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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1917)
Rexall Sarsaparilla Tonic will prepare you for the coming hot weather at the Drug Store _op. the corner, Sraefe’s old Stand. Asa J. Farnham, Prop._ LOUP CITY NORTHWESTERN 1 titered at the Loup City Postoflice for iraBstBlMHiii through the Mails as second class matter. I RANK B. HARTMAN. Publisher $1iC PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. ICvery aubscript » t» r«-. u J- J as an ei***# aecmi t Ti.e .it,;.'* of subscriber. !• ■ * ad from eer mall |r.J5 Mart Ml t:»r Vlf»l! all *t 'f t'fl«* ; f M .* frtolaiisaxri# l«r MikllM#4. «il * "e tttbtrt , * • Hi T* uih i?* f<W«NP -it •tor 4rr *:*-«:rdi »u «t» puc Ever) ► hafrftrf ni«M unMtHdHtl t!i.»t lii*-** * *«4iU m» art r»<" !- m fauart <*f the con set |k <aert, put * rr and • .hscribpr ADVERTISING RATES. Duplay adverti-etio <it.~ 1"'~ rents I er inch, for annual contracts, where i -tace is used every week in the year. 2^ cents per Inch fur a >is month!* . i-atra* f. -« tents fa r inch fur irregu tar and occasional adver i-• rs "! .eats j»er inch discount where plate are furnished laxai nut: • - ’• cents per line, ea* h insert tun. Hack face 1.x «als. 1# cents per line ea* li insertion I.* ad it.notice*. over -l> lines. cent* imet unit. Minimum charge for local notice or ad. li tint* per week. CHURCH NOTES. Methodist. The pastor t* at District Conference at La-v T.gToti this »irk and may stop • •ft at Central City one nigh’ and heat - .any Kayhurn who is bolding a taberna* le Meeting there The hig group me.ttnr will lx- h id in Loup < tty Methodist <' tr* it Tuesday, Man!; i» Will the 1*,.tiers please see the leab- r* In their s.-* '.ion at once a t« how many will cncerta.n d ega'* e ntrht of the olh Tlie members o ttie team, must all be pr* *-:if to hea the imported speakers if the phu •creed* in l-oup City Ai <* the men * -rs of the Kinanee and Rcnoeolen* • < aim "tee* Will the t» urns please that th*—e In their group get a p* • nai invitatiiui to the rally How ~sph k and span" the new p*i' pit ray* et. . are it >ouldn'l be h*.<•' up in n:cer shape Take notice nei osr >iHt «i*n.*- to < htiT-ii We i*e v. ttet i t *! A.d sueioty f.>r the * *-w ftjrti hltsg Mew <i.rf>e• f.*r the a.-le* ready t< ! Jt down * .<s*tl as the cie. the chart h whl h will probably 1* «‘-i»e th** week. A number of th- mers hers of the ehur* h. ti.r.Ht M Lot presented Miss Ian* lleiirv .• ti a salt *' aatial cash i**k<-» of the.r atmreela te-u of her faiThful servi e - on* • wr« h plant*) She fully *•: . *| p M .» Henry is w • «» a, doubt th Moat e * or '»li-lied tKini « ha- * had in the fifteen yet*- of - ir min try. Site is always «»— • on time and her leadership a,! ' ,u- piano is a w aiderful help in mu’. • e sr * hitr* !. s- rvlf e* popular and - f";l. The League i nte-t is loser than ever, ('aits Cob now has lot*’. polit to her * redo and Utfi M< Kad'h-ti h • Wat h. the thermometer next Sunday. All ur young people are in vited at >; ■ Blanche Chilson leads. T nii '( ir South American Mis --.iii - S in it by the pastor at 10:30. i vt■ . m ti mi ;ti 7:30. Subject: “The i ■ i . n.ii Sin.” Hear it. Every lM>dy iii- 1 I We were glad for the rreat attendance of young men last Sui d. nigi The Ladies' Aid meets v it d's. Hubert Snyder Wednesday afternoon this week. Mr Led na-r's and Miss LeMast ■ S titday s. hool classes entertain d V- Long's and Mr . Williams’ - - m tie - iiurch parlors Saturday •vetoi.- Carnes were played and a • \ i;e e ui i course supper was serv • : it >i .is a St Patrick's party. Guests ■ the ereen. the tables were fes . . | with green and the stories that H ie told were in harmony with the i ... After supper some stunts a. i- enjoyed. It was a very pleasant i.r and surely much appreciated by the young people. PROFIT BY THIS. Dc-n't Waste Another Day. Win n you are worried by backache; hv ur tie s and urinary disorders— I n't • vnn tit with an untried medi cine. Follow Loup City people's example. I'se Doan's Kidney Pills. Here's I^otip City testimony. Verify it if you wish: Mrs Chris Johansen. Loup City, ays: “I don't hesitate recommend .• Dial's Kidney Pills, for I found • ' do just tis advertised. I used m for be kaehe. nervousness ana - ihii with the kidney secretions and v brought quick relief. I get Doan's \ in- Pills at Swanson's Drug Store t.d I ilwa s take a few when I feel in 1 *d of a kidney tonic.” i': ie 7.o cents at all dealers. Don't nip ask for a kidney remedy—get Kid.