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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1858)
glE-ADVERTISER. BROWNVILLE, HAY 7, 1ST.& TEItMS: . pud 13 advo-r,, 2 00 at tbe en ' .' e c-titts. . 2 60 , . it , m . 15 a uo Clubs f M r m,r' t-e furnished at per rrtiroB. provided t'' cb. ti,a order, not uerwtse. ' - - . , - v . . joy woiik. .' . O i vita rt rna.e lotions of New Tvpe. Cuts. i.-e, C'it, kc, ma le io the 'Ativer- J tn,-e. ' juner ntia-r : t r T' y ..rri -e. T5 e pro-, rittor bciug a practical pnair fc i.K-e !. s.'id bavirz in L.s employ an arejmpliidied t: e; t : itt-eU Fancvj;,!, fruiter, is de-U-nunsd not to be ou'.-i "'.c tn the execution ul Job Work. Cards (tifiT.t c.-.e of i' :r 'latest imprwed Card pre.) B.aims Work it Colors, Brows utk, &c.j will t par---'.' auction. ., . Wr4n Irun. u.ii. suii be promptly atUuded to, aaa warraii.I t fT s-i'-kS.'action or no pay. 'VT'iIc- ' A fi::.sPT. Pr-.-rfrnrs ot tie K-:tl tt .( i-- .c ii Tcmpie, Chicago, III. . H fiins, 0i'ri-l Advertising Age:it,in rear of )Cw Tort, L-! i"J C'teu' Shoe 8Uire,80 West Jowrta S:w i. Cn-i-a-. Hi.iKtt.OnUCa., o. SManeUS, Broadway, KewTork. iinuf Vtjkd,. Aaitrtctc. Canadiaa and Earopean Aert...:ig and subscription Office, fco. lJi, Nassau Sis., ye Tort. J. X. Drtl3EirCE, X. W. corner O'.iTa and Xai C. H. 6 BTl J D"arbor trMt, CUtOKo. jk.rt aotnoriied Ageuu to aoli-i SotMcriptwot and Ad TartMemeit for the Airen.r, abd receievt and re ceipt tor Bouie U-cre.'jf . feraocreiJer!t la t.i Temtory, comicg from varioDt ortioo f lb fr-ite, tsfttn tuccito ni tbenametof penwot a tbeir old cp:i:liborbcis wb woaid luatU0a banime n burr: bet if tkcy crld e a ei y vt tbie "Ad Tenuer." iri a iMiaiea x;.r, and peraont receirinc. will &Nrr it a auijctUiiua welcome a ref n lar utcr!ber. r PMlBnatfa iJ libera, Teeiinc ttifflcient Intereat to nakt op acluti, cstre-a.j tte utnal per cent lur Uiair E3 The ebrifi LCTertiBer" having much the largest circulAtion of any pajvr ia tie Tarriif-ry, "WTiclesale ITerchjuiU ia St.' Louis, 6t. Joseph, Cincinnati and other East ern Q&rketf where Nebraska merchacta pur chase, will find no better advertising medium In thM Western country ' " V t.ivt jiit e-rarlcied a new stuck of Blanket every deacriptiez;,!y executed 00 Rnt substantial paper; and are prvrnrel to til orders at a tcumcut's ootice and on tx.:' terras. Wafiave mo a ftate of a small map of Sotstb Ptatts, Yebrarka, for praiutis common xed euvelopea, witli any eaired tu.iue5 tr!S attaclied. UrJora Miht ited. R. W. riEKAS, Fcurlli of Jnlj. There will be a meeting of the citizens tf this -chy tni vicinity at Johnson's Hall tt 1 o'clock on Saturday next, to .take the necessary step? to celebrate in a be coming manner the coming anniversary of "American Independence. Let there le a full attendance. ' While upon this subject, permit us' to make;a:f jggestica. " It is not likely that, under; present circumstances, financially, there "can, or will be more than one e'emonstration in the county. Two years eo the celebration was held in this city ; last year ia Nemaha City, and our sug grstion is, that it be held this year at Peru. What t ay you Peru folks? Come down and meet with us on Saturday af ternoon. Heavy Ruins. We have had an unusual amount cf rain thus far this season; frequently falling very heavy. Yesterday one cf the heav iest rain-storms we ever saw visited us; therzin frll in perfect sheets, and for a lftr Lours even thing was "af.oat." Cel lars were f.Ilo rardens washed up, and wood and lumber near ravines swept awiy. T Crace Hill's ctl'er was filled, end a vast amount of damage was the rrrsult. A portion of the logway of Noel, Lake nnrnmerson was taken away by the rise in the spring branch, in uhich there was at one time over ve feet Ftter. The embankment or filling at the foot of Main street was again washed away. We hope, the council will see to it that displace is promptly and permanently fixed. The large culvert should extend Cic while width, of the street, or - the water from the ravine above be turned through the alley. Crnnl lease F. t A. Jlasons, X. T- v TLe Second Regular Communication of the Grand Lodge F. Si A. Masons of Nebraska Territory convened at Nebras ka City on the 2d inst. The following persons were elected to Krvc the ensuing year : R. C. J0K.DAK, of Omaha, Grand Mas ter. " ' i L L. Dowtf cf Eelievue, Deputy Grand Master. Datid Lijdley, .of Nebraska City, S?r.icr Grand Warden., M. Cm. Willi5son, cf Omadi, Junior Grand Warden. .. J. II. Maxos.of Nebraska Chy, Grand Treasurer. RW. FtaxAS, of Erownville, Grand Secretary. The Grar.i Master appointed the fol l"Tir.g ,'il,r,rs r " ' ' . r. ' ' Lfcr.',J LI. Chivington, of Nebraska City, Grtni Chaplain. ! A. G. Clarke cf Omaha, Grand Orator, i Geo. Armstrong, of Omaha, Grand j lecturerf ' J H. N. Cornell, of Nebraska City, 1 Cnd Marshal.' ; W. N. Bvcrs, cf Omaha, Grand Senior j accn. ' " ' CD. Keller, of Bellevue, Grand Ju ttcr Deacon. G. W. Eratton, of BrovnvilIe, Grand ; twart. ; 1). II. Wheeler, of Flattsmouth, Grand . ord Bearer. : L AL Donnelan, cf Flattsmouth ; Jesse , 1, cf Brcwnville, Grand Poursuivants. tdward Henry, cf Bellevue, Grand .Ver. ' LODCES & E7 RESETTED. thraska Lodge No. 1, Bellevue, Western Star Lodge, No, 2, Nebraska Carhal Loirf , No. 3, Omaha. emaha Valley I Hey Lodge, No. 4, Ercwn- r" ; -Gr.iiXcvre. No. o, Omadi. Ha No.. G, Flattsr usmoma J-ge, m . - That this fine Hoteht Itlrastt City, grows better and IrigLter ly age. and use, a few days sojourn last week sails. ed us. It IsTiOw furnisbed1 coniplcte; everything about it is new, clean and c-recaile ; the table cannot fail to satisfy the rr.ost fastidicu3 epicurian. AVith Coolbacch in the ciUce with a cemtant and watchful tye to the wants of guests; and Hakrt with his er.!ivcnirj "smiles,' the "Nucleoli's" cannot fail to advance oa, and on in the popular favor. '," ;; ' ' j : Wn. Rcssell W'e call attention to the advertisements Rossell. He- is drivirnr thlnrrs riht along;, notwithstanding- thepr-jsaure of the times. In ad Jiticn to hit locrc'ing house, which drear! y is too well estab lished to need a wcrd cf praise frcm us, he is making arrangements for the spee dy erection of alarge Livery Stable, on Main street. He keeps fine ttocVj and carriages, which he will furnish at a mo ment's notice, and ea favorable terms. 