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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1917)
1 y T 1 Highest Priced 1 the best you Palmer s Gardenglo Perfume s£b?J=?2 LOtTOTY NORTHWESTERN £ - .*■**- »* tot Ivu.; C r t lor •*aiJBi-«ajw: tasrwuci to* U i t-t •W-T-ijX *_jfcta a-fJK.* FPANKfc KACTMAN r_*„ .tas *-i»: 'Ei* t *;-ns'.i N. » «pf v.. .«*• „ ; n --JT.« &*£ 11 >.-t fc,-«vnS T-:,r uan «fwr^ s*#Sf» * i litas.' f i*wgi§*f «c 1* ■«. ttwr siteJ* V 4f iMT *' * 1 * ■* " -■■' tjflMM Jltai ' ’ .f*-» MUs •• !:*WC.uP^MMOK * -* MM*-* «r *»••»".... jif f. lv (> ' •* * ws*‘,jm*y £ %r. y/ftg*. Jt»*-*7 S; j#» . ' "..SiJEff Uj**-** #. ■* *. J . .9* .If ,* flUt - ; - - ■•**’*. C r. :-r A2.ES-* t c£■*■&£ r*j>a • f ' - ' .-*•&-. i'.» 22 |*e* J -v 5'-'' fcxauai ti'. 1 ttjwi'to.# «x f ."ladL: 3§ fMHM J* ■ r:. >. * f .,* At J *« - fett -*>** 2*1 {•■* a; 2 . vjae » vt** ; -f.*« t*t t ..fUtOumr. Ldf*.. a» -. t* is **SJ. |> - : *t ts. t tojur-toi*!. is'-*, i 2* t <-*a t ; ».*** j«r * taxi. ;isbtr*j^i. is«f. . /■ trx. *• i v * tet 22 _"*t 22 • * :»-*,» }**-• ■ Mum *.f r* J-.* s'.-* 2 »*«•*» >** *t*t :••. t: rv. I- ' at*t I. W ' .. • 1 - f a - , *-- ijj * : '*■»' t/'MJf *t i»X i ‘ *- *.: » ' 2* A’l-.. <X »*.; * 4- 4 • «? Ai-ikC to. i. • ' t *. 2, ** ' >•< t •* ".<i a Hat >-c |«r ‘"tJdron*®: v* to*- fsHSaklBi irmfccr. trf om> ft.nmA »*L.r E > • • < tsl !—] ittr* ► rv:. to f«MJ: saf 'X lit • . ► *• t ' . 'a* rm-irma* A*Tt »r.**S: f'j«r imb'jj .... '.. i*4i I.;.* 22i:. t. *:* t- ...j** >.*s*a t>: ataf!} ja.'1.: muiaaaJ ##■» ■fS - ' 'i*-* *.3S# ' ..*>■■ t. r-f * •’** -X Sit Hats .-a* r»:* *k_* (WMAf1! 2 P>. 4-C to.* '..* to* *' *rr32*«.. • Matt tt i «*:*r*fjrr;.!fc».f> r*f t. ♦. ■*> -.**« * . • >. ^ *'• .2* |**ii*.*itajetr -if* i* ■* 2.212 1C I ?•• £f ft a «X •»is. mzA* _ * -#*».*•: * • '.* *4 i/u; •.*•,*?.; .> 2 v- 1 .'.to a tisjrt'j * »■» f< "tiX t’" X to* *v.£to> .'.*• ;4 'X - *"k, f'/jtfi * a. J,:! ** r • * » ;***» *»> >r** X*' ' • • lt*< -• K "J’la* ':.* f %**»* *-*f *: - - -.. <to- ■ 2' >*c. <V If to Si22t t :»• -b bsuuusii «f .•kt :-*.••< i-txt..'-c Sil >** ce«B£ ttres . r. -biii .4 j~x *-x* -->i* :KZ 'in tic:x* .V par fr*i«rt •wrritJt "*s.4*r*rt t - At' VPifc. U tjuvmn *CCi- AO PA* - i - - £ f**«gfc* -*b“ i* of Cnat •'•1 • ' v*-XXf T *ut JUKRfc mi an* • .(SkJ . I.*C -.A if» «3» - - V : U • l ** '_ ;--XX*X ' ij'iTwr ixx:* > i ;<*• tat v •; • i‘ ' £ :•;•* : Bit*.* 5 Si .* * -;*--•>* ;i • xr* ■•bi ■■ --rv -* *..tAt »rjuf i.:: a;' • * y. »*■* is **? ywj**.** • > £ 7**1* '4X44V.A A'' • /:• pit. ’■ : t Hi «Sa eajKf f*eypt '• "t —jbp- xxf '<x: ->m* ••-'•-• .’*.£■•' ****.. '*..*'5' if. u* ‘-i-*-: u» «: inate'e «n Si; W-.' !**■ *■* "x*> ‘i-fcx xb.4 t»**c. x*<.4<: ii. jr tivst yturt -1 •_•* e.vt«a«k tf a »•'. xp*- cxr xr ti»* xyxx of Jx: . VI* - 4- XX.