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About The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1903)
w- The Commoner. 10 VOLUME 3, NUMBER , Cure Catarrh' at Home A Practical Remedy So Simple and Pfe ant That -.Even a Child ,Caa Uttltt .;, 8 E- B. lk n 1 1 1 1 r A FREE game 60 kinds ittid each package of Lion Coffee I Can Sell Your Real mpm m m andl JKnSMMCCr W.H.OSTEAHDER 13 North American Building, PHILADELPHIA .... .. - no matter where It Is or what It la worth. Sctid de3cr!ptlon,9f'iteprice ana learn my wonaenuuy succesiiuipian. Tlio addresses of all Fed" oral Soldiers, their wld" ows or heirs, who filed Homestead,- on less thnn 160 acres be fore June 23rd, 187-1. Will pure have Land warrants issuta is Soldier oi n y war. Comrade W P. MOSPS. 76 Jacebson Block, Denver, Cojo. WANTED SOLDIERS' HOMESTEADS 1 THE WILBERN S28.9fiySB Vertical and Lateral Adjustment Can't Jump tho Track. Used by .tho big Railway Systems. Ask your dealer lor It. MIDLAND IRON WORKS, ACIN C, Wit. ilntnnl Onnnritfl OR FEE returned.! FREE r3lSnl ofiPiHT&U Plnlon t0 PRtontabll- i uiuiii uuuui uu ltyt Send for guide bonk and what to Intent. Finest publications Issued for froo distribution. Patents scoured by ais advertised free In I'atrnt Hocord hAMPLK COPY ntKJC, Erans, V likens Co., Dopt. r; Washington, D, 0. ' "" Strong, -CMoken-TJftht Sold to the Farmer at Hhele) Friett. Fnllr Wamatrd. Catalog lfret. OOIIiSD Dl-RINO FKMCR $0. BOX 824 nfauhfor.lMfaua.l.a.X. Manufacturing site wanted that will give Bo nus. L. Catr, Atchison, Kans. What Maupin Wants You may think he wants a wholo lot. but ho doesn't, Hcmerely wants to shod a little sweet ness and light into your home, while .inciden tally mnkinir a dollar or two. Ho has written a book, short Btorlcs and verses and wants to sell it. Tho book will bo entitled Whether Common or Not And will have upwards of 250 pages; bonnd in cloth and printed on extra good book paper. Tho price is $1. and it you drder it now you will f;ct it in timo to read it before giving It .to a riend as a Christmas present. Likewise, Maupin will get tho order in timo to make his Thanks giving dinner tasto bettor. Tho book will bo ready for delivery about December 1, if not & little earlier. Send yonr order now, and when the book Is ready you will bo notified, and then you can send the dollar. Maupin wants tho order so he will not make the mlstako of print ing too many books. If you want to know mom about the book, Just read what Mr. Bryan says about it: FOREWORD Mr. Will M. Maupin, whoso literary produc tions fill this volume, has been a membor of tho stall of The Commoner during its more than two and a hulf years oi existence, and I toko genu ine pleasure in commending his work to those who enjoy Innocent fun, delicate humor and philosophy senaoned-with sentiment. His tables, dialogues and paragraphs are to the point, ana tho wit is made subservient to tho argument he presents, Ho is especially happy in bis verse when as he oitcn doeshe ucuis with, the ten der attachments ot the family and the homely Virtues oi overy-day life, The moral in his writ ings is always .apparent and paramount, and I contribute this foreword in the bcllor tUatlho book will benefit those who aro led to peruse it. W. J. BRYAN. That's all for tho prcsont. If you iorder the book and do not think it is worth a dollar alter fitting it, tell Maupin and he'll give you a dol ar for the book. See? It will bo sent postpaid ' on receipt of price. Address the promotor. au thor and responsible perpetrator, WILL. M. MAURIN, 30.3a So. 1 7th St. Lincoln,. Nab. Mr. knx. . "We liavo asked you this befonv Mr. Knox, .tsut 19 your 'vacation o'er, . Mr. Knox? I TV would really like to know, For the wintry breezes blow,,. And we'll-soon have ice and snow, '' Mr. Knox. And perhaps you are a,ware, . 1 .-.'Mr. Knox, . ,. That yourold'sldo partner, Baer, Mr. Knox, Gets up in. the morning bright And keeps hoisting out of sight The cash price of anthracite, , Mr,, Knox? If your spell '.of play is done; Mr. Knox, Time your duty is begun', 'Mr. Knox. Of injunctions we are ,sick, For they do not turn the trick So do something" else right quick Mr. Jtuiox. If you'd take the proper course, Mr. Knox, And tho Sherman law enforce, Mr. Knox, You could bust tho trusts today And. by-doing earn your pay, But yoiL were, not built that way , Mr. Knox. We well know just why you pause, Mr. Knox, Well we know it is because, Mr. Knox, You were not put there for that By the trusts who yield the fat, But to Bhield them and that's flat, Mr. Knox. If you think we do you wrong, Mr. Knox, Prove it by some effort strong Mr. Knox. Get the law on scheming men; Chuck 'em in the prison , pen, . . And we will Relieve you then, ,Mr. Knox, And you can safely bet that we'll not until you do something beside taljc and get out pitiful injunc tions that accomplish nothing. . The Retort Courteeua. Once in a while one finds a street car conductor who is inclined to be just a bit gay. A few days ago a youth, plainly from the country, boarded a Farnam street car in Omaha, and after the car started he spoke to the conductor: "Do you know Mr. Atwater, sir?" The conductor winked at some men on the platform and replied: "Intimately. Are you going to strike him for a job?" "Yes, sir," replied the youth. "Well, if I wasn't so busy managing this railway company I'd go over with you and recommend you," said the conductor. "Much obliged, sir, but I rather you wouldn't, You see I, want to make a good Impression the first time I meet him." And the conductor was so