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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1923)
LEG TROUBLES Sufferers from varicose veins, ulcers of the leg-, swollen limbs, leg cramps and weak ankles will find in the CORLISS LACED STOCKING the lightest, c o ol e s t cheapest, and best sup porter made. It contains no rubber, and is washable, adjust able, sanitary and com fortable to wear. Thousands of sufferers who are ■ wearing our stocking give it unlimit ed praise for the benefits they receive. Write for Booklet C. CORLISS LIMB SPECIALTY CO. 164 Washington St,. Boston, Mass. DO YOUTfAMMER? Sane Methods based on many success ful years’ experience and scientific re search, for the correction of all Speech Defects employed in the Speech Clinics at the Ithaca Conservatory of Music under the direction of DR. FREDERICK MARTIN (himself once n confirmed stammerer) Formerly Director of Speech Im provement, Board of Education, New York City. Lecturer, Post-graduate Medical Hospital, New York City Nor mal Courses for Teachers of Speech Improvement. Dormitories and com plete equipment. Martin Institute For Speech Correction :Z0 Dewitt Park. Ithaca. N. Y. Strawberry Plants $C.50 per thousand, and up. Our strong, healthy tremendous bearing plants guarantee big crops of luscious berries. Best varieties for all kinds of soils. Many new varieties such as Eaton, Bun Special, Premier, Marvel and Cooper. The world’s greatest new Everbearing Strawberry CHAMPION. Full line of Raspberries, Blackberries and Aspara gus. Greatly Reduced Prices. Our cus tomers are making up to $1200.00 per acre from small fruits. a^f&foo pe?* t)fo°us! GRAPEPLANTS Beautiful new color catalog free. Write today. BRIDGMAN NURSERY CO., • Box K, Bridgman, Mich. HYPNOTISM FRFF Succcss in life can only be iRCC obtained through personal influence. Will send absolutely free a 55-page book which tells in fas cinating style how you may acquire the influence or secrets of personal magnetism, hypnotism, magnetic healing, etc. The book explains how through tlie marvelous power of suggestion (which is the foundation of personal influence) diseases and bad habits may be cured. The book also tells how to win and hold the love and respect of others. Anybody can learn in a few days at home. We positively guarantee success. Write today before vou forget it, as this may be your “golden opportunity.” Book is FREE—but please enclose 10c stamps to cover cost of pack ing, mailing, etc. Address FLINT COLLEGE, 402 Beckman Building, Dept. 555 B, Cleveland, Ohio. The Safety Hatch produces a live healthy chick from every fertile egg of normal vitality. Thousands of satisfied users; many who own several, as shown in our “Evidence Folder.’’ Get this free literature—learn all about the Safety Hatch pat ented circulating hot water sys tem that keeps heat always at hatching temperature, and other important features. A postal brings free book, a copy of our “Evidence Folder” and name of nearest dealer. Write now—to day. THE MORRIS MFG. CO. 844 E. Russell St., El Reno, Okla. Live dealer I wanted in I every town I 4 i Direct to Connimcri and Make I More Money to friends and relatives In the citv, j hating middlemen. Ship them with / in METAL EGG CRATES, solve parcel-post problems. Built-In j absorbers eliminate break-^^^ Light-weight— OS&ifew & wprgflEFj'r- Dune to enaure. Various sizes. I Thousands and thousands I In use. Write for free folder. I MFTAL EGG CRATE CO. P 47 Wolff St., Frodericksbur*. V». WEAK THE NEW SAFETY HATPIN It cannot fall out of your hat or be stolen. It will not puncture your hat full of unsightly pin holes. A Beautiful Ornament that will greatly improve your hat. ASSORTED STYLES: HIGH GRADE STERLING SLIVER HEADS. Only 50c each or $1.00 a pair (postpaid). Order Yours Today. MODERN SPECIALTY CO. Los Angeles, Calif. Dealers & Agents Wanted. LfOvely Doll Eft WALKS I CRIES • SLEEPS Almost like a real live baby, is this beautiful wonder doll. She