Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 15, 1861, Image 3
LP OA L. "; joV, COK & CO. , -'rifjtin 'Material ol ai! Kinds I;:KS "U '...imps, Newark, and Brown's Iroi ..,7.uiii"f'cJ Agents forme :.trT,l,;j(r fln-i Advertiser. jOBH TO II i IU"1" i-inititr Rrrnrtnxr :.4AnWA?, NEW YORK. ,5, t, f-r tr.C "NKURASKA ADVJL1 ,(t.,r,7i" ASSA FARM Ell." Agents in ,-otdv St. JjOUIS. Me?, pneral At-crtisin; 45 OliTC St. Lnui; :r, ami they are at: i prti-rn.ents fur both tlie Adver- scattcr tLcm to the winds, while tardy action, like ihe gentle South wind, will only meet with Northern frosts, and ad vance and recede, and like the seasons will be like the history cf the war, and will last forever. Conn; row ! Strike while the iron's hot! Our enemies are whipped in Virginia. They have been whipped in Missouri. Gen. Hardee ad vances in the centfe, Gen. Pillow on the EDWARD V. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Solicitor in Chancery. Cnce corner of Main and First Streets. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. 3L2XIIIEJIY ri-ht. and Gen. McCulloch on the Jeff, i or Receipts anrtCspctuJidn cs with twpntv ihn;i.mrl l.mvo S.-mph, i 5?.1 n,aI,J County, Kebraskst hearts to our aid. So leave your plows in the furrow, "your ox to the yoke, and upon our invaders .t acnnisin that city, and they are au ..-.T(ili' " . - . . , ,ro;vc t-.rnrr aliJ Collect tills for the MlIiC at'" v y-.-y ' jUNO AfcENT TOR TKE ADVERTISER AND .. .. r mvi:r. Ksi. in our rcguUr au- i . .- - .... . ....;;.. ., M Sii'tiy vsll me r..iMviuii . . ..... - Uui. contract Jitj te iidmc iu l . -. v.C ' I i e..T:nc trI witti our proiicau'nis iTl I IftAGS & ENVELOPES Advertiser u:nce na provjueu The " If J 13' I.UIS, illl'-l tuou, lUUJVi iui kinds of National Envel- ,- fill nr:l IU ill! i?e',tnd is now - prepared ! Jv,!ta!o or retail. Apply i vender" or Pott Office at the orders " AJ- j ErowflUlIc Sleara Ferry. By re- ' tt advtripmeiit it will be j letn that the JJrownvillc Steam Ferry v,s charged proprietors. Jounso.v, ;Th.xi: & Co., are now the owners. !Mr. Tkorr.e has for several years past 'yen a permanent fixture about :he con- i " ..... nJ understands lus business tlior- The public need no longer have r:V fears as to rebel proclivities about ie Erownville Frry. The proprietors ' are all Union to the backbone. am 81. .The NtUsidra City Attrs is the only paper ia tic Territory that speaks d:s- ' rcf-pci-tful cf the election of Rev. T. W. Tipton as chaplain of the Nebraska Jlefimeut. Don't be foolish at all times rJ about all things Bro. Reynolds. ijallj XcbrasKIan. H. z. Ccnns, Evj., the UJiwr and Proprietor of the Du'iy Tthgraj h, Omaha, having received aa appointment in the army, lias. sold out to Hon, iu. II. Clark of the JWbraskian nkohos changed the name to Daily A c hasliae. The Telegraph heretcfore has ken a spicy little sheet, giving telegraph Lews laic r than any other in the upper country we can'get telegraj;hic news at Brownville, when the Omaha daily is sent via Council Bluffs and Rockport, earlier in that way than from St. Joseph. tU'e know Clark will add to the value of ve Lh Lira all the success imaginable. ruh like a tornado and foes, to sweep them from the face of the earth, or force them from the soil cf our State ! Brave sons of the Ninth dis trict, come and join us. We have plenty of ammuniwon, and the cattle cn ten thou sand hills are ours. We have forty thou sand Belgian muskets coming; but bring your guns and muskets with you, if you hr.'ve them, if not, come without them. We will strike our-foes'like a Southern thunderboldt, and soon our camp fires will illuminate the Tvleramcc and Missouri. Ccme, turn out. Jeff. TnoMrsox, Brig General Commadinjr. Htflgerant Southern Preachers. The following we clip from a religious paper, the N. Y. Observer, of the Sth : A Lou'iMana clergcrau, vrritiri tj aa over h'u nuiiie, says : 4,I auionccf firo ministers, of throe diiTercnt do n.miiuatiuii., in a finlo caupnuy, unueii for the do-ftin-eof our rights aimI liUiTtie!, three of wln-m are bitwoL-n fifty an 1 nixt7 yi-ars o!J. And 1 toll you in candor, ami in the fear of Hod. that if Ton or nnyof tbo brethren who liaro ur-.-d ou this dinboliea! war comeou with the ii.v.iiin iTUiy, 1 would slay you niili hearty a p od will, nnd with as clear u-con-scirncc, ns I would tlio midnight u.apsin. "Iu the naiiio f Ciod I ct injure you. let ua alone. I speak the Fp(-ritane"un seuti:ueiit if every Southern henrt man, woiunn and chi . lie ir;'t never tulmit. We will chui the last ilrupei "ohxd in defiuco of our rights I You are iny eseciy, au J ' am yours, j.f.f." Wo withho'J the namo if our belligerent sub scriber who thus expresses his th:r.