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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1917)
Loup City Northwestern A LIVE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN A LIVE TOWN , . -1. ; ■■ - -; ■■ "■■.-i" . 1.. —■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ — • ■ . ■ -- .. _ VOLUME XXXVI LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1917 NUMBER 13 HAZARD NEWS Lowell Reed went lo Cairo Iasi Thursday Cha*. Sanders was a Litchfield cal Ur. Monday Ray Ward was a fiaveuua caller ot last Thursday Mrs Cha* Graham was a Kaventi* «alter Tuesday O J Waltbers has purchased an other srs Ford. Fred Fuller returned from Omah: Friday evening Mr» O J Walter* wa* a Raven::: taller Thursday R*-v Troy filled his appoint men: Sunday morning W R Lor’ returned home from • ttaahs last Saturday. M:»« Hazel Windfield led the Chris t aa Endeavor Sunday evening Walter Lo»:it and Fete Rasmus?"!; were taller* last Thursday Mrs H 11 Thompson was a Ravenna taller Thursday returning the saoit day There was a miscellaneous showei r tea for Mis* Edith Criffield on Sur day. Mr and Mrs George Heed and 'Stall daughter were Ravenna i alien Friday. Mrs John Olson and daughter. Mrs < na* Sanders were Ravenna callers Tuesday Mr lit' *b < atne over from Pleasen ton and vt»r-d Mr Adolph for tilt past 1*0 week*. Mr* E. H Robinson went to Omaha Sunday to visit her *on Clyde Robin woe for a while Mr* John Henson and son Victor returned on 3* after visiting friends here a few day*. John Siskin from South of Pleas . tou. wa* In Hazard Monday and transacted business Three of tfc* 1. • hfield boy* walked down fr om L.*- hfield last Sunday and t-turned on So 3*. Clarence Haad and family are visit ing hi* father Sir Hand. They ar r.ved here Thursday Mr and Mr*. Stapelton were Liton te*d taller* last Saturday to spend Sunday with her parent*. J M Imrid of Sheridan. Wyo.. is vi.ii ng hi* daughter. Mr* G. E. Vta mg and taubfiy for i* few days. George and Charles El»e were called re Grand Junction to the bedside of the r l-rother. Tom Else, who is verv lew Mr* Cliff Norris came up from Sweetwater Thursday to visit her par ent*. Mr and Mrs. W R. Riggins, and family Mr* Cfcas Cro*tott‘s brother. Dad* McCain., returned to Omaha where he hat been visiting hit parent* for the last two week* The County Sunday School con veil i « will meet .n Hazard on Mart’t ll't and Ith Everybody come and help the < au*e along. Mr and Mr* Otlie Capellan ar.d Mm Capellan'* brother and siater. Henry' and Uessie Rasmussen, motored i to Loup City Tuesday. Fred Fuller shipped two car loads of sheep to Omaha last Tuesday Walter Frink accompanied one and Fred Fuller the other. Ida Mizner of Perdum came in on No. 40 to spend a few weeks with her brother. Frank, and her sster Mrs. Herman Lightihill. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hennis autoed <i >wn from Litchfield Tuesday morn i. i Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hennis ac j i mpanving them to Ravenna. A large crowd attended the Robert - -n and Aden sale from Litchfield on Thursday. Potatoes sold for $3.25 pet bushel One team brought $420. Mr Slot® and Mr. Blain were the auc tioneers. Miss Carrie Anderson and Mr. Al bert Cunningham were married at Loup City on Wednesday, the seventh Miss Lettie Cunningham accompanied them home. They gave a reception at six o'clock. There vere about IJ present and all report a fine time. POULTRY RAISERS ORGANIZE. A number of Loup City’s pure bred poultry raisers met at R. L. Arthur's store last Thursday evening and or ganized under the name of "Loup City Co-Operative Poultry Association.” All supplies used by the members will j be purc hased through the association ' and all stock and eggs sold by ntem j hers will also be handled by the as so< iation A lot of fine poultry is be :ng raised in Sherman County and it is the purpose of the association to .