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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 24, 1917)
Lot3 City Northwestern A LIVE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN A LIVE TOWN VoU .Mi: XXXVI LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1917 , NUMBER 23 LOUP CITY CLASS OF 1917 I usual interest is being taken in the graduation of the class of lblT. \s a * iass they have been one mat nave done things They are noted for first of all. their number. twenty-three, the set and iargest i lass ever gradu ate'! from Ie-up City school? Sei ne in this class are students who represent a g • ~i part of the athletic ability o: the s< hool Amick, fhiily. Woten. t un.:tig and BuLer being the athlete- attoi.g the bos# and lh>ra Ohisei..* Velma liowe and Kate Janu ew / girls who hdv. helped to :<uild up a su* ( t ssful basket bail team. > > -.ast: attainments have always o*en the most important aims of the .ass Th.rieeij have taken the teach r s training ur>e and most of these »w Jia\e a >' '1 and all their state -rah-— fur a certificate. Those who - i. eiied along these lines are hard o name as fhey have all done their • ork in a g . d reliable manner. Kith *‘ti Curtis. Ja k Amn k. Myrtle White, «>ra Larsen Ohlsen. Helma Jung and Alina hinder lee carrying oft their -•‘.are ■>! the lug:: grades with the rest ■f the mss following closely to their grades We are proud of the class and real .if that the < -mmunity and tea- hers are proud of su> h a large class The * lass play is another avenue for hen. V show the:; talents Last years plays mas a grand success as was this »a* Each one was adapted to the part played -Tne D-eam Teat Cacse True” The - lass play was a unique sue ess in every way. The ia.-s and their . Me- tress. Mr? H M Mathew, de eerve gf>at credit for the rendering f this difficult p.ay The parts Wert aeii learned and well acted. Maude Johnson Uora Ohlsen and Ja«-k Amick arying the heavier parts. Special mention should be given to each in dividual for their work but time and pace will not permit. The graduation exercises will take place at tiie opera house Thursday evening. May 54. Programme. V" al Solo .Miss Leininger Address .Paul “Sunshine” Diet rick Presentation of Class.C. U. Bitnei Granting of Diplomas. ..G. W. Collipries: Of this class ttn will teach next year. Bulger has joined the army to defend the U. S.. five are planning on going to college or University, and the remaining number will work at various occupations at home or in t iwn We wish them all success ir. life in their chosen work. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL'S TRACK MEET On May 17. the high school girls h-ld a track meet on the school play ground. The following are the win ners in the various events and each received a letter. Basket hall throw—Tena French. G4 ft Baseball throw—Katherine Owens 154 ft. Running broad ump—Eugenia Patton 11 feet 3 inches. High jump—Frieda Dieterichs and Biani he Winkleman. 3 ft. 9 inches. Hundred yard da-h—Helen Draper. Fifty yard dash—Fay Hatch. The Soph -mores won the class base ! .1: reia; and the Freshmen and Jun i< : ~ won the baseball game. 1: i- interesting to note that the r. r<i of university women at N'e braska is four feet in the high jump NOTICE. A meeting of the citizens of Sher n. m county is called to meet at the irt house in Loup City for the pur p -e )f -rganizing a County Defense ''ctinci! and the election of offi ers nd - ■mmiltees of the same, on Tliurs lay. May 31. at 2:30 o'clock p. m. C W. TREMBLE. Temporary Chairman TAfKEN UP. Three red shoats average about 70 pounds were taken up about a month .iso. Owner can have same by prov ing property and paying advertising and lead bill.—A. Spelts. 22-3 Try an ad in the Not h,western. REDUCING theory to fact I > ' ; ; custom tailor—have you ever given i . al the.*y that has made the ready-to ir < lotj - ■ • ■" one of the biggest industries of this • .unity- a p:. 'leal theory that has become a fact? .1 - ui - p: h;.~ become a science; today, . _r - -ti.-r~ i' tailor to the millions—his ability has ' i: — bl. for r. ady to-wear clothes to he still indi vidual .| the millions have responded. • # HIGH-ART CLOTHES are a t ' i. ■ ' , u* >uccos, because they are designed to m«*et the requirements of every type. tome. app!.. .ite tie- certainty of clothes which you can *urve\ at the out'. ;. How do vou know whether the stvle 9 ml * you . r from a pie:ure will prove becoming? We have try type to ek« '. from—In every size and in a wide range of fabrics and color. GUS LORENTZ LOUP CITY NEWS NOTES. Miss Nina Rasmussen came un from Rockville. Saturday to ^ake examina tions and spend the day with her sis ter. Miss Segrid Rasmussen. C. O. Waggoner returned the first of the week from Juiesburg. Colo., where he has been looking for a lo cation. W. L Copeland arrived in our city Sunday evening from Iowa, for a short visit with his many friends in our city Clifford Hale and the Misses Fay French and Marie Ohlsen went to Ra venna and met him with a car. The ball game between the high school and commrcial club teams last Friday afternoon is said to have