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About Pokrok západu. (Omaha, Neb.) 1871-1920 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1911)
llllJílllJM - Strana 14 POKROK DNE 8 BŘEZNA 1911 í 4 i f i i S i I ™ 3" I i : i Ir-1 I S I 1 i : 'i i! i i i' OBLAKA - THE OLOUDS Mra tlacli Jtdaáulcb od Jaroalav JKvaua VkAík i aroariekého pf kladu Karla litchtft '' (Vyňato l taoylu Poot Loro) (lJiu4nJI JimiejvýA Wíjimuvou u 44ku Hťditovtt prokladu lir Juroaluva Kvapila KU&inílio čcakího aplaovalelo u WAturit a vrchního rulťiir NA vUniia JivHtlu phdllaiiia JI dupi wamttiiio autorit který r-luklr t 1 AUM v Mim t r a puk alfuíiiý ub' i ttwino liry élm jk iHylli'i AAoaáf fim vm nemálo lotvdóilniti Jru!uv KvupU pbmtidí tóishto táduk 3iis "ZpOaiiblI ni vJm J"!'1'""" wpravdu potMiml a rad fo w Varn i Americe dobra dali lm VA i ncl xa n6o i-rmtlini o tom ta wA "0 Wk" vyt v Ani'rl! nni{li!ky (Jo- mí Jm ktltwl v as]J41l uovlnftsb 1 Jwtiii nul íf"plAr Vyila yrý tu jxi Um I nfikd v íamipU — llyl fcrU V4in řt t jwvilAťn %4yi"l mi uxnAinll nli''iift tulrtmii éllnlílovii bych l "!' výtbk I)J1 wC — M&iií tif uí llill-flU nic in'lll nnihi t(ly ni lyťb r&4 vylmvfltl V- ěrrm illnl ubycb V4m iM ro V&l 5 i i I k II llKt llfljltky JiHlAVH AI" eunuvn m mI eokoll k mých knih Ml ly 4U t J4 vinilo iÍ J4vl J (llvuilltt!) ' ro V íliiW vObuft tiřjiikým nl n Tíl Wh' U MSKimliln- ííí v Arnnfíw J'r4v tifilAvud o tom m m4m lux iitř u inyniliit i ?llux MMtft J4 íAmi ríl ncjwiii tlili VÍel ílot Aru ixuiAvhIŽ riřJiiká t IÍÍKiilíkH Di'i4 Jlr4k Jturriiimin tl jou Um MiftAtt 4kiiiivANl Již nniň impiiillo wbylu ll ty itMAt hltoliiti jw tnkuvé ittíby íck'ii imkliiiJíitpJii v mvTU1 Hiiy Um byly rtirAnfny Al ta by by 1 1!imhé iunf lakuji H VAá tlnil H bo milý ibuli I'řJi Vám htijiifi tmJtt ru tom lliku a tí# mi tu noví V JU #jrávy J-m V44 ncJupMiiKiřJíl Jif umluv Kvapil" 1)AJ Ktupílovy hry "Obluku" o htkk n nu Vfiikuvuká niliirikA fuN yrAr Jun Mutouí ui4 u b litModyu) tvou t"'ilrii vdovu Marii KwImiiovou jejii Hyn J'tr tráví právA u nlfh w AtrrI uvojti rAdiilny jnki bolumlDVcc 1'rájulnlny rbýll ku konci tu iloliro mininý bodrý r4ř rudl wvAmu y wovei nm-Uf II i iro povoláni kttr4 li atvwlil dixll mvným Jltým aby l lf(v n#ft uAlnl ]ioli'(lnl robodny krok romiynllt mdyl li by apukujco Ottová] ( raduji piividánl JlnAiim ]'itr JřJ příHivWÍ í m 'juko kí budu dlí fti rl ífnitným řo Nťná taky Ku Mfeh Jiný cli potadavkO Hkutniié B wM nrřinl {mnivadí okolí va ktxrAni 4ihh Jll ž4diill jiní v riAm nevzbudilo 3'ojln'nl Vilik do ?6tif malA boMkt řa ry pHjdo Mája Zitmaiiovi vlaatní Ma ari irH)v4 podívat # tm avl rodiíi wt tnlrta V dfl v útlím dřttri atrAvlla nJkrAníj4l lWa vřb'i řivola va hi lařnoatl nbé rovných !♦ anlfiýcli 4řti m ktrýplt Petr byl jl drtibi'ir mJ awilcjílin Níkdu JI nxporná Biiiflíi '()►?) ni í ndi " lil atala (1mji4 kr4 mk fen a k tomu hirka veliká tiitifd fayn Koiinřiií víiik vilcbnl ph"' tw MfjiaH m tu Mája di klidu a tlWia a Wrnit ftriiiMil fumkOUn života Nnc 'Jwa tub a d rď' Petrova v bud I JI Kkrti nových pníndavkU a toubu po aku '+cnAm ílvniA Hniiia ctil k nmu vfll Hhoíi náklonnoul Hnu mílujo jej ab( aaniMAvil poměry a okolí v jakém ivtr Jřjc e dtrpnoati k druhým ndá mu 14 utfcu wvon ti liti Za to do nitra JVtrnva vkor#nk jiakra vyilcline do plamcnA — Ii4ř ramilujfl pnznft llvot a rolmd n a t du tcmlniře nevrátí 8lrýco tim ph'kvaif a mať1 xpdaobi bob-at — Doktor Votava v(ak'vxmM na acb ú kol