Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1866)
i 1 J I lic Qtfvtxtiscx. ZZk Peeds, Mortgrs, Executions, Rcpleriita, 'liije e. Ac for sale at thii 0;e. -'n"W- WILLIAMS, Wnols the acthor kmc co'. lections end purchases ia that City. QJict f CUttut Sf W, A. ITrer. . OWSVILLE TBCRSPAT. AUG, 25, 1SS6 ' thorizeU Agents for Prince L Co CEO. W. DILL A CO, art tbe aulhorited AjenU . hWha County fx Geo. A. Prince A (Vs cele- tsl CsVinet Orja ns , Meksleons, etc. For price, a,,eell at tbe Adertoer V-peo. - JOoTcipiT Urrels fore sale by E. WORTHING. 'Pure Ci'ar Vioegar at SWAN h BRO'S. , LADIES' FESTlYAIs AT McPHERSON'S HALL, To-morrow, rriT. Evening, 7 o'clock- P.H. . TVs Ladies of the-M. E. Church cf tL'i city will give a Festiral or the ben i'of taid Church, at McPherson's Hall, to-morrow cecicg:, at 7 o'clock, P. M. EvrTj.bicg has teen arranged withuste aid tkill lo give cne of the most pleasant social raxhc rings erer had in this city. AJfliuDce 25 cents. . Tickets can be hid at the Post Office and McCreery'a Ci;y Drug Store. Ti era ember Geo W Hill &. Co., are Ajcats for Geo. A. Prince & (Vs Pat ent Automatic Organ, price 110 to Patent School Cr gans.Price 100 toS375 " Patent Melodcns, Piano Case.price 52 A great Tanety of Pocket Cutlery cietp at SWAN t BRO'S. Important to Sorghum Hana- fittarf rS. With an outlay of $30 for apparatus and 8 cents per gallon there after Sonrbum may be made equal to Deleter's R'Cned. For particulars and rights address J. C. BELL. Pawnee City, Neb. Tfce new bWzta tenj "laona" ttn potes ca acqcaintauce. The crossing ta teen considerable for the past week, and our business, is feeling this new itn rulie considerably. This cannot fail to le cne of the mo?t trarelled routes across tie plain as eoonastt becomes generally Uowa that we hare a good ferry boat. A well selected stock of Glass and Tin Self-Sealing Fruit Cans for sale at Deu tei's Tin and Store Store. TerrrU, Stanton & Co's Stillhouse was riiied list Saturday, and wcrk on it is -leitj hurried forward with great rapidi ty, and soon the "worm" will be at work. See the adrertisement of Grapes and Small Fruit for tale, in to-day's paper. Th'.t firm hare raised and acclimated in this 'country the largest Nursery Stock exy gotton into cne collection in this Land District. The long experience and U known ability of Sir. Burches war rants us In assuring the farming corn canity that his dealings are fair and his Kursery stock good. . The Neb. City Prist of the 14th says " 4'the woik on the C. B. &. St. Joe Rail , road was ccrcmenced opposite this city this morning. The cars will be runing f.'oa here to Council Bluffs by the 1st of .Jati-jary next and over the entire road ly the 1st cf next July. The road south of tht Missouri line has been turned cer to Mr. Phelps, the puochaser bj the State." . We are pleased to call attention to the fct that Messrs. Barret & McNaoghtan .have enabli.'hrd a Claim Agency in our fity. The recent act of Congress equal ling lounties which will he found on wr first page greatly increase the tahber cf these having claims against &e Gorernmeat, and the most essential finishes in Claim Agents being honesty -d thorough acquaintance with the busi te; we can cheerfully and heartily recommend the abore firm to all who J-ive claims to ccllect. tVe hava just received a eopy of the intoji Sentinel, published by Lacoclc & Okrholtzer at Hiawatha, Ks. A neat ozry paper and sound politically. "Pruaj it we learn that the engineers te nosy surveying the St. Joseph and nrer railroad, and intend going as far M MaryTille, Marshal county, this sea sa. if COf farther. This seems to cs "golden 'opportunity' for Pawnee Q'y, and we hooe its ritizens will move lry a this matter and thus secure its Jccb JIiroiiQ fca jUJl receired a and well selected Stock of Goods h-h he is ready to make up just as toaashe- receire, the order. If you 'U a good suit of Clothes, there is'the it to g0t you ctQ lheta roBde o ic'f11 " Iw enl for Sic" Sew : Uachje, one cf the test and cheap- s. "fes now op erating ia the United VCS u"yea would have to pay ia St. . cric. bee Lis advertise- 13 .,1 tU. II. HcCrCCrj, cf the