Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 23, 1860, Image 3
IE ADVERTISER. L O C .A. H. .OWIx VILLE, AUG. 23., 16G0. 12 " 3 00 be furni5hedt 1.60 per ,.,v. -..TERMS: n.r.or If n&id in advance, . at the end of months, ,t 4t I " " m f 19 :.r mora will ..m tha cib accompanies the i-cr, not fiie. The '.'Kebraska Advertiser" having i the largest circulation of any paper in "orritnrt'. Wholesale Hercliants in St. c St. Joseph, Cincinnati and other East larketa Where Nebraska merchants pur- e. will find Ho better Rdvertiaing mediura 3 Western country X$ - We iearn that the Board of Managers of the Territorial Agricultural Society have deternuncJ rnt to hold a Fcir this fall. This we consider a verj unwise step,. the result of which we entertain rreat fears. The Tair was to have been held at Omaha. If our Omaha friend felt unable, this year,- lo make the neces sarv preparations, it could have been held a at Nebraska City again, where the peo pie no-doubt, would have been pleased to have it this year. Allowing such enter uLt:t published BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE Signers -of the Declaration r t ri r i Hi or flDfllH prises to "lag Dy uie interest directly. way destroys al for Rlnnks. ted In superior style, and ep for chh, rres-h turply f -anty Deeds, Mortgage Deeds, ..... rtssrio lifmrii tor Deeds. Justice. Sheriff and Constable Blanks, ISltnk. Preemption iPf". . Tovnshin Plats. Bills Lading. "Drafts. Notes, etc., etc.. etc. Mil the especial attention of those in need. a ami everr description executed to n . utrie inferior to none, produced in any part of intry. we except no orrioe in mc cm, vr v-ib- . and offer specimens of our worn as evidence. A. -GRAVES, likteller, Stationer, and i Acent, P.Mit Office building, Corner Donclasand trPPt onuhi. N.T.. 1 our authorized ut for both the Advertiser and Farmer. TT ATI "DING A CO.. News and Literary De- -Tiii'a biiiiitim. Haiu street, opposite the Niak- :i .tve, Nebrahka City re our tuthoriied Agents jth the Advertiter and I armer. JOY. COK & CO. . export ixxx AND - DEALERS IN , and Printing Material of all Kinds. i Tribune Buildings, NewTork, and Brown's Iron ' ...... ... , t : They areauthoriied Agents lur tbe Farmer and Advertiser. 3IATIinR & ABBOTT, . SUCCESSORS TO II G ELY, :d Slates ar.d Forrign Newspaper Advertising Agency, 3. BROADWAY, NEW YORK. nthnriied scent for the "NEBRASE-A ADVER f and ""NEBRASKA. FARMER. irapalsn Advertiser Subscribe he Campaiirn Advertieer. We intend 4 -are no pains to make it an accepla- -aper to all who are opposed to the ous , policy of .Buchanan and his fol- era: Single Copy Six copies Ten " Twenty-two copies Fifty Let the voters cf Nemaha County bear - a. ' v aW . 1 in mind that J. b. JUorton. wno is now askin their votes, is the identical man C7 who assisted in driving one of the Rep resentatives of this County from the halls of the Legislature, with shouts of "move him!" 4iput him out," &c. We refer to his treatment of lion. b. A. Chambers, Ferhaps, the particulars are'desired. Steamer Hesperian Bnrneil. We regret to learn that the Steamer Hesperi an, one of the most popular and elegant boats in thiser upper trade, wastotaly de stroyed by fire, while at Winthrop, oppo site Atchison, on the night of the 20th. The fire is thought to be the work cf in- cendiary. Capt. Kerchival owned one quarter of the boat, and was insured only for 84,500. Value of boat 4-5,000. The opposition could not have nomina ted a man who would better suit Daily's hand than Morton. Why Daily might a -kpII "show out." He holds the ,lfour 'Mori'' PEKDBNOE. KG. 4 u9 mm BK0WNYILLE, N.T. Wlicb is tbt oldest, most extensir and rnM Jlerchantilo House in tho Upper Countrj? aces on 35 S2 3 6 12 cts. 00 00 00 00 WeSt& LakC, are just now furnishing the citizens cf this place with choice meats. If we had no otner evidence, that nice ham of lamb presented the Ed ... " . . ltor would be convincing testimony. ayable in all cases cash in advance. a a a till Coming. On Saturday last, cur nsmen, J. Wr. Coleman, Esq., and C .Edwards, and Mr. McCor, cf .era, returned to this City, direct from i Gold Regions. They ma de the trip the Brownville route in thirteen days. j are pleased to know they have Etood trip well, and are in "good order and II conditioned." To our old friend, Coleman, we are in ted for some very rich specimens of d-bearirrg quartz. Also to Mr. Mc- StOTCS, dC. J. C. Dceser, the pop ular Dealer in stoves tin ware sc., has just returned from below with a rousing big stock of every thinginhis line. He says he is prepared to give rtfi bargains. He has some new and beautiful patterns. Call and see him fou-i :maLa 'e hope i'cmslia County Ajrricnltnral Fair. ti.e i:rr;.-.iM Li t, 1 1 y iLe our farmers and :.. vl.