-** iX- -* ..-£.- Vf I'i. .'it • r : ** lib.* Vi; ■ r ;*. * art BiOSKit ib*X year O iua*0 xx* xtx: xr of pi; • yt * • • X. *x* i •*• xo 4* ' . ‘ * t • * l*r r.TA Pi.’.* - 1X4 Vi* i* ' • •-£ v.x: « ye*, vs * ... ■ ... , i. ;,* jr in :,-j jp.j H*_x 12 Fx.*4 *x* »xJyyer* of :x* asm *.. 4 ;*:. ... • i x*r*‘..* vf ■ * *.. - , ’ |«t* ,r^. I; ««£ ULt.;!. LL h v fc..r - l -... •iaC :jr • c. it*' j * n : *sk • v :* ’ *rv>t vf«r jttisC ju> fe ; . * .. va4ixr ' * * • il/j * * yr vx* y*: > * xr: * 'ittt<**t jb..* j-.' •b-.reB.4f..* for * ixp.-xr *x* 1.Mr. ■** *1‘ 1*TX.1 «X.S ••* Si •K Xbi f}Ui.Tt i« Deiaox>’rxt«4 ’x* yo*.t, f .r»....rv*x 4fi'>!/T if frtmi frost •..i.asy*niMt m'rki ot * «ad *!r*i ti* • «eoy***;;•» vf ta* *xiy y*st *x4 -a* r*:xj*rbl jwMie Ku> y*ry.*x.i.jt prooSeaxt xr* -ox ■x 1 . < '.*,• r Pat *p* raxiroul* fe* •: •• ? ve a-P> !o handle *he p.xp.px' Telephone Traffic in Peace and War P;r<tu* o? e—7 • • 7 • •<*; of rrr^-ps tri tte giy-f • • ' ' *.41« •• -*rd -.a (i'v 1A..7 .‘if** ■- - of i'-SS. tvl lot/ 'l:1*!*'..'-- trio &bot4 OlLUI V.* are f.*t: :*r «-.t rao- lot/ >1 ► •t-r*. *-»!!• Tiwt »* did V*-f • war *-*-/tt Slid heavy dei&and* t*v* b**-t !tt > .» ‘ r er\ .vent ? r ,‘'-!~j/bot* VBj*a\ tri for it-t far the »nu; Mga*l con*. natsot « greatest ojr b." by you iBlbt have ar.d I'M-;.: t:A lot/ dia» nolateiy tec-'Siary. NEBRASKA TELEPHONE CO. t— stju. ai»c *_l* «rsn 'A »t* —ji sr.-.Cit if is* *_ •Mirjaro* :« ■voj*w»s.'.«. i » >ut * at** mex* bra-"-» a ■*!. DEEB CREEK XTGGZTS A mtat'xx -A wvaxrr *■*■*• »•***< In® • ,*-r* V.'*-f r -n t 1 . fc ( 1*. ’i i-UUO. .f * -'*«* TT»y -3* itociriLie lira v±iw. ttit ?-*** 'gnt-n Euraa t*ougii* tics* *a« frva F J Ka Kyi-s ♦. 3 r - . ■ s - >• •-*•« • *3 * if * -: t. —i. * Cf A >Ji_*l ZX t*. A tgl * K-**alc « Fraur I/jtaavi of h/x%x£j* rii. *-. « *i i t ■.■wjjut acaua**? .ar. W**i CAT EC Ijemz err iA Far** . l*^.* ; sr ft br*«t*f Hi. » tx Is* * i/-r 33* It? t .'. f ■ .i.1 • . * • » . U.t C—*• l .'..3? 3*.- :*.£.■ i« Mar Funti. _t ***t. iiiarr fcv-» * Pa;-..i •.•vsjri* tjrjr -■*•*<: *i*».: *r-.® StaoJer Jjtoa t . MmAxr Mania EjCa-r* w '.is*- 1* ti* • .-•**■» i-’ -<_r3i> 3-. tX r - " c rip* tx* Hr as.-: Mi Martit fc>ta.*4 i.r*: »;'Ji Mr asC Mrt- Sits-i-v L"tea'i iMt t-SMlar ¥ i 'a .*.-**44. «oiC ■ ■*o - :* o! »:-a* fvr t**rt V Ja t& J» si? ia: * **■**:. EC Hmn ar.4 Mr arc Mr* H; Krt i». if faa— > nt*-c * *• - 3 • * < a*’ Mr tic Mrt Tf/* Lc'-a-f *iv v --- '• 1: : ■> Ji.i W asC fan_j Si- 11 j •vCv t* - : ■ 'Ik...-:/ it *-* ' i. I' 2. 2 . 22 Va* K4- V* »'2«r:T% 2*r 2k. * • • • » - v •« tx fvr L. A. Lat-sm*.. Fs-s**! *-* • i»r .•• tx ;-.v* aad *a» sr :n - >- r-r-.f j/npa-i-f •. ra **■ a- v- • *r craf sax : **r >'•'*—a •- Harem* lttw, last Sir day :r tis Oakland S;x final Kelt:. . -t-'r to j *:t with h:* '- . z vv - - ore: - .'