Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1865)
f i i "WVlLLE.THtTRSnAV,0CT.5t 1865 T.OCAL. idMrt Replevins, "larriagc i.'1 eu." - -jjp j. B. WILiL.l.M.o, wtu tbotbH- &ed Bt ,D 81 ' Lw0' ,,,r thU pa,r wi" tlnl to . klBf collection and parcfcaee tu that City. Offtct Fresh arriral.of Sanders School Books ti Marsh & Zook V - - " Auction Sales erery Saturday by J. "V. I!iss- ' LadieV. real the advert isemeni frof. Von Vere's DimonJ Dropc. of insure & j American Insurance Biits,-Ageut. Company W'e Dotic en nc w dwellings in pro ten of e reel toil m the suburbs ot our cur-, . I! fau' waiii a ho. 1 Fanning Mill, thrap. 6 V Medfurd's. By voting against the 2 mill lvy you do not frustrate the building of a Court I 'llouitt, rt on'y delay its completion. J. W. Bliss' Auctioneer, BrownviHe, ftetxasU-. Sales made in City or Coun try ou ihe 'most reasonable terms. ThfiCeps, in this county are careful ly TeWiing their firfc till the last rno hient. Look out for Roarbacks on the nk'niin of election. .Wm. R-etell has the best tanned Pa;he, Strawberries, Oysters, Sar dines, &.c, in town; we. know, because ' we tried 'em. From the loads of paving stone being taiiled up Main "Street, we judge the ptveriw op thai way will soon receive Jljliif f.'.l-!l')Of. Tiie Culvert on Main Street is row covered so as to be passable for nil team?. This is a permanent improvement at5 i credit to our city mid the preceni Coun cil. We litive received thejOctober nurnber of Frai.k Lewie's Lady's Book. For Fashions, reading matter and everything tbe it is unexcelled. j .Citizens of Nemaha County, vote for ( .tie 2 mill tax; let not neighborhood prejudice or nipgatdly economy stand in the uy of aaving to the coumy 1,000 .ye.r. tYui. jloa&eik has iu&i opened a new Grocery and Lonievtionaty Store iu the trout part ii his residence ou Mam Si. He eeps tuoice seleciiou of mrucies iu -ilia line, and will give ail batistaotion in toiu prices ai.l -ud. The levy of 2 ud.l. vu the di.ilar wiil payuietli idi'u ycur pucicts in live years, by ljiitPriing the tax hertafier ; .and uVt buii-Jiug, it.treaseJ in vuiue, still bclwng to iLe County. Fred. August has sold out his Eating Hvuae to Mr. A. D. Williamson, under j ntose supervision the reputation of the j lnstiiuitou will be nobly sustained. . . . mmm . We notice a large three story Flour- ing Mill going up in Scott City, just op- pooiie wur feriy landing. A. M- Barnes I buiidiug it, which ii a suifiueui guar- .rutee of tucces. Tcterson's Ladies' National Magazine ,for JNoveinber, comes to us laden with Uioice Fashions, Patterns and reading iistter. $2 a year. Address Cnas. J. Teiersou, 30G Chestnut si., Philadeluhia. j - i. Medford has on hand a lot of Fan ! '11jllills of his own Manufacture, which Si.. I Le fes selling cheaper than any j " her article as good can be had anywhere kyal Voters, stand firm ! Although is no formidable opposition iu this ourjy, vt'i, re;ne;nl r-r that "snakes are j iml . grars lurking round, reaJy lo j f-tlviit.-pj-e of any wavering. Vote j 'ira.hout Union Ticket, remember I Wd VVe 5iand, Divided We Fall." ) T)nTirr (, nol our forte, so if tho.'O oi u w,u be so kiryl as to ccme in Ar"i eule up k will save is tb trouble ,.r . u "utiniag and ihetn Uie tiiaoe vt toeing "ROed. The attention of our readers is called a& Advertipment in another column cf rs. Devlin & Co., of New Vorfc. manufacture and sell wholeiale 2d retail, Ready-Made Clothing. e the advertisement of J. W. Brad jf) New Patent Duplex Elliptic Hoop "Mrts, in to-day's paper. They are de 4eHy 