Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1863)
Tho Economy, of Using T H K Family Sewing HacMne. TKrt machines make the celebrated GROYER t MAKER STITCH, wuion taken tte biihet preml aaiat the Illinois State Fair, in September lat, at the Unite States K:r in St. Ljui. in "o0, at.d at.tbe principle t tit riiVthroBft.oul ttecouutry. Ompeieut J'nie st a -Oe-TRn la raver of this titcta, on account of iu treat strength and adaptation u ail kind i.f fatuity and manufactm ins purposes. ; TL folU.wit: T;itJ. will abuw tbe UiCereure in favor . mt Sewing Kachr.cs vef tbeold meib.-d or stitchifig by hLd. In the wording of tbee Macbiotj there J nt nlv a great sv;r,; of labor and tin;. t'fuie adding gieatly the b:i.i.f u;e of the oir.pkTtne u , tut the atitch la much irocger, iiiore clitic, and lens lUb.e to riper ravel taaa C tiicb rcade with ahu-tlea and toboina. Tim comcmed !n making i T.y Machine. By Hand. cp Ladies' GaruieuU. tllk Dresa. Vnslin Shirt, Keriuo Dross, Cbcmiae, Calico Dress, Koreen Skirt, -. Xlgat Dress, Drawera, Sltk iprtm, riain Apron, Ucrg. min.'H.jura. Jiln. 1 15 10 ?8 5 6 6 1 10 SO t 10 10 10 I ' ts ' .40 t S9 I - IS 97 S SO 4 lOJ 1 N f By Kaahlne. t By Band. Honrs. Kin. Hoars. Kin. 1 S& It SO I 40 IS SS . 1 ... , 18 . .- S 10 46 J5 69 . IS ' 40 S SO p Gentlemen's Garments Gentleman's Shirts, Trk Coat, Satis Vest,; . Linen Vest, Clwlh Pants, JUnuser rant,' The Franklin Family SEWING MACHINE; Sat one advantage which is worthy of especial aitentloa la addition to the peculiar character of the stitch, and that Is Its adaptation to either light or medium beavy work.. The Machine which at one moment Is nae4 oa THE MOST DELICATE FABRIC, In a few mo tents after can be brought to bear with the same facil ity on rottonades and towels of tbe eoaraest description. Us adaptation for FAMILY WORK, Is thus remarks- ele. and rues Ha superiority over every other sty la of paciilaein tbe Karket. In order that these Machines may be placed In the Sands of alt claosea, we have reduced tbe price of our FRAHXLIX FAMILY MAC1IIXE TO FORTY DOLLARS. From tbe Increase of our business for the last year, and tbe entire satisfaction our Machlues are giving throughout the United States and European Countries, we are led to Inhere that onr determination U manufacture a PERFECT, SIMPLE, RELIABLE AND CHEAP MACHISE, has been fully appreclaten fey the public This policy will remain unchanged, and . heretofore no Machine will be allowed to leave the ' efflce that we cannot fully warrant in every respect. Ttt shall keep on hand at all times a general assort aaent of Sewing Machine msterlala. Keedles for all maehlnes can be ordered by Mail or Kxpress. Price One Dollar per dozen. Persons in the country, by sending us their address aclosiDg a letter stamp, can have forwarded by return Bail, one of our circulars containing the different styles I Machine, list of prices, and sample of work. E. RICIIAXIDS & CO., Principal Agents for the North West. Office and Sales- m 111 Lake Street, Chicago, Illinois, E. RICHARDS Lato of L. Cornell A Co. C. W1SWALL, JKOM. TAPPAV, formerly Af't far .he Graver Jc 9aker Sewing Machine. JanaaryLh 1862. nS-tf GREAT, IMPROVEMENTS IN SEWING ilACFIIKES. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE. PaUnttd February 14th, 1860 Salesroom, 510 Broadway,- -'A ; YORK. . ; This Machine is constructed oa an entirely new principle ef machinery, posting many rare and val vable inrprovemciits, havitg been examined by the test profound eiiiert?, and pronounced to be SIM PLICITY and FFY:rECTIOX COMBINED.- . Tbe following are tbe principal ebjectieni nrged ajiast Sewlrjg Ma'blnes . 1. Excessive "fitrjce te'l 4.- lacaraoity to 'sew tbe operate every description of fl. Liability t0ttoattf order. . I. Expense, trouble'ar.d loss of time is repairing.-' - v .. .Tte Empire, Seeing . materia 1. , - ' -S-DisHrcealla noi:e vbii in operation. acume is Exempt . froa all these clectioas: I11 mj I takes tfee L'Jt h. or miu i t Lb fciiuu. bica wii EITHER KIP ncr KAYEL, asi is alike on boih ' sites ; perftrns pi"tct swicg on evrj Ueecription f Biateria.1, fremLetther to tbe nest Nanr.k ilur- 3a, with cotton, lineo or silk thrc?d,from :be co - test to tbe finost cumber. 