-r.ics will :.lir themselves, and that the apprcach ; fair will be. Number one in every re- lie First and Last Dun. Tt here say-to all persons enring u, either by e or account, we roust hare our piiy, in wheat or jey bj the first of October next. No exceptions, -s is acah business; therefore, when we do Cred ihe pay must come when we need it; and we will i it by the above named date. D. J. MABTIS" & CO. Drowttrille. Anfut23, 1SC0. - . - Issabeila Grape Mr. G. w. Brat- :ic, cf this lace has placed upon our .ble a fine bunch of that most delicious "rape, the Isabella. The specimen he re us is very fine indeed. McKin's FlOUr. Our citizens will glad to know that hereafter they can be r6ished at all times with the best quali- of the justly celebrated Melvin Flour, ' cilliog al.the City Bakery in this place, lour from Melvin's Mills has establish 1 for itself an excellent reputation, and ? need but. .say it can be had as above ntioned.' Personal. Our sanctum was honor ed last week, by a visit from neighbor Reed, of the Rockport (Mo.) Ihrald. We are glad to know that the HeralJ under the management of Mr. Reed is flourishing finely. G003 Corn. Mr. A. Handley and J. W. Coleman have both left at cur of fice specimens cf bottom-land corn of this year's growth that are very good in deed, considering the season: in fact would be. cal ' rood INDE Historical remarks cpon the Declaration, and ttetcU of tLe lealir.g events, cnnm ed with the adoption of the Articles of Cotiederation, and cf the Federal Constitution, by BEITS ON J. LOGGING, Author cf "1775." "Lives cf Preiidentt," tic, etc. Illustrated with Pii'ty Portraits of the Sign ers, and numerors other engravings. v ruiuilic. i i. i i . . r mm I' r i r v I hi j n i - . r ,,. ii wuii ouuinuum jor i'v'Sl- I'm' t-m tin & C IS ft fF (J copy or me uoct. together with a bandtotiie pros- T JiL H OJLJ If S l2J Cut. Worih from fi(, t fv (iim . - ! i "-"WiJ' VnaJ dress tn the United States. From the Ilerald. . IPTV. - i . iucm ro iesons or ueep, oidiug; interest, and ;f juchwuiaoie vaite, to te learned in studying the lives 01 me uien uo peniea their all to secuie the blessed inheritance of free institutions which we mw rnimr Wadonot learn merely the dignity and sacrednessof pure painoiiMii, oy loHowing them in their career amid uo otvi ui5 i.i iub a.evoimion. Dula 11 the vir:ap whins adorn bum? nity are presented in such bold relief, in the Fi...iC.uvi yuunv ituuua 01 mat venerable compauy thatwheu we rise from a perusal of a narrative of lives wo feel as if all the noble qualities of oar ccm- iuuu luaucooa uaa neen pashirz before ua in i'vii- nA vj -.v u uui i'iuiuuuu reverence. The biography of a great man is an history of his own limes and when we have perused the record of the ac tions of the men of our Revolution wo have imbibed a general knowledge of the great events of that striiKClo for Freedom. If this proposition in true, than we feel that this volume has a claim to the public tejard, lor the author has endeavored to comprUa., within as small a cumpass as a perspicuous view of the subject would allow, the chief events in the lives of the men who stood sponsors at the baptism in blood of our Infant Hp. pu'olic. The memoirs are ilcstrated by copious noten exnlan.i- tory of events alnded to in the course of the biocranbi- cal narrative, and these will be found a highly useful feature of the work." Copies of either of the above books, with a han,nm Girt, worth from 50 cents to $100, will be sent to any person in the United States upon veceipt of the price, and 21 cents to pay potpe, by addressing the publisher wto is desirous of call j our attention to bis liberal method f tranactiiiii bucincrs. viz : With EACH BOOK that it hourhi at this Eiedhlith- A rKlsSt.? I n given worth from FIFTY CENTS to 0.EHUyi)liD DOIiliAltS. The Prefents are of Eod uualitr and of tT Manufacture, and comprise a larce assortment of (lold mi Miver watches, Silver Plated Ware. Silk Drpga Patterns, Jewelry, and useiul articles, too numerou to mention. Snd for a Complete Classified Catalogue of Books . . t 1 1 a. a . wuitu wui ue nianea to you, tree or expense, and one trial wil assured you that the best pUcj In t be count r to euy ooois, is at the put DooK establishment of . Geors-e G. Evrjis. Publisher and Originator of the Gift Book Entrrprite And Proprietor of the largest G i t'T BUCiC STAB- LISII&D In the Country, permanently located at A'o. 439 Chettnut Strtet, PHIL AD EliPHIA. f M 1 1 I j t f STREET, r-i i 7, i aMAal :.i j DLL Where are, the best fcsjgains to b had la the pur chase or a.11 JtiEdj of goods 7 A l A 1 I I t nn r-i M M nil a i I . au i i JEW COOKS! IJEW B GEO. G.EVANS, Publisher, and Originator o' tr,. GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE, No. 1.33 Chestnut Street, PUXLADELPniA. JUST PUBLISHED ! !! THE fiomc Book of ficalth A.2JJ MEDICINE, A Family Doctor, EStBRACUTQ The Laws and Means of Physical cul