The commoner. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-1923, July 11, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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    1 " a
Rejpcbllcao Cry.
July II, 190a "
A Washington dispatch to the Chicago Record
- Herald says that a compromise has heen reached
on the omnibus statehood hill.
This dispatch says: ."Chairman
Beveridgo agreed that his com
mittee would report a bill the
thrfl rlftv nf tho next session.
(But the, committee has not lost control of the bijl
and has given no pledge as to what sort of a bill
It will bring in. All it has promised is to make
a report It may be an adverse one; at any rate
itho fight on the merits of the proposition Is an
open one, and is deferred till next December, with
,tho committee holding its tactical advantage."
fThus It will bo seen that the republican party is
putting off action on maliy measures until after
the congressional elections. The republican plat
form for 1896 promised the admission of the re
maining territories "at the jearliest practicable
date." The republican platform for 1900 said:
"We favor home rule and the early admission, into
statehood of the territories of New Mexico, Ari
zona, and Oklahoma." And yet we find the re
publican majority arrayed very clearly against
the fulfillment of these pledges. It is the same old
story. Republican platforms "were not made to
stand on, they were made to get in on."
"Congressman Babcock, chairman of the repub
lican congressional committee, says: "We cannot
. be put on the defensive on any
Entirely " - question which will be discussed
-7 , on tile in the coming campaign.'' This
"DefehalYc. is decidedly refreshing, coming
from a man who, like Congress
man Babcock, declared that it was his purpose to.
remove the tariff from the products-of trusts. Even
if .there was nothing else on which the republican
party could be put on the defensive,, the leaders of
that party will have their Tiands full in explain-
' ing why the trusts, that "are imposing upon -the
'p'ebpfe and maintaining corners on the necessities
of life, are given the large advantages which they
find in the tariff maintained by the republican
party. And when it comes to providing a defense
on this point, Chairman Babcock will be placed
in a decidedly embarrassing position, because no
one has spoken more vigorously in favor of re
moving the tariff from trust products than the
chairman of the republican congressional commit
tee; and Mr. Babcock will not be permitted to
dodge his- record on this question any more
than the republican, party will be permitted to
dodge its record on other questions.
- An Ohio reader of The Commoner says that
the debating-society of which he is a member "came
very near disruption because of
a question proposed for discus--sion.
This question was as fol
lows:, "Resolved, That no moral
difference exists between the
acts of the highwayman who holds up his victims
at the muzzle of a gun and despoils his fellow
man, and the man-or combination of men who,
armed with political power, shape legislation -that
protects and legalizes the acts of combinations
that rob the people." This reader, referring to
this proposition, makes this comment: "Those
who defend the legal method contend that it does
not impoverish its victims at one stroke like the
outlaw method and should not bo compared with
the latter. Again,' they claim that those who get
in their work legally are rated among our best
people, who give liberally toward the endowment
of religious and educational institutions and who
occupy the finest upholstered pews along the
front .row. They move in the top crust of society
and, -are men of great Influence and piety, while
the illegal highwayman Is busily engaged in
dodging the officers of the law. The affirmative
Bet up the claim that only the want of courage is
the motivothat leads many to reiortrto legislation
as the safer method to commit depredations; and
The Commoner.
that tho lack of diplomacy and political influence
sooves tho courageous to resort to the same moral
methods to despoil their fellowman by means of
firearms instead of legislation. The affirmative)
claims that less than 10 per cent of tho money
filched from the people is given away by tho legal
. fraternity, and while they are robbing Peter to
pay Paul, the latter gets a very thin slice which
is used principally for advertising purposes and a
hope to appease the wrath of tho Almighty whose
judgment is mo3t dreaded by tho cowardly. The
affirmative also contends that there Is something to
bo admired even in an outlaw who has the cour
age lone-handed to hold up and rob a half dozen
men. This kind of mottle when properly directed
was found in the patriots of '76 and in all subse
quent wars of our country. What did wo expect
or receive from the other class during these trying
The Battle is On.
" An
' Question.
