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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1861)
jiU-; ADVERTISER, ;.Ef,5;!Ei..;;vrRT tiiursday bt -j-AS. LYANNA, - jinokir's Block, Main Street .flBOffSVILLlJ,-S. T. m t if piiin1vanre. - - - - $2 00 "n,y .. if attbeendof 6 months 3 60 " , , u " 3 00 " , ,2 rtr mre will be nrni'hed at $1 60 per ' ride the cash accompanies the order, not pr. Air.1 1 J I A I i J A! t i j f "v ' r i f . 1 i ir. W (MP THE ADVERTISER, hates or ADVEnxr. xx; o : I "FrCC fO Form ftTHi Ppf-mlntA ATT. iiinli. nnmAcffn Tncfffnffntis In f?ifi! htth trnr cnTtWt ftlr fco rnetlrnf Inn nf frir Tufted StflfP w ')ri;ure(10U&tsofl).actaier Sch J !.iHi:itlmf rM' a, - On iiar, o ai.jD'.a, - - - - ' It j line i Car J.of sit liaesor 1 ne y oaeC i!3:i'T ony?r, ------ Citf-hiif iir:in cr.e yir, - - - - Uu fo'J'tb C-vlsoin or.e rer, -;!i;i Ciijtiini,ynr, - - -Ol:'i':'liS!x fkVLi, - - - - l:.e hill Culcriin t:x m'!. - - -Use f jur'.U (;! -ia tlx tuoniid, - - -Uue :Llh C.'ltmn tsx tuuMb, - - fu Culcroa three cion'i, - - - - Ose h!f Cvluaiatiree nioutijf . - - -oarnr'.i Cila.-na tLrsetnoutH, - -Ga;;ih Column tfir motfcn, - - o 2 . - 3" - - Z) . - : ; . i - 1 1 - - ! J . - - 3 - - ) - - u - - i - - CCt.)- & 0L. V BEOWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1861. NO. 4' !i;riiNi:ss- CARDS. id I A. ICIIOTHHEIT ijson & Scliocnhcit - rm-r-m A m T A TTT X w ' A N 0 .,ro IV PIUVPrDV 'OLlt,! 1 UlW 111 VIl-iLi.! , Irnrner First and Tlain Streets, .C.nic. - - - Nebraska !--- "urTd. gwin, TTivin" rcrmanently located in UwXVILLE. NEBRASKA. I tV,cV-tice of Medicine aDl Surgery, ten I .(r,,r-.-.iional services to the afflicted. ?e Vn Main Street. no23v3 Zs. HOLLA DAY, M. D. t-'fnVly inrrm! hif friendu in Brownville and I rd'c vicinity t ht he has resumed the practice of 1 irinc, Stirprtry, & Obstetrics, J, i,vtric'taltcutioa to )iiprofeMon, to receive r.r'.uslronoherctoforeextcndcdtolnm In f ' , !,orr i;is poMMPrrxi.c.Iiont, a prescription r Ihr .Vi. eat City Drugstore. Ft.t).21.'9. 85. ty 7 t7V. TIPTON Attorney at Law, ; R O - V 1 L, Ij i' ti TJ THOMPSON, sticV of the Peace and BROW ATI LLJ2, XEBRASKJl Life CHARTER OAK Insurance Company, Uartrord, Conn. - I a. 1 U VATiIA ,rkn,,wJcr!Fc...rT,tVor onw-i. flit J'.ur uUlD OI aiuu nvU. J'"e 21st,gr,0. JOHN L CARSON ' rweor to Ln-hbaiigh K Carson, V) AND TAX rAYliNlj Com, -UncurrcHt Money, Land Warrants, Eichave, and Gold Dust nitnvVvii.i.K, m:iiuaska. . ,n cive attention tobnylnK and elllitR ex- Mhe vr. K palcit es or i .T,si r' llea.o.made on all actable point., i pnM, exchanpe at current rates. ir::rr"od5rrt accoupt, and interest al t,fi ou epecial ticpoMts. OFFICE, U STUKKT-vlIKTWCCy THE Trlrsrapli -anil tlic . . Land Offices. REFERENCES: , Philadelphia, Pa f ('rMin x i.. -.a lirk fit Co. , Tionip-'' -". r "f ror'' .. t m,..ii. kCwi.. Iljnker. T siVvimi-. Iq.. Ail'y at Law , S rtatiaher, ;iU3d And L. S T ic k. Kn.v:li, U.nkert t i 4iid I've A? - .i, T! "injs ;. Tiiu J.!-. ). Vnr u. K' Mnvi. K-q.. Tres'i . bHi.k. I ;,.... S-hif-. A'y :. Tli. . r'iy. i T"iil'r Incorporated by ihe Slate of Connecticut. Capital Stocli $200,000. ' WithlargeandincreasingsurpiasreceiptMecure ly invested under the sanction and approval of the Comptroller of Public Accounts. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: JAMES C.WALKLEY, President. JOHN L. UN'CE, Vioo President. I! LI A3 OIIX. PoorcUry E. D.DICK EliM AN, General Agent. DliJECTOnS: Alfred Gill, Daniel Phillip?, JohnL.Bunce, It.Iilodget, J. A.Hntler, E. D. Diifcerman N.Wheaton, Sam.Cit. Xelson llolhster, James C. Walkley.,M D, ConsultingPbysician. A. S. IIolladay,M D, Medical Examiner. Applicationfreceivcd by R.W. FURNAS. Ag't, n8-tt' BroM-nville.N.T. Johns & Crosley, SOLE 3f ANTF A CTURKK3 OP TTIE IilPROVED (iUTA PCUCil-1 CEMENT ROOFING, Is the Cheapest and most durable Roofing in use. IT IS FIRE JJND WATER PROOF It C3n be applied to new and old roofs of all kinds, and to fchingle roofs without removing the shingles. Tliccost Is only ous-tlilrd of Tin, and Is tuicc as durable. Gutta Pcrcha Cement For preserving