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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1866)
I v i ska SlDucrtisct .... x ii coliiai'p.editok;. . v.. L!IO WXTILLE. TRUKS D AY . MAY SO, 1SCS. Umcn. State Ticket. . . For Congress, ; T. M. MAKQUETTi:. Tot Governor, -..' - ' DA VID BUTLER. For Secretary of Slate, . T. P. KENNARD. For State A ', -' Aw GUST US Ml v Tot Ctie Jubilee, ' ; - ' OLIVER P. MASON. . ' ' L. CROUNSE, GEO B. LAKE. ' m 9 9 - t -. Union LcglsIatiTc'Tlcket. ; ' '. - For Slate Senator,' -'- ' '. COL. S. M. RICH, For State Representatives, ' LIEUT. GEO. W. FAIRBROTHER, ; LIEUT. WM. A. POLOCK, ; VM. G. GLASGOW, D. C. SANDERS; ' ' " Union Part' riatforni- ' Jlcsolvid, That we, the delegatps to ;,is Convention, representing the Union iy f Nfbrnsl.a, are in favor - ci ? d : ate State organization, for the . r.3 ; - - . . ' .... :'r5X-That in our judgement, it will to promote the speedy settlement of Territory, and to develop us material jrevvthand prosperity.- cccc: nd That-it will place under the i ihe pedple our School Lands, cly Brgely contribute to reduce ' : thcuppcrt of ur Common 'prn. r . . ' , " -t it ill enable Nebraska '! r Lands which the , ..: I 3 .proposed - to ate L iversity, Agri- :ic IL.' ', and for cur mireral rescur--.tie lands V'iihin ;n absorbed by Cat J . :; iiu-d to othu rcreascd revenue . rc:n the taxation ;..rc:r:n rporatiens, - uc3 ' ..e heretofore ; ! : .. j than compen ...i tnie d expenses incident to .rnrnsrit . . That hiTc we are in favor of .;iuro fHr the reasons above assign ed, fcr many others which we might mentica, we do not regard the question cf State organization as in any proper sense pany issue, tut on the contrary, as a ::i;n to be decided by nch individual ca in accordance with his best judge t. Submitted as it was by the joint :i cf Republicans and Democrats, we .rd it as purely a question of local po iicyv which every voter must deside for ' im:df, without regard ;to his polHicnl ..iecedentior attachments. Resolved, That the party which ha triumphantly sustained and vindicated the Government cf the United States, and , carried it safely through four years of panguinary war, waged by the enemies of civil and religious liberty owes it to itself, to its cherished principles and to humaqi' tytu secure liberty and equality before ihe law, to all men. , ' Resolved, That we hereby pledge our . selves to render a hearty and earnest sup-. port to the'nominees cf this Convention. ft ' , ."'T " ' ' r ; NE.UAIIA. , . There is a triangular fight in Nemaha. JWilIiam Daily, Esq., radical of Radicals, but tf man of no little force of character cr debility, is an anti-State candidate ::r ih Senate, against Rich,;pro-State. e,2v D'nocrat, is the' candi-i"' .'i .Johnscn Dcrr: rrr' it i . - a a me canvass v . .rd's success. . TI.d above paragraph we find', in; the .naha Herald. A- few weeks .since, .hile Train, Morton and, Miller the dticr of the Herald were here, this jbjoct wat aimed at by 'there, to - divide the loyal party in . order to elect their copperhead friends and secure the Leg islature. This is shown from" the fact that Miller left here re anything defi nite was accomplished, and went home and stated it for a fact ! There is eq foundation for it in truth, as all know who know. the inflexibile patriotism of Maj. Win. Daily. ; Although' this thing was contemplated sometime since, yet the "good sense of Maj. Daily saw ttat it culd dead: to o copperhead triumph, Lch JiL vould under no circumstances lend himself Ttoo. Mcrtcn has been here since, and so Trair), and have doubtless concocted J.cUiih, fceheme to split up the,, loyal : cf this county ; yet, jt rests entire ; ' Ii il.o rcter, whether they will be ' M y cepptrheads i Remember that, ; ; ' heir ouy itarbacks cn.the ' ' i'tticn. "Morton and Train .arir.ti the rclmcscf ' r month to divide the loyal party their aim ! This is further howa by th?