.Cay reje.-rT -g -e-op* are good wte -’-a. lid tv *t .and Lay 1* a.#, good Tier are rane--.rg large -r p a: pretext Vie ».i: to r-orrest one fees of se. e.’i »xu, ii a boat Vr art Mrs WMiKiyt* Mr and Mr* Tbo* Li oa-b and J W k-'-r* at! sox Adas tad • •• L .p • ry a- • • - -a* a: error and error* a! war* tapper ct ■■> ta a while when .t is rot t-ard >or r«,<rO y • Crowded Out Last Wee* F J M*'ie;ew»k srseiied r.-orn. V r day of thi* wee* F J. Xarieyews* retwfn*4 from uo.p City .aat wees S'fcool It -1 S'j -v* began i**t we*-g Emil Hoiub .- the ’eg-her Brhse>l I’ist No € began ia>t wjr rari aHr.»en it -he teat her f harlie Cars ten - holding a yob working for a snow roc pan > FL....p Kry -. ra- beer plow ,rg for A K Lorenz tr.e past week Piambeck Bros . hauled two tors of ' oai from Ashton .as’ week Mu' hka Brr - aatoed to Elba Far wen ar.r» Hockrihe last .Sunday Martin Rvdalek toil St* head of 'a*'.to L J Kainotrszi last wset, y J Mactejewaki sold two load* of bigh priced tom at Ashton. Tuesday Paul Kryski overseer in Diet 1S> ha been work.: g on the road the pas W'eeg Ja'ob Ma-fiejewski of Ashton. :.a been on hi- farm here the ia*t few day* Farmer* began to sow winter whea A Cozy Home Adds To The Joy of Living All of us love the home made beautiful and liv able with comfortable furniture. And it i« only necessary to secure a few GOOD piece.- to replace those out-of-date, if one would make it so. We Place GOOD Furniture Within The Rea:h of Everyone Karh year we go into the market and search out makers who are capa ble of producing beautifully designed Dining Room, Living Room and Led Loom Furniture of quality that can be sold at moderate prices On our Four great floors are hundreds of handsome Suites and individual pieces to meet your requirements. LINCOLN, NEBR. <J I A Reliable Specialist l- 1»w. it n i*t ! k n cwannr. ^ «s» c*: rjKi *W SOCME* l* -«£ b». » J.k'. I CuPE P.pture and P es • *•**!» F I *> •tr* ftfel «*ferr •t-*-**"* | L *■ feMMTV *1 »*■« Vft. aftM Vf * »**• Irta kMur •»r !*■«•. it !»■•*•.. * «r» C«r»»*| « »iJ r»*^» W-> *^r**4 I«f T r*ftf Diseases of Men »■ •. Prh m* %nf »-Mk» * iuf K■*»+*€ ♦rrsiter* — \ yyv^rria — p .C'v •*•**-K »ffc* 7 ak£ fc 1>«O-r !>*•* •■»*..* — *:It• tcaBL*t • rt — *• inifc TwnU>>» < *iarrk. *-t# <m a a-« ■ii ir-i*i»raT» cn»». Diseases of V/omen *' ' * t * — « ' v • • » — ■MOM — ' * .M - , u» Pi* • i * • a • • * A- * ■ —— 1 C tlV* PlM|rk%. i *•-< »ii I 1 <-a f: *t«, »•»< «ik*-r »a^nai c is <*■**•*. Prna*» imt» Ufvr» i t« <wi*£ f «efi*#mrsi Cunsurjr u* i.*c £.- wairjt^ ?•» DR. R!CH, Specialist fcnn l»U»i »- k Wlw *»•* 1.f 1.1 » l>r^ .