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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1860)
HE-ADVERTISER T.r.nxwvii.LK.'sEPT. 20 , I860." mhf into cur sanctum.n this morning, I catamount :jusl hot by him xeai.'&e .rnnntP ItlTlitS cf . OUf tCKTJ, frr rMpst inhatitanis" do not remem .. u ' cor,, r lanre an animal 01 ekirid.' It measured, from lip to tip, ur- feet one -"inch." and twenty-one ches hisb. There were wrqin tu.u I , f..A rArp verv much Imposed to nov ligtt. ,- . ... i ' Those Tea Pin BalIs.-JVorthinff Ls a new sr.pply of ten pin balls tc fill C Vacancy occasioned' by those. that fvamoused the ranch" tW other night, hey are "No. 1 ; made, the the Judge lys, "ly a, rqan in St. Jo., ho has fol Wed the business for thirty-years." i political Text Book for 1S60: com- risine a vriei view ui m Nations and elections; including all He National Plafforms ever yet adopted : lso a history of the struggle respecting la very in the Territories,'' and the act of Lngress as to the freedom of the public tnds, 'with the n ore notable speeches and Lor. TYiMfrlfl. -Lincoln. Bell, Cass, eward, Everett, .Breckinridge, H. V. ohnson, etcM' etc.', touching the questions f the day; and returns of all i'resiaen- U elections nnce 1836;" 248 pages, rice $1 00. We . arc . indebted to the ub'lisiuTS for a copy of this invaluable ooV! Address Tribune Association, Cew York. . CasscII's Illustrated Works. We ave received No. 6 "Casscll's Illustrated family Bible," Ekodus, XXXVII, Levit us XllI, inclusive.- The illustrations are rnro-nriate and well executed. '-Thefcin ITering of ignorance;" 4,Death of Na- "ab and AWbu," and "The Leper," are nost, admirably' designed. This is the heapest work -of the kind ever offered to !he pi-blic; 15 cents each number. We hope to see a good tlub made up in this 1 lace yet. j We have also bfcfore us rCasstlPs Pop dar Illustrated Xaiural History," pol ished son.i-motithly, on the 1st and 15ih ';( each month ; 32 pages, 15 cents each. We hope a good dub will be made "up' In ry IO! J is' -"j-l.-IlEPQBTED EXCWSlVEir'pKr-TBB St the St. J9oph, Brownrijlvned VcTTCT'1Te,e2raPi, STEBBINS LINE, OJict corner of Afatn and Fir$t Street t7r,T7 mm j his place for Cassell's works. Thf y are jieservingl . Specimen copies can be seen nt this office. The vNews" charges that our corres pondent, "Douglas Democrat" is a Re publican. We have only to say that he U as sound a Douglas Democrat as ever rod fchoe leather, and if there be any that doubt it, his name can be had, if ne cessary. ' . A Chance Tor R. W- Furnas. "We wish to iiMvhnM the Brownville Adee rtiter N"wpiT Kscaljivhmont, on the following terns. V will uaiue one 'rM!cr; the owner of that -rT to name niher,the two, together, name a third I'he appmiserg stall estimate the raluo of the estaU imhment, and we will give our note, with security to b avpmvrd by the njiprninert, for double the ap jraieed vbIuc of th? tMHblishmcnt, payable when fm7 0- iefclrHto the thirty-tecenth Cuti- rrtti. 1'oeioii to be given before tbe lit day of October. lbGO.. ROBERTSON 4 CLARK. ' Ohahl, Septrraber 15th, lbGO. .If the olject of Messrs. Uobertso 5c, Clark be to "dry up" the Advertiser before ihe election, we have only to say: "Doctor, that little thing tan'i be did." If, however, the proportion is made in jood faith, and tv .back the opinions of Uie publishers as to their belief in the anal result between Daily and Morton, -ve will see that it is accepted, with the :'ollowiDg alterations, viz: The price 'greed upon by the apptaisers to be de posited in 'Bank, subject to the order of .riend,, whom we may select, when it is ascertained S. G. Daily is re-elected to Congress as delegate from Nebraska; Possession to '-be given when it is ascer tained S. G. Daily is or is not re-elected . We are "not around" giving immedi ate possession, and taking "slow notes'? in payment. t ( 0aiia, September jl 7, JSCQ. ' The fWthrcugh' mail' from Denver City, reached here Saturday night, with dates to thevClh'inst7tTbe Viance ccm miitee ws waging a-war of extermina tion aeainst the gamblers and theives. t -n-h-prp' huncr bv them on the sixth. One cf whom was taken from the ttage while on his wav' to the Misscrati Tirer. Several, who had incurred the displeas ure of the Vivilance Committee, reahec this