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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1860)
1THE ADVERTISER j L O 0;A'L. BRO.VNVILLE.OCT. 25, 1560. vv r ; ' rr- The "iYebraaka Advertiser" having ? much the largest circulation of any paper In . . . .-. - irhi-. pjj Mfrcniais in Mi llie ie.jiiuij, - ! lK)ui. St. Joicph, Cincinnati and other Last markets where Nebraska merchants pur ? . -u nohrttfir ftdrertisir. mecaurn caa. m the Western country .3 b . Blanks, Clanks- tyl, and for j We have on haul, primed in superior ... r..r . cl. i frPsh SLL'Ply of .Warranty Deeds, Mortgage Deed' I " . t i - uiu inr Deeds. 4 ' txcl Miid Constable Blank.. 1 ' Blank Preemption papers, ... "p piats. Bills iadinsr. ! ; Drafts, Notes, etc., etc.. etc ial pi'rution of thofPin iieed . v,;.t. rl! U:e t'W't , -n- m.-I every de-ition executed to rInTr'ynfJcri ' f, m.V. produced many ,-a.t of b. country V except ., ..file in the West, or eise "aS'ufrrr M--i..en, .four wurk a evidence. ; i t JOT, COL & CO. Advortislns Asonta, AND DKAl.KIiS IN t,K acd Printing Matmai u air a i-u. l'.iii luiii''. " tJ- Thv re authorized Aprnt i.r tbe - '''farmer, and Mrerhser. - . : . I MATHER & iljnOTT, I fcrctcssons TO nCKLY, - I Advertising -Agency, ;- "BROADWAY. M.u.vukk.. At -ISER We Mean Wliat Wc Say. All those owing us, by Note cr 'Account, not paid up this fall, are iioiifkd if they are not paid by the l:h cf December next, we shall place then in the hands cf the rro per officer for collection Ly law. No respect to persons; dl will he treated alike. D.J. MARTIN & CO. Brownville, Oct. 31, 1SC0. 3t Blew DOWD The wind got on an unusual high, last- Monday, and nfier Mowing down numerous signs around town blew off the spire on the cupalo of tha First Presbyterian Church. Fre.Sll DrilSS. John Mauw has a freth supply of Drug?, Medicines, pizen, &c. See 1 N MSIMMC A KATiilKK 1 In From ihv 3iI;3- ast Mr. J. vho has Veil ni att: 1 iLis pace, day ai id SIHI' Coming: BriCli. On Monday ast Mr. B. Cif a pmas another of the coir prtny who left here a year ago for Texa, returned to this place with his family. They'll all come back. Telegraph (i Ft Kearny. The Tel egraph is now compfeted from this place to Ft. Kearney, to which place messages can now be transmitted,. ;Jt will". proha- not be extended any farther this si-a- f On c. th ng't y.y I .nrty a a Spring." r.i y i;n P. ruirii-.c II.' will o back ill ! i r: .1 1 . (J looking n - ii.;) ' . J i Mr. J. II. xMorbi- D.. Smith. Geokce R.ihj.v . 11 of this v i-?ivo not, however, U. - ' S itCYival. The Methodist Epi--.rpal cf the church have been having a y.i' ractcd mating injthis place toi the ras: ten days or two weeks. Quite revival prevails, and numbers have been added to the church Let the good work ro cn. Lltterarr Association in another iOi'imn WJ1 t'C IUUI1U liit j,ihi.u.i.0 . ni BrJwnville Library and Lilterary iUM iatini Th' evenings are now gel ling onir r. and tar. be ploaantly and Profitably .-pent by a course of lectures nd dt-batei. Let the next meeting be a full one, and let us have a larger mom- It J :ill 1.4 ------ f COOi PotalOCS. Mr. Dougherty i this' county had in town on Monday ast a wapon load of the finest potatoes 've ever.saY raised anywhere. One left n our office weighed 2 1 r2 nnds. Wr hiak the load wotild avtUv" 1 I'r. K wrny. . ' r,- ii;J..iit.d "a goo-l turn,' to our d F'JIwT!h, onerator at that Li- "valrable" private dis sWi'U litfout there in-the Spring, and LritiL" Jilong with us "'Paddy Miles' Boy, Toodles, and other1 Poets "j ; ; eld Iri "pint" patch. Honors Fitly Bestowed-' In early life, Mrs. Edwin D. Morgan was a Milliner, and Mrs. Nathaniel P Banks, a factory girl. Yet a Prince of the Royal House of England, and heir ap parent to the Throne, has dancod with loth thee ladies, who afford such proof of the elevating character of Republican institutions; and he no doubt considered he wa'a honored quite as much as they we- re ' " ' The Telegraph Line which conveyed the Dispatch to Nebraska City announc ing the awarding of the Certificate to Morton. Operateor, Ben. Rogers. Tm& unknown. Line cut! (with a whip.) ach. T1C .TclCSraph..We ore informed !.y Mr. Sticknty, the gentlemauly oper ator "in this city, that the receipts of nf this office for. the month of . September Was only SI 03 33, and for the month of October, they were S1S5 M. This -hows a very handsome increase. Next '-nonuYwe venture the receipts' will be 'over $303. j That Com' we have been speaking about, has nmcomt! to hand yet. We'll get out of the n'otioj) afu-r a while, and then nothing hut ihe "poiisM will answer. "Stick n pin there." Geld IZTZ To Homkr Johnson, . f this city, who has ju.-t returned from he- mines, wi- ar ind"bt, d for spfcimns f seven (hreni virities nf'pold bpar- cuartr. oltainod in ditrcrent sections :f the Tike's Peak Gold country. We low have quit1 a oollfriion of specimen rom ia" g; r'rins; imv room in abinet for monv Result in Indlann.- Lane.s"( licr. j maioritv icr Ucveu over Hendricks in ZD coi",h is Ther-e counties ;Tavo a D-rr.ocratic ity in 1 Lsn"1 u. ijcnty in the State wi.'I be 10,000. The Senate is Republi can by a majority " cf six, and the House by a majority of twenty four. This en sures a Republican Senator in place of Fitch. Good chousfh!" terday, to he: : Cassius M. Clay. The city was tcautiruliy illuminated lastnizht and 1,000 Wide Awakes with torches pa raded the principal streets. o , ' Bostox, Oct. 30. ootithworth Bamesi a leading merchant ari'J a well known citizen of Jiylesworth, CGajtnutedsjicide yesterday by drowning. Ls.uifi was mental depresiioa.. h n reported that a mackerel schooner loucheter,' was recently run down j;' a steamer in a dense fog, near Cape Conio, end, after floating two days, water ,0gred. Seme of the crew were washer! on-rboard. The remaininir nin moL- I 7 -. - w V w IV t0U fthich capsized, and '.two men were utoured by sharks. The remaining seven rvcorrreJ t'je boat, when two more died 0 " ryation. The survivors were re covered t.ya Portuguese vessel and car ried to St. Domingo! . PniUDELPriM, Oct. 30. - The jury in the case of Wm Byerely tried on the charge of forinir the -Iec-tion returns of the 1st' Comrreasi'mal dis trict thus defeating . Mr. Lasmath. ilif. D, i . eniocratic candidate, brought in a ver dict of guilty. Washington, D. C, Oct. 31: ...As much has been said in the public prints about the re-coining of gold dollars into pieces of larger df nomination, it may he stated that: orders for-, that purpose have been issued from the Treasury De partment In two special cases only. Ft. Kearney, Oct. 31. The Telegraph line to this poi'ct is"' now , :; rr:r'etcd, nni c; . for. busings. . .On the i-Tih, v.i: , was quite -ttonr.y ; ; :::!::.'Lr s iv-v to-dav. T' Thcr:-rrfrtpr i t;anJ.s at 33 deer. U. L. Eugles, of Monmouth, .