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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1865)
Hcbraslia &i)uci1isc JOHN I. COMIAPP, EDITOIi.. JJR0W5VILEE THURSDAY, OCT. 5 .1855. Territorial Union Ticket. rOft AUDITOR AJD SCHOOL COMMISSIONER, JOHN GILLISPIE, Of Brownville. TOR TERRITORIAL TREASURER, AnGUSTTJS KOTJNTZ, (if Omaha. Territorial Union riatrorm. , Whereas. Siuce li e lust meeting of the.UuioD raiiy of tms lerniory.a great party victory L.ts Wen achieved in our Delegate Election, and a period has been put to the active military power of the blare Holders Rebellion; we therefore, reaffirm, that as lovers of the Constitu tion aod Laws, and tu pres-.rve fhe Union, we formed this political organization, &od for the maintenance and preserve lion of the same we invne nnd solicit the active co-oDeration of all loyal citizens: And Whereas, The policy of our martyred President was indicated and developed 'by the necessities of the war as it pro . gressi d. we now attest the wisdom which caused him devotedly to work and patient ly to wait ; and Whereas, The great and arduous work of reconstruction, in the hands of Ki? Vuccpssor and Corsrress. ' a new and . j i . . .u . . u uopreceueuieu uj iuis uaum as was lue war which preceeded it ; therefore Resolved, That having1 unqualified confidence and fully endorsing 'he pol icy and patriotism of Andrew Johnson, President of ihe United Stales, we wait the development of the reconstruc tioikof ihe Union, confidently believeing that through hi counsels and the legis lative wisdom of the people jtutice will I done ; the Laws vindicated,- the Con (timtio'i and Union preserved; Resolved, That all ihe benefits accru iug from the sacrifice of life and expen ditures of 'treasure can secured. hy elevating to crTice the devotedly loyal, mid carefully excludtngXrom dike the disloyal. .Resolved, That we are proud cf ihe soldiers of Nebraska, who by years Jf patriotic toil and sacrifice have aided in fustaiuing the nation's life and honor, and uphold i ng the Constitution and Laws; wwi. itifll iIimv nrp tntitl-rl tn iLp rrrnti. , lode aiid assistance of all lovers of the Union, and to imperishable and undying honors. Resolved, That in the election of Ter ritorial and County officers we invite the earnest and hearty co-opeiation of all loyal men without regard to former party auiliations, and welcome them to our or ganization. ' County Union Ticket. For Representatives WM. B. PHILLIES, . WM. A. POLLOCK,. R. B. SMITH, X. W. TAYLOR. . . For Clerk and Recorder . WM. H. HOOVER, - " For Treasurer . . JONAS HACKER. .i r For . Probate Judge GEO. W. KA1RBR0THER. For - Slttriff . W. G. GLASGOW. i For . County' Commissioner -. ' , , F. G. HOLMES. ..For Prosecuting Attorney . S. M. RICH. - Fo County Surveyor W. F. WRIGHT. For Coroner - C P. RICHARDSON. . j 1 1 . , - m m 9 . v COUNTY UMOX PLATFORM. Resolved, That the Delegation from Nemaha County, in the Nebraska Legis lature, be requested tense their best en dea'ore to amend our Election Law so as lo exclude from the elective franchise, in "Nebraska, all those who have been dis franchised by Laws or Proclamations, Na tional or State, for any participation di rectly, or indirectly with the so-called Confederacy iu the late rebellion against the National Government. The position tf the "Snakes" in this county and Territory is aptly illustrated by a rnak we once read of which crawl ed into a house, and espying an egg on the matle, crawled up and swallowed it whole. Then he raw another, but be tween him and it was a jug, around which he could not make his way, so he crawled through the jug-handle and wallowed it whole; when, not being able to pass either way for the eggs in his body, he was caught and killed. They first swallowed treason and con demned the war aid the soldiers who faagbt U fer the Union ; when the South beantp weaken, thej