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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1861)
i:. n. iunuin ti co., i'i: i'iM I-TOIL'S. Oregon, Holt Co., Llo. i Tii ran Jen.!?--., have C -!rfc "pR eer.v'r.:e.i rt.he vint -i !..-: tU i Marrtry ia the. V.c!, thee5?, .'HitUR-, flowers, :.c., . . i,- .1 t nrr r i ..;. in w .i t f . Lave -'! i' r d r i fcl thi. ' a " e-. 1 5 c .11 la u sii cai'.nt n. which m A' i t U r .ilo WLrl'V.h or P f,i!, TV t. r :'.!!, a li'ioi wv.i ac.ectcJ tivk I n .: T 1 1 t '.', -! ..a :e, ' f v; - i -f d !v-f; i .jr'.-" - i ;rd tin I .Ifiif; (.'Lirs l dwarf: I' . ' r, Carrrr-, (..:, ch-rT;", J.: jcrric c- i - rv ' V bri ' 5. i:rT,-"- .).---.' -.' i Vr ' ", awl Si.rul f, fir- .i.;-uvj m J 1; -J-i. z I'I i'-ofl, ifa,:...., K .,.r. 7 - 1 I.- I-tre f -'' the nt-enf i d c! .- x"'.-.i.l ".V...-l.-i;i -'''-' '-i i--- ' ; r i'Tis w.llbc i rjr';1jt.i'.: t- L03;C TO Y0U3lf!TERESTS! STEAM FERRY BOAT it Bro'iTEviilc, --T..s Xctrl. 7 '.In V. m ? tit" i!at:r.2 jclrj to tit f i : r..l K: n Thi v r.if r I'd f s:r: t ii J ifcao doirifr, will r.'-t ; ra'ti ' !?- ; .i i. :t La I are adjutage I .-- u n -d j a Crcc-.iii tL MJ':so:iririvcr at Brow-nriHe, sr. 1 'i :tiri7 at, an s rtr'lr fr i tbt jKict ,not tv f'-'jii ! ht a.'ijr t'-trrj .!if on the liia.touri lii vfr. I a tl.'r Sr.! j '.3.-c,.; L- ii t tt rtf ?.r- ! r-' '-x'.'-r.f-' f i i. :jj Ja.vh in ttW-b jra r . '.'I n L a r ; it i r i th n r. the tj Ui.'i ',r.i.d i t-i-h 2' r (T'-jt; Ia:j, I: r;:r i.-f I'.aiiitit th f-:.'.ir sfv..n. I! r'-, i h--c, i . a i.'irab'.fi to '.-uit '.ck I .rT' r.- :!i'.:rj--o tie I .tock -c-s 1 1? jflis-. lhtr y rj fvonli! ttrro ' M thr; Kirr.r, .Ter1 f 'cuIijirin-ittctMaoiit ftrcrofB i '.;s 1 1 .' It i - ai l c,ir.rr.oIla s: i;b : .w. rf al ufK-hir$erT.whk!i the f ror ihU rt j t:i tiLjriic tLe LiOeteipt;ui- . -i N i- r " Ail 'r .1 rr. V.'e nr. 1 -t cii-. io t!.;i t!i8 i-us;i:eH men o :."! art n wc -i ! j'S rt'l to ?erre tLo?e wisli i ' ;r !n ;':! y, r aj ri . r -j': ".'it y nr.'l ij o fT . 1 1 riu- a cult i-e f ur. I ;.-oiitre. I-Ff-rjtLing ,!c r;tL'.i- cao te lur- L' tu in i;ruwoTiic,!ucb I';t!rrr HI f 1 1 n ! n nr lK-!e- 1 ' X p." p.; in :h : i t. r f r c nr jitt .! Lr..i- . it - ,v ',.1 r.'l ;-:;..!,. . F. , - !;:.. ; ,:-. .-:i ! r-." :-i t 'i tie naicrj'SCJ . i:.!i.n::riT!:s&co. . -J I 3 C ; ' I v a : K ! '-.I i ' ,v. 1 . fiv.n tic- ivr'r!.")In .V. IV,'; I if , li' i 0.J i r. i ? r o I.U) 3 5 . 3,CJ 6.00 iu:r: t. ;'. . wo i e, i.o test V . .f:i;.- :.' 1 I.. A ) : . ! ' ! :y , J rr (! r.i II (! I . f,.. .i i j'...., ! v. ry " r..i-i ;r . " "''' j -.., !r-.;-; Plant, n.-.r.c Utu .-4 M 15.03 Cj.CO VI .-...u' ' f'"3 I' 1 rr. !; riirr.ii'. p. 1 7on $1 f O 6.C3 , . i. j .., t,:v-r a, t;. v pr,r,lmr1 in , arscni?-. sciiciby, Ji c, i:-;t!i-. r:i.xo., .c. Ate. i'rf, r.. f. k rcs Wulow Crt;k, Co., Jl." CMlijij APPLE TREE: JtOrLfr'.iO, AT r.MR Vir.V NUUSLTvY, HALF a mim: vi:st of sidnev iowa. Ti.f u t.-..-4 nr tbelrir'-t t, U ir ar" ti he It-1, .- tli'-.v nrc n.Uj'tci t the an.l chiuMtc ''''. ? 3 - nr I J tici;, 1ft choice, 20 ceiiU each rl f.r:. 1 j (utif.oa-h :;3 ; y -fir o!J troos (Ca-y aro uiceonc3)nt 10 40i 2' year f-M Ho'shton Foedlirig Ooopehc-rry. full - fnnt Lti.N, 15 c M en- h h ) 2 y-.irf.M !M lat.-h Cuirants, full r.f fruit lu K Vj c'l-iiti c-'i"h Kmi;j 1 y. iir.!l llcJ and "White Dntch Cnrrants, at 10 co:itn each 2C J 1 j-firc.M ConcftTil Gnpn Vines at 10 cent?, c '. t'.is is lii" tii'ft known ;r;i-i .'.:3 1 yonroll I.hdU iiti Vices at 25 cent ni' h Stunum.l nri.l Dtvirf Tears nt .r0 ets en-h In i jt..-!i,inT.- fr the above, I w ill 'c heat. an:l Vj.iur Ht tho Sidney market ri.-e, or younCaUU-. Lumh-r, r.-wli, or t low notes wilh ttn teut in- !'.- :r. prpofn' Inl'i-ntion wc will have a wet pefnot. at,.l ih v-otlut wL-h to fct cut Orchard will do wt-1. t-.i eo::.i ni.d f-' t trfen. 11,'iil. n33-if HKN'RY EROTX. IsabellaG'rap3 Vinci ' Sirozhj RooicJ Plant i, 3 to A years old. '. .M.iny f Ihcm alrea ly fruitir:;? in the ' . . ... , . J 1; . ..