Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1861)
tllEPVEtlTISEK. brown villi:, JUNi: 27, isci. LOCAL' " joiv 01: & ;o. rK and lWiitf Material cf ail Hi.) c, Kew Tk. and Brown's I rot Tr.K v.J.cre Bi-lMioe, SIol. ac OrV,T'"u' j,,,,;,;,,,, pbiUdelftna. flUlitiWt, I BlliOC'I'lll M,araotb"rfrfl',Ji ;. farinrr and jJJrcrti Vi lie rr. ' - 1 T . . Sutt-s ana un-i-a cw.npcr "Advertising Agency, iiroaow aV, new york. TiM ' ' ; T",'rf Arnts la Ft. Louia. Mecr, .Ai''r n, .jnmrt. General A1vert..inK, J,,,,l',1,r..tnHii'i"nA-,," S Olive f t. Louia, -, 4f4 4sr,lt, in ibt car. "1 they are ..... .t4 ,, . llABt.KT,E'j. U ocrrefiilar au ,aH Atr,il r" ll Tor- rr lit wii! sli'.rtly the Eaotern cities fr the -trr r'cr""f advertinnj f.atr'.iifie. lie U fu'if u'.li .r;tH tocitrk'J 1 ue our name in tutl- FLAGS &ENVELOPES Tie Advertiser" Office Las provided i'.itlf with Ia? cu'la and a5s0l0e for j-riftrinz variom lnds of National Em el c;,r,ar!j is now prepared to fill orders wWfale er retail. Apply" at the'" Ad verser" office, or Ton Office. Fourth or July In Xcmaha Connly. At a hre meeting; cf tLe citizens cf Brownville and vicinity, held in the Post Office in this place, oa Wednesday, June CG:h, for rLe purpose of making arrang rrnts to commemorate the coming; 4th of July, Dr. Holladay was called to the Chair ar.d D. 13. Thompson was chosen Secretary.. :Oa motion, it was Raolrr J, That we extend an invitation to the citizens of Nemaha county, and to the citizens of Atchison county, Mo., to ioin with us- in a PiC-Nic celebration of the lih. That all le requested to brinjk---such rroviiiuris, cooked, as they can well lUdnhS w ,.f I 1 e . I ! a I,a nn iKn ttonmnr rpare, ana tuns unite, in an oiu-iasmoneu lastet fc25t. Th following; Committee was then ap pointed to urje their neighbors to meet with u?, and set? that order and decorum le preserved on the occasion. The com mittee arc earnestly requested to meet aLd male mch additional arrangements ts may Le thought necessary. W. W. Denman, Upper Island. Dr. Perry, M. Majors, Peru. J. W. Hall, Ilouey Creek. :. P.. Kec.!, K. (J. Goode, Hack Creek. 'Win. Phillips, Henry Ucane. Jf?-' Culo, Jas. Coleman, Sen.. Lon- .Hi' I. C. I). a 'ii. .W v P. :-'. J.'.-i T. Si Hoaaie-. . J. V.". (,.:e:.;an, J I'rjurn Me. . - S. V. Kennedy, W. S. Hughes. " CJms. IVirchers, Rev. Mr. Hickman, St. Fifirrick. "G'-o. Shroaf. ' i). C. banders, A. G. Melvin, Nemaha City. " Dr. I'. M. M'Comas, Capt. Henderson. 'Mr. Paulin, Wxn. L. Thurman, Aspin wall. . , V! S. Dryden, p. Tlasters. Comnnttee onMut-ic, Speaker, Ground, i;c: Jt. W. Furnas, David Seigel and Jno. L. Carson. -"... A. S. HOLLADAY, Ch'm. Pr,5. II. Thompson, Sec. L'. B. Infantry nr. a P.Llc Tarllw Cc:i:Ic!C- To J. IX Lippi.tcctt i Co., Philadelphia, we are indebted for a copy cf U. S. Tactics for the intrcctb:3, exercise and of the United States Infantry; includirg' Infantry cf the Line, Light Infantry end Riflemen. Prepared under the direction of the Wr Department, and authorized and adopted ly Secretary Cameron, May lit, This valuable Look contains the school cf thetoidier; the school cf the company; initruction for tkirmi-hers ; .the generil calls; the calls for tkirrnuhes ; and the tchool cf the Datlalion; including a Dic tionary of Military terms. To which is added a chapter cn street firing, and an Appendix containing the Articles of War. One volume complete, illustrated with numerous engravings. Price, LargC GOOSCL'CrrlCS Mayor Eat To.n left with U3 some very fine specimens cf Gooseberries, last week. Thirteen of them weighed 4 1-4 ounces. As Mr. Bratton knows no name for thorn, and they are entirely different from anything we have before seen, we will take the liberty of naming them JWlra&a JIan. moth. If anybody can beat them in size or quality "let them speak, or forever af ter hold their peace." C. lit Alls. "Ha! what is this I see before me? Do me eyes deceive me?' R-e-c-k-o-n not! That color! Those flavor! Them taste! No! no! ! not de ceived! Gin cock-tail of Charlie Avis' compounding, and no mistake ! Charley Avis of the steamer ,4Oinaha" will ac cept our numerous" thanks, together with those of friends who assisted in de stroying that " assortment" of Gin-Cocktail, he was so mindful as to leave us on the last trip up. Our "phunny phellow" pronounces Charley a rara Avis. Holl on tilvcr moon." tin-! ji5.