crawled through tha jtihandle" by nominating soldier's on theirj ticket last year they tried to sweeten' on the ioldier, but not being able to-jjet'obe oa their ticket, they run Sutler aod-now they have swalbwed whole 'Andrew Johnson and his recon struction policy; The first will prevent thcra crawlicg forward in the estimation cf loyal men. while the last act is con demned by. the first; and their low-lived mstmct in, trying, tu crawi, tnrougo. a "Soldier's-Leech." cnto the Union eide will hold-ihein fast fill their heads are unshed y the Union stone,' "in. a few days, in a few days."' The antipathy of the head and front oi the Cops., ii this coutny is directed tgainsl Win. H Hoover, the Union nominee for County Cl-rk. And why ! becoue he beat their "head and front" for the fame ofiicH some years ago ! They cannot bring a single charge against his hones'y or capability, the old "sore' is what hurts, and by their rancor you may know them. Many old school Democrats will vote for him because of his known integ rity and ability, despite the "whipping in" procefs which the chief will adopt We should not wonder if some dirty work were attempted on the day of elec tion ! Let nothing deter you from voting the straight Union ticket, and you will do nothing to please the Cops. The issue ajjainst the disfranrhied" renegades of other States settling here is plainly and unequivocally made bv the Union party of this County. A Cop perhead, as we understand it, is a person who sympathised with the South, was opposed to the war, arid show it now by giving his sympathy aud assistance lo traitors who served iu the rebellion. Now what are those who oppose and try lo break up the Union party, which has made this, issue to prevent this portion of our Territory being fill?d with the disfranchised of-?couringsof regenerated States? A friend has just asked us: "Can there be such a thing as a Cop head holding office under G wtrnment?'" We answer, yes! Juda-i Iscariot wis a discip e under Carisi when he gave him the fatal kiss ! And Booth assumed the churncier of a loyal man in order lo facilitate the assassination of Lincon ! And Benedict Arnold could not have be itayed the loyal cause had he i;ut had the confidence of Washington! Bnware of. such, they're the worst kind ! Voting the straightout Union. Ticket is the only safe plan. "It is said, and that truly, that "poli tics makes strange bedfellows." Twelve months ago the Copperheads in this Ter ritory were denouncing every soldier of the Union as a "Lincoln hireling," and such ether abusive epithets as they could find in their vocabulary ; at the same time one Lieut. Seaton, a member of the Nebraska First, was denouncing them and thai with a good deal of "vim," as traitors, &c. At. the Territorial Snake Shcuv, held in this city on the 21st iust., these same Copperheads placed this same Lieut. Seaton in nomination for the office of Territorial Auditor. We could ex pect nothing else from the Cops., as their or,ly chance for success is to "honey" the soldiers, whose utter contempt they have so well earned ; but we are at a loss to understand what has wrought sufficient change in the viws of Lieut. Seaton toward this party as to 'enable him to accept (which he has not yet don) a nomination at their hands." Plaltsmouth Herald, Sept. 27th. This is -'their style" everywhere. This Lieut. Seaton was not consulted in this nomination, but put on, without his con sent, to catch Union votes. We have informatica, beside the above, which makes us almost certain that he will de cline this nomination. The same game is attempted to be played off", secretly, in this County. Can didates wilJcome forth urged by parties who dare not show their hand not with the hop, on the part of the secret work ers, for their election, but for the sake of distracting the Union party ; to create confusion during which they will atempi