ture, adapted to practical use, laws of Digestion, Breath. ag, Ventilation, unes of the Lungs, ClrculaJon and Kenovation, laws and diseases of the Skin, Bath injf. Clothing. Temperature, i'ood and Cooking, Poi son, Exercise and Rest, etc., etc' EIoit to Prevent Consumption, With general opinions and directions conducive to a long and healthy life, and remarks relative to the rigM usq of physicians by W. A. ALCOTT, M. D. Withthirty- ae illustrations. One voiumc, ismo., cuo pp., handsomely bound la cloth. Price $100. And upon re-ept the price nd 21 cents sauiuooai or Postage, acpy of the book, together with handsome present, worth from 60 cents to $100, will be sent to any address in '.he United States. Who sails goods at the lowest Sjare ? THEODORE HILL Who cntSts Pike'i Peaken with thing they prices equal at least, with. Saint Louis and St. Joseph? THEODORE HILL . Who keeps the choicest quality of goods f THEODORE HILL. Where are the latest stylet and finest qualities of Fancy Goods tc be found T AT HILLS. Who pays the highest market price for all kinds of country produce. THEODORE HILL. Wio doesiie exclusire Commission Business in the city vf liroTiSTille ? . THEODORE MI la la Who wholesales goods to the back countrj on the most advantageous terms? THEODORE HILL A "c:- WCC si -i PlC NIC. As we go to press the Brownville Union Sabbath School is hol ding a pic-nic on the hill near town. Par ticulars next week. IOrelmprOTCUlCnt. Wre notice that on R. Bkown is getting material on the ound for the. erection of a fine brick sidence, yet this season, on Main be rem Third and. Fourth Streets. Mr. rown is 'nov going to be behind in the y of improvement. AUGUSTUS SCH0ENHEIT, (Formerly from Seneca County, Ohio,) ATTORNEY AT LAW, FALLS' CITY, nicliardsoii July 25, 1SC0. 10., -XT. Tf Money To Loan. Tersons wishing toboirow money, can ho accom modated by applying to the undersigned. Reliable security rqu tred. II. M. AKIXSON. B. F. Lusliftacgh, Esq., of the Bank- '2 House of Lusubagh & Carson in .is City, and who has been East for the 1st l;x "months, returned on Saturday it. His'- absence has been prolonged, 2 are sorry to say, by severe family af ction loss of a child and aunt in hich he has cur heartfelt sympathies. We are pleased to see Mr. L. looking d well-himself. . Godey for September, is on our lble. The engravinr "The Gleaner," -and Fashion plates are unusually fine. The matter, as usual cf the choicest lit rature, sprinkled with every-day facts " epecial interest. , Arthur's Home Magazine The "eplemher number is before us. Whene ver we open this model Magazine, we onfess to 'a feeling of satisfaction sel 'om'experienced by the perusal of any thers. ' ' We Will Purchase Wheat As money is scarce, we will pay in goods for wheat 63 cents perbusbel ; and for flour $2,75 per hundred pounds. We will furnish sacks for wheat and re ceive it, either at our Store in Browtfc-ille or at Melon's Mills. D. J. MARTIN i CO. Brownville, Oct. 20, 1859. ctP-5 SUMS EiBB HILLS J1XD EVAPORATORS I TIAVE made arrangements with DOUGLAS BROTHERS, Zanesville, Ohio, the only establishment in the United States, engaged exclusively ia the manu facture of Sorgho Sonar ililln, Evaporators, &.C, by which I can furnish thefarmers in this regionwith those much needed articles. The Douglas Sugar Will and Ap paratus were awarded the First Premium at the Ohio State Fair; and the highest bonor at the United States Agricultural Society, a silver medal. I am confident Farmers of Nebraska, Kansas, Northern Missouri and Southern Iowa can find no other to suit them better cither in price or otherwise. Capacity and Price of IMills, Tnree iron Rollers in Strong Iron Frame. No C One Horse Vertical Mill presses from5 to 30 gallons of juice per hour ; price $ 6C 00 1 uoe norte vertical presse from 23 to to gallons of j nee per hour ; price Same as No 1 ; extra heavy, do 2 Two horse Verticil presses from 35 to 60 pallons of juice per hour 1 light drift do 8 Two horse Vertical (double geared) press es from 35 to 60 gallons juice per hour, heavy draft - . do i Two horiik YerUcal (single geared) press es from 60 to 75 gallons of juice per hour i heavy draft do 6 Four horses Vertical (single geared) capa city from 100 to 125 calsons per hour do 6 To horse Horizontal (back: geared) suita ble to attach to Threshing Machine or other power, presses from 40 to 60 gallons of juice per hour da 7 Two horse Horiiontal, with vertical shaft to apply lever to. worked by horses same as Vertical, presses 40 to 60 gallons per hour to 125 do S Foot horse Horizontal (back geared) suit able to attach to Threshing Machine or other power, presses 73 to 100 gallons per hours I5f do 8 Six horse Horizontal (back geared) calcu lated for water or steam power, ready for the belt, and with capacity to work off a crop of from 15 to 20 acres of Cane, 150 n. Y. fur.yas, Ag?t. 60 65 SO 80 100 140 100 J00 ,. . .; t i . 