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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1917)
W F MASON. President. L. HANSEN, Cashier. C H EYAN. Assistant Cashier. > Educating the Public in Banking Methods. i? rather a pleasant task because people enjoy the benefits vve are able to throw their way. If you have any questions you would like to ask r _ rrciing any phase of banking please do not hesitate to come to us. tor we shall deem it a privilege to give you any information within our power. First Ftational Bank oj Loup City, Neb. t ■KdtK'.-jWr -■»> ~*t-*m~* -****>. Good Lumber ..— al — Lowest Prices KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. "i j. a: I. • tun. i; -kvii Scliauppa and Arcadia I NewGoods Just Received j | All kinds of Brass and Steel Beds, priced | | from $3.00 and up to $40.00 | | Liggett & Platt Bed Springs: \ $3.30 buys a bed spring that is guar- | anteed to last a life time. | | Mattresses: } | Priced from $3.50 to $20.00. Our I Special is a good ail cotton felt mat- | | tress for $ 10.00. | I COME IN AND SEE THESE | I GOODS | 1 £. P. Daily Furniture Co. f 1 FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING l 16 Cures Jersey Boars for Sale j; .a,i*...i iCi ;V <• No. 22''*>67• This herd of | ■ - and one spring yearling. They | * ; >«■ . <'jiti»*s Model, (iolden Model -hi j | >i •; r ! n‘i ug si red by .Jack's Orion | t (M is one ot the latest § ... «• • . 1.* xv in ; . • from 4 to 7 months. I S- ] *1 • in •■■!. i'xlil 123 to ISO 11)S. | 2. n iles west and ; mile south of Ash- I •>Q 1 | t* >n depot. ov~* I Pices Eeascnable. : C. L. KNOEFEL. Breeder E F D. 1 Box 10, Ashton Neb. Phone 4823 ... _ •» F. J. SCHOLZ & SON manufacturers of monuments and mausoleums JACOB RJTZ,£±fcS: --—' The Ford autotnohle has not raised m prvr I am selling Fords every- day at the same old price Get yours jam.—A C. Ocle Try Chase’s first—it pays. Our glasses make satisfied custo mere —H. M Eisner, Optometrist. - Daily sells for less. Try Chase’s first—It pays. See the new coats at Mrs. Henry's Deerfng corn binder for sale. Phone 27021. Mrs. Joe Lewandowski visited with ielatives in Ashton Mondav The Ford has not raised in price. Order yours now.—A. C. Ogle. Mrs. L. Rein was visiting in Hast ings. Wednesdayand Tnursdav. Seed wheat for sale at a reasonable price. J. K. Otlewski. phone 9502. *1 A. J. Johnson went to Lincoln last Thursday morning to attend confer cnee. For Sale—One Maxwell 1916 Tout ing car in good condition.—Independ ent Garage. Mrs C. F Bitner and son went to St. Paul. Tuesday, to visit a few days with home folks. Ray McMiihael went to Norfolk la Friday where he passed >he examina tion to fire for the U. P George Leschinsky went to Lincoln iast Thursday morning where he will attend school this fall. Several good residence properties in Loup City for sale on the install ment plan. See R. H. Mathew. 25 tf Mrs Geo. Chapn an went to St Patti last Friday to vi over Sunday with her daughter, rctu-ni- a home Monday Asa. J. Faruham returned hots e last Saturday from Omaha wh- re 1; h.w been the past we. k !>• - in? nis b. y goods. Mrs. W. J McLaughlin went to Har vard. Tuesday m tming to visit a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Viet. ’ Johnson Miss Marie Ohlsen left last Titurs day for Grand Island. Lincoln and Omaha, where she will visit a while with friends. Mrs.M Leschinsky returned home Tuesday evening from Davenport. Ia. where she has been the past week visiting with relativts Mrs H. R. Snider went to Grand Is land Monday to meet her sister and two brothers. Lena. Hiram and Fred Folker of Gothenburg Harry Gardner came down from Doris Lake last Saturday to spend Sunday with his family, returning to work >n Monday evening Mrs. A O. Zimmerman returned to her home at Arcadia last Thursday evening after spending the day with the A. L. Zimmerman family. Miss Maud Zellinger returned homi to David City last Thursday morning after a short visit here with her aunt Mrs. E. G. Taylor, and family. J. J. Slominski and Miss Martha Lewandowski returned home last Sat urda> from Omaha, where thev had been on business and pleasure com bined. MV. and Mrs. James Watts, who have been here visiting with their