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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1860)
.'Li ADVERTISER, I Story iricller. dock. Uiia Strt, Ttnnx-is '"vS.ut." .ill ,,7 rrwlUl.fnrBlb-tItOper (3 1 1 i ! ! tl 'if A1! ! AM II i ! ' ; V. W ' - V- ft. i THE ADVnRTlS i ::iOi "Free to Form and Reflate ALL their Domestic Institutions tn tfcclr CTrn nay, subject cnly to the CcnstUstlcn of the tutted States." Ja juar(iO tines r iss)oiBrtl.. i, - - $1 Mi.b iJi:,uuli&ert;(.a, -------- i - Oa iu.', one jatia, -.- 1'. B'iiiaeCriijof Ulinur:,osrf, - - a onsC -jlncio uae year, -'----- t Otte-htif CuSunia one yesr, n s Oa fjcrili Cviiaraa ou yer, ------ OnetuMb Coiosia cos yasr, ------ i t Ooeeoiaao six mocthi, Hi Oae b;s Cclama nx mootbi, .'t OatfourthColQtnnlxcuint-, ...... n vi On eigaii Colaron iz taoatbi, Oa Coluaa Urea mortis, 15 - OQbirOoln3iTitSreinnth, . -- - )1 -Oa fsartt Colcca lisretKotib, - - - - II ; Oa.i-ti Claoin tbrse moiitht , .... - - OL. V. ; BKOWNVILEK 16 ' 1 - 1 - - ' - - . . . . . NO. S 1 .N fito-- CARDSr A. ICnOIKHIIT S!:hueulidt 1 fill S TO TvIJFjVS at law , ilk; v n oil rcn, .cbraska A. D- ito'racr eiikk. at Law, ! Arc at antl otary ruDiic. UJ, Richardson Co., -JV.. T. J. B. VESTON7- - -' .TTORflEY ATLAV , Brownvill. NebrMka. 0!Tcun STin Street, one dW kbore tte Poet orWU, PreembT I. 1859. TY. TIPTON, Attorneyfat Law, ? x? n II' V riL L E , 13iTD.',GWIN, Havinc: permanently located in .tOWNVILLE,) NEBRASKA, r the practice of Medjcine nd Surgery, ten- hi prolesjioni.1 er icy iv .v.. no23T3 il. . HO LL AD AY, M. D. ,.Ptetrn1l7 Inform, hj. Wlend. In B'owrJlt end d.ete ricinltr tb.t be b. returned tbe practice of sdlclne, Surgrcry, & Obstetric, hoDe.byttricttlentionobieprofeMlon,torcelTe ; PtroDgf bere:ofre extended (o b.m In Vbere it U poibleortpedient, prescription "..tliilbedooe omce.tVJity Drug Store.'M- ir nLLlTjOHNSON, M D., IIYSIC1AN AND) SURGEON, Oae atC. C.Joboion' Lw Offlce, Firit Street, between JCftin ana vv aier, rnnm Htni Lima NEWSPAPERS, AND ' Of 'erery descriptio, for sale at SCHUTZ-& D USER'S .ITEUARY DEPOT, . South-east comer ktain and Second, RROWKVILip, N. T. Sept, ::J, I3i9l f f Dtn B. HEWITT. l. n'tir. I. W. THOMA cGarv, Hcwett, & Thomas,' ATTORHtxb Al LAW SOLICITORS IX illAXCERY. . BrownTlllc, Xpraska. flllorctice In tbe Cocrts of" Xebrsk,nd Kortb tt Musourl. ) UEFE'F.F.NTS . AC.; st PIKES' PEAK GOLD! ITiwill receire Pike'i Pek Gld ' nd dvnce money upon tbe umt, and pay ever balance at proceed a, ,oon as Hint return, are bad. In all cae, we will exhibit tbe printed return, cf tbe United States Hint, BULLION AND EXCHANGE DEOKERS BB0W5VILLE, WBAEKA. .' ' no20v4 Clocks, Watches & Jewelry, J. SCHITTZ Would naouncetotbcitiieD, of Brewnrllle nd vicinity tbat be ba, located biin,eu in TtrnwnTille. andlnten'Ukeepint a full asori. . ?tT . . .,.rwkin in m itnof bulne. whicb will beioldlewfo-ab.' HwHI al,o do all kind, f r palrinK of clolia, watcbe, and jewelry. All work war Jauted. nly ! CITY LIVERY STABLE. WM. ROSSELL, BROWN VILLE, N. T. ' Announce, to the public tbat belt P'P;? modate tbo,e wiping iitb Carriage, and Bugglej, to S wltb good ,afebor,e.,forcomfort and eaaelntra UlUng He tbeday. week or montb- tt-rrji-vs rATORABLr.JCi ' , Jnnel0,'68. 