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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1863)
f 1 t 1 -ti! ! it-A:- rc ! i f f re f ( 'rV-.i , jf TBLEGBAPE. I -tTr. Vok. IO.-lhlears novices f ' .v-it the rebels lave 12.000 nun ! fC"-j -r-uDS at Port .Iludocu.. Their arr ta,u l" . Tho Tari'ol, Baton r,ouch. was .4 t s ho f.T!r mime in I jv- ji rorprt v. ;r)lh nscv ihcu- 1 .tvc i v - . . ' ;i re an-1 vilualle boos ani papers. , Vrw VcRt. 10. A Murfreesboro I -vs ire ltfss ci uie rt ueis -in- fe 'Y 2.033. There wcuuded illtf wLavergne yesterday.: Many trero left here, 'bat cannot be moved r,,tlr wounds are frightful, and inort t .Vpsc wil' ic y ;v Tret k, Ya., 10. The troops !. e"a-jSl rebel. at "Tiloorefield have .-erred to this.. place, the reie!r have t .' in the direction cf Is ew Mad- (Cairs. 10 A "Memphis "dispatch of mcrninr says McCiernand has arivd - Vits--r? an .superceded Sherman v c-.r.rjaiid there. There has been no i.v.;t - at Yiclfcburgf for several days. ' '"is rt-rcrtcd at Memphis that Bar;ks yi Farrarut are acvancing irom cclow f $ivYoin 10. Richmond pipers con- dispatch from Wilmington, N. C. , ;a wbi.-h .kivs the steamer Giratl'e, I lis valuable- cargo ot lioverment -rs ar.d a special messenger from Eu i-e.-srrirei at a Confederate port to-day ; Murfrftiboro, 10. The following cr ; :as issumed ty the Gen. cemmard-r- He was paihed to be obliired to :n- r.ntlie commissioned olTicers of the Con 'ectrite army tckrn prisoners, that ow :.:.z tp 1 arborous measures ennounc ri h'Vreid'ni Davis, irs his recent proc .xaii'cn. denying parole to our cllicers. :e will le olhgtd to treat them in a like It is a mailer cf regret to him Ln: 'd.i? rigor appr-ars necesary.he trusts rh rfninstrancps as many be made in rame of humanity, justice and civ M ration, nay reach the Confederate au ::.or;;is end induce them to pursue a "orcr.t course, and thereby enable him oacrorJ their oJncer priiit-ges which lie ar.vays pleased to extent to brave men. rpa th.'-cgh ildiTing for a causp which he j -c:."lr.- hostile, to the nation, and disas- j .ro'i to luuiinn freedom. i i-aro, 10. The Orleans D-.-lta, of ; m, nivs Ui' rb is in (Jrlar:are -ii.g j.r.ld within the las? fiw dov: r to ber J'3i1-rs, a:;l n r:'U. Chroma. i :- ,1 r J. ... :.;v. iiit'.irr.: d. an re, Li- ..TV a:u!C the .rebel i ':in!s c-p..-tl to end jtar'-d n:- I W a.-hiii-ton, Jr.ii. 12. II.h full ofil '..-! report of th'cjipture cf Hclly Springs ih-ws the rurTiflnirrn cf an Dern sud Lis soldiers in anything b;;t an thi Tiableliht. "An attempt was male by ;L"tn to distroy the General Ilosji'.al ccn laininc: over hve hunderd Mck. A lo of crdnance stores were piled in front of the hospital and fired before they had time to remove the sick. " The walls were riddled with flreing balls and shells. Twenty tick soldiers were . struck with miels. It is- added that one huiidered isd fiftysiefc. -soldiers were forcd to T;se frum their .beds and fall into line to. be -marched -ofT by the rebels who ! 11.., T " 1 ! threatened to shoo! th-e medical ofiicers fcr expostulating. Some of the mn were so wtak they cculd scarceh stand, fat vvtre forced along under threats of being shoi. Tne rebel omcers in com nsui rlnaly consented to stop their brutal proceeding on .receivein certificates timed ly every sergecn present that the Eea were, too sick 10 walk and their re moval an impossibility. Fcrt Monroe, Jan- 10. The Rich mond papers of yesterday, contain a dis patcii which says: Bragg made a speech ai Winchester, Tenn., in which he said he wouk make a siand between Alliance airi Tuliahoma. ; Kingston, N. C, Jan. S. The Yan Lees are making immense preparations for. in" -advance at Moorshead city. At Newborn they number 50,000 undTr Tosier. Thev will nr'obabiy attack Charls- tun, Wilmington, Goldsboro and Weldon E:mdtaneous!y. It is reported they are tow cooking inarching rations. ; St Louis, noon, Jan. 12. Gen. Curtis received a dispatch from Springfield, Mo., last night. . The rebels were repulsed in every instant. Our forces still held the place." Our loss is 17 killed, and the Vj mber wounded unascertained. W e tarried 35 rebels. Some others were carried off. . They left a number of wounded on our hands. Bjt little damage Tvas done to the town. Three columns of our troops are now after the enemy. .A resolution was introduced into the Hcus6 as follows : ' Resolved, that the committee on Mili- tary affairs be instructed to inquire into .1.- j r : 1 . A wie cxpecierjcy w fc,li:o uuuu.y iaiiu v. 1G0 acres to each soldier of any old rigi raent: That said land be located on any co-nfiscatfd rcble plantation as soon as 'the South is crushed. Passed GO to 50. Mr,. Stevens introduced a bill setting 'forth. that as the terms of enlistments if .s.'Jiofs would sooa expire, and as it is expedient to have soldiers whose (v.n-ti-tu:i otis peculiarly fit them for a southern ".i';pain, th-Tefrje le it enacted ibnt tiie Pr-vJ:.t be au'boriz.vd ari r-.-piir.