-. Iowa, was lefrby his party at the hospital here. He died .on the 27th, and was buried in the graveyard here. He was well taken care bfft"v , " , T Capt. Crossman, with his" company of infantry from the Pawnee Agency wjll he stationed here.4 .; ' J- ' J " 1 v l The Surgeons here are embarrassed by the frequent application of sick and indi gent returning Pike's Peakers; there be ing no other Government point. Nu merous parties of emigrants going both East anaV'YVest." ' St. Louis, Oct. 31. A row occurred here last night, be tween the Breckinridge and Lane Club, and the Douglas Civic Guards. The fight lasted about an hour: during which time clubs,-stones, torches; &c., were freely used. A number of th participants were badly bruised, but no one killed. ' The police finally dispersed the crowd. New York, Oct. 31. Pator Rossiens, who recently abscon ded from Havana with S20.000 belonging to the firm for which he was book-keeper was arrested here yesterday. O A c3 a 3 ' v- - -1; a "3 ' -a a - n 5 . rf - T! Si d c I f q r a p i) i c I 3?J" Aclxrortioor. IrSjr tho Si. Joseph, Itrownville ar.J Denver Telegraph, STKBBINS LINE, OJfice corner of. Main end First Street. Wasiiinglon, Oct. 25. The posiuon of the Post Office Depart ment is this: The public- demands facil ities like those of London and Paris. The Dpanment is- anxious to grant them, but claims that it ran be done only by having a monopoly f the business, wiiich it is endeavoring to secure by th onforc -fii- iit f th- laws Hninst private pres- it nir-eti ;?5c- its i'S1- i ; i -r-1 c e. 7. i h - t : : c K - 0'n-1.;. F ',H2to"t -. j ? t 1; Jr u,3 S ?H r) o 2 55:'?"" - is 5 rt P J - " a K -icJ rf.: r. r - - 2 -J 1 2 a a. 5 ;r Amrrlfin Telesrraph Company. Wr v a' Of V-1 'j' "i 'ur tabh. with a n-jUest a rnt:pM t y R W. Riell ' v ; -lioiii"-' cf the ' ' Mipa-sv. in reply i' . - . 1 ; v A.. S. Hevrit, v 1 :. 1, O. A Fi Id. and oth .v nothing in regard to the ",- .d hearmj "but one side f ?t ion' before us, choose to say t : '.'HI Mar M1M1 ,.l- The i.' with wiiich oi-ca i iis ntuch e mbarrasf-ment. Th-- Secretary if the Navy has direc-t:-d '. (' Hinian-I r of the Nary Yard at V--ii-.m ui.-i to inv' stiL'-'e the charge re- throuirii the newspapers f the Marine corps, V crucifiction. Omaha, Oct. 25. a 1 wid '.:n.:i-eriMter, representing him selia.s L. D. pjuil hng, passed on Messrs. Barrows. Miiiaid & Co., -bankers of this city, 81,2"J5 n ounterfieit ten dollar bills upon the Kmk'.-f the Interior, of Alba ny, New, Y ! . for which he received their drafts ,, Gibnan,& Son, New York for SI. 000 and t'J-5. It is supposed the cc.iintt rftit. r i;tv jrone East. Payment has been Mopp. d on the drafts. The counterfeit is w 11 executed. 1 6C A n'riJnt icur'red M tt b'- i 2J10n.-tne November number CU-U il.ia u.orumg at Ft Griffith, between ravo-nte -ujoiiir tb ladies is upon 1 iM tmi and ili-s! arre, at thePennsyl h' ires to day ?hoi A - s: a a .o - , i n r, s 5 AS. tpcrioat ani Stomachic preparation of IROX pande4 ui Osyea aii'l C. Ix'ti by cjuibiiition ia Hydro KCu. Sanctioned by the hihest JUedical Authorities, bath in Earopfa and iho Ciil'.eJ States, aad preicribed iu meir practice. The experience of thousands dally pr&res that do proparatiuii of Iron can be cot) pared with It. Imparl, tie of the blood, deprestfion of vital er.erfry, pale an otberwite tickly coiuplexion indicate in ueceMitj' almost every conceivable cae. ltuioxi.jus In all lna'-a'hea in wbicb it has teen tried, has proved ab.-lutely curative in each ol thefollowing Coin yiint. Tlx : - In Deiiility, Xcrvous AtTcctlons, Emaciation, liyspepftia, onsli pntf on, ScrofuIui Tuberculosis, Salt lilieum, Hsmcnstruatlon, t, i,iiiorsi.f, juivcr tom plaints, IllKiiiiuatisisi, . Chronic Ileadaclies, Zntcimittent Fevers, 1'inipies on tiic i'ace, &c. In caiesof GENERA L DEBIL1TV, whether the result or acute disease, or of conlincc-J diminution of ucrvoua and miiBCular euer?y from chronic complaints, one trial of tfcjs restorative ha prove-J succeikmi to an extent which no description nor written attestatin would ronder credible. Invalids so long bed-ridden as tohavn become forgotten in their owiUiCiKhborhoois. ha mi.i denly re-appeaned in the busy world as if Just returned irorn protracted travel in a distant land. Some very signal instances of this kind are attested of female sufferers, emaciated victims of apparent martsmns. sanguineous exhaustion, critical changes, and that com plication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physiciau has no nan.e. - la XERVOC3 AFFJCCT10N3 of all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this preparative t iroa mat oece-itriiy b? salutary, for, ite o,d cjtide.i, it M v:i-;ro:isij tviiic, uu&out i-eirn? exc;tinjt ana overac.ici.'5 and g-wt!y, regu!arly ajxT.iji.t, evea it! the nxt tbsunatC2e ol c-ostiTena without ever leiiijtt.!r;c purjtive, or Icaicting It ii ihi latter prornrty, atnon others, wlacU makes It l rctuariaLij ao.i ii Mrw.ceut a reaiedy tvt iiet, upon wUich-it also appears to exert a distinct and spocillc action, by Uisperjlng the local tendency which forms them. - In DVSPKPSIA. Innumerable as are its causes, single box of these Chalybeate Pills has often sufficed for the most habitual cases, including the attendant Cosirene la unchecked