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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1858)
arfam CT7 -i " -vw. CT cue nil nrr ' ITT ' r i i ; l I ' el til -3 raw. w. atr W TT. A III1TLT Y. ' cc-r tl end Ju'.e 11 M.rrrtr AT TEE LlIrT f.EbBir of TtTB V1. LEG riRLCTORSs ' 1 S.jWntf.-.-. l.ii.liowari.J. A.Owen.ULItou Twi, J oLsCo'bocu.J'ba II. Likens, W.H.Fenoik, Dt, r. J. UeAsb.s, A. O. ' , .7. . lie A? sax, See'y. new reay to rewire application for L'.ft , Tire, lannfasd Kiverrisks. A casa return of .pe test. w..l re allowed on cargo pre.uu.. proujpUy aJjiutcl, and the uual faculties gireo ts tfc pxtron of the oee. inrii 1 rLh. IS57- '4-3a L- Uu i 4.J I ? WEBSTER. MARSH U CO., Ms iufactarers and Vhol-: Eale Dealers Heady Ilado Clothing, : 5, Main St., St. Louis, lie. FITKiililG GOO ATT ai.80 rxLL stock or GENT'S AND EOY'S CLOTHING, . Tbic e oCer as Iowa ipt Hne In the City. WE'JSIta, JIAliSC i CO. WHEELER VriLSON'S 15 COMPARABLE SEWING MACHINES . j. w. McDonalds co., Jo. 79, Fcarth street, St. Louis, Mo. .Are tVg the ptare of all other mscbirw t Families, Dress-Llakers. Tier are !he Simplest, Spced.est, CUeapeit ail tatt arl! Mjfir.ea xiUat. . kzzzU Wanted In lury TcTm in : . tre West . B. F. SNYDER, , And Steamboat Agent, . sr. josepii, no. Xll I ba at tba Lerce at all huura upon th amral of Itaamboata, and attend to the Collection of 1U1U and Bnstnent left with him witi prompt JifptcSi; al attend to the Receiving of good fur boat, eitlier for St. Louia or npper Kiswnri. . Will be foond In the ofSce of Dolman fc wt Beal SaUieAgenu, Market Sqnare. - MILLER & BOISAUBIN, ' Importertef French and German lg::cii:3-glass:flates, Kirct, S:tr-L,!rlit, and Floor Glass, IS, Second St., St. Louis, Mo. Manufacturer of Ornamental Looking-G!a Framea. Stained Glass in all its Various, - for Churches, Public and Private . t Buildings . . Ornamental lVorkfor Steamboats. HA YD EN & WILSON. Importer! and Manufactvrcrt of CSjQlID 13 LSH. "ST AKD Coach Hardware, Carriage Trimmings, Siddle Trees, Ilarnes, Springs end Axles, Pafent and Enameled Leather, SORTING, , ' - HARNESS, Sc ". " " BRIDLE LEATHER. 1t tf-f- Ctvaof Cf I nib rft Are prepared to offer to their cuatomen and the trade aa asaortment of article ntisurpasied, tn qoautr and cbeapneaa, by any Uooae In their line, Eaat or Wen. 1858. 1858. SCARRITT A' MASON, Wholesale and Retail Manufacturers oi Furniture and Upholstery Washington Arenue, between IEC05D AltO THIRD St'b, ST. LOUIS, ltO In onr Wareroom vill b found the latest and best etjlc, made l y the best workmen and of superior mto rial nd tlnifh. KDSTEADS Fine Roewood and Mahogany, Walnut. 0k aud Cherry, wit high post and Canopy. S1DEBO ABDS EosewiKMl, Mahueany, O-k anI VTal BUt w:t'o Stelre and Marble T;ua. WARDROBES and SKCKETAaiES. Rosewood, Ma tog any, Oak and Walnut. ' boKAS Mahopany and Walnut, corercd in tair Cloth, X.atitig and lirrvaleile. . 81 EKAUS Fine Rosewood, Matofracy, Oak and Wal nut, with iiecasea, Marble Top and Oval Glasie. boosewood. Mahogany, Oak and Walnut WasLitands, Center and Side Table with Marbl Tops. HAT RACK3 Hose wood, Mahogany, Oak and Walnnt el many Htylea. m- Ait: Fine Roewxvl, Mahogany, Oak and Walnnt Parlor, Easy and Rocking Chairs ; every variety of Cnsh- loo, Rnft and Cane Seat Reception and Cottajte Chairs ; Recumbent Chairs, Piano blouls, Ottomans, loot stools, Comer cud Side Whatnots, Extension Tables, Showei Baths, Ice Boxes, Wire and Tji Su.'es, Scarritl' Patent I,m rg Bedbteads. GILT UX)K.lNO GLASSES Splendid Pier Glasses, Orals, Mantle and Square; Wood 1'ramea in larga as orrie..t. BiiDPlXG Spring, Hair, Hots, rxcelsior and Husk Matrasses; Feather Bed, Pillows, Bolster, Comfort, Sheeu, Ac, ail of the best mateiial, and warranted to be rresu rweet and new. Every article warranted as represented, and at price ! iw a any other house in the city for oorrespuudini quality. Order solicited and faithfully died. ' We cordially invite every one who wUhos to call and r in une and price our goodn, as we are pleased to show ur I'Mxl. and give you ail the information in onr power. All articles sold by us carefully packed and delivered n ktMt or at the house, Very Respectfully, SCARRITT ii MA SOX. noTt ; . SPHIXG AD SIMJIER COODS. FII3D, BEAHDSLEE & CO., Inpcrtcia and Jobbers, l?Iecc Goods Tor 3IcnS ITear, Vo. 3, A'ai'n ttrtil, St. Louii We art now in receipt of a larjre and complete stock f fo.U suitable for the Spring and Summer trade which weoCcr on the most favorable terms. The stock con aiattia part of the folluir. goU, via: CLOTHS. Caaaimors; DoeVir.M Sati-jcts Tweeds; Cashmeretts eant; Cord tin re i ilulekiui ; Lioene ; Cottocadca; Al paca DrapD'Etuss; Farmer' Satins; Testinits; Vel vet Serge kc.j every descripiiun of tailor' and cloth ier' tri minings. A complete stock of Blanket. X full vortment oi wtiol hiru and drawer. ' Merchants, Ckithier and Tailor visiting the city for the purpose of buying their Epilog Stock will find it to their interest to examine our stock before making their election All order will revive promrt