60tf 1859 1859. IIAX.IDAS & ST. JOSEPH R. R. ED FALL ARaAKUEiltSTS. Morning Train leare, St. Jcepb at - - ;00 Kvenine Train leave, do do - St JoEpta U reacbedby tbe Weitern Stage Line - ,.Vnr,,aetime andtireone ,tging by thl route. Rnrclnnectioui made at Hannibal with aUlK.Ucrn nd Southern Hall road, and Packet,. J T D Haywood, SupY, Hannibal. D C Sawi5, General Agent, St. Joe. P B Groat, G. Ticket Agent, Han'bal Theo. Hill. G. T. Ag't, Brownville. NoTember 24. 1R59. 1 Planter's House JOHN M'MECHAN PROPniETOR, Comer of Fourth and Com. Street, rrotsraalin CItyt XToTj. " I'll AN K LIN TYFEiSTEr.EOYVTE;:,;:;.Y- No, Cincinnati, 0. ' ZZczzhzzX Tailor, -jiebB "TiARHoni V BROWNVILLE, N. T. ,i :.. i -V t i i. ii i Adopts thie method of returning tbanka to the gentlemen of this ricinity, for the liberal patron age beatevred upon him heretofore, nd to annonnce that he has ju,t returned from St. Louil with t - FRESH STOCK s Of erery article of .GENTLEMEN'S .WEAR, ... ;r ., . , . Consiitiur of , 'FINE CLOTHS, axrariLZizxi good, Cotton, 'Liswena ano SiLr. Goods, FOR MEN'S WEAR. ! "Woolen. Cotton, and Silk Undershirt, drawers, Vestingt, Half Ho?e, Suspenders, Ac. In short, ev ery thing a gentleman could deire to array himself in th gayest attire. He will sell thegooda, or make snitstoorderin a style equal to any other House vny where, lie asks hut an examination of his goods and work. ' , . Xarioci,' Correspond xcith the Present Hard Times ' April 13, IR80. ' . . Sy the St. Joireph, Brownrille and Denver Telegraph STEBBINS'LI N K, . OJiet corner tJ Main and Firtt Slrtet, ELECTION RETURNS. From car Extra of , Yesterday. '; - i i a B I Buck & Brect onr their,- r. j 1 1 . , ; . . .. I . . , : . . . I ' ' ' ') Heads. 1 MORTON HOUSE,, . ! 1IAIX STREET. . IVEDRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA. ; T. I. GODDIN, Proprietor. 99 1R5SI.. tf. (Sore Your -oncy anc - (Jo To BOOT WIS fflffl, Wholesale and Eel, il dealer In BOOTS AND SHOES. . Brownville, JV. T. " n --tt- rr i vn - I .rv a anit v11 (lrt !l ...... i. , nnr. inH nhr.r l.adr'c anrt&ent.'s I ru blim - ' r Oarers and Slippers of every variety; al,o, ..i.Slletiand Children, ,hoe, of every kind tbat I will ill cfceper tnr Casb or Prodnee than any otber toH,ewe,tof St. Loui,. All wtra wrrautc! order. 'ite r'iKttCai.b pr'icepald for Hides. Felts and Pera, :..( .tv 3001 aoac-'-T v.-- -- - . !V.rowovl!le,Jnne2.',,J3. F ': m i u C. T. O'DRISCOLT t CD anufacturere anddealerein News, Pools ara Job Ttim. Printinsr Presses.Cas'.tisllirs .Ac, 4 c. Inks, and Printing Material of Kverr DoA-rir'icn, STEIlEOTirlS" OI an Kirn j"' i f....ui:. Patent Medicine Direotions.Jobi .''t -' li.oieTicgs. Brand and Pattern Letter. varied styles, "riKc's Ical, or ITt: iriw PRQYiSION STORE. A5D Imsrs. Crow, McCrea. r Keck..lls, Ksq.. beever Sweet A Co., . Furna, . nvlllt. K. T. Oct ;gn. :on. ln. . r. i. Loul,, Mo. 1)0 Do - i - St. Joeb, Mo. . - Do A- v - f i v: t DO do ownvllle DRY GOODS HOUSE. . Wo. IX, ZVIttlxx Btroot, j.'j" BR0W1I VILLE, IT. T. i j j ' 1 Hew -Z-::ot'o3. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. P. J. HENDGEN, tb nereby noline, tbe public tbat be ba, purcb,ed tbe Xtbratka House n Brownville, K,T., formerly kept by T J Kdward,. and has remodeled, renovated and enti rely chanKed tbe wbole house, from cellar to garret, witbn especial view to neatness, comfort and conve nience. Having bad many years experience aa a hotel keeper be leeU safe In warrantingtbeboarding patron ee of Brownvil le, and the traveling public, tbat, wbi e at tbe American, they will nave no reason to comp.ain of the fare in any respect. Tbe Hotel is situated immediately at the Steamboat Lauding, foot of Mainstreet, and consequently affords peculiar advantages to tbe traveling community. The proprietor asks but to be trl ed, and If not found worthy, discarded. January,,19 1860. 