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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1866)
S i IT? ; lJ !': J, 1 1. 7 HISKCKS.Li i .s i a c ii l s f r- 1 t i r.w i j. . a lie ia o!b -. Ittt (a from 2 to S r Vt by ui: i gr Dr. I U r.75 U II S - TAl'.'UTTUi C.tPIL V." LARIii, tbe cj..t tfO. ' V ilirfu! Jicbtcrj ta tudrn itifrice, act'rg tpon the J.-i J aol bair ic iin almoi.t n. ir-u!i.ue rr.n&ncr. l t$ beau ti-J v the J; l!n cf lUr.a arid Lond n t ii jl.' t Catum. fccM, Names t all! I -ji. !.i--r ul t rt r.-.!, i. J f tmiire aati-lai-s i- a i t.' t f ,ud in t-t-w-y i!i!Tt, tbt money rr'uu 1J .Fi ly!, ii'lcj; l)irrij tit f'f' 83 I testi-. in- I. it inai.cM ITff . AJlf'rJ nr.i.'itl. MIL I i.l '.t ifttU l.r tu L:.aei sutii. ' :ieiavt' Al'T V.-Au' urn n. I Isen, I f.!k.ti l'i.'.,!.S pr..Jn.d I t e u-e I l'r f. i K " . l .. . IMvl !' It J ' -, ' I'll i. i. v -V. ii i ; It , M i rktt a 2rratti to curl ' V J J tic ' ra','! t N i tui t-ifn lih'r rf eithcrscx lid t,i).!ir L-v.t ta-rira cerl. Haa lit. .-vi i y t.t- !.'! at ;.. .t iVri; ai.d Lur i a .: !. tu t !:rt.:ii. rc.u::. I .cs r.o injure In U:r. 1 : ' I jr u. il, !. d &u 1 p ml paid $ 1 I-' ri t t'-i. r r. .!-! It . t Irf, l.hl ! IL rill I'd A. CO N i. L-j I.iffr 4-s;rel. Tr t rnci: to evPwYeody! OSiVGE ORANGE j 3EX. E3 iiick- X !, . 1 '. Th uaJeraigned baj Ideate! in tbe Terriforj of .'eiraika,for tte parp.) of raising (JSAUh l'lmnlt nl jolt ir.g out ftDJ laikin fence of the tires, I b!l cuUirate tod. tend (he same for three years, and eire tbe rune lime to pit for it, at a cbarrre of rr.'nOXE dollar and .TWE.NTY-FIVfJ ftutt to TWO Jul'arH per liod. f j !mll ieCnt the Wants O'xt Siring,eimTarinp.ner tbe Kansas line and tu f ir vpus Uinabairid ptobn-Iy some distance tcjond, Uikinz a'firip of country 3D or 40 miles tviJe, end teyonJ that if tbere will be enough, to do to Kafce it an object Tor me to go there. ; HOW: TO TREPARE THE GROUND. ' To all T.3 wlr-h ter to (Jo thei fPncinrTrepare you'! to the f illowiui ciaaner : If it is Prairie a STtip ( rf r wi le leavinx a (lea1! furrow In the cen tre, i low from one and a btlf to two inches deep; in rt.e harrow 1t, then bKk farrow It; aainin the S;n inz harrow and your ground ii rea !y ror tbe Plants. Io ol'J prouaJ back furrow in August before the weeds Vo to feel.- ' T- r r . ' , . . Any one bvir a-large tract ofland to fence, and a oull rather I should take art of tbe land for n-y j ay, I will do so to those vbo wi.-b taeto make thciu a fence .-write to Bie et Hrowiiville, and let me know Low much yoa want me to fence for yon f and I will call at jour residence sometime between r.i.w and the first of January' next, and rake a Sim c:a1 contract with Tont -1 shall also, hve all kind of Fruit Tret?, flowfls, Evergrecn, Shrub bery for snle. l grown in the Territory and acli inaled. 'Ta Ibf-e who'itre raJ-ing'PlWit3 of tbeir i wn.and wi.uli like me to make tteir neage lor Hants in pirt ray, or I iw1 An.OId,S6n Set to a iicv Tune( -' STGAR-COATBD, rrT i "i t r ;r ft - r PUiTOEGETABLt Tree fronx Mercurj , AND ILL MIXERAL TOiSON, , Ar) ftre7oMittelj; Ui best remedy extant : 18GG "4 ipringapproachea Ants and tidachet From thtirhote come outf 'And Hice and Rat , A tpite of coin, , Gatty 'tJcip alout," M H L LI B . O L "D ITini? nUE AT PaME wriich T.Tn o-Tifre TTnS- T.i . v JL in.., arowtb and healthy cInclfwTn Jf ti h.i, " ' .:,13"' toreatortr, ft-, Bmmmmmm FLUID EXTRACT OF . si : "18 years established in X.T. City." "Only infallible remedy kdown.' Free from Poisons." ' ' .' 'Not dangerous to the Raman Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die." SICK AXD NERVOUS HEADACHE t!im I will take their 1'lants in Dirt fa v. or T'liP- Til r?"fc1l TH RrAIITY will tell th-m how to make a good fence, and the - - --- - si-edicft and best r way to mnko it ; a!o the best way '- i-i i 1: t : ' u It hti L L'W t iri;t Tar., Fr ) . , itrj !es L .-&-, ii :h ii' Liv,!.ti,jl Lrc j tiot:!,Ji,a 1 1 : t: ; i. r .; ; t ttkin ; LuW to eLn( I the th'.Q 1 u it 1. 1; a: 1 fliif aj al il nrt r ;Jw to . ! t L I 1 t I .- t j f;.eijt ! tie fi u !e f r;o , n i J U 1 f r t- 'j . cuy.t. tl-L- Lust ti 1 et.l f-il, i-d il the fviia Ls tun luct :, !'.!.; r i!uttrt.;:T. iettvrirf it to u ',;.,;. il fwltii'e, t. niif' .-'ii. J lauy. I. l r. 1 f t!.c f the bar. 1 and ix.wvf ,;., !i.-r vf f-rrje: rt'Ut ve ..u h r , Uri''f- Virln, aal " Ui ; j.r ',: r.'i In.i V:e.