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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1917)
A WORD TO THE PARTICULAR I he Hainline Laundry at Grand Island have installed and added to their efficient laundry plant a dry cleaning department and are pre pared to clean, mend, press and alter your overcoats, suits or dresses of any fabric or color and guarantee their work to be first class at reasonable prices. I. L CONGER, Agent for Dry Cleaning and Laundry Coming Soon! THAT REAL BIG AND FUNNY SHOW UNDER CANVAS J. M. BUSBY’S WORLDS GREATEST .. COLORED —= IK NSTRELS Loup City, Sat., Sept. 1 PARADE AT NOON. PERFORMANCE 8 P. M. [ - — - - ■ " ■" '* * ——■■■ ^ Nebr. State Fair Visitors Reserve Rooms Now in Large Attractive Home Three Blocks North of 0 St. Two Car Lines Fifty Beds. Terms Reasonable Write A. S. Heffley, 1340 R St. Lincoln, Neb. Phone B-3569 . DEER CREEK NUGGETS A number attended th- ham dauce M Frank Ki»at>nii Sunday Juhu Ptuulie k autoed to th- < ounty * it Monday on important business. Kdward Bydai-k ha* accepted a po ><uua working >n Grand Island a* re ported Harm Bydai-k pur< based a new lit tie Van Brunt drill from Ho. kville on Mnmday Mrv C'ciiA Kh tiki of A ah l oh has tew® h-! b< r atster < ook for the tamli«f» Paul Tarry of Omaha ha* b-en vis tug at the hocu- of August Mas. hka this a —eh Mr* Andrew Smiedra h..s been visit lug the last week with her sou Frank. «.-ar Kara *11 Mis* iv-da Plambet k visit-d with her *»*t-r Mr. and Mr* Loufe* Brain tner Auwli.t afternoon. Mr a tad Mr* Han* K-:n and family of Wet Ashton visited with Mr. and Mra. Stanley Xovfeki Sunday F. J Marie,' «*ki purchased a big and little Van Brunt drill* from Sam Sorwanu® of K« kville last Saturday. Mr* Frank Bydal-k and daughters of ikKarfr c Ul . have tieen visiting this week uifh Martin and Frank Brdalek, Sr Ma* t.ka Broth-* w.-nt to Frank Koaaanki'a on Oak Creek Sunday to fgafeh aawk at the dance that even ing. Mr and Mra. Georg- livmack and f.daily autoed to Loup City two week* *gu to visit with hi* brother Mr and Mrs. Stew- Iiym®< k {jeer Creek waa again refreshed l»v * good it- b rain last Saturdav and Panda* It i* about *ufTi> lent to plow. A liUfe> more would bring more help for glowing Mike it-mtnskl left by auto for 1 < dbv Kansas, this week to visit with ms sister. Mrs. John llaremza. and from there will leave for Denver fot i pica-tin trip. He expects to make the trip in week. The Plow Pushers Threshing Co., re reived their new Rumley threshing u.e I iue last Friday and took it home Monday and now anyone wishing to i thresh h ave orders to them and you will get a good clean thresh. The writer knew a man. now dead, who was drafted the time of the .til war. His father paid a large um to get a substitute for him ami the substitute was killed. The mar who stayed at home was a ‘'slacker” and h>- was referred to as suc h during the fifty years that followed the war acid he was heard to say many times that lie wished to Clod he had served us he should and died if necessary. Then* are going to be many at the present time who are entitled to ex emplion and there are going to be a lot of slackers who will not be entitled to exemption who will get it. lit the yeirs io come they are going to he looked upon and those of them who have a - nark of manhood left are going to feel the sting of censure which will he put upon them. On) Journal. Thus far we have noticed no amend ci cr in the ft>od bill making it un lawful for a person to sell "lieker" to a congressman. John ‘Wanamaker remarks that mon . y isn’t everything in life. Vet John has devoted a large portion of his ' life to annexing it. ASK ANYONE WHO HAS USED IT. There are families who always aim to keep a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in ‘the house WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. A1 Fagen visited at Malms’ Sunday Miss Hazel Brandt of Loup City visit ed at Archie Purvine’s last week.. Mr and Mrs. Ted Smith visited at the home of John Welty Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Purvine visited at A. C. Hageys' place on Sunday. Elmer Lindell and John Lind were Loup City visitors on Wednesday. John Adolphson and family of Polk are visiting at the John Lind home. Miss Leona Hall of Ansley is visiting at the J. I). Bums home this week. Miss Hazel Burns attended the i liautauqua a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jewell visited at itotit Leininger's place last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Thorne of Ansley visited at J O. Burns place last Sun day Mr. and Mrs. J W. Harrow and son Vaughn visited at Elm Creek for a couple of days* Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Anderson of Fre mont visited at the (’has. Lindell and Vim cut Fagen homes a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. McClary am! family and Mr. and Mrs. Wilford An derson and Irene autoed to St. Paul Sunday. teachers