|«r. ■■ - »—r V tv* ;,opt *• t r<t;i fc- W • z v; • y*. it. t vrop Cy tti H*a-y Ej I*.** **r* oc ■ i ,1 Ev.p me* • -C - A * a : tyiU •*••*.» L.r* taflax. L**)*-* ■’ ’**i T.fdtftiS try t »* • A*:~.g r*;s its* Tbttrsday *> t-t-tr *E. t tat « — v i »c nan f-.-r ti* Mr it: Mr* A E Lorst, G*orf< f ar*t*c.t Harr? ate S'Jtrr* Ma. *;-*v *. E; t:. c CtauM: Pia&E*- * . :i-*-ttza ate V. s_-*-r V*- r* •err.**: tfc% last part of last ***i L:r - c w;.*** * *ri at* fa; M:k Yti * f -r.ii'.iri; tac Mr ! visit of St "aai, v*r* eji_t*d u tv.y xaatrcoomy at ffc* Puoee Calfcci; Ait 7 if* cay at* H*t Jikiti -« yPj aatr Af *r tit ttrtcoty tb* recar&sd to tie -;*i aata* va*-r* - bewatoou d;:.a* • »i- «*. utr !E*e. Tti«- day »t- >■;■*.» t*tj p.t-ttaat.y by a i>' of r*-.iitiv*-r and frttdi !n at* *»*a :_? a cat * »a» fceld Tat-y art jro to ho.-*k**-p:-jr near St Pad Ta* N r; **■•*--_ .. - :t visting a tippy itarn**! ,if* PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The - - .err far tr.e sermon Sun day moraine w.2 be: “The promise to the Church a*. Thyatira" and in 're «*.er. r.p. tie subject will be: “The Two Path*/’ T'.e sut;ect for Christian Endeavor : • :.y- w. . re “How We Should ‘'ora Together" M -* Lois Steen will :e the leaner Toe L. L L. Cia«* of the Sunday School met Tuesday evening a tthe home of Mrs. C. H P. van and organ zed a Westminster with twen ty member* The fo.lowing oSScers were elected: Mrs. E .zaoeth Owen President; Mr* Lamort Stephens. • « pres.uent; Mrs. C. H. Ryan. Sec retary; and Mr- R. H. Mathew Treasurer. M r. J. I. Depew ar.d Mrs. r. M Steer, were elected as sponsors. We predict that a&plendid work will ■uor.e by this organization. We war.: to » eep before you the fact that the first sabbath in October is our regular rally day .and we want P- make it a real rally day for every department of the church. Watch for f -rtfcer announcements. A word to the non-church goer; the man who 4r-*CE not attend any church virtually votes to do away with all Christians. We extend a cordial invitation to all who have no regular church home to come and worshipwith us. A MERCILESS JUDGE One Who Shows no Favor. A merciless judge is Father Time lie ore him the weak and the wanting go to the wall Only the truth ran stand. For years the following state m*-nt from a St. Paul resident hn withstood this sternest of all test A L. Warne. retired farmer. St. Pauj. Neb., says: Besides suffering from lumbago I had to get up fre quently at night often as many as seven and eight times, to pass the k nev secretions 1 finally used Doan s Kidney Pills and my kidneys were quickly strengthened The lumbagu left me and I felt generally better (Statement given May 8. 