4he lightest, .easiest And most j freefe Hirp'y t.i Milliner Gcda. for I tJ-Uiid Winter, jiHt receive! at Mrs. I tht is neat. denraMe and durl!e in i 'Fof Hatt, Caps. Bonnets ar.d, ia fact, i ,e7thing id her Call in. The Ladies' Repository, for October, is a eplendid boot. The leading steel engraving is a scene cn Kingston Creek, N. Y.," also, steel engraving of -Rev. Miroa Winslow, D.D.L.D.D." The reading matter is all of a religious character fcnd by the best authors. Meth dist ministers are all agents for this pub lication. "We do not exactly understand what Bro. Tipton meant by using the" word "devotedly loyal" in the Convention the other day." Plattsmoulh Seitiine!, GOth This is not strange, Bro. Giles, as the tvord does not occur in the copperhead language. You fchouH f.ot criticise what you cannot comprehend. The new Stealer St. Joseph passed d.nvii this morning. She is one of the finest steamers on the river, and is one cf the II. &. St. Joe R R. rackets. This road is doing its best lo accommodate the traveling public both by land and water and is eminently successful. By voting for ihe 2 mill levy, you vote the County a good business house which rent for $500 a year, and good offices for County Officers and Court Rorn, the rent saved on these will be upwards of S500; besides the bent fit of the rise in properly thou'.d the Connty desire to sell it. The remains of the Hon. S. G. Daily arrived in this City, on the steamer Glas gow, yesterday, and was placed in the Masonic Hall. The funeral will take place to-day at 1 o'clock. We notice many distinguished strang ers among them our present Delegate in Congress in town, come to pay their respects: to the hohored dead. See the advertisement of Cupples Si. Marston. St. Louis and Chicago, in today's- paper. This firm can supply any quantity, and the best quality, of all arti cles in their line, of their own manufac ture, on the most reasonable terms, for cash. Our merchants will do well to give them a call. On and after Monday. Oct. 2d, two passenger trains per day will regularly leave St. Joseph.for the" East, and arrive from Hannibal as follows: Leaves St. Joseph at - 5:15 a. m. " 12:00 night. Arrives " " - 5.00 a. m. " 4 - 10:15 a. m. Theo. Hill, Agent, BrownviHe. The Copperhead Damocraiy of the S:ates are opposed to the proposition of giving each soldier 160 acres of Govern ment Land, and in favor of the general Government assuming the rebel war debt; while the Republicans pre iu fa vor of the former and opposed to the later. The name sentiments are at work in ihis Territojy. a flvmi by thedeMre 10 Iru-irai the Union eiTun lo preveut rcbeld settling here, spirit is doing il it can to uvide the Union Krccs in this couatv. Yuters, stand firm ly the nominees and the country is safe. The News trys loconvey the idtn that Mr. Kotintze, the Union Candidate for Treasurer, is a Jew, by intimating, in its peculiar sneaking style", that he is "distant relative of the man who killed Christ," and further opposes him because he owns "U. S. Bonds.'5 The first, if true, is only a Copperhead thrust at the "religious liberty" guarrautied by that Constitution which Uuion men have died to save, and shows the intolerance of the Copperheads in a religious point of View. We would not exchange one loyal Jew for a wilderness of Coi perheadr. As to the other charge, wlu ever knew a Cop perhead to iuvest in Government Bjnds? The main feature iu iheir opposition to run down" U. S. Bonds and villify alt who assist Government by investing in them. The'ie has been in