-t fr our bloml. Ho owc3 us about twenty-five dollars, and l-furo ho "flay"'u?, wo hoie he will "clear his coiiseleneo" by p.iyin u that little bill. It will help pay our debts, after we have been slain as "a widuiirut assassin." military Election. fhe election held at this city, on lastT-iursday, by the con.uussloued offers of the 21 Lriia.Jo of the Nibrasta Militia, fur Urigailier General to fill the vacancy oeca MmieJ l y the resiirnation of Gen. Downs, resulted in thi belerrion of Isja-:Jue, n?q., of this city. Thirty three ( f!!cers were present or represanted hy prcTy, and Gen. Coe received a very flattering majority of the totes. He is a Behtieraan of energy and good qualifica tion, atid aud will make an ecicut cud competent of ficer. After tr.e election, tl e oficjrs present and a number of invite'! guests were entertained in a libpral manner hy the General at the Mortuii llouse, where there was was a F)arklin flow of wit, gxid fccIinKanJchauipague. There is a general icvival of rnlllitarj spirit in our Territory, and it is ccrtatuly ttc part of prudence and wisd iia that our entire militia crgauizatiun Bhould he u;a.!e as efueient aii'l a'Uiplete as possible, t-j be prepar ed for any emergency. Tho Second Erisaue having i-e-cjred a (General who will taXe a special interest inhrins ingat tu o hih state of rffciency, rs trust all Cfiinpan ies throughout the Brigade will at ones completo their organizatiiin, to that Lattalivns and regiments may hs promptly formed aud the organization completed, anl rendered efa'ient by a regular system of drill. Gen.R.W. Furnas. TLis gentleman, who hs.s Tor a short time been acting as Brigadier-General of fhc 2d Brigade cf our Militia by appointment of the Goycr nor, received a handsome vote at the election on Thurs day, to permanently fill that eftfee. Although ho was not Kplpctpif fur fhA rui.iiinn -a Thlrk un cnAalr tUn '.he Uille Daily rather than diminish, and .entinients of the officers and men of the Brlead Tnnpr- a!ly, when we 6ay that it was froLi no distrust of ls Qualifications, nor from any lack cf cenSJence that lie would diecbargo the duties faithfully and creditably. He has heretofore taken a deep interest in military af fairs in our Territory, and we are assured will continue to do so iu whatever position ho may be placed. Shou'.i! opportunity ofierhcrcafter, our military will no douM t As we go to press a report is current thai another tattle his been fought near Springfield, Mo., between the forces of Gen. Lyon and the rebel 'McCulloch, and manifest their appreciation of his merits. Xcbraska jihat Lyon, McCulloch and Price were Citij rrcss. Territory, lor the Fiscal Year emlinsr July 1st, lSGi. Kxiicnditurrs aud appropriations for Roada " a id bridges Exjieuditures for Schools (Independent or tax apportionments.) -For Printing qounty Records, and Office Sta- t.onery - . Klicii.j'is . Pistrict Court -Comity Cumuii jsicners' Court Fees and Costs in cases where Cocnty was made $Si2 C3 93 00 556 27 93 50 61i 77 139 CC 1 able Count v Clerks shoriir - . Probate Judge - lte.-;lMer - - 1 n asurcr, (indcpei.dent of pr centage) Paupers - Constables' Fees - Incidental - - 113 20 745 12 2J0 84 2 IS "5'J 60 00 47 65 100 30 16 70 460 67 Total expendilnres during the current year $4121 9 Total ait.'ount of Cnmity-Warrants issued fom iuly 1st, ibtiO to July 1st, 1861, and remaining uu pid -- - $1GI5 19 CVinty Warrants issued previous to July 1st 1660, and remaining unpaid - - 1019 06 Indebtedness of Keinuha County July l;t 1SC1 $2633 2.5 Amount of revenue to be derived from Coun ty tax ( ex 'luMivciy ) levied for ISO 1 $:J277 C7 Amount of delinquent County tux, non-rest-1 dent and interest on same. - 850 00 Tax for liol - - - 715 00 TotJ ----- $1812 C7 Total expenditure for tbo year 18 j0 SI335 71 MSLVIif.inLLS. NEMAHA CITY, NEBKSKA- Cxfsli for Vilaoat, Tlie public are mtoi uici! that at Meivin's iills that 80100 cents cash is benu paid for good ruercha ntablo w liejt. Aliso wheal and col u ground for toll as usual. No22 J. G. MELV1X. Notice cf Attachment. At my instance an attachment was this day issued by C. Vv'. Wheeler, cx-otllciu Justice if the Peace of Ke maha County, against the property and effects of John Uitcber, Sen., au ab.-roudiui debtor of f-ail Vnntity. July 1st, 1J5-3I. 6w II. O. AIIXICE. Douglas Improved ii:mrai sugar mjli.s. JIuskingvm IVorks, Zanesrille, Ohio. We are now prepared to manufacture our Premit S I'jar-Canc Mill, either Vertical or Horizontal, will be able to supply the demand, however large. We arc also manufacturing Douglas' Improved Evap orator, and also Douglas Steal Sugar Evaporator, and arc prepared to furnish every article of the best qualt tv, and at numerate rates, required in the manntactur PltlCKSr $50 $6i), $40, $100. ami upwards. Priceof Furnaces and Evaporators, $50 to $100. Circulars and Pamphlets furnished on application All orders addressed to the undersigned will be prompt Iv attended to. DOUULAS UKOTHEUrf -ly anesville, Ohio. ap Sheriff Sale, killed, it may be true and may not. It .:srpuc iiltly, however, that there lias yecn an engagement. i i:. d. w t 1 y- oi te umana 3 Rblican and who has been on 'a pit I enmage to Meca," since early last spring, Vie 1 ili 11' . juii rtiurneu. i.ej)uuiics ti un- pateful." Ain't they Veb? 