23-tf LET EVERYBODY ?HOLLER." Li t IiiiiiTn T " 3 E. S. DUNDY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, r A ornrn urif isncnl CO. W. T. rfl T nr.rtlr in rha airl Cnnrt, of the id Judicial utrict, and attend to all instter, connected with tbe fssiion. WM. McLmsas, IC.q , of Nebraska City, . I miitmf in tbeprofecvftioncilimportaniauu.. '87-u-tf - y - - - -- li!.r. CISSKT. CHi". F. HOLLT. vivvr.Y.fe HOLLY. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, !V C II II AS IL A L IT I , A r.ll n,.r ,nri.,.f iv.ii Torrttorv. ColieC .n .n. .r.,r,.l K.i-c. .tt.nd.ll tn tbrOllCbOUt N. ,la. Western I,w nft ltlourl. Will attend the urtl at BrownTllla. V T2nSS-m L. nrOHtl. JTr Rftl.HDAT. ALEXIS MWD IIIGIICS & I10I.L1DAI, 3AJNT Louis '- - 'missoubi ; MVDD & IIOLtADAY, ' Ko. 110, Pearl Street, Now ITorli., J. ,S5 Go ir... wt mmnleted their tw bnslneM honse on Main Street, near the U.S. Land Offl-e. in Irownvllle wbers they have opened out aua areonenun u favorable term,, 10C33RI313 Dry Goods, Provisions, FLOUR, CONFECTION ARIES, GREEX AXD DRIED FRUITS, Choice Liquors, Lipars, And a "thouandandone," other things everybody MFMAHA-IAMD AGENT," SURTEAOR & XOTARY PLBEIC, srillsclect lands, Investigate titles, psy taxes, sec. either in Kansas or Nebraska; huy, sen, ana enve. .indson commission; invest In town ipPW sell the same, ana win ww.j.u..... V .' J. niits of towB8bips.countles:Ac.,bowinirallland6Sul- Icctto entry, andwheredesired wiiirurnisnparwv...- J1" 'ilV ,n eMn.r m m an c.esbeabletoKivefulUndreliablein,orma Address A. L. Coate.eitnera Dr0wu,...v Clty.Neb'asksTerrltory. em-aj va CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Brownville, Aprl' 56, ly , , - Mrs. Hcndgen & Miss Lusk, MILLINERS AND DRESS MAKERS, First Street, bet. Main and Water, BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, Bonnett, Ktad-Drt$ttn& TrimwUngi tlvooytonkand Tn vll. v.. I Varrh lTth. JE Another New Work-by the Distinguished American Authoreea, , : . E3IMA D. E. nr. SOUTH, 33a,-ULXxtoca. Homefltoftd, ..KinrnhYof tb o author, by Mrs. Emma n h w touTHWOBTH, Author of the Lost nelress, SY." T-.i-- inia. wife's Victory, TiAiAf i fan n lie. mtDviiiB a- i.trntinn cur.itof Clifton. Vlvla,The Three ao- tles. Lady or the isie.j Wrtlom..Btlv bound tn cloth, for one dollar and twenty-nve ceo, volumes, paper eover ior one oonr. Produce and Uolmnission PEOKIBI31III Tot nnonANTo. WE ttril BT rCKMISSIOK TO II. Lstt k Lemon. St. Joseph. TcK.tlf, h. FarlCKh. T. A J. Card Xit, MeC.rdkCo., Doneel &. Stxloa 17-Ctn Z). A. C O S,S T A II IMrOXTER Akd DEALS IX EE WlWlCm mi AND BIITDERY, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. WILLIAM F. KITER. May 17, 1860. IRON, STEEL, NAILS, CASTINGS, .SPRINGS, AXLES, FILES ,w a ASD B L A C KSMITirS TOOLS Also: Hubs, Spokes, and Bent Stuff. SAINT JOSEPH,. MO. ' Higtiest Pric raid for Scrap Iron. Pacamber 1, 1S58.