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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1857)
f i v V v If !X A . 1 7 V..: f vO ""Ay i ! vy V 3 Ay Ay - .-'.! t . . .; AN INDEFEMT-'EEmWSPAPERDEVOTED TO MATTEESOE GENERAL INTEREST TO THE COMMUNITY AT LARGE. VOL. I. oGITiYGEr.BB0WN T., THUESDAT, MAY 28, 1857. NO. 50. M-H-- Ml MM ! : ! flbtrirstr R.: VV.' FURNAS., Icii fae- T:ei. Kaia crd "Water, THE ITESTto rioNcc: tl! DEALER. Ei. TJCAL TSXiTE. ISiTLar is carefaTj located, mil entered far cus tomers. Lota and Lands to;iit and uld- BY 'A1TTIIOBITY. LATS QF THE .EDITED SIAJES. - - X. F. TOOJCEX. PnUIc 19. XKTLAXT iSia ttisg Appro puaiiciU'c F tfi cur rent ocd contingent exnensei of tne Iadlan department, an -fjr " . ilTIS OF ALrETiTI5I5.G: "i; !'.n, cries.;,; one iiserUvn, r.,, vi Aioal iaTVo, - six la-'ttLs, f "' KARDiriS, K1?.BC'JGH &.C0,- i IIATS, 'CAPS i STRAW GOODS, E49 Eia street, let. Clire xal Ptna, " . ST. UOCI3, MV-. . 4 . Pxrtictr!a.r".ttrT:titm paid to Eanafictcrnj car .4,00 HEt Mole IU 1- COi . - - - - in Cecgre-,i3e3fkdr Thafc-r lL& followicr A. Ia. iUA i-t' . I snms 1 -ami th?r- iarr- nenrfcjV ppropnated, OOl JlNJTV 51 JR VPYOR ont cf ar r mon-ej in tb s treasury not cther- ptat, Wrtr- ' m ' '- . . 5"tirata,Territffrj- - For. t wo-trnds cf ETi:errth cf tTrntjvfite tobacco, per foarth article treaty: jonrtn. Ucto Lev eighteen lisnJrai 'siiS - iariy-t wor and eitb artic! trjair tfcirtieiit SetemlSer, la teen hnnj3revL-and f fsy-foar pne tLsusaad three-hendred -and- tLirtT-three dollars and tEirt jfcveceiJts. "yiS -"". - ; -.- ' Kxirth -xST'O l t'5ffntj7insti!niert3 in "' cd In, 0?d7 rkcase-hotd-farQ:tare,7'and!-eokic5 urnils,:edtnral " iniretneEts caii.Ie, carpenter's and. other tools and frcHdin ma- tenils, and tor moral and agricultural piTpos es, J 1.00 94 j.unia.iax rs"r.te. : 1 ij0 ! iL00 15.00 i ViM the falSIIin? treniv stipulations with Tarloua Indian tribes, for j Fer fourth-article-treaty thirtieth S&ptenljer, the jwrnT) Jff-thirt?Si:;laeea hum-1 eighteen kamired aEdJaity-taar, nineJeea Unpa drci and ily elht. ' ' -sact dollars. - - . : -J- . j ji. ' c Fcr third f fiTre icsta'racr'O ia.;X)tar,, clths, Bengtins, animunltian, and snxh other articles of necessiir as they may : require, ' to the Bicis Jorti; tasdt .pr frarelfth cris treaty thirtietir Sor'etnher'; gtiaea -Htltcteil and. : rwvrtiimiaiCces cf tlx CniiidSfiUs ef America I Bewi tutT-iour. two .!ieuai3 tlick-sciith-shop-fcr tea years, per'Sccxmd aricleiof the treaty of second -Acgit,-"ef-h-te?n hundred and fifty-fire, tTrelvft.. hundreil and forty dollars. caFP2rTASt nrsoxorms, w:3X5agc:s, x3d .Far edncaiion :dnrlg the pleasure of Con gress, per fiftV article treaty eleventh August, eighteen hundred and tTenrj'-seren, one thou s:id hundred dollars. CHICEULSAWS. For permanent annuity in goods, per act cf t'recty-nrLh February, seTentecri hundred aad nixiety-cinej three thousand dollars. CHTPrET5"A3 OF SATJXT ETC Tf tETT, For payment of this amount, being the sum awarcei brths "tCbaaaiisBlecec: and to be re- ceiyea in ins tsa co rsideritioc for tns surren der of the riht and interest of said Indians hundred and fifrr-six, threa thousand dollars. L . XcrfiTt per centum interest cutro hundred f thousand 4 doHars, for rurrose' of rth- la.oo j 6.00 f 5.00 t JIE; LOWE, V A OjIAHA CITY, N.- "T. For thirdoC J'"cnty 'instalmeris for six smiths .and asaistants, per second a'ad tutMar tlc'es thirtieth September, eraeeii hnn- J-tlroU kai--ft-frirt fire -thousand and- forty markirg such portlota of the boundaries ef the Creek and Sra:no!e" csuutrks as do rot consist cf Tell defined ratural bocmaHc, and cnmpensatlcu srA experaes 'cf . Jadiaa cemmissioners, per tTrenty-first article treaty eeTenth Aursr, e:-hieea Lazdrsd and fifty six, tea thousand dc liars.- - . - - - For the trsTellng and ether expenses cf tho members at the Creel and Sarnie Is delsr- Lc.urs. tiens (mcludirg the rrerts and the mirpnitr um shall for the Iaier) ia ccming t17ashir2lc,'rs rrumng, and returning heme, per twent j-thinl article treafy seTtnih August, e'htes hun dred and fiity-six, elerea thcusand dallan. A. D. KIRK, fifth. Jane, eighteen hundred aid fifty, t weenty j eight 'S.'ptfmfc-er,' eighteen hundred and fifty, 'j'-r- '"e w-ialrci for all alTertise- j . " . :- tweutv-seTentb, Febniarr, eighteen hundred YJr-A rwpnaibnitT i., knotriu I ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' and fifty-one, third March, eighteen hundred rr t f r e-a be ad.ed to u. ; p . fiftjvtwQf tvIrd Marcb erhteen Lunired - , , r.t an. fiftc-tKw tb-ir-firsr Jnlv Mrlifpn ban ...iL.