-n: ' ?. :' a 1 - r - -' - C.i ' a'- s hi " J & k c ' a. - - ' - K r - - - n ' Z. .: r - w - w v . S s o . J2 " r. I . "."..Itra-S i - ; t. - a- s ti r. J! - s 2 t S3 art-?"t ?J O " 5 e " C r- 3 3 3 ja S C a v J3 . t . -aiA T l . RL1E Sno ey, news boy on the steamer Omaha" for files of St. Louis and St. Joseph papers in ad ance of the mail; together with a gener ous supply of late Pictorials' Charlie is an accommodating little Gent, and always has a supply of late papers for the Up per Country. Have you dimes ready when the Omaha comes and Charliewill serve you to satisfaction. Owing to the resignation of 1st Lieut., P. M. Maiitin of the Drownville Home Guards, and the promotion cf the Second Lieut., W. H. Hoovra, the Second Lieu tenancy became vacant. At a rrguhr meeting of the company , J.o. L. Carso.t, Y.r ns 1-ctfi t. i'M '-t.u cy. -i;;:" ; - : '!' -,-.-,' : ! ;; 14 I Xcmatia' T&Ucjr Caralry Com- Tiny. -The Farmers of the Nernana Valley in this county have organized themselves into a Cavalry Company known above namtnl. The following are the cffers: ... Jso. S. Mikxzck, Captain. Gto. Crow, 1st Lieut. J., 2d. do W. G." Swa!, 3rd. do L. G. Hall, 1st Sergeant. YV. A. STtvtssox, 2d do 1 ' 'YVii. WmuLE, Grd do T. J. McTCALrr, 1st Corporal. J. Richardson, 2d do ' J. Zarinc, 3rd do Capt. Minnirk It determined his com-raL-y vhall be thoroughly drilled and pre pared for any emergency. Weed cut your company captain. See ih&t none but loyal and devoted Union ttea are in your ranks. . Before deliver-t-a arms have each member of your com ra"J' take the regular army oath. fj -: 1 a h c See the advertisement of Locis Wtaldtner, House and Sign Painter. Mr. W. has executed so much good work in this vicinity that he needs no words of commendation from us. Brown & Strickler have a most ex cellent article of well cured "family la con" on hand. "We Fpeak knowingly . wcv'e tried it. Call and get a ham. shoulder or side or all. XCW SherllT. J- B. Wells having resi-nei the office cf SLeriiTof Nemaha .County, W. S. Horn. Eq., by virtue of t!sx(Tice a Coroner, becomes the Sheriff for the remainder of the term. Mr. Horn is well known as one of our oldest :id best citizens, and will make a most xcjtlltnt officer. He enters immediately lpon the duties of his cfiice. Sheriff Horn has appointed our worthy townsman J. W. Coleman, Deputy Sheriff 'L. C has had several years experience sheriff of this county. Green Peas. Lons Waldter, one of the most industrious and successful Gardners in this region, left in our sanc tum the other day a basket full of fine marrowfat Peas, and a huge Lunch of young Onions, for which the especial thanks of all concerned in devouring the aforesaid vegetables are hereby tender ed. Suffer such things to come unto us the oftener the Letter for upon them do we delight to feed. More Town Improvements. Tmo Hill finding his old Ware-house on the levee entirely too small for the Lusiness now being done at this point, is erecting a new large, substantial and commodious Luilding 20 by 120, on the river Letween Main and Atlantic streets. This house when completed will Le the Lest in the Upper country. It is to Le a heavy frame, and un a strong stone foundation. This is hut in keeping with Hill's go-a-head-a-tiveness. Lttiier Hoaplt is making a very handsome addition to his luilding corner of Main and Second streets. Hon. Richard Brown is also making a two story addition to his