Qur jail, for a few days past, a person arrested, we believe, for being in possession of a Government horse. Last Monday night an attempt was made by Wm. L Kelsey, to release him by sawing out one of the logs. One of our citizens, Joshua Rogers, hearing Kelfey sawing, soon informed Marshall Richardson, and, together they captured him wjiile sawing. The prisoner and Kelsey, as we learn, both charge Henry Kiifier, the jailor, with compiler in the attempted release. The prel.minaiy examination resulted a follows: Territory of Nebraska, 1 v? ! en?y Knetler anJ j William L. Knispy. J Preliminary examination on charge of atieMtjJing to break into jail and reltase prisoner : . Kneffer required to give bonds in the fiisi ot $200, and KeJsey to give hoods in the sum of $100 for their appearance at the next term of Nemaha County Dis trict .Court. NOTICE. Notica iherely given that at th? nerl Election to be held in the Severa Precinctji .-u Tueslay the 10th day of October, A. D . 1 s5, tl.e . question will be submitted t the popte nf X?iu- i ha County Nebraska, whsther they will voie a ux : of two mills on the Dollar ra'.i'i'ion of the proper ; ty within said (Jomnty, t;i b1 p'.-i-'oJ upon the tax 4 r 1 -Oil nnnn in tar lirtof to aid in t oe O n? iru-'Hon of a building for C iaatf pr'i" i he manner of roti&z will bo a follows ; tho.e in lvr of said fax will iJaoe uj.a thir ballots the unrds fjr tax, and those epp'M'id to saii tax willpUe apot tkeir ballwU the words -.15 tins t tax." By rder of th Coanty Ceminis-'ioneVs WILLIAM 9. HUOVKR, Septembrr 11 le5. 51 St Co.Cierk. IHI2EHSEST0CKCASM';vlfflOIISlB O P A .1 O GROCERIES, Just received by J. BERRY & CO., MA IX STREET, 33ro w nvillo, 3Jo"fc Having laid in our present stock at re duced prices for Cash, we are enabled Ko defy competition in the wayiof selling the articles in the market CHEAP FOR CASH. Ourtock of GrOOdS Is the most complete ever offered in this market and has been selected with an eye to economy, durability and the de mands of this community. Our Supply of Comprises a general assortment of every thing and the best of everything. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere, if you want to get the bene fit of the best of goods at low rates. No trouble to show goods. 9-2S-yly J. BERRY & CO. ST. LOUIS ADVERTISEMENTS- From William' A'Jcertining Agency, 87 Che$nut St. Hastings, Wilkerson & Co No 85 Main Street, 0 A.isat ZjouIs, Mo. H'holegalo Dcarlers in DRY GOODS XJML NOTIONS. AND FURNISHING GOODS, JT-iVo at all timos the most com plete and desirable stock of LA DIE'S DUESS GOODS, WHITE GOOD&MBBONS, DRESS TRIM MINGS, GLOVES, HOSIERY and eviT) variety of NOTION S3 . GENTS FURNIUHIHQ GOODS, to be found iu any house in the west. Prices Guarraxteed as low as any ether house can afford. JSSTOrders c reflill y and prompt ly filled. Hastings, Wilkerson &Co. NO. 85 NORTH MAIN ST. AGENTS, $150 per month, to sell th improved New England Family Sewing Machines, 1'rice fcl8. This Machine will Stitch, Hem. Fell. Tuck, Cord, Brid, Bind, Gather, Quilt and Em broiJer, most bcuutifaliy. It is made in the ra si durcble manner is elegantly Sni;hed, and is lb oniy reliable chenp Miwhine in the market. It thanes the Elfltic Ltk diitch." Every second ftitcb can be rut, and the cloth cannot be palled ajnrt. Every Machine is warrantod for fiveyearr. Ad lrwd, DANE A CO.. Tost Office Bx 52, Chica go. II!., or r al! at Room No. 8, P. 0. Block, corner of Monroe and Dearborn street!i, Chicago. lf CAUT'OX.