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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1866)
utBRASK'A: ADVERTISER ... . : GEO. "VT. HILL u CO,, iTertiaerB'ock.LIttin S't Eetvreea let 21, ' P ' ""i P Csis cna jeer Oahc'.f ccc Ci n cr.c jcir - Oasialfcc'.uar; s'J r.czlli i , i V". ; 3 ";ur;h cell-. z t.x i-:zli Oae eighth cc'.cr-n s.ucl!:i 0cc;iaan tire iccnU." - OnehaIfco33!-a tLr-e n. r ': - '' Onefcurth co.' t .: '- i Oa:j.sti cc!-r r. t: r- : jli AKr:urcsr? car.-:: f:rc c - A 1 1 : ; : z s i c 3 1 1 7 c r : '. . c : c c t i - s L F 1 j - -; AllkinJatf Job,lJvkaV i C-r J f ::: tlr-, cczs ! 3 -.'ae best sty la on ihert rcti-e .td rfaicrtt.s tis TERM t ..1 1 . OaCer. oaeytar, inafiTane, ... - . 60 Subscription, mast lnariab!y,bo paid inAiiTance rj list "r. nl Plain il Fner Job Work B tntn"1 J'l. -n"o nrt notice. LIBEP.T Y ;A N D U N I O N, ON E AN D : IN S EP ARAB! E.V.KOW..A N D tFO?.E V ER.M .'r VOL. X. BEOWNyiLLE ; NEBRASKA,.- THUKSD4:f,v:;MAYr:3, 1886- 7s.T o n M 4v'.7 -') ;;Y Cv' ?V. i V'. '"V V " i I i t i 3 e 1 I ! ! i s S i I J. -J TJ'U S I ITE'S S' Cl RDS; 1 1 , t " ' ' ...... CHARLES HELLMER, ?IaIaBt 2 doors below r-'- ' - " " tn hunJ a tv---' i ,1 the best matcriul bi CUSTOM H: Repairing done vfoh hcatneis and dispatch fn.nn FRANZ HELriBE, tvtv W . . . . . , OPPOSITEDEUSEJl'S TIN-SHOP, W AGON'S, "B'UG'dfES?. M.OV'S,CULTI TJTO B3, A-c.epmieJon Lort notice, at low ral, at-rranied.Ulre aaU;cUn. x-II-fn nn c. p. stewrt: m. d.5 Sooth East corner of Main and first Streets nROIVKVliLLC; KCBZZASILA.,, ; - r ' r - " Orrict IIock to 9 a. h. knd 1 to 2 ac4 li to -i 7J r. M. . Rroworllle, NeWka, May 5th, 1E65- No 3t,1y! "'EDWARD W; THOLIAS, ATTORNEY; AT LAW, ; SOLICITOR INBCIIANCERy, 6fllee eomr of. M!n an i First Strfet. ' : " " ' 13ROWNV1LLE. NEBRASKA. x mxs. :&h ID.; cenett, lininGry & : Fancy Goods " 3TOHE. . r - ircf t c;. " or west of "fiie Po6t OS,ce 'rsV;.v;:.i.K. kciiraska. r ftcck f taTI sen Wiater Goods iLvcrytV.irj in tbe Millinery line n hani.' Drcfs-MikiEg, lionnct nrriin' Jene ta'orjer. ' , - - vS-n--:Sly ' .::t.'l. SHOE oXirst and Second, i? , JOHNSON, . i , - -,n p-, f , t ' nROTfiFlLl.C, XEnRASItA. J . . - r9-41-pt-64 - ! 1 MARSH CO., ;V SGCCESSOaS TO MARSH SI ZOOK, ' . General News , Agents, and Stationers, Post onicc Ouildtn?, nUOWNVILLCv NEBRASKA-: lie have on hand and are constantly receiving fresh supplies of Booko, Periodicals, Stationary, Photograph' Album, School Books also Confec tionary, Cigara Tobacco, and a choice aolection of I Fancy Groceries geeral(y,to whteh they inrits the attention of the citisens of Ncuiaba coDty, and. tiieyhope by strict attention to busitosr,d d"air dealing, to merit a sharev of he hoblif parn. A.I). MAltSn.. . uli-ly J.W. BLlijS. if-. '..' .O.V: WHEELER, -- CABINET-MAKER CARPENTER. ' Ilarirg opened up permanently on . i .. Main Otrcotr, , "')' 'One doorabove tbe .Baltimore Clothing Store, is prtfVed to do all kinds cf work in his lino in tU. ery beat and si jle. Particular attentione given to Contracts. . ; v-n m p'd SROWNVILLE ; .HOUSE, : ' .