city last night. . The miners, here, generally declared in favor -of the old protintional govern ment. ' , The Mail Coach Jeft this city for rea ver last etening; with the mail and seven through passengers. . .United States Marshal Moore, just in from the West, reports an attack by the Sioux on a Pawnee Tillage,- one hundred miles west.of 1 ere on .the 14th insu A running fight for eight or ten miles en sued, which was still raging when he left. The Pawnees had taken five or six scalps and secured five or six horses. One Pawnee killed. ' New Orleans, Sept. 17. The Spanish -War Steamer, Francisco, nrrived at New Orleans on the 17th from Truxillo, and reports that the British Steamer Icamo, with a transport and troops, under General Alrese, proceeded to the place where Walker's army were encamped. The boats of the Icamo pro ceeded up the river anl captured Walker and seventy men.' T-ey were then con veyed to Truxillo, and delivered to the Honduras authorities. Walker's men were very destitute, end many were sick. They Were permitted to return to the United States on. condition they would never engage in another expedition a gainst Central America. Walker and Col. Rudler wereto be shot. , t v ; - v Lea veicwortii, September 18. Gordon the allcdged murderer, who recently escaped from Denver, and who has been in the custcdy of the Unite! States Marshall for some two years past, had an examination yesterday before Judge Pettit- of -the United States Dis trict Court, which resulted in his dis charge for want of jurisdiction. It hav ing teen shown that Denver, where the murder was committed. - is in Morton, and not in Arrappahoe County, a's was supposed.' : This decision leaves the n'ti zens tif the Pike's Teak Rej:oti outside of Arrappahoe County, without any law whatever. Immediately after the dis charge of the prisoner threats of lynch ing were made, end an, o ited crowd gatnered around the Court Koom. cor don, however, was taken to the jnl for safety, under the protection of tbe Sher iff and dty; officers. L.ce in the even ing a body of his friends undertook to remove him thence but were immediate ly surrounded by an excited crowd shout ing, "Hang him ! Hang him," The friend? of law and order, under the lad of Mayor McDowell and other officers succeeded in preventing the mob from proceding to extremeties. Gordon was ajfain placed in jail for safety. He was badly bruised and cut during the melee, L ji JA and others were somewhat injured. The tLi o?Guq , i :cr r a i r ... 1 sheriff cf Arrappahoe County, who ar rived in town during the tumult, was bad ly iuiured by a blow on the head. Gor don has been rearrested on a justices war rant, and will be taken back to Denver by sheriff Meddaugh as soop as his in juries will permit. 1 il sr.,.-- : - " ib - s n 'J . f'l J ; ' J j J : 1 : "JIB lLEilJUn MAIN STREET, BROWN VILLE, N. T. Tskes pleasure ia annjuncln that be bas D&Won hatid, a larje and select ttock cf every art cle labia line. Of all the Improved pater; viz: Plymouth Kock, Charter Oak. Talley Forgo, Elevated Oren, &c. Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, somo of which are entirely new designs, via Cook and Parlor stoves, sumethiug very nice Indeed for small families A combined ' JMEisoellari.eoiis. HEAVY SHEET IRON FOE SUGAR BOIL EES AndXarge Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Lamps Brass Coiper, and sheet Iron Ware; Lan'e n-, ShovelJ, &c JAPANNED WARE, t I have procured tbcrifht to tnannfacttrre a late simple and improved self-sealing Fruit Can to which I call the attention of the publics AUfcf which I pledge myself to tell at as fair raies andou a accomodatin? terms as any other establishment in tLis region of the country I am prepared to put up (ruttering and upoutiug and all other work of my lino attho shortest notice, and in a workmanlike mannc, whkli 1 warrant lo (live satinfactiou. I pledge myself not to be nud irsold in the upper country J. C. DECSEB. Brownville, August, 33 i860. d) crpn n "Pii Tjirn r . . frrx '" Zir La ala iJ i n II liai'Wj . . 3 62) 13 Ua a r1 Read Rankin's SPEECH.