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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1923)
Don’t Wear a Truss! After Thirty Year’s Experience We" Have Produced an Appliance for Men, Women or (Children That Cures Rupture. WE SEND IT ON TRIAL. If you have tried moist everything else, come to us. Where others fail is where we have our greatest success, send attached coupon today and we will The Above 1m C. E. Brooks, Inventor of the Appliance. Mr. Brooks Cured Himself of Rupture Over 30 Years Ago and Patented the Appliance from His Personal Experience. If Raptured, Write Today to the Brooks Appliance Co., Marshall, Michigan. send you free our illustrated book on rupture and its cure, showing our Ap pliance and giving you prices and names of many people who have tried it and were cured. It gives instant re lief when all others fail. Remember, we use no salves, no harness, no lies. We send on trial to prove what we say is true. You are the judge and once having seen our illustrated book and read it you will be as enthusiastic as our hundreds of patients whose letters you can also read. Fill out free coupon below and mall today. Beware of imitations. Look for trade mark bearing portrait and signature of C. E. Brooks which appears on every '■* Appliance. None other genuine. I FREE INFORMATION COUPON Brooks Appliance Company IMG State St., Marshall, Mich. Please send me by mail, in plain wrapper, your illustrated book and full information about your Ap- I pliance for the cure of rupture. Name .. Address. City.State. WILL RADIUM AT LAST OPEN THE DOOR OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN? If you are sick and want to Get Well and Keep Well, write for literature that tells How and Why this almost unknown and wonderful new element brings relief to so many sufferers from Constipation, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Gout, Neuritis Neuralgia, Nervous Pros tration, High Blood Pressure and dis eases of the Stomach, Heart, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys and other ailments. You wear Degnen’s Radio-Active Solar Pad day and night, receiving the Radio-Ac tive Rays continuously into your sys tem, causing a healthy circulation, overcoming sluggishness, throwing off impurities and restoring the tissues and nerves to a normal condition—and the next thing you know you are get ting well. Sold on a test proposition. You are thoroughly satisfied it is helping you before the appliance is yours. Nothing to do but wear It. No trouble or ex pense, and the most wonderful fact about the appliance is that it is sold so reasonable that it is within the reach of. all, both rich and poor. No matter how bad your ailment, or how long standing, we will be pleased .to have you try it at our risk. For full information, write today—not tomor row. Radium Appliance Co., 733 Brad bury Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. Applied Psychology Explains your latent powers and how to create HEALTH and PROSPERITY. Our mem bers receive INSTRUCTION COURSE consultation privileges, vocational guid ance and our magazine. Common-Sense Psychological Club, Suite Six, 157 East Ontario St., Chicago, 111. PROHIBITION IN MINNESOTA Judge Page Morris was on the bench in the United States District Court in Minneapolis. The Dearborn Independent gives a thrilling account of how this man has thrown the fear of the law into the hearts of crimi nals. It says: “A hundred bootleggers awaiting sentence sat in the crowded court room, or, unable to get in, stood about with interested friends in anx ious little groups in the corridors. “ ‘Sixty days in the Hennepin Coun ty Jail, and $200 fine’,’' said the judge at intervals, and the line kept moving up. Or, maybe, it was ninety days. “Presently the marshal held up his hand. “ ‘Your honor, the jail is filled,’ he said. - “ ‘How about the Ramsey County Tail?’ asked the judge. “ ‘Lots of room there, your honor,’ replied the marshal. “ ‘All right, we will fill it,’ said the judge and he promptly began to carry out his promise. He had sentenced some thirty men to the Ramsey Coun ty Jail, when the marshal held up his hand again. me uamsey county Jan is filled, your honor,’ said the marshal. " ‘All right, we will proceed to fill the Wright County Jail,’ said his hon or. ‘By the way, is that a good jail?' “Reassured, the judge filled the Wright County Jail, and then looked about fox more worlds to conquer. He discovered the McLeod County Jail, and likewise filled it with bootleg gers. The he decided he had done enough for one day. “The next day he started in again. He filled the jail at Winona. In a few days more, he had filled the Wa basha and Scptt County Jails and started out to fill the Sibley County Jail. In one session of the Federal Court in Minneapolis and one session in St. Paul, he filled a dozen jails with violators of the prohibition laws. “Some of the jails he filled several times. When there was a ‘vacancy’ in one of them, he had a bootlegger to fill it. “ ‘I have made up my mind that persons who sell liquor are going to jail,' said the judge. ‘No getting away with fines. They are going to jail every time I can send them there. I am going to stop this liquor selling if I have to fill all the jails in Minne sota.' “This unusual method of dealing with persons who violate the prohibi tion law naturally caused a great con sternation. Liquor sellers who had not been bothered much by fines were alarmed at the prospect of going tq jail. Attorneys were hired and in structed to use their best efforts to induce the judge to listen to reason, but they argued in vain. “Jud£e Morris .continued sending offenders to jail for thirty and sixty and ninety days. In some cases, the jail sentences, were as long as five months, and one old offender got nine months. In many cases, he sentenced the men to jail and fined them, too. “One man, who had been fined twice before in prohibition cases, came up before Judge Morris for sen tence on his third offense. He was fined $4 00 and sent to Leavenworth prison for a year and a day. “ ‘I am going to stop this thing if I have to send every man of you to Leavenworth for a year,' the judge said. “Several men who were cohvicted under a charge of conspiracy to vio late the prohibition laws were fined $5,000 and given eighteen months at Leavenworth, ‘so they would have enough time to reflect a little about the seriousness of violating the pro hibition