-—y Pills—the same tint John: U had Foster-Milburn o. Props Buffalo. X. Y. --- If the newspaper should some day ■he i ' ’cuts of its waste basket • .v alid probably be a riot. There ul«l certainly be trouble in many an . arn ts in many directions, •sun in another, trouble all t aird. But the patron never sees '■•• wa.-te basket, he only glances at ■ 1 :tifully printed page, and com a i s if on- letter is upside down. i.! - if one name happens to be kb 'us because his communica - rued “Taxpayer" has been con 1 - 1 into r< pe< table English b .use the editor did not adi about publicity telling ••ir • ighbors of their shortcomings. ■ • • i'ly di gruntled. He knows - - ir- of the waste basket, but if !d bm'. at the contributions to * : p a Ie h- would he thankful t!i- • \. t>m e of a man with intel a'j11 i >urage enough not to ! ' '•' ! i b: ows. and to temper that ••■ hi< h h- does print. Si:1 t in for The Northwestern. REPLY TO OPEN LETTER. March 19, 19,7 To the Editor of Northwestern— Loup City. Neb. In your issue of March 15th is pub lished an open letter to Hans Johnson written by R. R. Bauhard in which he charges me with having hailed him in public. I did ask Mr. Bauhard a ques tion at the annual township meeting of Logan township in regard to my name being used in the campaign. As I asked the question in a friendly way and had expected to receive an ans wer accordingly. In regard to having made false statements that I deny, as the road funds were left in my hands to use as I saw fit. As he does not state any particular road I presume that he has reference ot the Valley road leading to Arcadia. Now the facts are that with the exceptions of about three-quarters of a mile the said road has been all graded with plow and scraper since I took charge of same and we have more road lead ing north and east from the Valley, in the hills that has never been touch ed by me than there is in the Valley. Now, 1 have no apology to make for the road work that I have done It is for the voters of my precinct to say whether the money has been well spent or not, and I absolutely refu-'e to discuss this road question any fur ther in the public press. In closing I wish to say this that 1 have known Mr. Bauhard for a number of years and have always considered him as one of my friends and I have never spoken disrespectable of him or said one word that would in any way injure his name or character, nor will I do so in the future and if it is any satisfaction to Mr. Bauhard to use my name through the public press as he has he will have clear sailing as I will not further discuss this question. As in regard to his last question in regard to Farmers’ Union, do not care to ans wer same through the press but if he will come to our meeting I would be glad to answer any question that lie mav ask. (Adv) HANS JOHNSON. DEER CREEK NUGGETS. Mrs. Stanley Nowicki visite.l v.itl. Thos Lubash. Monday, Dr. A. E. Wanek was on Deer Creek last Saturday aiding the sick. Paul Maciejewski quit school last week on account of early farm work. School Dist. No fi had no school on last Friday on account of the storm. The measles are about gone from Deer Creek as about everyone has had them. Ravmond Bydalek. who has been suffering with the measles, is cfut again. Stanley Nowicki has ben quite sick the past week with an attack of the grippe. Cyrus and Daniel Bydalek spent last Saturday evening with the Thos Lu bash family. Miss Stella Bydalek is staying with Dan Garner’s im sL|h a Im -“ —=»==—=-j--=•'■ ■ -:-=__g ' l " ' " - : Having sold my farm 1 will sell at the farm one mile | north of Loup City, commencing at ten o’clock on Wed., March 2$ FREE LUNCH AT NOON ——" ■■■'■ ■ . - 6 Head of Horses 75 Head of Cattle, most all good Shorthorns 11 Head of Hogs, 10 bred Duroc Jersey sows and 1 boar 100 White Leghorn Chickens A Lot of Good Farm Machinery Will deliver any cattle at Loup City if desired SEE BILLS FOR FULL PARTICULARS DAN GARNER, Owner COL E. A. KEELER, Auct. , W. F. MASON, Clerk aer brother on Oak Creek since her sister went to Dntaha. August Maschka. overseer in Dist. No. IS. with a gang of men. were cut ting the road, Monday. Joe Smedra and Wm. Haremza. who have been in Keitli county, returned home last Wednesday. Lizzie Weiss, school teacher