residence, on Main street between Third and Fourth. Mr. Frei. Lizehti has erected a rew wagon-makers shop, on Third street near Gibson's Blacksmith 'shop. ZocaTC Drill. Zouave and Zouave '1 is now all .the go ; and yet Lut few erstand ihem. Kino Si Baird, C07 Sa'wra street, Philadelphia, have publish Hihe Zouave Drill Bock, illustrated with L-ty 'engravings, showing the various r-:tior.3 in the Bayonet exercise, and feish Drill as used by Eiit worth's '-avc-s; to which is ad Jed a biography r-J portrait cf Cel. Ellsworth. One vol. 2 n,o. price 2a cents. Copies sent Ly toil. " Coders Lady's Booli tor $100. To meet the times, the siity-third vol. of Godey will be sent to subscribers for One Dollar. This volume comprises the six Lest numhers of the year, and will contain seven steel engravings, six cf the large double extensionfashion-plates, and all the winter cloak patterns. L.A. GODEY", 323 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. The Union folks cf Atchison county Mo. are going to have an eld fashioned fourth of July picnic celebration in the beautiful grovs near th Kishinabottona Iri iue. On FarlOHgU. Lieut. Erncta, and sevtral privates cf company C, Nebraska Regiment, are in our city cn furlouga. They are in good Condition and report the Loys all well. Authorized JIIHtary Books. PaMiobeJ ly order of tLe V. S. War Department Instructions tn Field Artillery. Trcptretl by a board of Artillery Officers. vol. 8ro. ,$2.60. Baltimore, Ha January 15, 1959. Col. S. Cooper, Adjt. Gen. U. S. A. Sir: Tbe Licbt Artillery Board aMmbIed by cpecU! OrCom No. 134, of 1856, and Special Orders No. 116, of of 1S53, bat (be bonor to submit a revised system of I. Ifbt Artillery Tactics and Regulation recommended for thai arm. WM. H. FREXCII, Bt. Major, Captain First Artillery. WILLIAM F. BABItr, Captain Second ArUllery. HEXBT J. HUNT, Bt, Major, Captain Second ArUllery. HARDEE'S TACTICS, Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics, for the exercise and manrevre of troops wben acting as Light Infantry or Riflemen. Prepared under the direction of the War Iepartmenj. By Brevet Lieutenant Col. W. J. HAR DEE. U. S. A. Vol. 7 Schools of the soldiers and Compony . Instruction "for Skirmisher. Vol II. School of the BataWion. Two vo's. complete: $1 60. "An 4cf to titallith an uniform mode of Dicipline and 7J Uxereittt for the' Militia of the Unit td Slate$. "Sectioh 1. That the system of discipline and field exercise wbirb is and shall be observed by the regular Array of the United States, in tbo different corps of in fantry, artillery, and riflemen, t-hall also be observed by the militia. In the exercises and discipline of said corps, respectively, throughout the United States." Approves!, Washington May 12, 1S20. Cavalry Tactics. Published by order of the War Department. First prt -School of trooper; of the Pin toon and of the Squad ron Mounted. Third part Efolurions of a regiment. Three vols. ISnio. $3.93. Wah Department, Washington February 10, 48-11. The system of Carclry Tuctics adapted to the the or ganization of Draironn regiments, having been approv ed by the Presi'Ient of the United Suites is now publish ed fnr tli troverntnnnt of the United Ftstes is now pub- i, ; L . ; : ' -. . c ; . ; .1,. i, .n.- t.i. i ,. j ii sr. McLeans1- Ba or.ct" h'Xercis&s. Manual of Bayonet Exercincs, prepared for the use of the Army of United States. By GEO. B. McCLEL LAX,Captain nrt-t regiment of Cavalry, C. S. A. prin ted by order if the War Department. Ono vol. 12mo. $1 25. IIead Quarters of the Army, ) Washington. December 31, 1861. J Sn: nerewlte I have the honor to submit a system af Bayonet Exercise, translated from the French by Captaia Geo. B. McClelUa, Corps Edpineers, U. S. A. I strongly recommend its belDg printed for distribu tion in the Army, that it be made by regulation, a part of the "System of instruction." The enclosed extracts