-, 1 at nrrb, I'y- u. J-t. i'y.A.., L to ftKiiita n.J Am 1 r bl J .i :i U.u i Mi t 'Th U J'l 'My .-r I- .t.'-r :!u tr r telul ar.J taluklle iu ; Lady .r iri,.l,iun 1k.uIJ nr t. t!.e u Kitii.e 1 ntid rc a r , ,f tLi lu.uitle ni . f ifi'! a- .. A 1 ird. .11 tlSX CO., v;un.if!. i' l..rf ot;.t 'i'n'V, .V. 1 1 I I tiS..'.. M. . ?.. rt :.i l!.r t i ,t I j r ttr,i n.a. Lb J h i,: i 1 ft i V y ft : ta to save l!if riantaaatinfi taVSrst and second win ter." Tboie buying Plaiiti of rio Vill get the re- ct-rjtifre. . . p. . Ii tbx-reianr ma tb the lerritory, tcai can give bet jtr instructions, I will give him one thous and !&!tar f r it Ilyo furfish a receipt for de- tr finr tha Ur.lier fur fifty coots, etc. - Aucnts wanted to canvass in IVcbraska and Slisviuri, they, can 'ac)ly m.iko from one lo thies bLtdrtd dollars per mort'.b, rlfar of expeo l',0. P,(x 12, lirownville, ebraka. r.cfer by perm:sion 3 .5 Lrrnru IToirLEr ' -lt. F. Ujikket, j Erownvillo THE SILVER SKIRT ! KNOW THY DESTINY! V. Tnot.VToy. the rrtat rnjlish ri t it,, an ! I'vt -hfiot tr'' !in,who r'f-r of iK ')! i Wcr.J rf , i.: ;lc n. i: k da mi: k. 1 a:-'v: .--i I i't-i-ul ert i.i'j '.l. irfful 1-. Krr if s ii j t Li , l ; . 1. L.r to art kcoa U de ! iirtu 't.t ii-.'- rlM to tLb niiU if miricd id '.titii, i L.iv is a state i-l tuue, she fle I .inilc V'-ry ur f ti.e iT(jn yi u are to i ol a ii.irui'.'rr.t tt u.tcne 1 r i ..' u."tr c, (cuitraiitcc to f wrr i l L fl.ture L'.ubHnd i r ,t t'. r aita Jjt of rinr- t, iiU tih'.M (f fllTiCtf-r, i ;, tL u5nt -ii cf tf.-i.uio- t i! il. h n i3rU J. a - i --t ;'t, ir uat4i.u. tb:tt the i.i- . ii ii.'..r:, j L,i. l' eoc!.firv i i ! at ! .f l irib, ! !'l:' n, t.J f: ft "i';j 51 cl'l,? I"1 a.!rt:.i to y-ury-.r, ym uti i. J J.rird iif. .ia!i'jti l y utj a'.vii4 " rl eoi.r. Ic: Jil,ilcl..i::,.N.V LIcro Durable, ' '' 1 Jttore Elastic, .More Gracejul. ! i f- w .. . J.I-' a i.. r 1.U' it. r :t at l.'y.!.-...., N'. V. l!!iiiii5 j 1nd tr7 keep Hi Shaje and retain its Place than any other Skirt. This beautiful styly of Skirt, (Patented March 7 1853,) was awarded by the Great Avivkib an In BfirtTK I xm. held ia New York; October, 166, a i- . i f t A i u a; J . : 1 :. c I i Tie Wjet Prrmium ever given fun a Hoop Skirt Ine Meel hpriugs aro wound with a nne juted, wire (in place of a cotton covering) which will not i4r oJ or beooine suiltil, and the' wiiola S irt uiiiy be iriiH'd icilhotit iujeru tr loar of rusting, aiid wiU b as food as new. TLc CcmMnaiiun Silver Skirt! ,P7 Q l Operating. tT of a special affinity for the mucous membrane of the bowel. thereby removing the causes. As a LITER PILL 0 H they csh bave no rival, beingWru- posea or the most Powerful Vegetable Extracts which have a direct action on the ' SPLEEN AND LIVER, the happy effect of which can be seen aKcr one or. two doses. They Itahbve Hie rBlle, ; . ,; a Assist Difestioiif Cure Costiveness. i-. ; ! . ' - In faet, thty are, as their name ! . iadicatea, the , ; BLOODPILL "The Life-Giving Principle." They search ont disease nnd tnkat it very root, leaving the evstem in Hip toll vior of lifidth; fMe-I'KKr'EcTLY HAIiMLESd TO I N KA N TS, OR I'E l-:.jO"i OF Til E MOST DELICATE CONST! rU TIONS,' and are a - SAFEE, 6UEER AND BETTER Purgative Pill thrtn hns ever before xcn TniTnt totnaukind, and, being thi-kly fcU--GAK-COATKI, are esiecially adapt ed aa a KEM EDY FOfi CUll.IKLN, " "n persons ; no nve a dread cf swallowing A pill. Tney are, uu-QMie-t:oiiahly, one of our most ' autislnctory CATHAUTICS. ebold . . ii CIJASTELAR'S Wi-ITE LIQUID EI'AMEL. I r In ; r. t,' ku J 1-vauiift iu th LVtnpIeitou 1 it c-.f-t at d i-rfrtt j retaratijn inust f t r i g t'. e k'u a ttr.ut'iiul Jt.:! Uke llit.lbie u i. j in yuuiu. U tu-vWiy n uj" Tan. ii. riui..'.r, lilv.t. Lr, M' tk Tatcbes. Sal- 1-at.r. Jt ri.ii,itl all iit.j untiri tf tfce skia, iin jiu-,iif tt f su.. Krfiu s t!. kin white ai i i nit ai la tir. Iu art- t.ot:t be diteo- Iju lr t.- .-t rji.fcy, ai l 1 1 i e a rretall ...uiipi.f l y liiuV. t ii tlj oaly f. I A a . - w . u ut iin ty Iliu tr'rrti.ltilrmi- rii tr t. 1 r.-ir. ai n..l ,j Ku LU toa perlVct i I j mi i :.- t ; j t i.Uitw K.ld durin j -t rt atfj - i. i.l fiarr:tc t f it, r fi. acy'! .... ... .1 i Li.vLi..'TT.