4 f Earicj nettber CAil nor COQ WIIEEL, and tbe Ike least possible friction, it runs aa smoothly as (lass, and i . Enpbatically a Noiseless Machine I . It requires twenty-Te per cent, less power to . crtve it tbaa any other Machine in market. A girl f twelve years of ae can work it steadily, without fat'gua or injury to health. Ite strength and WONDERFUL SIMPLICITY of eonstractioB render it almots imposeible to get it out f order, and is GUARANTEED by the company ,to jive entire satisfaction. . We respectfully invite all those ho may desire to apply thetMelves with a superior art idle, to call and examine this UXR1TALLE.D MACHINE. ' But in a more spocial manner do we solicit the vatrocage of feerchant Tailors, ; Caaeh llakers, Keop-Skirt Manafactarers, Skirt and Bosom Makers, Drs Makers Corset Makers, Gaiter Fitters, bboe liiftdors, Vest and Pantaloon Makers tJ"Eel!gious snd Charitable IxiSiitaticas will be liberally dealt with. Price of Machines, Complete: !fo. I. or Faily Machine, 45,00 ; Ifo. 2 Small Ised Manufacturing, $60,00 ; No. 3 Large sised Manufacturing, J 75,00. . Cabinets In Erery Variety. TTa want Agents lor ail towns in the United States, where agencies are not already established, te whom a liberal discount will be given, but we Blale no consignments. T. J. IIcARTHTJR & Co., 510 RroadtTar, JVctv York. COIilWERCiAL NURSERY, . : 03IA11A, KCIinilSKA. E. H. BUROHES, . PROPRIETOR. I have long since been ooavincea' cf tbe wast ef a first . class Xarserv in the West, where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &c, Caa be adapted to onr climate and soil. Ta view of theae facts, 1 Lave established In this place, and offer for sals at . . Wholesale or Retail, A large and well selected stock, suitsd to this climate, f Applesstandard sn! dwarf ; Pears, rtaodard and dwarf ; Cherries, staudard and d waif; Peaohes, Piuaia, Aprloots, Kectartnes, : liuincnj, Goosberrie. Currents, Grapes, " ' Karpterrie, Ptraufcerriiv, Biaclherrles, Tvergroeiis, Shruks, Roses, Dahlia 0'calntal Trees. Greenhoele md Lld;:.g Plants, etc., etc. To which I ..uld tog leave to cal I the atietu u ef the people ofKewratra,, Colorado, Jowa ar.i North west V :o'iri. : i XJ-StT tttzut will be as lew ss acr reiiaie eastern Xursery. Br rcrortslDS of r.-. U.e eipDsecf tranrportaun fri'tn the east rnn he EHvei. All t:ees ai.J fUuit srciful!r labeled an-1 r-a-"i In the Ut r. r.M-r, f.r a hich a eta r? "f H-e aaul con. will le tr.9-. c thri?e wl.1 le tisie fcr thedclivery ef riutuuxn Ua'-i siciml n-a's. All ciati..c:i.'i'i uV.ioi! to the cnlers'jne.I t Furniture ! Furniture ! ! re ia-jt;-.:e twk of Fur:;iiur ever t."LreJ la tils sr;e cocr.'ry Jt ierx-.ved if UU-1 reii:a. Ai-ii t.r. EAGLE ' W0EE3 nAIIUFUCTUEIIIG C0IIPAIIY, Mi'ilL - CJjictSjGOi I'JLIjijS"OIS. 17 R - N ' H 'I I ..V ' ! .'j - ,.Ti' J ..... ., Ff-fsrL.;Li::!.lrin: -Us i-Vl t W 1 ' I GATES' PORTABLE ENGINES. Ko. 1 8 Dorse Power, weighs 3 f CO lbs. Trice 501 1 No. 2 1 200 " PJ0 Ne. 10 ' . " 6 000 " ' 7S0 ;f i set I j5 j . ''CWCACcj .1. t , -1 . n tC I j'! : ' lh - .-i-tSrSSSjil f H f,1) w L,I 3'?fi PC' !M .'.TVpSrji , a5 K oo 5' S U ViL 'm:. A y j-1 . J1?3 . ; . ; l ?lr I- d .2..S U.(P rUVi HH H UiifvbH'ii B-o J s ; - i anlumt ' - . .5 ; .r s .o c hi 'J ; H IT H tine 1 r;i-. Kfifw - , S? . V o I r ';i J Inn IF '-'iii i . 2 2 s & -j-f--.i'h- r :- V I 0 sr filfi;,:":'- 'Mi'MI ' - i'iiLlJw.Miui.i.iii.uJ-" -i 5 - O ... CD P. W. GATES'! PATENT SUGAROANE MILLS er ' f-'. ... , . K.P ,'.;W . ..FU R N A S , . Is Arent for P. W. Gates' Portable Engine, Evaporators and Sugar Mills. - . -rf- Orders lart with. FISHER & HACKER, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA . ..' KO 3XILLS SOLD- ON-CttEDlTi.--. ii::.:S-i W W--' : ill :--?i-iJy. - J -. ;ll; . . . . ': I Mi I i- : . t 1 1 i . i i - - ..J - : . . iff. CS r:; fx rtMi ?T "1 ' 1 : : -? - X . No. 412 Horse Power, weighs 7 500 lbs. Price $551 No. 6 15 8 5 0 ' 1,100 No. 6 13 " " 10,000 " " l,S0l) No. 1 is an upright three-fol er mill for one hore, weighs 6:0 pounds, and capable of ex ressfinf? 