueclion w'nf, "nifcTfrfr wenches in Arkansas. This is copper head style ; no argument tut blackguard inn. Do not our citizen remember the " Parson V Easterly joy jn tjiis city ; he was a preacher, loo; but, it's supposed he -just done that to try her faith." By the -way, Pareon, is that Dr.'a bill paid yet ? National Union, hadn't yjii better stir up the Parson' memory, as. ydu have started in lh? "dirty business ?M Voters ! Da you remember Sheriff Wells ? For particulars, see his bonds- men : Tie Radical! rf Kemah couutj.N. T., hare jut BominatcdMaj.T. J Major 5 for the Council and MeMri.Uailj.lUvrood, Crow and Waldter for the Houne. Mj. Major i n old soldier, and entirely worthy of the honor dono home. Maj. Daily, who it one of tie nominee for the House, is a brother of the late S. O. Daily, o loyg a Delegate from Ne braska in CongreM. The ticket ia a good one, and will be elected. ttit. Union. .This ithe way our ticket is spoken of abroad. The merit of the compliment c msists in its truthfulness ; and its pre (jiciion' will be terrified by over 300 ; ma- . . - J The liiarald's Opinion of Paddock Kt-lloyg, ''is like A. S. Paddock, who uan for a double telegram from Sew ard before he can have an opinion on a'y PI it'4 a' subject, a Radical among Radicals. Umaha Herald of Jlay 35. 1S6G ... . .. , ' ?'VVho-re 4wadlers ?'' " ,4'the Hon. A. S. Paddock and others. Omaha Htr aid, ofJprilZvd 18G6. ' ! paddeck, too, .is a.rSM-tnan. He is nlso a diplomatist,, one'of 'the rare " political nature who MWlU iif; -U4 ,Vtlru e the current If the wiiids even l-tfor-, I iney Diotv. ue sees aewaru 'in tne running brooks,' Seward gospel in stones,' and 'good in every African ! He is not always sure of 'hoiy not tp ido it, but is at- eUgant imitator-. He is rim a Dartizan 'for the Dresent Heath v ' . ' 1 1 rr 1 1 against legro SuflVatr, but' hol(h , him- self aloof,' Hccirding io"'!i'; Trrl&Hfx ; r t. -r. -v f..' "-..n :'i;ii;. 'Li'- S :.: D m :-:r:,:.i ru 1 fi" c.i ;Vs::i; -j 'j 5 .u'.Ti-i n ! v , ,1 . . , , . ' . . B noil t thft Ufa a; dP4l lhv h tra h. fnr . . . - . . many a year.. They haye stumped every Precinct Northland Weat of hear; and the way they throw hot shot into the Demo-Jobnson reoel fleet, is a caution to snakes. They have cleaned out tfie foul Wellsuntil h had to briog up his bread and-butter" Teserve ; which has fallen with the "butter aide down The pro prietor of the Copper-johnson 'light house' carrying a red-light just below his eyes, a "blossom for the tomb,"j says Ije's 'j.'g.oiri to t,aVe; friends enough $long to Tear out the d d radical trai tors !" Charles soon got back into his Coa7we advise this biped -io" keep bison, or -he might be . anxious to ,vacpt the apology of the j gentleman: ;from . Mary lahi.V Jle'd ' better "leti' welt ' enough alone!" " " " ' -J-at week .fff noticed thXtJ)ri. A S. . Hi'lladHV. a Johnson arm-in-armer ' h.;.r1 hirr !,.t a !ri;!T?rt, Kji.... ... -it . j - ka rice Hou... W. -Tito, jemoved for opinions , ake..;rThis ! 