-it. K' ik;w oucrca at i0 t-r tuarea or i j p r iuuu- I -fjT-ftrri i:p.;pTcrry. At J r Liro quantities nt roally ro ilu-.d ra'(i. It lii'vdi no winter protection aud bi-r-) two iroji of fruit. . Y-.-:i-l';ilT. 4 tu 0 l'ccti-1 por hundred; 5 to 7 f- . t $5 per UR II tr-ly riit!.iiiff R.e., rn-rint II wj PueUc?. a.vd iiiirici7 s'H-k in jj-rier.U nt th h-w.- i ntM. KICIIAUD M. CON KLIN. Ih'crgrccn Yuncrv,CoLI Sjiriux Hirbor 8 (W) 0 OTVilsonAifiairy . Sirmvberry Pirmts for .Tilre -rth-iMcauUSifJ 1-r 2,00 100 $1. T.rrj rr ij-iai.t, ii.-.i ih.m H''i r.t n-vi-u-ed rate.'. Thrse an- if in j c: i. r quality, iu grown upon ''v'"' "T.M ll'rSTIO F. Cm KM. n.vr.o, III -r ! v.- t.rIc;j wi'.h iLDF.i;, KJ.IIIiV CO., . r ' r l.:e st., Chiee !.-. "Crcvclir-p," Grapo Vines. nler f. r Yi; i I tr.i re-"'y (.V.V;M an rr'i. C,'.-rnc- nt-?-. i.:; ar.k 1 ly Ca.'.i will reecivo prcu'i t ;.-.! -'ie yenr Vines, f. cneh. $ i per t!tpn. li-Miil two i-r.r in.'. $l.(MieH.-h, $7 vr il .en. .1. M. t.OODWIN .V, lRO.. nC .'l Kin LuzTne (''., l'a. Hubbard Sqnasb Seeds. A '.;i.!e I f-.m r'y i t F.-r.i cf this celet.i.'.te.l variety t .j-.iiOi at 3'pt.t per i1"' seil i-vji-i ul, fi ee i-f r-t-V'dii.ii'.:cl jure. UiiK-r fhouiU t.e'ent iDCariy. 31. A. TKRU V, Ji.. s,i, am.Vi:l CresccnlCily, Pnvi Oxen V anted. s i.V-T'it er are .leKiriis of Vn y 1 p g ttiree rcc of f...t,- y tin ee !. r i.r rlv yc r-..'.l ixi-u. i t Utr.1 r.ih, hv. 1 ci'li m i-ix uioiiUis, cr v.iyu'ole ia ' . ' . . . ..... Tho r.f !:t from llr'-Ti nville to the Mine? in uni v j-.'.iir n-'witted t.y t!.osc- ho bavetraveled it and th' r..V) V'; -u; .- rii r in evi ry reject. Prownville i a'.otit r-i'dvrry bt-tween 1. Jo. and On?.ha. A t-i (li-ti-.ce, an c.T.u.n.-iati'.a f the n.rp is all that ; r.c',-,:T.ry.ti to fry ono that it in nearer ff( :,i here, to th : liiiLcv th from any other tK!ut r.n i!n 'H-rouri. O.i lois routu vod and watejr V. !i r.d t L ; en t : re l .i nee, b il s en tuaujr othera. wo-lli'-t'. U hv:!:-l f-.r nany u.-.yc Ti.': f f: -ire fully slid nti ifpetorily c- 1 lV t!.'c hrinv.-r -f travel cl last yer, aud i Y,-'.: i. L .:.''. ) i! f f r"!fr.t Ffv-'on will have no -;au -p t .rerr.t i--vi: d r." o. Thcrcfoie Cro3 the .Missouri River at aiid start from Frotvnvillo. J0!1NT COijlJiNfJTOX f- CO., lro rictors :t'-.iia Ferry Boat. osm cafjb sim EVAPOIvATORS I JT WE t:i arrar i,-eniPi:t8 with DOUGLAS HUfiTii l.'t.'i. 7 inr-vi'Ie. o'lio, tlie enly e-tablisbment in ti p i'i:,;p1 Si 't?-". i-i: "! exr! nsi ve iy In tbc'mana t.i'iure (f S S' c-r M.IU, Kvapcratorg, &.c.,by wi. h I r-ii lor nit l tbe ' ar i-ri, in tLH rcsifnwitb those inii'-'.i i.(r-!c larticli s. 'I..c n-.ujrlaiSu?ar Mill and Ap par iti wi re anlcJ tl'O First Premium at the Ohio .S'atc IVir; and thebii'l.e't honor at the United States Ar: I-n! Sotie'y, a silver medal. I am coufldent !";u r.. rs of Kt-braifca. Kanst. Northern iiinouri and S.'i'.l.trii 1-wacan I no otUcr to suit tUeni better pitln r in p Up or othe; w ip. Capacity and Price of Mills. rr.rcc Iron Hollers in Smr Iron Frame. 0 (j nr,f II )re Vert. cat Al ill presses irom to 1) calloin of juirp por hour ; priee ,j0 j one burse Vertical i.rfswp from 25 to 40 Ih I li.ns of jure per hrn- J prico ame as No 1 ; extra heavy, do 2 T.vo borne Verticl pressen from 35 to 60 rail. .ns of Jiiic per lioiir; lizbt drift do 3 Two hur?e Vertical (.b.uble eareil) press es f i oiu 33 to 50 sal Ions j uicc ier bour, heavy tira! t do 4 Two horse Vertical (inplecearel)prcs es from bo to 73 gallons ot juice per hour ; heavy draft do 6 Four horne Vertirl (-ins'.e (rrared)capa eity from lOOto 15 ftnl Ions per hour do 6 To horse Horizontal (ba. k pearetl) suita ble to attach t" Tlire-'iinc; Machine or other power, pvc-es frotn40to 60 gallons of juice per hour do 7 Two horse Horizontal, with vertical chaft to apply lever to. woi kel by horses same aa Vertical: nresapB 40 to 60 gallons per bour to lif do 8 ronr horre n.-irirontal (Mrk pearefljsnit abip to attach toTlire-hli.K Machineor other P'.wer, pre--e- 7St- 100 sallons per hours I5t do 9 tix horf-e Horizontal (back ceared) calcu latti for water or st. 