30 to 60 gdlluiit juice per hour. Price $40. No. 2 is an rpripht three-roller mill, for one or two Lories, weighs 800 pounds, and capable of 60 to 70 gallons jnice per hoar. Pric $V). No. 3 is an upright three-roller mill, for two horse3, welglm about 1,000 pounds, and capable of ejrpnsins 70 to 100 gallons juice per hour. Pnco $65. No. 4 Is an upright three-roller mill for two or four horces ; weighs 1,400 pounds, and Is capable or espsinn irom 100 to 160 gal lons jnieeer hour. Price $,. - No. 6 is a fonr-hori?e-puwer mill, upright rollers, for Meam or water pover, capable of expnssir.s 60 to 70 gallons juice per hour. Price $60. Ivj. 6 is a six-Lorre thrre-roller horizon tal mill, back pared for horse or mcani jow er. weighs 1.SO0 pounds, and capable f cx prjiiiw from 70 to 1U0 gallons of juice per hour Price $76. i , . . , v . . No. 7 is an eteht-hor? three-roller Vori I 'ntal mill, hack gearel for horse or steam power, veigh Z.OdO pounds, and will ex pve from 150 to 250 gallons per hour. Price 125. " Nu. 8 i a sixltea horpe three-roller hori zontal lalll. tacit geared for steam or water poacr, weigh 6.i&a pounda, and expresses from 200 to 600 callous of juice per hour. Pries $300. P. W. GATES, President, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. I! 1 i l; ' : I III. lilt i, V , U I IVI4I -j-J J:. i k. it:. J 1 DO YOU If AST XO 23 XJ PURE DRUGS D IODIC! If ES? - If SO, GO TO TIIB CITY DRUG STORE, P. 0. BUILDINGS, AND JOHN H. MAUN, Will sell whatever yon desire. Ton msy rest assured It is a From bis lonx expeilence In the business, he is CONFIDENT be will give satisfaction to all why may call at Lis ESTABLISHMENT. lie has now on hand, and It constantly receiving a large supply of all articles usuall kept iu a DRUG STORE. JOIIX II. 3IAU. Brownvllle.May Sth. 1862. v6-n44-tf APPLE TREES. BROWNVILLE NURSERY. TUB TXNDERSTGNKD HAVE STILL A YllW THOUSAND APPLE Tit EES, KAISED IN THIS SOIL AND CLIMATE, Which they offer this Fall, CHEAP FOR CASH, o APPROVED TRADE. -THESE TURKS ARE LARGE, Will commence bearing In a year or two, yet we will sell them at 15,00 PEU HUNDRED, o & 2,50 PEU DOZEN. MAUN, FISHER S. HACKER. FREIGHTERS TO THE MINES AND THE WESTERN FORTS And the public renerally are respectfully Informed that his Mills are now in excellent running order, turn ing uu', lTom 60 to 75 sacks per day. He has the best millcrj in the Territory. (Admitted both In Colorado and Nebraska to be unsur passed by any nest of the MlsMlstdppl River 1 la made from the best of Fall and Spring Wheat, and is sold at as low prices as can be obtained in the Territory. nis flour is kept for fate at all the. stores inBrown- vuie. ue is prepared to rurnisn rreishters, and citi rens generally, with floor from either Fall or Spring Wheat, and aUo with any amount of Corn, Corn Meal and Buckwheat Flour at; the lowest cah prices. Custom Grinding done at one-sixth per bushel. He desires tccajl tbealtentiou of freighters to the advantages of Brownvilie as a shipping point to the West. Not only can any amonnt of graiu and flour he obtained here cheaper than at any ether point In the Territory, but the Alerchauts nere nava laid in this sea son a large supply of every variety of Roods. J. G. MELVIN. Aug. 16, 1862. B6-tf THE HARP OF FHEEI103I. Now read, a new and superior collection of 27 Anti- Slavery, Patriotic, and "Contraband" eongs, solos, duets, quartets, and choruses. Moat of the Poetry and Music has been written expressly for this work, to correspond with the times, and should bo sung by the million, in order to awaken a deep interest in behalf of the "Contrabands," whom God, in his providence, has cast upon the Free North to clothe and educate. CONTEXTS, IJf PART. "Fair Freedom's Morn has dawned at last:" "Break the Chains," or V Kmsncipating Sword ;" "Fremont is Marchin on, or. Glory Hallelujah;" 0h I Hejn the 'Contrabands';" "Old John Brown's Song ;' "Song of the 'Contrabands';" "O Let my People Go ;" "Parody on the Song of the 'Contra bands'' "Where Liberty Dwells is ray country;" "When Slavery dies there'll be Freedom,-" "Wake, Freemon, God has spoken;" "Whittier's sappressed Song of Freedom," etc. Price only 5 cents single, 50 cents per doxen, $3 per 100 ; postage 1 cont. HORACE WATERS, Publisher. ' t?nl-ly 431 Broadway, New York. FRENCH'S CONICAL 7 Wasliiog la chines. The most simple, durable, convenient and economical j article vsr invented for the purpose. Will do the waging of an ordinary family before breakfaH, not only savihjr time, but clothes. By strictly following the printed directions, which are simple itnd easy, it will wash, at one time, six shirts, or two dozen small articles. In about tix or seven min utes, or their equivalent. By all the ordinary