attention. FIELD, BKARDbLES t CO. April 16, 183 no4 New Spring Goods, 1S58. BROWN & CO., Xo. IS, Main Street Saint Lonls, Invite Merchan' visiting St. Louis to their Immense tock oi Xew Spring Goods, mrcHTATioir or ie53. Black Groda RiiUie Bilks; Black and Colored Satin ; Printed Jaconets; Challiet; lutiapcsj White Uonrts Krohruiirric Lace Good.; Gloves; Eosiery ) Lac Mitu. Ac. Brows k. Co., bare ready for exhibition tie latest sarorn and American styles of boopa and hoop skirt ; French Skirt rcoos ribbon of all styles, ailk cravats, ds tri aiminps; brubes, combs, button, together with five ca Piramls, of the latest and most fahi sable Cah tuyers, close purchaers, and prompt men, vis iting tLi market, are invited to examine our stork and price. BROWK, 4. CO., 73 Miin Sireet Salut Louis. A?Hl 15, ;s:i& no 42. Lumber ! Lumber ! ! TV are pre; a red to furnitli at oar Stcwn Saw Mil!, pposite Lrownviile in "Prairie Forest,"; ali kinds of lumber asnal'y frond in the Weft, nd nie choice lumber aital! fir wnjj'ins, f urnUere. at4 fjf build ing purpose?, di., tuti m Uiokorj, Oak, Ash, LUck M alnnt, Svesmore, Lina and Cttouwood, wLich we have oodsUctIt on will prejatre at short ne the lowest mar'aet price, bill siiwed to or---dor, for tianihots. ' AVill gaw lgs ea tb share, or hy the hrir Ired. iV lambtr can h left at uryrr.oe,ia UrfWDVil. We will aisti f itrxish lutc Vsr saw apon th jliares or r7 the hnrdrtai at otir at iame tclt. . U0ALL1. i .6 11 Brrtwpyviie. April 1." - - - Potter Wanted, will five employment to a good, tndutitrious Potter, wU keaalnted with the business. . iC2S McTEtEiOX. i3 if ILL aui . - . "u1 FAMILY PHYSIC. TFERt ta lo ig trvilfi p-aVJc dernarid for as efTertive purgative f ill which could be relied on a sure and perfect a;'e in ita cpetttion. ' This l been prepared to meet that demand, and an extcn sive trial cf its T jrtaea Saa eoncliuivelj shown with what snc cess it aseoint'asiiM the t urpose designed. It is efcirj to mV; a physical pui, but not easy to wake the bet ef U piUs one -rhich should havj one of the ohiectioi:, bnt all the advantages, of every otlier. Ilia ha brn attempted here, and wiiil whrt success we vroma respecuu'-y the public decision- I t has been unfortunate for the patient hitherto Ciat almost every prjrgatve modicine iii acr.a.oikufl ani irrits.tir.R to tlie bow el. Tbi i net. Many of them produce so meek, prriping pain and rcviJion in the system is to more than cotiriterbainnoe the good to be derived from Truss mOu rroduce no irritation or pain, unles it arise com a previously existing ob trac tion or derangement fca the bowels. Being purely vegetabla, no harrn can arise from their titse m saiy o.uantitj ; but it is bctler that any medicine should be taVen iudioifrislr. Minute directions for their use in the several diarauies to which they are ap plicable are givta ffl the box. Among the com plaints which lave baen tpeecLly etired j them, w may mcrtiia Liver Complaint, in its various forms of Jatmcioe, Indigeaticn, Languor and Loss of Ap petite, Listlcns, imtebility, nuous Uftounr, Bilious Fever, l ever imd Ajrie. ain in the f ide and Loins ; for, in tiutlx, all these are but the con sequence of disfasol action in the liver. As aa aperient they aflord prompt and nre relief in Co tiverses, Piles, OoUe, lyentry, Ilnrnorn, Scrofula and Scurry, CoMs soreness of the bony, Liners and impurity cf the blood, Irregularities; in short, any and every case where a purgative is icquueu. They have also produced eome singularly rac eeful cures in Shrimatism, Gout, Droprr, Gravel, Erysipelas, Talritation of tee Heart, nuns m tne Baca, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely taken in the spiirg cf the year, to purify the Uocd aud prepare the arttem tor me ccange vi km. An occaakmal dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthv action, snd restores the ayrpe- vriT. Th.?v nurifv the blood, and, by then stimulant action ca the circulator system, reno vate the strength cf the body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies cf the whole organism. Hence an oicasicmnl dose is advantageous, evtn though no serious derangement exists ; but ton neceaaary dosing sliould never be caxriisd too far, as every purgative medicine reduces tho strength. when taken to excess, i ne inousana cae in siutu a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of every . body ; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which has hitherto been available to mankind. When their . virtues are nee known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. Being sngar-wrapped, they are pleataxt to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their uae in any quantity. For miauta direc lions, see wrapper on the Box j . . ' r&EPAEEO BT ' ' J DR. JAMES C. AYER, r ructical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. ' Price U Cert per Sox. Fit Soxes for $L A YE ITS CHERRY PECTORAL. For the rapid Cure of corcsrs, colds, iioArsexcss, BKOXnilTlS, WIIOOPIXC-COICII, CROIT, ASTIim, AXD COXSl'BIPTION. Thii remedy has wen for itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi dences of its virtues in any community where it has been employed. So wide is the field of its use fulness, and so numerous me cases oi u cures, thai almofct every section of the country abounds in persons publicly known, who have been restored from alarming arid even desperate diseases of the, lungs by its use. When once tried it superiority ever every other medicine of It kind Is too appa rent to escape obs ervation, and w here ita virtues are known, the public no longer herniate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident to our climate. Not only in formidable attacks upon the lurgs, but for. the milder varieties of Colm, Covghs, Hoakbkkebs, tc ; and for Chit Pkkx it is the pleasantest and safest modicum that can be obtained. As it has long been m constant use throughout this section, we seed not d more than assure the people ita quality is kept up to the best that it ever has bean, and tlikt the genuine article ia sold by- J. II. MAUN & C0 Brown ville,' K T. 1S5S People's Independent Line. Season Arrangement of the new Mis souri River Passenger Steamer ALONZO CHILD, CAPT. JOE HOLLAND. ' : T"1 wRegnlar Council BlutTs, Omaha City, Flor ,C5aMSrence ad Sioux City Packet, Tor Sioux City, I loreuce, Ouiba, Council Bluffs, Bellevue, St. Mary's, PlatUraouth, Wjoniirc City, Nebraska City, l.indcn, Brownville, Rockport, Ileruraie's Landing, Saint Steph en, White Cloud, Forrest City, Oregon, low Potnt, Sa vannah, St. Jorenh, Doniphan, Atchison, Weston, Fort Leavenworth, Leuvenworh City, Kansas City, &c. Tbencw, swift, and majmitlcent passenger and freight iteanx-r ALONZO ClilLL', Joe Holland Vaster, will, npon the openicgof navigation, resume her regular trips, in the above trade, and to all the intermediate point oe the Missouri river. Her patrons caa rely not only upon her continuing in the trade during the entire coating sea con, but of Sadie? this season, as during the past, that for quickness and regularity of trip, as well a superi ority of passenger accommodations, and general arrange ments, that they are not excelled by those of any otber boat running on the river; having recently been placed in the mist unexceptiohabte condition throughout, pre paratory to engaging in the approaching season' busi ness. , The steamer Child, Is hew, having run hut a portion of one season, and for the very liberal patron age sbe ha received, Capt. Iloiland de&irea to present hi thank to hi friend, and to say to tbemthat they will find bis boat and officers fully up totbe standard of a ftrstclati, we'l oftkered Missouri River passinger steam er, an.1 as inch hope to receive a reasonable obareof the patronage of the shipper and the public generally. Xar4t 38. v2a3 ...... JOHAt CBAME. THEODORE R1U. rOBWAlDIDO AKDCOXMISStOH MEBCRATS, AND STEA5I BOAT AGENTS. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Dry Goods, Grocerie Hardware, O.neensware, Furniture, stove, 1 iour, Bacon, Kc sept. 24, '57 Lbowkville. N Tr 1S53 Sl'ItLNO SALES. 1S5S W.F.ENDERS & CO., "vTIioIcfialc Cloihing Warehouse, rfo 62, Jfiua Strrrt, St. Loui; Have just reoni vcl a fall and complete tock of Spring and Summer clot hit it; wiiich is unsurpassed in extent. quality, and woi kuianhip, In any otber house in the Union. Ail our clothing is made by u expressly for this market, at cur Manufactory, Simmoaa block, Boston. Large and cl.wo buyers wit! find it for their Interest ta give os a call, a pledge ourselves to sell for cash. or to prompt men at price that will defy all compe tition. A fall Mock for Sutler and Santa Fe trade. Wm. F. KDl'.HH, St. Louis, John W, BKiXLOW, Boston. no 3 x,iccoro.iicirs " Reaper cSc Mower for 1858 C I1TATT& Co Agents, St. Joseph, Ifittovri, Is again offered lo the farmer of Missouri, and Nebraska, as the best Heater ia the world, aud the best combined Reaper and Iltn tr, not is warranted. For five year past t have avoided attending the variou State and County Fairs, for the purpose of seeking premiums, re garoisg my machine a too well knowa to need that sort of commcndatiuii. In July last the Cnited State Ag ricultural society, at their Fair at Syracuse, New fork, awarded un I GOLD 1IEDAL tad DIPLOMA. For the be&t rper, after a severe test. In heavy tan gled ry over hi! ly and uneven ground. Also the slreat Council Medal' was awarded by the exhibition of all na tion lu London in liiil to C. MoCormick. ne the ground cf the original!: tr and value of bi AMERICAN RKAP KR. and i!o t the great French Exhibition at Paris, la lSr5, vnsawirdrdtbe Grand Gold Medal of Honor. Also ttetj.