--. jcnwUira"'! t' iiB ri!,ivi! - i - ' --- j "--.' o 5t5 w-i: be rotLiiderci Tsr fee ywir, i Wul practice tie Coorts f Nebrta, asutol ; fccn:rea and ftT-fife,aad ei"-hteenth August, it. .r-ifi-J the ma-.r.npt, or prtTrous.j ..Icr.i'erween the irti. ' taark-t on the enTT '?r Tei- f fS3.--r "I- r?er.i?ra. W.'d fee -ntiaaei aatil er- j AttcmC V 2Ild .- ..CsJllIlSellor at XlW. b j IlrauinT-atnd Bennett, Nebraika City JACOB SAFIXJUD, . . ci buj;"nc- : and all ircrtUeaisats - :h"r i. to Ve pa". L f r extra. ..f??r--i :2iei shirred djiibia theahoTT? uiaiic tnbes, the Liilis exolssivelj lriil-tc GE5EHAL IXSrSAiSXE AXH IA3D AGET. And ITct2ry Public Nebraska City, ?febra?ka Territarr. 7 ILL attend promptly to aU oni?nes3 entnsieil such tbi9eire, in etrrasia iryiwry ana es- . ripennt eniu-J ! i the currsnt and contingent expenses of the ! Indian tJcpufcxiiialiiwrlreaty stipu- I utions w Lu tne Tanous lndiiii tnces. ! the Indian departmenr, viz: ' -j For third of twentr instalments for thesap- I tot t.r. payment cf.snpenxlen.lent of Ia-.rt ny ,:T sm:tha shor rr seeotd and fifdi dian iEih, and of Indian agents, per acts of j --t tre thirtieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, thousand three hun dred and twenty dolhj3. For firat of - twenty instalments for the seventh smith and assistant, and support of shop, per second and fifth articles treaty thir tieth September, eighteen hundred and fifty four, one thousand and sixty dollars. For suppcrt of a smith, assistant, and shop for ths Bois Forte band, during the pleasure of the President, per twelfth, article treaty thir tieth September, eighteen hundred td fifty four, cue thousand and sixty dollars. For support of two farmers for the !OiS dred and fifty four, third llarch, eighteen , e:ghta hunired and fifty-six, seventy-nve j thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. Prvsidel, That at the discretion cf the Fresi i dent all disbursements of moneys, whether jfof itnfttLesqr atheryisi to ftufilt treuty 'eap- :n the fishing and ercampment at the falls of; cf as shall be paid to said trsasurer and the SL ilary. which they held according to the j remainder of the sum, if any, shall be paid treaty cf sixteenth J cne, eighteen hundred per capita to the Creek naticn as annuity, and twenty, per first and second articles treaty . For the amount to be paid under the direc at Detroit, second August, eighteen hundred f t'oa of the Creek council to these Creeks or ars, lor purpose ci education, per KXth article treaty seventh AugnsVeigh te'ea ' hundred and fifty-six, tea thousand doilars. - - . For payment cf th3 amctmt $cr crpUa ta the Creek ratlca as annultr, per sixth article treaty aeventh. August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, three hundred thousand denars.- Fiovided, That to pertian cf tha s: be apprc-pnated to par cr rawara an t agent. attorney, cr other pcrsoD, far .any surrice in negotiating said trearr."" "For the payment of suchperdea of the ccrsidrTitica pro-tided by Fruviied, . that all moneys appro jar.ed for the amendment cf the Senate to the sixth falSIMng treaties -with or concemin-'' Oie Flor- article ci the treaTr cf seventh August, eigh- idx I teen btmdred "and ftT-s:x. a3 the general: under th council of the Creek caiica shall direct, to be ; Interior. paid to the treasurer cf eaid natica for any specific national object, cue hundred thousand dHars: Provided, That only so jauch there- ndians, cr Seminoles, ihaH be expendei r the clrectlca ef the Secretary ;cf th and fifty-five, seventeen thousand four hun dred and seventy-fire dollars. . . CHOCTAWS. For permanent annuity, per second article treaty sixteenth No'rember, eighteen hundred and five, and thirteenth article treaty twenty two June, eighteen hundred and fifty-Eve, threa thousand dollars. - r For permanent annuity for support of F:glit horsemen, per thirteenth article treatr eigh teenth October, eighteen hundred and twenry, i aad thirteenth , article treaty twenty-second "June eighteen hundred and fifty-five six hundred doUars. For permanent provision for education per W -" - j: orte band, danx rLeasursci as 1 rai- : usa mtuMmouaij, now or nereatter lo co-i- appropnated lor I j.f. .,ari:r srtirA tr-tir t rrtwtli Ren- teen hundred and twenty-five, and thirteenth objects, shall be made in person by the I tenter eighteen hundred andfifT-fo, one I article twenty-second June, eighteen hundred ndent o. JadLan ahairs, where super- thousand two Lundrsd dollars. " ' an' tSlj-nve six thousand dollars. ndencies exist, to all Indians or tr.leswith- i ' "' , , ,,c;.