City Drug Store, has just received another large stock cf Oils and Paints, Drug and iJedicmes. He also keep3 on hand & large rariety cf Wall Paper and Win dow Shades. Bishop Clarkscn will administer Con firmatjoa in McPeersoa'a Hall oa the ctening cf Sept. 9ih. Kew ana Epledld Stock of Clo toln, Atkinson &, Co., hare just re ceired a large invoice cf Clothinz and Gents Furnishing Goods, recently laid in at unprecedently low prices.and which they sell oa te same terms, i.e., for cash. Call soon to secure a good choice josepa j reit nas opened a baioon in the basement of Breitmeyer's brick, on Main Street. In this connection the ac .- w- . lion ct our uuy camera seems quite strange. Some months since they deter mined to clear the fide-walks of all ob structions. To this effect certains steps were ordered shortened, boxes, barrels and thinsrs removed. At this time the Council received a lergthy petition re questing permission to open a front en trance on the parement to Breitmeyer's basement, the petition was promptly re fused. In defiance cf this refusal, the entrance was mnde, and low the Counci has granted license to use it for a Saloon This is a bright business transaction. We learn from all over this section of country that the Osage Orange Plants have been greatly damaged by Gophers, Moles, &c, so that the crop will be but about one-half what was planted for. This has been from no fault in the soil, bat ft cm poor seed and an imperfect kncwlvdge of the proper manner of cul tivating and avoiding the pests which de stroy them. Marsh & Co., have on hand a work designed to assist the farm er in avoiding these difficulties, and being within the reach of all, ncne should have a right to complain who have neglected to avail themselves cf this light oa the subject Agents Wanted. $100 a month easily made at selling Dr. H. B Vaux's Mazic Relief. We want traveling agents all through the State of Missouri and Ne braska, to sell this truly wonderful med icine. For particulars apply to a W. HURST, City Dtvg Store, Brovnville. Z7First application first choice of territory. 46-tf Costireness or habitual Constipation. From these afflictions arises many of the ailings of man. We hear daily, reonle complain of beadacne, nervous debility, etc., and generally the cause of the complaint can be traced to their constipated habits. A remedy for the rure cf this trouble is what they want We recorcmena JJr. Ko back's Suar Coated pills as the best remedy we know of. They contain no mercury, or otner mineral poison, ana act like a charm on the liver and intes tines. Give them a trial. Dog Days are fairly upon us. and this is truly the sickly season. Do not be without a supply of Coe's Dyspepsia Cure in the house. It cures cholera morbus, cramps, pains and colic in either stotna:h or bowels, is the only remedy ever dis covered that is sure cure for dyspepsia, and is a splendid antidote for disorders occasioned by a change of water or diet, being prompt, harmless and certain in its action, we cheerfully commend it to all classes. We clip the following from the Senate proceedings cf the 27ihi ult, upoa the ad roissioo of Nebraska. The consideration cf the bill to admit Nebraska was resumed. Mr. Hendricks moved to refer the bill to the Judiciary Committee to investigate the iegality of the election by which the Slate gorernment was adopted. At the suggestion of Mr. Doolkde the motion was so modified as to refer the bill to the Committee on Territories. Pending the consideration of the Ne braska Bill, Mr. Poland, from the Judi ciary Committee made a report on the case of Mr. Patterson, of Tennasce, ac companied by a resolution, &e. After this report was disposed of, the following proceedings were had: Mr Wade cal led for the resumption of the consider ation of the bill to admit Nebraska. The pending question was on Mr, Hendrick's moti-.n to recommit the bill to the Committee on Territories, with instructions to investigate certain allega tions of fraud in the eleotion at which the State Coaptation was adopted. Mr. Nye epoke against recommittal and in favor of the bill, after which a rote was taken with the