- We caution the public not to buy a wo th?, old H?, Pinalt ixc Mncl.lne, sold under a similar name, or thrwise. We have the only gfnuine and really practical cheap Machine mniKifacturtd. 52 -.'lm Quik Sales A T SMALL PROFITS! ! JACKSON & SPEED, Dealers in 3 J? O T" Sheet-Iron, Copper and Japan Ware, Would respectfully announce to the citizens of BBOWNViLLE and vie'njty that thy are now receiving a fresh (iipply of the best Cooking auJ tleatm Stoves now irt uio : also, a pood supply of Bras Kettle?. Por t ela;n Kettles. Tined Iiuawi Sauce Pans, Iron Bust- in, Tui.leand Tea-spoons ; Coffee Mills, Flat Irors, Gutters; Spring Balances; Jtrencn Piirs; Kubber H.tndleK& Forks ; Rusiells Butch-irK-Mcs: Curry Combs and Cards, 4c, to., ai: f f which is offered for sale aa low as van be buht in the market. , , I 11 1 m'd n oiuu iub i - ""- offered iu ilrownville. forealeaS cheap ao the chcap- j "t. Our Tin-Shop is always in qi'ol running order where work of all kinds from Pint Ctjjj to a Smoke Stack can be done in a workmanlike inaiittfif. Repairing Done with Neatness and Dispatch 11 g, Copper and Brass will be taken in exchange for geois. Shop In TT. T. Den's Old Stand, 2-y!y One Door Eact of Etill' Store. STOCK 1'OR MARCH, APRIL, MAY, JBBIf.WMSWSMCB. AT TIIE OLl STA5D OF Cooloy, 2J".xox7 oil ? Go Will tffer to the trade of . Illinois, Wisconsin, -Indiana, Minhesotai, Michigan, Kan?a?, Iowa, Missouri AND NEBRASKA, The most Attractive and Largest Stock of Dry Goods, Notions and F'anoy Goods, EVER ON SALE WEST OF NEW YORK, At prices ss low as ihe same qualities are soU by the best Loue in eYcrk, Boston or Phlladclplila. Our Stock will embrace in part Itrotvn and Rleached Slieetinsi and Shlrt!ii?rs, Drills, Denims, MiiriiiiET StripcS, Corset Jeans, Camlirlcs, Ticliinffs, Flannels, Apron tlieclts, Tweeds, Jt & 31. Casimcis, Kersejs, Satinets. Jeans, C'ottonadcs, AIsc CluUis, Cassiraeres Ladies' Cloak Cloth, and all Wooleua suitable lor Men's Wear. PRINTS Merrimack, Cocheco . bprague's Dutchess Itichmond's Dunnel's Ainsricail Jjowe , Bander's Allen's Ijrwrence's Arnold's. And all otber well-known brands. OCR STOCK or LADIE'S DRESS GOODS Will comprise all the novelties of the Season. Ol'H STOCK IN Til E NOTION DEPARTMENT Will Te found full and complete. Ej"0ur Store, (t.wned by tbe flrra, auJ no rent to pay.) being newly fitted tip. gives ns Salesrooms 60x4JU feet, tbo largeil went of tbe sea board, affording us unequalled facilities for showing Goods. One of our Hrm residing in New Tork, (having two experienced assistant);) and buying for CASH, enable ui to ile: uur custouieii new Goods Ua;ly at the Iiowost Cash l?rioos. We rppecifnUy Invite Merchants visiting Chicago lo eunuiM uur Stuck. 23-Partirular attention giren to filling orders. J JohnV. Farewell & Co., 48, 41 k 4 Wabash Ave., CHICAGO, ILL.. v9-a.a.hi jl.a.a. JEFF urn CMTii IN Petticoats 1 1 1 & CO., AT THE Ilavejust received and will sell C H K A P F O R C A S 1 1 the foilowine No. i articles in their line: (GOODS, Coisistiny of TindievDr"r-s Qof.lf. D-mcstics, Woolen Good, Hats and Caps, LSootaand Shoe, Ac. GEO CEBIES, Choice Coffee, Sugar. Tea. Molasses, Sjrup, Fish, Drict Fruit, and ev-erjthing that makes up a com plete Grocery outfit. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. Choice Pocket and Table Cutlery, Nails, Farm and (Jarden Implements, kc, Ac: Queenswaro, Glassware, Wooden Ware Stone Ware,&c.,&c., &c. A lot. of New Latent IRON CORN SHELLERS Which does its work cle4n and at tbe rate of 150 bu?he Is a dny, and is the durable Sheller ever made, being all iron , the wear te?tr and repairs can amount to verv little. May 18th, 18(55. 