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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1857)
' - r(-r - ;- , r i - .- " . ' .- . - , ..... . ' - - ' - ..-", .-: f-'-" --"V r-"V ' '.'. v! f --. . ' " ' " "''' ' m-- .Mrf tot rrrr "r' f , ' - ,v ... . , .. . . -- Ci L , . Yi -x h.vir.) J. ;r;.:i Q, ff ,...!E. AN: -INDEPENDENT . WEEKLY ; NE YSPAPERDEVOTED TO MATTEES OF GENERAL INTEREST TO THE COMMUNITY AT LARGE. VOL. I. JAHA NO. 51. JTcbrashit: .'. Sifciiscr Is EDITED XKP rrtLLrEB ETIST TETXSIAT T R . . VV . FURNAS, Stczzd. Street, bet. g&ia And "Water, - -,(lAkeCJoek,) BRONVIIXE, . T. ' IrTTT1VTF8 ; ' rcneycr isvariab'j ia 4tbt), $2.00 - . - - - - - 1,50 . Hates of U-!. 1 Ua or less.; one iascrtioa, I,P0 2,50 iT00 r nn 1000 5.00 60.00 C5.00 10,00 25.00 20.00 10.00 6,00 20.00 13.00 10.00 6,00 cl vcr.r. . ViiincM Cr-i-fix lines cr less ens rear, (..jU ji. J""s i-hsif Cu.isE.a,one rear, C iuain. Six E iiitis C'.uita. six ai.'-a- s, fiurrti " f,.ar: - " can for oScc, 5,00 m i : 1 r -ii .!: i-r-M rx:-L: wher actual repoiiJ'ibilitT is known. Ten p?' e?ct fv.T e?rb cfcacje Le added to the SiIirr Di-:ae5S C-irJs of vc lines orlc,for i ve.r. Sj.00. ", a ;vo-:'?"mcrt wi!I be enyHirred fcj the year, or. v4 -j-'i5ed in tie manTwrsrlj t, cr previously -.--ei cra tetrecn the partie?. i ' 4 'r-riiicaifMit. not marked on theeopy fur a rpeei- j ir:ierL;.;.T. Will be Continued Until Cr- i :t. an I cba-d a-r-rd;.nr'.r. . i '.i ar-.-Tt;;ient. frui atraaufa cr traniient per -.-!--. be rail in advace. I - T;-.-pr,i;?r--,J jeiriy adreruscr? wul u cewenea : 'r.i'T :he:r ki business ; and all aJrertiiemecti b r-'rtilnin- therei..,.to be paid f.vr extra. A?. I' a-lenisenicnUcairjeddoubV thcabove lltei. Air?-:'.er;t5 on tLe inside cxdusive'T will be U-ic.-:-rs. J : .: JOB P1UMIATG! Blanks, Bill Heat LaMs. Circulars, 1 Ellis SNIPPING BILLS, BALL TiCKETS, ". i errT otuer k.i&d tf -rk that ciij be ealleJ for ilirirz i'ur..Lia-".I. in f'T.r!.".- f!' n r-'.th tae "Adver- :r Hi exteniTe aui exrc-Uent vncrj of th rl'cf. tt? ar: rrrp-ired to d-" ary l.Ind of; i in the above Cr. rie, w'un neat- aivl aton. I rh? I'r .;-i:ar. irbc, bavin had an extensive ex- i-n-e. bis irs-r.a'. attinrion u-tiii branch i fis an-l h-:r.. in h-.s en leavers to rease, i' :h ia the ex'e'.ien" f bis wfrk. and reasonable .re.t..rveive a share t.f the public patronage. I BUSINESS CARDS. i3i:oVNvir.i.Ti A. S. H0LLADAY, H. D. SURGEON, PHYSICIAN And Obstetricir.n, I-r.OWXVILLF.. N. T.: H. v -utc'Ai a .Oarc of pub'.i' Titrnaj. in the various! TTH VPVQ 4 T T W -fh pr..iior.rfr.m thi cf Drown- 'AllUli.XLlO A 1 LAW ie and vi-.-; W. EOBLITZELL & CO., "LULl-siiZ AND KETA.IL PEALERS IX DRYGOODS. GROCERIES j Vr-eciisTrarc. Hardware, Stoves, 3?xxxrtxt-ixro. COUNTRY PRODUCE. DROWXVILLE. N. T. MISS MARY TURNER, -.xxcl Dress TWT.lx:cr. First Seet, between Eaia azd 7ater, BROWXVILLE, N. T. Lonnrts and Irimninns alicvvi on 7nn;L C. "WHEELEE, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. tzliz zsz, ziLz i.rn: ztlz'sz, zzz. T. L. RICKETTS, CARPENTER AITD JOHtER, NEHr.AStLV TEUKITOK1. J. D. N. THOMPSON, ATTORNEY AT LAV. LOT AND LAND AGENT; Comer of First and Atlantic Streets, " EKOWNYILLE, N. T T.l attend the Courts cf Northern Hissouri, Ne s"ka and Western Iowa. "JAMES W. GIBSON, BLACKSMITH S wad Strert. between Main and Nebraska, r.ROTVNVrLLE, X. T. A- Itrr-I, G. L. HUGHES, 4. i. MCDD, K- T- rtn, g. O. GEUES. MCDD k HUGHES. PRODUCE COJDIISSIOS IEIlCIIA3rTS, Levee and CG Commercial Street ST. LOUIS, MO. S.. V7. COZZEIiS, Attora?v.aua Counsellor at Law, Gcnsral Land Agent. OMAHA CITY. X. T. a,. ' ttricnrxcc B. JOKES, ' THE westeils nonn: land hckter, DEALER IN REM; ESTATE, . OMAHA' CITY, 'x! T. "--,5LanJ.3 earefuUj located, and entertd for ccS' tomcn. Lets and I Js bought tad luid, . . E. . HJ.BDIXG. G. C. KIKBOCGH K- F. rOOHlk. ilARDIIIS, K1I.:B0UG!1 & C3., IIATSCAFS & STRAW GOODS, 3fo 49 Eiia streeVVet. Clire and Kae, ST. LOUIS, MO. Particular attention paid to jniaufae taring unr finest M Hts.