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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1863)
Tno'Econoinyot' Using j - .---- v - - . T H . . FRANKLIN Family Sewing nachine. ', ry lBht).v re; ke the celebrate.! CJJOTXH FAXERlSTITClL birjt taken t he cisbeu preml at K .' lilmoi State Fair, in Septeniter last, at ibe CiuirU Sutes Fair in St. Lou , in I860, and at tae principle Siaie K: irn throughout tiie Cour.t.-y. Compettbt Judges gave a derision in favor of tbU ultch. .n account of lis preav auenrtri aiid adaptation to II kin.U of farniiv and nisu-rarmrlr.K purpose. ' Tli loll, wiii Tui will thow ibe cifleience in favor t. in Machine over theoM ic:ln d of stitcHon I y fc:id. lu Hie w..rk.jn of 'iiei-e HatLine tUt-re i uot a great anvins; of labor and lime, bfMdes adding rej!lv a of theerrpVyu.rn . Iut the Uitt-fc it much stronper, uiuie elastic, ai.d ea liable U rlpnr ravei tbau the statu made wlta abuaie. and Time consumed ia mcltiti !ty Machine. Br nrt i oa IjuiiaV Uaiairota. .Hours, luiu n ur. Mm Sl!klrea. - i I . li 1 39 Aius.iD Sl.irt, 20 Merluu Ureas, t 10 8 ' Clemine, 10 10. Csllce Dress, X ' alref!i Skirt, 40 1 . i Kwbt Dreas, I 6 10 - brewers, 27 i'lkiaraa. 3' 4 i Plain Apron, loj 1 Tine consumed In maklof I Br Machine. I Br Band II tp :eiillcmn's Garments Hours. Mm Hours. Min. Cattleman's Shirts, "Trock Coat, ftalia Vest, . linen Vet. Cloth Pants, Sernaer PaaU, IS 10 39 St 10 15 If 19 40 18 . 4C 0 The Franklin Family SEWING MACHINE, II. one advantage which ia worthy of epec lal attention Ik aJiUtioti to.ttc puculiar ut ibe Mitch, anj tbat is it naputiou to either ii(-'!it meoit.m heavy . Tue klarb.tie wuii-h at or ft m it ic b J e:i JHE MOST DELICATE FABRK a few u..-e.-hls afier can Le Lrriti,lii to har wim the rr.e facil ity on fottotiailen and t.we'n of '1 e arpet-t decnpti'n. l alsrituiior FAMILY IVORX, ImLun lemma a.e. and given It a auperiunty over every otiier atyle of iwtiine in the Market. In order that ttoese Machine tnav he placed in the tir.dof alt r!ae.. we have re.!'t-ed iLe p: ic r.f our .FHAHKUS FAMILY MACHINE TO FORTY DOLLARS. From tbe ! fur buniieni for the Wt year, and the entire ratixrac-tion our Marhiua are fvlnc throuh'-Cl the Limed Stalea atJ Knrean Cutitrie. we are led tni.eiieve ttit nnr de'einnstion t m arm fan urea I'ERFFCT. SIMPLE, RELIABLE MXV CHEAP MAC ULXE. tins b-cn tuily apprwuten i kr the pul:ic. This p..iicy will inu.ain uiicbaiied. and j heretofore no Machine ill be allowed to leave the i ffioc tt:af we cartint fully warrant in eveijr re'CCl. ; eatall kerp n band at all timet genera) ansort- ' aent tf St wine Macbitie lUbterial Needleifr all tuacbinj rn be ordered ty Mail or xpraaa. Price One UulUr per J ten.- Pranna in the country, ly fe'ulinit us tlieir aIdre ucioaiuK a letter ktmnp, cn have furwaided by return a!l. ii? ef our circalai 'jtitairiiR tbeditfereulaiyiea I MaiLiue IUt nf 'iriie.n1 sMtuple of work. , E. IUCEZARDS & CO., Principal Arenta for the WoMh Weat. .Offlee ao4 8le'Di 133 Lke 8'reet. Chicago, lliinoia, K. RlCM AKDSk I.4lo f Curoell it Co. C K- ISWALL, JkiJ W. TAPP K, fo'roerly Aj'l for .te Orover k Baker bfwli.K Ma'bine. Jauaarrtlb.' 1562. (t.6-H GHEAT IMPROVEMENTS IN gEWING MACHINES. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE. Ptrited Februarr 14th. 1SC0 'Salesroom, 510 Broadway, NEW YORK. ', Tbli Machine if ccnarrttcted on an entirely new !riri.1e of uic!iinerj-, sjinjr niary rare mid vnl- whl itnprr-retnTil!'. Ii-j tp trrn extmir.rd by the aauvt pT;fnund eifxjrt, pr.aouncel to be tilM hL'.i'ITV rJIKlTCTION COillUXED. The following aro the piinc'.pal objecticni orjed fiinft Sewinp MacLinea. I. txecwive fatigue to 4. Incnpacity to sew Ihe ojriit'ir. every defcrij tionof I Ljat'iliiy to pet out of ' frdvr. 1. Expcnre, tr ubleand , Joa of time ta repair ir,;. inatrial. i)isjreJttL!e noie , vLue iu 01 aration. T ut Entire Sewing Machine is Exempt frua all iltic o!iciioiis. bat ttrnighi odle perpendicular action the LOCK: ut SIII TTLE STICM. which will irUEi; lilt &r UAYKL.wnd is alike on both m lej : ferfrtna pert'eflt wwiiig n ererr description f m.rial, lroinLeati.f r o t'e fineat .Njiif,',k Mur 1 i, wi'h rnttoniaeu or silk thread, fn ui tbeer- -i to lie firrest numhrr. Hating rciiher CAM nor COO VTIIFEL, irrd the least puat.Lle lnctr. l, it rani ai smoothly as flat, and it ' Ecpiatically a XoLelcss Machine! It reqira twen'y-fire per eent. less power Xo irire it than auy other Machine iu rar'et. A girl mf twelve yim f a" en work it steadily, without fai'ttaeor lojory U health. . ;;fare4!