law.' “Now, all this may sound a bit un usual when one is accustomed to see ing bootleggers get off with a small say $100 or so, and continue j their illicit trade at big profits. Judge Morris has unusual ideas about the enforcement of prohibition. “Why does he send men to jail for violating the prohibition laws? “ ‘Jail sentences are the only th'ng that will stop this illicit trade in liquor,’ he said. ‘I began by impos ing fines, but this failed. ‘Men were making big profits out of the liquor traffic and a fine meant, little or nothing to them. But the humiliation of being sent .to jail is the big thing. Even a short term is a greater deterrent than a big fine. “ ‘I am convinced that jail sen tences will stop the liquor traffic. If we don’t get the desired effect, the penalties ought to be increased. That will put teeth in the law. “ ‘Jail sentences may not stamp out violations of the prohibition laws right away, but they will tend to minimize them. The big return from strict enforcement after all will not be the immediate return. The big re sult will come in the next generation and in succeeding generations.’ “A year ago, Judge Morris warned bootleggers that he was going to give them stiff jail sentences in the future whenever he could. Not many took him seriously then. Even after he had sent a large number to jail at the June term of court in St. Paul, they were not convinced. “When court opened in Minne apolis ip October, there were 320 liquor cases on the calendar. About half of the men accused pleaded guilty; the others prepared to fight. After a number of trials all result ing in convictions, Judge Morris said something about men who tried to delay the course of justice when they knew they were guilty. Then he gave them jail sentences of from three to five months. “That caused a stampede among the bootleggers to change their pleas from ‘not guilty’ to to ‘guilty.’ May he they woiuld get off easier that way, the wise ones reasoned. From then on the defense was demoralized. How could a bootlegger decide how to plead with a judge like that? “When the St. Paul session began about half of the men accused told the judge they were not guilty. Then, lawyers and clients began holding anxious conferences. When the time came for trial, virtually all the de fendants walked meekly in and changed their pleas to guilty. In one week 110 cases were disposed oT,sand not a man had the temerity to de mand a trial. Of course, the chances didn’t look overly bright for acquit tals. Out of 320 cases at the Minne apolis session, there had not been one acquittal.” 'Glands Used To Restore Hair Growth Seifnof of Gland Therapy Relieves Boldness—New Treatment Re stores Health and Growth, Baldness in both men and women is now generally ascribed by scientists to defective functioning of endocrine glands. Hair growth is dependent upon the secretions of these glands—these secretions making possibly the assim ilation of those elements in the blood which are vital to a luxurious growth of hair. Now it is possible for any bald per son to have a full, luxuriant growth of hair* through the discovery of E. R. Alexander, nationally known scientist. Dr. Alexander, through the concentra tion of glands, can supply the defi ciency of gland secretion and produce a full growth of hair. This discovery may be easily used in the privacy of your own home. Within a few weeks you will notice new vig orous hair beginning to come in and with this growth you can gradually restore your hair to its former bright, healthy color. So confident is Dr. Alexander that you can be relieved of the embarrass ment qf baldness and regain the normal hair growth by this method that he of fers to send a regular $4.00 treatment for only $2.00 to anyone who will write for it. Use it according to directions, and if at the end of a month you do not find your hair returning with all its former vigor, the treatment does not cost a cent. SEND NO MONEY—just your name and address to Alexander Laboratories, 692 Gateway Station, Kansas City, Mo., or 692 Terminal, Toronto, Carihda, and this treatment will be mailed at once in plain wrapper. Try it according to directions and if at the end of a month you are not more than satisfied with results, your money will be refunded at once. A big Kansas City bank guar antees that Dr. Alexander is reliable and holds $1,000 cash as a guarantee to return your money if you wish. Don’t suffer the embarrassment of baldness—give the treatment a trial on this liberal offer. Free to Rheumatics If you have Chronic or Muscular Rheu matism, write for our FREE BOOK. Contains Dietary Suggestions and tells how people 'who suffered for years were freea pains and aches; Sent post paid and free upon request. ABBOTT BROS. CO.. Dept. C. Berwyn, Illinois. Rheumatism Soap!! Wash Away Your Rheumatic Pains With This Newest Discovery of . cience. Results Quick and Amazing. Nothing Internal to take. hoDe'^Most^hfnm^tttVo rem®dy after remedy, don’t give up—there’s variation ■ nf d,espte all claims made for them, are only anvthinS^vL formula. Here’s something new—positively different from 3-thing ever before discovered—and naturally different in results lathlr is so0Denet?at°ln^d«f £eI?-3 and oils—called No-Ru Soap. The rich, foamy get auiek g,TTSO healing that simply by bathing parts affected, you Sufferers who hnhhLd n oreds *of most severe, chronic, long-standing cases —these sec^d miStld £ for ^onAhs or laid helpless in a bed of misery tnese secured blessed relief when all other remedies had failed. It s so easy, so simple, that sufferers are filled with wonder—they can rhpnmatinhhre3ults tell. No long wait—but Immediate relief from rheumatism, neuritis, lumbago or neuralgia. Ju£t g[lveJi^Fa chance—rone chance to demonstrate its n2iT.fJir1crThslrrfT.o,!1 bend 25c for trial treatment and—well, feeling is heUeving. Money back if you say so. Offer good for limited time only. Could anything he fairer? THE EDDINE MFC. CO., 407 Beckman Bldg., Dept. 77, Cleveland, Ohio. VITAMINS VITAMINS VITAMINS the system in such conditions as DIA 5S'T -nBR^M>T^ b£l’T FLU, STOMACH. LIVER or BOWEL TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE PBLLEGRA PET?Ie%FPCoI??^SOPTU,BERCUBOS^ NERVOUSNESS’, loss 'pf ^AP PETITE, PEP or VIGOR, etc., use our VITAMIN SALT FOOD. The Great Health Builder. No guessing about results. Send a dollar for a month's supply. THE BABERTS CO., BATTLE CREEK, MICH. (The Food City) , - _ ! ^ t < .