-r I of permanent prevision for blacksmith, per 0 CJ - ctt ir T A "V P.P AITa' 1 Jwiknes, in '-iLe presesee of the loai agents and briaU31A ilV Tinterpretcrs wh5 shall witnessthe same, under JOB FJUTIXG! -- --.-'Blanks,' i ': .-r,is ty--r-aS BUI Vazh RAILROAD AKD STEAMEOai AGENTS. -And General Com-aissica Merchants. Xo. 40, Public Landirg. -CINCINNATI, OHIO. s-aC- rcgnla'tTois .as tie ' Scfstary t?f the Inte rior mar u.rect.1- A. A. aaiFKD. LlU'lS, ! Nebraska Ciry, S. T. B. L. MC GIET, j Erownrill,5. 7. ; j For pay cf the. several 1:3 Jiaa. mb-agenta, ! p-r act of "tnirty-first Jtrlyr'trg'rrteen hur,-.irei ! and f:y-four, taa thou;a!id fira "hnndrcd dollars.'-- - ' For tie payment cf snaddlSoral Indian sfg. Circulars. Ladnz. aV7i?3 BILLS, BALL TICKETS, i-rk'nd'-f W'.rkthat mayTe earl I f.jr--r:ha-c. iaos-i.'ti'tt with tlie "Adrer- il'Ttilve ar.d ei:'.'--'tt rartetr of -arietr of I TEIN: 3. rzit for the Indians of New Mexico, at an anneal sal cuy of o&e tbouiaud' five" hundred dollars, and for the pay of two agents, at an annual salary cf one thousand doiLrs each, or Indians m Utah and one for the u it- etas and neighboring tribes west, of the i Choctaivs and Chickasavrs, three thousand five hundred dollars. For the pay cf clerks to ro peris tend en 3 a? i St. Loais, ilissouri, per act of twenry-seventh ! June, eighteen hundred and fortr-six, one U.a prraza.iiiLij' 1 ccu ia at. lwij . t i BRADFORD, McLEXXAX k MeGARY, 1 rains it mm AND SOLICTTOPtS IN CHANTERY. Croxrnville and XebrasLa Citv. NEDP.ASK.1 -TE2RIT0RT. .; MdnSxr: ike reair of twecty-5ecesd.'eb-ruary, eighteen bunilreuTahd fif:y"-ve. " For one thirl of sixteenth of tventy-five instalments in money, per f mrth article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty- two,-and eighth article-treaty ttunieth Sep- 1 1 ! thcuiaad and sixty-Sfivea ccnt3. For one-Uilri f -siiiaetila of twenty-five instalments in goovls, per fourth article treaty LiUrth Octcixr, eighteen hundred and forty-ta-o, and eighth article treaty thirtieth Sep tember, eighteen hundred and fify-four, three thousand five hundred di.lIor. For one-third cf sixteenth of twenty-fire instalments, for the support of s:hools, per fonrth artlcf e fjeaty fourth October, eighteea hundred and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth jSt.'pternbcr. eighteen hundred an 3 f rty-two. and eighth article treaty thirtieth sixth - article treaty -"-eighteenth October, eigh- j teen hundred and t wenty, and thirteenth article 1 treaty twenty-second June, 'eighteen hundred J and fifty-fi ve, six hundred dollirsj '" ' i 1 Fcr permanent provision for iron andsteet, per ninth article Treaty twentTeth June, eigh teea haudred and- teEty-ve. rim! thirteenth - ." 3 1 i ftt- f- r fAH.1 l:T i- i " I 1 J. 1 T - ' t f .-. j jt ;t .. t i r- t i ', , , i. Ten thousand uoujrs. ad ciiie .ili'acsu ana siit;-tA. narea ana. Hiry-nve,- inrce nuu'irea 2iu their descendants who emigrated west cf the Mississippi prior to the treaty of fourth March, eighteea hundred and thirty-two, per sixth article treaty seventh August, eighteea hun dred and fifty -six, tne hundred and twenty thousand dollars. For pavment cf such other claims of indi vidual Creek Indians as may be found equita ble and just cv the general council cf tne na tion, per sixth article treaty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, seventy thou sand dollars. For this amount to be paid to these indi viduals and their heirs who, under the act of third " March, eighteea hundred and thirty seven, have received mcney da lien cf reser vations of landj-'per sixth article treaty seventh August, eighteea -hundred and f;y-six, ten thousand dollars. Fulfilling the articles rcgatiated tenth Jan uary, eighteea hundrsd and fifty-five, with certain bands of .. . . iowjj. For interest of investment ea fifty-tern a thousand Sve hur dred dollars, to the first July, eighteea hundred and fifty-eight, at Sve pin centum, for education cr other beneficial pur poses, trader the direction cf the President, per second article treaty nineteenth October, eighteea