The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, November 14, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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The Commoner.
Nov. M, i9oa.
it irnr
fr r i
domestic and womanly qualities. At
the age, of about twenty-five years, she
bogan her brilliant and useful career,
as an advocate of -woman's rights and
suffrage. For this cause she fought
stoutly despite ridicule, and oppro
brium, overcoming all obstacles, and
doing a wonderful work in behalf of
those who come after her.
Susan B. Anthony, one of her life
long co-Workors, says of her:
"She was, to a remarkable degree,
a word artist Her ability to con
struct beautiful sentences, and frame
thoughts in classical language, was
unsurpassed. She was always called
'the philosopher and statesman of the
woman movement' She was always
afi aid and assistant, and whenever my
work got too heavy, I went over to
see Mrs. Stanton."
Many who Knew her only as a writer
and a lecturer mourn her loss as that
of a- personal friend.
Water Hyacinth.
The water hyacinth, an acquatlc
plant greatly prized by amateur flor-
v iste because of its ease of cultivation,
.-"beautiful leaves and lovely flowers, is
lL- considered a dangerous, pest in the
Ir'Ji- ' -.J. .- . t-ii 1 n. ill... 1
ou jonna uja.j river ana iu inuuiar-
!., 1U3. JLUU UIUUL BUIWIUH uv lutuniut
out runners, similar to strawberry
w plants, and these, in time, become so
solidly packed together as to eirectual-
ly close the streams to navigation the
most powerful steamer not being aoie
to force its" way through tfie matted
moss. People, at times, use the solid
;, mass as a foot bridge, in crossing the
'stream. It is intended to kill them by
spraying the young plants with a
chemical liauid which has destroyed
I them when used in other streams.
not fall to set a few of these.
Of the shrubby perennials, the list is
large, and thoy aro all desirable, and
many will do well only if set in the
fall months. Give the plants a top
dressing of coarse manure, for winter
Hardy Plants.
It 1s not yet too late to set out
hardy herbaceous, or shrubby peren
nials, and a great many kinds aro
much better 'set in the fall than in the
Ei springtime. Among the best aro
E Anemone. Japonica, which bloom from
August until frost: two colors, white
-Coreopsis, Caneolata, Perennial Lark
spur, Eulallas, Funwas, naruy
Hebiscus, Hemerocallis, Hypericum
Moserianum, Lychnis, Hyacinthus
Candicans, Plytycodon Grandiflora,
Hardy Phloxes, Giant Daisy, Peren
nial Poppies, Rudbeckias, and many
others all beautiful, all hardy. Do
J tut X.lke Other People.
For The Long Evenlmgs.
What are our young people doing,
now that the long evenings are with
us? This is the playtime of the year
among the farm folks, and there
should bo weekly gatherings of a so
cial nature, in every neighborhood,
where the young people and the old
people, too may meet and get ac
quainted with each other. These .gath
erings may be literary, musical, or sim
ply social. The abandonment of the
old-time entertainments, county fairs,
barbecues, log-rollings, quiltlngs,
wood-cuttings, public dinners, spelling
matches, corn huskings, etc., has well
nigh ruined the social life of the rural
communities, and there seems no place
where village and country folks can
meet together.
The farm follcs are especially in
need of this recreation, as they are
"cut off from each other by bad roads
and lack of - suitable meeting places
one-half the year, and by hard work,
the other half. This lack of social
life Is largely to blame for the anx
iety of the young people io leave the
farm. There seems no other place
for t them to find entertainment noaV
the home, than the cross-roads store
or the village saloon.
Would it not bo well for the fathers
and mothers to look to these things,
with a view to make farm life more at
tractive to the young?
stores where tho wages serve barely
U pay their board.
Bad food and overwork wreck many
! a life, but the right food makes sure
anu .complete najjpiuuHa, iui uuu iuubi
ssnmf oe nappy;" it For.euuy wn.
HK'f changed me frpm a nervous, sick,- de-
'" and cheerful one." writes Mrs. Alice
f;p Jtiesjel of Pontiac, Ills. "I had not been
j well lor sevnii yeurs uuu i tuuugui,
i as did my menas, tnat -my aays were
. numbered.' , My ill health was caused
from drinking coffee, eating improper
i food and overwork In the school room;
I had become very weak, .tired and
nervous and nothing I ate agreed witd
me. Medicine made me more nervous
and impaired my digestive organs.
