Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1863)
SiTUEDIT Br ' . 1 R. FISHER, J Story Stricfcler's Block, Alain Street, .3 EEOWNVlLIiE, H. T. , ; f . . ; - AS & FISHEtl pirOPRIETOKS. TEH MS s ' -t If paiJin-dmnce, - - -..-.$2 00 ""yl. if Lidsttbeendof 6tnentb - 60 " .. " " 12 00 "ft" or nifl're v' te furuisbeo' at $t 60 per videliiie easb accompanies tbe order, net . P' t; S IN ESS CARDS. - o n v r-v rv , A rv 3THE AFFLIClfED. dr. A." GODFREY, 3YS1CIAN, SURGEON jBSTE'f R I C I AH, ! in France, bavin twenfy-flre years' expe JTrbe Vrdictl cince. aul one of tbe correpun f tfca 'American Joirnalef tbe Me'licat Scien fv lofteJ permanwMy In BrowuTille, and re , MttPrvier hi professional services to th x;it ".'Jin, ci;v anJ vicinity. " l nut oii fiiie Lis service to common practice, fiA tie:n to chnmic iMases diseases of long 'V-Mi'.iirnant Tuniura and Sores Abscesses and ..Cancers and Sore Eyea, exen vartlal Blindness, j CAmmonly called FalUns Sickueis, Fatsy, T ii llvepy. Consumption in tbe flrsi and ';:e luanity in avme form, and Uieaea of Vt Ml. ' Prucular atteution paid to Ague. 'if jeq.'eied, jrtve reference to those pro ! icuratle ifl tbe Ur.ited States, and arieryiardj 'Wfosnd at all honr, either ai H. C. Lett's Siorf 0r at bis dwelling hoube, when not ennaged afesiltttal basluess. . '. . V "toSOly EEITHEYER & R0BIS0N, i i MASUFACTCKEBS OF 'iBOOTS AND SHOES, Kl BETWEEN FIRST ISO SECOND ITS., 1 . IJROWNVILLC, S. T. 'jrlr.f reently purchased tbe Shoe Shop formerly f;ty Wei. T. I'en, ce now gffer our work at great fJtced r'irf We manufacture all that we offer u'.t t3"All wnrk warrafliei. i WLTi.iB, Sfi't. 27, lS6i. nll-Ty C. F-STEWART, . CLECT1CPHYSICIAN SURGEON, . SROWWILLG, .EHRASKA. cxer H. C. Lett's Prug Store, Iltlladary's , Main street. AUGUSTUS SCHOENHEIT, TTORNBY AT LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, ' Corner First and Main Streets, ofTnYlHc. - - - Xcbraska DWARD W. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, )LICIT0Pw IN CHANCERY. OSce corner of Main and First Streets. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. THOMAS DAVIS, . CLECT1C PHYSICIAN - a m- SURGEON, 'ABLE- ROCK, NEBRASKA '. Jief'.-renoe, Dr. D. Gwin, Brtiwariile. lpnl II. '!. H LIOODY & SON, 1 1 AGARY H URSERIES, LOCKPORT, N. Y. Ttolesoie and Retail Dealejs in Fruit, rait and Ornamental Trees, AND SHRUBS AND STOCK. FOR MJRSERYMEX. I For Sale at Bargains. TwoWn. 1 Shuttle Kjjpire Sewing Machines. Cirs Frsnklin Family Sewinj Machine. Twy lU'tace Water $73 Melodious. !a Freeh's Comca Waehinp Machines.'"' One No. I P. W Gates it Co.'s Sugar Cane Mills 'iporatert. Afply at tbe Advtrtuer and Forme Office Browi Harch Uia' 1861 : i j : ? - - S L, t . t 9 ..... .1 D. A. C O IS S.T A B IMPORTER AKD DCALEE 19 L. E IRON, STEEL, NAILS, JASTLNGS, SPRINGS, AXLES, FILE )- BEIiIiO WS, HACRSMITirS TOOLS Also Hnlis. Spokes, and Bent Stuff. Third Street, between Felix and Edmond, SAINT JOSEPH, MO. which be sella st St. Louis prices ror cann. - Highest Price Paid for Scrap Iron. ; December x, 1&69. ly. ; ' REAL ESTATE I , . A N 1 CpJIcctiou Office OF ! liRCVVN VILLI:, JNlLiUAbiv. ! Mait.Bftvxen Levte and First Streets. I Particular attention given to the 1 . Purchase and Sale ol ucai ( Estate, .Uaklnff Col-; ' lections and Payment of Taxes lor Xon-Resl- denti. i L1XD AREANTS FOB SALE, for cah and on t!m ii vn WAttRAXTS LOCATED for Eastern Cap Ito!ista on lands selected from personal examination, and a complete Township Map, showing Streams, Tia.b'i.f. An., forwarded with the Certificate of loca- . . ' lion, ; - ' , ! lirownville.N.T. Jan. 3, 1861. I V 3I3XE. DEMOREST'S MIRROR OF FASHION. t -Tbe largest, best and most reliable Fashion f i" I 1 the wwr M. Coutraios the largest and finest Fabion ? ?!at ihm rrit.ioKt number of fine enRraviiiRS, the latest I anl iQMt reliable information, three full-ied Patterna I Jw Dres, and a sheet of new j5raia-wor ni ! IrorSerteip Pattern. Every Mother, Dressmaker, Mii j br and Lady should have it. Published Quarterly ,at f a Broadwav, Kew Tork, sold everywhere er seat by i at S6 cents. Tearly $1, with a valaaala iwepio- ItttsgstmwanibsrMW ready. CLOCKS, WATCHES,' JEWELRY. j. SCIIUTZ . Would an'uonncetothecltisens ef Brownville i and virinitv ih.t he has located niincii - 'iPm.iii. .,intniiikeeDlna a full assort. kueut f 7ri-v,)noi iinAf -business, which will o!d lew for cash: He will also do all kinds of re- tont of clocks, watcbes and Jewelry. - All work war- ranted. , . ' . vlnisiy NOTICE. Ae pubUc are tereby notified that tbe Indiana of onr respective tribes are not permitted to fo beyond the ot itieir ReservaUcns. without me wrmcu ii "tssion of their inic! .it nersons are cautioned tiaauw.rburin v.rr.nt Indians. Dne attention t aoUce will enable us to detect the authors of dep- k v Jtu anl prevent the recurrence of annoyances w -Mi complaints are frequently made. i i ;r" O. n. IRIMI, Omaha A;ent, , - .ji'I' J. r Kim. rtce Aeent. - B. F. LtAHBAUGUl PawsM Atnt. yxy VOL. VII. JOHIT L CAHOH. : (Successor U Lushbaush &. Carson, 123 J S3T OL 'Oli H2. o LAND AND TAX 'PAYING Dealer in Coin,(Jnciirrcnt! Jloncg, Land warrants. Exchange, and Gold -Dust MAIN STREET. I3R01V1VLI,E, SERRASKA. 1 will pixe especial attention to"bnylrg anl tel'lng ex thangc on the principal cities of the United States an! Europe. Gold Silver, uncurrent Bauk.Bil n, and Gold Dust, Collections male on all accesabi( points, atid proceeds remitted in eicbause at current riites. Deposits received on current account, aud iuteiest al lowed on special deposits. , , OFFICE, v 32AEV STUEET. 'CGT1TEE THE Telegraph and . tlie U. S. RE E R(EYC&S: ' Und &. Brother ' " ' - ' 1 " ' ' Philadelphia, Pa. J. W. Carson & Co., . , s i : Hiser. Di.k &. Co. . , Baltimore, Md. Younic is. Carson, ..I , . ' Jeo. Thoiiii(K.uisso.i,Corr of Port, , . " i ' wm. T. Sniitbsoii, Eiq., Hanker, Waahinarto D.C. J. T. Stevens. Esq., Att'y at Law, Jno. S. Ga'Uber, Late 3d Aud, U. S. T Tarlor it. Kriesh, Bauktrs, - McClelland, Pye &. co., ! . -Hun. Thomas G. Pratt, ' Hon. Jas. O. Carson, . . y. B. Sinali. Kiq., Pres't S. Bank, Col. Geo. Sibley, A'y at Law.