'J. S. Minick suspended.' See adver tisement. - reril cf Life ia CuIjs. A letter received in Ds-tonfrm Cuba nan, Cuba, written by a gentleman who had resided for sixteen or s-eventeen years on the island, contains the following remarkable statement: "The country is in a dreadful condi tion. . We dare not go on the road done, and when we travel in company we go armed to the teeth. Only two week sago the robbers caught Andrew Metcalf near Guanajay, and cut him almost to pieces. I passed over the same road only a few hours previous on my way to Havana ; when I returned, the same evening, he was buried. The robbers come right in to the houses on the estates, and if they cannot get money they cut the tnroitsof the occupants, or what is worse, mutilate the unfortunate victim. 1S3S CAPsFETLVG. IS5S SPRLYG &1LES. Mcdowell & company. a. Are now in receipt of their uprinit importation, wUicb have been purrbased in Kneiand fur cash, fr though other bouses are advertising direct importation, from Europe, we take pleasure in announcwR that we are the only direct importers from England France in the west ern States, and hive now on hand the Iarse-t and finest stock ever imported to this country, coufeigliiig in part as follows: 9-4, 6-4 4-4 and -4 Xew Medallions; 6-4 royal Velvets; 600 r-ilis J'rench velvet ; 200 rolls Royal Wilton; 1000 Do Egbert Crisley Brus sels; . ' . 2000 rolls John Crossler & Son's Tapesty 3rnr eel- 2 too rolls Brinton's; 3000 rollsPrardoe t Uoomaa's; 1510 rolls Bripbt's new desitrDt.; lOOOrolls heavy English three-ply; 1000 heavy superfine; Tueether with the larjres stock of Domestic Carpet, for the wholesale trade, ever brought west of the moun tains. Also 2000 rolls 4-4 white and check matting; 2000 " 6-4 , " " - " S000 " 4-4 and " " 3000 " Cocoa matting all widths. 1500 sheets of oil cloth 12 to 30 feet wide; 200 pieces 3-4 4-4 5-4 6-4 and 8-4, oilcloth. Also the largest stock of rue, tabC covers, sofa rip Uats. stair rods, table oil clothes, fc.c, of acy eitalish uirnt in the country. To the retail customer, all we ask is a call, to convince thrni that we can and will seli lower than any other boue in the west. To the wholesale purchaser we would sav that we can offer tbem greater inducements than any eta Muniment ettner in yew Tork or BuMob, bavins: purchased our entire stock for cash, we are prepared tn otfer our g joda at the very lowest prices of kmportatioo. A. NcDOWELL & Co., &S Main St., St. Louis. May 15, 1S no 42. "C03IB1NATION PATENT." rPHICXIT STEA5X SAW JIILI. This null commands the uuiversal admiration uf saw mill wen everywhere. As its merit become known, the demand for it Increases, lltders arc coming front every section of this c untry, Caidiia. Cuba, and iiouib Amcri- caj. It is suited for every sectirm ot the world wherever there Is timber to be sawed, no matter of wbHt character how hard, how larceor hw small. Two extensive n.ia nafactories are now ensured in building the-e mil Is, j et it is almost luuwstible to tura them out as fast as they are wanted. They embrace several valuable patents and improvements, and combine all ot the following ad- Simplicity Both the mill and power are so simple in their conetructton that anyone of ordinary mechanical ability can comprehend them., put them r and ran tbem without dancer or difficulty. Portatnltl p The whole establishment ctn be very quickly taken apart and put together, thus rendering it e-y to be moved from piace to place asdesirel, aud sav ing the nece-n:y of drawing the logs a long '.istiince to Ihtrabuity It is constructs! in the most solid and substantial manner, rnns perfectly still, is n n liable to get out of order, and will last for years without repair. RnptCtV It will saw Tat-ter than aay other upripbt upright trnjl. The speed ot the saw is about three hun dred strokes per minute and the feed from one-eigbth to three-quarters of an inch per stroke. Thus, at a medium speed the saw will cut ; through a log twenty-four feet Ion ia about three minutes. From this data anyone knowing the character of the timber can calculate how much it will do. fttcirarjf It does Us work well, cuts smoother and straigbter than the ordinary mills, and the arrangement of the saw is snch as to reuder it utterly impossible far ittn run out of line. Chtajmeu The entire iost of the mill, with fifteen horse power and everything all complete and ready fjr running, twxed and ready for shipment in St. Louis, is only i au. - This mill requires less power to drive than any other mill, aud the power f untii-bed is sufficient to drive extra machinery. A circular containing full particulars will ! sent io any one desiring it. All ordert should be addressed to BRAGG K BL R ROW ES, Corner Third mi Market ttreett. St. Louis. Ma., sole agents for the Western and Southern States. March 25, '58 48-1 y L.EGAL. OTICC Barton B. Barkalow, TVS ' ) Second Judicial Dirtrict VCourt of Nebraska Territo Samuel E Rogers, Dcrt ) To June term A V Ib5a Nemaha county. for Whereas the summons issued In the above entitled cause having been retarned 'not found' as t you tlie said Samuel E Rogers. Therefore you the said Saninel E Rijgers are hereby notified that ob ot before tbe first day of June A D 1S5S. the petition of Barton B Birkalow the said plaiiitift", miil be on file In the office of t je clerk of said District court for Nemaha coudy on tbe chancery side of said ennrt, praying for a decree of title as against yoi the said Ropers to lots number six and fourteen in Mock number twenty-four, and lot number six n block number thirty-five, and lot number five in block aumber forty, all in tbe town of Brownville in said Nemaha county, as marked and numbered upon tbe recorded plat of said town. And you are fnrther notified thai unless voa ai nearat the next term of said District court, to tc began and teli at said town of Brownville witbin arid for said Nemaha county on tbe fifteenth day nf Jnne A D 1S58. and on or before the morning of the second day or said term, and plead to said petition, the same will 1 taken as confessed and judgement by default rendered against you thereon for said lots aforesaid an.1 xst uf suit. 1. L. mcuaky. Ait y tor ri n. It is