to steal Union principles enough to dis guise themselves, and cover their copper heads. How anyone, especially a sol dier, can lend himself to such a tcheme, surpasses our conception. All such sliould be spotted. The Union party U better off purged of this snaky element, so "lei 'em rip" but spot 'era with indtllible con tempt. On the 26ih, while. Gin. Grant was being conveyed, by special train, from Indianapolis to Cincinnati, his life was attempted by some infamous scoundrelly ex-rebel, who broke the lock from ihe switch and turned the lat ter so as lo throw the cars eff the track. Fortunately no one was hurt, only the car was considerably damaged. This attempt on the life of Gen. Grant proves what we have all along contended fr, and that is lhat the Copperheads of the Nonh are" mere to be dreaded and. de tested than the whipped rebels of the South ; and that it is suicidal to the best interests of any commuuity to permit them to settle in it, and more so if they be permitted to gain political power. ' ' 9 9 Read the evidence given on the trial of Wirz, on our first page ; then go and vote, if you can, for men brought forth by the party who sympathised with the power that permitted and sanctioned these acts. God have mercy upon any soldier - foolish enough to permit this party to use him as a tool. ' The Cops., denounce office-holders and Lat 'he same time make a cickeninf at- o tempt at endorsing the power thit ap pointed them ! This is regular Copper head consistency ! If you endorse this style, vote to split up the Union- party, if not, go the straight Uujon Ticket. ' THE COPPEimEAi) OF 61. The following wo clip from the Nebraska Citj .Ver of Oct. 2?J. 1864, applicable in 'C5. As it claimn it as oriiual - ilthuagd e ku-w it be Kru iWiarism -we cpt it as snch, beleivinr tbtr vour.tiug w icripiare "out of tboir owu Dsouthido tbejoonfea themselves,' cren if thej are tuiccd tor wnt of braios td ww it : There is nke that haunts the gr, Le-pisei Ijf all inea, whitt and iJ, Trod 'neah ihe foot of oi and as v - Tb- gliieiiiDg, ventsmua, copperhead. Tbroughou t three teaou of the jetr. The rattlesnake himself bath &Vd. But when the extra months appear His neighbor is the copperhead Oh! the twisting, wriggling copperhead. The glistening; Teaootoaa copperhead r The man of sense cau't fix the tense In whi th to kill the copperhead Ti ssid that every ereeptpg thin ; Jlii g'it somo useful task ahead ; But yet the barda bjve failed to sing One virtue iu the eoppeibead. Tne ancient snake in Eden's bowers From flowery paths our parents led And from lhat ago to this of o uis Alan's been seduced bj the copperhead ; Oh I the allowing, sponging copperhead; The hissing, spittiug copperhead, From L'nion bands it eats iu bie..d, And liif, ior thabki, the coppei head. BuCgtrry be to I Tad's God ! : The Uniou Lis d its wing has spread, . Whose peak u.d claws shall rid too sod, , O f tvtry trawling copperhead. The rattlesnake and copperhead Sihall ue'er Cwiljn fair freedom's bed ; The Union i)lu pokes every bole That can contain a copperhead. Oh ! alas, alas, the copperhead The Union stone his; smashed its head 1 Well stuff ils skin for men to grin. At what was tLce B ccjpcibcad I THE NEWS The train cf cars, from St. Louis to Cincinnati, on the 26th, on board of which was- Gen. Sherman, run off the track. Many were considerably bruised but. none killed. The nccideut was oc casioned by running too fast over a rough road. The S. C. Convention has adjourned after repealing the ordinance of seces sion ; abolishing , islavery ; endorsing the A dministra'ion unanimously, and direct ing a committee to submit a code to the Legislature for the protection of the colored population. The Alabama Convention, by a vote of 60 t. 19, passed an ordinance repudi ating a.11 the debt of that State made by reason of the late war. This is more sensible than our