-d to. raise. orraaiz and e.juip 150,0-')!) poriens of color, or African de-cent, to terve 5 " years-as artillery, infantry and cavalry, o .receive S-5 per 'month., wfth rations Sic.; crie-hilf to be retrained ftT the ue cf their families. In case of those who have no kraiies the money is to be returned for '.thejii until the expiration of his' term of service-.' The commissioned officers to have the same pay as regular army officers- Company ulUcers to be eithor white or black. Recruiting stations to be es tablish either north or" south. Mr Cox oved to lav the bill on the table nega lived yeas 53, nays 83. Further con- ''deration was postponed until Wednesday Gov. Letcher, m response to a requisi tion" by "President Davis, has by procla mation, cal'td out all the militiary in the .Co-uties bordering North Carlina, to aid Spelling any invasion in lhat direction. They are to rendezvous at Feiersbtirg. .A camp of instruction will be establish ere. The Whig says the Murfrees boro prisners are to" be sent to Richmond, Yankee Government refusing to re cive them unless their ofiicers are also feturned. Thr latter, some two hundred Q tiuraher, will be held in confinement xordance with the President's r?roc- . , j Binghamton, N. Y. 13 A very serious catastrophe occured'atllarttville 33 room e county yesterbay. A plesure party of SQ ladies and jremlemen vtere skctiri'ir on a porIv wjjen tj;e jce ave way an .jy Qr were drownd. rr i n i Jiie iouowmj telegram. ccmnua:ca- jinn- mnt iv,! frnm RrTl,. t;..,.: .u ncu 4ui5;wuii, as scm uer iue wires at eleven o'clock last ni-ht: ; J-oui s. Jan 11.11 P. II. in-Ch iff, Washington: Good nervs from Springfield. Our troops repulsed the rebels and :xe held the place. The rebels were retreating. I have three colums moving towards them.- General Brown loses an arm. Colonel" Crabb.of the 19th Iowa, suc ceeds him in command. Thetrojpi, En rolled Militia, behaved nobly. S. R. CURTIS' Maj. Gen. Mr, Woodring, telegraphic operator, arrived last evening at Lebanon, and thence transmitted over the wire, to Gen. Curtis, the following exceedingly gra tifying dispatbh from Colonel Crabb: "SpnijcnrrELD, Mo., Jan, 10. To Jtlajor General Curtis: "General: Theenemv attacked us on the Sth. They were about from four to fjx thousand stror;?. with three rieces of anillery, under command of Marmaduke, Uurbridare, Shcl Shelby McDonald, and irthers. They fought from .10 o'clock i II 1 after dark, with desperation, but were re-pulsed at every advance. General Brown was scverly wounded in the left arm, near the shoulder about 4 o'clock P. M. ITe turned the command over to me. The foe withdrew to a safe distance; under cover of the darkness. 'On the morning of 9ih, thoy raade a demonstration in full force from another point. We made such preparation to meet them as-we l ad at cur command bu; finally they -concluded discretion was the better part of valur,- and retreated." They then divided their forces,-one portion going to Sand Spring and the otht-r moveing oiTon the Rock river road. We did not have a force sufficient to follow. Reinfercements cf enrolled militia ar- riving during. the night, I snt early this morning what force could be spared to fullow them; harass their rear, and re- port their movements. Gen. Rruvvns was roriMailtlv in the j front, superintend in evrv movement Ry liis- cuolue and brave rv hn lias er-uear.'-.i h;tn-elf to ail mv-hrr hi- c-immar:d. Vr,;;r in )! 'b.w,i'U"it er'3ii? 1 CRARIJ. Co!. CW.'f;. The follow ii. 2" lmp'.munt di-pauh was noon, rcciv-d a: hcaJquarters from Lebanon, Msoun: Le3 ko!, rIo., Jan. 11. " To .W.Tj"r General Curtis: Severe fiirbtin?; at ilartville. Seven hundred Federals enged the rebeh under Marmaduke and Porter, four thou sand strong, with five pieces of artillery. At 3 A. M. (Saturday.) we attacked the enemy in force and drove them olT five miles south. They then circled and came back to Hartsville. Firhtin commenced aain at ten o'clock, and continued till sun down. Loss cn our side killed and wounded about thirty-five. The en- emy's loss was one hundred tnd fifty. " w perhaps more. JOHN E. COLLINS, ,Mjj. Commanding Pat.'''' MrTrHis, Jan. H, Gen. Sherman's official Tepcrt places our loss at Vicksburg at 1,350 killed and wounded, and 400 lost" by capture. The Jackson Appeal of the 8th, say s the rebel loss is less than 1C0 hilled, wounded and missing. New York, Jan. 14. A special Washington dispatch says: Letters from Illinois slate tha: the rebels are liberal in their offers to the west, cf navigation, free trade and freedom frcm taxation if she will join the South. Mem bers of Cocgrss west, cf . the Wabash river, declared yesterday that n ship canj-1 between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi is a politic al as well as a mil itary necesity. They insist that there is a deep laid and wide spread scheme to detach the north-west from the Union and that it mny suceed unless provisions , . , . r , be made for getting tne grain Ol.Lue Valley to the seaboa rd at rates of tran sportation mat ihall not eat up its value. . ... NAsnviLLE, Jan. 13. Three transports with- commissary stores have been destroyed by the rebel Gen, Wheeler between her and Clarks ville. Five hundred of his men are now encamped on Harding Piker twelve aiiles from Nashville. Washixctos, Jan. 14. rllocsr. Mr. Stevens reported a joint resolution ta pro vide for the immediate payment of the army and navy. The resclution author izes the Secaetary of the Navy, if re quired by the exegenries cf the publi: service to issue 50,000,000 of lejral tender notes in denomination njt lss than cne dollar. This i.'ue to be de ducted from the amount in any bill r.o'v pending of whicli may hereafter be passed by Congress. After being amen-' ded so a? to provide for the issue of SI 00.000.000 the resolution was- parsed. C.MKO.