- ... . . A. L. COATE, QQJ""Y SURVEYOR. - r.Wif.Tr vr-fiTTi m ' droTiLLi; nt3Jaiia ca Jfetraii Territsry. JESSE LOWE, ILaedl OMAHA CITY, N. T. A. D. KIRK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Land Aent and Notary Public, Archer, Richardson county, X. T. Will practice in the Courts of Nebraska, assisted j by Harding and Benn:tt,2fdjraska Gtj. JACOB S AFFORD, A 4-4-. n-nA fnnr.Uy of T or t till iir v i i i i i ji i i i i ii ii Ait. i in. GZXERAL LNSUEA-VCE AND LAND AGENT. And Notary Public: Nebraska City, Nebraska Territory. "X'TT'ILL attend promptly to all baiscess entrusted T to Lis care, in Nebraska Territory and West- em lowa. September 12, iy. rlnlMv -SPRIGMAN & I5ROyT, RAILROAD AIIO STEAMBOAT AGENTS. And General Cornmwsioa.Xcrcaants. Xo. 46, Public Landing. CINCINNATI, OHIO. P. L. KC'GAEV, LrovrnTiile,N. T. A. A. BRAKFORP. WX. HCLEVXIS, Nebraska City, N.T. m i ilATAPT TlwrWiV f- IT .P ATJV ' ( vAUr Uia, idCLJi A AA AlLliAii 1 , J iATTflBIBYS AT LHW AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY. Brownville and Xebraska City, NEDRASKA TERRITORY. BEING prniancntlj located in the Territory,we will jive our entire tine and attention to the r.raeticc ot our profession, ia all its branches. Mat- ters in Litigation. Collections of Debts. Sales and purciajes of Herd Estate, Selections of Lands, Lca- t;n t1f UnJ Warrants, anl all otlier business en- trusted to our raanareaent, will receive jromptand faithful attention. EEFEHENCE3. ?. F. Nnckol's, Nebraska City, Erownville, 1 St. JoeK-ph. ilo St. Louis, MoM Ki-rLarl Epjwu. Wb. lijblitzell & Co Hon. James Crs; - lion. Jame 31. Hashes, ll-n. John It. Shepley, Messrs. Crow, hCrtarr; Co. ! Messrs. S. (i. Ilubbard & Co., lllon. J. iL Love, Cincinnati O. Keokuk. Iowa. June 7, 1356. vl-nl j. roiTLrrox. wjc n. bveks. rorpLirrox BYE IJ.S, And General Land Agents, 03IAIIA, NEBRASKA. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. LAND ENTERED ON TIME. ( CPECrAL attention given to the selection and en- I r-w sT T in.j f nr !ftlor ti all n'V.fri H ii-T rii t eboice locations. Land Claims, Town Lots and all kinds of Real Es tate, bought and sold and investments made for dis tant Dealer;. J. HART & SOU SADDLE k MISS Oregon, Ilolt Conutv, Missouri. Keepconstantl v on hand all descriptict. of Harness. Saddle-, Uridles,'Ac. 4c. . 1. Lvery article ia our shop is manufacture 1 by ourseIvesnd warranted to s"ive satisfaction. W P LOW ATTOEHEY At "LAW. LAND AND LOT AGENT. ARCHER, RICHARDSON COUNTY, X. T. OLIVER BEX.VET. JAXES r. FI3KE. wm. b. cakkit. ' Arcrsrrs Kxicn-r. OLIVER BENNETT & CO., ilanufactarers and TTbalesaie Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES. SO. 87 MAIX STREET, (Foki.t,No. lei, CoKxmoT Maw xxbLocust ST. LOUIS. MO. E. K. FECSAX. S. H. EIDDLE. E. R. PEGRALI & CO., AND GEXEXAZ LAXD A GEXTS, COUNCIL BLUFFx IOWA. F. DLNGS & CO- Ijiportrrt nf amd WitlcnZe SotJr im Fancy Goods. Manaficturers of sal kinds of Brushes. ZD North 3Iain Street. (Up Stairs,) ST. LOUIS, ?do. r ."2-3 j G. W. HURN. DEPUTY CQinnY SURVEYOR XEMAHA CTTT, N.' T. "TILL attend prumpdj la all bniaess in hU jo i feisi,n. when called on: ench & sutditif Claims, la j-ids out Town Lots, Drx.iJiS City FLitta ete, esc. 2Ttf ; :.-BY-AUTHORITY, LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES. fPtitlic 19.1 ANACT -ladling Approprlafcois Tot: tle cor rect anii cocunjeot e3pense of tte Indian dopartnusnt, and for tbe TnlSIIm treaty tipalMM with varlvaf Indian tritx;s, for the rear ending J one thirtieth, eigii;een hun dred and ftj c?ght. - Be it enadeJ lu tJte Stmate and Souse cf i. Etprestntatives cf the Uniltd Stales cf America in Congress assemlieJ, That the following Btrns be, and they are hereby, appropriated, ioutf 1117 money, in th treasury not other : Wcpdated. for the purple of paying i the current and contingent expenses of the ; Iudian department, and fulfilling treaty stipu lations vrith the various Indian tnbe3. Tor the current and contingent expenses of the Indian department, xiz: KASKASKXiS, PEORIAS, WEA.S, AXD PIAXKE SHAAVS. For first of three instalments of nine thou- ' sand dollars for the year eighteen hundred and fiftv-seven, eighteen hundred and fiftv- j eight, and eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, j per sixth artic le treaty thirtieth Hay, eighteen j hundred and fifty-four, tine tboustmd dollars. For fourth of five instalments for support i oi blacksmith ana assistant, per sixtn article treaty thirtieth May, eighteen huridred and fifty-four, seven hundred and twenty dollars. I or fourth of fire instalments for purchase ; of iron and steel, per sixth article treaty thir- tLeth Jlay, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, j two hundred and twenty dollars. , - KICKAFOOS. For fourth instilment cf interest, at five per centum, on one hundred thousand dollars for education, per second article treaty eighteenth ilay, eighteen hundred and fifty-font; five thousand dollars. For the payment of this sum