'appointment was pas-sed almost in silence by the copper head press; notwithstanding, thie,, fact the Dr's ojDility would do credit to the appointing power ! Why such silence ? He used to work with th radicals J'.. lut tne copperneaa cress, i not coutent. Trie Neb City " Statesman harhat. Dr. i Renner, of that city, has been appointed to the same position, and compliments the Either of the -gemlfnen will make a good officer Ijut the 'confejnpTfcLltS part j oi ii is i7r. ii. iia taoDt, now tney try to cheat hun 'and Tenypely; ignore r his ?rvjces lothenT arid Eta worth as agood citirep atd able cfijeer barren bis poli t,c which are abomjoable.' ' D )ou remember the plot of confe- Every i.y n'ew, converts for ih Con- V tirv. uui $tituti0na Ato.neal come ' .into' "bur . . . fer of wch came the Mrnaiv ! 'A ' ' . . -.-r j . i." J I ' ..(lit B)BViVa BO ri I I I 11 ' Lli l V UIJJ I t 1 - I O "3 r J ,- ijyr. stir 0Pwn, under the stMuTunVaV ckiigf uri&WSiWti irtaV, e rFiticj is;TeryJively tliiieelf.l .t( 1 is ofisun The Statesman, of the 24th, has a Teae rTieatT ltter'ir'rslrlclf Vs coining frbm a- source 'whicl? endorses Andy Johnon's course in the New Or leans massacre Bqt, consistency is nqt a jewel in the copperhead crown, it's all copper. The statesman says : fTte felaM which drown i4e rtr4ost'f roieo when briiija to AdUren tbetn irrmt: trre maniJ lejtations of their dmxu lticn to S4Aiii&te biinil thejr Jrcd." . : And proceedi-io xeprobate such p rt and actirn. The rcxt caircrial i.i oa liTing." Which smacks the n;osi cf "mol bery,'' an indignant public hissing a Pre ideut who' dt n't care fcr' his dignity ;' or, a putlic jourua suggesting lajcassinatioD ? Morton opposed soldiers votin? while irviiw setvic.; is iherla stdier ho dead to telf-respect as to vote for hiro Mor ton was fighting him in1 be rear, while rebels were fighting in front. Car,--)wtght, of ihla city, lata 'ttffljer of th.e army, and Son-in-law to Win. A. Richardson, haa been appointed Snpt. of Indian Affairs for the NofihweslAii Sueriotehdetieyioe . B .Taj lor, remoTed. Om. JJr. 2Ut. j .. When this garbled report reached this city, the glee.of. the. '-uare-toed'J Dem ocracy, ran high. They chuckled; they laughed and nuge'd each other playfully. Signs of fejoicing .were on every Dem ocratic countenance on hearing t renews. Why do they rejoice ? Because thair snakeish disposition must find'Yent." A hated radical had bit' 'the dust." E B. Taylor had been bought for a. price E. B. Taylor was cheated out of it! And the copperhead orgs ri 'falsifies to create this impression. JVJr. Dwtght's appoint ment was for..;the-Nevada Indians. Mr. Taylor's name tiot being in the dispatch, at all ! .Renegade Radicals! read your fate! ' i - ' T f V f it- ' k it ,....! 1 J Sterling crtqn said tlit "morally, socially, and POLITICAL Ly, Jttt Da vis was the superior of Abraham Lin coln," and Morion says he's not changed ! ' ''hridtates' the4 whole spirit otfjafConSt'tutiofi by enabliog Congres, by a two IhirJj vote of its own body, tograul relief from a Risibility imposed upon a whole peopl." Omrtha tirl&. .' This' is n Ski ;cun oF the Am- endmn. which ra-J at:d yu can set :hr lis; Lt-rreti atrd m u: j above : thin, the ! ni l. "Mi p iiuiV: tl , ... 