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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1863)
i "i i. ' " i i L? . , " . - The Economy of Using ) FRANKLIN ; Family Sewing Uacliine." ftixt rrilnea make the celebrated GROTLH t BAKER STiTCII whichba taken tbe tidiest premi um at tie Ulitwia Stale Fair, In September last, at ih Sailed States Pair la St Lou.s. lu lttJ. and the crindpie 8;ate Fair throughout ti.e country. ; . Camueif.t Judf fare decision in favor of thi Hitth. ..a icciint or Us reat streualh and adap'atiou W all kioda of family and t.iar.tiract.iilii.iriirpr. The Mtvwimt Table -will eh.wtbe ujneteiue in favor f Sewin Machines over theuld uieli"J r stitching L; hand. In lie working of: these Machines there i nly a great saving- of labor and ime bfude adding greatly te the bealtbfulnessof ibeeioph.rii.n , tot the thcb lunch tronre', ni"re elastic, and liable to rip "ravel Utaa Ui atucfa made wna ahu.tles ana kobbiua. ' i ' I . Time conanraed In making i Ey Machine. By Hand .i .iiiM i;ruiuu. Ttuura. niin.illour. Mi 10 min 15 S5 cd Ladies' Uariaeuls. !IIure. 9- Ik liroas. ,11 Mnslin Shirt, KeniiO Pre, Chemise, Calico Drea, Korean Skirt, i-bt Dress, Drawera, -Silk A proa. Plain jkpfcn,' Tima consnmed t maklnc I By Machine u Oaotleinen't Garments Hours. Mm 10 10 fi 10 10 10 Min. IS 6 " 10 10 ' ts . to I By Hand. 'Honrs, kiln. Gentleman's btrts. Ttt Coal, tawn Veal, LumiTtit, ' Ciuik Pants. Samatar PanU, 15 40' . lSj a?' 40 IS 1 S'J 2 10 15 15 'SO ' The Franklin Family'. SEWING MAC) ! INK. as one advantage which u wi.rtry r ! 1 aodjUuU to ttie i'fculiar ciisr- ! , f.r r..- Ibat if iti adaptation to eMLer m :. work.. Tte Machine which at -f i;; rar .vosr delicate. rjra. l. i aenta after can be hrccfthi tub- Uy oacottoadea Andtceis i.". . - Ha adaptitien for FAMIL)' ' ' ' -; ale. and gves It a inpiri.-... j ui-" .c. ajachir.e iu the M a; set. la order that the.e itactiinea may he placed In the aaodt f air elas. w hav rr !.T.l the price of our FRASKL1S FAMILY MA Till XZ TO EORir DOLLARS.' From e Inert . . t our buaineat for tte lat year, and the entire n nr MieMnea arc firing thrushunt the I't.iM-l s .; - 1 K 'tiean Canntriea, we are 11 ii::pvtiiuii;t:iMc iuiiia: Ion U aurt wea PEU FKVV. W -I VE, : a LIAULE AXD CHEAP MALMS E i.-.n rtuly appretUi.-n X the puMiC Thi P Ut y ' !.. ttmbansM. t' t Leretof re no Mac!.;r.c i i at!.-od to ieaTethe fflce that we cannot fu"? rTiTit Itivvff repprt l'e ahall keep on hiul t all (miu's a h i tMai asou anent of Sewiiig MacVitio nt-t .-: ini- Kaedlee ft lr tnv!.:u ;-'r 'if "r!'C 1 by-Una I cr Bxprs.Fice litlt Rtfud-' ..-. i. .' Per"iis in the cuntiy lv f-(-i-iin.- n tl:ir -i 're icni'i'ig a letter 8twp. cut !imc f... u-arJ"l t rc'uiti iiif.ite M (kurci' r--!il.i-ilnv I ho iim'.-i t-ii' ty W -nf f jiailiii.c !:t '.f r' !-- ' '' c i ..i k. ' " iii-tt--i j' Atre?-!s f.r H.c '..t ;i :?f.i K RiCli Altiv.-, .it if L. C'Mivll 4 Co. , C K Vl Ir-W AI.L JN w. TtPlMN" formerly Afi't for .he Gr.iver k ker Scm i' f Mo 'lilie. ; J.uaarjSib'lsOa ' tr.6-t!' "'gTie AT JiuuWMlTN'i , IN EAGLE1 W0ESS MSl-Uj,UUl'Oiviim-. ouriit. . s Vr-:' '--T-" J f-:-- t-;- -I- mi-..:- ,; --, i i -..7'i,if1 k f. i 't - . xrr-s. L VW-'iI -i:. ri' I ...9 n I . I r i-jr it. . i r - n: - .-t T "S. :' - : - , . v at. .-' - s - - . - - vis. y . . , iklpprT ;:--,; s Villi h u;'-;tM.Vt:.-;ri.I.- aS -'r'.'-. i'i I--t-,."i .-,:'" f ii i '' :;Jlt . , ...... .A-;;J X H m : 1 1-V, j W Ma4 li per) j i i' li-td on v Uii- , , . ... . , .,. .. , : acil- , ,' r:;.i;.ia. ' - ' - tVa- ""v cr j iv -r---- ?; i ,(.: r't - DO: WA3IT n o PURE TT Tin UR U I JO. V: no A, ir d r. r I ilEBTCIHES? TO TEEr PEOPLE OP . a ?r. - IF SO, GO TO TUB CITY D RUG STORR P. O. BUILDINGS, t; j 1 A IT D JOHN H-.-MAUN, Will sell whatere you desire. Tou may rest assured . it i . I 1 COUNSEL'S -'clEOGJlPinES . Surpass all others -tefore iht Pullic i r 'va.y. -t " 1st. In rtwloJopliicl Brrrmgernent, j i2J. In the gradual prpgres of their itcps, ! 3i. In presenting oce.ihj'rg,at a tima. j 4rli:ln;the adptatjyp vf eacjijart t? in itien' ded grsdeof echolars'hip 1 i 5th. In the ad mi rW. mode; they, prcscriba for meraorixiri(? the content ota man. ;L.k -. .t.I" ! (Jth In taeir explanation and directions for dss cribiagthe natural divisions of. the earth. . 7th.. In their judioioaA ao'jections of factJ,; . , 8th. Jn the appropriate and instructive character nf ttit-ir illustration. -- . ,; . ' - 'i " 8th. Iuni3t-ncy between mipi find text. - , ; 10th." In the introduction into th maps of iuoh places only a are moutionod in the book.