- . . . ,i " . . " ' Chirac, Til. ; St. Luis, Mo. ' Annapolis, MI. ilerce'.tsburra Hsipertiwn, Ml. Col. Saai.UamUleton Att'y at Law, Judce Thos. Perry, Vrof. II. Tntwiler, . F.88tmf Jld. Cumberland, Jtd Havana, Alabma. Nov ii; l&KMf . ' BROWNVILLE am fi-esrs1. THORN, COL MAN, CO., ' ' Announce to the traveling public that tfcelr splenllc and commodious'Sieain Ferry running across from . . Brcwnville, r; Nebraska. is one of the best In every respect on tr t Upper, JTl. sourl river. The Boat makes regular trips every hour sotbat no time will te lost in wailing. The banks on both sides of the river are low and well graded which renders unloading unnecessary as is the cateat most other ferrieo. No fear? need be entertained a to difficulties at or r ear tM crossing, as everybody in this region, on both sides of the river, is for tbe Union the strongest kind. Our tharces too an item these hard times ere lower than at any other crossing. Travelers from to Towa and to tbe east will find this the nearest and best route i" every respect. . THORN. COLEMAN. & CO. , Brownville, Nebraska, Sept. 21st, 1S6I. J. WILSON BOLLINGER, jSl TT O 3Et KT OES 1 c6lTNSELL0RD AT LAW, General and Collectlnpr Agent, BEATRICE, GAfiE CO., NEBRASKA. WILL practice in thcseve-al Courts in Gnge and adjoining counties, and will give pronj t attentior to all business entrusted tobiin. Collactiong prompt ly made. tST' articular attentin given to locat- ng Land arrants on lanaa caret uny Beiectca himielf.l September 25, 'rjl. n!2-y1y . JACOB MABHON, MERCHANT -TAILOR, BROWNVILLE, Calls the attention of Gentlemen desiring new, neat, kervlcable and fashionable WEARING APPAREL, ' TO HIS HewStock of Goods ; JUST RECEIVED, . . UEOAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, -TESTINGS, ac..&.C, OFTUE VERY JL.ATETT STYLES, Which be will sell or make np, to order, at unprece lo.itm! Ion- nricea. Those wihiua; any thin? in his une win iq wen o call and examine fcis stock be'ore investing, as be pierce himself to hold out peculiarly lavornDie n- dncemcnts. ' , February 13th, 1862. TIIC COM I.SS10S AMJ IJA-t'Iil 1JNCL OF A SUl'TLKLK. . Publisbed as a warninz. and for the especial bene fit of Youn? Men and those who euoer with JNcrvou Debility, Loss of Memory, Premature Decay, Ac ..Ac, by one of those who has cured himself by simple means, after beinz put to srrejit expanse and ineon venience. through" the n?o of' worthless mcdicinCa prescribed. by learned Doctors. Single eotica may uo nau oi xuo auiu'r, j. a. LAMBERT, Esq., Gre'enpoint.Long Inland, by enclos ing a. not-raid addressed .envelope. Addre?? CllAULtS A. LAMliEliT, Ksq-, Oreenpoint, Long Island, X. l . . . . ; May 22, 1803. n45-zm. . one y k. d'Cfvix cod on ' T PIKES' PEAK : GOLD ! t in rrtr Pile's Peak. G.14, aud advance money upon tbe same, and pay overbalance of rrocee.l .....Mmiruriii are bad. Ill all caen, 1 wi exhibit the printed returna oi inw minuown " , .... .-. : I O. .. Ui., ar Assay office. I NO. L. C ARSON, BULLION AXD EXCHANGE BROKER BROWNVILLE, KIBiASKi. nc20v4 Seeds Prepaid by MaiL 25 Prettiest Animals In Cultivation, - I10 p r-hi vepthie Seeds tor the Garden, -100 k. tArinbsof Five for 3; To Clubs of Ten for $15 w. rink. r.r Tm-wit V fcVr 525.' ' K VWw JAPAN H L Kl. WHO lllliurw ru! .irinianiiK-henlun!; cents per larpe paper; Fiv uuiot the Niagara, last May and can confidently recommend it s the best Millet iu cultivation. . ..'""... n3S-tf Old Colony Jkurseries, t-ijmouiu, . To Western Farmers. . , Tobacco . Ooocl. . . - 1 hare several raricties cf Tobacco that willripnn well in this latitude. To any one who wishes seed, and remits me a three-cent l'ostage stamp, on iue sme. I will send a taper cf escb vartety cf seed GRATIS. . . ' . Orders must be sent m the monvnsoi oepicmier TO Wi: and October. I do this to mtroauce mo cunuro 01 R. 0. THOMPSON", Sjracnse, Oue County, Nebraska. b'o' p.Im in'Miacnuri. Iowa. Kansas and Ne- braska.'publiiDg Ihe above otce,and sending a No. marked .will receive twenty iour , ,AZ. er seeds fiee bv "nnil. It. PEAU TI1EES! I'EAU aa 1000 Standard Peat Trees, three to six feet high, at 20 per hundred, cash. 1 i ' " . - 6 OfH) nudson River Rvspberries, at $3 per hundred, filoot Allen's Raspberry at $i per hulred. - -10 000 Wilson Albany Strawberry, at ;l pethnndred, Plll"u.,."i- i..: . ei n.r hundred. ltfO Black Prince Strawberry, at p-r hundred. 10 000 o' Vino' Cuttl.s, at 1 M. per thoosand. Syr&cwK r. r., - .. 3 lyMOw ' . ... .lit- .1 .- -I V Ay: 4 - - " ,' - "LIBERTY AND BRO.WNYILLE, NEBRASKA; SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 7, 1863. CHraoo - Sltbttlistnunis. . FROM C. H. 'SCRIVENY GENERAL AD VEUTISING AGENCY," , , . NO. e3 DEARBORN STREET, .CHICAGO. ILLINOIS.""' ' 1662.;;'. i FALL TRADE. , , (1662 WEBER. WILLIAMS & YALE. JOBBERS OF FURS; BUFFALO ROBES, - BUCKSKIN GOODS, &c V ;; 35, LAKE STREET, CHICAGO,, ILL. .... ? u v )- - . - ' - ' -rv - - . TiTe have now in Store for Fall Trade the Largest and hest Af sorted Stock in'onr line ever exhibited la this Market, especially adapted to tho wants of Dealers from all sections of the Northwest, and unsurpassed in variety and choapnesi by any to be found WEST or EAST. .... Merchants who have heretofore purchased in. other Market are especially invited t examine our stock this seaport, and aie assured we are fully prepared and determined to sell Goods as cheap, and on as favorable terms ae tbe class of Houses iti any Market. ' ' OHDEBS WILL RECEIVE PROMPT PERSONAL ATTENTION., CASH. PAID FOR RAW FURS, . . . t . - : j and Price List furnished by mail. ' WEBER, WILLIAMS Jo TALE. Oct. i '62. El2-3ax FAIRBANKS , STANDARD i SCALES OF ALL KINDS. Also, Warehouse Trucks, Letter Presses, &c. FAIRBANKS, GREEfiLEAF & CO. 1T2 LAKE ST., CHICAGO, 53"3e careful, and bur only the genuine. 