proNtřndnlka Majů ktr& tm ua fa ra ponAvad? drulíího dnf odjfíibMn rrátítí 14 nwhtfila přemluví pMviufa Tfcy ao vkemi rorbmcila i a patrem a tomuto y rotbodnutt jeho rozmluvila Hajá tak uliil a ttt en nu vlaulnl I4ky a vUntnlbo íirntí ktnruuito cenu prA vh pfináainiM nkákmi vrátí pftra aciul 4IU Hama odejdu t Petr divé an ra l a za Mvut#in bni(M-cfi Víc ptd rvlai mi 4 m piva jako — oblaka) 'My fal! (li'ciilt(J na huoii aa -Kr m'i íiim) — Mr IVtr I Imvř arrni To aaj jfoorj ly to jrou PHř (Kxtrmt!ljr urpiipl and nnfuM'ili Iíhn — you hre! Ktjr Did not Dr Votava tcll Jřou? JPttr 1 1 !il not I thoiiKht ho uiiflo ttltliouffU you havo alo wouudml him liat you háve in flxorably wronged your mother Petr (nurpriaed) — If May You au I both of ua Kut 1 wurit to b atrong affain wunt to riae agaln and go away fnim liňťo atraight unburrloned and in dilonce Petr (finliarrasaťd) And I ahío Maya Nover You will tiumble yourMidf nud rcinaiii r Petr I ciinnot Maya (with cmplinwí) You wlll buuiblo youmelř and remain Y(u aru to-dity capablu f notliing cUi) blit hiJiiibl!iii'NM Jf you do not línovy it to-day you will kuow it to-iiiorrow or rnion enougn !i'i'uiiN(! yim wtTo boru for low- tí tiwM and realifiuitiím — aiul my patli lenila iinothur way and to utln-r iilacim It U uiddy — bold luit ho jiijmiw tluit no ono can wftlk alontfNÍdo ořme I throw iwn i-vvry ono wbo would dnre to walk ni my nidfi Petr And eveu nicí Maya You firat oř all Petr Thon I will uo without Maya vinr fot Petr Aftnr you Maya You ubalí not durn It Mfforo nn thiTR are aky-touching ponliH but bťbíriil tno are cbANtna urul cbaaiiiM Hi-liind mo llicro aro dťiid IkmIÍch iiiultitudi'1 oř dcad bodica oř tboHi! wbo lilie you wanted fo ninfť with ne And tbt-au wbo wunted lo como with ine wor atronger tban you are Tbey wero fr?o tbi"ir fcnt wrre not řetlíTed Petr Nor aball my ře't be řtítfiTcd luwařtcr Maya Tln'y are and uhnil thouiřh you mny not know it Do you mipjiOHfl tbat I neod (o rotnind you oř your mother f I neod not Ani cvcii u Hne wero not you i-atmot řollow in my luitha Turu bmrk you fool Petr (nwdutí-ly) — I don't hídieve you You ncorn nic řor tbe aiikís oř my old mother out oř Hyiiipntby řor ber naivě love or lbo nake oř ber reliffiouii promine Maya (with a mhort contemp- tuouH Hinile) Ach You childimh aiinpli-ton What would your mother uieiin to tne in mích a mo ment iř I wantid you conie with iiief What would h 1 1 Jut creed tim ia to mu a Htraii creed b lo met What would I eure řor her lappim-KH lbe happineas oř a itratiKer iř I wanted you at my aidff Do you thínk thut you were he firat or only one? Know jt tbi-n aiiieu you mnat! J iind to you lbe other day when I miíd tbat I only loved onee and purely It waa tb iiupulHe oř the moment I Hald it Iji'ohiih lbe moment tbat eburiuing moment amiiHed tne I waa tbiraty řor your warm un pollutťd blood and í graHjxd your banda and laid my head on your ehest like a vampire Hut it waa only for th moment" I am poor boy uaed (o greater whirlwinda oř pflaaion to warmer at-UHations and your irtty feveriah řantasy hard ly waa enough for one quiet eveníni Mr Tetr you would be tidiculou if for one aiich petty moiiicut you would he uroc kin jí your entirc futnr your entire liře retr (he hui! Iieen Imteninst to her with a urowjnic eunaterna hon — Now he breaku out) You lie! Von lie! Only to get rid of lne Maya íeoldly and harahly) Yea I lie but not for the purpoai of etling rid of