as the fourth instalment rpon two hundred thousand dol lars, to be paid in eighteen hundred and fifty seven, per second article treaty eighteenth Iay, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, fourteen thousand dollars. AIexoiioxies". For payment for two townships ef ljnd fuf Stockbridges and Munsees, at sixty cent peT x:te? to improvement of Monomonies. si ed advisable by-the rresident, per cle treaty .twelfdi May, eighteen hun- tiftv-four, and first and second arti- cles treaty eleventh Fetruary, eighteen hun j dred and fifty-six, twenty-seven thousand six i hundred and" forty eight dollars. For second of twelve instalments for con tinuing and keeping up a blacksmith shop and providing the usual quarlity of iron and steel, er fourth article treat- eighteenth October, eighteen hundred and fortv -eight, and third article treaty twelfth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, cine hundred and sixteen dol lars and sixtv-six cents. For second of ten instalments of annuity upon two hundred thonsand dollars, balance of three hundred and fifty thousand dollars for cession of lands, per fourth article treaty eighteenth October, eighteen hundred and forty-eight, and third artie'e treaty twelfth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, twenty thousand douars. 3ILLUIE5 07 KANSAS. For permanent provision for blacksmith and assistant, and iron and steel for shop, "per" fifth article treaty sixth October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, and fourth article treaty fifth Jrae, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, nine hundred and fcrty dollars. ' For permanent provision for miller, in lieu of gunsmith, per fifth iirtide treaty sixth Oc tober, eighteen hundred and thirty four, and fourth article treaty fifth June, eighteen hun dred and fifty-four, six hundred dollars. For the proportion of seventeenth of twenty instalments in money, per second article treaty twenty-eighth Xovember, eighteen hundred and fJrty, and fourth article treaty fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, six thousand eizte hundred and hixty three ddlars and sixty-tour cents. For interest on fifty thousand dollars, at five per centum, for educational purposes, per third article treaty fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand five hundred dol lars. For four of six annual instalments toMiam- ies residing on ceded lands, for purchase cf former perpetual and other annuities and re linquishment of claims, per fourth article treaty fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, thirty-one thousand seven hundred and thirty nine dollars and eleven cents. aTTAHTES OF IXDIAXA. For their proportion of seventeenth of twen ty instalments in mosey, per second article treaty twenty-eighth Xovember, eighteen t hundred and forty, and fourth article tieaty'fifth June, eighteen hundred and fifty -four, five thousand six hundred and thirty-six dollars and thirty-six cents. For interest on investment of two hundred and twenty-one thous-and two hundred and fifty-seven dollars and eighty-six cents, at five per centum, for Miami Indians of Indiana, per Senate's amendment to fourth article treaty fifth J ane, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, eleven thousand and sixty-two dollars and eighty-nine cents. For the payment to Israel Olinger, admin istrator of Francis Lafontaine, deceased late prlifccipal chief of said tribe, of an amount allowed to said decedent by the Indian De partment in eighteen hundred and fifty, and heretofore appropriated for said purpose, but returned to the surplus fund on the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hnnlred and fifty-fiVe, five hundred and tinety dollar. 2IIA3HE3 ELL EIVE2- For permanent an nuity in goods or other wise, per fonrth article treaty third August, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, five hun dred dollar. - ' For jiennaiient annuity In grods or other wise, per third article treaty twenty-first An gus, eighteen hundnsd and five, two hundred and fifty dollars. For permanent annuity in goods or other wise, per third and separate article of treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and XATAJOKS. , ' For fulIIing treaty rtipulatioaa, iritb tTie Navajoes p rsnant to th requiretnenta of the tenth article treaty nintlTSepieTriler, eighte;n hundred and forty-nine, te thousand dollars. MSQITAIXT, PCTAliFP, .AiFoTHEB TEIBES AKD BAJOCr ESTElASS. For fulEIliDg th.e articles