(rthanl WONDFRFCI, SIMI'LICITY of :ir:ction. rcr.der it altnota tuipgible to pot it out a? '.id.T. a&d i tJL'AKAM'DKD by lhr company to g'c eO'lr ritifa'-'ttin. V.V rrajectfully jiiviteiill thuae who may desire to St. !y th ti)e!vM with a Miwricr r' it ie, u cuil aud aaiice this UNUIVAl.l YAl MAfillNK. La; iu a uirc s tuaaci do we solicit the pi -nf of V-lcbant Tillers, Pr-" Mnlerj t'.a-h Maker t.'.-et Makr, IJ-v.i-.liit ilacuratarerti, (iaitcr Fitter, r1! ;rt and Ho''!0 Mkcr, ; Shoe lenders, Vci atid I'ai.tahxm Makct. f,1"lit-ilfc stl ("hsritable luatitutioES will be liberally dealt with. Ykq of Machines, Complete: - ?(. I. vr Fai'.T Mc.ine. $5.C0: No. 2 Small -d ManufoeturiKj;. t'.U.l'O; No. 3 lre rised $75.n0. Cabioeta iu Trery Variety. We w&nl Acutu or all Uwus m the United t4tes, wkcre agencies are not already eslel lMied. la wftbiD a 1'1'i-ral diacount will be gtren, but we soake n vnifnicus. , . T. J. tlcAHTIITJR & Co., 510 Uroadu n3 , XfH Yorli. Furniture ! Furniture ! ! Tke (noal complete alk of Pnrnunre ever ofTerei la Ufa prr eoicury jt te-"d " y T. BILL Krwm aertl ah H". S5em0!!mcnt.5,uu Acout wnntod. TO SELL FAYING allACHIKB AT RFDUCED PRICES. flatten. Cr Xsralne t terfect in its Mechani'm. It la lea ILstle tn fet out l order tbun any otLer. Diploma, fcave tern awarded it over tte Ctvver A. Baker aud other lift prnd MaJme. Oar XidlK e a .l-.irbt reele. and will 3TORK WZJ9 ALL JtlVPS OP Tit UK Alt, S.Ik or Linen. oi-knn aa eiaattc mmip . free frvm "Kt iiiiie to brek ia Mi Ini 4 i tle Hist imI ciiEAftM MUiine ui ue. $15 UiCII. OtirMahlPe will DEM. FFLL. STITCTI. Qt'ILT ami l 0, aad i" w oti ail kind, of coud, trom ibe 6oet al BiBlin to tbe Core.t W. ien, wo'kms itb -ae ti.r -t-cti eea! U.nk-e'e of i hick wlen Cloio ALL XACLllXLi ARE VARB.ASTED. $15 KIC'IF, If tou ret a Good Machine m4 not have it t'cityott rrytb.rg.vnte tjui. aa Vtt vrax.t the Ivlichiae ttted la t very Le-tiitorlicxxi in te United btate. ei5 ncxr. EMPLOYING AGENTS! YeM rive o n'tn.l. w all aands sold by eel i :. fcf we w:i y? rirrr dollars per iioiitii a4 pay all aaveavary eeiM- P.w ttar'Kttlart a. AU Hr L'9Xil EAGLE WORKS HAN UlTUCTURIK G. C0HPAIIY, CHICAGO, 1 ILLINOIS. jf rrr-. . i w w fi 9 - -- -- E w ammm- mm : Artfrrs; ! ft!-: ' fiUU-' f? ' jC-. - X V 1 at aJW-t - t f I - Or I Tli a. . ,- m it, it 1 a 'I 'V y.ff-i. I ' "f r :i M M I ILa IjM -V ml''' v f v' , - 1 1111 rjr 7z.i&, w-ife- s '-eMt ill I1! 'Ma idl.'l.' m i!;i'('; V .i ll C . ... - M l,JM 1 Inl-itO S 'I I ' 1 ' nil GATES' PORTABLE ENGINES. Ko. 1 8 Corse Power, weigh 3 f no bj. Price ;0T j,'a. j 7 i "4 200 " " 600 Nvl 10 " " 6 (KK) " " "JSo 3 fe "i f j ; -Til ! I 'iff V'..!w&J t3 3 u v 09 13. ! ,l.,.ii.ti" P. W. GATES' PATENT ji.-': ifA r a i - . . 1 T - t ; "w R i j ' I H L s i -. II Bl .at 1 e: ? - 3 1 ! fi H !rtn rW a r 3 ii Sinr ?5l Mi! ea rt f i I u V-l '-aWM "iiW e. - HU wU will 'ki''' ; I liH - a . , i ''.1 H H HVm ., co -a ' '."nit J fi wniafH";H ) "i'.llli.iiiMiii, r.i Is Aft for P. W. Gatxi' PorUble Engine, evaporators and Sugar Mill. rj-OrtarilWIwiia FISHER & HACKER, BR0WNVILLE, NEBRASKA LO X.1LLX COLD OS CCtDlT! ?mw- -'liUi r-.s-iri sm Wt vi-.v v y; il I V - 1 Vtfir-. it WM . ii 4 ii iu :, .t ii i t II" E' - . N ' 'V j nil - T V I 1 . - "1 mmm i YTT C 31.'- ."-y a. ' J TV! v ;ayuy . -k uMi.n' IP--1.. 3 J J ilk !' i.'.'.-J t-v Xo. 4 12 florae Power, weighs 7 500 lbs. No. 615 " 8 5(0 X.. 618 " " 10,000 " Price t953 1.100 ' 1,300 . r- . - a av nt'ii'.a.- ir it Ivj.-.j " " t 4 5" - 2 o CO t3 5 La. a.4 Crq H CD S" 5 3 5 - - -g a "g 5 3 t o 5- 2. 2 2 rr. . -t g P oo (J c . 3 u 3 rt " - 3 w c ' v . - i 2 p 0& g Q o O 2 r S o SB 2. D re n" i CO c O ?. 5! crq ' p o S r 3 o S. 2 c re 2 o' b. 3 re o - c 2 3 3 C O 00 - 'f 5" m (9 t. ' if to re r re .H ' - J a re n' o o re re p 1 3 O re T3 re "a re cr CD m I ' r CO 3 a A SUGAR CANEJMILLS N'J. 1 is an tipricht thrpp.rr.l or ml . I r... - . mi 1 1 I Vl V u& rr. weighs 6t0 ponrvls. and capable of ex .re8?inu 30 to to gUouf juice per boar. AT I 1' C No. 'J is an upright three-roller mill, for one or twi horses, weighs 800 pounds, and ctpabte of exprehMiig 60 to 70 gallon juice per hour. Price $50 Ko. 3 is an tipriuht three-roller mill, for tWO hmReS. Wei'jlia Hb-Mlt 1 00ft nrnoirf. capable of expressing 70 to 100 gallons juice jjcr uuur. j-rtce o. No. 4 ia an upright three-roller mill fo two or four UoTre ; weigba l .ioo pounds. at:U la c.ipaoie or expressin from 100 to ISO cat ion juice per b r. " Price $S5 Ki. 6 is a fonr-borre-Dower mill, rnrieht roliers, for Meant or water purer, capable of evrresitig 60 to 70 gallons juice per bour. N-. 