-S k C( f hct.ita. i-i iSt.Troy, N.Y, J f ,i t . t La 11, This invention combines with the ordinary O't tu kirt the advances of our SILVES SKIST ; the but torn b' are the mine aethote used in tie ilver kirt, tuo covering of which cannot wearoT, t bile tbe uj per ones are covered with cotton. No lady, hitvirjc once worn one of our Skirts, will be wiKn to weir any other, as tbe lower hoops cf all otber kinds are soon injured and soiled. Tbe bett naterials are used in tbeir construction and Irt.ia tbeir durability an d ooatneea they are dei tiiod,to tecoEiO - . " A FAVORITE SKIRT! Muuf.iotorJ aiJely by the Silotr Slirt and l'V MiiHHjuclurinj C'iwyvtay, . 30 & 32 liarciay Street, HEW YORK. T. S. G FURRY, Sup't. July Jtt. Ibo5 1 year r- v L , .V. no household . : A. J .AV should be with-. JyiTVX VJVv 0llt -hem. .. AyjS AT THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE THE HOTTEIITOTS Having long used - : ;;:HtrpHij;; ; Cor a Variety of Diseases. It was borrowed from those rode practitioners by '' l' ' '; THE ; Engllsli and Dutch Physicians, r . 4- -.V : " ' ' On whose recommendation It was employed In Ea rope and has now oome into general use. t III TJ1 TO CONSUMPTIVE. UK inr -m r. lu i: f t ppb f. ft, rl to bfi!'b in ! n-ki i y m i"'y t.i. ; : rt 'c Jr, aft.r Living . . i . . . i i " - i4 ke Uv iv ii K.iu-iuil.rcr t!:e Iu.' l f i -1 t.u a--re ii. le wi'I sr.J a eopy cf tbe m ... ti i a uit L-- k-it pi..,A;tti:af lun- 4. i.a, t vt. . i i.-, kt, i 1 i,r..t an 1 Luti Af- I : . t.. 1 i r vtjHtrl lie adrer!i-r in ten- il l nT a i. t -r.iLt the aIl.ctci,ant t; (-a i:.J4i4i.j n l cfin'iud t b igvul- i. J v , ia 1 1 a . I'mti.-s w .it t:. j re I n. tl'WALI A. WILSON", V. ; ll bury, Lu tt.,Stw Vork, i! L- jr -rji iii'lf-rer wi'I try ti r ia 1 c t tim UitLiL-, aLd tujyruva scr'jtu.n, raEClj return ElMtOHS OF YOUTH. A .... ! t i '. t : J V m . . ; . : i. - u. a i f 4 I , k .. 1 .... n i L . l L . I l Ul kiuj i,- r 'r :r. m i-rv- . .ri Pi. x: tLi !T U I ...'.-. :. !; .l, a ill h.r t:,e fjke if rfuITif , . i ii. tj a:i uj, i...(d it, ile r- ; -ml i i. .vuIl il i-Luis' t. I II I- 1 1 a 1 p 1 1 , i rt d i s. by ali - it. I : ( ; I I " N . 13 ("Lc-ut M., New Yirk;. - - " . -1 STHAXOK, J JUT TRUE. 1 f v i l.t a4 i.-vj.;ii.i u iu tte I lUmI .k;'.(Ji.Li.jrlu.r:i..inr-t uu htj tbir al a I r. : rt- li.k.l in i f i t,arj ,1 y . ln5- ki. ri.4i fi.r'. lli.w'!;,V:r' fiSrilf being Lw.'.i.fii a.;i,.t: 2.y t- I i.. fc it tLiaiaiJ. .ii ,iwi Wi.l j i.a.-M it ft tti ir (U.Jirt! srvdnt 1 IK'S, t . CilAt'ilAN', Lrviay, Nv Xvrk. F M. P. :5 ly r o n Families and Manufacturers 02i.:tiiixg ?ai:w axd valua- 1 1 L II FO R FA.1I I L.Y LS WE oflVr tbe public the simplest, strongest and cc-i ivnimc .Macuine in the world. It occupies but little siace is portable and can be Ht Ui-bird to a atand or tabic, weighs about 40!bs. it will knit a Tantfy cf stitehee tbe breakfljr or needles is triHittr the eost of needles is insig nificant and tbe most delicate material can be knie pure an j spotleas, as the needles lire not oiled. t'riciKr MJcL ces tnav be sentthrough th3 American Advertising Agency. 339 Broadway N. Y. etJ for a Circular. ' A sen .sVFan ted. DAT.TON KNITTING MACH CO. 5-ly CG9 Broadway, .' Lyon's Periodical Drops. TllkJ UUEAT HIJIALK KEME DY KOll 1RREGULAIUTIES.' 4J - .... lee rrv are a acier-t:n ally enmponnrted t re;iirt .ii. anit.clter thai, any Pills fc I .t I V fl! PRINCE, WALTON fie CO. (Successors to Dr. C. W. Roback,) ' BOLE PROPRIETORS, I5os. 50, 58, 60 & 62 East Third St, Are Sold by all Druggists and : ; Dealers in Patent Medicines ' EVERYWHERE. ' KEROSEN & GASS tS.l057"-3S3l3; TEA AND COFFEE B01LERS,GLU POTS OIL, JAa,- Ac, &c, ''Hnat-arV- Pot. Hmu.1i: n . TlxtPTmirlnUrB 1 Id a paste used for iMi. itteth'iKhe3 JJlaeh and red Ant$ Ac ,Ac.,&c., . "COSTAR'S"- Bed.Bug Exterminator, Is a liquid or wash used to destroy, and us a preventative for Bed-Bag. f e. . '.COSTAK'S" Electric Powder for Insects is for Jo.'S, Jo2ifoc, Fleat, Ded-Bugs,-i. J in$ect$ on plant, Fuidt, Animalt. te. j t5T" 1 1 1 Bewars ! 1! of all wor thle83 imitatio ns ti" See that "Costar's" name is on each Box, Bortlo, and Fladk, beforo you bay. tSTAddress, ' HENRY R,COSTAR, JS7"SoId in Brownville, Nebraska, And by all Dni!gifi and Retailers. ,u 1 8 6:6 ;: ;. ': INCREASE OF RATS. The Farmer". Gazette (English) asserts and proves by figures that one pair of KAIt will have a progeny apd detcend ants no less than 651 ,059 in three years. Now,un less this immense family can. bo kept down, they would oi n-ume more food than would sustain So,- Z3T See "COSTAR'S" advertisement above. 