herebv ordered that the foregoing notice !e pub lished in the Xebraska Advertiser as the law in such ca provides MASTIN W. R1DFX. cle-k. By CHAS. U. UOPStT, lpury. ISHAIJ HEAVIS, . ATTOHNEYAT LAW, REAL ESTATE AGENT, Fatla City, Richardson County, Nebraska. Will give prompt attenU n to all professional busi ness entrusted to his care in Richardson and adjoining counties; also to the drawing of deeds, pre-emption pa pers, hue.. A.C. Msyl3, '53 46-6tn O. B. HEWETT, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, ErownTllle. AeBrasKa. Will attend to business in all departments of lis pro fession. Pre-emntors Rijrhts Secured. .Land Warrants Tor Sale. Office on First St., bet. Main and Water, XErEaacrcEs: Kidney k Holler, Nebraska City. CJwever Sweet &. Co., do -J. Sterling Morton do Brown st Bennett, Brownville R. W. Furnas do Brownville, N. T. May 13, 1S5S. v2a46tf Land Sales! The undersigned, owner of forty-six acres of lnnd ad joining the city of Brownville was originally laid off as a porrionof the town Site desirous to dis;x-e of the same, and will do so on exceedincty favorable terms. Awlyto " JOUXMcL'ONOVGn m y so, tsa wm Bsowsiixx. JS, T. I hereby eivta ttafWElLEY II. B0RX has ottainaS from tht Prj.iw Court of Tawwe ct-nnty lette:-s testa tametitary en tjeettate f Rk:ckIi Horn, law-of said counts deii H.liesrirg date Javj t-y Iltb, A r- I!i58, All r-ei- liaviiii,' claim a;i,x,i said. it ate are berebr rivjuir-M t th;bit tiem for allowance to the Frotiite x)ttrt ( t-al I ounty on r before ttit 9Ui day of Anf;Ht, 1Sc9, it it rj tn iy be p-v utled from any V?net of s.d es'arc, atdir tor. p i'l' J S'itUin sx mur.ihs from -- i 4ist tveiaanii :i tUev will le tjrever tarrf :. - -"H,G. tot:;j-ijeot PMbt.te. '-.w)a- The endersismd t: vine evwti intoa c , -r artsersLip and built a skj-l piit ,ide Li!.t eonnwte.1, Lagerreaa Galleiy on tim ol Main in 1 r.r r? tre1 s io ti.ic -y ol Brown ville. w(!di respect) uiiy xiu:oi:ac to ttitfibiia that we are tw preimred to Ue p:c.nres ith all the beauties ol the att, anl at reduce prices. Pictures in serted in lokets, rim, itc., in ae otatest style. Being experieticed rtiM. hive no doubt tUat ail . jovant good p.cturei cijj p-ttased. Call and pee. , MIXMCH liAKN. BrovmTiiie.Ujy 6,1- n45.f i J Brownyillc Stecm Ferry ! ttir:rpTi Pbf rtrf ,4 . i n v- j i, t . j , l At r ... 2 1IISS-0 l?RI r.IVERi , The Ho-uta irom iirowriTf!- to Ft. iwenmey, &-id Ixom tlienco to Cahfomis, is the i. nearstt and most practicable. . BAKER ccC0DINGT0N 1 ' AXSOL'CE to tke Trarelinp Public that Uiey are now ntnnini; m a Ferry acrcs tLe Jlisouri oivir at An fntirehj ntw. HtMarWial and commodUwt ' STEAM PERRY BOAT, hich afangemirDt will secure a certain ani safe passape at, all time ani ia air kiodi cf wcs!Lt. 'i'he l'rofrietora doot asert boas-it gly, or for ; be rnti'pMe tf painin j caatom merely, bat are g'rcrntd ly f veM. v'hen they fey this ia. the beat cnwsicfr cf the Missouri Kner in Jiebraskn, and when they y ihe route from Drownrille to Fort Kearney and from thence to California ia the nearest for evidence they refor the reader to the map of the Country; and tro warranted in saying it is the most practicable ri-uto by penonal experience, 4 well as that of hun treus t'f others who ba?e .trareled it. We claim therf .f h it this crossing and route holds out poculinrlj faro-ablj indaocments, to persons going to Califurn.B, ad salioit their patronage. Kot withstiindin? our sujierUr arrarfjeincnU for a safe and speedy crosiir;;:. oaruijarrres are the same as other Ferries in Xebr-uk, ail Itcing rt gulated by Legisla tive enactment. ' ' 'i , i J ... Jf"lteco!Iect that'ii.h our f'acilities of Power, no kinds of wea ther will prevent our Boats from makinp regular trips at ail hoar?. , ... t3f A skiCaml nasi irill be in readiness to moss foot paisenpers at all times of night. n2i November llth,18i7. .'V TV. E. I1AF.VEY. L. TAN WTCZ. Civ. En.;., Sur. It Draf.'n. ' General Lnd Astwt- . IIARTKT, TAX WTCIL &'CO General Land Ascots itXa'e"fcrvBlaT-a.- City. " ' v ' ARE connected with agencies ift 'Wasliington City by which thry are enable?! to prosecute claims a?a!nt the United. Kates uovrtmnMit, or atten to any business be fore the General Land pSlce wita dispatch and to the satisfaction of theirccBtomeri." - - One of the firm being a practical Engineerand Survey or (having been for many years connected with the t'nited States Coast Surveys engaged on w jrki of. Interna! Im provements) we are pretared to make surveys of Towns, Farms,' fcc, in r.y p.ti t of the Territory; and having cnzaKPd the best I'ru'is nan in the Territory, can execute Maps, Town Pi.aU., and drawings of pll kinds (mechanical, architectural, &c., to tue perfect Nili&factiun our cus tomers. Til.- - - " J October 22J, 1557. . , . nSlvj ! CD. IT. MOORE, General Steamboat Agent, TOKWARDJSO COMMISSION MERCHANT. NEBRASKA. CITY", N.T. Goods sold on Commission and prompt returns made. Particular attention given to receiving. Storing and For warding all kind! of Ire ght and prodoce. Once on the Lievee. Storekouse in the sane block with Kearney Hotel. Refer to the Merchants of Nebraska City; Fife it M ichaci St Louis Mot I Harper & Sender St. Louis; John A. Warden " ' I Joseph Mclntyre " Srakelford, Finney i. Co" I Barcklay, Uinklek. Co " April S8, Ii3 v2-44-ly Wdgoii for Sale. I have a light twu-bore waion which I will dispose of cheap for CHsb. . . . C. S. LAXGDON, T. LtrSHBACOM. WO. L. CAUSOI LTJ5HBATJGH fit CARSON, BANKERS AND GSNERAL LAND AGENTS. Healers In Coin, Cncurrent Money, Exchange and Land Warrants, BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA CO.. X. T. Especial attention will be given to Buying and Belling Exchange on the princitial cities of the United States. Gold. Silver, and uticurrent Bank Notes. A constant sup ply of Land Warrants on hand for sale roa cash, or en tered on time lor Pre-cn ptors. All Warrants sold by us guarantee in every respect. Will file Declaratory Seg ments of Intention to pre-empt, aud prepare Pre-emption Papers at short notice. Money loaned upon best vecuii ties, at western ratts of Interest, and investments tnade in Lands or city property for distant capitalists. Collec-T tioiia upoa all convenient points will le promptly attend ed to and proceed .Vmitted in exchange, at current rates. miis or exchange on .ti ,Mand, Ireland, and France, ob tained at nsual rates, with cost of Exchange on the East added. Deposits receiver! cb Current account and interest allowed on special (UipotoU. OFFlCii Main St., be ir U.S. Ind Office. , RErEKENCES Liml, Brother k Co., Merchants. Philadelphia. Pa. McXanchton CarscufeCc, - - lliser t thite', " ' ; Baltimore. Md. Tonng. Ctrson k. Bryant.