following result years 18; nays 22. So the senate re fused to recommit the bilL Mr. Summer offered an amendment prorididg that the bill shall not' take effect until Nebraska shall abolish all distinction in political rights on account of color. Disagreed to yeas 5; nays 34. - The bill was then passed yeas 34, cays, 13. The Senatorial Gmrentioa for the District composed of the counties of An drew, Nodaway, Holt and Atchison, is set for the 23d of August. OFFICIAL. LAWS OF Tt; U'HTED STATES Pused at th First Session cf tfca Thirty Ninth Congress. (Jullic, Jo. 53.) Aic Act to prevent and punish kidnap ping. Be it enacted ly the Senate and House of Representatives of ihs United States of Jlmerica in Congrtss assembled, That if any person should kidnap or carry away any other person, whether negro, mulat to, cr otherwise, with the intent that euch other person shall be sold cr car ried isto involuntary servitude, cr held , j r persuade, or knowingly induce any ether person to go on board any vessel or to any other place, with the intent that he cr she shall be made or held as anhve or sent out of the country to be so made or held, cr shall in any way knowingly aid ia. causing any other person to be held, sold, or carried away, to be held or sold as a flare, he or she shall be pun ished, on cenvictioa thereof, by a fine c! not less than five hundred nor more than five thousaud dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding five years, or by both o said punishments. Sic. 2. Jlnd le it further enacted .That it the masters or owners, or person hay 1 m wg cnarge oi any vessel, snaa receive on board any other person, whether ne gro, nulatto, or- otherwise,, with, the knowledge or intent that such person shall be carried from any State, Tern tory, cr district of the United States, to a foreign country, state, or puce, to be t i i ii neia or sola as a slave, or snaa carry away from any State, Territory, or dis trict of tne United States, any such per son, with the intent that he or she shall be so held or so sold as & slave, such master, owneror other person offending. shall be punished by a fine not exceed ing five thousand nor less than five hun dred dollars, or by imprisonment not ex ceeding five years, or by both of . said punishments.' And the vessel on board which said person was received to be carried away shall be forfeited to the United Slates. Approved, May 21, 1S66. Public Xo, 55 Ah Act amendatory of Ao act to pro vide for the reports of decision of the Supreme Court of the United Slates." Be it enacted by the State and House of Kepresentalives oj the United States oj Jlmerxea in Congress assembled. That the reporter of the decision of the Supreme Court of the Uuited Slates shall hereaf. ter be allowed the term of eight months for the publication of his reports instead of six, as provided by the act of August twenty-nne, eighteen hundred and for ty-two. Approved, May 21, 1S66. (Public Resolution, Ab. 34.) A Resolutios to extend the time for tne construction vf the first section of the Western Pacific railroad. Resolved by the Senate and House of Kepreenlatites of lite United btvles of vmtnea in Congress assembled, Tnat the time for tne construction of tne first twenty miles of the Western Pacific railroad' be extended to the first day of January, eighteen hundred and sixty seven; but this extension is upon the con ditioo to De accepted oy said company. t i at and notice of such acceptance to be giren by them to the Secretary of the Interior, that the lands known as the lands of the exmission of San Jose as included in the map and survey thereof made October. eighteen hundred and sixty-four, by E- H. Dyer, Deputy Uuited States Surveyor, shall not be included in the grant hereto fore made to the said Western Pacific Railroad Company. Approved, May 21, 1866. (Public Ab.54.) Ah Act to establish a post rout from Vt A Ihurgb, Vermont, io Cham- plain, in the state of New Yoik, and for other purposes. - Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Slates of Jlmerica in Congress assembled, That the railroad bridge across Lake Cham plain at Rouse's Point, connecting the 