6 is a aiT-hore three-roller horizon tal null. hick ceared for ho:e or ateam pow er, we'eh 1.2'TO poutida. and capable of ex pressing fioui 70 to 100 galioua of Juice per hour Price $7o. Xo. 7 ia an elpht-horse three-roller hori imal mill, back geared for horse or ateam power, weiglia 2.000 pounds, aud win ex press fr.-m. 150 to 150 galluns per huur. ?rice A 126. Xo. 8 i a tixttou hor.e three rtlpr hnri. '. .ntal Mill, hack geared for ateam -r water x.wer, weigua 6.3W poundii. and expresses f.'ciu 300 to 6u0 galluus cf juice per hour S&s- A'.-ice 1 300. . P. W. GATES, President, CHICAGO, ILLIX0IS. 3FL 1ST S , DO "YOU XYAXT TO t PURE DRUGS A 5 D MEDICINE'S? IP SO, GO TO TH CITY DRUG STORE P. 0. BVILDIXGS, AND JOHN H. MAUN, VTIU sell whatever you desire Tou may rest assured it. is a mm w Prom his long expeilence in the business, he is CONFIDENT b will (Ira taUifactlon to all why may call at bit ESTABLISHMENT. lie has now en hand, and iv constantly receiving a large supply of all articles uauall kept in a DRUG STORE. JO III II. MAIW. Brownvllle. May 8:h. 1S62. v8-n44-tf APPLE TREES. beowatillYxursery THE UXDERS1GXED HATK STILL A FEW THOUSAND APIM.U Tit EES, JlAlSED IN THIS SOIL AXT CLIMATE, Which thev offer thi Fall, CHEAP FOR CASH, o a APPROVED TRADE. Tn.KSE TTIKES ARE LARGB, Wilt commence tearing in a year or two, yet we ' will felt then at 515,00 PER HUNDRED, O R 12,60 PEIt DOZEN. MAUN, FISHER TJACKSR. NOW READY. THE OSlcial Union Volunteer Directory, (400 pities. ) containing Xume and Ieii?ence of every Offl.ierand 1'rivato in the Union Army, with their (Jimuiaod.-i. Casualties, Promotions, Ac. f J"Crery one wants it. Sent post-paid ,on receipt of 25 ccnta eash, or stamps. Address UEXKY B. ANSOX.l'ub inher.49 State Street, Hilton, Mas. Merchants ami Pit Master who will addres ns this fall, will be oupplietl with Garden.' Field and Flower f eeds to tell on C'.mmU-iou at fair rates. These seeda are all grown here and are true to name. THOMPSON HEDGES. Nemaha Nursery, Syracuse, Otoe. Co.. Aug. IS An6-Fui If Nebraska. DISPEPSIA AND FITS. A sure Cure for these distressing complaints is now niadi known in a "Treatise on Foreign and Xa 1 rbal Pkpabations." publl.-bed by DK, U. IftitLitro JJliUWiM. Tbe prescription, fur nisbed by younj clairvoyant girl, while in a state of trance, has cured everybody who has taken it, never having failed iu a single case. It is equally sure in canes of Fits as of Pyspembla; and the ingredient! may be found in any drug store. Those who are aRlicted with Consumption, Bronchitis or Asthma, may also be cured by the one of my Herbal Preparations. I will send this valuable prescription free to any persou on receip of their name. Addresss, UK. O. PHELPS BROWN, No. 19 Grand street, Jersey City, N. J. n47-6oi A Practical lluide to Health aud Vigor. THE NEW. GYMNASTICS, MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN. With a tranxlation of Prof. Klost'i Dumb Bell In ttructor, and Prof. Schreber't Pangymnatukon. BY DID LEWIS, JJ. D., Proprietor of the Essex Street Gymnasium, Boston. With Three Hundred Ilmtration. One Vol. 12m PRICE $1.00 No recent Macazine-paper has excited more genera', interest than the article in the August Atlantic, on 'The New Gymnastics.'' The present work is a com plete exposition of the system of which that article gave a tyuopslft,. The author of this work has been for many yeari en gaged in teaching Gymnastics. The book describes, and illustrates his New System of Physical Training. This sjsiem has had the prictical test of long and varied use. It comprise exerc ses with Dumb Bells, Rings Wands, Clubs, etc., all of which are made periectlv clear by full explanations, while many are illut-trated by pictorial representations of the position of the body required to perform them. The Dumb Bell Instructor, connected with this work, is or the highest interest and Importance. It is de signed fr home use, and gives a great variety of Dumb Bell Exercises, together with a carefully-selected pro jressive series for every-dy practice. The Pangytunastikon is a very simple, nserul. and cheap piece of gymnastic apparatus, upon which all gymnastic exe'eises maybe performed, and which cat be introduced, at small cost, into ny private house. It is fully described and illustrated in this volume. The "-New Gymnastics- shoe Id be read In every fam ily in the land where exercise is valued as a meaus of health. Ladies, especially, will find in it a great va riety of Easy, Simple, and Invigorating Exercises, all of which may be practised In the r own homes. 