-'.i.rst priz awarded to any reaping machiae by the Rjil Arricui'.ural Society of England in 1S57, and (till more t orioui. the blichest tatisictioa and approval of over lO) Ooo tixtntr ti my own tountry. Farmer des inn t) iicCortiiirt Rasper aad Sfawer for the prasent jesjf Will rsr ty leavinc their orders Bt.ou.d sHit n before the 1st ay of Mares next. i April 15, 16S3D&42 . ... ' JOHN'McDONOUGH. House, Sign, & Ornamental Painter, - GLAZIER, f-c. nmoTyisTixxjc i?. t, XJT AfWrs a b Irtl A City Drug Store. JEt , The undersigned will sell valnafcle claim at s tar- Kaia, M ttey ire teteraane't 1 sell. It eo!is;i of 168 acres, ell bottom l;ind; ttynt one call of wbjcb ss Umber and the balance prairie; 40 acre titter fence ani culti vation. It fssiiuiited on ite Little J.eaial) sunt mi if a from Erown-nlle and a be ot the earn distance (rua Kensah ri!e norh of Lens's bri !je. -,-'!'" j tr?ly to th Tu x'r-pe4 va t-e ivmi t ' -. - - - - - j ens icGi?rs ATJIIVAL OF n4 - r7i cm T5 T I li V." A It E cm '.I3TIAN AVi i, jwAllf i J ,u LKUVV.N VILLE, . ' : ANyOUXCESto thepnl iio that he las just re ceived, per Steamer Emma, aTerylurgo and well assorted stock cf Parlor and Cook Stoves of newnd improved patterns, aa fallows: Shanghai Elevated Oven. ' cook srovxa, ' Buck's Clipper Oven. " Improved Patitrm " ' Charter Oak -all of which I fledge myself to sell at as fair rate ard on as accommodating terms as any other eatab lishment in thid region of country. I hare also now on hand every requisite variety nf Tin. Conner and Sheet Imn ware, and am nrerjared 1 L r ' to put op guttering and spooling and all other work in my line, at short notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant to give satisfaction. A share of patronage is solicited. C DETJSEK. Brownville, July 16th, IS37. ' v2a51y A. B. HOLLABIRD & X0 ' MacMsists, Fcunte snd L Engino Builders, I'ront street, "West of Smith, , ' CINCINNATI, O. Would most respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they are now pre pared to execul all orders in their line, with prompt ness. Caving lately enlarged their shop and with the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to merit a continuation of the libml patronage which nai heretofore been extended to them. aw MiV Ecgires cf every r Description Constantly on ban': consisting of the riash, Circu lar and Muley. Mill Gears and every description of . astings, warranted to be well made in every particu lar. k They hare also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee all wcirk in that line furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as reasonable terms as any other shop in the country. ' t r . ' loose in want of anything in our Une, would do woll to give us a call and examine our new pattern GEO. S. EAYER & CO., in mm nas. t k'ik ' Grdneral Land Aeents. Glen wood, i'lattsmouth, Mills eo, Iowa, 'Cass co, Nebraska. WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Inves tigating Titles, Paying Taxes, Investing mon ey, Baying and Selling Town Lota, Baying; Selling and Locating Land Warrants, and all other business connected with their profession in Wentcrn Iowa and Nebraska. J. M. DEWS, Associate Attorney. IlEFERENCKS: ' Greene, Weare & Benton, G. Doughty A Co, Greene, Wear & Rice, Greene A Weare, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Ft. Des Mo! net " Cedar Rapids, -CincincAti, Ohio. Glonwood, Iowa, Cincinnati, Ohio. ' Vincentown, N. J. Hightstown, " Philadelphia, Pa. M .Medforil.N.J. Nixon A Goodman, Tootle A Greene, N. W. Thomas, Schooly A Son Gen. Wm. Irick, H. Johnson, I. Beed A Son, Robinson A Kro- Burlington Co. Bank, . T. E. HAYCOOK, Attorney at Law : REAL ESTATE AGEIIT. Mount Yernon, Nemaha Co., ! Particular attention paid to the practice of law and col lection of debts In the counties og Xomaha, Fawnae, Sohnson, and Richardson, Kebraska Territory. Real estate bought and sold on commission. Land warrant located (or distant dealrr. Pre-enip- . uon paper carefully prepared, i - XEFEEJ TO i ;-.. . f ' Sam. II. Elbert, Plattsmouth, N. T. if 'HP Bennet, Nebraska city. N T O D Richardson, Omaha ciiy. NT . ' Feaner Ferenson, MC, Bellevne; N'T Cassady &. Test, Bankers, Council Bluff, Iowa Cook, Sergeant &. Cook, Fart Desmoines, Iowa. December a. 1867 n231y J. V WISTLAKE. A. A. BUTTON. WESTLAKE & BUTTON, MACHINE SHOP & FQUfiDRYr Railroad Car, llock Pump, Bolt "i f TVT V. Vi.-JJIl- o. r . vAruer ut iiain ot uiutue oi.t ST. LOUIS, MO. Contractors outfits constantly on hdnd. such ss ' Rotary Pump Cars, Sideer End Cars, Wheelbarrows, Scrapers, Single and Horse Power Derricks, &c. ' , Blacksmithing of all kinds. Bridge andTrnta Bolts of any length. Workmanship warranted of beet quality. Groceries! Groceries!! Fresh Arrivals ! Heavy Additions 1 ! Prices Greatly Reduced! CURRENCY TAKEN AT PAR tl, r T T,' v-TW r Cor. 2nd and Frances sts, Sf. Joseph Jlfo. HAS just received at his store room, corner of Second and Francis Streets, St. Joseph, everything desirable in hi line, whjuh be purchased for the Fall and Winter trade, at greatly reduced price for Cash, and.whieh he will sell at corresponding prices for cat h, or to pnnctual customers. Among hit recent receipt are 60 dot Fresh Peaches, So dot Prime Apples, 20 dot Assorted Fruits. 20 dot Lobster 1 ft. 3 lb cans, 300 dot Field' celebrated Oyster pot tip thi f ali. 20 half Barrel new white Fih, also Codfish, 100 boxes W R Cheese, 60 boxes K D do, COO lb Currant, 60 boxes fresb raisins, 100 bore dried her ring, 600 lb Goshen Butter, 200 bbl crackers, 60 bbls nut assorted, 600 lb Peanuts, 100 bcxe assorted and fancy candiee. 