-I? j T. M. TALROTT. DENT ALSURGEO N, Ilaving located himsc'.fin Brownville, N.T., tea ters ns aroiestonai services to tbecemmnni ty. ishal: IlEAVIS. ATTORNEY- AT LAW, SAINT JOSEPH Eeinaie College, JOSEPH, MO. i "WILLIAM CAIIEEON, Al II., Principal. Comcletetvorssniied a, flrtclm.i.nA.T-diTir and Day School. Number limited to 125, loci nding 25 iraanirra. acooiasiic ear commencing nrst Hondsy in September. For Catalogues, with full partlculars,ad- AUgUil U, IbOt. VltiU -l Card. r - - no ltto k uii t luiuiuica iui in i - j i . - UDunn rnea iibyi. niv r, . . - j . --O I ' v. iwiMVIU'.kUliltl VLUU yU in Operation oceof Homer Co.'s flour mills of the i.iv c nu.,.mj '"uifi uniugaimimi lerriuirv. They were induced to exohange thc:r former mill for tun one, from the high character tbev Lave ga ed in the east, and from tbe personal testimnnj of millers who have tried them throu?hontthn Writer,. Sutep, and in view of the increased demand for prindinff which will exeeed that of any previda ve&rin Nebraska, requiring a mill that will do tbe work better and quicker than anr heretofore in one- l. . J : : . v . r . . i , . t , i i .v. iu .uuiiivu hj men uor mm vnnj win tcp mi i Pap. ...nct.nll. vrnm;nM . - J - . 1 w.u m.ii v"u.w..uij iuiiuii;, rcitj J nfc Mil IIUIV, ill -I-. l - r. :.i i . i . The Nebraska Farmer. 16 TAGTS QtTAHTO MONTHLY.." Tt i ih nnlv Journal devoted exclusively to the Agricultural ana jt.aucanonai we- flfhrnska. Kansas, Jorinern I CO i O ww-. , v Missouri and Southern Iorra. Four Copies, 3 months for $1 Twentv Copies. l year " S15 One Copy, 1 year $1 Address, ' FUUNASBL5NA.a THE HELVin LIILLB. NEilAHA CITY NEBRSKA,;.tnr rhm thanVs for the rencrcug patronage thus far extended him, and hopesby re- newea euoris i uici iuutictu Farmers and Others ir:nn .n . their crrain in as soon as possi spring freshets will soon be upou us, when ' ..r .P. . t . I III. I. .n. III. more than liaeiy it wm oe mpo6iui w t.u mill for several weens. Ccnie Along iow. Meal and Flour of Superior Quality risivtaw antl v An TToTt WUawaa& vu .wuw We will pay 75 cents cash for wheat. Feb'22,18S0. j. v. r.i. Lime ! Lime ! ! Lime ! ! ! Tbe undersigned whose kilos are PittiAttd niue Dille m est or Brownville, on meroaa leaaiHg lot Kearney, w.nn nnrsn(1 nn KanH a rarr BTiTkArirr a.rticlA tit lime, to which he invites tbe attention of those wish ing Tbe Lime wiiibe deuverea at tneaiin or at any othor point in the county, asdesired. Feb. . I860 o 1. K. LOKG. antt REAL US TATE AGENT, Is City, lticba-don County, Nebras i ir. r, jiru.iii.i iwn'iii n au profetsional bast, aooommoaaae iue iarmers wucout aewnui.n, ana by uri.tJ ut.lscf tn HiohrJoB and adjoining giving their undivided superictenJeno tothebuni tii l.o t j ku a r , ;. 0f a,e4, preemption pa. ness (assisted by tbeirformcr miller, Mr. Tella,) ther " " Way i . aa nt-m hope for tbe oonti nuance and increased patronsge o'f TZ?.T fZ -Tfc "1- I thei, friend, - ... Of all, t tale at this office. Assorted Lumber. Skin s-les and Latheomtantl nn hand. GREEN A MAKTLS. 1'ero yills, Sejit, lit, 185?. The Great Temaie Pills. DR. J. P. CR.KAGRR i the Genera! Aseni, Whole sale and retail for Dr. VTbeatinfr' celebrated Female Pill.. Th4 Pillt ere truly valuable for ladie : For thryvil! rettore tht monthly courtet when they may ed in any cae There the directions around the bx con tiiotm the 1' Is have hpn atrictlv followed: Indeed. t Pm t. 111 f.ili. . .w vtm. InAlir Btnr psrely vegetable tbey are perfectly safit. Siune boxes mailed to order postpaid cpon receipt of one dollar, by - J. P. CTIK AGKB, Baltimore City, Maryland. A liberal dieoont to 4ru;i. t cant postage stamne a g34 s, ttweey. - ' 'VOX POPULI" TO DISUNIONISTS SIC TRANSIT" B UCHJINAN OFFICIALS. TEL EST NOTRE PLAISTR," HOLLER" AGAIN. "SIC SEMPER" TRAITORS! J SATIS SUPERGUE." ANOTHER'' "SOFT DILUSION!" Here Is The"Hollerin" Place! THE AUGEAN STABLES CLEANS- ! ED!!! Nebraska Ofilclals Packing Up. Here "Holler," Yell and Stomp! I ! November 6ih, I860. Gives Douglas 642 mai China. Lee co-. Ill: 202 majority for Lincoln. 