in Dist. No. 12. did not teach school last Fri day on account of the storm. Joe Goc arrived tiere from St. Paul last Friday to visit with his parents. He is attending school at that place. • Miss Rose Bydalek was an east bound passenger to Omaha, after a few weeks’ visit here with her par j ents. A large number of relatives and ' friends from here attended the funer ; al of Mrs. Bert Lukasczewski. who j died last week. Mrs. Thomas Lubash has been quite j ill the past few days having being i sick with the measles, but is about i the same at the present. Last week we stated that Seabei k Bros, and L. A. Deminski autoed to j Grand Island but this was misunder stood as they have been in St., Paul. Our mail carrier failed to make his trip last Friday and Saturday on ac count of the storm, so the farmers had to go to town on horseback after i their mail. trank Bonczynski. sr.. ana son. 1 o phiel, and Mrs. Frank Bonczynski and family, autoed to Farwell last Wed ! nesday on important business, return l ing home the same day. Paul Kryski. with the big six gang have been opening the road in Dist. No. 19 the past few days. The snow ; drifts were stacked up so high no | one was able to pass through. Last Friday morning when we awoke i Mr. Winter had surprised us by mak j ing us a visit which looked as if he was going to stay a while. We hope he will not come again until next j winter. Last Monday Mr. Stork arrived from Iiabyland and deposited a fine boun | cing baby girl at the John Bonczynski home. Mother and baby are doing nicely and daddy, no wonder he pur chased a little Ford. Congratulations. We were glad to learn last week that Ashton will not be without a doc tor. The present one will soon move to Crete and a man by the name of Dr. Pearson arrived here last week from Kansas. Congratulations to Dr. Pearson. ! Last Tuesday morning the sad news arrived from St. Paul of the death of I Fred Moag. It t ame as a shock to his [ many friends and relatives. He has | been troubled since birth with his ' spine and several months ago got it! injured and had to be taken to the St. Paul hospital for an operation. On t last Monday he had his second oper ation and died in the afternoon. He , was born on Deer Creek and was well loved by all. At the time of his death he was 23 years and 16 days. He was the eldest son of Mr .and Mrs. Peter Moag. He leaves to mourn his loss, one sister and two brothers and his j parents. The funeral was held last | Thursday ond the remains laid to rest j in the Deer Creek Methodist ceme- j terv. The Northwestern joins with its : many friends in extending sympathy to the bereaved familv. Card of Thanks. We wish to thank those who so kindly assisted in the sickness and burial of our beloved son and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moag and family. Organization of Federal Land Bank of Omaha Completed. Omaha. March 21. The complete or-1 ganization of the Federal Land Bank ! of Omaha for the eighth federal dis- i trict, comprising the states of Iowa, i ! Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming has been completed and the bank is in full swing at its temporary offices. Suite 1207-1209 Woodmen of the World Building. Secretary Frank G. Odell states that approximately four thous and letters of inquiry have been ans ; wered in the two weeks since the bank was organized. About seventy-five National Farm Loan Associations have already filed their organization papers with the bank as required by the Federal Law and have applied for loans aggregat ing ever three million dollars up to the close of business on March 15. The figures on loans already applied for are: Nebraska $1,818,410; Iowa $115,500; South Dakota $739,580; Wyo ming $454,700. Great interest is shown in the new farm loan system by country banks and offers of hearty co operation are coming from bankers, is the statement of the officers of the Federal Land Bank. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to our friends for the many acts of kindness and sympathy shown us during the sickness and death of our dear baby. We especially wish to thank those who sent the beautiful flowers. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Lambert. Mrs. Elvira Daddow and family. FOR SALE. 50 acres of improved property one half mile south of Loup City. Alfalfa field that will raise from seventy-five to one hundred tons of alfalfa each year. Plenty of good timber for shade and fire wood. Good pasture.