and repairing tin and other metal roofs of everp description, from its great elasticity is not in jured by the contraction and expantdon of metals, and Will not crack in cold or Run in warm weather. These materials have been thoroughly tested in New York and all parts of the Southern and Western states, and we can give abundant proof of all we claim in their favor They are readily applied by ordinary laborers, at tna- ""'"IfO'HEAT is REQUIRED." These materials are put up ready for use and for Shipping to all parts of the Couutry, with full printed directions for application. Full descriptive circulars will be fur nished on application by mail, or in per son, at our principal office, 510, BROADWAY, (Opposite St. Nicholas Hotel.) NEW YORK, JOHNS & CROSLEY. Feb. 28. 1861. AGENTS WANTED. 6 mo- SPHIM FASHIONS. Baltimore, Md. Washington, D. C, Chicago, III. St. Ln'iif. Mo. Annaixilis, Md. Meuerhburg Pa lljgertown, Md. Knston, Jf d. Cumberland, Md Ha ana. A labma. X.'V S. l60-tf. .t mfs s. m:rFOKD ATTORN KY AT LAW, AND ; Master rommi.:.isiier In Uanecry. -BROYNVILLE, . a. L.tU GHrS. JESSE HOLLADJ. " ' tti ;rn:s & iiollaoa, No. I, City uildint:s'TTToSoUIlI AINT LOUIS - - " MISSUUMi. 31VRI) & IIOI-I-AI1AY, No. 140, Pearl Street. Produce and- Commission TLTT3HO XX A3MT0. - PowMl.LevyX Lemun, St.Joeph, T.itilles ft Farleiv:h, - - " T. iiJ. Curd - " ' N tve, Mi Ourd St Co., - -Dnruiel & Saxtuu - " ". . S7-m . MRS. HEWETT, MAIN STREET, DnOWXTILLG, XEnRASKA. Anm.unccs ti tbe ladles ol Brownville and vicinity tbat .heh.sjust reteivclhcr SPRING STOCK MILLINERY GOODS, To which the calls particular attention, ner gooris are of the rery latest Myles and are offered at unusually low prices. April 4, 1S60. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD C A L E S OF ALL KINDS. FAIRBAHKS & GREENLEAFj 112 L.IKB ST., CHICAGO, And corner of Main & Walnut Sts, St. Louis- BUY OSLY THE GENUINE. I! BIHBERY, COITNCIL HLUFFS, IOWA. . V7ILLIA7V1 F. KITER. Miy 1" 1. " FO -7 LER, ULAtJKSMiTHS, Water r3troot, . -BROWNNILLE. NEBRASKA. ' receaJlT 1-cated in Ui place and solicit a share .," :.,?K-pun Lee Their r:ort and Pc" c.nnt f..l i-U-t P.u-cs for : vli cmif all round with new shoes. Dec. 3J, J"l I. A. C O X S T A R L. C , IMPOkTEH AND P1MLER IK IRON, STEEL, NAILS, CITINGS, SPRINGS. AXLES, FILES BETjIjO TAT O f B L ACKSMITirS TOOLS Also: Hubs, Spofccs, and Bent Stuff. Thlr Street, between Felix and Edmond, SAINT JOSEPH, MO. Which he sells at St. Lonis pricesfor casn. HiKhest Price Paid: for Scrap Iron. -December 1, iS59.-ly. 1859. 1859. IIAX XIHAXi & ST. JOSEPH IT. U. 1 r-)T rTP" Hit , JX" T I. , UA FALL AKBANGEMENT3. MornlngTrain leave St. oneph at - - :00 Evening Train leaves Co do - 6:40 St. Joseph it reached by the Western Stage Line. Passengers i avetime andtiresome stagios by this route. Daily connection made at Hannibal with allEastern find Southern Railroads andPacketa. J T D Haywood, Sup't., Hannibal. D 0 Sawin, General Agent, St. Joe P B Groat, G. Ticket Agent, Han'lal Theo. Hill, G. T. Ag't, Brownville November 24. 1669. REAL ESTATE AND Collection Office 7t7"-A.T5. NEWS! TElGRAPHIC. From th Bulletin of Thursday, May 23. United Slates forces at St. Louis ordered to search all downward boats for con trnband goods 50,000 Troops in Va., to influence ihe election Travelers can not pass through Va. Privateering considered piracy The JIonroe doc trine The steamer Ballmore attacked at the mouth of ihe Potomac Traitors captured in Missouri. OF BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Main, Bdwecn Levze and First Streets. Particular attention given to the Purchase and Sale of Heal Estate, xllakingr Col lections and Payment of Taxes tor Kon-Resl- dents. LAND WARRANTS FOR SALE, for cash an J on orders to stop all downward boats and to time. I eoo.K - pnnlnKfonrts In aoenrnanco itoliEts.on lands selected from personal examination, Wlta tnese Oraers tne various DOais paba- and a complete Township Map, showing Streams, jnrr down were brought tO thern, much to 'limber, Ac, torwarded witn tne truncate oi loca- . onrnP:eo nf the OfTlPr, nf thp crafts. t- 1 AA QUI y I VA. w v ww - r.rownviiie.X. T.Jan. 3. 