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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1862)
1 ' 1 ! i ft i 'ii'Safi iSf iTrTiiiTiiiir'iiBrn'?:-T'riraf The Economy of Using j - mi FRANKLIN Family Bewing Machine. Tbeae maellnea make the celebrated GJOJXJl f &AKER.STITCU. which ha taken Ibehigbcl prerui m at tbe 1 1 hauls Sure Fur, in September last, at the Veiled States fair In St. Lon . in 1S60. and t the riuclp!e State Faira throughout to country. Competent Judaea m decision in favor of tbla BMteb, ta account vt iu great strength and adaptation to all klnda of family and manufacturing purptmes. The folio wit ft Iab:e U1 fcUuw ihediffeienoe In favor f ewin V acumen ,Ter theold method r B'.itcbiug by fcaud. In the working f tbce Machines (here ii not nly a treat suving or labor and time, beside adding greatly te the healthful uess of tbet mployweu , but the eUtcb ia much monger, more elastic, and ieos liable to rip or ravel than the autcu made wiia ahuales and Bobblae. . time oooBTJined 1b tnaklog i By Machine. Py IIaid. DlailiM' Gariueuia. lioura. uiin.ITour. Kin. EAGLE r WOKKS HAlTUfUCTOlHNG COHPMIlTj i-:-i !-,hT-ttrii6;iiLiJiNois. . aw ftilkUreaa. 1 11 10 Mualio Shirt, 36, Merino Drcwa, 1 1" 8 Chemise. 10 . 10 Calico rm, I Moreen Skirt, ' 40 T XlU Drea, 1 e 10 Diawert. : Ti 6 i.kpro 4 PUm Apron, " J 10J 1 Time consumed In miking By Vachlne bp tJentleiuea Garment uoura. - . . i i . - 29 6 J.) 10 56 SO ft Gentlctuaa'a Shirta, Frock Coat, SatiB TM, J.ioettVcat, Ciuib Paiita, aarsaar PanU, 1 I 1 IS 4 J 4 6' 4U i By Hand. IToiira. Attn. 13 14 S3 10 So 15 SO . -The Franklin Family SEWING MACHINE, naa one advantage hich la worthy of especial attfttlioa la addiUua Ii the peculiar chaiacter ir ibe stitch, and that la ita a)4pUtiu to either lij:h or medium heavy work THe Machine which at one moment U used ou TIIE-MOST DELIC1TC FAIWAC. iu a Tew mo Bitnia after can J t brought to hear wnh the Huie facil l;y on c.ttciinie4 andl el '.f l e "are.t dccr'.'"" Ita aJaV.-itiou f. r FAMILY" fVORK, i thus rciiMrka ale. and ive it a f i;K-ri'"i' 3 over every other atj le of auachine to the MarVet. - - v- In order tbjt tbei aUrbiiic tnT he placed in the taiidf ail e'ar.e. hive re1.iret the ir4ce of nr mAXKUX FAMILY MACIUX TO FORT JJOLJLAliS, Kruin U.e iiicree i ur huMiies jr tbe Uat year, and the eutire -atif action our alichine ae flvinc tbronch .ut the Vnitfd State i.t Ku! jean Counirtea. e ate led fiiTietieve h i ur de:frii)inatt-u U iraDWfarttiB PERFECT SIMPLE. RELIABLE ASD CHEAP MALHIXE ti u-eB fully appifciatfii kr tbe public. This r-iiicy will rouuin r.;icbaiiKei. and a berttoforO no Machine will he alled W leave tl.e fflca that we cannot luHy wurrant in ;very respect . shall keep on hand at all tune a general aaurt ent ct Sewing Machine w-teriai Need lea fr all machine van be ordered by Mall or Xzpreta. Price One l):!ar t-er di ten. Petacsa4n tbe eBntry. by eemluts tia their addre nc!jBiu4 a letter kti:ip, can have forwards ly return nail, one oi cur circular containing the diflerent atyie t Maciaatk- lut of priceand Kample of wrk. jc. itit UAuns co., Prinrir! Aeenta for the !orth Wet. Cf?? atiif 1eroriu 133 Kake S'reet. CLij, Ilimola, M. Iticn ARDSi Latoof L. Cornell Cj. V H -i;-41.L. Jir W. TAPPK. formerly Af't for .ha CreTeri Baker Sewing Machine. Janaaryib' 1SC2. tiSC-tr GREAT improvements in . l i't' . X' : -ft' - I Be ki a r i f rf"t il ,T. VV.'...' . y Viu-:W v-V i v. . I E,"TJlLjt 1 1 Li t: . II BBBL -A W If 1 . . - ' II "I 1 I" MMMnr-ILK" Ba 'it hi i i SBWIT IS EMPIRE SHUTTLE jNIACHINE, rtented rebruary 14th, 16e0 NEW YORK." Thil Machine is conitructed tn an efttirr!j new priB iJe of tnaehinerT, p..f??np mary rare Jtnd-al-BableiiDf-ryveraeiiU. Laving been examined by the Bnt rrfuni ex;rt. and prona tcm1 be iSIM hUClTY and I'tllrECTlOX COMIUXED. The following arc tbe i iincit &l objections urged rint Sewinr Machines . " I. LxeesMVB fatigue to J 4. Incapacity to few Twaitki' mm- '"Jiiv ;::! . i-v I ,;. ' ll l1' l-'H : . Mil i m 1,4. Mil 4 ! I "PURE ' DltUGS r - ? ,.; a d - 4 . ; t ' T 17 SO, GO TO TUB in.jjy GITY RUG STORK, 7 1 TiiE'iiAKPOFfrnpcnoMrilirO 'i THE1 PEOPLE-OF Kosrjreadyi newtand uperioroBectto P-r ( Antl.Sl'iii'Krff Patriotic, ftn d "Contraband" ?ocgs. t " solos, dueUj quartet; and- choruses. ilost or the Poetry and iiusio has been written eiprBssly for this vrark, to correspond with the times, and pbould be subg by the million, in order to awakea aii-j?p interest in behalf of the 'Contraband?,' whom Ot d, in his providence, has catt upon the Fre North to clothe and educate. - " . . , ' -. CONTENTS, IN PART. '. "Fait Freedom's Mora, has dawned at last:' 'iTrcak tha thaius, o'- ' neiitin!r owora , th least and ni.jst "Kremotit 1h March icz on.. or. t!rT IUHelnjah y i iia(j; Tor-ffi.