- - ; llth. Jn the clear reprcsentatiorf erery fact, and tha analytical precision with which each branch of thi subject ia itept distinct. . . -1 12th. lubein at.onoe practical, FjstcmatiOj and complete, philosophical in arrangement,; and pra-gfCK-dve iu detrelcpmeut of the subject. 'CORNELL'S : GEOGUArillE'S , ,. i :.. . -' . . i i . ' ' " - Are officially recmnjendei for th nsa of the Fab lio SchoU of Nebraska Territory.i '. Cornell' OoogTaphies are officially itcorflmended for th use of ttro Public Schools if thd-titate of K&nsiaa. ' ' " ' (Jornelld Geographies -nre .fiieially recommended for the use of the Public Schools of the State of Vermoiit " ' . ' " k ; (Jcnu-ll's Geographic are officially recommended for the use of th Public Schoola of the State of . Cornell' Geographies are i filiially recommended for tha nso of the l'ublic School of the Slate of Indian. ' ' ' i '."' , Cornell Geojjij hie? are f.ffielalljr recommended for the ue of the Public School of the rltate of New Hampshire. . - " - . Cornell' Ue raj'hies are officially roromm'-ndi'd for the use of the public fthools in the State of Cal ifornia. ' . . i . :.'. 'crueli' fieog-mjihi.s are ofnuially rrcornmend-d for the uij of public schools, in tha State of Wisconsin. ' CfrnrtlV Orographies are uwl in public schools j of the Ciy f ; Ni-.f Vvrk, : : ' - T' . ' .' Corn-ir iietK-irnj bij-s ar ustd in public .h'jols I of tht Ciry of I'r.-.'tilvi).-r ': ! t;.'j;riijjie. ara used m vaUi.'J scLro!.- I w v'n.'ib.e reMttiy p-m.u r t'v'. itv.,l Ali..niv. ! xo-!ve slr..nir iji i.ik an.i M v In the month of December.- 1553. the nndersizned for the firt fiiie wfTpieiJ .or u!e to nnfobe VR. JllSO VK DODb' 1MPKRIAU WINE BITf KHS. -and i tUa abort pent d tLey have nire u cnirersal satisfac tiuti to the fliiny thotiaa! of persons who have tried them that it I no- an estabtUhed article.' The amount lot brinyand rueita p!i-er,y axtflnc aiop'y -frff- hm gleet of t-n)Ali conipUmls li-auriixiMnvt. nd it U ludi e. fore of. the ntmoJiMmprtance that a strict attetuiun to tha least andpiost trilling bodily ai!nient should te had; for of the biy must invarlatiy aS'eci tke mi'ud. " The '"tbse'rirera now only ask a trial of ; '. ' i ; ;' DR:' J; BOVEE DODS;St ; ; '' Imperial.. "Wins . BittoW, :- from all rbo have noi n?ed theia. We challenge the world to produce their eq'ia 1. ..... ; ... . . v Thee Bitters for the cure of Weak Stomachs, Gen eral. Debility, and for. Piti LfyUig and Enriching, tbe Blood, are ab-oUitely un50rpaied by any o'iier renie dy or. earth. To be assured vf thif it i only nece eary to make the trial. The wine it of a Tory snpe rbr jnality beins abont, one-third. atroiiger than. oth er wine?, watniitiir and invigorating the whele yteiu from the bead to the feet. As these bittern are tonic and alterative iu their character, o they strergiben and invigorate- the whole ?ytei and, cive a fine to ue ami healthy action to a. I its parts, by enualiziu? the circulation removing the obstructions and pnxtneing a general warmth. They are excel lent for dit-ea and weakness i etutiar to Females, where a tonu i reiir- ed to strengthen nd brace the dyrtetu. Xo lacy whw it Butuect .to latitude and, siiould bo wr.hout theui as they ar reviviryins in their action. . JIJKSF.JJITTERS. Will not only. Cure but Prevent and in this respect are doubly valuable to the person who liifjr use tbem for INblRlENT CONSMMPTIUN wear. Lnr.grs. indieeftion, Dyspepsia. dlsesec of the Xervotis- hy?tera. Paralysis, Piles, and for all ce requiring a Tome DR. DODD'S Cclebrati'd. ITIne VAUpt . m TJiiournsoi. For S.-re Throat so cotuuioii in a me Cieigy they are trnlv invaluable. For ibe aged and inflrui. and for persons rf weak oontitut.ion Fi r ministers ot tho goH, lawyer And ail r.tiblic Ml'kTS -l-.r b..ok-k .r-Ti tailors sewtree", sr txV ins tr- a4ktct- and all pwauoa tea di. p a d".itary life. ?) wL'l prove l.'i.eAciai.' 1 A a b?ve-ao; tj.ey ai e 'wlole-onsc. innocent, and dc:ici- s to the taste.- Th ptittce all tse exhiprat Frrt'.f braifin.r wiuo. m'-inira'tn;. and f TV', STTtOSTiKSTC r . i 1 Tn j: y t ST DU KA B t c -Mn rr V- ' : AMERICAN CT Is the only arti-: r.f the kir,i 1 "i, ir ill mend v.- li ; iTr.WIliMEsb'irl lend your Harass. rntr;4 p.J'Q ; , IT.YIbh ME5b""rife: tho pcicpa of that" - v,:-. t ' ' 5 -IT-WILL Mrvh' o' Don't throw away that brk(.:i T..? ! Pare i!vrij.i,i rvH IfT, 1 1 will MEND i Your Lroten Coin ( os.,r i i as i tod nt .-"-HW IT WILL MEND MSl That piece kn. ckeri out t,fMir 1 I De 1 lit i in n , IT WILL MEND IosSi.J No matter if that broken- i'itr ' ' 1 nixing a snH'Bsi.Wi,i, i IT WILL MEXD ALT I That Alabnst.