0i iir..;-. J , Ih- l'Opt-l:ra-1 Herat 1 U ir.ii.. .tifi , " const.MKt.1 t.sf CMire,.tf -by a .,, ; third vote," t. parron re! eis, ai.d -l;;'IlJ jjohn ") . setf-i.''."Jj:-ti. ii..;-r. pr- v ""f-.f.-tr..' 0G(), a? u so ! .-. 1 t..! .'TIC': b'rsi-.svbtu'kt.T-, g;j'-s i. .- j t, r 1 i- , , 1 I Wit.,T. w.j ....... ir.'....-'u ,0 j... o; 1 : .r:t o ?te rt vi re '. r -" 1 defiance of a clear majority of 108 votes I G. M. Cbilcott, the Radical' p:andij?atp ! Public contempt and reprobation mus follow such an ourage cr the sacrednpa of the ballot-box" is" "destroyed' Cops., hereabouts, chuckle over this iofanry i; lj ;.Tnhnnn tn Ithrrrrrtfi'l' 1 t 1 u vimuyu vr.a vvaaaaJW.a i it is jmnecesVary to have any o;her or higher league thatjtheji Cpnstijution :of ih'e Uhitad states, mmense 'cheer?. I want no higher constitutional league than that is." You're right";': that's the talk; huzza for Johnson. The Consti intjon .is my Jeagtie., I-belong to. the, constitutional league of my country. Cries of "So do we'V hurrah. - John son's speech at Indirapojis 1866. "Whenever wel;fiindjcnn anywhere prating about the Constitution of the Umied Statesspot hfm's KeVa traitor." Andrew Johnson's campaign speeph at Nashvili, 1663.- 11 "WV a t e opp'osed'hiarnalgimilion of politics. Mixed politics, like mixed liquors, confuse the man" and stupify the brain tljat indplges thereins J. Sterling Morton in ;JS65;SepJ5lb ii i Judge Stokes, of Tennessee, in a re ceoUspeech,aj NtHville,- gitfes thn-fol-lowing as a verbatim report of what An dy Johnson said im'th ntjht of the sec ond inaugurrttion of Mr. .Lincoln. The' intellect, be.wi-y, staiesmjen. an snhliers of th" nation wpfe presert. The . Vice- rHM.-t-m :o v,n,, 't'u : io weary, 'inii't, s c. or to escort Mrs. ' Lincoln, as wa3 riistmiiary ior on in nis position on occas'ion. .He sat on. a sofa, in the ack of the room, v with, a colored man beside h"n."soliloqiiizipg as follows : ' "Ptri ;Vice. President of these United Stated !' I've 'aiten the oath 'land been worte in, bv God I " Sumner says I in from the territory of Tennessee. inere he goes now with, the Queen, and I'm siuing'with iriy colored friend on a sofa. I'm a better friend of the black man than be is. : His is " theoretical and (tnine is praticial friendship Just look at me Uting ly my colored friend, by God!' f A flock of sheep, passed through tTiis r'ry 'i?yfiy; .fromi!Vr?chliran 'and wre orj iiirv.x?r; . 