-o??' ir the body mut Invariat'.y affect the the month, of Dcceciber,' 1853 the nndersined Tor the first time offered fir ale to the public J.BO VEB DOCS' lJIPKRIAL WINK BITTKHS aiwl i.i thir Short period tbey have uiven .uch nniversal tatiffac tiotvtotbe Biauy of peroii who have tried them that it is now au estabiiietl article. The aaiout of ibodiiy an-1 mental mKery arin simplv frut a ne glect of stnali Comjilaints i- surpri.-ing, and it mhete. fore'of the utinost iinpjrtance ttiat a atrict attention to tnSttiK bodily ailments abuuid be Y n x m JBtaL a ak Waat V A K D .jyir.I till! rn1 ' '.lo. I" Hi.-I ' sM . t - " f M -111 lvi f'.V.yr; K'liti? -fP---.- -7-1 JOHN H." maun, i- j-T - -w rill sell whatever you desire Yon may ret assured r i r - r .- -i ib i tr r I r ' L 4 17 t froth Wa lonjexfei lente in ihe bueineis, Deis" j C O N F1:D(E:N T he will girt) iktlsf action ,to all whj may call at hi ': ESTABLISHMKXT. t : S Vl.A'J T t it ,-r..v."t(.J.', iWili Tri.urn)! Son;" "Sonof the -Contra-bands' ;" "O Let tny f People Go ;"' -'Parody on the SoDg of the -Contra bands' "Where Liberty Dwell is my country; "When Slavery die 4b-ire.'U belVeedotn -Wke, Freemen d Jiaa apoiieii -.'. 'WhfttietU aappreaaed Son x of Freedom," etc. Fru-a oaly -5 oente jngl? SOeents- rerdoJanj-S'l. I per 100 : uotnge T cent. " ;. . , iiOliACK. WATERS, Publisher. . . nil-ly .- .. , , 4bl Uroadwuy, ieW( l urK. t.. A; CAUU .TU YOUNCS . I, A 131 ICS AM The aub-cribfr will fend (free of charge), to all who desire it. the llocipe and directions for making a simple Vryttaller 'lii'lm. that w ill,' in from I wo-to eight day?, remove I'lMti.Es, ULOTcnks, Tax, Freck les. Sallowness, anj all impurities and roughuess of the Skin, leavu ihgi aaia-aa datura .-inlerded it shoud be jt,clur, umimth ani beautiful. 1 he desiring the Utcip, with full instructions, directions aud advice, wiirpjeae call on or addrea (with re turn fM-autge,)' ' . . J ; THOS. F. CHAPMAN. Practical ChensUt. 831. U road way, New York. Mj)22; 1352.7n'4T-?ui, .r-.l. .T-.I 3 COKNELL'SiGEOGRAPHIES Surpass all oihem. Itforf . Jie Public st, In philosophical arrangement. . , . . , . S-l. -Jn 4ib gnlMl proj-roc -f "ilietr steps, ' ' i 31. In prebe.ting me thing at a time. ! 4th. In the adaptation of tach part to i s inten- . th. In the adunraol" moa- tney prepenbe lor mfin..niirg thec'ntti!tf ot a mp. , . . , 6ih,cj'J lacicVP'r'ation and dirc.otirr,s J"or.'des ciihujg iho natural divisii,n?(f the earth. , 7th. In their ju liciotii n-ectins of fact.-. , -JS:h. In the i prnpr'iata and In-structive character of ih-'ir ilhitrtnh. . ., $ih. Iii con-i-ifency between mip-'nn l text. v'. lUtu. Iti ue liittoduetma mto the mapj tt m ;B k tlii-cs oidv Hit are rU'ntioiiKd in the 1k1c. ' Ittn. in u.f tii-iir rnpr ienTM(ion ot tvery icr, anii tbe analj tic-H1 pecii n with ivbieh each branch of the yul'j'-ct is'kep' liiftinet. . 12th. iubt in at oiu-e'piactieal. 5r.tcmatic,and complete, philosophical ia arr.ingfiuont, aiid pro gressive in develpmeut ot the subject. 'COHNELL'S GEOGUAPHIE'S - - Are offi:'inll-r-n?cninnTn1i't fr the ues of the Pub-, lie ShtJoiYtraika Territory. . . . I ' 5 , ', rornull'-i Je. raphi'- v nre otfiinnlly t-cnnomend 'd T-.r th U.--0 'of tni ral)l;-j" ejiools of the tate of Kalna. (' ' , ; Corners fiearaphic, are'i Rcifllly rcomroendid for thttse --ofthe 1'ubHc Schoois of -the State of Veruiotit '. '. ('on-til's Ceoprm 1. iei are .ffii:il: v rcomtTiendd mind. We challenge the StrrftVTr V ) every description of material. i. Disagreeable noise whiie in operation. iheoprater S. Liability to get out of rder. I. Expense, trouble and loss tit time in repair The : Empire Sewing Machine is Exempt frcm all theie objections. ' ' It baa b atmight needle prpertdicular action ae the LOCK or SHUTTLE STICK, which will fclTllEU UIP nTr IiAVEL, and isolike .n both r Jart f perfrnB perfect sewing on crcry description .f anaeriRl, lromlitather to the finest Xinsook Mur La, with cotton, linen or ailk, thread, from