-r Tfc, j br,,.k ' niitch it wend it it will nvi.r . ""'"'a-. lw,r. Itwill-IJeca tcre. Cm, ! and in 'act everytlin lrv " . . i 1 . L any arncio in -lilvd h t :!-' ' ' '.: h n-M-vi- f :,.. R'J i ;K-.JJ UMimlinlin v vcj,. iu .. EMPIRE . shuttle Machine. i v. Patented February 14th, 1SG0 Salcsroom;'J510 -Broadway, . V KEW-YORK. . " This Machine is cor.etrnctcd on an entirely new principle of machinery , poking many rare iind val wable itnproveuicnts. bivir g btn ti imit.e'd by the aao4t profound extmrto. nud ronouiK-ed to be SIM PLIClTVand PKKrECTlUN CO.MIMNEU. " The fo'I.iwing re the piinc'.pal ibjfction? urged J Camst ewttlg .Mtirnine L Excessive fatigue to - the o"irtor. 2. Liability to get out of r order. 1. Esjense, trouble and ' loss of tiuie in repair- v. iag.- ....... 1. Tncafacity to ew every dc.-ciiptiou of materia. 5. ' l)i(jjfreeuble noise Vihilo in operation. The Empire SeiriEg.Madiijif'is Exempt ; ; . ;. ; froin.sll thet.e !)jtc!ions. , , . ; t hai a'atraight rr-elln fperpendicnbr action Makes tha LOCK or SHUTTLE ST1CII. which will KEITUER KIP nor. UAVLL,and i alike on both aides ; performs perfect fcwing on every JoKription f uaaterial, frocuLf-ather to tlie tntst Nansoj k Mnr lja, with ootton, linen or filk thicad,rrcm the o left to the Cnoat enmher." ' ' ....' ; nTicg neither CAM nor COO WHEEL, and the laa least poaaiblo friction, it run a smoothly as jlaai, and U Kmplialically a Noseless Machine ! ; It require twen'y-Cre per cent, less power to drive it than any other Mac hine iu market. A girl f twelve year of age can work it t adily. without fatigne or iajurv to health." ; It strength and WONTERFCL SIMl'I.HMTY -.A mstrution render if '.notii imr-t?ib!- lo'et it ou' -erorder.and i (UAKAXTrEt' ry tJ.c ct'n;ift..-y ly give entire tatisfacton. : ( Weteapectfully invitrfi! tn -.- ?.-. -c.v d- ir.. '. lappTy themselves with n supen-; .-.r k 1'-, t., ai; .i examine thinUXIilYALLEl lA.'A. li : M :. .' 'But in a more fpecial mannrr c.v. t .v.i-.t; '.he tatronage of ' . . - .-. lerchant Tailor,'' . r- r .'-':r-i . Vach Makers, - ' :p-?, lloop-Skirt Masnfactnrerfi, ?iri '.' .t flhirt and Bosom Maker?, Sbo? Bindeia, ' ' Vest and Pantaloon Maker. . i3TRe1igiou tnd Cbr.ritable Iurtitution will be liberally dealt with. . Pric e of Ma cli i n c s ; ( i )7i i pi c t c: " Jfo. I, or Family Harbin"; $4.rT0: No, 2 ca!l iied : Uanafactnring, tO.OO..- 3 Largo siie J lanafacttrring, J76,0J. Cabinet :ia Xfry Y cihr y. ; We .want Agent ir aii t-.-ts ..n , tc United .fstates, where ageccies nr m. air' a.jy ;st!b;i-l,il. i whom a liberal 4ic'-uut wiu givet;,. but wt liake no cfin?igtinen!. . . . . , ;': . T. 'J. cAPvTHUR a Co., . Oia Hi oa.ris.y, .Vctv v.i li'J ...,. .. . a ai rTuRSERY, 13U 1,i-'VvJ'; it . ,; ''7 'V-', I x. GATES' FOETAiaLliSWGliSiiaS; Ko. 1 8 Uorrt IVer, we:h- 3 rm :bs. ?.r.O Ne. 34-it: - , M tyi " Cov . 412 Ilori-e Power, weighs 7 50A lbs. Price X. 6 IS . , ". ., , ' luuoO " 1,300 SVI 5- 5? c ri i! - f -I -.- 1 "I '.-! -y-'. k Wj? 1 .I(S: '(,:; -(.I, if' i-t't ft-" ')J?'---'S,'i-' V . i . 1 'fil l 3 tn - ft f. f.1 H 3 " s a v- fH n nv-i ri r s a s j Vr h in n h i It 1 '? Mil . 7? t. I1 El M ' ' U U U W-M .V ??::! ill -J'". lt? T ' l w ' -. .. J1 .i i .n . .1 3$ :-';'"' i4 .t'-'-''V A,-T.f;;, ' ! o o . "I c I, ''i;:i!':i -.:!' I' i j';..:iOvv.i'"f o C3 O o 3 7 CO 3 : t -t - O .e ric' cr - T "1 a .0 2:r- 0 - c 'ft c 5--. I ' 1 o o " CO I i I! 1 U it. . i..t. t. s.. ia i '. k. cr I' 7 ' i'i 'I, 4 v.i-. r i.. A . r. . i it'.-. . I-...J.kEte w .t-t- X St.-. r: (,(.:' I rt,- 5-' o -"3. -re It 0 ri - 0 A -z a-' 0 hi U'lliL.l.ll.ll.Mll,!,!! : y E. H. BUHCHES, - . '. : rRornhrroii. ' I have hn ainre ben ci ivinced oj the Want of a rt claaa Nurtry In the M'et, ljere iTREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, 'ir.. . ''. , . Can le ?apted toonrrlimate and noil. In view of lthee facta, 1 have established tu thra place, and fTer for tale at - ' - - . . . Wholesale or. Retail, A Irc ar.d wall (elected stock, suited to tbi climate.! I'- -' '-..''' . v : . ., -Apple, etaBdard and dwarf ; Pear, standard and dwarf ; ,: tterriea, itaadard audtfwarf; i ; Feahe. - Pluma. v f . .Apricot, ' . t' .' i. . Nectarines, . Quince, Owlen ies.- - - i: Carrenti. lirapea, . ' : r Kaspberriea,' ,". : ; Strawberries, i . liUckberrlea. . Kvergreens, 8hrob. ! iftos, -. '.: 'Z - " i : : Dahlias, Ornamental Trees. ' Creenhmiite nt Bedliiiii Plants.' etc. 'e. :tn which I would tea leave tea1l ihOttetiU" of the peopieof Nebraska,, Coitralo. 