53Fer tale by all booksellers, or tent pott p at d te any addxeas, oa receipt of Oue D llar, by the publisher, 133 Washington Street. Bottom LEWIS WALDTER, HOUSE. SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL GLAIZER AND PAPER HANGER. WtOWXVILLE. T Mm 't GET THE BEST, COItNELIS GEOGRAPHIES Surpass all cihers lefort ihe Public 1st. In philosophical arrangement. 21. In the gradual progress of their steps, 3d. In presenting one thing at a time. 4th. In the adaptation of each part to it inten ded grnde of scholarship. ' 6m. In the admirable mod they prescribe for memorising the contents of a map. 6th. In tceir explanation and directions for des cribiu the natara.1 division of the earth. 7lb. ia their juJioixi se'ectious of tavts. 8th. In the appropriate and instructive character of thtir illustration. . 9th. In consistency between mups and tJit. ' 10th. In the introduction into the maps of each places only as lire mentioned in the hook. 11th. in the clear representation cf every fact, and theanaljtic1 preci.inn with which each branch of the sutjwot ii kept di'tinct. 12th.' In being a-t once practical, systematic, and cotujJete, philosophical in arrangement, and pro jresuive in devchipiuout of the subject. CORNELL'S GEOGRAPHIES Aro officially recomtnendod for the use uf lbs Pub lic !hools of ebraka Territory. Cornell's Geographies are officially I commended for the use of the Public Sohools of tha State of Kansas. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the use of the Public tfchooU of the State 1 Vermont. Cornell's Geograi hies are of5cialIy recommended for the ase of the Public Schools of lie State of Ohio. Cornell's Oeoeraph ies are officially rftcommended for the use of the Public Schools of the State of Indiana. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the use of the Public Schools of the State of New Hampshire. . Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the use of the public schools in the Stare of Cal- Hortjia. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the use of public schools, in the State of Wis consin. Cornell's Geornphies are used in public schools of the City of New York. CornrTi's Geographies ar usad in public schools of the City of Brooklyn. Cornell's Geographies aro' osed in public Schools of th City of Albuny. Cornell's Neographies are use ! in public schools of the City of Troy. Cornell's Geographic? are used in public schools of the City of Syracuse. Cornell's Geographies are uicd in public schools of the City of Auburn. Cornells Geographies are used in public schools of the City of Rochester. Cornell's Geographies aro used in public schools of the city of Philadelphia. Cornell's Geographies are used in public Schools of the City of Pittsburg. Cornell's Geographies aro used in public schools of the City of ilobile. Cornell's Geographies are used in publio schools of the City of VVilmington. Cornell's Goographic aro used in public schools of the eity os Washington Cornell's Geographies ara nsed in public schools of the City of Detroit. Cornell's Geographies are used in publio schools cf the City of Columbus. Cornell's Geographies are used in publio schools of the City of Hartford. Cornell's Geographies aro used ia public schools of the City of ew Haven. Cornell's Geographies are in general use in all parts of the Uu:ted States. Cornell's Geographies are printed on the best pa per, are the bis; bound, :tnd too best illustrated of any School Geography extant. COK-VLLL'S F1KST STEPS IS GELHiRA aIIT. Intended to precede Cornell's Geographical Series, and to introduce the little pupil pleasantly and prof itably to the rudimentsol' Geography. One beauti ful volnme, ehild's quarto, with numerous map3 and illustration, 72 pages. Price, 25 cents. Tfic 8&R1F.3 consists or I. PRIMARY GEOGRAPHY. Small 4to. SS PP. 12 Maps. Beautifully illustrated. Price, 50 cents. II. GRAMMAS-SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY. Large 4to, with uutnerous Maps and Illustration. 108 pp. It includos Physical and Descriptive Geography. Price, 90 cent. (The Gramtnar Sehool Geography may either follow the Inter inedintc, or be used instead of it. The chief tUfTe.