5' Juue 12th, 1SS3 n49-3m ' '. .; JUST III TIME FOR rOBACCO SEED GRATIS. Sentf a three cent jnt rfflee stamp and tret six kinds Tobaa:oSee1 (rratis. THOMPSON HEDGES.. Nov. 29tb, 1362. Syracuse, Xtbratka. Okrd or Gumbo Seed. The beH substitute for Coffee prepared In the same Banner as Coffee. Packages of seed by mail at 10 cts. acb. Each packase contains beed enough to raite a ppply for an ordinary family. Serid orders to a. A. TEKRT. u33-tf , . ' Crescent City, Iowa. FIUSIIIIIG, IV. Y., . Will send to applicants who enclose stamps, their New CataloK'ie of Small Fruits, including 20O -Select Varieties of Strawberries-. Also Catalogue of Bulbous Flowers and Pennies, Prnit and Ornamental Trees, Roses and Flowerinsr Plants, Seeds, &c. n!0-2w MilTOFACTUEING COMPANY." DO YOTJ WANT STE13I ENGINES OR BOILERS patent sugar cakk mills, Patent steam coil kvaporators, patent fire kvaporators, patent stamp mills, FOR PIKE'S PEAK OR LAKE SUPERIOR SEND FOR CIRCULARS, . , , With Cuts, and Descriptions, Prices, etc., etc. SAW MILLS, FLOURING MILL, AND MACHIERT OF ALL DESCRIPTION. t-SEND FOR CIRCULARS. P'. W. GATES, President. ' N. B. Agents wanted everywhere. Chicaga R.H.FURNAS, AGENT,. Rrowuville, Nebraska, Of whom Circulars and detailed Information can' had. ' . - . March 20, 1S62. Tn37-IyJ LANDRETH'S Warranted Garden: Seeds BLUNDENt , KOENIG & CO., (Late John Gabkitt & Co.,) No. 66 North Second Street, above Pine, r ' , ST. .LOUIS,' MO.V . " Offer for sale st very low figures, a large end wei. sfsorted stock of Agricultural and Horticultural Imple ments, comprising everything necessary to the Farmer, together with a laige and freth supply of Landreth's Celebrated Garden Seeds, CROP OF 1861, ; - '' For which they are the sole agents. Their friends can rely tpon getting from them seeds that are not only pure but true name in every instance. Also field teeds at lowest market rates Chinese Sugar Cane seed, Tnhartn f-eed. Ton Ouions. &c. . &c. . Dealers in seeds would do well to seud them their orders. Send for Almanac and Illustrated Catalogue gratis IiLUNDKN, KOENIG fc CO. March 6, 18C2. ' l)351y , - 600.000 AGENTS, MA LB OR FEMALE, TO SELL . LLOYD'S NKW STEEL PLATB COUNTT COLORM ' MAP Til K LilTltU SIATKS, CAN ADAS, AND NEW BRUNSWICK. From recent surveys, completed Aug. 10, 1S63; cost a tn fion t. enarave it and one year's time. Simerior to any $10 map ever made by Colton oe Mitchell, and sells at the low price of fifty cents; S70, 000 names are engraved on this map. It ia not only a County Mar, but it Is also a COUNTY AND RAILROAD MAP of the United St ates and Canadas combined in one, giving KVERI RA1LKUAU OTATIUI , y . and distance between. an.rantee snv woman or man $ to $5 per day, and will take back, all maps that cannot be sold and refund the money. - ' - , Send for il worth to try. Printed Instructions how to canvass well be furnished all our agents. , E-.niAti Wholesale Agents f :f ear Maps In every State, California, Canada, Bngland, France and Cuba. a . fnrtsoe mar ee maao nu. nw.uuouiwi " epital. N competition. J.T. LLOTD, 9 ' . . No. 164 Broadway. New Tork. ml ir.r n.nartment uses our Map of Virginia. Mary laad and Pennsylvania, cost $100,000, on which is marked Middletown. Maryland Heights, Williamsport Ferry Millbroo Milla, Noland's Fsrd, and all others .,a the Potomac, and every other place In Maryland, Vireinia. and Pennsylvania, or money refunded VU . FRICK 26 CENTS. . Vrom The Tribune, August 9. ttr i,m Van of. Virginia Mary .and. and Pennsy iva .... Thia ud is very large; its cost ia bat X5 cents, audi fas bett which can be purchased. al2-f9-St Flower Seeds. and of very superior juality,20 pa vera of which will be sent (post-paid) by mail, toaay T"u'-n i iiUT. Crel CHy.Iowa. MtrA ltta, la Jai-S l , t. J . . . J UNION, ONE ANIfcINSEPEBABIJ3, NOW liAWS OF tl'lE UNITED STATES", Patted at the Second Settioti of the Thirty-weventh PUBLISIIED Jiy,. AVTHORIT1ZV , -t ' REVESUE' LW. C0XCLUt)ED. . : . .: Duly , Dolls, eta ManifeifcLyf.eastom-hoHsS ehtfy of blearadis of, tho carjro.of any ship, .Te&el, or.steaujer, . ( . ; Tot a foreign fiort ' - ' - . ' If, the registered tonnage of tiuch ship, ves , 'j "sel, or steamer does not exceed three ban. dred toes, one dolUr.i . i. ... ' I 00 Exceeding three hundred toni and rot ex- . ., ' ceeding six hundred tons, three dollars 3 00 , Exceeding mx hundred tons, f ve dollars ' ft 00 Mortgage of land.-, estate, orp;opcrty, coal or ' personal, heritable of movalJe whatsoever, ' where.the satj)eb.nll he mud.3 "3ft securi- ; .,: lty for the paytnent'of any d'lfiaite and cer-. ' ' jt t-in sum of mpney. lenf,at UiaVimo, prpre-"; vionsly due and owing or.forbornts to b. 1 " 'piid, being -payable : also any conveyance ' ' -of aoy .lands, estate,. or property whatioev. ; ' er, in trust to bo sold or otherwise convert : .tfxl.intiOtnpnej,. which isha.ll beiintendei '., only as security, and shall be redeemable before the sale or 6ther dfs'polal thereof, expross stipnlatif-n or otherwise ; of any personal bond given as security for ; the payment of any definite or certvio sum 1 of money exceeding, one hundred dollars and not exceeding five hundred dollars, fjftycenti-- - i.. ....... ; $ Exceeding five hundred dollars, and not ex- ceeding one thouiand dollars, one dollar 1 03 Exceeding one thousand dollars, ard not ex- ceeding two thousand flvo hundred dollars, two . dollars'.. ..V;fM.' y;-: 2 00 Exceeding Eve thou'san T dollars, and not ex ceeding ten thousand dollars, ten dollars : 10 60 Exoeediog ten thousand dollars, and not ex ceeding twenty thousand' dollars,' fifteen ' '! dollars - ! 15 00 And for every additional ten thousand dollars. or fractional par'tftheredf, in excess of 1 ' twenty thousand dollars, tan dollars 10 00 Passage ticket, by any vessel from a por in tbekUnited.Stata3 to a foreign port, if less .. than thirtv dollar, fifty cents 50 Exceeding thirty isollars, one dollar, .. .. .. 1 f)u Power of attorney for the sule or transfer of any stock, bonds, or scrip, or for the collec tion of any divMondi'cr intereslj thereon,-twenty-five cents . . 25 10 25 f 1 00 Power of attorney or proxy for voting at any election for ofucers m any incorporated company or eocietj except religious, char itable, orjjtemiy society, . or publio ceme tries, ten cents--.. Power of attorney to receive and ctllejt rent, twepty-five cents ... Power cf attorneyto sell and convey nal es . tate, or rent or icaso the sime, or to perform any and all other acts cot hereinbefore specified, one dollar .............. .