35 Rep. irain. Cortland, Dakotah co 111: Lin 249, Doug 78, Breck l. State ticket same. East Galena, Joe Davis co., Ill: 17 raaj fnr Lincoln. 17 rain over 56. - o Duquine precinct, Perry co., Ill: Lin 310, Doug '2bU, liell o, itep gam io Mndota. Ill: Lin 410. Douff 170 Rrpri- Hprrp.t Smith 1. Milton, Reck co., Wis: Lin 243 maj. HWhet. Ren. for Ccntrress 242 mai, Clinton. Rock co.. Wis: Lin 206, maj. iiaiiuuci avep wuij - j - Janpsville. Wis : 330 mai. ren. Fondulac, . Wis. town and ' city: Lin 214 maj. Sloan Con 220 maj. Oak-field township, Fondulac co.. Wis. Lin 142. Sloan 156 maj. Waupunford co, Wis: Lin 118 maj Rlrwm 106 mi. . ' ' IWp. co. Wis Madison city 1st ward tip dth ward 10 mai for Dou?. city wont give Douglas over 100 maj, being a large Rep gain. Sandwic:.. DeKalb co. Wis, Lin 390, Di ii-y 12S. ! . Peru, Lasselle co. Wis: Lin 326, Doug 352. Breck l.Bell 1., . Slate Line. Ia: Breck 4, Doug 122, Beloit. Wis: Lin 567, Doug 266, Breck r i. Zanesvilte, Ohio: a republicau gain oxer tae uctooer tain oi o-u. ., ., (iounty. airroln Bunker- Hill, 111, , Macaupin, Co Lincoln 218, Douglas 192, Bell 8, Breck 5. , , ' Harrison Township,' la: Lincoln 1166, Doug 891 , Bell 124, Breck 200. O ' i ; Sugar Creek townships Lincolri; 154, Douglas 145, Bell 5.. : - ; . . !: - ; . . Olney, 111. township: Doug 84, . Lin 277, Bell 12, Breck 2. JAlton, 111: Rep by 13 maj. ' : . Chicago Junction, Cook co., Ill: Town of Lake: Lin 159, Doug HL . V; .i .Town of Jaursrille, Rock co, ;Wis: 85 maj for Lincoln. ' St. Louisr The election ia progressing very. quleUy ; the saloons are all closed, and even around the poles there has not been the slightest disturbance. " ! Independence, Jacksoa co.i Mo.1: Re turns of this precinct,; Bell 499, Breckin ridge 342, Douglas 389, Lincoln K: - Springfield, Green co., Mo.: The vote, of this city stands Bell 511, Breckinridge 183, Douglas 182, Lincoln 21. Th's is official. 1 1 ' " Syracuse, Morgan co., Mo. : OfHcial : Douglas 107, Breckinridge 35, B. I 85, Lincoln, 9. r ,. f- Tiptcnr Mo.: Bell 127, Douglas .190, Lexington, Mo.; Bell 617, .Douglas 311, Breckinridge 135, Royk' 750, Bryant 212. ----- Clay Tow'nsip :' Bell 183, Douglas 44, Breckinridg 135. ' ' : " Palmyra City, Mo. : Bell' 369, Doug las 266, Breckinridge 191. . : - Chiliccthe, Livingston co., Mo. : Bell 418. Breckinridge 389, Douglas 263, Lincoln 13. . 1 ; 1 -'- '' Calio, 2d district: Douglas 110, Bell 67, Breckinridge 33. . Shelbina, Mo.: Bell 166, Douglas 121, Breckinridge 65, Lincoln 7. . r ' Hermann, Mo.: Lincoln 226, Douglas 84, Bell IS. Breckinridge 1. ' Macon city, Macon co., Mo.ii'Douglas 165, Bell 135, Breckinridge 50; Lincoln 72. . . . : " Permenet, Mo: Bell' 119, Douglas 40 Breckinridge 19."""