hundred and thirty-eight, ard cintiv article treaty seventeenth May, eighteea hun dred and fi.ty-four, two thousand eight hua dred and seventy-fire dollars. X1TSA.S. For interes! in Ilea of investment ca two hundred thousand dollars, at five per centum. j- per second article trtxtj fourteenth Januarr, ; ergnteea tundrel and fcrtv-six, tea thouaanl dollars. calatooijis,, A5i xxj.cxA3tis rrrr- AXS OF WXIXAaiETTX TAIXET. For third of -Sve iustaT meats of annuitv for "beneficial objects,' per second article cf treatv r tenth Jaauary, eighteen hundred and fifry -five, give our entire time and attention to tne;-.. iy w ciera. te .r.nH of oar pr-jfe?;'., Ta all its "branch. 3Iat- j Cilliforr.ia, per act cf third March, Lie; y.-is. wo arc j.r: ra: :d to 1 . aT iia .J..f "a. "11 -I-jTI' i; ani 1 7 !-r. ;atca. it ar. iaricj hid an extcr'.re ex . r ; hi personal att?'.lon to th branch a-i k pci. ia his ct Isavcxs Lo r.Lcxse. ; ha work, and reasnaLlc rractioc ten in Liti ration. CnHeetioi; cf Debt?, Sales an4 hundred and fiftr-txc, two thccsaad five hur; of Tl Estate, Set-etwa of LhqK Lea- ; j j - tier of Laal Warraaf.--, ani aU ether tasics-3 en trasted to vv? maaagen'nt, trill receive jrunii tani faithful attention. . F?r Xhe pav of clerk t spcr.riie-fdents in September, eignteeu hundred anT mty-fotir, six hundred and sixty -six doiUirs and sixty seven cents. For one-third cf sixteenth cf twentv-five eu .a fae M - .;.cnce t.. rt ;tc a share i the public patrjaae. BUSINESS CARDS. ?. F. ynebiHs, : . . Erhari Brown. "Win. Koblitiell i Co, FI n. Jame Crarr, H-n. Jame 31. Uartcs, Hoa-JobaR.Sher'ej, - . " . . Messrs. Crow, MoCrcary i Co. Messr. S. G. Uabba-i 1 Cj, II -n. J. iL Love, vl-nl Nebraska. Citj, trownrille, ? St.Lcnis.o Cincinnati O. Keokuk, b wa. Jam 7. 15io. ' miOV.'NVII.IiK. A. S. HOLLADAY, H. D. SURGEON, PHYSICIAN And OlDstctrician. L jwyy-iLLE. x. j i'SrV ! ATT ORNEYS AT LATVl v a:A Tiir.-fT. a. j. ro-TLrro.v. tr- ". etess. POPPLETOX Jk BYERS,.. dnhi dollars. For tlxr. . pay cf 'iutrrrcters. rer acts cf tl:rtieth June, eighteen hundred and thirty four, and twenty-seventh February, eighteen hundred, aud fifty-one,- thirty-thre s thousand five hundred dollars. For presents to Indians, five thousand, dcl Irsc : . - For prjviaions fcr Indians, eleven thousand eight hundred dollars. - ' - For buildings at azencies, and repairs there cf, tea thousand dollars."' r ' " For contirig?ncies of the Indian thirty -six thousand fivehimdrsd dollars. For insurance, transportation, and necessary expenses of delivery cf annuities, goods, and nrovioions to tne maian rrioes. in-Jiiinrjesot. instalments for the purchase of pravisiorrs ard tobacco, per fonrth article treaty fourth Oct ber, evgh:?ea hundred and forty-two, ard eighth article treatv thirtieth Sept5mber, eiga- For interest fm fire hundred thousand dol lars, at five per "centum, for education and other beneficial purposes, to be applied under the direction of the general council cf tie Choctaws, in conformity with the provisions contained in the tenth and thirteenth articles of the treaty of twenty-second June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, tvreuty-ave thousand dc liars. CUETSg . For permanent annuity in money, per fourth article treaty seventh August, seventeen hun dred and ni&ety, and fifth article treaty twenty seventh August, eighteen hundred and fifty six, one thousand five hundred dollars. For permamert annuity ia money, per sec cond article treaty sixteenth June, eighteen -Fcsr third ef ?e rr.stalinr-rtJ far rav cf pfeysr?a?r, "teacher," blacksmith, and farmer, per third article treaty tenth January, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, two thousand two hun dred and sixty dollars. J ' 1) EL AWAITS. For life anruity to chief, per prlvaia article to supplemental treaty twenty-fourth Septem ber, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, to treaty of third October, eighteea hundred and eighteen, one hnr.dred dollars-- For life annuity to chief, per supplemental article to treaty twenty-sixth October, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, ore hundred dollars. For interest ca forty-six thoustind and e ghty dollars cf five per centum, being the value of thirtv-six sections of land set apcrt JB'iscdlunrmis; -- Friendship takes it3 proof la art!ca3 lot ia words. It is IblTy to attempt any wicked be'unix 3 ia hope cf good endirg. - - Ee -who