-' " JrKi. Thoripson Msh d, Col'rof Pott, " " E. M. Puiulcrson &Co. 1'erchants, " " M. M. Teikle & Co. No. 17, Broadway, New Tork. M m. T. Sniithson. Esq., Hanker, Washington, D.C. J. T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Law, " Jno. S. Gjllaher, Late 3U Aud. C S. T., " " Taylor k slrieg!i, Bankers, Chicago, III. NcClcllatid Scrussk Co. Merchants, St. Louis, Mo. Hon. Ttios. G. Pi atr,, . - Annapolis, Mi. ' Bon. J. t7. Geary. Ex-Gov. Kansas, Penn. ' Hon. Jas. Ol Carson. Mercersburg, Pa. P. B. Small, Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Hagerstown, Mil. Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law, " Charles Parson tt Co. Eaakers, Keokuk. Iowa. H. C. Xuitfc 0. " Council Bluff" Greene, H'eare fc.R-ce, ; ' Des Moine, " Douglass i Watson; -" - Vinton, " Col. Sam Bambletoa, Att'y at Law, Eanton, Kd. Judge Thos. Perry, ,. , . - Cumberland, Mtl. Prof. H. Totwiler, , . - .... Havana Alabama. Oct. 8, '67-v2-nl6-tf CITY LOTS. I have for sale a number of beautifully located lots in the City of Brownvil Io. which I am authorized to sell at bargains for rash. New comers will do well to call on me befoi e making i nr bases. R. W. FTRXAS, Brownville, March 25, '69. Real Estate Agent. Bakxixo hoi sr oi" Lvshbaugh &. Carsov I BrojtntilU. Februarv 1. 1868. I On and after ibis iata, depowtors aocounts will be opened for specie, currency and scrip payable in stime kind of funds, Coe-: must be marked accordingly. Office hours from I to II A M and 1 to 3 P M. LVSnBACGU k CAUSOST, Fashionable Tailor. JACOB 3LARnOT, BROWN VXLLE, NEBRASKA- Bespecfully announces to the public that be has on fcacd a iatge stock of , Cloths, Vestings, &c., Alo a latge assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING WTil.Ji he will sell at cost prices. He flatters himself that ho understand!) his business thoroughly and all work warranted oomint from his es tablishment, and c:a-es as low as any other competitor In this place or the West. - - : A eat Fit Guaranteed. DIIOTV & CLIXTO., PEODL'CE DEALERS,. Forwarding & Commission LIERCHANTS, No. 7S, Nortli Levee, St. Louis, Mo. Orders fr Gnicerifs ani Maaufactured Articles accu rately filled at lowest poss.ble rates. Consignment for sale and rr-liipment res;ectull.v solicitel.. Sbipmeotn of all kind wiil be f; itf illy attended to. ItefenreTices : Messrs. G H Ilea . Co St. Louis Bartlett. Mctoinb A Co do Gilbert, Miles A Stannard do Hon. w" H Bufflngtcn, Auditor StHteef Missouri J Q Harmon, CairsCity, III. ' Messrs Molony, Bro's A Co' New Orleans, Louisiana J D Jack-Kin. Esq , do do Messrs Hinkle, Guild k Co, f IJrjnirAC Brand! I k Crawford Woodruff St Huntington, H. Billings, Esq., May IS, IS69 4V3m Cincinnati, O. do Louisville, Ky. Mobile, Ala. BeardEtown, 111. 75,000 lbs. Bacon. LTFORTv k nORX Soiswa, Mo . have for sale, cheap for cash, 16,000 pounds excellent bacoB. Vgn36-lv . March t, J68 B OOTS nd SHOES A Tremendous Stock, jtvst received, openftl, ard forwle, t y - 1:T. WITTTE CO. Land Tarrants. 17.CD0 Acres of Land ou tojirf-emptora, by Wanttnts &r sale and U TYSON 4 HACXY i f Number C02. iatioh I"y the President cflTnlled States. Inpnr?uarKe of hv, I, Jarjcs Ench tmn, rVcsi dent tf the Ut;.t4 Abates cf An-- rk, ! jtcrt by de clare Ecd make k xiwn that pui. ?iies w'.I! le held at the undermentioned land o&ees is the lemUrry of Nebraska, at tho periods hereinafter designated' At tl-J tZ :c at r ' TjTf TIKI'S, commoncing on Moniay ;e si'.r ' daj nf i'.;imi. r next, for the di?soaiof t'..o pi.i: .j .i Wi'Mci ihe following ts' -I ! !.;( . t .: ; ; . I'vnh u the L-.-.0 Liu--, aai e&t f tha Oi'a priaej Meridian. Z Tht part of township One outside of tho Sac and Fox tzl Half-Breed Nemaha Reservation, of raore 17. - . The farts of townships 1, 2, 3, atd four, outside of the fcac and F x. and ILi'.f-Breed Nemaha Iterer vation, ai;d fry. 2 Lion at townships 5 :tnd 8, of range sixteen... . 4. . Tbrt part of townsh-'p one outside of the Sac and Foi lic.-i n a;ioc;t own,j:p 2, the part of townships 3, 4, and 5, outbids of the Hi'.f-lireed Nemaha res ervation, and fractional towaahip 8 of range li. That part of township 1 mt5id ta and Fox Ee?ervation, townships" 2, Z. utd 4, lin t !htt part of townjihip 5 outside of the llalf-Ureed Nemaha Kea ervation, and township 6, of range 11. ' Townsi, ins 1,2. .", 4, 5 and 6 of range 13. Townsiiips 1,2,3, 4, 5 and 6 of ranj-e 12. - Townships 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 of range 11. Townships 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 cf rarge 10. ,K . Ti.wp.ships 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 cf n.nge "-"' At the Land OSce at NEBRASKA CFXV. com mencing on Monday tho sixth day of September next, for the di.vpostl of the publio iaadj within the following named townships, vis : North of the Base Line and East of the sixth Principal Meridian. ' . Fractional townships 7 and 8 of rango 15. - Towmip 7, ami fimethinBt townships 8, , 10, 1L an 1 12 of ra.n-a 14. Townshij 7, 8, 9,10, 11 and 12, and fractional township 13, of range 13. Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, It, and fractional townships 12 and 13, of range 12. " - 1. Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, and ll;and" riactlSnaJ town ship 12, of range 11. . ..... SMa ; , Townships 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, and fractional town ships 12, 13 and li, of range 10. Townships 7, 8. md 13, aud fractional townships 14. 1 and 16, of r-vcge 9. - ? i At the at OMAUA CITY, commenc ing on Monday, the sixth d.-iy of Soptsmber next, for the disposal tf the pubiio laida ;aithin tiie fol lowing earned townships, ru: ' North of the Base Line and east of the sixth Prin cipal Meridian : "'' fractional townships 13. 14. 15. ani Is of ranee fourteen. . Fractional townships 13, 14, 15, 16, and range 13. 