been an exciting game. Only five innings were played and arrangements are being made for a nine inning game in the near future. The Junior-Senior class banquet was held at the Methodist church last Friday evening. A splendid time was had by the members of the two class es. We expected a full report of this affair from one of those attending, but were disappointed. A. B. Young has purchased a barber shop at Grand Island and took pos session of the shop about two weeks ago j M^ Young has many friends in Loup City who will be pleased to hear of his new venture in business and wish him success. * Last Saturday evening several of the friends of T. L. Grierson assembl ed at his home and surprised him in honor of his birthday. Ice cream and cake were served. At a late hour the guests departed after having wished Hoy many happy birthdays. Mrs. Jung is making extensive im provements at her restaurant. The dining room, office and kitchen are being enlarged by the taking down of a partition and combining two other rooms with those three. Also new fl irs. additional windows and doors complete the improvements. A. C. Ogle received a car of Ford autos last week, which were immedi ately delivered to those who had or dered. Mr. Ogle also received a car of Chalmers sixes, one of the finest cars that ever came to Loup City. Thos. Parsley of Litchfield, purchased a Chalmers from Mr. Ogle on Saturday. J. \V. Thomson went to Fremont Wednesday to attend the state chain pionship shoot. Mr. Thompson has been shooting well this spring and hopes to be among the leaders in this event. The winner at this shoot will represent the state organization of! shooters at the national shoot at Chi cago this fall. C. M. Snyder of Kearney, was ir. Loup City. Wednesday. Mr. Snyder was taken down with paralysis eigh teen months ago and this is the first time he has been able to be out since I that time. He is improving nicely. Mr. Snyder owns a section of Sherman 1 county land seven miles south of Loup City iu the Wiggle Creek district, and will spend a few days on the ranch expecting to return to Kearney on Fri day. Washington. May 23.—In he great est recruiting drive they ever attempt ed. the U. S. Marines will conduct a National Recruiting Week from June 10 to* 16. in an attempt to make their ! slogan “Four Thousand Enlistments \ by Saturday Night” a reality. Gov '■ ernors. mayors, business and profes- ; sional men patriotic organizations, wo men's clubs schools theatres and news papers will be asked to cooperate in this wTork. The Marine Corps should be recruited to full war strength at the earliest practicable moment as it is very likely that the “Soldiers of the Sea" will be among the “first to fight" overseas. Dr. Louis E. Hanisch. of Omaha, was here a few days this week visit ing with relatives, the Dieterichs and his friend. Lamont L. Stephens and other friends. Dr. Hanisch is a grad uate of the University of Nebraska and has enlisted in the Red Cross and will be a surgeon in the base hospital un it in France. He will go to France within two or three weeks to take up his duties. He will have the rank of First Lieutenant with a salary of 12.000 a year. Dr. Hanisch was born and raised at Rockville, where his parents still reside. He will probably visit with his friends and relatives i in Sherman county until he leaves for the scene of his new duties. The baccalaureate sermon was preached by Rev. J. L. Dunn at the ; opera house last Sunday night. The j house was packed and the sermon and music was greatly enjoyed by the ' large audience. Rev. Dunn spoke on the ; "Elements of Success in Life” using as a text "Bestir Thyself”—2 Samuel j5:24. Among the many points brought |out by Rev. Dunn was this: "Another ! element of success is decision. Deter | mination is the natural consequence of decision, and determination is necessary to success. To settle a thing 1 with a fixed purpose, which requires firmness of character. Those who make a success in life are the ones that are Iable to decide promptly and cautious ly.” FLAG RAISING HERE SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Next Saturday after” ton. at three o'clock, will be held a county patrio tic demonstration and flag raising in the court house square A nice pro gram has been arranged, and it is planned to have delegations from every part of the county present at tha" time. A mass meeting was held in the of flee of Judge Aaron Wall last Satur day afternoon, and committees on ar raugements was appointed to arrange the program, advertising, etc., for the occasion. Bills will be distributed over the county between now and the time of the meeting. It was the sense of the meeting that by holding this meeting a: three o'clock on Sat urdav, that it would enable most of our people to ire here, as most al' our farmers come to town on Saturday afternoon to do their trading. Following is a partial list of the program as arranged by the commit tee: Music .Loup City Band liaising of the Flag, while the band j plays “The Star Spangled Banner" Patriotic Song Address .Lieut. Barrett, of Omaha Address .John W. Long Address .Judge Aaron Wall Music .Loup City Band If the weather is favorable, we pre diet a very large attendance. Seats! will be procured for everyone. Bring a flag and help make it a day to be j ong remembered. Thinking that Mr. Owens' friends and old comrades would like to know how he is since his recent operation 1 take the opportunity to do my ‘'bit" ^ by saying that Uncle Sam is a great | doctor. 