It was with difficulty that a neigh
bor induced me to 'try GrapeNuts and
D liked it from the first with thick
cream and sugar. I lived on it ex
clusively with Postum Food Coffee un
til my digestion was so much im
proved I could eat other foods. My
friends soon noticed tho improvement
in my looks, and I am now healthy,
strong and happy. I attribute the
change in my health solely to the
change of diet.
Husband and I both like Grape-Nuts
and Postum. I think they are the most
healthful and strengthening of all
foods and drinks and suitable for the
weak as well as for the strpng."
What Next?
An exchange' "tells us that Hum
phreys county, Tennessee, has a- young
woman mail, carrier, jv:&Q&p&vvlQakw'
mail, daily. betwe"onvwo Tidints, rain
or shine. She has proven herself per
fectly able to attend to her duties as
an employe of Uncle Sam.
In North Missouri, a young woman
of twenty summers, bright, sensible
and cultureo-has applied for the work
of mail carrier over one of the new
rural routes just recommended by the
inspector, with every promise of get
ting the job.
Another exchange tells us that th-re
are now in the-United States forty
five feminine locomotive engineers and
firemen and seven feminine conduc
tors. Added to these, there are thirty-one
brakemen or brake-women
and ten baggage women.
Barbara Kalb has served in the em
ploy of one Chicago family for forty
years, and in an interview on theeer
vant question, she is credited with this
comment: "It is the domestic, quite
as much as tho mistress who makes or
mars the home, and I believe that the
servant girls of America have a mis
sion to perform; it is their duty to
elevate the standard of the kitchen
help. Instead of banding themselves
together for the purpose of securing
more so-called privileges, they would
do better to form a union for the pur
pose of developing the many privil
eges now thrown in their way."
In his novel, "Bom to Serve," Rev.
Mr. Sheldon takes'" the position that
servant girls should be treated as
members of the family, having all the
social privileges of an equal, irrespec
tive of culture, education or refine
ment" Many of the girls doing house
work in Kansas cities became dissat
isfied, upon reading his novel, and
quit work. A servant girls' union was
formed in Mr. Sheldon's church, but,
owing to the lack of harmony between
the members, the union was dissolved.
Some of the girls have returned to
I work,, while others have gone into
Within tho last fow years bread
making has been largely relegated to
machinery and in many bakeries tho
raw matorlals aro converted into
dough by means of a complicated ap
paratus that does tho work without
tho aid of human hands. Inventors
are now at work, with much hope of
success, trying to perfect a machine
that will knead tho dough and trans
form it into loaves ready for tho oven.
Mince Meat,
Ella Morris Krotsdhmar, in Good
Housekeeping, says: "If you make
any mince meat, let it be tho best,
and to that end, try tho following:
Ingredients. -Three pounds of loan
beef prime round, steamed until ten
der, one and one-half pounds suot,
six pounds greening apples, two lem
ons and two oranges (grated peel and
juice), one and ono-half pounds of
brown sugar, two, pints Now Orleans
molasses, two pints hard cider (boiled),
two pints good California brandy,,
three nutmegs (grated), two table
spoonfuls of salt, one teaspoonful of
mace, two teaspoonfule each of ginger,
alsplce, cloves and cinnamon, one
pound of citron, two pounds seedless
raisins, two pounds large raisins seed
ed, two pounds currants, one glass
grapo jelly.
Chop the meat and suet fine, the
meat into1 pieces the size of french
yeas, uio suec as line as you can mako
it; but the apples should be chopped,
coarsely into pieces the size of navy
beans. The raisins should be wholo,
and the citron in thin slices as largo
ao half a sliver quarter. Have roal
New Orleans molasses not glucose
mixture. In making pies, if the mince
meat seams too thick, thin it with
hard or sweet cider, or any kind of
Only a Name
No Money Wanted.
Write mo a postal naming a friend
who needs holp. Tell mo which book
to send.
It is but a slight service to aid a
sick friend and I will do this:
I will mall tho sick ono an order
good at any drug store for nix bot
tles Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Ho may
take it a month to learn what It can
do. If It succeeds, the cost is $5.50.
If it falls, I will pay the druggist
I will lot the sick one decide.
No caso Is too difficult; I take the
risk In all. My records show that 8
out of each 40 who make this test get
well and pay gladly. I cheerfully
pay for the rost
This Restorative Is ray discovery
tho result of a lifetime's work. It I
tho only remedy that strengthens the
inside nerves. My success comes from
bringing back that nerve power which
alone operates the vital organs. There
is no other way to make weak organs
strong. l
Tell me who needs thafcXelp.