- - :" . JelTcnon tcwnihip, Cole County. Dou. ' a :.mtca, 71c; Franklin one townshir: Durr. 171 BellE 118, lireck li. Hannibal Citv. official: Douglas 624. Bell 574, Breck 121, Lincoln225. . St. Josenh. Dour? 1064. Bell 721 Lin coln 410 Breck 226. : - Cooper County, Boonville precinct: Bell 312, Doug 303, Breck 105, Lincoln 11. h t. Smith, Ark. : Official : This city Bell 205, Breckinridge 231, Douglas 164 layettevilie, Mo.: Uraciai: Hell too, Breckinridge 336, Douglss 70. Warsaw. Mo.: 3 nrecincts cive Dou?. 464, Bell 230, Lin 68, Breck 67. Cameron, Buchanan co.. Mo. : Doug 92. Bell 65, Breck 5, Lin 2. - ; Bloomincton. Macon co., Mo.: Doug 179, Bell 94, Breck 78. ;-. Hamilton. Caldwell co.. Mo.: Bell 102, Doug 12, Lin 8, Breck 6. . " Kingston township, Clinton co., Mov: Bell 102, Breck 78 Doug 62, Lin 1. " , I'ond Ureek township, ureenco., iuo.; Bell 56, Breck 11, Doug 15, Lin 3. Robinson townshiD. Green co., Mo.: Bell 82, Breck 24, Doug 14. ' Bolivar. Mo. : Bell . 300, Breck 5-'UU, Douglas 20. Waverlv. Middleton township. Lafa yette co., Mo. : Bell 188, Douglas 123, Breck 41. . Jpffersnn Citv Jeff ' townshiD Do'Jff 240, Breck 21 Bell 120, Lincoln 56. . i ir Kansas City Official, Douglas, 4b Bell 558, Lincoln 187, Breck 131. Stockholm. Macon County. Bell -o, Douglas 64, Breck 8, Lincoln 13. Laclede TownshiD. Lucas Co.: Bell 121 Doug 118 Breck. 29, Lincoln 24. St. Catharine Linh CountV Bell 50. Douglas 125, Breck 21, Lincoln 31. rulton, Calaway, co., Mo.: 12 otciocic, Bell ahead largely. Chester township, Dodge co Wis: 109 tnoj for Liu. Harmonia, Rock co, Wis: Lin 165 maj. Jefferson co; Wis: Lin 147 maj. Galesburg township. Ilk Lin 738 maj. Clinton co, Iowa ; Lin 68 maj. i . , Corall, McIIenry co, Iowa: Official, Lin Doug 47. Dun South township, Iowa: Lin Bell 4, Breck 2, Douglas 143. Oscenesco, Iowa : Lin 25 maj. Aurora, Iowa : Rep maj 750. Bureau co.,Arispe township, 111: Lin 128. Doug 97, Breck 1, Bell 1. Empire township, Fondulac co.. Wis : Lin 55 maj. Pekincity, Wris: Lin 393, Doug 419. Elgin, Wis: Lin 592, Doug 297, Breck 111. BroomfielJ, Douglas 29 majority. Aconomorrock 42 majority for Lincoln. Morrow County, Greenfield, Lincoln 83 majority. Colurr.bia County, Newport: Linclon 39 mcjority. . Monmouth township, III.: Lin 217 Doug 99, Bell 2. Rush township. III: Lin 134, Doug 36. Turner, Minfield township, Joe Davis co, 111: Rep maj 143. Lane, Ogle co, 111: Doug 117. Lin 282 Compton township, Kane co, 111: Lin 124, Doug 42. Bureau co., town of Indiana: Lincoln 204, Douglas 64, Breck 4i Vincennes City, Ind.: Douglas 78 maj. a Republican gain of 26 over October. BaLTIMOBE- ivrepori crom Virginia, iki f;"' gains for B'll. Th- IM1 m-n saDguine of a larse ma jority. - Wrhe ling. Va t B-ll 936. Breck. 649, Dcutr 622, Lincoln 900. Dayton. Ohio: Lincoln 270 majority, a gain, of 56 over Oct. City of Waterton Wis.: Doug 25 maj. Blcomingbn, 111.: Lincoln 406 majority ' Indiana: Lincoln 25.000. Pennsylvania: for Lincoln 20.000. , Rhode Island: for Lincoln 6,000. Vermont: for Lincoln 40,000. ' Wisconsin: for Lincoln 10,000. Ohio: for Lincoln 30.000. ; ; Maine, 25,000 republican. . New Hampshire 10,000. Vermont 40,000. , , Alabama Mobile, Douglas over Bell, 210 over Breckinridge 322. Nothing' from Georgia, Florida, or Texas yet. : . .. Connecticut: Hartford: The Rep maj of this State , is about 10,000, and the plurality vote will be 26,000. New Jersey Trenton: In the 5th Con dist Perry is elected over Pennington. Pennsylvania: Indiana co., gives. Lin 2500 . majority ; 750 gain over vote for Governor. Maine: 25,000 for Lincoln. - ' New Hampshire: 10,000 plurality for Lincoln. ; . ! Marylanc: Howard co.,: shows a gain of 641 for Bell. It is now rendered pro bable that Bell has carried the State. 