1 have just reurned from Battle Mountain Sanitarium where my hus band has undergone a serious opera tion for removal of a large gall stone His advanced age and poor health made it a dangerous operation, and we were in doubts of his recovery- but thanks to the clear brain and steady hand of Colonel James A. Mattison. Governor and Surgeon we are pleased to say Mr. Owens has a chance tc 1 live, and be w ell once more. We hope ' in the near future to have him home ! again. To much can not be said of this wonderful institution with its skilled surgeons, efficient and kind nurses and wardens. The sar.itatura is situated a* the base of Battle .Mountain. It is a modern and imposing building amid beautiful and well kept grounds. The inmates of the sanitarrum and cit: zens of Hot Springs seem to idolize Colonel Mattison. MRS. OWEN’S For the first time in the history of j Wayne and every other town, no able bodied loafers should be tolerated. There are chronic idlers who need the compensation to be derived from work but who are too lazy and too indif ferent to app^- themselves voluntar ily. They are sponges as far as. pos sible. only- working at rare intervals as occasion compels. The demands of this strenuous war period should introduce a new era in compulsory employment. Society- should demand some returns in profitable endeavor from every young person capable of doing something. Neither the young man with silk socks nor the one with patched trousers should be permitted to kill time and accomplish nothing while others are working overtime to sustain the government and provide food and other supplies for the world The able-bodied loafer should be sliak en loose from indolent habits and set to work.—Wayne Herald. Our perfectly good American hog is up in arms. He resents being mention ed in the same class with food specu lators. Don’t Hesitate to Phone Us if you find it inconvenient to call personally, for we always are glad to deliver phone orders promptly and .of course, without addition al charge. Whatever your drug store needs just call and we will see that you are taken ere of promt ply and with the same degree of service that you g«ft when you make your purhases in > person at the store. 0. L. Swanson ; Druggist THE PRESIDENT’S CALL The President has issued a procla mat ion, designating June 5th as Reg i-tration Day. for the purpose of on taining a military census of ail mer between the ages of twenty-one and thirty, the ages decided upon «bv Con gress. This is the only day on which it will be possible for a man to regis ter. No one between the ages pro vide,! is exempt from this registration. Every man between these ages must .-agister on this day. He will perform his duty at his regular polling place, which will be open from seven in the morning until nine P. M. Registration is solely for the purpose of obtaining a list of eligible men in the United States. After this census has been taken, the process of ex emption will follow. While the law fixes a prison sentence as penalty for failure to register or to comply with any of the provisions of the law. it al so provides that where a man volun tarily presents himself for registration on the day designated by the Presi lent and in the event he is selected, voluntarily presents himself for ser vie. his name will be carried on the record as a volunteer soldier. The county registration board, com nosed of the county sheriff, clerk and physician, will appoint registrars for the various precincts within their county. The federal government is de sirous of having, so far as possible, these registrars serve voluntarily. The registrars for Sherman county are as follows: List of Registrars for Sherman County Jvast Logan: J. Q. Pray and Lincoln White. Oak Creek: Adam Radka and Wenzel Kewolinskl. Vest Oak Creek: E. E. Tracy and Hans Johnson. Washington: W. H. Welty and A. P. Malm. Elm: Guy Richmond and C, J. Whit more. Webster: R D. Hedrioksou and F. A Pinckney. Loup City. East: R. H. Mathew and C. H. Ryan. Loup Civ West: W. T Chase and W u. /.immerman. Austin: Dan McDonald and W. Han cock. Ashton: Jos. Hruby and Jos. Jan kowski. Rockville: E. Dwehus and E. F. Kozei Clay: J. E. Roush and C W. Burt. Harrison: G. A. Engleman and A. W Boecking. Sr-oit: Arthur Minshull and J J. Els* Hazard: C. W Trumble and Mver Peterson. Bristol: Geo. Braomer and Ben Von Krosigh. The first name for each township and ward is the Chief Registrar. He has charge of forms and blanks and must see that the returns are deliver ed to the county clerk. ARMY OF GIRLS WANTED Girls here is your opportunity to do something for your country and at the same time be a Good Samaratan tc the young men who are going out to fight and die in order that, you may have a country in which to live in peace and security. Every y«ung man who goes to war needs from two to three pairs of wristlets to wear around his wrists in the'chilly trenches of France. They will prevent thousands of bad cold: and many hundreds of deaths from pneumonia. But wristlets are not a part of the equipment furnished to each soldier bv the government. Hence if you the warm hearted young ladies of our country, do not make them our boys will not get them. Colonel Daniel E. McCarthy, de parment quartermaster of the Centra’ Department. C. S. Army. Chicago. 