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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1923)
Rupture Kills 8,000 Annually Eighty thousand persons each year are laid away—the burial certificate being marked “Rupture.” Why? Be cause the unfortunate ones had neg lected themselves or had been merely taking care of the sign (swelling) of the affliction and paying no attention to the cause. What are you doing? Are you neglecting yourself by wearing a truss, appliance or whatever name you choose to call it? At best, the truss is only a makeshift—a false prop against a collapsing wall—and cannot be ex pected to act as more than a mere mechanical support. The binding pres sure retards blood circulation, thus robbing the weakened muscles of that which they need most—nourishment. But science has found a way, and all trliss sufferers in the land are in vited to make a FREE test right in the privacy of their own homes. The PLA PAO method is unquestionably the m«st scientific, logical and successful self treatment for rupture the world has ever known. The PLAPAO PAD when adhering closely to the body cannot possibly slip or shift out of place, therefore cannot chafe or pinch. Soft as velvet—easy to apply—comparatively inexpensive. To be used whilst you work and whilst you sleep. No straps, buckles or springs attached. Learn how to close the hernial open ing as nature intended so the rupture CAN’T come down. Send your name to day to PLAPAO CO., 1338 Stuart Bldg., St. Louis, Mo., for FREE trial Plapao and instructive information.—(c) P.L. Uric Acid Does NOT Cause Rheumatism! Furthermore, I claim that Uric Acid Is a NATURAL and NECESSARY con stituent of the blood—that it is found in the body of every new-born babe— that without it we could not live! Btrange statements? Yes—to you per haps, because you have always been told differently. But my book, The Inner Mysteries of Rheumatism, just published, tells you the real truth about Rheumatism. 'Tells what actually DOES cause it and how It is now being successfully treated in all its different forms and stages by entirely new, advanced scientific meth ods. The writing of this unusual book is the result of my twenty years study, experimentation and research in this disease and I want every sufferer of RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS. SCIATICA, GOUT etc., no matter in what form or how chronic to read it. Therefore, al though valuable, I will gladly send one complete copy only of the book abso lutely free if you will send your ad dress or that of any sufferer you may know, plainly written, to H. P. CLEARWATER, Ph. D. 1272-M Water St., Hallovrell, Maine Paint Without Oil Remarkable Discovery That Cats Down the Cost of Paint Seventy-Five Per Cent. A Free Trial Package Is Mailed to Everyone Who Writes. A. L. Rice, a prominent manufact urer of Adams, N. Y., discovered a pro cess of making a new kind of paint without the use of oil. He named it Powdr-paint. It comes in the form of a dry powder and all that is required is cold water to make a paint weather proof, fire proof, sanitary and durable for outside or inside painting. It is the cement principle applied to paint. It adheres to any surface, wood, stone or brick, spreads and looks like oil paint and costs about one-fourth as much. Write to A. L. Rice, Inc., Manufact urers, 22 North St., Adams, N. Y., and a trial package will be mailed to you, also color card and full information b’ jwing you how you can save a good many dollars. Write today. $50 REWARD $50 will be paid if R. V. Turner's Quick Relief Salve fails to give relief in cases of croup, head colds, catarrh, sore throat, headache, earache, eczema, itch, burn, rising, bruise, sore, rheu matic palms, or hetnorroids. Turner’s Quick Relief Salve is one of the most powerful penetrating, germ killing, pain-relieving, and healing Balves known to science. Removes corns in few hours without pain. Also Removes seed warts. Large box by mail for 60c. AGENTS WANTED—Write for special terms. R. V. Turner, 301 Jefferson street, Montgomery, Aik.—(Advertise- 1 ment.) scruples of a multitude of men.