-. ' j , COIt. MAIN AND 25b STS., ' ' ' .... : . '. - toroivnTlIIc. ?:.: H. W. IIICOi;, - liutcr. This House has been refurnished and newly fitted p and refurnished under its prcscnfr-catcrprising Proprietor, "who jrnarracteus satisfaction to ail who aiy patronize his IIou.e. . . , x-6-ly . G Ft A N T' S- CAEAP CASH STORE. . . ' ' ' Main Street ' leiicun Fini and Second A J BROWNVILLE, N. T. ' 'TTi bftTtia stor ihrge enrf-e!l selected stock of t Boots'and Shoes, fiie- . Quality cf Spilrj Steele, : , ''t VrniCH HBOFrERS FOR sals '' CHEAP FOR CASH firocerip.s nf V.vorv Kmi Sujrar, ' , Coffee: - . ' - .! Soda ; Tenner. Allspice, candies, - , Totacco, . , . -Matches,"':, Starchy . ; ... .!m.,&c.(&c ' , tuiaV f!11 b offers a-the lowert prices, deter- GRANT. r i . 3 cr:r. : ft i 'lOISfiliiFt . t iiousc-Slgn Orr:r.::icntiil Glazier. TI Graircr, - . H All work :' . r in a "Workman.- like manL.:, Li-d Strictly ' TERMS;;v J "' OKt toca WErroraow."TiLi.i hoji- -i '. -. j ... , RICHARD F. BAKRE'r,; iififc-Mi'ii? A I'D DEALER '.ITf LAND WARRANTS & LAND SCRIPT Perional attention jirert d tnaling Location.' ' OCee in J. L. Carron's Banking Housdj . - ! BROWNV1LLE; NEBRASKA.1 1 ., vt. . .., - , s x-14 ly; frrnn.. RESTAURANT " ' : - and - -:; : OYSTER. SALOON: . ' SVILLiAM JIOSSELL takes tbieinetbod cf informlnz the publio that b basjust oprh'eifou Main street, between Ut and 2nd, OROTYATILLC, KCKIIASIIA. a Rcstaixrant nnd Oyster Saloon. AJao, Confoctionarib. CarineS Fruit,' Dried Frnit, Slices. of all ki&ds. Tea, Coffee,. Sugar Tobiicco, Potatoes, nsctt Pytatucs artl everything timally kept in a g.ocery stcrc.i T .' ! ETMEALS SntVri) AT ALL HOtJIHvld' ' FRIISII 'OVSTEIIS-- s x 15-1 y " r 1 r f v LI jo tr- Cf c:.- ;. Kolic.- ' ... V-1' BoT'oviHe, J." c t-. . 3 tLe s'aort- , 1G. I0-C5 ly The undersigned keep on hand aLar6e assortment c "ti. ; .!,) - - .' .- .--Tf t QATTIfTAnAmf'RPSlilTS l . lot Men and Boy's wear. AIso,a large stock cf! hats ji::cJBS i ' -. "- - . ?' ... f ill! It 1' i BOOTS' 1 AND SHOES,' 3 ; Rabrjc r Cots; Legglns & Dlanlicls, : v UMBRELLAS 'AND CARPET ; BAG Gent's pHrn ! ;; .Of "all kinds which we will sell . C II E A P, F Q It C A S II - : We purchased our oods since the dt. f'.ro 'n "iV.A TtTrL-pt nnd will, sell Rt lov fibres; - r ATKINSON 8c CO.: 1 April 13th, 1SS5, , 9-3Q-ly , j Evan ; Yorthing:, rrtoIesalc&Ke'.. ilcria Choice Liquors, Vines, Ale; Bear, ' " ' x " ; PITTS KUrFALOTIIUASIIIa ii a c n i x c, iv c iv yo el s c s.r U 4 kig ncArcn. QUAiicu mow er ana BrcrL LIT Cl'LTITA- TOK. . v-.:; ' :. imiTXEYfS KLOCIi t ' ; ' Main Street, Erownville; t 1 ifeay, 17tW 1 83$ ' - lir 3 i7 rr d : . . ' ') - JACOB M AUOliN, Merc i-iisr T MAIN STREET, CHOWNVILLE, NEBHASLA, Has just received the largest supply f . Erer brtfu-'it to this market, a.n J preird tn ii make them up in ' 'i1 . THE VER Y LA TEtS T ST Yl. ES . J Work Vuirrar.lccl-u: Tems CasliT January 1st ISfijp'dto Oct. tfithTSoS. ''' - :narilla; ) . ... 0 JAMES MEDFORD, . ; CABIHET-LrAKER .,, t Corner 2cd and ilaia Streets, BIIO WWVTLfiE.' 421.' T. ,: - - Is prepared to doalj kjndi of ftotk ihhfslir tort ncitco a-l reasonaV. v ' i-rns. 16 For I j;!uuic , . x-otc'craj tr. Ambrcty; call at A. 1. Staabfd s Kccrns cl . the' Post Office.'" 'We are prepareiTtd do the best of -work in ihc shortest possible time, end' on as reasonable terms as, any ioth.9 West Give-us :9 call. ,Exaroiije pur work. t We insure atisfact;cn ' . tVr take ah sorts 6f vicitircs,' 'r''-'' y.isi';.; ' Of erTy.tyIf.fewr ,-.f., Both Pbotograpbl and Ambrotypes, " ' In plain or fancy cases. a ?c;; - a. Ci MbTAri.yKu, 31-tf L r. 'Brownviile. Jftl. J l Av ROBISON',J-: SI a 81 dill lfkin Between lit &. 