1-wa and North. wed MisajurL .. - " CJ-My terms will be a low as any. reliable eastern vurery- 7 ." - ." .1y porchasirur ef me the expense of transportation xom ttj!eji?LCBn l e. saveL . All tree and pianu are carefully labeled and packed tn the beat manner, f.r which a.i U- pe of the actual com -will fee wsde. No charge vritl be made tor predelivery nS pactast3vnbnard.teatiiboaTa v - 1 - All communicatious addreseJ to the undersigned nil receive prompt attention. ' : T Kirch. iSC'i. E..n. BCECngi. Turniture ! Furnituro ! I rr t iatit croplete stork of Furniture ever tffered la ? tiper Jatt received fcy . iflLL , TU;a, Apl Zt , - ' . " " : .I:,. y'Vj.z'l Vv- GATES'.-PATENT SUGAR CAlxt MILLS , N-r- l is an inwinht thrce-rnl e- mill f.if one i..r-p tfOKlls fi-0 Mti1:ds a-"d'Ciptie of rx- h-ii.iu. oj vaiiuiit .jtacc per :iuur. N "4 f an. npriKht hroe-riier mill; far one "r i nnrpK, wpi-ns M)U tonnls. and capable of rxrpiir!!( 60 to 70 gallol s juice per hour Prke S 0 , No 3 i an upright thrtw-'roller nll. for two tv.'se, weiviiH ah l 0i0 : jj .tin ts, and apab.e - f expre.iu 7d to lyj 'gallot s juice per hour. Prt $55. - No. 4 is aa v.pijlit trw-e-r..llpr mill for two i r ioir h6ie-; wphji 4(K) (hjumI" ai.d is c jh e fit -.rxp i-im ir.ui) ion to 150 pai Irrs jt:i e i;e h .nr. Price $'5 ' N: 6'lV- jf r.nir-horse-p-'Wcr tnl'I. npiisht v. rovers, for icaiii or wtpr io -er. c.ip.itHe of 'tirfin bu ta 0 jalloiH juice per hour. P1'"!? . j1-7 va r j- mr ' V ' i : T'r? t fr-a WytK(' Hhree-rller lrii(m- tal mil'. brk reared f ;F hoi fid pr, te(ipiy er. we'Ch 1 20 pi.iioil's ,l cip:iM .f t-x-piein-' fioni 70 t ICO paiu.flu iif ' jUce per hnr Pi iia-'!(,5, . , ; ,.j j No. 7 ia yn "cf-lit-h irse three roller hurl- 7 n:4l ''inlll'"lark rfjrel fur h.rre or at earn 'wcr,., eichs i?HKt ts'imds. and will ex-i T'-s rrrt 150 16 250 jfalluns per ' hour. r i.'fj.2.- i' T ' . f, . j -Vn(i-i sv,m hfse tbred f'.ilor hori ' mat mill ia k iiea 'fd f r .eam nrwaier wer. m t,fl 1 1 ) iiiniN, . anl '.ireca r 'it 3' "t j oua ail us of juice per hour. .- IN HY; ATES. President, ; CTIICAno, lI.t,?NrOTS, . 1,1 , . ,Ia fent for P. W. OatCS Portable Engine.. .12 vi-parators and Sa.iar ifill?, ,,,'!: X2T Orders lertwKb" - ' i ' ' . a - , ; r EISHER,. &. HACKER, !v) . ; .; BRpWNVi.LLE, NEBRASKA. - KO MILLS "SOLD OJf . . A' '"."'ra 1 in public aro used jn public chooLj From hi lont expeilence in the buainess, he is i r v - .' C.OINfFJDENT. be will give satisfaction to all why may call at his : ESTABLISHMENT. r i He ha,s mew on ""hand, and H censtantly recei ving a Urge supply of all article" uauall kept iu a ID R UG STORE. jonx IT. M.IXIW Brownvllle, May 8 n. r 1S63. v6-n44-tf BIIOW-N-VIDLK -NURSERY. .T TI1K UNDrRSlfiNED IT AT 12 STILT. A yv.w rn iin.m a ili.r. t.i rst UAISK&4X TUlS-ifcWI. AND CL1MATK, , . VLih t.hev oser lh Kail. CHEAP FOR CASH, ' OR . APPROTEl) TUADC, - - THKSK TTIKS AT.K LARfiB.- . tTill commeuce I earitigjna year or two, yet we wil sell th'Ti at StfVOO TEH IILXDULTD, MAUN. FISlIEIt II ACKETl. :Z k . tin: iiAJp or i it i;i:i 11. ow ready; a now and 'fuprior" eotlrtion of 27 Anti-SlaveryPatriottc, .and Contraband" ?ongs. solos, durt., Icjuarteti,' end 9hortte. Moetof the Poetry aitd Mu?ic ha brenTwritten "expref&IyTor tbii" work, to correspond wWHbe titnet, and should bo.8ng by Ihe million, in order to awaken a doep interest in bthalf of the Contrabands' hora (od, in bi providence, has oast upon the Free North to idott,3 andeducate . i . f i i . ' . COXTKNTS, IX PART. "Fi 't Frepdom'a Murn has dtwoM at lntr" "Bieantbe Chaiini, op ni ii.a:in Sword :" Frfm-'fitrii arhil!g ifo; r?f. K i rr V .r.feiuj-th :" ii I He th-j 'ClntfabandaV- Oii .loh'i Brown Song;" f Son? of tlie .C-pra baiid' :" . -Let my ir'ei-py i:"vVJ'ar .riy vn &'' S'.rgi fvtle 'C'ntra ' ." "Vb;re Libort v I i!ls inr Counirv." . J . .. . i nto: u if- i irvii'm , : 1 1 li lf , ve -in. B.i'Jd hi Btiofctn:" Vhitlier s aurtrosacd ni Frci iiom," t tc. i.fcly -5 cent sin 'la, 53 ecnts ter duz?n. S't ;u -T hw i, cut, . ' - J ' t t iMy Price IHT 100 'LOU.VCrT WATERS. PiihlishAri "nll-ly ;v t fl B-..a lwy. N'.-w Y..k. THE READY.. , , ;. lTHort wVolnnTr lrrMnrf; Vorr:C.l s .V'orr.i ; hlO.