'am irwcr, ready Cor the belt. HTi'l 'villi capacity to work off ft crop Of frc-ui 15 to 20 crj of Cane. 15 XI. YY, 1H1AS, AR't. uBuminmiiiim"11"""' " . : j t . i r . i ' . i 1 -1 j-y ii y R. s ) 1 1 S u P. Pi SCI S QIC P 5 ILD To Ycur Real Interests! Citizens of Brov;nvillc Ana tlie Rcit or Mankind LOOK OUT FOR THE JOHN A. PONN, rrcm his Oid -n ih.3 Levee to MAIN STRUCT, BIIOWSVILE x r. rt.ere te h i oi eneJ a I' V COME AND BUY CHEAPER GOODS AND - txt nmriTi-nrii -r-T ATT TttttT T T71 "XT , 1 a i I V.l'l nil -i- i i f I 11 Al I' I 14 i v I Takes pleasure in annoancicj that be has nowoa banl, a large and elect stock of every art cle la his line, Of all the improved patters ; viz : Plymouta Hock, Charter Oak. Valley Foe, Elevated Oven, Ac, Box and Parlor Store of an endleo variety, some of which arc entirely new 6eszvnt via : Aconihlne J Cook and Parlor atoves, sometLw.? very nice itueeJ for Muali Uuxiim :12sx eons. HEAVY SHEET IRON FOR SUGAR BOILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Lamps; Brass Copper, and 6heet Iron Ware; Lanterns, Shovels, Vc JAPANNED WARE, $5( 6( 6f 80 60 100 140 100 lOt I have prnenred tberlght tj mannfactnre a late dimple and improved self-scaling Frnlt Can to which I call the attention 0 the public. All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accomodatms terms as any other establishment in tliis region of the country I am prepared to put up pntterin? ami spoutiu? nd all other work of my line atthe shortest notice, and tn a workmanlike manner, which I warrant io pive satisfaction. I pledge myself not to he undersold in the upper country J-C. DEUStR. Brownville, August, 3') 1SG0. LATTEST NEWS. BY Or w e v ill t-Wo CV.tlC ou i'.c'. t.J. n. 39 P. J. 1IAT1TIN' 5c CO. ijnmarb .Qissactatioil .1 rnrvoicf Iirt itut'nn cifrlHthpif. b fvecial En- d nnncj.t, for He Uriit f of ti Sick anil Dixtregeed, cjf: Ir l u .7A YiruU , t r, vl I'-iiilrmic JHi'ates. and t ffvl-i'.'.j for the Cure of tititasit of the Sexual t ),-., i L1. 1 UIC ATj ADVIC7H clven pratl-.. by the Acting !.. ..-ti. to ail v.le aj.piy i.y letter, with a description i 'he.r c itsditioii. (.ice, (reupatimi. h:i!t t- of life, &c.,) n-1 i.ic i-cs of ptverty, JacUicmes furnihhed free of cl i r-.-p. Va!iri' KepJTts en Spermatorrhoea, and other dis- m-ps.-f tho ) an. 1 on the NEW ItEME Pli'S ei:i; 1. ycd in tin- Ii v n-a'-y. sent to the afllicted in sealed u'tier eiive io.cs. frc or charge. Twoor three Stau'.ps fur postage wil I bp v'Pjitat.le A.lV.reis 1MV. J. ftll.LIN IHH" UTON", AetlnR Sur-co- ), l -ward Assoi i n n, No. '-. South Ninth Street, VhiU hia, Pa. By i i of tb I'irpctorf. I"'!'. A. V. HKAETW KLL, Pres. Ted. Fa ih ct ? ld ; See'y. D i.iber ld, lSuO. r.l5-y'y V True Grape Vines 3'IIOPAQ ATHD rPOM TUB OIJICIA'AL Strong. Tr;?-reofr-f One Vfcr (VlVinn $1; Tiro- ,rr.rf!J io i-i H). A ..- r .i Na Mny la ,. t-i.' Ira. in trouJ, to i'i. SntlUr lejt r. ssl to : Jl ;. ALSO fine vines of Allen' new whitellyhrid. Anns. C'.ni l ic :v 1. Clinton. li!..iiy, I,'.a':n, Iterhetii -ut, lUUf'-r 1, rioliiic, Ia'S.ih. I.e Noir. I.yiiia, l.-ui-a, u tii , lU't r.'. a, H ..cor new llybrivls, Taylor's Bul.ilt, T-Kl -n I'tuon Vk'.Ui'e. Jsc. (.-,i.j .pel It cr..wn 1 ;. w , re, with abundant fine. .. .i's i-nois. earrlol'y p n VhI lo n. -. i-avt loi-f.l in oil . .m i soot p.'sl paid, U a.iy ) .ii I o( the I "utuii, on t it $1 .'!!. .t.i-il i mid i'twl of one and two years' rrpwth, .-ii tor fjr(peri., K.: t'.-i rip, blackbei nes, nomi's. No., all at the lbiei rate, "Sit lor a circular. GKO. W. CAMTr.KT.L. Delaware, O. vt. IS, Wl. r.l5-3iu. Flowers, Fruits, &c. .IvHIN A. KF.NNICOTT, at the (Jrove ur?ery, Yf-a i. 111.. ha ready iord- iivery : IiuU, rsi vcially Tuli-.-. nt the low rate of $2.50 per UR ami $20 per thoiisav, 1 f..r larco r.Mits. Jtraaberrie, of all th most approved varieties, from 2 to t d'i'.lir a thoiin l fornist, n few ?urt. f IiVe Vilon' Albany, higher Everrreca 20 t.v 4 0 ? cent per foot, aoeordin to variety and form--ove-r,ro 2a cents. r'rnit Tree? in ool variety. Apple at frem 8 to 15do'lar per 100 and the ctnallcr the cheaper and Letter for uistant customers. Ssin'.l I'rait Cnrranta. Ilonrhton (i.vsehcrry, IU."benici,U'.ackberrier, ie.,uiuch lower than ever i.Sred before. Orimin'-i'U! TrePf,Tl.