0rdens- burgh and Lake Champlain railroad, in the State of New York, with the Ver mont and Canada railroad, in the Slate of Vermont, be, and is hereby, declared & lawful structure, and is, and shall be, recognized and known as a post rout. brc 2. Jind be it further enacted. That the Ogdensburzh and Lake Chamnlain Railroad Company, their successors or assigns, and the V ermont and Canada Railroad Company, their successors aod assigns, are hereby authorized to keep up, maintain and use ihe said bridge, for the transportation of the miils, and for the benefit of the general commerce be tween said State and the transportation of persons and property. And in place of the float now in use forming nart of saib bridge, they or either of them may construct and maintain two suitable draws, one of which shall be at least six ty feet wide, snd the other at least nine ty feet wide, and which shall always be opened ay the railroad company which constructs the same, whenever required for the passage ef .cessej, except .during and fifteen minutes prior to the passage cf mail trains. And -which draws shall be so constructed and managed as at all times to affrod resonable and proper fa cilities for the passage of vessels: Pro vided, Thai this act shall be subject u a meed meat or repel at the pleasure cf Congress. ' Approved, May 21, 1S66. ft It. . i C 1 ts 2 3 S3 " 2 S? l Co 2 a m on If Q H 0 o G o mm n i 9 -? so S MM H l4 a c S g O 5 ft- JTt xr o A P . Cl 2 SIS'. a k "J" jq jT' 1 1. ":'""!.' J1J XPultic Xo. 53-1 AST Act to amend tb chsrUr of tba TsjkicJtoa Gtfs-nent Uomranr. Retoleed If t Senate and Uount cf Ilfpretcnta firee U Lntted tlaUi of Amenta tm Lontrrtn temcUd, That the chrtr of the Wajbiogtoa Uaas- hjrht CosapAQT be, and tht sac u hercbj, amaad ed is tho third soctioa by ntaZiuUM tea word "Februarr" ror "JaDBarr." SlC. 2. And In it furikf naeted. That the eapiul stock of saU eoosp&ar be, and the same hereby, increased ! ire htindred thoaaand dollars object to the same liability as is proTided ia the devests section of the original act of iecorporaUoa approTed Jo) 7 eighth, eighteen haadxed and forty ApproTed,3Iay34, lRijg. T Public-Jfo. 91 Ax Act to aaiborise the appointment of aa addl- ditiecal MiUnt SwreUryof the tary. Em it reoltd w tk 3end and Houte ef Bevrt- etitirm of the United St ate i of America in Oon gre$t aemlld. That, ther-esident o: Ut Lnlted States be. an! he Is herebo authorised aad in- powerek. by and with the adriee aad eynsent of the Sonate, to appoint aa additional Assistant Sec retary of the aery, whe shall perform the srmeda tics and receire the same salary as is by lav allow ed to the present aarsistant Secretary of the Nary Szc. 2 And I it farther enacted, Tha the oSce hereby created shall cease by limitation in six months f fom tie approval of th;s act. Approred, May 24, tSgj. SWAN h BOOTH EE (Successors to McliaQrhlin & Swan.) Xemaha FtJUy Sank Building. We respectfully announce to the Public that they have no win store, a New and Large Stock of FAMILY HBOCEMITJES, AND To which they invite the attentiop of purchasers. YOU WILL FIND THE BEST Sugars, Teas, Bio and Jara Cof- ret. rure Claer Ymeger ana Coal Oil at WAN & BEO. Canned Fruits in great variety and of the best quality ; Catsup, pieklcs. Oysters. Sardines, Clams, French Mustard, Worcestershire Sauce and Western Reserve Cheeiiat SWAN & UEOS, Svun and Brother, desire to call particular attention tc(their large and yaned btock of i .V Tobacco, consisting of Natural Leaf and Nectarine and other favorite brands of Plug Tobacco and best qcalities of Fine cut aad Smoking Tobacco. Wrought and Cut Nails, of all size Spades. Shovels. Brooms.Sewing Twine and Scoop Shovels at ' swajn fir viiv a. The highest price paid for Batter, and country produce at SWlN & BRO Consult your interst by examin ing Swan & Bro s. Goods and prices before buying elsewhere. v-10-n-4 ly. POSTPONEMENT. UHI0X NATIONiTi GIFT CONCFRT To be siren at SMITH & NIXON'S Hall, Chicago August, 30tli 1SC&, 100,000 Splendid Girts. Valued at - w Will be presented to the Ticked Holders. Number of Tickets toned, 1,000,000, PRICE 81,000 EACH. Persona enntetopUtio? parchasine Tickets in anr of the many Enterpriz -s of the kind, will do well tneximine the fIloTinji $50,000 in Real Estate! Ompriin 201 Lots, pleasantly situated in City 830,00 in Greenbacks! Fire $10,000 Prizes'! ....... Ten $5,000 Prizes 1 Fire $2,000 Prizes ! THREE LARGS FARMS. VALUED AT $22,000. . . 