DiARRHCEA, even when advanced to DYSEXTARY, confirmed, emaciating and apparently nitiuunnt., the elects have been equally decisive and astonishing.1- -' .... In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength, debilll tatingcouKh, and remittent hectic, which generally in dicate 1SC1PIEXT CONSUMPTION, this remedy ..has allayed the alarm of friends and physicians, in several very gratifyiuir and interesting instances. In SCROFULOUS TUBERCULOSIS, this medicated Iron has had far more than the goods effects of the most cautiously balanced preparations of iodine, without any of their well known liabilities. The attention of females cannot be too confidently In vited to this remedy and restorative, la the cases pecu liarly affecting them. ; - , In RHEUMATISM, both chronic and Inflammatory In the latter, however, more decidedly it has been invari bly well reported, both as alleviating pain aud reducing the swellings and stiffness of the joints and muscles. In INTERMITTENT FEVERS it must necessarily be a great remedy and energetic restorative, and its pro gress in tho new settlements of the West, will probably be one of high renown and usefulness. No remedy has ever been discovered in the whole his tory cf inedicin, which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects Goxxl appetite complete diges tion, rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual dis position for active and cheerful exercise. - Put up in flat metal boxes containing 60 pitis, price CO cants per box; for sale by druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to anv address on receipt of the price. All letters, orders, etc., ehou'.d be addressed to R.B.LOCSE&CO., GEX. AGENTS. SO Cedar si., N. T. A'tgcst 2, C0 ly. " INPECTINE. Tho Persian Fever Charm,. : For the prevention aud cure, of i-'r n1 Ague and Bilious Fevers. This iVwr.derm! resney wm brought to toe kiowie-isre f t;.r-: -edcr.t p-vrri'Mt rs by a frind tin ha W'lintiiMll'iv'' ;t:'1 T'.r; the H-ily Laud. V.'Lii ie s j.: - 'a n t;: rn-.-er K j! fri-lps. fee expert eoc ei a severe cf Fevorand .-Jas. Oa discovering his cn '.i ki!i, c; e t f V Jt-jsiDifsi f . plcet. an l;n;iii.!ri2' "yr h ..J .v l'cvx will toucn ti,.'.-. iv.u'h !ucieduious as to its virtues; he com iiiied, itid experienced immediate relief, 'and has since alwys fjnnd it an effectaal protcctio:: from all mala rious orMpUuitf. On fnr:U:t-uive.'.igd,.i'.'!i Le f-ii.nd that the boatman attribute.: .. ittj.i.'i'.- ' "i - n. v.-., n-l'i that it only could be ned I'Ctn il.cj. ri,t .; tho -vin. Sometime afterwards, the veritlc-M iii :ti 0'..;lvxiug' with a Priest obtained from him the secret of its preparation, ar.d as certaiued wiiere the medicinal herbs were found, of which il Wa compounded. Td wonderful virtues of this article havo induced a full belief in the minds of the natives in the miraculous healing powers of their Priests, Since bis return lo Amerlcti, it has been tried with the happiest effect by several Ladies and Gentlemen of high character, who have given it the most unqualified paoise. This remedy haviug been a specific in Persia Tor hundreds of years, for the prevention and cure Fever and Ague and Billions Fevers is now offered to the American People. ' It will he sent by mail, prepaid, with full directions fouss, ou receiptor one dollar. Principal Depot ond manufactory, 183 Main Stleet, Richmond, Virginia. Uranch OSlce, Bant of Commerce Bui Idi nir, New York. - ' Addresss, JOHN WILCOX St Co July, ton ly 1 ' A Benevolent Institution established by special En dowment.or thsreliefof the sick 6d dtstresstd, cJP.icted ir-Met .id Ept&tmic Disease. THE Howard Ai.ociat:0n, ia view of tbeawrul distruc tionof human lire catued by Sexual diseas-s, and the deceptions practiced crotuhe uniortunate victims of stub disease by Quacks, several years ago directed tUtr Con sulting Surgeon, as a charitable act worthy cf their name, to open a cis;nry for the tre.ment of tbla class of diseases, ia all their forms, and to give Helical Advice Gratis to all who apply by letter, with adfscnp tionof their condition (a.-e, occnuation. tabits of lif- Ileport of Grand Jury in Kenraivl to a Jail In 'en-alia County. "'a th houbrab'.c, the iemab ccuntj district Court, now in idiiion, tha fUowicj repert ij ajost re?recffal!j set m;t:d. -'"St we.tbe un ler:,3f.I,Cr.r.i Jurors efNTflAh Coant, fia-l that there is no jail orothr suiU' Iu luilaicgiQ the cour ij f--r safo-keepicjef crlatna's; that ia conjouern-e, critno3 go tupaaished, cTnd erj against the !si itkry) aJ justice is net adiaiiitcrcvl. Thai tie coaaty Laj been at a Tory largi expeni heretofore in providing for the safe ke-jinscf olTnduri (su2:i;at to put npsucabuLI- 'l'hii wo tlmt tl-.e Cocnty CommUsionej-j hive at a - o a c . o 2 : - iT ? 5 ; j "a, tr-H s-tji i I Zz J.s 2-3 .--ra 2 r s t, a -m o - c Xew 1- - u m O m o V a c ) i"t. l i'L th 1 th :eop 1 to cn o o o o Eh 3 at s Wcww! c i, a m u. C 3 C o T3 O I- Cf m -a n e 3 i s 5 c c s Z. l ""T .. e.E'S? 3 0 t . O : - P - 5 2 fc- c . 3 i, 2 . e . tn - 4j c c a ? k b c a 3 2 OlAaila vi;ho;;r tins njonllilv. Personal. w pWas,-i t() nm-t n this city last week, our old fri u.l Hon. M. Kirkpatbick. of Cass County. Ir. K. is one of the pioneers and solid nen cf Cass County, and of the Tern ary. ; Legal . Notice. " Martha Meek, ) vn V Divorce. Pamucl II. Meek. ) Nvtnaha county Dintriet Court, nf the Second Ju dicinl LHntrict, JTcbrasl-a Territory. The defendant in this enso Samuel HMeek, will take ivtice that on the llth day of Aujrust, A D. ISmO, the ptaintilTnied a petition against him praying for a (In-on-e anil alleged Hmonj otner tntng' lor earn d:vi.r.-- lto? neglect f duty and tutal abandon- nipnt: and that Mid petition will be fr hearing ntthncxt term of the District Court r.ftho2nd Judicial DiftrW t in Neujaha county of Nebraska Territory, to be beun and held in Drownville on the 21th da vol September. ISDO. MARTITA MEEK. By .1. D.N.Th-mps'in. her Atty. Brownvitlc Anz. 16,-4t H!lIlner7;Goods.