you You would not fvni ha able to reaeh beyoiid -iih aloue Kj% Sir IVtr I did not mean your own petty environmeut You to roinw to you ny more - KořiWouhl aoon aink undr the mrřaee roinw to you ny uori yonr aak — and — for my aake Kut I a oi ťOHiing Kin and for lha Uxt Uuitt Imcauae it bd to b# 'IJivi ni your haod Petr (irivra her bia band) Did I b any hanu to you? 137 'bě amilca alightly lld aia tly) Ymu — to n t (Shakra ' b ad l I ~-1 ym Aiwl tkri 'řior fiM if alt for{iv n (atopa nt f ttiaKinif ) Vra furi# tu lt V Di iaat rardiat and klad I aHall aay tu you (KUu ) V yM fraivf mat 'fťit (wBřwa) Ya " t7 (lteadUig rahaa) Utaicjt viní Aax) ar aur ky I c aíili I pm I tt II Tes XZf Pct? tUt jrm aave % c — ť--]f % jrom1 tt 1 % + t—t dCw JTiMSW without a fctir on my part řttr Why did yu i-ome ba'kf Ymu would H"t hav rouie back if the t hititra u aay wrr true! ISaja Wliy 1 eanm ha k ? (teeiiM I pitird you I pity all wrak Hpln a n t tbat pily U tb only lanlifiil fratur of my traiirrful bři I not fe aorry fr atntnit peopl# Ihey are my 'liaU — the pvojde ď my lloo ~ tu aut V t Kraul % itk pawioa a iHdiurut at wy a d IVrhapa umIv řr thi ren lhal I ahmilj ad t MIWr ti thrir loiUrttua 1 f leřor an raily dralk Vad tkal ia ky I V%v roi i Uttiheriir tou frtoa yuir lUtuaUtM Kra tn aurk a ("mrialUa aUu iwi ae at lini PO I da'i Wtit yu Maya You cannot believe me I underatuudt you In your pioui uaivcneaa you have learued to 1'lnnNÍI'y poople lnto good and bad only lnto apoatloa and deviia into naint and HÍnncrii You do not know that humnu nature ia an un- divided eompoHite element which eontaina partu oř both — evil and K')od That it often doea good in order to effeet evil and aometinieii iieta evilly to bring about good The Miengtb thnť ycarning atrength oř my liře has given me a plentitudň of difřerent paHsionii and hentimenťH but when I was tired of cverytbiug my glory my art and my pUHajona i went out to aeek Homething diřfercnt iome- Ihing nnuHual — the enchantment of primitive tnemoriea and re olleclioiiH thcHe amall dainty flowera that grew alongside of the patlm oř my childhood tho fairy tuh" of my oneo unspotted rouI That ia why I waa ho good when I a me her© again after io many yeiim that ia why I glorled in that 'veníng Dut bow long could it have Inaledf In it foolprinta I řelt the eoming ntorm — atorm — atorm — the element of my liřo And lo-day it U all over it ia vietorioualy and řreezingly clear Petr (eruabed) So you reřtmc me Maya (hardly hle to overcoine heraelř) Ye Entírelyl Tlnmej nro the remaína oř that undividei eompoHite eicrnent or numan na ture — that I am diaearding wholly 1 For that to me ia alo a vietory and I am alwaya vletori ona uow your head rtr an louk down na you ever did on the ground Aa for tne ~ I am going high up after tho Hhining glory — into the airy eloud Petr (ainka down on the beneh iieur the houae Dia heal in biu palma) Maya (Mtand alongNide of him ereet feelinglesa majeHtie vic torioua) Petr (after a patme) And do you know what you have done? Maya I do You will retura to your faith and to your ealling Petr (halí atraightened) And what iř I do notf What if I periahf -i Maya líowf Va a a a reir rernapa wiin my own band Maya familea Heornřully) You will not kill youiMelř You are too wek to do tbat junt aa I would ie too atrong Liře my friend ia not a roinniiee or melodrama where peojd© ahoot IheniHelvea ho I it a a easny iire tiHH a Iienling power