Northern Copperheads, who, if they had tKe power, would sad die the rebel war debt an the General Government. Wirz is said to be too sick to attend his trial. We hope he may get well enough to take the final leap. The Fenian excitement increases in Ireland. DafFection is spreading in ihe English army. Rumors are 'afloat in England that a body of American soldiers had been land iu Ireland to as sist the" Feuians. ' - : ' - . From the Upper Missouri we learn that the Indian Council is to take place a i Fort Sully instead of Ft. Rice. Many ot the repentant rebel prisoners, who took the oath and enlisted for the Plains, are deserting. Information from Ft. Lawrence, to Sept. 26ih, from Gen. Conner says he lost 6D0 horses and 200 mules, which were frozen to death in one night. On the 1st inst., he was attacked by a -war parly of Sioux, Cherokees and Arapa hoes on Powder River. They were repulsed with heavy loss, our loss being only four killed and two wounded. On the 3d the Inians appear ed in force aud were driven ten miles. The next day the engagement .was re newed and lasted'until noon. The In dians were again defewted with great slaughter, their loss being from 200 to 600 killed and wounded. The Indians fled in every direction ; our troops was unable tu p irsue them on account of ihe poor condition of the stock. Our loss was one-killed, and one officer und two men wounded. The Indians lust a lrge number of horses. The Indians again attacked our troops on the 8ih, aud after a short but spirited engageaient, were totally routed and beautifully clean ed out. Their force is estimated at 3,000. They lostnanyof their principal chiefs. Our total reported loss in the three engagement was seven killed ; one officer and two men wounded. Another battle was expected on Powder River but the Indians suddenly disappeared. : Col. Cole will camp at. Fort Conner intil information isreceived fro.n Gen. Conner. "Fhe so-called D" moc racy of this county, after due consideration and dis cussion, have hoisted the name of J. I. Earley as a candidate for Councilman, for the purpose of contesting the seat of Hon. J. W. Chap.nan. " Mr. Earley proclaimed, in A public speech at Nebraska City, Ian fall, that he looked upon Abraham Lincoln as a tyrant and usurper of power, and denounced the Union soldiers as robbers, thieves and murderers. He also said publicly that he had assisted in the notorious Balti more mob, and thai he would yet assist in hanging Jlbrahcm Lincoln.1' Plaits mouth Herald, Sept. 27th. ! He is a fair "representative man" of that -party. If ycu do not desire thai men of his stripe of loyalty should rule this County and Territory, vote the straight out Union Ticket next Tuesday. Tlf-ba . . ..nunc cicjniuu , .cac nut cru me ! smallest crevice for a "snake" lo crawl into, or it will attempt the same trick so successfully played on Adam and Eve in the garden of Kden by its wily came-i 8ae. J The editor of the Nebraska City Jfews being afraid to show his hand plainly, as Ajax did before him, shows off his love for the disfranchised of other States who may settle here, by the following bare ffaced falsehood hkh appears HI ihe JVetr s cA the 30ih : 'If Radicals carry the Legislative As sembly they wirf disfranchre every man who ever lived in th State of Missouri or in any .other Southern State." Morton knows the above to be false, yet its a. sneaking way he has of adver tising his "Otoe- County Assylum for Rebels."'' : ' ' 1 ' 1 ' . ' ' If Copperheads carry the Legislative Assembly they will pass a memorial invit- 'ing disfranchised ti altars of other States to come to Nebraska. In the same paper he says : Their rancor against anybody and everybody" who is of Southern birth is so overgrown that it controls them in every thing." j : ' r, ; . Last week he denounced the Radicals as in favor of giving Southern negroes the right-of suffrage. , :He wires