1312.) Lasting Results. On April 10, 1316. Mr. Warne said “The cure Ixian's Kidney Pills made for me has remained permanent.” Price 60 cents at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills—tht same that Mr Warne has twice publicly recom mended Foster-Milburn Co.. Mfgrs. Buffalo. N Y. HOUSE FOR RENT. I have a small house with five lots for rent at $6.00 per month.—R. H. Mathew. 25 tf Perhaps after all. a general shows his true greatness by quietly obeying the orders of his superior, even when he is laid away on the shelf. If the country can stand it, he can. LIVESTOCKPRICES AT SOUTH OMAHA Bij Ru if Citt e Sells it lit Steifly Prices HOGS STF0I6T010: HIGHER L i<e*u e*a “i r1 {•«; t-: P"a« 6-"'; IS a P !*<* V * f 'll re*. _a~m C* Uf is rW6 and C-o-i* cee-£e* i-a-l* £—nj ' >c£ T »_* ;*. *>.. >t. Beg r. tK:: n: »u u ; eoetiij *.-_i vs-'-£ iust Itmu: f taw*; u: j;_t i . i v li uff •*■*-. ii.r; - . -» **y -f *n >* i**' ,-r s ready aa_* ai eta»..> •. i : - • «rtcg*r t ■ *£y * *•»:rn r irtci S .O it f l ; . QM(ao«tt «■ -i” * I— Irt SU . Q I'. '••3T; • fi * >*•*«* £ :z_ tv— ' £.- • - _ ■ r >... * .-ear-XC* * - • ^ i* "• fi - - £ • . year p I'- , ■ Wf yew sc* r • S >*fj ri“ •*'-■■- — i . *'■** Tv <fa»r> rraa* t*~' II- »: lair : c • •: - - BCCfSw S I . c* bes-Jer* ?*.'• - '» s •ts «£> oe ten ’ ' r ■ z ■ • ■ ■*■ B 7.7 |3u9 OtT* tet. * I . • .»ef ’ . - f7 * " £i_t • . - r.V'f • ; • jt fe** nv(A.-(|Mw; £ A u* rt» ■•fiCl; fi - It £< r *■ ci*« - *' *l |* t r ' * ^ k* - *■••« r jr, 1 - * 2L - ‘ „ - er -- 573# 7JE » « ' *; CftlW* K • 5 f« Hspt Ac*. »e a-d H ;*e*. R—e-i".- f iw*g» »-.-- git for a V laj about 3** head al : *.-h a u* ttstaad f- 2. t» -'a «.-r* and shipper* the ma-tet *a- c a: I-r e* --.- la :o a - gter than Saturday Tops br igt- flSJU snd f the tr g - . - t SI 7.40 §17 7'* H ;re* P-ce* fer La—5*. A libera run f sheep and :!« aba - 27.7»A’ t-a and -. fit Rock I.:.-! fe» >r A*..:- - rai-4 la a ,...---* higher - last - *-k l a- i .1* - i a* SI* V* aad f— -r 1. - _• • < • .' - r breeding *•»-■* • t *'.-•• t sew high mark. V- -La:.- rut •£. sheep and Iambs: ' I."L.r* Ik r t eh - ■ - | - • - • - ■ 13 - ■ - - fair to <L - f!'. 77§13 • aga fetd er* SI! "• § I * we*hers fa.r to <*. <■*. jr- *.jj ididi7 ewe*. fa;- to i r - S' ■ • 1 1'' • rij and f.i-r- f7 7. b.'cwdwra. a. ag-* »:-• 7-d l? HAS HIGH OPINION OF CHAMBER LAIN'S TABLETS. "I hare a opinion of Chamber a.n's Tablets for billiousness and as a laxatlTe" write* Mr* C A. Barnes , Charleston. DL "I hare never found anything so m Id and pleasant to use My brother has also used these tab lets with satisfactory results." — FOR SALE. FOR SALE: — MT EIGHT ROOM house and six lots. Also six lots in cherry and plum trees. A tract of <bj acres of land and other tract of 2tj acre* all in alfalfa and fenced chicken tight.