-. Jan. 14 Holly Sp-rigs is wiicy ana .turu'd. it s r porti-J tii nr r hi 1 1 i.-u at Lusrpkii.'s mills,' fcx miles south cf Llolly Spring:?, aid are Teparing tie ro:id and operating on it as fast as com pleted. Some of the lleet are still doing police duty betwe-en Helena and the Ya zoo river. The Bulletin thinks the expe dition up White river has already reached Little Rock, having left the mouth cn the fifth. St. Paul, Jan.' 14. Ex-Governor Ramsey was elected TJ. S. Senator to-day. Indianapolis, Jan. 14. Thomas A. Hendricks was to-day elected U. S. Sen ator for the long term, and David Tur pee for the short term.- - CLOCKS," VATCilESTjEWELRY. J. SCHC.TZ . ' VoT!lc"anuoTincft.tbM:iiiseTi!i of Tr-wnrllle 'i'-ifcity that he h is local eil hni-e S ia (t.irjvovvnvi'.lc, aiKticten'ls keeping a full SFort. wnn every ihtaz tu 1ik lineol' bMtie-t-fj. wfcieh -wi!l oeolJ torcah. lie H1 also ail k!;d of Te Vdiriuz of ;locts,iraUue tmijowelry. A.U wrk war ranted. '3rU'y I i Alcrcbata and li-Rt Mfter? who will adtres ni tMi fall, will be unpplied xrt h Gi.rdcn, Tie d ami Fiower Seed to fell on commission at fair ratfs. Ttee eelJ are all prown here and are trnn to nam? OFFICIAL. . LWS or, THE UNITED STATES, Patted at tc Stcond Stsslon of the Tkirtjf-tectnth i Jo j rest. . . PUHLISHED BV ATTTHOSITY. .T raves Z-i ir.r- coxtisued. CARRIAGE.,' VA7C1IES, BILLIARD-TABLES AND FLATE. r Sec. 77. And Ins it fu-tber enacted, That from and aftr the firrt day of ilij, eighteen LuhctcJ and sixty-tiro, there shall be levied, ollecoed and ftct"iiIT u If C'i.iTl'lxe, jdi;u, i..'iu uiiiiuiu-iiuiv, uit eererul dut ies or suajsf m"uy set dowa in ms apsinst tho Fnas? T?tirelj, or olherwrise fpecited and set forth ic schedule rorfced A. SCHEDULE A. CXS.T.UGZS; TATCSES, EIU.IXED-TA3LI8, AND PI ATE Carriii gig, cbaie, pli.ieton, ivajon, bag- $ Cts. gy-wjrjrn, carryall, rockaway, or other like earring, the b.xly ofwhicA rests ca fiprins if uny d' ?eript.on,kef tf jr tisa, and which phalL notb. exclusively eDijiIciyeii ia husbandry or for transparUvioaoi" uwrc.Lua- , - dise, and Vit'.nod at soveaty-Jive dollan or ever, inrlad ng the harness usd therewith, when drWD by ons horse, ono dollar Carries of like description drawn by two hors ;s, and any eoarhj h-kney -Ciaeb. oni cibus, or fiar-wheel jd earriae, the body cf which r:tH upon erring ol' any des.'rip toa, wiiioh nny be kjptfur nso.t'cr hire, or fur n.$M',i??Tf , and whion Hhall aoc be ex rluive!y employed in hnbanir; or for tha tranp-5rtati-u if inert'aandise, valued at ereiUT-fire dollars, and not exeseding two liundrud dollar?, iiirluiing tha harness used therew ith, drawn' by two horses or moe, two dulkm Crriapcs of like dwriptica, waen valued abeve two hundred dollars, and not exceed ing fix hundred dollars, five d ullars 1 03 2 00 5 CO 10 CO Carriais of like description, vulued abova six handrei do'.Kri, tea dollars PicasuM or racing vcisel. Lnowa as yatches, whether ly gnle or stcaia, undir the valua of six hundred dollars, fivedoliari-- 5 CO Yatches Ta'.ued above six hundred dollars, and and not exceeding one thousand dollars, ten dollars - 10 00 Ar.d i'-n' each additional one thousand dollars . in value o; s-iid yath, tun dollars 10 CO IKlliarc-tacbs kiipt for uss, ten dollars 11) 00 Hate o. dd, ker.t i or use, per ounce troy, 5f ty cents I'liUe cf silver, kept for use, pr ounco troy, Ihreo cent 50 3 Provided, That silver Fpoons or plate of sil ver, to an amount not xceed;ng lorty tuncc, as a!r--sid, belo.njin to anj oro person, h.l R3 xenipt irom dutv. SLAUIiilTL'IlF.I) CATTLE, H0i8,AX SHEEP: See. 73. An 1 be it further enacted, That -n and nfter tae fin;t diy of AuuL, eighteen hundred and tiisty-l wo, taere shall be It Vied, eolle-'ted, and paid ty any person or persons, firm ;, ojm;nies, or aj-oats or cui-ilrycea thereof, the following duties or laxe-i, tht is to fy : On nil horned cattle exceedis et hten norths o'd. s'iiiil.terel for sale, thirty cents per hoai; On a' I t.lvi?s Hni eat I'm under eighteen inuBths old. rl:ri,' tercl for sal, five cents per hf :d ; Un iil ln'rs, rxcrciiit six rconts old. fliuhtered for ale. when the mua-'ur thus sl.iuliturod exceeds twenty in nny one ye.vr ton eaau pprheai;. T! a l f-heep, slitulitorod for ?;iie. ave co. ts pr bcad : Pivvid i, Tiiat ad cattle, hoj . and slices. -.1 Iit auv pV?.)n for hi -r her o'vn c.a- Fuuipiinn. tiiail hv c.v.'Tn;.t from djtv. Ti. Anj he if t'nrtiie !iK-;ed. Thai r. an-i ! f;er t' e datu on wh:-a tnsa ut't Kball Uk efTf-'U in:y persua .ir Dir-ois. l';rm. ortaiinpAUie, ori.enn ,r i :i!.!f' e-'s th'-ref, lies baii:ess c-r. p-?cur ;tia:i it U I i jiliiii;bt-.-r for s.n'.d any cattle, ?h-.-ep, i:.r h 0's,! -be re-iUired' to lo ifceaui reader a li.?t at lae en.i .f c:i.:h'anJ every nionta to the aitaat ?? ? r of the district where the business is tfanuatwl, Etating the nuraber of c:ittlo, calve-;, if aay, the Timbered Ltrs. if any, ar.d the number of sheep, if any, i'athten-d, as aforesaid, witi tuo sevaral rates of w Cxf-d therein in this act, together with the whole amount thereof, vrhirh hrr shall h.ivo ao nestiu tbcret. a dcclaratia of saea person or jr sonp, ajont? vt emptoyeei thereof,a aforesaid, under oath cr a3irmatin?, in fucb manner and form aj tnay be prescribed by the Ci-umiasioner of Internal llevcnuo,that thesaaiois true and correst, and ehall at the iimo cf rendering said list, pay the full am: unt of duties which have accrued or should ac cra, a? afonssxij, to the collector or deputy collec tor of the ditri.