son W. H. Watts and family, went to Bur well. Tuesday to visit a few days with relatives. Hon. Howard Wood, speaker of the House of Representatives of North Da kota. will speak in Loup City on Thars day. Sept 27. at 8:30 p. m on the Far mers' Non-Partisan League There will be Sunday School and Kpworth League at the M. E. church next Sunday, but no preaching ser vices, as Rev. Sloeumb cannot get here until the first of next week. 2'00 bushels of Amber Durm wheal for sale at the Woten granaries at $2.1(1 per bushel. In order that this may i > distributed over the community this wheat may be purchased at *2.10 pe: ‘ ushel, but no farmer may—purchase more than fifty bushels. This wheat ‘as yielded twenty-five bushels to •!-.■ acre, can be sown in the spring and in this way there is no danger of it? •. inter killing and a crop is assured George Woten and other Rockville parties attended a stockholders meet ing of the Austin Canal Company, a k ing the company to extend the Austin canal for tht irrigation of their lands near Rockville Engineer Wolfe was ordered to estimate the cost of such ex tension. Mr. Woten who owns a large valuable tract under the extension of this canal, is one of the successful pioneers of irrigation in the western part of the state, being a stockholder and ably assisting in the construction and operation of one of the first im portant irrigation canals of the Scotts Bluff (ountrv. If Sherman county had only been favored with jusi a few rr.or* men of Mr Woten’s ability, ambition and aspiration as to the development and operation of irrigation and power plants, the valley of the Loup would be I annually producing maximum crops with cities and towns two or three times their present size containing su ' gar beet factories and other factories and hydro eltctric power plants and a courthouse in keeping with such evi dence of civilization. COL. E. A. KEELER, Auctioneer. Having devoted my time the past few months to raising food stuffs for ourselves and the allies. 1 am now prepared to give Hiv entire time to auctioneer business. At your service; sell anything anywh< re. Your business appreciated. My dat.-s will be taken care of by either bank at Ashton or the First National Bank of Lonp City Daily sells for less. P. 0. Reed for repairing. John Ohlsen was a business visitor at St Paul lust Thu: -<lav WANTED A mar. to w.rk v. tin farm. —S. J Ibssi. Pnone 274-13. Mrs Viva Gilbert went to Greeley last Thursday tnorni: g to visit a few days with friends. Misa Rose TopoM came up iron: Sehauptis last Friday ana vi<it<»0 ” i: Miss Emma Ja- ulewi Mr. and Mrs. Rev. am;thberg wen: to Stromsberg Iasi Thursday to at tend the young people’s conference. LOST—Between my heme and B. & M depot on Thu~sday. a kit of auto tools Liberal reward Return same to T H Eisner. Miss Kathryn Curti left last Thurs day morning for Lin oln. where she will attend Bellevue lollege this rom ing year — Mr. and Mrs. Win. Lewandowski left last Thursday morrine for Ex celsior Springs, Mo., to spend a week or ten days — Mrs Lawrence Co>tello and chil dren came up from Grand Island. Tues day to visit over fair week with her parents and many friends Mrs. E M. Svnak returned to her home in Juiesburg. Colo., last Thurs day morning after a few days’ visit here with the Jake Synp.k family. For Sale:—A good 16 h. p. Minneapo lis threshing engine for sale. If taken a once will sell cheap. Also one second hand Studebaker car for sale.—A. C. Ogle. -5—, After being with J.dy: \V. Long in the real estate and insurance business for five years, H. R. H. Williams de cided to go into business for himself this week and therefore resigned hie position with Mr. Long on Monday Mr Williams will open an office here and will engage in the real estate and insurance business with which he is thoroughly familiar. As he is a good business man success is sure to be his Mr. Williams states that he looks back on his five years with Mr. Long with pleasure and states that at all times their relations were pleasant, and speaks very highly of Mr. I^ong as ar employer. * Don't Waste Your Tiresl When your tires ure worn out or nearly so, do not throw then) away for we can rebuild then) for you. and make them as pood as new for one ha if the price of a new tire. Your tires will be rebuilt with all new material. All weak spots re inforced. New fabric reliner cured in to reinforce against blowouts. New tread, breaker and cushion. Machine wrapped with powerful pressure and cured with extreme care, in dry steam. No Two-in-One. or Sewed on pro cess used. We rebuild like the tire manu facturer builds his tire, and guar antee you Money Saving Milage and Satisfaction. PRICE LIST TO REBUILD 3 inch tires .