-cTK'e between the In.ermcdiate and Gram mar School is, that, the latter, though no more elevated in style, is fuller in detail, presents a greater variety of innp questions, and a larger number of localities to be memorized.) III. HIGH-SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY AND ATLAS. Geograyby, large 12;no. 405 pp. liichly Illus trated. It includes Descriptive, Physical, and Mathematical Geography. Price, 75 cents. Atlas, very large 4to. Containing a complete set of Maps for study ; also, a sot tf Inference Maps for family use. Price, $1. A cooy of either part of the Ser cs, for exam ination, will be sent by mail, post-paid, to any Teach er or School Officer remitting one-hnlf its price. D. A1TLETOX A CO., New York. UUT PUHUS'ISI.) Cornell's Cards for the Study and Practice of Map Drawing. Designed to aecompnny any Geography, but csjecially adapted to the enle of Cornell V Gr:iiu-mar-School Slops. Price per set of 12 Curd., 50 cts. ALSO, Cornell's Series of Outline Maps, of which a Des criptive Circular will be sent upon application. January 16, lSfi. n2'.l-lf; THE RURAL AMERICAN. A CONCORD GRAPE TINE FREE TO EVERY SUBSCRIBER. I am now issuing a new series of that popular .scri cultural and Horticultural paper, the Rural American, iu L'tica. X. V. It will he published on the Island 15. n of each mouth, in g od stie Ur:?e size at one dollar a year, or only icventj-five cent iu clubs. A FIFIY CENT CONCORD GRAPE VINE will be sent fie to every subscriber in a club of four ir m irj ; and two vines, free of all cost to those who pay one dellir. The Rural American Is devoted exclusively to rural sutjecis, and is one of the best p.ipers Fanners, Stock raisers, Fruit-grower. Gardeners, Bee keeers, &C. in the Coiled States. Ian well known itir.xich.'itit the entire cuuntry, as the former editor of the Northern Farmer, and ibeauthorof the '"American Bee-Keeper's Manual," and ' Domestic Poultry li.iok." I hjve spent a life in rural pursuits, and now a:n a practical farmer and fruit-grower. 1 have 20.0(0 Concord Grape Vines to distribute free. This is decidedly the best grape in this country It ripens in all climates, and yields double the quantity of frnitof any utuer variety. Vuiea four years old will generally produce a busheldl grapes, worth $5 iu any market. LOCAL AGENTS WANTED. I want local agents in every state and every town Premiums and commissions are extremely liberal Send for sample copies immediately, which are free to all. Addrea T. B. M IN EH, Clinton. Oneida Connty. K T, THE HAKP OF FKKFDOM. Now ready, a new and superior collection of 21 Anti-Slavery, Patriotic, and "Contraband" songs solos, duet, quartets, and choruses. Moet of the Poetry and Musio has been written expressly for this worm., to correspond with the times, and fbouid be sung by the million, in order to awaken jv deep interest in behalf of the ''Contrabands," whom God, in his providence, has cast upon the xreo North to clothe and educate. CONTENTS, IN PART. "Ffcir Freedom's Morn has dawned at last:" "Break the Chains, o"- "aneipating Sword ;" "Fremont is Marching on, or. Glory Hallelujah;" Oh 1 Help the 'Contrabands';" "Old John Brown's Song "Song of the 'Contrabands';" "O Let ray People Go :" "Parody on the Song of the 'Contra bands';' "Where Liberty Dwells is asy country ;" "When Slavery dies there'll be Freedom;" fcWke, Freemen. God has spoken;" "Whittier's suppressed Song of Freedom," etc. Pries , onlj & cents single, 50 tents per doien, $3 per 109 ; poctsp 1 eent. HORACE WATERS, Publisher. n4l-ly 481 Broadway, New York. SABBATH SCHOOL BCLL X). 2. 75,000 Copies Sold the Fii.t 12 Months of its Publication. It isan entire New Work, of nearly 200 pages. Many of the Tunes and Hymus were written ex pressly for this volume. It will soon be as popular as its predecessor, (Bel! No. 1 ) wLich has run up to the enormous number of 575,000 copies in 35 months, outstripping any Sunday School Book of ils size is sued in this country. Also, both volumes arc bound in one to accommodate schools wishing them in that form. Prices of Bell No. 2, paper covers, 15 cents, $12 per 100. ound,25 cents. $18 per 100. Cioth bound embossed gilt, 30 cents. $32 per 100. Boll NV 1, paper covers, 12 cents. $10 per 100. Bound 20 cents, $18 per 100. Cloth bound embosned gilt, 25 cents, $20 per 100. Bells Nos. 1 and 2 bound to gether 40 cents, 30 per hundred. 