Simply state rh!eh
book you -wast, and
addr Dr. f hoop,
Bex 811, Bttefne, Wl.
MH4 ttm ft ttU, tit n wt ty tt wtwtriOw. II tM
Does no. i ew nrnrirMA
MOK HO. t & THK KFIifr.
B60X 1U. ro wowr,
sour cream and a little soda is very
wholesome. -
A nice puff paste Is made in this
wise: One quart of sifted flour, ont
half teaspoonful of salt, one pint of
lard not melted; sift the flour Into
tray; add the wiU mix wall. Tak
the lard, except, tkrtMi tablespoon
mix tne nour aa wn wtu to
before ustag any ,.wat Have
wafAf tta onlil amJ -'U, tairl mm
W1I1B" 1 H v w.i..i, rm. vmm- wm cm
thm bradv -tiH rfriifiv fan -- I "T. J0"?lr,e " . - T"??'1.
the brandy and rightly, too: as its
slightest use should be discounte
nanced In some families. The recipe
would not probably bo any tho worse,
if tho brandy and wine were omitted,
using cider instead.
Another Mince Heat.
Two pounds green apples, 2 pounds
lean beef (boiled until tender), two
pounds beef suet, two pounds dried
currants, two pounds seedless raisins,
two pounds brown sugar, and two
pounds citron, ono ounce each of salt,
ginger, alsplce, cloves, cinnamon,
mace, and nutmeg; six lemons (grated
rinds and juice), one quart boiled ci
der; chop the beef, suet, apples, rais
ins and citron very fine; uso ground
spices; mix all thoroughly. If you
have any of tho syrup from sweet
pickles, this may bo added. In mak
ing the pies, add to each pie one-half
glass of nice jelly. If tho mixture is
too thick, thin with boiled cider.
Mince meats should be made several
days or weeks before using, and kept
in a cool place.
Use only the best flour, the sweet
est lard or butter, and touch with the
hands as little as possible. Every
thing used should be as cold as poMi-
Do not knead. Roll carefully, spread
with butter or lard, fold, or roll up
then roll again, several times.
A metal, or marble kneading board
is beat for pastry. For shortening,
suet may be used alone, taking off all
skin and particles of meaty fibre, chop
ping and pounding until like butter;
or, use half lard and half butter; or,
use all lard. Wet with ice water.
Potatoes, mashed fine, mixed with
flour and wet with water makes a nice
pie crust
Equal parts of corn flour (not corn
stiff. Flour your board a4
pin, and roll.pwt quite thin.
take ono tablespoonful of lard, and
spread it over tho dough as you would
spread butter on hrcad. Sprinkle
lightly with flour, fold oyer the first
half of your dough from tho outsid
of tho board; then fold the other ha2f
toward you, then fold over the ends,
making a square. Flour your board
and rolling pin, roll out tho dough,
spread again with lard and fold as
before. Repeat, three times in all.
Cut off a square, roll quite thin, and
proceed to make your4pIes. This
amount of dough will make four pics,
with two crusts. Journal of Agricul
ture Cook Book.
- H. W. McV.
blo, without actual freezing. Mixing
should be done with a knife, using a
large wooden bowl, until ready to rollH terlals Into blocks having the density
New Fuels,
Edward Atkinson remarks that there
are plenty of good substitutes for coal
as fuel. In his opinion the western,
farmer who suffers from cold or al
lows himself to bo squeezed by the
coal trust has only himself to blame.
At the recent banquet of the Illinois
Manufacturers' association Mr. Atkin
son said the manufacturers could
make a cheap and good fuel out of
cornstalks and straw.
"The want of coal," remarked the
Boston economist," could bei easily al
leviated by the pressing of these ma-
Jmeal) and wheat flour, wet up with J pressing one.
of hard oak. These pressed blocks
could be used for fuel. Tho material
that could be used in the manufacture
of this fuel Is going to waste in im
mense quantities all about you."
Continuing Mr. Atkinson declared
that the cost w:ld be equivalent to
not over 60 cents for the same num
ber of heat units contained in a ton of
anthracite. This is a matter that
should receive the careful attention
of the people, especially, those of the
wheat and corn lands 'of the west,
where the fuel problem is always a
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