100 do gum drops and motto Lotengers, 200 drums Figs,&c. Also a large lot lugaa and molasses, which will be sold at prices considerably below the price sixty day mo. . . ..r - St. Joeph. Nov. 8, ISffT. " - ' ' Sia S. LOCKWOOP. . 1857. ' R. E. POMEROT Lockwood & Pomerby, . Wholesale t.nd Retail Dealers in HATS 'AM ' APS, ' STRAW GOODS. - Also, Shippers of American Pura of every d . acription ; for which they will pay the highest Market Price, IN CASH. COUNTRY Merchants are invited to examine onr stock of Rats & Caps for the approaching Spring and Summer trade, which will be large, fashionable, and well selected. In point of variecy our stock shall not be excelled by any House ia St. Louis. Our prices will be low, terms accommodating. Call and see us at our New Store. Second St. St. Joseph, Mo. 32-orn o. r. I.AK.'. W. H. BOOTES. Nemaha City. Brownville. LAKE & H00VEK, J I JLJA.a Miii, n m r - MilTll AND K0TARYS PUBLIC. r i, i Brov7avill3 snd Ieraata City, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. ; TT7'1LL promptly attend to Land Agencies, Paying v V taxis, Drawing money, buying and selling Real Estate, baying and selling on Commission, Making Collections for distant dealers, and all kiada of business pertaining to their profession. Particular attentoin will be given in filing declara tory statements to pre-empt and procuring War ranty Deeds from the Town authorities. , Persons owning Town lots, residing at a distance wishing to procure Warranty Deeds will do well o place the agency in onr hands, (alwa i presenting their Quit elftim Deeds for said Lot "within the ex piration of ix mentis, as after that time all let "not Deeded will be sold. " - ; .; " - ' ; ' Blanks always on hand. . ; - -; - . N. B. Ijetters of inquirv answered promptly. March 26. '57. l-ly -PRESERVED FRUITS; Strawberries, Peachoa, A u hortkben lea &e , Acetone bad at . , i . LT. WflYTKIkCO'SL 0 2. Jj c5 JL L iLi j -3i:i DEALERS v "P1 X ' y r a ' llaia St-botoea Front n u y UliJti); H?1 ' i UZJ 7T Arn1 A Stoye IFurniture, Flour, . Batibn, " ; AND T7E Iiave jaat opened" a heavy Stock of Fall and v v and fancy liu-, which we are now preparca so For Casli or Country Produce. 1S57. v2nlS-tf . OF Va AT I. T. WHYTE & CO'S, BROWNVIIiLB, N T. "T7"E have just received an entirely new and largo VV art reasonable pricea as any est:iblishmont in the West, our motto -liireana ieiine. We hnve now in store a great variety of the following articles, which wo purchased for Cash and oonse qucntly can sell cheap on the same terms : , t , . ' XT ATS A TIH Y1AP.Q- AiUAW AAAIA V ftati ' . 3?"0"3ETLlrZiai7TLTEtL33, ... i - Queens war e and Yillo w War e,y FARM IMPLIMENTS, And a One assortment of Light Groceries, Such as . Spice, Peppers, Soda, v Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc, etc. , And a good article of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. It is a rleasure to us to show good, and we ask you to call round and see for yourselves. Oct.19.18aZ. v2nl8-lyj I. T. WHYTE & CO. S2 ZT-I SIEGEL & Brownville, N. T. THE preprietors would mont respectfully inform the citizens of Brownville and the publie generally that they have received and are now opening one of the largest and most complete Stocks of Clothing Ever brought to this market. Their assortment of Embraces every variety of Texture hnd Prices ; as to Color, they have Brown, Blue. Black, visible and invisible Grocn.snd Cloths Casimer.SatineMC.vihn.eretU,and Jeans, all made up according to the lateat fashionable cut. Their variety of vests is superb, ; embracing the very la est styles and patterns. In the Mar also be found at all time a fine selection of Cravats, Stocks, Tye, Collars white or colored, LTandker ehiefi. Suspenders, Carpet Bags, etc., which we will sell ascheapas any establishment in the W est. .... . We have the finest and best assortment of SPRDIG AND SUHIIER CLOTHING Ever brought L2) al 2E3:-sa.Ta3 jSlISTID C-aJES, ' Warranted to suit the most fastiduous. A fine assortment of . , , COATS, Dress, FroclaV and Sack. PAXTS, Every Style and Description. : ': i-VESTS, To please targe.and Small. SHIRTS, Botli T Lite and Fancy. WE would but ask the publio to call, axamine andjndgefor themselves whether the Clothing at the Baltimore Clothing Emporium is not of better mado material, cut with better taste, better tri maud and twenty-five percent, cheaper thnn they have ever October Z'Jih. 18oT. ... (vnis-iyi VTTE offer to the publie, we are confident, the V V largest and best selected stock of Groceries ever oflered in this market : Hhds Sugar, 50 Sacks Coffee, IZi Sacks Flour, 5 Tierces Rice, 30 Bbls Molasses, ' 18 Boxes Star Candlea, 20 Boxes Soap. 150 Sacks Salt, 15 Bbls Cider Viniger, 150 bbls Selt. - TERMS CASH!!! 1. T. WHYTE A 00. New Wholesale Groccrj House. w. C.IUTCHIB, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PEAT.T1& IIT- Groceries, Wines, Liquors, CIGARS, WOODEN WARE, Canur Afat a ad Tranci Streett Riddle'i Old Stand, Opporitt Stouti Hotel, ST. JOSEPH, MO. KAVS just