— and then the community is shocked at an arrest or suicide when the dis covery is made. Only a few years ago the head of one of the oldest and most trusted banks in New York died and inves tigation disclosed that he had been committing frauds on the bank for a decade. What is the remedy? Christ sup plies it. He cleanses the heart; He purges it of the love of money which “is the root of all evil," or, as the new version put it, “a root of every kind of evil.” The third illustration is to be found in the infidelity that wrecks homes, ruins lives, and does injus tice to so many children. What is the trouble? Dallying with sin, gradual yielding until the temptation becomes a consuming flame. What is the remedy? Here again Christ supplies it. He warns against the thought before it ripens into act. Here, too, the beginning of evil must be avoided. And so with every sin. But care in the avoiding of temptation is not sufficient; those who are conscious of human weakness and anxious to abstain from wrongdoing will pray as Christ advised His disciples to do, that they enter not into temptation. We must pray as well as watch. But the Master felt another need of prayer, a need of strength to pass through the ordeal toward which He had been journeying and for which He waited. It was not fear that moved Hfm; it was the human side of Christ that asked the Father, “If thou be willing, remove this cup from me,” but it was the deity in Christ that added, “nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.” And as Jesus prayed there ap peared unto Him an angel from heaven to strengthen Him, just as in the days before and since an all-lov ing Heavenly Father has sent winged messengers unto His children to be allies when the night is darkest and the fight is hottest. As Elisha drew back the curtain that his frightened servant might be hold the heavenly reinforcements camped upon the mountain top, so Luke records for us the appearance of an angel that brought strength in answer to a prayer uttered so earn estly that His sweat “was as it were great drops of blood.” When Christ arose, He was ready for the final chapter. His flesh had been brought into subjection to the spirit and He who might have called legions to His defense meekly gave Himself into the hands of His exe cutioners. Judas comes for a moment into the limelight, gives the betraying kiss and then takes up his journey toward the potter’s field, which he enters through the suicide gate. And Peter? He “followed afar off.” A poor example, certainly. If this were all we knew of Peter it would have been worse than a poor exam ple. The story of Peter’s life would have been even less interesting if it had ended a little later when he thrice denied the Saviour. But Peter outlived the experience recorded in this chapter; he con tinued to follow Christ and his pace quickened with the years. When he sat by the fire in the high priest’s house where they had taken Jesus, he played a so.rry part for a disci ple, but Peter did a wonderful work when, as Dr. Marquis puts it, he Was warmed up. To the average Christian Peter is the most helpful of the great person alities "whom Christ called into serv ice. Few can expect a conversion such as came to Paul and of these still less can hope to rival Paul in eloquence, but all Christians pass through hours of temptation and many yield. The Christian is not to be distin guished by sinlessness, but rather by an earnest desire to be sinless. If un der the pressure of temptation he falls, it is the sin that grieves him, not the discovery of it. He does not delay repentance until he is con fronted by punishment—he repents when the fact of his sin burns itself into his consciousness and he prays for strength to resist future tempta tions. Peter was emotional and, because emotional, had to pass through the valleys that lay between the moun tain ranges which his enthusiasm enabled him to scale. Sin can neither be desired nor jus tified on the ground that it some times, furnishes a stimulus to great achievement, but sin, when it does come, ought to be utilized as far as possible as an aid to others. A man who has been a drunkard, especially if he has allowed drink to drag him down into that awful dis ease known as delirium tremens, can warn against alcohol as those cannot who have always been total abstain ers. Those who have been released from bondage to intoxicants must find at least a crumb of comfort in the consciousness that they can use their own wretched experience to save others from similar degradation. The lesson of Christ in Gethsemane may be summed up in three sen