18 6 6 BATS JW BIRDS. Whoever ensaire- in shooting small birds ia a cruel man ; whoever aids jn exterminating rqf u a.bcnefactot-- W should like some one to give U3 the benefit of their ex perience in driving- out these peats. f V e r need something bosiles dog", caL9t and traps for this bu eidess. Scientific American, JV, Y. '. x joo vus j An a uuvcrn.'.eiuvut auvrn. 1 8 6 6 "COST ATI'S ;R AT EXTERMINATOR. 54 simple, tafe and sure the most perfect RAT-ification mee ting we Lave ever attended. Every Rat th t can geb it, properly prepared, will eat it, and everyone that eats it will die, genorallyat some place at dis tant as possible from where- it was taken Zaie Shorr, Miiht'jnn, Zlirror. ; ' . 18 6 6 nOUSEKEEf ERS troubled with Terrain need be so no longer, If they uso '-Costar's Extermina tor. .v e have .to our eatisfaetion i and if a box cost $5, W9. would have it. We have tried FOR FUJI ALE WfeaKXESS and poisons, nut tney eixeti notaing ; Dut "costar s article knocks the breath oat of Rats, Mice,. Ants, and Bed -Bugs, quicker than we can write it. .It is in great demand all over tha -country. Medina, Ohio, (intttle. JS?"See "Costar's" advertisement above. ; : 1-8 6 6 A VOICE FROM THE FAR WEST. Speaking of' CosTAjt's'JRat.RoaeKAnt.&c .Exterminator F0r PfOlapSnS and BCarlDg DOVfn, r "mure erain and. rrovisions .are destroved annu-1 " 7 aljy in Grnt County by vermin than would pay for !tohs of this Rat and Insect Killer." ZaneaWer, Wit Herald. tfSee "CoSTARVadvcrti.iement above.' . - 18 6 6 FARNERS AND FIOUSEKEEPERS-shonld rec ollect that hundreds of dollars' worth of Grain, Provisions, ic, are annually destroyed by Rats, Mice, Ants, and other insectsanc vermin all of which -can be prevented by a few dollars worth of 'CoTAR's", Roach , Ant, ic ., Exterminator, bought and used freely. , ' i-ty hee "Costab s advertisement abave. W Sold in Brownrille, Nebraska. 2f Sold by all Druggists and Dealers June 20t,h 185 6, 4ms , . . ing. unprecedented. Read tbe following from weli Jlr. Maguirt: We fcavo tevteii your invalnabl ot our hair to our entire iifrtu)n fSiened.1 L. A. BKNOIST Prtpirti cnlyby J. C. MAGVI7.E, Chemists ami DrngU!, El3 lnstirute; JOS O. BARLOW. Vir rr2, rt'lrT Litrarlja 0"Pn- i. . nv.:.... . - ' """m ar iieiipr r . . '- wma iSold bu all JJrujzxhts- mm),..,. - r'""u"L. Olive Str,t. U4 Diarrhea, Dyse MAGI SIS C?S - - " ' Vrmsx Metsrt. J. Sr C. Magtiire. Drvcgutt ; GeTtiemen Ltery, Summer Complaint &r Compound Extract ol K VI Uv in thoArHiyyuurk!ru of 3eaii Klant, tor the cure of Diarrhek an.i i rw to its evelieut iuaUtie, aud theauccess witirwriich it a been njn . ,, , '. , " J,G.rOIUt.N, SecfitUryWtt. Louis. N HI 19 la.i ssion bavf.stribot ery. and th-;, " " "ftlr rei..rn,nt of . " 1 "akUf. - . "W-ar Relief Fc.vd or St. Louis CorNTr.PREsiDEiiT'sOrrci: s 5,Rv JVrrs. J. 4- C. Maguire. DruggUtf: Ve have uico ' tnesoiaiera' fami!ie.4 re.-i.Img t,eie, with tbe mtt at !.rdctorT renif tne west Diarrbea itediciueu use ai;d Lpe its tuedicai qualities will b0ou be W'e .tinl. . & . , man.l .m H TI Ik . k . v . i ''"iiii;yrj4i MA R-TTTT? P.'R'.q T?.TTPr!rpr.-D a -Mm1 V-i-, The Great Remedy for Coughs. Colds, LUVr.VBnchitas' Spitli of if ; a S ..JILL DISEASE OF THE r.t?tif J hioodJt TJai been . ... 7. " V . V - . ' J-oui8an.t viclnirT for mA i,. . i" i"'ui.i'ii ui nave ijiteii u i oe ii.e nust w. n. e:fui ren i r.,r n,.. V- . wf!"yTel . ed. It is entirely vegetable. njcu Le use.1 w.rhu.- nm,..f 1 .e.' x,tuJ.T. Complawu err d,!.!?' .. - v kT a i i BiaT.ii w r r JFiV Cure Scrofula. RhcumatUm. .Vrai wcion. GofVr, kYiceZwir of the Joint. Carie nr t l l rL "Jasfotti 0rJcTi w IT IS GIVEN CHIEFLY IN Gravel, Chronic Catarrh or the Ulaader, MORBID IRRITATION OF. TIIE BLADDER AND URETHRA, " DEBILITY, Oi Prolapsus Uteri, Diseases or The Postaie Glands, Reten-tioh, or Ixcontixencx Ht TJrink. And all diseases requiring the aid of a diuretic arising from a loss of tone in the parts eon - - cerned in its evacuation- PIANOS! PIANOS! $350. to 81,400. . 4k urn H. H. S5.XT0N & CO., ST. XjOT7X 3VEO. All the Cooking for a family may be JT?- -tone with Kerosen Oil, or wiih les3 tronble. and at ess expense than by J3" any other. fuel. : . , ,43 Each Article manuiactured by this Company is, Chamtera & Qabler: HAVE Constantly on band the Largest Assort mentof FIRST-CLASS PIANOS kept by an one House In the We?t. They keen the RELIABL INSTRUMENTS mde by ' - "Vi'm. B. Bradbury, guaranteed to perforin all that is claimed for it. -I - . f3T"Scnd for Circular.gJ : Liberal Ditcount to the Trade.' ' ' ' KEKOSEN, LAMP HEATER -;CO 2(6 PEARL STREET,' N Y. ; : ' ' July, 1st 1885 6 months 141 ! WILLIAM'S Advertidng Aceney. ; -MV ' 9" Cnamber Streets. Sjiint Louis, Mo. "ST itlamiTaWM's-BeRot L.llEI IIKGTON & SONS ) ! I A N U FA CTT U EH KVOLVERS, P.IFLES 4 Ml 1 r t: e Li..