$2 More Falsehoods- - ' The Nebraska City Xews is becoming is famous for its. lying propensities as Its "superior iu rank," the Mraskian. Reynolds is proving himself an apt schol ar, and if ho continues to progress in the futurejis in the few weeks past, the "pu pil will outstrip the tutor" very soon, and 'Othello's occupation" will be "goie." The few copies of the -Vnr s sent gratu itously to this place are shown around by even Democrats as carricatures ia news paperdon ; the articles cited to as uncon iroieriable evidence" of ."addled Vrain," and "total depravity." A manwho so far fonrcts his race, his constituents, his country, or himself even so small a spec ,imen of husiaoity as Reynolds as to ask the Legislature to pass a law placing negroes and Indians on a perfect eduali ty with the white people of this; country, will do and say almost anytliin, .The' News, in commenting on our re- ,jiy to :ts tlaoderous insinuation that S500 cash, "procured" . Furnas for 1 Daily says: uv ttik anuuru to aoove is a matter of general -understanding,- of 'common street talk in Brownuille. So wo h it Irpm one of the most honorable men ia iaai place." ; . "That's another lie, told for politica purposes" and manufactured out of "whole rioth," by Reynolds, who rever received -cy such iaformaiioa fro.-n any "fr?-ora r t .,, : . nan n uroisxviii NJEW A DYE R T 1 S E 51 E K T S . Notice Isjhcreor plve n that I will not pay a note of hand Flven by me to William nays for the sura of tea dollars, as I have nt roceived any consideration therefor. The aidn..te isdited some time In f.nenst. i860. Spt.20 I 860. 3t , BEN'J L. BALDWIN GREAT SALE OP : - t TOWN LOTS, AT 1 ASPINWALL,. On Saturday, the 6th of October, 1S60. The town of Anin wall is boautifullv! on the Missouii Iliver, in Nemaha County, 'ebriska ierriiory. on tbe upper end .f what ia know as the uait tsreed Keserve. The town is well located for the back countrj trade, possesses the best Steamboat Landing on the Missouri River at ve Fort Leaven worth, together with all other facilities for building up m, iowu, fuib as, lumber and Stone LoaJ. There are already built and occupied fifteen good substantial Houses, together with two good Dry (ioods Stores, two Groceries. Llacksmith Shon. n.d id, ixu in aia town will b old tithe highest bidder Without reserTB. Thnsn wishlr o tr purchase cannot but be pWed with the location cf me town, ana tne surrounding country, for many "ow wosi oi tue iiissoun Kiver. And will le made known on the day of Zali. By crderxf the Town Company. ' A. S. BALLARD, Pres. September 20th, '60. collet wm nh IT .n CMOICEBOTTLB , WOKS, Catawba Wine, Champaigne Vme, Claret Wine. '.;" Old Rye, : Old Bourbon. Irish Whiskey, - ' ; " Porter, - . . . " Gin Cock Tail, , Saddle Bag Whisky, Blue Lick, Boker's Bitters, Pale Brandy, : Curraco, &c. Dishes, Plates, o v. Cups saucers, !BowIs7 8' Stock Wintered. The mbscriber wishes to announce to the rublie, that he s prejared to winter one to two hundred neaaox cattle, and would rospectfully request those x.rc.i,,,g cmue itepi me .cotnmg winter, to addre him atP,rownviUt.Kebrtuk3. . II. (LM1MCK. iirownvuie, Aug. Uth. 18G0. 4t- Bar Tumblers, Decanters, Goblets, rcss Wine Glasses. Fruit. Dishes, Pitchers &c, Carpentry Blade Easy. Thirty-eight plates, two hundred fl practical and valuable book for farmers exUnt. Tells uw vo onna earns, and n,m. RriHr.. i w v"-"-- uuaoeipnia. Agents wanted. vlnl !)., xk- 11- The First and Last Dun. Vehee say to ' all persons owing os. cither bv note or aeoount, we must have our pay. iu wheat or Money by the first of October next. No exertions. Ours is a cash business: therefore, when we do ttA. it, the pay must come when we need it; ami we will need it by the above named date. d. j. luirrix co. Brownville, August 23, 1SC0. Money To Loan.' ' Persons wishing to borrow money, can he accom modated by applying to the undersigned. Reliable security required, H. M. AKISSOST. .41 jj mt s li i STORE HOUSE FOR -IFLISIM8!? ! ! MaiiiBctocnlst L 2dSt's. ,: BiiOWNVIl.LE. x.t. ' For terms, apply at this office or to A-8. &OI.Z.ADATV J"E 17 E L R Y . Ear Rings, Shir Buttons, Finger RiDgs, Bracelets, Breast Pins, &.c, &c. Come and see i T TT'T M l T aad Secure Bargains. Q:m .T53E: HULIL.' aV aperient anu S;oniac5iio preraratiun ol I It OX purirletlor Oxyiren and Cjirbi.n by coniUti.