the cc eat to tht finost number. HaviDg neither CAM nor C0(J WHEEL, and tbe the leaal poatiblo friction, it runs at smoothly ar glaaa, and ia ' Emphatically a Nuielcss Machine! a It requires twen'y-five per cent. les power to iriie it than any other Machiu in market. A girl af tmrlTe year of age can work It st"-ad;ly, wilhi.uT fatifoe or ioiury Ut health." latrengiu and WO XDEflFUL SIMPLICITY of aoaatroction render it a!tn impossible Ui get it out. f order, and is GUARANTEED by the company t. giv entire satisfaetHiO. . . Wreapectfuliy invite all thoe who may desire t. aapp'y theuistlves with a superior arti' lr, to cail and examine this USUI VALLEl) MACHINE. . Hut in a more special mauuer do wo solicit the mronaga i I)ri a Makers Makers, (Jiter P'ltters, Shos Hinders, Merchant Tailors, Cacn Makers Jleop-Skirt Manufacturers, Skirl and IIohoui Makers. est and Pantaloon Makers. V7"Rali gious and Crnniallo Ibatitutlona will be liberally dealt with. Price of Machines, Coaiplole: 5. I. or Family Machine. $45.00 : No. 2 Small iaad Manufacturing. $0ll,t)"-; No. 3 Large sited Xannfaetoring; f75,ti). Cabinets in Every Varietr- VTi -want Agents tor all t wns in the United f tatas, where agencies are not already eUb!ih-d. BBwhom.a liberal discount will be given, but we aaake no consignments. T: J. McARTHTJR 5c Co. . 5IO Uroadivay, IVeiv YorR. WATCHES AND JEWELRY ! ! or THE Richest and fllont Fashionable Puternv, . . orrEatD at XLetail and Ylholrsalc Prices!!! TIIB - IIUBBARD BROS., Noa C5 &. 6 Kassac t TKtCT. Kkw York, .Manufacturer and Ituportera of all tbe Leading, Run, and nvji-t popnlar Styles of WATCUES and J.KWEL11T, being determined uptn in creatine their bnsinesa to an nnlimiied extent, oflef the folic wm elettaut Ornaweiua at the uoaurpa td . Low Frioea follnwioe MAGIC TIME OBSERVER, beinc a Ilunting and apen face, or Lady', or Geutlcman'a Watch in one . tbe rettiat and not convenient and cheapest watch in tbs wqrid. Initiation xoid; etfocted by a pteti', .r. ce't .which t aud era the appearance of gold periact. whtla it diea not cot one thud a mtu b. hi ice only 31 PeUila at from ne hnndrel upwarU. UUXTISG COMPOSiTlOX CASED LEVEHS Xnglb manufacture movement ; cped ou tun jawaisd has aunk. recouda, aud tue iitwttet improve merta. Heavy caaed and pkk! inntatiou gold. Pi ice colv $13. Retail at froio $ 4 to $100. HENTIXO COMPOSITION GASED ARMY WATCH. Richly eucravtd. jeweled ana lt cy wui k V ns ur parsed for Sutler, Trader a, etc Price $15. Ketailt at rem $ie to $100. A great variety of other wntcbes at low prices. Ladtea' seta of Brooch and fear lrp to correpuud. italtation Cluater l)iaaii" , a very rich- pattern, ana Btuireiy new. price $i. Coral and Bead eat wiued a very teat and pretty ornament, handaomeiy mouuted, t,tntlemen,aTt Tbalna. Parlaifn, a elegam eattern. oniy $4. The Demoniac, very heaw, v. Cbar4,a neat pattern. $1. eal Signet, fi imit.. TSSlS-'. Parent, Chased, or Kn.melled. . Mw a!.a veryndaome pattern, t ,ut' ' Vior.larletyor new and faahi.c.hie de- 1laSiir,n.--a..f. opal Fancy funea $3. JmitataUon Dura tnl, $i o-Loaeta-Double Olaas. richly engraved. $3 Pson. any of the above, have oi .i to wnij the price in a registered .etter wour addre.a. he ri i'lM will be sent'by leium ma'L free of n; ij-Ordara to the amount of twelve del lar. and wTTj be aect by expIea to an Prt tf the J.8;1.. trllh bill payable to the Xxpreas Company, when th 'tenJutlVrnd Country K-ch.nU thronrhcut tbe cotiBy, who wiah tamske money rapidly, ' will 4 . wwH to etfain our mammoth cat.W ; ' Boat saleable outfit t prirfs B''.SV rkAs "0Kre! Addrsaa IirBliAKD F . Aos r. 5 4 47 A'assau. ntor Jo.xn S'rtet. CeitVt lath, !. al-T laa. Sew KVik Cttf GATES' POPtTABLE ENQI1NES. a - r., - i. 1 .,f I V r iti) Ut . f I lj.109 So. 1 5 Uorfe Power", weighs 3 f (D lbs. N... 2- 7 - ' . 4 'JoO Kp. 310 ' "GO il) " T; ice ff-m N' j. 412 florse Power, weighs 7 500 lbs. X.. 5 13 ' ? Sj. G-HI8. A j" Pdce $PC- ,..f.:..,ifCTx." .rt.iit!crri...i:iT il 3 ,. n !'Ui't:.' iiI i 1 ii iiiiaiiiSBfii' J-.?Z 2 -;''W'7,X'''W1 ' ' .. ! ri..7.'.. 1 , f I . m h t i.l 5 i I llll ill! IIhJ I I r 1 o o c . . jtai ri ti u u u w i f ir, ii rf r i i i i l r- t . i j -i i '".i s i :iii 'f. ill U VI 14 U i ;; N k ll - r. i: 'fit i n 'r.Jf.i - o -.i- i M' I HKHhrF, ' ? 