methods of cleaning fine fabrics, such as laces, &.c, tbe greatest care is required, while with this machine the most delicate article can be washed without the possibility of damage. These reaalt are produced by tbe constant reaction the suds while the machine is in motion, of Families, laundries, hotels, boarding-houses, hospit als, asylums, boarding-schools, on ships and 6teamers, and in the army, who have these machines in use, have sent in their testimonials voluiftarially, and the enco miums cf the Press are very numeroos,isome of which 1 have publisned in pamphlet form. All I ask of the Public Is a careful examination of this machine before purchasing of others. General Depot 419 Broadway, corner Oanal,St.,Xew Turk. Frico only Ten Dollars. PHILIP FRENCH, Proprietor. Address box2893, N. T. City P. G. N. B. A liberal discount te the Traits- Jgenti wtntcS. Send fr a CircWor. fire meS GET THE BEST, CORNELL'S GE0G1UPHIES Siirnaxs all others before tht Public t , 1st. In philosophical arrangement. 2d. In tha gradual progress of their steps, SdMn presetting one thing at a time. - 4th. In tie adaptation of. each part to its inten ded erode cf scholarship. Ota. in tbe aamirable moae tney prescrioo ior memorizing the contents of a map. 6th. In taeir explanation and directions for des cribiagthe natural divisions of the earth. 7th. In taeir judicious selections ot iacw. 8th. In the appropriate and instructive character of their illostrationi. 8th. In esnsistency between maps and text. 10th. In the introduction iuto the maps of such places only as are mentioned in tho book. 11th. In the clear representation of every fact, and the analytical precision with which each branch nf th anhirtct ia keot distinct. 12th. In bernz at once practical, systematic, ana complete, philosophical in arrangement, ana pro greasive in development oi ine sudjoci. CORNELL'S GEOGRAPHIES Are officially recommended for the nse of the Pub lic Schools or Nebraska Territory. Cornell's Geozraphies are officially rtenrnmended for the use of the Public Schools of the State or Kansas. Cornell's Geosraphies are officially Recommended for the nse of tho Publio Schools of the State of Vermont. Cornell's Geoerachics ara officially recommended for the use of the Publio Schools of the State of Ohio. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the use of the Public Sohools of the State of Indiana. Cornell's Geozrarhies are officially recommended for the use of the Publio Schools of the ritate cf New Uatmehire. Cornell's Georraphies are officially recommended for the use of the public schools in the State of Cal ifornia. Cornell's Geographies are officially recommended for the use of public schools, in the State of V it- consin. Cornell's Geographies are used in publio schools of the City of New lork. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the City of Urooklyn Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the City of Aloany Cornell's Neoraphies are used in public schools of the City of lroy. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the City of Syracuse. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of MieCityof Auourn Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the City of Rochester. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the city of Philadelphia. Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the City of f ltteburg, Cornell's Geographies aro used in publio schools of the City of Mobile. Cornell's Geographies are used ia public schools of the City of W llniinjrton Cornell's Geographic are used in public schools of the city os Washington Cornell's Geographies are naci in public schools of the City of Detroit. Cornell's Geographies are used in publio sshools of the City of Columbus, Cornell's Geographies are used in public schools of the City of Hartford Cornell's Geographies are used ia public schools of the City of 'ew Haven. Cornell's Geographies are in general use in all parts of tho Uuitcd States. Cornell's Geographies are printed on the best pa per, are tho best bound, and the best illustrated of any School Geography extant. COKKELL'S FIE5T ST&TS IK GEOGKAAHY. Intended to precede Cornell's Geographical Series, and to intrduce tho little pupil pleasantly and prof itably to tao rudiments of weograpny. Une beauti ful volume, child's quarto, with numerous maps and illustrations, ill pages. 