1 . ...... t ... .1 in. - U.ChjV t'psth I . DR. F. II. RAMER-pectow .H. - vriili.... t xat2..u 'Bmasa of the Eye -2-Would respectful ly announce to the citizena of Brownville and vicinity that he may be found at the Uobe.Av rU FrXl .ln- - " V of the Eye. The Dr. in?ure cures iu ll 5t kt'r;A '4 cates cdrnmj unuer dirvet tr'amr!n! i Diro On the evening of the 21st, a f 1 er aTTn ige ring"3 H Ine ss, Eli 2 V CtTiiK wife bf Julids XiIehnso6,ged 5G yeari. . Voter J-do-'yov-remerobeiMhe expres sion ;oi -Jv Sterling Morton a Pratjs mouth, that "if D.visahd Lincoln were ijxuDg, LincolnvouWbeaf ihe.same Ve- hfion -to Davis that the thieves did to Christ I". i Wiiryo'tttupport.imVo? hia Baown tille, Nebbasiia, ) . ; ; r - 'M? . : October 4ih, lS66.. -) Whereas, my wjfe Lizzy M. Stevens, u-ving in Nemaha County, Nebraska, and I havri difsolved partnership, therefore 1 forbid til persons harboring or trusting her en my. account,, from, a iid. after this date. : HIRAM STEVENS, i ' Morton says ' be stands on Ijis record !" He'll never "do that till he'kicks a,t poth- ;, J.,,Steriing Morton. "s'ays'th soiJier's vote is a fraud ! !lemember him, . "boys iailue!'?, - ; From ten (10) to fifteen (15) pair ol s.cks, ' or 's io kings' ca q be k nit' in! a day on tlie Lamb KaiiTTikc MACiiizts, wh xh fortes the heel and toes as it gois along. ' Dr A.' S-' HoTladay hasu;just receive new goods, "pure and unadulterated. Go to the Metropolitaq ' j Willow and wooden ware just receive m abundance at v . o y : a jxU: j . s WAN & bro's: Warrfiited; We would , sayv 4o cur readers, that Messrs. C. G. Clark &. Co., proprietors pf. Coe's Dyspepsia Cure, warrant i: to cure'the mot obstinate cases of Dyspcp sia, no matter pi hovy; long standing.: ' We bid you try Coe's Dyspepsia Cure ; it will help you. .Constipation, one of the chief causes of ill health, is comple tely cured by the use of the care- All diseases of the Stomach and Bowels like aic-headache.heariburn cramps, pains or c61ic,!are controlled instantaneously by ihp wse qf poe's . Dyspepsia Cure. - Those window shades at McCreery's -H rt .ill 'tlie raVo..':. I ! :a' 'Ihtr isburi -tiawV' lells of a man v.i iii.. uiiieu -Hi-uun.t iuui iiu:r, t.-;-v. ni-f -Ptrtjr' ruarh;-atid thrown U utv ! v , g . i' - a 'i:l tiKii.em uf sixiy feet ; fallen hea.:!f ,r, inoa rou. a hatchway, in a 3 ,ri lr;,i; ; hrr b-en marned three t:".i-''-..;;i...d .tt'.e "fattier, of twenty ' one h l.i-'-.M. il suli tives," is in bui.?- i.c-.- at Hairi.h!r. rid Xeep'sUtfbacli's ! Bi'trs and bicd ' V.Y.' coa:inily in 'riis Co ; sr'i. a iargii..l'.pply o. . ... .. : . .-Justices' Blanks for. -tale at this office. 1 TAX NOTICE: ' " OrncE 'cbLiTrcTORr of, Iktebnal Rivikue, 1 District of Nebraska. Ntbmka City,- October 4th, 1368. ) ANNUAL TAX LIST FOR 1S66. . .. ... . No' ice is hereby given, tbat the Annnal Tax List of Taxe Ase6f( tn accordance wiiU the provisions of the Act f Congress, to provide Internal Revenue, to sup port tbe Government, to pay interest .on tbe public debt, and for otber purposes, approved June 30tb, 1864, a'amende1 by tbe Act of March 31, 18t5, rr the years finding Dacgihbet SI, ;1365, nal.Uir 1 iSGi kas been returned to me, y tbe Asxesorti of this District and tbat raid taxes are now due an 1 payable, and payment thereof is hereby demraded, and tbat I will in person or bj deputy, attend at the Bankiug lions-, of John L. Carson in.Brownvii:e, on ti.e I6tU day cf QstoKer, 13S, ror tbe'parfoe ef