--Mr3. ii EWETT as recieved ,her fall stock of goods and an now accommodate th ladies of Brown- ille and 'vicinity with the latest fashions sd styles of goods. BrownTlllc Texas ts BroriTlIIc teljrXSka. We notice a number of our astern exchanges in publishing general :ispatches from' this city date them, tome "rotv "Brownville. Texas" and others Brownville Missouri.' ' We believe :ereare rfb Telegraph oTTices at either :rovnyille, Texas, or. Brownville, Mo. Ve don't know where the fault i; with "ie operator at St. Louis, .cr the publish rs. Pleasehereafter, see that dispatch s from the Brownville, Jfthraska, have i.e preper credit. : ' We Will Purchase Wheat As money i scnrcc,we will pay ingix-ds forwheat 65 cent5prbtihel : and for flour $2,75 per hundred pounds. Wo will furni.h sacks for wheat and re reive it. cither at our Store in Brownville or at Melvin's Mills. I). J. MARTIN A CO. BmwnviJle. Oct. 20. IS59. otP-5 vaiuirnal company - works; Acarcon-'t!i-rur 12 iiiinrs 1 5i : icd for the mine mi .-.f, 1.50M u . t. When half .v:jy, mm tup- brok-.aiid ilu- tar was pre- ij natt d to tin- bottom. Ciht mn were instantly kill d, two are not expected to live. The balauce were saved by jumping irora tne car. New York, Oct. 25. The subscribers to the testimonial lo the officers and crew of the Miunie Sha fer, who rescued the passengers of the steamer Connaught. met yesterday and distributed the fund as follows: S 100 to the mate, S100 to each sailor; and S3,- ouu to Captain "Wilson. The city Life Insurance Companies have also settled S150 per annum for life upon Capt. Wil son, to be continued to his wife if sVte survives him. Atchisos, K. t., Oct. 25. Seventeen thousand pounds of fiour, ! corn meal, and potatoes arrived to-day ! from Illinois, and several teams fro.n the ! destitute portion cf southern Kansas. ' which were in waiting, were loaded and ' Started tnr ih Tlinru ........ e:ic f il: Spx'i.iI Drcaii. and n iheXfi'.V ltKMK- r..:...l w.. . - - . t l'IKb enit!ii e-l in ilie Dispe f.'n iiuujiy uiiniMiieu irom tniS pcilll live -i-eal(Hl lener envelope freof fiitrg... QouiartJ Association i- Moffat's Life Pills : Pn(ENIXAMBITTERS, ' These medicines have now been ief ore the public for a period of thirty years, and during that tune have msintMiied a high character in almost every part of the Globe. f-T their extraordinary aud Irnniediat. power of restoring perfect health to persons suffering under near ly every tind of disease to which the- human frame Is liable. - The following are some of the distressing variety f human diseases In which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to b infallible. Dyspepsia, by thoroughly cleansing the first and sec ond stonjaeh!-, and creating a w of pure healthy bile, Instead ef the stala acrid tmd, licuiencf, Loss er Ap petite, Heartburn, lleaddche, IVestless ness, Ill-temper, Anxiety, Languor, and ileiancholy, which are ihe gen eral symptoms of Dyspcps'a, will vanish, as a natual couseouence of its cure. ' Costiv mess, by cleansing the waolelengtn of the in testine with a solvent process, and without violence; all violent purges leave the bowels costive within two days. JVrert, of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regu lar circulation, through the process of pernpiratiou lu nicli Cde8, and the thorough solution of all intestinal obstruction in others. The Lif Medicines have beea known to cure tism permanently in .hrec weeks, and uouf In half that time by removing local InSauimation from the cius- .e and ligaments from the joints. -5. . Dropsies Of all kinds, by freeing and strenRinening tin kidneys and bladJer; they operate most ceng&tfui ly en these important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remeity for the worst cases of Gravel. Also Worms, by dislodging from the turning or me boweis the sliaiy. matter to which thee creatures ad here. .r " f L ' I '- ' '. .; Scurvy, Ulcersna Inveterate Sores, by the perfect purity which these Life it edibines give to the blood, and nrt all the humors. ' ' Scorbutic Eruptions and had complexions, by their al ternative effects udou the fluids that feed the i kin, and the morbid itate of which occasions all eruptiTe com plaints.. sa!low,clou ly, anuouipf unieiwiuiin ii.n. ' The usoof these pills for a very short fime, will effect an entirecarc of Salt Rhenm aud -a sinking -niprote-Kiein in the clearness of the skin. Comiuou Colds and Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by two ia the w ri cases. prr.ES. The orisinal nroprietot of thee medicinei. wascnrelof pile of thirty-five years standing, by the use of the Life Medicines alons-v Fercr and Ague For this scoirga of the Westem Conntrv, these" iledicines will be found a sxfe, speedy nt rprta'.n remcdv. Other medicines leuve the system subject to a return of the dis-case cure by these medi rine is permanent try tbem, bo satisfled and be cured it r, ions Fevers and Liver Complaints. General !) hiiitv loss of appetite, and Plseases of Females the Mp.'.-riccs have been used with the most beneficial re suits in cases of this description: Kings Evil, and Scrof uIh in Its worst forms, yields to tlie u.ild, yet pewer fnl action of these reuiavkshle Medicines. Night Swets Nervous debility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Pal pitation of the heart, Painter's Colic, are speedily car- til . Mercurial Disease. Persons whore conHitutions have become impaired by the injadicions use orilercnry will Ond these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never Tail to eradicate from the system, all the effects of the iterenry, infinitely sooner thanthe most powerfnl prep arations of Sarsaparilla. - W. B. MtFPaT. ... ZZ5, Broadway, New Tork. - . : Jcly 5, 1860, Jy , r ' : SHERIFFS SALE.: - , 4.c.)andincaseol exremepoverty,tofiirnib medicines Fl'fpr.r. I , i.u itr.i or ftiwj av.j.ars lor suca free of charce. It is neei!es to add tiat f., At.--,, purpose sa-'.-cct to t':a Vote of th9 county at the en- tion commands ttte highest Jdedical skill of the ago, nd will fnrnUb the Most approved modern treatment. The Directors or the Association, in their Annua! Ee nual Keport upon the treatment of Sexual Diseases, ex press the highest satisfaction with the -nccess v.