The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, March 19, 1909, Page 13, Image 15

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    -y r.-tr, yr V5t-;tvH, v " - -wit
MARCH 19, 100
The Commoner.
PATEN T becuked on fee
Jrco report as to Patentability. Illustrated Qolda
Boole, and List of Inventions Wanted, Bontfre.
EVANS, 1V1L.KEJSS Hi CO., Wasulngton,D. a
D ATFHTQ ln Rl1 countries obtained, sold
Ml kll lv established 28 years; unoxcclled
reputation; Inventors' book free.
AMJiitiCAK Patent Markbt, St. Pauim Minn.
I 0ar3bnoki for Inventors mailed on receiptor 6cts. stamps
I ii.a.&w. Q.LAUbT, Washington, U.U. Estab. 1869.
i "w-nHMwiw"vaBaHMKanBi
fSTUIIA CUKIC scut by express to you on
ffisl 1 81 IRA Freo Trial. If ltcures send 81; If
not, don't. Give express office.
National Chemical Co., 761 Ohio Ave., Sidney, O.
ONXY PLiACE for home, garden lands, for al
falfa, where tho big red apples and delicious straw
berries do jrrow. Address PETERS & BKOCK,
Mammoth Springs, Ark.
A practical treatise on word-momory, words,
extemporaneous Bpeaking, oratory, eloquence.
Assures fluoncy of speech; flts tho word to tho
thought; fashions ideas Into arguments; condenses
years of study in n fow short weeks. By tills "road"
any young man of fair ability tho undiscovered
Webster and Clay, or tho embryo Demosthenes or
Cicero may confidently enter upon an illustrious
career. To tho future lawyers, preachers, senators,
governors, presidents, truly hero is a ROYAL
manual, 2G1 pages, cloth and gold, $1.00; floxiblo
morocco, $1.76. Samplo pages froo. Address all
orders to tho publishers.
25225 Grand Street, New York.
We positively give both Famons Alloa
TTa(eh Stem Wind, bcaatlfally engraved
Solid Gold Laid mm, Aa)erlauoTcmtt,
factory (cited, caarauteed Bin ,!;,
Tcnrst also Solid Gold Uld &
mar mi vrnn a uinro uem
sparkling like f 0 diamond,
for eUliieSOnackacetofbraa.
llfut blek crsda Art l'oil tarda at 10c tier naeft.t
Order 20 packages and when told send tu f'2 Mid we wilt post
their tend job the watch, ring and chain.
ALIOS VATOU CO., Dopt,8X, Chicago
1 am pleased to say that after suffering for
years from rheumatism, I have, been cured by
jDr. Shafer'a treatment. All my pain, soreness
and stiffness disappeared as soon as the uric acid
was taken out of. my biooa. it is
'wonderful how much ho can tell
you after an examination of your
urine. I can recommend him as
an honest and skillful specialist."
GEO. N. WRIGHT, Burgettstown.Pa.
Mailincr case for urine and hook
describin g my system of treatmen t
seut free. Consultation and
opinion free. Fees reasonable.
21-4 Penn Ave., Pittsburg. Pa
lation of the anti-trust law I be
lieve." This was so obviously true that
we couldn't deny it.
"And when men get together to
limit tho output of their factories in
order to uphold prices and profits
you call it 'good business judgment,'
I perceive."
Again we nodded assent.
"And if trades unions limit the
number of apprentices in order to
prevent a flooding of the labor mar
ket you call it 'an injustice to free
American boys,' I see."
This, also, was true, and we ad
mitted it.
"Also, when employers insist up
on the right to name the price they
will pay for labor you insist that this
is a 'vested privilege.' Am I cor
rect?" We said he was.
"But when workingmen organize
and insist upon tho right of having
some voice in the disposition of their
labor you call it 'trades union tyran
ny,' I believe."
By this time we were becoming
somewhat impatient and rather re
gretted our willingness to act as a
teacher of language.
"And when a body of men seek
to prevent the sale of any article
you thrust those who attempt it into
jail, but when another set of men
organize to destrov a fnn-
tory you call it wise business fore-1
thought and reward them with elec
tion to high office and point to them
as 'captains of industry.' Why is
By this time we were wholly out
of patience and said so.
As a result we are no longer en
gaged in teaching the peculiarities
of our language.
Brain Leaks
Banking By Mail Made
Safe in Oklahoma.
if! i
Hundreds of Banks failed in 190S thousands
of DEPOSITORS had their savings Jeopar
dized if not lost.
Avoid being -among; tho losera in 1909, bym
keeping your account in an Oklahoma State
Depositors from 31 states testify to our abil
ity to handlo your business satisfactorily.
Booklet containing law froo on application.
Guaranty State Bank,
Muskogee; - Oklahoma.
J. D. BENEDICT, President. M. G. HASKELL, Cashier.
If your Ears ring or
roar, oryour hearing1 is
wit or burn, or Blent
m r . - ' r. . f
is xamng,ii yoa &.'aocK, epic, cougn or nave D&a
breath, acaba ln Nose, Irritation ln Bronchial
Tubes, Lungs or Stomach,yoarnianeaBd address
mil uring to yoa abiiluwiy fr a aeaays course
of medicine precribd to meet your IhhvI4mI
requirements and complications.
Wa hare eared many woo have tried -various' ao
eaUed Catarrh oaree irltfe little or ao benefit,
Jutd'weinalM.yontUsUberal offer to introduce
eurflpiendid treatment In your section.