'How ye the truinict, tU." The dance at J. Q. A. Smith's last was a most magnificent it is said Certain ment. Llberainy of the Post Ollice Depart ment to olautee;s. Washington, July 2G. The Tost Of- fiice Department has issued the following: Postmasters will laice notice that all prepaid letters to soldiers in any Regi ment in the service and directed to them at points where they have been stationed may be forwarded whenever practicable to any other point to which they may have been ordered without further charge thereon for forwarding. (Signed) J. A. Kassox, 1st Assist. P. M. General. Johnson county Doliu me nt will be 'wad on first page. The bills parsed by the House increas es the number of cadets and midbhip- c, failed iu the Senate. ihe pay of volunteers is increased to -:rteen ilollars per month, and not to ween. .' Congress. Southern Fary. The Richmond Whig of the 21th, has the following communication from some Southern Rombastst "The Dcvclcd Bawl." The shortest path lo peace is that which carries havoc aud desolation to our invaders. It is be lieved that there are five to ten thousand men in the South ready and willing to hare the fate of Curtis, and devote themselves to the salvation of their coun try. It is proposed that all who are wil ling to make the sacrifice t-hall arm them selves with a swofd. two five shooters, TJ. C. Johnson, 1 Nntlian Harmon. ) NOTICE is hereby given that I will offer for salo nt public aintion at tbo door of the llouss in which the last term of tho Nemaha County District C.uirt Nebraska Territory was held, in Drownviile, in said county of Nemaha on tho twentysixth day of Au gust, A 1) ltil,atono o'clock, 1. M.of said day, tho following real estate, situated in tbo said coun ty of Nemaha and Territory cf Nebraska, to-wit lots No. nine, ten and eleven, 'J, 10 & 1 11 of the fouth t ast fractional quarter of section No. thirty-ono (SI ) in township No. six, '.. north of ranrro No. sixteen, jl'j, cast of tho Cth j rineij al meridian, with tho thereof as belongs to Joseph Oadenbaeh, described as follows, to-wit, commen cing at the South-west corner of tho above named lot Number nina i thenco north forty -101 rod3 thence east ono hundred and sixty rods, thenco north forty 10 rods along tho Missouri river thonco cast to tho plaeo of beginning, taken as the proper ty of Nathan Harmon, on an execution in favor of IT. O. Johnson, issued by tho said cmaha county Dutriet Court and to mo directed, as Jtbc tjacriiTof the said county of Nemaha. Witness my hand this tho 231 da? of July. A. D. 1SC1. " W. S. HORN. Ex-OSicio Shcrifi, by J. W.COJ,V;.IAN,I)enuty Sheriff. Crownviilc, July 25, lSGt). (n3-5t-?9) FRUIT & ORrJAMEHTAL TREES, A NO ' Small Fruits Cultivated and fcr Sale AT THE OLIVE BRANCH NURSERY Sixteen miles east of Cincinnati, CIjEIIIlIOK'T COUNTY, OHIO 100,000 APPLE TEEES 5 TO 7 FEET HIGH. Leading sorts at S'jO.OO peril., regularly assortod to tbo trade ; coloetod, $11). 00 per hundred, retail, reaches, 12.00 per hundred, retail. Flams, 40 cents each, retail. Cherric?, 25 cents each, retail. Quinces, 25 cents each, retail, (loescberrics, 75 cents per doz., Houghton Soedl'g 1 car trees, 40 cents each. S -anmard. Pear trees, 30 cents each. Dwarf. lUact berries, 1.00 per dozen, Lawton. Strawberries, 2 per M. Tihubarb, 10,00 per hundred, Linnrcua. Tho above named trees are now growing upon our cwn grounds, and wo consider them very fine. The proprietor's attention has been given for tho last bttccn years almost entirely to tno propagation oi Nurseries, the cultivating and marketing oi' Fruits ; an 1 during this time, havo made it a business to collect from the most correct sources varieties cspo- ciallcd adapted to th's eliirate. All orders, accompanied by cash, attended to promptly: and, if ncccssary.ilelivcred in Cincinnati, and forwarded free of cort, except moderate charges wuou orders arc boxed or baled. Address, W. C. DOLE, Olive Branch, Clermont co., O. jiue each, and shall meet on The Senate confirmed only two Major Generals for the regular army, namely, and a carb Major General McClellan and Major- horseback at some place to be designated General Fremout, and Rrhradier Gener- convenient for the great work on hand. Mansfield," McDowell, Rosencranz, Person",- Meigs, and Thomas, the last fctsed an. Adjutant- General. For the volunteers, the Senate confirm- cd the following: rior Generals Banks. Dix. Butler. Brigadier General McCall. Curtis, ney, Reynolds, Km?, Sijrel, lleint- Jeman, Porter, Franklin. Stone, Thomas, 'I. Shfirmin WnL-nr. 1 r,l. T)l-. Jtlley, Lyon, Pope, Cor, Ilurlburt, Henck, Prentiss, Grant, Couch, Gover nor Sprague, Burnside, Montgomery, of 'erv Jersey, Phelps, of Vermont, WU- 'amsof Michigan, Hunter, W. T. Shcr fcaa, Buell, Oaks, Hamilton, of Vuscon- a, and McClernand. Fire and sword muct be carried to the houses of those who are visitinjr those blessings upon their neighbors. Phila delphia and even New York are not be- bond the reach of a long brave arm. The moral people of those cities cannot be belter taught the virtues of invasion than by the blazing light of their own dwellings. None need apply for admission to the "Devoted Band1' but those who are pre pared to take their lives in their hand:?, and who would not indulge the least ex pectation of ever returning. They ded icate their lives to me destruction of o enemies ! A S B D B Richmond All Southern papers are requested to notice tne above Jeff Thompson's Proclamation. Ihe reoel commanders are great on Pillow, late General in the rebel ar tigh-faJutin proclamations. JetT Thomrv a)r lnade a mistake at Memphis, which aa has lust issued one. Y rr for "a3 nearly as unfortunate as his famous Writ Ar. . ditch in Mexico. Parson Brownlow tells Jo the People o f .Missouri Jlissovricrns 'VriAe for Your- Firesides and Your 11 Howes ! 'EADQUAHTKBS FlRST MlLLITAUT DlS- tict, Missouri State Guauds, at loom field, Mo. Having bpen elected to command the sons of the First Millitary Dis k't of Missouri in the second war for in- f'I'endence, I appeal to all whose hearts Jfe with us, immediately to take the field J speedy and simultaneous atault on 11 foes, we can, hke a hurricane, ccat- e. a ""3 . r w Jfc- s n - s - i O - c- ZJ u Z g S S . w 1 c 2 U?'