1861. yl JNew Yorlc, me lriDune s vvasn- St. Louis, May 22, P. M. Charles Rebstock another of the per sons wonnded in the late unfortunate col lision between U. S. troops and citizens, on Walnut st expired last night after suf fering the most intense torture. The U. S. District court was occupied this morning- hearing the argument of Mai. Wright upon the question of juris diction of that court in the case of Capt. Emmett McDonald. The case excites considerable interest the court room be incr crowded. The U. S. forces in the Northern portion of the city have received FEED 'ill W1" YOURSELVES! New Eating Saloon. BENJ. WHYTB, rias opened a new Eating IIou so on Main street, next door to the U. S. Land Office in Brownville, where "SJU'ixyxxjl CAN BE HAD AT ALL HOURS. All kind3 of game served up as desired, at the shortest notice. Oysters, Quails, Prairie Chickens, Fish, Venison, Pies, Cakes, Hot Coffee. Sweet and Butter Milk, Mush and Milk, and all such. Coxuo fviid Seo rab. 7, lb61. ZVXo I ! n31 cin in S!Y TillLI AND ROGERS & BROTHER, AN VOHXCES to the public that he has purchased the Livery Stable and Stock formerly owned by William vJt iPd thereto fine stock, and Is now prepar- Monoy Advanced on PIKES PEAK GOLD ! I r-fMv PikeS Peak rtoid, - and advance "Dey up,n the same nl ) over of proceed ""nisllint rerurh are h;id In all cases. I wi' luhitthe ir inted return' -f the United StatesfMiB, Ak-mv office ' ' JNO. l. C A HSON, BILLION AND EXriLlXGS KH0KEK BROWNVILLE. MKBASKA. Tto204 Clocks, patches & : Jewelry. ' ' J. SCHITTZ C "Would annonncetotbecitiiens of BrowuTllle Wtid vicinitr that he has located himself in BrownviQe, andintends keeping a full assort 1 "rerjthingln hUlineof bnslnes, which will """U iw f.,r cash. HewlUalod- all kind? of re I'uring,,, t,ockg- tch v Au werk r- ' '"-t4. . v3nlb!r tVt, nmftt. William Koenine, and James P m.,.,,t,.. nhn lnttor. lon a seedsman in the em- rlov of Messrs Landreth & Son) nave unuea unacr the hrm ol JOHN GA-NSTT & CO. FOR THE PROSECCTI0X OF THE Agricultural Implement AND SEED BUSINESS, They will constantly keep on nana aiuu auppij u Landreth's Warranted Garden Seeds, all fresh, and of tbe last year's growth, To be obtained at the old house at Philadelphia, and willconfino their sales cf Garden Seeds exclu sive to those. They will keep a very large rtock of Ml Implements and Machinery in Use, EMBRACING ALL THE LEAPING ARTICLES IN THE TRADE, OF THE BEST MANIFACTCRE. They solicit the continued custom of their friends, and of all those who have dealt at the branch house of Landretii A Sox, at St. Louis. Our prices shall bo very low. in with the times, and we hope to satisfy all wbo call on u, as to the superior quality of our stock, and the prices. Our Term are Cah, and pricet to corretpond. JOHN GARNETT & CO., v2n4 ST. LOUIS, MO. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR JACOB MAROHN, MERCHANT TAILOR. HROHXTILliC, KCKKVsKA, In jt returned from St. Lo "ith a entire new stock of LATEST STYLES Of Goods for Gentlemen's wear, which he will make to order at short notice, and in a manner he warrants to be satisfactory. His stock consists in iart of black, colored and mixed cloths ; black, colored nnd mixed doe-skins; black, colored, tancy and mixed Cassimers; fine Kentucky Jeans, Chocks, Cottonadcs. Linen?, dril ling ,1tv"1. Satins. Vestipcrs.Rraids, IJutton-. cords Acf lie returns his thanks m the gentleman of this ;laceand vi.