35 9-3tn '2 DOOHS BELO.V POST-OFFICE, MAIS ST., BROITXYILXE, XKCIIASKA. Where a choice pelenion of the fol lowing article can alway be found, CHEAP FOR CA SH ! 1 ! . Fine Dress Goods Bal moral Skirts HoserV aud HnopSkir! Latest Style Ladies Dres And fancy poods . -. Gents Collars and Neck Ties Genl & Boys suniiuer Hats Large Stock Notions Tape Window Shades Hedty Stock of B.ot & Shoes Large Stock of Groceries Sugar Teas and CofTe - Dried Apples and Syrup MoJajes Raisins and Confectionarip Choice Smoking and Chewing Tobacco Spice and Bottled Picklc t Soap Candles and Mackerel Table Salt crackers and Cheese Cash paid for Farm Produce. G M HENDERSON. May 25lh, '65. 9-36-ly.nlun. Y7M. H. M'CREERY CAil OLtSALE AI7D EFTAIL EXALILIt TS If' ' t. V Paints Oils and Dye Stuiis. Pure Liquors for Mcdicril puquxsos, All kinds of Patent Medicines. COAL OIL LAMPS and CHIMNEYS Blank Books and Sfati jnrry, Wall Paper of Every P'allern, Window Papers, Cord and Tassels The best Brands of CHEWING and SMOKING TOBACCO and CIGARS, Oysters. Canned Fruits, and a comykh Slock of light and fancy Groceries. TUB BEST Pocket Cutlery Perfumer) ami Toilet -Goods." Having aval led liinrelf of the late decline; an! making exiurire pu rchases in an Kasteru Market, be aMuuie bia patron and tbe Public that ii 1-' to.thpif advantage to trade v ith him. none but fl-t C!a.s DKUG3 kept. Call and exaiuiue lor youreIi at the CITY DRUG STOllE South Kaat Crrer. Main and flrst Street, BrownvlIU Kebraika Territory. Prescriptions, and orders Carefully filled at all hours. 9-33-ly. The undersigned keep on hand a large aasor tjrento SATTIHET&C SSIMERE SUITS For Men and Uoy'd wear. Also, a large stock of HATS AND CAPS, III & WLI SHITS BOOTS AND SHOES. Rubber Coats, Legglns & Dlniikcts Trunlt and Valiso&i UMBRELLAS AND CA11FET BAGS, Gent's Fnmis&mg Geods, Of all kinds which we will self C II E A P F () It C A s ii We purchased our goods since the de cline in the Markets and will sell at low figures. ATKINSON & CO. April IStb, IMS, fl-JM-ljr FAMILY GROCERIES M'LAUGIILIN&SWAN; WOULD RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO -THEl friends ana tbe pnblic generally, that tbey have j? receiver a strperior lot of Family Groceries, and intl tbe attention of purcbanerg to their stock including NET ORLEANS .?TGAR, PRIMR RIO COFFER, CLARIFIED lo 1MPBR1AL TBA. CRUSHED do YOUNG HrtON TEA. OWDKUKD do BLACt TEA. RICE, SaGO, SPICE. PEPPER CLOVES, CTNNAmO COVK OJTSTER3, RAISINS', CURRANTS, 3TARCB. SOAP, PURE SODA, DE LANDS' SALKRXTUS, PISH COD FISH" MACli.Ei.lAL, WHlTIJ J B Lake trout, hekikg, shap GREEft APPLES, CRANBERRIES, PARED PEACHES, DRIED APPLES DRIED PEACHJ Molasses, Coal Oil, Cider Viufega NATURAL. T KAF CngvnVG TOBACCO. tK,utii JRAF AND OTHER CHOICE BRAND." FIN i CUT CaV EN DISH, E1LLIK. NICK SMOKING. COM MON DO. Cigars of the Best Brands In tnt Market- CHESTNUTS, ALSCOND3. PECANS. FILBERTS. PBa Nirs, A Splendid Assortment of Stick and Fancy Candy from the Besi Minufac turiea in the East. Flour, Bacon, Butter, Eggs &c. The Highest Market Prices Paid foi Country Produce: ,.; . . McLACGIiLl & SWAN, Nemaha Valley Bakk Buildisg Browkville, Jan. 14, 1S54. ni0v-J2O-ylj IXa-rficci Ladies ! PE0F. VON VERAE'3 ' DIM10HD 000PS! r - 1U- 'Ing PBE- VSNTIVS 'for which. Uicy are 'WARRANT ED 'la every instance. TheyN are oordially resoinmendd to 'all Iadiea who, frcm aiokneaa or ' Other causes, are unable to undergo 'the peril of acooachment. Thl remedy iN .DIAMOND DROPS I. Hot an Abortive, bat limply .PREVEN TIVE. .and la not in the least lajn- . rlooa to the most delica.e . . eonatitntlona. Z ver y . . BolUe Warranted. . TJCT EVEET. X. A J T THY If. C7 Bend Bed Stamp for Circular, or t2.25 tor the Bemedy. to C B. ft CO , Oeneral Agenta, 7. 