$ 7 50 3ta inch tires . 9.75 4 inch tires . 13.00 4*4 inch tires . 16.50 5 inch tires . 1S.50 A repair department with an ex pert in charge, is maintained for repairing blowouts and rimeuts. Start now to save money on your tire bills by tying into a bundle a few of your old tires and send them to us by express collect and we will do the rest, and you will be pleased. HART TIRE & ROBBER CO. 718-20 So. 16th St. Omaha. Neb. Agents and Dealers Wanted. ■■■■■■ Daily sells for less. Try Chase's first—it pays. R S. Young was a business passen get to Hastings last Friday. E. P Daily was a business passen ge; to Omaha !as; Thursday morning Seed iwheat for sale. Turkey Red No. 42. Price $2.25 per bushel. — A. t Charlton. 40_2 School teachers—A new line ot bracelet watches, at the old prices.—It M. Eisner. V ru. Schneider’it, who has been here visiting with his parents, lef Monday for Joiiet. 111. Rev. Beebe returned home Tuesday j Dora Lincoln, where he has been it attendance at conference. Mrs. H. M. Mathew returned hom. la • Thursday evening from Grand Is land where she spent a ouple of days Episcopal services will be held in the Gw man church next Wedttesuaj even int You are cordialh invited to at tend. Sirs. Tenis Biemund was an east j bound passene- r to Omaha last Thurs day morning to spend a few days with friends. M: and Mrs S A. Pratt autoed over from Pleasanton. Wednesday, to take in the county fair and visit with relatives. Mrs. Geo. Kettle arrived here las' Saturday evening from Santa Ann Calif., f • an extended visit with het j mat v friends. — V: at: Mi>. M L. Fonda left here Monday, tor Valiev, where Mr. Fonda will take the run between Valley and visiting v b relatives. Mr and Mrs. R. O. Willis came in last Thurs.. iv evening from Hyannis j to spend a few days with their sot: ; H. E Wilt:- and family Mr. ar.d Mrs. Arnold Johnson and baby return- d homt Tuesday evening r'rom Aurora where they spent several days vistiing with relativts. _ Wm. Curti- was an eastbound pas senger to Omaha last Thursday morn tng to spend a few days. He returned here Wednesday of this week Mrs.P T Rowe return’ d home or Monday evening from Lincoln, where she has been the past week visiting with her mother and other relatives. Mrs Clara Cox returned home on vlondav evening from Aurora and Colorado, where she has been the past couple of months visitng with relatives and frierds. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Allen came in last Thursday evening from Council Bluffs for a visit with their son. Dr S. A Allen, and family. They returned home Monday. Mrs Della Bridegs. who has been here visiting at the C. W. Thornton home for some time past left Wednes ; day for Denver, w here she will visit a j Fremont on the Union Paicfic. Arthur Hansel and family, who hav* been here visiting with their parents and friends, left last Thursday. Mrs Hansel and clAldren returning home | in Grand sland while Mr. Hansel re turned to the hospital in Omaha. At the Methodist conference held in University Place the past week the assignments were made and the Rev. L. V. Slocumb, former pastor of the Methodist church here was returned and Rev. Beebe was transferred to Te cumseh. Rev. Slocumb was pastor of McCabes church at Omaha the past | year but he preferred work out in the ' state and his reassignment to his former charge no doubt greatly please l both him and his former congrega tion. Mankind is prone to regard a good memory as a possession beyond price I This it certainly is—within limit; tion* Yet there are conditions under which .1 short memory would be much more va! uafcle. We would benefit by forgetting the petty slights and insults; by ceas ing to envy those more fortunate; by wiping from