in and wires oat, Still leaving all who see in doubt, As to whether the snake that made the track, Ii g j ig south or coming bak." And of such is the kingdom of Cop- perhtads! ; - The Demo-Copperhead party and press try tobj particularly severe on the "Office holders" of this Territory. The follow ing, from the Bellevue Times, edited by Sturgis, a member of the Territorial Copperhead Convention, and the Mayor, J. Q. Goss, also a member of the same office-hating Convention : ! "A stranger named Haines, being noisy and impudent at the Union Saloon. Delaet interfered, and in the affray Haines received a blat k eye, etc. Mayor Goss fined Delaet &5 and costs, and Haines 610 and cosfa." This is a fair specimen of Copperhead justice ! If you want this kind of officers do all you can to split the Union party in this cou-nty; if not, vote the straight out Union Ticket. t This same "office- hating V Goss was for a lime Regimental Commissary .for the 2u Nebraska. Alter that regiment paed tho Winnebago Reservation he wa mck-nauud by the men "GuisGoss," as, it was alitdj-'ed. he, or his subordinates, arfter killing beef, did chargeike Indians 1 for the ad rah of each animal I No wonder this party hates officers, as the must loathe themselves, and judge others by their own inquituous hearts. Mr. Editor : Please announce the name of Samuel W. Campbell for the office of County Clerk. Mr. Campbell enlisted in ihe service of his country as a private, has been en gaged in active service for the past four years. He has been exposed to the ha1dshTps of war righting f on his coun try while Mr Hoover, his opponent, has ben at home reaping the benefits of fat office that hhas held ever since he came into the Territory. Mr. Campbell is fully qualified to dis charge the duties of said Office. Citizens of Nnnha County, Mr. Editor : A ft vv days ago a lead- Tr f m "! . iirg uopperneau or your city, warm ly solicited me to run on the Copper head ticket for an office either Sheriff or Treasurer ; I peremptorily declined, and expressed the desire to the gentle man that he would never breath my name again in that connection. But, as that gentleman with others of his stripe who have more impudence than dis cretion or honor may still use my name to further their contemptible schemes in their efforts lo defeat and overthrow Union principles in this County, I take this method of denouncing them, apd requesting my friends not to vote for me for any office at the ensuing election, for the whoh thing is a weak calculation on the part of the Cop3 to defeat the Union candidates or some of them. I detest the principles which he advocates and loves ; he aud I ore as far apart, politi cally, as the antipodes, and he knous it ; then why should he sneak up to me with the mean, low-lived proposition to seek office through his, or their, instrumen tality. . His excuse was, that there was dissatisfaction among Republicans, in regard to the Union nominations recent ly made ! 0,,the generous heaned Utile soul ! how deep is its interest in the wel fare of Union principles ! Let the snake wiggle bis fangs are extracted. One more thing I wish to tell the people : the cats paw of the monkey aforesaid xr- centlv offered money to a certain man in thi County if he would run, and succeed iu being elected over the Union nominee. I am prepared to give particulars when necessary. Jobs Strain. Beware of tricks next Tuesday ! The only safe plan isto vote the straightout Union Ticket at the head of our paper. LIST OF LETTERS. Bemainipg in the Post Office at Brownvile Oe tober 4th 1865. Taese letters, if not called tor,' will be kept in tbe offlce for 5 week, and then sent to th Dead 1-ettir Offlce at Washington, rwo cents will ne charged oq all advertiNed Letlora. Breeze, Lewis B-y!?r. Miry Dye, J R Huil, J M jSj Mitchell. Eliza ' " M'ulfln, Ha.