from reports of the Inspector General, etc., show their value. I baTe the honor to be, sir, with the highest respect. Your mobt obedteet servant, Approve!. WLXFIELD SCOTT. C. M. COXRAD. Secretary of War. Jan 2, 1&62. R. JOXES, Adjutant-General. Any of the above works forwarded by mail, free of postage, or any part of the United States, on the re ceipt of the published price. Remittances can be made in gold dollars and postage stamps. i. B. LIPPIXCOTT fc CO., Booksellers, Publishers and Stationers, Xos. 22 and 24, North 1-ourth Street, Philadelphia. HILL'S SPUING GOODS HAVE AERIVED, AND ALL ARE SOLICITED TO Call and seo Them. SUCH SPLENDID BARGAINS CANNOT BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. Havinft been long anl extensively engaged in the mercantile business in the West, I flatter myself sone what on knowing the wants of the community, and thus being able to purchase such goods an will ult all. I rail particular attention fo my present spring purchases, whica have all been selected with great care, id with an especial eye to the times. I will not attempt to en umerate, but simply say my stock as usual eonetsty of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boots and Shoes,' Hats and Caps, Furniture, Jewelry, 00DEAT WARE,. itlillou) it! cut, &c.f Which I cfTer for c.uh or good country produce, at prices so low that none who desire, ran be left with an excuse for not pu-chasing. 1 ask but an examination of my stock. TilEO. HILL. BrownriMe. April I5th, TSCt. Machines Given Away ! WASHING MACHINES GIYEN AWAY! MUSICAL WORKS GIVEN A WAT! Illustrated Works Given Away ! FaUiei design cf procuring a Sewing Machine of Wheeler A Wilson Grorer A taker's, or Finale A Lyon's manufacture, or one of Johnson's Union Was hinp Machines, can da ct by subscribing to the IIOUSIIUOLD JOURNAL, nt the rate cf Two Dol lars year. Full particulars of the aVve,as well as of the popular Musical and Ulustrstei rublication to be fivea away as preraiuTtr.s, will le found ir the first ruroLcr of the cew volume cf the IIOUSLLIOLD JOLKXAL, a erjy of which will be sent free to any addre?a. I5y aoc l;r,a three-cnt ftamp, a ecpy of the donble-fiae Map of the World will tesfst a'org with it. Address the Publirdicrs cf the HOUSE HOLD JOLKXAL, A. UAUnitLL & CO., 23 -N jrth Wilikns street. New York. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE THE nnletsisried desires to fell or rent Lis h ue and lot In l'-roMcviUe. For rarticnlars enquire of Kichard r.rown.llrownrille. II. S. TII0K1E. ArrilH, liCI. eJO -rn DEW SEE- STORES IN rnovnrviLLi:, 7Litne7'j Clock, Haia C'.rset. - look roll THE SIGN OF THE ELK HORX and MORTAR J. J. THURMAN, ANNOUNCES to the eithens of Drownrille and Ticinlty tLaf L las removed hi Urog trU-re from Sidney, Iuwa, to the City if Urownriiie, ltd Laricj ad le! thereto aa eitcarire tUxk ai Freih Drus, Chemical', Dye Scuffs, Taints and Oils, Pure Wines and Liquors, Tor Medical Purposes, Hair and Tooth brushes, Perfumery, Fine Toilet Soap, &.c, &c, S:., cc. Invites the pebiic pttronaje. tJThjtU ian's Prescriptions attended to at all hours both by day aid eight. Drownrille, Aprii Ilth.lSCl. 40-y!y Furniture ! Furniture ! ! The most complete stock of Fnmituit ever rered in thla upper country Just r?e!vel by . T. HILL. Brownvllle, April 25th, 1561. Fcr Sale. The machinery, be, belonging to the Steara Ferry Boat OUie," consiitinj of one engine complete, and part of the machinery f r another. A r ply to H . a. AT:in30N, Receiver. KrownvtUe, May 30, 1SC1. Notice. ThftmTHfiTI Drna la 'nllv antK.-.sla,1 f na ma " iMttj autuui -v w sav iui HIT) and in my name transact all business connected witij my Kimud me liau-nrpeu jteserve, locaiea oetwecn the Xemihas, inciu1ing the San Francisco claim, award ed end enQrmeI by the Secretary of the Interior to Vm S!