-ei and other Ilardv Shrnh bory.ia great variety a;d el -in Inn.-e ; and lO.OoO tnhu;e p'.sntsof I'rriht ll.n ej sucVI... l,;i a i,Spirfi. Icuti;a Scabra. Prim. Ir. hi 1 t . 10 jr hun.lred. And the leaufiful Ii,lrtra .s';.,-v. ulnin an J i-ihfr choice pcrrnnials at from 1 .'0 to 2 per doxen, and coiuujou things all desirable at about hs'.i" price. CaU'.ucj l-y rostl cn pp'.:pat;..n : ir.-l evrrv thli a.' picked f. rdislKr.t tra.-p. r!a:i. n : and aar-jlt) m vt thirvs fold at ubout ten per ci t,t. h in atiti .iin t'rr a f ; rir . f-n-l.vl Mammoth Cabbage. TVo.p ho leMre to rr.i-e the I-.rjt cahha in the w. r,', sh'.'-'d pr."fro t! e .-Iiri n-jea I oiaui-.n- th Xru!i.heal. T!'3 CtiooacP avem -;cs o "-nnd to the plant, arid j--'nt have l ens n weich.'n; over 1 0 p,ui: '-T.i.l c:-'-as-arIr. TO i:: -he? around the h'.U .bond. The head he. i:g a good Ucai larger than a two hn.'.tl 1 a-hct. je fufts-je f Mnrhhhead Mamrarth, 25 cent, j f ve pu:.ka;e one d.,;:r. I d rot tho Mauitrir th by acis'i.t. il. sh r fiiio.'. ied at a lioeral (tiseouut. j .1 wanar.t ail ricd w ilt i- re icli the pvr.-ba - r. ) JAML' J. ii. :i;Kt:'KY. i r."7i5 ::j:Me!i.-ud. i IEM31 PLOW Mill TO FARMERS Of XchnnJcii ar( jY. W. Missouri: AGAIi I wo'.il-l call thp attention of tho farmers of Ncti.t-ka and M;.nri. to the fart that 1 have on band and am C' ly 1 i unifacuirinif. at my Plow Factory, iiiorce'on, Ho., vv aoi.s, and every pattern of One a titl Tu o JIoi scTIoivs, JSIuivcl IMotvs, Ami ilai row Teeth T. cpthr with fverytl.:: in t'.r.s hue used by a farmer 1 take the rep 'ii-r.iiiiy f sayi.i that r.iv two l.rse p!..w vv:;l do better w.-;tt. i'i Hi;tt.!e or any kind of ri.Ujih fii : iu. ti: in any 1 :n im.f.u t urcd .r sulil in this i:i per Co.:::ry. My t"o-'.n i e .Hid prairie ri"ws will be suM. for cn-li on terms, as will place iheui In the re.nh i f every faru er. My Flows cm be obtained from my spent at Iowa Pol nt. K . T., brown vil le, I.". lawny county. Marietta, K i-h B at r.i, Hult couoty, Bro n ille. N. T. and For estt ity. MAKTIN noFFMAM. N. B. Allkindicf repairing done with neatness and diipatib, on hPoral teriiK. Oregon, Mo., May, IStiO. Theodore Hill, Agent At Brownville. N. T.. ke-'ps on band a general assort ment of Uutruiati's Fb ws. Brownville. May, ISCO, jy Oregon Nursery. M'e hflf to call the attention of the public to the Flo ral ;r:n riit of oe.r K-catdishmeut. which v now hare itif :!1 anl etKxe-fi.l ooeration. (nr KtcKrk of Greenhouse, beddins an I Fb.wer.iu PUnts, Shrub c. c. i. i-.:,-? in pirtof Gersnpunis, Ve: tena. Lah Ha. reb-xes. Fe -i. e. II i. t r.-pe. A.c. we offer for a!e tht coming Spunc at I. er usual, there by p!:ic;rc tbein wi-bin tt reach of a'.l. Mot of these P antf -wprall Summer, v , f.rsup, coh.r, form, and f. ast.i-.Ko of tl jwor c.ii.iK.1 tf ex. el led. IIjmiu' the a.lvan: .- ..f a first cla? propanting l.oue and it a open l.-.-""s. whi--b !!'.. nt us facilities for iiicrea:!.tf our si.m'k l,. meesany deui.ind. parties sho'd h.ive no tears of :etiio wai-they want ty baudinj in tl.eir orders ear '.y. M'e attend t.. ;!.e P.--p-!S-ft!r;? D-rrtrner.t enrelve. and warrant eve-y art. cle pirch wd -f u to I e Rood, ton';, bealt'.iy. ell rcA.M U pi "ts. and true to name, O'lnte-' !i;-'ive a-id pniet ca!.--iriies will be out in April, and will to f,rwrr! l-y tiiail to a',1 applicant. J. A. V A N Alt .-si) V I. K K. 1 1 , St. J. ei h Apriculinral House, and K. VV. FCKN AN. Farmer Otd. e, Brownville. N.T.. i rourii:t.. riuM A?riu. All .rers left with tbem;:i move p:mpt .tte:.'n.n. K II MTRCnES &. CO. r. S. TTavinr fo-rir-r pits ieciai:y for the pnrp-e, we r.l have VKT roT lIllii plants for a;e by the uuUh.n, at reduced .rices, K. 11. B. tt C. Oregon, M. V-h. Feb 1S5; i.-i a at 1 liiL llorc of Si) cm, Than was ever before ofTerc-J in this Market! I. J. JL. V 3 r.: -y -s-l U - ft I) A , fTr" ka r." , -cv ill ii iWJ ii il vi-2 a .iWWia liiiiU 3 LTw was .r-ifi d n if! IdlitiiiJ tr AT THE Pioneer St o B 0 W NVILLE, We Have Just Received and Opened Most Magnificent tock of Qootls ! LADIES DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, ZErilYR HOODS. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, UNDER SHIRTS, DRAWERS, SHAWLS AND SCARFS. Cutiery and Quccnswarc, Glassware, And Choice ' G It O C E R I E' S . Largest Assortment of Ocadj Hade Clot Mog Boots, Shoes. Hnrc; AAV V Conslstlns or DRY GOODS, AL'O A Large Stock of Choice Family Mi rni:n.-,:. Scaper & Ho'ttcp I a. ;iPtiur.MiiK &. tvy CHICAGO, ills Um I C. 1 l t I I I. ii til-j . ',. 1 . . . J : .., ur. r . o I iMCCieffJ rum P'C.") 'ailj j I I i i i f As a lapcr, thi "Mr, r-i" v h- t, eh n ; .-.: f r fhP U-t t... .. ' i i 0 G 2T3.C3ct3 COSiISTl.G OF Flour, Ham, Bacon Gu-ar, Crs sV w , ul f Cczzo, Can die 3, ctci C t C i AnJ a fine as?ortment of LIGHT CROC 11 R I E S Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratu, Ciiiijer, Allspice, t'tc, etc. ALSO, A well selected Slock ojm - j HARDWARE AND CUTLERY.. iUXSWAi:E,' tl i- t.-.i. tin ciir-. fr " li'i.ri II -." .N'.tait'.Mt ,-!,- cr - ti-: ' t ii, a ii I t! . h ! .-- I in ". l u . j ii. -:.t of , k " .Si. t'urtr i. k" In U t!. vaa il,. ,i ' ." j peri, r tf a.l la thu iamb fr tric.j 1 The re; rfc r.Utian.s m.vl ly '. that the McC.r'ui.k was "on-o ' . hat i- n-.w 'iit.'. oif-'.ii sho-jly rid; u: . i u1'. tre.isiii d -niat.d t ill prove. Nj mi ' "fc went in the V. U!;i.l, tnr.fvtrr, ihr-o ii ,j N'lH' r.'.y, an I n- ni eij.jj, '"'T tf tine or t.'Ienl i,i r ti t'!' i in t t r..-f , Many char"- hkv?h.-e-i r;r-t 1 .-".,,, sea- n. an 1 f r I a, I. the -M-Co-:,!,. .;'-" preat. r atlrati us than evt r bi r i,'1'' 1 SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH A.NL-r RAIilLITY Ul" coti.n r. it t- th5 fa.-Ri-r, wtii'itj e.-V". . work, with o.-jf of vict.girj it. cv.r allot! er-. r The cotr. j a. tin the tnvr., t!im perfect Kvl in-'s to t'n; tr o hin'e : th r-;si'-. a , raker, in the r-r vf the .hirer, thu i-. weight where it s'ic-11 be. au-t f.-l'.-nr. !'. 54 cr pifH ot I h ui a. Im:,-, -je di.r. j f Wv 1 !.t in.le,:t.,fi..n th V'.. C,.-;. n o i ... i ....- n i i i , n iv fn-:. -e. c 1 th'T direct d: i ai. i A t' ruinr u- t a?. x;-t. 'I he lr .ii-lit. I t'.! 11.- y jji in num. i' iis i: -'aoi e. t!, ,e;- f a: b, ij work'.-d w iih L it two h r- i. '"J-y Z.3 A IrloTcr, T'.fl mi,.h!tij i,f Is.'! w ' '. I I... f .... I . i . r .. .. i . " iu i..i i i. i . . 'i i i ' i'i iv i.u ,'i.i...ij r.i, j , ii.d. ntiit'. oi ..f C- ' . i t .1 a !lrt- ' l a-ps ;c. C350ICE I5-OTTILI3IP ILaHJOjISS, Catawba Wine, Champa igne V'ine, Claret Wine, Old Rye, Old Bournon. Irish Whiskey, Porter, Gin Cock Tail, Saddle Rag Whisky, Eiue Lick, Poker's Pitter3, Pale Prandy, Curraco, tScc. t i i i ir a : ,1 i a v v a "tWa.r Dishes, Plates, Caps,et Ever optrwl in Brownville and no mistake I Cap.3 from 25cts to $3,50. Wc can Fit Gccts in Suifs from $j to 05u 'S77'2JLQjur Ware AND TIN! Saddles and Harness, Oil Cloths and Carpeting, S D 3 :D L BOOKS! Soots and SIiogs. HiS knr,w!ed-'e of the trade and wmt of the people of B ...wnville and vieinity enables him to pi .ke jtnliei diis pnrch.ises expressly f ir tlil.i iiiii'kf-t. He a- an examination of his. k, assure-t he will he able to satisfy iu nua:ity, style and prices. iirTKi ti en WHITNEY'S BLOCK I "'"J ' Pure Bred i'ancy Poultry. For ealo- l":i-',; St.arii-h, White Ih.rkin-, (ioljen and fsjiHtilcil P., Ian 1 1, . t.niit, I, I n k African, red and white llanratii.-, whit.'iitid wild Ttirkey, i'eu 1-ow'-f, whito and hrown Il-.n- K.-no;, Hreor n an 1 wil l tr.j,--.., Whit s "Cre t.-d" a yl cl.u r'h and Mus covy Iueks. ( iiiurnoii and ' I id 1 1 i-cn r KahHt... All ai inials . Id will ho pari Iul!y h..x d with tho m:c--vry feed, and dejivi-r.-d at tho h.ttpr.s.s oflice. Address V. A. t.OODINt J, thik n7v5 Lookport. Will Co. . . - ' f ' ' . ' . . . . - ' -i ."''' ar- .-'' -I .' . t . i . , a , 1 . : 1 c r "' . i-i! : -! ILifvik, AN" -i -!.'! t sn ?-.,n ! ).-' preririt i n of IRfiN : 1 ii-:-.' -ii .in I C -i ! y 1 , i.ion-t .u J,.Jn Ben. si ,,,,.,,,,, ( ,y 1 ,e-t Mclical A n I h'TH h -th iti i'. :- 1 e ml tiitiL'aiU'd Sta:i-, and pie-cithi-d in 1 ' 1. v r.t th .ui nh diiv prove that no pre;. 