25 copies fur nished at the 1U0 Cloth ouod embossed gilt, 50 cents, $40 per 100. Mail postage free at the retail vice. HORACE WATERS. Publisher, n41-ly No.4Sl Broadway, New York. flyer's Ague Cure. TO THE PEOPLE OF In th month of December, 1S53. the undersigned for the first time f!red for sale to the piibiic PR. J.BO- VKI DOUS' 1XPEKIAL WINE BITTEUS and in thlr short period they have given such universal satisfac tion tot-he many thousands of persons who have tried them tbat it ia now an established article. The amount of bodiiy and mental misery arising simplv from a ne glect of smalt complaint is surprising, and it ia there. fore of the utmost impirtauce tBdt a strict attention to the least and most trifling bodily aliments should be had; for disease of the body must invariably affect tke mind. Toe subserlrernw only ak a t-ial of DR. J. BOVEE DODS'S Imperial Wine Bitters from all who have not used them. We challenge the world to produce their equal. These Bitters for the cure of Weak Stocnchs, Gen eral Debiiity, and for Purifying and Enriching the Blood, are absolutely uu.'u.-ai.ed by any other reme dy on earth. To be assured of this, it is oniy neces essaiy to make tbe trial. Tt:e wine is of a very supe rior quality being about one-third struiiger than oth er wines, warming and invigorating tne whole system 'rom the head to tbe feet. As there bitters are tome ai d alterative in their character, so they strenjtbeu aud invigorate tt?e hole system and give a fine tone and healthy action to all iu parts,, by equal:xin tbe circulation, reniuvin the obstructions and producing a general warmth. They are excellent for diseases aud weakuess peculiar to Females, where a tonic is requir ed to strengthen and brace the system. JCo l.dy who is subject to latitude and faintness, should be without them, as they are revivifying in tl,ei"v-ju:tion. THESF B17 iRS Will not only Cure but Prevent Disease. and in this respect are doubly valuable te the person woo may use mem ror INSIP1ENT CONSUMPTION weak Lungs, indigestion, Dyspepsia, diseases of the Nervous system. Paralysis, Piles, and for all cases requiring a rouic. DR. DODD'S Celebrated Wine Hitters TJnsurpns0ocl. or a.'ie Throat so comuiuii u.uii the Clergy they are truly invaluable. For the aged and inflrm, and for persons of weak constitutions , For minister of the gospel, lawver and all public sp:iekcrs for book-kpr tailors seatuatresses. atud-ntsrar artists, and all persons lea ding a sedentary life, tl.ey wpl prove beneficial. As a beverage; they are whoie-i-me, innocent, ami delicious to the taste. They produce all tt e exhierat ins eiTectsof brandy or wine, without intoxicating i: I are a valuable remedy for rersons adicted to tr.e use of exessive strong drink, ani who wish to Terrain froru it. They aie pure and entirely tree from the poisi.ns cou eiined in theadulterated wines and brandies with which the Country is floodfd. The.-e bitters noto n!y CURE but prevent disease, and should be usel by all who live In a count ry where the water is bad, or where chills and fever are prevalent. Being entirely innocent and harmless they may be giv. en freely U children and infants with impunity. Physicians and Clergymen, and temperance advuC3tes as an act vf humanity, should assist iu spreading these valuable bitters over the land, aud threby essentially banish drunkenness and disease. In all afleetlons of the IIcad.SlcR Headache, or A' ervaousllcad ache, Dr. Dod's Imperial Wine Hitters W ill be found to be most Salntarn and Effieacious. FE3IALES. The many cirtifirates which have been tendered ns and tbe letters whi' h we daily receive, arecnnclinive prui.f tbat amonjr the women these Bitter have given a satisfaction which no others have ever done before. Ko woman in the land should be without them, and tlioFe who once use them, will not fail to keep a fail supply. DR J Bovee Dod's IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, Arc prepared by an eminent and. skillful physician, wh has used them successfully in his praciice for the las twenty five years. The proprietor before p'tr jJm.