'iWfiwiiy 1- fciMWrf 1-4 tlip . a ; . , : . !i :ilill!ili!i:ii;iiu.iiJ" '1 3 -5 - '--- 7 i U'itr: CO P. W. GATES' PATENT SUGAR- CANE rMItl'S. ,"f5r-' 'l.ll'l'il .! ; ; "" N 1 is.m tip-lplit thrce-rol or iniM for on j T-e. weif:h 6 -0 ootimN nl l:e of r- e s-itiT 3J to 60 gallont juice per hour. i'tl0$I0. No. 2 m an npripht three-roller mill, for cue or two hordes, weiths 800 pounds, and capable or exires-ini 5d to 7d gallon juice p.r l1:rir .. Pire.j50 4 , T ?0 3 I an pri-.W ihre-rot1er tnijl, for twoVi'es. -weftrhB ';tt.oht 1 0i:0 ' and c.ipdb-e tf r,rein 73 to 100 gallons juice per hour. Pr-ce $55 S-t. 4 is an 'lp'ieht three-roller mill f,. t two or lour h,re ; weieha 1 400 potnuU. at;t 1.-. cptl.,e of expre-in irm U0 to 16J gal lon jnUe per hnr. Price $S5. No. 6 n a four-Korse-p'.wer mill, rprht rollers, for t-team or waier Hirer; cap tbie of f xpressins 60 o 70 gallons juice per hour Price $60. XV. 6 it a eU horse three-roller horizon tal mil', back ered fur horse or steam pow--r, veigha l,2oti pounds, and capable cf ex preslni from 70 to 100 gallons of juice per hour Price $75. No. 7 ia an oight-hrF three "roller ht.ri soiital mill, back geared for horse, or at.m power, ."eifihs 2,000 pounds, and will cx s 5 press froui 150 to iM gallons pef hur Price $IC5. . l No- 8 ii sixtien hrse three-roller horl y llir x ntal iwill. back 'geared for steam or water . oower, Vifcigtis fi.3'J0 miunda. n(l ,nr.... '"m 300 o hj uallibs of juice per'hjur a, a twq ax--v. , W. C.AT1LS. President, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. T Apent for P. W. Gates' Portable EiiElueJ ev-apr.rit' rsanl iSugarMUls. r - - .. . rr Unlir lilt wih .1 i liO 2IILL3 SOLD ON CUlIDir i fie Las now on band, and Is Constantly receiving, a large supply of all article utuall kept ia a The sutscrirer now o'tiv a-k a t.ial of DIt. J. BOVKE DUDS'S Imperial Wine Bitters t - - ... ur a II from all rho have not usci tnera world to proitice their equal. . Tbee BiiierB for Ibe cure of Weak S.'omvrhs.. Gen eral Debiiity, and for Purifying: and Enriching the Blood, are absolutely nti5urpa-ed by. auy o her reme dy on earin. To be auted of this it is oniy teces essaiy to make the trial. Tiie wine is or a very supe rior quality being, about one-third atromter tban oth er wines, warmine and invigoratinir tue whole system fiora the head to the reet. As tbee bitters are tonic and alterative in their character, o they strengthen and iuviuorate the whole sysiem and give a fine tone and healthy action to ail its part, by eiutiiziu tbe circaratiun reniovinz the obstructiona and producing a general warnuh. They are excellent for d-eie and we-ktie8 i ecu liar to female, where a tonic is requir ed to strengthen and brace the system. No lady who is subject to lusitade and faintnes. should be wuhout tbem as they are reviviryin in their action,. THESF BITTERS Will not only Cure but Prevent Disease. and in this respect are doubly valuable t tbe person who m;iv use them for ; INfcJJWENT C0NSMMPTI0N weak Lungs indigestion, Dyspepsia, dUeasec of the Nervous sycttni. Paralysis, Piles, and for all cases requiring a IVnic. DR. DODD'S Celebrated Wine Kilters For Sote Tiroat mi cumuiuu aiiuug ibe Ciotgy they .are truly tnvaiuabla. For the aged and infirm, and for persons of weak constitutions For ministers of the gosixd, la wyer and all public spsekers for bok-k:-rp'M tailors feamutre-'ies. stud artists, and all persona lea ding a sedetit.iry nre they wi prove benenciai. - A a beverage; they are wholesome, imm-ent. and delicious to the ta-te. They proiluceall the exhierat inrf effeclsot brandy or wiie. without iutoxicanin:; and area valu;ib e scmwly for personis j.lictel to the nsot xpsive str.itu drink, and h.iwih to retrain firat It ' Thev ae pure aod entirely Iree from the p. i-Mn o-u-eined in the-lnlie tl wioes and brandies with wbicli the Cooi-tiy i-fl'ilft. ' These bitter-" i-ot., taly CCRE bnt prevent dlftse. and should be nel by all wtt live in a country wbe?ethe wate; is bud or where chills ,n fever are preva wit J Beint: etiiirt ly nin.ent him Durin g uie nj utrmv. en tree ly to children and intents wi.h uopuinty. i Physician and t-leryj men. and leuipei ance advocate as an act r hituiamty. -di.iulrt asii mrpveading HMe valuable bitters over the Und, and threby e.-eutially bani.