-t. as aforesaid; aal in caia of de fault in making the retarn or payment of tho diitiei as aforrsaid, the assessment and collection shall be ma le a.- in the j;eniral provisions of this a.:t requi- ' r?d, n 1 in case of fraud or invasion, thet party of ferdin; shill forfait ani pay a penalry of tea Jol dars j-rr Lead for any cattle, calves, ho3 or sheep so slaughtered npon which duty is fraudulently with held, eva.led, or attempted to be evaded : t'rov.ded, That the Commissioner cf Internal llevsnne shall prescribe ruch ft rlher rules and rcjulationj as be m:iy deem necessary for ascertaining the correct mittb'fr of cattle, c:ilves, hog2 an(i EQer liable to be taxed under the provisions of this act. I1A1I.KOADS, STEAMBOATS, AND FERRY BOATS. Sec. SO. And be it farther enacted, That ojj and after tho f rst day of August, eighteen haudrod and sixty-two, any persons cr persons, firm', com pan ies, or corporations, owning or possessing, or hiiViug the cure or management cf any railroad or railroad up on which Fteain is usoi as a propelling pawar, or uf any steamboat or other vessel propallea Dy steam jowcr, shall be subject to pay a duty of three per centum on the gross amount of all the rooeipts of 'ucb railroad or railroads or steam-vessels lor the transportation of passengers over an! upon the .ini; ; and any person or person, Srcas, companies, or corporations, owdicg or possessing, or baviag the care or management of any railrund or railroads using uny otaer power than steam thereou, or own ing, possessing, or having the care or management of ary ferry-boat, or vessel used as a ferry-boat, propelled by steam or horse power, shall be subject to and p iy a dbty of one and a half per centum up on the gross receipts of suoh railroad or ferry-boat, respectively, for the transportation of passengers over and upon paid railroads, steambjats, and ferry j beats, respectively ; and aay person r jwrsons, firms ' 1 ' " o I 15' having the care or management ot any bridge au- companies, cr oorjKrations, owning, jwisessmg, or thorij.ed by law to reoeive toll for the transit of pas sengers, beafts, carriages, teams, and frsight of any dencription over sut-h bridge, shall "be subject to aud pay a duty of threo per centum on the gross amount of all their reacipu of every description. - And the owner, possessor, or person or per.on having the care an-i iaaiiagciu-';nt of BUh railroad, steaiaoit, ferry-boat, or other vessjls or bridge, as atores-iid, gha'l. within five days alter the ecd of each and every aiontli, commencing as hereinbiifore mention ed, nzake a list or return to the assistant assessor of tle district within which such own?r, po3se?sor, eomtany, or corp-oraion mny bare ha or its jilaco of business, or wLcro any such.. railro:nl, stcauibt, fern'-boat or briu'e is l:ated or belongs, respect ively, staling the gross amount of sunh receipts for Hie taonth iibjti preceeiicg, which return shall be verified by tbe oatli or aQruiation of such owner, p-ossecsor manager, agcat or other projer ofacer, in tho manner uai form to be prescribe-t from time to time by the Comaiiatiyner of . internal KeVcnue, and shall also, montlly, at the tim2 ol'uuki su.h return, piiy to the coilocuor or deputy collector of tho district the full mour.t of datios . ifbidi have ac cred on such reee-.pU for the mocth aforce-iid ; and in te of neglect cr rt fual tc make faid lists or re :urj f-.T the spaje i !' lire d.y afusr suca roturu .-iiou'.d be male as aforesaid, tiie a; or -assis-t.iiit assessur shjll proceed to estintite the auiouat 'n-ccivd ai.d ;iio duties japablo ibercon, as berein beforo profiled in other casi?s of ttuliujuoncy to Liakt return f r J urp'se ol ajsessmeut ; tur the purposo vf r&akitig such assesttincnt, -r-r of ascertia ir. the comctui-? off.nv such rettiru, the Ir-yAa of ai.y such p-.-rscii, cvmpiiLV, r corpirati(.-n suali be m; jjtc: t: the in-;i'i'.cti of the a-.ur i r usoi: tant o.-'r-.-cr on Li domanti or re Udrl itrelt-r ; aui in ca-e of ue-le -t or rviucal to pay tho duties as aiore .aiJ Kiieo tte same have been ascenaiued as tfore saii, for t'je si :e of vo days alter tae same sn:iil Lave become pa.i-bin, lue owner, (Hses-r, or per son having the management as aforesaid, shall y.xj in additwn, u ft per cjjiutu on th iimount of suca duties ; and for any attempt knowingly to evade the payment cf su.:h duties, the sail owner, posse- s.r, or person naving the care or uan;igeui.;t aj aforesaid, shall be lij.b'e to pay a pena.ty of one thousand dollars for eve-y such atcipt, to be recov ered as provided in this act for tha recovery of pen alties; and all provisions in this in relation to liens and collrctions by distraint not incompatible herewith, shall apply. to this section and to tha ob ject therein t-moracrd ; Provided, That all such pt-rozs, ccmpanis, and corporal .oo.i, shall bare the right to add tte duty or tax imposed hereby to their rates of fare whenever their liability thereto may commence, ary limitations nbw h may exist by law or by agreement with any per.or.. cr company wbich may hive paid, or be liable to pay, suculare to tin contrary noiwitbstauiini. uailuoad bo::i)S. Sec. SI. And be it further enacted, That traand after the Crsiday of July, eighteen hundrod acd sixtw-two, any persja or j.ersjDs oivulug or