-in the exjinsive right to mjnufaeture and sell Dr. Bove DodV Ceiebraieg Imperf-ir Wine Fit ers, hadttheni test ed by two distinguished medical practitioners, who pro uoiiii ed them a valuable jnd safe remedy for dssease. Although the medical men of this country, as a gen eral thing, disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet we do not believe that a respectable Physician can be found in thel'niied States, acquainted with their medical properties, who will not highly approve Dr. Dod's IM PERIAL WINK B1TTKRS In all newly settled places, where there is always a large qnautity ofdeaying timber; from which a poi sonous miasm t is created, thee witters shuold be nsed every morning bofore break cast. DR. J. IIOVIX DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are compo- sd of a pare and nnadulterated wine, com bined with Barberry, Solomon's Seal, Comfrev, Wild Chcry Bark, Spifcnard Camomile Flowers, and Gentian. They are manufactured by Dr. Dop himsel", who Is an experienced and successful physician, and hence should not be classed among the quack nostrums which flood the country, and against which the medical profession so justly These truly valuable Bitters have been so thoroughly tested by all classes of community, for almost every vri ety or disease incident to human system, that they are now deemed ipdispetuahle as a Tonic, Medicines and a Beverage. Purchase one Bottle It Cost but Little! Purify the mood. Give Tone to the Sto mach -Henovase the Sys and Prolong Life. Price $100 per Bottle, 6 Bcttle3 for $5 CO Prepared and ootd by CHARLES W7IDDIFIELD & CO., SOLE PR0PIIIET03 73 William Street, New York. For sale by druggists and grocers generally through out thecouutiy Oct. 17. lSbL CHOICE LIQUOEST- Wholesale and Retail. ifivan Worthing, OF THE Ok S 'BROWXVILLE. Has just received a choice lot nf tha ht .rn.- l iquors, which he will sell by the Barrel, Gallon uit or Mufrie urius. ine roi lowing is a partial liat: BRANDIES: French, Cognac, Apple, Raspberry, Peach. Cherry, ' I3Iackberry. WHIES: Port. Hungarian, Sherry, Malaga, ' Medara, Champagne.' WHISKIES : Bourbon, - Rye, Scotch, Irish, Manongahala, Anda variety of common articles. BILLIARD SALOON AND Ten Pin Alley. WniTAXI-S BLGCIi Main Street, Brownville. Xovmber 14, 188. nl9-tf NEW MUSIC. "Shall we Know Each Other There?" Song or Duet and Chorus, by Rev. Mr. Lowrr. author nf "Sabbath Bells GLime on." This son is eood. i nee a cents, mailed tree. A pianist in attend ance to try new music. HORACE WATERS, n ly Xo. 481 Broadway, Publisher. ISrvtrti Scenes. 100 of the most severe BATTLE SiCFXFSl incidents of the War. now readv. size 18t.J0 imh highly colored.on fine heavy paper. Sent posi-paid, 20 for $1,00,0 $4 per ICO. To ssrenUaaJ the trad no be'ter opportunity was ever offered. Address ft EXRY B. ANSOX,Priat Publisher, dre, f9 State Street, Vostoa. Mass. ..... w ETA SECESSTTIN EVERT EOCSnOU?' J0IINS k CROSLEY'S ' American Cement Glue TTTK STH0XGE3T GLCB IN TOU WORLD. TIIKt GLC IN Til K WOULD THK.MOST TCRABLK GLCK IN TUB WOILO TIIH ONLT RKLI AHLK GLCg IX TH1 tOttl : THI BEST GLCK IN' TEB WORLD. j AMERICAN CEMENT GLUE Is the only article r.f the kind ever produced whi V!LL WITKSTAKD WATER- IT U1LI. .MLNDUOOD - Ssre your bj..k(n Knrriture IT WILL MEND LEATHER : Men 1 y. ur Ilarnoss. Strns, BeWs. Boots la IT WILL ME.ND GLASS - Sve th.. ociee of that exrTjive t'nt 6-;a.n BotU. IT WILL MEND IVORY Don't thruw away that broken Irory Fan it is eas ily reriieel. " . i IT WILL MEND CHINA Tour broken China Copiand Saacorscao ketacie s pco-l a. nw. , IT WILL MEND MARBLE That pLvekni.cked out cf your Marble Mantle saa be put on as strong as ever .-. TT VTT T itrvn i.t.t . t V ' u,jj 1 UULt.L;ilii No matter if that brokcu Fit-hir d d CoKt but shiliirsr a shilling sated isashiliineamed. IT W ILL MEND ALABASTER That Cosly Alaba-iter Tuo ij bn , kn andyoucaa'l match itincuditit wiii never show when putte .'ctLier. Itv7iU Mend bone, Coral. Lava, and in fact everything trt Metals, Any article (Vmented wall AM tllll'AN CLJ1NT OLl'K will not show where is i mended T1 ESTriACTfl tvery IKm -eaeepersl:oyU save a of JmOes A ( rt.sley Aniericna Cement Glue." A ' Timet. "his so convenient to have in tho house." .V T Erprw. - . .Ii. i id tuts ready; this commend it totyxsuoJ- nilepiiiitntt. l "We h ave tried it and find it as nrf;il ia onr hne a? water." li'iil-e' Spirit nfthe 7,m. Economy ib "VVovltli . SlU.UUO per year saved iu every laiuil by One Bottle'cf A JYlFRTf A N rcMjrrjT r.TTir iwuviiUVinil UblllLlI A UI.UU Price 25 Cent3 per Ikiule. Trice 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 2o Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 2o Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cent3 per Bottle. Tcry Liberal Reduction to Whole sale HuyerK. TKIllS CASH. J"Fcr S?.ls by all DrugU aai Storeksaper Ihroithout the country. JOHNS & CROSLEY. ( Sole Manufacturers. ) 7S W1LLL1.M STREET Corner of Liberty Streat. rV'CIV