2J Street . " Takes this method of informing the ; public, that he has on hand a fplbndil as?ortnJnt -of Gent'f and Lafiio's Ali?jc3'andCbildrens'a , . it b BOOTS; ANP SHQJS.- i JC5Custon work done with neatness and dispatchers Ilcpairii dona on short notice. -'- '; 10-SO lnnn "TIPTON: & HEWETT, .;T JBROWNVILLE,iNTEl3RASKA,, , .March L?t, ';68. '17:-..J') ; . j :, V Mcetliisr' of: Scliool r?:amlners. Notire is hereby given -that the lioard of Sehoo Exdmihefs of Xeriha County'et raska, wi" v " meetings forjjnej Eaniinationt of Tac ; i , said C'ouhtj, at the VTlca of E. AT. 1 in Brownvilie, on the1?t ifstnrday iacrc-v between the hours of r,snri Z P. for certificates are rec 'rtJ m . t o'clook,'preciFcly, or t'.t-y 'will -t No perscn need apply at any ' ' r ' 1 ' 15 j cder 'if'T ' i ' . ; E. . , April 1st, '., - -yl; RARE CIIANCj ToY7ii'v"Pr. I-; HIE B-v.ler?" r,r 1 hlsWockof r.u:iJ:- r ..... V"? J' v Browiiv:IIc,. J known jsr Whitney's I-'lcj L." c Arid 18x80. OneSalooa 2ixGi.. Tenpia Alley, J2xSO. I' our i. , Rooms nnd Irouir Bed-rooms on tiio ..umm Ann,- A lo nr P Tnri 11 Yp 1 !- ing ana a.ce uouse ii 4.--, i icuiisco. 1 Terms to sut purchasers. -Enawireot - . rt.J.VliiT.EY,or , R.F. BARRET. HOLLADAY &. CO., ; T s.;-,. 'S Ucces5on to J. F . llorrU.J ; t Wohldre?pectf ally announce to" the Citiiecs of hb lirga and.'weUrkalocted.ftoclt of : , j - i- ; . I M' A23l I i ' ;-.; .-m:vj"; 4.c...j.v Jf. !; -.!f;.")::i Mi i . 1 And th entire stock fiomerly kept by ,?, yorris. And they will keep" constantly on band everything usually kept in a - J--'4 ' ' '' ' FIRST CJSS DRUG STORE,' and art determined not to bf ;niderfso!d for cash i 1)R. IlOLUD AY will give bis personal and un divided attintion -t the business.! 'Hi; f; f. : 1 Prescriptions and orders carefully filled at all hours. .WniTNEYS ELOBK, MAIN STREET . JBRO WVlLLEl JVUBRASKA' x-231y fd,nn 19 m O.W Si: o til: . I I IH r. ej S J . t- 3 ' s if i - 03 -5 " 3 11 . ' . r3 .S M i : . c ,r CO 'ta JS H : ; ' r, :-.Jj - . . w - w . fi, S 2 Sic g -'ic Va O f 8' rr,' .Vy- , cc o - is Ti m E rn"i 1TC 5 2 8 i.. o 3's .ucJ O 9 - '' 11 ,f i . It V'-. ' ami vuorncj m s 1 ' a - t ! j? I 0 RcveRsciini Elpenie State nn Tcrritcril Go.vcmssnt? x, ; J -yTbe followii statameni ofhe ;'taxa; fcle property is the -Territory of Nebras Llr ViiIi tbe in x r'Is?rtrd thereon .for different p-?n in t h taken from- tbe 1 v re- 3,503,93 ' rbe 'exact 'amount epprbprlated by ihe Federal GoverVtneht per ahnurh.w-ehave been unable" to fend 'out but it'eanadt ex ceed $27,600 in'any one' year.nti if 'we add this amount to' that derived from tax- ation:we have k .jotahoff 81.05,431,69. 'f .' ;, r -T.'r ;.-' ExrrssE or TEiaiToaiAt 'coveks atst . r And out cl Ibis amountAve have to pay Territorial Expenses,": as 'follows: ' Ji'"' overncr, . S2 500 Secretary,!' .'l . ;":'-2!000 Justices 3 in .No , 2,000 each'' (3,000 Auuiior, , Treasurefi Legislature j i ' ; :' ' 20,000 ;h.Totai, ';: '"T'X C31-W This shows. an, expense ;pi f ' 00 per annum, above-tie appropnatica ti the FederalJGovf-"ni,whi'chi,asto be paid by -epprerr' from1" the Generaldt Fund,"of :ihe ,tory, and .dtherppro pritions cocsu.. .3 the. whole amount- cf tha fund.' The public schools 'crnes t!;e School Fund, and " the iik' ' : . ;3 he Territor consumes t' :.'t:E "rca 1SCG vx: . j a school Fun J c .r.d asinlan Total, u n d c ) as Or, 14,- 118," I dollars ci 3rc received last r froia-taxatioa and Fed- appropriatior Jned.