institute at Broken Bow a A nice shower of rain fell long the north bountry of Sherman county last Tuesday evening, the strip being about two miles wide. It sure seemed nice to drive in the mud on our way to town even if we did not get any rain at home. HAZARD NEWS. Miss Beula Zink came in on 39 Wed Tuesday. Rev. Hoges was visiting h#re a few days, leaving Friday. On Monday Messrs. Tumble. Erwald and Donahoe went to Kearney. Mrs. Jas. Peterson and Mrs. Louis Olson were in Ravenna Saturday. Mr. Hane returned to Antioch, Neb.. Henry Rasmussen accompanying him Monday. Frederic Langsteth’s arm was pretty badly injured recently by an auto in cranking. The. Misses Lisetta and Maggie Me Neal of Loup City came in on 39 Wednesday. Edla Riggins came home from liet sister’s, Mrs. Nina Norris, near Thed ford. Sunday. R. Rinertson came In on 39 from Kearney Wednesday. He reports the new grandson doing fine. Rev. and Mrs. Langsteth and daugh ter, Volburg, took 40 east, also Mr. Vanhusin’s sister. Tuesday. Richard Guy and family of Ottawa. Kansas, brother of Mrs. Ward of this place were visiting them this week. Mr. Giles of Pleasanton and Ben Whistler of Sartoria were in town on Monday. David Donahoe returned to Pleasanton with them. Louis Olson of Dunning came down Saturday evening to see Mrs. Olson, who, we are happy to report, is im proving, though slowly. The Misses Mary and Leah Door met their friend. Miss Porter, of Litch field at the train Saturday, she having come to pay them a visit. Chet Thompson and wife and little boy stopped over night with his broth er, Harry. Folks going to their home at Benson, Neb., Saturday, Francis Thompson going home with them. Charley Hobbs Lowell Riggins, Guy Hamlow, Arthur Holdt, Ludwig Larson, also Oscar and Edward Larson, James Holdt and two daughters, Marie and Effie and Alice Jacobson, all journeyed to Ravenna Tuesday. Willie Jaobson of the Iowa National Guard made his final visit to his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jacobson. His sister. Mrs. W. Hurley, also Mr. Hurley and the children were down Sunday to bid him good bye. Many people have not always a greet! with Mr. Bryan in liis views, but every true American will agree with his lat est—that the way to end the war is to go through it. “Through” is the word But put an "o” in it and make it “tho rough". too. Every time a great man goes out from the rear to view the Russian ar my. the bewhiskered troopers become so overjoyed that they rush right back to meet him half way. The fellow who had a vacant lot and didn’t cultivate it is now kicking him self every time he has to buy a few wilted vegetables . DAVIS CREEK NEWS. Anna OrivoI am) brother Tony were in Ashton Saturday Mrs. John Pelanouski visited with Mrs. Jonak Saturday. Stanley Janake was transacting bus iness in Loup City last Friday. Frank Manchester and John Pelan ou hi were in Loup City last Thursday. Mrs. John Pelanouski and children were shopping In Ashton last Thurs day. Mrs. F Manchester and children spent Sunday with Mrs John Peian ouiski. Miss Anna Gavel was a visitor with Mrs. F. Manchester and daughter last Friday. Quite a crowd from here attended church in Ashton Thursday, it being a holiday. There was a fine barn dance at the Czplewski brothers home near Loup City Sunday evening.. Sheriff Williams of Loup City was after a party m. the erect: Thursday for disturbing th.r peace. Quite a nice rain fell here Saturday and one Monday evening which will help corn and water melons. Mrs. Frank Trump and daughter and Mrs. E. F. Paddock assisted Mrs. Hassel with her work during thresh ing. Er-il Dold and sons came out and drove their cattle home from the Frank Manchester pasture where they have been for the season. Pastures are sure getting awful dry. It seems as though the Davis Creek has been having the fighting fever the past week as there were two fights last week. We do not care to mention any names in tlie matter but we do hope there will lie no more such fun. as we are not prepared for the front yet. John Lewandowski was taken to Scotia Thursday by the Ashton do-:tor where the following morning at If* o’clo.k he 1 nderwent an operation for appendiitis at Dr. Weeks' hospital. His wife and her parents and brother Walter Kaminski were there at the time. As 150 young men left Council Bluffs last Friday there were some ten thous and people at the station to bid them farewell and as the train pulled out one poor mother cried and said "My God. I wonder if the German Kaiser knows how many heartaches he is causing in this world. Will peace ever come?" How we will appreciate and understand what a wonderful thing peace is when it again settles over the world Will peace ever come. CLEAR CREEK SAND. Ben Speltz shipped cattle to Omaha. John Haller is threshing his grain Fritz Beichel is threshing for Dick Piper. Frank Kusack threshed for Dick Kratzer Saturday. Frank Kusack finished threshing for Mr. Aekerman