melts the heart of everyone who sees her. Her sparkling blue eyes have won her the name Betty Blue Eyes. They are movable. Independent of each other, enabling her to wink with either one eye or both and go to sleep. Then the walking feature is some thing that pleases every little girl. Betty Blue Eyes will step right along when led by the hand. But greatest of all, she cries right out loud when tilted forward. This unusual feature brings astonishment and admira tion from everyone. She’s All Ready to Come There is no other doll like Betty Blue Eyes. She comes complete with brown curly hair, pretty dress, slippers, and knitted cap. Packed in strong box to Insure safe delivery. Ship ments by parcel post prepaid. Simply s*ndy°'” J??“® and address for 10 beautiful art pictures to distribute among your friends and neighbors on our “"“*“**, *}]*.• A few minutes’ pleasant work and this lovely doll is YOURS free. Don’t send ns a penny—just your name and address—but do it AT ONCE while these wonder dolls last. Department 7D, W. D. BOYCE CO., 506 N. Dearborn St., Chicago, U,inota J MEN TIRED OF LIBERTY, SAYS ITALIAN PREMIER A London cablegram, carried un- ! der date of March 29: "The truth is I evident to all who are unblinded by dogmatism that men nowadays are tired of liberty," says Premier Musso lini of Italy in an article contributed to the April number of the Fasci3ti Review Gerarcliia. The Rome correspondent of The Times, who sends extracts of the ar ticle, says it was written to confute recent expressions of liberalism in Corriere delta Sera. The premier con tends that liberalism is not the last word in or of government and that if i it was good for the people of the last century it does not follow that it is equally convenient for those of the present. "The great experiences of the ‘af ter-the-war’ period mark the defeat of liberalism," Mussolini writes. "Both in Russia and Italy it has been dem onstrated that it is possible to gov ern outside, above and against all lib eral ideas. Neither communism nor Fasciscm has anything to do with liberty." The premier thinks liberty is not an end, but a means, and therefore must be controlled and dominated. Contending that no government ever existed solely by the consent of the people without the employment of force, he says: “If any government is deprived of force and left with only its principle, ' it will be at the mercy of the first group organized and determined to overthrow it. . “Liberty is no longer a chaste, ! severe maiden for whom generations j in the first half of the last century fought and died. For the restless ; youths who are now in the dawn of a new history, other words exercise a greater fascination, namely, order, h'erarchy, and discipline. Fascismo is not afraid to declare itself illiberal or anti-liberal. It has already passed, and if necessary will again pass, without the slightest hesitation over the body more or less decomposed, of the goddess of lib erty.” WAR HERO PREDICTS BONE-DRY ENGLAND Before he sailed recently for Lon don. Major Alfred H. Horsfall, D. S. O., a student of economic and social conditions, discussed prohibition in the United States, predicted a bone dry England in a few years and gave as his opinion that the World War and its results were of as vital im portance to the United States as to England and the other countries in volved. From London he will go to Australia and New Zealand. “Prohibition has already lifted th s country to a higher plane,” he said. “To see a drunken person now is not only unusual but it is an offensive sight. Now, in England where there is no prohibition, the sight of a drunken person does not offend. It is what one expects to see. I am con vinced that the sentiment underlying prohibition is so strong that it would be impossible to have the law set aside. I attended the convention of the League Against Alcoholism in Toronto and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union in Philadelphia. As I saw the enthusiasm of the peo ple who had come from all over the country I felt that a movement backed by such people was bound to succeed.