17, of Fractional townshipsl2 and 13. townshita 14. 15. end 16, and fractional townships 17, 1.8, If and 20, of range 12. - - ' Fractional township 12, townships 13, 14, 15, 15, 17, and 18, and fractional townships 19 and 20 of range Jl. . Fractional townships 12 131 and 14. and town ships 11, 16, 17, 13. 19, 20, of range t.fl - -' rjactiocal townships 14, 15 and 18, and to trnshipa 17,18, 19, and 20, of range 9. ' Iaeds appropriated by law for the.tss cT Schools, military, and other purposes will be acluded from the sales. The offerings of the above lands will be commenc ed on the day appointed, and will proceed in . the order in which they are advertised, until the whole shall have been offered, and tho sales thos closed; but no sale to be kept open longer than ttro weeks, and no private entry of the lands will be admitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my hand at the city of Washington, this thirtieth day of March :r. D. one thousand eight lundred and ifty-eight. v u JA1IES BUCHANAN". ; By the President ; ... j, ... i Thomas A. riEXDRicks, Commissioner of the General Land Office. NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Every persen entitled to the right of pre-emption to any of the lands within the townships and parts of townships above enumerated is rjquired, to es tablish the same to the satisfaction of the Register nnd Receiver of the proper land office, and make payment therefor as soon as practicable after seeing this notice, and before the day appointed for the commencement of the publio sale of the lands em bracing the tract claimed, otherwise snoh claim will be forfeited. . . - TllOS. A. UiiXDUICKS, r -' i. Commissioner of General Land Office 4pril 22. 1868 no 43 Sealed Propasals Directeil to the Commissioners of Pawneo Connty will t e received from and after this date, until the flrst Mon day in July next. For the erection of a Corf House in Paxcnct City, Pawnee County, N. 1, of the fol lowing dimensions and style namely : Said bouse to le thirty feet long and twenty-four feet wide, two stories high, the lower story to be divided into four apartments, in one end two rooms twelve feet square, a hall through the center eight foet wide. In the other end a room ten feet wide by 24 feet long; a plain open staircase leading from the hall to the Court Room above ; said Court Room to be twenty by twenty four feet and properly seated in plain style." The re mainder ot the upper story to be divided into two equal sized rooms, two outside doors three feet vide, six feet eight inches bith, one and three-iourth inches thick; 6 inside doors, two Jeet eight iochet wide, six and a half feet high, and one and a half inches thick all to be four pannels each. Eighteen windows, twelve lights each, 10 by 14 glass; windows and door cjtsing, corners and base, plain square style; Grecian tornice seven members ; projection eighteen inches, and. nine inches deep, returned with tho rake; three coats paint, white lead or sine, inside and out. Said bouse to be a frame with posts and braces, with a good shingle roof. Hie bid der to furnish everything for tbe conplctioa of the buil ding oak floors, Joiuted and lined, walnut siding, dres sed, kc. ... Said building to be completed on or before the first of January, 1869. One half the price to be paid as the work progresses the remainder when finished. riilttl .t Vianoa pilv Ik!. Kth it, .f 1 0T- vy oruer oi uie coutuv lonimiSHinneeri s t .Attest fr.E. DOWNING, : A"st ' CouiiTy Cterk April 22 3m no 43. Kotice. Persons indebted to the undersigned wl ',1 cmo for ward and settle as longer indulgence will nut be given. Hotei scrip taken at ptir. - ' - THOMPSON it MARSH. Brownville April Men, 1868. , 42-tf T. W. BEDFORD, County Surveyor HTDS0N GEORGE, Nor-ary Public BEDFORD c GEORGE, SURVEYORS, OTIL ENGINEERS, AND r .' REAL ESTATE, AGENTS. BROWNVILLE NEBRASKA. ... ,. , ;;- ' ' Office on Main Street. "' ' WILL attend promptly to all business entrusted to them in the line of tbeir profession. Will bny and sell Land warrants, make time entries, attend to the seleo tion aud location of Government Lands, Jiurvey Town sites, subdivide Lands make out City Plats, Ac, Ac, Having been located in the Territory for lie past year, we are prepared to make the most choice selections for actual settlers. Will pay taxes, investigate titles, and render assistance iu contested cases at the V. S. Land Office. Letters of inquiry promptly answered. WE &EFEB TO non. W C Reynolds, Kingston. Pi-nn. , . Jchn J Pendleton, Esq. Cincinnati, Ohio ' HonGalutiaA Grow . Washington City, D. C. : Hon Joseph G. Crane Dayton. Ohio Ryall k Charles, Land Agents, Sioux City, Iowa. nosierat ileuses, Bankers do do . Lushbauph A Carson, Bankers Brownville, N. 1. R. W. Furnas, Emi. . do . do D. W, C. Cleaver, Geological Engineer, Scranton, Pa. Rnf us R. Edwards, Esq. St. Joseph Mo. Cel. John G. Fell Waver ley Pa. W. G. Georee, Real Estate Agent, Dayton OUi ' Apri!8. lodrj v2n41-yly ' LCTBER HOADLET; .; - EIOADLET & OBlBl V. MCIB. LAND AGENCY, ErownTllle, Xcmalia CoJ X. T., Will select Government Lands : locate Land War rants in Nebraska, Kansas, Western Missouri and Iowa: collect debts: pay taxes for son-residents : bny and sell property on commission ; Land War rants bought and sold at market prices ; Pre-einp-tjr-n papers prepared, Ae. 1 We have for sale lots in the City cf Brownville, South Brown vio, Nemaha City Table Rick, Omaha, St. Joseph, Mo., 'Elwood, Kansas Territory, Lands near Table Rock, Pawnee connty, for salo. Also, in Nemaha county, improved property for sale or rent. Office Corner main and First Streets. REFERENCES. LticinslTopkins.l'rs't Importers A TradersTJank N.T. David Hoadley Prs't Panama Railroad, Gn. C. T. Ilillyer Charter Oak Bank, Ilartford, Lee. Butler A "Co. Ilartford, Conn- Collins, Kellogg tKirby SwLouis, Jlo, Thomas W. Pnelps --- -.-Mobile, Ahv, C. Wilson Co. InUw, Ala. Wm. P.Webb,Afy.-. " M. B. Osborn A Co Rot k Island, III. Ja s H Archibald. Genl A D . I . A W.I1. It. Scranton GiZlespie. Pearce A Co., Bankers Rev. T. S. Wrd"- - Ijatborp A Jones-' y B.C. Morse--"- " William Frothineham. Alt'?"- Carbondale, Pa." 'Sc rant on. Pa, Re-1 Falls N. V -Albany, N. Y. Rev. R. Nelson. Principal Wyoming Semi nary, N.Y J. A. Parker rf- Co- - Washinrtoa. 