received the largest and most complete stcket the above goods ever opened in upper Kissouri, towhi-A the attention of merchants and dealer i res pectful ling invited having purchased them princt-:Uy for cash at the very lowest possible pr?ce, in Bosson, New lark and St. Louis, feel confident that I can effer lodncemeata that are rarely found, and hoping, by fair and liDeral dealing, low prices and good Goods, to merit a liberal share of patronace. Call and examine my stock and price before purchasing sale are bound to follow, In ray itock will be found every article usually Lpt in a Ko 1 Grocery Eouie.. ATTOEIIEY AT LAT7, BEOTTSTIILE, N. T. Win write deed of every kind and contra t for every parpoe, with warranted leral accuracy. OHlce, in the Banking Hc-ose of Lushhaugh A Carton. - REFER TO ; Bon. Jcbn A. Binthata, Cadis, ' Ohio. ' ." " W r Carter, Cleveland, k " 1 , ' EP Spalding. - " " " BF Loiter,. Canton, " . . S Lahm, " " " Wm R Sapp. Xt. Venwn, ' " . S P Chase. Colombo, ' Tho. Ford, Manaaeld, ' w i , Ja. Craig, 6t. Joseph, Ho. - awwwcMlIe, Oct sa4,'7. v5n-Iy IN rv 1 I ; ! 2 i ! f wa V and Second s;s 1 -A iLU CAPS, COUNTiiy PRODUCE. Winter Goods, embracing everything in the Suple oner to me irauem canviucij n-w iw. ' : CR A"E & FULL. nssortmentof Superior Goods, which we will sell at "RfinTR A7TTI RTTnPQ W V A w UAI MS MAAVAiWy P 6cr-v, 'mid GREENBAUM, to this Territory. bought elsewhere. SsitUbL, A OliLi.NUAL.M. KEROSENE OILS, ' DISTILLED FROIJ COA ' . (Secnred by Letters Patent.) Kerosene Illuminating Oil. The light obtain ed from this Oil exceeds in brilliancy that of any other oil or fluid heretofore discovered; U incxplo tive, and will remain limped in the very coldest weather. ' - The Company recommend ns tbel&mpsbcst adopt ed to this Ooil, the Kerosene Lamp;, manufactured by the following parties: Mesr. Cornel us A Baker, also, Dyott, of Philadelphia, E. V. llaughwout k. CoM 4S3 Broadway, the Brooklyn Flint Glass Co., No. 73 Broad Street, Messra. Diuts A Co, 133 Wil liam Street, L. Mervier 137 Elm Street, N. Y, Samples of different styles of Lamps can be seen at the Office of the Company. KzkoSESE Lubricating Oil, No. 1 Prepared to suit the finest, and all otber kinds of Machinery burns brillianty ia Locomotive Head Lights, Car Lamps, and all the ordinary Solar a Dd lland Lamps, and stands as grea a degree of eold aa best Sperm Oil, and is admirably adapted to Railroad and Steam ship use. ... Kekoskxb Lcbricatino Oils, No. 2, 3. Superior Lubricators, and will be found to possess advantage over any Oils in the market at same prices will not burn and has been thus prepared to meet the re quirements of Railroads and others. Kerosenk Binnacle Oil. Prepared expressly for Ships' De,and will be found admirably adapted for use of Steamships, Men of War, Merchant Ves sels, Lake and River' craft, and burns in all cabin stateroom, binnacle, forecastle lamps, signal lan terns, ie. Binnacle Oil will remain fluid as long as best Sperm, and will burn all night without repairing to be trimmed, an advantage that will be obvious to every Shipmaster. The Kerooene Oilj can be obtained from the Wholesale Oil Dealers. Ship Chandlers, Druggists, and Grocers in New York, and the regularly appoint ed Agents of the Company tn many of the principal Towns and Villages of the United States, the Cana days, and the Inland of Cuba. Local Agents appointed (in conformity with the rules established by the Board cf Trustees,) on ap plication to AUSTEJfS. - General A'jnt,KeroiKKt Oit,Co No. 5(i Beaver Street, N. Y. N.B. Circulars with full part ieulars, testimonials, price, Ac, will be forwarded on application as above. Joae 1857. , v3 3-ly : Importer, 'Vholesaio and i-etail Dealer la LEiericaa German, EDglish & French HARDWARE CUTLERY. . ET. JCSZT3, JIO. "S JTOWreceivinran-l rpeningthUrgstii4 rcost va-ied arsortaicft cf oa3 ia tno aoe aao ever " . . ...... .. r k f .,! oerid in any iinr.M- " - ( ily stock erat races a full and compete aaK.rtai of Cabinet and iloasa BuUJsr's Hardware, iiechaa- ic's txils of every description, direct trora tne mi I approved manufjetareri: agricultural and horticul tural tools ana mi; .emcnu, in Sre.i.ii,i;".--ing all the recent and useftl itaprovemcnt for tae .rir.-r nf a. vast amount of labor to the farming com- munity, from wnoui 1 respecuuuv rqursi, caiam examination of this department of my stot k. I am also exclufiTB ;nt for tie sale of the celebrated . - , . 