-;fact thai Bedford claim that Train was heir guest last Tuesday c-veuicgdhai they paid for ihe hall I .' Let the Union voters cf ITemahi stind , firm to the Union Ticket, atdthe efforts of ihesti,npc'rted demagogues wilt fall, harmless to the ground. Remember the the contest is net for to-day tut for all t une T r:Tte"ca raerlsf jurtJceTv ttM iVe vhen Train and Morton stink in the rave wiih the Negro they dispis so much The cause-'-crLilnyrwill iktTK ish dispiie. the efforts of these deraa. , gogues to divide its friends ? Stand firm Let cot pretended frienris'urge upon you ctherjhsn ihe true Union - Ticket and read every name on on your ticket care fily before voting it J . , ... 4i ,r .-. - - "L;re tbera man with ?oul olcad Wbo never to hilusclf hath faid, -.This is my own mj. catire l&nd.. . - If there be "cne to him belongs not, the roble heritage of loyalty, gaioed a the past by Nemaha CoCinty! Lethimo'th copperhead ticket' 1:: Loysi men 8' and" ' "' " !', A- victory .now :'H .defeat. fcr year-, ns defeat no' i-erhc'. ih? 'control, i .... nakes are u';rkin5-.,vriih i ruiLVoLi. main ; their he; 3 is flickering up and must be extinguished forever if we would not have "our' couritry fijled with men wha cannot live in Mis?buri, because of their love for 'treason ! Such will flock to where the tepperheads gain a victory. ! Do you desire "such !' If 'cot work.Hke;.- tu;ks. next Saturday .Vfing' every loyal voter to th.3 polls ! See that none stay' away ! Let- none shirk' a dutyj they owe to the Union and .it$, bravede-; fenders! Every. copperhead in t he country willvcte, see that .every Union vote, be polled, alsorand the victory is ours ! Be led estray by; no, -.copperhead ... enprse;( meht of Andrew Johnson; they onfy en-' dorse him in what pleases the , southern rebels 1 Fear' not. to. tackle rJemf and how vp their dirty- designs ; iheyare vulnerable - ns Jjell and corrupt,, as ,it? minions ! Work for victory, and ;it.;is sure ! Recognize no division in our tick et.for there b hone! . Stand firm,and4our country will 1 be saved .from the rule. of copperhead. minions, who. would damn it for party's sake ! ;-y - ';.? l-m . . i , Attention Co. C'qifc Car. Can you forget" the treatment yoa re cjived cl the, hands of Ccp. Bedford, while in the service ? Yr remember when elected he'said I than the humblest rr.e: pany ! '"When ! -reiterated ihr rr. was or ly Cr ; no better i- is :ot- iC3' he ' it he UFt. re .xo ! 7 for :. c.r.d or TAKE . .ni why did yoj rective i Bedford ':zd .:.. bidding il " -i x o.. denng them, if ll. his "conduct sosuddenly chinge?1 Because ihe aristocratic regvlar fccrs would not associate with hvr.-if J.t associated tv:ith his men 1 1 Do you. waat a Legislative toady- to aristocracy ? If ' so, vot "foi Bedford. s. :. r' ". '" ' ". Train's Faslladc. ; j Last Tuesday, evening our City Was startled from, its usual placidity by, the scattering of numerous small bills bead ed, "NIGGER or nV NIGGER, : that is the Question," and stating that George Frances Train would deliver a speach on this subject- at McPherson's . . HalL A large audience gathered at the ap pointed time, among whom . were many of the fair sex. -. . ,", , . At length iTrain .arose, .piping .his mouth on his sleeve, took a vote oa what he should speak on, Andy and the "NIG GER," China, England, etc., ef course the vote, was scattering, ?4 Train spoke ! To take full notes ofchis rpeech was impossible, and yet the main points were the same as the speech he deliver ed in the church. His speech as near as could be reported was as follows :; , George Francis Train have been to England; I have seen that England T rt'IeslAmerici; Bancroft,' Everret and ' 1 -;zh American people are toadjTs,H . 1, George Francis TrainT I, ar.niliiyitcil" Mason at - Nebraska ' City, my friends all said I used hitn upt beau fully, I did! (Makes a fare which causes immense excitement.) .'