receivina' said taxes rrom alt persons in Nemaha county.' All pe aooi wbo ah a!I n?;le:t to pay tbe amount of their, taxes, beieby oemailni, on or bjtjre the lay laai named, will be iiab.e'to pjy t iern a p or ally of ten per centum 1 Mi i n il, an 1 a foe or twenty eats for service of a special demand and notice, to gether with roar cents a mile travel tee, ac tually 4nl pecessaiiiy traveled to mike the ierviee there f " OFFICE HOURS--From 9 o c'ock A. M. io 37 P. M. JOSKPn K. LAMAHTER Collector, oI-Sw r-J I :y rBiaf,j Bavci, Iepuy ile4or. . .V; ESTBAY'i HOGr. ' Taken np by the undersigned, living four niilo we ft of Brownville, oil the 13th flay of September, IS68, an I -wtibin bis enclosed premises, ens black an! wbit hog, abonvoae ye-r old. , . WJtH. JJcININCH. not. vol ll-6wpd . - : h .- . s : - cr 9 9 a a. 22 o V4 f 3 1 aJ r1 l V M fa .J . . K -v a r - " w a-- B , i 1 I .. rr O o ::iiri;H3 5a'S C . C a ) 2 jl a? A ? " E if a ft -T nr. as t i; ''- -- w' S .5- u2 a- ft S 3 I ! - " t - r: rft o -r ' I : . i i 8 . i 2 s jT1- o . . , i ! H M e "iaZ O r-, I IT ss 2 vT ' I r v ft 2- . ' . J I S?r .'' M l'I r-i - f X "s'ii.i 1.1A.LJ 5 ,i o lj - ,'v Ca ' . -i '. A . . u r ' r mi . P J . . . 1 1 1 1 i" n-nj .-," ; CAEAr CASn'STORE, "1 ." Main Sired bdactn First art! StconJ. . ,: ! ;v . f .. t BROWNVILLE, N. T. ; 1 TTonldi Respectfully, infonn . tie Citiiens; of Browqv'ille, and surfoundjng country that I. have Just received my fall Lck of Goodi," of Of the latest "ntylgsjinJ bel quality. Mens" .bcar7 oalf Boots, double aokd Boots, tine KipBooia boys and childrens Boots and Shoes. All kink cf La dies' Boots and Shoei of the fl test and best quality. Tndi Rubber an'd'Buffalo Over Shoes for Gentlemen and Ladies Groceries - of. Every Kind, ' Consisting' of'ihe bes brand.of Sugar,-. Coflee, Tea, Pepper, Allspice, Soda, Candies," Tobacco, Matches,! Starch, '&c.,&C, Sec. Wooden Ware, Stone Ware, . . . The Best Quality of - - ;Th bert Woolen Under and Over Shirfj, Salt Salt by the pound er barrel ' WniCII IIE OFFERS FOR SATS . C ETE AJP KO R CASH Allot which h? ofTer !t .the lowert pricendeter mined not to be. undersold-: - i GRANT.- NEW ITIR-M . . ; and r v . -:. a4? U M Vii J. R. T. RAINEY & W. D. WIS successors to raiet Sc co 3 Respcdfully inform the Cifizens of the City and County that they are in receipt oj a large and compute assoitmfra of Ladie's Dress Goods, WHITE GOODS, With an endless variety of ; .. . . - 1ST O T I O jST Together with the Largest Stock cf Custom Made BOOTS AND SHOES' Ever brought to. this City all of which was purchased prior to tha late advance in gold, which enables us, to c(Ter supe rir enducernents to those desircu3 of pur chasing," We' also; fteep on hand a fre'sh Slock of 4 ' y And a good assortment '.'of " QTJEHESWASE .