tences. First, even Christ—Deity shining through humanity—needed prayer to strengthen Him when He entered up on the greatest of His struggles—how much more we! Second, man needs constant; and Intimate communion with the j Heavenly Father as a protection against the temptations that beset him—his easily besetting sins. Third, Peter, by his triumph over his weakness, shows us how frail hu man beings may be made strong by faith. Christ is the Alchemist who can transform base human clay into the refined gold of a righteous life. He can lift man from the mire of sin tv> a place among those whose robes have been washed in the blood of ! the Lamb. -- _ Higher Education 0»w*t» in fitaii. Spniumii, IIill Afl in*. EdocfeUoa, Bowwm «n<] in 35 odwi mbitcti *e given b» cot ntpnndnuf Begin mmy tune. , ®hf Ifutwraitn of GUriraxyi aittVnnr I>UIiI«m 4<, Oitn,.. M J ! FOK/> START HARRt Fat’d 7-22-’22 It s easily and cheap ly fixed with the C. , A. ADJUSTABLE > CENTER BEARING CAP. Corrects end play and sets mag neto to give full ef ficiency, without re moving motor from car. Installed in a rew m.rn.tes ana guaranteed ror l year. Ask your dealer or sent prepaid on re ceipt of price ($3.75). Address Dept. C. ADJUSTABLE II1CA Itl.N <; CO. Brasil, led. CWIDtAstlniaBnnchhis j gg ■ W No more ilerpioM r<-sile«» gUP JE bJv|S^ A nichu. He free of spelia of j W chokinr. g aitplug for breath. THAT V/MPF7F tifht cheat and I cat of health thru Aahmaand Bronchitis-Am. ric.s A|l() COIJfiM Great eat Treatment-THE ATLAS n,,¥ BaWWWI^MEDICINE — does it quickly and easily* Thousands are turninf to this treatment and finding out how easy It ia to regain heahh and strength. THE GENUINE ATLAS TREATMENT seta you right, ao quickly you are amazed at results. Write at once for a KRKK TRIAE, and booklet describing origin of ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS arnd name and address with your age and description of sick* nets, direct to * ATLAS MEDIC CO.. 17S4 ITUS BLOG. NTOUL H,r. TTgJ WORLD ■^FAMOUS ARMS f LU'IKK pia tols, barrefs C », 8, 12 and 16 Indies; MAUSER pistols, long barrels; holster storks for both. MAU SER SPRINGEIELI) and MANNEIGIIER SCi^OENAUEU sporting Giles. Catalog ten cents. Pacific Arms Corporation, Xnn Francisco . Under Ground Treasures HOW AND WHERE TO FIND THEM A SECRET yoo ahoul.i know. 11 may mean a fortune to you. Full particulars for 2 cents. MODEL CO., Dtp!. 14, Cbicaf*. Blimm azTZZcanwotO Vi:Am) STAT fat **TH >ACI TO WATER RETAKE "-‘nrst'Z'H' ■ L ^£S~i iS FHOAOAvtm AVTX# ’ATK cfieJwgc OuPELy Wj6 sf _ >AT , WJjSO Will \ CHECK VALVE CVUHOERATOE / TWjf' PS \ SIRED POSITION TO KEEP OIL AT / M \ PROPER STAOE <N CRANK CASE / ► 1 I a P»* 'V REMOVE LOWER PET COCK / /§ 1 H ^ PRO USE EU OR TEE-pS / \ 1 '■ COMBINED PRICt flO " SAVES 25% TO 50% ON YOUR OIL BILL 7t keeps the proper amount of oil In your crank ease all the time If you keep oil in the reservoir and you know what that means. Cash with order. If C. O. D. add 25c. To Introduce, we offer to dealer* or salesmen TWO of either for the Price of ON K. GUARANTEE TIMERS put an end to timer trouble. Four Changes dan be made on contacts as they wear. Each change makes timer like new. When finally worn out we will make it good as n<*w for only 75c. $2.00 ME Cash. Post Paid. nmn BUSINESS REVFYING CO., jjfn? r£i ObkMif, Bliaou WrMj - Keystone Moviegraph, FREE! This machine ia not a tor tor children, hot a genuine moving picture machine. The tame kind of machine used in the big moving picture theatres ail over the country, but on a smaller scale for home use. Can be used on any electric cur rent used for lighting purpose*—absolutely sale—no danger of Are or explosion. Machine la of steel construction, high grade black finish-special ground lens* allows adjustasent to any distance A and for any size picture up to 33x48 Inches^ Wonderful# for home entertainment or in churches, halls, etc. Runs the same films as you see in the regular moving picture theatres. SEND NO MONET < to dispose of as special 25c offer. Send us the $7 00 you col lect andfor yoar trouble we will send this"<LKeystooe Moviegraph free, also one 120 inch n*w chikS choice from great list, mcludmg Msry liekford. Chariey Chaplin, Wn. 8. Hart, Tom Mix^ete. Yen li br^T*™ and delighted with this machine—the greatest machine tor home use ever inve»‘«d. E. D. LIFE, 337 W. Madison St. Dept. 5 T 9, Chicago, UL