-an, and by him sold to me. New Tork, Nov 1, 1S60 tf BEN". HOLLADaT. Nemaha City Herald copy I weeks ana send bill to this aSlce. "The Union Must and shall be Preserved!" AND DEN WILL SELL GOODS ON SUCH TERMS AS WILL SURE LY BRING ABOUT THIS RESULT. FRESH AQX1IVAL on B oots and shoes, jE2:vta oxxca. capa Bonnets, Misses Hats, Pry Goods and Groceries, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, cutlery; NAILS. IRON", CvC, vk ....: . : i- . v-T lli9 alue. navinst determined to "ei'iftase in general merchan- tile bunlnefs, I have this Spring broniiht on, and open ed out an extensive and varied assortment of everything needed by purchasers in this or any other country J con sisting of Boots, Shoes, Ilats, Caps, Bonnets of every grade and style Dry Goods in endless variety, caosl mers, Cloths, Jeans, Rat tinets, Tweeds, Testings, Cali cos. Lawns, Merinos, Cambrics, brown and bluish mus- lins; tirocenes, rancy ana sispie, iron, ii, uiu wsre, Queensware, &c. 1 am determined to open up a "new era" tn Mercan tile business, and will, therefore sell at figures unpre cedented low, for cash or country produce. CUSTOM WORK. I have on hand a splendid assortment of French Kip and Calf skins for home manufacture, to order, on the most resonable terms. All work warranted or no pay. WAIITED: Hides, Pelts and Furs, for which tho highest prices at all times will be paid. To be Brief, If you wish to purchase goods on the most favorable terms, or dispose of your produce to the best possible advantage. Be sure and call at DEIT.S CHEAP STOEE. Brownville, April, 4, 1361. PARTICULARLY TO RANCHMEN. I deelre to say to Ranchmen anywhere between the Missouri river and Mountains, that my stock for whole saling to them is now complete embracing everything desirable or profitable to trade in, and at price unheard of cheap. Call or send your orders, which wT.I meet with prompt attention. TIIEO. HILL. Erownvllie, April 25th, 1SC1. - Notice New Firm. The rndersigned doing business In tbscity of Brownville Nebraska, utder. name and style of SEIGEL, iREEN?AUM & CO., hare sold their en tire interest in the Clothing Store to David Seigel, who will hereafter ccrry on the business at the old stand. SAMUEL SE1C.EL, MARKS GBEENBAUJI, June 20tb, 1S61. JOSEl'II SMITH. To All YFliom It May Concern All persons indebted to Wm. T. DEN, either on bo k account, or by note, are hereby notified to call and pay up on or before the 10th day of March 1S51, and thereby save themselves trouble and cost. Brownville, Feb. 21 WM.T.DEN. Lime! Lime!! Lime!!'! The imderHned whosekilns'aresituated ninemllea west of Brownville, on the road leading toFt. Kearney, keeps constantly on hand a very superior article of lime, to which he invite the attention of those wish ing The Lime willbe delivered at theklln or at any other in thecounty, asdesired. Feb. 9. 1S60 6m B. M. LOKfl. Valuable Tract of Land I AMantiioriied to sell a vlue tra -tof land ad joining the city of Brownville. There are 150 acres in the tract, mostly heavy ti mber, and 20 acres under cultivation. A rare bargain caa be had in th:j piece of land. Arplj in person, or by letter, to Brownville, '. T. Acril 11th. 1561. tO-tf TlIS EJiriRE CITV AT ONE VIEW, la a splendid Colored Ecsraring of ii Em oe mm Showing tha entire city, ixd formic j a COMPLETE BIRD'S-EYE VIEW of it (on a sheet of snpcrSne drawin paper 21 by 3 inches, all sarcfullf colored by hand. This fine picture Lasiutbdn raWUhed a; Three LTollarspr copy but by an arrrremi:n euu'ievi we areenac.ea to. offer it TO EVERY SUBSCIBERS to the IIOUSEIIOLD JOURNAL, who forwards us $2. in return f r which we will mail Ire, a copy cf the above enTavire ( dona up with roller to pnrserre it) and also the HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL for one year. Saspls CoriE3 of the EnraTinrs can be seen at our t Sce. All jpod eountrp bills, or posta stamps, taken at par as remittances. Address all comronrii'-ation: to the PublL-hen and