-inity for tbeir past liberal patronage, and respectfully invit s r-m to cal' and examine his tew stock, lie feels confident that in tho fu ture as in the past, ho will be able to give ent ire sat isfaction. Brownville, March 21, lS60,-ly ed to accommodate the public with Carnages, Buggies, Sulkies, Saddles Horses THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC Can find at his Stable ample accommodations for horses, mules or catt e ,AC. i,nr.rt)t Brownville, Oct. 18, 1B60. nl5-yly "PiXie's Peali, or Bust." IfEW PHOYiSION STORE, AND $2:50 per year. If published outside of the Ccnderate States, the postage will be double. St. Louis, 23, A. M. The steamer J. C. Swan was seized yesterday 35 miles below this city, by order Gen. Lyon of the Arsenal. The reason of doing so is because the Swan brought contrabrand articles up from Baton Rouge to this city a week or two ago. A company of U. S. soldiers went down to Ironton yesterday, by order of Gen. Lyon seized 5,000 lbs. of lead and captured sixty prisoners who had been engaged in shipping lead to the Southern Confederacy; but five of the prisoners were discharged, the rest were brought to the arsenal. Shots were fired by the prisoners at the soldiers, they re turned the fire but nobody was hurt. A gentleman, named J. D. Brown, makes a statement in this morning's ington despatch says, the rumor of a de monstration at Harper's Ferry or else where in Va. on or after the night of Thursday is unfounded. A South Carolina Secessionist recently from Va. by of Harper's Ferry reports 50,000 troops insufficiently armed, dis tributed at various points with a view to influence the election on Thursday. The Virginians estimate the number at 60,- 000. From what he observed he believes it is the intention to attempt to transfer the battle ground to Penn., moving from Harper's Ferry which in now strongly fortified from all sides. Mr. Bailey Mc- Elret from the Worcester, Mass. district, has arrived from Enterprise, Florida, where he spent the Spring mostly on ac count of his health; He came via Savan nah, Nashville and Louisville. He was advised that it was impossible to come through Va. Having met two men who had been turned back. His party con sisted of 30 including 6 Northern school masters, other invalids and two army lieutenants. At Atlanta his baggage was search by a committee of the crowd. Special attention was paid to the school masters -by the troops, afterwards the party divided. No passes were required. He had no trouble in t lonaa or on tne journey, ills invalidism was uis pruiei;- tion. Mr. Uailey reports soiaiers every where in motion towards Va., disciplined, armed and equipped. At Chattanango there were from to o.UUU. he neara no Union talk until he reach Ky. Mr. Walbridffe has been re-called here to give important topographical information. He spent much time in the Carolinas, Ky. Tenn. and Va. and is familiar with the country. His information in relation to the interior indicates that the operations BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Gov. Letcher has issued a proclamation requesting sumicio iu iu-iuUwU.., order to carry tne secession rauutiiuun beyond all question in the douDtiui ais- tricts. It is saia mat eieciuis wm u compelled to publicly declare their votes, and if in favor of the Union they will straightway be compelled to leave the State. The Union men art; uuieiwm how to act in this dilemna. It is also de clared that travel into or through Va will be Drohibited after Thursday, except by special permission of the Governor. A mttn mil. nrr himself Capt Beecher was &C. &C. arrestee as a spy yesterday in the N. J. Bri-ade and held tor examination. The Herald's dispatch says, it appears that more than a month ago our gov t gave notice to the powers of Europe who took part in the Pans Congress in 1000, mat they were willing to accept the code they adopted at that period which declared privateering to piracy. Government has rorpivpH the amDlest assurances from x ... i i Austria that she will have little to do witn the rebels whatever, whilst Prussia has not hesitated to manifest in plain terms her unequivocal sympathy with our coun trv. J ' r O . . - t . The Secretary or state nas giveu uu tice to Mexico and other States that the doctrine will be carried out with all the enerevand resources of the gov t or trt nnthintr in the shape of foreign UtJlS - . intprvpntinn will be tolerated or submitted to fnr a cinrrlft hour. Mexico has been nst completed their new business house on clirpH :n the most positive lauguage that Main Street, near the U.S. Lara unw, . . , th(, rt vp SUD30rt of onenuB uu m" i sue Call uc-'cti" - - i this country should