1 New York: as far as heard from the Rep maj i3 upwards of 33,000. Virginia: Taylor co., gives 50 for Bell. . Boston The vote of State with the ex ception of 9 townships foots up as follows Lincoln 104,467, Douglas 34,007. Bell 22,017, Breck 6,072. The State Senate stands 16 Republicans to 2 Democrats; the House stands 273 republicans to 7 of all opposition combined. In . the Seventh Congressional District Bailey, Democrat has 161 majority. In the 5th district Ap pleton, Union man has 8001, Burlingame Republican, 7756. - ' PENNSYVANIA. Pittsburg City Rep. maj. 2.457 Allegheny city " " 1S75 A Republic gain over October of 2300. : Noble county 6 towns 80 Rep. maj. Crawford county, 3000 majority Rep. Erie c::ity 4000 . . Lar.crur r County, the home cf James Bc.chan.av., Esq., gives 8,000 majority for LiLc-ln. . . All; -!. cry county Rep. maj. 10,000. Philadelphia Rep. maj. 12,000. Huntington Rep. maj. 1,500. NEW YORK. Stuben County, Lincoln majority 317 Tompkins co., Fusion 200 Rochester City complete Rep maj. 975 .Seneca Falls, Rep. maj. 62. . Waterloo Fusion 25. Cayuga Rep. maj. 67.; Palmyra Republican majority Marion "." . 14 305 134 234 245 244 258 248 141 257 680 570 .'183 . 630 270 281 1S8 2261 162 137 140 355 253 300 125 100 112 145 12S3 399 25000 105 44 3462 18 Macedon Williamson Ontario Arcadia Lions Saranah Gales . Syracuse Lysander Van Buren Corthnd Oswego 'Volney Scribin Sty-Lawrence". Colton : " lt Summerville 4 " Norfolk ' " " - Painsville ' Franhlia ' " , Lenox Owensville " " Utica . . 41 Skansatles " 44 Litchfield 44 Onondagua 4 44 Buffalo City 44 New York City, Fusion maj, Rome 41 Palestine 44 44 Kings county 4 Onondairua township 4t Sufficient returns have been received to give the State to the Republicans by 50,000. ILLINOIS Chicago a republican gain of 1500. Cook county majority 3500 Republican Shams Republican gains 1200. Para Douglas maj. 43. Belleville, Lincoln majority 600. Upper Alton Rep maj. 70. Monticello Rep maj 85. Lee county 205 majority for Rcpub. Kane county 219tRep maj. TENNESSEE. Lagrange, Bell 153, Breck 53, Doug las 65. Bell gaining everywhere. He carries the State beyond doubt. WISCONSIN. Milwaukie City, Doug maj. 994. -Lincoln's majority in State from 10 to 15,000. - Dodge County, Wis.: Douglas 56 maj. in First Ward of Dane City. Second Ward: Lincoln 12 maj. Third Ward: Lincoln 70 maj. Fourth Ward : Lincoln 89 majority. Bearer, Dam. Town, Lin coln 88 majority. Racine Counry, Lin coln 3 0 majority. Kenosha, WTi3. Rep. majority 1065 maj. Dunkirk, Lincoln 92 mjority. LaCross City: Lincoln 121.majority. Berry, 16 maj. for Lincoln Ogle Douglas 7 majority. MICHIGAN. Ypsalanti city. Mich: Rep maj 39. Coldwaier, Mb; 300 maj for Lin. Township in Branch co, Mh: 553 maj for Lin. Adrian city, Mh: Lin 206 maj. Grand Rapids, Mh: 250 maj for Lin. State gone for Lincoln by 25 000. Every county in the lower peninsula is 1. 613. 2C0. 210. I : x t reported to have gone for Li:-. .1.: Republican Congressmen electc J. . m MISSOURI. St Louis county, Lincoln 9.S33, 1 8,938, Bell 3,403, Breck 556. MISSISSIPPI Ternada. Bell, 126. Freckinr;1 Doug 17. Parma lake Bell CO Doughs 9. State has most likely gca? :.: P. VIRGINIA. Alexandria co. & city, BI 1 1 : ) Ii 5o3( D 1' j.Lk Harrison co., B.vck rr. j Z . j. Rich co., ZZX DedriJeco.. 41 ?:. -Petersburg, Bell 970, B 223,. D -. Norfolk, Bell 60, B 43.?, D. Portsmouth, 'Bell 676 B 5J 3. Djj Returns so far as heari frcn that Bell has carried tho Stats. OHIO. Portage, Rep majority 14r. Cleveland city. Rep maj 2,4 J. Republican gain generally all ever th3 State, majority probably excg-eiGD.CCO. ' MARYLAND. Baltimore city complete, Breck 1 '.2 J. Bell 12619, Doug 15C2, Lin 1CS2. ' Union men claim State 2CCC0. INDIANA. Marion co., Rep maj 533. Shelby co., Rr.p maj 40. 