1). C A. T. Gilmer. Itocciver Land OiSee--.- "".-OBiah Horace Everett, -. v-.Ccuiwil Bluffs, Ia, yrowanila, April 1,1558. , - :iILT0N T.; CLARK,- ;'..Orooorioc, T7niE3 4 '.JblTD ' LIQUOED, DATIXGr purchased t!ie entire stock "cf Goods belong ing to J. R. Davis, tgfther with Urgo a:id extensive additions jntt received, I sia nw prepared to furnUh every variety of ilcary asjiS faiacy Groceries, J'OJt HOTEL.ASO FAMILY VSE. rv.i. , . ' . - . ,',,. Ihaviia store, and fcr salij cheap, a l.irje supply ct C0FFEE,: ; quality Rio and Java Best , TEA, quality and Every price. . Havana. crush 1 1 sad test article of fcrewa sujar.r " :A JIOLASSES. Large strpply of auerio Kerr Orleans molasses, Bcl . ciit-r ael GoKIctt Syrup. r TOBACCO AJS'D SE.GARS, s- Exbjusire variety and ail of the best brands. FAICY (OERIES. Consistir:? in part of t'.- r r PICKLES. " -" A jreat -variety and put up expressly for titaljy use. .; i : . . . : PIE FRUIT, ' ; Every description of Fruit, such as Fresh, Peaches, 'Apples, Cherries. Goose berries, Currajits, Rubarb, , . . For sale cheap : and warranted fresh and good. , -' OYSTERS AXD SARDINES, A large supply of the best brands and warranted good. J ' ''''.( TOGETHER WITH A large qurntity ol various articles ef domestic use too tedious v mention. , , i - VIHES AND LIQUORS, Port, Native, : ; 11 : r.r fi Champagne,.: r ' r;: I . !.: aiiiscatr "$ ' ,H:i . , :..)... a. v., Sherry, and'-""' ,;- . ... . . -' '-. r'r f ' Claret - Wines. - 'Extra Qualify of ' . French and American Branilies, 1 ' BRANDIED CHERRIES,. . . TTolfe'H SUeldam ; Schnapps, Old Mono ngehela, 13ourbon, and Rye ' t. "Whiskey, COMMOX WHISKEY, ALE, be. ' t CHEESE, ; Just received 60 boxes superior Western Reserve for sale cheap for cash. ' MILTON F. CLARK. - Special Notice. : ALL these holding accounts against J. R. Davis will call on the.-subscriber apd have then cancelled; and those Indebted to him will please call and settle, as long er wdwlswBee will ioi he rtverr. t ,-..s-.,, MILTON F. CLARK.-1 ... FKAXKLIN TYPEib1 STEREOTYPE FOOHDRY No. 168 Vine St, bet. Fourth and Fifth, , Cincinnati, 0. C F. O DI1IX OI.I, &, CO. Manufacturers and dealers in News, Book ana Job Type, Printing Presse?. Cases, Uallies, Ae., Ae. Ink, and Printing Material of Every Description, STEItEOTYi'IXG of all kind Books, .Music. PatentMedicinc Directions, Jobs, Wood Ecgrerings, Ac, te. . i Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, iOHW P. TYSOIt. W. W. HAXKNIT, TYS0II.:& HACKHEY, t -'GENERArLATO AOERT3.,:." " S i ... BROWNVILLE. XEMAUA C O...IT. T. Land TTarrants JJought and Sold. Land entered on Time. Claims and. Town Lots Boucht and Sold. Loas Mooeyr Make Investments and Locate Warrants oa time, for Distant Dealers. Pre-Emptlon Papers Prepared. OFFlCE-r-Xext door to U. S. Land Office. REFERENCES Geo. n. N i ion, Register L. O., : C. B. Smit'i, Receiver,. " , Brownville, X. T. smock . h illiams,' ' Lexington, Mo. Omaha Clt v.N. T. ' Council ElutTs, Iowa. Warren, Penn. ., ,"St. Louis, Ma. ' , St. Joseph, " ; L. K. TuUle, B. R. Pegnim A Co., Bankers, non, G. W. Soofield, R. L. McGliee fc Co., .- Tootle A Fiiirleigh, Of'.. 1. '07 sy r PINE DOOUS, For sale, by O - . ; i. t. WnYTE A CO. A. W. PIKTT. M. O. WILKINSON. PUETT & WILKINSON, ssw AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW, OMADI, IN. A. Will attend to all business entrusted to their care BKFEKESCE3 Col. Jesse Williams, Fairfield, Iowa. Indianapolis, Ind, Washington City. Rockviile. Ind. Omaha City, N. T. Gov. Jos. A. Wright, Mr. F. N. Eoock, Hon. John G. Davis, ' Hon. Geo. L. Miller, ZOOK & BALDWIN, Porost Oity, TVTo., . Dealer .n . Z5 TEJ Or - . ' r . '. ' And J OlieTYiloalG, . Dye Woods, DyesttilTs, Oils, Paints, and Painters Articles Varnishes, Window-glass and Putty, GLASSWARE, French, English, aD& American Perfumery. invp . -1 . t i : e U x -ff J A C WllCt UUU BU.VIU SUSp, 11UQ U.lf uu f tooth brushes, paintbrushes, Hursical and dent- 4 al instruments, spices, snuffs,, manufactured tubacco; all the patent medicines of the day; pure wine and brandies, for purposes; choice toilet ano lancy articles, etcete. Asents for the sale of Dr. Wistar'e Balsam of Wrild Cherry. Rognr's Liverwort, Tar and Canchalagua. Osgood's India Cbolagoirue, ' Jones' American Cholagogue; Guytt's Yellow dock and Sarsaparilla; ' Smi'.h's Tonic Syrun. . ' tt; tt July 53, 1S57. . vSnl-yly Liglitiiiii Bods. STAXO FKOJi XXDEH ! To all whom It may concern, yoti are hereb informed that the undersigned ia now engaged in putting up tbe best classof Lightning Rods manufactured in tbe East, and on the a lost reasonable tern is Having had long ex perience in the business, he warrants all work done by mm to be doae right. u. u. haula. RErXRSXCES. James Bnchanan, Washtncton. D. C.J J. C. Brecken ridee, Wastungton, D C; Mrs T ctoria. Lonilon, Ecg- Uim;; Louis napoleon Bonaparte, Paris, France; Emper or Alexander, St. Petershorg, Rni-sia. BaOWXVILLE March 26 QcSdtf. Attdrcej7 at Law Has resnned hi professional business, and will prac tice ia all the Courts tf Nebraska, and the Courts in Atcbinson county, Mo. Oulce one 'loor west of I..T. Whyle's Storej BrownvHle Kebrasxa. , ".' rwvilhi April 01659.. . tWly Y " ' 'J fJ"s' a , . I -yy . rnygarf I i . - - 9 ! . I Front Street Uravrxn Ills, i'efcraskri Z t : J;H. IIAUIT C; Co., J L. i.Has Jast- receWcd Sej . ; ULRGTIST STOCU r is l J f O.JiVi IjU V isO, Consisir'ji, in part of tho follwh" article:, wmch they propose to soil ; , ". i ' '-it.-..--.. . . . i 4, Cheap, for Cash: Fare white lead :-. . Putty C.Kor oil , . Cxd liver oil Sweet oil Olive oil ' Glue Patent BieOI.-lnes, all sorts Couehcandio Faucy cacdi sa ' Ostiiesuap Toilet Washing soap Tooth bntshn ' . ' Hjir bra.