possed fcinT, or bavirg the aare or lu.iiiigt tBentof any rai i roa. company r railrcad corj.oition, being indebt ed tor auy sum or sums of money tor whsch bonds or other evidence of indt-biedn!S have been issued, payable in oi.e or nioreyear after date, upon weich interest is, or shall be, stipulated to be paid, or coupons represeaitiiig tbe iaterjst. ihall be or h ail bv been i?uod U- be paid, nnl all dividends in scrip or moni'y or umi of mon-jy therjafterdeclarod due or payiibie to stoekholdsi of any railroad coin part of the earnings, ;prohts, or gaioscf said companiei, shall b) subject tj and pay a duty of three per centum n th amount uf all such intcr- corporations, or any persoa or )ersons owning, pos sessing, or bavirg iho care or management of any rauroaa corporation, are ncretry authorised and re quired to deduct and withhold' fram all mrm-nta maae to any pejson, persons, or party, after the firet aay ci j uiy, as aioresaia, on aasount of any interest or coupons or dividends due and payable as afore said, the tid duty .or sum of -three porccctum ; and the duties deducted fcs aforesaid, and certified by the president or other proper officer of said company or corporation, shall lie a receipt and discharge, ac cording to the amount thereof, of said railroad companies or railroiid corporations, and tho owners, possessor.', and agents thereof, on dividends ani on bonds or other evidences of their iudebtednese, up on which interest or coupons are payable, holden by nny person or party whatsoever, and a list or return shall be made and Tenderer wi'.hin thirty d.tys after the time fixed when said interest or coupons or div idend became due or payable, a jid as often as every ix months, to tho Comtuissionerof Internal ReTcn- 4ier which shall contain a true and faithful account of the duties received and chargeible, as aforesaid, during the time hoa said duties have accrued or should accrue, and remaining unaccounted for; and there shall be annexed to everr such lis; or return a declaration under oath or aairmttion, in manner and form as ni y be prescribed by the Commission er of Internal Kevenae, of the president, treasurer, or seme proper ofScer of said railroad company or railroad corporation, that tha same contains a truo nd faiihful account of the dnties so withheld and received during" the time when such duties have ao crued or should accrue, and nit accounted for, and for any default in the mikinz or rendering of such li?t or return, with the declaration annex!, as aforesaid, the person or persons owmag, possessing, or having t'aeoaroor raansg-irnut of saoa railroad company or railroad -corporatL-on, m ;kin; such-d e fault, shall forfeit, as a penalty, the sum of fiva hundred dollars ; aud in cxie of auy default in making or said list, or of any default in the payment of the duty, or any part thereof, ac cruing or which shou!d -accrue, the ssessment and collection shall be made awarding to the general provisions of this ait. UANKS, TRTST COMPANIES, SiVLVGS IN STITUTION'S, AND INSURAMCi: COMPANIES. - Sec. S2. And -be, it furthor esactoi, That on and after the first day of July, jightecu uund.-ed and sixty-two, there shall be levied, collet-ted, and paid by all bank trust, companies, and Barings institu tions, and by all fire, marine, life, inlaad, stock, and mutual insurance companies, -unier whatever style fr tamo known or oaiied, of the L'nitad States cr" Territories, specially incorporate! or existing under gaucral laws, or which m ly o hereifuar incorpora ted or exist as aforesaid, on all dividends in scrip or money thereafter declared die or paid to stockhold ers, to po! icy, or to depositors ,as par; of the earnings, profits, or gains of said baaks, tru3C com panies, savings int:tutions,or insurance companies, and on all sums added to their surplus or contin iren) funds, a duty of three per centum : Provided, That the duties upon tho dividends of life insurance companies shall not be deemed duo, or to bo collect ed until such 'dividends shall be payable by such companies. And said banks, trust companies, sav ings institutions, and insurance companies are here by authorized and required to deduct and withhold from all payments niide to any person, persons, or party, on account of any dividends or suns cf money tht may bo due and payable, as aforesaid, after the firs? day of July. e;-hteen hundred and sixty-two, ti s.ii ! duty of three per centum. And a list or return shall be in.iia ami rendced within thirty days alter the tiu tixed uheu si-r'a dividends or turns of money shall be d'clared dye and ' payable, and as often as every six months, t the Comruis aioner of Irtfrnal Rjvonue, which sb-II contain a true an-i f.tithfu! a-eoant of th nnouat cf JitMe i.r whi-h f l;ouid teTK froai time tu ti::ia, :is a!"ure--r ; 1 . during ih' ti:n-3 whei ac'o d itiea reana uu . .iTiti'J for, iid t-icr eliaii be aan-rcd to erory -t- u !ist or ret'j: n ii d-.'-. 1j ari oi. u nd-sr oath or n-f -Sras-ttioa. ' ; ai-i-i in fi.rn atil man it a ?!ii.i; j rfrcr;L-od by the (-.maliion-r of Iotercal l?r eTiP.o. of t-ic president, or s im o;her p.