.I beard-; ed the English lion in his den, and. he went trembling from my presence, I had the den all - to myself !.' Came ; to this country, my speeches were upon. every tongue, even to the valley cf Jehosaphat, and my' friends thrust upon rr.e the next Presidency,' (here came in an anecdote to illustrate how all Europe'had'stood with open-mouthed wonder at hi3 great ness, the audience laughed) I came to Boston, everywhere I saw nothing but "NIGGER, NIGGER," ft nigger Han cock, a nigger Washington, all, all, wa nigger! (Sensation.) I said I was a white man", I would show them thai- this was a unite man's government 1 got knocked down for my pains, (immense cheering,' evidently a mistake cn the cart his audience of toadysto Englanrl) I was irrepressible, I arose and tared rnyFrpast to fanaticism (that was the loyr.l feeling to save the country) fanaticism didn't come" to time., .You can't make a nigger a white man no mcrtiV. : i can make a hcrse of a jackais. (I. r.cnsa'excite- 4 All iK- negger equality signify the same by say ing I; ah, yes, that's right, didnV sup pose you would" -want to insult your wives and sKters and. daughters by faking the nigger your, equal; con. rary minded say no, (a pretty good vote was given,) ah those-who desire ? to nxiks a nijger'Jm equal ha"d better "leatsT this intelligent audience L ''Blessed are the peace makers," take the rebel by the hand TllrfOTgtTOijloTtt3r maljg.-zfcinMjhejaoaiiiaa j-cretary.oJLthii 'Js.rrAz. feel that he's yourbicther (disphe ;he facrtharhe mirrde'redyour brother.)! o-daaiitAndy JohnsoPr-spread wide the doors of Congress to the late rebels. I dcnYhaie the tiggerTm'a TvhVte man aud-d(5n't.wan't;',the, rrrggfet'-made my equal.. I.bave built railroads, I have been to China, T I've 'travelled1 the Valley ofje hosarhat. and remember' the Sermon on the 'Mount,' love the" rebelsblessed 'are the peace makets. etc. ' V T., He said much thai was' insulting tohe audience, for instance he characterised the missionery enterprise a swindle," and much' more that would have driven away zvr ar'Jieccc . in disgust frotna I ess bs -Democrat- 'ir'nglie. ...-s ..i iavc .. . l r i . , ) u. right, of suffrage to ViL-vv ho xgulb) read and write. His -eflort reminded, us, of a 'couplet by fepeating sihich we used to irritate' the sons of Africa, it runs thus: Kiggeiv nigger, pull a trigjef' ;'J 1 ""' r' BloweJ his wind and killed a niggeri- " If a com'et'sh6iild desCei.d in our town, or a tornado upset our houses with n se rene sky overhead, ours w:oulinot ''ex ceed the' astonishment " manifested ': by Trainr when Hon: O P. Mason1 entered from the back room in response to the call;' : Train's eyes protruded -like.two eggs on a mud ; pile, -as he awaited : the skinning he so richly, deserved, for brag ging,; so lustily of ; having annihilated Mason at Nebraska, .City.,,, Mason had barely begun pouring hot:shot into , him ,wheq ... Train arose ;and , interrupted him , and, for a .few moments there was con sidarnble , jexcitenjent 7 Train : and. his friends yelling tha;t e should speak, (I e jusv finished a.;wo hour and - a half speech,) .while Mason's friend showed a 'determination that he- should, finiih -. . -i , without interruption., ;fTrainfinally- sat down, yet. ere Mason had. more, than fairly begun onjtim,? Train and Bedford j passecijout the back door, iii triumph T ' , ' Mr.- Mason then took up Train's en- dorsenent;and proyedTraiu's icconsis- tency Dy jeaajngine jetteror tne rresi dent Jo (Goyeinor. Shark, tfcereh t President urges-negro suifrage. Laving, before he juc. made s?vc; mar. is intended to lessen thet the Unj. cominee, Mason : Brooks, the. -President-endcr. c r a I i c c a n 3 i cJ a t qTIu r L z r i said he did not endorse 1 e tt e r : to r S bar k y . v M a r-j n : : . attention to. Train' insult : cf. England, '-who.wc " always North, in oppositiop to the. ansr who favored the . rebellion.""" lie seen . .Train on his-xnsuU to the Foreign Mission j cause. It was the heaviest scoring ihat Lord Stanley '2 groom ever received, and perfectly annihilated Trai in thisftcm munity. IMason and the, Union ticket received, three loud and prolonged cheers at the close of the debate, , r . ' , "'Trjlie CoiTstUiition."' . !. ; t - VThe Constitution the State of.Ne braska, which the radical party has made a portion of its platform, provides' tha "all free tcAtc male -citizens over twenty-one years of age.' thall be citizens 6t the State,, r-i' , ;.. . The , Coustitution which they endorse and the platform which they endorse are contrary to e3c.I1 ''other. in letter and ipmui,JtforlonU''fieih: I j 10 show tne .glaring fal-sejiopu, in the above you hvelbcly to read the, Union Platform in another -column.' -' You' will not find there the least' endorsement of the Constitution ; the Constitutioh is not even mentioned. . The . Union party are. in favor7 of immediate State organiza-J lion, : not:. because cf , any love for.the Constitution, but , because the materia in terests of Nebraska demand -it.: : We, even under that CpnsihutionVare; no "worse ioff than we are under the Organic Act ;, it contains the word "white" i deiTu!thn"c f suffrage'! The Constitu in its lsutution !;e Organic Act.we.cai- xot ! The j..