-tiou la hjur aen. - Sanctioucl by the hitbe-i .Medical Authorities, both iu Europe and tbe United States, and prescribed I in their practice. The experience cf thousands daily proves that no preparation or Iron can l.e compared with it. Impuri ties of the Mood, depression of vital enei rv, pale an otherwise tirkly c liuplexion indicate its iieceity almost every cunceivaWo ca.-e. IuuuXions in alt maldic.s in which it has been tried, has proved abolntely curative in each o; the following complaints, viz: In Debility, Xcrvous Affections, Emaciation, Dyspepsia, Consti pation, Scro Iu lus Tuberculosis, ralt II he inn, JZisnienstruation, Whites, IiIorcsij, Liter Com plaints, Iltacumatlsm, Chronic Headache s, Sntcrniittent Ferers, Pimples on the race, &c. In casesof GKXERAL DKUILlTi', wbclher the result of acute disease, or or cutitiuucd diminution of nervous and muscular energy I rum chronic uumplaints, one trial of thjs restorative has proved succeful to aa exteut which no description nor written attestation would render credible. Invalids so loug bed-ridden as to have become forgotten in their own neighborhoods, bave sud denly re-appeaned in the busy world as if just returned from protracted travel in a distant land. Some very signal instances of thl kind arc attested of female sufferers, emaciated victim of apparent marasmus, sanguiueuus exhaustion, critical changes, and that com plication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which (he physician bas no name. In KEltVOL'S AFFECTIONS cf all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this preparation of iron must netessarily be salutary, for, unlike tbe o.d oxides, it Is vigorously tonic, without being exciting and overheating; and gently, regularly aperient, even in the liio-it obstinate cases or costlveness without ever bein a pastric purgative, or inflictitg a disagreeable setsailon. It is ibis latter property, amons others, which makes it so icmarkabiy effectual and perwanent a remedy for Pilet, upon which it also appears to exert adisiinct and specltic action, by dUpersiiiK the local tendency which forms them. Ju DYSPEPSIA innumerable as are its causes, a single box of these Chalybeate fills has otteu si meed for the most habitual cases includiii tLe attecdaut Costiveness In v.iic'jeciced DIARRHOEA, even wheti advanced to DYSEXTAP.Y, continued, piniciaiiiijr, and apparently miiKn int. tbe effects have been equally decisive and astonishing. Iu the local pins, loss of flesh and strength, debilli tatinscouch, and remittent hectic, which generally In dicate INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, this remedy has allayed tbe alarm f friends and physicians, lu several very irratifvinz and interesting instances. In SCnoFCLOUS TUBERCULOSIS this medicated Iron has bad farm .ire tbjii the gixnis effects of the most cautiously balsnced preparations of iodine, without any of their well known liabilities. The attention of females catinot be too confidently In viteJ to this remedy and restorative, in the cases pecu liarly atTec: in ihem. In UUEUMAT1SM, both chrmic and inflammatory in the la'ier however, more decidedly it has been iuvari bly well reported, both as alleviating pain and reducing the swellings and stiff nes of the joints and muscles. In P'rEIOllTTENT FEVERS it must necessarily be a urent remedy and energetic restorative, and its pro gress in the nevir settlements of tbe West, will probably be one 'f hish rem wn and usefulness. No remedy has ever been discovered In the whole his tory of median, which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects Good appetite complete dijies tioti. rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual dis position for active ami cheerfnl exercise. Put up in flat metal boxe containing 60 pills, price 50 cants per box; for sale by druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to anv address on receipt of the price. Al letters, orders, etc., i-honld be addressed ta K.X3.FaOZi:&CO., UKN. AGENTS, 20 Cedar st.,N. T. At!7t!St 2. '60 ly. - ' 50.000 02S TS COL ITATi' ST. JOSEPH, MO. " JOHN A- PON1T," .. Has Removed T?rrn hi? Old 3ttnd cn the LeTea to , VtTHITXJI!Y'3 NEW ELOCH, MAIN STREET, BROWXVILE A T. Where t e has opened i UP Esirav. SStrayed or stolen from tLe subscriber on the 8th of June last, a dark hay iu:trc. 3 jenrs old; no white ab-iut her; marked by the collar on top of "neck: ?mall size, but not n poney; said to be raised near Ere- mont county Iowa, to