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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1860)
' : Li O C L- j tidWKVILLE. iVS- Xrr-w.vrBsVa Advertiser having telrfie.t circulation cf "TPf?" e ?cTVincti and ether East. : Loci.-1-''0 wr.ts rur- Vn markets wEer3i.ta- S will find no better advertising medium Jo tie Western coustry.3 ; I ill.' Ki k i t. - , To Vr":i. E. IlivrY, C-:r..:r- sicner cf Ccr-rr-ca Schcc1.?, tre in- dcltcd for" (hY follow, in iifcrmaiion in rcrd lo tho cpcrtinri cr.t cf Echxl-fu-ds in this Territcry fcr the year IE10. It will be teen tht L, ? frre counties havir. the l.:-c.t nurr:l:rcf scholars, ar.lhr-- est school fund,' ii;:I in the order, viz : 1st Otcej 2d Cess;- 3d Ncr-cLc; 4th Doughs, End fifth Richardson. South cf the riatte there are 4,453 school chil dren; north there are 2,455. . CCrXTIES. KCMBEIt TOUTII. AM Ell TCCa' JIfpin WPCTior style, an, Tor J. cheap for ca, a f ; rr 'T g mark Preemption Triers, 1 Toship Flats. Bills Ladiof . DrRfts, I.Totes, etc., etc.. etc. ' . . mi a- fVia! attention tnose in need. ,0 we call the ac CJwtea to ..K Print ni! flf anT --v. , , . - 1 rteS HI offer yecimcu. or our wot, as evince. Arnt reft Cfiioe rnuiflire, cormr Thirteenth streets, Omfiba.Js.l., " -iient for both the frerfuer and I4 rmer. -r ct tt T7TtTTCra A CO . Xews and Literary DC MlSSn? Main meet, opposite the Xuck S. S,'.Kr.A- City, re our -uthori.ed Agents for both the rfrf iitr and -rmr. lcTlUcr Arnncinciits-The 4th. of July, which vras to have come ftis vay this season for the first time in 3 years- it appears has made other arrange ments, and will not be visible in this rne-rcdiaa.- Whether there was a failure to raise the requisite amount of stock in patriotism or mint drops, the deponent ' sayeth not. The Tcle?rarll Since cur last is etiA "Mr. E. Creicutos, the general I-ent for the Stelbins line of telegraph from St. Joseph via this city to Denver, fpent a couple cf days with us. lie re rtctV.P work rjrejrressing rapidly; the poles are up nearly cr quite to the Ne braska and Kansas line, Mr. C. goes now to Denver. The ' requisite amount of stock to se cure aa office was promptly raised by our citizens. . While, generally speaking, .all contributed in accordance with their abil ity, too much credit cannot be given Lusn- BAUGH 0 CaBSOR, D. J. MaETIN Si Co., a4 Theo. Hii.i These enterprising gentlemen, always foremost in our local eaterprizes, promptly subscribed one half the requisite amount of stock, and but for thera it would not, most likely, have been ' The Directory caa rely upon every dol . lar cf stock takea ia this city, being paid ca demand. s- . . - 1 1 Kcnialia County Agricultural Sod . . ctr. Cass, Butt, Clay, ' -Dakota, -Dodge, Dixcn, Douglas -Johnson, - Nemaha, - Otoe, Pawnee, Platte. Richardson, Sarpy asmngton, 1,074 109 54 291 87 104 91G 151 977 1,240 243 153 803 257 414 9,973 Ap'ii'r 2,359 54 245 51 120 14 847 44 193 57 231 39 2,033 01 335 96 2,173 72 2,753 SS 540 65 340 41 1,766 59 694 23 921 11 15,514 21 Another Xlce PrcsciX i't?re is luck sometimes in being an editor. E. S. Ralph, Esq., Staler in Pur1 Breed, Fancy and Domestic Poultry, ilabbits, Dogs, ect., Buffalo New York, has placed us under obligations to him by sending us a