-Jiich has attended the !ab.')iof tfceir Sargeons in tLe cure of Sper matorrhoea; Seiui::al Weakness; GvUnrrhoea ; Gleet Syphilis ; the vice of Ona;;im se!f-aak?, disease i-i Ihe Kidneys and Bladder, &.c. and order a uiuttnuauce of tbe "ime plan for the cnsnini rear. . The Directors, ou a review or the past, feel assured that their Ul-yrs l:i thi ihere of benevolent effort have been of , grea; b .n 3; t; tha nffiisied, especially to the yoong. and they have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important and much Ue- pisc. cause. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness, the vice of Onanism, ilasturbation or self abuse, andothor d iseases or the Sexual organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, will be sent bv mail (in sealed envelope) FliEK CK CnARGK, on the receipt ot TWO STAHP3 for postage. Other reports and Tracts on the nature arid, treatment of Sexual diseases, diet, fcc., are constantly being pnbllshed for gratuitous distribnticn, and will be sent to the aSllcted.. Some of the new re medies and methods of treatmnetsdiscovered daring the last year are of great value. ' ' Address for Report or treatment, DR. J. SCILLTJf HOUGHTON-, Acting Snrgecn, Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia. Uy order of tho Directors, . " jZRA D. n ART WELL, President. Ko. PAiRcrtiL-D, Secretary. July 14, 16-M-ly OREGON NURSERY. E ! it - i".S tv C0i PiUi i 1. 1 1 j'1 O IIS. O'TO Tl i. . . 1j LOi i a-LO Tbe uidei'ji.c ed Lav aluc if en eonvir.e 1 of the want of first class Nursery in tha West, where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS &C, Can be adapted to oar climate and soil. In view of these fact.i, we l ave established one a this place, and hare now in successful oultivaton. which we of fer for sale at Wholesale or Retail, Tho coming season, a large and well elected itock auited to fbis climate, of Apples, tarda-rd and dwarf; . ' Fears, r;andard and dwarf; , Cherries, standard and dwarf: Peaches, Plums, ' Apriwtv ,r, . . , . r - Nt!tarine, " . Qoinee,' ' - Grapei, ' ' i Currents, ' ' Oooisberrlee, Raspberries 8 trawberries aad Blaokberrlei, Evtrireens, Ornamental Trees, and Shrubs, Greenhouse and Uedding Plants, Koiss, Dahlias, Ac., Ac, Ac. To which w would beg leave to call tha attention of the poopla of Western Missouri, Nebraska, Kan sas and Iowa. ,. JSf'Onr termii will be as low ai any reliable east ern Nursery. ' By purchhsinj of ui the expense of transportation from the east cube saved. All trees and plants are carefully labeled and packed in the beut manner for any part of the Unit ed States, for which a charge of tha actual coat only will ba made. No charge will be made for the deli very of packa"!) on board stearcbo s. All eomrnua;.-U':ov!a -fned totha nader!jne4 will receive pre Err i :tz II.lI.DUriCTIESACO. . . ST. JOSEPH, ft -r f-W fV- r- MO. Two xtcnsive""uc!cn Factories are is SUCCESSFUL OPERAIOX, - ONE NEW AND FITTED UP With all the Latest fine Improvement-. VTe are iretr"d. to manufactare to order.aad havo for sale tho following Goods: Satinets, Heavy and Light, JEJJjyS T WEEDS, FLMWELS wnrrr:, colored, HTr.iPEn and plaix Xj 3T x2l raj o 37" est Fulled li.'iseys, Colored White and Mixed, 11-2 Yards wide. FULLED CLOTH, Biackets.of ali Kinds antl all .Qualities, YARN'S 0? ALL SIZES AND COLORS, Warranted all Goods of tha best material. l3FWe will exchange tha above Goods for "Wad or cash. Fancy Dyingr 4o Order. We will pay cash for any amount of Wool, at Market Prices. Flour corstactly on handforiala. Thobeitprioa paid for wheat, N.liUEL & SON. August, 23, 1S50. BUELL A DIXOI. A Benevotent fntf itution established by special En- j dovment for the Relief of the Sick and Ihttresietl j aJZ'itfd with Viru'rnt and Epidemic Disrates ai d j especially for the Cure ff Diseases of the Sexuz! ; Organs ; MEDICAL ADVICE given cratis. by the Ac ir.g Sjree n. i sli wh apply by letter, wish a dernp i n cf their c.Mc"i:ioii (.ee occupation hahitof life o ); and in cMses ni cxiienic poverty, Medicines la'i!i.-V. t ire r ' V'anub'e Ilea rt on SyermaioThocJ. and . d s- Jlli-'f-h ',il. t')i-'Ui--.t.t- i ' fi iv. tt.iir.ft-J p. J. K;.!!ard U. G .o"!'.' .'! K: LEGAL NOTICE. Fratna, PPiTv Nemaha County District " ri , , ( Court 2d Judicial distriotNe Joshua G. Abbi.d'ft J braAa Territory. In Equity. To Full Term, A. 1). 1865. Joshua G. Abbe, tho above named defendant, will take notice that the above named plaintiff, B. W. Frame, did. on to-wit, the 30th day of March, A D lSfill, fiio his jietitiom in the above named, district Court within and for Nemaha County Nebraska TerT ritorj, agninst tho said Joshua G. Abbe, setting forth, thnton,to-wit, the 27th dayof Dccembcr,A D ISiS.the said defendant did make, execute and de liver unto the iaid plaintiff a certain mortgage, cm the following described property, viz : lota 4 and 5 ia block 57, lots 6 and 7 in block 85, lota fire' and Six in block one hundred and thirty-nine, lots 9, 10, 3, and 4 in block fifty-nine, lots 10, aud 11, in block fifty-six, lot twelve in block one hundred and eight, lots ouo, two, sevon aud eight, in block fifty-eight, lots five and .six, in block ope hundred aud forty, lots one and tx, iu Llock fif tj-seven, lots three, four five nnd six in block .sixty four, lots seven and eight in block oh 5 hundred and seven, lot nine in block oao hundred nnd thirteen, lot twelvj in block one hundred and seventeen, lot one in block one hun dred aud seven, and block one, as numbered and described iu the published plat of tha town of Peru, in Nemaha county Nebraska Territory, to secure the paymenfof five hundred dollars, according to a cer tain bond referred to in said mortgage, and praying thatsaidJosbaaG. Abbo may pay tbe said aunt now claimed to be due, or that the said premises may be sold to pay the same, and the aaid Joshua G. Abbo is notified that ho is retjuired to answer, the said petitionon orbeforo thc-lTtb day of September, a D 13Gi, cr the petition will be taken as true and the prayer f him the said plaintiff will b granted by the said Court . ' - - JOIIXSOX A BEDFORD, f Attorney's for Ilaintiff. Attest - ALLEN BLACKER, Dist,Cierk, By T W Bi:rTORT Deputy. Ordered that the foregoing be published for four consecutive weoka ia tho Nebraska. Advertiser p.. 7Jy T.W. Bedford, Dy. ' Brownvillo. Ang. Mb,lS50. 