-T . Probate of will, or letters of administration,,) Vk here the estate and effects foi or in re spect of whioh such probate or letters of ' ' administration applied lor shall be sworn or declared not to exceed the valua of two thousand five hundred dollars, fiftv cents 50 To exceed two thousand five hundred dol lars, one dollar-..-.i... .... .... .. i- I 00 To exceed five thousand dollars, and not ex- . . ceeding twenty thousand dollars, two dol lars 2 00 To exceed twenty thousand dollars and not exceeding fifty thousarid dollars, five dol-: lars 5 00 To exceed fifty thousand dollars nnd not ex ceeding one hundred thousand dollars, ten ' ' dollars 10 00 Exoeeding one hundred thousand dollars and ' not exceeding one hundred ana ntty tncu- sand dollars.twenty dollars 20 00 And for every additional fifty thousand dol-;" T lars, of fractional part thereof, ten aolurs 1U UU Protest. Upon the protest of every. note, bill of exchange, acceptance, check or draft, or any marine protest,' whether protestod by a . , notary publio or by any .other officer who -may be authorized ly the law cf any State - or Staies to make fuch protest, twenty-five cen.s 26 Warehouse receipts for any goods, merchan dise, or property of any kind held on sto rage in any public or private warehouse or yard, twenty-fivecentS " 25 Legal documents : , Writ, or other eriginal process by whioh any ... j. 1 i i . suit is commenced in any court -oi rocora, either law or equity, fifty cents . 50 Provided, That no writ, summon?, or other process issued by a justice of tbe peace, or issued in any criminal or other suits coin- ; -meneed by the United States or any State eball be subiect to .the payment of stamp 7 duties: And provided, further, That the stamp' duties imposed by the foregoing sohedulo B on rmirii'.csts, bills of lading, and passing tickets, thall not apply to steamboats or othef vessels plying between ' ports of tbe United . States and ports in . British North America. : SCHEDULE C. ' Medicines or preparations. For and upon every packet, box, oottie, pot, phial, or oth er encloseure, containing any pills, pow ders, tinctures, troches or lczengers, syrups, cordials, bitters, anodynes, tonics, plasters, liniment, salves, ointments, pastes, drops, waters, essences, spirits, oiln, or othef prep-, aralions or compositions whatsoever, mid a ,' and sold, or removed for consumption and ' ', sale, by any peron or person whatever, wherein the person making-or jreparing the same ha or claims to have, any pri- , vate formula or occult secret or art for tho . making or preparing the Same," or has, or claims to have, any exclusive right or title to the making or preparing the eamo, or which are prepared, uttered, vended, cr exposed fyr sale under any letters-patent, or held out or recommended to the publio by the" makers, venders, or proprietors thereof as proprietory medicines, or as rem edies or epecifics for any disease, diseases, or affections whatever affecting tbe human or animal body,' as follows:. whore such, packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other en closure, with its contents, shall not exceed, at the retail price or value, the sum of " twenty-five cents, one cent" 1 ' 1 Where such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or ether enclosure, with, its contents, shall ex ceed the aetail price or value of twenty-five-cents, and not exceed the retail price or value f fifty conU, two cents 2 Where such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or . -. i -. . . i other encloseur, wun us contents, &nau ex ceed the retail price or value of fifty cents, three cents." . 3 When sach packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other enclosure, with its contents.sball ex ceed the retail price or value of seventy five cents, and shall not exceed the retail price or value of one dollar, four cents. : 4 When such packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or other enclosure, with its contents, shall ex ceed the retail price or value of one dollar, for each and every fifty cents or fractional part thereof over and above one dollar, as before mentioned, an additional two cents 2 Pertumery end cosmetics. For and upon ev ery packet, pot, bcx, bottle, phial, or other enclosure, containing any escence, extract, toilet, water, cosmetic, hair oil, pomade, hairdressing, hair restorative, bair dye, ' tooth ash, dentrifrice, tooth-paste, oro tnatic caehous, or any sanilar articles, by whatsoever name the suae heretofore have ' been, now are, or may hereafter be called, known or distinguished, ased or applied, or to be used er applied as perfumes, or ap- -plications te th hair, month or skin, made, prepared, and sold or removod fof consump tion and sale in the United States, where such packet, box, bsttle, pot, phial, or oth er inclosure, with its eon tents, shall not ex ceed at the retail prica or value the sum of twenty-five cents, one eent-." ; . 1 Where nuch packet, box, bottle, pot, phial, or . other enclosure, with its contents shall ex- fcecd the retail price or .value of twenty five cents, and shall not exceed the retaiL --pried or value of fifty cents, two etnU..- . Whero.sueh packet, bcx, "bottle, pot, phial, or ether enclosure, with its contents, shall ex- . eeed tbe retail price or value of fire cents. and shall not .exceed the retail price or val- , tue uf seventy -five tents, three cents ,. J When such packet, box, bottle, pot, phiaL er V nr-ViU 'V'.ill 3' -:. " ! '. ,,' - ': , ; ,.;'., ; i c.A . ... .. .... . AND FOEEVEH", :.c . 1 :. .! ) : r i .'Duly. . . ' ... Dulls. cU. other enclosure, with its ecntonts", shall ex ; ceod the retail price or value If seventy five, cents, and shall not exceed the retail " price of value of oaa'doilar, four cents-- 4 Where such packet, box, bottle, pot.. phial, or. ! .. ' Other 'ehtlostire, with Iti coiiteiits,sh;;li ex " . cerd tbo retail price of value of one dollar,! ;; j for each and every fifty cents or fractional ,r part thereof overscd above the1 one dollnr; as. before mentioned, an additional, two- ' cents.