where she may have returned. Sf; libernl reward will be given for information that wil Head JO bcr discovery. WM. T. DEN. July 19,, .Crownville. Nebraska. Legal Notice. Martha Meek, 1 V3 ) Divorce. Samuel II. Meek, j Xnmalia county Diatrict Court, nf the S.eond Ju dicial District. Ktlraala Trrritorn. r - rf The defendant in this case Siimuel HMeek, will tnko notice that on the 11th day of AngustA D. 1860, the plaintiff filed a petition against him praying for .!! t -3 -i . l i. a aivorce unu uneven among otner imngs tor saiu divorce, pros neglect of duty and total abandon ment! .inil th;lt s.lirl ntitlnn will hn f.,r bcnrinr. at the next term of the J)istrict Court oftho2oi Judicial Ui-'lrict in cnaha county of Nebraska Territory, to be beunand held in lirownville on th'S 24th day of Septeuiber, 1300. . v r a wnrr a t - r 31 A U 1 11 A. .Ml'.LJV. T.y -I. D.N.Thotnpaon, her Atty. Brownville. Anz. l5,-4t. INPECTINE. The Persian Fever Charm. For the prevention and cure of Fever and Ague and Bilious Fevers. This wonderful remedy was b.'ought to the knowledge of the present proprieors by a f rind who has been a great ti aveler in Fersia and tbe Holy Land. Whilezoins down the rcver Euphrates, he experienc ed a severe attack of Fevor and Azua. Ou discovering his condii ion, one of the Roatmen too from his pocket an Amulet, saying "Wear this and no Fever will touch you." Although Incredulous as to Its virtues; he com plied, and experienced immediate reiief, and has since alwcys foiind it an effectual protection from all mala rious Complaints. On fnrther investigation he found that the boatman attributed to it miraculous powers. "and said that it only could be obtained from the priest or the sun. Sometime afierwards, the Kentleman In conversing with a Priest obtained from him tbe secret of its preparation, and as certained where the medicinal herbs were found, of which it was compounded. The wonderful virtues of this article bave induced a full belief In the minds of the natives in the miraculous healing powers of their Priests, Since his return lo America, it has been tried wnn the happiest effect by several Lidies and Gentlemen of high character, who have given it tbe most unqualiUcd paolse. This remedy having been a specific in Persia for hundreds of yer. for the prevention andcureos Fever and Ague and Billions Fevers is now offered to tbe Amorica a People. It will be pent by mail prepaid, with full directions fooss, ou receipt of one dollar. Principal Depot ond manufactory, 188 Main Stleet, Richnioud. Virginia. Branch Office, Bank of Cemmerce Building, New York. Addresss, JOHN WILCOX & Co July, 6th ly Administrator's Sale. By order of the Prolate C"rt of Xenuiha Conptj, S'-lrnvl'a Territory. On tho thirteenth lUy of Oct., A. D. 1800, at one o'clock. F M. of said day. before the door of the Po?t office, in tbo ity of Pern, in Nemaha Coun ty, y. T., will be sold to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, as the property of NeheininhStie;.dccefted,toi-wit:the west half of the north-west quarter.f section no five township no six, north of ranjro no fifteen, east of the sixth principal meridian, in Nemaha county. Also, tho west half of the south-east quarter of section no thirty-two, town ship no seven, north of range fifteen, cast of the sixth principal meridian, in Otoe county. Also, the f-.llowing lots in Pern Nemaha county, to-wit: Lots from omTto twelve, inclusive, in block no forty-three as designated m the recorded platt of said town. Terms of rale, o'-e half dowa 'and the balance in 'x month, to be semi:. J by mortgage on 'hn premi se. J. M. LONGFELLOW. HrnwrvUle. Pep. f. lSi)0-$7. Sheriff Sale. Luihbangh & Carson, V3. Tl. B. Stout and James W. Colemnn. NOTICE i? hereby given, that by virtue of an execution issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Nemaha codnty, Nebraska Territory against 11. B. Stou t and James W. Colem in and in favor of Lushbttuph & Car?on for the sum of one hun dred and sixteen dollars and thirty-three cents, I, J. B.Wells, Sheriff of Nemalyi County. Nebraska Terri tory, have levied upon, and will offerfor stile, at public auction, nt the door of the house in which the last term of the District Court for Ncmnha countv, Nebraska Territory, was held in Brown villein said county, on Saturday, the 2'Jth day of September A. D. I8i0. nt one o'clock r. M.,of aaid day, and will sell, to the highest bidder for ens h in hand the following described property, to-wit J the north-west quarter of section thirty-two, town fir j, north of Range sixteen, east, except thirty-two acres off of the west side of the northwest quarter of sail qnartcr section, with all the improvements thereon, levied upon ns the property of James W. Coleman and will be sold to satisfy said execution. J. B. WELLS, Sheriff of Nemaha w.nnty. by B. B. THOMPSON, Deputy. Brownville.,18oO. $7.0 "Stray Cow. BrcivijsiUe, Au just, S0 1SO0- Strayed frmthe .