50 Pianos. EacU $SOO 200 Serein? Machines, Eacli $100. 1,CC0 Silk Lrtss Patterns, Each, 565, VS,7J5 Other Prises. Alt 35ozr ZACH f57"For farther particnlars send for circclar. Special Terms, or Clab Rates. Any party pro- anD a clbo oi fire or more names lor ucseu, aaa forvardisz as the money for the same, will be al lowed the following commiiuion, tis; We Will send 5 Tickets to one address Tor - - $1,50 10 Tickets to one address for - 9,00 30 Tickets tone address for - - 17,30 30 Tickets to one address for - 2S.25 40 Tickets to one add rese for - 55.00 51 Tickets to one address for - - 43,50 100 Tickets to ene address for - - 85.00 In ever ease the name and post office address of each subscriber. Money, by draft, poet-oQce order or in registered letters may be sent at onr risk. All communications should be addresfed to In erery ease . send the name of each sabsenber and their Post Office Address, with the Town, l-oanty ana btate, in fol!. Money by draft, r. O. Order, Express, or in Registered Letters, easy be sent at our rifk. Address all communications to. BRYAN, ROSBROOK m CO. 1jO0 Ilaiden St. Chicago, III. P O Drawer, 5 S 27. GENERAL AGENTS. C. Thaciir, Publisher Ac, 13 Court St, Boston Be&xfsdA ttrriER.SO West St.' Cinclnaatti O. Bcki A Barth, Booksellers Ac Union E. R. Do- pot, Indianapolis, j a J. Eishek A Baoslljuia dtora, 117 llaia Street, Ueytoa Ohio - . . E. Koujf A Co.jOilmington Delaware" Wasthj. General HeenU for Cities. Townsnd Districts, who can apnoint rood active Sub-A rents also, Local Ageau in small Towns. bead Referencys with application. As a farther indacement to our agents and fiietds to act tnerretiea'.ly and rromotlr we offer a Pre- miamof Onehandred Dollars, irrespectire oi all commiMions, to our most successful agent, and. to the retter Bp of the larrest private Ulab.aFre- miam of twenty fire dollars REFERENCES Hon. Robert C. Kirs, Ohio. Eoa. Henre S Stnford, codji. jex-wot. eaodaU,Vis, Hon iames 3 Tit; Maine. Hoh.P. G.Tib Winkle, West Tirsiaia Eoa. a- H. Williams, Oregon. Coneral H. J. CUoat- rick, N. S. Boa. A. P. Corey, Indiana. L. Holiu- cere, sq.. TopeKa, Kansas. John P. Haoniln, Esq . Bnslo. . T. Dr. Eenrr Borrette M. D.. Kevada City. Cbas.Fredtries: Aloert, Sso.., Idaho, ask ear w ut premieeni satins Bt la Obltefe. et ev ee BROWNVHiLE L-3 LJ WaV w3s-i V ev IIORGAH & HEYETT, Respectfully anno nee to the pnblie that thej are znanaiactanns the LEEFEU 5 KIDDED BIBIXG PLOW oa CORN CULTIVATOR. AtSd DXACIL'S GAT. Q AJfO TBENOH PLOWS. We hire theexctas!re right to the manafactare and tale of these plows in this Territory and ad jtining counties of Missouri, and intend to supply all demands so far as p.acU cable. It is conceded by all who bare tested the Leeper & Kidder Cnltirator, that it is superior to all others, in the following; respects : 1st. The plowman eaa ride easier and plow with less labor. Sod. Any person who can drive a team eaa man ge it. 3d. Crooked fown of corn are plowed as easily end thoroughly as straight ones, the plowman sit ting so as to obsenre the corn, aad see il the work is well done. 4th. It is guided by a perfectly natural and easy foot motion, and does not cramp or tire the plow scan. 6th. The plow, while in motion, is mored with perfect ease. 0th. The shorels may be adjusted to any depth, and any desired space between them is easily ob tained. 7th. It has adjustable shields to pre rent young eorn from being covered. 