- ""; ATE' COVf aXMEKT" ZXPKSr3 fv oisoG..: .. . M ' - . - Amount to le paid froni th r-nerald 1 V 31.000 - j300 X BOO ! und are. as fcllotvs; Governor, r -, ' ' Secretary of Sate itn Auditor, Treasurer, Legislatdre 20,000 "jdoV per - '7 ' ; . " ' ! ' - . pes;;on rjienotai oessioa , ,, . ii , .Total, ' , ' ' ' ' S12.S00 r. i . v. i. i i i purposing it should be necessary to make an appropriation iot coniioenl ex 1 enses'this vear; it would notamount' to more than the appippnation of last year as this appropriation' is ' made to . cover expenses of pages, 'fireman' clerk?, e tc", of the Legislature, (and 'there 'would be but one session of the Legislature hld in two. years,nd 'there would not there forby any sufh appropriation4 .of the "kind 3 r xt year, which togeth er with tLa e.v ' E" ' ' cf he :?!att :ie u py, this u. u$a balar.:wf .-d the t.penseof nexj year ke.i be only C2,&u0,ya'nless we should have a eaUe4sii0 '.of. the Legislature, (which is altogether imp'rob- ablei but which some of the opponents cf State for party effect contend weald be necessary,) and it would then amount to only as much as this year, 27,000; leav ing us the same balance of 22,400 next yea?. As it is unnecessnry to accuma -late this amount in' the Terrii ory e very year.taxatioh for General purposes might be reduced nearly one-half by State or-anizaiiorr;-or at least S4.200 more than it could uuder Territorial Government. There will be' another source of Rever nue under state' Government -Ik J Pa cific' Railroad that never can L.c3 a source of Revenue under Territorial Gov ernment, which will still forth the taxation' for general purp State GovernmentrBat -h wilt attempt lo shaw'it "in a . -d2f :2 z tide- 1, 5" U 2i Z'.' - .atp r ::ntcd to; f 26,893.93, and wis derived from t tlx-, able "property pf. S13,145;SCi This year we will "Lave a taxable property of, 20.000,000 dollars, which will give . us a School Fund cf 40,000 dollars, nt "the tame rate of taxation a? last venr. This would be sufficient for all purposes, ', and and may be reduced as fbllcnts,. by .State Or?ahiiation " Scboc! s" ScLoci S City worth 835,000 ; would' " brin? an interest cf 1 1 3 Total, . " 1 J' L - " 1 . - Besides the other Scholl'. Sections that might be put .upoq, interest by jhe-jfirsi Legislature this .reducing; c thB ; total Schooh Fund to be, raised by, taxation this ytat to SQCO : a reduction, cf more' 'the School -tax. - ; 'kis'fundisreceifed by ataxtf 1' 1-2 mills on the dollar; and- is1 used in' the pjTraSriYof interest on ! our indgbtedness and in liquidating the same The -in debtednes as' shownf -by the'AuditoVa Report" nn' December, 2oth;lS65,a(nount. ed toEOl ,767,60 ;: deducting - therefrom 37,800, the amoant'of Bonds issued to the'militfa knd whieh tVilF be; refou'ded bj the' Federal rGoVernment;"., and - we have' S53,6Q7,86, as" the entire indebted ness. The Auditor reports' as resources ttmeet this S91,S4,70', part of which is r inthaxes of last ' year Uncollected "tt the date of the report:- Theamount that will be tailed for this fund this year,' 'will a rrrcuDt as above Ehowniy 50,000 dol lars. K,-T! -I' !--- i Taxation',' by the laws of "Nebraska Lf is at present limited to six mills Vn the Idol- :;!e have this matter in thjj- .ra :.i caa' prevent any ' inert-1. of ; they wish.'1 This 'fact alcn3 f iliy i-eet the cry'cf anti , ; btrae Cioverr.tner.1 would -.ti;-n,.but' the above figures .1 farther;'-that any'inciease ,.