1 ! : .-' ' .-. . v 1 . ; , : , 1 Co ; i.;t a!. J erii;).iy 3 j v r : c . ; rc- s jAry valuable and practical suggestions on the various sub jects spoken of in the title page, and may prove a very useful took tn all families, not so much to teach bow to cure disease, as to prevent their occurrence. Tne laws and means of physical culture, adapteu to practical use, are luid down ia a manner within the comprehension of all. Technicalities tsve been avoided, and the rules and observations of all the laws are simply exemplified. A work of this character is so essential to families, particularly to young mothers, that few should be with out it. The great number of deaths among infants has al ready created an alarm in families, and retleotiona have been made npon the failure of physicians ia their at tempt to cure. The philosophy of diet is one of the features of the bok and the causes of consumption, a most important one. This is treated by the ioctor in a most striking and original manner, and hi means of how to prevent it are laid down in plain and unmistakeable language. This portion cf the volume so important to the 100,000 persons who are even now dying with consumption for nearly that n'; jbjr die annually will be read with an interest whica will eventually have a most desirable effect " GEO. G. EVANS. Publisher, Ho 439 Chesttmt Street, Philadelphia. LEGAL NOTICE. B. 7 Fraino, FL'lT Nemaha County District vs l Court 2d Judicial districtNe- Joehui g; Abbc.d'ft J braska Territory. In Equity. To Fall Term, A. 1). WW. JosbnaG, a'Juc. the above named defendant, will take t.iee that the above named plaintiff, It. W. Frame, t'id, on to-wit. the 30th day of March, A D 1S60, fiie his petition in tho. abovo named, district Court witbL. ai.d for Nemaha County Nebraska Ter ritory, agitst the said Joshua G. Abbe, setting fortb,'thton,to-wit, the 27th day of December, AD laDViaa sad defendant did make, execute ana de liver unto the said plaintiff a certain mortgage, oa the lollowing described property, viz : lots 4 ana in block I7t lots 9 and 7 in block So, lots fire and sir in block one hundred and thirty-nino, lots 9, 10, 3, and 4 in block fiity-nine, lots 10, and 11, in blocit fifty -sir, ht twelve in block one hundred and eight, lots one. two, seven and eight, in block fifty-eight, lots five find six, in block one hundred and forty, lots one aod two in block fifty -seven, lots three, four fiv asJ six in block sixty four, nts seven and eight in bloc'iono hundred and seven, lot nine in block one l:ujdred snd thirteen, lot twelvi in block one hundred at A seventeen, lot ono in block one hun dred atsd le-'ea, and block one, as numbered and described 1 1 the published plat of the town of f eru, i'j Nemaha sfonty Nebraska Territory, to secure the p-vment o? Ore hundred dollars, according to a cer ts uboai .-veircd to In said mortgage, and praying thttsa.Jri&vaaG. Abbe may pay the said sua now clainivv. trl-t due, or that the said premises may be soil vC. -y the same, and the said Joshua G. Abba is BCti'fd ihit he is required to answer, the said petit ii-z on c? before tho 17th day of September, A p 18GC-, or the petition will bo taken as true and the prayet cf him tlieB&id plaintiff, will be granted by the sadC'-urt. . : :. JOHNSON & BEDFORD, ; Attornev's for Plaintiff. AUes ALLEN BLACKER, Dist, Clerk, By T W Bepfoed Deputy. Grdcrd that the foregoing be published for four con;cttUvc weeks in the Nebraska Advertiser - ALLEN BLACKEK, Clerk, By T.W. Dedfobd, D'j. . Brcr.villc, Aug. 5th, 1880. 4w-$12 50 Ycrj NlCC We notice that the prop rty ca maia street near the bridge, has ecently undergone quite a change, having een greatly improved and beautified WVfind it to be the work of Theo. Hill. 11 . t 1 t 13 now cp,c cf th- handsornest reiden c blown. Administrator's Sale. By order of the rrohaie Curt cf A'cmali County, eomAx itrrttory. On Saturday, the 8th day of cent. A. D 1860. at one o'clock. P M, cf said day, before the door of the Post oEce, in the City of Pern, in Nemaha Coun ty, N. T, will be sold to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, as the property of Jacob Alelkk, deceased, to-wit: the west half of tho north-east quarter of section no twenty-eight, town ship no six, range fifteen, east of the sixth principal meridian, containing eighty acres, appraised at four hundred dollars. Terms cf io hand. JOHN W. SWAN. Administrator of the estate of Jacob Melick, de ceased; Brownville, July 28 1SC0-J5. fmpcrlanl to Farmers . McrK. JuuifK Ciallfii k. Son Pul.ii,hcr! Philadel phia, wijl iul any Agricnltural Work publihhed in Ameri.a piktpaid, cu receipt f the retail price. vial y LEGAL NOTICE John. McPherson") Ia the District Court of Ne va Imaha County, Nebraska Ter Wiiliam 2?ewit j ritory. . . William Dewit