-! aro u of -the 'OfiV i'f- Tiov'."" '' ' - Corn' H a (Ji.v; of tlio i iiy iSM-.ic'1-f. . . . Ci rifii's licogr i jiiiU'.i .are used in pubSiu sch ! of the OiTf Aiilmrn. : "C-ri;'H'a oogntj.l.iv are ued in public of Ihe t'iiy of ifoi ii.'stcr. , Come I si U-grhi? a to used in public school.' of tbeciiyof PUiUdeip'riia. Cornell (rc graph ies are ujed in public school of tho City of Pittsburg. - CorncliV (Jet 'graphic j aro ucd in j iiblicj schools of the City of Mobile. , ', . Ct-rn l.'ii lleognipliies are public euhool of I be City of Wilmington. .. Corn-U te''ffraj hie- are used in public echool vt the rity os Washington ' CorucU' Ouogiaphie are nscd in public school of the City of bctroit. i . Cornell's ('eograpi.if are used in public schools iof the City of Ciduuthu. - -. Cnriirir (ifogra-, hie are used in public school of the City of Uarttord. . "Cornell (eogra biei are used in public school of the City of New Haven. Cornell' (JcogrHj hi-s are in general use in all jmrtof the UuiU-d fStates. - . Cornell' Ckogrnp'uies are printed on the best pa per, are the best bound, and the best illustrated of any School Geography extant. COKNELL'3 FinST 8TP3 IX GEOGRAAQT. ,-i .. ....... Intended to prcccd" Cornell' Geographical Scrie?, and to introduce the little pupil pb-asanflyand prof itably to the rudiment ol 'Geography. One beauti ful voliMnt'jchild's ijuartit, with numerous map and illustrations, 72 pages. Price, 25 cents. ' ; ' tmk series Consists op ;, I. PnnLlSY"GE3GTiAPIIY. ; Praall 4to. S3 pp." . 'VI Al-ijis. Beautifully illustrated. Price, 50 . . cents. . II. GRAI.I2IAB-SCH30L GE0GSAFIIY. Irge ' 4to, with riutnerfus" .Map' and Illustration. 10S pp.' "It include'4 Physical and J)e-criptire . . Geography. Price, 90, cents. (The Grauimir ' School Ge-igrtyby may either follow the luter , uifd'nte, or be used instead of it. The chief d;ffcrnce betwon the Intermediate and ('ram " rrnr T'chmd ivthat the latter, though no more clevarati in stylo, is fuller iri detail, prescn's a greaN'r vr.ricfy of ni tp 'question, irnd a larger number.tJ' Im-alitie to be tii 'm n. d.) ... III. niGH-S-:300i CEOGSAPHY ?D AILAS. , v Ge. grayby7largi VZ.&k 105 pp. Bi ddy Hiu t rated. , It includes le:riptivc, Pliysteal, and Jlarhematienl'" Geigrapby.' Price, 7j cents. Atlaji, very Lrgi 4to. Containing a complete set of hr$ inr- rtitdy : aNo, -ft set ef licfcrcnce Sps for t'.iTjjily trsr.- -Price. $1. A pf -y vf- eii-Ur part of the .Sec csr-cxam-i nation, wjli be syr.t by ia.tif, )ost-peid, to m:y Teach er or HeLoot t'fTirr ono-haif its price." D. AH,'Li:'ioN. A tO.,Xcw York. . (Jut i:j.i.Ai 't.s i -S ' J Corcell's Curds for the Study and Practice of Map prun ing. Ilesun-.'d .to accvmpny any of-grapeyt iu. especially adapted to toe 4'lid Corueil's Grjtu-uiar-Schotd alaps. Price per set of 12 Card.-, 50 cts. r ' ' - ,-- , :t : ;,. . , Cornell's Scries of Out line Maj. of which a Des criptive Circular will be. sent, upo.j applicat.t n. January lo,iS62. n-'J-'tl .. F li I r i Ti ; Tin M J 1 1 N A .11 E XT A 'la I E I'S 20fl.(0f Apple Trees, 4 years old, $5 per hn -dred '60 per ih.-naand. i - . , 76 000 Standard Pear Trees, 2 to 3 years old, $25 per bandied, $23u per thousand. . . 2o ooo 1 jearold Uitna Orape Vines, $15 perhundred $1( 0 per tlitiiis;iud . , l5o uoo Stanuard Pear Grapes.- $3 per hundred 50 pe- ttioyani; i . I;- .. 1h'!.e Pt-ar firfts a t beinsr bn kv. c::r he. transport ed cheaply," aul, by sfuwins two -ars will nke Kf.'d b i 7 ni li ter. to .Unt, iii u!i orchard. Any ; i i can - r We tbvir in. u-y by iti.wi!! tiicu to mm I. Send lor V.'liwle s tie und Di s'-r p'.tve Caiaio-'iie. '..'..' , ' ' K MOODY'Ai. SON". ' n5I-3m - ' Nia'.'ara HreHs L . (.liroi t. N. T. jiiictcl i" ibe ne t.f li t.i i i-.'r on l .out u. 'CO lI'Mll tl!f I-..U- C and bi iia.'ie- wii I, winuli - , 1 p .i'icil n: ! re ! -.ire'i w - -. - - . . ci-oi t y is il i it. Tb.'e bnier- .i-t'. :i(f CVK V, hv.' prevent ilieast n-? .ii, n! i o-i-l by ' i who live in a - uiiiry wbere li e waiC- i "ad oi wiir-i e cnii l. ud fever rtre prev;fiii ! eiiurcly tntixcent a.i ti.i! iu-e .ie imhj wr., ea li"ii.w l4i till, li cu afl tnl'iits i.upoi.iiy, pbvsici 4ilii CJei riui n'liipei e J'i nt? s ai.'act .. b::i'.i..r.ity. sliouni a-si-t in -prr-a'n.;;! t!,e-e vafua'ile bi'te.s over the laud, and lh:ttiy ts enriiHy banish rtruiilsetme Jiseae. . . . 'i. In sill aflections'oftiic Ienclitk I2c;i)u iii', r vrxiiousiivvul- ' ache. Dr. Imperial ".ilnc Ei.llcrM "villi be I'ouinl to be most fealntarn and I.fiicacious, 1 - -ICAV.