DEIIEM BED"" ABlr ?OHr nyvteam.
KCHIElllDEllatUMMSd addreee.NO MONEY
ad yrlthoa eeet toh -will reelre a M days
waraw azme awaeprBBniioa.raeetniyioryea
When writing to Advertisers please
muntioii 'The Commoner.
Tracts will not feed tho hungry.
Wasted time must be accounted
for in eternity.
The lesson easiest learned is soon
est forgotten.
The man who is right need never
fear a free press.
The texture of a sermon can not
always be judged by the text.
History may repeat itself now, but
it wouldn't when you and I were go
ing to school.
A lot of children are being neg
lected in order to take care of the
health of hogs.
The man who is always "boosting"
gets lots of credit, but as a rule that
is about all he does get.
Some people are so intent on de
fending their "doxies" that they for
get to practice their precepts.
Some people practice what they
call "philanthropy" in order to make
up for their refusal to deal justly.
It may be true that the course of
true love never runs smooth, but
isn't it true that we really enjoy the
The trouble with most banquet
orators is that they have nothing to
say worth listening to, and then con
sume too much time saying it.
It has often been a wonder to us
how the merchants discovered when
we were stone broke so they could
offer bargains we couldn't touch.
We humbly opine that if we were
only half as wise ais Solomon was
credited with being we wouldn't
make one-tenth as. many fool mis
takes as he made.
The man who stands up to de
mand protection for dollars can al
ways get a hearing; the man who
asks tor protection for human beings
has to hunt for an audience.
, If ever "tve get Tich enough to es
tablish a' pension fund the first ones
we will provide for will be the wives
of -workingmen -who manage to make
aii 'average of $7 a week feed and j
clothe and educate a half-dozen or
more children. Such women are the
neatest financiers in the world.
A package of Uneeda Biscuit is always
a fair exchange for its cost, because
Uneeda Biscuit are the best of all soda
crackers. They are not expensive; on
the contrary, Uneeda Biscuit is one of
the least expensive of foods. There is
no waste. There is most nourishment.
Always fresh and crisp. Never stale.
No broken crackers. Always whole
and inviting. There can be no better
soda crackers than
"We will ship yoa a
on approval, freight
eraoald to anv olace in the United States without a cent deposit tn advance, and allow
f-j r ? i .. j r " , I wi. . '. ...11 t '
icnuayH irec inanrora mcuay you rcccivni. xi u uocsnoi sunyou in every way gnu
is not an or more man we claim ior nana a Detter Dicycie man you can get anywhere else
rcguruicss ui pnee, or u ior any reason wjiaicvcr you ao not wiau u accpu, snip 11 luck
to us at our expense for freight and you will tut be out one cent.
I AW Flflf flRY PniOFQ Wc sell the hfgrhest trade bicycles dfrect from factory
LUWT IWUBUnt rniUCO to rider at lower prlcea than any other house. We
save you $10 to 2$ middlemen's profit on every bicycle highest grade models with
Puncture-Proof tires, Imported Rollerchains, pedals, etc., at prices no higher than cheap sail
order bicycles; also reliable medium grade models at unheard of low prices.
QlflCR 1IRCUTC WHITER ,a ec town and district to ride and exhibit a timple
TIlliElf MUCH I O UAH 1 EU 1909 Kuzer Dlcycle furnished by us. You Trill bo
KDtOnishudat Mteteondir fully law prUitlwX the liberal proportions and special offers we will
Eire on the first 1004 sample coles? to your tows. "Write at once for our ttttlal oTtr.
DO HOT BUY a bicycle or a pair of tires from anytnt any frUt until you receive ourcatalogua
and learn our low prices and liberal terms. BICYCLE DEALERS: you can sell our bicycles under
your own name plate at double our prices. Orders filled the day received.
SECONDHAND BICYCLES a limited number taken In trade by our Chicago retail stores will
be closed out at once, at 83 to S8 each. Descriptive barzaln list mailed free.
T1DCC fimCTCB HCIAIrEC tingle wheels, Inner tubes, lamps, cyclometers, parts, repairs and
ImE&f uWAdlEn DllAACOi evemhlnz In the bicycle line at bait tho usual nrlcea.
DO not WAIT but write today for ou Lartt Catalog beautifully Illustrated and contain In e a ereat fund of late
estlm? matter and useful iaforciaUos. It only costs a postal to gtt ever Ifctog. "Write It now.
Fortunes in
Fig Orchards
.General Sales SlaBager
,.5PiKIam Building,
Tho famous fig preserves made at Aldlne,
near Houston, arc the finest and best known
ln the world. One Important thine which
must not bo overlooked is that fig orchards
never fall to produce large, profitable crops
Oho Acre Set 1r FJjkh" and One Town Iot,
Both tor $230, payable $10 jIowh and $10 per
-RioBfh, ivltkout latcreMt; ao payment wfaea
nick; clear -tvarraaty deed ia cane of deatk.
Local, cash market for fruit. Single crop
-pays for land and lot. Money back in four
years with annual income thereafter for life.
Better than banks, bonds or life insurance.
If you want to enjoy life in South Texas un
der your own "vine and flg tree' or make a
small, safe, profitable investment,--write for
full particulars. Agents wanted.
When writing to Advertisers please mention The Commoner.
gjjttigty A.toyW. .
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