Fro-riftorj of the HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL. A. II A Hill ILL & CO, 20 North M'i'.liaai f trtt, New York. cy cure nsrvGUsIlscLdaciie CURE rar t - It u " ?J Pv tbe o of the FilU U period'.e attscts of .Wr tts or Hick lit&a iche mar be prevented; and if taken at the commencement of an attack immediate r lief from rtit and si. knea will be obtained. They s?M.m fail in removing tbe .VW(S and UtCd tcht lv wtK!j fens ales are s sutoect. Ttey a. t gentiy upon the bowel removing Cott If For LUererv Men. StH.ientt, Delicate Females, and all per.os of ttdfwtora kebit. they are valuable as a Laxative. Improvitg tt,e eppelitt. givir.; ton an - gor to the oueative organs, and resiormi o elaUcitv and stre n:'h nt ttt whole sr.Uem. The CEPUALIO F1IOJJ are the result of lor? Invest! ration and carefully conducted eiperiment-J havsng been in ue many years, during which time they Lave preventeJ and relieve! a vast amount of pain ana sui ferine from Headache, whether originating in tbe nr- stous svstem er from a deraceed state of tbe sfoweci They are entirely vesetable in their composition, and may betaken at all times with perfect safety, wunoui niakinx any chans of diet, and M &enc of a? yiit earecblt tatic rtndfTtit taty to dtnUttr U Children. Beware of counterfeits! The genuine avt flvi) signatures of Henry C. SpaMloj on each box. Sold by Drnpglsts and all other Dealers In Medicines. k A box will be seat by mail prepaid on receiptor me Frica 25 ccnta All orders shoul i be a-I.Iressedto HENRY C. SPALDING, 49, Cedar Street, New York. Dec. 6, 1360. o22-ly THE FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S CiriMIC PILLS, Will convince all who suffer from HEADACHE, THAT A Speedy and Jurd Cure IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. Aithe TfttimoniaJ were uniolicittdly 3fr. SPAL DIXG,tliy aford unquestionable proof of tho efficacy of 'thii truly scientific dtxottry. -1 1 t t y I -n. JUrt?, H:t9.,, l?rG SEEDS AUD LIACHIHES ST. LOUIS, :io. s;zi cf '. cat rhv. A?1 Vs t -M V:-rta F-jcr-H St., cr 2"5 Proa-!wy. PLillTT cz BROTHER, AT.ZZ T.T.CV.m::a a lrr a .rimf it if iws. iUrri. .,, II . Rake. 5r;.-ive:, ' , r-k, Af . Lit- t.t. STtie. . C r tt, i;nn,-t.s.r S,'i Eroj!- i.t f.-s ;."-.-4 T l!ir.t:w nltV8 Mxk ("utiers. ai r- 4 i v Kirb)fs American Iron Ilancstcr. Revolvlrr and J'iri: t.ith K :e Fir Ur, Krauer's Ci'J-:-r aud w ine Si tils wl'i Pre.-, y.iyarCane Crofcers ar.d Kvp.rator. yijU' Frutie Furnace and Cat 'rum, Portable E n and lJjre lwors, Tvrtib!e FJourand Coru Meal MiiH, Wd and Irn Working Ka.-tlr.err Jlortis"R sn 1 Ten"tiing W h.r.A, Laihers, Bo!t Cutlers, Coavh S.-rews, Lanterns, IJseen's PorU'jie K-re and Bellow, Leather and KaMer Bolnnj. Ice Leather and S'Mm Packing, yrem-he's W-bint Martitte. .Velrir.T, JV-aies, UAB.UEX. CRASH AXD OTULK bKLVS. rJjend for CirculArs.-. Orders aoiiciitd and pri mpt it exvutr-l i v riaA'T & niiGTncn. Jfarch, 15C1. (rn-4!U-AD33-4n.) BAD D LEE Y. Saddles, Bridle, Collars, TVhlpx, Lashes, Lines, Gitths, Surcingles, Stirrups and Leathers, SnrJJle, Curb and Pcrrt Bills, Ring Bradocns, Buggy Trimmings. Plastering Hair Constantly on IlanJ. In order to suit all, I make harness from i sU5 per set. I have collars from 63 cents to $3 each. Halters from 15c to each. 1 WILL BELL AS LOW, if not low than anyone north of St. Joseph, and those wishing anything in my lino will find it to their advantage to give rna a call before buy ing elsewhere, JOHN W. MDDLETON, Ii R O WX VIIXE, IV. T. tai" 25 t f -; or larr show l.iil", tn i i ; ,re irt',.