8th, It is admirably adapted to plowing! n small grain. Erery cultirator is well made, of good material, and warranted to do rood work. We refer to the following, named persons, who last year bought aod used the cultirator manafao tared by Morgan A Mead, in Atchison county, Mis souri, to-wit: A. J. Richardson, Semaha county, Nebraska. Kedoras, do (to do WW Tate, do do do T J Robinson, do do do 11 f Biggsbf , do do do A ShoeLeit Richardson do do Shoemaker A Co Jessee Crook do do do da do do Gaze do do J B Watingly. J 11 Parker, Atc'i ison county, Missouri. CJohn Van Meter do do do It J Porter do A S Campbell do W H Vanloren do John Harder do David Bertrand do Jasob Jaliawenny do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do d9 44 do do do ad do do da do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do da do do do do do do do do do do do 4o do do do do do do do do do Andrew Back do Mr Cristy W C Morgan Wm May W T Robinson Uoees Tibbetts Stephen Clayton O V Woolsej Mr Terrell . Mr McDonald Hi Barnelt A Hilitnan Mr Tamer Ju'r Langley Thoma.i Arnold Rodolph i.'itcbie Ernest Lansking May A Lahue Bennet King PBarnbnrst S C Woods O W Smith Phillip Walters II II Vanloren do do do do do do do de do o io do do do do do do do do do Sodowsj do d do do do do do do do do Bolt do do do J C Miller A Morgan U V tialer U B Casey Mrs Schuyler J R Bradford L A Rogers T J Rogers J U Walker J S Bedford Mr Crocker J D Enock M Fisher John Tidgen Wm Hickman D Thompson THE GANG, TRENCH, A3D 3PX-OWS, Have been Designed Especially to meet the 1Y ants orFarmers. 7"One man and four horses can do more Work, and do it better, with this plow, than two men with two disconnected plows. The followisg are some of the adrantagea t&ese lows hare orer others t let. They are ee arranired that they eanno rise eat of the ground when striking a sod or hard place, inancg tboroagb work. zna. ineyare me ugniest arait oi aay now, cither nrie or doable, according to the report of the Committee of Trial of Implements , at Decatur, !I beptemrer, 1B3. 3d. Ihey are more easily managed: any stoat boy ten years old can manage them. 4th. They are more compact and and simple, therefore not io liable to got oat cf order. These Plovra hare taUea Fire First Premiums at tlie Illinois State Falrn, and Four at Iowa State Fairs. The Treaeh Plows are eted for breaking Prairie or Medow land, with a Sod Plow io ft oat, catting the sod in a tbin slice, and turning it down into a deep ftrrow, and the rear plow raising the sub-soil to the surface, covers the sod completely, so that it is out of the way of after ealtote. E7We will promptly fill all orders for the abore named plows at this place. We are also prepared to io Custom Work in Wood and Iron, n ony thing pertaining to the i WHEELWRIGHT'S, . OS Blacksmith'd Busines Prompt attention gifea to Castoasrs ia (alalia at the Shofs fronting COGSWELL'S LIVERY STABLE, .Iyer's Cathartic PUIS. irtu Of Saint Loms Ma, CONSULTING AND OPERATING PHYSI CIAN AND SURGEON FOR ALL DISEASE OF THE JSIYM lEJAIS ILHJRG- TIRO AT Ell rsuPEiuon fresch aruhcial eyes kseeted DR BORT has, by special request, consent to tisait the fclioxvinj places, at which limes he can he consulted on all diseases of the Eye Ear Lung Heart Throat Catarrh and Deafness Will be la UroTniTine, t Ibc UrownTlHc Uonse, Wtdnesday ani Thursday, Over twelve hundred persons liavo been successfully treated by rZDiv BO I? within the past two months, Consultation and Examination. Freo Imarliable Core of Catarrh of Years Standing. VTlih pteiftsre I can reccommend Dr.BOHf to those sB'cted. ss I hare teen a great sufferer wit& diseate calif d Catarrh Or many Tears, and for three mooths prerioas to appljinc to Dr. BORT, I could not sleep at num. i wa to much distressed, as toon as f com mencep treatment with Dr. BGBt I bessn Imprormg and at this time feel entirely rree from the dueae.- I hare, previous to applylnt to Dr. BORT, end ear or ed to obtain relief i rom erery known oonroe. Tbe af flicted in those ways would do well to contn Ii Dr Sort stonpe- 4. PIP, Steamboat Cabin Builder. Ko. B5 Leree Street, St. Louis. Reference and names or medical tenielmen ami oth. em who bare been Intimately acquainted ith D. BOST, and who take r-articu ur pleasure In recom- menJicg him to the patronage of the public aa a gen tleman worthy of erery conodenio, and surseaa In hose juiifrement and skill they all rely ! Valentine Mott af . D L. L. V., hlew Tork. I. 15 j Francis, M. D., h D. " JosUhN Wood M. D.p A. L. Clark, U. D.. " 3. B. Crane, D , " ST. J Church, M. D. t. D. Rogers, K. D.t B. S . Baker, 3C. D. ' Dr. Nott. President et the Union college of Schene tady, New York. G. P, Par(s.h, M. P., Xew Torlf. F. B. cae HD A S Heslle, Surgical Instrument Uanufactnresr, St. Johns, New Tork Stephen Alexauder D D college of Xew Jersey. JohnMcLaneDD Lyman Atwaier, tJ.t). " James C. Moffat, D. D., " " B. M. Mnograre, D. D. " Hon. L. A. Chandler, Rockway Jadce R-bejn, Belridere. P. B. Kennedy, Kq. Sl. Byinston, U. D. Benj. Deputy. Esq. Rer. Wm. Kirk, Rer. U. J. Osburn. 