sows in autuma must expert srotr for x harvest. So is life. In trifies, infinitely clearer than ia gri deeds, actual character is displayed. -ThU world,", remarked Hemes "VTalfoWv "is a ccmedy to those who think, aad .' tragedy to those ao feeL" It fillet a cut with love as it dcih with -r!aes; for the yenrrg tines brlr-z; the ruoist vines,, ba; the old is best Memory h the cabinet cf irnagvuilop, ".Ks treasury of rcasoD, lb rrg;try ci ccajcart cr, andt he council chamber cf thochL ' 1 Mon-y in ycrtr purse will credit t-sf wisdom, ia your bead will adorn yea tut both ia your necessity will serve yuo. "' ' Enemies are a3 nectary t- the proper cf'V relopmestof the fair growa man as friend. 7hea lived that raaa that amacated to ir:;r thing, but could count his eneciies;bf tlii scores? ... - The youth wha kiHcws his apjctltei, . 1 v fpnn hundred and fifiv-fo-rr sir bun dred and 3.--- tJ-re- thousand dot.ars. sixtv-six dollars and sixty-sever, eents. ( '-Frrp?mar-eEt annuity Tot ore third of sixteenth cf twentv-five article treaty twenty-fourth instalments for the support of two smhhs' shops, including the pay of two smiths' and assistarrts, and furnishing iron ard steel, er fourth article treaty f jurth October, eighteen hundred . and forty-two, and eighth article treaty thirtieth. September, eighteen hundred and fifty-four, six hundred and sixty-six dol-Iars-and sixty-six cent3. For one third of sixteenth of twenty -five v .wwfc - "'o"" r r y - T. o soca seizes ic run, wiorB xi caa receiTti ej hundred and two, ami fifth article treaty or, per ijaotnaoa cf Senate e - , iventh August-eighteea hundred and fiftv-; umeteeuia tfai.uary, ciSulu bmuw BU4r r.U t. rw r-- ,fn,--,,.f thirtv-eisrnt, two thousand three hundred andr., . .. . r -, T, I their share, so that hi esrer&es crJr'pf four dollars. , - , 3 , , , r 0 Fcr fourth, cf eight eya! instalments far r n "'- T7. H03LITZELL & CO., wrr-.iLt.-US ij RCTA.IL TEALEES IX DRY GOODS. GROCERIES.! Queen? Hurdware, j Stoves, in money, per fourth Januarr, eighteea hundred and twenty-six, and fifth article treatr sevenih August, eighteea hundred and fifty six, twenty thousand dollars. For permanent provision for blacksmith and assistant, and Sot shop ard tools, per eighth article treaty twenty-fourth January, eighteea hundred andwer.tyisixfand fifth article treaty seventh August, elghtea hundred and fifty -six, eitrht hundred tni forty dollars. For p-ermane-it provision . fociroa and steel -fourth ma T-l. v i r;I-t,:T, 'WUmrc-'n tbtrfv tbnnar, J : instalraeuts for rax of two firroers. uer fo-arth . 1.;, 1 J 1 .,t WfWw rn hrrrM ! for shop, per e:sh& article treaty twenty n1 i S K ISh Utl.iiS. - , rv v .w. V.,-.- - - - - - w.., - . t, t-, ,r 1 r, ro. . n,-, ft, mrP frMtv tlRr-- wanuzjy, ;g-iteen nunarea ana. twenjv-six, For the emijTovmeni of temporarv corks ana tonyr-twoi, ana eigiaartpeie treaty tuix Jpt . . ."-1 . . . - I c,.fu ni.Vfnon K ,7.,? r,rtv., and fiuh article; "treaty, seveuta Aurrut;:. eici- T3nrT3 3th 1 H cr surenntecaecs 01 xnuian anairs, on saciitiauw-, u,uKCuiiuuuicu -. a - jcl - . t a 3 j iiOTIgflt ana iOiO.: au.i-Ci. . c. , , . it ir,. vja yna r?rT'n , teea hundred and firtv-six. two hundred -and EMERED 0 TIME. ctarr' cf the Interior mav deem necessrv and thirty-three cents. . se1Le 7 -arj. 1 . - 1 t. t.;7 r ,..t r .rr,.-'r ror rerman;n- rrovision tortae rav ci a attention riven to tDe sciei'uo! ana en- i 10 uie ruuiic Maiice, 11wu3ain1.uu1.iiu.'. - . i Land Warrants FECIAL : public 5W j Otry of Lands for Settlers, and all others desiric; i . Ycr f ulfiUIrg treaty Stipulations with the COUNTRY PROnUnP Land Claims. ToivnLctianl aU kinds of Heal Ij.m?uUir u .V TIHOWNVILLE. N. T. tant Dealers. MISS JURY TURNER, J. HART & SOU -3- First SS'eet, betweea 2tiia aal "Water, BttOW-XVIIXE. N. T. '-.'is chxavi cn hivL For. fourth of ten Instalments for the pur- 1 - - 3 - T caas-j ot goo:s, provision?, . ana, agricuiiu-ji m money, per tmra article trtnty twenty-second February, eighteen hundrwd and fifty -five, twenty thousand dollars. X lj. s-U V fl 11 Si 1 Ij V U U U I i V V implements, -per msA article treaty tweaty- StSafe4fi,fl If II II H fT II II M pJ Sinn seventh. JhIv, eighteen hundred and fifry- ukree, eigiitefcu ii-uuiui. uuMitia. For cf transportation of the fourth of ten iastal meats of goods, prorbion-s, and agricultural implements, per sixth article treaty "July, eighteen hundred and fifty-three,' seven thousand dollars. Ml C. W. WHEELER, mmm im -wm - 3 a i ,n- UroxvnvillOt TC- T. T. h. SECKETTS, CARPENTER AIHD JOmiTR, "EUr.A5 TETirwITOIlV. . Oreron, Holt Coouty, Jlissoari. Keep ronstan ti on hand all d :scrir tlcn a f Harness, Saddle, DriileSj 4c. Ac. X. 15. ETcxyartwle imcar shUniBnfac tared by arscrrcand warraaietLto gite satiifjxr tlua. J. D. N. TKOAIPSOX TT0R?1EY A7 LAW. . LOT AND LAND AGENT; -C-T.