1.- ii. . f I -.0 cao b . ;.i, 1 'ed w 1' i U . Inipuri- ti-.- ul t..-' l.l I. 'l-'ii 1 '0! vual Mil', zy, pa le and otbe.-'ri-f -e k y c -1 x 1 1 1 in-Jicat it. uv e ity ill a 1 in -i e . e"y '. .1. e , v i 1 1 ' o . 1 f . lut i.t: .ii. .11 a.l mi: oi.-'" 10 !, i 'tj 1 ! h t t.cen tried, ha- pr ..1 I a... .i alv-.y carauve 10 fcuili o' ihet-.llowiti Cololaiet VIZ : r.ation w 11.1 i;v 1 e.: an 1 r.r ,"'n, a . of no. iio 11 not j r a-'t-cal t- in i.t her on.:, ,. enal.lir ' u- t. . .. icr , i.lm .; . , . 1 . .... en, even, wnrKm we.i. ouf hnproi'td (luard ou t Pain t C'r ' e:T.'.'lu tlly frovei t-i ihk:::,' .),. t:-.i-rra , c-.ioiiiion of the r:t.-., bi bur lira J,v ,, M' ar f.v4 badly 1 id-d and tan !. d 1 1. where 1 ttit-r ina-hineH fail. Tl iere is aNo n ifreat advA.-it in nf s, ?i; n 10 i''l'n ctt-r the !"ni. th, it i - not n , b!i)rpeai.i o:'t"ii, thua .avi!i.; tun. Our,,, will Iru'piently run. tLr-uh an ftinr) har,. , 1 ut 1 ii-.-.' j;riii iiii, while (!; u.. itn -1;-,. pri.nnd oncpfiich day, if n. t of t. ii. r SV , ,t, ede the draught im rers.- th" knife (ur !r mo ot i.s unii' rui, and in ref . rui.z the ;!. ti . I- '.0, pruvisi far !i'1(,.f , j;le Mi.wer. eut'.iut' at the same tim j r ci.'hio.'n inehe wider. Il ;r M'in.-rcn he used with er wi-h.-ut ,. . th'ni. imp.. r'ant, and without the r"l, x about fi'iO oun i't. In nd lition tt tho verjliher t' w.irrint fi. ai! percbn st-, we woild ny as hfr't..f,,r, thaiV no m '.n may d'iri it, aro at h'oerty t.. tu.iehitm through tho harve!, wit'a any . if,r.i Ut-ep. and t ay Pt. the ino jiref.'fTe.l. r.iriij hlel.s with full decripti n of inur trti testiuiouia!". A1., can h h id b-i ";!'"i,n TIIK0D0KK HILL, isrnt Jirownvii:, dVcbi J. t, April H. Hill. TO N A V I HES. Vi M'u ot !: i'ive vii.i" en ni ri .. 1 h ahio v.iretie with whi.-h I aiji ' a.-,i:n-.. ? plant hove hc :l j r-.i .n t d w i ' n jjre .-a -e,'; lii'.st favorable rm unitane. I' r le 1;' i. -it- men t,a n l fni rp-i in e xc ilenoj aoy 1 han ! t..(, T" been able t-'cr. For ihn fail fradi, only a limited " Ir -if I'r, Villao, l.enoir, ! ) 1'auhn.'. .-u,yi;t. Ti lr ( .r llu'ilitt, ) and A i.e.' if j Ind is of let Deln war layer-, !, t!ii juj jlyij not iwp, but .jiialiiy mo '1'ialed. Tho st.n-lt I'r.. iii ) I iwarf, fir;'l tm p'iiiil in 1 1 tin- ft nd open air, 1 Urr and tn: v:- yard t.I.intini oni'i strong iiini, r oa (Va na and Inlei!-- ru. k, ariociC'l alaio rootfi very r..n. Very lar.j lay. r"f I)in), llerbetn t.i. tr,-! C.8 ford, rown with et ial euro for l-i: i:-i it h' in. h..,d lay- r of Anna, II.vit' ll W 1,1: k -J al- Clara, Ca-si l v, To Kalo. U. i. a, li,."r Louisa, I.o' hi, Iliinly, Canhy'i A uJ it, iiaih.4, 1 I'rohti-.Cuyah. -LA..-. A i.'neral a.-.sort:neut of fori Tiri'-li.-i f.r n nerif. Of Downing'. Krerh.- iriti ! la'l.'-r'y th "1-: is nut lare, and a reat p.rt f tho r' a'rt ordered. Th--y ar very viorou', anJ lb . well irri,wn mi l ir.a'ured. Whlfn!e dc-vriptive li.-t aent t th m !) to f. rtn cluh., 011 a plii-atjon. ' I,i-t I" d-'iih r. Fourth edition of lli-'ri.d Cani r ient f..r two three cent uratnr 1 It i J. - t-I ti a full ari l corn! reh"n-iv.j 'r'-i!i-'on t!. mi-i-ment of tho vine, ivin sueh iuf..rm.-ti-a -chaser and grower ar f-jpj- 'ed to r,--ed. )'" uhtr direef ion are given for th .r -; art::- a anil and plaiiii.:, an t tlit d.r-e'i'.ij f r irn: are illustrated by many caf-fu! y r-j ar-. I ;r' in. T he d"-,ripti.p r.f too vi,ri' . w.'i l. ' iiciiriit.. cp.i triitvorthy, bvn;' drai fr rn pr ul kiioi ! !.; , ui, d v-ry ' ' ' c . w. gra:.t. IONA, NEAR PEI'.KKILL. lV'.f Isrvlt r 0., ,pv lotk. Xrloliat's Liio Piila rii(i:YixAtJiTTi:ns. Tl: nn- i ,t : r,es I. n'p .,..t I e. f. ' e ,rf ' ! l ' . r.i. . i .. I ...i ......... ..1 1.... .... . ". ! i,i.ii., j.-,-,, .ii.) .,:,r ..4 1,. n .iiola. r,i-. H !:!-' 1 h 1 r t er ii 4 u,.. t n .-t ; j- '' '- r It. tv -r ini 1 ......Im.iry ai, t 1 10 in"-! a I' r-t..rilU p'i tei t I.- il.ti t.i j er.,,r . r f v.-'" b" fvi'iy kui'l i, ii,.- t.jhi. B lli? f. ' ill Dclillilv. ftifitP, lTfff Inns-. . "-'-'01.,? ,r ,.r ti, j.