any iuropean power n vinlatp her soil. A warning kppn rriven to Spain that if she ven- o . " r 1 cc t r tures to accept the aruui prouer ui w mirnVn hp. will do so at ner pern. I"""W " . T O - New York, 22d. Ihe union oerense i. has given orders tor the manuraciure DRY GOODS HOUSE. JSTo. 11, TVTxixx. streot, BROWNVILLE, N. T. J. BEEEY Co Hare Jt where they have opened out and are favorable terms Dry Goods, Provisions, FLOUR, CONFECTIONARIES, GUEC AND DRIED FUFITS, rhnirp T.inunrs. Cip-ars. - - --c rnm. And a "thousand and one," other things everybody , jg Janes' rifled cannon to be sent to T. M. TALBOTT, DENTAL SURGEON", Having located himself in Brownville, N. T., tea dcrhis professional services to thcconimunitj. Alljobi warranted. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK PrownTiUe, Apri' 26. ly THOMAS DAVIS, ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN A 3 I SURGEON, 1 W T 11 Ft Pickens. A letter to tue neiaiu o.ri StPflmpr Mt Vernou, -jum, sis. the steamer Baltimore got a-gound bet n-rrht t ihp. mouih of the Potomiac. prope ller with havy guns and full of men attacked her there and out of 10 cn board f-mr were killed, five mortally wounuea Democrat, that 25 families have been driven out of Miller County in this State within the passed 3 weks, on account of their fidelity to the Am-rican Flag. A Raliegh dispveh m yesterday's Richmond Enq'-iirt-r -ay 'hr- wa great rejoicing ovpt thf uiiHinninu' vtte on the secession ordinance. 100 gnus were fired in celebrating of the sevt-rance of the Union of North Carolina with the aboli tionized yankee government. A dispatch to the same paper from Norfolk says, nearly 3.000 troops were concentrated at Lewall's point on the 19th, but the yan kee mercenaries did not return. A steamer left Portsmouth under a flag of truce for the Federal fleet ofT Old Point, carrying women and children desiring to join their Northere friends. Montgomery, 22. Congress adjourned last night to meet at Richmond, Jdly 20th. The tariff bill passed with unimportant amendments. Cairo, 22. Three thirty-two pounders arrived here this evening. Carriages are expected to-morrow. The work of forti fying Cairo commenced to-day and will be vigoriously prosecuted. Southern passengers by R R report in tense excite at Memphis and the other river towns. Gen. Pillows proclamation prohibiting all boats passing Memphis northwardly took effect yesterday. From the Bulletin of Friday, May 24th Gov. Black and Gen. Harney JV. W. Va. unanimous Jor the Union Colonel Fremont attempt at Poisoning Cur rency in III. Election in Va. St. Louis, May 23, P M. In the U. S. District Court this morn ing the case of Capt. Emmett McDonald bein under consideration, Judge Treat gave a lengthy opinion deciding that the U. S. District Court ha3 lull luisdiction over the case before it, and consequently the power to issue the writ of Habeus Corpus for which application has been made. Ex-Gov. Black of Nebraska has arrived in this city, and represents that trouble is apprehended in that Territory between the SioUx, Cheyennes and rawnee tnoes of Indians, and that the white inhabitants ... , t ' l I 1 will be more or less invoiveu us uiey ui friendl to the latter tribe. Gov. Black had an? interview with Gen. Harney, and recommeuded that a regiment of volun teers from Nebraska and sworn into the U S service for the protection of that boraer. Gen. Harney favored the plan and will suggest it to the Department at Vashington. N. York, 23. A special dispatch to the Herald from Baltimore says, on Monday and Tuesday several steamers were en gaged in cruesing near the Va. batteries, and were fired into; but no damage was done. A steamer left here this ev ;ning cr fortress Monroe with the Southern Mail, which w uld not fill a bushel basket. There are 5,000 men within the walls of the Fortress. The Tribune's Washington correspon dence says, a gentleman high in the con fidence of the Va. patriots arrived here to-dav from Wheeling through Harper's . . in Ferrv. reports 4.UUU troops mere uauiy armed, equipped and provisioned and nt formidable. He