-, iv member th? rino, Ma;n Slrrcf, One Door vc tie I'osfotBce, Brownvilla. Nebraska. i i 4 in,nn - &. BR0TiIEB: to McLaughlin ft Swan )' iy Bant Lmlding. pcctfully. announce to tlie rublic thattlicy havenowm store.a Afcwr and Large Stock of FAMILY : GKOCE&IES, AND To which they invite the attention of purchasers. YOU WILL FIND THE BEST Sugars, Teas, Rio and Java Cpf fet, Turc Cider Yiiieger and Coal at . . j i Canned Fxuits in great variety and of the best quality ; Catsup, ficklcs. Oysters. Sadinea, Clams, French Mustard,' i Worccslcshirc Sauce and Wcstcry n cscrve Cheese at r . t SWAN '& BEOS, Swn and brother, desire to call particular attention to their large and varied Stock of ,' '; Tobacco, con'sisltn of Natural Leaf aod Nectarine. and other favorite brands of Plug-Tobacco and best qualities of Fine cut aad Smoking' Tobacco. ( ' ' Wrouoht.and Cut Nails, 'of all. size iades. Shovels. Brooms.Sewicg Twine and Scoop ShprJs at . ' SWAN & BRO'S. The - highest price paid for Duttcr, Eggs, and coantrj produce at Consult your interst by esamin- jinjjj Sw iii & Bp's. Goods and prices I before. -liuying'-elsewhere. . ' " v-iO-n-4 ly. , ; J - 3Xcclinc :of School Examiners Notice is hercbygiven that tbe Hoard i.f Schi 1 I Exttroincrs of Nemaha County, Nebraska, will bolJ f meetings for the .hjaminnrjqa' of Teacher? for said" County, "at the' offiee 'of E. W.' Thomas, in Brownvrlle,n tbe 1st Saturday in every mdntS ! i oetween tne nours oi-rne an t i , m, Appjicnnts - (' for certiflrates are required to tie presert at one i '.?. i- tv .. i i " la . .a 1 ' ' a a a . mm . . . T . I o'clock, precisely, or tbey will not bo eiamiccd. No person need apply at any otber time.-" ' ! . j order of tbe Ttosrd. " " , Choicer-Thrifty. " ' ; " 7 ysage wmv riauis, ForJ'Jlciat e. ,;e burcheSvC: co's -. v -T . O ' vilL Nebraska. ; . jAIso f-OjarerjH)ltt,rr 'r ntiJ jll ? r ! T - - , Urange f ENcrsYii'ch will te uooe m; the ie verjrf eft st!e, ard warraaU-l. tending until tney areajertict leuceare a ui-1 00 c.'rer7?o, oVobf7- 1H0 WrV rur. 81. .co so " ; ' 1 Mr TheunJcrsigneilkeepnn hand ararcnsscrthjctsti SATTINET&CASSIMEnESUiTS For Uenand Cj? wear. -Also;a Iarstixk f BOOTS AND SHOES Rubber Cols, LegIns vl Blankets. UMBRELEAS AND CAP.PET BAGS, Gent's .'Farnisliing Goods, Of' all kind Whnni tre will ?e!I .; ! C TI lfi A p' O il . O X S II We purchased our goods since the di e purchased our goods since the ck in the Markets ami will. ?e!l M luv es. -ATKINSON CO. clme figures April FiBTBfilll!! 1 - Immense- Steele at i Southside Main Sreet bet. 1st and 2nd. Have row on hand a maguificent stcck of ..u ; ..... viz-o ' ' . . , Coosisiing c,F . bed stea d's j . riain-nnd fitney. witH'orTriihafit ?rinj and MATRESSKS OF ALL-KINDS BUR E A US i Tlaia arid Funej, Marblo Ttp5, 1c, in. . prcat .varist. . . - , " m e t a Mr rA-SJ f? Grrat variety of rnst Improved Tv-tttcrn . LOUNGES, SAFES, WASH STAN t)? WAAT-NOTS, UPHOLSTERVji And cveiyih.'n in lho Furni- j line, which' ihey will sell Below Eastern Prices ! Their Fnrnifnre ij coraplcfo Irirvpry ft?crt, tc In ut up by iVforeriiT worVninn who bas'(S:are of the esf.ibl:5hrafi.ti nn I enn hee'red f t.