-.-.-.o. T" 7 1 ;.! Tt.- I iKirialio.i, I3 .;c;;.!aT tonsil- iipf r i irt' xfiiri .salt Itlifuni, .lalwiaiciiwti'isalioii, i it,-,,,,,.., tr,,r !,!, . . ,,- :.' r -" ' 1flll, I IHOrOMS, 1.11 fr t Dili- j "ia. 1.-, r,. e. :4 ri ., of 1 ... . 11 l:i inf . lilii ii 'tin fi viii a! Ii in 11 if '"it n,e ,1,1,. 41 ,, .1 a, ,1, (, . - - - . - - - - - , ... . I. r.k..,i.. II ... ... .1 . ... . 1 . . lirnUSII'IU", I II I f I III 1 1 4 ' II l I I'll'la, j Aoru'v. ,4.,rf..r , , y . y ........-.' I'iiiiplt s on Hit- I'm v, &.r. p-t.s . t io-i '-;-- m .0 . "' " In ca-es.,f lii;.K!t tl. I'KKII.Iti ti"t her 1 1- f rm .j t J " '' e-.-iei.. r .-f is.ine of rti'e rlof t-e. i,r of c nt 1 ii ,e.I .Ji iiiiniii ii.ii ,.f r,-t r.,.: ! i out, 9 'n . ty i-iU'ian? the l .' ' , ar. ! nri-eij!,ir eroojy fr ,:u , .'.,-,.r'..r:ip;jif,! . ..i,pui, j - w.-h 4 .Ivent i-r--n 1. 1 " r" of tins re.t'..-tne iiii pr., ej r.-f ut to an rmen? H vi-.:efit p'iri,f leave tl..- te.we 11 wii'iri n ':.,' en 11 r wri'-.eii jfe ' ' i . . i , w re'i'te- crj .' e. !r: v ' : 1 . -., .-nz t.e.f-f el.Jeti as t.. b,ve t.eeoti'e t-ri- in : .-ii o 11 :.e,;':it. h..-o. b.ive u.i Cups saaccrs, Bowls, blankets from 8i 50 to S7 50 , f'r. v ,v. ,;. a iru t..;.'.: i.tmi u.-iai.'i. .f t,:s km.! are,( ten. i -;:;ere--, e-,i..i".-i i.-'io or ar pa-ent niar a- I rer. of H kii1. hy re.r.n the '. ; I tt ..! s in, i hi ....Kl. I he iroe f t '"'' ' i " :'''h ' '". i.'i I the tl, ,r,uh vi'.l..a of .i ''" ' , i.o-1 r .j. i j. ii in .,. her. .' . Ve I ' - I. ; .l '): ii,e. have fa-en known t e.;. K'''' t;i i ern. .oci.f y la .hrre nfi-o, aiel l.inf I .:, re-' l''is oi iu riil lil.f (-!:,:,. -i'" -..-, - IVnTI TjO llQ OTIfl I'OC'f IT r '-""' e.. is e-.h io-:, -n . ri:.. ,ii j, , a;, I il, ,- t..,,,. 1 ! ruimnn, i , j- fl ,i:na!ii,n I Valla il C4.A.X CilXVl WtitJ li.0 p. it.,:i,.o -f i.- -is .:.l :,-;.':: aier-,,,r Jf i,. j ". (i.-aiiiens. fr..m ifa j.,mt GLOVES f - . Iii ' - r O Oil) v p Ladies Riding, Kid and Silk. Gents Gauntlets, Buckskin and Driving. l) f a,l kwi!, l,v frmiO' !L ki l-.ey 4 an. I hia l-ler 5 they .,e : 1 I J on ' !,--e i in ...r t ,.,( ... , . J h" ' e t ; o ' Bar Tumblers, Decanters, Gtllets, - - e p.- 1 . il i he ; -. i . has f. . I... Ii. e la Nr.itVot j A I-1 Ki IU ).N i of all kii.-l.. and lor reason- f i'-ii ' r t- f:, I , i i ineri . t he '.oeraii in ..f tl,.. prei.ara'i ti f ir..n ni-i-t t.e.esaiiiy he sa.ntary f-,r- j found rert a i r reu e-!y dr tlr tr'i unlike the -t o;:es. it Is vi.-orooi y tome, with'. tit Also orm I.y il--hU-.f fr.-r'i ie mr.. heinz exi i'.inar ati'I overheat ion ; and iteiit ly. re'i;arly j ho' "te ;iu.y ruatter t- whi. I he if aja-'ie'il , even 'U t Fie i,. ,. (u.jteoi-e of Irene. j uf-re w;ih o.t ever t.eine a c purgative, or liitiictioir a I '" " rv Crm and Inrt'srntt f.rfl M''!- di-areeah ,e -e-i a: i .t; j purity In- h .jf. iiiel- :. It m -his !.i'"-r i"- 'y. other, whh'h mike. ''! an roe h-nu.-r. I reruj: kjl :!; i.l a- I pf-'-a . merit a fe:,i!:y f.r! ' "' Y. - ,p' t.-'i a f. ! h el r.. n. p . - Pilrn, tip-01 wh;- Ii it a) ... aonear to exert a c: 11,1,1 ao-1 ' ternafive erfi- ts u;.i, th fl .. ! " srecii-' ac't'.n, hj di-pers:.4 the l-x; teniieii' y whi.ii j tfl! '"'! -f hi- h -i--a j ie'-'c '' forr:, ther-i .. ai .- ,. ,11 '.y , ai-d-.i f,r d. -r e- -1 Wine Glasse?. Fruit Di;he3, Pitchera&ic, Best Qualities of JJiilliyiJlLu lli.U W liluiuLu 1 m Bnc''ke.riV, i-r.ciV-i.'Veo'wheo 1;",'," EYSRYTiIIIVC .T""ii i'r'- "-. r" e S'a ar OHIO IITJ P.SEEIES, TOXaHiDo, orxrc-. AS the e.i i riow rr.3chi:; f.r transjlanf inff tree. f.c. we ca'.l a; tent p. a ..,r Trtc dealers. Fruit t-rv-wei. ati'UtLtrs wut i:.; ta beautify tUeir grounds to our st,. of Fruit cud Orncnrnfil Trees, Grape Vines, SJirull frr,', Roses, cVc. Also : all U.e It a-!.n varieties of Currants, Goosdt i ric 5, Blackberries, R aspl-e r r i e s , S t r a w b e r r ie s, ivC, Sec, &c. Of ir;.ii v-e hsre a la-re st k. an-tweeffer them very low f ,r the Kail Tra le I vl-.. and w.-ucJ mhea theorJer ; .' thi to 1 urel a-e. Knc! .se st,noti. a:id rnj f.-r d'ntn;.;.. ;,ri PTice I-it. K.'