-7,' W-T. -hvery ,-r sm..!.;.! .j .t I'-.w-ir1. li....,'..: . ' .:. " . ...... , - ti j ( v t is so ri.uVcLirir. to hiuia ; Erpr, t. t'aI.iyr':-!vJy; tbUci rt!ac:i ,,,.., ' h ire tried ir n n:32Aa.i:.. The many cirtitlcaies whicli have been ten!ered ns and the letters which we daily receive, arecoticla-uve prm,f i hat anion th-a women these B. tiers have K.veu a satisfaction which no :her have ever done Irloie. No woman in the land should be wnnotit them, ainl those who ouce u?e tbem, will not fail to keepafuil supply. ' ' I DR'J J3ovee Dod3 ZI" .IMPERIAL WINE BITTEIiS, Are prepared by an eminent and. skillful physician, has use! ihem uccefi'l'y in hi practice tor the las twenty five year. The propiieior berore imrhaiii the esj. n-ive right to manntactiue and sell I)r. B..vr Pod-' Ceit'braiea Itnperfai Wne Biters, haditfeem rest ed by two disnturnished inp.lical practitioners, who pro nonticed them a valuable and 4ie remedy P-r dM'ase. Although the medical men of .bin country, as a Gen eral thtne. dispprove of Patent Misiicine- yet we do not believe that a reporttie PiivMrian can be fonnd in the United State;, acquainted wiih thei- medical pTnettie-. who will not. highly approve Dr. Uvl's lM PKRIALKINK BITTEItS - In 'ali newly settled plact.- where there i always a larue qnantiiy of tteeayintr timber; from which a poi sonous mtamt is created 'tbee oittet stuHild be used every morning bofore breaarast. . J 'DR. J.-IIOVCC DODS' IMPERIAL WINE JJIITERS ' '.'... Are composed of a pnrt and unadulterated wine, com bined wi:h Barberry Sob niotiV Seal. C.-tufrev. Wild CberyBark Sikoard Cam.:niie Flowers, an.l Gentian. Tley are uianuractured by Or I,p himsei , who is an expeiience4land sticces.-rul pnyiclan. and hence should not be classed amor.K the qa.ick uotruiii which ti m-I the country, nd aaaiust which the medical profession so iustly iletioni'Ce,- . These trnly valuable Bitters have been so thoronchly testei by all classes of community, for almost every vri ety or disease inci4lent to htiraau 4syiemithj.l they are now deeiiiHl indispensable as a - - -' Tonic, Medicines and a Beverage. i Parcliase one Bottle : " It CokJs. but IJllIc! Purify 2ic ailootl. ivc Tone to tlie Stu- auJI'iulotJ L,irc. Prlco $1C0 perHcttle, G Eottlcs fcr 5 00 : 4 Prepardtand sold by ' ' " ' CHARLES WIDDIFIELD& CO., sole rnorrJETos 78 Willia -n Street. New. York. For sale hy druists and ont ibecuiitiy . . jtr-H-era fieneraliy through , Oct. 17. lbtil. ' 1 -t MOO IMies.k o vutaii'Jcg . and. Ii'iJ?ncc- of .every 'Ud :-t hnd'; Private iu tho 1'ijioo Aimyj itir "Tluir C U!tnaneH;OasiiaIties, Promotions. Ac. f J-ff Fverv oue wat.tsit.y S-ent vmst-paid on rtwit ol '25 pent cish.orstamt. Add reeaiiLi KY B. ANaO.V.Pub- isbtr,4U State S,trvet. B tn,Mass. MIRROR OF FASHION, j " . J. .1. - . i i. , ..... The v t:t- t'esh:;int ni st reliable Fahin M.-tsazitre I ni i ne w rid i...n: r iii -M true-l i it oi-i Ka-M. li-Pi'e- ie crp!rt ar.t'V-fr f tbn Pt ti-vi iu-. the la'e.-i an ! rei,le :ut-;-tuaii! u . rb ee ! lt;s lis on n'fii-s .iilil .1 .-utci fl row Hi ;n 1-w.oK J t'niie'f Pa: t-rui. Kv-ery M- ti er Pi e -maker, M:'.-' I luicr an have it. . Pub O-i o if riv. a' - 473 Uroailw.iy, New Yo' k, " -.'old 'eve ywnc e r se-ii by tu 'it ar 'is cent yearly $1, wfrha valuoblo p. cphtih : xne Miuimer iiumiiei uv-w .reily .: i CHOICE IiaUOES. ' Wholesale aiid Retail. ' Evan . W orthing1, I' ;( " , , 1 r- ' i " 'A .- -1 . .. , a i . J ii Wua. . 'mr j' t.4. ' a V 'Y ''''" H'lV '-' .'"'..-rrf-f . r i 4. Iii l.r.l . . . I-1 -ill Mlti liit.ii" - ' V 0 ;V- R M!.Jrf ' AKERICAFiCEhLhTt! Price Ho 'Cmts j t r E ' : L Price to Cents rr R.r.Ie. Price 2-3 Grids tr Buttle. .Price 2-3 Cents per Boi'Je, - 'Prict? 2-5 Cents p r Koii! Price 2o Cents pt r Eotiie. Very Liberal SledrflicnlolTi. : , TEiiH i.tMl. J5For Slo by aii lru.'.?tr. aul S;or:is Ihr.ilh' ut the it.iin!rT i JOHNS & CH03LSI 'Sole ilaaiaitiin r i j . 7S WILLUM STREET Corner of l,ilv.rty .tret. Tf TOI IniroilaiiUo Ilomr Owatn. " Important to IiuUuci?. J m;.iortaat to ilail Head Cor nlcs. i Important to riiiciorS. I To all ir ho in thiiinvy eurim, r. concerns trmfedy JOHNS & CKOcjLEU V IMPP.3VEB GUTTA TEr.C?t CEMENT -J()0F1 Th. Cheapest anil iWs durate E '''''' '" ' in use. ' 1 IT IS FIRE AND WATER Ft It can be nppJiedto new and ,ld Rifif i steep o fi.t aid to ."Shingle fuoU wltixis! tTie fbingle. j Tlie Cost iiOfiIv'aIjout0nf.Tl that of Tin, A D IT IS IT, 1C i UIZIAHLI 1 This artitie I.hs teen thoroughly irb City and a I! puEs of the L'oited da West In lb.- it d C-r.tnlar.d i;iui;h ki -bnilclir.g? of a!' In saeri as Factori? f--Cnur.'hes Kail B. i Utpotj Car and BuilJ-icgs generoliy tovernTieat !Sa:!litj 1 1 the principle rtuild.. r5 an hetrtt. ao the i 't four trsavrl ls proved ' KSTanJMOriTbUKiLLK VAWiW every report a riHs: t atkk wrre': .H PKtVir covering f.c r- ci cr ill V"' 7Si' in iht OSL Vnuitfiul ijnti' f .;cir i.ii.'e hie b combines ths "7 . pr pt rtieg ci EI""t:citj nwl rnh.'l'j -1 Ui'tver-ixllv ie!t n i L'4-d ( !: rwii srfl : TA PEK.CUA AND IXMaK 131 .K ,rV' li o Heat is ."Required in - -Appllcaticii I Tbaexpen?eof apply iugii tstriJmc m i Ko,,f-an bo verl rinl fo i.M (' ' ' It can be applied fcjanj a3; aud Kbeii fin.iirsi f'ric.