of the State of Missouri will take nctici that the said John McFhcrson did on the 8th day of August I860, file his petition in said Court acainst the said defendant wherein he claims dam age lo the amount cf five hundred having accrued to said plaintiff; in consequence of tha non pifonnance by said defendant of an agreetnent'and obligation made Juno 7th, 1800, wherein said de fendant agreed on or before Jnly 10th, 1809, to de liver to aid rlaintiff a good ami sufficient deed to the N. West quarter of section 13 in township five range 15caet of tho Ctb. Principal meridian, and to pay to said plaintiff one thousand dollars, and al so to give his obllsation for the further sum of five hundred dollars, in consideration that the plaintiff should convey to said defendant tho hast half of lots 7 and 10 and the whole cf loU 8 and II in block 3 in JJrownville, together with the Hotel building tber on. situated And said defendant will tako notice th;it the necessary affidavit having been filed by the said plaintiff an order of attachment has been been issued against Lisprcperty, nadthc land abuvo desibedba bein attached, said defendant is fur he notified that he is required t appear and an wr said petition on nr before the third Monday af ter IQj vi0i.hd.iy f Angnvf 1310. 1 K W TltOilAS, At'y for 1'1'ff rrowaTillo,Ans5:hf fiOL . . V ;&-2t ,:rsr is i 3 u: ? n cr C v T H E 0 D0RE H ILL Who keeps constantly on hand and forgale the larj . est and best assottment of Hardware. ? TMEW MILIL. Where do the Ladies find the best assortment of the latest stylo noops? J3k Where do people go to find a complete stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps ? u I 1 5 (La Ilk O Where will you find all kinds of Caned Fruits, Oysters, Bottled Liquors of the choicest brands, etc? AT THE MILL'S, Where will those going to the Gold Mines find a sup ply of Picks, Axes, Shovels, Sluine forks. Ox Yokes, Bows, Chains, Bacon, Beans, Sugar, Gunpowder, Uockers, Coffee, and everything they want ? AT THEODORE HILL'S Where will Fanners go to purohase 'Plows, or sell Wheat. Corn, Oats Rye, Barley, Potatos, Beans Bat ter, Eggs, f c. TO IT I L 'S . If Fanners wish to ship their produce themselves, where do they go? l2 .Ijn.V i'tr i H fi t! If you wish to deal with accommodating and polite Clerks. GO TO THEODORE HILL'S In short : For anything to eat, drink or wear. si a ) I: , v J: J nn BROWNVILLE, N. T. BrownTiUc, N. T., Aprii 12, 1SG0. ly aa JOHN A.. FONH, lias Kemov.d Prom hia Old Stand oa the Xtchj to TTHITIISY'S UHW 33 LOCH, MAIN STREET, BROWAWILEN.T. TTnere ha has opened t? a i H Conaiotins of STAPLE ArI rA!T DRY GOO ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family f .' ;- What Everybody. Waiiis. THE ZPALIILY DO OTOE COKTAiyi?JG Simple r.cmctllcs, Easily Chil-. lor tliG Carccf Uiscacin T.OF. all iie::ry l orir. ; ET S. TAYLOR, BROWN VII -T- a -w w rfs, Flour, Sugar, Coflco, Tcr, Salt, : . . Chseso, .. ..' Candles, '" etc, etc, And a fine assortment cf LIGHT GROCERIES . Such as Spice, - ' - Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, i etc., etc. ALIO i A well selected Stock of . HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. QUEENSWARE, Boots and Shoes. HiS knowledge of the trade and wants of the people of Boownville and vicinity enables him to make judici ous purchases expressly for this market. lie asks an examination or his Stock, feeliog assured he will be able to satisfy in quality, style and prices. illT'T wmwm IT TELLS T0C" Eow to att-i c-v.n tiasick, and hoU cook for then;; Low te prepare driais Pouiticea fvC. at,1 -tisr how to jurd asainst the jHfe-iion from coaujigu Diseases. IT TELLS TOu Of the various dleaes cf CVA Jrea, and gives tha best and simplest nuot'.n ci treatment during ttetliiajr, convn! sions, Vacci ration, TThoopirg-ecBih, lleas!es, &.c. IT TELLS YOTJ The gymptoms of Croup, Cholera Infin tnm, Cholic, Diarrhea, Worn; sea! led .', ' Head, Bingworm, CSicien-rox, Ac, and gives you tte test remedies for their cure. IT T1.IXL AOTJ The symptoma of Fever and i.gue, aa BiMoua. reliow. Typhus, Scarlet and ctLcr rovers, abJg've yon tlsteit "imDleSt rpnif" liP fnr thAif wn IT TELL3 TOC Tho symptoms of Influenza. ConKtnra- tion Dynpepsia, AstLaia, Irop3ey, the Gout, Rheumatiiim, Lucitajo, Ery., &.c and gives joa the bsit Remedies lor th.iir enre. IT TELLS TOTT The spmptoms cf Cholera iTorbtis, Ifa lignairt cholera, Small-J'ox Dysentery Cramp. Disei$3 0 the Bladder, ad of the kidneys and Lrver, and tUt best remedies for t'neir curj. IT TELLS TO!T The symptom of the Mnmpi. Koaral Pia, Ap-.p!eiy, Pirtljsis, the various Diseasesof th throst, teeth, ear and eye, and the bett remdies for their cure. IT TILLS TOTJ The symptoms of TTpi'epsy Jnndiee the riles Rapture Diatacs of the Heart, Hemorrhage, Venereal Diseases and UvdrophokU, itnd gives the tast rem ciies