-cf. Ftt and Afanile Streets, 1- aireil the C-crt? of Nrtiera 3Hssonri, e- W. P. LOAN, mniir-nT. mm 'BIACXFOOT RATIOS. L.ND AND LOT AGENT. ARCHER, RICIIARDSON COUNTY, N. T. For sccod of tea instalment as annnltr, ndd ia the perchlse of su?h goods, and otherusdul art:Cies, as the Fres- dsnt, at his dlscreti'JT, riav from time to time j determine per ninth aiti'e of the treaty of eighteen- huudred and UCWte: wheelwright, per eighth article treatv tweotr- faurth January, eighteea hundred and twentj.' slx, and fiiih article treaty seventh Augat, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, six hundred dollars. For third cf thirty mstalments of inanity L i durinrr the tueassra cf'the Fr?sklcnt. ia moosr, per third article treaty twenty-sec-1 cIe treair foorteenii Febroarr. and February, eighteen hundrid and, ; gjfitaea bundred and tHrty-thrre, and filth ten thousand six hundred and sixty-six doHirs : arjcTe treatr seventh August eighteea Lcr:- and ;xty-six cents. , . dred and fftr-hix. ehrhk hundred and fjrtv . i . dollars. For iron and steel for the sht?p dnring the pleasure cf the Preside nt,p:er fifth article treaty r thousand doTiars. OLIVEl BEX NET. Jaxis r. n.x. VI. 1. AEITIT. ircr?rrs rriai OLmil BENNETT 1 & CO llanara:tar-rs and "Ulialjsale De:ile ia BOOTS AND SHOE (FozxaLT, o. lol, CoEiTu of Iai5 An Loctst ST. LOUIS. MO. , 3 fifty-fire, ttrentythcrasand dollars. " For ecrd of tea ii-stalrner.ts as annuity, to be expended in establishing and irstructirg them in agricaliuril and mechanical pursuits, and ia educating their nhildreu, and promoting civiidia and Chrlstianitv. at th discretion r.f pw-f Twtr -f-h -." n? tK: hire of six laborers, per treatv cl--veteeatk 3ctber, eiabteeet ban- j twenty-second February, itcea hnzlrtd dre.1 and fifty-five, fifteen thousand dollars. and fisty-five, three tnouau uoiu.. v For third of thirty instalments of anruity in rTii, per tnird article treaty twenty-second Ffbruarv, ' -eighteen, btmdrsd and fifty-five, eiht tL'ous.tnd daTTan. 'For third cf thirty Instalments for jinrpcses of utrlPiv, per third article treaty twenty-second February, eighteea hundred and fifty-five, four thm-sand dollars. Fir ithdof twenty instalments fcr pur-r.r,-- r.r .nctTin- rer third article treaty twertv-second February, eighteen hundre and fiftT-fir." three thocsaci dollars. ' ; teea.. hunir.d and fiftv-slx, six hundred doi- Angust, eighteen hundred and fifty-six, twelve ' For third of five annual instalments tor the J t-- thousand five bundred dollars. fourteenth Febrnarr." eighteen tundred ard thity-three, ard fij'th article treaty seventh August, elghie.a hundred and fii'ty-six, two hundred and jeverry d&IUrs. For wagon-maker during the pleasure cf the Presli-u!, p-.r fifth "article treaty fourteenth parment ef five chiefiy vj Lxth artirle treaty sixth May, eighteen hundre d aid fifty-four. one thousand two tuadrrf and i.y dollaas. FLCaHXA IXDULXS HS STXJSOZSS. Four fourteenth of filteca instalments ia goods, per sixth article trsity Jourth Jonarr, eighteea huu'Ired and fjrty-live, two thousand dollars. . For fourteenth of filteen Instalments ia money, per article treaty fourth January, eigh teea huudred ard fortv-five, and fourth article treaty ninth May eighteea hundred and thirty- ? tw, three thouiand dcllars. - Fc-r the payaant of tuis amount ia lieu of ths pjeser.t improvements of the Seminoles west, and in full or the expenses of their re moval and establishing themselves ia their new country, per eighth article treaty seventh August, eighteea hundred and fifty -six, and Scrrate's amendmsnt thereto, ninety thcand dollar?. . Fcr the first of ten pert of schco!3per el A-rust. erzhtsea bun tnntrrtr.d dul!a For the first, of ten instalments cf agricul- It is a sign a man is very poor, whrnl:. ax tur?asL.tance,pereigh.h article treaty seventh cothingof his orrc to appear in, b-rt is farad Agut, eighteen hundred aid t;:y-sx, tm to patch hs figure wuh the r-'iof th'did ; and r.Zi tcm hbtoccs and monuracrta Lr iepu- . Domestic peace caa never be preserved ia fimilyjars. ; ., r. new should a husband spout ta a sajllirj wif? fcily dear. I love the MtiZr . . . "Reware," sad the pctter to tho clay, and it wa3 irare. - .'