4 Chief Justice Wherpley, liorristowrj, Hon Jacob Vannetta, Hon. Theodore Little ' Jame 3. Dickenson, XJ. Chestar Rer. I. Stonteoburg Rer J. Brewster Rer G. il. Keer, L L D., Utica Krw fork, formerly Preslpent Agriomlturat College. CEIXTIFCATHs A few of the many reeeot rolantary testimonials ef cares froH persons well and farorably own.who harebeee cered hy Dr. Bort (aad that too of tne naont recent date), although hartng many thousands ia bis possession, e few only: Is here subjoined : ST. LOCI 3 Xo June 15th 1865. I hare been deaf In one ear for tiny years, orcaion. ed by Scarlet Ferer of Cankerrah, and In the other ear thirty years, caused by terer and taking quinine. Xy deafness was so great that I ould with difflcolty, nn erstaod anyone and it waa Impossible for me to hear common conversation. Xy deafness was accom panied by a constant d9ct;srge from the esr j ao a continuous roaring and hissing in my ears. Three scootos tints I put my self under Dr JBort's care, at honga serentyrone years of age. be caused mo to ear ss wel as say one of my age. jaSPkRS. jonxsroy, Fonrttenth Street. St. Loal Xo. Xr Johnfton'aras formerly a Wholesale Grocer on Second Street, St. 1ouli. Twenty to years hare X snffered from a most dis treojing disease of the Cye and Llrer. I bare ben treated by sixteen different pbj nouns dariDg that time without beneat. I called on ttr Bort, and in six weeks, without anr operation on my Ses, ao en tirely cure me. I reside in Jersyrille, Illinois AMELIA A. FOR-YTH. St. Louis, Mo, June 15' h IS5J. DA. BORT Dexr Sir; I hare been blind end help lessior the lasts leren yoars, being lei moat erery where. f re been nearly as bad for the past fifteen years, sugaring Ur more than tongue can tell. Now my eyes are aa well, and you bare, thank God, cored me. And. If this stain statament can be the means ofigiring relief to an 9oat fcefeae-, vm tny publish Jt. XnS. i,01SIA blow. I bare 1een afflcted with Scrofulous Sore zyes erer since I can remember, and bare endetrored to obtain relief from erery known source and anally, aa a last reoarce, I concluded to place myself under the charge of Dr Bort, who cured my eyes in six weeks. Xoars, XR. ABRAHAM GOODXaX. St. Lois X. ALTOJT, ILLS. Angus! 11 ta IB5, ttt. fiORX fear Sir: I Jbare taken your rudias and followed yurdirectos lor a Ctarr.nd D a.'nes with which I hare ao long b -en afflict-d (IS ysar.), 1 am bappr to state to you that I am entirely cured. and many the iks to you for the skiU you bestowed ia my eae I am my dear slr,yonr obedient friend and well wt'ber H. D. BRTANT. Altco 11 'Jo-. I hare been suffering from a Catarrhal J CecUa of the I nngg for two years, so morh so 1 was bed fast for three mcnths. Hid cunrtant cosgk, ao4 ex pec K a tiot a thick, yell .wHh matter I aad prertoes to ap tljin to Ur. Sort, endeavored to obtain relief from erery kaosrn euu-rce, and all to no arall until I to-k t eeatment from Or. Bort who cured me in rig weeks treatment. C. P, COLLAW. io 1 Fourteenth street, St Louis It A D O F n l v- On band at bis Store Egsss, ShnrC Tzzin3 : tow Dovni ron cash ! IlaTirg jsst boufhtwntlh entire establishment, tid m : io that th. 1ft day of March 13SS, wUlb, placed in the duu 9 AT AM, ST. LCUTS. July, 2J. ISiS. I cheerfully make the follow m stitemeht of facts eoncerntng my own astocUhing cure, which to ma was life to the dead ; Abost three yearsstel otk a serere cold wilcS seen-edto locate oa myhet and lutig. aod tine that time my condition has beeo truly alarming, r social ly for eighteen mcnths. My phyicuo, myscif snl trie-ds had abafiduned all hop of ray recxre; y. o lanxuatfo can describe my sufferiegs, whiih