- ...... .. Flaying card?. For and upon every pack of whatever number, whn the pries pr pitck .docs not etcecd eighteen cents, one-cent Over eighteen cents and not exceed twenty five cents pet pack, two cents '' . Over twenty-five cents and not exceed thlfty cents per pack, three cents-. t:: I Over thirty; and, ntt' excooding thSrfy-six cents per rackkfour cents. . . Over thirty-six cents per pack.fiveceats...- 6 LEGACIES AXD DISTRinCTIVE SHAKES OF " PE1IS0LAL ' PROPERTY. . See. 111. it further, enacted. That any person or person having in chyrgo or trust, as ad ministrate rs, ex2cn!crs, or trntees . cf anylcaeies or distributive rhares arising from personal proper ty, ct any kind whatsoever, Where the whole amount, of such personal property, as aforesaid, shall exceed the sum ot one thousand dcJars in actual value, passing frpm.nny person who may die after toe pas sage of ihir'act possessed of such property, either oy win or by tho intestate laws of any btate or Territory, or any part of such property or interest therein, transferred by 'deed,' grant, sale, or gift, made or intended to take effect ia possession or en joyment after the death of the grantor or bargain- ortohny person or persons, or to any body or bod ies politic or corporate, in trmt or otharwis?. shli be, and hereby are, male subject to a duty or t.tx, to be poid to the United States, as follows, that is to say : t irst. Where the person or person? entitled to any beneficial interest in. such. prprty shall b3 the lineal issue or lineal ancestor, brother or sister, to the person; who died possessed of such property as aforesaid, at and after the rate of seventy-live cents for each and every hundred dollars of the clear val ue of such interest in such property. second. hen the person or persons entitled to any beneficial interest in such property shall be a descendant of. the brother or sister of the person ho died possessed, as aforesaid, at and after the rate of one dollar and fifty cents for each and every hundred dollars of the clear value of such interest. Th irn. Where the person or persons entitled to any beneficial Interest in such property shall be a brother or sister of the father or mother, or a de scendant of a brother or 'sister of the father or mother of the person who died possessed, as afore said, at and ater tbe rate of three dollars for each and evory hundred dollars of the clear value of such interest. Fourth. Where' th person or person entitled to any beneficial interest in such property shall be a brother or sister of the grandfather or grandmother or a descendant of the brother or sister of the grandfather or grandmother of the ptson who died possessed, as aforesaid, at and after the tate of four dollars fur eah and every .hundrel. dollars clear value of such interest. Fifth. Where the person or persons entitled to any bencfioiel interert in such property shall be in any other degree of collateral oonsanguinity than is hereinbefore stated, or shall be a strainger in blood to the person who died possessed, as afore said, or shall be a body politic or corporate, at and after the rite of five dollars for each and every hundred dollars for the clear value of such inter est : Provided that all legacies or property passing by will, or by the laws of any State or Territory., to husband or wife of the perscn who died possessed, af aforesaid, shail ba exempt from tax or duty.. Sec. 112. And be it further enacted, That the duty. or tat aforesaid shall be alien an 1 charge upon the property of every person who may die as aforesaid, until the same shall bo fully paid to and discharged by the Usited 'States ) andvevj.ry.exe. utor, administrator, or other person who may take the burden or trust of administration upon such property shall, after taking such burden or trust- and before paying and distributing any portion thereof to the legatees or any.parUes "entitled to beneficial interest therein, pay to the collector or deputy collector of .the district the amount of the duty or tax, as aforesaid, and t,bll alse make and render to tho assistant assessor of the district a schedule, list, or statcment'of the amount of such property, together with the amount of duty which has accrued or should a?cruo thereon, verified by his oath or affirmation,' to be administered an-1 cer tifici thereon by some magistrate or ellker having lawful power to administer such oaths, in such form aud manner as may be prescribed by tho Commis sioner of internal Revenue, which schedule, list, r statement shall contain the names of each and person entitled to ..any beneficial interest therein. together with tbe clear value of such interest, winch schedule, list, or statement shall bo by him deliv ered to such collector; and opon such payment and delivery of such schedule, list, cr statement, said collector or deputy collector, shall grant to such person paying sueh duty or tax a receipt or receipts for the same in duplicate, which shall o prepared as hereinafter provided ; such receipt or receipts, duly signed and delivered by such collector or dep uty collector, shall be suucient evidence- to entitle the person who paid such duty or tax having ta ken, the burden or trust of administering such property or personal estate to be allowed for such payment by tbe person or persons entitled to the btnefk-ial interest in respect to which suoh tax or 'duty was paid ; and such person administering such property or-personal estate shall be credited and allowed such payment by every tribunal which, by tne laws i any atate or lerntory. is or nay do empowered to decide upon, and. settle the accounts of executors and administrators; and in case such person who has taken tbe burden or trust of admin istering upen any such property or personal estate shall refuse or neglect to pay the aforcaii duty or tax to tbo collector or deputy collector, as atoresaid. within the time hereinbefore provided, or shall neglect or refuse to deliver to said collector cr dep uty collector the schedule, list, or statement of suQh legacies, property, cr personal