'Richmond city, Rep maj GO. KENTUCKY. Maysville, Bell 431, Breck 275, Doug 111, Lin 7. Faycttrille, Bell's maj in county CCD. Louisville, Bell 3S92, B 851, D 522. ' ' Bell's maj in State 15C0. CONNECTICUT. Hartford city Lm maj 27G. Norwich, L J257. D SC2, Br 72, B 35. Bridgport, L1010,D 175. Br 472. Fairfield. L 396, C 111, Br 159, B30. Easton, L 132, D 5, Br So. Monroe, L 181, DO, Br 131, D 1. VERMONT. . Gone for Lin by from 25 cr 3D.CC0. RHODE ISLAND. Returns complete except two towns git 0 Liu 12,078, Doug 7,675. LOUISIANA. New Orleans City, Bell 7216, Breck 2645, Doug 2995. Jefferson, Bell 923, Br 197, Doug 335. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, Burlingame and Thayer de feated ; Republican carry al! the Ccxg reg ional Districts except 5th. State gcn for Lincoln by 7U,UUu. ' . NEW JERSEY. Pennington, Rep, for Ccngre3 majority from 4 to 16,000. DELE WARE. Wilmington, Lin maj 2500. State gone for Breck by about 500. NORTH CAROLINA. State probably gone Breck. New York city gene fusion 25,000 ; Union Congressmen elected in the city. Massachusetts, outside cf Boston, far as heard from, 45,000 maj for Lincoln. The following States give Lincoln largely increased majorities: Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Indiana, Mich igan, Wisconsin, Iowa anl Maine. Tn Pennsylvania Lincclns plurality 50 to 70,000, maj in Philadelphia ever all 800. : Ohio gone for Lincoln 30,000. Illinois: scattering rsturiis give Lin coln 5,000 majority. . i Delaware: Breckinridfc 1,500 plural ity ; Rep Congressmen ahead in 1 diit. Maryland : Indications favorable to Breckinridge ; Baltimore: Breck over Bell 2000. over Dourrlar 13.000. Virginia: Probably lor BAl by large gains. Lincoln elected President. North Carolina: Probably for r.sck. Missouri i Far as hoard from Douglas 15,000, Lincoln and Bvll each 11,000, Breck 3,600;- Kentucky claimed fcr Bell Ly 10.000 majority. Louisville fires Bell 3.SC0, Douglas 2,600, Breckinridge 850. Tenn. probably Bell. Memphis, Bell, 2110, Douglas, 1700, Breck 143, Nash ville, Bell and Breck. 2 1 CO each, Douglas Louisiana is scppcsd to bars gone for Breckinridge. New Orleans, Bell 7200 Douglas 2900, Breck 26C0. Private dispatches from New Orleans reports all the Cotton States to haTe gcr.? for Breckinridge v-v In Massachusetts the Republicans have elected all the members of Cc::?-?;s ex cept one. Burlingame is defeat, i frcin the Boston District. Eli Thayer, inde pendent Republican is defeated by tho regular nominee.' The Republican ma jority is over 70,000. Potatoes In loira. The Davenport (Iowa) Democrat say-: If any be 7 want3 to see potatoes ty the cord good measure let thorn st down to the levee. There i3 r;t i.hirpi: ;r enough at this time cn the Upper Mi sisippi to move them away as fzz z$ thay accumulate. Farmers compla;.-! a liti'o that the price is loo low ; but they are th? only party to blame ; if they wait r.-jh-er prices they must not raiss so many. The market price is from twelve to f.ften cents per bushel. A petrif.ed fish over sixteen feet in length, ar.d very perft-ctly preserved, itj scale and fin being distinctly marked, has been taken from the coal mine at Blue Mound, Kansas. Its species has not been determined, but it is m uch IsriTsr than any fish cow foucd in thel":::s;2 River?.