-ubriber, a f ur-year old cow Earmarks: crop off one. slit in the other, consid.'ra Vd wh;tn -white on breast; horns ra ther on tbo stag order. Ncnrly all the busby pnrt of the tail is torn off. Has with her a youDg eaif. A liberal reward will be paid for her delivery, or informatwn that will lead to her recovery. SAM'L CALLAN. Drownville, A a. '16, I860. l-$t- Go-nerisatixis of ST A VL.U AX 13 FtX V V DRY GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock f Choice Family Groceries, CONS1STINU Olf riour, Ham, . Bacon Sugar, Cofxeo, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, etc., etc., And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, . -Peppers, Soda, Salaratns, '- 'Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. ALSO, A well selected Slock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. UEENS WA R E, Saddler s Boots and Shoes. Satinots. i Two Extensive Wcclen Factories SUCCESSFUL .OPERATION, ONE NEW AND FITTED lYith all Vtt Latest Fii.z Jinprovexu::.!:. Vmj are prj art-d t- mannf icture to crur,t!il Lave f..r !e t!i fol!r iii2 tit-od.-: T WEEDS, FLA JEWELS WHITE, COLORED, STUIPDD AND I'LAIN 2La Z xa. o y a Fulled Ilnsejs, Colored TThlto and .Mixed, 1 1-2 Yards wide. FULLED CLOTH, Blankets of ali Kinds asd all Q:a!?.!:3, YARNS OF ALL SIZES AND COLOr.3, Warranted all Goods of the best material. J3?Wc wi"l exchange the above Goods forTTtol Fancy Dylnsr to Order. We will par cash for any amount of Wool, at Market Trice. Flour constantly oii hand for sale. The tosi j;' paid "f jf wheat. -" N.'atEL JL SON. - EUELLA DIXON. Acjust, 2:5, 1860. County JaiL KOTICE i hereby given tt.t Fifreen Hundred Doller WiM be avpruprutevi rroni tho CVr.utj FuuJ for Hie pur pose vf cuiitructii.g County .Jjii. SuUiect, buwever, to the tietijloii of the voters ol 'emalMi Couaty tt t& coming October eloctioo. T. W. EKEFOUD, Co. Cl'k. ELECTION NOTICE. P'c't BoanJariea Xo. I composed ol To us 5 & 2 "6 3 " " 8 north fractional fcf. 5 4 a fraction of town. 6 east naif south half 6 composed of 6 7 ' niS knowledge of the traie and wants of the people of ikvwnvil!e at:d vicinity enablen biru to make judiri ius purchases expressly for this market. He asks a;i esaniinatl.m of his Stock, feelin? assure he will be able to satisfy in quality, style and prices. UT'TflHTTllW WHITNEY'S BLOCK Bs1 wm? ill. rn .E-.,-!rs'S.-.c-ccr.--r;io ,.;-3 55 ;, - t u ail - r. ."Ss Wx ,o g 5 2 S - 5 1 ,2 d ? 2 - J 'ra a i , - 1 , a Z w !-- - r. T S a 2 - - - &5 T 3 "5 1 - i 2 I ri 5 !-w-J -3 . a-2 3 a t x t ' - 'J . . Place of Voticf. ranges li k. I Ptra H Glea Eocx "13) 'I 12 $ D. nouchioa m 4 12 ! 4 " 13 fCba.Borcnera 5 13 J 4Jt5 " 14 5 L.Colllna 6 " 1518 BrownviiU 4 ' 15 18 Seta. Cti. NOTICE is hereby given that the Annual Klee thjn for Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, will b hell at the several voting precinct of laid ccunty on the Oih Jay, being the 2nd Tuesday cf October, or the purpose cf electing ;he followice oCScen, to wit: One Delegate to Cocgre?s ; One Councilman to tho Territorial Legislatare; Four Representatives to Territorial Legislature; One Corouer : OueCoonty Commissioner fcrCommiMionen Dil trict No. 3. T.W.liEDFJKD, Clerk. Brownville, Aug. 30th, 1SS0. M a r. a Lac r r S o B a . CJ v t !T C 3 - 3 , tr. , 5 3 S 3 C i - , e . Z B - v - s - ta c - 1 A a S a Jf aS "c3--i:33 o c - q - a i a : js b t - 3 , C l w fc. c. . a O .'ZX (- . 3 3 S " 2 so."u.S.,.."Sr'- E-o SCs3srsS.-;J2fcirt-2 i2-au "3 . . - 5 s o o o o a c a 3 aj oj w n en J- 2:x5a-'ot: a . - .a St a aa . a. - sm a a m a n a We Will Purchase Wheat As money is scarce, we will pay in goods for wheat 65 cents per bushel : and for flour $2,75 per hundred pounds. We will furnish sacks for wheat and re ceive it, either at our Store in Brownville or at Slelvin's Mills. D. J. MAIiTlNA CO. Brownville, Oct. 20. 