pair cf the finest speciment of Mada rascar Rabbits we have ever seen. We value the present, for somehow we retain, to a degree, at least, our boyhood penchant for pets'; love children, pets and flowers, and everybody who does. Never yet knew a lover of. pets and flowers who was not full of -the "milk cf human kind- i j ha jPaS'j : '; CAPO, 'l. .30NSETS ness To the U. S. Express Company we are also under obligations' for the "D H" pass given the pets, and for "kind atten tions on the way." They arrived "in good order, and well conditioned," as in fact do all packages and parcels forward- ee by this prompt and reliable company. Persons wishing anything in Mr. Ralph's line, have only to leave aa order with the Agent cf the U. S. Express Co,, and rest assured it will be satisfactorily filled and promptly delivered. To Whon it may Concern There will be most h 1 raised ia the course of humaa events, if certain midnight dis turbances are persisted in. "Stick a pea there." There is a time "when forbear ance ceases to be a virtue." We trust a "hint to the wise is sufficient." PATRONIZE HOME MANUFACTORY! 0ADDLEEY JOHN W." MIDDLETON, . MALX STREET, BxiowxYiixi:, r. t. AIfIOTJK"CES that he has just received from St. Louis, with a fresh stock, and has .nowon band, priu itpally o. tU own manu facture, rine Gents and ILacIIcs Saddles, Bugy ana ITajrois Harness, Collars, Bridles II alters, TFIiIps, Of Every Style, . : PIKE'S PEAK WHIP LASHES, PLASTERING HAIR, . A good supply always kept oa hand; Y7or!i Llanufactured to Order. ' CALL Ai7I SEE FOB YOTJKSELVES. Acril 19. 13-50. 41-ly 4., 1 r. -As the BOOTS & -SHOES ' - f NEW STOCE$: CANNOT .FAIL TO PLEASE. tiiet Ann or evehy gradc, And Made of Good Stock, Good Slices atfrca 75 cents to Three Dol lars per Pair. Good Coots at From $J,50 to $G ' Having just returned with' a fcew Btock of 1- 'iMlJhli i il'.i Knl M.!t. no. it, Hii:f sinr BRCWNVILLE,N.T. T"T7 H'Tl fi" 71 r imriimimiiiiiii 'mJi TiTiicb is the ol Jest, most extcns'iT anJ ro'iabla 1 r -aantila Houso ii the Ufper Cotintrj ? n n n n nnini fit i Where ore the best bajalna to be Lid ia the pnr- . chase of ail kinds cf goods l LMM' f-. M h nihil n i ) Who sells gooda at the lowest figure ? THEODORE IIILL. Whn nnt fits Pike's Peakers with rut and every- thing they want at prices equal at least, with Saint Louis ana 01. josepu t T H E 0 D ORE HILL: Who keeps the choicest quality cf goods ? - THEODORE HILL. J i f' 1 JO Li 4 ii. ruiuJ, as Removed i ' ' I roii Ll3 CM Etsnd cn the Leres to :,IAIN STREET,' BROWNVILE 2LT. Where he ha3 openel op a ConslotiTiij or STAPLE ASD FAIS'CT DRY GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family M C n V .-1 at,. .11 , 18GO. FRESH 1QG0. ) ) Sh IVc Haze J::sl Received Our SPRING AND SUMMER 3riour, Ham, . Bacon Sugar, Coflce, Tea,-"-" Salt Where are the latest style and finest qualities !of Fancy Goods to be foand? ' AT HILLS. Who pays the highest market price for all kinds of country produce. 