-'ri -to S.r. Ala. PccLct r.r.d Eclt Revolvers, , Ln LATINli I'lK l-S, f i:!flu t'i.v;v i;!:YOLrsQ Rim:, 1: f o . i : vt L.a 1' i 1 (lo MalctuU tjli ly ov. t.i tLs .le a.-ril.y. ir , .(if t V( r . f f I't ju treating an-1 now or Jeirj linuM,' their action i rttrect and rnt ttvr, re nrterint tbem a reMabre," areeily a4 cer- tiu i ev-tfle (.r tlie cure of a!l ohstrncnona and aop- presal.ins of riatere Telr pr pniarlty lit imricated by tbe lf.rt ttsat r 100 (Co b-tug are ' antiilalli' old at:.! c-ietirl, r y tfcf. ladm of the Unite! Elates, eve 1 ry o'.e cf wr. r.i t-X in the ktrtget terms of rfaii-e trt.eir ttret vieiits. Tfcey. are rapi'lty takrn the pls'-ei-f every oilier Female Hemr-ly, and are cnid ei id ly a.i who know auuht of tLem. as tbe snre?t sa leu. aul luost iuraliiable prraration in tbe world. t..r tbs cure orall female Cumplaints. the removal of all obi? true Civil a of nature, and the promotion of health retuUri:j i;d kireiiKtb. Kxplult diiections stating wi.eti ii ey ,r be Bel, and txiia ning when and why tl ey rhi.ii.d :u t, o r could iu t be used without produ- utii: f t-i tst.iBirsi y to nature' chuff n im. win i fuiir.J carettl!y,'foOe t around euih bottle, with the written kiiet-ite vtJons L. L;ox, without which Ci ne are iretiuinp. . v. . l-rei arcd I y lr. JtmS L. LTOV. 195 n-.lrStT Stret. 1 li4Vfn.4j.j,u(, whrfc.ta U cotiaulteJ tilhnr ner- 1 al J , r ty juail, (eficl jitii statu ; ) conreruinp all fivi.f iitvtt aotttuiile weiine;. Price ftl.60 I9t nun. ; . ' - - , . . :a by Prt:;?l?t ePTTwterw - -- '- C. G.CLAHK &CO., , , f. fltl'l itanlii fTi IT n I fV.noa , " JO LliKS Pros. St. L..ui. 1 Wholesale t. jullr, lr ikcii N. Fuller, Chlraco. Agents,. I'ecen.Lttr 7tu JS65. ly. lo-12 11-12 H.nn, jsw 'FEiClHOiSr; On t!:o Ksiropcan PInn. Prpcate the OtT ll ill and Park, (f-r. of Frank- fc-rtSt. V. - SV.r YORK-. No. S3 North St Street' cor. Si Charles, LTere will be found every variety of j AMERICAN-C-LOCKS AND I - -CLOCK- MATER1ASS; with all tbe advantages of the Eastera market in regard to both selections and price. bend for illustrated t Jata.i gi. . . Ili&T AV. EDE3; : . -. Proprietor. m. a. m. a. s. o. no 23-vol 10. b,nn IT IS RECOMMENDED IN CASES OF ' DYSPEPSIA, GHROyiO EEUMATIsX Catancons Affections and Dropsy, To onra diseases we must bring into action (he muscles which are engnged in their various func tions. To neglect them, however slight may be the attack, is sure to affect the boldly health and men tal powers. ' ' . ' ' - OUR FLESH AND BLOOD, are supported from these sources. Jlason & Ilaralin's Cabinet Organs, piis0Ns OF eveiiy period of ' ,; LIFE , From Infancy to Old Age. and in every state of health, are liable to be sub jects of these diseases. The Causa in Many Instances are Unknown Tba patiet has, however, aa admirable remedy in HELMBOLD'S Eluid Extract, of :Buchu M"ow York Piandforta Company. James W. Vase. $110 to $160 Ech. AI30, on hand . . ; Sccond-Iiand Pianos, 3Iclodcans, Ao., Ac, Ac , . . Which are sold at Bargains. ' ; Send for " Circular'? aud "F rice-List." . - Eruptions, Blotches. Pimples, Enlargements of t Glands. Constitutional fV?' fl5if . rriee S2per Bom T everywhere. Sendor one of our Almanac for further inft nation IUe7i,ru- 7 raai.t, Cliills and Fever, Bilious and Intermittent Fevr Dumb Ague, etc., etc , . everr. 1ST AOTTT?Tr:5s aHITIV. ai j.v This Meaicinu iuiiduubtt;dly the most effectual remedy ever etftre-Jfor t ' plainns. It has been thoroughly tested thU season, owing to tie scarcity of -succeeded in tstablis-hirg forit.-eli'a fir refiutati,.n supetiTirto that of any Me knowa to fail and U wan anted to cure in every instance. No edicinebaai Liver than thi, it is ft superior Tonic in debility- Price 51,50 per bottle. ! or ih above eora .rtpmtioonad ha. . It has fitter W. vrrful efftct 01 rt. f - -W PI OX E S v - r DEALERS LY ALE W) 1r 1 i( AND .vy y 1 .Would call the attention of'DEALEHS to theirimmense'stock of ' - .; J Drngs ..nd Medicines, Bcliool Books. ' ' Patent Medicines, Cli.k Uooks, j Glass .nnd AVrltln Pper ! . Paints and Oils, Envelopes, j Spices and Dyc-stniTs, Coal Oil and Id pj Pnrc: Wines Liquors, de., dc., , . I 1 1 . , . 