-jper ofScer of said b-tnk.!t company, siviugs insti;ution, or insurya.vj c-mpany, rezpeetiveiy, that tho same coLtaiiis true and faithful account of the duties xihich bivo a?crucl or should "?crue, and nt ai countod for, and for any dof.ia't in ths delivery of such list or return, wita such annexed, tbe-bank, trust onmpaay, savings institution, or in surnncc company nuking such dafu't shall forfeit, a3 a penalty, tie sum of five hundred dollars. tScc. S3. And bo it further enacted, That any person or persons, owning cr possessing, or having the care or management cf any raihoad company or railroad corporition, back, trust company, saving institution, or insurance "company as heretofore mentioned, repaired under this act to make and render any list or return to tho Commissioner of In ternal Ilevenus, shall, n pon rendering the same, pay to the said Commissioaar of Internal Revenue the amiunt of the duties due on sujh list or return, and in default thsreof shall forfeit aia penalty the sum cf five hundred dollars ; and in case of neglect xir refusal to make such list or return as aforesaid, or to pay the duties -as .aforesaid, for the space of thirty days afier tho "jime wh-n said lis should have been end j and rendered, or when said duties shall hive becoaii due tnd piyable, the assassin in t and collo.-tion shall bo mads according to the gen enal provisions of this act. . Sec. St. And be it further ena;t2d, That on the first day of October aaao Domini eighteen hundred and sixty-two, and on the first day of each quarter of a year thereafter, there shall be paid by each in s urance company, whether inland or marine, and by each individual or association engaged in the busi ness of insurance from loss or damage by fire, or by the perils cf the sea, the duty of one per centum upon the gro receipts for premiums and assess ments by such individual, association, or company during the quarter thou preceding; and lika duty shall fce paid by tbe agent of any foreign insurance company having an ofice er duing business within the United States. . - - - Sec. 85. And be it further enacted, That on the first day of October noxtr and on - the fir.t day of each quarter theroaftsr, an account shall be mads and rendered to the Commissioner of Internal Rev enue by all insurance companies, or their agent, or associations or individuals nuking insurance, except life insurance, inclniing agents of all f jreiga insu rance companies, which shall contain a true and faithful account of the insurance nrido, renewed or continued, or endorsed upon any open policy by said companies, or their a.rents, or associations, or indi viduals during the p-eceeding quarter, setting forth the amount insured, and the gross amount received , and the da:ie3 accruing thereon under thit act ; and there shall be annex il ti and delivered with every such quarterly accouit au u21avit,in the form to bo prescribed by the Commissioner of Internal Rev enue, inado by one of the tu iors of said company or association, or oy the agent in tho case of a foreign company, that the statements in said accounts are in all rop3?t? j-istand true ; and such quarterly accounts lihall bj rendered to tho Com missioner of Internal Revoca-s within thirty days after the expiraiion of the quarter for which they shall be m xde up. axd upon rendering sush account, with such aQd. vit, as afore-w.d, thereto annexed, the amount of the duties die by such quarterly ac counts shall b? paid to the Commission'-r of Internal Revenue ; and for overy dofault in the delivery of such quarterly aoeount. with such affidavit annexed thereto, or ia'the piyincnt of thu amount of the du ties due ty such quarterly account, the company, or zent,r association, or iaiividaal making such de fault sball forfeit and pay, in addition to such duty, the ran of five thoasand dollars . (To be continued.) TEE BAY SCHOOL BELL. TTTE PAT SCHOOL. EEL.L- A New Sinsin;: B ioa or Dtir, called the Hat School Bxll, i-. ujw e;uiy. t ci.rjtaits atx.ut 200 p.ices of etioice Jviriir, S s, k.v.i.ds, Cat,ta,' Pupu. Tii-, Quartets and Civ r-es, iijiniy of tnecn wriitcn espressiy for -thi work, eiues 32 paa.?s of :the 't.iinrria vt mnic. Tbe Kie tie'iis am j-o eaiy t i vrozreswe tint ordinary teach ers will b'i'i tt:eioelves f-i.tirelr sucoessfol m ii.siri.ct. ir:v pvpi. y.-ii;.; ?ili.)'a' t.i t' rrec; iy ai..l c'i:.i:S cfiiy j i i i fee tune- bth! wurds priilirarfis sueh a v.ui ety or" livply, attvatiive. and oultirin? rui?.:c eatmiet ttt uotri'nb'e wi'i be experienced m iri la rioif alt t-inuer to tfo on witli zeal in acqiiiTiiijt btili Ui oiictf it-e nwiit liei(h-j;n nig. heaoiy inij.'rov.uj;, Uapi'ineis jielJic;;, anJ orret producing exerci! oJ bciiuui i..fp. Li sur.viicity of its JCleuiem, in wrterj an'l ai3j)'aticn of music, and in escelitcce and nnnibpf of its si nes, Miisiral, selccwsl, and adapted, It climi y Foucli to e.fel i ll a,-siieii.trrs. It will be f( und t be Ue test bo k e-rer lMied for Serainaiies, AcadeniieSi and Puldic &io.i:. A tew -sample papes of tae ele ments, tunes and iF-ong are jivea in a circular; send udgetone. It i.' compiled by Horace Waiers, aotho cf "Silath Sctool Bells.1 X a 1 and 2, which have had the pnrcious sale cf 65o tiCKi copies. Prices paper covrrx 20 c., $!6per hundred; onnd 30 cent. $2f er hundred; clo.b. bound, embossed gilt40ceu: J30 per hundred. 25 copies furiiished at the one Lui.dre4 price. Mailed free at tho retail price. NOTICES OF TIIE PRESS. The Day School Beix. The tnns are lively, an4 such as may be easily masteTpi by children. Tbe spirt or the Rjn's is unexceptionable aud well adapted to the schoolroom. It is the cheapest ani arooun the best c.icippiid of a:hool innidc puUashed.