1S50. otP-5 SUMMER GOODS AT LESS THAN COST!! We will cell our p'tock of ladies' Summer Dress Goods, Gentlemen's Summer Goods, Bonnets, Straw Hats, &c., J.X Ijcss tliaxx Coot, In exchange for cash, Wheat, Flour, Shelled Corn and Bacon. D J. MARTIN & Co. N. B. Come and see X3 as wo are dctrnnned to Sell the above goods at some price in preference to keeping them over until next t pring. D. J. MARTIN, 4 Co. PROBATE NOTICE. WHEREAS, Joseph Shittz. has been appointed General Administrator cf the Estate of Ueorgi Englehardt. deceased, lata of Nemaha County, notice is hereby given that I havo appointed Saturday, September the 15th. 1C0. as the day for hearing claims gnint slid Estate: all persons havinge!aim3 against said estate are hereby uo iCed to -'ave them on Cle on or before that day or they may forever be debarred frotn rccoverinz such claims. Given under my hand and oScial seal this 23th day of June, A D, 1S60. CYRUS W. THIEELFK, 51-12t$13fee, Probate Judge. I860 TAXES. I860 In accordance with sections 3t and 33, papes 240 and 241, General Lavs of Xebra.-k i. fifth esiun. I wiil at tend at the fi'.!wins places at the times designated, for the purpose ft ifcevia? Taxes : Klection Prcc!r. :t No. 1, Poru, September 14 and 15. " " 2, Gienrock, ' 17 IS. ' " ' 3. Honchins, 19 " ?0. " " ' 4. B..rchers, " 21 " 22. ' ' 6 Cdiins. " 2i " 29. " ' 6 Krownville, " 24 " 25. ' " 7. XemttiaCity " 26 " 27. "SEC. 3f. Itthallto the Treasurer's dnty to attend at the usu.-ii pUces of huline eictai..ns in ech pretinci in bis auniy fr tw.) d.iys dm ioir the monih nf Seyteni her. from 9 a. ar. to 4 P. m. of eaciidy. for the purpose of receiving taxes from any person who Bhaall at thit time wish ! mikepjynent " &c. "Sec. 33. Us-bail be the duy of eveT person snb ject to taxation under tLU law to attend at the places and time'f the Tr 'usurer's sitting tn his precinct for the purp f e of receivins taxes, and then py the same, or t' attend at some other time within the two months allowed, when tho Treasurer is not en ?ed in collerfir.g taxes in any of the precinct, at the Treasurer's OSce attheCnnty ceu." &.c. Sec. 89. "After the first day of Xoveruoer the en paid taxes of be cirrent year, becjime delinquent, and shall draw interest at the rate of fifty percent per aji num." lie. JACOB STEICSLEtt. Treasnrer. Brownville, Sept. lit, lSiO, Lloffat's Life Fills Pn(ENIXMBITTER89 These medicines have now been before the public for . a period of thirty years, and during that time have maintained a hih character iu almost every part of tt ' Globe, f-r their extraordinary and immeJial. power of restoring perfect health toj.erons suffering under near ly every kmd cf disease to which the human frame la lUbie. The following aresnmoof the distressing variety cf htimsn diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are wpll known to bo infallible. D'jtpeptia, by tlioronuhly cleansing tbe first and ave nl t,niucb, and crcaliog atiow of pure healthy tnia, instead of the stale acrid kind , Flalultncy, Lota of Ap petite, near. bum, Headache, r.estlessoe, lU-tuipor, Anxiety, languor, and Melancholy, which are lha ea eral symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vaniob, aa a natual conseor.euce of its cure. Coitiv meat, by cleansing the wkole length of the la testines with a solvent prccesa, and wttuoCt violancei all violent purges leave the bowels costive within tw days. Fevert, of all kiodB, ty restoring the bleed to a raga lar circulation, through the prvecia of perspiration la uch cases, and the thorough, solution of all intestinal obmructlou in others. " The Life Medicine have been known to enre JUtuna titn permanently in :hree week. and C'ouf la halt that time by removing local inf! junuatica rrom tLe niui cles and ligameut from the join's. Drop$ie Of all kinds, by freeing and strengthenlnt tht kidneys and bladder ; they operate mot delightful ly on these important organs, uu l hence have everbeea found a certain reuiCuj for the worst cases of Gravel. Also Worms, by dis)odir)g from the turnings of the bowei the slimy matter to which tbese creatures ad here. Scurvy. Ulcersznt Inveterate Sorer, by