1 Which were bougH forca?h of Ifahnfarftire-s, Importers and PubILhers, and winbolJ at the oot I favorable prices. Buying in large quantities from first hanJs, they are (ena.blei to cJor extra iadica . mnts to the trade. f . They are the North-western Wholesale Agents of Dr. D. Jayne A Son, and of Dr. J. : C. Ayre A Co., and can furnish- their Jlixlicines in any quantities. (ll-lyt . . .. . - . i i A ff r) Pv a 1 ST. JOSEPH, Id. ' Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Iron rSTS7TnT "SLTT A T7TT T7 A T TT5T A 71 TI I si ri i 1 1 1 1 i ri Tf v rj e-a a ?. r 11, ' ' Wngon, Curri.ige, and Plow Wood wort. : . .' '. : ' ' l AGRICULTUKAL IMPLEMENTS; Prrinjp, Axe, Axels Shovels and Jrpades,Filos and Ris. Chains. Carriage and Tire Celts. XottianJ Washer., Nails, Uorce naiN, IIore .t Mule Shoe?, Saw, etc. etc. ........ . - j Cafatms and LiClJow zie, buar Kittles Andirons, Skillets and LidJ,? Stew pots. Jiii k e evens', Fruit kettles and Sad Irons. . Blacksmiths' Tools. Anvils, Strcks and Die?, Beilows.SleoVe and Hand Ham- mors, Viees, Pincers, ICa.-ps, Farriers' Knives, Tuyere Irons, Wrenches, Ac. . i Ox Yokes, Aila Crca'e, Ox chainsj Wogon Jacks", Ox Shoe nail' Shovels aoi Pi.-k,Gold PnJ,V.8." 1,000 CELEB KATED.MOLINKPLOWS h ri3l :,T3J Jut patented, and. superior to hay yet invented ; and I McCormick's Mowers and Simper, .waller Horse Corn Sulky Corn Cultivator-, Hand CVrn Planter, Corn ShelL.T. Pay itaken, riantcrt I etc esc. t Wrerooma : Cor. Fifth & Walnut : . (Under Southern Hotel) , : J.S.W 10-5. ly. ST. LOUIS UV. GROVES TEEN &.Co., P IA N O F O K.TE ! I. . .y MANUFACTURERS, . 499 Croadway, W."Y. miTE ATTENTION of the public and the trade J is invited to ftati'eio Scale, 5etr Octave. Rnnetr.nad Piano Forte, which for volume and pu- rityf tone are. unrivalled 'ty any hilhertu. offered in this markot. They contain all tho modern im provements, French grand 'actrori,"harp pedal iron fraino , over-6irung Dass, etc.. eic., ana eaco in strument bcirg made i nder the personal supervis ion of Mr. J- H.Gkotesteex, who baa a practical experimence of over fhirty' years in their manufac turej'is fully warranted in every particular. The Grovesteen PIANO FORTE R eccived the b'-c best award of merit at the cele brated world's Jra,ir, where -were xhibited instru ments from the best makers of London , ram, uer- mantv PhiTadelDhia, Boston, Baltimore and New York : and also at tne. American institute tor -nve. zz??l scalefl r I otTer great lodacementa '. Buying niy gooJa direct fn.m the m,i Tilctu , TO WHOLESALE, j-1, UCIIASERS AT . Constable's Iron and Steel Warehouse . ST. JOSEPH, MO. GREAT IMPIIOVEME5T SEWIHG MACHINES. ) tsxci-U rf itLiiluiyJ MOLlliA I'tniui ictlrirf to avail themselves ti tba late late I. ; r ..ctit i u ia Pi-'..'.s, ci sutri-.r worliusa a: f ai 1, .'A ikl all coutlucl ia tie New t ul ir.l !t MT,pii..a tf lLt 1 i Aru.a w i.l b t ur i .?Lv J upon aj pUeaih.n. II UEMINGTON SONS Iiicn N.V V. wtl:E A NU!'iT.S ro-t..- I. 49 (' i : ' m 1 J J 1 0: A aViriCAEGAlKSlll... Ens, u jon-ESv U I'l.u. UUw IiJfritts. . k - ( l -it 1 'kit., i -r. Lon i "t Spacious Refectory ,Bdtb Roora and ?arbcrs Shop. Lriait!i noToTTirf ' y"rc .V? efauiifs. Dfn. t btIItve I.unncrs(f Tletrden who say we are lull. . . July 1st. I;53. 1 year. v 1 : THE CELEBRATED" CRXIJ" ; t- IStlCROSCOIPE. ; Combines instructions with amusement and lasts a liletitue.4 The best, rizxrlcst, cheapest and- mpst weiful Iilcoci pe io the world. Gctterl1 up on aa entirely ccw p-incip'e. A beautnui g.itlooia orj-oung. JlLiuiLcs nearly tn oui4 tie-a p .wertijufil to t enly " dollar cOrupf Seated 'Micro i The only instrument which requires na fo- c w a lujiriierit.iLrci"k,r& can bo used by every one even ty ch.ldren. Adapted to the laaii'y circle ai well as iK.ieritiCic u-e. Shows the a lulteratiius in fx.d. aoiuials ia w iter, globules in blood, and other tiui is, tubular t-tructure af a hair, claws on a fly 's-fw -,f-r,J-4n iit br ia iv end to tbe num ; f WafHtf4a .4it;'an-bo miL-J in it. Liber- tl ai.-ei -ui;t at wlioleyalc. Agent'i wanted e,reryf vrusr-foetid -ft.f-Uirenltfsj- Price only C375 3.--' lliAUtiful o oocted objects One dallar ani fifty ts. p'r L n.. .l ka Porket noTlty . Microscope, oofc, pantion to tb Craig, for examining living insects e,ii,ilMii. uu.!, Lat.k tillay flu wjra, leaves, Ac, it a compact and bandy instrument. Price only i v... ArNv.rtk B'-vtri beautiful foUinT licL'cvue 4 rr Xim'.m niaaalfLis. tjiatur&s I.irra ah . - w : r - , i Anj of tns n!