-h drunkenness and diseie. In all aileclions J the Ilead.Sick IIea:a lie, or ,vaou!Ilail ache, l r. II oVs. Imperial iiio ' SlitlerN ill be lonud to be most Naliiiani and i:Cjitaeioii.. STA KECE33TY IN tYZ American Cemtiit k THK MOST DrRABl. g. r? kln tub bkst ctu wLASNr5ay 1 AMERICAN CEMENT ' n J Is the only article of the kind l' 1 WILL WITKSTAKD IT iviii ..t.ri'onnt, . a a ti 11,1, hi h. n I Mena your Uarncsn. i. , IT WILL MEND GLu Sate thii?eeB.f that expnire r ' 5', aJ. it 1TWILL-2IE.M) Don't throw awa tTi-t 1 , ' . iitiD CHlVt Tour broken-Chin C0!a,. i nL'A . ,- ,-,,1 ajg.1 n 'ib,vt' IT WILLMEND MPP, I That fiJce kn:keil',ut of your M J, . L I IT. WILL MEND iVinrri .' i Xom.vtter if that broken Pit-b-al, shillirg ashin'n?sarp.1i.',J,,f.. a ' IT-WILL MEND AL ffi:i I That Cosly A jt has tor Titso i,i.L. UJ ... J.-.: vi ""'iln, LLiaicu Huiciu nit wm novtr geihtr. j "!!.. 1 It will Mend ,bcns. Ccr i and in lact everything l-tv ; ? Any CVmmte. with AMrdlrn 7 e'a-s, Gl.UK wi'l rf ub, w a. r-viti, -Kvery Hou,, kn-, cr s ;.j u-.ea .iT. v, OosUsyV AHi-rwan C. mo:. t;iJ j'jf.1 ! -Il i. nvcniiui t have n ti,e L.. V' r .Ii isaUay-reji-ly; thWcotn.n-uls it tutt.p llilrp-tnlcut. ' " .' -e nave uie.i ir n. un, ,t n,,. 1.. . B nil i. . Fr.iX4B.i:s. The mnnr-cirtifl-we-which haie been tendered its and the iet'e 's wbicU we d.i'.y receive. jreonciiij.ive pr.x.f tint Tii..ntr ibe women there hitiers have given a satistaciloawhicti n other have ever done l.otoio. for the iVftof.tlm Public .ftchoois. of the .State .t,f No, w; inan In the land shonldi.e without thnu. at.d Ohirti J'i -H' V -' i 4 . ;- i l 'tb.e wiio -aiice. U.-C. tjicm,: willnql k-epa fu;l V. IS i.- - Brownville, May 8'h. 18G2. r -i v6-nl4-tf f j)JpJ?LJE TREKS. TIIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE STILL A v FEW THOUSAND APPLE Tit V.FS, RAISED IX THIS; SOIL AND CLIitATE, l'hico tney offer this Fall, CHEAP FOR CASH, . OR API R O.y CD TRAD B. : Z- TIIESl TttEfiiy ARR' LAUGH, - v .-, . " ' VT1U Commence I earing rn a yeUr or two, yet we will sell them at . ' I .. . $15,00. rER IIUXDRCD i0-.,i: . .. 12,50 PEft DOZI X4. COMMERCIAL.. .NURSERY'; : ! 03J ! A -r.i, IS Rrih AS2 A. -a. . .- ' - ; E. H. BUKCHES, " " PROPR1ETOH. -1 hiive I itii since been c iviii ed ot the want ot a first lass Nprsety iu the West, where 1 - TREES, SHRUBS.jFUOWERS, &c. Can he adapted to onr climate and soil. Iji.view'of his facts, 1 have estab.isbeil in ihjs place,' and oflW lot sale at I ' . ! ! " ,l.i 1 Wholesale or Retail, A laree'snd wirslet:fie'l stk; au'ttcd to this climate ,,r j . . , Apples, stand.ird pnd dwarf ; Pear' tnadard anddwarf i Cherries, staidaid n3 wa f ' - "Ciohe. . f . ; ; , .. ,; . ( : Plums, j Apricots. ; Nectarines, Qstince, ' ' !, G o-'heities. 'Cntrenfs, tiijes, . ."'. Kaspberti, St rawien i?',' Uia.kberiies. F.verj:ieeu, Shrubs, - ' ' . ' , DibJias, v '. h m " -oiamentsl Trees. - -: Greenhoue and UeitUin,: Pi. mis, etc.v'C. To' which I wtfd be;j leave. to call 1 tbe attention of the pi-opie of Nebraska, atatwas, Colorado. Io-a and Nsth wesi Missouri. . , . . tjrMy terms wiil he a low as any reliable eastern Nursery.-' .5 . . ' .' , ' By purchasing cf me the expense of transportation from the e;ist can be saved. Ali tree, and plant are carefully labeled and parked in the best manner, f( r woich a chaise of the actual osi will Be7)ahj.. Ndchrje will be undo for tbe delivery vi packages utt bard steamboats, r ; ' All omniGiictth.u wldJ essed to the -undersigned witi rew-ive prompt "attention. March. 166i. E. H. EURCllRj. Ohio.- Cornell's fieojyjphie are ofll :ia!ly reconi'r.ended for the use of the Pu,blie School of the State of Indiana. , ", , ' C,i'""ll"s Ocoraphics are offiei illy re'romrnrnde.l fo tlio use of I'ubhc4 Schools of the ritate f Sew Iliumhire. - Cornjri fldgiilpliic nre toCiivVf TenrneBl-.o!; fot; the use of thopullio sthooU ip- the .State i.f t'al- jf i.,.:- 1 i ' . to. k t . lioTiiia. , Corueli's Geogp.1iifS are o(ScinlIjr it. . .mended foil the use of pablhj 3choo?irt the tftasa-of Wis consin. . . Cornell's Geographies ar used in' public schools f! the City of "New Yerk. i'l V 1 , CorncirgJtogrpphiirS' arn nsed in public schools of tbo City of irrovkfyn. ' ' '. ' ' t'ortrefl's Geographies are nsed in public stbools of:th Ciiyiof -tilbury.' .' , '. ,' v;, i t.. Cornell's Neographes are uted in public schools of the City of Troy. z Cornell's Gcograpbie? are csfed in public schools of the City of rjjntcrisc. " . r Curnell's Oeogrnf-hi-js are used in- publie schools of the City of Auburn. t Cornell's Geographies aro-usd in public