.' Holers being asa:ed ta ccmpare the Ion cf jealota and ur.jealous' people said the fenaer loved most, the latter best. A Jeweller advertises that he has a f aatcf of precious stones to dispose ct add;j,' tb! they sparkle like the tears of a young it .daw. A perscn being asird wbr he laad ginra K!i dan gat rr ia marriage to a man wii wioa he was at ecmitr, answered ciJ'U aut'evf r - -", ' - Impudence cflfa sh-rrej a fsHoT on ia ffe. :. ' i. . r. . l i l-liCkl - -l ir- . ,T-Trr.-rr. -.?k - U r ..V. t ;hth article treaty seventh a:-!. th,t :t .-- tv-, ,n0fZ M i'z' dred and fir-six, three f ri - " I Feuruarr, eibteen hundred and thirtT-three, dred an. u j and &h article treaty seventh August, eigh- annuity, For the first of tea instalments fcr the sup-1 tition- port cf smiths and smiths step-, per eighth i ... : articls treatv ieventh Augur, ei 'Uteen hua- Und, in spcaiirg ot L-u-ioerua, fys r dred and fil'ty-slx, two thcuiind two taudr-d 7oa Ci-i ljrjrn, ne'y renter to s. u wj.oi your uicae, a. jeasj oi izt ci,ntrafs of your poc-et-pock. For three ahrm" and a "ah," I paid, ia Astgt last,1 twrnty- sovea dcuar3. ' ' - ' d5 .ars. For five per centum interest ca irrj hn- dred and fiftv thousand dollars, to be raid as per e:jata article treatv sevecin - f ,,-n. Ipa-T t TV : r. f anil t- . - - . t I T . !-, -.-.... -f t - f L f t;U-C:a ui j.'. v , , . , jcr.asiai.cice ia orrtrais i iw i " - M,':i..-!r t..4 vi ; t5btco,pcr third article trerity twentv-secotL.; -? pleasure 'cf the Prerlden!, "per Seminc!e3 ia Florida, to ths Srmiro!e country Februarr, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, s;x ei, article 'treaty' twentv-fourth Jancairv, west of the Ullssiisirp-, and their suhLitenc. hncdrhl doimrs. Fer third of Eve ruT instalm r.!s for the tcani article "rcav B. R- FEUKAX. s. rr. rd B. R. PEGHATJI CO S XX 3SL 27 S JAMES W. GIBSON, i BLACKSMITH! OEnAL LAXDAGZXTS, odStee-t.bettrecTi ilala and Xshraska, ! COUNCIL LLUFFx IQTVA. For expenses cf and deliverr of annuities in goods and provision, seventeen thousncd debars. : - - C-i?ri3rA 07 x.t. srrrxroE. FaiSilIlDg toe treaty cf thirtieth Scptcm- :aty seventh -Argust, eighteen. ft r-six two thousand dollars. bun-1 For third of fifteen aiam-I instalments for sunrrirt of to smiths and smiths' shop?, pr third article trearr twenty-second etrnary, teen hundred and fiftv-six. cse thousand - - . C A A I 1 ; e-htcc-n hundred and aity-ute, iwq tacuiaaa artieie treal dreil and fi! For educaios durlrg the Pleasure cf the President, psr fifth article treaty fourteenth February, eighteen hundred and thirty-three and t:ta anicw irc:uv seveuiii Aug-si, c-gi- i ber. eizhte.3 huuired and P.r.OTVNVILLE, N. T. - '-"Dr, o. L. nrG-i-is, j. j. rrri, t. srcrr, - g. c. Gsma. 3IUDD L HUGIIES PROBVCE Y C03MISSI0S Lerc? and C.mmercial Street j .ST. LOUIS, MO. t S. T7. COZSEHS, Actoray "ajdCuahseIIor "at Law, A.M ", Gn-rai Land Ascst Oil A II A CITY. N."T. nrrEECixsi. Omaha; II. r., 5cWaU Citj. F. DINGS & CO., lot prter tyl uJ iniir-te DxJm Fancy Goods. JlaxiufActanrrs of all kinds cf Ernshcs 33 Xarth ZHaln Street, ( L'p Stairs,) ' ST.L0ri.11o. Z2-1j G. W. HUKN. DEriiTY CCUIUY SUHVEYG3. N EH A HA CITY, N T. :lr-r-:our. For two-thirds' cf Ixti?eTitIl of tweuth-five insiJme"-.ts ia money, per Co nrta article treaty fourth October, eighteen hundred and forty two, and eighth article - treaty; thirtieth Sep tember, eighteen hoEtlred and fifty-foiir. eTht tbousard three lundrwl and thirty-three dol lars and thirty-three ctnrs. Fcr two-thirds of sixteenth cf twenty -five icscalmentsin goods, per fourth article of treaty fourth Odjher, eighteea fiundrl ar.d frrty tvro, and eTirbth article treatv thirtieth Sep- '. teniber. errh:teen hundred and fiitv-four. seven th'-vnsand dollars. -" - . Fr t-i-'tLI:Jsbr"sixtcenth cf twentv-five cue hundred and twenty uo-urs. cmrr-TXAS cr sA-irAW, stts cnixz, xsi . "5 rnicx eitee. For secccd of five equal annual insta1m-Ti. for tnincaMoual purposes, tsaiJertLe direction of th? President. ier second article of the treatv of second August, eigfiteen hundred and fifty-five, four thousand tlciiari dollars. For the first cf seven additional instilments for two blacksmiths, asista?