Friday. J. W. Heapy and J. H. Mead were Loup City callers Friday. Mrs. Ivan Mendenhall left for Rer win Saturday evening on 39. D. W. Titus drove up the valley Sunday in his new Franklin. Joe Kratzer is helping F. T.. Rich mond stai k grain and nay. Sennett Richmond will farm the Sada Butler farm next year. Mrs. Godown of York is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Ralph Teeters. Elias Butler left for Washington state to visit with his mother. Mrs. Hickman’s cousin of Hastings. Neb., is visiting her a few days. J. L. Richmond put in a new culvert near the August Hedlund place. Frank Kusack and Joe Krouse threshed for I. A. Bowzer Monday. Miss Martha Burtner :s clerking in A. D. Norling's store every Saturday. Orin Speltz went to Grand Island Friday and brought home a new Forth Mrs. Garnet has an aunt visiting her Mrs. Canann and children of Columbus, Neb. The Clear Creek aid society met with Mrs. A. D. Jones Thursday after noon. Ross Goethe has relatives from Mar quette visiting with him and family this week. The M. E. Sunday school held ai picnic in Lang's grove south of town Tuesday. Frank Boroff and father started to Colorado on a pleasure trip Tuesday morning. J. E. Rainforth and family went to Ravenna Tuesday to take in Robison’s big show. Henry Biehel is threshing grain for Lee Walsey, Ed Flynn and Mr. Elrod this week. Mrs. Ella Hunt of David City came up Saturday evening to visit with Mrs. I. A. Bowzer. L. B. Hickman and F. T. Richmond went to Omaha with a car load ot cattle each. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Teeters Friday. August 11. a son of the usual weight and fineness. Miss Florence Ricnmond and Miss Helen Eastabrook visited with Missi Ethel Mendenhall Sunday. Frederick Rainforth of Doniphan au toed to Litchfield for a short visit with his brother John and family. Dor Spencer left for the aviation school Wednesday evening and Bill Spencer left foy Oklahoma Saturday. Carl Jones and son Fay came up to see A. D.. Jones Thursday. Carl Is a brother of Mr. Jones and lives at Blair. Neb. Fred Kohls hauled a load of lumber1 for the new school house on the Ny-i 3trom land Geo Rweclry will wieUl1 the hammer and saw. Bi'l Bpencer who moved to Oklaho ma. in the winter fame up to visit his brother at Mason and his son Dor at this place, who is living on his father’s place. Dor enlisted in the aviation corps and will go soon Some weeks ago we received an ad verlising proposition from the Grants | Land Locating Company a Portland,! Oregon, concern. They asked that their advertisement be started at once and run for many weeks. We had been stung by similar propositions so fig ured out what the advertisement was worth and wrote them, stating that promptly upon receipt of the money we would be pleased to start the ad. We have not heard from them. We notice, however, that many of the papers in this section continue to run this ad We woll be glad to hear that the boys have received pay tor their work but fear they will be a long timo getting it —Ord Journal. The Northwestern pleads guilty to running the ad above mentioned and to date has received no answer to several statements asking for a settlement. RECORD BREAKING FAIR All Indications Point To An Un precedented Attendance and Exhibits THE CARL HACENBECK 6REAT WALLACE CIRCUS In Connection with the Nebraska Stata Fair, September 3-7--Five Afternoon and Four Evening Per formances. Realizing the necessity of good clean amusements along with the other educational features of a great State Fair, the management of the Nebraska State Fair has searched high and low for everything new and good in the world of amusement and liberal education. It has taken the boldest step ever undertaken by any Fair in securing the Carl Hag enbeek-Great Wallace Circus for the entire State Fair week. This circus is a consolidation of the "Famous” Carl Hagenbeck Trained Animal Show and the Great Wallace Circus, and now ranks as the third largest circus in the world, with its three trains of twenty cars each. You cannot afford to miss the chance of seeing the wild perform ing animals in the sixty-foot square steel arena, along with three other performing rings. All this in con nection with the regular horse races for the same money. Presented twice daily in front of the amphithea tre without canvas. Make your ar rangements to come on Monday or Tuesday that you may see the won derful exhibits and new amusement features before the great crowds ar rive later in the week. WE MUST MOBILIZE , FOR FOOD EFFICIENCY Practical Patriotism. That’s the National ByWord Today President Wilson said: “I call upon the young men and old alike and upon the able bodied boys of the land to accept and act upon this duty—to turn in hosts to the farms and make certain that no pains and no labor is lacking In this great matter.” Since this memorable address of o((r President, state and civic gov ernments—civic organizations and good citizens have preached Practical Patriotism In all of its angles. We believe there is no better teacher of farming methods for those who answer our President's call—no better teacher of food conservation after production—than is found in our great State Fair. It has been aptly called “A Food Training Camp” —and you are practical and patriotic when you attend this year and take your lesson home—whether you be producer or consumer. Watch fo: demonstrations at the Nebraska State Fair. September 3-7. 