schools bf the Cify of Kotbster. i i "x ! I Cf btll's iegMjibifa are ued in. public ch'ools of ttre'rAty of 1'iiil.idolp'ita. ' ' ' , ("orwli a txe'griiphtcs- are trsea in putne buuoi of the City of Pittsburg. ' - i CornellV Geographies aro us"cd in public schools of the Ci'y of .Mobile., - - Corn l.'s Gcoraplues are used ii. p'ublh? schools of ihe City of Wilmington. ' . " Cornell's 'eocraphie. are used in pulwc schools of the -ity os Washington Cornell's Geographies are nstd in public schools of the City of letroit. - t . Corn' Il's Geographies nre used in public schools" of the t'itof-Columbus- - ; ' - ( Cort'errs Gtograi Lies are tised in public schools of the City pf Hartji.rd.',. .... . . . . Cornell's teognijd.ies are used in public schools of the City rf.New Hnven. ... CtirVKjll's ! Geogrtjlies are in general use in all parts of the Cuitcd States. Cornell's Gurgrapbies are printed on the bst pa per, are Lb best bound, and thj best illustrated of any rk-bool, (eogrrfrhy extant.- COtt.Nr.LL8 'FIB6T- STEPS I'M flKOSKA'ATlYv---" Intended tti proeed--. CorneilV Googmphil Series, and to HitrodBfi the little pnpil ph asaritlv'iind prol itablr to ihe ludimeiitsoi liitgraphy. "u'J beniili lul vijuinc, child's tjuarto, with num-rntis tanps and illustrations, T 2 jhits. Price. 23 cents. ' THK SERIES) CiSlST3 OP I. PRIMARY-GEO G2AHIY.. mall 4fo- S5pr. 2 i ps. Ii;.utilully illustrated. Price, 50 supply. DR J Eovee Bed's IMPFalllAL 4 WINE EIT7E as c-nrs. II. Lnr-re llJELVLW EMM I FREIGHTERS TO VTHS MRJES GRATIMAR-SCnOOL GEOGRArHT Aw.M ith 'ubiiierwuii Maps .and. lilusiiations, ll8 ni. It includes rbvsical and Pc.eripiire GeorMphy. rncc.'Jl)- cents, i Tht; Uramtuar- ' S h'' 1 Ggcapby nniy citiicr foilovy Jnter ' ; in di'ito. or be u-eil iiirt;Hd of it. The ehiv'er.-nce.bctwteti lh In.ernnli'itc and Gr.nn ! mar S. hool Ss. that the laUer. though noia.ire i elevafl-il in'siyl-, is fuller in 'detail, prc.-'ert s a ' greater variety of in m ones' ions, and a larger - . ,n.'unbs,-r if ioi-itl.lics to be in 'in rz -d.) til. HIGK-SCH30L GEOGRAPnr AliD ATLAS , Geogryliy. largy I2in. 4ui pp. Iliehly lllus tmtKd. iriJtidu I'eserintive. 'hv-iH.I. and Math.vniiitieal GcooTHi.hy. I'rk'c,'7j rents, Atra., very Irrge 4to. 'Containing a -empMe set of Maps for study : also, a set ot reference M s for v use. Price. $1. .' .,Tc eripyTf"ei"lTrrpiirtof the S.-r-e, fi-finra- inatmn. wilt be seuHy mttlr;osr-ptnd. to any leach' i-r or School CffiVtr r-toiti i one-half its price. - ''- - D. APPI.Kl'ON A tO., Now Yoj-k. Arc prepared by an eminenrand.sktl If'il pliysicinn. wh haS it'C!.thPiii successfully in his praciice lor the las twem'y tfve years. The . proprietor before purjiasin . thd exjHiMveVlcli-t mar.tiicture Biid't eiil)r. K-i Di'd-' C'eiebr.iiea I in porta 1 Wine B;ters. ha'U.ftoi le-l ed two disiin'-'iii-died medical practitioners. lmpr. noimced them a valuanle and 'fca'e reinely t--r dssease. XlthoiiKii the medical nien of ibis country, a a sen eril thinst. dis.tpprove r. Patent Mclicines yet we do i uol believe that a re'eeet ibJe Hlyii.iF" catide found I tn ih. I'rliail itHj Inl Oil or i I H ttiOt; I1i.iirl i .j iiiic i. ii. i. i . v, . " , a..ij i.i. i.iii v. . . i . ...v. . . . . -. - . prlterties, who will not highly approve Dx. Dud lit PEJtlAL WJNK BITTEltS ' 4 ' 1 ' In'aTl newly sttletl place,' wtiere there i a Iirceqna.itity of deeaytn? titubei i Iroin which a poi soi.ous niia-i.ia is creited. these uitieif shuoM be usxhI evury nionidn boftirehTeakeast. - Oil. J. IIOYEE DODS' jlMPKKlAL: WlNEEITrEItS Are compiled of a pare and nnadiirteratcd wine, com bined with llirherry S..I-mon's Seal. C infrev Wild r.he.y Bark Spiknard Caniotniie Flower, a tin Gentiau. Tfie.f are manufactured by lr 1) himsel . who is au ,x ppri ,nca4 ai.rf int f.H y . itt, i titnv Ji-hm tint he classed1 ainiiii the o'iact- nostrum which l!-Hi ih omntry,'nd gMairrt wLicn'tbtV nifViicaT profession These tm.y r-aluacre Bitters have been so tboronchly tested by all cia'ses orc-iminuiiity for almost every vri ety or v-tirea-e incident to innuau system, that ihey are how deemed indispensahld as a Tonic, Medicines and a Beverage. Purtfiitsc one Botilc It Cosl Init IJiHc! Ptirlfi Use IHpcta. Uive Tone to ilie Mo iiiacli -tceiaoiae ' tlic Sys aiMl 1'Kiioii Lire." AMERICAM CEMEriT GLti Prion 9r Cnv per I0it!e. Pricy "Jo CM.t pr I3u !r Prioe J.) (Vi,is .p r Pnc'So fVi'us p'r l,tr Prjff-'J-) (Vr.i p.'r l,v,. Prioe- :2"i Cvui ptm'! I'erj Liberal i:et!?:rlionluTTi sale fltijti. tijkjis cask. f"For Se'e l.y all Iiu.'i.