says, that North-western Va. will form a State embracing- sixty couuties. in which the Union feeling is npnrlv unanimous. The V a soldiers voted for secession yesterday, Gen. Lee havin issued orders as precautionary fearing that military exigencies might prevent voting on Thursday. I he v ash. Star has positive information that a ma jority of the secession troops within 50 miles oi nasmngion reruseu iu iK.e uie oath of hostilities to U S., also, a large fraction of the Harper's Ferry Troops. Government is in hourly anticipation of intelligence from Ft Pickens announcing the commencement of hostilities. Naval officers express the belief that the rebels will be out-flanked by the land lorce Dispatches by the Persia state that agents of the rebel gov't have explored Europe in vain for arms, munitions or money in exchange for their bonds. The Herald's special dispatch says, that several flying artillery crops, consist inr of seven splendid Batteries have been organized into a simile battallion under command of Maj. Sherman of the regular army. The Times' special, also says, that Col. Fremont left France in the steamer of the ISth inst.,, he will tender his ser vices to the President. of this morning announces" tl at the State troops at Jefferson City to the number, cf 4,000 were preparing to disband by order of Gen. Price, although were reluctant to do so. The Democrat on the contrary has information that the troops had re fused to disband. 100 men with six pieces of cannon arrived at Jefferson City yesterday,' on the White Cloud from In dependence. The Democrat's informant also states, that considerable exci'ement prevailed yesterday at Jefferson City, in consequence of the discovery of an at tempt to poison the troops by putting arsenic in the flour which their bread is made. It is said that a Union man is baker to the troops, and a secesiion man in order to effect his destruction had made an arrangement with a negress to poison the bread. She informed agaia him, and spies were placed so as to overhear the conversation between him and the woman. He was arrested and placed-in jail. A proposition was made to hang him, but it was over-ruled. Capt. Blandowski of the 2nd regiment Mo. volunteers, who was wounded in the l-g at Camp Jackson, underwent the pain ful process of amputation of the wounded limb yesterday. Capt. B. is a Hungarian Exile of some distinction. New York, 23.-2,000 rebel troops are in Alexandria to-day. During the elec tion no one dared to vote for the Union. Baltimore, 23. It was understood at Ft Monroe that the Minnesota would to day attack the fortifications at Sewall's Point, whilst an effective land force would go in small tugs to effect a landing and capture the Battery at all hazards. There is great difficulty in landing at Old Point in consequence of the number of vessels there. The British ship Albion went ashore near Cape Henry and will be a total loss. Virginians having removed the Cape Henry lighthouse and built a fire on the beach some half a mile away, deceived the Captain causing the disister. A special to the post says it is rumored that the Fire Zouaves have received orders to occupy Arlington Heights. This move ment is supposed to have some reference to operations on the Va. rebels. The Michigan regiment is ordered to be ready to march at any moment, with two days rations. COO N Carolina troops arrived Monday and went to Richmond. 700 more were expected thrj next day. They complain bitterly of having to leave their State, saying they enlisted and defend N. C. only. R. R. Collins of Petersburg and to Gen. Gwinn was wounded at tho engage ment at Sewall's Toint. Nobody was killed. Chambersburg, 23. On Wednesday night a party of Virginians attempted to seize a Ferry boat on the Potomac near Clear Spring, but were driven off. Parkersburr, Va., 23. This place gives 930 for Union and 77 for secession. In the precints opposite here in Wocd co. Va no secession votes were polled. Wheeling, 23. Union 2,59-j, secession 1S9. Taylor co. gives about 00 Union maj. Harrison aooui i,uuu union maj. ood county