-u;.s.r!y :'; re t Om 'i mycuoacrvwho is subject to ever f-i Tleadache, (unually lasting two days,) wot cured of an attack in onehourby your Pill, which I sent her. liespectfullv yours, W Ii WILKES. Hrynoldburni Franllin Co O.) January 5, 1861 ) IlKXBT C SPALPIKa, No 43 Cedar St, N T . Dear sir: -Inclosed find twenty-five cents, (25,) for which send box of "Cephalio Pills." Send to address of Rev Wbi; r uler, IC?ynoldsburg,rranKiin o, unio. Your Pille work lile a charm cure Headache al most instanler. Truly yours, WM C FULLETt. Uasonville, CbnnFeb 5,1861. Mb. Spaldixo. Sir: I have tried your Cephalic Hlls, and tils them so well that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Tart of the are for the neighbors, to whom I gate a few ont of the firrt box I got from you. Send the Pills by mail, and oblige Tour ob't servant, JAMES KENNEDY. Probate Notice, TTTTVTjrm IT V E,Tnnl,! has hfl r,f - General Administrator of the estate f Joseph Proud, deceased, late of Gaee County ; notice is heraby siren that I have acnointed, Tuesday lt-!Ttwh (t)t'i of Auui A, li. liil. a I.te day f-r he -u a.-.; .--t s,t-..l ew. Ail re- -n having c . ftat-l e ! are hrt:-y iaiit.!"e.l t bav t' .i : or hi ! .? t ..t day r i: ey may fvrever I ; : ifi !.-u f r , ! . 1 i '. H ti wti n;. cr ri r ti..i 4- 3 (.::: . ! ii-.i !, t H A JIILLIOX DOLLARS W0TTII. OP WATCHES, JEWELRY AND Silver Plated TJarc, r it ti r'tj cr cm AN ENTIRELY NEVi' AV ORIGINAL PLAN! 213 MM Mill! Ill peri-ma dcji.-irj to secure aa Atj la t!.Ts SStsM send cn their names at once, enol.wir r a 3- cect itimp tw'pay j.t.-;9. aal reccito ty rcu.-.i njau A PREHIULI CATALOGUE Contaiubj cur. tVhkh a5,rl : a n.inn cii.ici: to MAKE MONEY ! Without riik, together with FULL PARTICULARS Re'atire to this HOVEL PLAIT. To Insure tromrt a ni; torr dca'.Ir r. direct all orders to GEORGE C-. EVA1I3, 139, Chestnut Street; rniLADELriiiA, Ma. Spaldino. Ilarerford, Pa Feb. 6, 1861. Sir: I wish you to tend mo one more box of your Ce phalic 1111s, hait received a grert deal of benefit from them. Tours, respoctfollr, MAltr aS.n stoikiiouse. Spruce Creel; ITuntinjton CoPa.,) . - January IS, 1861. J II. C. Spaldino. Sir: You will please send me two boxes of your Cephal ic lls. Send them immediately. Respectfullr yours, JNO. B. SIMON'3. P S .7 antre fi oe Vox of your Puis, and find them excellent. . Bdle TVnon, Ohio, Jan. 15,1631. IlrxRY C. Fpildixo, Esq. Please find inclosed twenty-five eent?. for which send me another bnx cf your Cephalic Pills. They are tmly the beil Pills I hare err tri'd. Direct A. STOVER, P M. Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co,0. of V.v, A. 1-I2ipt i i ; Prutiaie Juil'e. CITY DRUG &TOHH. - SIGX OF THE SlORTAll. C orncr of Main and Second streets, BROWNVILLE, N. T. DR. JOHN CRIM ASVOCKCES to the pnMlc that he has rurcbaed of R. Brovn, the City PtuK Store, in Brownville, and has also added largely thereto, THE BEST SELECTED And, perhaps, tha - LARGEST STOCK OF DRUGS Ever brought above St. Joseph, Dissolution. Tbe -prtnrli!p Lret.rr evitiii; n!rrt !'.-' 9 of 1" " - 'i K ; ii i " v, i . 1, ).,(;'!; - t f ? : ' ' " j . i ' I i ;.. i - v . . i. i". .... -JOU-V. L. CAU5UN' Ilia stock conKisfsci the f"i!owinc articles, wt.'ca Le will sell cheap forcaab: tZTX sir.le bottle of SPALDIKG'3 PltEPATtED (JLUE will save ttn times iu cost annuallyJ SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SAVE THE PIECE3 f tCOJTOMT! dispatch! tZT-A &ic in Tims Sitei JVt3rTJ As accidents will happen, even in well regulated families, it is very desirable tn have some eheap an 1 convenient way fur repairing T uf nil ure, Toys, t'rock- "SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and nobouseholi can afford to be without it It is always ready, aad op to tho sticticg ptict "USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N B A BniiU acer mjanies each bottle. Price, 2 j ccsts A lirf HENUVC SPAtDI.VO. Ko 45 Cedar Street, New Vork. CAUTION. As certain UEprin-ipled pcrsr.r.s are attercptin? ti 51 nt r.ffon the unufpectiE public, imitations of my 'IiKPAIiED OLL'E, I wo.d caution all persons to examine iefre jur.-haiitg, and see that the full name I-.