-hivi Cloth Brushes " Almonds soft shell Hard .Le!l Aluonda -Filberts, pc;xans v . Poa nets K'ss . Raisins Oysters ia eta Sardines Black ar.JInij Teas , rencb s.oc , hina x:cs . - - RedlCJd "'. enitian red Saw and burnt umbra panish whitir ha.'k orpentine '. iuseedoil snners oil . , . opal TaruiiJ i pan White TarnUh Itberage Paint brushes Varnish brashes ' fttsu and window tools M ali brushes Lettering Pencils , . utile paints :iuiel hair pencils , Blenders Wsr cand'es Xewt Puwders. TOBACCO, Of the best brands, chewing and sntcklax. Cigars fin est quality and flavor. . FR UITS A.YD LIQ U0RS. Preserved fruit for pies, bran J.ed peacliea. fresh pea ches in cans, pure liquors for lne-i.cU puiUAd, Jamaica am, Holland G.n, Irish hisiy, Bourbon wbisy, ginger randy, Cordial, Port wine, cherry wine, white wiae. Malaga wine. . ' . STA TI0.YER Y. .Foolscap paper, fjiitcy letter paper, gUJ edze notes. nd envelopes, plsin, fancy and embossed; pens and pen holders, inks of all kinds, tntstaads and Falters peuuls, sealing wax waters. ' A Splepdid Assortment of Perfumeries, Comprising Lyon's Kathairion, cologne, pom made genuine ox marrow, bear grease and oi!8, mujkanda. sences of all kinds and nf the finest quality. 53" Physicians' Prescriptions attended ' - of the day and night. . ALSO A SPLENDID ASSOm'iriT er 1 wm m r mif i r mi Consisting: of TEAS, '-i-i: .-- FIGS, : . i . , .5 - .v. RAISIXS, SUGARS," , s .COFFEE, - a 'MOLASSES, CURRAXTS,,.-, SOAP, CANDLES, . - i TOBACCO? P 0 WDER AjYD SIIO T Vfiih all article usually found at such places, They invite their friends and tht public generally to ive them a call, and they pledge themselves to Rive them satisfaction as to price and quality of their goott;. TERMS CASH EXCLUSIVELY. Nov. 81, '67-v-n22 -. Watchmaker, k-Goldsmith, A. GYS, ROCK PORT, MO. BEGS leave to inform the public that he has located In tbe above named town aud offers for sale a choice stock of CL 0 CKS, WA TCHES, JE WELR Y, ami other articles usually kept in sack establishments at' prices which cannot be complained f. Being an exper ienced watchmaker be flatters himself that in repairing watches, clucks and jewelry he can give perfect satisfac tion. 1 Cm. 4.. Land Warrants ! FOR CASH AXD ON TDIE, i To Pre-emptors. Buy of regular dealers, and avoid bogus warrants. . All warrants sold at the office are guaranteed to be genuine in every- respect, and will be exebamrod if de fective. Ll'SilBAUGII A CARSON. Bankers and Dealers in Land Warrants. Brownville, X. T., April 22, 1858. 043 OS aiAxrrACTORT. ; NO. 10, MAIN STREET, Brovrnrilh. Y. T. WILLIAM T. DEN, Respectfully informs the public that he has Just re ceived his new stock ot Boot and Shoe material, and is now prepared to furnish any desired article in his line at as low prices a any other establishment in the Ter ritnry. All work warranted. He hopes by strict attention to business, and keening constantly on nana a superior assortment of Leather. Trimmings, Ac, for home manufacture, to still merit that liberal patronage which he has heretofore received. Impairing done on the shortest notice. -2 All werk to be paid for on delivery. April C2. v2nl Nebraska Money Take Xotlec From and after this date we will not take any Ne braskaptiper except tbe Platte Valley Bank and Bank Nebraska, only at a discount of ten par rent. 1. T. M HTTE A Co. Brownville, March Stb, 1S53. nc38. JOHN A. PARKER & CO., JOHX A. PARKER, lata Reu-ister of the Laud Office. Omaha, H. T., having resigned his i-tltce will hereafter. a connection with one of the best Land Law$rirers in tbe country, attend to all bnsineas confided to him; and c pecaatiy. PRE-EMPTION CASES. Which he has made himself thoroughly acauainted with by study and practice for years. ' He reft rs to the Heads of Departments and Members 01 t,ngri?ss of both Houses. All apt I teat ions for services mast be accompanied with a fee to tasure attention. , January 2S. 1358. n3J-Iy BROWXIV1LLB X0EL, LAKE & EMERSON. 23ro"Crxa.xrllle, 1ST. T. ' N. B. We would rr?eetf ully inform tho eiti- xens of Nemaha county and adjoining; Missouri, that we nave always on band a large and well selected supply or liUJlUii;, which we can furntahatlow er rates than any mill in the Territory. , alarkei prices paid Tor logs delivered at the yard or on tho bank of the river. - .- Ail orders accompanied with the cash, will receiv our immodiate attention. T. H. EDWAKDS. AVOKEW I. EEEBT EDW ARDS & . BERRY, Proprietors of the IIEBEASKA HOUSE. BroirnvIIle, IV. T. The undersigned havrng entered into a co-partnership in the hotel business at tbe above named House, and having made an eat we change of rooms. Ac., and tomt :e- tely repaired and renovated the whole establishment they are prepared to accomuxdat the travelling puLllc and regular boarders in a style not surpassed by an outer hotel ia tne Territory. Charges Moderate, aau every facility ooerM to place our gueMs at esse, and aupply tiem as near as possible wita Vie t jrcferu ef a home. AprU8, ISSa. n4t-2m EBWARD3 A JJ." ::T johk. r. vystY. cnia. r. tou.T KINNEY & HOLLY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, xeizi:as2aa cu t, r. x. Will practice in the Courts of this Territory. Collec tion anf criminal business attended W throughout Ne braska, Western Iowa and Miisoari. i.l attend the -Courts at Brownville. v3nJ-en 3an.-k Matrasseijnst rccclv&tat tie store of Auz-tlSer. Ml " I. T. wTim.- BMHRiiimiX'i?. TV . jr le-i' a t af'p; .i ' 1 or i "c''-1 V . ..-;.'on, it Ui a sf svjrct-wa ct Itia a?- 4 cins br ti .r!; r t url Ati sd 1 ii-jiru-s. J". r ft'i:.. ia i-jwiiit t --j. t.r..".ii.d ara-i, 1 Lv. K.i.NK, and its' i-r tested 4ar ln? two a. tut .tii-1 at U (rkus of 'rnl , H i.i ew soaj-" I i;i? iu to Rprrjl o. in irry sc- ,.- , t 'U of t. c.-. .-; i s oj,aol iarr!jna sr. tTtrywfctr tif ste.Uig as ' xtut THE AFFLICTED EEJOICE. f9 riwrrs a'. Tn.v.-xr I? i b.'il i i ii:ij, i 1 ar Lio-.ii PAIN and U.-TK. Kli.ilivUiw rifr.i f f v t eortv litTw vou tiiS I"'1 1 11 its, NU 0! , r J MAT1SM. t-ti.fH IA.- AAil At'Kii or luOTil M'li'e Ar y . aCI -jtel i 1 1) i.'. ) ri fr..!ii 1 ;.L . ....., i Ct iN5, .Sci... k Kl, Mi-rJir V r rtrw n. I k A 1 ri t;)-!aat; r. r !S l.ul ! i-tf-jbu. A?2D r1 1 r '- " Tot tbe liwlf j sr-rvVr t s-ef' ban.!, fc.r It sllxt. n i r . aa.l immr u't :,o-r, sav irg from- lirflth. - f rery atesrW ' tfut and re. trj sbnuld -- kwn It. - Who tUt In l.rard th siirii'ks cf sivhInIi titlpiei.1 by tins vridt-i and muinte-! ,H-i:ai f ' e jf..icn a;wl C'-l i-a-i. i1' s tJ . I , feel that H-xmt mei i s of r- erim ' ', Uivir ttrt(.ra siiou'ut a".aya ba ; cTT,ttibi. T l ' . - extl in ll m . b-iunjr raia c-i..u-..i.u-;fi tL ItM aILL iiiz?s' ecu? a: It eurM CAKF3 IV TTTS r. it east. fiiK Mrri.Es, Mjl::: Iilir,l-!U-iXy.Ae. la ulio pH-e a fore sliia. v.ii'l cf pini'les, Motcls. scurf and all di-vrrrstiiw and T- " ei-exceiices, should attack tliesa trespasser, on beauty a ' iimrtin mr.iit! ipiMtt ilU tliu ATCT1C IJXliil.NT. " It ia eserllfiit for tins Hair, p-ivins; it a tenUlty, giossy ap--eiira uci. 1 1 is we i .COCD rCH IXAIZ JlITD xr?T it is rX'f 'J wbici. t IT?" ''( i-vtb. Tt Is a sovereign rainejy kx tuous diarawa silk Irnrw ar, af!tictd, au?