-:cessiry. Aythati:on; the . y, a red- ;ion of; nearly onehalf fjom the tax for " general p-rposcs, i .ore than one-forth for School p -rpoes-na thai the Sinking Fund tax -will 5c;,a cease' altogether.'' !i 'Ihh will shovy State Organization : to be a' measure'of'ccnerny, t,o say nothing ci iue uona nons ui ianas ror internal im provements, Slate 'bufldingst: Agricultur al College, Seminary; PennSpUary and SchoolsTand the. increaaed dignity, pow er, and 'importance or a State. These figures are semr' pfficial and cannot h& re' d ted". 'Nebraska City Press' ' ' - . : At the bearinnioir- of the7' civil vvaf In nj;land,. Parliament had forbidden' cler.. gym'en. to reiad" the ' liturgy 5 or, 'service of Dr John Hack'ett, rector 'of a' church in London, continued to read the daily ser vice as before. One Sunday a sergeant, accompanied, bya-soldier, rushed, into" the church, and with a loiii voice com manded him to desist, but he with' a ste-' adj voice and intrepid codntenanre'ein-. tinuedi Th& soldier pointing a pistol 'ai his head,, threatened- him; wjih instant death unless he thould cease ' reading. The undaunted minister camly replied, "Soldier, I am doing my dutj', do you do yours!" and read on.-The sergent and soldier, abashed, left the church.'' " '. , v The Daily Wisconsin, -.published at Milwaukee gets offth? "crfa new married "c ! ' One of our hotel Lt inferms us tliat a few days sincr a- nswly married couple who were,on a' wedding tour, stop ped, at his house.' Early in the'evening the bridegroom,' ivho had been out making some purchases, returned - to . Ui'a: hotel, ' and immediately' after going to his roon gave utterance-to an Outcry that his wife was dead. This aroused the ladies who upon entering the aparimentfound' the new bride lying upon the" bed apparently in a lifeless condition her: face pale and death-like..- Restoratives were at. one? obtained and the ladies commenced rub bing the inanimate form. One c!d'lady, as she chaflTedthe cold hand"of the bride, fotind a iittld slip of paper incased unde? a ring on the finger, and 'thinking, no doubt 'this would explain-matters drew it forth and read: ' '' " - ' '-rJeir Sam": I have only , taken chlo roform yoa' will proceed in the usual manner '- Tbe trial of James Duncan; for. alleg ed cruelty to Federal-prisoners at And ersonville,' has been brought to a riose, arid the commission hove detefrrtinsd, up on findings and sentence, but .'.wajch. will cot be made public untill passed. up?3 by -?hc department commander. - Many cf car citi2ens Lavb lately rrdo the remark tba: their "tax receipts are the best arguments against State govern ment meaning thereby, that ouf taxes are very ' high now and .. wculd ba still higher in the event cf cur t seeming a State, j'or ih9 benefit cf euch va have frocu'red from our County Tr"' " "iwinj tat!?, rinr t Territorl:.:. - - -1 Territorial C'ukinj Fusd, .J Tcrritcrial School,. . . - 3 ,'11- --J--- . Ccuaty, - - , 'Ccuntv'Siniirj'2 Fund,- L7C5 '20 11 : County Building,2 " - - 3,412 C3 .':.Land Road, 1 -- .3.71-1 20 ::-Pcll Road, . , .. .... . t 765 00 ,-V:iss-oo School Itouse,' - '.."7,093 09 ' "District School,1 : - 1 - - ' 2,034 53 Iclal,' ... ; . i-33,0f.2 15 -'Ey the above it will: be'sesn that of the 30,922 15cnly S9,CS0 52 are for Territorial purposes; while