about l,bUU Union maj. Preston county is strong Union. Berkley co. about 700 Union maj. Grafton co. gives 429 against and 1 for secession. Boston, 23. Ihe Mass. legislature adjourned to-day. Many of the mem bers donated their pay to the volunteer fund. B. F. Thomas has been nominated for Congress in the 3rd district as successor to Mr. Adams. Chicago, 22. The currency question is still unsettled and the greates. con- fussion prevails in business circle?. It is understood there 13 a prospect ot an amicable arrangement being made by the bankers to night. I rom all parts of the State we hear of lepression of trade of all kinds in consequence of the disordered condition of currency. In some localities the farmers utterly refuse to sell grain unless paid in specie or exchange. Washington, 22. The Navy Depart ment has adopted a new secret system of signals for the use of vessels in the service. The State Department will not furnish passports to citizen3 of seceded States, unless they give ample proof of loyalty. From the Daily Bulletin of Saturday, May 25. Men in J"ew York to be tried for treason Gen. Johnson a secessionist General Beauresard Batteries on the Missis sippi The U. S. troops marching in f0 Ta Col Ellsworth's Zyuaves take Mexandeia Ell iworth Mu rd ered Gen. Harney determined to protect the Union men in Mo. Harper's Ferry to be attacked. rriATfT.P. V.Or.K. NEBRASKA. nH thrpe sliffhtlV Reference, Dr. D. Gwin, Brownville. The Times dispatch says, that postage Ami ii.'fiT. .fco Southern Confederacy after the 31 Wpll BuCketS and WheeTS inst. will be for letters less than 50 miles j ? Tn?RMnas on hand a lot of No. I Well 5 cents, and for a greater distance .Octs. ..... . ... .i 4flcr nor roar ' ll.llhos J Heeiiiy papers Avvic. j-v.. j-. , TtnrVcts and Wheels. I3row nville, Anl II, '61. nlO jlj New Yokk, May24th. The Herald's correspondence dated Baltimore, 23rd, says, two persons are now under examination here charged with treason for enlisting and sending troops from Baltimore to join the Confederate army. 2,000 such troops have left Balti more up to this time; but it is not certain that the prisoners had any hand in their enlistment. The Norfolk Register pronounces the statement that 300 Indians cf N Carolina are in arms at Norfolk, to be false. The Richmond Examiner says, that Albany, 23. The National Bank of Gen. Johnston, commander ct tno Albany. 'After a consultation with the Expedition, has been ordered to the corn bankers here this morning have concluded rnand of the confederate forces r t Ilar tn rr,n KininRas and wind un their affair, per's Ferry. Also, that Gen. B?at re- Tr.pir circulation is well secured, and it is ; rrard hasbeen ordered to N erf v:, and tha onrflrlpntlv bplieved that their depositors S Jeff. Davis will be in Richmond on Moi are also safe. St. Louis, May 21. The Republican j more to-day enroute for Washington day next. Troops passed through Bulii- Among them were two Ohio regiment from Phila. Washington was ia a fever ish excitement all day concerning the an nouncement that eii.t regiment j had re ceive! orders to March at a moii.cnn no tice and that 15 rounds cf ball cartridges had teen supplied to them. The mean ing of the order ha? not transpired, I at up to a late hour not a single regiment had been moved from its quarters. Indi cations are that the first great aggre;?ivo steps to quell the rebellion by a forward march south-ward will take place to-ir.or-row P. 31. The lGth and (Jih, the l ire Zouaves and Sherman's lattery are un doubtedly the regiments selected for the advance. This force will proceed acres . the long bridge into Vn. an 1 c'.ablhli their outposts on Arlington Heights ex tending from there down tho Potomac far enough to embrace the city cf Alexandria, which rightfully belongs to the District cf Columbia. At Alexandria, th-j govern ment will take possession cf tho Tele graph lines and Railroad communication extending to Richmond in the direction uf Harper's Ferry. To-morrcw's dawnwill probably find the Union flag displayed from the spot where the flag cf Jeff. Da vis