annoyed me both y and eight. X effort on tuy part to cltila a cuts ltd been emitted, fer I employed, from the Cummetieenient of my slckne, the roott eminent men cf the tate, and took their remedies fatthrulir. colli they frankly told me that I had Tuberculous Ccojomptio and could not be curod. prerlou. to the ancounc, mntofmy physlclsn, I had seen Dr Sort's card 1 4 the Press, and had been adrlsed by my frietMs to en ploy him; Bat I was rery much d.cocra el late gd to my affliction, A short tlms prerions to ap plying to him I rbse red several te-'tiu hj! from perons who I knew hd been in delicate health, an I seme of Which oxcited my mind to call on him for a Tice. which I did. About two months since I told the Doctor I haj nj money to throw away, it did nt witi to be treated unies be was conaleut of suxes. Ue lrk!r told me that he did not wina to tret meunles heeured tne, and said he won Id aecMe that fttn a few mo ment, and proceeded to examine me and In less IImh fifteen minutes he said he would cure me. Sv, j ran truly say with pleasure, 'for the benertt of tho.e suffering frota the same citBculties, that I hereon: been uuder Dr. Bort' treatment some two month, and am a new man. I bad anticipated that I hontd receire about the sam e rentife of droning a- 1 had receired from other b)skUns but on the contf-ry, he gare me no uaaseoua meCecines or mineral pois ons. The whole treatment from the besinnlcj wis very plessant and agreeable. I bare beard a great many rea.ons speak of the treatment who hare be cured : and cf ote accord speak of the agreeable node cf treatment. There stems no confusion or guess work about Dr. Bort's treatment or diagono is ofdisesse. He proc- e-Js upon Axed and well estahlUhed principals, aod according to laws wel) voerstood by hltn.-e;f aad per la good erUence of their infailibllitj from 'the fact tatbeis most generally esefal, and can, with perrect safety cure tnose chronic diseases of yeais staodifg, wnicn has been fully demonstrated ia thoeabds or eai. GIB3CH II. LOWEST, Serenteenth Street, Si Louis. Heal In Powers cr Eclcclicli, Am T)VLaM iS A on amer Vtmtlt T1hu. Tm4imiiA is by DR. BOUT, of Sew Vert. There is a healing power among us ; a pcysican who has cared thousands in thia city, after all other sys tems hare been exhsut ted ; a phyMcian who is cdtIc snd further plexites himself to cure; nearly all cases which bare baSled the rki'.J of hundreds or meJiraJ men Jn all paa axes, ani eren b.di denare to i!lnl em practice j and, lastly, there Is a physician wbo cau ptod ce thousand of teitituoule of the mrs: reliable indirfdnal la this city, as elsewhere, wh hire been positively snd permanently cured after all other treat mentafter trie must eminent medical men had fill ed I Tea., nd that physician is Dr Eort wh-o Infirmary Is located on the corner of Third and Vine streets, St. Loots. Dt Bort we rerliy teheTe, has rurel more chronis cases In the pat fecr mo&uj, la St. Louis, than all ihe medical men who har erer practiced their prfession here for thoe iUe.. He makes as specialities, rlx : Dieaei c( the Eye, Ear, JLtugs, Tnroat. Heart aod Catarrh. This aei tioa may look like boasalng. but, nerertheles, it is true, sad if you d-Mibt it.conitclt s few of the many perseus whoe certificates In full syaopi are to be f.nd in the col umns of this paper for the vl ot hnmaaity.--! SI. Louie Daily JhjiUk Augvit Ut liti. i ' - . 1 . EjcEar,lnngs,Ueart, Threat and catarrh, The many wonderful cures performed ty Er. Brt oa the shore dleaes in this city, snd in truer In stances when all hope of recorer ing by thise diseases bad been despiired of, stamp bitn among the first phy sician and surgeons. Dr Bort's Infirmary snd con sultation rooms are loc ted oa the corner of Norta Third and Tine streets where be ct be coasu itei eVsily. .St. Lpnti Dvtig Republican, Amput. DR. BORTS EYE, EAR t LUXG INFIRMAET ii locatzd oh las ccaxxa or Third and Vino Street Bi Lluls, Xo. Where all Ve tiers should be addressed. eoiU!ing pottage sumps for return postsge. iniCM I u vX't,1 rsrs r. llzln St., BroT7nTlllc, Netra3n, it becomes tVj..'t j.t j..: lSLt." ilyem Cheny Pectoral,