estate uuder oatu, as atoresaidror shall deliver ta said collector or depu ty collector a false schedule or statement of such legacies, property, or personal estate, or give the names and relationship of the persons entitled to beneficial interest therein untruly, or shall pot tru ly and eorreouy set forth and state therein the clear value of such beneficial interest, pr where no, ad administration opon sueh property or personal es tate shall have baen granted er allowed under ex isting laws, tho proper officer of the United States shall commence such proceedings in ' law or equity before any court of the United states as may be proper and necessary to enforce and realize the lien or charge upon such pioperty cr personal estate, or any psrt thereof, fof which, such tax or duty has not been truly and justly paid. Under such pro ceedings the rate of duty or tax enforced shrli be tbe highest rate imposed or assessed by this act, and shall be in the name of the United States against such person or persons as may have the actual or constructive custody er possession cf such property or personal estate, or any part thereof, and a nan subject such property or personal estate, or any portion thereof, to be teld upon tbe judgment or decree of such court, and from the proceeds of such sale, the amount cf such tax of duty, together With all costs and expenses of every description to be al lowed by such court, shrill be first pail, and the balance, if any, deposited according to the order of such court, to be paid under its d.rectioi to su-'h person or porsons as shall establish their Kwful ti tle to the same.. The deed or deeds, or any proper conveyance of such property or personal es'ate, or any portion thereof, so old under such judgment or decree, executed by the officer lawfully charged with carrying the same into effect; shall vest in tho purchaser Thereof all the title of the delinquent to the property or personal estate sold under and by virtue of such judgment or decree, and shall re lease every other porcion of such property or per enal estate from the lien or charge thereon.created by this act. And every person oj persons who shall have in his possession, charge, or custody, any record, file- or paper, containing or supposed to con tain any information concerning such property or personal estate, as aforesaid, patsin; from any per son who may die, as aforesaid, (hall exhibit the same at the request of the collector of the revenue, his deputy or agent, and te any law officer in tho L sited States, m the performance ot nis amy uu der this act, his deputy or agent, who may desire to examine the same anJ if any. such pcrcoa, having in his possession, charts, or custody, any such rej orda, 133, or pipers, shall refuse or nelwt ) ex hibit the same on request, as aforesaid, he shIl forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollari; and in case of any delinquency in miking the schedule, list, or statement, or ia the pymnt of theduty or Ux accruing, or which should accrue thereon, the assesament and eo Illations shall he NO.. 31. mads a3 provipel for in the general provision IL!. I -i ..r .... P I i .1 i mj: l - i n.Titiiji i. an ... .... , such deed or title shull fc ' the suKjoct t t jcd;cial investigation the recital in. said deec shall be. pre-" turned to he trbe.and that the requirements cf the law haT been complied with by the cQoers ol: the go vera nj Tit. , , ' ' : , j 1 n -. ! Sec 113- And be it further ena-ted," That when ever by tLis' set any liceh.-e. duy, 'or taj.'of'anj description has been imposed or any corporate body orjrorrty of any incorporated company, it shall be i.iwful for the Ct.nmisstrnei of Internal Revenue to prescribe and determine- in1 what u stcUt such tax shall be assess ?d and collected; ajid 'to what .H5-.:r thereof the cSicial notices required inihatbebaif shall he given, ar j of whem payment of such tax shall bs demanded ' : . Sec. li t. And be it furthor enacted. That' all ar ticles upon which duties are Imposed by the provis ions of this act, whL'h shall be found m the nosses sion of any person or persons frr tbe purpose of being sold by such person or persons in frand there of and with the design to avoid, payment of xaid duties, miy ba seized by any collixtor or deputy collector who shall ha vo reason tp, believe. that he same are possessed for the purpose aforesaid, ar l tho sama shall be forfeited t the Uritetf States. Anp the proceedings to eafora said furfeirura shall ba in tha nature of a proceeding in retn in tbe cir cuit or distric; court, of th United States for the listrict where tech seizure is made, or1 in any other court rf competent jurud:etin. And any person who shall have iu bis possession any Ftioh articles for the purpose of soiling the same with the design ot avoiding payment or the duties imposed thereon by this act, shall be liable to a penalty of one bun dred dollars, to be recovered. as hereinbefore pro vided. f APPROPRIATION". Sec. 115. And be it further enacted,. That th pay of tho assessors, assistant assessors, collectors and deputy collectors, shall ba paid out of the ac cruing internal duties or taxas before the samj is paid into the treasury, according to such regula tion as the Commisnoa-ir of Internal Revenue, un der the direction cf the Secretary of tbo Treasury shall prescribe ; and for tho parposa of paying tie Commissioner of Internal Revenue and clorks, pro curing dies, stamps, adhe.'i ve stamps, paper, printing r . , . . i icrms anu regulations, advertising, ana any other expente of carrying this act into effect, tha sum of hve hundred tnousinu uoiiars Da, ana hereby is ap propriated, or' so much thereof as may be necessary. ALLOWANCE AND DRAWBACK. . See. 118. And be if farther enacted, -That' from end after the date on which-thit act takes effect there shall be no allowance or' drawback on all ar ticles on which any internar duty or tax shall hare been paid, except raw or unmanufactured cotton. equal in amount to the-daty or tax paid thereon and no more, when exported, the. evidence that anj such duty .or tax nas oeen paid, to be furnished