111., is so warm hearted and generous and patriotic that he is working nearly twenty hours a day in his efforts to make every arrangement for the com fort and well being of the troops. But — ---1 o'onel McCarthy, strong anti brain; nan that he is. can not furnish then wristlets bec ause the government doe iot authorize him to do so. Will you help Colonel MeCarthj out in this girls? Will each of yoi constitute yourself his aid and kni at least one pair of wristlets for "some girl's brother?" The colone has a beautiful young daughter, am she is knitting them too. The wristlets should be of tan coloi if possible, or dark gray or some otli er subdued color, so they will not at tract the attention of the enemy. The; should never be red or any othei bright color. They should be kni loosely enough to admit ot drawiuj them on and off over the hand, am should be about five inches in length The editor suggests that inside eaci pair you pin or sew a iutle slip of pa per with your name and address plain ly written thereon so the soldier boy: may know who sent them. And to aid the movement and alsc to do something for his country tht editor wants to publish in the pape: the name of every young lady whi joins in this worthy undertaking. Le us have your names as fast as yoi knit them. Write Colonel McCarthy a note tell ing him you are knitting some wrist lets and ask him where you are tt send them. He will answer your let ter promptly and will tell you jus what to do with them in order tha they may get to he right place. Ant he will be immensely pleased o heai trorn you because of what you are do ing for "the boys.” Girls, the editor makes this appea to you in the name of our country which we all love so well. You can not fight, but you CAN make lift more comfortable for the boys who dt the fighting—some of whom will nevej come back again. Come into the offict and talk it over with us. and if we cat aid you in any way we will do so. In writing to Colonel McCarthy ad dress your letter as follows: Coloue Daniel E. McCarthy U. S. Army, Fed eral Building. Chicago. Illinois. Stan today, girls This is YOt'E opportunity. It is quite safe to annex a June bride brother— provided you are 31 or over MEMORIAL DAY PROGRAM i The program for Decoratiou day will be held at the Presbyterian church. Wednesday. May 30. John Zimmerman I speaker of the day. C. J. Tracy, mar ' shal of the day. Soldiers. Ladies of G. A R. and Sons J of Veterans will meet at Society hall at 1:30 and march to the church, led by the Silver Cornet band, where the following program will he rendered: Rev. E. M. Steen. Chairman Song. America Congregatin'. Prayer .Rev. Dunn Quartet Gettysberg address .Earl Shrove Song .Choif Reading .Raymond Keith Solo . .E M. Steen Reading .Owen Waggoner .Misses Depew | Old Glory .Calla Cole ! Solo ..A. J. Johnson II Song .Ruby Larsen Boy Scouts Troop No. 1 will assi. iu the program. All business places are requested | to close from 2:00 until 3:30. At the j close of the program rigs will be at the church to take all to the cemetery who wish to go. There will be a short alk given at the cemetery and all so! dier's graves decorated. By Ordgr of Committee NEBRASKA PATENTS. Official list of letters patent of in vention issued from the United States I Patent office at Washington, D. C.. to inhabitants of Nebraska for the week ending May lit. 1917. as reported through the office of Sturgess A- Stu: gess. registered patent attorney.-. Suite 332 Bee Bldg, Omaha. Neb. Edwin H. Hollister, Ashland, photo graphic printing frame. Ira Lucy, Long Pine, collapsible live stock crate. Herman F. Miller. Rushville. cover for coal hods. Herman. F. Miller, Rushville. auto mobile tire valve. Leo J. Schwartz Winnetoon, concave for threshing machines. Robert U. Wolfe. Omaha, combined tractor, roller and plow. Subscribe for The Northwestern. Summer Normal Session ACCREDITED OPENS MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1917, IN THE St. Paul Normal and Business College St. Paul, Nebraska .. —== COURSES OFFERED All subjects leading to all grades of County Teachers’ ^Certificates. All subjects leading to all grades of City and State Teachers’ Certificates. All subjects leading to a Life or Professional Certifi cate. Our Model School Work and Primary Methods will be a strong feature. Full credit will be given for all work done during our Summer School. Expenses will be LOW and accommodations excellent. Commercial and Stenographic Courses also offered. For Further Information Kindly Address , ST. PAUL NORMAL AND BUSINESS C0LLE6E JOS. S. ZOCKOLL, Manager St. Paul, - - - Nebraska * j