-cre lnstwmcnU j L 'Across. w 'G. LI I.IirAD, Thcmpscnsville, Wis . The. . opt. delicious nd ' belthful . beTerago known.'' "' '" , ' " ; It i nrovarcd from the rnest JAVA COFFEE, and while it has all the payor bf fine Oil; Govern- gQocesgiv6 years, the Gold and Siuvtft Usoatr . -I. r.-'LL. iliM.'VAllli. VWhB' ' 1 .. . - . " . luont java, tens lor icsa iuau uan mu pn. r Tq both of which can noseea at our ware-rooms, f - By the introduction of improvements wej make. rnchATTI -fl-r-jn7f ! HflltfPf .la still more perfect runo-torte, ana Dy manmaci ? USUUtU p ttftAVll yUllUO : .tUrinsrlarzolv. with a strictly cash system, are en- ,MkJ. a tin i 'i.A l -1 , , " - ... " . k,:,.k ....... i .k..r ' aoieu w oner tuere iu.-n uucum ui'.u nas"bccn stcaJily u?ed foy "years, by thousands 1 will preclude all computiun; . - r - .. ' vur prueaare ir'iux t vvjv any nr-ii ciass 4 lauy-ioii-c. - TEUMa. -Jet UAsn in earrcni innas. Descriptive Circtlar sent free. July 1st IS6S one yeir' Ll . ' R. A Co. a . Tm mm n . '( w " ' ! 1 ' " ' "" 11 - - of persons id allarts'if the Ciintry, and is uni versally acknowledged to beat onco nufions, ce-i licioCS, healthful and ecoa'jmieaI..Tbe tama quan tity will make a richer and stronger cup of -Cafe than any other-kaown-' -i .. : Osborn's Java Coffee. Philadelphia Evening Bulletin Editorial, ' .. ? Sept. 15. 1S65. : HELM B OLDS' Genuine Preparations". t - - - His Solid and Fluid; Extracts embody the full strength of the ingredients of. which they are named. - They are left to the inspection of all.' A -ready and conclusive -iest'of their'properiies will te a cdmplrison with thosa:sst forth in iht United States'tJispensatory.". These rerrir - . w J ediea are-prepared by II. T. HeImbold,a druggist of. sixteen yeaes' experience in this cityranef we' believe Ihem to be re liable ; in fact, we have never known an article "lacking 'merit to meet with a per manent, success, and Mr...HelmboId's success is certainly prima facie evidente. blood i nnnoB gf- ?fj ' 1 : , Is particularly recommended as a healthful lev erage and is most beneficially used by those who suffer with Headachs Nervousness, and other inju rious effects from tne use of other Coffee. 'It is prepared with the greatest care,; amj.eoq-;- utins no ingTeaienr. not, more orune-s fmt) beneficial to tho human organism than pure Coffee, to-iifcK Cin, sua most iskllfuU rtoveicians ajjd Cllemiitd.fela1Jl ifk.J.kjL..l TI ? TTw w .n -,V? sO V Ti mr i f I Wftrflrini'.ca in , mUml ' ' X1 tig CA AiCa VAJ V tUltytil II UlbiiVUk3tv S aVJ V TO LADIES. ) i Ithe city of New-York, is not excelled, if equaled, by any m ine country, - and we woeld advise our readers when visiting thajtcity, to give bim.a-call, and iudge i .1 OSBORXS'JAVA COFFEE. lias been extensively csed at enmerous Snnita-' Jillf??1?'0finout''?n. vton, and r&ccivfd cer"- iincaies oi ine uigneik recomenaation. t1 It has also beon thorjughly tested, and received the.d ttic AttKjrican InatitutqijcdjiDtber prominent "institution j. '- 0 " 1 "! r .Put up in one pound packages bearing the fac sVii ft fcjfctftu r vf-fcewi A." Us oorrr nd i o boxes of 39 and 50 ibs. and Solct, by- Gfca r'gfifetllyj Wbolesale Depot, and Trade ; : 7T-'f 1 TJ 7L:.nis'.'.i JL if i.-i ,ii.a.ici ;i4iuy uj ti :r j losriTimrsrcorcL-OBE mills; instrcmcnUpUl be h 1 :?tT' WrWf"V' etV ia-'ieaj Uoef j. w.-j. wu A Itillltll KtkSCt Washingtou streets Kciv Yorli. April 23th Cms rf,nn F O ll F E Kl' A t E S Are the only tfe and truly,' tffecti medicino fof f emales extant. . Do not .trtnaiwun your, neauu, 1 and Use chean and danjrerons medk-ifle, Whicn drug gists may have bought, and will rocroramend to you, being ignorant of tbeir qualities., , Mrs. ;Wlnslow s Mystic Pills aro mild in- their' operattbns; correct all irrceu'antiesand painful menstruation; remive all obstructions, whether from 'Cold or 'otherwise. No-maiden-;wife or mother should ba'withoutthein, Try them -am aciordifig to directions, and we Know tnetesult r ill be as dftrrei?. A?k for Mrs. ins low's Myrt! Pills. Take none other. Price 2,03 per box , or three boxes for 5 ' tloliarr. J For wle by an druggists. 