tiegotiated twenty sixth December, -eighteen hundred and fifty four, with, certain bands of Indians of Puget's sotnd, Washington, Tenilory. Fot third instalment, in part payment for rellncpishmeni of title to lands, to"be applied to beneficial objects, per fourth article treaty twenty-sixth December, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, three thousand dollars. For third of twenty instalments for pay of instructor, smith, physician, carpenter, farmer, and assistant if necessary, per tenth article treaty twenty-sixth December, eighteen hun dred and fifty-four, four thousand five hundred dollars. Oil A HAS. For third of three instalment', in money or otherwise of forty thousand dollars each per annum, per fourth article treaty sixteenth March, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, forty thousand dollars. For rd of ten instalments for support of a miller, par eighth article treaty sixteenth : March, i:ighteea hundred and fifty-four, six hundred dollars. Forthr:rd cf ten instalments for support cf blacksmith and assistant, and iron and steel for shop, per eighth article treaty sixteenth March, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, nine hundred and forty dollars. ; , For third of ten instalments for support of farmer, per eighth article treaty" sixteenth March, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, six hundred dollars. OSAGE3. For the last of twenty instalments, as an nuity; in money, or otherwise, persecond article treaty eleventh January, eighteen hundred and thirty-nine, twenty thousand dollars. For interest on sixty-nine thousand one hun dred and twenty dollars, at five per centum, being th s value of fifty-fonr sections of land set apart second January, eighteen hundred and twenty-five, for educational purposes, per Senate resolution nineteenth, January, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, three thousand four hundred and fifty-six dollars. " OTXS AST) aiissouELva. For the last of three "instalments, as annui ty,' in money or otherwise, per fourth article treaty fifteenth March, eighteen hundred and Efty-fouf, twer-ty-fcur, twenty thousand dol lars. Tor third of ten Instalments for parraeTii of miller, per seventh article treaty fifteenth March, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, six hundred dollars. For third of ten instalments for blacksmith and assistant, and iron and steel for shop, per seventh article treaty fifteenth March, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, "nine hundred and forty dollars. For third of ten instalments for farmer, per seventh article treaty fifteenth March, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, six hundred dollars. OTTOWAS AKD CHXPrEWAS OF 2HCHIGAX. For second of ten equal annual instalments for educational purposesto be expended under the direction of the President, according to the wishes of the Indians, so far as may be reasonable and just, persecond article of the treaty of thirty-first July, eighteen hundred and tfty-fiye, eight thousand dollars. For second of five equal instalments in agricultural implements -and carpenters' tools, household furniture, and building materials, cattle, labor and necessary useful articles, per second article of th treaty of thirty -first Jnly, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, fifteen thou sand dollars. For second instalment for the support of four blacksmith shops for ten years, per second article of the treaty of thirty-first July, eigh teen hundred and fifty-five, four thousand two hundred and forty dollars. For second instalment of principal, payable annually for ten years, to be distributed per capita, in ine usuai manner oi paying annui ties, per second article of tho treaty of thirty fisst July, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, ten thousand dollars. For interest on two hundred and eighty -six thousand dollars, unpaid part of the principal sum of three hundred and six thousand dol lars, for one year, at five per centum peraanum, to be distributed per capita, ia the usual man ner of paying annuities, per second article of the treaty of thirty-first July, eighteen hun dred and fty-five, fourteen" thousand three hundred dollars. ' jFor second of ten equal uinual instalments in lieu of former treaty stipulations to be paid per capita to the Grand River Ottowas, per second article of the treaty of thirty-first, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, three thou sand five