1 . . THEODORE HILL. Who does th exclusive Commission Business in tho City of Erownvillet THEODORE HILL. . WUW WWf Candlss, etc., etc., And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as :Spice, 'r--Peppers, Soda, . - Salaratus, : Ginger, V ' ; Allspice, AtSO A well selected Stock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. QUEENSWARE, Boots and Shoes. TIiS knowledge of the trade and wants of the people of Boownvllle and vicinity enables him to rrmke Judxcl ong purchases expressly for this market. He asks an ,.in.Hnn r.t hi stock, feelinff assured he will he Who wholesales goods to the back, country on ma able to satisfy in ouality, siyie "u ons terms T I - uauu m aa& wu nw ' .... J 1 1 Ii j V'--- n NOTIONS f &c:, ' : tXia . u may desire to participate. See his an n,,rm,.p rf raakl'1' the necessary ar- 3 , I invite the atttntUa of m? old customers and the r T C T) T7 TT TT T purpose 01 mak... vue 1 , nouncement in the eivcrU'Jing Columns, purchasing public. I bare never before been able to m TT T? Q j) Q IJ J Jj . - i- 1 1 J f.ifTT nir 0 I v. i, 3 of r.nt in e :Kr variety StTla. I L AJ. J-J V --' V O.W rangements ior noiawig Uaiity7nd prices. '- " come time the coming fall. A iuiiat-i personal. We vara pisasea to meet teadances is desirable. again, the past week, J. Shepard. Su- DO jqT l?AILi TO STOP t - ' v . Tf m T A C I . . 1 . .1 TT- . TV! I ' a-m I .. t . . il 1 : v" .- . - K. f tItlAi3, o v. penntenaent CI ine vesiern uivitivu w Whokeeps constantly on nana ana iorsaie vne iarS - ... the United States Express Company. He BRYNVILLh b'HUh I UL. est and best asso, uware. , Hot! Hotter!! H0ttCSt!!!-The keeps a close. look after the interests of ' BrovnvUl61)ril 2S, IS60. AJtl- rniTTTTrh? THTTTHiFi WMtWfnT(i few davs past, has been r.nmnanv nnrl its ratrons. No more . mT-n ir-r -n Ji ililiLJ'O' ii.iii!Lii--i. ' r7 ..-1" ;c ftn4r rSnrlirnlarne- . rzr, -r n fnr.nA nnvwhere. ijilXJ J- "-V cessijyfon Speaking cf hot weather ' , fSlntllinCV StOrft. . -reminds US Of a time!-act rf kindness A- -uuiui. Z T V Svr Where do the Ladie, find the best assortment of the and humanity conferred upon the Ad- Art Journal-issued qudrteriy-for June XXirowaaiiiootoirlte r latet8tyle Hoop3? - vertiser establishment the ether day, by is upoa cr tab e containing the usual L & (JREENBAUM -77 -TT BILL COMFOUT, Of the Mammoth Bake- '."r Announce that they have received and opened their -CT- - no' . w nrternooa when we were lovers cf the find arts are interested. o-pTjjfg. QTOHK iust melting irom ine euct vi "'IKCu OriU- venave Deioreusme ' " J.. . c- . j-iJ.,'.,f W l,nrro I - . - - - v j j j i . o? - I Where do ne- slipped into tne . oiuce, uei third numberot a new, large,-ana creu- n..nv ffArr ni lYTUlMfT . " Be v.i .room in which was smothered a j onj nrtPfl iljiiW na- HCMUI liUi. uuu i iuuui lot of fine, ripe" raapberries-spoons ac- beari - - lLe above dtfef a'nJ haiiing Kats Caps, and Eoolr& Slioes? comr)anvin2T a nd slid, out! Certainly f N y t We nre unable to WHITNEY'S BLOCK U Li U H O Q CJ WJoaa5S3 'at3ottat af3'!i'J d3:-',I-5?