t..i the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Interna' Revedue, by suoh person or persons as shall claim the allowance or drawback, and tha amount to b ascertained under such regulations as shall, from time to tima, be- prescribed by the Commissioner o: nternal Revenue, under tae direction of the btx-ro tary of the Treasury, and the same shall be paid bj toe warrant oi ioo Lieortwrjui n:j ireusury on tin Treasurer of the United States, out of any money arising from internal dutiss no otherwise appropri ted : Provided. Th t no allowance or drawback shall bo mails or -had for any amount claimed or due la.t than twenty dollars, anything ia thiaaot to the con trary notwithstanding: And provided, farther, That any certificate of drawback for goods exported; is sued ia pursuance of the provisions of this act, may. under such regulations ad niny be pre-cnoed by tin Secrctarv of the Treasury, bo received by tbo col lector or his deputy in payment of the duties undet this act. And tho Secretary of .tha- treasury maj make such regulations in regard to tha form of said certificates and the issuing ther jof as, in hi judg mont, may be necessary : And' provided, further That in eotnpnting the allowance or drawback up.i articles manufactured exclusively of cotron wnei. exported, thero shall be allowed, id addition to tht three per centum duty which shafi huva besn paid on suoh articles, a drawback of fiva ml'.ls per pound noon such articles, in all cases where tbo duty im posed by this act upon the cotton used in the man ufacture thereof has been' previously paid ; the am ount of id. allowance to bo ascertained in such manner as may be prescribed by tne Cominissione. of Internal Revenue, under tha direction of tht Secretary of tho Treasury. . Soc. 1 1 7 Aod be it further enacted, That if ant person or persons shall fraudulently claim Or acel. to obtain an allowance or drawback on goods, ware- or merchandise, on whieh no internal duty shall hive becu Daid. or shall fraudulently claim any greater aUowanoe or drawb ack on goods, wares, or m'.Tjhau dise, on which no internal duty shall have been' pai d. or shall fraudulently claim any greater allow- anco or drawback than the 'duty actually paid, aforesaid, such person or persons shall forfeit triple she amount wrongfully or fraudulently claimed oi sought cd be obtained, or the sum or five hundred dollars", at the election of the Secretary of th-; Treasury, to bo recovered as irf other casds of forfeit ure provided fit in the general provisions of this act. Sec. 113. And be it further enacted,. That th sum of sixty thousand dollars, appropriated to com plete the capitol in jw Mexiio, by tee secona sec tion of an act of Congress approved June twenty fifty, eighteen hundred and sixty, and the sum of - - ' . . ... i i t fifty thousau'l do.ur, appropnaiea ior muuarj mads in New Mexico, by an act of Congress approved March two, eighteen hundred and siity-oua, ba. and tho same are hereby, credited to the Territory o New Mexico in payment of the direct annual tax ol sixty-two thousand six hundred and forty-eight dollars levied upon said Territory under the eighth section of an art of Congress approved August five. eighteen hundred and sixty-tw, to be taken upon account of said direct tax under said factj a the same may fall due to the United Ssatos tT,m. said Territory. ... ...... , S. 113. And be it lurtaer enaciea,. tnai so much of an act entitled "An aot to provida increased revenue from imports, to pay interost on the publio debt, and for other purpose," approved August 'th, eighteen hundred and sixty-ona, as impo-a a irect tax of twenty millions of dollars on the Udi- ted States, shall be held to authorize the levy and collection of ono tax to that amount, and uo other tax shall bo levied under and by virtue thereof, un til the fifit day of April, eihtaen hunlred and six ty-five, when the sanu shall ba iq full force and ef fect. Approved, July 1,1832. 1 -';'-- ThoronsJi-bred Wheet. The. following, plan for raising seed wheat Js the plan, or similar to the one we have so often suggested for all seeds, no labor can be too creat to secure lhe best. The Ohio Farmer says: . Mr. F.. F. Hallet, of Brighton, Eng land, is doiu for wheat what has al ready been done by stock-breeders for animals," viz; to establish for it a "pedi eree.' In breeding' domestic animals, ancestral influence is considered cf great importance and from the careful breeder receives much attention. He seeks the thorough-bred ' or "well-bred" animal, because he knows that for generations baclr, its ancestershav; shown uniformly certain desirable, qualities. He hno'-vs these desirable traits will develop them selves in the otTsnrinir. We recognize the same care in the vegetable world. If we want a good crop of corn, we select the soundest and best. ears, partially be cause it is easy to do so. In raising wheat, rye, oats, grass, and the cereals with small seeds and ears, while farmers have usually selected the best acre, and winnow out the smallest grains; yet rarely before has one been careful to choose only the" finest heads, and continued ic do .so. for several suc cess ive generations, until he has estab lished. a "breed," deserving the narae'of "thorough-bred," "or; as Mr. Hallet calls it, "Pedigree Wheat." The course pur sued : by . him,', as given in the Journal of the Royal Society, .is : as follows : ; , "A grain produces a'.'stoo!.' consisting iNcbvaslca ' kati;of ai)vi:i:tisisg. One s-juare ('on lires or lejsjor.'O ir.;run, $1 C? jici hJIi t'.oiial iiijpr'ijri - - - fcj . slrisinsj CafiU, fix tarn or Is, tr. year - Oue cluaui otyear "- - )ae culnmn yt t - . 0..e loni tt coiiima 021 yeat -, JJW' One eixbth ci.Iunm one jear . . Onecoiuam Hx Dinth -. - . Oe half Ci.lUiiin -ix montbj -One Tourta ci.-lnmn x wnh . ;(' ... , ; One eighth of a c..,id; 1 six norths " One coirmn tb'ee months - One hali colnnni tf.rr e nvn'tn . One foin th col jmn ifi :p9 cicait; r One ei-'lith cm r.mi three m .nths Aniii.r.n:iri3C.ii'1i'!ies for ()tl:ce. . '. 