hundred dollars. OTTAWAS OF KANSAS. For their proportion of the permanent an. unities in money, goods, or otherwise, payable under the fourth article of ihe trsaty of third Au-mst, seventeen hundred and ninety-five, second 'article of the treaty of seventeenth Xovember, eighteen hundred and seven, fourth article of the "treaty of Seventeenth Septem ber, eighteen hundred and eighteen, and fourth artichof the" treaty of twenty-ninth August, eighteen hundred and t went j -one, two then- sand six hundred dollars. TITTSTLLS. For agricultural implements, during the pleasure of the President, per fourth article treaty ninth - October, eighteen hundred and ( thirty-three, oje thousand dollars. r- .. . ; - r OTTAWA TO 311 S. For permanent annoity in silver, per fonrth articU treaty third Angust; seventeen hundred and ninety-five, one thousand dollars. For permanent annuity in silver, per third article treaty thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and nine, fire hundred dollars. Fcr permanent annuity in silver, per third article treaty second October, eighteen hun dred and eighteen, two thousand five hundred dollars. For permanent annuity hi noney , per second article treaty twentieth Ssptember, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, txo thousand dol lars. For rerrnanent annuity hi specie, per sec ond article treaty twenty-ninth Jnly, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, sixteen thousand For life annuity to chief, per third article treaty twentieth October, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, two hundred dollars. For life annuity to chiefs, per third article treaty twenty-sixth September, eighteen hun dred and thirty-three, seven hundred dollars. For education, during the pleasure of Con gress, per third article treaty sixteenth Octo ber, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, second article treaty twentieth September, eighteen hundred and twenty-eight, and fourth article treaty twenty-seventh October, "eighteen hun dred and thirty-two, five thousand dn!!are 'or permanent- provision for the payment cf money, iu lia of tobacco, iron, and' s.'.eel, per second article treaty twentieth September, eighteen hundred acd twenty-eight, and tenth article of the treaty of the fifth and seven teenth J une, eighteen hundred and fori y-cix, three hundred dollars i " r D r i 7 . Vjr ' salt, per second article of treaty twenty-ninth ! July, eighteen linni'.rpfl nn.1 ttt-n ' hundred and fifty dollars. For interest on six hundred and forty-three thousand dollars, at five per centum, per seventh article of the treaty of the fifth and seventeenth of June, eighteen hundred and forty-six, thirty-two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. POTT A WAT Oil I E3 OF HCEOS. For permanent annuity in money or other wise, persecond article treaty seventeenth Xo vember, eighteen hundred and seven, -four hundred dol!ars. For education during the pleasure cf the President, per third article treaty thirteenth May. eighteen hundred and thirty-three, one thousand dollar?. For blacksmith and assistant, shop and tools, and iron and steel for shop, during the pleasure of the President, per third article treaty thirteenth May, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, one thousand and sixty dollars. For farmer, during the pleasure of the Presi dent, per third article treaty thirteenth May, eighteen hundred and thirty-three, six hun dred dollars. . t "-r. .. ... 7 . For fulfilling treaties negotiated eighteenth Xovember, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, with certain bands of CHASTA, SCDTOS, AXD UUPQCA IXDIAXS. For third of fifteen instalments of annuity, to be expended as directed by the President, per third article, treaty eighteenth Xovember, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand dollars. For third of fifteen instalments for the pay cf a farmer, per fifth article treaty eighteenth November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, For third of five instalments for support cf two smiths and smiths shops, per fifth article treaty eighteenta November, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand one hundred and twenty coiiars. For third of ten instalments for pay cf physicians, medicines, and expense of curs cf the sick, per fifth article treaty eighteen bun- drdand fifty-four, one thousand and sixty 4; , - . x or taira ci citeen mataiments lor pay ox teachers and purchase of books and stationeiy, per