theperfeet purity which these Life Medibiues give to the blood, and and all the humors. - Scorbutic Eruptions and bad complexions, by their al ternative effects upon the fluids that feed the i kin, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive com plaints, sail jw, clod ly, andother disagreeable complex ion, Tbe useof these pills for a very short time, will e3act an entirecureof Salt Rheum aud striking improve ment, in the clearues of tbe skin. Common Cold j n4 Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by two la tb worsi cases. PILES. The original proprietor of these medicine, wascuredof plies of thirty-Bve yeara Handing, ry tt useof the Life Medicines alone. Fever ana Ague For this sconrre cf th Weitera Country, these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of the disease a cure by these mei- lillioiis Keers and Liver Complaints. General Ve Mlity. loss of appetite, and Diseases cf Females ti Medicines have been used with tbe most beneficial re sults in cases of this description: Kings Evil, and Scrof ula in its worst forms, yields to the mild, yet powtr ful action of these remarkable Medicines. NigbtSweta Nervous debility. Nervous Complaints of all kinds, FiU pitation of the heart, Painter's Colic, are speedily cur ed. Mercurial Diteatet Persons whose constitutes have become impaired by the tnjudiciout nie of Msrcury will Ond these Medicines a perfect cure, aa the- never fail to eradicate from the system, all the effects ef th Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful prep arations cf Sarsaparllla. W. B. MOFFaT. 335, Broadway, Xew Tork. July 5, 18C0, ly SUErAH 'EiOB HILLS A.YD EVAPOKATOES I HAVE made arrangement! with DOrGLAS BROTHERS, Zanesville, Ohio, the only establishment In the United States, engaged exclusively la the manu facture cf Sorgho Sugar Mills, Evaporators, 4.C., by which I ran furnish the farmers in this region with those much needed articles. Tie Douglas Sugjr Mill and Ap parstos were awarded tbe First Premium at the Ohio State Fair; an 1 the highest honor at the United Statu Agricultural Society,-a sliver medal. I am confident Farmers or Xebraxka, Kansas, Northern Missouri a&4 S-xubem Iowacan find no other to suit theta better either in price or otherwise. Capacity and Prico cf I-IiLb.-Tnrte Iron Kellers in Strong Iron Frazs. , No C One Horse Vertical Mill presses from Ji to 30 gallons of juice per hour ; price (10 do 1 One horse Vertical presses from 25 to 49 gallons of Juce per hour ; price O Same as No 1 ; extra heavy. 6J do a Two horse Vertical presses from S5 to Q gallons of juice per hour; light drift U do 3 TvVohorse Vertical (double gearei) press es from 35 to 50 gallons juice per hour, heavy draft W do 4 Two horse Vertical (single geared) presr es frcm 50 to 75 gal Ions of juice per Lour J heavy draft ICO do 6 Four horse Vertical -ing!e geared) ritv from 100 to 125 gallons per bocr ltd do ft To "horse lloruutal (ba k geared) suita ble to attach to Threshing M.blne or other power, presses from 40 to 60 gallcm cl juice per hour 10 d 7 Two horse--XIorixontal, with vertical shaft to apply lever to. worked by horses same aa Vertical, presses 40 to 60 gallons per hour to 124 do 3 ?our horse Horizontal fack t ?arel) suit able to attach toThre-hlig Mathiae or other power, pree 73 to 100 gallons per bosri U- do J Six horse norijontal (back geared) ca!ci lated for water or steam power, rea'iy for the belt, and wish capacity to worx ol a crop of from 15 to 20 acres of Cane, Ii3 Douglas' Improved Works. Zanesville. Ohio.' Muskingum We are now prerared to marjv.facture onr Premium. Sugar-Cane 1WUU. either Verticil or Horizontal, aad will be abl to supply the tjemand, however larse. We are also manr.fjrtriring Dou!as' Imjroved rap orator, and also Pot;,; ias St cam Sugar Evaporator, and are prepared i furnish every article of the best quali ty, and at iu derate rstrs, rtinirrd In the manufsctar FRICES 5t '50. $?0 1"0. and upward. Price of Furra;es ar.d Evaporators, $50 to $I0O. .i:a!an and P.imphlets furnished on applicatlcu. All orders addressed to the tinder-igned will le prompt ly attended to. DOUGLAS LKOTIIrK, ap'l-ly ZanesviUc, Ohio. AUGUSTUS SCH0EI1HE1L (Formerly from Seneca Conntv, Ohio,) ATT0KNEY AT LAW, FALLS' CITY, Xl-lolxa-arclfsoxx Oo., XT. ITa July 25, 1S50.