?.--"1:,J" f - '1 w n c -3 .5.2 21 -Ssgs- -7 5 - 5 o a.- o- oSSflg-s-ssS H --j?ios5 5 0.2 7. s S 3 S 2 - 2 3 ij3i- 1-3?r.'-?.".--:t?i:3Je r- .- f t- t . ' -i iw sees st IN BROV7ITVILLS, Whitney's Block, Main Street. LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF THE ELK HORN" and MORTAR - . tr . T ""33 - -'5 i c;3"3 fl-S ri - i - j -r. a g ; i n M i-H 11 E H . rr - 53 S J. J. THUHMAN, ANNOUNCES to tho citrons of Hrownvillo and vicinity that ho bus rerawed Lis Dn:, rt-ao fp.iu fcjidney, Iowa, to tho Ciry of Urownville, and Luring added thereto au extensive stuek of Fresh Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints and Oils, Pure Wines and Liquors, For Medical Purposes, Hair and Tooth brushes, Perfumery, Fine Toilet Soap, e e - cr . f cCC, cCC, cC, ivC. Invites thO puhiie p-xtron.igs. tTjPhysician's Prescriptions attended to at all boars both by day and night. Brownville, Aprii Ilth, 151. n lO-yly Furniture ! Furniture ! ! Tbe most complete stock of Furniture ever tft'erci! in this upper country just received by T. HILL. Brownville, April 2tHh, lsibl. "The Union Must and shall be Preserved!" AND DEN WILL SELL GOODS ON SUCH TERMS AS WILL SURE LY BRING ABOUT THIS RESULT. MASTER'S SALE. In pursuance of a decretal order made- by tho District Court, in and for Nemaha County, Nebras ka Tjrritory, beam i date May lG , 1S6I, sitting in Chancery in a certain ca.o pending in said Court, wherein lhoniaa Heady 13 complainant and Henry Neiniic? and Catharine Neiciicr, are respondents. I will on Saturday the 21A day of August, 1S61, at 10 o'clock, A. of said day ia front of tho room where the Ditlrio. Court of Xumaha County held its la-t term, in the town of Brownville, Nemaha county, Nebrarka Territory, offer tot sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described ro- al cstato to-wit: the northwest quarter of section sixteen, township six north of ran.iro fifteen, east of tho sixtli principal meridian, Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, less tao lorty-seven acres sola K. W. .Frame. . J. a. liturunu, Jiaster In Chancery. Krotrnville, July 18, ISoS. 1SG0. 1SC0. TAXES. NOTICE. Delinquent Tax Payers for tho year I860 are here by notified that fueh delinquency mti3t be paid by the 15th inst., this i? tho only and last notice, and if not heeded, the proccts required by Law for tho celleetinn of delinquent taxes will bo enforced. Attention is also called, to the special School "fax levied in school District No. 1, lownship o, Kango 15. Nemaha City School District and in School Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4, Township 6, Eango 14, as said special laxes must bo paid. JACOB STRlCKLER, July, 4th, 1301. n52w2J County Troasurer. LEWIS WALDTER, HOUSE, SIGN AXD ORNAMENTAL GLAIZEIi AND PAPER HANGER. BROWNVILLE, N. T. 1 1 The Newest and Best Music Both Vocal and intrumental by tho best American and European composers, appears regularly every week In tho llULfthllULJLl JUUIAL. l'rice rour Coats. A neff song by Stephen Glover, appears in No, 1, Vol 2. FRESH AQRX7AL Bo otsand shoes. 3E3EVts zxiclcI. oipsj iJjnnets, rdisscs rlats, Dry Soods and Groceries, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, CUTLERY, NAILS, IRON, &c., A General Assortment of all the above. naving determined to engage in general merc&an- tile business, 1 have this Spring brought on. ana open ed out an extensive and varied assortment oi everTihius? needed by purchasers in this or any other country ; con sisting of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonnets of every grade atid style ; Dry ftwls in er.dles Variety, easte rners, Cloths, Jeans, SaUinets, t ecus, esuiiEs, can tos, Lawns, Merinos, Cambrics, brown and bluish mus lins; Groceries, fancy and staple; Iron, Nails, Hard ware, Queent.ware, &c. I am determined t open up a "new er3" in ITerctian tile business, arid will therefore sell at figures unbre cedcntedly low, for cash or country produce. CUSTOM WORK. I have on hand a solendid assortment of French Kip and Calf skins for home manufacture, to order, on the most resonable terms. All w.n fc warranted or no piy. WANTED:- Hides. Pelts and Furs, for which the highest prices at all times will be paid. Jo be Isriej, If vou wish to purchase (foods on tho most favorable terms, or dispose of your produce to the best poasiMe advantage. Be sure and call at DEN.S CHEAP ST0EE. Brotvnville, April, 4, 1S61. THE PEOPLE'S ATRiOTIC PICTURE GALLERY, JCST PuCLLSnLD IN SPLENDID STYLE. TUE EMPIRE CITY AT ONE VIEW, In a splendid Colored Hngravin of II CITY 07 If M Showing tho entire ciiy, and forming a COMPLETE BIRD'S-EYE VIEW of it (on a sheet of supcrGuo drawing paper), 24 by DO inches, all sarefully colored by hand. 1 his line picture hns just baen published at Three Dollars per copy, but by an arrangement cflectcd wo are enabled ..r. ti rrrpv LTiiorniriu n. HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, who forwards cs?2,in return for which wo will mail free, a copy of the abovo engravine (done up with roller to preserve it) and also tho HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL for ono year. SAMri.E CorjES of tho Lngravmgs can bo seen at our office. All rood countrp