1 1 'rice, 25 cents. THE SKKIE3 C0XSIST3 OP I. PEIHA3Y GEOGHAPIIT. Small 4to. 88 rp. 12 Mat. Beautifully illustrated. Price, 50 cents. II. GSAIIMA2-SCII00L GZ0GSAPHY. Larze 4to, With uumurous Maps and Illustrations. 103 pn. It includes Physical and Descriptive (?cojrrarhy. Price, 9!) cents. ( The Grammar- School Geography may either follow the Inter mediate, or be used instead of it. The chief difference between tbe Intermediate and Gram mar School i?, that the latter, though no more elevated iu style, is fuller in detail, presents a greater variety of map questions, and a larger number of localities to bo memorized,) III. HIGH-SCHOOL GEO GSAPHT AND ATLAS. Geotrrayby, largo 12mo. 405 pp. liichly Illus trated. It includes Descriptive, Physical, and Mathematical ueogranby. Price, 75 cents.- Atlas, very large 4to. Containing a complete set of Maps for study : also, a set of Reference Juaps for family use. Price,!. A copy of either part of the Ser'es.for exam- inationfwill be sent by mail, post-paid, to any Teach er or bchool Ouicer remitting one-half its price. D. APPLETON & CO., Sew York. ( JUT PUBLISHED.) Cornell's Cards for the Study and Practice of 3Iap Urawing. Designed to accompany any Oeography, but especially adapted to the scale of Cornell's Gram mar-school .Maps. Price per set of 12 Cards, 50 cts. Cornell's SJeries of Outline ?daps, of which a Des criptive Circular will be sent upon application. January 111,1862. n29-tf FRUIT AND ORNAllENTAL TREES. 200,000 Apple Trees, i years old, $3 per hundred $60 75,000 Standard Pear Trefs, 2 to 3 years old, 425 per nuniireu, 3vou per thousand. 20 000 1 year old Diana Grape Vines, $15 per hundred $lco per thousand. 150 000 Standard Pear Grapes, $8 per hundred, $50 per thousand. Thes-e Pear Grafts, not being bulkv, can be transport er cneapiy, and by growing two years, will make good sired trees to plant in an orchard. Any one can treble their money by crowing them to sell. Send for Whole sale and Descriptive Catalogues. . MOODY & SOS. 51-na Niagara Karseries, Lockport, N". T. MME. DE5IOREST?S MIRROR OF FASHION. The largest, best and mont reliable Fashion Magazine in the world. Contraius the largest and finest Fashion Platcs, the greatest number of fine engravings, the latest and most reliable information, three full-sized Patterns for Dresaes, and a sheet of new Braid-work and Em broidering Patterns, livery Mother, Dressmaker, Mil liner and Lady should have it. Published Quarterly, at 473 Broadway, New York, sold everywhere or sent by man at za cents, xeariy f 1, with a vaiuablo premium. lae cummer nunioer bow ready. SABBATH SCHOOL KELL NO. 2. 75.CC0 Copies Sold the First 12 Months of its Publication. It iian entire New Work, of nearly 200 pages. Aiany ot the lanes and llymus were written ex pressly for this volume. It will soon be as popular as us predecessor, tieu o. I) which has run up to tne enormous number of oo,uuo copies in do months, outstripping any Sunday School Boot of its size is sued in this country. Also, both volumes are bonnJ in one to accommodate schools wishing them in that form. Prices of Bell No. 2. naper covers. 15 cents. Sixperiuu. iJound.25 cents, f 18 per 100. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 30 cents. $32 per 100. Bell No. 1, paper covers, 12 cent. $10 per 100. Bound 20 cents, $18 per 100. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 25 CBUV8, per iwu. ueus ios. l ana z bound to trod inn t 1 1 ' A gether 40 cents, 30 per hundred. 25 copies fur nished at the 100 price. Cloth onnd embossed gilt, 50cents, $40 per 100. Hail postage free at we reiau vice. 11UHAUJS WATERS, Publisher, n41-ly No.4Sl Broadway, New York. THE RURAL AMERICAN. A CONCORD GRArE VINE FREE TO EVERY CL USCRIBER. , I am now issuinat a new series of that DomiUr Arri. cultural and Uorticu It ural paper, the Rural American. . ii win ne uuuii?iieaun llie Island lain of each month, in k o1 style I irpe si2e at one dollar a year, or ouiy setenry-ve cent in clubs. A FIFTY CEST C0NC0ILD GSAPE VUTE win oe sent rree to every subscriber In a clnb r fn or mora j and fto vines, free of all cost, to those who yay une utuar. The Rural American in devoted exclusivelv t. mr.i buujib, uu is one OI me hest nanura f..r rrTM Stock raisers, Fruit-RroTcrs, Gardeners, Bee