TOUIL. Impoiiantto CTouie Owncri. Iiilortaut to Iluilderl. ' Important to Itailltoad Compa nies. Important to Farmers. To all whom this may concern, and it concerns everybody. JOHNS & CROSLEY'S IMPROVED GUTTA PEHCIIA CEMENT ROOFING, The Cheapest and moss durable RoofjDf in use. IT IS FIRE AND WATER PSOOF Itcan boappliedto new and old Roofs of all kinds stee p oifht and to Shingle rcu fs without retnoviar the Shir'e. The Cost laonly nhont One.Thlrd that ofTln.AXD IT IS TWICE AS DtRAIILC. This article been thoroczhly tested ia New York City and all psuts t,f tbe United Slat. Cana da West Indies nnd Central and ..uth America a buildings vf all k'n Is su -h as Factories Foucderief Churches ItailR..:d Depots" Cars and on Publie Building genendiy Government Huildinpi Ac. by the priiietpl.T HoilJers arehctccts anp ethora during the oast four yean and pn.vid '-obethe CHEaK EST and MUST DL'RaBLE KOOKI.NOin use itii ia every respect A pike watfr wbata? and Tim pr.ooFcoverinir for Ror,r.s ok all Rivrs. JVii'a ia 'As OXLYmi'etinl maxufanrt4 i t ChUkI St ar which comlines the vety dta'rable properties of ElattUit,j and Durability which are universally acknowledged t" be n h4P4vPQ DT ill I'F TA PLiUCIlA AND INDIA RUB- No Keat i3 Required in Makling Application The ex"vne of applying it is ss an ordinary Roof can be covered nd finixhc 1 e ium day. It can lie applied hy any one, and when finished forms a prrjniy riaa I'Roor tur tle with an elcstic body which ofTnot be injured by Ukat Cold or TORl. Shm.nkinq of liour Boakd.s nor any cx'ern;ii .-icriori whatever. GUTTA rEKCHA CEMENT. For Coating Metali of all Kinds when exposed to the Action of the Weather, and For Preserving and llcpairin; rtlttal IS oofs OK ALL KINDS. This isms ONLY Co.MroSITIOF kkow r-ic vill nci-'fi:lly rrit estrr-me choiKft f all climate for ain Iriigtk r.f time tr'icii njJini t me'a'i to which it adheres firmly foriti.-.g h Lo!y equal to three coats of o:d' n;irv lint cots mtn-h les, anl will LAST TIIRER TI.lKS AS Lo:fV; ai.-t fr..tu its elasticity is not injiirt-d bv the ennfrnvti-.n and upmrioa of TIN nnd other METAL HOOFS consequent npoa sudicn rl:nn2s ( f the wcaJicr. If riUnot CRACK !SCOLlM)R RL'.V IV WARU WEATHER AM) WILL .NOT WAsIl OFF. Leaky tin nnd other metal roofs can be readily repa;red with Gutta t'erchu Cement, and prevented from further corrosion and baking, there by emor ing a perfectly water-tiht roof for m.iny yenrs. This cement is K.'!y adapted lor the pieser vaticnof Iron railing, Stoves, Safes, Aricnltural Implements. Ae.,al for general mnnu3-tTr-rs ni GUTTA PERCH A CEMENT For preservini; and rerairin? Tin and nthrr m.t. al T'M-fa of every description, from its great elastici ty. is')t injured bv the on. nation sr.d ai of metals, and trill not erurl in ni l ... .' To -so mafcrials aro adapted all climalts. ar4 we are prepnred to supn'v orders from anv rart f,f the country, at short notice, frr tiatta Hercha roof ing in rolls, ready rrcpared for e. and (iutt Ir. cha Cement in Urrels, with full printed direatlona iiouj lor application. Agonts Wrtntod. We mill muke liberal and satin.'setorv imn r menf with repunsib!o parties who would like Wa estaMih themselves in a lucrarive and penaaacnt business. OUR TERMS ARE CASH. We can eive abundant r.rcof of all is lavor 01 our improvca Kofjfinx M iterm.Ii h n ap- plied them to several thousand Roofs ia sew Y City and vicin.ty. JOII.S & cnosi.EY 80LK MANTFACTrKEK3, IVhrJfJtnln IVarehnutr 75 IVilt . - , 1 ' . 11 4JifCV Corner of Liberty stroet, NETW Y02K, ran descriptive Circulars acd Trices will be fur nished on application. .-iv.7, 1861. Iy A CAUIs TO YOUNG I.ADIHS AM) Tbe subscriber will send ( free of ehare. to alT.' wbod-sire it. the Eeeipe and directions for making a simple Vegetable Bairn, tbat w II, in fr&n two ta" eight dnys.remove PmrLrLLOTirHESjTAir.FaECi- Lis. SiLLOwxe??, and all tapurities and rocghness of tbe Skia, leaving the same as Xa tare intended U shotld be oftftlear,mooth aud beautiful. Tb"4 desiring the R;ctpe,with full instructions, direction and advice, will please call oa or address (with re- tnrn postage.) TBOMAS f. CUAPMAN.Praiti-aT Chticist. 831.i:r.adiay,New York. nl1-2m. May 22, 15.12. SUGAK CANE MILLS A5D EVAPORATORS llavint; teen apiinte aeat far the Zac'eWwrk S'litar Cane Mill aa-1 Evaporators. Chxac, I'.l.. I aa repared to fill order at itie naoufiturer'a prKea. Prases nfXU Is. fnna $40 to $3CO. lvaporaiora rto 0t5. H VV.TURXASk - Urn at, VHS n-. Vwmmnus