-.Vcw York Teacher. Ha V JiHOOt, BtLL This book is erainectly arfaptH to ?e in uur cuuimon sclois. We huve a great uuo.ber vf school soog books before tte pi. I' lie, but uiany ol then lack musical as well as lite rary i-ai-tp, aud :ire really dcKra.izuy? in their influ ence u--on the ir.u.-dcal taleat e-t the young. Airs of ac tnow eJged exofi leuce; weaOe.l to words of true f try, are the quUtie iht ouzht to be ouaht with the great et in the preparation ot a school ong book- This book .seems to combine the t two qmUties. Ptniuyi vanitt School .kttmal. .. pyljlished by HORACE WATEI13, D41-ly No. 4. troitdway, New Verk. :tTOW HEADY. - THE OScial Union Volunteer Dircctcrv, f 400 psgf-s.) containing J'ntiie and I2eiJence of every OScer anJ I'rivato in tho Union Army, with their CorJimands.Uaaualties.l'rctaotionj, Ac. flSEvery oue wants it. j Sent poiit-raij.on receipt of 23 rmtt -i n 1 1. .in.,. ,i --i -. - . . FOR FALL TRADE. . JOHN C. DUESER, 3X A-IN. STREET. BROWNTILLE, N. T., Takes plearure in annonncinjs that he has now on hand a large and select stock of every article in his line, COOK STOYES, Of all the improved patterns, vii : Plymouth Hock, Charter Jak, Vaticy Forge, Elevated Oven, fa.c, &c, &c.f HEATII7G STOVES, Box and Parior Stoves of an pndless variety, com of which are entirely new deicns, viz : Combined , Cook and Parlor Stovet. something very nice ior. small families. I CALL ESPECIAL ATTEXTIOX OF . FARMERS TO MY HEAVY SEEHT IRON, for Sugar Boilers, and LARGE CAST IROS JLETTL.ES. A VARIETY OF CHEAP LAYB AltD COAL OIL LAHPS Brass, Copper, and sheet ircn ware; Lantern. Shovels and Japanned Ware, tt-o., &c. SELF-SEALiriG FRUiT CAfsS! OF the latest and most improve! Styles, cheap for cafh. I am prppared to put up puttering and spoclinp, and all other work of niy line at tae shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant to g.ive satis faction. August 2,lSf2. HELLO, STRANGERl WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE NE"W. a O O D s ? AT J. BERRY Sc GO'S., the vet.v cheapest house in BEOWIWTIjLE. J. BERRY & CO., - .- - Have just received, and are now oppnirsr, at their stand on Uain street, cne of the largest stocks ef ' BEY GOOBS I A 5 D . ever offerel in this market. Remember the place, J. BERRY & CO'S., T-u" o- 2VT.2i streetf BROWXVILLE, N. T. May 29, 1862. n47-tf . ilooil on ror. the 1ST S imW GOODS ARE COLSHIG! AND Will be Sold Cheap for CASH OR PRODUCE. They Consist ol a Large Assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AXD CArS, LADIES' HOODS, DRY GOOBS, HOOP SKIRTS, S0TI0NS. clothing.:, DRAWERS, OVERSHIRTS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEEXSWARE, wnissr, vhtegar, eeakdt, iron, KAHiS, DOOES, SASH, PJXTS, OILS, A1ID GXiA3S. II, PIffi-M For rsliicli tiie IISsIieHt Price ivill DEN'S STOKE.!.! LADIES, Save Vonr HAGS, and Den will take Them in Exchanz for Good;. 1-1Y TERLIS AHE, SMAIiIi PEOFITS. QTJICS SALES, AND NO CHHDIT. December 13th, 14C2. W. T. New Remedies for SPERMATORRHEA. IIO WARD ASSOCIATION, PTTTT.AT)-RL'PTTTA. A Benevolent Inttitutinn tttahlUhei by rpertaf JC dovrment, for ine Relief of tbe Sick and Distressed. cJF.Uted with Virulent and Chro-.xic Disrates, ani especially for the Cve of Diteaies of the Sexual Ornans. 31EDICAL ADVICE ci'" sratis, by the Acting Surpeon. Valuable Reports on S ermaUirrho'a, and other dis ease of tbe Sexual Oreins, arxl on the X5W REMB DIES employed ia the Dispensary, sihU intealed lettei envelopes, free of charge. Twor three Sumps accept able Address DR. J. SSJLI.TN TJOfGIITOK, Hrward As aociaticn. No. 2. South Ji'inth S-reet, Philadelphia, Pa. December 12, 1851. n23-ly NOTICE. I PPJ v The public are .hereby notiOe! that the Indians ot cnT resiectiTe tribes are nt pcrraittei to go berond tha limits of their Reservations, without the written per mission of their Agents ; and all persons are cautioned aeainst harborin;; varrant Inciaus. Dae attention to thin notice will enab'a ns tc detect the author of dep redations, and prevent the of annoyances tf which complaint are f recently made. O. H. iTtlSTl, Omaha Asent, J. P. K4K.FE. OrcoAjrer.t, '""' r.BW..; k.1t' 'H,J',rT-.l SADDLERY I SADDLERY I HaTin reeeatiy nade larja additions to my ttook, conai&ung of SA1)T3, ITAKTKSS. JSUTDLES. COIXAR3, LINKS. WAGON WHIPS. IdJOOT WOTT3. OX LASHJiS. HOSSS LASUIiS, STitiE LASHES, SUKCL.VGLUS. G1RTH3. finURLPS, LKATHER3, kc., ate. I thick I can ainaodae all In qwalltltv, quantity and price. I wrk Done bat best Oak Tanned Leather, and getting it directly from tanneries la Ohio, faicoa tCem it will pve sauafacUoa. Plostsrcj's Hair on Hand Cheap. cash paid roa HIDES. 1. W. HIDDLTIOJ. September 13, 15S3. n9-ly CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CL0THTHG - Ever offered in this Market. JJO DOUBT AEOIT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOUJBSELVS AT TEE. Batiinore CotLinfi Store, eho vTrryiLLs, m. t, DAY iLi Announce to the pubiie that h stock of READr-MADE CLOTH LNG, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS" AND CATS. CARPET SACKS, GENTLUEN'S UN DERWEAR, &.C., 'cc, &c. Cnprecedented In quantity,'. r'i- es. lie isdetcrmined his prices sha'l cor-e ? . ' . i-j tiroes, and therefore offer herein ?,, s ' t as low rates as such goods can he p i 'ha-i' ! licra m the United States. As a aan.iit! ol ii pr;rt. h will mention that he sells Coats from $1,25 to $1D. Pants from $1 to $7, Vests frcm $1 to $5. Roots. fboes.Hats. Caps. Fancy and Wbite Shirts, Sas- ders, NecVties, Socks, Ilandkerchiofs, &.c, in the same proportion. Tbe proprietor embrace ttl oppnrn!Ty of returning thanks for past patronage, and promise to spire no ef forts in the future to give entire satisfaction. Call AzxcS. sco 1x1x33.. DAVID SEIGEL, Brownville.Jup.elS, lS61.