keepers' ate. In toe United States. I am well known throaghoui the entire country, as the form or orfitnr ni ih Vwk Farmer,Aua the author of the "American Bee-Keeper's Manual," and ''Domestic Poultry Book." I hare spent I "'w " pursuiis, ana now m practical farmer and fruit-grower. I have20,0C0 Concord Grape Tinea .uiSu,uiir. mis is oeci'ie-Jiy the beat grape In wuuwj. it riena in all climates, and -yields aOtLnAf tYi nnnnfitvivf .: -m inui us uy oiufr nry. ioe I LOCAL AGENTS WANTED. "I want local agents In every state and every town. ricuiiums uu commissions are extremely liberal. Send for sample copies Immediately, which are free U CI la too, Oneida County, ST. T. TO THE PEOPLE OF In th! month of December, 1S6S, the undersigned for the first time offered for sale to the public DR. J.BO VEE DOD3 lilPESIAL WINE BITTERS, andinthir Short period they have given such universal satisfac tion to the many thousands of persons who have tried them that it is now an established article. The amount of bodiiy and mental misery arising simply from a ne glect of smali complaints is surprUing, and It Is there, fore of tbe utmost Importance that a strict attention ta the least and most trifling bodily ailments should he had; for disease of the body must 'nvarlably l3ect the mind. The subsenrersnow only ask a trial of DR. J. BOVEE DODS'S Imperial Wine Bitters from all who have nor used them. We challenge the world to produce their equal. These Bitters for the cure of Weak Stomachs, Gen eral Debility, and for Purifying aud Enriching the Blood, are absolutely unsurpassed by any other reme dy on earth. To be assured of this, It is only neces essary to make the trial. The wine Is of a very supe rior quality being about one-third stronger than oth er wines, warming and invigorating the whole system from the head to the feet. As these bitters are tonic and alterative in their character, so they strengthen and invigorate the whole system and give a fine tone and healthy action to all its parts, by equalising tbe circulation, removing the obstructions and producing a general warmth. They are excellent for diseases and weakness peculiar to Females, where a tonic is requir ed to strengthen and brace tbe system. Xo lady who Is subject to lasitude and faintness, should be without them aa they are revivifying in their action. THESE BITTERS Will not only Cure but Prevent Disease. aud in this respect are doubly valuable to the person who may use them for INS1P1ENT CONSUMPTION weak Lungs, indigestion, Dyspepsia, diseasec of the Nervous - system. Paralysis, Piles, and for all cases requiring a Tonic. DR. DODD'S Celebrated VFine Hitters ax- TTxx3xxiT3.socl:- For Sore Throat so comuion among the Clergy they are truly invaluable- Fur the, sged and inarm, and for persons of weak constitutions For ministers or tae gospel, lawyer and all publio spaekers for book-keepers tailors seamatresneH. etudcnts,ar artists, and all persons lea dine a sedentary life, they will prove beuedcial. as a bevera'ze; they are wholesome, innocent, and delicious to the taste. They produce all the exhierat inz effects of brandy or wine, without Intoxicating; and are a valuable remedy for persons adicted to the use of exesbive strong drink, and who wish to refrain from it. Tbeyaiepure and entirely free from tbe poisons cou eained in the adulterated wines and brandies with which the country is noodld. These bitters nolo nly CURE but prevent disease, and should be used by all who live in a country where tbe water is b3d, or where chills and fever are prevaleut. Being entirely innocent and harmless' they may begiv. en freely to children and infants with impunity, Physicians and Clergymen, and temperauce advocates as an act of humanity, should assist in spreading these valuable bitters over the land, and threby essentially banish drunkenness and disease. In all affections of tlie Ileatl.SIck Headache, or IV erraougll cad ache, Dr.Dod-8 Imperial Wine Rlttcrs Will be found to be most Salatarn and- Edcaclou. FE3IALES. The many "cirtificates which have been tendered ns and the letters which we daily receive, are conclusive proof that amopx the women these Bitters have given a satisfaction which no others have ever done before. Xo woman in fne land should be without them, and those who once use them, will not fall to keep a full supply. DH