-nGsnientof the material weahh' and prosperity is what the Union, Party advocate State for, and not a Con stitution which contains, or ignores; the word i white.'' :;., w I-:k. j , ! - This's'our 'Platform .and. the '. Union Party Platform, and we.defv any one to prove IVo the "contrary r; 'cJ ! ; j : v We. never saw. a , party so completely "tickled .to death? over.; such ? a. small 'mare's nest" as the Democracy are over this. . -. .. - A correspondent ,from Brownville to Omaha' Herald, speaking of the joint de bate, here between Butler and Morton, says Morton "out-spoke .himselfpfor ve hemence,Tgumeiiy$it &nd sarcasm, out stripped everything I have ever heard in Nebraska' ".': ...u.; It ws-a4ullydexaccralic speech, Mor tdri only- gave the "lie" 'direct nineteen times, ihe "d-r-d :lie"ielsven times, the fGod d-d lie" twice and wanted to fight ence, but Uvas prevented .by-his friendc --from ' getting' well-deserved.: thrashing-!'- --' :c !. JCSTTAKE OFF YOUR HATS ye Bedford voters . . , a f e .; un. . our i t :id tha. .J the op- em it v, ent,. uld i. pc'iitic in-.' :i; inc:. acj (.. repeatedly i-uifes-ted their plain how they could be shook their heads wisely in - , fallibility of hunuu na ture, to convey the impression thato.r.e hodfj nf ' ' c'ealYometiing ! la IS Juirtia-Srlrlinfr Mortor held tory under Buchanan. Previous to that time theJ)eo?,4lfbughT,iieir'cli05eaLeg -5 r iaLuje.dcted JMbJicnnjerolgacijej pjatismouth,' he drew up a list print the Laics and Journals in this Ter- yyl'abatiSsrou, rom the-Legfisiatuf e-ihe 4ppointmirU o! from Printer, and gav$ it, ostensibly, to Rob ensoia'Tnd -TXbirMorton, icho had it done New York 1 ' where it ioslld'ibe: dene much cheaper han-irv -Ib.f aska.V Yet, diJ -the General Government' 'gain' any thing by . it I:";Acc6rding'it'c;' -Morton own accburfti liow cn f le,fAe printing format Session cost ' frdV Govern- Terr: ::: , .: r r Do . ..ant i , ... .r as ii trnor. cr Senator for which ail know . .. . ..... heJi strivings &t te m pt toe lef a Detnocratic Legislature! Will he, or his ataliteSj in this, county,-co. ,to trust. In jaw, which. is. roost criminal, the thief, qt, jhe.-jwho attempts to tsecrete , stolen goods ! , Look well to.yjur tickets J We see'ai fetter! daied i fron. Brown yille Iay .22d, .186Q, giving an account of Butler j and Morton's, speeches here, whfchthaugti "sighed 'IVXarioni" has much in it which -'mini a 1 us of ' Morton's own style. We can ive but'a few'ei-' tracts,.svhich viJ. doubtless ber appre'eia-' .ed by those who Heari Morton" splutter around and call sorueicdy a "Goct" d cl liar,'.during said discission : ' " You, will not deny; or I cannot be lieve" yo'ilr judgment sc prejudiced as not to rave been convinced of the part; you Was expected Ud act; which was so ably y. ar.i beautifully ullustsated. by the ?.Ybung Bfasjt.V--.(.ihii'j scarcasm, be-, cause the copperhead ,;eJ Genr'But jeF"Beast Buiier?' .1 J V) expo neril' of the pro; State, ro-n?gger suff rage, anti-whae cnan, ati-Johnson and Lin'n's reconstruction policy; and anti - interests, m tae chaste and telt- ! cr ''ceaa do, and in vat. g-n-ronty was great!- the squads of officesee': lick, ''Kass Kounty C duty it; was to ? sTers.on . -Ihr7,2' without Cw called for MRedick. cf j. W. C; man, of Pb; , fter Mortc . .nd Butler w-j. J :A they tedd '$u.,h manifest Iruth. 