-a y-ro-Mf ulW" fits with an elcstic bidv wbi- ii ca'M ' by II rat Cold j tokv-j Snsvcu' liOAKPs nr any u f-rn! ! :G UTT A PE li? Vi!? CEMBi Kll: i , .IJIKiWNVIlLE, IJIiliffiSl Merchants ami Post Masters who will addres us this 1 .fall: wfll ibs supplied wiih- Garden, Fieidadd Flower .seeds to sell on coiumisun at fair rates. Thee seeda ire all grown here and are true to name. ' TOOMPSOM 8c. lIKDGESj ? r x jTemaha S'lirVgry, Syfacuse, Ot. e, Co.... , Ann. It Anfi-Fndc tf r KehrMk. "fPTTTj' DIM) T jitrnnuw xukj UIU.1L A. 11 L it I UA.l, A CONCORD GRAPE VINE FREE TO EVERY JSUti.vcjilUER. ... ,THE DAY-SCHOOL BELL. TnK DAT .SCTlrtOL.' BELL.--A New Sinking Boos or Day Schools, cled the Dat School BtLL, is now e idy. : !I: contains kbont . SOU paftes of choice Sones, So s. Rounds, Catches, Duets, Trios, Quartet and Cho- roes, nii!ty or them written expressly for this work, be-ii.'e-?2 paces of the Elements of music. The Ele- nieiits are s easy mut projye-sive that ordinary teach. ers will fiinj themselves entiieiy successful in instruct inn even y.miig -scholars to sing orrect ly and ikieutitl rally." hi le the tune- and words embraces such a vari ety of lively, attractive, and soul stirimr music and teioinieii, tht u trouble will be experienced in iiulu rilii! ail bed on ers to to on itb zeal iu acquiring skill In one of tl-e "most 'Leaith-nviug. beauty improving, hilpjitrjtsi'jieidiiig.'raiid.'orrler prirflueiiig ext.cte ol school Uns., :In sin pliriiy of its Elements, iu vanetj rM a4lapfat:toh ct "music, and hi excellence and number of its a nits, viiidnai, selected, and claim by much to ecel all, competitors.. lt will be found t beltii iesl btiuk ever l-tiued for fniinarles.'Aciu'eTniea. an 1 Pi4. lit Schools ! A few sample pages' of tbele-ftveots.-ninen-aiidenttsHire eWeit -tn a 'circular: send and ?et one. It is compiled by Horace Waters, author uf Sabath School BeJls.? NVs, 1 and 2. which have had toe en..rmous sale 1'f66 000 Copies. Prices paper cuv?is 20cts., $!5ner hundred fomnd 30 cents. sVX per eund4al ; cloth bound enibesel. eilt Uivem wS30 perhonrired 85 Copiejuraishe 1 a the pile bundle" price, ilailed fret at the retail price. v.j K OTIC; Kg OF Til K PUKSS. THE Dat Scuool BtLL The tnnes a-e lively, mi Mici is taay be easily mastered by children. Thospirt u9 onecepuonaoie ana wen aaapten to in , Tarmer uu.m J, ,k... .V" :.".:'." , "J- U. is tha chepev. au i-aiHona-tho best I 7 " - L ""-" V pJ Yfjf York . . " 'mcaab jiuiu; tjuc I U J O PpTUI. .1 .SAIlBVni SCIIOtlL I1CLL it. 2. 75,000 Copies Scld tho First 12 .. .i Months ot its -Publication. - . Itisnn entire New Work, -m txaily 2inl jages. lany of . the -Tunes and llymus were writfn:'cs pressly for tins volume It will ,n bo as popular its prodeoessor, ( Bell No. I ) which b as run up to the enormous numoerof 575.0U0 copies In 31. months. outstnpi lligany Amtdatf ych-ml Hook at ltd sixa i sued in this tountry. Also, both volumes arc bound inoue to acct.miuiaiate sebK'ls wishin; them in that form. rricen orlx-H No. 2, pajsr covtrs, 15 cent,, i .-pernio. Uounil.Zcnit. fIS ,e 100. t'l.d-b bound fuibosaed gih,'3(t cwits.32 per 100. . lloll N. 1, paper covers; 12 cents, $10 per ltl. Bound 20 eents,;$l3 per i 00. - Ciofh buud emb used gilt, 25 cents, per loo. lifilsos. 1 aud 2 bound to gether 40 cents, .50 per hundred. 25 cipie fur nished at the 100 trice. : Cloth onud -embossed gilt, jO cents, 440 pr 100. ALiil pistage free at tne reiau j rioo. UORACE WATERS. Publisbr,-n41-ly., ' ii , No. 431 Broad ay. Now York. I am now Issntng a new series rf thut npnlar Aerl- -chltnrat and Horticultural pper. tr.'e Rural A neriran, lULiica a.i. it wiMitepnbliohedouthelstaKllS'a of each mjiiih.'ln tr od rv e -i irse size at one dollar a year, or only ttventy-five cent in clubs.' A FIFTY CENT OXCOiiD G II APE VInV'm will be sent fea.,! every subscriber in aclrlhof fnr or mor? j, and fieo viues, ttee of all cost, to those who pay one dellar , : , .. , . Tbe Rural American is devoted exclnsivcly to rural sutjecs, and. is one of the tet pater for Farmer. Slock racers. Fruit aruersv Gardeners. Bee keepers, &c. in the United Sutes. ,1am well known ihr,,u;h-.u: the entire Country, as i be former editor of the Northern rmtfrrls'" of -school music puhiif-hed. Neva York Teacher r' .. -.; , . ,; ... , , Uat MHOot Bclx. Tbia hook is eminently adapted u.