1 1 . f . I St. Louis Circular Mill an t Cross Cut t-awn, wQicai will warrant, and 11 all ord ;rs at ihe factaty prices. Also a largfs assortment or uuns, uines ana twois. Iron, Steei, Xails, 4c, of the best brands: in a word, my stock is very complete, which, fa. its quality and price, i am dcteru-tnea lo ouer suca iduucci:i-uih will command a liberal share of trade from this and adjoiring counties. My arrnrements for importing and a-enciesfor Amcrijan Hardwire Manufacturers, together with a long ia the general liira- ware trade. enables me: not only to dety au compeu tion, but has convinced me that the true principle of trade is small prr fits and quick returns. Jancnry l, lJt . vln.J;l III EIMM1S' ! A JOHS COIHOIS & BSOIIIEE, (Sign of the Padlock, opposite the Post Office.) WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL PKALF.R I! Building and Saddlery Hardware, GROCERIES, Boots, Slices, Leather and Shoe Findings. Sr. JOSEPH, MO. . . . . HAVE now in store, and to arrive shortly, Amer ican and Foreign Hardware, such as : ' . Grearcs A Son's Files Scissors and Ede Tools Pocket knives Knives and torks ' Brass curtain bands and pins Door locks Angers and auger bitts Corn knives Briar scythes Grass and grain do Nails Shovels and tongs Candlesticks Framed wod saws Blacksmiths' Bellows and Vices Monsehole Armitage an vils American anvils Stocks and dies Pad hooks, breech 'g loops Pad screws, cockeyes Ornaments, racks Girth rein and roller web Silk, 3 cord thread Calf skins Upper leather Briddle do Skirting do ILrness do Bolting do Goat skins maaio!inl toolbar - Butcher's do do . Spear A Jackson's saws Gimlet pointed screws Griffin's and American horse nails Post hole augers Ames' shovels and spades Lull A Porter's shutter Butts Morticing machines Circular, mill and muly aaws ' Planes and plane irons Coopers drawing knives do adzes and wood tools Tress IIoops Butts, cast and wrought Copper rivets for belts Tuyere Irons Plated and com. s.nrrups do do Bitts do do Buckles do do Kinsrs Breast and rein snaps lasts pegs Ptg floats Pincers Shoe thread Brittle, wax Lining Bfcla Binding With many goods embracing a complete assort ment of the most desirable which they will oll at the lowest price. J. COLIIOUN A BKO. April ltb. 1857. 31-ly George Ferguson, MILLWRIGHT & ENGINEER, BHOW2TVTLLE, N. T. ANNOUNCE to the public, that he is 'prepared to erect Steam and Water Saw and MercmMit Mills at short nutico and reasonable terms. Repair ing of machinery f all kind.. ALL WORK WARRANTED. Lie is also Agent for A. B. HOLLIBIRD & CO'S Western Foundry. CINCINNATI, O. LEE & LEAVITT'S Saw Iilanufactory, CINC1ITNATI. O. And are prepared to receive and fill orders for any ma chinery manufactured or kept on hand, by these e- wouunmcnts. Letter of enquiry, promptly answered. UEFFEUENCES. Noel, Lake A Co., Bn.wovilio, N. T. Steam Mill K. W. Kurnn, Knwnville, Mutr. ll:iiiu A Co., u - " " " Dr. IliMivor, Nemabacity, " P. M. Roger. Pawnee city,' - - Nuckolls A White, Ruck port, Mo. James Lowe, Linden, A. B. ILlliberd, Cincinnati, 0. I8r.wiiville. June 13. 1857. v2 1-ly OLIVER UENNETT & CO., at ANTF ACTl'KKDS A.VI WIIOLEa ALE DEALEB3 Il Boots Shoes & Brogans, XO. 87 MAiy STREET. KA TXT MM Iff) RE NOW IN RECEIPT of a complete aaaortment iiw goous iroin tueir own anl other inanufac torie,adiipted especially to the Western trad. Purchasers are invited to examine their stock, manufactured and selected with great care and warranted of superior quality. Orders will receive rompt and eareru attention. NEBRASKA tlTY ZxiaurAnoo Company. Capital Stock $30,000. NEBRASKA CITT, N. T. rpniS Company, under a liberal charter, is now I fully organized, and their entire capital stock of fifty Thoutand VUlnrt, paid in and secured. They are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies. bdu in a o ntK3. upon equal term, with the most favored Insurance Company any where. Having adopted the mutual principle, ita patrons, without incurring any liability, will share in the profits of me compau v. The operations of the Company, will be eonSoed, lurioo present, to marine, or cargo nks, with a maximum liability of $12,500 oa any one bottom. Being the only Insurance Office, on the above pop ular plan, W est of the Missouri, it confidently ex poets a generous support from Western Merchants. We res pec tf ally invite the Missouri River pa tronage. directors: S.F. Nuckolls, Chas. F. Holly, II. P. Bennet, J. L. Armstrong, W. N. Ilinchman, Mile W. Brown, A.A.Bradford. OFFICERS " CHAS.F. HOLLY, President. .. . J.Gabsibe, See'y. St. Louis Airent Col. W.P.Howard. -April 2d, l8i7. . , . . . 42-ly A. LXFORIV j. t. nosjr. Lyford & Horn, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers iti " ; LZZ W ' V-w3 AND GROCERIES, HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, uootd, onosa, HATS AND CAPS, Kalis, Plows, Stores, Furniture, &c SONORA, MO. ' irpriiti,iMr.- " aj, AT-. S - JOHN McIHEHSON. u I have inst receive! aa antirrl m- . . assortment of -. r ' i . 'r'P Which I will mil at ia reaaoniku . sUbliihment ia the We,t, , "r""? I have now in store a great nnttjf L '-. lowing article,' which were purclasai foe n st" and coascquently.csia sell hap oa tie sa DRY 'GOODS C3r2rooo2ariQ?-i 1 HATS AND CAPS, " S ADBLERY BOOTS AND SHOES IIIRDWARE AID CH 1I2Y n rr P p V .? iir 1 n t g j 1 Kf rr iwij PHfi'IV A VTA CTIin., ' Heady Llads Clotiia': . And a fine assortaieut of ( . LIGHT GROCERIES ' : ' Such 8A j; ' ' , Spice, . Peppers, Soda, Salaratua, . Allspice, 19November 5th etc., et. LOUIS WALirrF.r" House, S!3, 22d Orsancrtil Ta!:! . P.APEEilAXGKn, ... NE1IAHA CITY, N. Takes ttal methixl ol informina th pusilc tliat removed bis paint shop frim Eockprt, M .. to Qui m IU thin rjimrelf qaalided to ulertakt any ! mm taiiitna to hi line ui buines, an4 renpectlnllj iavu tbe public to give hia a call. Fl2a.e leave onlers at the "Adertler" efflts " Niv. 1. 