-a 122 51-2-3 Sg Where do people go to find a complete stock of loots, Shoes, tiau ana v&ps i vre partook. , Gentlemen's Under Wear, Carpet Sacks, &c, &c, Their stock varies from the FINEST QUALITY TO THE ir z r A fery fine stock of 9 5 I , ' - . . i ' .... Vvod- niopcp' Tteniamin Whyte rr?in TrA:. Nebraska Citv. has chanT aMUlilSAu vwtvcv j -. jiuvvkji ' familiarly knowa as Uncle Ben" ea hands. Mr. Iafsa retires, and Messrs h fnr the riast vear been Mathias, fi Lamsok, are now the pro- enraged, more or less, in tne dairy dusi- pnetors. ine rress wca u Ulak u- ne-s The present season, he w turning pearance and manifests spirit and enter- nnnnPtl PIOHTTlf1 his attention to making cheese. He left prize, under charge cf its new proprietors. V II I lllh LJjU lliliJlJ Die. Which for Ctieese Success to It. n,t;r i rnnt tntta taev bore by future &L UU1 ,VVW A ' I I 1 " - " 1'-- - I " O - - - . wi prpr tasted I ' - . ' I attenuofl to Business, ana aueiermiuanuu , i . . , . - f US age IS as line as rnl). DOC To Hon. S. G.' DaIIT hn style, quality and prices, to merit not only tf con- Uyhefewiu those eo!n2 to the Gold Mines find a sup- t j- -it -. Vn nVlo f rt "cnrnlV mis mar-I ... . . . i .. a" I &Ti.niit increased toatrC)aa'6. .1. r p;nt. a SlinvnU. Slnlnaforks. Ox Yokes, uewiu Cu- tvp are indebted tor repeated ana vaiua- - . . " Ui . ?."! ' r. r.nraer. I (i V K 1 A UALIj. I 130WS. UDaiDS. llicou, JUMus, "-"1" ' ' - . . . i Uoekers, Coffee, and everything tney want i T-f,ra liiUnn fl nd" ill lind- of Caned Fruits, Oysters, Dotfled Liquors of the choicefst brands, sto T I at mm.. WMik xvp. art: mucuicu aui ict'i'"-' i . .t - uniilSAWLii. ble favors m way cf public documents. Brewnviiie, April 12 iSSo, 'Plli.e'8 rcali, or Bast." AT THEODORE HILL'S . rr7nn ir,o Mr. Daily, since securing his seat, has l Zlsli "inccd g Hbcrali.y .his respect Tenmg of Iburs-aj la.i. iuu t.i, cnrPrS 1 nnrjonents. this.phce, were delated r TinAWfT MHR. . tionsfromthepoetsbyJ.K.iucx, CTTT?T3TTrT' DALE. U J.A.f IJLW1M J.5 . Whet, will Wrs go to purchase 'riows, of setl T!sn. Mr. M. H a COOa reauw. " U,:i,r A Tr Wheat. UoTaatSl y.ros,. r;,;, style aad inflections, are certainly , DRY GOODS HOXJbJU. Iter, Eggs, w. excellent. The following correspondence SierVbyginthatby tirtaa o an eie- jjo. 11, SCaia etroot, T A TT T T T : ft7f. . " cation iued from the cGco of the Clerk of the ' ! U L 1 Jj JJ Oe . cyplaias USCil.; . nutrict Court for Nemnha County.ebraska Tern- rtn ATTTTrTTTT T "O TT Tl w .. . . BaowVILEE, June 21st. tory,.?ainEfcT.P: Uavwood and infavcrof D, on, J U VXXjJU, A4. Ai liaowlI.EE.JUne Thn & Co foX cf sn y-rano dolors . . Mr. J. K. Mc ArrT y icar otr . arj4 twenty-, eeau. , a,-. The. undersigned citizens or u- ;e';-cct,eB,f,oa tbedoorcfthe 1U n pased to hear you give ? t,rm cf the said court was 11 ii vi 'v.' HicA- ii the Largest and r.icst S!:i:k ever cjfercd in the West, cr.ri which ice u-iil sell at prices to DEFY COMPETITION THE LADIE3 ARE ESPECIAtLT LVVITED To give ns a Call They caa all be suited ; in everything they desire from From a 10c Lara To a C2 00 p jr.ra Fancy Silk Dres3 Fattera. We can Fit Gents in Suits to $5 to ' 30 Emigrants to PIKE'S PEAK, Utah and California, CAN be supplied with Outfits at Unprecedented Low Pricos. We do not desire tohnmbug any one, but state facts which we will prove to all giving us a call. JYb Charge for pricing and shoving Goods LADIES DRESS GOODS, GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Cutlery and Qucensv.'arc, GlasswarG, And Choice GEO CERT E S . i ' : :i i, ... CO. 1. i: ' S il I '5-f !.. . wccU' iw.:.3 tf t.. i T- - , ' I th l: .. -.'.i'-: a:.u rn.r, : 1 in -' ' : 1 byc;.ventlatI,V.'