0. Drawsr 6561, Chieago. miaoi; OSee 159 8ouUi Clark Street. 7or aale at Wholeaale In Chicago, by BXTBHAMS ft VA2T SCHAACX, rtTIXXB, YZXdi ft XJXJUXR, LORD ft SMITH. CHAS. O. BAIT'S. B2Z1T11 ft DWTES, and H. SCOVILL. Osage Orange Seed FIir.SH TKOM TEXAS. Person wishing supply of t'go Orang SeI. en pet fresh seed, brought fmni I pm, by p!-'y-ng imnadiatcly to VTesley Van U, P. O. Boi P, p.mwnvillo, 5ehraka. Or, 'eit- their .r.tcr with W. ii. MctJreery, City 1rug Store. Ur-'iin-rilie, Nebraska. WFS'.KY DUVDaS, v j2-Cm 't fut Overmen & Maun. 7 AV iorc V'V 'VV Il .Vtf just opened a splendid Stoek of GESOElffi.inE, fjsr;TTva of Sugars, Teas, Coffee. Rice. Tolacco Cigars, Soap, Dried Fruit of all kind, Nuts, Candies, Molasses, Salt, Wooden Ware of all kinds, Canned Fruit, .Oys lers, Piikles, and every Article usually kept in a first class Grocery Store In Whitney's Block, M.dn Stroet Broivuville Nebraska, Invites the public to call and exim ine their Stock, before purehnsing elsewhere ::s tbey sir ? coincident i O 1 i.lOi' North Missonri Railread. CONNECTS with tho Hannihal n.? S;.J... 17 K. at. Maeos Cil jr. 1U3 miles Last ot' Si. J.-ej li and furgii tbe 0.LY ALL. n.UI,I10Ar ROUTI2 To St. I.oais and all points East, Xort'a auJ Sjuth via St. louif. Hngsjage Cbeckeii Tinnrn, anl han llcd Free of Charge. Ticket AgnU ol II. & St. Jo. Iliilroad will not discriminate, and will have to choose their own route. Faro by this route is the same to New York. 1'hiladelj Lk, Ui.jtun, Balti more, Cincinnati rtndrtll points Fa3t,;u by Wny ol iih icngo, or any otbr route. PatMengtrflj'Ufrba.'ing tickets i lis ortb .JIis sobf'L Iialiroad have this -A. X V A. TT T A d- 2S3 over tbe KeoVnk Pa. keta ; they will nvoid I.ft m'A--of llivcr Navigation by night, the unav. idiKIc do lajs ihcident to sleuQibcat caviaii n ; bosidca iuc North Mo. H.R. Trains Await Delays on the H. A St. Jo. Railroad, making P.i?njrers a certain connection instead of a puihility oi Iutinx counection n'nh boat at Hnnrihal and Quincy wi1!. t'aius. In case i ;f eitbor padsoujei.i iyi'lL Mike qi'ickck via tbe NoitL Mii3outi Railroad than by nny other refute. Arothe" nflrnnfagf i?. th we makj cer tain conneciinui witn the Ouio A. .lu-ii ssipj.i, Atj hinu'c A Oraat Westein. St. Louis A Terre Ilaute, and St. Lonis& Chicago IUilrad.'', he finest and most superbly equipped RoudJ in tbe V'cst. Paengers have the right to ehoo.e, in cor.nco tion with tbe North Missouri Rai!rojid, any of the above named Roads FARE TlIC SAMK. '1 Juke fa can be bad at the Ticket OCL'.j of the Bannibal & St. Joseph Railroad, in St. Joseph. Afkror Ticketa by way of the North Jlissonri Railroal, and aee that your Bagxae is CHECKED THROCliH, ISAAC H. STURGEON, Pres'tand OeL't Snp't St. Ioui9, Mo. H.U. WEEELER, Goncral Ticket Aent, St. Loui, Mo. L. M. DUNN, Oeneral Wpj'crn A gr.t. P. II. EARLKY, Agent. St. Joseph. 11X11 ! ITtll! ITCH ! Scratob.! Horntrh! Scratch I WHEATQN'S OINTMENT Will cn re the Itch. In 48 HOURS ! It euros the PrairV; Itch, Wa ash r-wratcheii, Salt Klieuui. Jlcer. CbUb'ains , andall L'rut tious of ii Skin PRICE ?' CENT3. Beware ,t' Lotions and W uhe-t whi:h will riot remove the By pending fiO,-?? v COLLINS RliO'S, (AgenU for ihe South-West,) S. V Cor. 2d A Vine Streets, Sr. Loui'i, M-. it will be for warded by mail, frre of Postage, to auy .art of tbe countrv. WKFKS A rOTTER. T.tPn. M.u.., Proprietors ol-o'd OK THS liisunuicc Compncy, o w FREEFORT, ILLINOI3. We, HIRAM DRICIlT.i'ridnf; and ClI L. CURKIKK. Secreitry, ot the Auicricim In-ors:ice Company, of Frcepvri , Illinois, hereby certify " hut naid (' m; eny i pox.