bills, or postsge stamtis, taken at par ns remittances. Address all communication:: to tho l'ub'ishers and Proprietors of the liOLhLllUl-U JOURNAL. A. IIAU11I1LL & CO., 20 North Willwm street, New York. Lie story in the Knoxville Whig: "Previous to Gen. Pillow beinsr surer ceded by Bishop Polk, he went to New Urleans and procured a htirre chain ca tie, costing him S2-3.O00, and- brought it to Memphis to blockade the river, by stretching- it over and resting it cn buoys ! The cable, carriage and work cost about &S0,000. The first big tide came, bring ing down the usual amount cf trees, legs and drift-wood, swept his cable and sup porters, a$.ai,y llutboat captain would have informed the confederate authori ties would ccruinly have been the cace. SHERIFFS SALE. Fislr, Knight & Company,! va V Moore A Smith. ) Bvvirtuo of an order of salo to mi? directed from the District Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska Ter ritorv, dated on the 17th day cf July A r 1S61, I W. S. Horn, Coroner, and ci-oCcio SherilT, will on Siifurday, the 31s day of August, 1S61 between tbo hours of ten o'clock, A. it. and fivo PM on that day, in front of tho houso where tho Dis triet Court held its last Term, in tho town of Rrown ville, Nebraska Territory, offer for sale tho follow ing describe I real estate Situated in said countv, to wit tho southeast quarter of section IS, in township norm oi range ia, easi ot tne tun principal me ridian, in Neni.aha county, Nebraska Territory t the aixtve described property, bcmn the property hero toforo ntMi-hed in theeaseof Fisitc, Kniirht A Cuni pany, vs Moore i Smith, for tho sum of five hun dred an l svi.ty-fivo dollars and forty cents !.5,!0 debt and cost amounting to fourteen dollars and ac cruing costs and interest from May 13, A11n1 at the rate of ten per cnt. i cr annum, all said land lying iuJ beiT-' in Noin.aliA ,unfr. Nebraska Ter ritury. W. b. HORN, Kx-oiucio Sh. rilf, by J W Coleman, Dei t'y July 25th, 1SU. n3 5w$-J DOOKS AND SASH. f .i client and cheap article of Pine Door aud Sa'j c-iliat tl.e new rbic if J.J. TRl'RMAN Lio.vnTille, Ai til II, 'bl. ul vly POSTItAIT OF KAJ0H AITDSESOJ. tho Hero of Sumter, 2. rOHTRAIT OF MAJOR-GEN. BUTLEE, 3. rOLTBAIT OF COL. ELLSWOSTH, of the New York Fire Zouaves, assassinated at Al exandria, after hauling down tho Kebel flJg- ..... THE EOKEAEDJIEKT OF F0ET SUM TES, a magnifijentjlarge, richly colored engraving. 5. THE MASS. EEGIMEHT fighting their way through tho streets of laltimere. A most spirited picture, giving a very ccrroc idea of that bloody transaction. 25 25 25 25 2i PA11TICULARLY TO RANCHMEN. I desire to say to Itinohmen anywhere between the Missouri river and Mountains, that my stock for whole saline to them is now complete embracing everytbiug desirable or profitable to trade in, and at prices unheard of cheap. Call or send your orders, which will meet with prompt attention. mtu. xiiia.. Erownville, April aotn, isoi. To All IVliom It Slay Concern. All nersons indebted to Wm. T. Dfc-, either on hoik account, or bv note, are hereby notified to call and pay up on or before the 10!h day of March 18G1, and thereby save themselves trouble and cost. brownville, Feb. 21 21. . Lime! Lime!! Lime!!! The nndersicned whose kilns are situated nine miles westof Brownville, on the road leading to Ft. Kearney, teeps constantly on hand a very superior artic!6 of lime, to which he invites the attention oi inose visa ing The Lime willbe delivered at tneKiin or at any other point in thecounty, asdesired. Feb. 9, 1660 6m i. 6. C. 25 'STAP. SPAItGLED EANNZR" GOD DESS OF LIBEETY. A heart-stirring do sion, exquisitely colored. THE UNION VOLUNTEERS. Tbo bravo soldier represented in tho act of trampling under foot the traito-'s banner, and unfur ling in its place tho glorious old stars and stripes" forever in triumph to wavo." THE DEFENDERS OF OUR UNION, a mammoth lithogra&hw picture, brilliantly colored, rcprciehting tho various crack regi ments in tho United States service, in sull dress, and equipped and armed for active service, being one of tho most magnificent pictures of that kind ever got up in this country. Among tho military represented, are the New York 7th, Mass. 6th, tho Fire men Zouaves, Col. Duryoo's Advance Guard, 1st, German Rifles, French Zouaves, Lilly Wilson's Zonaves, etc., etc, Prico Any simrlo r.icturo will bo sent by mail, postpaid j new stock of everywhere on receipt oi price. 0 TJ Probate Notide. 59 TTnEREAS, n. M. Reynolds, has been appointed General Administrator of the estate of Joseph Proud, deceased, late of Gase County; notice is hereby Riven that I have appointed Tuesday toe tmricenin c.u; nay of August A, D. 13SI, as the day for bearing claims against said estate. All persons having claims acainst said estate are hsreby notified to have thenion flit on or before that day or they nay forever be debarred from recovering such claims Given under my hand and oSict.n seai, mis una aay of May, A. D. ISCi. TVM.JBLAK.M.Yr 46-12tpfJ rroDfrra rfBugo. GENTLEMEN'S Wiliiiv JACOB MAROHN, . MERCHANT TAILOR, UROWXVILLE, r.TEI53tASKA4 Has just returned from St. Louis "with an entire ONE DOLLAR ARRANGEMENT LATEST STYLES Of Goods for Gentlemen's wear, which bo will iriake to order at shrt notice, and in a manner ho warrants to ba satisfactory. His stock consists in part of black, colored and mixed