—From New York paper. FRYE GLASS CO. The H. C. Frye Glass company of Rochester, Penna., is now manufact uring a glass that will stand heat. They have a full assortment of glass vessels for cooking. They are also, putting upon the market some very beautiful tea sets, all of glass. Per sons desiring further information will write direct to the company. Lowest Prices *VER OFFERED ON FAMOUS f Empire Baltic's*) CREAM DAYS SEPARATOR __ Dtrmct to You Imwm Writ* for FREE Book „ Now J A 30 Year** Success An aet«or>.;ry offer —the World Samoan EMPIRE ■ BALTIC JMBy Cream Separator- a* J5F a price that will SELL PP thoueanOeof theeewoo derfol wfuatun to farm era and dairymen every ptuni. More than COfiLOfX) EM PIRE • BALTlC*Bia taaa. k lias neaer-failing record ^k lor bringing bigger CREAM CHECKS. . larger proAta aa P. Mired—hecmaae it’s the Cream Sepa rator with the “MILLION DOUAB If not eatitfactory after 30 days trial— roturn •eparatorf and got \ your monoy bach BOWL" The bed - moat efficient bowl ever invented. Greater Belief action doa V L\ KaUfcr-t Hwhl etfanln | \ ntee iota, mL - and V# addeteUfe.fviwr.ter. Yoe tab. ne rtafc. M'wr ' back ri%nn*«it ;m iMd lb* timlnlt b» KMH, Typ# M. O No. I_ Noli No. 4 No li No. 6 No. 8 No. 10 Opacity 140 Iba. 240 iba. 330 Iba. 860 Iba 400 Iba. tOO Iba. 800 Iba. loornB, (>«» •i U»erl2 , Prf. m a [ a oo a do as. to ax oo JUO _M 00 66.00 uu'ir’t tt.fe ' 16 00 ».» 16 00 16 00_ «.00_ 16 OO too Monthly 1‘ny'U U‘.h 1m » Urn *Mtm* Mm. M.W far 4 id ILK tor r. Mn. V> U) tar « Mom M M for • Mu* M.M far 4 Mm. no our* uw.«. Railroad Freight Charges Prepaid ORDER your EM FI UK-BALTIC Cream Separator without delay. Prompt shipment la all rates. Low prices effective for this special sale only Everyone with two or more nows should own an RMKIRK liALTIC. Each 8 spars tor Shipped Complete with tools, oil, brushes, eta. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write today. Investigate. Ask for Big Catalog and foil particulars. Postal will do. Address ti% diaroont for caah. or pay only It OU down, bal ance easy paymeatii to wit you. Write today for both plana, dead a# money erHta inquiry. BALTIC BALES CO. (Not Inc.) Distributors Dept. TC10» 8. La »«tl« «t, CMaa«p 6 Room House FREE! I Wifil Bay the Lot jorft whatit | Bay:;. I dr,n’t want your money. This to a true offer I and i positively mean what I say. 1 give the bouse J FKEK, and if you don't own a lot, i arrange* for the I lot for you. This to your chance to free yoarseif from | the landlord's clutches. Rush me your name and ■ address quick for a hig picture and foil desrarip- I tion and plans of the borne. You risk nothing, j PAY ME NOTHING Now or Any Time, ikmeiwrr, I don’t want I any of your money. The bouse is FREE. Address J C. E. MOORE, Pres., Hone BoiMers Ctub I Dept' 565 Bttavta, llfisnto. Spectacles FREE! .On Trial ^ f Send No Money a Let me send you Ten D^ys Free Trial a pniro# my famous “True Fit" Shell Rim Spectacles. Hundreds of now in use everywhere. These splendid Glasses will enable anyone to read the smallest pr^af, thread the finest needle, ass far aod nanr and prevent eyestrain ow headaches. If after trying them for 1« days and nights yoa are amazed and delighted, and think them eg—1 to glasses sold elsewhere at «£.«. send only U.<9; if yoa don't want to keep them^etara thcm aod there will he do (two. Send — Msosyl agssfco.p.l HWr mar a*mm. aO. ieauilwt, and atate the length of time too have worn steasea, rf i^AbemrtRul velveteen iteed. gold-tecerod Ssaetarte Gam 1MBL CUT AND MAIL TODAY RITHOLZ SPECTACLE CO Dcpt. N-» ^ 1462-1466 W. Madison St. CHICAGO, ILL. Send me a pair of your spectacles on 1* day free trial. If I like them I will pay 64.49, if not, 1 will m«ra them and there will be no charge. Nans-**•-"4j| Peit Ofkce-8Uta-—*fl Street *•* * f D. 4 lie-*•- *•--■