00 '. ct : iS 1 1 ft xs e 8 M S 00 Traiiifit itK-er?ieitents ni'isih. ra .1 rr in .u n Y"'r!y aJverti-rui. fits. (,ii3: i-ly In vi;;cv' ' i ia irrc:ent Aiivertt-e-neut;. fractions oer-Pt quare!!! Leciar-ei forty ifce line, tthe re vf ta rntstii first week, aid Scents e ica mfjueat week. of! Cf liianV ears. I plant the grains from tnese ears in such a manipr tKnt nrK year occupies a row by itself, each cf its grains occupying a hole in: this row ; the holes being 12 inches apart every way. . At harvest after the most careful sluy ' nd comparison cf stools from' all thesa grains,- I- select th finest' one,"' which-1 ia;cep. as a croof that its rjrr.t irr?-, was the best of all, under the peculiar circumstances of .that season. This, pro- cess is. repeated annually, starting every year with the proved best grain, afihougi the verification cf this superiority is not obtained iUntii ihd following harvest. During these investigations, .no single circumstance has struck me as forcibly illusiraticg the' necessity for repeated selections than the fact, that cf thegralrJ in the. same eari cue is found greatly to excel all the others in ?i:al power.". . 1 This plan was followed for four years without manuring, cr any system cf forc ing, wiih following remarkable .results ; In 1S57, he selected his first head cf wheat which was four acJ three-fourths inches loog and contained 47 grains. In ISdS. at harvest, he found the finest head was six and one-fourih inches long, and contained 70- grain3, with ten heads on the finest stool. The grain from the best head was planted, and the best stool had twenty-two sfalks, with, cne hi id seven and three-fourths inches long. con taining' 91 kernels. These were plant ed, but the season being the wet cna 'of 1S60, only two heads ripened ; but theso were on a stool of thirty-nice stalks, and the best head contained 7-1 grains. .' One of these grains produced a stool with fifty-two stalks, the best cf which was eight and three-fcurih3 inches long, and contained 123 kernels. ' Thus, in four years, the length cf the head was daub- led, .the number - of kernels increased from 45 to 123, and the number of rialks from one kernel; from 10 t'o 52. These results we consider remarkable. In th all of 1S60, Mr. Halleithad sutneient seed of his pedigree wheat, to sow 10 .teres with one peck to the acre ; and al though he, says it was the "worst wheat Gold on the farm," yet the yield. was 57 bushels per acre. , - ; We hope the lesson this experiment leaches will bepracticed upon by ourwheat growers, and .that pains will be taken by larmers to select large quaamie of th5; iinest heads from which to improve their wheat, and increase its yield. "Let the heads be selected with 'reference to qual ity, rather than size. If this course ba carefully followed for years, the result will be that our whpat will hive a "fixed type." from which, under'good conditions we may expect. as certain results a3 wa . now obtain from breeding from thorough bred aifiinala. ;-CatiU"Hi'a Ta'nmr; Invisible substances.' If a piece of silver be puf inta nitric acid, a clear and colorless liquid, it' is rap idly dissolved, and vanishes' from) th3 sight The toi'utton of silver' mitr .bo J T mixed with water;- nnd to appearance no tfiect whatever, is produced ;' thu3, in a' fail of water we dissolve and render in- visible more than. ten pounds worth of silver, not a particle of which can ba seen. Not only silver, lead and iron, but every other metal can be treated in th& same way .with similar results. When harcoal is burned, when 'candles aro burned, when paper is burned, these sub stances disappear and become invisible. In fact every material which is vi.ible, can, by certain treatment, be rendered invisible. Matter which in one condition' is perfectly opaque, and will not admt the least ray of light to pass through it, will in another form, become quite trans parent. The cause of this wonderful ef fect of the condition of matter is utterly inexplicable. Philosophers 'do not even broach theories upon the subject, muchT less do they endeavcr to explain tt. Tna substances dissolved in water or burned in the air are not, however. destroyed cr- lost : by certain well-known means, they can be recovered, acd again be rendered' " visible : some in exactly the same state' can be shown in their elementary condi tion, and thu3 iuan be proved, that mat ter having once existed never ceases to exist, alinougn it-c?.n cnange itst ccnai-- tion like the caterpillar, which becomes a chrysalis and then a gcrgoeu butterfly. If a pailful "of the solution of silver be cast into the stream, it is apparently lost by its dispersion into the water; but it nevertheless continues to exist.' Set when . a .bushel of charccal is burned in a stove, it disappears in consequence of the gas produced being mixed .with the vast at--mosphere ; but yet .the charcoal is still' in the air. On the brightest acd sua-', niest day, when every object cm be dis tinctly seen above..the horizon hundreds, of tons of charcoal in an invisible condi tion pervade the air. Glass is a beautiful illustration of the transparency of a im pound, which in truih is nothing, but a, mixture of the rust of three metals. This power of matter to change its con ditions from solid opacity to limpid trans- : patency, causes some rather puzzli g . phenomena. Substances increase ia, weight without any apparent cause ; for ' instance, a plant goes on increasing id' weight a hund rod fold for every atom that is missing from the earth in which it; is growing. Now the simple explanation . of this is, that the leaves of plants have 'the power of withdrawing the invisible charcoal from the atmospnere, ana re-f storing it to its visible state in sons shape -or other. The luns of animate and a smokeless furnace change mailer from its visible to its invisible 3tate; Ths ; gills of fishes and the leaver cf plants reverse this operation, rendering invisi ble or gaseous matters visible. Thu3 tha ' balance in nature is maintained, alihr.h, r the conjmual change ha3 been gcir j ca ) long prior to the creation of the "xti-; . animals." Wool Groxer. , trtmber22, 1S81. ,al-w Verabr 2U, IMS. I i