even for thoNo wbo know but ittlu oř it h trctnendouH aeope — And you Petr you are a tender řlexible little tree-liře will bend you but not break you Tbere ia no need for it (Stopa a while and then aay eonirnandinirlv) : íiae Petr! Petr (unintentioniilly rÍHea) Maya And givc me your hand (She takés lna band) Krom thia Iaat preaaur© oř your hand I want to extraet aome plenaure I want to leave bere víetoriotia I want to know that I Imve eonvineed you Petr Convineed me oř whatf Maya That 1 do not deaerve that you nbould love me Tbat I am not worthy oř your aaeriřii e Petr It would be all in vain Maya Yea it would he all in vain Hut your mother ia awaiting you in the hal! there — i that alao in vain! Petr Yu are terrible) Maya I am Heeause look I do not want to he otherwia — (After a whil-) Well Petr (quirtly) You know beat what I will have to do Maya (with a flaah of joy hidi ahe aupprvMiea ipiickly) — And what will happt-nf Petr (overiMMiiel will trluru Maya Surrlyf Petr Surfly Vetava (dunng the lat phraat-a ha hu hrirtt iiňuticfd atanduig n th lhrrhold Now whrii both řttr and Kaya ar# ailmt řr a wkiU- los aaya Imikíaf at kU atrki WfH rnianova aiut b aťdnu ar hali mÍM 'Uř Iran 122-% All rtht U rigkt d - !ř — Mra at Ul Vttav (i IVtr) And ímw trnut yM( ay frUadt Ca Xf ar (vtt ar w m Ur IVtrf Petr (from bia deptha) Yet Votava (with aatisfaction) Hoallyf Maya (with the laat atrength o her bravado) And you doubted it doctorf Oo Mr 1'etr go and tell your mother ' Bhe aurely waiting ' v Petr (auddenly giving her hia band) Thank you Maya (hardly ablo to overcorae beraelf) And I thank you aUo Petr (goen into the Iiouno) Maya (mnka on tho bench where bufore Petr wa sitting) (Pause) Votava So really he will stay Maya (with a nigb) 1 lo will Votava One really ahould not wonder Ho could not have dono otherwiae Maya (louka at him) And do you know tloctor that thia rcnult waa botight with blood t Votava (ealmly) Ach wcll thaťll paHH Maya (niniling sorrowfully) Aml lo you know that I paid for t with my own blood t That mve thrown inyHclf into mud am Mteppiil on mynelf that I have ieen Hiniting lny own faee that iave alandered myaelf in order to nu v© him — for bia mother f Votava (aurpriaed) Dut Míkh — Maya And look I muat not even ory Although I would ho much ho miieh liko to ery Dut ie miiHt not aeo tbat it haa hurt me Do you think that bia waa lbe greatcHt aacriřleef Votava (tnking her hand) ' I underatand you and l admire you Maya (riaeH) Even that ia not neecMHary doctor Am I not a co- medián f Votava Iiut nny — Maya Yea and thia wns ueaperate eomedy — the worst comedy oř my liře Now the eur- taín haa fallen And we will go Kociánova (eoming out of the parnou ago) Votava (to Kociánova) Wcll lid I not tell you Mra Koeiano vai wnai unnceenaary wornea you have again eauned yoiiraelf Kociánova (burrying to Maya) It ia fxiHHible MímhT May Ood Aluiighty reward you Maya Everything ia poanible Mra Kociánova if we have a will Kociánova (hrnka at her but hic not iindeiatand) Maya (onickly) And thoao that have no will ahould not attempt anythíiig (Kíaning her) May Ood preacrve you Oood by And may you all be hh happy aa you were neretotore Oive my regarda to the reverend father I will not be ahle to ace him nny moro Kociánova (crying) My dear houI my goblén houI Maya (to Votava) líet 'a be off (Wauta to go) Votava And are you not going to hhv good by to Mr IVtr? (He ealla into the balí) Mr