for their IT TELLS TOCT The best and simplest trestTPent foi wounds, broken bones aud dislocations sprains lockjaw. Fever Sores, tvtl.a Swellings, Ulcers, Whitlowi, Uoiis, Scurvy, burns, and Scrofula. IT T3LL3 TO IT Of the various Diseises peculiar to the . JemileSex, aLd gives the best and Am plest remedies far ticircure, tnjeLher with many valuable hints for tha pres ervation of health. Ths work is written in plain lscguaze, fYee from med ical terms, so as to be easily understood, while its sim ple receipes may soon save you many times the exit of the took. It is printed in a clear and open tyre; is il lustrated with appropriate ensnvinss. and will l for warded to your address, neatly beutd and poataje paid, on tte receipt of $1 CO 81,000 A YEAR Can be made by enterprisln men everywhere in sel ling the above work, as our Inducements to all s'ueU are very liberal. u For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents with other information, apply to or address JOHN K. POTTEK, Publisher, No 617 Sansom Street Philadelphia, Pa. -a. i Cs .'-it reijvvH perba;s, tt I 4 n t v. c a "3 a P Vila rH w v. o S 90 a. o -a a 5 s a a m S c. r v. "O u C j A V. . 2 U B w vfrfe - ft . 4 "3 c V 3 -j 3 u v. 4 -3 a C v 3 .3 3? "2. -1 C - ran sj o5 " C Si 4, C - - " O m ' 2 . n ? o O a 3i U 1 t rs 00 3 - " vLs2. a o " a S u S 1. a ja - v C . . C ft v. - vac-j?..:-- a M V Of C o rj -w 5 -5.. C3 r-. M & tt o 5 AS O ZZ if O 25 SI 5s 3 r 0 a to ts 2 c a " ? oiB-rro a . k . r- m - 3 ft .r J3 B . jr vJ . S- 5 5 - r- U. g fi C T w m ft o. be x ? K m c a x c m .a c S m. c S3 " S ji 5 t o o 2 a m - t- a. o e -an"; C2 -3 C X - T .3 2 1 W c e o a w 2 fc a o " 2 S v r . CO 6t? I a v M 2 S-! 13 is?: O w W 33 ft- S Q v. fl 145 3 s. vl ft 3 Of T - 3 i s ev i o 3 c o - ? fl v. v, o r ; r n. a! 3:?. ffi 1. o si o 3 Tajjag S?y3c., S t.- S . t JE SZ- 0 1fc.Hreo 2at.-a Ai-it " " -- 22-" -a ?ao!o c. tjcia-?; v. S1 JB rv 1 S a w w 9. k T. t : a -r -7 r. a ---:. .? 5 ti a c 5 I c'-iSrfMi- c - m ci " t e ) o a S3 sat-'z 3"ra. u oo ft JO'- . v 1 J3 Ss ftf s; gal a 2 - 1 1 ON 0! 03 O O O o 9 fi s - S3 - S B o O 0 e 2 "5 I-. M W V. 3 s:- e a 2 2 s 5 t n "C rr s) SiJvf J3 - CJ SS!5s 3sSg .M3iS 5 t, o 3 a 3, cl a-2 "3 - 2 " 1 a.,-ei;fi I a x y . . V7y Thousand Covies Already Sold. EVERYBODY7 LAWYER, COFXSEIXOniTf Drsinss. BY FRANK CROSBY. OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAR. IT TELLS TOU How to draw up Partnership Papers nd gives general forms for Agree " menta of all kinds, Bills of Sale, and Leases and Petitions. IT TKLLS TOU Eow to draw up Bonds and lTort?ages, - Affidavits, Powers of Attorney, liates and Bilis of Exchange, Receipts and Releases. IT TELLS TOU The laws for the collection of debts with the statutes cf Limitation and amount nd kind of property exempt from ' execution in tcr stats. ITTELLsTOU How to nuke au assignment prrpotly. with forms for Composition wita cred itors, and the insolvent laws of every Stats. ITT2LL3 TOU The lecal relation existir.s between Guardian and Ward, Master an1 AP rraatio, Lauii'ora and Tenant. IT TELLS TOU "Whatccnstitutes Lioel and Slaadc, and iae law as to marriage Dower, the Wif 's right in prowerty, Divorco and Alimony. IT TELLS TOU The Law for irechanies Liens in every C t T ( n r- ,t IV. V" u..v, .uu i.ud j.turiizaiion laws of thi country, and how to comply with xhe same. IT TELLS TOU Ihe Law Concernlr K Pemlcns and how ta obtain om, and the pre-emption j-jwi 10 ruouc Lands. IT TELL3 TOU The Law for Patent, with mode of pro WUU11.1U vi'Liiuiu use, wim inter rerence, Assignments and Table cf fees. IT TELLS TOU How to make your will, and how to ad minister on an Estate, with the law and the requirements thereof in every State. IT TELLS TOU The meaning of Law terms in general ue, and expUina to you the Legisla tive r. 1 Mr 7 .' : mn f Jni.c; I r'wrj of r; 5 I".' TT Tr'-" T'. w to V?-et5 ot-t cf T.sw. v loTT!? I . -: 1 . yot.r bu;e livaliy, tisua . v;ft mvu:t ft r"--f trty, "' -.!':?.ion ty i.a'tst.-e-:-j . 4-i.s.. iii, Single copies will be sent by mail, postage paid to ev ery Farmer, evsry Jf echanie, every Man of Business, and everybody in every State, on receipt of $1,00 or in aw style of bindintr at $1.25. 1,000 Dollars a Year. Cm be made by enterprising men everywhere, in sel ling the above work, as our Inducements to all such are very liberal. For single copies of the Book, or for terms to agents, witi other information, appiy to or address, JOnN E. POOTTER, Publisher, No 617 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. LARGEST STOCi: OF DRUG: WLich. be is ojislrg o-t In u Splendid ITew Buildin tcrcer cf Ihh a:j First S rowxtTlllc. nis stock consists of th following ar'.:c-.i, wsia will sail cheap forcah: k Cli'CT Oil, C c! Liver Oii, Srveet Oil. Pultv, GiJS, 1 r.