.:. sa: !, wi'.', cr. 1 r; ! -r?m t'-3 h d "r tf tLa Cr..-o rf f'. ciha County, ii the Ci! . Eh ore i::.r..d rr! c Uio, tha hlzh?.t t; ;i r f.r c. suci fa'.o will mi!.-, ?i?cuti r liver to sl-3 ru ' " T '" rJ- roal estate. i Jtf 9 May 3,1 IV : .- C -.rt A W Territory cf N":;r;t!ia, ? Wherein Heath Xu- :j..i:s, a ? n tite of Jotcz n !).(: a .lecen !, 1 ? X-v". tlV ' is rfil"? i- : i to tL?l'r.:.i:s C ':rt J - - . ftuary, Xei.ra.-ka Territory r. r v:io r- r': 1 ' time, tic Hcct tic 3-M--sar. I j ,iy t:.." ' - ' 1 cbar-oall-j auai at lUe sa;no ; r ' . :r i j t, : r: ' ' ' all vh.ra it r:y c.-r.eern. ta: I 1. v V'-.. . VS.ti day of .M iv, at Ii oV'.-x'- A. M. -f i i '' -- ! . 1S0O, as tUa tiae f---r the tcan::-i ui .... ar , ' -my onice in Erownville ia s.ii-I C'!.;n-j wUi,! ar-1 . allrcror.s ir.lirr-teJ are rrT"r'"l t j. ;- -r I - cau&e why saU t-xiensi.n h i.1 1 1: l te . !' . .. wi::;c- tny t and a-, i tin oa! if U cd ;.J !.... - i day of Ap-il, A. I). 1- n'l. C w. vii::2L";r., rr-t'te '-.; n-3-r-f;i SHERIFF'S SALE. Ileath Nackill ', V3 I It. W. lV.ma3 It.J. Yvhitney and j 1 J. Vv'. Co'ercan. J NOTICE is hereby dvantht by .-f c '- ecution i?su?J fr- rit jo cf. : r-f t'. i i f ' District Cccrt rf AeK-iha, e .?-. . ..i Tj; tnrv. against It W Farrn. ' J Vi'h'.'.:1? a." ! J ' ' Coleman, aa l in f.ivor cl' Ilcnih .x-n-:!:' f.v '; sum cf f. ur L-u.Ircd r.r : n::!' thirtv ccr'3 : I. J 13 V. crS r f e-uI;:i.. Xfihrii-: i Torrite f. b.;v j : -; 1 u- .s ! f.Tra t'.f - door of t!i9 hrm.-o ker? f J last tora oi' c ':rt held in Brownvillo, in sail c on .i--.:t t.;- 2;;d day cf . ; A D lso , ' a c i .'... i will scii at I-.....0 srJa to t';y L .-t bid I:r-t r c' . ia hand, the following d :.-cr'.',v.i rcV.-e:'..f. t "it; . tho part of the N. Edit quaitr cf section i -a-ship 5 rane 15 containir.5 cno bur, '.red ar. J t' , two acre?, with all the in.:raveavr,M thorci a, t i cronertT. of ii. J. ? oil no v. ia ?ai,-: icr-.. n f i rn , execution. J. I'. Vti.i.LN Shcufr of Trownvii:?, June 11th, lCi. iJ-Ct -V FRUIT TREES 1 O -i--m -r r ! jSArtiis, Rose3, Vines, Tidjui, lie. HILLS i'. CO,, . Asi'tJs for f A. Falmestock & Sons.; TOLEL D rTURSSHISS, '. AH?! nowc3CV333,.ntX'-3,n'ihaar.d rv:ihar! i--n w (i ' Nebraska and AtcUi.oiv -.;, Jlisoc-.ri; r- 'r orders for Fruit Trco, ?, Kver;rr , a-., ' fcc. They call the attcn;; a of Farmer j and ot:.--sirclc? anything la their line to t: alvanuis cf ir- ' chasir.j suppiies at their Xursery. Tbe skhS Uca piete and prices aa favo-ul le as thaiof any other Xar- t sery anywhe--, and all w nrrantPvl to te a r -,pr--,r leI. , Orders caa also be left t the Alvtrl.xr o.y.:e 2. 'cam- , viiie. X. T. I ; ill f : ! cr,- o- r-x if If I Hi I j 1 ' ' TO "A 1 - l853;i2 c ill 1-1! 5-. 5 8'ss.!,s-ias7. .S?55J Boots, Shoes, Hats, - u) U v r- 0 jrf n 0 a o " als-5- aaags SBJftsa'i ,t4.: rr : iVJelr.. . !.,7 fnTitr. on ifondiv. I TT TTT IPn TTT f T1 a public . reaarns on e0CSB m gV d jsgoT to "the highest . lliLbU il VUU xreek, most convenient p yourself. Hep- ttj rdj j.joi n f.L,owiE3 frT VOU WlU accept the invitation, "We arc, , to wit . 