-jd of a mptal of at b-at one hundred tbou?au l uiUrs, suv urcd by lion ou real estate 'orth r.t a.-b'on t in at. f, v times the amount of :aid capi at, and "ot c;;t'.iu bcred 10 mie lliu onc-fjiirlti if v .luaiij;)." HIIiVM RKI'iHT, CltA'rS L. CUiiKitll. STATK OF ILLINOIS, I aTEPHEXSOS C'it'XTY f " Persoan' appeared before me. Clerk yf the onu ty Court ot Cou ty;. ILra-a bright an t lic s L. Conrier;t me known as ?h ,Pre idnt n.nd S crc tary of the. Auieri-an Insurance J..!dpitiy. b Injr flrst J-ity cworri acc .rdirig t-i law, v r.ii.? dbposc aud "'rhat the above certifn-are sn1)s'rile.J to by tbera respectively is true is in ubUuce aud in fact, as shown by the record of si id Company." Subscribed and rrn to belore me, ibis liitb day f JuIt A.O. lboj. J. II. SMJNDERLANO. Clerk of Cvunty (' urt,Step!i n-ori (Vunty. " Uy A. W. RREWSTER, ltrput. CERTIFICATi: of AUTHORITT To Expire ou tne 31t day of January, leoo. Insurance Denaruiieat, Ofk-e ot I'fcr ri'orinl Auditor. OMAHA; Nt'B. Au- 17 h IWo WHKkKAS, Ucoro W. Ti!oa, Arsi-iia Oca. Agi-nt, lor tbe American Insurance Co. I.x-ated ar. Freeprt,iu thrf Sttte f.f Ifiir.ois, hu CI jd in thisOfdiea Cofy of the Act rf Jiijorp. ra tion nf raid C.mj aiiy,nd a Statement undr i.atb, showing its Condition, a required by tiio Four teenth Sr-etion of a Law of the Territory of Nebras ka, entitled "An act in Relation to Insurance Coniiniej," Approved February, l.oj : ' Therefore, be in known, bv ihee nrenfa. Tha in purtuDce of the alore-aid Act, I, William K. Harvey, bditi rfcr the Territory of Nebraska. I Hereby Certify that eaid Am'ri-,an Imxrnne.r Vomjmy bart fell authoiitv to trn;ict business of Insurance in tbe Territory of Nebrsk nnder the Laws of tbii Teriitdrr, notil tbe 3li us; tijan uarr, ISfiS. Id Witrass Wbr rcof. I have nibsled my ran? !! r.u.'cu tlicS's! i.f the Audi;, r'j : to be a.ux-di this the KtU day of Augo.f l8o j. W.l'.IlAUTFr, Territorj! Auditor. J.W.RLIS. Ag.nt. to on. digelov; I AXT XOT SCFFER that Wrlbl dl-we te taw4n it pobimoua fan Into tout .twpr, SUiirtii your ton and tiT. cnirt d trovic your future buj piaeM aiul j'te-ecW a Cfe. ban made PRIVATE 118EAHE hb itwU tiflT lor tirmtr rar. aid is Uirrrnre la proper pence whom ail artileu-J 1 oi:tii CUr atrect. hi'JMau lii'QO.a. where the Doctor may be cocsu it 1 in terf from I 1,1, eutll i r. m. Ail eommmtcatu CuHnit , Rorniu (je 8nnd ml Aamp for my Jouraai vf Ilcaltii." paUIahed moathly and tcut to any atUiftM, it vq can ikutcmi. fry 0 AN!) t !r a, r-r .-a ." am wsi Va 4 ,faT. e -ff ON MISSOURI RIVER, Ti-i-weekU Pn--t .' iYin'v'b'.I an! Ft. Joser R. ii. Line) le Ouiiha. '".! UlnSTs, PUtU mouth, Nebraska fitv. Lr ..!.vine and intermeut ate iinU L r St. Joseph, emu-olio;? at with triir.s on ILumib i a:-.t .S:. J.-ph V. . i, leav ing St Jo5Cjh a ll .a'J P. M.,arri?icrf at QU1NCT. CHICAGO & ST. LOUIS On aad after May 13th, daily and e!o eonnec tiona from St .Wph to Atchison, Wc?tcn. LesTca worth.Wyaudotte, Kanos City. Lawrence, Topek, f e.,Tii Platto Country Ii. R. arid steTKr Em:; II. St. Jo. U. U. Line- Leia St Joseph 5.3 A. 51., Leavenworth Si a Wyaadtta D.CJ Etasa City 13.3(1 a. m.. I Awrence at 5 C J T. x. THROUGH TICLTT3 Z02 SALiI br P- rtor A Pfual, Onnha. I. W. Hitrhcoek,C8Ti 'i'l Bluffs, E.C. Lewis Plattsnmut h, E. S. l'wley. City. Ky tbrou-h tickets fcal save icoey. . " - I'T-enstee r:.aifi en tSe TTansib XI Sr. Jd ?m Rah kojd. ne iroi.ties and ad-JiUonal roll ing .'f . k enr.ble them to o.Ter f le-e imj.rtaat ohaa jes fo fseilit.ite THTRt. FY TRls ROl'TK. C W. Mp.ap. ue-vM-a! S-jperinteudant. P. ft. i:roat. Hen ra'Ti. '.