—Alfred Anderson. THE MODERN h ain't ac herd to he tc, *md If vaa jum +ett *-t-r — To do the irmagi yoc rno« you ehamid, Aadumk ^rateed o' aye*. ^y^. ~Ux SerZEDA The Maos* Broca. b« cause it " Waare Shorter Note the Fibre Shield One of die reasom for the long hie of ZED A. The Modem Broom, is the patented fibre shield L that fits sougfy over 4 the shoulder. Makes the broom more at ^ fcactrre and enables ou to reach the hard-to-get placet ■ without fear of | tbaia breaking the a*1. strive on the £*Ue tharp edges of cm Lmoalm beds, tables. chain, etc. LEE BROOM ft DUSTER COMPANY (■an. Rata JJaratt, Hft Dsnaatet. lava j I LUMBER £ is 1 I 5 £ - ' | BUILD NOW E £ 1 £ ti _ £ s § Pi. c ittr ti7. I HANSEN LUMBER CO. | COAL LOW SUMMER FARES WITHDRAWN SEPTEMBER 30tl -0 EiS” = S CIT ES A*»r SUMMER =ES'=~5 t. •• e *u - m i. ■Jt ti:“ L. W. WAKELEY, GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT 1004 Paman Street Omaha Nebraska. — -. Wien looking for a g d luncl r _»rt ■ r-i-r drop in at tie IDEAL BAK1 RY LUNCHES AND SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS We cany a full line of Bakery Goods. Careful tion given to all sp*ecial orders. Have tie agency for Flei-nman yeast in small • cakes. In st*ck at all times. Business and professional Guide JACOB J SLOMINSHI ■Wasis Yoar Cream. Poultry, and Eggs Always Top Prices ard a Square Deal Le-p C*ty, Neb. Phore S3 C. R. SWEETLAND Plumber dc Electrician For c *-*i. c-t-an and near work S-:isfac-j::<E Guannteed C rae arid Get lir Price* ALFRED MINSHULL — Painting and Papering Give rr* a Phone Brown 123 LOUP CITY NEBRASKA — - WALTER THOP.NTON Dray and Transfer Cju. Lumber T^rii or Taviora Elevator Phene Brown 43 — = J. E. B:*Tan. M. D. Carre L. Brwrrar. M. D BOWMAN & EOWMAN Physicians and Surgeons _ Phone 114 LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA --- _ S. A. ALLEN ■ Dentist Office Upstairs In the New State Bank Building LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA -... W. L. MARCY Dentist Office: East Side Public Square Phone Brown 116 LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA E. T. BEUSHAUSEN Licensed Embaliner ^ Funeral Director ROBT. P. STARR An- n.ey at Law j LOi_ P CITY - . . . NEBRASKA R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Aattrjrt:r LOCP CITY .... NEBRASKA AARON WALL _ Lawyt-r Practices - A Cc.-t» LOUP CITY - . - - \££ = iS'< A LAMONTL STEPHENS Lawyer Nat era Ba-*, E. c LC _ P CITY - . . . NEBRAS-n~ ROBERT E. MATHEW Bonded Abstractor Only Set cf Ab*trsct - C LOUP CITY .... neSRASKA O. E. LONGACRE — Physician and Sui _ n OFFICE. OVER NEW BANK Call No. 3S E. P. DAILY Licensed Embalmer Calls answered day or r g-t PHONE RED 65 A. S. MAIN Physician and Sur_ on LOUP CITY .... NEBRASKA Office at Residence Teiepone Connection A