—John Eggars. 14-3 DUROC JERSEY BROOD SOWS. Good Duroc Jersey brood sows for sale at Woods' barn on Saturday, Mar. 24.—S. J. lossi. Contractor Ohlsen has a force of men busily engaged in laying the brick for the library building. Part of the west wall is up and it looks mighty classy. Work will not stop until the building is fully completed. — Arcadia Cham pion. PUBLIC SALE. Another one of those Big Combina tion sales will be held at the Woods' barn in Loup City, on Saturday, March 24 Commencing at 1:30 p. m. sharp, the following described property: 6 Horses and Mules Including one span of mules three and four years old; black horse six years old. weight about 1250; bay; horse five years old. weight about 1,-, 350; gray mare nine years old. weight about 1.150; bay mare seven years old,, weight about 1.200. 4 Milch Cows All four are good milch cows and one is fresh with calf at side. 13 Duroc Jersey Hogs Including 12 Duroc Jersey brood sows farrowed in April and May, all 12 are pure bred but no papers fur nished; also one registered Duroc Jer sey Boar. Farm Machinery, Etc. Including Satley corn planter, near ly new, with 80 rods of wire; John Deere lister in good shape, walking cultivator and many other articles not listed at present. Anyone having property of any value may list same at this sale provided it is at the barn by noon of sale day. Terms of Sale All sums of $10 and under, cash. Over that amount a credit of S months time will be given on approved notes bearing 10 per cent interest from date j of sale. No property to be removed i from premises until settled for. O. A. WOODS, Manager. I COL. JACK PAGELER. Auct. C. C. CARLSEN, Clerk. Order of earing and Notice on Petition For Settlement of Account. In the County Court of Sherman Coun-1 ty. Nebraska. State of Nebraska, Sherman Coun ty, ss. To the heirs, legatees, devisees and all persons interested in the esta'e j of Christian Hansen, Sr., deceased. On reading the petition of Christian J Hansen. Jr., praying a final settlement and allowance of his account filed in this court on the 9th day of March, 1917. and for order or distribution and settlement of said estate. It is heeby ordered that you and all person in terested in said matter may. an ' do. appear at the County Court to be he' I in and for said county, on the 6th day of April A. D„ 1917. at 10 o'clock A M. to show cause, if any there be. wlr the prayer of the petitioner should ’ ‘ be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publish ing a copy of this order in the Loup City Northwestern, a weekly newspa per printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to day of hear ing. Witness my hand and seal this 9tn day of March. 1917. 13-3 E. A. SMITH. Countv Judge. (SEAL) Subscribe for The Northwestern. j F. J. SCHOLZ & SON manufacturers of MONUMENTS AND MAUSOLEUMS JACOB B1T7 Rockville,Nebr. 4> «—— ."■■■■.....i.. , Good Lumber — at . Lowest Prices KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps and Arcadia - | ACCEPTED 9 by musicians the world over as 1 the standard and first in the judg H ment of experts at the World’s 1 Fairs and Expositions is now on U exhibition and for sale in your home town. A complete stock a of these Matchless Instruments J , as well as the Co! umbia Line , < of unexcelled Records, for- j eign and domestic, can be seen II J and ?rn*yed whenever it suits 1 5 your convenience. N Table Machines at i 815,02.5,$35,$50 4 ! Cabinet Ma ' .3 at I 75.885.100.8110 iand up to the price of the style 350, the Columbia Grafonola Baby Grand, , the last word in phonograph construction, 2’lie Acme of 1‘crjtctiun. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT— B ring music and happiness I to your family-- call at our store and order a Columbia Grafonola to vour bom' Convenient payments if desired. WM. GRAEFE, Loup City 155 Representatives for the Schmotler & Mueller Piano Company Exclusive Wholesale Distributors for Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota f E. P. DAILY FURNITD Sells for less and pays the freight —■— -1 100 CENTS -- — ■■ . -— ; That is the value you get for every DOLLAR you spend at this store. Our goods are honestly bought and honestly sold. We have no ambition to get rich quick. Just a reasonable profit satis fies us. C me in! Come now. See For Yourself! i i ! jf. '