-PALDLXG-S PREPARED GLUEFJ isoa the outsiie wnjper; all otheri a'ra iirmdUcg ounterfci'a Pure White Lead, Castor Oil, French Zinck, Cod Liver Oil, China Zinck, Sweet Oil, Red Lead; . Putty, Venitian Red, Glue, Raw and L't umlef, Fis, Spanish whiting, Turpentine, Chalk, Linseed Oil, . Cough Candy, Tanner's Oil, Copal Varnish CAStile Soap, Fancy Soap, Toilet Soap, Tooth brushes, Litherage, Patent medicines, Let.paper White Varnish, Ink, Hair hruihe?, Tooth brushes, Paint brushes Stationery, Steel Pen?, Candies, Gold Pens, Nuts, Persci.'s, . Raisins, Hair oil, &c. &c. &.C.,' Sec. aln l cotutr.i-nd tote In soverlr-f my husinexd connexion with my Isle rt-' 1 1. J.Vr. ' " ! p-'?-r "T'vnrtiiti.iy of itre!ii4 my the periuii in o It a!i.rds me much p.eisure favorable consideration cf the friends f the old flrir my snecefcsor In buine, Mr. Carton, a gect'etnan in every war worthy of the coufiJence and scj ix.rt of a dicriiu IcaUCJ public. B. P. M'SIIBAfG!!. SIIEUIFFS SALE. a. r. Kuckblls ) rs. V V. n .lley. ) lstrlct court Oie county, K. T. VI Charles S. By virtue of a execution to tne iEr?ct"l frfm lha District Court of Ofe county, N-.-brska Territory, I will offer fr aa!, ilpublio Auction, from tbodowr of Jfc'htrtcn's Store Hons the mo where thi Dittrict Court ofXrmaht$ Cunuty hel l its lt term, in tho town of II rownTills, JTemaha county, .Nctrask TerriUjry, , , , On Saturday the 20lh day cf June, ISCI at the hour of I o'clock, I'M., the f '.lowing lands and teeemoots, lvil upn and ti be sold, as tu prop erty cf Charle Y. If ', to 'y said f-uti- ill r hand iar7f vt a. jr. to-.i : The iKjuthwest quarter of sactifin 2'J in townhip I, n'-rth of range tfteen, eat of theClh pritcijal mo ridiii, in etaah a county, Nebraska Territory, at.d LOTS BLOCK LOTS BLOCK'S t ri I i n nr J, I J 4 8 4G 11 10 2 3 70 10 . VI 1G CJ 1 2 0 S 0 9 72 10 11 1.1 . bl . 1115 10 o 1 2 5 0 8 , 5 115 00 101311 10 13 Also, a Splendid Assortmcnl or I:orram.orlca, Comprilnx Lyon's Ksthartor!', Ck-f, Potr.rn jenulne ox tnsrruw, bear rree, and oi!, musk, ecences of all iiaut, and uf ue Coett qiai.ty. STATIOIJEEY, Foolscep p;r, f iijcy Ict'.er Prer, eiltee-1 tx,s, atd euveioea, plain, fancy, azi er.ieil, pens freils ad pen-&oiier. inks cf aU, u.ks:a.'uls, wafers aii-i sealiDS-wa. PURE LIQUORS. . Hollar.! Gin. IriU "VniUay, B-urUn ITUUtr, Cir-er Branily.C roi l. Prt Wue, ilae;ra, ice, WL.te w.ce and Malaga Wine. Eein? a rescla'r rradnste anj practicing Physician, the public may ilej-et.j a,n treat cere anl accuracy ia ctnpous'Ji'-if 1'rerip' 'inj. BrvwRviile, Agrtl uil-lr. 2 3 r c s w G 40 4 0 12 7 W 7 St 4 7 8 . . 47 28 101211 frc'l ofSfcG 2 4 5G 10 13 15 12 13 frac. 12 0 0 1011 12 13 1G 13 15 10 40 frac cf 2 3 41 trac cf 3 1 . 5 7 12 9 1011 12 70 4 5 7S 12 13 15 10 7 10 1215 21 S3 95 Iri 30 1 910 23 19 3 5 6 12 17 27 C2 31 13 15 16 11 . SG 12 13 97 3 7 11 12 50 1 frac 4 15 25 2 3 7 9 12 13 15 2 3 791Q 12 13 1 39 I 91 15 00 II 71 4 9 10 49 Tie abre named and tticrWti Ms r s!1 titaat 1 ip-j ontitute part of tea .ta tf KeszaiaCi'v. Xe- t 1 13 1G 5 10 12 11 1G i r. r c. a j iv frac cf 8 G 7 10 11 13 11 8 11 10vci frac cf 5 73 1 4 6 8 9 12 11 2 5 7 10 11 10 35111311 2G 2 3 7811 12 11 2 3 17 8 349 11 15 CO 4 7 8 11 -K,' 12 10 frac cf 2 G 8 11 31 G 7 12 CI 9 frac 10 71 S3 (nana C'oty, trata Terrii'.r J B VtLLrf,Lr-y,".VeuaUCv,a by J 7 CuLivas THE KING'S DAUGHTER Tt2 77 c r-o f f - : This is the ti:!e cf a nw hi't-.ral rimr-. m'-t-n eijre:y f rthe IIOL'.SEL'OLD Jtil'L.N'AL, br llivha !. Pullan.the i ;:; aa'.b r-M of tie -iier-n'a con," and other rkstf cs.n4wle.i!j.d' merit wLi. h wilt ta fvun 1 tj ta a :tir? se j-ul to Thavkmy'e admiralle k'stirj cf tbe kti;3r tj"r:," ct-cimen-res with th frsj nn-r. berrf the ei-lx.-'d vol .una cf tbe ilOl cllluil) jOLT.N'Af now rri lv. IXTV-HJL'll COLUMN.' FOLTi CENTS. The Ncrcit and Zest v , D- .h Vocal and intrumental by the bet A:n anl Lurin etnrer. a;i.-ir rrjlir!v N.!,V,1 2. 1 -Tli V 1.1 ry N;hca t;:.vtr,