J Bcv3e Bod's IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS, Are prepared by an eminent and. skillful physician, wh has used them successfully in his practice for the las twenty-five years. The proprietor before punbain the exjiusive right to manufacture and sell Dr. Bove Dods' Ceiebraieg Imperral Wine Biters, hadtthemtest ed by two disiinpuUhed medical practitioners, who pro nouueed them a valuable and safe remedy for dssease. Although the medical men of this country, as a gen eral thing, disapprove of Patent Medicines, yet we do not believe that a respectable Physician can be found in the United States, acquainted with their niedirai properties, who will not highly approve Dr. Bod's IM PERIAL WINE BITTKRS In all newly settled places, where there is always a. large quantity of ceeayins timber; from which a poi sonous miasma is created, these bittei s shuold be used every nioriiin; boforobreaKsast. It. J. GOVGE DODS' IMPERIAL WINE BITTERS Are composed of a pure and unadulterated .wine, com bined with Barberry, Solomon's Seal, Comfrey, Wild Cbery Bark, Spiknard Camomile Flowers, and Gentian. They are manufactured by Dr. Dop himseir, who is an experienced and successful physician, and hence should not be classed among the quack nostrums which flood the country and against which the medical profession so justly denounce These truly valuable Bitters have been so thoroughly tested by all classes of community, for almost every vrl ety of disease incident to human system, that they are now deemed indispeuahle aa a Tonic, Medicines and a Beverage. Purchase one Bottle It Costw but Utile! Purify tlic Blood. Give Tone to the Sto tuacli lien o vase tlie Sys and Prolong- Idle. Prlco $100 per Bottle, 6 Bottles for $5 00 Prepared and sold by CHARLES WIDDIFIELD & CO., SOLE PROPRIETOS 73 "William Street, I3ew York. For sale by druggists and grocers generally through out the country. Oct. 17. 1S6I. CHOICE LIQUORS. Wholesale and Retail. Evan Worthing, OF THE BROWNVILLE, Uas Just received a choice lot of the best brands of Liquors, which he will sell by the Barrel, Gallon, (juart or single urmt. Ttie roi lowins is a partial list: BEAiJDIES : French, Cognac, ' Apple, Raspberry, Peach, vuciiy, ' Blackberry, , wniES Port, Hungarian, Sherry, Malaga, Medara, . Champagne. WHISKIES : Bourbon, Rye, Scotch, Irish, Manongahala, And a variety of common articles. BILLIARD SALOON' AND Ten Pin Alley. TIIIITEY-S BJ.Ctll Main Street, Jkownville. Kovmber 14, 1S. n.l9-tf NEW MUSIC. "Shall we Know Each Other There? 5?oug or Dnetand Chorus, by Rev. Ur. Lowry, author of "aaooatn neus unime on. Ihis song is good. Price 25 cents, mailed free. A pianist in attend ance io try new nosic. HORACE" WATERS, ' nMj ffo.43l Broad w ay, Publisher. 100 or the most severe BATHE SCSJfES and incidents of the War, now ready, size I8x3 inches, highly colored, en fine heavy paper, Sant poai-paid; -'ii lorji.oi), or?4 per 100. To airentsand thetrada no Deiter opportunity was ever offered. Address HENilY B. ANSON. Frini P,H!. ETA NECES3TT H lYEST lx. " JOHNS fcCROSj American Cement CJ TKE STTtOXGEST 61X1: ru . tub BEsi glcx a zuilSpii, AMERICAN CEMESTrJ Is the only article of the knd a. IT WILL JIENb ff IT WILL MEND LLlrn,. Mend your Harnew. Strain luT iriM ITWILLMEliSite. . IT WILL MEXD YvrSjK1 Don't throw away that broken IvorT p ilJ IT WILL MEND ctttv. t 1 our broken China Cnpi ani Sane. A I as tool as new. IT WILL MEND MASbTp S That piece knocked out of your Hab: v ! be put on as strong u i' IT WILLP MESD FOJCElc. i o matter if that broken Pitcher to ' ! shilling a shiHinz saved washTi,. IT WILL MEND AUbI ! That Cosly Alabaster TM8 J, brockja i match it mend it it will never ibcW t gether. ItVTill Mend bene, CcraLtJ and in fact everythisg tutw Any article Cemented with AliJiPnVr" CLUEwillnotshow "Lvery lloaseaeeper should have, inir'.. t k Crosley's American Cement 0lu,i"Jv "It is so convenient to have in the tosii t Exprei. - : ,'It is always reidy; thU ecnmerdj t tor. ' Independent. "- "We have tried it and find it in u('al i.v ! as water.' WUie't Spirit fth. Tin Economy io Weai' S1U,0U0 per year saved ia everyt ty One Bottle of ' i AHERICAU CEHEiiT Git' Price 25 Cents per Boti'e. Price 25 Cents per Bottle! Price 25 Cents per Bottle, Price 25 Cents per Bottle, Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Price 25 Cents per Bottle. Tery Liberal IlcductiontoTvJ sale Buyers. ' i TERMS CASU. l57"For Sale by all Bruits and Storuir, throughout the oan'rr. JOHNS & CR03LEY ( Sole Manufucturen.) 