‘ •Ip the breeders of pure bred poul •ry in every possible way. The following officers were elected: R. L. Arthur. President: C. W. Con M*er. Vice President: W. T. Chase Treasu-er: O. O Howard. Secretary. Mrs Shirley, of Nelson, a poultry judge and fancier of national renown, wn- present and helped organize the association. The following are the charter meta ! ' er- and kind of poultry raised by each: I. L. Conger. Mottled Anconas: R. L Arthur Barred Flvmouth Rocks and Light Brahamas: O. L. Swanson. Rl*de Island Reds: C. W. Conhiser. ’ Buff Plymouth Ro- ks and Muscovey W. T. Chase. White Wyandot •es. O O Howard. Black Wyandottes. j Rhode Island Red; and Rouen ducks Floyd Janulewicz. Rhode Island Whites: C. C. Cooper. Rhode Island re-l-. Writ S< human. Anconas and I :nht Brahamas; Robert Fulliton. \\ hite Wyandotf es. No doubt the membership of the as :a;ion will be increased as there arc ' st number of other pure bred poultry . ra:s-*rs in this vicinity and the benefits ■o he derived are many and a com - ..-e organization of the fanciers will Re a great help to the business in j general. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for kindness and sympathy shown us during the sickness and death of Henry Rensink. We especial ! h wish to thank our neighbors for their many acts of kindness. Sincerely yours Mrs. Barbara Ann Rensink Frank H. Cady. Denver. Colo Farmers Mutual Insurance Company of Neb. POINTS EMPHASIZING INDIVIDUALITY:— ’ I i--.tiS< anon. Explanation or Argument. T»*-cM ».X Year- Steady. Strong. Healthy Growth. rlitnia* yintooin. Cyclone and Tornado Insurance at Actual Co*t <»! • n iN.Hars Saved to Policy holders Since Organization. Can help You Save Money. ' «t ..: id’B. :-r:y Only, in the S ate of Nebraska Only. A- » Heir Litcst. the Liability of its Members. ■' - and Pays Its Losses Fairly. Promptly and in Full. 1 C ntnmui e> to Lower Their Rates on Farm Property. VV. G. TUCKER, Local Agent ‘v..♦ The First Consideration in making purchases for your spnng shirts is, “where can I get shirts that will wear and stand the acid in laundering, and hold the color. Try the Ideal shirts and be convinced. Spnng line now ready for your inspection. Will Be Glad To Show You at LORENTZ ~—————- - DEER CREEK NUGGETS. F. J. Maciejewski is remodeling hH house this week. Adam Peters spent Sunday afternoon with the Bydalek Bros. Raymond Bydalek is laid up this week with the measles. Ed. Plambeck spent Monday even ing with the Maschka Bros. Jack Frost made quite a change in the atmosphere here last week. Paul Krvski went to Carl Treffer’s last Tuesday after some timber. Harry Maciejewski broke his two three-year old horses last Thursday. Miss Emma Carsten visited with her sister, Mrs. Harry Lemberg. Sunday. Miss Rosy Bonczvnski has been sick the past week with the grip and meas les. Jurgen Carsten took two loads of corn to Rockville market last Satur day. Maciejewski and Kalkowski finished shelling corn for John Maiefski Mon day. Tony Kalkowski bought three loads of corn from F. J. Maciejewski this week. Alex Kalkowski of Oak Creek, shell ed corn for August Maschka, last Thursday. Ignatz Haremza bought a young horse from Carl Treffer of near Loup City, last Monday. Claus Lemberg of Boelus, visited with his brother. Harry Lemberg, and family last Sunday. Miss Irene Rapp took music lessons at Ashton last Friday from Lottie Schalda, of St. Paul. Lizzie Weiss resumed her school work Monday, after being sick the past week with the measles. John Deminski made his first trip west of the Creek last Friday, solicit ing among the farmers. Miss Marie Plambeck was taken quite ill last Monday with convulsion, but is reported much better. •uias ciaia .xuwii'Ki will oeglll Wlin this week to take music lessous from Lottie Schaida, of St. Paul. A few dance lovers attended the "New Co-ed” play and dance at Rock ville last Saturday evening. Miss Freda Plambeck went to Ashton last Friday to take piano lessons from Lottie Schaida, of St. Paul. L. S. Galczenski .the Ashton tele phone manager, was in this vicinity last Thursday repairing lines. John Bonczynski erected a new auto garage last week for his new Ford w hich he recently purchased. Seabold Bros., and L. A. Deminski autoed to Grand Island one day last week on important business. Joe Bendekowski purchased a new 1917 Model Ford car from Bukowski & Kryski, of Ashton last week. Henry Platek and Miss Carrie Hurt, of Farwell. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nowicki and family. Sunday. Miss Maggie Platek of Farwell. is visiting a few days here with her sis ter. Mrs. Stanley Nowicki, and fam ily. Joe Lubash purchased a new flying dutchman manure spreader from Thos. Jamrog & Son of Ashton, last Thurs day. Stanley Dvmack traded his team of mules to Wallace Haremza for a sit year old horse and some cash, last week. » Miss Minnie Maiefski was an east bound passenger to Farwell Monday, to visit a few days with relatives and friends. Thed Sniedra purchased a Ford from Kozel & Sorensen while in Rockville last week. There is nothing but Fords here now. Flocks of ducks and geese are pass ing Deer Creek from river to river and some farmers took a crack at them in their flight. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lorenz and family autoed near Loup City last Sunday to visit with the former’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. Art Strom. Miss Francis Masehka returned from Farwell last Thursday after visiting a few days with her brother. Bennet Masehka, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bonczvnski and family and Tophiel and Tony Bonczyii ski, visited with Stanley Nowicki and family Sunday evening. Frank Stickley, while in Rockville last Saturday purchased a new Ford car from Kozel & Sorensen, taking it home the same day. Anton WeiSs resumed his school duties at Boelus after teaching school Dist. No. 12 for his sister, who was sick with the measles. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nowicki and fam ily of Rockville, visited hert with his brother. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nowicki. and family last Sunday. A birthday party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Seifert, in honor of his birthday anniversary. A large crowd was present. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lemberg of near Boeltfs. and Mrs. Hans Lemberg of near Farwell, visited with their son, Harry Lemberg, and family. Alex Kalkowski of Oak Creek, while shelling corn for John Maiefski last Thursday, had the misfortune to break the big cog wheel on the engine. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sundstrom of Rockville, moved their household goods on the latter’s father’s farm, as they will farm the coming season. J. W. Peters had an auction sale of his 160 acre form in Atkinson, Neb., : last Saturday. Up to this time we did i not learn who the purchaser was. Mr. and Mrs. Prank Bydalek arc j son. Tophiel, returned by via auiu from Columbus last Friday, where they 'attended the funeral of Mr. Bannash. ' We understand that Mrs. Frank War dyn. who has been staying with her | daughter. Mrs. Frank Goe, was taken | to Kansas City for medical treatments. Charlie Carsten returned from Kiia ! ball county last Saturday, where ho ; has been looking for a location. He , says he is well pleased with the coun : try. Word was received last week from ; Henry Peters, who has not been seen in this country since March 17. thaf lie was in Atkinson, staying with his bro ther. One of the items last week about Henry Peters having a public sale was only a made up story. We wish to cor rect this as errors will occur some times. Mrs. Mike Lubash is now staying with her sister. Mrs. Joe Busholski at i Harwell. while Mr. Lubash is attPi l ,ing the Nebraska school of automobiles I at Lincoln, at present. John Bonczvnski has joined the Ford i auto ranks by purchasing a new 1917 j Model Ford car from Kozel & Sor | enson of Rockville. Tin cans are sell i ing now days like hot cakes, i There will be a program and box so | cial at the Rrammer school in Howard j county on Friday evening. March :>? j Ladies please don’t forget your pretty i baskets and gents your fat purses. ‘ Joe Smedra is also in the Ford auto 1 rank, having purchased a Ford car ai | Boeolus. This is five cars sold here i the past week. Wonder if it is the reduced prices on Tin Cans that make ■ them go so. A birthday party was given at the ! home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Nowicki i Sunday evening in honor of Mrs. No j wicki’s thirty-eighth birthday anniver ! sary. A large crowd was present and i at a late hour all departed for their ; homes reorting a fine time. Dr. Pederson has been here from St. i Paul the past week aiding the sick. I While making his return trip home he ! got stuck in some mud and bad to wait ! until help came. There is nothing be - ; ter than a team of horses and a buggy : to pass through such places as that. Fred Moag. while engaged in a little wrestle with Emil Brammer about a sale recently held, bad the misfortune to injure his back and was taken to the St. Frances hospital at Grand Is | land, where he underwent an opera ! tion and at this time is resting easv. _ MRS. DONER WINS The Northwestern’s Buick automo bile subscription campaign closed last Saturday evening at eight o’clock. The final count of the votes cast was made by Mr.- R. F. Campbell of the I.oup City State bank and Mr. C. H. Ryan of the First National bank of Loup City The automobile was award ed to Mrs. Nettie Doner. Following is the total amount of votes cast by each contestant: Doner. Mrs. Nettie..1,848,000 Golus. J. J. 951,590 Richmond. S. T. 625,500 Mrs. Doner worked continuously and faithfully every day during the con test and the vote recorded above shows what a determined effort will accomplish. Mr. Richmond was com pelled to drop out of the contest be cause of sickness and Mr. Golus lost considerable time because of moving to the farm. A number of others entered the con test and dropped out one by one as time rolled by until the last two weeks of the contest when but three con testants remained in the race. The result of the contest is very sat isfactory to The Northwestern. Over 500 new subscribers have been added to the list and the subscription list has been put in good condition. The contest run smoothly and was con ducted fair in every detail, special in ducements being given to no one. THE HEN THAT LAYS is the hen that pays. If she does not lay, kill her, but before you kill her give her B. A. Thomas’ Poultry Rem edy twice a day for a week, and then you will not kill her for she will be paying you a profit. It not only makes hens lay but it is a remedy for Chol era, Roup, and Gapes. We guarantee it to cure or we refund your money.- - J J. Slominski. Loup City, Neb. Dick Bradley, of Grand Island, is here loking after his insurance busi ness. , ..j ASKTON NEWS. — Joe Goc of Ashton, returned to St. i Paul. Monday. Albert Curtis visited friends a Far j well, Tuesday. Louise Jauirog has been on the sick : list the past week. ! Wm. Henkens the auto man. was in ; this burg. Monday. Mrs. Joe Hruby has been sick for ; the past few days. Peter Ross of Schaupps. was an Ash ! ton caller. Monday. Mrs. Claus, of Farwell, was an Ash : ton visitor, Monday. Dr. Wanek made a professional call at Farwell. Monday. Walter Gartska of Ashtcn. was a St. Paul passenger Mnnriav Clara KwiatSowski left Tuesday morning for Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin ef Farwell. visit ed at Ashton last Sunday. Frank Badura of Ashton, was a pas senger to Omaha. Monday. Mrs. Adolph Chaloid of Farwell, visitted in Ashton, Monday. Miss Bydalek of Ashton, was a pas senger to Omaha last week. Mrs. Boara of Lindsey, is vsiting relatives at Ashton this week. Mrs. Joe Lewandowski of Loup City, was an Ashton caller. Monday. Clara Kwiatkowski of Columbus, is here visiting relatives this week. Frances Corning of Loup City, re turned to Ashton. Monday morning. Mrs. Kisic-ki, who lias been visiting at Ashton, returned to Omaha. Monday. Mrs. J. Kwiatkowski, who has been visiting ir. Loup City the past weeK. i returned home Saturday. Henry Pope went to Farwell. Satur day morning and spent Sunday with his family, returning Monday morning. Mrs. Henry Toller and Miss Agnes Stcbbe. who have been in Omaha the past week, returned to Ashton. Satur day. Harry Gardner and Joe Reiman are doing mason work on the Adam Gering place. Mr. Gering is having a complete basement under his house. Mrs. W. Bogowski was taken to the hospital at St. Paul. Monday, where we understand she will undergo an operation. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. Mr. Boroyrski ac companied his wife. On Tuesday morning. March 13. Mm. Mary Lukaszewski aged 62 years, pas sed to the great beyond. Mrs. Lukas czewski had been suffering with cr. . c-er for the past two months being con fined in the hospital most of the time and only about a week ago was re moved to her home there being no hones for her recovery, and everything that loving hands could do was done to ease her suffering. She passed peace fully away on the morning as above stated. Mrs. Lukasczewski was a good woman and a fond and loving mother, also a good Christian having belonged to the Catholic church all of her life. Her maiden name being Mary Sivinski and in 1S74 was united in marriage to Bert Lukasczewski at Motnene, 111. To this union were bom six boys and four girls, namely. Frank. George. John, Walter. Martin, and Edward and Mrs. Tom Lewandowski. Mrs. Frank Smith and Vernie and Mary. Her husband having proceeded her to the great be yond about three years ago. About thirty years ago they moved from Illi nois to Nebraska and passed through some very hard times here in the early days. The funeral took place from the St. Francis church and interment will be made in the St. Francis cemetery, Thursday. We exfend our sympathy to the sorrowing children. DAVIS CREEK NEWS. Joe Sowokinos lost one of his horses last week. John Pelanouski took a load of wheat to Ashton last Tuesday. John Lewandowski took hogs to Ashton the first of last week. Miss Victoria Zaruba spent Sundav with Miss Kafhrine Souakinus. Otto and Elex Sowanlkmas helped Frank Manchester with his moving. Frank Manchester bought some corn from John Pelanouski last Friday. John Orent and Frank Garvel spent j Monday evening playing cards at John Pelanouski's. Stanley Jovels and family visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Pelan ouski Sunday. Frank Manchester has rented the Tony Orent farm and took posses sion last week. John Kaminski and Frank Garvel visited with Frank Manchester last ] Thursday evening. Clarence and Gladys Manchester ! were absent from school last week on account of moving. Mrs. Garvel and daughter Anna were in Ashton Monday, the latter having some dental work done. Miss Helen Kaminski visited over Sunday with home folks returning on Monday to the Ashton Polish school. Miss Victoria and Regina Kaminski have started to school again after be- i ing absent on account of the measles. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palu visited with the latter's parents, Mr. an l Mrs. Mike Kaminski, and family on Sunday. Peter Kavalski returned to the creek I again and was an over night visitor at ! the Mike Kaminski home last Tues- i day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Orent of Valley j county, formerly of Davis Creek, were in Ashton looking after business mat. ters Saturday. John Oreut. Frank Manchester. Ftank Garvel and John Pelanouski and several others from here were i.i Ashton Saturday. Fritz Voglor was pn Davis Creek buying up some hogs one day last week and was an over night visitor with Morris Hassel. Orin, Gerald and Lloyd Manchester all drove to Valley county Sunday and spent the day with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Murry Rich. Quite a change in the weather the past week with a little snow and the wind blowing about 60 miles an hour made it disagreeable for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John Lewandowski and John Kaminski drove over to visit an uncle. Peter Kaminski on the other side of Loup City last week a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Trump left for Chappel with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuland. last week. Mr. Trump expects to work at the carpen ter business there. The little infant child of Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Palu has been having the measles and Miss Victoria Kaminski has been staying with them helping Mrs. Palu take care of the child and with work. Mr. and rs. Frank Manchester and family entertained at dinner Sunday at their home Mr. and Mrs. Tony Zruaba. Mr. and Mrs. John Pelanouski. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sowokinos and their families, and John and Walter Kamin ski. It was reported to the writer that Miss Lottie Henderson was married last Wednesday. She is the pretty and only daughter of Frank Henderson and lived with her father and two brothers for several years on the Ol son ranch, and was very popular in the younger set here and we along with the many good friends wish her and her husband a long and happy wedded life. NOTICE. The City Marshl has been instruct ed to notify all parties who have pil^s of rubbish, cinders, etc., in the streets or alleys to remove same at once. This practice is against the city ordi nance and the law must be complied with. 13-2 S. F. Reynolds. Marshal. CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our many friends who gave us their subscriptions and other assistance in The Northwestern Ruick auto contest. It is through your help that we received this splendid car. a fact that we are glad to state and which we greatly appreciate. Very truly yours. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Doner. CLEAR CREEK SAND. John Mead hauled hogs to Litchfield. Tuesday. H. J. and Martin Burtner hauled hogs. Thursday. Etta Bowzer is staying with Mrs Clark while O. A. is away. L. B. Hickman purchased a fine jack last Thursday at Litchfield. G. A. Richmond and Walter Shettler went to a catle sale. Monday. Mrs. A. D. Jones was a passenger to Grand Island. Friday morning. Miss Retta Gasteyer visited at tee Hickman home Thursday evening. Some of the scholars have the ’onsi litis and are absent from school. Mrs. Joe Krause was a passenger to Duncan. Neb., Thursday morning to visit. A. D. Jones sold five Hampshire gilts to Mr. Walthers living west of Litchfield. G. A. Richmond took the passenger for Hazard to be present at the Hiyo Aden sale. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Eastabrook and two daughters visited at the Hickman home Sunday. There was a surprise party at t i - home of J. H. Mead. Tuesday, it bedug Mr. Mead’s birthday. Ross Hager goes to Hyannis, Tues day to hold down his claim and prove up on his homestead. There was a horse buyer out to F. T. Richmond’s. L. B. Hickman’s and T. C. Chamberlain’s farms last Wednes day. Mrs. Ed. Coly and children came in on 39. Thusrday evening, after a visit with relatives in the eastern part of the state. V - O. A. Clark shipped his hogs to South Omaha last Thursday. He went to Litchfield with Frank Kusch to take the stock train. Last Monday Carl Smith took his gun and went hunting. He scared up a couple of coyotes and killed one and crippled the other . No mail on route 4 Wednesday. The carrier got out about two and one-half miles and turned back, as he could not make it in the storm. Mrs. Mary Price is staying with Mrs. Claud Harshfield while Claud is at Doniphan, getting the rest of his stork. They will move on the Lee Englernan farm. He is a brother to Mrs. Rain forth. There will be a larg£ sale Thursday at Jont puncan's farm. He has just re :overed from typhoid^ever and his son. Glen, now has the lever. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan will soon leave for California, where their daughter is for her health For Sale — Two barred Plymouth rock cockerels for sale.—R. L. Arthur. LIST YOUR LAND WITH BOEHM BROS. I Reliable land and loan agents. Grand Island, Neb. We buy and sell land, make loans and real estate trans actions of all kinds. Write us. Best of Reference. —■———., — ■ w BiU YOU EVES ?3Y iT &K YOUR STOCK? ^ ' f Nothing like it to put them | in good condition, free them from insect parasites and pro- V| tect them from contagious dis- > eases. _____ tao Dip No. I KILLS LICE. TICKS, MSTES AND FLEAS. j Cures Mange, Ssab, /h Ringworm and Other Skin Diseases. Disinfects, Cleanses and Purifies. \ Use it on Horses, Cattle, Saeep, Swine, Dogs, Goat3 and Poultry. FOR S*LE SY ,0. L SWANSON, Druggist CALL OR WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLETS ON KRESO DIR No. 1. U3I