has been floating. The greatest ac tivity is going on to-night in the various camps, and additional regiments to these named above will be under marching or ders in case of emergency. Rumors arc flying about here to the effect that tho Sec'y of State received to-day dispatches from Eng. declaring that it was no longer in the power cf Her Majesty's Govern ment to accept the proposition of the Ad ministration to recognize the cede cf the Congress of Parij cf 1S50, denouncing privateering a piracy. A special to the Times dated Washing ton 23, says, the army sets its face south wardly to-night. I am authorized to statu that there now h 250.000 men under arm in the pay of U S Government. These are all e quipped or will be by Saturday night. A special to the World says, Geo W Dunn, a well known resident cf this city, has reached here from the rebel confed eracy. He is last from Tenn via Cairo. He roports that supplies are now entirely . cut ofTfrom Eastein Tenn and great fear of starvation prevails. He saw at Mem phis about 3,000 trooops furnished with altered flint lode muskets from the Baton -Rouge Arsenal. There ia two battcriei on Mississippi river between Memphis and Cairo. Many of the troop3 art? -Northern men who have been impressed into the service. Half the soldiers there refused to leave the city, and the Gov't issued a proclamation ordering all com- . panies to disband who did not enter tho service of the South unconditionally. Ammunition was very scarce and no un nprp;?arv firin? was permitted. Com panies in Memphis are composed of chain rancr convicts. Mr. D. confirms the re port of an entire prostration cf all kindi of business. Passengers who arrived here to-day from Wheeling, over tho Baltimore and Ohio R R, state that from the Ohio river to within 10 miles of Harper's Ferry the . stars and stripe3 were floating. Dr. Thomas Miller a prominent citiien of Washington was arrested to-day, charged with secretly receiving and delivering letters from and to secessionists. Ho nrotest3 he is innocent, but Gen. Mans-. hld retains him for examination. A Govr-rnment steamer left for Ft Monroe 3 P. M. Several members of thtj Press go. in anticipation of a big Lattlo in that vicinity. Washington, 21. As was supposed .vould be the case last niglit several regi ments with the New Jersey and Michi gan brigades, Ellsworth's Zouaves and the District Maiitia crossed into a. Tho Va pickets having previously been driven in by tho advancing guards. One regiment took the road leading to Fair fax court house about 20 miles from Wash ton; while another stopped at the fork3, a mile from the long bridge awaiting or ders. An advance into Va was also made from another point, namely: at the mouth of the Potomac Aqueduct at Gecrgntown. The Dist. of Columbia troops returned to Washington this morning. From 0 to 10,000 troops were sent into Va. this morning. Firing was heard occasional")' by the driving in cf the Va picket?. 9 o'clock, A. M. The N. Y. Zcuave?, 19th, G9th and the Jersey regiments hold Alexandria, while Arlington Heights aro occupied by several regiments. The en trance into Alexadria wa3 attended by an event which has cast the deepest gloom ever this community, Col. Ellsworth who had hauled down the secession flag from the Marshal house was soon afterwards shot by a concealed foe. His body l.zs been brought to the Washington Navy yard. When the Federal troops reach Alex andria the Va soldiers fired at them and fled. Vistor3 to that city cay the scenes were intensely exciting. 11 o'clock A.M. It 13 reported that as the Va troops retired from Alexandria one of them wa3 killed by a return she by the Federal troop3. There is pros pects of capturing the fugitives. Amonj the forces sent over to'Va. were two batteries, and two companies cf artillery. The news of the death cf Cel. 'Ells worth was not generally known thrcugh o:t Washington until towards 10 o'cloc'c to-day; The excitement was inter.?:-. especially among tho military who ex press the greatest impatience and desir j to be sent over to Va. From a spy-ghss vicT," cf Alesan-rl.i