6n Morton and cause that ihe unterrificd saw "fort r , assistants PI -Trully is it said tha' hy conscience sees an accuser in t .:ng. , C "AhatinV. M'Cleary doing in the rank? ; those. who." oppesed the war For the Union while he was fighting rebils? Does the' name "Democrat" completely covere the acU of iecession sympa thizers, with him? He is' now in ihe ranks with, those ! who Vaid," secession was right," denounced' the war as a 'failure" and such as he os Lincoln's hirelings''! With the din of battle in his ears and the smell of powder , "et on his clothes, can he forget what he fought for ? Two soldiers -have already' been ' politically burieel for lending themselves to destroy the Union party in this courityi and the crave vawns for tne tmra. ratnots ror- eet not so soon tne tause .tney have fought for I i i i j T . -TliDcnocranc roucy., Cfias. .W. Sturges, editor cf , the EMl- VU3 ?, ac! r'' -atic Secretary cf .i 1 u-. i tj t Li 3 ... .. m will L .anicless as the "common slang cf the radicals. vvBy the' Proclamation theutri-is" jmrgjtd-dnd purijjied-xtt rebullion and .its severest cpnsequences,'and the. people of the $oiith stand on equal footing with those, of, the ,,,This is Stufges' style, this is the Dem ocratio - style, this is the Copperhead style, t The, copperheads desire this, and they barter. their , f.oul's salvatioi for the release of . rebels from the responsibility of the . murder of-cur. friends" apdrela tiifes who perished ia defence orf the Union.V Butfor . the . negro-who did and dared much for the Utiton, who per iled his life to cire aid , to the Union cause rand left all that was near and uear tol' n to the tender mercies of cut-throat rebels--lhe- ropperheads have not one vr-d, tliey fear he will become Jheir c vhen.-God knows, in. princip!0 the -"fo stands ead and ears alava ,rsed minicn3 eftreason or its 'if?.! friend"' v .. . . cap; net, l rpeed : c.n, copper ,e Union men ccn I . ilie Joist Debate . j Qa receiving Morton's challenge Mr. Butler answered it immediately, raakinrr as the challenge'd party always hss the right ta do appointments to. commune? j at 5al;m, in ilicLardJon. r.iortcn, m j stead cf going to meet him, "iiy around this city for-nearly a week, 'after Bui.: 's appointments uere published in-this city ! Then Morton met him here, at Peru and .airaskaity where friends refused to hear Builtr. As the appVintme'nti inade 'by JMr.' Ballet only of appointments and submitted them to he sent reply as fo -. JowsV ' - x-i!'JL i u . i. . : fol- "It will give me great pleasure to meet yolit Omaha t;n June 1st but it is not compatible. Kvitbi rny idea)l duty to the party which I have the honcxr to represent in ibis canvass to allow you to direct the erdiit plan' of the caripaign, and 1 shall 'net It able io vied, yrj at the other, appointments , named in pur list'1 After which Mr. Butfer "requests him t ),-modify : to- suiuhimself,"but ' Morton " c qu Id n '. .'. s e e ' i t ? t .four v doss ? 1 of Butler a' as much' as AiV copper-clad stomach 1 ' stand !, - - . " r.-Lc'rton, in h.. . . : ly. ::a;'i . cv-:. . j :e;:h requesting '.Mr,. Butierjo aniwet.' numerous, question, which Morton, was xfraid lo go, along iwith.: Butler and ask before the people J ' ; - .'. ; . . ,'; 'Morton has shown'1 himself a -more complete .fizzle'in this campaign than ever heretofore-- and his very conception was a "fizzle.". . , .. v. , '( r ; '",. i ... -JJT'What has Sam'l Bennet doneor the Union cause?; Has he not tolled the farmers continually while such men as Rich," Fairbrbther and f Polleck ""vere nghtingior the Lnion !' Yes, farmers, remember, he has tolled you "not wisely but too Veil' -" i;:-'1 .J'TV;W;;BedM will; undoubtedly .if elected -vote1 for.1 J.i Sterling Mor ton for U. JSr; Senator ! " Do yoii desire to'elevata a man twha was President of; "the Coriventioa that nominated for Gov ernor J."" Sterling" Morton, Who 'said in Plattsmouth that 'Abraham .Lincoln should .he hung Jon the same ' tree ;wiih Jeff. Davis, and that he (Lincoln) would bear the 'same relation- W Davis that the ' thieves did to Christ.1' If yoa want such hell-"bgotten material to represent !.rn'theiU.'-S." Senatej vote 'for Bed- and the Damocratic ticket "IIcw Oa-our" German friends like ;rc:n the Omaha Herald- the r -of this Territdry t ' 5- . . -. 