-titin: Pure White Lead, French Zinck, China Zicck, Red Lead, Venitivta Red, Raw and L'c urr.lcr, Turpentir.2, Chalt, Linseed Oil, Cough Candy, Ttinner's Oil, Copal Varnish Cc-stiI-3 Fancy Soap, Tcil; Tooth brushes, Li Patent medicines, Lsi-ppr White Varnirh, Ink, Hiair truih.s, Teeth brushes, paint brush 1 Sc: Steel Pen, Gold Pen. Penci.'s, Hair oil, stationery. Candi?3, Raisins, vJ-W . Also, nSpIeirJTtl Assortnent or errs --- -r 1 "1 W J Comprising Lyon's Katharion, Colore, Porainsda, geauiaa ox marrow, bear greese. and oils, raaik aai escencas cf ail kinds, anduf the Cfisst quality. 1 M alaaJ. mm m lar a Ml m J Foolscap psper, fancy letter psper, gl't edssd notaa, and envelopes, plain, fancy, and emoossed, pea perjciJ and pea-holders, inks of ail kiUs, inkstsiJ, wasr and sealing-wax, PUEE LIQUORS. Holland Gin. Irish Whisky. Bonrbon 'wTi.'iky, CSrtir Brandy. Cordial, Port Wine, itadira,Wiae, While wias and Malaga Wlaa. D ? s 5 : v" 1 i Kr. i.nis beir patrors ney gas TerI.-.c?l rrt".. t a!iu-ed that all :-. w;;t,-r.t fur of E3"Physiclan's Prescriptions attendsd to at a'.! tfsT hotu by day and night. . CASH- IN VARIABL7 Brownville, May 24, 1SS0 ly. "OREGON NURSERY. r !1 U V as .2 a S - -T W y A 3 vfi .r-ic.rj3MW ft-"S J3 v.3 Gtiju fc . t n w n u 4 S 2 J3 a O Proljate Notice. Wollce is hereby given to all parsons interested that Esther Beiehline has been appointed administratrix of the estate of John Beisbllnc, late of Pawnee County, N. T., deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are notified to present them to the Probate Conrtof said County, on or before the 14th day of May, I860, or they will be forever barred from recovering auch claim in any action whatever. H. G. LORE, 12wno33F$7 Probate Judge. . Legal Notice. Samuel Callen. ) In the District Court of Nemaha vs. t County, Xebtaska Territory. Fielding H. Joiin. ) The said defendant Fieiding IT. John of the State ol Missouri will tate notice that tho said pUintif, Samuel CMlen of Kemaha County, Nebraska Territory, did, on the I!h iij of July, 1850 file his petition in the said court against the sd defendant setting forth that the said defendant ? itdebtedtu the ssid plaintiff in th sum of $2S5, for work aad labor perfo rmed and also for mon ey expended for said defendant by said plaintiff; also that said defendant, is indebted to said plaintiff in the additional sum of $330 for a portinn of the machinery if a steam boat, the r" perty of sd plaintiff and by him delivered to said defendant. Plaintiffasks jodgmentfor said amounts, and b caused an order of attachment to i((r.e Mainpt the property of said defendant. And mi id de-feml.!)t is further nctifljd that he is required to sp-pp-r ;i::d answer raid petition on or before Monday tae 271ri day cf Ausrnst rext. K. VT. TnOATAS. At'y for Plff. BrownviUe, Jvily llti, ISC0. l-5t-$ AN" apericnt and Stomachic preparation of IRON purified of Oxygen and. Carbon by combustion in Hydro gen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities, both in Europe and the United States, and prescribed in their practice. The experience of thousands daily proves thit no preparation of Iron can be compared with It. Impuri ties of the blood, depression cf vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexion Indicate its necessity la almost every conceivable case. Innoxious in all maladies in which it has been tried, has proved absolutely curative in each of the following complaints, viz: In Dcsjilily, Xervous ACections, Emaciation, Uyspepsia, Consti pation, Scrofulus Tuberculosis, Salt Illicum, Jlisnicnstruation, Whites, Chlorosis, .Liver Com plaints, Rheumatism, Chronic Headaches, Intermittent Fevers, Iimple on the Face, &c. In casesof GENERAL DEBILITY, whether tberesult of acute disease, or of continued diminution of nervous and muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial of tbjs restorative has proveJ successful to aa extent which no description nor written attestation would render credible. Invalids so long bed-ridden as to have become forsotten in their own neighborhoods, have sud denly re-appeaned in the busy world as if just returned from protracted travel inauistani i?ua. Some very signal instances of this kind are attested of female sufferers, emaciated victims of apparent marasmus. sanguineous exhaustion, critirai changes, and that com plication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the pliysiciau his no name. In Jt.ElUL3 Afi5CTIQNS of all kinds, and for reasons faraili?: to medical men, tho operation of this preparation t-f iron mu3t necessarily be salutary, for, unlike te old cxides, It Is vigorously tonic, without bein exciting and overheatir.g j and gent:y, regularly' "r'-rient, even in the most obstinate eases of costiveness without ever being a gastric purgative, or inflicting disagreeable sensation- It i3 this latter property, among others, which makes it so remarkably effectual and perwanent a remedy for Piles, upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and specific action, by dispersing the local tendency which forms them. InDVSPEPSIA. innumerable as are itscarsses, a single box of these Chalybeate Pills has often sn.T.