-ry Ray, S I) U'imi. M 1' Pe-aon calliar for Use above leu.." w ,irt isay ttsy are Advertsel. A. V SI Ai.SU Keware'of electioneeting circulars on the rporrjing of ihe election. The Cop- perherf opposition ill; not h??itaje at any little dirty Wick. IW "ADVERTISEMENTS, LEGATE NOTICE. ITcnry Weers, Johnson Wer. Cunard Weers, Herod Wters. Elisabeth Weers, and Cortrenda Weers. will take ncrfice that erd Weers, Admin istrator of the Estate of Jrafd Weers deceased, late of Nemaha Uounty, nidor and" by virtue of an order of the Probate Court ?n and for said County of N?ba. Territory of Nebraska, made on the 26 kay of ."September, . will offer at public Shle ou ihe 68th (lay of October, A- D. 1SC-5, atone b'tlock I. M. at the dor of the Probate court in the city of Brownville Nemaha County, the following dei"cribd lies! Estate to-wit : The K.wt h:If of the South Fa-t quarter, of S'i n fW. in Townsuip fonr, in Ranjr thir!cnr situated in Nemaha County Nebraska Territory, couta'iiug 80 acre ,an l beinj the lands of whiofc the said ierd Weors died seized. Terms cf sale cash in :n!. Brownville September, 2"th 1855. CEPARD .WEERS, Admini?t rator of Uer 1 Weers deceased. ' . 10 3 9,01) - , ESTRA Y HORSES" Taken op by the undersigned llvicg frnr miles North of Brownville near the i'issoari liives, and within his inclosed pnmUes, on the 2t h dsy of Angus t, "8fi5, one gray horse about aine y"rs old 1 J -2 hands hiph with collar marks spavined in both hind legs,and-also at the same fiiue and place one dark brown mare about nine years old. about 15 1-2 hands high, with rolhr marks, loft hind leg white near the knee when taken up had on a small bell. Brownville, Sept. 6 1855. 10-3 pd TIIOMAS HEADY. Territory of Nebraska. County of Johnson. To any Constable in Johnson Countv, whereas Daniel Keeland has filed with ine the afivlavir nec essary to enable him to a write of attachment against James Comstock, for the sam of . renty eight dollars claimed to be due, Keeland, fr in the paid James Comstock, yon ara therefore command ed to attach the snoods . ehattle, credits, raon 'y and s&Vots of said .limes ' Conistork in your County, to be kept and di posed of according to Iiaw and inaka lal return theirof, nnd you are also to notify the defendant there f and sain non him to appear be fore me, at my office on tho 4th day of November, 1865, at 10 o'clock P. anwer the petition of the plaintiff in which is claimed above named sum Dated this the 13 h day of September IS65- J.W. BENEDICT, Esq. Daniel, Keelnnd vs. James Conwtock I have attached one th mbie scanrd wacron running gear painted red and box painted lead col or. , , JOnN ROBERTS Constable. 3-3 $10-50 . From WILLIAMS' ADVKRTISING AND PATENT AGENCY, 97 Chcstuut St., St. Louis, Mo E S T A B L I S H E t) 1 8 5 1 euppLBs k mim, 55 & 57 North Second Street, ST. LOUIS, 106 South Water Street, . CHICAGO, Manufacturers cf and Wholesale Dealers 5n Wooden ami Willow A E E , -jbr.oom:s ; Shoe, Scrub, Horse Dusting and Whitewash CORDAGE, From inch to 2 i:v.'i:- s Diameter, TWINES, Cotton, Jute," flax, Wrapping. Sail, backing and every other ety, PAPER, Wrapping, Ti a, Hotel, &o. PAPER BAGS Kvi ry ?ue and utyci ijaion . MATCHES, GUN CAPS BROOM-MAKER'S STOCK SIEVES, KEROSENE WICKS WICKING, BATTIEG. kr We would call portion kr attention to tho qualitty of our WELL B0CKBUS& KEGS of these we are tbe largest Manufactarerr in the Ignited States. We will be glad ti i-cfomin-idats all who may favor u with a call,- and w'icn persom dosirmg to pun-hse cannot visit oitrmr Cuicao or rft. Louis, or boih, we will cheerfully fuooish them with cat alogue and prici) list Our business isVtrictly caah, hence all cnWsr from those with whom we are unacquainted must be accompanied by a draft for the probable amount of tho order or satisfactory city references. In all cases remiffancos must be promptly made on re ceipt of invoice. All orders filled at lowest cah prices when ship ped without rrference to previous quotations. Goods at owner's risk after bing shipped. N. B. All purchasers wiii it to their pecu niary interest to call and exauai.