- f ' Thetrs U tho rTteft iJoitmcntcf Furniture over brought to tliis raitrkrt ; nn'd is tke rn-iy plaoe here a cf mplete rvtrt Furnlturocan bo liml. I Fair Dealing&L ovr, Prices Ie their motto, and .by can La rylicj v.ii in both respceta. ; f- , ' - .! . :: June loth, ISrta. . . Jt"3 Cm . ! 1 .IN YAniBTYi A.Nt) JaX33.eJLX -k. 37"UI.1"CJ By (he too orl.op ror M TT T) T T 13 t IT T7C1 I1, Z"1 Hi. Xl. -UU1v111VT At their teir Nursery f 1 miles'west of ille. Nebraska. - ?7-:f Brovmv ( i ! 0a hand at- his Store Rooms, vv ti ti e? S l 3 LI ft j ua - . an . jo i- He hn,'anJ vU consf.intTy ktop'rr hih.'f'.'-x ruxr.iiatri''f.iJr-.i4?4'' ?'' "4 Sbors. itats-and ojOutirrv.yC;t!irj.- 4J-iiU-irn, llardurc. Cr-ckry.tW. -ft-.J "Viilow "Ware, ami alt lin.IV..l' ,vifeuf i.iTT v" r 1 1- is a, fitst-tflaia' lU-falis IwrtiijUHiil J.w mat auy Ware tbat cauie Loebt nywhrtf. Lt.:T.,,T ' .'TERMS LOVr- DOWN FOR ' G'A 5 13 1 ' 1 - 1 snaviAg'jus5 bongTii out tVl ehtireatl;rnnt. ifUcMnar tiixtarV -t-' c-4!e.?- 4':-- 1 't old firm "Hat end I t-rc-'iy ve riv.fl "c? tbat all neroi fct-Nhf 'thV rr:r' rf . Hrr " ' ' ; l'I 'Ubel - fday of ITarcb.'lVw;'; ihzA ji 'tta haa I V'U'U i t - FOP.' FOR . ' , ' Vail b ;l-- i I1' v. w J -i m i mS-S'-! ..k ) - rt..N .' tu 'it r . 1 . a . . a 1 i 5; r . ? w . LV-Irr;;.- K-y-g r V. r". vtij.- , - v- r1' Z; r o a j - i l f .wi'', - , - l' "1 -w,wTS2a f W.. j-e--; ..-'X m tr5 U ? ' i vi '. ' ' rs i.-jf n . , - Lal . J . - j T: , H b- WJ--v- inn i y - irH H AV' UT. V , .ff.u f M r;p ... - x ? It W-bJ- i" tt "1 z. him ,--i'-"-l t -.e , ii) !- 4- I .,T, .lljXL. S O -C5 pn7Ani?mvA'nn:riM!inM ...ll.lttjlil .;.- ..4 . . i ? rTTi, i a, BKOWNV1L t I lYcull R;$t:di..'j Jrj-.r. . the Traa cULip; rulh'c at fare, Ti: t "I; have re ccMly trdu'ht- tp Vhrs p.. a lb Mis souri River ihn new an J : ' i !1J Steam ! pgrrv Boat. " ' ! ' " ' - -. ' ITa p'ffifjr f.riXVJf rrrm fuiteamlpr-t Stc, nLa !iiuvujiuis CJita-fiiVlciiiCVta.'i Y' C.ifo in ynjin,; my arrancup-rKj for elation, jc'.l. -anJ s-ifjty.nro B it. cnqa!c'l. hy y oher boatVn'tho Jrasoiul'Ijr" Iein !ooateJ at'tha Tj-porou.- ai l li urT!iTij city of Crownvill t, brak., in thcjccntre of tli- jrciU firming Cuaritry in tho Vitt, where tLX-eiitLjiltiSal X'J. I O.Tice, mnkes it the m st d-; point fr t:ni rr.ii.t4 in.i Settler' : ar.J .harin!? bea xwM;'lr't at JcatsilihOOO rTn'rtrtf ror.lssn.l briJes both e.t t an 1 wc?t, 1 perranrfU 1 i l wc?t, 1 pi;Iip J'r t'y to the Ferry, m.ikes it irrAant-fU ti .nat afJ titrtrXXJiiTtlillf.Jear, ie Mi su' i bit revt-j;;ji jr-,vir at this pyial ! the Mil s. U' whilo at allotbursit doe. WvoJ J "y to FrtihXfr, .an 1 p-rin. trosin ; iiieKilfnrj-taeroli a - SirfiaJ: pirA frn the ri- ! .. .hr. in. h rt r.!-n! itTrs:i tT'tit in Knarinaai. 91 iUnrc arj F'jfly i-ir Uui 'lirrwi ia this imniuliate mrf vt -a.n f the '? DercT' tho-coat faJ iamlin-. Trfs.'Tft .litT.;ti ti hny irpoiuliN.irtli":i.l t'vflljwm -Sdiuli V'f;lT7 jf; ' ilrVwVvliirsSepf'.'jVth ."i liL r. J - iv . ; .7 .U 5 i . . . . f 1 ' . V : i i r. !; ' Jao.-i ' . J :iTt li 3, -i r.a t a iw ' v .f:". t i"8 3 7 - ,; rrr ij';-'3 - J: otaS -.rfl'r v-!' '.:;-'. ' i A T, ! i 10)052 7'neiIO 2r&& a a i