-is ., )Vr ofli- ut tin- -otni r.- JOHNS & CR0SLEY S-.ti- M .ri'i' i n.T. r- 7S willu.m mm Corner of I.i l.rtv tr.-f.' .Mill TO 11- ImpoiimiKo House Onntiv Important to Iliiildrii. Enipoilant (o liailiioai) (ca ll iti. ' Important to I aiinciS. To all whom Jliisin.uj, t,irn B! i cMirrrn trtriUJu. JOHNS &' CK0Sl.Kr CEMENT ROOF! , Th Cheape&i ar,d iin,s i'n-ii P a - - -mv in us'. Price $100 per Bottle,-6 Bottles lor $5 00 Trppared and sold by '" ' CILUILES WIDDIFIELD & CO., .' soLE'rnorniETos IS Williar' Streets Hew YpTk. For sale by lruinsts and grocer teiierl.y ihruuh ont the country ' Ocu'17.' 1S61. , . iJUT :M;i jf-H-:'):V r " f ' Cornell CaiMi fer the Study sind JViv-tifc of Map Drawing. Iesiiieil to aivi .mpany at y (ei gr.iphy Int niar-.ctiol .i.i'ps. t rice .. ai.!;v Cornell's Si-ries of Outline Mapn. of which a Des criptive Circular i!l be son', upon aj plicat.on. danuary lrt. 1&o2. n2y-t esf.vuiallyjiil'yited to t'ue mvI.! rij"u-H'.-.,(irM-r-ScWt Maps. Price per set of F-'CardsVi& cts'. .'DISPEPSlA AND FITS'. A1D THE WESTERN FORTS And the public generally are respectally Informed that hi Mills are now in excellent running order, turn in ont trom 60 to 75 sacks per day. lie has the best millers in the Territory. (Admitted Uth in Colorado and Kebra-ka to be nnsur. passe! by any et or the Mississippi Kiver ) I made from tbe beet or Fall and Spriu? Wtieat. and is fo.'d at low prices ascaiJe obiMined iinbe Territ.ry. His flour is kept for sale at all Ui t -res iDB own rille. 13) is preiarel to furnish freixb'e.s, n.l c.ti ieus go..erHy with fljur lroui either Fall or S, ritu Wheat, and al.-t whh any -mo'iM of Corn Xeai and Buckwheat F.pnr at the lowest cah prices." ' ? Cu-toin OriudiDgd ne at one-t-uctb per bushel. lie desires iccol tteatteutkuu of trei;bter to the advantages or Brwwnvil.e a a ubipptnf point to tbe West. Not inly ran any amount or grain nd flotrle obtained here cfceaper than at any other point in tie Territory, but tbeMeichants-nere hava laidia ihiasea bun a large supply of every variety of goods. : j. G..,melyi 1 - Aug. IS, 1S2 .. ? u5-iX .. : . - ; . bOV.PUFIIiailOAEXSlOatin tiba VTeafc. .ft . . ' :lr . t " " A snre Cure for these ditresinct.'mplainis Is now madt known in a "Treatise ox Foreign add Na tive IIkrbai. Pri.parations " published by UK, 0. PHELPS JiHOWN.-TTie prescription, fur nijhel bj a yonn? clairvoyant girl, while in a state of trance, baa ccrcJ"' everybody who has taken it, never b irtDg failed 4a a-intle-rase-. It is equally snra ia cases of Fits as of Dysperu.-ia; and the ingredient may te fonnd in any d -nit store. Those who are affiicted with Consumption, Bronchitis or Asthma, may also be cured bt the use of my Herbal Preparations. I will tend this valuable prc-crjpiKiu, Jree to any oersoti on receipt cf their. name. A1Ve-ss, Pft. ). PHELPS BROWN, No. 19 Grand street, Jersey City, N. J. n47-6na SARD ATII SCHOOL CELL ?iO, Z. 75,000 Copies Sold the First 12 Months of its Publication. It is an entire New Work, oi nearly 200 i.ages. Many of the Tunes- and Hymns were written ex prissiy for this volume It will soon be as popular as ita predecessor, (ltil No. I ) which has run up to the enormous nmonerof 575.0nt) copies in 31 months, outstripping any .V.iy S h-ol U-mk of its siia is-u-d in this country. Also, both volumes are bound in one to arcomnniate schools wihintheui in that form. Prices of tell No. -2. pajr covers. 15 cents, $12 per HiO." jMAind.23 cents. IS per 100. Cloth bound embossed gilt, 3(1 cents, $32 p'jr 100. Bell No. 1, 'paper rovers, 12 cen'sr $10 per 100. Bound 20 cents, iiS per-1)0. Cloth JmhiihI- eiultve4 gilt, 2a aentsj per-llM). Utdls Nob 1 -aod 2 bound to gether HO cent?, f 30 er hundred. 