4w-S12 i0 Sals. t I IV' t CO 5 7 C..ia:. ;; i:!.l -li.-l .! . ii. -"intid.- v, i..f. 'OVl t r Ui A X .'. ri Administrator's Bv order t,f the Probate Gurt of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory. . On the thirteenth day of Oct., A. D. 13(50, at one o'clock. P M, of said day, before tho dK-r c: the Post ofiics, in the City of Peru, in Nemaha Coub- ty, N; T., will be sold to the highest bidder, tho following dc?ribed real estate, as the property of Neheroish Stic3,deceased,to-wit: the west half of the north-west quarter of section no five township no nix, north if rac'jy no fifteen, east of the sixth principal meridian, in Nemaha county. Also, the west half if the south-east cjnartcr of section no thirty-two, town shin no pvfn. north of rn rare fifteen, east of th :"r: l:a,:, in tHoe county. Also, tec i Neu..iha c nr'y, vit : :i i. i--i '. '-.! sii:i-r cioiLio:!, ar.a ms earnestly rouest the attou tiouof the c;iisoiJ3ii' tULi County to tha cecesjity cf auch hu'.' iiu AU of which is ia st rejv G:or-9 John IT. i.'acn. Adrian H ,t;U;5:I!, iluh P;;kt.r, T. .If. TIbvtt,' " Allen Phi::-!. Wm.S.Hi'-hs, J. i. y.TLumwct jsepii Published by order ot t-..-i-U ctfally submittad. V'. Brfton Fo-ersan. A. U. Scovill, John Hrrtiiitan, A.J. Faruain.i " ' T. M. FA.iisri, John Mcl'hersou; J. W.U;r,oett, Gecra W. TU, Laah. GREAT SALE TOWN LOTS ... . AT . ''. m 5 On Saturday, ih6 6ib of. Oc'ober, 1SG0. The town of A?pinwall is beautifully l.ctsd om the Muou.i River, in NcasaLa County, .V'Vs Terr' .ry. on t'.e op -.'r tr.-J .f x. lt is Half l'n-':l I. -?'. The t v-n U ; the rack cr entry t -a U. p. .tf ,j tha bust laiij;, ox ;;) 'ii-. wa:-i River aocre Fort L.itcq- I wcr:'.i, tt .thcr wUh all oher ta-.iiitiea f..r buil-ii: - I J'P town, sch as Sioi., Timber and Stona Coal. Iheraara already built and occupied fifteen good substantial llousej, together with two Rood Dry Goods Stores, tvro trocrics. Blacksmith c'bop, a:id Hotel. The Lots in s-ii towti'"Wi!t ' bo sold to the highest biddai." without reserve. Those wishing to purdhass cannot but ba ploaicd with the location of tha town, and the surrounding country, for ruary miles, is not equaled west of the Missouri Rirnr. Jlnd will he viade known on the day of Salt. By order of the Town Comrany." " A. S . BALLARD, Pres. September 20th, '80:'" 'riolI-3t ' '' " V- ' Sherifl Sale. i LusLbangh St Carson, ; vs. R. B. Stout and James Vf. Coleman,. NOTICE is hereby jriven, that by vittuoof an ezeontion isscod by the Clerk of tha District Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory azainst R.B. Stout and J.iia;s .V Co!em:in and iu favor of Luhbu;iH A i'&r?n f'.r the sum of ono hun dred and sixteen dollars and thirty-three cent, I, J. B. Wells,' Sheriff of Nemaha Count v. Nebraska Territory, have levied upon, and wiil offere r sa!e, at public auction, at the door of the bouse in wine! the last term of the District Court for county, Ncbr.ifka Territory,, was held in llrow i- ville. in said county, on Saturday, the 3d day of November A. D. 1S50. at one o'clock r. Jr., of said diiy, and wilf sell, t the highest bidJsr fwrcash in hand tho following described prorrrtv. to-wit; the north-west quarter of eeetion thh-. y ? e jn-;i fivj, north cf Hang lff-r. OiiJi. f .t I . : .'-t9 acres o.T .f tiia west si lo of tl -- t- tl,nt.-: .artor i cf aiid tjiiiii-tor etfjt'oj, with C. t'n i:.', rvv:u,ti , tooreon, levied npoa as the j rrprty of Jamea V. Colcaaa aud w ill bo sold to tl-Ty "i-:'cution. . ; . J. B. -7LLLS, FV.-riuof Nemahaei.unty. - ly B. it. THOMPSON, Deputy. Brown vills, Oct. 4tb, $753 What Everybody WaiUs. THE -FAMILY DOCTOR CONTAI.Nl.NQ Simp!c TleniPtlies, Has!Iy Obt;iln- ior the 5Jiij-c of IMscsise in PROF. HENRY -S. TAYLOR, M. D rix! h j riuc'va! : ; i i'.-' ri. Vi.ll "I! dr IT tELLa TOr to sttrnd up'-m tbaslck, and hoTto cvl f.M- -I:eai j bow to prepara drinks PouHices &c. a';d also bow t.n guard aE.'t!::-"t h lnfec:ien from contagious DiseaiCi. IT TELLS TOC Of the v.n io9 diseases of Child-en, and gives Uio fce.u and siinplc-t tiiode of treatment durhm Uethin::, convul sions, Vaccination, Whooping-cough, Measles, &c. IT THLL3 TOU The symptoms of Cfoup, Cliolera Infin- tu:n. Chiiiic, l)i.irrhea, Worms scsl led Ifesd, Ringworm, Chicken-pox, &c, mid gives you tho best remedies for their cure. IT TELLL AOU Too trmptomg of Fever and Agr.e, and iii.U!, TeMow, Typhus, Scarlet and other Fevers, ahdsive you the best siuiplcst remedies for their oure. IT TELLS TOC The symptoms of Iufliienx.i. Constmp tioa Dyspepsia, Asthma, Dropsay, the (Sout, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Ery . ., h.c and .gives you the best liemedies for thilir euro. IT TELLS TOU The spmptoms of Cholera Morbtis, Ma lignjut cholera, Small-P.ix Dysontery Cramp, Diseases of tho Bladder, and of the kidneys and Liver, and the best . remedies for their enro. ITTELL3TOU The symptoms of the Mumps. Neural j gia. Apoplexy, Pdralynis. ihe various Diseases of the throat, teeth, and , cyo, and the best remdlcs for their ; cure. IT TELLS TOU Tht hyinptoms of Epilepsy Jaundice the k Piles Iinpture Diseaces of the Heart, . Hemorrhage, Venereal Diseases and Hydrophobia, and gives the best rem odies for their cure. IT TELLS TOC The best and simplest treatment foi wounds, broken bones aud diMoc.itiun sprains lockiaw. Fever Sres. vThile Sweliinffs, Clcers, Whitlows, iJoils, "! ' " " Sc-irvy, burns, and S'jrofnl. . IT TELLS TOC Of the various Diseases peculiar to the rerm!eS.t, and gives the best aiidsim plest ren:edies for their cure, togBther Ritii many valuable hints for the pres ervation of health. The work is written ii plain language, freo from med ical terms, so as to be easily understood, while its sim ple receipos may son save you many times the cost of the book. It is printed in a clear ind open typa; is 11 lustrated with appropriate engravings, and will be for warded to your address, neatly bcaud and postage paid, on tbe receipt cf $1,00. 