.'SliCV ,V FifO t5:.:3-rv:r.Jj u:..o, iVleto. v. f- 7m t hdS ' Ear Rings, Shirt Battons, JEWELRY. Finger Rings, Bracelets, Breast Pins, Needed or UDesired ' Can Aaa a oyr Store, and on terms as Javoralle as those of any ether House in the JVest. All Kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, U 1 .. i A ;. 1 . c- n!lr!..e.. em k i.i: 1! j a-ei apperen y na'.iiri int. the e:Iects Lave teen e-j lai ly deci-ive aim atoii:-h:nz. In the loeal pain. lo. .,f f?f.. and irer.jth. 1ehit:i-iat.r.con.-n. aod rein.t'.i r.t 1. whi. h aeneral ly in l.cae 1 NL I i'i J" NT I o-l MK;;oV ii.i. ren.e.iy has Bliiyed thee. am f f'iei,.; a.-:d p'. t -lun, iu .tveral very fitifyie.a- at.-l interest:'; in-'a!i- e. In JCR(iKl'LrM't Ti'n!-:K I'lJois ttu me.:ira-el iron hi had fir ri! .re "ta i the e fr t of the ne-l ! fi:.' I er rnaoeit i rav 4 a , J I I'. 'is. The oe i.f i. e - e r f.-r a er'y f... r t ar, ei.r,rr::'e . f .Sa.t Ufie-.i.n til a .'r.k " ' ' 4 ii if i. : i'i i u e r p ,i :,e-s ..r l ,. e . . T i. ' oi "' ,T ' l.-.fl' will a: way te fu-i hy one l' ?. or ! tt,e w.i-. i j.k PILES The original proprietor f these m--1 wooiif'l f pi ..--.. thir.y-tlve year. ta'id.'.'S. U-e. f thej.i'e !,i-:nes aloi.e Ftvr ai-t y ri':- - o'l'.-e of the " ' C ih-e -J.'., i-.e. i:!t'et..'it"t a .j'ff. cautiously balaneed pre; t r at h.iiS of nW.rie, wuhut any I K of the.r we known ii i' liitiei. I nili'y I -r,. r(.rt,ii, re.,,e.!r f f '!- '" " "" .ih:e. t t 4 rei -,'f ihe .i,.,.-etiit t.v the-e c-a-" ' '. e t ;-t.e i f ' , re ...ii Fever, n I Liver t ..fnniu'. aer era. I r -use of en:a .r ;.' : ' Come and see and Secure Bargains. ' THE MULL. Will be taken in exchange at enrrent prices. ComoOno! ComoaClli: TTe are determined to tell it lower prices and jive tetter oar 61:10 than ever before. The atten'j 01 of fen,., e t.'u-t be lo-.,r,f! lently In- ! H'-lieme have e-. u-ed w ia tha rr. ..t henetl vitel t . t;... rc'i'iy a.-.'i retorciive, in the ca.e, eecj. .Ht 10 . 1 1. -ij 'i-ts: a..i:4 Kv.l. atvJ - liarlv a-r-s -ir--; ther-i. u in It- w..r.i ... . 510 11.. the- ....5.-e : In Kl U ATI.s.M N.n rhr nir and i"-imm.".rr-ir : a.-', r, -f ' he e :-. ..: e J! .-!:o-;f. the Uier.!P. ;tv T: 1. t een itiv.n- ' i'r .Srrv.,.i. tep.aint - f all k : lly well rep. .-e:. I- -h ,s ;.eva'it. n.n a-.-l re-l-.r,. Pttat...:. of the heart, Paioter'a C-.i.c. are tie ar- ? a'i-rr.e- 1 t t'ie,t. o. ntus'ie i "' . In IM!tMITTnr 1 '.': .". s it rn'.-t ne. e.-a-i y he I Vrrrurial D'fit -Pt'M wh.. e-n'. a K-e,t reio-.'T a-: ! e-e-.-e-.- re.'.-'a'ive. m l it. pr..- ' h it e t ... , :.,e i.ii;-4.:ed by fhei- :'.. :mij n- e --f re- 11 the new -e; .,-:i.-' -s of ! he V'..-t, wi 11 probaO.y i 1 1 1 Ond ! ' e-e .l!i-.;....',ri ; e-f e-t c-ire. a , be ore of h:.-h ren. wn a-i 1 '.- ' -' " e'-' ' f" u 'he yte:n a; I f - e"- 4 ' ' Xo renie.'y h 1. ee-r :.:. - vere.1 In te wh-!e ti iter..- i-y. ia1-.;-e! v ..., tfj ia the no t -'" ? t'.'V ( f me.:i i: whi. , exerts h pr . r-j t. (. 1; ; . ar. l j a'atioU uf ia; -a par 1 .a. H". B Hi Fe r fully rest.irati-.( ff- apt eM-- e .i-.piete tit ye, f --'. B.oa.wy, Nf ' ti. n. r-: I a -, ;: '. n -f .'-er.j'h. w;'h art unu.uaj di- Ji'r S I t - - pos,-,'f r ao 1. hee-f, lexeme-,. e IJee-Ii,-ilir4 lA'plaiiietl.' ijt ci i:i C.t 11.ef.1l b xe on-..: 1,1,: 5 pl!!. price M , .,, .... v'5l 01 is ;cr h- x : l r.i'T .Jru.-.-.-t ar.-l .le:er. Will I . . . , , . ' ' .' ,.. ,.9 J v-" i ' .if He. . ,r..t.i-!.i-.iwir' J aJ s I c -e:,: free to a'.T a : : le'-ter, o: Jer 4. e c. . ,u 11. 1;. 1.0c ris: to., ;:-:.v. a'.ln'ts. iotviir at.,X. t A-;r,e 'C'l !r ren- J-t f thepnee. All I ,. ' . ' . . ' . .. '.. '. ' . ..-" r. e'c. .h-.u: Ilea i-..-e -e. f. , , , , .. , , , , . 14,1 Bt.l Jsfa.l a.v-a:. ... ' ' M vi-'NBT , Jeflt !.' ' J.n !. - Brownvill, August, 30, 1S60. i Boots. iShoes, Hats aiulCans. XS .T TT A RTI? ? CO . ' My!!;rwif a.-.n.Sre. I?-a-ir:r never wi ' 1 I I Brcwnvi:ie,Ocf. 15, I.-C?. J la DOORS AND SASH- !.rar ejt-e.l-n; a-J ch -x;) aru l'J cf 1 -J rd S..- ilILL, .K-e.4T:.1:ie- Apt IV I. i t . nipt. ' e r.ew.'er f J. '. !- :" i iv,wcvi:.Air.; u, ti r I