7 common pipe on wh 13 and th-ir relatives of J, daily play."' 1 " "''.J'ArJtrc 1hejrish. ctter than Irishmen that iCnt styled as of ''str- .j, cf this country -his . with them, even lafelyGtr given largely lathe Fenian . -:zii'VQtrntan officers 'from army of the Potomac have tendered r services tchelp free Ireland! i his is 'a gratuitous insult to th'e German element - 6f. Nebraska, which -should be remembered..! . ...v.-t' ', " , , i Traiu. ; !A"cbrrespotident of the Osnaha- Her ald in complimenting G. FraDcis Train on a .speech lately deliveredby 'Gecrge, m Nebraska City.'says he made the fol lowing; point : 1 ; ; """" , f .1 , -The-Declarationof Independence, the Anjerkan Revolution end the. Constitu tion of our fathers were based on the principle that taxation without represen tation was robbery." 2 - I 'This point he made - for the bene fit of while traitors ; ana in gis . speech here he opposed giving suflage to loyal blacks because, as. he said, they possessed lefs brain than whites ; but forgot the; taxa tion an J robbery pact.';' tie then com mitted himself ' to the "robbery", of a class "too' ignorant, as jhe . iutimated, to protect themselves 'Doubtless' the act of "stealing coppers. ofT of a jdead ne gro's eyes,'?; would be. greatly lessened as a crime, -in Train's estimation, be cause of the smallness of the dead darkey's brain. Another J point made was t ."Abraham Lincoln's potf-ry wa? to re-T construct, the "country, :aiid, Mr . Johnsoa is only-carrying out the plan- laid down L by his i prfceceisgr. . ' "'All who... remember tram $ statement here,:1 thai on coming from England he Hoted copperhead speeches at Air. Lincoln," willhave little jdoubt jhat Andy Johnson'is carry ing out ihe same policy now. ' . v Hon. T. W. Tipton, last Saturday, travelled 6fl miles and made two .able Union Speeches. His. heart, is in 'the work, and well is the .iiQod work flour ishicg wherever he has-been. Alive to to the interest J of the" whole Territory, he spares-cot time;. money, or horseflesh to convince the people ; and a3 he . trays, the people need but to know their inter est and State will carry. r. C JCQ"Kcojv-"ye not W.'G. Glasgow ? Yes,-jnanyfwho composed the Democratic Miss Meeting know him to their sorrow,' because as Sheriff he has done his duty; and wilj'do it as Representative. The hatred of Criminals'' is his ebesi holt." , tf m f "Ycte the Upjon ticket, and except none ether. . !.. T - .1 1 The Judicary is to I. ..: :ered by m?n o: ,pc sitive'wxrih nni ui.ity. ' No man in Ner.iala County need ce toll tf thj legalu'J.ity cf 0 P. Masor, who has no sspeio at ue lur in this The standing" cf Mr. Lake of rerric Qm-hi is very high als his cnc- nv is er.utrsea-Dv ui honorable men of his pany, Mr. Crounce examinations ar rigid, vnd diplomas "are evidence of merit Haviig practiced with success for ten or twelve years, at the calfcf his country, he nshcdTo the fieri of battle, and as a Capttin cf Artillery and .Stair officer cf Central Seigle wen honors as a sjldier, and respect as a Gen-tlemanr-r-r'",:; - -.JCTBedfjrd- grwh because Mson replied to Train, because, he says, il was our meeting l- A, lieu out' scmewhere. Train has steadily "declaimed being a par;yl dan,'. yet Bemccrals1 rent, liin a hall ! -He is a copperhead as his speech indicated," aixd his f;i: . Is far a free dis cussion, t !- " . ' ' " n -! they sha! I ' f.le and f! : a - - . . "iiountaini..c. .idam, iiheUnion lion rear -y.h and the wha: : dcolde. inourneth for its first, born" GEORGE FRANCIS TRALY! HUB- RAU I Hurrah ! ;-iurrcA ! nnmn ! hurrah-h'h ! II ., .... Denioerallc Policj. We mentioned last week that the Democracy of ' Nebraska City groand and hissed so when Butler spoke there in -joint debate with Morton, that hs "could not be Beard.-' Read what . the Nebraska City . fiiatesmtz a Democratic journal, says of this affair : j 'Mrr Butler had the closing-, but did not say more tnan to repel what he un derstood Mr.' Morton to charge upon him: that he had in common wiih the radical press, denounced this comrnuniiy as a gang'of cut-throats'and mordsrerS'' - The crowd in their ram-pant good humor(we certainly do :'.nctr think that any one thought of disrespect tq the'speaker, or intended to be disorderly) preventing Mr. Butler from finishing, i - j i ' Mr. Conn; cf "Colurado; closed the meeting with a few. pointed remarks as to the radical party. ' He ' however said that. 