81,000 A YEAR Can be made by enterprising men everywhere, In sel ling the above work, as oar Inducements to all sucii are very liberal. For single copies of tho Book, or for terms to ajonta with other information, apply to or address- ' JOHN K. POTTER. Publisher, So 617 Sansom Street Philadelphia, Pa. " TRUST SALE. WBKSEAS. on the Slst dayof August, A t, I5CS, Benjamin G. Toung, for the purpose of securing to Ben jamin F. Luxhbaiigh and J .hn L. Carson, or bearer, the sum. of two hundred and eighty dollars, as evidenced ty his promiss'-ry note, tearing dte as aforesaid, payable twelve months after d.ite, conveyed to the undertigncd John L. Carioa, in ttiist, the fol Sowing described real estate ia Johnson county, !chrafia Territory, to-wit : The north half of the northwct quarter of sectiua no. twenty-fl'.-e an J the snuta half of the southwest quar ter ol section twenty-four in township four north cf range ten east of tliu 6th principal meridian. And; whereas, it is provided in sii J Deed of Trust if the sum so secured to Luhbangh and Carson was not paid then b7 tbe 31st day cf August, a r, lSd9, the un dersigned was aclhoi iied to sell the property therein conveyed after advertising ihe same thirty days in soma newspaper printed in the Territory of Nebi aska, at pub lic auction at the door of the office or the County Cierk of Nemaha County, in Brownvilie, Nebraska, to exe cute a deed to the purchaser to pay off the amount there lu secured wit b inter est costs, expenses, and a reasonable ot:orney's fee ; nd tw hjld the remainder subject to tha order of said Toung. Ar.d, r-hcreas, the s.ii-l E?ri;amia G. Touog.tas fsllel to pay said note or any part thereof, therefore: Notice is hereby given ttat by virtue of the authority to ma giveu bvsaid Deed of iru-t, I will on Monday, October 5lh, 16C0, at the di.r of the efflce of the County Cierk oi N'oniafca Ounly in B.-o'vr.vil ie, Xebraika, tetwecn Jbe honrs of 6 o"ciiK 1: a m and 3 o'oclock P m of said day sell said real eststcat public auction to the hiRhest bid der for cash, and up-o tuch sale and payment of the pur chase mosey, will m ike, esccuteand dcliverto the pur c' ri-e-or i-urcb-i s, l';j& T a deed or deeis for said n-a' e'-oie .'Oil N' L. CARSOX, Trustee. , U-.-vuviilft.X. T.. .-.T-: iCifc. 1W. 12-4t-$I0 ..- 1 1.3 ATTORNEY AT LAW, FALLS' CITY, XI i c I i i-Til 3 i Oo.. TT. T '--ii rr?x-lViT ,11 ii 4i l.i i.'i.lintV,' .CTcJ-K:, Tw-i r three Stamps p tice wi'i liesTcn'uhis C n . ' ...... .-ftiuiji.i miiiii", -iv-i I. u ui uuur, groceries, noiaiups. ptc. rrint ot : rr"n As uihu n.. 3. s.huu xiwsh s tfc: ... ih i 1 1 Winch was sent to the Neosho rnnnirv hundred hushcis of corn and 20.000 and vicinity. " ' " Tolzdo, Oct. 25. Fifteen or twenty thousand people as 6emiled tt Jonesville, Michigau, yes- Philadelphia P. By onier til tlie Dn icuir. KZIt A D HEAUTWKLL. Pres. GEO. Faibchild, Sec'y, Octole.-18 1SSO. nljylj ' ' . Of all kinds, for sale at-ihi offic. . ' - i':lr I'Uolic tUCt!-T!. h'lti.-' where tl." ..';;ru i hold, at ltrvr.-vl n--': ' : th 17th dy of S '' ' - etV'U-r f.r '.-! . b d rri p'i'v. - i; . t-.mol. I'wu ii 7, ' ..T .. . . i acr. with .ill t-i j e,l. "a tha Kibert M. K r tiou. irt-'JU-f"'' uli il. il-.Ud, tind i "ii fdi oil -r bn- f uiid xeeti- - J. U. WF.U.S. Sh-jrifl f cu.nha County , N. T. Brawavilli.Aui;. 15th, I860. -8t-7 50 . -i . .iUl.ty,noi:.-: f . .c . t.r. :t;i rsatvrd-'y. i " i "i"S -.ha iay ! hrarin i r bv U',"i j' d tu .v; t'h'-i.i at tkiv or th-y way fofver h -harnl t'tn mrcmjrMfa e . iljvr.n at Ie: my n.ui.l nnd -Siil t duv of -Ian.;, a B. 1 i t. :re tl The Firt and Last Dun. Wo hT- it . 1 pe-.." n' us. dtTt r by ! note o' account, we 1.. .-t '- .v i nr ; ..'-y, in whet cr .Mon2j by th? first f O. :- b. r i.ext. lo Ours i a ca. b bui n- s ; Cr.'T r.-. when we do C. d- 2 'Kb ij, the pay muste.m -s n-.i v. j n i : and wc i I I need it by t'm.aV'Ve ;i infr. CYRUS W IFHEELLR, D.J. .--IARTLV i CO. rrobate Jad't. RrownvWla, Aazust.a, Fifty Thousand Cop'u3 Jllnil-j Zll.. EVEKYBOdY7 I A YET., cor?:si:HaO:i x:; zzv? :zr;s,j, BY ""-IN A' CROSBY. OF THE I'llILADELPHIA BAIL IT TiLL TOC IIiw t draw tp rarlrertip Ppfra , and gives zcneral fjrms for Agree menu of all kinds, Bilis of Sale.aal Leases and Fe':.ii;2S. IT TKLL TOC How to draw op S.nJs iM 'i:ortrTs. AC Uvits, Powers of Mi tn.ry, S jit and Bilis of rxcl:aie, luei.e:r' si -Kc!ei.-s. IT TILL TOC The laws fjr the eoUertion of deb's wit i tha statutes of Linii'.ation acd arti;.i and klud cf property exempt from execution in every Stare. IT TILL TOC TIow to muka an asiatr.3i pr.-rat'.y, ' wita forms forCumpM;:ioa w r.: crej itors, and tha iasu'.veat Uwi artry State. IT TELL TOC Tha legal reUttonTexistir.j tcta Guardian and Ward, JJjier and A? prentice. Landlord and T;int. IT TILL TOC What ecus tit utcs Lifcel and S.aaJer, at tha law as to marriasa Ouwtr, ti- Wif 's right in prowerty, Djvorea ai.d Alimony. IT TZLLTOCThe Law fr Mecaanics' Liens tn evt'y State, and tha Xalursiiiat.oa Ls of this country, and bow t cocip'y with the same. IT TELL TCC The Law Conccruicf Tensions to otta.n one, aud tie pie-euiptloa Laws to Public Lacds. IT T2LL TOC The Law for Patau, wita mrd of pro cedure in obtaining one, with Inter ference, Assisumenta and Tabit af Fees. IT TILL TOC now tj maka your will, an..' h to a-. minister oa aa Estate, wiia tha Uw and the reiuirements thereof iu aery. State. IT TELL TOC. TU a meaning of Law terms ia gcnaral use, and explains to you tb Lejisla tive Exocntiva and Judiciil Fjer$of both the General and S'.a'.t Govern ments. ITT5LLT0 Dow to keep out of Law, hy show. 2 j how to do your busings ieally, thu savining a vast am ir.nt of property, . and vexatious il:i;;ioa ty iu tiaia ly cvnsaitaf?. S. r r 'e co;.iis w;I. pre 1.1, !srr, evrry aid evco : .