9 northwest quarter of 8?ction yr,ve jnft completed their new business house oa &T Your. tiy. end rpectfoUy. fSlSl P. II. ' John L. Cakson, Jf Uuion. O-JLi T-ii. t. w tipts, w ii.Hoo, e11Mk,,-Lk"v., pry Goods, Provisions, ,A. S. IjILLISGSLT, IlIEO. IIILL, PyDE!C.B.Tn()iI30X,Dcpy. OfallKird J.S. BtcroBD, David Fonn, Brownville, June 14th, lSeO. 43-Ct-$7 50 rnCTrf,Tinwptrc! If Farmers wish to ship thiir produce themselves, . wnereao iney go 1 Km iijli I' 'il n' 11 1111 in- f ' i'mS m3 r. 11. Smith. T. V. Bedford, .Jacob Stricklek, . U. C. Jonsox, Suit of Attacliment: Tolhotll. Edwards,) Buowkvilm, J une 21st, 16C0. . . "r.f, f Xn JfiKft 0 .WLitei ' GaMcXCn With teellCJS cf pleasure . Yca will take cstice that na order of Attachment 1 l K.' nnrl Pnt I : ..-:o.f nrr V.nrf rvl sfTfVt. lit the A recent , w insUnf8 0f til9 aboven.iined plAintlff, by JeweJohn, ( terms; invitation to gn eXpuMlC readins; jn8tice of the Peace within tnd forKemaha , frcra the To ets, on this evening JlSt Cl countT, ytbraka Territory, on the Sth day cf June, i t. . .1. . - r iftl Jn!'.ro thllf t.h To ca .'so hi tr?onurmv w Crownvillo, June 11th, 1850. . frmri nv npwlv made aca uaintanccs in this - IToticc 3 nf t' I T Vsrn tisT n nnwof rf.f n I nrri it! rli iILLIAKlL, , 1 tJ V Vp " llIoovrR1E5i..authoriEir?himtoatttnltoriybusi- ' !l V, nt,-r, nes aaaim during my aofcnce. b. i. 11 i i. i Eaid Ju?jiee cf the rer.fe nas arpoiniea irre uia uay ch cf the gcmlemeir who have fekAM, for the ''hly Complimented rne, I tak"3 this hearing of said caveat his o.T.eein Krownrr.l'e, N. T. a 1 1 w . T F .1 SJ l !. 1 !5 ' V lit IT i I. V . Choice Liquors, Cipars, And a "thousand and one," other things everybody neecs. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Brownvilie, April 5, ly If von if La ta aeal wita accoinmodaiing aiJ icht -it X- GO f 6 f HEODOnE HILL'S In short : For anything to eat, drink or irear. READY io ZrcwnviUe.Arril, 20th 1SC0. JACOB I.IAKHOH, Erovnivillc, Iiebraslia, Keeps constantly on hand, a stock of reaa'y-maJo clotLin?.whkhhe r.IeJc;cs Lis customers is of supcri- ' . , 1 - a orniana:acture; ana nion ne will seu&uess I'ncefc than eastern rnacuinemaaesiua. BrpwnviHe, April 26, 1S00. .- 1 H H j ' n - ) I Z L.-J I- -i t - BKOWimLLE, IT. T. Drotrnvills, N. April J2, It 9.5M,SJ ftsa3-1! j;3:k1f - v u M w w w A!TD FIE plo-s, t.j-wit: One auJ TTo"I2orcr2o"ii -i, SJiavcI I'Ioits, Hoc?, ZZr.rrorrx, Corn VliwAtT?, Ami IIarro:v Tcclh Tcsether with everything la UiU lino used t ? a f.?mcr. I take the responsibility of sayini tha: my t-o horsa plows will do better work, ia st'itMe or aey it.nd pf Crt i rongh ground, than any I manafa':tarel or so! i ii this tXTjJiGXCt upper country. Jiy twj-bor-ie hi,1 prairie r i:i ba i ' sold, for cash on term, such 33 w.ll d'jicb t t' ' V. PlnW. rill i Al)U!nfl.l f-nm TY.-. nAr., .1 T j m j . w ......... . . . ul., a i w Point, S. I., Brownvllle, N-Uw3y cc"'?, iifioU, Kush Bottom, Holt couaty, Urownr: Uf. X. T.. For est CHy. ilAP.TlN' nOFFJfAM. X. B. All kinds of repalrioj clone witU Lcatao0 and dispatch, on liberal terms. Oregon, ilo., Miy,lS0J. Agricultural Implements. ' Bat Qualities of wmmmm Tlicocloro Hill, Agent At Browavilla. V. t v. ment of nufraiRn'a plow?. iirowaTHig. ilij, 1S"0, ly Carncnlrr .lujjn i :r.t. - - - - .