cloths : black, colored and mixed doeskins ; black, colored, fancy and mized Cassimcr3 ; fina -w-.y-v-r-. y- - -r t-. -r -r . . I OliVCli, coioreu, ihu;y aun uii. h I 1 1 I ) f K JDLLAK I Kentucky Jean, Checks, Cuttonades, Linens, uril lings. ducks, Sttin?, Vesting, 15 cs cure CURE i 'l!y lU ue T tbeso Pills tbe periodic attacks of .Virp ca or SUb Ilradac'ie maybe prevented; ami if t.'ken it tbo commencement -f an attack immediate relief fri-ni pain ami si. k-nes will te obtaineil. They seldom f.ul i.i reniuvini; tho A'iiiica and ucau ache to which feuidiPi are subject. They act gently uyoa the boweia removing Costive nas. For Literary Men, Students, Pehcate Fema'es, and all persons of tedcnttirij habits, they are valuable as a Imitative, improvinj tho eppetite, f.'wS tone and r; jicr to the dis:eMie organs, aod restoring the natural elastioitv and strcn t;h of tte whole ysten. The CEPn.LIi PILLS are the result of l.m? tnvcrti Kr.tion and carefully conducted e.tperiments; h.iTin; t een ia use many years, dariejj which Onie they have prevented anil reUftred a vat anniunt of pain and uf letin,; f."o:u Koa.i.icJic, wl.cther originating iu tbe ner vous system er fron a deranced state of the ttomacn Thy are entirely vegetable in their composition, ant" may be tnken at ali times with perfer-t safety, withnul mpkine any clmnise of diet, end the (ihsenre of a' y a freable tatts renders it easy to ud:niUter fie; t children. Be'.varo of counterfeits! The ftennine lave five signatures of Ilenry C ?ial;:g on each b'X. Sold by Dni?;istsand all other Dealers in Medinnes. A Lux will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of the Piicc 25 cents. All orders should be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING, IS, Cedar Street, New York. Dee. 6. tSrtO. n22-1v THE FOLLO IIV'.V C. EXD O R SE TESTS O F SPALDING'S 11IIC PUIS. Will convince all who suffer from HEADACHE, THAT A Speedy and Sure Cure IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. An the 7Vf iV")u'" irere untolieitftl by 2Ir. SI'AL DIXfr,thy af'onl vnqiietiotinlle proof of the efficacy of t'ti truly tcientifie discovery. Btccrly, Mast., Dec. 11, 1SC0 II C Spalding, Esq. I wish for sorr.o circulars or largi show bills, to bring your Fills moro particularly before my easterners. If you have anything of tho kind, please rend to ms . One of my customer?, who is Fubject to severs Sick Headache, (usually lasting 'two days.) tea cured of an attack i' onelourb; your PtUs, w hich I sent her. Respectfully your. V B WILKES. ftc'jnoW'jbnfg, Franklin Co,, O.) January 9, 1801 f FIexky C Spalmng, No 43 Cedar St, N Y Dear sir: Inclosed Cnd twenty-five cents, (25,) for which send box of '-Cephalic ' Fills." Seed to address of Rcv"WniC Filler. Keyni.ddsburg, Franklin Co, Ohio. Your I'ille work lie a charm cure Headache al nloat insta nlcr. Truly yours, WM C FULLER. Mtwnci'.lc, Conn., Feb 5,1861. Mr. Spalbino. Sir: I biive tried your Cephalic .rills, and lile them go well that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these ire for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few ont of the tint box 1 got irom you. Seed tho rills bv mad. and oUVo Your ob't serva JAMES KENNEDY JI'.tverforJ, I'it., Ftb.1651. Mn. Spaldixo. Sir: . I wish you to send me one more box of your Ce phalic Fills, lace received a jrert acid of bcnf:t from them. Yours, respectfully. MARY ANN STOIKIIOUSE. Spruce Creel; Ilimtinyton Co.,PaJ January 18, 1S31. J II. C. Spalding. Sir: You will pleno send mo two bo2e3 of your Cephal ic Fills. Send ;hoai immediately. Respectfully yours, JNO. B. SIMONS. P S Ihace used onebox of your Pilis, anl find thevi excellent. Belle Vernon, Ohio, Jan. 15, 1351. Henry C. Spalptno, Esq. Flease find inclosed twenty-five cent, for which send me another box of your Cephalic Fills. They are tritln the bcut Pills Ih'ire erer tried. Direct A. STOVER, r M. Hello Vernon, Wyandot Co ,0. 57"A single bottle of SI'ALDlNti'S Fit E FARED ULLE will save ten tiine3 its cost annuaiiyrj 1 FOR ONE DOLLAR I FOR 0XE DOLLAR! Wo will send tho completo set or 8 pfttare to tiny t . r K:rnJ Qtatna motnitA hnM J til I VI IUU WUILU UMAbV VOMIi JJI1U FOR ONE DOLL Alt ! FOR ONI! DOLLAR! FOR ONE DOLLAR! FOR ONE DOLLAR! We will send by mail, post-paid, tho following set of L nion Goods : 1. One copy Hardee's Tactics, tho Text Rook for tho Citizen Soldier. 2. 25 fplenrlid assorted Union Envelopes, entirely new devices. i. 21 sheets superfino Lnion paper. 4. No. 4 of our picturo gallery, (Tho Eoinbardnlc&t of bu inter.) 5. No. 5 of our picture gallery, (Tho Massachusetts Sixth.) 6. Tho splendid picture 'Tho Defenders of our Union." R raids, Buttons, cords Ac. He returns his thanks io tho gentlemen of this place and vicinity for their patronage, and respectfully invites them to call and examine tis new struck. Ho feels condent that in tho fu ture as ia the past, he will be able to give entire sat isfaction. . Ero-rrnvillc, March 21, ISftO.