-, shop and tools per tbirteerith srticlet traety twenty -f jurth ilarch, eighteen hundred and thirty-two. and fifth article treaty seventh Argaif, eighteen hundred ard Sfty-six, ona fhousand six hun dred an I eighty dollars . . For the bt of seven additional icsialmenii for shopr:, per thirtcentti article treaty twenty per capita, ia nsta!m7i Is, fox tha support of. school., per j in cnn. tob. distriboted. I founa. articls treaty -Jfuurth October, eighteen nsuai manner of paving annuities, per secad Fr ontl of five eaual annual instalments iourtii 141an, eigateta nuncreti ana m.i.y- for agricultural implements, and carrenter's tools, 'household furniture and Uiding rnite-rlal-v catil. labor, and cecessixy useful sjticl es, per second article of tie treaty of second August, ei-hteea hundred and filty-Sre, five thousard dolTaw Far sGcond tf ten eaua aarcal In.-iadm.-S arrival at their new homes, ar.d f-r the par of rlf 3 gun blaaket?, powder and leal, hunting shirts, sbots. tro uding; tcbiO-O, and clothing, per ninth irticle treaty seventh Au gust, eighteea huiIrd and fifty-sii, cae haa dred and twenty thousand dclhiri. For expenses cf naklc; imprav-mects for those row east of the lILsf-ssippi after their mooval west, per ninth article treaty sereuth ArgusJ. eighteea hundred and fifty-six, twentt thousand Far the jKircriA? cf plsn.hs, and other am card rer mi;rai impiemenr?, axe-.,-secu. toorais, Ivd-jarrcad ?. ar.d wheels, for the Seminole nanon. I ninth article treaty seventh Augr, ei-h- . D F-tirD Cor FmC Ccl the frrsi ed irti slice- about aa inch ia thicinesit, and f.rr it ia j a towel; have ready bread crcmba, ard the ! yolk of aa egg beaten," salt aad pppT da, d:p eaco .ee erst ia th egg nfd taen i a the bread crumbs, hare ready tot lirg. bird, . and by them ia to fry, ecu! a rice tnwr.t dr-Ja off aU the fat fi-sm each tike, and jctts To Taxx I.tx oct cr Ifc-irT. D ; p th px-t stainel wi'Jx ink mtrv cfnd wattr. Then fill a small hud i wr.h bctlin water, ard on tlie top p!ac a pewter plate; Lry tnia-n. upon the pi Ate, strew salts of Iem-sii cr tur txric add epea the ink spot, ratbrr; ilht ttut the bowl cf a spoc2, tie" spot will im-a..d'itc- tr ex wheat TVmrorr YtasT. :Yors teea hundred and fifty-six, three the c-ar.d prepare these Jelkiocs bre-vk-st cr fsa'cakit co-ars. ; tna: mix a rjaan ct iUcxwLeAt ti-jar is a For compe ation and travsrllnzcxper-Kes of; butter as usuaf, addir:g & te-trroonfc.I of car- two, and fifth aa-icJe treaty seventh Angn.t.a de.egatiaa cf the and Cresks bucate of soda, :a irzr; tries, thw e!g?-taea hundred and fifcy-six, five Laadrsd ; from their country to Florida, whilst there, is well stind ad i a tertc". fill cf tir- and returning; per tnta artic.e treatv seventa tar.c an I, u-iivilvcd. i-ii sa.t. lad.- s T An: 1 firty-?u-ov and tigLih artlcl - - - i nn.iT-- a -'-wap-.Fyj .-- i treatv thurtretlr S?p-.;mber,-elghtcen' hundred fe when cr.-le. cn : ft.r'a a suu-L-.-in-j - r , i ClalTfjs, laTia- t Tsir IrU Drafus'City! Ctiy-foTir, -oaa crsand three hundred e-e,etc. 2 Z-tT sad th thrc 2 d:!?iT3 and thlrtj-lhr-Jo cenis. : ' - ., ... - ' - I ! 1 -t,. j ts -o-!-r r.r saco-ia An -nsr ei.- i- -. -- w - - w . . . ' - - - -i- 3 teen hundrad and fifty-c, tea tL-Ousand dalles. .- -.-. .. Far seccid insi-J-aent Sir the support of one and fw.rty d jI-Ars. For twenty-seventh of thirty-three instil ments for educat-ip, per f.irth article treaty fourth Jaririry e'gttteea Luadreii and forty -fire, end fifth 'affile tr-liy ivenh' Augult. e'zhteea hcnlrad cad., tnre-2 tniU-oad i cf u.-).a-i. For fourteenth of twenty instalment Lundr.I an. Ll;y -ca as prepnr-d educalica, per fourth article treaty fourth Jan narv, elghtea hundred and firtv-five. and jt-Va articls t-taty seventh Aug u ' e-,;it4-ea thr-nsand dcHir?. Jrcr rarme:.ttc F.-KC-te-Icst! Kario rr il.aci : rrrr i otato ki.: nn. ii:i tas rot Dirt, fjr services a. chief cf the frl.-idFy la-wrl ktxr and rub than l-rut:ga a aive, -SuLasuI bcmincle warriors, tvLo fjagu: fvr L.2 rgg?, --.; x, r:-gir m-a jn.ea pr.-c!t it as 2r SUiited Scaiss &urmg th FLaida war, per 1 rsn.i.a pie, oaTy makbg the mlsrsn: very fo7 ! eleventh aririe treatT seventh Aujrust. e:zh- . Uule tltaker ni:h "th,-; t-c... t-r. L-iia la & d..Tr ieca hundred' and fiflv-slx. Lar handred - da ith a t-- or wiiht.ut if iftrTsd- doIUrs. ' This isaaca-. !y preparrd and very r.:se r-i' Tot experics ci surTTT'rg, deHti-rg; anddi-z.- 1