-j, practical and valuablt boot 7;r farmors p?.int. Tell Price $3; sample copr $.2 by toiiiJ, pn u .i tr JAM 2: 5 C HALLUX & SON. P-iia'lvliia. cat3 w.ictfti. OHEGOI7 imESEP.Y. ; Toecther with a ereat Variety cf articles to tedioua to meatioo. uar motto is : e, ir. BrncnEs.u co., PROPUH'Tnr's. Orerron, Holt Co.. IIo. The underage bar. hn ,; s'noo Icca ctLvIncel of tha want of a Sirs t cuu Snrtrrv in i m V. i jt ComoOno! CoinoAU!! TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS. &d', "1 V , . 1 a i- , -r YcU Ciay refit fiSSUTCd you II IlCi te G13-Jthe?e facts, wu have established ono at t a ij jl:c, ana nave now in saccessiui cauiTaion. wa. a wo cf fer for sale at ITtidcsale cr Ret nil. Tho cosing ca.-.;n, a Jarjoaoa wtll j.ji-xted it ck, suited to thi3 cllmite, rf , Apples, stanaaril ana Uwtr:: - t ears, standard and dwirf ; Cherricf, g'.an Liri and Z-nut i . " hes. .f;t.-' flnms, t Arri-'ota, lcctarr.?, Quince, Crar-r, Current'. ; appointed. Needed or UDesired Can le had at our Store, and on terms as favorable as those of any ether irtr-p r.o;irBi Tim 8 000 acres of Choice Lands lo cated in this Territory, which he will sell Clicap for casn or ca a xkj e. For further information apply to my office on Jfaia Stree, of this plats. ; H. M. A1XIXSOX. Probate ITotice. fcotice is herehy given t all parsons Interested that Esther Beishline has been appointed administratrix of the estat of John Beiih'.lne, late cf Pawnee County, X. T., deceased. All persons having claiais against tie said estate are noticed to present them to the Probate Court of said County, on or fcefore the liia day of My, i860, or they will be forever taired from recoverias such claim in any . action whatever. B". G. LOSE, 12wno2:rs7 Probate Jndze. NANSE2IOND Sweet Potato Plants, Of superior qnalitylcji variety for tao I'orth tacked to eo safely, long distances by Express rrice 400 51; 1,000. $2: 5,CC0 $3; 10,030 $.: Oar plants have produced na crop ia the norti for many year3, even aj high as 4 1 . C. Ii. HURRAY; Late O. S. Murray -& Sen Fester's Crossitg?, TVarrenConntj,Ohio ) Orders left attho .V.Ive'rtLcroSce will meet with prompt attention, Afrin-2,l.?CD. . House fi the JVest. All Kinds of inTT7TrrrnT7 TiT5 ATtTTfIT "Will be taken la exchange at current prices. I-i''. Itrriey, C(.,l .... 1T..t , . . . Everrreer.. Om.-irr.fin J.-.I T .- ir i - r 0i -i:, u.i uji-u Alt..., 3 r. a . . , " ia. - io whica V9 won: I te-j l-iTg t caV, tho atteitimt of the people of Vestera X.; -ouri, 5Ark., Kan sas and Iowa. . tTrOnr tenn.1 wiilba a3 low a3 any nllahlo east ern Ui ICI jr. By parchh3icg cf us tlteireaiecf t.-'-ortatlca - i ireni eaii caa savci. WCiJOU filiJ, or i,lCaaC ;r All tree? and rroilacc Tratlc, anil arc Eriiacd thereby to Gitc toraers liln GAIN'S. I YA receive, rrcrn'-t at:t;..n. n i n ft i2 i ar ;v rfi. t:,'?.'"'"-u1;i AliD FAIICY POULTRY, - , IHIIIIIrlsri""'-.7J' iiaedits bogs. i:tc::ti:a::a. nPHTI 1"P A'TCP'r' " 1 ??ring Circsla? rowrdy-Fcr.tfre- 2JJ2J Uiliii.iJ-5..------,--J V ' fteudfer one. Fmli Egpfvr scttj ITT A TT f ' II JACOB JLVEHON, tIERCHAIIT TAILOR. EroxTsivIIIe, r.cljraslia, Will give steady emjlnyccnt to from twetifj to thinty good seacl5trfc. Apply immeiiafely, JJrownvill", April 2, lc:. VCO DIFFERENT BREEDS Cf Game ard Fa-cy Foultrr. Ailrcsf; , S. T ALP", the ;x;t Aiigt. i " r i i- r c a.;t.n-a.'.ir ' 10 Cm. Of kin-!', for nil? at i'.;io ,