our mind all traces of 1 it terness over wrongs and injustice. Such a faculty for forgetting would leave in the human heart memories the antithesis of these, that would bless and sweeten our lives and th’ lives of those about us. GREAT FAITH IN CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC AND DIARRHOEA REM EDY. “Chamberlain’s Colie and Diarrhoea Remedy was used by my father about a year ago when he had diarrhoea. If relieved him immediately and by tak ing three doses he was absolutely cured. He has great faith in this r> m edy." writes Mrs. W. H Williams. Stanley. X. V. For Sale—Saxon Roadster On account of having two cars I will sell my Saxor. roadster at a bargain This car is in A Xo. 1 shape, never been hurt in any way. it is up-to-datf with electric spot light, electric dasb light, starter and self primer, also fou; new tires, chains and top cover. In I quire of i. C. SMITH, Loup City Tailor Shop. Butter Money j becomes paper money when you’re paid by check. Bring us your checks and get real mon ey for your dairy products. This banh is most anxious to serve you in this and other banking ways. II LOUP CITY STATE SANK LOUP CITY, KEBHASKA O. S. MASON Implements, Hardware. Farm Seeds. Machine Oils, Windmills, Pumps. Pip»s Plumbing and Heat ng a Specialty Put your wheat in the corn, and the corn in the wheat fields, with the iw disc Van Brunt one horse drill. I do not claim to he clover but 1 do claim to know a good thing when 1 see it and that is why 1 bought 25 Van Brunt one-horse disc drill-, to help you to get tlii wheat in the corn, i felt sure the proposition would appeal to you. Of course you know full well that extra effort must be employed to get more wheat sowed tlii.- fall than ever, sitting down and waiting wont even catch fish, unless you throw out a properly bated book on the end of a line. Do not wait for rain to plow. Put your wheat in the coni field and take advantage of my buy. Come in and get one of these drills. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. Like all other Van Brunt drills, this is light draft be cause it is light weight, well balance, frame is heavy steel, well braced, has the famous Van Brunt adjustable gate force feed which compels an even flow of seed from hop per. Drill is provided with fenders so constructed as to 1 prevent cornstalk or trash from lodging or clogging. The disc bearing is practically indestructible, as hard as flint and runs constantly in a bed of oil meeting with minimum friction. Wo replace free of charge all bearings that wear out. One (tiling per season is generally enough. Close fit ting scrapers keep disc absolutely clean. | O. S. MASON ’—..=--■ Electrified Homes Electricity is now fast superceding old methods in many departments of the home. The modern home—the COMFORTABLE home—now has Electric Heaters Electric Irons Electric Lights and many other labor saving and cost saving appliances. It is the ideal force—no danger, no annoyance, no failure. You are losing half the enjoyment of life if your home is not electricified. Let us wire your house for lights. We handle the Almo Lighting systems for farm homes. Call and let us explain them to you. LOUP CITY LIGHT AND POWER CO. — „ ------. - _ 3 - MAGNIFICENT STEAMERS - 3 I The Great Ship "SEE ANDBEE”—"CITY OF ERIE”-"CITY OF BUFTALO* f CLEVELAND —Daily, Mayllst to Nov. I5th — BUFFALO | Leave Cleveland - 8:00 P. M. > Central t Leave Buffalo • 8:00 P. M. Arrive Buffalo - 6:30 A. M. \ Standard Tire j> Arrive Cleveland 6:30 A. If. Connection* at Buffalo for Niagara Fall* and all Eastern and Canadian point*. Railroad ticket* reading between Cleveland and Buffalo are good foi transportation on our steamers. Ask your ticket agent for tickets via C. A B. Line. %*m Tourist \ut«mo6iU i iMf-tkso R—d Trip, with 2 days return limit, for cat* not exceeding 127 in. wheel base. Beautifully colored sectional puzzle chart of Tbe Ore at Ship “Seeandbee sent on receipt of five cents Also ask for our 34-page pictorial and descriptive booklet free. 1 be Cleveland & Buffalo Trmnau Cc*npany ' fUtdif.OMf TbffamUSUy^EliHDBEr I ' — tkf lanrr*t aad ■»! mil; , pa«*rar*r Stnarr on intaad water* afth* warld. Biaapla* (•par It;, 16 0 0 piMUfrv. ^HRE?35o