-ieour stocks before makm; their purchases. CUPPLES i MAVTOX. 10-2-lm Jt. Lvais and Ch;c?o. DEVLIN & CO., BROADWAY, KBIT TO It It. AT Wholesale and Retail. WE OPEN TFTE SEASON WITH A LARGE STOCK OF ELEGANT CLOTHING A3D FURNISHING GOODS in onr Ready-Made Department, We bare also secured the servi. cf f r-t ;i!;.-3 tjs'a in onr CUSTOM DEPARTMENT, Which is likewL-e supplied with the finest and best Fabrics of the Oome and Foreign 3Jarkrf s. To thnfi ah wwli to order hv mil. will ba nt (on application) j R M RI.KS OK fiOOTm, 1 With Ilirpetion-" fr Measnrin, whi'h,if correctly .-..) j followed, will secure a ot to all eases. DEVLIN & CO., Broadway. cor. Gi tnd St . M"!1. Vlf Ef-oadwny cor. Warren St I uiift iU-3 6w n, L.-3 , - J I t t W II O LES I E DEALERS LY & yy w I t 1 -1 "fc - c9 oseph? IhZo . Would -call the attention of DEALERS to their immense stock of . V - - Drugs anil 3Ic(llci!ics, School Sooks, Patent Miilidnev Blank Doak?, - . Glass an'1 filasTOirp, AVritini; Paper, Paints nnu Oils, Envelopes. Spices nl Dje-stnlTv Coal 011 and Lanjjv Pare Win?s LlQuars, dc, I - v j Whi"h were booght forc-h of Mmiufactnr -s. i -V.i- . ,: U., .... . . r .. i.jjfiuj lii laigs maui,:u ir .m a n oa, iiiny are enaoiei io oaar extra iaiaea r.infs tK fie trade. fTCg " Tley arc the Jforth-w-t.-rii W Jcsale Anfs of Dr. D. Jayne Son, nd of Dr. J ' C. Ay re & Co., and canf-in. h tneir M-ilicinis in any quantities. (lo JUST OPENED CINCINNATI BRANCH MAIN fl General ,fh a o pjfTi m FfTl -f- Q ttkmmu ftttntalntmS- hoe, ' BhoQB, BhoeSf, A id -a 2 4 And everything usually kept in a First Class Cloth ing House. "V " Which they are able t;) sell at fi-"ires Dt-fiying Competitiorr. JSBeir: comuctcd with one of th Lj.rgfst antl most Comp!eto Wliolcs'lp Olothirg llouscs iii'Cim'iiiiiati, Ohio, their stock will always bo kqt up with til FINEST GOODS AT Especial attention p tid to Wholrs;iliug to Country Mcich mtsandRiBch . m'on, ai.d to Out-tittii'g Emigr;int.s. All Kinds of HIDES and FURS, taken in Exchange fur Goods- , ... lr . Il'l'l iwiiiim M-Pm m !ni";"!i Ln i ... i. n., , nm m l t Jlr- jm- J "W ' m.. ' '"'.J 'V " '-- S . . -.. . , .... . - - . - . . . r5 f l ni)Ai7 rrorpT7,T?i.T ! PIANO FO H T K U Th Bitrnt;.-in r,f tht, Pr.l.f.r. n.4t"h. tr.1 w Frtc. whlh fcr rfilume snl rnritr r,f t.,n nr unrivalled b7 anT hitherto offered in tlMS inaraet. f :onram au tne meuorn nc roveroents, rrencn, urnq anion. 11 -Ac., and ench instrument ieing mudc under the j,er.mnal su..rv;ion . Mr. J. II. Ororcsteen, w a practical experiec e -f uverD years in thrir i,i:.nufacure. is fully warranted in every particu The "Giovcslccn Fir. no Tortc" received the highest award of men overall otitcrs at ilie Celebrated World' Fair! ...... - . . . f...i. i...:. ii. ....- !:iiilIuhia, naw- ...... . ' , frr were exhibited instruuu-nts fn.m the oei it.inre.iWt.n t.,1 Wr Vfrk : and aIo at the. Amerieau Institute tor fcve tUKBitire years i" o silver medals from both of whiL-h can W wn at -ur M ' of iinpr..v."nJ- n:- we h.ko p imrij. Willi n 'IlK-li; ia.-n ail eim( " x PUICK- N . n Oftav. rntm'l vinrr. R'w'wood plan u f ... .'sr.-n O t!o. r oijJ,lioew.K-l htjaf.y B'l.uidiii " .v-fl,. N . Sexen Octave, r.-und r. -r,'s. R.wwo..d l-.iii-IUV style , ""' "f'h,a Terms: XJctt DESCKii'TiVE CiUi-':.i:t.S EN." THEii. - 51 t : 1 S -J ' - i 1 1 V A N I) ImiH t'ent nd Publishers. and will b?soId at tSm . . l . , . . u . , . . "w " h m a BY STREET, Assortment of AND N D .3 0 0 ;1 YYY yyr LOWEST PRICES. ftH A A A & GO, A NUFACTUR ERr inritp.l to our ewfcale 4 tcfave ttaewnpj ' ', , ii v.r... fi.or. Strung I3as, maaera i iim')u,jiu,uiiu;,. -r , . w.irf - rjKiuj. manufctnrin' - ... ...UrC r..-. . lud , . t 123. irrouv " i o-49-'f . OS