fifth article treaty eighteenth Xovember, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thousand two hundred dollars. " - EOGUE EIVEHS. For fourth of sixteen instalments in blankets clothing, farming utensils, and stock, per third article treaty tenth September, eighteen hun dred and fifty-three, two thousand five hun dred dollars. - : . , ,sac3 ash roxES or itiisotnu. For permanent annuity in goods or other wise, per third article treaty third Xovenober, eighteen hundred and fonr, one thousand dol lars. For twenty-feixta of thirty instalments as annuity in specie, per third article treaty tweuiy-first September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, twenty thousand dollairs.. For twenty-sixth of thirty instalments for gunsmith, per fourth article treaty twenty-first September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, j six hundred dollars. For twenty-sixth of thirty instalments for iron and steel for shop, per fourth article treaty twenty-first September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, two hundred and twenty dollars. For twenty -sixth; of thirty instalments for blacksmith and assistant, shop, and tools, per fourth article treaty twenty-first Septenttr, eighteen hundred and thirtv-fwo, eight Inn dred and furty dollars. For twenty-sixth of thirty instalments for iron and steel for shop, per fourth article treaty twenty-first Sejitember, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, two hundred and twenty dollars. For twenty-sixth of thirty instalments for forty barrels of salt, and forty kegs of tobacco, per fourth article treaty twenty-first Septem ber, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, one thousand dollars. For interest on two hundred thousand dol lars, at five per centum, per second article treaty twenty-first October, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, ten thonsand dollars. For interest on eight hundred thousand dol lars, at five per centum, jrr second article treaty eleventh October, eighteen hundred and forty-two, forty thonsand dollars. SACS AXD F0XT3 or 2HSSOCEI. For interest on one hundred and fifty-seven i thousand four hundred dollars, at five per centum, nncer the direction ot the President, per second article treaty twenty-first October, eiSateen ' , - thousand eiht hundre! and seventy d For the fourth and last insLiimer-t cp-cn fy-eightthoasard dollars, per second article treaty eintfentu fiiay, e:guieen nun jrwu aiu ht thousand dollars. 1.11 1 -IUU1, i.0 SE3TECA3. For permanent sianuity in specie, per fourth article treaty twenth-ninth Sei4ember, eigh- i teen hrndred and seventeen, five hundred j For twenly-r.ii.tli of thirty instalments dollars. ; annuity in -specie, per second article treaty For permanent annuity in specie, per fourth first August, eighteen hundred and twcr.ry articlc treaty seventeenth September1 eighteen 1 nine, eighteen thousaud dollars, hundred aiid eighteen, five Lnndred dollars. ! -Fit twenty-sixth of twenty-seven ir.staU and iron and steel, during the plaasnre of the President, per fourth aiticle treaty twenty - eighth February, eighteen hnwdred and thirty one, one thousand and sixty dollars. - For miller, during the pleasure of the Presi dent, per f urth article treaty twenty-eighth February, eightem hundred and thirty-one, six hundred dollars. sesxcas cr SETT TO UK. ' " For permanent annuity, in lieu of interest on tock, per act of nineteenth February, eigh teen hundred and thirty -one, six thousand dollars. . For interest, in liea of investment, on seventy-five thousand dollars, at five per ccr tnm, per act of twenty-seventh June, egh tecn hundred and fcrty-six, "ieven hundred and fifty dollars. For interest, at five per centum, on forty threa thousand and fifty dollars, transferred from Ontario sank u ma TJtueti States ucas ury, per act of twenty -seventh June, eighteen hundred and forty-six, two thousand one hun dred and fifty-two dollars and fifty cents. s SZSECAS AJ?D SHAWXEES. " For permanent anruity in specie, per fourth teuu hundred and eT-hteen, cue thousand dot , , ...... . SnAWXEHS. For permanent annnity for educational puT-p-jties. per fourth article third, seven teen hundred and ninety -five, and third article treaty ter.t'a May, eighteen hundred and fifty four, one thousand dollars. For fourth instalment of interest, at five per centum, on forty thousand, dollar for ed ucation, per third article treaty tenth . May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand C7 - dollars." ' j For fourth of eight annual instalments in money, in payment for land?, per third article tteaty tenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty four, or.e hundred thousand dollars. For permanent annuity for educational pur pose?, per fourth artlcS? trer.ty twenty-ninth September, eighteen hundred and seventeen, and third articla treaty tenth May, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, two thousand dollars. SIX XATI0X3 0? SEW TOES. For permanent annuity in clothing and other useful articles, per sixth article treaty eleventh N ovember, seventeen hundred and ninety-four, four thousand five hundred dollars. siocx or iiissLStiprL For interest on three hundred thousand dol lars, at five per centum, persecond article treaty twenty-ninth September, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, fifteen thousand dollars. For seventh of fifty insta'mer.ts of interest, at five per centum, on one million three hun dred and sixty thousand dollar, per fourth article treaty twenty-third July, eignicen hun dred and fifty-one, sixty-eight thousand dol- kiTS. For seventh of fifty instalments of interest, ! at five ccritum. on one hundred and twelve thousand dollars, being the amount ia lieu of reservations tet apart in the third , article Lf gen.itea amendment of twentv-third June, j cjnteen hundrcl and fifty-two, to treaty ttr.M4;r,l Julv. eighteen hnmlred and fifry- j .' c. ..... one, five thousand six hundred dollar. For seventh of fifty instalments of interest, at five per centum, on one raLttoa one Hun dred an i sixty thousand dollars, per fourth article treaty tifih August, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, fifty-eight thousand dollars. For seventh of fifty instalments of interest, at five per centum, on siity-uine thousand dollar?, being the amount allowed in lien of the reservation of lands set apart by the third article of the Senate's amendment of twenty third Jnne, e'ghteen hundred and fifty-two, to treaty fifth August, eighteen hundred and fifty-one, three thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. TTLEATT Or r02T LA HAM IE. Fortevc of ten instalments, in provisions and merchandise, for payment of annnitiei and transportation c f the same to certain tribes of Iudians, per s-jventh article treaty seven teenth September, eighteen hundred and fifty one, and Senate's amendment thereto, sever ty thousand dollars. - ' riii-Qcrs (cow cueex kaxd.) For fourth of Iweulv Instalments ia blaukU, clothing, provisions, and stock, per third article j ty- vember, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, with the , CltPvjCAS ASD CALAPOOIAS, OF U1IPQUA VAl LET, 02EGOX. For third of five ir.atalm-nt3 of annuity fr benefi ial oljjcts, to be expanded as directed ly tbe President, per third article treaty twecty Einth Xovember, eighteen hundred and fifty four, three thousand dollar. For third of ten instalments for the pay cf a blacksmith, and famishing shop, per sixth article treaty twpi tv-r.irth Xoeraber, eigh teen hundred and filty-fottr, cue thousand and sixty dollars. For third of fifteen instalments for the pay of a physician and purchase of medicines, Ier sixth article treaty twenty-ninth Novem ber, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, one thou sand dollar. For third of ten instalments for the pay of n farmer, per sixth article treaty twenty-ninth ! Xovember, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, ! six hundred dollars. For third of twenty instalments for the pay of a teacher and of books and f - . - hundred and fifty-four, . seven hmdred d a j ttahs. ro, fliIgrr: treatr st:;cla:!an4 witTl tf Ctahs, pcrsnant to tb.3 requirements of eighth article treaty thirtieth December, eighteen hundred and forty-nine, fivo thousand dollars. WrjTXEiJAGOES. ; treaty fteerth'S?itember, eighteen hundred ! and thirty-two, ten thousand dollars. .For t went v-nlLith of thirty instalments for For blacksmnhsnd assistant sbop and tooj , September. "eighteen Luadzud and and iron and steel for shop, the p.ea.ure thirt t t tLoj doIk of the President, tr fourth article treaty -pV, . - . , . , , " V. -r T , ! . w i j i t-, - . - xor twerth-sixth cf twentv-seTen utal- twentieth Julv, e-nteen hundred and thirty- - ,, ., . " V j rnents for six'tuits, purchtse cf exsc. one. one thousand and sixty dollars. - t-.,t,- , r . . . . pioagDs, ar.d other implementa, Tr fifdi a;-ti- I treaty nineteenth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, five