78 W1LLUM STREET Corner of Liberty Street. XE'TIOSl Importantto IIousc Cnea Important to Ruilderl. Importantto Rail Road Cos-v nles. Important to Farmers. To all whom this may cowrn, ori, concerns tceryloiy. JOHNS & CR03LET3 IMPROVED GTJTTA PETirrtt CEMENT ROOFING The Cheapest and moss durable Rcci in use. t IT IS FIRE AND WATER FEJ It can be applied to new and iid Eoiff ta la! steep oi flat and to SLingte roofs without res Tj tbe Shingles. The Cost Is only about One-Ttin; tliatol Tln.AAaJIT lSTVflCE i!i DURABLE. This artiele bag been thoroflMy tented it York City and all paats of the United Sutaj C da West Indies and Central and vonth iterti building? of all kin Is such as Facte res Fariv ; Churches Rail Road Depots Cars and oo F-i' Buildings generolly Gjvcrninent Baildini :. i the principle Builders arch e tec t anp othenir tbe past four years and basrmvej tobethe C?n'i!- EST and MOST DCRiELE ROOFLNG ia a ii n every respoct a fihk watfb wxitiik isi na j peoof covering for RGE3 CP allkixds. Tfut ta i e. UAL Ynat tral jnn iunii-rd United States which combines the T'ry dLJi properties of Elaticiti and Dunilmitj wii.h xniver?a;iy acknowrcdred to bepfrjueeiibtOn TAERCHA AND INDIA lit Wo Heat i3 Requiisd iallalij Application. Theerpenseof applying it btrifiin'Min or4i3J Roof can be covered tmd finished thtfati'I- It can be applied by an; and when finished forms a perfectly r J" face with an elestie body which eannvt be is;1 by IIzat Cold or Stoejis Saaittiso of W Doards nor any external acrion rhitever. uoiiin GUTTA PEKC1IA CEMEM'. For Co-itincr irpt-la nf nil Kmd3 M exDosed to the Action of the Weather. d For Presenln? and Repair! .llctal Roots OV ALL KINDS. - ThisiSTHS OXLY COMPOSITIOF v7 succe$fidly resist extreme e.ang-sof all ct! at length of time ichen applied to metd to it adheres firmly forming a body eqial to &JJi of ordinary paint costs much less, and T11KLE TIMES AS L0.N6; and from it is not injured bv the con friction and eipaaniJ TIX and other METAL ROOFS consequent ? sadden changes of tbe weather. 1 ir.7 not CRACK IS COLD OH KUX IN WEATHER AND WILL NOT WASH OFF. Leaky tin and othr metal roofs can be f-T repaired with Guttct Penh Gment, and PrtTf from further corrosion and leaking, tterebj in a perfectly watcr-ti?ht roof for mm tSr This cement is peculiarly adapted for the p -vation of Iron rajling1', Stoves, Safes, A6'B :t Implement. Ac, alo for pencral manuti'"" GUTTA PERCH A CEMEtt For preferring and repairing Tin and otrf, al roofs of every description, from its great J'" ty, is not injured bv the con taction aid c?" of metab, and tcili not crack in cM nor r warm weather. .i These materials are adapted to all elun1 . wb are rretared tosum!v orders froaa an? f1 , the country, at short notice, for Gutta ing in rolis, ready prepared for n.w, an 1 CJutU cha Cement in barrels, with full pricted direcU- tions for application. We will make liberal aod satii-faetory tr- dents with responsib'o parties wh- woaa i establish themselves in luorarire and pef1 " business. - 0R TERMS ARE CA53. We can give abundant rrcof of all we ; f.ivor of our improved Iiocnng ilaterials, b,71' Ji plieel tne to several tnousand lioois City and vicinity. v Wholesale Warehouse, 7S, WiUiam Corner of Liberty street, SEW rsS. Full dewnptive Circalarj aad"rnc " nished on application; .v. 7, ly A.1 A. CAitli TO YOUfJ I.AD1M ci:tli:.iia.,v. fcJ Tbe subwriber will send (free of chary ... who desire it. the Heeips and' directions f a simple VsyetaLle will, in Iron eight days.remove Pimflm, liLOTCHSi.T.' tKs. S allows ks a, and all impuritie? and roog f the Skin, leaving the same aa Namr W it shoud be-j-WTt,c'.r, smooth and bit V desiring the Recipe, with full instructions, and advise, will pUaseeall on or adtfrwsi- U1.P9?-1 . .....- n,.rc TiiOAlAS r . UliAr ji a.', i racwi Tarfc 831.Breaia,1W May 22, 1S52. 45-2m. SUGAR CANE UILI EVAPOKATOKS Itavlng teen appointed sjrent for tae-ja Sugar Cane Mi i u u m k i.aua m, 1 1 a ama i' w- m - - UA Tflaw.; v....pitAra I PTHtf 1 repared to oil orders at the r.icarctf er 4 Friees of Mill, fro Jio ts, ''"TviS, Ot.35. Atfa Ii- VV. V THIS OXLT BRI.l 4 u T, THs i ! i