- inot MUrmiBsriwf HAl.r. tUll'MH, hCRAK'H- l-.S. i W tKX Y, S1A MS, KlStl- I'tlNF, UlG-IlrAD, K'lA. tVlf, Ae. No fcrnwr, ln,ry 4 stabln lo'ener, r any fwt, pwiiing talxuMo li 0l;SE."i, slinulii be iliiout iLia Talua X'e ton lj .. . - . , For aala by all ref ?etab; ri:;sihts and JVi'ors. ; rriceaof tlis I.iiiiiitnt. Ci eeots, 50 cents ard fl a tot . tls. A oi-do' l !tio cculaiiia vs much liuiirciit as eight twenty areeeiit hot ti . . J EXTiaorvDinsY AxxorscassTe Ererv rnrelwwr of a dollar bottle of the ARCTIC I JV. 1MKNT reeives, at Dr. liisgi's jpeuxe, the LMTEO STATIS JOL'RN'AU of Xe York, for one jear. The Journal is a lai-ga illustrated r per each number eon- taininj sixteen pa-, beautifully (Tinted oa clar Kbit paper, and liiied with oriifinal matir I mm the most bril liant writers of tlie rntmtry. ' tertmcam ni !iocnpiK)a and full particulars of tbe novel and jjiil.intliropte so terprine, of which this effer torma a jr wii aceooipany each botUe. . . jt- - An AliFN'T WANTm in FTFITT TOv aud Tn LAGE. EtllAGU b IM KHOWCS, Si. Inl, Nbw Yx Omcs, No. CTl L.IOAl'WAT. Communications should always be addressed te St. Louis. J. II, MAUN Si CO.," Affects, ' - - ' r.rownvl'.le, X. T. , , ... ... . H. M'tACCHLIX.' " .'CKAS. DORSET. rOHSET," 3l2ln Street, ErowuTHIe,J..T.,' .. Buy and sell Land Warrants, make out aad file declar- . atory statements make out pre-emption papers) pay tanes,' investigate titles J ' ' , k r Bir and celt property oa eofnmissioa ( furwlah landi warrants for time entries, and attend to all ether busi ness connected with a general land agency bosoess. Particular attention paid to tbe selection of Govsrn., meat land and the location ef land warrants for partita residing 3t a distance. i McLAflillLIN A DORSET rsinectf oily refer to ' George U. Nixon, Esq., Register Brownville Land" Office.. - ' Chr!es B. Smith, Es.i., Receiver of Public Moneys Xerruha Land District. . i Robert W. Furnas, Esq., Editor Advertiser Brownville Messrs. Luhb.nch A Carson, Bankers, Brownville, Hon. W. M. T. Hamilton, naeerstown, Maryland. Lewis R. Newcomer Es. Baltimore, Md. O II Barnet, Et , Dayton, Ohio. ! Hon. Fenner Fnrgtisoo, Delegate In Congress from Xetraka Terrritory, Washington, D. C. John A. Beal, Esq., Attorney at Law, Pern, Ind. Brownville, April 2v no43tf DISSOLUTION OF PARTXERSHIP. The partnership between J. II. Maun and A. S. ltolla- riay in the Drug business under tbe name and style ef J. H. Maun A Co, commenced April loth 1858, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be Continued in the name of A. S.Uolladay, who will settle : the affairs of tbe laie Arm. A. 8. IIOLLADAX, May 17, 'iS, ,47-3t J. U. MAL.V. .-i DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. nolladay A Arnold dissolved partnership in -the practice of Medicine and the Drug business, April 10th, Either will attend to the settlement ot the busi ness of the firm. Tbie knowing themselves indebted iil saveeost of suit by calling immediately and pariuc their in.lebte.lncss. A. S. HOLLADAT. May 17, '6. 47-3t VS. ARNOLD. IT. II. ULLiIA3XS, WnOLEKALK AND BBTAtL PCALEB If STOVES & TINWARE. Ororon, XbXo.. TAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or iron and the public in eencral. that he has on hand the mo?t extensive stock of Stores and Tin ware, ever offered in this market. My stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for tale at ' Wholesale and tie! a II at i?t. Louis prices. 1 would call particular attention to. my stock ef COOKING STO VKS, eomprisin the nest ItnTroved patternsboth Air-Tiht and I'remiura. Amonj? thtnj maybe found Filly's Charter Oak, the best sue sow in use, the Asiatie Air-Tight, l'ioneer and priae Pre mium. Also' - .--- Parlor & Box Stoves n Of various Sixes and Iattcrns, which 1 wiil SELL LOWER TIIAN ANT riOUSE IX TOTTN". Particular attention paid to makinz and putirlcz . op Tin Gutters, in tho town and country. Also, re- . pairing done on short notice and cn reasonable term. Old copper, Brass and IVwter taken in exchange for work or ware. W. W. WILLIAMS. Tt-n3 Oregon, Mo., July , 185ft. f-f:r jr-3 -r-v- TVT-fn m:i:no Patent Portable Mill, THE subscribers have entered into a partnership under the firm of Reed, lfoibml A Co., to manufacture the J. C. Reed, Tatcnt Portable Grist Miil and are no prepared to furnish all those ia want of a good Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, simpliety and economy ; excel any Mill in the world. On the late exhibition of the Mechanic institute in Ciacinnaii,a Gold. Hcdal was awarded them for it. .... It is adapted to all Graia rindin purposes; it Is superior to all others for tbe most extensive MnrhaB Mill, as it is for grinding the Farmers feed by Horse power. - - - ' - ThoaboTe Mills are manufactured by the under signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O., where theV eon be furni.-hedin any quantity at short notice. The above Mills warranted to perform as follows: Z6 it. diam., per hour 59 13. Corn, 25 Wheat, $300 1 f U U LL U O LL K LL 24 tt u u w ij u . 2a 2 , a i j. m g . tt 15o As this Mill tells its own is unnecessary to quote from t nr numerous rccominendations,reeeired. ISagle Mills. - - Bl?. JOSEPH, MO. JAMES CARGILL Prorrietor.' M- UFACTURZ3 and keep. consUctt on ha id for sale, all kinds of Floor. Tit a! aad Feed stt ffs. Orders solicited and promptly Ailed on most fan rable tenrji. Cah paid eocaUntly for tVhaat. Forcbaracter of Flour refer to everybody that ever n.i it. -St. Joseph, Mo., An. 30,1353. rlnl3-y B3UGIAS. ; SAL Main street, oae Jocr West of Post-Ofke, Ercwrtrine, N. T. The snbscr'bers repe-tfuily inform the public that they have opened tlie at ivg stioon, where tbe best qua lityof Wiaes, Ii'quora, F vra. Oysters, Eardinest. and every ref-e-hment for the inner man, usual ly kept, at such estahlishmen a. will be found and servs.1 op in Orst style. . UOfykPBBK- . BfowBvUl April 15-h, ISm. 4'