-ly Strayed or Stolen From the undersigned, a yoke of largo oxen. Their ago was about S years; color red, with white tails; one had white on tho back. One of them had on a bell when they left. A liberal reward will bo paid to any ono giving information, that will lead to their discovery, to the subscriber, 2 1-2 miles southwest of Brownville. li. U. JUUUliE. July 24, 1801. FOR ONE DOLLAR ! FOR ONE DOLLAR! VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The undcrsisned offers for sale; cheap cash, the follow ing described Keal t-statc, viz : Kw qr. of the iNe qr. of heetion 27, township 4, Range 16; containing iO acres. The Swqr of the Ns qr of section 27, Town 4 Range 16 containing 40 acres. Tho Xe qr of Xe qr of section 27, Town 4 Ranee IS oiitaimng 40 acres. The Sc qr of tbe Ke qr of Section 27 Town 4 Range, IS containing 4U acres. Arply by letter or in rersnn to HENRY foxtexeltj: Aug. 1st, IS61. St. Deroln, JiemahaCo. X. T. Notice of Attachment. Twn nTT? nnrT t t territory of Nebraska,) FOR ONL DOLLAR! Pawnco County. ) S3 Wo will send the following, post-paid : Portrait of tho jouthful Col Ellsworth, assassinated at Alexandria, a ihartyr in tno cuso of liberty. 25 assorted Union Euvel'ies. Tim splondid picturo tntkl.d '-Tho Defenders of our i r ft Lnion. A magni Scent Gold Union Fin, the most elegant yet got up valued at 1 j0. Envelopes witk tho newest designs and every de scription of Union Goids can be proeuml of us cheaper than any whero elte. Sample sent free, to dealers on application. Address ull letters' an 1 orders. L J. VOlfiT & CO.. ujOwS 12 Au Street, Ntw Yotk. To B. P. Beoby, you arc hereby notiGed that an Or- ucrof Attachment was issued against you'on the ;ih day of July by II. G. Lore, Justice t f tho Peace iu said county,and your property att iehed to satisfy the demand at J. I?. "Jorton, amountm to thirty-eii t;t dollars, and cc-.-fa n..t to execcd d..ila.-s: Now, unk-s you thall appear lu f -re 11. G. I-ore. Justieo of th i Peace in ant firsaid County atbis of?i', n the 21th dayof August, a. d.lfil, at 12 oVI.iek, 51., judgment will be rendered against you and your property told U pay the dobt. J. B. MORTON, PUT. July3Ist,ISoT. n',-3-$-i SPALDING'S FREPARED GLtlE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SAVE THE PIECES! ECONOMY ! DISPATCH ! f5""-l ''-7' ' Time Sites Xine V'fcZ As accidents will happen, even in well regulated families, it ivcry desirable to havo some cheapand convenient way f? repairing Furniture, Toys, Crock ery, fc bPALDirU'b 1'Rl.rAltl.JJ ULUL meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it It is always ready, and up to the sticking point "USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N B A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price, 25 cents Address HENRY C SPALDING, No 48 Cedar Street, New York. CAUTION. As certa-n unprincipled per?on? aro attempting to I aim off on th unsuspecting public, imitations of my 'REPARED GLUE, I would caution all persons to examine before purchasing, and see that the full name grSPAI.DING'S PREPARED GLUEjK is on tha outsido wrapper; all others aro swindling counterfeits "I'ilic's Pcaii, or Kust." NE17 PROVISION STOKE. VALUABLE GIFTS WITH 33 O 0 -irS GEORGE 'G. EVANS' Original Gift Eoolis Enterprise, Permanently located ai -13Q Chestnut Si., gix Tjm cf ih (EnttrpiistI CARD nAVINO purchased the spacious Iron Eulldirg No. 4oJ Chestuut Street, and fitted it np with ev ry convenience to fci'itati? my business, particularly that branch devoted to Covntky Oki-fk-"; anl hsr ing a larger capital than any ether party inveit A in tha business, I am now prepared to offer greater advantages, and hotter gifts thiin ever befora ii p j customer. I will furnish any boolt (of a ntora! character) published in tho United Sutes, tho ret a rateut which is one dollar cr upward1, and givsLock, and worth from 50 cts to l?0" with each guarantee to givo pt-rfoct satisfaction, as I Dm d termined to maintain tbo renatatioa aircaJy be stowed upon my establish mt-cC. Strangers visiting FiiiluJclpuia tro in?IteX l call and j u Jgc for t!ii.u:oclvcs. G. G. EVANS. If tou want any boo, srnd to CEO. G. ENANS Rerliabbs Gil t Book Entcrpri 435 Chestnut Stret, PhiUdelihia. Whero all books aro sold at the Publisher's lowest price, and you have tho of receiving A Handsome Present, worth from 50;ts to 1 dollar with each book. G G EVANS Original Gift Book EntorrrS iin bnen endorsed by the Ikiok Trade nt aii the leadirgeity and country" ja pers in the Uai!ed States. G G EVANS' Punctual business transactions bar received the approbation of nvr C.OCO.C03 citiiens cf the Unitd States, eeli of whom have reveivtt r-ubstantia! evidence of th brfit derived by purehising books at )H establishment. G G EVANS Has dono more t!jn any other pub lisher or bookseller in taa Union to ward diffusing knowledgo t" tl people. By his system many bookt are real that would not Lava foumj their way info tho hands of reader. Fnmh Leslie's X.tsspr.pert. G G EVANS keep3 constantly on hand the rocs extensive stock, tho greatest assort- ment of Rxiks, and circulates freo to all who may apply, tho most com pleto catalogue of BooLi and G;ft3 ia tho United States. G G EVANS has advantages offered to Lira by other publishers and manufacturer which enable him to furnish hia pa trons with a finer quality and better assortment of gifu than any o her establishment. G 0 EYAN3 publishes nearly two liunlrod popu lar and interesting books, tborcf.r, as a publisher, ha is better able to ofier extra premiums and couuuis eions. G G EVANS guarantees perfect satisfaction to all- . who may send for books. O G EVANS' new cla3 i5ed catalogue of book embraces the writings of every stan dard author in every department of literature, and gives