1917 Model Rural School-Building and Grounds on Exhibit at Ed ucational Building. Do not mi#s the opportunity of visit ing the interesting exhibits in Class L—the Educational Department of the Fair. While we consider all depart ments educational. Class L will feature some innovations in the line of school work that will surprise and delight you. Be sure you pay this department a visit while attending the great State Fair, Sept. 3-7. One of the attractive features will be a Model Rural School-Building and Grounds, including Teacherage, Ath letic Grounds, Garden Plot, and every thing that is desired to make a com plete school plant. Come and get ideas for building In your own district. Poultry Show Growing In Popularity Tbe poultry exhibit to be held at the Nebraska State Fair. Septembei 8-7, is one exhibit which has de manded the attention of the man agement this coming year more s» than In the past. Mr. C. G. Cottls ■Of Edgar has been appointed aa su perintendent, and if satisfactory ar rangements can be made the exhibit [Will be placed in uniform coops, ■under hi® genial management. In this way the fowls can be shown to itbeir best advantage and the Amer lean hen given the recognition she ■o much deserves. '« Troy, N. Y. has more women wage earners than men. Must be a case of “Everybody Works but Father.” MU. MENTER There is a farm in Deuel County for you. If you have $2,000.00 to $4,000.00 to pay down on a quarter or half section we can give you good terms on the balance. Wheat this year is making from 30 to 55 bushels per acre. Think what this means at the present high prices. We have this year over 8,500 acres of beans planted throughout the county. Oats are making from 40 to 90 bushels per acre. Barley is making from 25 to 45 bushels per acre. Rye is making from 15 to 30 bushels per acre. Our prospects for a big corn crop were never better than at present. We have cut two good crops of Alfalfa and the third crop is coming on in good shape. We have had heavy rains all summer and the ground is in A No. 1 shape for the sowing of fall grain. 'We have not had, nor do we ever ha ve hot winds, as does Central Nebraska, We have good level farm and ranch lands that wc can sell at from $25.00 to $65.00 per acre. Our elevator is 3600 feet above sea level. We have the best of water obtained at an average depth of 150 feet. Chappell (county seat of Deuel county) has a twelve grade high school. We have a Methodist and Catholic church. Now while your work is pretty well done up is your best time to make a trip to Deuel county with us and let us orove our statements. Your trip won’t cost you very much and your time will be well spent. We have over 225 gas tractors in Deuel county of nearly every size and make that is manufactured, some plowing, some discing, harrowing and drilling all at one operation. Others pushing combined harvesters, or pulling from one to three eight-foot binders. The sight of all these at work is worth more than the puce of the trip. If you are now farming somebody else’s land you ov e it to yourself and family to look over this country and obtain a home of your own if it is within your power. Make a trip with us and be convinced. Call on or phone F. H. Gibson at The Frederick hotel and he will be glad to tell you all about this country. NISPEL LAND COMPANY CHAPPELL, NEBRASKA III1111111111H11 til 1111 (tl 11111111111.1111111111111111111111111111.1111 III 111111111 III 11111 I Cooper’s Flour aid I Feed Store E Located iu the old opera house building. We § E will endeavor to carry a complete line of flour and E E feed. Our prices are reasonable and every sack of ~ | flour guaranteed or money refunded. This flour is = E milled from good hard winter wheat. = E Call and see me before you buy your winter s E E supply. 1 C. C. COOPER, Loup City | miiiiiimiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LINCOLN SEPT-3-4-5-6 -7-1917 INI CONNECTION WITH WORLD’5 BEST LIVESTOCK- AGRICULTURE • DOMESTIC PRODUCTS • BOYS CAMP • AND BETTER BABIES WILL EE FOUND THE GREAT FOOD TRAINING CAMP When looking for a good lunch or short order drop in at the IDEAL BAKERY LUNCHES AND SHORT ORDERS AT ALL HOURS W carry a full line of Bakery Goods. Careful atten tion given to all special orders. Have the agency for Fleishman yeast in small (in foil cakes. In stock at all times. F. J. SCHOLZ & SON manufacturers of MONUMENTS AND MAUSOLEUMS JACOB RITZ, Rockville, Nebr.