-e in our common, schools. . - We have . a g eat number of school song books berore ho public, but many of them lack musical as well as lite- lary taste, and are really demoralizing in their inHa ence nr-en the musical talent of the youbg. Air of ac kitowlet'gied excellence, wedded to words of true poetry ai e the qualities that ought .to be sought with the great est care iu the pre paratiou ot a school aong book. . Thi book seonis to cwmbiue cue e two qurHtie. Pennsjl pani School Journal.. .. . . ... 4 I PublUBetlhl. ; .,;t. vrDOIJAOK .VATEB3, v : ..;, ;. , 4. Vadway, iicw Vwk., j a life in rural pursuits.-and now am a practical tartuer ana iruu-grower. ( in ve m w Coj.coru tirape Vines t.i distribute tree. Tbi is decidelly tbe best grape in this Cout.try j .H-tiiai!u in H r.linotM. rrn.t vimII double qtranilty of fruit of any other variety. V'nra f lour yers vld wih generally produce a bushel vl grapes, worth $5 in any market. - i Ks jyst rrceivi'.j Llq'.or.s', wbichf h U'tai t jt bitm . ill a ch il'T 1 M.cbi"' brHtji f will seh fcj .liA Barfi'C. tin, a.' It. Tbe foil.. wii- i- a pi.-.i: iitr For Corttitiir .. .M.-ml:'H34.tJ o ihf .Actiiiiiof the ' S',or'lI,mf,nIii; Ml"11 : llelal la:J Or' .Ai-.L Kl. ' .- This i-T?IK 4M.Y tlu'MI'.rslii !' Kit: 7 "(;.' nf dm 'f '71, 7'' I: a.. I . !' - fi: IMiV t. t!:.?f ' I A' . .-fl i ii . . i- , . : . r ... . Jra ... :i . h Ik--. Tiiui.r. ';i.''. .S.A..S 1 ux. i' i'- r is 1 -.t ioii.r. ! bv 'J - '-' i 1 ! ' "'' " ,:' .' TIN' an.foti-.-r MEfAF. !-t."KS -:f--" SUiM''n! :M'ir-s ot'tl. !-:ii '''.. . . ,Ir,r.;A..'( jiAl'K !N r.)i.i)o:i r.. ' VKATiifci': AMi Wfi.L M1 -v-r,: 'Le;iky fn avd o'-r tt?-i:t1 r ,"-- ., rrii-iir-tl k I : h. Ut 1 L',r- '.1 l' .-f. ' .. i :,r t BEAItDIES : French, 1 7 Cogll.Tf. Apple, Raspffrry,: :.'. " . ;. ' " 'Peach. . ,. " Cherry,. . . ., Blackberry WIITE3:-' ' Port, Hungarian, . , ' ' , ' ;. .. , . ,: Sherry $ . . . ..Malaga, . , . . Medara, , , Champagne. WHISKIES:- Bourbon, , 1 - Scotch, ' .. ' rrish, -. . Manongahala, And a va'lpfy of common article's. : r.ILLIAUD SALOON AND V Ten Pin Alley. Tf KITXIiY-S iu viii - : . Main Street. Erownville. Novmber 14, 1S6. ul9-tf ' ' .--'.- f..r 'a i iur h r corn.-i 'i,;t u ia i'r.'i a pertV'-tly wa'er-fih; r 1 ' This ffni"tii' is jk m. i rt a I V At'it.n i,f fr..n i II i'. ToV Imx.lemrit. ai4 t r g t.erai him ' (jUTTA" PERCflA tDil For prescrvint and retairiAg Tiu'uJ a) roinf of every uYseript .on. frt.ui.ii." I- ' ty,. is not injured y th eon. raciion ' , of metal trnrm trm' of . tcill not ewk i f Ta.-sc niaVSial.4iir adapted tn " " ' we are prpar, t u,i , the eounfry, at u.rt m iice. f jr (ia'1 ' ;3 ing In roils, ready prepared f r u-e. r .u8. i- . i'.Li -k 4-nl! triuW cha Cement io barrels,1 tion for application. NKW 31 LSI C. "Shill we Unrnr Each Othcr'Therer Sonx or Dnetaqd, Choru.v, by JieT. iJr. .Lowry, author of .abbath Leila i Uhirn on. This irtg ,igood. 'rice'25 cents,', mailed tre. - A pianik in attend nee ta trynew music- ' j . ' x . : . . W ' ' ' : . i .'..nORACE WATERS, n4l ly .,- N'o. 481 Droadway, Publisher, I i ; locai; a;gext3 ;wanted: f ' ps I want local aBeiits'in every state and every town. . Premiums ami ooiiMuission are extremely liberal Seud for iiample copies immediateiy, which are free to 11. . .AddrM.- ;i . T. ;. '' - i ;.wCJtv OiieldaOuBuy. T: ' Ja.ti .'i ,4 ; -;10a of tbe mon Fercro BATTLE SCEXES and incidents of the War, now ready, tit-i 13x10 inches, highly colored, on fine hetvy paper, Kant post-paid, 20 f..r $1,00, or$4 per 100. To agents and the trade no better opportu-ity n as ever offered. ' Address HENRY U. ANSON.PriatPttblialier.rfe 0 SaeaBrsUQ,!. :' t : Yfe- wii! uuie lih- ral ami s,i,Ml"t" 4 j I meets with responjib!tt.pirti'.' no pr? t establish, thejaselves io iacmiive y t j busice. ,.':.'" j OCR TERMS" ARE c-)5't We can give aban-linC prcf 'f .!,."',r-' favor of 'our improved R ofinij 1 fer.''" "ja yj idled them t several ta.ju.fla.i 1" City and Ticin.ty. riLlU oLir.f Wholes -de Warth6vser& hjr& ) Corner o' Liberty M.-ref. .f. t . Knit descriftirtt Cimulars aaa i."- i Uhed on application. ,:y. 7. IS5I. ly ' ' The subscriber il! send (free of tn r : hodesire iu the Veeira and direct.-. -: a simple V"jtal,i iSai. that '" Trj eight uay'.remove I'larLt-S L'tOTCH 'rt . iKS.SALLOWNKe.s, and !! imporitie f the Skin, luring the iSJi itshoad be oyT,eiir,a-7f. , , desiring the C-cipe. with full stru c ty , and advice, v please-call ei tr J" J turn postage. 1 i "' ' o ...lesl 01-'-' THOMAS F. CuAPA.Pr,;Iy4l''i 33r.RnaJ7'- May 21. 13:2.- .-v----? 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