all the informa tion relative to tho purchasing and forwarding by mail or expres, of booksordcred frorabis establishment,, together with full direction how to re mi t money. G G ENANS' Catalogue of Books will be sent grnti and free of postage to any addresa iif tho United States. G G EVANS' inducements to Agents can not be surpassed. The most liberal ccm-' missions aro offered, and by soliciting subscriptions to books in the manner -proposed, twenty books can be told ire thesamo time that it would take tor cell one oa the old-fashioned ?ubcrij-' tion plan. Send for a classified Cat alogue, and every information will bw given in reference to agencivs. S" lect your books and eucloso the a-' mount of money required, and on trial will satisfy you that tlw bee placo in tha country to purchase1 books is at tho Extensive Gift Book EstaWhTnacnl - y OF GFORGE G. EVANS, No. 43J Chestnut StreoS, Philadelqhi Where yon can rjet Bools of all linds Books of fact'! Books of fiction I Bools of de- votion I Books r f amusement ! Books for the OIJ Folks I Books for the Young Tolii! BookJ tor Husbands! Bo-ks for Wives! Books for Lovers! Books for Sweethearts! Booksfor Boys! Booii for Girls ! Books of Humor ! Books of Poetry ! Books of Travel ! Books of History ! Books of Bi ography ! Books of Adventure I Books about Sail ors ! Books about Soldiers ; Books about Indians I Bocks about Hunters! Books about Heroes! Eooka about Patriots ! Booksfor Farmers! Boois fo? Mechanics t Books for Merchants ! Lo as for l ny- sieians! Books for La wTer? Hooks for Matesraeni Bibles! Presentation Boks! Hymn Books I " Ju venile Books I Annuals! Albums, etc., etc. Cecil B. Hartleys Interesting biographies! Ketf J' H.Ingram's Scriptural Romances! hmucker i Lives of Patriots Statesmen:. J. I . JLauren rev olution. Stories ! T.S. Author's popular Tales! Mr. Aleot's Family Doctor ! Mr?, Hentz's Novels I Mrs. SouthWorth's riorelsl Vicaea ZiofOiii Waverlv's Novels ! Irving's orks ! All the writings of every staudard author of every department of literature, in every st vie in binding, at the publishers lowe;t prices, and remember that you pay no more than you would at aay other estab lishment, and you have the advantage of receiving on elegant present, which oi tentimes is worm a Hun dred fold more than tha smount taid for tha book. SEND FOR A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF ROOKS, order any book that jou may want, remit tho retail price, together wita tho amount required for postage: and ono trial will assure you that th best place in the country to purcnase booss 13 ai tno Gift Bcoi Estabh;hmcnt oi Originator of the Gift Book Enterprise. 4.13 Chestnut S?ttcct, Philadelphia. To whom greater enlucemctts than ever ar Any person, eilher male or female who is desire ous of engflgcing in an HONORABLE aaA PROF ITABLE EMPLOYMENT, requiring but little tim and na outlay of money, and by which they canob- A Fine Gold V, atch and (-Lain, A llandsom Service of P.'a'.e, An Elegant Silk Dress Patcrn, A Splendid Sett of Jewelry, Or many other choice article enumerated In onr List of Gifts, can do so by actiug a3 aa agent for this Citablishuietit. Any person , in any part of the country, can be an agent, timply by forming a club, srndiiig a Put of books, and ramittingtho amount of raauey required bENl) FOR A tATALOGCE. WhOU COnUlQS all tha desired iiiformation reJative to agencies and tha formation of clubs ; and to insure prompt and ho a omblo dealing, address all orders t Tub Head Qv;irtir3 o Proprietor of the oldest and largest Girr Boor E TEUPBISS in the world, permanantiy located at No. 43 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia A5D BBY GOODS HOUSE. BROWITVILLE, H. T. J. BSJKISY & Co ITave Just completed their new buslnec house on Main Strret, near the 17. S. Land Office, in Brownville where they have opened out and areoG'ering on the most favoriMo terms, C-3LO jE2.XSS Dry Goods, Provisions, ui an Mnus, FLOUR, CONFECTION ARIES, GULC.Ti AXD DRIED FRUITS, Choice Liquors, Cigars, Aim a iu.;uoa!ia aua one," other things everybody needs. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Brownvil it, April -ti, ly A ! I ro'. t .Miti. Iho owner cm have by Ue- cenoing Sinno :ir:.i paving ur tins divert i.-.nient. Brow n vitle, J uno '11. S.' M I'LL CA 1. LLK N NOTICE. Of SI Ul Liiid., lor ak- ut thi till AH thi-e i nlo '!el to me I'j- N'.tte or i; ftiil I'ie.i-rf t.,r .. i .1 .it- i fi:: 1 1. y tv-rpj,!;, tiit at- on ui tictviu the 'lit 1 A'tun. will .; Mil-...-! ii er w ;a r tivA-uiilic. A-;u-: I 1:C1. hi. A. Wheat! Wheat! Wheat t Farmers Look to Yoar Interest I "XVxia. 17. XJorr, is pajintc and will continue to pay tie Ulghes-t If a kc Price for WHEAT and PRODUCE, in goods. JUj etock of GoeAi consists of BOOTS and SHOES, - - HATS and CAPS, DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, NAILS, DOORS and WINDOW SASH GLASS and PUTTY PLASTERING HAIR, COc rer lu.f TUE3 ar, I PI CKETS, . F LOU 11, UACON, -AI E A L a ii 1 FO T A TO ES . . I also, soPri a well t.-;e te. t.vU uf Calf, Kij, C er inl ii JLether pjr iiiauuf a.turiog BOOTS and SHOES, wl r-h I will warrant to Rivi n.i'isf.K-ii.-.n. ft. my pje-ei.t 8to k -f Goo!s at irnn t. suit u... tin.. r ' t-... u., ,.n(i t..u .i i , 1 VkliCl l'ti'it ut ; y k.u.l nil. ! i-. u wii I I c c !;c IO; ;. ifr Ci. :i, ?; l, U'ii 1.0 il i. lit V. lit Lr r