1 Peter E. Blow", Gen. Agoat," SZ Louit.. ' March 22d, IS --"V- no 26-ly 1. , ; .. m. ;T ,,,;; , 1 . : :: jSTIl.AYcNOTICE.; " ,S . .Taken up 'byt'W 'undersigned, living about 3 1-2 jnjles above BroWnville. in "Jcmaha County, . No- .braikajremty.oAtheTJ3th, cay :of. June, Ibo, Oeebiaek at. twvrk.bcttwa Urse,abjot feftaen Lands idb, .aheat&'wmjya&rarotd. right hind foot white up to the pasture joint; smalt saddle- mark on top of weathers, a few white bairs undej left Eye. Heavy mane. jauuu JBUAWfcK for: themselves. H e 1 iiib oi l's Will posirively cure SCROFULA, KRYSTPELAS, DYSPEPSIAi LNDIGLSTION, IIKARTBCRN. or any HUMOR in the ri LOOT) or STOMAt'if. rin 1 for PUK1FY1NO the S?STEil ani ERADICATING ajl TRACES OF DISEASE this feuiedy has na ef;nal,!and for Bailding the fitm. ai.dgivirg tew strength awi.ligor, its ui'r;ti'ed -success since it introduction, .and the wi ii.ierful curf s it has and isd.iily performing are its' bc.'t crnnrrantee and wa earnestly doii fe that every satfercr shall pi-ve it a trial; , Sold if all Drugjits. . Price oaa dollar a b-ifje'.'" CO ET.IXS KriOTliEIl?, ST. LOUIS, 210. ;', r: Pruprietors. SALT RHEUM f r itch SALT' RHEUM! Win ewe the ITC1I or SALT JtUiiVIt: . in a few applications. It also cures prairie Scratch-, es Chilblains. Ulcers and all Eruption of the. tUl, where other remedies' have been tried in vain, cures speedily nd thorotijbly.. Price 50 cents a box.- Sold, by all dru waists. By aeudinz 60 cent in a letter to COLLINS BROTHER-, S. W.cor. 2nd A Vine bts., St. Louis, Mo., it will bo sent 'by mail free of postage. 1' : . '. i i- t ; . Jt.SB4J.W i EiMPiHE . SHUTTLE - MACHINE ! ! ! Patented' tfebrtiary 11th. 1S0O- SALESROO V. 536 BROAD TVJfiX, Y. 25-2 WASIILYG.TOjY, St. 2?0SW j i 1 ! i t ! THIS MACHINE Is conducted od entirely 1 priu.-iples of mechanism possessing mny rar'.f . valuable improvements, having been extn"!' 3 tht mo,t profound exjrts, and pinunc4 tot Simplicity and Perfection. Combined- j It has a strikial factdle, perpendicular . nuke theLOC.xor SHUTTLt STITCH. ' j ;u f I P 111 VTt. n4 isalikeoll ' 9vla pperiWins prfwt scwin goa every de1 .'. of "material, i from Leather to the fioest n( Mu.-lin, wiih Cotton, linen orsUk threiiif.roai - sd'r. coarest to the finest number Having neither CAM nor COG WHSEM j La-;: possible rlus as suioota ai and is Emphatically t . hi. rv i-h n .:::nT le.s P"1 . drive it cban any otier M-acbine ia the -f, ,:.s-. ... . . t.. .f-LllIV.'" ; girl twelve yenrs ci age cr wor i " otit fatigue or injury to health. oface Its strength and Wonderful"7 0f struction render's it almost impossible tu- dor.and is-UCARANTEE btBtei ; ve-cntire:atisfctiin. ''Were.Wtfullv invite all those w 1 . mix ,.prior come and examine t,bia Unrivalled ' ,v, Bui in a more espocial manner ! i patronage of Merchant Tailors, thorn?? STMAY JWKSE. , : tin- bv tte nrefriTie 1. vinr at tne , wur in : Taken mouth (jflloney .Creek. r -v - . ..-. '. ca'-Iocdf rr :.TiM E!s t f ac t "of. - Bnchu. HELMB:0-LLi jfOITt PfMDSIlII Jtfrd fcr the above preparations, T. i iiofviLrB, Nebraska. Ifovcmberd. 1865, ly. 10-7-11-7 en.nn. . I . . '. rt I ' V . . . . 1 f '. F . . M r.ron.icoj r l! T7N n. nl Jl T.T Om? On V i -.M . X'm JiU.Jil i r,..- !ri, ri,. .i,;ti, t.!-.. K',.!r unto the i ith Ui.lhcir I ot and O.l jj. knees, blac'k Wane. and tail, small hite spot i-) tbe ji KaJf 'wrvrM -TVi j-, ,.- rn4vh4..f. Atr.4'nr.lttt'Tk.. e!?ht''or ainaVvei.s I lurz-auikt Jk-4 . . . " " ' - . 4(4tlCf9l.. ..-,! o!i July 2l3t .. ., ::43 ' Taken uobv the nndersvgne.1, living one and na half piles above Rrowcville, in Ne maha County Nebraska Territory ,on the 2od day of July I? one one year old'Eilley, with some white kairs in sore head . .51 .1 t -.41 . v .; U. T..ClANMEg. " Taken up by tbe nn Iersisbre.Mi on aadbae half, mite's abovi llxiitfiivilU. irx;Nep;!.ha CcuiHy.' Nebraska Territw, a the 23d day of J uly, 13 e3, Oae, one year II FiUey , be th b wuU e 'j-'ji Coach Maker?, Hoop Skirt ilanu'ac- ; ; turera. Silt and boson ITai- era. Coset Gaiter Fitters. I shoe binders. :a Vest and Fn Haters, t Dre-s Maker p, In.titHtion ; j el ta ion and Cirtta"' ruHy d-alt ml. etel i-rlrrs ofMaclilncConipif No. 1, Family Machine, with Uciaaer, r .51; 1 rd HraUler, : .-r..4w'a .A No. vSmill Manufacturjag, with ", - 1 ' Tal No..S. ;.aro :ant "anrftaritj.witHEiteasic 5i for Ls'ua5 203, nAPkllONi I ..t Wanted for ail townia W pc; ', " - ! fiber. Aont. are not already 'Va, -t iimt' e ...... i.wvm lntral - ana whom a Ul.erldi.inot widbe girea. " Terms iivariat.'y Ca,h-..o J'i'f, rtfti al" I i r 3.:n iini7f J; 532 Wbintvo,i':j;j GEO. FRANZ, ArN ., V Cb :tllo. 13 -7 i V