-..' : 1 , aw :! of t.. ..- ,000 C-'l be m;.Ja ty euter-,'.;.- A . ' . : js!- Ui.g tne above wUrk, as our iuduceiiisut io ail sua ara very liberal. Tot sii.gia copies of the Bock, or for teraw ts agants, wttb oter iuformarton, apo'.y to or ad fresi, John a. r.iorrER. pnMisher, Xo617Sansom Street, Fbiu ieiyhla, Pa si una CMis mis ,fVD EVAPORATORS I HAVE made arrangements with D0C6LAS BROTHERS, Zanesviiia, Ohio, tha only astabUshment in the United State j. eugaged exclusively ia ta manu facture of Sorgho Sugar Mills, Evaporator. 4.C., by which I can furnuii the farmers ia this region with those much needed articles. Tbe Douglas Sugar HUland Ap paratus were awarded tha First Premium at tha Ohia State Fair; ari l the highest honor at the United Statea ?'.ciety, a silver medal. I am conddeat Farmers :! Nebraska, Kansas, Northern ilissourl and Southern lovracan find no other to suit than better e.;lier in price or otherwise. Capacity and Pries of IZiUs. fee Iron Hellers in StiorglmFnrj:. Xo 0 One Horse Vertical Ifill -presses from23 to 30 gallons of juica per aour prk- $60 $0 i-Oue horse Vertical presses from ?5 to iu gallons of Jnce ppr hior ; rn-"J .m aa Stt 1 ! ett'a 6f-vy, j, 2 i- aorse Vertical pre- fr-rm S3 tj O raises cf jmce per hour; l:i.t Jr:'-. T.rohs..r Verticil (!':! -.r;; -- , e f -I'ta aj to 6a callous juy por - , .- 7 drf! "aorse Vtical ( " e e rins es f r .ui 60 to .OaailuUS 01 juico per uuur , h a 1 w A i a f t do 5 Four horse Vertical (sing! ceared) capa city from 1UU 10 l-o KnoiiB pur uuur do 6 To "horse Uorizontal (ba.'k geared) suita ble to attach toThreshing Machine crotier power, presses from 40 to 60 gallons of juico per hour do 7 Two horse Horlxontat, with vertical shaft to apply lever to. worked ty horses same aa Vertical. presses 40 to 60 zatlons per hour to m do 8 Four horse Horizontal (back glared) suit able to attach toThrehlcg Machine or other power, presses 73 to 100 gallons por hours 150 do 9 Six horse Horizontal (back geared calcu lated for water or steam power, ready for tbe belt, and with capacity to work on a crop of from 13 to 20 acres of Cane, 153 R. iY. FU11JTAS, Ag't. CrmiliYSTMSLl 1 t : dol- 109 H9 100 10O AND Ped Storo t BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. :" ROGERS & BROTHER, ANXOCXCZS to th public that ba has purchased tha Livery Stable and Stock formerly owned by William, K issell and added thereto flue stock, and ia now prepar ed to accommodate the public with Carriages Buggies, Sulkies, Saddles Horses &c. &c. THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC . ... Can find at bis Stable ampia accoxamoJatlans for horses, mules or cattle. 15 K.N JA MIX k J05ZTTA S0G233. Brownville. Oct. 1, 1S6J. nlS-yly LEGAL NOTICE. lite, ) Thomas J. VTcfet, VI Thomas J. Wbi The defendant In the above cans will tak notice that 00 the 18th day of September a. d. 1360, an attach sent was issued against your goods and chatties by J. D. JT. Thompson, a Justice of tbe Peace, within aud or the county of Xemaha, Xebraska Territory, for th rum of fifty-four dollars and Crty-thre cent, that your pro peity has been attached to pay th same, aud that yon are required to appear and answer before saw! Justice at his office in the city cf Brownviliv in said county on or before the 12th day of Xovember, I960, or Judment will be rendered against you and your property will b sold to satisfy th same. moAS j. rr ist, riAintisr. Brownville, Oct. ISth, 1360 nw-$. MASTER COMMISSIONER'S SALE J. Q- A. Smith, Plaintiff, vs B. J. Whitney, Defendant, n, mrinm tf m iYwrt ft I r.rfr UinMt ffnm t.a C!ftrk'a office ef tbe District Court of Xemaha county, in th 2d Judicial District of Xebraska Territory, upon adecre made by said Court at its September Term, a. a. 1S60. in this case : I wiil sell on tbe 23d day of Xovembar, 1360, at the door of Homer Johnson's Hall (the plac wher said Court was last held) ia Brownville In said county, at the hour of 11 o'clock, m. m. the following described real estate situate in said Xemaha county, Xebraska Territory, to-wit: Th northeast quarter of section twenty-five ia township 5 north of range fifteen east ef tbe sixth principal meridian excepting twenty acrt conveyed to Hiram Alderman, April ISth, 1857, also, ten and 67-100 acres, conveyed to Davidson Plasters ; leaving as the part conveyed by said mortgag dead, on hundred and twenty-nine acres and 31-1C9 acres. Terms of sale: cash in hand. JAM 3 S. BEDFOarr, Master Com. Brownville, Oct. ISth, 13S3. nl5-6w-$7. MASTER COMMISSIONER'S SALE rtsj G. H. Wilcox, TVS, TS Davidson Plasters, etalPef' By virtue of a decretal order iiiM front l5ia Ctrk'a efflce of the District Court of Xomaha coanty tn tS 21 Judicial District ot Xebraska Territory, ur-m decree made by said Court at Sept. Term a. d. 1S30, ia t'vscasa: I will sell on tbe 23d day of Xovember, lioO, at tie door of Homer Johnson's Hall (The place where sail Court -was last held) In Brownville ia said County, at the hour of 11 o'clock, a. m., tn f..!I-iwi2 described property . and real estate situate La said Xemiha county, to-wit : The east half of lot no. six in block no. two, frocurj tn Main street ir. thcc'fycf ii-ownvi lie, Xemaha ccc&'.y, -Xebraska Territory, tnd also a one story olive luiidmc inc'uuinjt. the stona uaderpiniu thereof, sltuaf 3 cr th eiot haif or 1st no. 12 ia block no. 20, in sail City o Brownville, adjoining Messrs. Craae 4t Hill's store lot. Terms of sale : cash in bind. JAMES S. BEXJFOSD, Msster Cora. Brownville, Oct. lSih, lcCO. nI3-5w-$7. Dissolution of rartncrslilp Xotice is hereby given that the mercaauu;e bu.Cne heretofore carried oa by the undersitcned, under ti flrtn name of SeiKei and Grcenbaum was this djiy".:y dissolved. David Seisl is authorized to jeitla U business 0? the concern. All persons knowing themselves indebted either by nota K.t aotoTint are hereby roti3ed that ur.lessthey, come forward Immediately aud pay up, the n-.tes and ac orn:.' s will be placed ia the hands of an r. er for 00U lecrloa DAVID sr.iav.1., ; spt,iS39 tt xtx?.T sutuurs. :