1867. . Tailoring! T.ilorinr-Tailoring E. E. PAllKr.R, PJerchant Tailor, AtLmtie street, Wect of n.blif4r Su. BROWS VILLE, XEBUASKA TEX It . HAVING bought property and located pertaaaeat ly in Brownville, I offer my wrvicestoth publio generally, if they want any tkisraone iay line of business. lean always be found stay jut, or. more prtierly speaking at mv ben-h. Yl'ork Warranted :o Fit Xo Paj! Particular attention paid to eutUnpirmntac4 layiug off work for the Seamtresa. Tbe rtautt portion of my life baa been devoted te my tradi, ia which I consider inyelf inferior to none sp;ilj in the cutting department, and I bop by eljiuir. tion to my business to merit a chare rf patronage. E. K. VXV.Itl. Brownville April loth, 1327. , Hj DOWDALL, MARKHAM.& CO., WASINGTOII rOTJirDllY, Engine and 3IaihJrs; slaop, cout or SCCOKO ANU MO BOA siasxTS, ST. LOUIS, Mo. Uannfactnrers of Steam EnKines and nolle-, flaws' Grist Mill Machiuery. Sinsle and Double C.rcalar It Mill, Tobacco Screw and Prese Laid Eii'.tle. Lu4 Screw nt Cylinders, Wool Canting XibtnK Boil4in Castings. Tonne's Improved Patent Smur M li s, Ac. 53AGENT3 for tbe saleol James Sinitb ft Co.'iS per ior Machine Cards. i rtne-l, NEV STOEJG MT. VERNON NEBRASKA. A. JIEDIlEY, Announces to tbe public tbat beba pun hased lb nta aire Stock of Good brought to thi place t,' Mr. BaiLT and now offer to sell Dry Good., Groceries, Hard TTare, tucensware, , at price a fair as can be found in the Western eotntrr, Or Cab or ia excbanjfe for country pros ace. .. i 'V7ia GEOUGE F. KENKEDT,' BEAIL ESTATE BROKKU AXD CTr.Cn AI. Ia.lI AGE.TT Florcnct CUy, X. T. Scott city Steam Saw-Mill JOHN C. HUFFMAN. Scott City, 3Io (Immediately oppoxte-$rovntvili, X. T) Announce to the public that be bas leaded the r team aw-mill recently erecteu by Mr. Meek. kt a above, and is now prepated to fnrnisb t.b eitiiete d Mis)uriandXebratka with an extra quality of LcMSIS of every description an.l SAWED LATHS of an excellent qnality. A share of patronage UtellaUA N'.vemher 11, 18d7. rtiy NATH'L POPE COUSIN, Land and General Agent, WASnUSOTOH" CITS, D.C. rtaving rei(ned the situation Thick he has kelJ la the General Land ortlce for the last twea'y year4a charge of tbe P. e-eip4ion Bureau c.fror biaaerTica ia the pi-oMcution uf cMinta before the Ipartaient, aadsr rhepre-emptioa law, town n act ut H4l. avc.. k Mr. C. will also sire attention to cae lerre tbe ft-i-Iod i ffl.e procnr Uin. Warrauu ta parti eatlllsi and prosecute claims before Concre. arris 19 Hun. S A. Dutial. H.liu U, C. 8. DeuatSs J. I. BrovbC Indiana, ' C. K S'Uiiri MichiUJO. " R. W.J..idWn Arkansas, " Dun'l Well Wiaconain, Hwe Keps. C. C. Warihbaroe. B.b't Smith Illinois, M Jobu B. SjndidKS Louislena, " Thina A. Hendrkk. Corn'r Land O.Hee Jos. 8. Wilam, K.q. Cbiof Clerk ' lion. E. M. Iluhtiugton. Ex-Crm'r, Indiana. JameH Shield. Ex-Cou'r, Minnesota Geo. C. Wbituis. Coai'r Pensions. Gov. Melrr St. Paul, MinnemU Messrs. Sweeny. Pent U Co., Bansers, Wasbintoa Paiio tt Nourse, d da Chabb Brother. 4 SO Sutor. Lea St Co. do So Also, to the District Land Officer generally, aad to all wbohave had land bosine at tbe seat of governm for year. JXj buine letter will rtce tios unles aouompanied by a fee. mll-lf NEW FIRM. Jns Crane and Theodore nil', have thi (by tnrmM newopartnersbip snder the ibe firm and (tyleorCnoea IUii, and will conunae the Mercantile tulaeMatlb1 sUftd cf McAllUter, Dvaier H. Co. JO? AS CKAVt 8.1857. TnE )tOlta HlLf.- GEO. P. LICKHAEDT, WATCH .UAH SB, And JowoUor, 0REC05, HOLT COCKTV, MO. TAKES tbe liberty toinfonn LhcitfBof; Brownville and vicinity, that he has epeaed Watch, Clock, and J eweLry Store. In Oregon, Holt county, ilo where be will keep ees stantly on hand, and for sale, a good aatartmeat Gold and Silver WaU-hen, Clock and Jewlry,whick he will ell extremely low, for CASH. Alao, a ! lot of Violin, Accordeoc, Silver, ard Plated Sp tacles. Gold Pens with Gold and Silver extensive eas, Silver Thimbles. ?. t. lie is prepared so repair Watches, Cloekj and J elry. of every description, in the best manner sad on ibe most reasonable terms. Every article bought ia his establishment, U war ranted to be what it is represented to be. Watch re pairing warranted for one year. Jnly2VlB5. vl-n8tf T. , CCMIXO. . )H3I C. TV ml. CU3LIXG & TICK, Attorneys at Law & Ecal stata -Agssfc OMAHA CITY, K. T. j WILL attend faithfully and proas yt!y to all kai ness entrusted to them, is th Territorial a. Iowa Courts, to the purchase of lota and lands, trries and pre-emptions, collections, Ae. Office in tbe second story of Fleary 0 RoeUae building, nearly opposite the Westers Exehaat Bank, F am bam street. Deo. 27, 158. vln23tf OLIVES BE55ET. WJt. 1. BAM- ArocTTTS x.viajrr- Aurs r. risE. OLIVER BENNETT ; .CO.,. Manufacturers and Whaleiiale Healers ia BOOTS AND SHOES (FonxiT,No.l01,CoEjroF Un Anhtrrr.. ST. LOUIS, MO. I I