rattled that ho rang the register twice as a signal for the motorman to go ahead. ! Surprising. The 'big boy entered the school and Immediately began bullying the small er bOVS. He WftS ft .rnimh nrvnfoo nnA brutal little tough, and the way he made the smaller boys stand around "was aggravating to see. One day the smaller boys held a secret meeting and set about devising ways and means to dethrone the bully, After much discussion a pale, thoughtful youth with a-bulging bfow said: - ; "Boys, I cannot, I really cannot, stand this imposition any longer. The next time he endeavors to bully me I shall" resent it." The meeting dispersed, the pale and thoughtful youth walking away with a determined air, followed by the ad miring gaze of his comrades. The very next day the bully pitched onto the pale and thoughtful youth and instantly a fight resulted. It lasted but a brief moment. Q, that we were permitted to soy that the pale and thoughtful youth whipped the bully to a frazzle. But love of truth prevents. The pale and tnughtful youth lasted about as long as a fifty-pound chunk of Ice on an August day. And after that tho young bully was worse than ever. A PurUt. "Hello!" exclaimed the hurried man at the telephone. "Is this Short weight & Littleton's codl office?" - "Yes." ,' "What's hard coal worth a ton this morning?" "Hard coal Is worth four dollars a ton this morning." There was a gasp from the hurried man, but evidently he recovered quickly, for ho shouted: "Fpur dollars! Send, me five tons, quick." "Beg pardon, sir,1' said the clerk in the coal office, whp happened to be a recent importation from u Boston" 'while hard coal is worth but four dollars a ton the price is ten fifty de livered." This little incident teaches us tho recessity of being careful of our lan guage if we would avoid' unpleasant emotions. , t -k, Medical.. c , Did you strike old Trustleigh for a job?'? - i- . -"Yes, and got a bad case of chills and-, fever." v "How's that?" ' ' Old 'Trustleigh gave me the frozen face and the -head clerk fired me." - - " ' At Lwt. - ' "What's good for seasickness?", ."Going to sea.V Brain Leaks. x Wild oats furnish an awfully poor mill product. ' A lot of people would rather be in style than out of debt With a whole lot of people prejudice passes for information, ' Only the foolish allow a small trou ble to spoil a great pleasure. The easiest way to finish a job is to begin it right, and right now. , We grow wiser by forgetting a great many things we thought we knew. The Christian who goes to church tnankful comes away with a blessing. It depends a great deal on the bind ing whether it is "literature" or not. Our enemies never fail to criticise, but our friends often forget to praise. Golf is little more than the old fashioned game of shinney played one at a time. The youth 'who iaffepts the biggest chrysanthemum, always reminds us of J22$2?3 A neglected cold lays tho "foumlntinn r. trrh; neglected catarrh lays the "fonndatSn vfent:cmptionV" UUrU ia Camrrh RD(JP whloh is" oYther Vofrom. t) o n oft? back nd drops into the thrqat: a dSS Uffl a stopped-up feeling in tho rfoso nn ' hSd.! ,, T' you sufTer from any of the above troubles ypu should be gin Hie proper treatme at once. Dr. Rlosscr'j Catarrh Cure Ii the best remedy known to medt. eal science 'or these (licenses It cures D5 out of every 100 enpes. This remedy Is a lmrmless,plens ant vegetubla ?' 'for ,r3a"li6ESd-i&$: - I lw f W I BHVaL.NW compound con. tainlng no tobac co, which Is Kmnkod in n nino m . ..-' .". . . . .r----- . i. xue mcuicateu vapor Doing inhaled, readies a rectly tho mucous membranes lining tho head, roso, throat, and lungs, making a rudlcal and permanent euro. Samples Mailed Free. In ordor to demonstrate, its virtues, a thrco clays' trial treatment will bo mulled absolutely free to any Interested sufferer. The price ot the remedy lsgJ.OOporbox (ono month's treatment.) sent postpaid. Address I?r. Blosgcr Company, Wl Waltoii'St"., Atlanta, Ga.' v " the Frankfurt sausage that naturally goes with, sauerkraut. Usually it is the "blue" newspaper that' shrieks loudest about "yellow" newspapers. ' Talk Good attracts the most atten tion, but Do Good accomplishes tho best results. "Graft may TiaVe no politics, but it is usually quite successful Jn selecting its politician's. The sting of defeat is always re moved by the consciousness of having fought for the right. Society countenances some things that its members would not counte nance in their homes. , The church congregation that is al ways trying to eat itself out of debt is usually engaged in a desperate struggle. ' Some people pose as philanthropists because they give something they do not want for themselves to somebody who needs something else a great deal more. The Smart Alex jokesmiths who de light in saying mean things about tno mother-in-law never had the pleasure of being fond fathers and having the mother-in-law right handy when croup came in the night. OJME YEAR FREE Slly t Intrednfc th Biff Western Illo trattl Msjrnzlne. . .,. . , Mountain views and nows, stories of adventure, Not local-dovotpd to all the Groat West. '1 ""KiS, wlldjlre. Free a whole year to all who send id names or tho names of tholr friends with ten wu each to help par tho postage and to prow t""" roally desire to read the greatest western mf "B. tho world today. If you have frlonds orboiam "vestmpntainthe'westyou must havo this row ai .ThU oiler may aot appoar.asrain. i "SirW ftlon Tn commoner and addrow Western niusus" Mkfifiklnn. Dftuver. Colo. K. , -v. .t i U 'd r i i . - j-i i