-ly LETT, STEICKLEE '& Co. 31AIS STREET, . BROWNVILLE. N. T. VTe are now receiving and opening a complete assort ment of Merchandise, consisting OF DIIY GOOIOS: rrints,; Muslins, Drills, Osnaburg, Denims, Cottorades, Apron Check, Hickory, Jeans, Berates, Linen. Dress Goods, All Wool Delaines,' Fancy and Plain Silk, Lawnes, aten Vestiars, Broad Cla'.hs, Cassimere, klooped Skirts, &c, Si.., SvC. OF GROCERIES: Coffee, Tea, Soap, Molasses, Candler, B. C. Soda, J'aleratus, Vinegar White and Brown Suar, Sack, Earrel and Dairy Salt, Chewing and Smoking; Tobacco OF HARDWARE : Axes, Hatches, Butts, Screws, . Locks,- Latches, T'lils, Tacks Penknives, Knives and Forks. Hand Haw tnd Mil! Tllz, C-.. W- V o 'i - C- I tXV.., 4.V-.. C . , I"-'.-. OF QUEEX&WHE: Cups and Saucer--, Plates and i ;r.tter ?, Dishes ai.'i T i.rr.hi::: -. Coal, I Wi.k-. : OF ROOTS & SHI Women's Shoes. Kip, Calf, JBufT and Kid, Gaiters, Calf Shoes, Oxford Ties, Micses Shoes, Slippers, Men's Calf, Men s isrogans, Lopper Kip and Course Boots, itch?. OF HATS & CAP : Tanama, Leghorn, ; "Planter's, Straw, Wool, Cassimere, Plantation, Shaker Hods, &.c, cc.,2kC. Of Farming Utensils: Cradles, Rakes, Fork3, Plows, Scythes, Snaths, Shovels, Spades, Hoes, &.C., &c. Zlc. OF liUillHIER: Clear and 2nd rate Pine Flooring, Siding, Boards I, 1 1-2 and 2 Inches Thick, Sojh, Doors and Blinds. Pin Lath, All Sizes Sash, All Sizes Doors, All Sizes Blinds, We call the attpution ef the public to enr stock, a cur CASH TEHLI3 enable ua to sell low. Thankful for past patronage, we solicit a eontlnnanse of tha same. LFTT. RTTJCKLLR L CO. 10 G2. THEODORE HILL, Is recerrtaft, and will oott!an to reiva darhif th iunuuer, a at Tire iincnsT BEST STOCKS o r ffilii iSEiiiii r R af That has ever been txfilblted la the Western Ca t'T. embracing all the latent sty.os and novaitleso th Hues. IIis siocs uibraa . I Dry God, Grocerif, JlttrJtritre, - , . . t Cctiery, ,-) Quaprnwarr, lints auJ Cajt, . Doors and Sa.h, . - .. Glass and I'otty. . 1 iae Furniture, ' t t intil kit Try 0ds wtn be found . ... --,- ':" yrinta, Glnsrhnm, Lawnc DaTres, Crown and Blesr.bed lniin, Deraees, Strjped Sfcef'tnj. Cot- ' ton nil e, lioiery, Ciioves, TI Latest Styles Hoop Skirts ' Notions, Ac, IC " Eg has much tho Largest S tech of QTJEHi:3T7AHE in tha Upper Conntry. THEODORE HILL, Apent for the Uaniirbal & St. Joseph EaU Haod Packet Iiino of Steamboats. VayS3, I3G2. n6-tf. 2JcCOH2IICII, Eeaper and Ilower M AKUFACTUB1D A? Ohioag Oi Z 11 This celebrated machine t bv all wdth PES? GRAIN AXD GRASS CUTTER IS TIIE WORLD. Ji withstanding tbs nusrep-esentations or thnee inter ested in other machines, C. H. McCorniick at Bro. bim ufactuje at tha rate or 8,000 per year, Uany chaaciM have been affected during tbe paat seaoon. and for lxiJ the "McCormick" is presented with greater attracti.oiia than ever before. As a reaper, TIIE ECONOMY OF POTTEH ' IX T3IS HACHIXS, ITS , Strengtli, Durability, and Simplicity, . plve It pref ertnee orer all others 27 ew hapruteniwita added, have materially lessened tbe direct draught, and so obviated the tide dr.iuebl that many mtnrm ua that It does not no r exist. Thedrught sf Che Ker la so light that In numerora Instances tbe liro f jur horse maclun Is worked with but two horses. F O Tt 31 O W I N G . The Vachine of 1S2 will stand any tert that tnav be applied. Onr Gnard and Patent Cleaner eiT-sciually prevent chokins, ao matuir what the cond3tio-n of tae raft, while ecr mv divider point Mparates baldly lodged and UngUd ciover or jrasa, wliere other aaa chinea fail. - There is also a xreat advantace In our serrated si:kle edge over the m.)th, as It doe not require thirpesinx so often, thus savin; time. Our sickle will fre-pf Lily run tbroush an eritire harvest witbont once (jnni.lnt, while tbe smooth edae must be ground enr pjtch day. If not oftner. With a nnx-th edce tbe Iranpat tacretues as the knife becrcaes duK. Our drau.'ht ts cnilonn. and in tbe repeat rd trials during the season of ls6f) 61, proved fr lighter thansiaKle lluw!, catuuf al tae same tirne frjiu twelve t- euhteen incsea wldar. Oar iiiwcr can be used with or without the reel , this i i'npwruut, a cithoat tae reel it weighs but atwrt 670 poinds.' 4 lii additi'Mi to tbe r(7 liberal wirranfoe plven to all pcrcViers. o woni imy a- heretofore, lhat farme'a who eu? '.ie-re it, are a . L'jerty to worX oar nuichiiie thr-.-iVrh t!:e haret, wi-t a:iy outr, and kep and pay ( r i r Mip prifcrrel. , ' i'sT, :v.s .nth fif? (If'7tiin of irrrprrveiaents, fir., cm b- bu I by aplicatio'i to THEO. HILL, Agent, x".EW GOODS JUST DECEIVED AT PRICE3 TO EIT JOKCf A. POIiN Is now To;eivin$ and cpenia; out tis Sfri) Stock of Good, eonaia inj of . Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats and Caps, Boot3 and Shoe Iron and Nai's, " r Flour and Lacs Qaeensware, Hardware, , Furniture, Sash and Doors Window Glass, etc., etc, eta. TTalca I wIU mII cheap for CASH OS PB0DUC Call examln mj ticck jvgr;!:,:-, elsewhere. " Brownrf:!e, April 2t,lS32, nt2-?;ra 1862. A vrr'n - "r f - Til 1