the balance or $26,932 53 are' for County purposes, and can be affected by State Government only tn the reduction of ihe School iax I It will also' be Eeen .'that the amount cf $ir,lli;57 that . for Couiity building and School Ilcuse hasbaen assumed by the popular vote ;' leaving but 515,820 93 as' the natural County Tax. ! ' By' -'the ! above' anyone can see just what the taxes are levied for . and. what makes our taxes $o heavy this year. The objects for which the ' extra taxes are levied are the best,.' investments- that could possilly be , made as the free will ofthe people ha3 sanctioned them.- . j Another reason "for the high taxes this year is the fact that the assessment last year r- vsry high, as it was made during tl. L times. This our citizens remedied ly attending - -Option, which 'sits . .: U adjust and Ic-.-ili I- th::. :y C7 C ;r.:ral " Govern ,ka ca becoming. a State : ildin73, 12,800 Acres. iaet.t to j. For Pulli: For Penit.;.-:;ry, . 2,000 4 " For University, , ' 4G.0S0 Six Salt Springs and ' - 40,050 For Agricultural College, 90,000 . ;. ; . For Public Improvements 500,000. " ' Two sections iu 4D3 town '. ' ships for School purposes 631,010 Total Lanir; f ; 1,358,000 "'-. Five per cent on sales of land. by GowY in 'Nebraska;- : ( S 8,000 Loss by reason of- not being i' h able to tax the P R. ts :. a. Territory 100 mil?3 il y $30,000 per mile amoG?t3 " ' ' .'to 83,000,000, at 6 1-2 mHJs -' j on the dollar,'omcunt.i to " 819,500 ,;This latter is an aciual'los? never' to be relcovered by ''anything' we 'may d(f in the fuliife is will aiso be" the deferring of the selection of the-public 'land do na'tions 'until they will liave to'be select ed ior far' back as to be almost valueless ; ichth ire zcill have ia tnajte up in taxes all tfiat the-lands may fall short" in build ing the building's for vhich they are do naied'rf! ' ' ' ' Amounts which Government now pays for us but which we will assume cn be coming' a State ; -Governor's Salary , : S1.CC0 Secretary's - V ;.:. ;;. 600 Judiciary, , , 6:000 Legislative, 20,000per session " ' bienial session, - p lO.CCO Total, This from the. one item cf.lo.s .ci the P. R.R. leaves a balance iafavcr .cf Stale of si,eo5. .' . 1 ; : , ; ' . -Fellow citizens ! the above figures are correct ; whoever may think they are not is especially invited to give us for publication his reasons cr fact-- to the con trary ' . The Omaha Republican eays:. We learn, that cur delegate ia Con gress Hon. P. W. Hitchcock, is about effecting; an appropriation by ijngre's of ten-thousand dollars to repait ai.d oth erwise improve Territorial capltol buil ding. This building needs a few. repairs &c,.and then will be . one cf thi finest structure in the'west. Tea thousand dol- - i . . ... . - lars will accomplish the .work, and there is every , prospect that' Mr.' ' Ilitchcock wp.l secure the appropriation A man came home druhk ca a cold night end vomited in a basket cuntainmg goslings,- which hi3 wife had placed be fere the fire, upon seeing whichHe e.t- chi'-n' "Ttr n-r wt,ftn "ah I wallow th:n thins?" P ' Kot As!: of It J. Sterling J.Icrtcn, Dr.iccrati: ..anJi date for Governor cf the 5;at3- cf Ke traska, had the. audacity to getcplsfcra an audianccr in this city last Citur'ay' evening, composed principally cf P." -licans and loyal Democrats, nnd u in?ly assert that L:j v:as not r.;.' " - .v-.l.rc-r l,Tr