- t A-ent. U IT; COVKiKKiHT, 4 e ui Freight Ant. Cpt. t?frT9 FortD, Snperintendeat Paekel Lines' , St. Josepii, Mo. THEO, HILL. Ag't. Brownvilla. t u s NONPAREIL miw iMiini. Tbis is the -nlr If.ictiirc in Ti-tenre Molj combine all the reiui.lNn of a pe: teoi H uLer. It ! a hiiieezinj .H.ehine. iejHtpt by a balance whelanl cr3ik (geared to riix thret turn of th crank to one turn cf the hand.) strooirlT made, lai aud eaky in iu operaii' n. nJ not M.i!l9 to get oat or order. . It is constructed on stiictiy mechanical vriuciplesi atS solely witlt a ie to uulity aa4 dura billtj Uuiinrf the tira tbe Nonpareil ba been in nse. eince Ai-rll, 1S61 i iei ly arown In r nb'Ic faror, aO'i bas dpo .or-ira' e-i thai Two-hirds theI&bor r.r d Tirfle in washing: by hand, and an the Wear and Tear of the prarmenta aro Sared bv ita W6- A elri o ny ean w.m- it ana it may be- rliH en to rleane rtoi hinic wttoovt any as J l-.auce from Hrfti.t Kubbniit. A lioeral tiseooht allowed to dc.'e a. SeuJ tor tree descriptive CucuU. tj Oakley & Keating, 1S-2 Wa er Street, 6; smf NEW YOB.Z. CITY PELOUBET 01 Tlie subscriber respectfully cilli tbeattentiuO of DEALERS, TEACHERS, CHURCHES, SCHOOLS, And the puolic genera ly to the above SnxtramenU, which he ia nianutactariujr lit e-ery variety of till aud atyie. Pedal Organs, frcm $22S to $CC0 School ' 100 to lfft' rianoslj!c3IcIodcan3i50 to 210 Portabld " 65 to 110 w Son.! fr rcMrlpilve Cafalgae, with terme, Ac, td tbe M inufj-iorer, C. PELOUBET, NEW JERSEY- Or to J. M. PELTON, 8 11 Broadway, N.Y. C. MEYER, 722 Arch St., Philadelphia- J. V. TUCKER, Jackson, Michigan. W. W. KIM CALL 112 Lake at. Chicago. CI ly Heal Estate for Sale W'.'tt half r.f riA'th we.-f T?ar er, Scctfoa 2, and eat hal f nr.r'h eatrtvrter Sr qoaster Section 3. Towu 5 K.r.t-H, ta.t 15s 3 4 acres. South w.-.t quirUr Section il Township S It It, Ifirtai-fej S ball ?6ut" eaf t qanrtrran! north weat quarter onth r qnarfer Sec 2d Town 6 Range 15 eaj$ Ml aerea Timber Land. Lot 5 t.I . 1'.!. ck 4 Mid i!" n-'.wnvill?; Lot TliV-k22, No-.r,h tirownville. Lot U Bl "k 14, Terms Cash; apo'y to .,. ... .... WILLIAM F. WILS02C, VI il. II. IIOO"ER, Septrnber 4-.t. 1?5. V 50-136 GO'SL I N G ' S Urllilant, Easy Sfclnln?, leather PreserTlnrf LAuhiiu i Composition of .ala Foot Oli and Pure Jtory Uluck. Innr.rinf to pooT anl ?no I.SAIHER the aoft, ne aii n.lacy f klU uii witb vne-learth tie lr .r nwi'lr nr.!rt in the anpl.iJif ion of the ort1 m ij B.acktoK', Ii orutin. c J Biaca klliuiiii UtOM eanaiie1 oniy by PitenVt.'ail'er. Sold by all Grotrs and SJwe Detlart. Op'lera rrc-ivel r An.encu Advertiaiog Agency 3fa4 hroa1wy. K T"r. And Wholesaled at Manuf.ieturet'a Depoti 15ifieadpstfN. Y. 6! 6:n C O L L E G E. f'ONPrrTEO on tbe ba? of etna! Irtisinesa, by ao experienced Accountant and Superior Pea man. fi e connection with the most popnlafCom inorctal Colleges enaure tborooghnesa and reputa Ut every ruldale. Spec ial inxtraction gltcn In all style of Pea nrtni. hip: apecinteit f Jrbich may be teen al the Collie. Full particular's mt t addrfsn. THOMAS J. BRY4ST. bi-tt St. Joeoph, Ho. DRIED Appln Prifi Pchea, nago, Bice, itirrtx. aoap. Can't lea, ee , etc, A JJcr-aurhliB iSwn'i. Ayer's Cathartic Pi1!, mm