Mr. Roosevelt
and His
A Washington dispatch to the New York World
under date of May 30 says that Mr. Roosevelt has
sent to an eminent personage V
full set of Mr. Roosevelt's own
works, every volume containing
the author's autograph and an
appropriate sentiment." It is to
be hoped that the recipient will read some of these
books very carefully. In these books ho will
find that Mr. Roosevelt has uttered eloquent
words of condemnation againBt nearly every Im
portant policy now being pursued by Mr. Roose
velt's administration. He will find in those books
the most complete indorsement of the right of
the Fil.'pinos to life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness and of the right of the Filipino to a gov
ernment deriving its powers from the consent of
the governed. He will find in those books a clear
and distinct historical statement that the so-called
expansion policy of the republican party of today
is wholly inconsistent with the policy adopted by
the United States in its acquirement of territory in
the past. Probably Mr. Roosevelt has forgotten
many of the things ho said in these interesting
volumes. Perhaps he thinks the recipient will not
take the trouble to read them; but there are in
those volumes many passages that will prompt tho
reader to wonder how it is that a man who, as an
author, gave expression to such sentiments could,
as a president, act wholly in defiance of those sentiments.'
Some of the Chicago papers have had their
attention directed to the head of a little household
, . who Js employed as an appren-
What tico at a salary of $5 per week.
About the This man and his good wife
.Conditions? have undertaken to keep house
on this magnificent salary. We
are told that this couple has .figured out that
"they can live on $5 a week and have a. weekly
balance of $1.65 to invest in railroad stocks or
government bonds." According to this same au
thority they have "made allowances for such lux
uries as eggs and fruit, although they have limited
the supply of butter to one pound a week for two
persons. They have prudently decided to do with
out porterhouso steak, but have set aside $1.05 for
th'ex week's supply of meat at 15 cents per pound."
When the attention of tho-Chicago Record-Herald
was directed to this interesting experiment, that
great republican paper made another approach to
the treason Jino when it uttered this wholesome
truth: "As an effort to make 'both ends meet'
on a small Income, with love in a cottage to mol
lify the asperities of self-denial, this experiment
will invoke the usual popular solicitude and sym
pathy. But to the hard-headed people who have
more cense than sentiment it will serve as an
occasion for lamenting the conditions that should
make such economy necessary and for condemn
ing the notion that there is virtue in poor Hying.
Living on five dollars a week is a bare excuse
for living."
'Are you opposed to allowing the men who de
serted tho party in 1896 and 1900 to secure control"
of the party organization? Aro you opposed to
deserting democratic principles for the mere pur
poso of securing tho spoils of offlco? Are you
opposed to making tho democratic party so nearly
like tho republican party that the truste, com
bines and subsidy grafters will not care tho toss
of a penny which administers tho affairs of stato7
If you are opposed to theso things-It Is your
duty as good democrats and good citizensthe
torms aro synonomous to oppose tho plans or
tho deserters who are seoking to again securo
control of tho democratic party.
Aro you in favor of standing by democratic
principles? Aro you in favor of keeping tho demo
cratic party in its position as a foo to special in
terests? Do you bellove in preserving the old
democratic prlnciplo of "equal rights to all, spe
cial privileges to none?" Do you favor keeping the
democratic party democratic?
If you favor theso things it is your duty to
exert your influence in this direction.
How can you do it? By assisting in tho dis
tribution of democratic literature and arousing
democratic sentiment; by pointing out to your
neighbors tho danger that confronts tho party
organization in tho shape of reorganizers who
seek to secure control in order to advance special
interests. That such a danger confronts tho party
is evident to all who have noted tho activity of
men who call themselves democrats, but who never
lose an opportunity to advanco tho interests ot
tho corporations.
Tho Commoner is a democratic paper. Ifc
preaches democratic doctrine without ceasing. It
. exposes the schemes of tho reorganizers and stands
firmly by-democratic-principles. -
The subscription price of Tho Commoner is $1
a year, but In order to Increase its circulation and
extend its influence a special rate Is now being
made In "Lots of Five." Tho plan is simple, con
venient and easily understood. Subscription cards,
each good for one year's subscription to Tho Com
moner.aro sold in "Lots of Five" at tho rate of ?3
per lot, or 60 cents each. You may order a "Lot
of Five" and sell the cards at the regular sub
scription prJce of $1, retaining tho $2 profit as
your commission, or you may sell tho cards at CO
cents each.
The Commoner is not afraid to extend credit to
its readers. Order a "Lot of Five" and sell them
to your friends and neighbors," remitting to this
office as you dispose of the cards.
Thousands are taking advantage of this liberal
subscription offer. They have extended The Com
moner's influence. Will you not join with them
and help in the good work. If you fear you will
be unable to sell the cards fill out the following
coupon and send to this office. The cards will be
forwarded to you, and after you have sold them
you may remit the money. Take hold and help
in the good work of preserving and extending
democratic principles and doctrines.
"Ws of Fiye Sufescripfiofl Cards."
Publisher Commonxk: Pleaso send me five subscription
cards. I promise to uso mr utmost endeavor to seU these
cards, and will remit for them at the rate of CO cents each wnea
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