hundred and fifty dollars, i Fuldllini the articles of twenty-nintu Xo- fifty barrel of salt, per second article treaty j - i;Ja e Yoormiddazdidkritccfe c-first-Angnst, eguteen hundred and twenty-nine, ? , ."0; two hundred and fifty dollars Fr twiT.ty-ninth of thirty instilments for three hendri thousand pounds cf tobacco, ! per second articles treaty first Angrat, eighte;a eighteen hundred and twenty-niai, six hun dred dollars. ' 1 For twenty-sixth cf twenty-aeven im.LJ ments for one thousand five hundred por.s2 cf tobacco, per fifth article treaty fifiesiib September, eighteen hundred and thiily-tio, . three hundred dollars. Fcr twenty-ninth cf thirty Instalment! for . three smiths and assistants, "ptr third anij t-eaty first Angus:, eighteen htmdrei sal twenty-nice, two tLou3and one hundred asd sixty dollar. Fur twenty-ninth of thirty kstalmcuti tar iron and steel fcrhcp, per third nrticls treiy first August, eighteen hundred and tiity nine, six hundred and sixty douara. For twenty-ninth of thirty insudzasOi fix laborer and oxen, per third artlclo treaty t rat Angusr, eighteen hundred and twenty-niitf, three hundred and sixty-Eve dollar". For twenty-sixth cf twerty-sTea iiata!- ; rasnts for education, per fourth artic.o trKUy cle treaty fifteenth September, eighteen hiitr- ureJ and tuirty-two, two thousand five bun dred dollars. 0 For twenty-sixth of twenty-seven iutjl ments for the pay of two pbysuhni, per fifth article treaty fifteenth Septernter, eighuxrt hundred and thirty-two, four hundred dclhuh. For interest oa one nillion cne utxiidre.i thousand dollars, at five per cent am. per f urt2 article treaty first November, eijbteeu Ln dred and thirty-seven, fifty-five thousand dol lars. For eleventh of thirty iusta!mai.ts of interest on eighty-Eve thousand dollars, at fivo per centum, fourth article treaty, thirteea-.L October, eighteen hundred and forty-six, f oxir thousand two hundred and fifty do'dara. WTAXWJTS. For the last of three equal insia'racT tii nr: three hundred and eighty thousmd dcllaw, sa lieu of former annuities and claims, per sixth article treaty thirty-first January, tighrecn hundred and fifty-five, cna hundred and twenty-six thousand six hundred and sixtv-six dollars and sixty-seven cents. 'No, I Haven't Begun to Fisht. Such vras the lanuae of Paul Jones, when the British commamlcr- asked him if he had surrendered. Althoach his decks vere slippery -with blc-cd, his ship on fire, his guns dismounted, and hia colors shot away, Paul Joutty lith an immortal heroism, kept up the "bit tie. "Do tou surrender?" shont3 tlie English captain, "when he sair that the colors of the "Bon-Homrne Hi (hurl were rone from the mast-head. - There was a lull in the conflict for anin3tant "And the boldest held hU treat a as Paul Jone?, covered vrkh blood and powder stains, -wared his sword and gave the memorable answer "Xo, I havent bepin to fight!" And the re sult was that the battle changed back; in a few moments the British fri.ysts struck her colors and surrendered, ...z.1 PaulJones; leaping from lis own sink ing vessel, stood victorious npen the roval deck! . A "Woman purchasing tupJ tind saucers not a thousand miles from here, was asked what color she would have. "TThv, I anrt particular,, sasd she, 'any color that won't shovr dirt." A Knotty Case. Tipsey Milkman, (whose horse has been removed i.'hile he was sleeping, suddenly waking.) "Veil, I'm eider llans Schmidt, the Milkman, un lost my Loss, or I'm somebody else un fountamilk-va;i jtinr 'Tis pleasant to tlream tou arc worth a million of dollars and wake t.p and find yourself to be an editor of a news paper. "I live in Tabitha's eves," Siiid dandy in Coleman's hearing. -I do at wonder at it," replied George, "lob served she had a stye in them rrhen I Saw her last." "What's the matter, Uncle Jerry':" said Mr , as old Jeremiah fL wc passing by, growling most ferociously. Matter!" said the old man; Tve been lugging water ali the riornrng for Dr. C's wife to wash with, aiid what d'ye suppose I got for it!" "About nincpence." 42sinepence! She told me ths.t the doctor would pull a tooth for me some time!" 4Is them old fellows alive no''" asked an urchin to his Sabbath school teacher; ''"What old fellows do yon mean, my dcar "Why, Luke, and Paul, and John, and Mathew, and vM them other fellows j A lor' 1VT:'r "e . ! Hollander, the first line of editorial : reads 33 follows: Only twenty-eight letters! It means, "in the morning church servir;.