25 ccpies fur nished at the 100 price. Clutb- oacd embossed gilt, 50 cents, 3 40 per ICO. Mail postage free at the retail price." i HORACE WATERS. Publisher, . n41rlj... r "o. 481 Broadway, New York. .Furniture! Furniture!! The uaostcompletaMockof FurniCurt ever vQ"ared'la (Dia UBpeaeuvuiry yat rBce-.ved by ' T. arwB villa, AprU Uta. lili. CHOICE LiaTJDES. Wnolesaje and Retail. Evan worthing ; ft 1 P5I ST? y OF TllE SI BUOWNVILLE. BkLil IT IS FIRE AND WATER FS::, It raa b applied to new an I oM R,io( a.1 ' j sKJcp and to Shingle, roof BiJioot r thn Sl.iiijjle?. ; TJieCost Nonlj 'about Onr-Ttr t Ii a t o r.TI u. WD I T I.S 1 1 U t . DLRARLCr i This arrii-re h$ been i ' Yurt (ity and all psaf ,.,f th Unite .vii-r. la Wtst Indies m,d Central and v 1b .U -v j bnildinjrs of all kind stn-h as'orif' i Ctiurchei iLtilU'iinJ" Depots'. C.irj ami f- " BuilJ-.ns jrenvrolly lioVern'O'-nt Ku ! lii the print-ipl5 Juild-1 ar:heterts tinp iiisr's 'he i.tvsf four ve-trs ind has iiro l fob'th ' '!!" - I'ST and MO.T I't'lUBLK Ii J f- IN'J in every respit A ruK batik kaTah r! PKiMip e .vtrrr ; f-r k c.vs .K i.i. . imk. i T.n't In the OS'l.Y ' til m'inttrni UuiU tl Slut which com- tnes hi j propeitite ' Eltiritti oh i.r.i'.,.'y ; ' u iverHv aekn .ld'l to l.'..-i'i!,f'' I 'I A- I'KKCHA AND INM A 1 Xt'o Hcat is Kequiicd in Ma , Appllcatica The expense f apply 'l isttiifiii'ssw KMf ran. be ooverid und lini-li )-l ' ' ' - It caii be applied 13 anj''f- and when finished f.,rins a i rf'-;'j 1 : ik: f"' f'net with an en-siic btly which iiriir 1 by Hkat Cold or Stokjh S jkiiiv "" BoakCh nor any tx'ern ! "ti. .1 ..; CUTTA I-fclSVl A CEMENT. Fur C:tliiir- Mf-ii'I.H nf fl K'!i'I-B" For Ire?er In-r anl ZUP1-' .Ui'lal ItooN I.LKIMi- Thisi'THH OVI.V Ciiltr.iSiTloF ISntt r?-y"' f iei-f rrlri ,,,- i-lfit 7. "' 11 u. Ii-H.flli t,f'trmr irlftt ityJif '"' '" ' 1 1 loin res Ki m y toTioiir b dv jmi ( ir" of idir-nrv pi'int r.-fs ion. h l?. " THKKE TI.VKS AS H.. bihiIp i not in ill nil l ils r'.nlnii 11.11 'l TIN and .dhr MI? Ml; l.'tmKS Has just received a ch -ice lot of ti,i het brand of Liquors, which he will seli by Ihe Bariel, ;.u!,.n Quart or Siuzie Drink. The r..l inn i, a partial listr BBAHDIES : French, C ApjdV, liasjiferrv. Peach. Cl.errr, JJIacklerry. WINES: Port. Hurigarirtn. . . '. Sherry, ' Malaga; . Medara, . . . Chanipagce. --WHISKIES : 1 Bourbon, - ' . Rye, Scotch, Irish, Mnnongahala, And a variety of common articles. BILLIAKP SALOON AND. Ten fin VtIIITXEY;S BLOCK . Ma n Street. Brovvnville. N ormher !4. 1S6. nl9-ii Alley. FRUIT AMI O UNA MENTAL. .TUErS. 200.C-00 Apple Tree. 4 yeara old, SS per hu'dred per thousand - 7 000 Standard Pear Trees. 2 to 3 tears old. hundred, J23u per tliousnnd. S'lOOO I year old Uiana Grate Vine. ftlfi nerhnwtrert $UH) er thousand. loO (SjO tandaid Pear Gras. $& ner hnmirAi per thonini. These Pear Gmria nt be in? bnkv. he trnnr,rt. ed cbUiply, and hytirowiiu two yeara will make Ko.d nied trees to plant jn aa orchard. Any one can treble their nj.ney by ai mini! them to aell. Send for Vr bo le gale and Iicripilve Catalogues. ,.' B. SIOODT h, SOS. n5-3ca Xlasara XnrnMiM i vkwt M T. . Oyer's Cathartic Pills. Midden changes d tl" -ili-r. - 1 .,,7 ,... IMf WX T V I'll! IHI'l l:t"N 'N " 1 WKATilElt AS It w'lt.h 'f '" l,t L-iiky tin and hT irt:! rs.' ' t r paired sith 'tufty J'rrrl i r.. f.' ," j from furhcT c.irrosu.n :iiid l-k.n. I itiifH p-erfw-iiy r;itcr-ti -ir r--t i-r iw'T ' This enii -tit is p -uli-trl w a . t-r " v:itioli of I n ii Mi!iiii;-'., T.if a- . ImpK'ro-f.r-.. &-., nl,n U'V k v.i-tA i ' "' " j iUlTA J EIU IIA rKl'-' For preM.r iv and r.-i mr r T'" '''' I 1 rods i f rVL'M lt st rijk ii.ri. In i:. i' "" ty. is not iujor. d iv ihe iv.. f.. -..t, ' "t ni' ful-t. 't"ti nt ertnk H-itrm trnt nrr. ' ' . To i m t'eri:ils are aJjj te.l ' ' " wt ar; prt-rtfirVtl to i-upply .rl r- l'" " rl e coiin'rr. at slo n. not ire, !.. loi'' ' ' ' .' inio rolls. r-:o!y j n irt-d l"-.r w e. i""' i l :t 4. in -i t i.i l-'.rrN, ;th iuii jriutfl " lions fr application. Balr"' We will inuKe ln-. rai ment with - rp4nvt.lhl. mri.s who ertablish themselves iu alutrar:v business. OrR TERMS ARE C.j?tf- We can gir ahurnUiit jrni 8","1l favor of our improv-d Uim ;;!.' M.','rl "t- v, plied them to several th.iU .u.'i f'" r ir City and Tkifl.tV. ,.ft' Wholesale Warehouse, lb, 'iLi :Z' t l Corner 0f Liberty street, - " Fall eseriptire Circulars and Pnc nished n application. Vv. 7.1 Sol, ly New Remedies fst SPERHATORHHCA HOWARD ASS0CIAT1 ' pniLADELFHIA. . . - r I A Brnrvolent Intfitvtien t!hivrl ', y , dwnrt for tie Kf "ft t '" 3 n, I etptnailj Jr tht Curt of Zi N f srau MEDICAL ADVICE g Bttrvo..n . 9 f . ... . ,. VjTAi:eBeiKrts on .spern""' - vn ' ease of t" fexnal trcii "" "', ,h"' OIKS emiovl in be Uispei'"' SlJr j envelop, fret of charge. ,n ,t aole nrnfi B .J AddrfK. UR, J. SIILLI "-' . rlu:Ji i'l ciVi. n t Hnth Xintfc A aiKiiti' Deceaerl2, 1561 Ayers Cierry.Fect Li f