IVtr come here to aay good by Petr (coinea on the thrcabold) Maya (givea him her hand) — Oood by Mr IVtr and may you e wcll and happy Votava And aay I will come to ace you again next year Maya No no Mr IVtr — good by for good — forever (She goea quickly toward the gate) Kociánova íeaeorta her) Votava (giving bia hand to Vtr) Weir ho good by conirade and aa I aay you have done exeellently ((Jo-a ařter themi (Quiet Dr Votava Maya and Kociánova are goio After a while th ruinbling of a deitarting earrlage la heard) Kociánova (ret urna after a hde) IVtriejok my gtddn IV triebek (Shf hurrii-a to IdmA — WvIJ IVtrichek what ar voii ooking at ai ta llv Pftr (quútly i I — an — liok tmi — at Ihoae — cial ~"f # ji' ' I I ' ': ' DR JAMMíW NOVÁK eaaký aubui Ukif Oootlonntal Dlook — 15 a Doitglatul Pokoj 4 r roiu nad Barg Clotb Ing Co — OříJo rbonai Diiuglaa 15077 — RwliJanea 91fl Wllllara Bij ťbona Oouglna 8019 — Krajané a vnnkova ktH nejaou i domácí prací aa bařakou aMikojenl uílnl dobře kdyl při oAviltíví (Jmahy cajdou k Dro Novákovi jimi ta volkerá práía v oboru avém úplně roíl 84 tf ESXX2XXXSSX2XIHXXXXXXMXSXXCXXXXXS3NX3C3XXS3XS==a ' Obezřetní a pro zíraví farmeři a jíní kupuji nyni pozemky v povřatnó kraji ně MarcuHi) blíže Racramcnto Califortiia po nCvadŽ vatoupnutí jich v cenň je? nevyhnu telně bude nÍHledovati odbýváni Dan-Amcri-ké výatavy v Han Franciaku v 19J5 přincHO jim HluSný výtřžek nemluvě! ani o dobřím příjmu jehož moče hýti docíleno tnlekařením a povšechným farmařením HohatA pftda čí nté povřtříj výteřné podnebí 1'iáto dnna o podrobnoati ' HomosGOkor's Information Ouroau ' 1917 Bee Building OMAHA NEB IxxxxxssxxxnNxxxuEnxxnxcxxxxsxxsssxxsssxxzxss: České mlýny ve "Wilber ITebr Vyrabltnli nojlapii ptonljné a pravi Altné mouky jakol I Iik( kruplíky Mouka dhía jmi k doitAol o vineb éaikýrb grocariatů v OinaM a - Houtb Ornaza j Zda lil jodoDkr4te ikualte mouku Wilbarikou ktorá jeat ta najlapil v irhu prvo buda a na v4a Jen a mát in mAiiia aklndy v Lincoln Nebr Codar Bapldi la Chicago 111 Okbíhoma City Okbi Maraballtown la a Bt Loula Mo 46 II ZVONÍÚEK A AKSAMIT maj att t Lut:r Co n 4& a LeavtBwevrtíi uL OHAHA - NBSXAfSA DHvt a aUtebnl maltr at h Iruhu Naitit# ni i rhUd hťte t li lUli ud' Ume it najWrt M iU htfehtt4 I aV vám pthbw a apalHm km j pnal IřtJy taalrrtal iVtky mluv! l J Kiaik hf KRAJANE POZOR! Nenechte ae ošálit cizími agenty a chcete-li obdržet za Vafie peníze nejlepíí a nejladněji! piano obraťte ae na krajana který Vám po šle piano přímo z továrny a ručí 2c budete obalouženi k Vaíi nejlepíí spokojenoatl af bydlíte ve kterémkoli okresu atátu Nebraaka m umí Frank 7 Hodek VóIbach Neb a f m tta I B M f latawMaa aaa aalL m Nejlepálm nilutfiu k nakupováni atavtibnlho dříví jeat česká dřevařská ohrada Chicago Lumber Go -— 9 í5 iVi! ar 14 t Karty ul„ Caaka lta w Ccítl prixlavaíl Váa vidy o hotni a vaorné olailoalí ~~~-+t4++4+44+t+++ eiieieeeeee NjUrét a aojlvpat atfau pra Mkéika jaal ed vmm !S!LA ftala 1MM ťaraaai a tle ! iHtMnuvaaa piva aa ) fmXtXl klaétaaakáka t r al v Cveaáa Uakfaa Maaixa Haan tla lita ▼ Mata 4waaiaaá faaaa aiaaaia taaaiu ralaii Kávám ar 4aay aalaaá at aa rM lm eeeee um a iee4eeeetá ♦♦♦♦ eeeeee HUGO F BILZ d8rEoHtl Jtttrou CClO W Uhvtvitd lva Titfa Dtitstaa 1IU tai A-1M3 ' lhjdtij# al IhkImia twhottt lehlaattéha pita na kUd# tt-jt4iiij4l alaré k rálky aUri %ln J milníky a )t klry Uh druhu Via aa jalai eay !ttf a llraialag tV f4 #plj# m cau?nua nu