'Mr.' Butler had been vanquished by Mr.'MortohVjogic, when the.. truth is Mr. Batler was silenced as above stxted; whether, intentional cr not we hope nev er again to hear that a Nebraska. Qity audience wil. io . listen to a public speak- er,howtve5opposed ii rcaybe tohleiew , ihi is to say iha' fople will not dii- gvis: they did fast ev- conduit . V! Ha3brcr asked I'M- battle "mus' car tc tive ! city. is a 1 . ccr.ic- .3 ia this :ll II; . i Unian man" at. .'f.o'D5V i. out for hina. i. : arZ right for hiii, . i.v.he work cut he has got -Sunora tf lat v&nt't elect him he's dead sure cf Birks County, Pa. ' Has any Convention a moral right io make a farce of the Law making power of Nebraska I . . "GOT 'EX" , Mr. Morton has efTectuly squelched the disloyalty hurled at hun by all the small and large Radicafs.of this" Ter ritory,, by producing "official certificates to'his loyalty .from Juch responsible gen tlemen"; as5 Alvin Saunders, Secretary Paddock, kc. D. Butler falsifies when he charges disloyalty upon Morton, or Saun ders and Paddock did so whn endorsing him as a ratriotic citizen. It is a bid case cf "got em. Hence all the big and u -tie Dolitlcal "snapnin? doss" whl'h - I "disloyally" upon tbe tracic.of Mr Mor ton,' have, been'.squelched sent to their kennels'. How are you ly this -"time ? Omaha Herald. , - . . -r - . v This is a rich "case of got 'era;". e sembling considerably the case of where one man bfaged about the feat of hold-, ing down an anUgonit in'a fiht, with . his nose, which he claimed to hare insert ed between fiU antagonists teeth for that purpusel Gov.. Saunders ' "told us'-personally "that 'all he gave, the certificate for was to prevent.Morton's being draft-, ed elsewhere fearing their might be a draft' in Nebra;!: :., -xhich - he could shirji with the ccn ".cats on record I ..As Vo' the floyalty" 'that he attimpts to prove by.itlhe Gov. would have been derelict in his duty, towards loyal men had he re fused Morton the certificate. , The other names foisted in by the Herald are all false; as Morton only-claims one from Gov. Saunders. Loyal' Vcners ; Remember that net a man on the Union Ticket County or Territorial needs a certificate of loyalty ? CSyEe rureful how yoa vote for Rep re?eniatve ! : Every vote' for the' ticket is a. lift for jMorton to the U. S. Senate, where he will undoubtedly work with the Vallandingham Vccrhees-Savasbury party.! '..1 ; '.. ' ' ' J . ,t ESTCorapany .C" : . Do jcu ; forget the menial - offices your Cay-iais.'jr, VT. Bedford, ordered ycu to do while in the service? Will yoj vote for a, man who ordered away his neighbors to as cot to oflend aristocratic cfTicers ? .' yhy would a skillful billia'rdist be pse- 'ful amonncisv childern. Br.caase he I knows-ho iv to step a lawl.- i.ay? a f; wo I ' .. itchcs. now all c:h-r t 0i Ii:af?fec;aiiiacf Pr5-.i l c -,f pro 0.1 C.y J . 1 I still' 1 - C 'sir ' . Oi.rr.r'!:.- ut. ucorg3 L. Oilier and Ir; IliltLCCCk'. IhL-? err-, a r,.. or these -ords in a pulii cfiica ia j 1 J eli.UjlViS W1J .1 h sociailv. rnonllv n l k raan. a f - Abe Lmcola." ' ' - Jf' " B That i a fine specimen of. ihd Na'. ofth, Va!!andiham Morton,; Dvis Democracy of Nebraska' Bieni ii unnecessary. Shall such S cf-rnfience-and such men -?-:,;., - ka into Statehood, and rule her des-' J ? The people will-"answer ai tl tines polls, we believp hv viin. M.,t : as a Ltate, anJ voting all such ... w M .ADYERTKEMENTS. In pa-.- jan.-9 of aa brd-r cf tba IP-ob-.' fCt of emihr9.inty, ia tbV Territory ofehn V. mado cn tie ls:h dar tf ILij, 1. jj. Ui'aS" casa cf Cbarlij Foy. Guardian gain3t iary L Veil hi rJ2d tl-rs the nexUf ti3,th under,!?,, ed will, - . On the rr' h day of June, A: D. ISC r t " J' f kt the doer e ' v ba!3 th place law V ! "s ia Cronr; " ri.,rsi:etae fo;:J(V. i ia -Nejnik. Co a-- ' k..i.. r nv.i.L t- , ,;u,.-ir . .u VCA Ail UAUd l Cll 4 "TO linn . - Ti?.'2Y NOTICE. Taksn up by the us.Isr-igneJ. ii miles V-vf of TronTin.?, oti tbe 2J day cf rj?'.?0n dk L'ay Hor.-e, about Cftfea har-i hij v c oiUr a J kdd2e narks. hod all a roua J, about 'i yearro'J , . . . y.lli CILLILAX D. . .AMERICAN HOUSEr l.i;d. nDBi:::oii. peoprietos.. Front Street, between Main and Wa:erk Vl .i'."