any cf h'; s ri" ..cts that ho said, i;j . iciocse to the rc;u.irk thatJe' deserved harging.that "Alrahi::; be hung on the samo tree, and t.. . (Lincoln) would-bear the same re. it:;., to Davis that ths" thieve did to Ckm'." lie feels no'tir.geiof. when he r3 raemlers saying-that Jeir.Davia was "so cially, morally, 'ahd pcliticily th2 pri or cf Abrihad Liaco'n.. Ha feels no shame v.heh.hi'gSii pp lefcra an audi ence, as h? tlid hara -last Situ rdiy eve ' -a. n'ng, and exposes iriva!3 letters, writ ten to him by men xsho suppo.ed him to be an honorable political orponsnt, and not one who would wilfully and maiiclctis Iy attempt to injure the private charac- ter of his pcli;ical!y eppnsnts for t. - purpose cf making party capital, feels no shame for having calltd ; Price's disbanded raiders to com j . the polls at Nebraska City, . "ar, down the Hue coa!:J, brass hi!.'. olitionists." He feels no shama f: ing received a 'ccinmisiicn asl?: i : secret oiganizaiion, 'whose avc . : pose was resistance to the Natio:, :1 (, . ernment. He .feeli rro sha- r 1 nsed hi3 pen, h.3 brain, r ; gies, during the late 5 ' . j: i ai existence, agair.;-r':i. protects him, and Peeking "ofHc " . . , bui the'kyal .: ' assumes. t : !.ad f "; Tl-y !, 3;v i. a ran or par: and ask cern; . -r ' mg aim in t: to coma i '".re . that he. a.. ' Government o; , her'struggle for c P: those who had djvot 1 tiirir energies and their mea.tD r .... the rebellion, ai dlsLyal. .Seven differ n-.l commissions '-..ii be -engaged in aiC-'.-rtaininrj t!. ) relative to the Memphis riot. ,C: has .appointed a .comciisoio::, C Stoneman another, General' II third, General Fik a fourth, ti Council a fifth, the white citzerti a . and tde negroes a' seventh. In"c quence of thf Memphis riot, and operation of the police cf that city L, daughter cf uno.Tending n?groes, '. . Legislature 0 Tennessee have enacted a" metropolitan police law, similar to that which has "so, long peen in existence' ia New York.. '.' .. , "., ' . ' An itinerant quack in Te.xa3 wai ap' p'ieJ to by cne cf Colonel Hiy'a ranpr tq ejirttzt the iron part cf an IrJiin ar ton (rem his head 'where' it4 hi I Io-gei fcr eome time. "I cannot extract thi3, stranger," said the'wo'.ild-be doctor, "be cause to do 'it wcjIJ go nigh killia' yet b it I can give ys' a box o' pl'Ii thit wil caclt it in yonr had'.' ,' .,4Pa,' aid a'little sefen year ry low, "I" gue33 i cur man Ra!ph C" '"in,." "H'r.'v so my try? : , "VLy Pa, I nr. .kpvvick2d shall j . L -ii i-is day and Ralph sa lived cut ever since he was a Ky A wicked - editor sa3 thai 'at churla some people clasped ihsirhandj closley thai they are unable to g?t thfd cpea when the-' contribution box cornea arcjai The speaking-' last LL,ht by General Thayer," Judge'Kellog'g ur.d Sec. Pad deck was excellent, atd ir.i.ty who carr.a to the meeting prejudicid aain3t Sta:?. left at it3 'close wii" a feeling that a Stale -government for Nebraska tvoalsl not'be such a v:-ry bad thin,;, i'ter all. The speakers produced fact3 and figure j to sustain every position takea by t.1." and openly dirdd a ad defied a refutation. -All thit i h. tl friends cf State is a fair, cu.! !, . .. reasonable exauiinatin cf the cn its merits; a:;d i; . thi3 is ci: is not the least shado.v. cf a 1 . the verdict of th"? people. L:t i .: tarn. out and give the mauir i It 13 o: ?.i.j:;?.it i. rie!!s;r.iu!. H:ra! J,tl7:. r