-ed for the most habitual cases, including the attendant Cotiivenett In unchecked DiARIlHCEA, even when advanced to DTSENTABT, confirmed, emaciating, and apparently malignant, the effects have been equally decisive and astonishing. In the local pains, loss of Cesh and strength, debilli titingcoueh, and remittent hectic, which generally in dicate INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, this remedy has allayed the alarm cf friend and physicians, tn eversl very gratifying and luterestinz instances. In SCROFCLOCS TUBERCULOSIS, this medicated iron has had far more than tte goods effects of the most cautiously balanced preparations of lcdine, without any of their well known liabilities. The attention of females cannot be too ccnUJently in vited to this remedy and restorative, in the cases pecu liarly affecting them. In RHEUMATISM, both chronic and irflammitory in the latter, however, more decidedly it has been invari biy well reported, both as alleviating pain and reducing the sweUinsrs and stiffness of the joints and muscles. In INTERMITTENT FEVER3 it must necessarily be a great remedy and energetic restorative, and its pro gress in the new settlements of the West, will probably be one of hi;h renowii and usefulness. . No remedy has ever been discovered in the whole his tory of medirioa, which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative effects Good appetite complete diges tion, rapid acquisition of strength, with au unusdal dis position for active and cheerful exercise. ' Put up in flat metal b xes containing 50 pills, jiflcp5i) cants per lx; for a!e by druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to any ad lre on receipt of the prio?. All letters, orders, etc, should be ad'!resFd to It. 15. IA1CK12 & CO., GEN. AGENTS, 23 Celar St., N. T. Aujust 2, 'CO-ly. - E. IT. BIRCHES CO., PROPUIKTOllS. Oregon, Holt Co., Ho. The undersigned have locr; since been convinced of the want of a first clasa Nursery in th 'West, where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, fcC., Can be adapted to cur climate and soil. lnvewcf these facts, we have established 00 at tuia rca, and have now in successful cultiraton. which we of fer for sale at ' Wholesale or Retail, The cominj season, a lare and well selected stock suited to this climate, of Apples, standard and dwarf; Pears, standard nd dwarf; Cherries, standard and dwarf 1 Toaches, Plums, Aprisots, Nectarines, Quince, Grn?, Current, Gooseberries, r.pberri, Strawberries aadDlackbcrrie?, Evergreens, Ornamental Trees, and Shrrbs, Greonhouso and Beidinsr. Plant?, Roses, Dahlias, Ac, Ac, Ae. To which we would beg leave to ca!l th8 attes'io? of the people of Western Missouri, Nebraska, -Kan sas and Iowa. J57Our tonns will bs Ils low as any reliable east ern ri ursery. By purchhsin'- of ns theeipcn3ocf trisortatiott from the ea,t, can be saved. All trees and tlants are carefully labeled and packf u in thebest manner for any parfof the Unit ed States, for which a charze cf the actual cost only will ba made. Zo charge wi.l be t.-iada fur thedsli- vory of packages on board stenrnbe'i's. All communications addres.e J to tha nndersijnfd will receive prompt attention. k.u. BURCnzs a co. Agricultural Implements Just received, per stcarser Lrrfir.e, asupj'.y of HASD RAKES, PLOWS, HARROWS. CULTIVATORS, HOES, SPADES, SHOITLS, . PITCH FORKS, PATENT CHURNS, &c, &e, " TOU SALE AT TE20D0EE HUM 2?rownviI!e, April, 23. 1330. An, Improved Farm on aXjiz:. A very valuable and desirabie improved faria 't';jt 4 1-2 miles from Brownville and 2 1-C from ?erriat, City, can be had on very favorable tero-.s. It Ct ni-",s of 1S4 acres; 40 acre under cultivation; "i cre in 'ni ber; gool well; stock water, and good frame houe. The stock 2 yoke cf oxen, 7 cows, and 7yi.r.r3 cattle, the farm implements, and household furniture wi;i be sold with it if desired. A rare oprrttinity i I.ere f re sented. Enquire of R. VT. Furnas, at the Advertiser cilice, Brownville, N. T. Nov. 17, nl3 A Goc&.Fann fcr Sale. The subscriber will sell at a grest bargain a v4ry choicequarter of section of Und in Johoson county. Ne- braska. ThPie are forty acre of fine timtcr land, 60 acres under cultivation, a S'.d ls b:ise and other improveinenti". It ii two nd a li.iif miU frr:.i T;;um seh, on the road f rum thence to Pance City. Any per. n wishing to purchase a good tract "f lar.d 0 very reasonable terms, will apply to Cyrr.s "riih at TecumKeh, or J'lhh L. Caron, Jtinkcr, in ErowuviT or to Geo. W. Shroat,Ne!'raka (,'itv. ROr.ERT V RIGHT. IteId:.n at Werrailton, in Ni-rjiha Co, JasUirylS, 1S6J i-tf