-" .' ; ""T ' ' ' ' " ' ' .May 30th-1S66. 1036 ly . ' . , " :ISrOTICJE . The Brownril'e City Council , will Sit at a Erd cf Cqaali.i.ioa ti cqaii3 tbe B.coK:at for Ihj year lrfiti, on the e?eni of HjnJay. Tueidiy and "ednc3day-J!ay,-2-!rh, 29th aod 3-tii,at tLe Ofiicir of the M-jr, vror Carta's L.a,k lij order of t!ia Conncil, ..,'". - , it , ; ; , k. B. Jobo-joni City jv!erk. v OSAGE ORANGE 2S :H3 32""C3-Z JST Gr The ond.rsijncd baa located ia tbe Tcrrifory cf Nebrask;,for tha purpose of and setting out and miking Fence, of the -r m I shall cultirat and tend fhe trvma f it timj var and girt the sxiue ime t.j p-iy for it, at ft. from ONE dollar and TWK.NTV-FIV cn -TWO dollar por Rod. i slull sc.'- : : :U f next Spricg, commencing near thj lur go as f vr u; aiJaaahaiiid prcb i y ? beyond, taking a 'trip of cotj"'-. -wide,' and beyond that if t' ; '.'. . do to make it aa tbjec fjr . . t j , " how.7( ntEPAi::: :::: To all wh wish, me U '' th-'T ; ground i:i the filo. ir.i ' -a strio 0" rotl wi !e 1 iv;r f x t(, - -i i'"! a" I J ':. . ! I Any r3 liv;p a ' -I and woa'.d rtucr i s'.. i 1 tny pay, t will do so r ' them , writj U ' me know how nac'i y- - and I will call' cr i nowand tha r4 of J&ni i ipecial control with you. - t kinds of I'rait Trees, f !owu, bery for 5ilo,a'I g-o-Tn ia tba T. mated- T' whj arc rai i" ; tjwn,and would li k 3 !a to t.".ikd t. . ." - them I will take-their i M-n i in. 7 s T-v will tell them how to make a good f ---.-. a i Dedicst and best w-y to mike it i &'.ao th-j .''. ttse th I'lants during the an i Soio.; ter. Those buying ILinn'ofiua wiil 'get -, eeipts fre. ' . If there U any . icaa ' in - th Territory, that cj V iTe better initruotion-, I will give btia one tboa-- and dollar for it. 1 abo furnish a receipt' Lr stroyinj the (iophar, for C:"ty cenV,' etc. gent wanted t canvas in Kac-3., Xebr Iowa and Mrnouri , they can ea.jly mak from, on to tlree bundr-! dollars per cunth, clear of exr"-. e. . Adirc.-. NATHAN McKEIOUAS, . r. 0. Box 12,;5rowaTii:e, Xebraik-V. Itafer by perm . to - ' .' T - . JXJXt Kzixoo.i 0m .. JtUX FjttTE,) ... 'LCTTIEK KoAPtBT . , , B, F.Uasjutt, I ErowoTilla -cVTExVUEdNTT - " ;" O? TUB . FIEE AND '.TOKNADO Insiirnnco C'orjpaD.r 5 Tans J J. Ti-KNsa. I'reaX nl C'- OP - . - SoriR!--- Ss'r.. nf the t ire and Tcrnado Com pany, of FreerwjrS Illinoi. hereby eertify tbat aitiCiimpany ii j os-'sed of a capital of at I1 enebandred thousand dollars, seenred byleaooa rial en ate worth nt ca.-h TilnatJon at least live tbmes tbea-nooicf -aid ea'pifal, and not eDeun bred to more than one-furth of ali valartior.. - . TlIO..J.TlT.NH:it,Prst. CHARLES SQUIUSS. Sacreury. : STATE OK ILLINOIS, f g, . STEPHEySOyCOlSTil vPe'rsoaiiliJ appeared b"f..rc of to C8.a" ty Court cfsiid County, T J. Turner and Civ.?1 -Squires to me known as Itbe i'ro-ident and i?erre"ry (,t the Fire & Tornado n?uraace Company, woo ' . injSrstdity .nJirl.i; 5U ,severa..y p.a ar.! - '"''.at the-abore certiScate sutacr.- -toby.' 'yelriiirne in. soVunce f' e records of said Com" ' '. sworn-to -before toe, ' ' dxj cf-.i.. .A.IKT855. - ' ; '. " " " UiO-UE TII'JiirSOJT. County - - L'y K. p. I'cerso, Deputy- CEilTiriCAT"S cf ATJTHOBIT . To Expire on tae 31st day of Januarj, I'w- Insurance Department, Ofice of , ' ' "rifcrial Auditor, OMAHA. NEB. Jan., lG.h, lp WHEItEAS, J. T. Caupbel!, AsiuUnt 0- Pironnrl Tnm O f? O TnS. IO" tocaieiat rrcriwn,m -- -r. rocr" filed in this 02oea copy of the Act of .j. l.vatedai i rcenorl. n t-J D.a - tion of said Ci.mriiy,oa ""'".f.-j-' ahowinj iu Condiiion, as.rarajred tjW' teenth Section of a Uw of the Territory of ka, entitled Aaact in EeUtion to lasora Comi anie," Approred Fcbruary,lbo ; Tblt . Therefore, be in kauwn, t5 t- F6? joliN in pursu..ace of the afyiesaiJ 'it,V nereb Certify tbatsid K"?, ot Cbmpiny has full authority !ES8S' Jjer & Insurance in the Terri:,ry -of " f J.0a: laws of thi Tarn tory - - ary, . d. .! . . thn Si-al of 1 harasd"; BauK,iiuu ity - i .rY a. a-.'- . - r .;'GEO.'w.uiLrico.,i;'-!'; ; . : ZJrotT.rii'e ,ri- tj Office cr.9 Door West I tr 1- IN i f i1 i 1 ? 1 1 ! i